Heifer Newsletter 小母牛會訊

IssueIssue No.10No.10 Spring,Spring, 2002009 第 1 0 期 2009年 春 季


Dear Friends, 親愛的朋友: e often hear parents and teachers say that children in Hong 們經常聽到父母和老師說香港的 Kong are very fortunate. To give students a chance to learn 孩子是非常幸福。為了讓香港 W about the lives of children in impoverished rural areas, we 我的學生能了解在貧困農村地區 invited three girls from Heifer recipient families in Sichuan to talk 孩子的生活,我們邀請了三位四川小母牛 to students participating in our programs. As you will learn in this 項目農戶的女孩來港和學生交流。在今 newsletter, Jianmin, Qiuxia, and He Yan share how different their lives are from our children’s, as well as their dreams for the future. He Yan’s 期會訊中,建敏、秋霞和何艷分享了她 family suffered from the massive earthquake last year, while Qiuxia 們的生活和對未來的希望。何艷家去年 and Jianmin have both endured illnesses in the family, dropping out of 遭受了地震的破壞,秋霞和建敏都曾經 school and other difficulties because of poverty. 有家人患重病,因為貧困而被逼輟學 What struck me most after spending a few days with the girls was 或面臨其他的困難。 how contented and happy they were despite their hard lives. Compared 讓我最受觸動的是,和這些女 with our students who only take a short bus or train ride to get to 孩相處數天後,發現她們儘管生活 school, Jianmin needs to walk for hours on a dangerous mountainous 困難,但很滿足快樂。和香港學 road where mudslides are frequent. Most children here don’t get their 生相比,只需乘搭巴士或地鐵上 hands dirty with housework. But for He Yan, the frost bites on her 學,建敏卻需要步行數小時,還 hands do not heal throughout the bitterly cold winter because she is 得經過塌方頻發的路段。大多數 always helping with daily chores or taking care of the family goats. The three girls must have been overwhelmed by the abundance of Hong 香港孩子都不用做家務,而何艷則由於幫 Kong but all they crave for is a simple bowl of plain white rice eaten 忙做家務及照顧山羊,在寒冷的冬季裡,手上的凍瘡一直 with pickled chili. 未能痊癒。面對香港物質豐富的生活,三位女孩最渴望的卻是簡單 The contentedness, hope and strength exhibited by the three 的一碗白米飯配上醃制的辣椒。 Sichuan girls are something that not only our children, but also all of 在香港現正面臨經濟不明朗的時候,三位女孩表現出來的知足、 us can learn from, especially as Hong Kong faces a year of financial 希望和力量,不僅是孩子學習的榜樣,同時也值得我們學習。為了幫 uncertainties. To help children and families like these girls’, Heifer 助像這些女孩一樣的小孩和家庭,小母牛香港分會將舉辦一個創新 Hong Kong has launched a new “Chores for Change” program 的「做牛做馬日」計劃,讓孩子們通過服務他人,籌集善款支持小 through which children serve others while raising money for Heifer. 母牛。請留意本期會訊中的詳細介紹,並鼓勵孩子們齊來參與! Read about details of this exciting new program in the next few pages and encourage children to get involved! 新的一年,我們衷心期盼得到您繼續的支 持,幫助更多內地家庭擺脫飢餓和貧困,讓我 We look forward to your continued partnership in this new year as we celebrate the Year of the Ox 們共創一個更豐盛的小母「牛」年! and strive to help more men, women and children in China live a life free of hunger and poverty. Let’s make this a Year of the Heifer!

Sincerely Yours,

Annie Fung Executive Director Heifer International – Hong Kong 國際小母牛香港分會行政總監馮元新

Acknowledgement : Brandworks Asia Company Limited for the design of this newsletter Copyright@2009 Heifer International - Hong Kong. All Rights Reserved. Editorial Committee: Annie Fung, Becky Hubbell, Lv Bei, Jeanie Wong, Sara Cheung Board of Directors Chairman : Mr. Antony Leung Vice - Chairman: Mr. Peter Lam Directors : Mrs. Annie Bentley, Mrs. Nancy Hernreich Bowen, Mr.Stephen Ip GBS, JP HEIFER INTERNATIONAL – HONG KONG HIGHLIGHTS | 香港焦點

