TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 THULQADA 10, 1436 AH Visa violators China stock One Direction Jamaican arrested in plunge hits set ‘to go Fraser-Pryce raid at illegal world stocks, separate ways’ seals world worksite3 US21 dollar next39 year 100m17 treble Oil falls below $40 on Min 30º Max 48º China and oversupply High Tide 06:20 & 21:00 Kuwaiti experts warn prices could plunge to $20 Low Tide 00:05 & 13:55 40 PAGES NO: 16620 150 FILS LONDON/KUWAIT: Oil prices hit 6-1/2-year lows yester- Rare mass ‘terror’ day after Chinese stock markets suffered their biggest one-day fall since the global financial crisis, intensifying trial opens in UAE worries the outlook for global oil demand. Inaction by the Chinese government following an 11 percent ABU DHABI: A rare mass trial of 41 radical Islamists rout in local stock markets last week encouraged a free- accused of seeking to overthrow the government fall in global equities and other commodities yeterday. and links with “terrorists” opened yesterday in the “Today’s falls are not about oil market fundamentals. It’s United Arab Emirates, official media reported. WAM all about China,” Carsten Fritsch, senior oil analyst at news agency said the hearing at the state security Commerzbank in Frankfurt, told Reuters Global Oil court in Abu Dhabi was devoted to procedural Forum. “The fear is of a hard landing and that things get measures, including the appointment of lawyers. out of the control of the Chinese authorities.” The judge then adjourned the trial to Sept 28. Brent oil was trading down $1.20, or 2.6 percent, at Earlier this month, the prosecutor general accused $44.26 a barrel, after hitting an intraday low of $44.00, the defendants, who include both Emiratis and for- its weakest since March 2009. US light crude was down eigners, of plotting attacks aimed at trying to “seize $1.15, or 2.8 percent, to $39.30 a barrel after hitting a power and establish a caliphate”. He also accused low of $39.00. Steep losses last week capped the con- them of creating a group “with a terrorist, takfiri tract’s longest weekly losing streak since 1986. US crude (extremist) ideology”. Takfiris regard Muslims who is now almost 17 percent below its opening price at the do not follow their extreme interpretation of start of the month and Brent is down more than 10 per- as apostates who can be killed. cent. Multi-year lows in oil prices have so far failed to The Islamic State group, which has set up a trigger any action from the world’s biggest producers to “caliphate” on territory it has captured in Syria and rein in output. Iraq, follows the takfiri ideology, as does Al-Qaeda. The plunge has been attributed to a variety of tech- It was not immediately clear if the 41 suspects were nical, economic and political reasons, arousing fears on accused of links to either group. However, the pros- the side of producers and exporters, especially coun- ecutor has said they were in touch with “foreign tries where oil is the chief earner of national income, if terrorist organizations... to help them achieve their not the only one. More falls are expected amid the eco- goal”. The defendants could face the death penalty LONDON: HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah is received by Kuwaiti Ambassador to the nomic instability worldwide, the tumbling financial if found guilty. UK Khaled Abdulaziz Al-Duwaisan during a visit to the Kuwait embassy in London yesterday. — KUNA markets, the low growth rates and the rising prices of Continued on Page 13 (More pics on Page 2) goods. Continued on Page 13 News France honors train ‘heroes’ for courage in brief PARIS: President Francois Hollande yes- to commit an attack. He had enough terday bestowed France’s highest honor weapons and ammunition to carry out a Bomb kills 3 Egyptian on a group of Americans and a Briton who real carnage, and that’s what he would policemen, wounds 33 overpowered a Moroccan gunman on a have done if you hadn’t tackled him at a CAIRO: A bomb struck a bus carrying Egyptian police- crowded train, saying the whole world risk to your own lives. “You have shown us men yesterday, killing three and wounding 33, officials “admires their courage and cool compo- that, faced with terror, we have the power said, in the latest attack against security forces who are sure”. Anti-terror investigators were ques- to resist. You have given a message of being targeted by jihadists. The attack occurred in the tioning the alleged attacker, 25-year-old courage, solidarity and hope.” Nile Delta province of Baheira, 260 km north of Cairo, Ayoub El Khazzani, who boarded the A French passenger who also tackled while the policemen were travelling on a civilian bus to high-speed train in Brussels bound for the gunman but chose to remain anony- work. “Three policemen were killed, including one who Paris on Friday armed with a Kalashnikov mous, and Eric Tanty, an off-duty train succumbed to his wounds in hospital,” health ministry assault rifle, a Luger automatic pistol, driver who happened to be on board and spokesman Hossam Abdel Ghaffar told AFP, updating ammunition and a box-cutter. helped restrain Khazzani, were to be hon- an earlier toll. “Thirty-three policemen were also Witnesses said he opened fire, injuring ored too. Mark Moogalian, a 51-year-old wounded. One of them remains in a critical condition.” a man before being wrestled to the floor Franco-American professor who was shot Jihadists have killed scores of policemen and soldiers and subdued by three young Americans - and is now recovering in hospital, and since an Islamist insurgency swelled in the wake of the off-duty servicemen Alek Skarlatos and Michel Bruet, a train conductor who 2013 overthrow of president Mohamed Morsi, the coun- Spencer Stone and their student friend warned authorities, were also to be try’s first democratically elected president who took Anthony Sadler - and a Briton, 62-year-old awarded medals. Speaking as he left the PARIS: French President Francois Hollande (center) poses with (from left) British office following the ouster of longtime ruler Hosni business consultant Chris Norman. Elysee, his medal pinned to his suit, businessman Chris Norman, American student Anthony Sadler and off-duty US Mubarak. With his security forces battling to contain the Presenting them with the Legion Norman said it was “a little bit difficult to servicemen Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos during a reception in their honor insurgency, President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi last week rati- d’Honneur at the Elysee presidential believe that it’s actually happened”. at the Elysee Palace yesterday, after Hollande awarded them with France’s top fied an anti-terrorism law boosting police and judicial palace, Hollande said: “A terrorist decided Continued on Page 13 Legion d’Honneur medal. — AFP powers. It also imposes hefty fines for “false” media reports on militant attacks. IS blows up famed Saudi cop wounded in drive-by shooting : A Saudi policeman was wounded when temple in Palmyra unidentified gunmen opened fire on a patrol in the Red Sea city of before escaping in their BEIRUT: The Islamic State group has and the group reportedly destroyed a vehicle, state media said yesterday. The shooting blown up a famed temple in Syria’s well-known statue of a lion outside the occurred on Sunday night, and the wounded ancient Palmyra, in an act the UN con- city’s museum. “Daesh placed a large patrol commander was in stable condition, the demned as a war crime and an “immense quantity of explosives in the temple of official SPA news agency reported, citing a police loss” for humanity. The destruction of the Baal Shamin today and then blew it up,” statement. Investigations were underway to track Baal Shamin temple, considered the sec- Abdulkarim said on Sunday. “The cella down the assailants, it added. Attacks on security ond-most significant in ancient Palmyra, (inner area of the temple) was destroyed forces in have multiplied in recent raised concerns for the rest of the and the columns around collapsed,” he months with most of them blamed on or claimed UNESCO World Heritage sites. It comes said. by the Islamic State jihadist group. But incidents only days after IS beheaded the 82-year- The Syrian Observatory for Human similar to Sunday’s could also be linked to criminal old retired chief archaeologist of Rights, a Britain-based group that moni- activity, including trade in illicit drugs. Palmyra, sparking widespread condem- tors the country’s civil war, confirmed the nation. destruction of the temple. But the “This destruction is a new war crime Observatory said Baal Shamin had been Bahrain arrests former and an immense loss for the Syrian peo- destroyed a month ago - a discrepancy MP after trip to Iran ple and for humanity,” said Irina Bokova, which could not be immediately MANAMA: Bahrain detained a former lawmaker after he the head of the UN cultural watchdog explained as information on Syria’s civil visited Iran on charges of financing terrorism and being UNESCO, calling for the perpetrators to war is often unclear. IS captured Palmyra involved in a bombing that killed two police officers, be held accountable. “Daesh (IS) is killing on May 21, sparking international con- accusations the Gulf nation’s largest opposition group people and destroying sites, but cannot cern about the fate of the heritage site dismissed yesterday as “absolute nonsense”. Hasan Isa, a silence history and will ultimately fail to described by UNESCO as of “outstanding prominent Bahraini cleric, was detained Aug. 18 at erase this great culture from the memory universal value”. Bahrain International Airport. An Interior Ministry state- of the world,” Bokova said in a statement. Baal Shamin was built in 17 AD and ment late Sunday did not identify Isa by name, but said Syria’s antiquities chief Maamoun expanded under the reign of Roman the suspect it holds is also accused of distributing mon- Abdulkarim told AFP the temple was emperor Hadrian in 130 AD. Known as ey he’d raised during rallies to wanted fugitives and a destroyed on Sunday. “Our worst fears the “Pearl of the Desert”, Palmyra is an “terrorist group” without elaborating. Shiite opposition are sadly being realised,” Abdulkarim oasis town about 210 km northeast of group Al-Wefaq identified Isa as the suspect. Wefaq earli- said. Damascus. Its name first appeared on a er said that Isa’s lawyers have not been allowed to see Famed for its well-preserved Greco- tablet in the 19th century BC as a stop- him. Meanwhile yesterday, secular opposition figure Roman ruins, Palmyra was seized from ping point for caravans travelling on the Ibrahim Sharif pleaded not guilty to charges of attempt- government forces in May, prompting Silk Road and between the Gulf and the ing to topple Bahrain’s government, promoting political concerns IS might destroy it as it has her- Mediterranean. But it was under the change through force and inciting hatred in a speech KUWAIT: Vendors wait for customers at the fish market in Sharq as the ‘Let it itage sites in parts of Syria and Iraq under Roman Empire - beginning in the first last month. Defense lawyer Mohammed Ahmed said Spoil’ campaign to boycott seafood in protest against spiraling prices entered its control. Initially most of Palmyra’s century BC and lasting another 400 years Sharif, who once headed the secular Waad party, main- its third day yesterday, with fish prices dropping further. — Photo by Joseph best-known sites were left intact, though - that Palmyra rose to prominence. tains he only called for political reforms. Shagra (See Page 3) there were reports IS had mined them Continued on Page 13 LOCAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah yesterday visited the Kuwaiti embassy in the UK, where he was received by Kuwaiti Ambassador Khaled Abdulaziz Al-Duwaisan, accredited heads of Kuwaiti offices and Embassy staff. — KUNA Cabinet committee to probe food prices Obama invites Amir to attend summit

