“The Masters - A Gentleman’s Guide to Golf Fashion” April 2015

Golf—one of the last true gentlemanly games where devious behaviors are encouraged. No other sport supports smoking, drinking, and gambling while playing the way golf does. The pinnacle of the profession is this weekend. As the great Happy Gilmore so deeply stated, “Gold Jacket. Green Jacket. Who gives a shit?” That’s right, gentlemen, we’re in Masters Week! This is where green jackets do mean something, along with the rest of what the golfer is wearing. Let’s take a look back to honor and learn from the best-dressed golfers who won Augusta. —1963, 1965, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1986

No one pulls off obnoxiously plaid pants quite like a golfer. Nicklaus is one of the winning-est men to ever swing a club. It can’t be overlooked there had to be a correlation between that look and those trophies. You know what they say, “Dress for success!” And ‘The Golden Bear’ did just that. —1958, 1960, 1962, 1964

The classic cardigan may not seem worthy of making the list. But a classic is a classic, just as a refreshing mixture of lemonade and iced tea is so delicious. Another reason to include Palmer here is because he learned his style from life-long friend, the Sweater-Man himself, Mr. Fred Rogers. Plus, look how cool and relaxed Palmer is in one of the biggest tournaments of a golfer’s life. Add a cardigan to your collection to bring comfort and class on a stressful day. —1949, 1952, 1954

Any man’s look can instantly set him apart with the right accessories. Beware, the opposite is even more true. Snead took a bit of a gamble with this one, but look at the confidence he has because of that hat. That putter will do exactly what Snead demands on the green. Adding that patterned flair gave Snead the swagger he needed to win three Master’s championships. Adding something memorable to what you wear will allow you to be remembered and may even give you some extra bravado you need for assured victory. —1989, 1990, 1996

If you don’t have a sweater with the activity you’re wearing it for knitted onto the entire front, you must not be serious about said subject. Faldo’s [in]famous golfer sweater brought him three Green Jackets. I’m not saying you should go out and customize a sweater with a guy sitting at a desk for your Monday meetings, but at least consider it. —2012, 2014

Lesson learned from Bubba: Pink works! Let’s not get all Rickie-Fowler-pink, but adding it as a prominent highlight color can add a little pizazz to what you’re wearing. And if you can average 300+ yards per drive, you can even get yourself a pink golf club. Gene Sarazen—1935

Why those golf knickers ever went out of style is beyond me. If Gene Sarazen can sport them and win the Masters in 1935, we should rock them today! I can only hope the old adage “history repeats itself” quickly proves true with this look on the course. —1967

Color goes a long way and Brewer was one of the trendsetters to brighten up Augusta. A combination like this is sure to bring some light-heartedness to a situation, so wear wisely. If it’s fun you’re looking for, then explore the realm of colored pants with a complementary shirt. —1982

I’m not sure if he’s smiling because of that mustache or the Green Jacket… probably a little of both. Regardless, he pulls that ‘stache off better than most. Think you’ve got what it takes, too? Well, there’s only one way to find out. Disclaimer: DeviousGentlemen is not responsible for any friends or loved-ones you may lose during the course of this potentially blunderous trial. BONUS:

Because America!

You may not win the Masters by following any of these tips, but you’ll feel like a champion. My money’s on Rory this weekend. For the sake of next year’s list, let’s hope it’s someone with a little more golf-fashion.


WebArchive of original post: http://web.archive.org/web/20170303193827/http:// www.deviousgentlemen.com/masters-a-gentlemans-guide-to-golf-fashion/