主禮嘉賓政務司司長唐英年與一眾主禮嘉賓舉行鳴鎗儀式, 為小母牛「競步善行」2008揭幕。 Mr. Henry Tang, GBS, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, joins other guests in kicking-off Race to Feed 2008. Race to Feed 2008 「競步善行」2008 eifer HK’s annual fundraising event, Race to Feed, held at the 港小母牛年度重點籌款活動「競步善行」2008已於2008年 Central Lawn of Victoria Park on October 25, 2008, raised 10月25日在維多利亞公園中央草坪完滿結束,並籌得善款 H over HK$5.7 million to support “ Heifer Sichuan Earthquake 香多達港幣五百七十萬元,將悉數用於小母牛的「四川地震 Rehabilitation Project”. 災後重建項目」。 Mr. Henry Tang, GBS, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration, was 活動當日出席嘉賓包括主禮嘉賓政務司司長唐英年先生、國際小 the Guest of Honor for the event. Other guests included Mr. Antony 母牛香港分會董事局主席梁錦松先生、小母牛愛心大使伏明霞小姐, Leung, Chairman of Heifer HK, Ms. Fu Mingxia, Ambassador of 以及活動首席贊助中國工商銀行之代表黃遠輝先生 — 中國工商銀行 Heifer HK and representative of lead sponsor ICBC, Mr. Stanley Wong, Director & Deputy General Manager of ICBC (Asia). (亞洲)有限公司董事暨副總經理。 The event received tremendous support from different sectors 是次活動獲得各界機構鼎力支持,來自銀行、旅業、服務、製造 of Hong Kong. 17 teams from various industries, including banking, 業、地產及零售等多個界別的企業組成十七支隊伍參賽。各隊以「十 tourism, service industry, manufacturing, property and retail, participated 人十一足」形式競賽,各健兒均全力以赴,施展渾身解數,經過多場 in the race. Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Limited walked away with 緊張刺激的賽事後,最終由OK「農」的傳人隊以54秒07的佳績勇奪 the Champion Trophy, “The Yuen Yuen Institute Cup”, with a record of 全場總冠軍「圓玄學院盃」。 54.07 seconds. 此外,活動更得到一眾演藝界人士的關注,包括無線電視、東亞 Entertainment celebrities from TVB, East Asia Music, See 娛樂、漢傳媒及慧妍雅集等藝人均親身到場支持,盼望眾志成城,合 Corporation and Wai Yin Association also took part in Race to Feed 眾人之力籌得最多善款,推動四川災區重建工作早日完成。 2008 to arouse the public’s support for Heifer’s rehabilitation work in Sichuan.

Welcome Mr. Stephen Ip to 歡迎葉澍 加入小母牛董事局 Board of HHK

n October15, 2008, Mr. 港小母牛董事局於2008年10月15日正式推選葉澍 GBS, Stephen Ip Shu Kwan 太平紳士成為董事局成員。葉先生早前出任本會「競步 O GBS, JP was officially 香善行」2008籌備委員會 elected to the board of Heifer 主席,更親赴四川災區探訪災民。 International - Hong Kong. 葉先生表示:「去年九月我第一次探 Mr. Ip was the Chairman of the 訪小母牛項目,親身感受到山區農 Race to Feed 2008 organizing 戶的困苦。同時,亦被他們積極面 committee and had visited 對生活,在小母牛幫助下自力更生 Heifer’s project in earthquake 的精神深深感動。因此,我希望藉 affected areas in Sichuan last September. Mr. Ip said, “I 著加入小母牛董事局,向廣大香港 witnessed how difficult the villagers’ lives were when I paid my first visit 市民傳遞正面訊息,喚醒香港人對 to Heifer’s project. I was touched by their positive attitude and their hard 內地貧窮問題的持續關注,希望籌 work in trying to become self-reliant with help from Heifer. By joining 得更多善款幫助內地貧農。」國際 Heifer HK’s Board, I hope I can inform more people about poverty 小母牛香港分會主席梁錦松先生熱 issues in rural China and get their support for Heifer’s poverty alleviation 烈歡迎葉先生加入小母牛,並表示 work.” Heifer HK Chairman, Antony Leung, warmly welcomed Mr. Ip 葉先生於政府多年的經驗及建立的 and believed that with Mr. Ip’s extensive experience and network from 人際網絡,將有助推廣小母牛的工 his former positions in the government, his appointment to the board 作至更廣泛層面。 would enhance the promotion of Heifer HK’s work. HEIFER INTERNATIONAL – HONG KONG HIGHLIGHTS | 香港焦點 Animals Bring Hope Against Poverty 動物扶貧新希望 r. Antony Leung, Chairman of Heifer HK, together with Heifer Ambassador Fu Mingxia and entertainment celebrities Richie Jen and Astrid Chan visited Heifer projects in Sichuan recently. M Antony Leung and Fu Mingxia visited Xinglong Village in Guangyuan, one of the hardest hit areas in the Sichuan earthquake. After spending some time with Yuan Chengju and her family who has received Heifer goats, Fu Mingxia said, “As a mother and wife, I feel moved and delighted that Yuan and her husband, who used to quarrel frequently, are now working hard together to change their family’s life for the better.” Richie Jen and Astrid Chan visited another project in Bumo Village, Butuo County and witnessed how Heifer had helped the families there to get out of poverty. Richie said, “One of the recipient families I visited was eager to pass on the offspring of his cow to another family in need. I deeply felt the Heifer spirit of helping people become self-reliant and gain dignity. I’m grateful to be part of this unforgettable journey.” Fu Mingxia and Richie were reminded of the poverty that still exists in rural China in this trip. They urge everyone to support Heifer’s poverty alleviation project by joining our monthly donation program. For enquiries, please call at 2368 0227 or complete and return the donation form in this newsletter.