KUWAIT: The cabinet yesterday entrusted the pub- and Development Hind Sabeeh Al-Subaih on the lic services committee with probing causes behind follow-up report of the Q1 of the annual plan 2015- food commodities prices. The decision, taken dur- 2016, 1 April-30 June 2015. Subaih apprised the ing the cabinet weekly meeting held at Seif Palace cabinet off the development of the plan’s projects, under the chairmanship of His Highness the Prime policies and investments. The cabinet ordered the Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning Sabah, follows reports on rise in food prices. and Development (SCPD) for its efforts to follow up The step paves the way for taking the necessary the implementation of the plan. measures to guarantee ‘fair prices’ for food com- modities, making them available to people, said Demographic imbalance Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and Acting In the meantime, the ministers reviewed recom- Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al- mendations by the educational, cultural, social and Mubarak Al-Sabah. health committee on the report by the higher com- Meanwhile, the cabinet was informed of an invi- mittee on probing the demographic imbalances in tation that His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Kuwait. It was decided that the higher committee Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received from US would carry on with its work, and will have to sub- President Barack Obama to attend a leadership mit a monthly report to the cabinet. summit to fight extremism. The summit, to be held Separately, the cabinet agreed to appoint at the UN headquarters in New York, is slated for Khaled Hassan Al-Kandari as Vice Chairman of September. KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister communications and information technology Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah chairs the commission, Sheikh Mohammed Al-Abdullah said. Income sources cabinet’s meeting yesterday. — KUNA Salem Muthyeb Al-Othenah was designated as Meanwhile, Minister of Finance Anas Khaled Al- arrangements comprised in memorandum submit- chairman of the commission in a decree last Saleh briefed the cabinet on the latest economic ted by the Ministry of Finance to the National November. Khaled Hassan Al-Kandari, Waleed conditions in the world and the severe falls of capi- Assembly regarding its views on varying sources of Saleh Al-Qallaf and Saud Khaled Al-Zaid were des- tal markets and oil prices over the past days, focus- national income, for the expected positive effect on ignated full time members while Mohammed ing on repercussions on the national economy. public finances and national economy. Then, the Jassem Al-Torah, Mohammed Abdullah Al-Kandari Following this, the ministers underscored the ministers were offered a brief by Minister of Social and Fahad Suleiman Al-Fahad were appointed as necessity of implementing the measures and Affairs and Labor and Minister of State for Planning part-timers. — KUNA Zain recognizes Value Added Services partners

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunications company in Kuwait, recently held this year’s sec- ond quarterly honoring lunch event to recognize a number of its outstanding authorized service providers for value added services to highlight their performance during the second quarter of 2015. Those partners’ efforts were reflected in Zain’s competitive and excelling value added services that offers the company’s customers with the best quality services. Zain is always keen on organizing this honoring event every quarter to allow its authorized partners to compete fairly with one another and drive more efficiency when offering the best services and products to Zain customers who are considered Kuwait’s biggest family of subscribers. Zain recognized the performance of its out- standing VAS partners during the event as part revenue, while ‘Media Phone Plus’ ranked first in gral and crucial part of its overall success and a KUWAIT: His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad of the company’s ‘Al Awael’ program to highlight bulk SMS revenues, in addition to ‘Concept’ significant element of the company’s leading Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received at Seif Palace yesterday Sheikh Salem Abdulaziz Al-Saud the exceptional efforts of its VAS partners. The which was recognized as the company with the position. Zain encourages VAS partners to main- Al-Sabah, Chief of the National Security Apparatus Sheikh Thamer Ali Sabah Al- recognition was based on several key indicators: best support team. tain their performance and continue offering the Salem Al-Sabah and Chief of the Awazem tribe Falah bin Eid bin Jame’. — KUNA ‘ISYS’ came first in Zain net revenue and overall Zain considers its authorized partners an inte- best services and products to its customers. Minister reiterates state’s support to tourism industry

KUWAIT: Minister of Information and Minister standing committee for national celebrations Kuwaiti heritage. The new strategy, set in of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Sabah in a bid to enhance Kuwait status as a tourist motion after the last meeting for the council, Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah yesterday reaf- destination. He urged making the best of oth- will focus on the youth and would encourage firmed the state’s support to the tourism ers’ experience on the Arab, regional and inter- them to be proud of their heritage, NCCAL industry to promote the ‘civilized and demo- national levels in a way that copes with “our Acting Secretary Mohammad Al-Asousi said. cratic meanings’ of Kuwait. customs, traditions and conservative society.” Cultural centers, with experienced staff The industry relies mainly on the cultural Minister Sheikh Salman discussed during members, opened in the country and selected and civilization heritage, tangible and intangi- the meeting strategic issues for upgrading the locations abroad in accordance with a previ- ble, that has to be highlighted through an ministry’s tourist sector, reviewing relevant ously agreed upon strategy in 2003, said the integrated system, the Minister told a meeting studies prepared in coordination with UN and official, adding that the new plan was to for the tourism sector at the Information a leading international consultancy house. increase support to these centers. Ministry. Members of the sector were asked to pre- It also came in line with UNESCO’s policies Sheikh Salman called for a strategy to draw pare a tourist agenda to be announced in to preserve world heritage, Asousi said. He up programs and activities for promoting January 2016, calling for reactivating the role affirmed that the “way to go” was to encour- domestic tourism, pointing to various strate- by the civil society and focusing on tourism age youth to be proud of their cultures and gic and development projects being carried conferences. The minister noted that the sec- heritage, noting that the investment in the out nationwide. These include developing the tor would take part in Expo Milano 2015 in current generation of youngsters was the key Kuwait Airways, the national carrier, to fulfill October with an event to boost tourism in to the future. the expectations of domestic and foreign Kuwait. In recognition of Kuwait’s efforts to help tourist, he said. the youth, UNESCO lauded the GCC country The minister referred to a quantum shift at New strategy for its involvement in the UN organization’s the Tourist Enterprises Company (TEC) to Meanwhile, the National Council for Intergovernmental Committee for the enhance its role for supporting the industry. In Culture, Arts, and Letters (NCCAL) announced KUWAIT: Information and Youth Affairs Minister Sheikh Al-Humoud Al-Sabah speaks dur- Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural addition, work is underway to develop the that it devised a new strategy to help preserve ing his meeting with the tourism sector at the ministry. — KUNA Heritage. — KUNA TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 LOCAL Boycott campaign further ‘spoils’ fish prices Army on Twitter, Instagram

By Meshaal Al-Enezi Dead body found The body of an unknown person was found KUWAIT: The ‘Let it Spoil’ campaign contin- by police near Salmy Road. Authorities suspect ues to get its intended results as the price foul play and they are investigating the case. of Zubaidi (silver pomfret) fish dropped to KD 7.5 per kilo due to very low number of Central prison director fined KD 300 customers. Citizens participated in the The criminal court ordered the director campaign to protest the extreme rise in fish of central prison to pay KD 300 for not prices. Large fish quantities were brought sending 20 prisoners, which forced the to Mubarakiya market and this helped court to postpone the cases that were to be reduce the prices further. Prices in Fahaheel decided on, if not for the suspects’ absence. are Zubaidi KD 9.5, Baloul KD 7.5, Shiem KD Temperature reached 62 degrees 4, Nuwaibi KD 4, Shaari 2.5 and shrimps KD Kuwaiti news services reported that the 73 per basket. Prices were also pulled down maximum temperature yesterday was 62 because there is an abundance of Zubaidi degrees Celsius under direct sun rays and because of low buyers. 51 degrees in the shade. Meanwhile, the Visa violators arrested in meteorological department said it will be Kuwait Army very hot, with variable winds of 8 - 28 km/h. Kuwait Army Command launched its The temperature will be 48 degree Celsius. accounts on Instagram and Twitter under @KuwaitArmyGHQ. The army command Former MP dead at 93 raid at illegal worksite said it will broadcast various news and pic- Former MP Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf died tures with transparency to project the role yesterday. He was 93. Hajraf won the parlia- By Meshaal Al-Enezi paigns are carried out to organize the market of workers were seen. He added that coordina- of Kuwait Armed Forces and to prevent mentary elections six times between 1963- place and remove marginal and loose labor, as tion with the quaternary committee was made, rumors that may negatively affect Kuwait’s 1985, during which he submitted 140 ques- KUWAIT: Seventy-seven violating workers were well as deal with visa traffickers who distort and the site raided, but a large number of work- stability and security. tions, 83 proposals and 46 proposed laws. arrested yesterday, while more than 50 escaped Kuwait’s image at the international level. Subaih ers escaped. He said all those caught are in viola- when a site near the Seventh Ring Road where said MPA will take all legal action against violat- tion of the residency law. laborers were working illegally was raided, said ing companies, refer them to investigations’ Furthermore, Director General Mutowteh Social Affairs and Labor Minister Hind Al-Subaih. department and close their files. explained that the site that was inspected is The inspection campaign was carried out by the Meanwhile, MPA Director General Abdallah located in a waste recycling location that belongs teams of Manpower Public Authority (MPA) in Al-Mutowteh said that the location that was to the Kuwait Municipality, but they were sur- cooperation with representatives from the raided, where hundreds of illegal laborers were prised that it housed laborers who work for more Commerce ministry and police, Subaih said. working, was discovered when inspection teams than one company. He added that these firms, all Subaih, who is also State Minister for were making sure the law banning work at noon cleaning companies, did not inform the MPA Planning and Development, said such cam- time was being adhered to, and these numbers about the sites, which is a grave violation. Diesel, kerosene set at KD 0.120 per liter