前,本會董事局主席梁錦松先生連同愛心大使伏明霞小姐及藝人任賢齊先生和陳 芷菁小姐遠赴四川親訪於地震受災的小母牛項目農戶。 早 梁錦松和伏明霞探訪了地震中受災嚴重的廣元市興隆村。與項目農戶袁成菊 及其家人交談後,伏明霞表示:「作為一位母親及妻子,看到袁成菊和她的丈夫共同努力改善 生活,不再像從前一樣吵架,我很感動,也很高興。」 任賢齊及陳芷菁則探訪了四川布拖縣樂安鄉補莫村,實地考察小母牛在當地幫助的家 庭,如何透過小母牛提供的牲口及飼養培訓脫貧。 經過此行後,任賢齊表示:「當探訪的其中一個農戶將自己的牛產下的下一代傳遞給另一 個有需要的家庭時,我深深感受到小母牛助人自助的精神。我覺得這種愛心傳遞很重要,令 受助者建立自信和自尊。我很高興能參與這個難忘的旅程。」 眼見國內還有很多家庭生活非常艱苦,伏明霞及任賢齊呼籲您參加小母牛每月捐款計 劃,支持小母牛在內地的扶貧工作。查詢請電 2368 0227 或填妥本會訊上的捐款表格。 Heifer HK Website Revamp 小母牛網站大革新 e have revamped our website to allow supporters to better 會網站最近進行了大革新 ! 除了與小母牛美國總會的網頁 engage with Heifer HK! The new design, in line with that of 設計統一外,更提供了一些新功能,包括「扶助村莊」、 W Heifer International U.S. , has several new functions including 本「自製籌款網頁」和「小母牛精品店」。 “Adopt a Village”, “Create an Online Fundraising Page” and “Heifer Store”. 現在除了可以選擇捐贈指定的動物種類外,您亦可透過「扶助村 莊」決定支持特定的小母牛項目及了解該項目的需要。現時於「扶助 Instead of choosing to fund an animal – a heifer, a pig or a yak, you 村莊」中需要支持的項目包括「四川地震災後重建項目」及「四川省 can also choose to fund a project through the “Adopt a Village” function. Projects featured on the site are the “Earthquake Rehabilitation Project” 南江縣、通江縣扶貧項目」。本會希望集合您及眾多小母牛支持者的 and the “Nanjiang and Tongjiang Poverty Alleviation Project” in 力量一起令整個項目社區脫貧。 Sichuan. By joining hands with your fellow Heifer supporters to adopt a 本會感謝各位支持者一直以來自行組織活動為小母牛籌款。現在, village, you can help an entire community out of poverty. 新的功能讓它變得更方便和容易。您們可以通過網站「齊來參與」中 We are always grateful to supporters who organize fundraising 「自製籌款網頁」功能,讓親友齊來支持。我們歡迎任何機構或個人 events for Heifer. Now, a new function makes this even easier. You 使用這個新的工具來讓更多的朋友支持小母牛。 can inform your friends and loved ones about your initiative through 如果您還在為尋找合適的禮物煩惱,不妨到「小母牛精品店」 the “Create an Online Fundraising Page” in the “Get Involved” section. 瀏覽吧。在這裡,小母牛電話吊飾、玩具小母牛、小母牛系列故事 Any individual or organization is welcome to use this exciting new tool to help expand our circle of friends. 書及萬用賀卡等小母牛禮品應有盡有。所有收入將用於幫助貧困農 戶實現自力更生。 If you are looking for gift ideas, you may want to 請即瀏覽 www.heiferhk.org , 並與親友分享小母牛資訊。 visit our online “Heifer Store” which features a variety of Ms. Fanny Wong donated merchandise including phone all the proceeds of the sale of her new painting albums charm, toy cow, story book “Sketches and Paintings of the Opera”(special and gift card. All proceeds edition) to Heifer HK during from Heifer store sale are used the book launch at January 7 to help needy families become to 11, 2009. 今年一月七至十一日,王 self-reliant. 碧影女士於<碧影眼中的廣 東大戲畫集>新書發佈會暨 Don’t miss any of these 畫展中,把售賣新畫冊精 exciting changes. Please visit 裝版所得之全數收益捐贈 給小母牛。 our website www.heiferhk.org and share the news with your friends. HEIFER INTERNATIONAL – HONG KONG HIGHLIGHTS | 香港焦點 New for “Read to Feed” he “Read to Feed Chinese Name Competition” was conducted from April to June 2008. Over 3,300 entries from 78 schools were received. The name “開卷助人” (read a book and help others) T won the most votes from our judging panel and was officially adopted as the new Chinese name of the program. The new name reflects the objectives of Read to Feed, which are to encourage reading while helping the needy. Two students, Leung Ching Ning and Song Choi Shan, both from Good Hope School (Primary Section), came up with the same winning name. The award ceremony was held on September 10, 2008 at Good Hope School (Primary Section). Mrs. Fanny Law, National People’s Congress Deputy of the HKSAR and Board Member of Heifer HK, said at the ceremony that Read to Feed not only helped impoverished families in rural China, but also educated students on important social issues. It is a worthwhile program that benefits both the students in Hong Kong and rural families in China. 「讀捐樂」正式改名為「開卷助人」計劃 時約兩個月的「Read to Feed中文名大募集」活動,已於2008年6月中旬正式結束。本會 一共收到來自78間學校超過3,300位同學的作品。經過多次遴選,評審團最後選出「開卷 歷助人」為計劃的新名稱,既因其能帶出開卷有益的意義,同時讓同學體驗助人自助的精 神。無獨有偶,這名稱分別由德望學校(小學部)兩位同學梁正寧及宋采珊所創作。 Fanny Law, Board Member of HeiferHK and two winners of the competition. 頒獎典禮於2008年9月10日假德望學校舉行,港區全國人大代表暨國際小母牛香港分會董事羅 國際小母牛香港分會董事羅范椒芬女士與兩位冠 范椒芬女士主持頒獎禮時表示,血濃於水,有關計劃能協助國內農民自力更生,同學亦能豐富自己 軍得主梁正寧及宋采珊合照。 的知識,一舉兩得,利己為人。