By A Saleh and bedoons for school year 2015-2016. The graduation are a must for applications to be ministry noted applicants must be university accepted. KUWAIT: The liter price for both diesel and degree holders with a ‘good’ grade and should kerosene was set at KD 0.120 for September by the not be over 45 years old. The ministry added Development projects subsidies committee concerned with setting prices experience is not required for bedoons (state- MP Abdallah Maayouf said that unilateral of both products at retail outlets. The committee less) and GCC nationals, but for others, experi- postponement of development projects is not based its decision on international oil prices. ence will be looked at gradually to two years for accepted and must be presented to the national KUWAIT: Vendors wait for customers at the fish market at Sharq as the ‘Let it Spoil’ those who have an educational qualification and assembly. “Planning and Development Minister campaign, which started off Saturday to boycott fish in protest against the spiraling English teachers needed to three years for others. The ministry said scien- Hind Al-Subaih must respect her promise in prices, entered its third day yesterday with fish prices dropping further. — Photo by The Education Ministry announced it requires tific qualifications and authenticated grades’ list front of MPs, when she brought the annual plan Joseph Shagra female English language teachers both expats from Kuwait cultural offices in the country of that was discussed and approved,” he said. Embassy in Beirut 250,000 narcotic urges Kuwaitis pills confiscated to keep vigilant BEIRUT: Kuwait’s Embassy in Lebanon 14 deported for driving without license called on its nationals Sunday night to remain vigilant for their safety at all times under the fomenting tensions and security instability in Lebanon. Under the current critical circum- stances the Kuwaiti nationals in Lebanon have advisably to cancel any plans unnecessary stay and leave; they have also to contact the Embassy immediate- ly if need be, according to a statement from the embassy. Kuwaitis who plan to travel to Lebanon have to wait for further notice, the statement said, voicing hope for sis- terly Lebanon to restore stability and security as early as possible. Earlier Sunday, large numbers of demonstrators gathered for the second day at Riyadh Al-Solh Square, downtown Beirut, in protest against the crisis of garbage before the riot police By Hanan Al-Saadoun Deported used force to disperse them; dozens of Fourteen people were sent for deporta- both sides were wounded in the clashes. KUWAIT: Customs authorities at Kuwait tion for driving without a license, said The Lebanese security services International Airport confiscated a large sources at the General Traffic Department. announced Sunday night that 36 police- quantity of narcotic pills hidden in fabric The department carried out several sur- men were injured, including one seri- rulers. The total number of pills confiscated prise campaigns in all governorates ously, while the Lebanese Red Cross between August 16 to August 22 which is nearly 250,000 and each ruler had 200 (LRC) reported that 45 people were pills. also resulted in the detention of 17 persons for grave violations, issuance of 47,586 cita- admitted to Beirut hospitals for treat- Drug smuggler arrested tions and impoundment of 1,826 cars. ment of injuries they sustained in the An Asian man attempted to smuggle clashes. marijuana which he hid in a plastic contain- Intersection closed Other parts of the country saw pro- er he kept between his clothes. The man The intersection of Airport Road with testers blocking major roads in solidar- Kuwait Fire Services Directorate (KFSD) inspected the site of the oil factory fire in Ahmadi, was arrested at the airport and said the Abdelnasser Road will be closed today and ity with the demonstrator in the capital as the procedures taken during the fire will be discussed during the seminar to be held drugs’ owner was waiting for him outside. A tomorrow, the Traffic department, in coop- city. — KUNA tomorrow. The seminar will be attended by all heads of centers who participated in fight- team from Drugs Control General eration with the Public Works Ministry, said ing the fire. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun Department (DCGD) went to the airport in a statement. The department advised and arrested the second suspect. Both that motorists can use the alternative turns were sent to concerned authorities. and the ports bridge. Indians in Saudi, Kuwait 10 times Al-Sadiq Mosque bombing more likely to die than those in US

prosecution resumes today MUMBAI: An Indian living in Saudi Arabia or question in the Lok Sabha (House of the an Indian citizen in Kuwait or Saudi Arabia Kuwait is at ten times the risk of death, com- People), the government has said that most has 10 times the risk of death compared to an KUWAIT: The seventh hearing of Imam er of the car that boarded the suicide pared to an Indian living in the US, an of the deaths in have been due to natu- NRI in the US. Al-Sadiq Mosque’s bomb prosecution is bomber, to flee, as well as concealing evi- IndiaSpend analysis has revealed. ral causes. Indians living in US and UK work mostly in due to be held today by the Criminal dences. More than 7 million Indians live and work Given that about 600,000 Indians live in the financial and technology sectors, whereas Court, chaired by Judge Mohammad Al- The Public Prosecution has demanded in the six oil-rich nations of the Gulf Qatar, that is plausible. But is the death toll Indians in the GCC often work in riskier jobs, Duaij, with the defense attorneys expect- extreme sentences against the defen- Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, UAE, among unnaturally high? such as construction. Secondly, Indians in US ed to address the judges. dants. In a previous hearing, the prosecu- The defense plaintiffs had made their tion’s representative had presented thor- Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain), account- Indiaspend ran a check on the number of and UK also have access to better healthcare, statements during the last hearing held ough details on case number 40/2015. ing for more than 60 percent of all global Indians living overseas, by country, and on given their relatively better incomes and the last Tuesday in front of the court; which They also provided visual evidence on non-resident Indians (NRIs). the number of Indians who died in countries better medical infrastructure of these states. decided to alter the registered charges, the role of the 29 defendants in the blast, Qatar has recently come under fire for across the world between 2010 and 2013. The data also show that the death rate in namely complicity in the forms of incite- including hiding vital evidence and help- poor conditions for many of around one mil- Qatar per 100,000 Indians is half that of Saudi ment, consensus and providing aid to ing the driver, Abdulrahman Sabah lion workers, including a large number of The check threw up some Arabia. Assuming that Indians in Qatar work the prime suspect, Fahad Al-Qabaa - the Aidan, to escape. Indians, toiling at construction sites linked to uncomfortable statistics: in similar roles as , bomber. The court had held its first hearing on the 2022 Soccer World Cup: 1,387 Indians * On an average, there are 53.6 deaths per Kuwait or Oman, it is evident that a lot of lives The latter was charged with using the case on August 4th, to look into the workers have died in Qatar alone from 2010 100,000 NRIs annually. However, this number can be saved through better working condi- explosives with intention of killing, cases presented against seven Kuwaiti to mid-2015. conceals a sharp discrepancy. The average for tions and better medical attention. spreading terror, blowing up the defendants, five , three Pakistanis, The deaths of workers from , and the six GCC nations is 69.2 deaths, while the Qatar has probably come to the attention mosque, committing premeditated mur- 13 illegal residents and one fugitive with those from other countries, such as Nepal figure for rest of the world is 26.5 deaths, of Western media because it was awarded the der, joining a banned group that advo- an unidentified nationality. and Bangladesh, have been a matter of con- almost 60 percent lower. 2022 Soccer World Cup and because of recent cates toppling the ruling system with ille- The Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait troversy, with some saying the toll could rise * Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and Kuwait controversies linked to FIFA, the international gitimate means, namely terrorism, thus City was attacked by the suicide bomber to 1,200 before any matches start. report between 65 and 78 deaths per 100,000 soccer body-and, perhaps, that is the reason threatening the country’s unity. on June 26, 2015 during Friday prayer in The Qatari government strongly denies Indian workers. Qatar actually fares much its standards are better than its neighbors. The charges against others include the fasting month of Ramadan. The that poor working conditions have anything better than these four states. Similar publicity for other GCC nations advance knowledge of the planned mur- attack killed 26 people and injured 227 to do with the death toll. The Indian govern- * For the US and the UK, the toll is 80-90 could help improve the lives of expats in der, helping the ‘first defendant,’ the driv- others. — KUNA ment appears to concur: In its response to a percent less than these four states, meaning, those countries. — TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 LOCAL

In Brief Ministry honor teachers New centers services Efforts in Yemen KUWAIT: The Ministry of Education announced prepa- KUWAIT: Acting Undersecretary at the Ministry of rations for a ceremony to honor 333 teachers and 50 Justice Bader Al-Zamanan said that the new cen- RIYADH: Heads of regional and international relief aid distinct schools on the occasion of the World Teachers’ ters opened by the ministry have helped offer bet- organizations held a meeting in Riyadh yesterday to Day for the academic year 2014/2015. Assistant ter and speedier services to people. These centers discuss coordinating efforts in Yemen. Participants Undersecretary for Educational Development and have reached areas where people, both citizens showcased strong desire during the meeting to bring Activities Faisal Maqseed said that the ministry has and expats, gather, offering the ministry’s services aid to the Yemenis, head of Kuwaitís delegation and Deputy Chairman of Kuwait Red Crescent Society been keen every year to honor a number of teachers’ in the morning and the afternoon, he said. The (KRCS) Anwar Al-Hasawi said. Kuwait had donated eighth and latest of these centers was opened in and distinct schools on the World Teachers’ Day which around $100 million and delivered around 40 tons of falls on October 5. —KUNA South Surra, he said. —KUNA necessary medical supplies to Yemen. —KUNA Photo of the day

KUWAIT: A falcon pictured inside Bayt Al-Othman in Kuwait City. Falconry is a common hobby that has been practiced by generations in Kuwait and the Arabian Peninsula. —Photo by Joseph Shagra Kuwait presents experience facing natural challenges at Expo Milano

MILAN: The Kuwaiti pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 four important topics: Water security, climate pating Kuwaiti delegation includes Dr Ahmad Al- will hold five seminars on the Kuwaiti experience change, renewable energy and the environment, Sahaf from the Ministry of Electricity and Water, in facing natural challenges, namely water scarci- in line with the core theme of Expo ‘Feeding the Anwar Sarkhou from the Environmental ty in the old times. The seminar will be held in col- Planet, Energy for Life,’ she added. Engineering Department and Nasser Al-Sharif laboration with the Ministry of Electricity and Khadija Al-Mishari from the developing water from East station. Water during August 26-28. resources center in Kuwait said meanwhile that Kuwaitis in the old times depended, basically The lecturers would shed light extensively on she would be presenting a working paper on on their muscles, bringing water from nearby Iraq the tough life of the Kuwaiti ancestors, who chal- water and desalination technologies used in the aboard wooden dhows to the shores of the coun- lenged hard weather and environmental condi- State of Kuwait. The seminars will highlight try, where they would use donkey and mules to tions at times when there was neither electricity Kuwait’s leading role in overcoming lack of natu- deliver the water to houses. Nowadays, running nor abundant water resources, Director of Studies ral water and the success narrative of developing water reaches all houses and facilities via a mod- Dr Ahmad Al-Sahaf from the Ministry and Research Department at the Ministry Suhaila Kuwait into a modern State, she added. ern network. Bulk of the used water is desalinated Khadija Al-Mishari from the develop- of Electricity and Water. Marafie said yesterday. The Ministry has chosen In addition to Marafie and Meshari, the partici- sea water. —KUNA ing water resources center in Kuwait.

Culinary arts feature prominently at Expo

MILAN: Italy is traditionally known for the confectionery which attract millions of visi- ways of preparation and presentation of the includes intervals for broadcasting the cul- warmly responded to an invitation by the culinary arts particularly art of cooking tors of the Expo from across the world to dishes as well as their nutritional value. The tural, artistic, musical, sports and recreation- Italian restaurateur Massimo Bottura, one of which features at a cooking show from the enjoy the various tastes and blends of the Italian chefs Matteo Vigotti and Marco al activities of the Expo as well as promo the Expo’s ambassadors, to launch a fund- Expo Milano 2015. Famous culinary artists exhibits. Lorraine present the latest about the Italian videos on the central theme of the Expo raising campaign for the poor around the from Italy and other countries offer a daily The show is aired live on Rai TV with the kitchen during the show. ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.’ globe, they held a dinner banquet for this show on wonderful dishes, appetizers and artists exchanging information about the Due to its growing popularity, the show In early August, the world’s culinary artists purpose. —KUNA TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 LOCAL Dentsu Aegis expands service in Kuwait with new partner - Views Communications

DUBAI/KUWAIT CITY: Dentsu Aegis Views Communications. Bitar started his reinforces our commitment to having Network, the fastest growing agency career in 1981 in Jeddah with the largest footprint in the region with- network in MENA, announced the Intermarkets and then joined TMI, which out any compromise on the service we appointment of a new partner in Kuwait. later became JWT. Karim moved to are able to offer to our clients.” With offices based in Kuwait City, Views Kuwait after the invasion in 1992, to Speaking of the agreement, Martin Communications will take full responsi- manage the operation and JWT quickly Boot, General Manager Carat Qatar and bility for the advertising, media planning became the leading agency, which he Kuwait said: “We are extremely happy to and buying requirements of Carat and ran until 2014. partner with Views Communications, a other Dentsu Aegis Network clients in team that has thorough knowledge of the country going forward. Important step the Kuwaiti market and who will be able In step with strides being made in The new partnership will see the to take our business there to new the country’s media scene Dentsu Aegis team working on existing local clients, heights. By having a full-service agency anticipates higher advertising spends in Carat regional clients which include GM, on ground, we can now offer our clients Kuwait. While print still dominates, digi- Total, BA, Pringles as well as new a more holistic approach for all their tal is growing exponentially. The local on prospects. marketing and communication needs.” ground capabilities of Views “This partnership is another impor- Karim Bitar, CEO of Views Communications paired with Dentsu tant step in continuing our expansion in Communications, added: “This really is Aegis’ global scale and expertise will the and with Karim Bitar’s an exciting time for our team and is a allow clients to navigate the media land- extensive experience and understand- sign that a global player in the media scape and keep up with ever changing ing of the media landscape in the mar- space sees Kuwait as a market worthy of consumer behavior. ket, we are confident that we will see a significant presence and this kind of Views Communications, a full service significant growth in Kuwait,” said investment. We are looking forward to agency that spans media planning and Michael Nederlof, CEO Dentsu Aegis working with clients across the Middle buying, creative, PR and activation, was Network MENA. “Views East and beyond to provide global scale, founded in 2010 with numerous local Communications’ services are aligned customer insight and trading power brands among its clientele. The existing with our vision of innovating the way backed up by exceptional local knowl- team will be led by Karim Bitar, CEO of brands are built, and this partnership edge and client service.” Dentsu Aegis and Views Management: (from left) Michael Nederlof, Karim Bitar and Martin Boot

In my view Kuwait vs America

By Talal Al-Ghannam

[email protected]

ello, once again, my honorable read- And in this case, you need to take it easy; ers. In this article, I would like to talk otherwise, you would end up in trouble. Habout my experience while I was in 6 - In the US, many services are self- the United States and the shock I encoun- served, like those in the gas stations and tered right after I arrived home. My experi- food marts, where you can see everybody ence is a little comparison between the two take his turn and wait in line to get his things countries, and I leave the final judgment to settled, without yelling or disturbing the the readers. peace. But here, I, at one time, noticed a 1 - In the US, I had never heard a car honk police patrol with two policemen use the at me at a traffic light or honk at me to move microphone of the police car and yell at the my car. But here in Kuwait, many people use small grocery store asking for a Pepsi and their horns more than they breathe. Snickers. Besides that, many of our guys are 2 - In the US, I had never seen people so lazy waiting for their chores to be done park their cars on green landscapes or ille- for them without taking a minute to do it gally in front of shopping malls, blocking the themselves. entrance and exit of the malls. But here, you 7 - In the US, when you get pulled over would need at least an hour to wait for the by police, you would be greeted and asked ‘honorable driver’ to come to clear the way politely for your driver’s license and car reg- for you, without even saying ‘sorry.’ istration and told also why you were 3 - In the US, whenever you walk in the stopped, but here, a lot of the policemen malls, parks or recreation centers, you are will wait for you to come to them to ask greeted by the majority of people with a them why you were pulled over. Many of smile. But here, whenever the entire family them become disrespectful to defenseless goes out for recreation, the parents are expatriates who sometimes are left waiting grumpy, and if by mistake you look at the for long to get their documents back and if wife or even the husband, you may end up the police were approached, the expats in a fight for a ‘mistaken stare.’ would get a swift and harsh, ‘GO WAIT IN 4 - In the US, we tend to respect the law YOUR CAR.’ everywhere we go and never litter in public 8 - In the US, I have not encountered peo- places in fear of the law, most importantly in ple flashing their high beam lights on me at self respect and in respect for the cleaners. night or during the day, as they know that But here, nobody cares: people litter the this may lead to serious consequences and it streets or throw a lit cigarette butt from the is against the law. But here, it seems as if you car windows, which could set your car are in a wedding, as many drivers flash their ablaze if there was a gas leakage. high beams to let them go and if you don’t, 5 - In the US, while waiting in queue any- you would end up beaten or killed. where, you would see high-ranking officials 9 - In the US, the domestic helper has all waiting behind you without interrupting the the rights and can sue her or his employer if queue, because they respect everyone who mistreated. But here, the worker can be are standing and wait for their turn whoever tagged a criminal if she or he complains they may be. But here, while standing in line about her or his employer at the police sta- for an hour, an ‘honorable’ person intrudes tion. and breaks the line and gets his service done with no respect to those who were waiting. Till the next article, insha Allah.