Deutsche Bank Sponsored HK$1.5 Million Matching Fund for Read to Feed 德意志銀行150萬配對「開卷助人」學校捐款 eutsche Bank has generously donated HK$1.5 million to the 2008-09 Read to Feed program as a matching fund to participating schools. All donations from the “Heifer – Deutsche D Bank Read to Feed Program” will support the Sichuan Earthquake Rehabilitation Project to rebuild the lives of 13,000 affected families. The cheque presentation ceremony was held on September 8, 2008. “Deutsche Bank has always been a socially responsible corporation. As we celebrate our 50th anniversary this year, we want to contribute even more to the Hong Kong community” said Mr. Peter Lo, HK Chief Country Officer of Deutsche Bank.

意志銀行為2008-09年度小母牛「開卷助人」計劃捐出150萬元善款,並將以一對一 的形式,配對學校捐款。本年度透過「小母牛──德意志銀行『開卷助人』計劃」 德籌得的善款,不扣除任何開支,全數支持「四川地震災後重建項目」,幫助災區共 Peter Lo, Hong Kong Chief Country Officer of Deutsche Bank 13,000個家庭重建生活。 presenting HK$1.5 million cheque to Antony Leung, Chairman of Heifer HK. 支票移交儀式於2008年9月8日在德意志銀行舉行,該行香港地區總經理及董事總經理羅 德意志銀行香港地區總經理及董事總經理羅志偉先生將港幣 志偉先生表示,德意志銀行一直積極回饋社會,本年度適逢銀行五十週年慶典,希望能為香 150萬元支票移交予國際小母牛香港分會董事局主席梁錦松 先生。 港社會作出更多貢獻。

Video on Read to Feed Available Now「開卷助人」特輯面世 video introducing the work of Heifer and Read to Feed is now available. In the video, “Faith”, the main character from our storybook “Faith the Cow”, explains Heifer’s work and how Astudents can help those in need through an animated cartoon. Our Reading Ambassador, Phoenix Ho, the youngest top achiever of the HKCEE, also encourages students to take part in Read to Feed in the video. The video is available free of charge to schools participating in Read to Feed. 宣傳「開卷助人」計劃,本會製作了一個特輯,透過故事書《信念小母牛》的主角 〈信念〉,以輕鬆活潑的卡通介紹小母牛的工作及「開卷助人」計劃。我們更邀請了 為香港最年輕會考狀元何凱琳成為計劃的「閱讀大使」,透過特輯呼籲同學積極參加 「開卷助人」計劃。有關特輯將免費提供給參與學校作計劃介紹之用。 HEIFER INTERNATIONAL – HONG KONG HIGHLIGHTS | 香港焦點 “Chores for Change”, a New Exciting Event for Schools eifer HK is launching “Chores for Change”, a creative fundraising event to be held from March 4-6, 2009. All kindergartens, primary and secondary schools are invited to join Hhands in serving and caring for others! With a donation of HK$20 or above, participants will receive a Service Agreement and pledge to perform at least three services such as doing housework, or giving a seat to others on the bus during the 3-day event. On the last day, participants who have fulfilled their pledge will be awarded a specially designed badge and enjoy a “Dress Free Day” by wearing casual clothes or animal-themed costumes to schools. A kick-off ceremony for “Chores for Change” was held on January 16, 2009 at St. Stephen’s College Preparatory School. Niki , Event Ambassador, signed the Service Agreement and led a group of 500 students in a pledge to serve others and help needy families in China. Niki said, “Chores for Change educates students to be caring while raises funds for Heifer’s earthquake rehabilitation work. Just like Heifer’s ‘Passing on the Gift’, caring behavior passes on love to those around you and makes the world a better place.” St. Stephen’s College Preparatory School is the first school to join “Chores for Change”. Reach out your hands to those in need. Start with serving your neighbors through “Chores for Change”!

Niki Chow, “Chores for Change ”Ambassador, Jeanie Wong of 「做牛做馬日」創新學校慈善活動 Heifer HK and students from St. Stephen’s College Preparatory School presenting a gift card to students from Sichuan to express 做牛做馬日」為一項別開生面的籌款活動,將於2009年3月4日至6日(星期三至五)在全港 their blessings. 「做牛做馬日」愛心大使周麗淇、小母牛署理行政總監汪婉 中小學及幼稚園推行,鼓勵同學從關顧身邊人與社會做起,服務別人。 華,連同聖士提反書院附屬小學學生代表一起致送祝願咭予 四川訪港學生,讓她們把祝福送到四川。 「 同學只需捐款或籌款港幣20元或以上,並履行自己填寫的服務承諾,於三天內完成簡單 的服務,例如幫助媽媽做家務、讓座予有需要人士等,便可在活動最後一天的「服飾日」, eifer’s work in poverty alleviation 享受穿便服或配合主題的服飾上學的樂趣及獲得特別為活動設計的可愛襟章。 is now featured at the National Education Centre in Taipo. 為隆重其事,本會於2009年1月16日於聖士提反書院附屬小學舉行「做牛做馬燃亮四川」 H Students visiting the centre can learn about 的揭幕禮,活動愛心大使周麗淇小姐更帶領逾五百名師生宣誓及簽署服務約章,承諾全力支持 rural poverty in China as part of their 「做牛做馬日」,為四川同胞籌款。周麗淇表示:「『做牛做馬日』其實很有意思,既能教導 national education. 學生身體力行幫助別人,又能為四川災民籌款。幫助別人是一種連鎖效應,就如小母牛『傳遞 於大埔的國民教育中心設置了 禮品』的理念,把愛心一傳二、二傳四等倍增地散播開去,相信社會一定會變得更美好。」 一系列展版,介紹小母牛在內 聖士提反書院附屬小學率先參加了「做牛做馬日」。請即參與「做牛做馬日」,藉著服 位地的扶貧工作。學生亦可於該 務身邊人,向有需要的貧困家庭伸出援手。 中心認識國內貧窮問題,作為國民教育的 一部份。