Kuwait’s crude oil exports to China hit 3-month high

BEIJING: Kuwait’s crude oil exports to China try’s top supplier, with its shipments growing in July hit a three-month high of 1.25 million 12.1 percent to 993,000 bpd, followed by tons, equivalent to 296,000 barrels per day Angola with 906,000 bpd, up 36.1 percent. (bpd), up 13.3 percent from a year earlier, offi- Russia became third, with exports from the cial data showed. The figure was the highest country surging 59.4 percent to 891,000 bpd. since April, when Kuwait’s crude shipments to Oman ranked fourth and Iraq fifth, respective- the world’s second-biggest energy consumer ly. State-run Kuwait Petroleum Corporation recorded 1.62 million tons (395,000 bpd), (KPC) signed a 10-year crude supply deal with according to the General Administration of China’s top energy trader Unipec in August Customs. In the January-July period, Kuwait 2014, the biggest-ever sales contract in KPC’s exported 282,000 bpd to China, up 64.4 per- history by volume and revenues in all regions. cent on the year. Under the landmark agreement, KPC supplies China’s overall imports of crude oil in July Unipec 300,000 bpd of crude oil, with a strong jumped 29.3 percent from a year earlier to possibility of increasing the volume to 7.26 million bpd. Saudi Arabia remained coun- 400,000 bpd. —KUNA TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 From the press

Crime Al-Qabas Report Matches Danger of lifting Vengeful brothers Iran’s sanctions crash foe’s car By Khalid Al-Tarrah KUWAIT: Detectives are looking for three brothers who deliberately crashed their sports-utility-vehicle (SUV) t was not a new news item, what US President onto a citizen’s car in front of Mubarak Al-Kabeer police Obama said that “part of the money Iran will station, and then smashed the glass with a metal piece, get back after lifting the sanctions will be used before driving away. The incident happened once the I in financing terrorist activities,” because this was citizen left the police station after filing a complaint confirmed again by Iran’s foreign minister that the against the brothers’ cousin for insulting him. nuclear agreement “will not change Iran’s policy in arming its allies.” That continued in the Eid Al-Fitr speech with Break-in the confirmation of Iran’s Supreme Leader that “Iran will continue its support for those it calls vul- A citizen told Meidan Hawally police that his nerable especially Bahrain and Iran’s friends in the American ex-wife’s flat was broken into and a safe region.” was stolen. The safe contained three diamond rings, It is very difficult to absorb Iran’s statements, precious stones and documents. The man told because sometimes it says ‘neighbor first, then police that two laptops were also stolen. Police are home,’ as Foreign Minister Zareef wrote in Al- investigating. Safeer newspaper lately. But sometimes they car- ry threats! While the Supreme Leader’s stand ‘Who Al-Jarida cares for Iran’ is characterized as ‘steadfast’ in sup- Harassed porting Iran’s allies and the vulnerable. Under all these and the nuclear agreement, A harasser disappeared after a lady in her forties hit him with her shoe for chasing her in Fahaheel. A security source which has not been approved by Congress, no said a call was received about a fight between a man and a Al-Qabas guarantees were issued by the Iranian leader on woman in a popular market, so they went there and found the future of the Iran-Gulf relations, also the Iran- the woman, a citizen, who told police she punished him Arab relations. And Iran did not reveal their plans her way. She said that a man chased her while she was Where is the spokesman? in regards to improving the standard of living of shopping and wanted to do indecent acts with her. She the Iranian people, nor their stand on the vulnera- said she was forced to beat him with her shoe and when ble of the Iranian opposition groups, such as the people interfered, he ran away. By Qais Al-Osta Ahwazi, Mujahidee Khalq and other groups! If the American president, despite his support he country and its people were swept with to do what he wants, but he is an official employee of the nuclear agreement, did not hide his belief Missing major painful and regretful events in the of the state and should earn his salary and if he that Iran will ‘use’ part of its recovered funds to past few months, including the blow up of does not want that then the minister in charge finance ‘terrorist’ activities, then what about the An expatriate woman was apprehended briefly by T Imam Al-Sadeq Mosque and the martyrdom of a should make him to do it. Gulf countries! police following a report from her Egyptian husband The US president’s worry was predicted by the saying that she went missing following a dispute. The large number of innocents, the arrests of some The truth of this matter and many other matters woman was returned to her home by Farwaniya police. members of various terrorist cells, the talk about that we spoke about earlier shows without a shad- Gulf countries, even before the meeting of Gulf leaders in Camp David and still continues. This removing subsidies from ow of a doubt that our legitimate worry threatens the security and stabil- basic items and the Gulf national assembly does Stolen ity of the Gulf and the Arab region as a whole. In Cup tournament, which not play its supervisory addition to that, the Iranian expenditure on its An Indian man told Salmiya police someone stole his we do not know whether We hope an official role, so as we have reached military program reached $15 billion, while the car’s bumper while parked in front of his house. The we will organize or not. spokesman from the gov- this stage, I as a citizen ask: Gulf expenditure registered $100 million, based man said the bumper was completely missing. Then there are rumors and Do we have an official on the latest statements by the US Foreign Detectives are looking for the culprit as the prosecutor Secretary! considered it a felony. reports that spoke about ernment comes out to spokesman? Does he the possibility of transfer- speak Arabic? And what The difficult question: “How can the Gulf coun- tries, including Iraq, feel secure and stable, ring the ‘baker’ of 13 deny or confirm these are his financial towards the ambiguity of Iran’s policy and predic- to block 12 in Rumaithiya. allowances? Beaten news and rumors tions that do not tell of a friendly Iranian policy?” As citizens, we hope an With rumors, lies and The GCC in particular, faces a great challenge, “The smell got on our nerves,” is how a citizen official spokesman from quackery, the citizen, if he since calls to proceed with the developments may explained why he beat his Egyptian neighbor. The the government comes out to deny or confirm does not find a government that tells him the not be in the interest of the security of GCC coun- citizen said he was fed up with the cooking smell tries and sets a scenario for all possibilities, and that sweeps into his flat every day. The Egyptian these news and rumors. truth, then logic has it that he will get the news because the region can’t bear any surprises, and man filed a complaint against him and gave police a Information confirms that the government has from other sources, then deal with it if you can. maybe, military interventions by Tehran, especial- medical report stating his bruises and grazes on his an official spokesman, but he is not showing him- Was the message delivered? I hope so. ly that it has announced that clearly and frankly body. Police are investigating. —Al-Rai self, for reasons only Allah knows. He has the right —Translated by Kuwait Times many times! —Translated by Kuwait Times