NEWS FROM THE FIELD | 項目資訊 A Heart-to-Heart Exchange with Sichuan Recipient Students 四川受助青少年真情對話 n January 2009, three teenagers from Sichuan whose families received Heifer animals came to Hong Kong to share their stories with Hong Kong students through school visits and seminars. Here, they share with our readers the changes Heifer’s projects have made in their lives and Itheir hopes for the future. 今年一月,本會邀請三位來自小母牛四川受援農戶家庭的青少年來港交流,透過到訪不同學校和出席座談會,與香港學生分享學習與 生活的苦與樂。我們邀請了她們與讀者分享她們的生活,參加小母牛項目後經歷的變化和對未來的希望。 Backgrounds 受助青少年背景資料 He Yan(H) from Xinglong Village in Guangyuan City, Sichuan, 何艷(何)來自四川省廣元市興隆村,今年13歲。去年 is 13 years old. Her family’s house collapsed and many of 5月,她家遭受了地震災害。家裡的房屋全部倒塌, their belongings were destroyed in the May 12 earthquake. 很多東西也毀損。幸運的是,他們從小母牛項目中 Fortunately, the goats they received from Heifer survived. 得到的羊並未受傷。 Li Qiuxia (L) dropped out of school because her family could 黎秋霞(黎)由於家庭貧困,無法負擔高中學費,她 not afford her tuition for high school. Because of Heifer ’s gift of goats and silkworms to her family, they now have sufficient money 曾經輟學回家。透過小母牛送贈的黑山羊和蠶蟲, for the tuition of her vocational school. 家中收入增加,讓她重新回到學校。 Yu Jianmin(Y) is a 13-year-old girl who lives in the mountainous 余建敏(余) 是13歲的女孩,生活在四川省丹巴縣。 area of Danba County, Sichuan. Her family lives on 0.66 acre 一家五口靠四畝貧瘠的土地生活,只能出產薯仔、 of poor farm land on which only potatoes and sweet potatoes 紅薯等。她的生活因為小母牛送的羊而改變。 can be grown. Her life has improved considerably since the gift of goats arrived. NEWS FROM THE FIELD | 項目資訊

HHK: Do you need to take care of the animals ? H: Yes. We received 18 goats from Heifer three days before the earthquake. Luckily, they were not hurt in the disaster. Our school was closed for two months, so I took care of the goats when my parents were busy with rebuilding our house and gathering the harvest. HHK:你們需要照顧牲口嗎?

School closed for two months 何:需要。地震前三天,我們家收到了小母牛送的十八隻山羊。幸虧牠 after the quake. Now, He Yan studies at a temporary school 們沒有在地震中受傷。學校停課的兩個月,我就在家幫爸媽放羊, built by the government. 因為他們要收莊稼和修房子。 地震發生後,學校停課兩個月。 何艷現時在政府臨時搭建的板房 裡上課。