ABK expands Liberation Tower branch

KUWAIT: Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) announced the branch is located on the Liberation Tower’s ground floor expansion of its branch in Kuwait’s iconic Liberation Tower. and will help speed up ABK customer transaction time and The branch has been developed to accommodate a larger reduce customer waiting times. For more information on Al number of staff as part of the Bank’s long- term commit- Ahli Bank of Kuwait please visit, contact an ment to further enhancing its customer service and to pro- ABK representative via ‘Ahli Chat’ or a customer service vide convenient, easy and friendly banking services. The agent via ‘AhlanAhli’ at 1899899. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 Marine admits choking Ban marks deadly Boko Haram attack on UN in Nigeria transgender Filipino

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BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, and French President Francois Hollande brief the media about the European migrant’s crisis prior to a meeting at the chancellery in Berlin, yesterday. —AP Merkel, Hollande urge response to migrant crisis

Austria FM calls for urgent strategy to deal with humanitarian disaster

BERLIN: The leaders of Germany and France met in Berlin EU border agency Frontex said last week that a record France and Germany are both urging Brussels to com- migrants-which will dissuade further new arrivals-will not yesterday to seek a unified stance on efforts to tackle the 107,000 migrants were at the bloc’s borders last month, pile a list of countries whose nationals would not be con- happen,” the French source added. biggest migrant crisis since World War II, as hundreds more with 20,800 arriving in Greece last week alone. With many sidered asylum-seekers except in exceptional personal cir- Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni has warned that people poured into Serbia in a desperate bid for a better seeking to cross into Macedonia from Greece, Skopje cumstances. the deepening crisis could pose a major threat to the “soul” life. closed the border for three days and police used stun of Europe. At least 2,000 more migrants entered Serbia overnight grenades and batons to stop hundreds of refugees trying ‘Threat to Europe’s soul’ “On immigration, Europe is in danger of displaying the from Macedonia, which has declared a state of emergency to break through barbed wire fencing, before apparently Merkel is also travelling Thursday to Vienna, where she worst of itself: over the massive numbers pressing into the country from deciding to let everyone enter. will meet with leaders of Balkan states including Albania selfishness, haphazard decision-making and rows the Greek border. Austria’s foreign minister Sebastian Kurz, who had trav- and Kosovo to find out why “so many thousands of people between member states,” Gentiloni told Il Messaggero. They are trying to reach Hungary, a member of the EU’s elled to the Macedonia-Greece border, called for an urgent are coming from these countries”, according to Seibert. Beyond the migrant crisis, Merkel and Hollande will lat- open-border Schengen agreement, which has already reg- new strategy to deal with the crisis. France’s and Germany’s leaders will try to help fast-track er tackle another issue pressing at the EU’s eastern flank- istered over 100,000 asylum seekers this year and plans to the setting up of reception centres in overwhelmed the Ukraine conflict. finish its anti-migrant fence on the Serbian border by the ‘A humanitarian disaster’ Greece and Italy-two countries that have borne the brunt The talks with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko end of August. “It’s a humanitarian disaster, a disaster for the European of the crisis-to help identify asylum-seekers and illegal come amid a resurgence of violence in the former Soviet Hours ahead of the talks with French President Francois Union as a whole, and there is a pressing need for us to migrants. state. Hours ahead of the talks, Poroshenko accused Russia Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned focus on the situation in the western Balkans,” said Kurz. “As long as these reception centres are not there and of sending three military convoys over the border into the “vile” violent protests against refugees, as anti-migrant sen- In Rome, Italian officials said the coastguard had res- there is no internal solidarity within the EU, the return of separatist-controlled east. — AFP timent reared its head over the weekend in the eastern city cued 4,400 migrants from 22 boats in the Mediterranean of Heidenau. on Saturday alone in what was understood to be the high- “The chancellor and the entire government condemn est daily figure in years. the violent rampages and the aggressively xenophobic “There has to be a new impetus so that what has been atmosphere in the strongest terms,” Merkel’s spokesman decided is implemented,” a source in the French presiden- Steffen Seibert told reporters after the clashes between cy said, referring to EU decisions taken in June to tackle the police and far-right thugs protesting the opening of a new crisis. centre for refugees. “The situation is not resolving itself,” the source said, “It is vile how right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis try to adding that the decisions made by the EU “are not suffi- spread their hollow, hateful messages. Those who act like cient, not quick enough and not up to the task”. the aggressors of Heidenau place themselves far outside With asylum-seekers coming not just from war zones the law,” he said. such as Syria but also from countries without military con- Germany, which expects to take in 800,000 asylum flict in southeastern Europe, including Albania, Serbia and seekers in 2015, has been struggling like the rest of Europe Kosovo, calls are mounting for a more unified approach in to find a response to the unprecedented numbers arriving. dealing with the influx. Venezuela deports 800 Colombians in border row

CARACAS: Venezuelan security forces have deported hun- 1,500 extra troops to the border to search house by house for dreds of Colombians as part of a security offensive along the smugglers who thrive on purchasing goods in Venezuela at border that is ratcheting up tensions between the two neigh- dirt-cheap prices and reselling them across the border for bors. huge profits. Gov. Jose Gregorio Vielma Mora of Tachira state said The number deported in recent days is equal to almost Sunday that 791 Colombians living in Venezuela illegally had half the 1,772 expelled last year from Venezuela, according to been handed over to Colombian authorities as a result of a Colombian government statistics, and has overwhelmed an now five-day crackdown against smugglers and criminal assistance center in the border city of Cucuta designed to gangs operating along the 1,400 mile (2,200 kilometer) bor- receiver returning nationals. der. President Nicolas Maduro last week closed a major cross- Colombian Interior Minister Juan Fernando Cristo trav- ing between the two countries and declared a state of emer- eled to Cucuta over the weekend to oversee humanitarian gency in several western cities after three army officers were efforts. He said authorities are trying to reunite 37 minors shot and wounded by gunmen he said belonged to paramili- who were separated from their families during the dragnet. tary gangs operating from Colombia. While the assailants Vielma Mora denied reports of abuses, which the AP was have yet to be caught or identified, the incident touched a unable to verify, saying that not a single family had been nerve with supporters of Maduro’s socialist administration, broken up and all those deported were treated with who increasingly have placed blame for rampant crime and respect. Former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, a fierce widespread shortages on Colombians, believed to number 5 critic of Maduro, said on Twitter that he plans to travel to million in Venezuela. Cucuta to express “solidarity with those mistreated by the As part of the state of emergency, Maduro deployed some dictator.” — AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen ramp up as allies push north