Yu Jianmin does not have HHK: Can you tell us about your family, He Yan? I know you much time to play at home. were affected by the May 12 earthquake. She needs to help her parents take care of goats and collect H: When the earthquake happened, I was walking outside the school fire wood for cooking. 余建敏在家中沒有太多時間玩 with my younger brother. Suddenly, we saw a lot of buildings collapse. 耍,平日需要幫父母照顧羊及 I was very scared and cried. All the roads were destroyed, so the next 撿柴做飯。 day I had to walk back home with my grandmother. It took us almost a whole day to get back home. Then, I found that our house has collapsed. We now live in a temporary structure built with plastic materials and wood. HHK: What are the changes in your life after joining Heifer’s project? HHK:何艷,我知道你的家去年五月受到地震影響,情況怎樣 ? Y: My father has disability in his leg and cannot go out for work. My 何:地震發生的時候,我和弟弟在學校外的街上。我們看到一些樓垮下 family is very happy that our income has increased by raising goats. 來了,當時我很害怕,就哭了。進山的路都毀掉了,地震發生後翌 Now I can have meat every day, which I never dared to think about 日,我和祖母只好走路回去,結果走了整整一天。當我回到家,發 in the past. My father bought me new clothes. 現我們家房子都垮了。現在我們住在用木頭和塑膠物料搭的臨時棚 子裡。 L: We lived off the land before the project came. However, it was only enough to feed ourselves with very little cash leftover. I dropped out HHK: It must be very cold these days. How do you survive the my school because my parents could not afford my tuition. Now I winter? can go back to school with the income from the gift animals. H: Yes, it is very cold and even snows. We have to make a fire and wear a lot of clothes to keep warm. With the subsidy from the government, HHK:參加小母牛項目後,你家的生活有什麼改變呢? we are now building a new house and it will be ready by the second 余:我爸爸腿有殘疾,從前,他不能外出工作。現在在家養羊也可以賺 half year of 2009. 錢,我們都很高興。而且每天我都可以吃肉,以前想都不敢想。爸 爸還給我買了新衣服。 HHK:這段時間一定很冷了,你們在棚子裡怎樣度過這個冬天呢? 黎:參加小母牛項目前,我們主要靠耕地的收成過日子。但是除了養活 何:是的,現在很冷,有時候還下雪。我們穿很多衣服,又在屋子裡生 自己,沒有什麼現金的收入,我因此才輟學。現在則可以用這些禮 火取暖。現在政府給了補貼,我們正在修建新房子,將於2009年下 品牲口賺來的錢繼續學業。 半年修好。 HHK: What grade are you in, Jianmin? How is your school life? Q: What is your hope for the future? Y: I study in Grade Two of Junior Middle School. I board at school Y: I want to be a teacher to pass on knowledge to others. because it is so far away from my home. We have eight lessons every L: I will graduate this year. I hope I can find a job and be able to support day, plus a self-study lesson at night. We study Chinese, Mathematics, my family. English, History, etc. I usually have lunch with one dish and some H: A lot of people were injured or died during the earthquake. I want to rice at school, and it costs about RMB 4. That is the best meal of be a doctor after I grow up to cure people. the day. HHK:你們對將來有什麼希望呢? HHK:建敏,你今年讀幾年級呢?你在學校的生活是怎樣? 余:我想當老師,以傳授知識給他人。 余: 我讀初中二年級。因為我家離學校太遠了,平時我都住在學校裡。我 黎:今年我就畢業了,我想找份工作,幫家裡減輕負擔。 們每天上八節課,晚上還有自修課。我們要學中文、數學、英語和歷 史等。一般午飯時會買一個菜,還有飯。這樣大概要花四塊多錢,是 何:於地震中有很多人傷亡,我希望長大後可以成為一位醫生醫治病 一天中最好的一頓飯。 人。

During her visit in Hong Kong, Li Qiuxia stayed overnight at the St.Stephen’s College Preparatory School and experienced a different kind of boarding school life. 黎秋霞來港期間,於聖士提反 書院附屬小學留宿一晚,與該 Yu Jianmin works hard on her 校學生分享學習經驗,體驗香 studies at home. 港的寄宿生活。 余建敏於家中努力溫習。 NEWS FROM THE FIELD | 項目資訊 Sichuan Earthquake Rehabilitation Project Progress Overview 災後重建項目進展概況 ince the earthquake on May 12, 2008, Heifer has been active in 12四川大地震發生後兩個月內,國際小母牛組織先後多次籌集 helping affected families in the disaster area. Heifer delivered many 各類物資,緊急運送至受災地區。同時,小母牛亦對災區做調 S emergency relief supplies within two months after the disaster. In 5 查及評估,了解受災地區的需求,以計劃災後重建項目。 the meantime, Heifer also began planning for long-term rehabilitation 2008年11月,小母牛於成都為來自理縣、茂縣、都江堰、彭州、 efforts, which included assessments of the affected communities. 什邡、綿竹、北川和劍閣、江油的潛在項目夥伴舉行了培訓。這些地 In November 2008, trainings were held in Chengdu for potential 區都是在這次地震中嚴重受損的區域。 project partners from severely damaged areas, including Lixian, Maoxian, Dujiangyan, Pengzhou, Shifang, Mianzhu, Beichuan, Jian’ge, 災後重建項目隊伍於2009年1月已完成45個潛在項目村的評估工 and Jiangyou. 作及結果匯報。 By January 2009, the project team has completed detailed appraisals 項目於未來半年,集中培 for 45 villages in the potential sites. 訓項目夥伴及於社區內成立互 For the next half year, we will continue to train project partners 助組,協助規劃社區綜合發展 and begin to set up Self-Help Groups in the communities. Heifer will 方案,並預計於6月向各選定項 facilitate the Self-Help Groups to make development plans to improve 目社區發放禮品牲畜。 their own circumstances. Gift animals will be distributed to recipients by June 2009.

HEIFER AROUND THE WORLD | 小母牛世界 Under the Rwandan Sun Actress Diane Lane finds healing and hope on Heifer Study Tour to Rwanda scar-nominated actress Diane Lane first heard of Heifer International at a party at the Los Angeles home of friends, where she learned how livestock and community development could overcome O poverty. In August 2008, Diane Lane and her daughter Eleanor, 15, went on a Heifer study tour to Kigali, Rwanda. The trip included visits to memorials of the 1994 genocide, in which 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and Hutus lost their lives. The tour group visited small farms where Heifer was providing cows to improve livelihoods. Lane and her daughter got to witness a ‘‘Passing on the Gift” ceremony in which Heifer project participants gave 58 calves to their neighbors. Lane said it was emotional and uplifting. Lane said she now understood why the government of President Paul Kagame pointed to the power of passing on the gift in mending relations between Hutus and Tutsis. “When you factor in all that trust and love and hope, the whole reconciliation process is strengthened,” Lane said. “When I went to the ceremony, the people passing on had no idea whether they were giving to a friend they had known forever or someone who was a partaker in their greatest family loss. The impact of those cows shared among former enemies is visible everywhere.” She could also see a difference in the vitality of the children in the villages where Heifer has been working. “You see the kids and their skin is so vibrant and healthy compared to those who have not received the benefits of the cows—protein from the milk and mineral-enriched vegetables from the garden.” This trip left Lane with a new understanding of hope amid impoverished conditions.“ The unfairness of deep poverty is hard to witness without acting against it. Witnessing that kind of poverty within the frame of reference of Heifer’s work is profoundly inspiring,” she said. 在盧旺達的陽光下 著名影星戴安蓮的小母牛希望之旅

斯卡提名影后戴安蓮第一次聽說國際小母牛是在洛杉磯朋友家舉行的聚會上。那天,她了解社區農戶如何通過飼養牲口以擺 脫貧困。 奧 2008年8月,戴安蓮和15歲的女兒埃莉諾參加了小母牛探訪團,抵達盧旺達的基加。訪問包括參觀1994年種族屠殺的紀念館, 該館為了紀念在屠殺中失去生命的80萬胡圖族和圖西族人民。他們探訪了透過小母牛提供的牛以改善生計的小型農戶。 戴安蓮和女兒更參加 了「傳遞禮品」儀式,於儀式中,小母牛項目農戶將58頭小牛傳遞給鄰居。戴安蓮說,這一切都很感人,很振奮。 同時,她亦明白了為什麼盧旺達總統保羅.卡加梅的政府指出小母牛十二條基石中「傳遞禮品」的力量,可以幫助修護胡圖族和圖西 族的關係。「當擁有了信任、關愛和希望後,所有的調解進展就更大了。在我參加的『傳遞禮品』儀式中,『傳遞禮品』的人不知道他們將 要傳遞給一個認識很久的朋友還是一個曾經令他們家庭受損的人。從前的敵人,現在卻共同分享這些牛,這個影響到處都可見。」她亦感受 到在小母牛項目村中小孩的活力。「你會看到這些孩子的膚色和健康情況,跟那些沒有參加小母牛項目的孩子有明顯的分別—這都是因為牛 奶跟蔬菜所帶來的營養。」 通過探訪小母牛項目,戴安蓮在這些貧困的環境中對希望有新的理解,她表示:「讓這些人擺脫貧困刻不容緩。面對這樣貧困的情況, 實在不能不伸出援手。看到小母牛項目中貧困農戶所取得的進展讓我非常鼓舞。」 GET INVOLVED | 齊來參與