SANAA: The Saudi-led coalition including hundreds of Saudi- against an array of forces including medical officials and witnesses said. state security official said. “Getting fighting Shiite rebels in Yemen trained troops, ambulances and southern separatists, local and trib- In Aden, al-Qaida militants and oth- equipment (from coalition coun- doubled its near-daily airstrikes armored personnel carriers al militias, Sunni Islamic militants er Islamic extremists continue to tries) is easy. Getting men to oper- yesterday in the central province of manned by Saudi and Emirati sol- as well as troops loyal to President patrol the streets. Hundreds of al- ate them is hard.” He said Hadi’s Marib and the adjacent border area diers, pro-government officials Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Pro- Qaida militants hold some key areas government, in response, sent of Jawf, in order to allow allies on said. government forces recently pushed in the port city, exploiting a vacu- youths to receive police training in the ground to push north toward The forces aim to take Saada, the the Houthis out of several key um left by pro-government forces Saudi Arabia and the United Arab insurgent strongholds, authorities main northern stronghold of the southern areas. pushing north, a high-ranking pro- Emirates. said. There was no immediate word Houthi rebels, they added. Yemen’s Meanwhile, in Yemen’s third- Hadi security official and two other All officials requested anonymity on casualties. conflict pits the Iran-allied Houthis largest city, Taiz, shelling by Houthi high-ranking pro-Hadi police offi- because they are not authorized to Marib’s pro-government forces and troops loyal to former and pro-Saleh forces killed 14 civil- cers, all in Aden, said. brief reporters, while witnesses also received major reinforcements, President Ali Abdullah Saleh ians, independent security and “We have a shortage of men,” the feared reprisals. —AP

Top Shiite cleric plays major role in Iraq reform drive

BAGHDAD: As Iraq attempts to curb rampant “minor steps” he had announced fell short. corruption and streamline the government, the Two days later, Abadi announced his reform country’s top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al- plan aimed at increasing anti-corruption over- Sistani, is playing a crucial role supporting the sight, cutting government posts and reducing reform drive. costly privileges enjoyed by top officials, among Sistani, who is revered by millions and has other measures. Parliament signed off on the pre- unmatched prestige in Iraq, issued multiple calls mier’s proposals as well as additional reforms, and for change this month, kickstarting Prime Minister Abadi has begun issuing orders for changes, Haider al-Abadi’s reform efforts and making it including cutting 11 cabinet posts and slashing politically risky for Shiite politicians to openly the number of guards for officials. oppose them. Sistani said judicial reforms were needed, and But even with Sistani’s backing and popular Abadi responded by calling on the judiciary to pressure from weeks of protests against corrup- introduce measures ensuring its independence tion and poor services, the fact that parties across and allowing it to fight corruption. the political spectrum benefit from graft is a major The reclusive Sistani only rarely intervenes in obstacle to the nascent reform. politics, instead focusing on religious matters and “Sistani’s calls for reform give Abadi the politi- providing guidance to followers. cal space necessary to begin the process of change,” said Hayder al-Khoei, an associate fellow Danger of ‘partition’ at the Chatham House think-tank. He did however help to sink former prime “Some reform measures may certainly have minister Nuri al-Maliki’s bid for a third term last been possible without the calls from Sistani, but year and his call to arms against the Islamic State the PM wouldn’t have had as much power or free- (IS) jihadist group drew tens of thousands of vol- dom to push them without this critical support,” unteers. “The popular protests were a serious said Khoei. “Many Iraqis ran out of patience and wake-up call to the government, but Sistani gave protested against the poor conditions in the Abadi the necessary political cover to do some- country and requested they be improved,” Sistani thing about it,” said Khoei. Ihsan al-Shammari, a BEIRUT: A woman covers her nose as she passes by waste management workers as they collect a pile of garbage near the government building told AFP in a written reply from his office to ques- political science professor at Baghdad University, a day after a violent protests against the ongoing trash crisis, in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, yesterday. Organizers of the “You stink” protests tions on his decision to intervene. said that for Shiite politicians, publicly opposing that have captivated the Lebanese capital postponed demonstrations set for yesterday evening after a night of violent clashes with police dur- The Marjaiya, or supreme Shiite religious Sistani would be “political suicide.” ing which dozens of protesters and police officers were wounded. -— AP authority, “found that the time was favourable for But that does not mean they will not oppose a strong push,” said Sistani. reforms behind the scenes. “Sistani’s support is crucial in limiting Abadi’s opponents’ room for Lebanese press demands as trash Sistani’s calls for change manoeuvre but it does not neutralise the threat,” “The Marjaiya hoped that the political class said Fanar Haddad, a research fellow at the Middle that came to power through the ballot box would East Institute of the National University of administer the country correctly and that major Singapore. “The biggest obstacles to major crisis exposes frustrations problems requiring the intervention of the change will come from the political parties them- Marjaiya... would not happen,” he said. selves-including the prime minister’s own Dawa “Unfortunately, things happened differently.” Party-who have benefited the most from the sys- ‘You Stink’ campaign postponed Corruption is widespread in Iraq, from low-level tematic corruption that has plagued the country,” officials to those in senior posts, and services are Khoei said. BEIRUT: Activists in Lebanon vowed yesterday to press issue, broad-based protests are less frequent. address the public’s concerns. “If the cabinet meeting abysmal, especially electricity, with Iraqis receiv- Sistani warned that if “true reform is not ahead with protests over a trash crisis that have become on Thursday is not productive there is no need for fur- ing only a few hours of government-provided realised” in Iraq, the situation in the country will an outlet for deep-rooted, broad-based frustration over ‘Heading towards collapse’ ther sessions,” he said. “We’re heading towards collapse if power per day. likely worsen and it could be “dragged to... parti- political stagnation, corruption, and crumbling infra- The protests erupted over the government’s failure things continue as they are.” Amid a major heatwave that has seen temper- tion and the like, God forbid.” structure. Over the weekend, large crowds massed in to find a replacement after the country’s largest landfill atures top 50 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Corruption had already cost Iraq dearly in central Beirut for demonstrations that demanded not closed on July 17, leaving trash piling up in Beirut and its Fear of ‘chaos’ Fahrenheit), thousands of people have turned out the conflict with IS, which overran around a only an end to the rubbish problem, but also a political surroundings. Lebanon is no stranger to political instability-it has for demonstrations in Baghdad and cities in the third of the country last year, he said. Without overhaul, even the government’s resignation. Meanwhile, the lucrative contract for Beirut’s trash been without a president for more than a year and Shiite south to vent their anger and pressure the rampant corruption, especially in the security Yesterday, security forces erected concrete blast collection also expired and went unrenewed, with many Salam’s cabinet has been unable to take decisions for authorities to make changes. forces, and misuse of power by top officials, the walls at the site of the protests. The organisers of the accusing politicians of jockeying to profit from the con- months because of political gridlock. The country’s par- Their demands were given a boost when IS “terrorist organisation would not have been “You Stink” campaign said they were postponing a tract. But the several thousand protesters who gathered liament has extended its mandate twice since the last Sistani called on August 7 for Abadi to take “dras- able to control a large part of the territory of demonstration planned for today evening after violence at the weekend also said they were angry about election in 2009. tic measures” against corruption, saying the Iraq,” Sistani said. — AFP erupted on Sunday night, but vowed that the campaign decades of electricity and water outages, unemploy- The conflict in neighbouring Syria has brought insta- would continue. “We need to reassess and organise our ment, political stagnation and corruption. bility and more than one million refugees, straining demands,” they said in a statement that also announced “It’s an alarm bell for all the political leadership,” already overwhelmed infrastructure. In that context, a news conference later on Monday. Analysts said the Yahya said. The protests began on Saturday in Beirut’s calls for the government’s resignation have divided protests were now about much more than the crisis that central Riad al-Solh Square, and were initially peaceful. even some protesters, who fear a political collapse and left trash piling up in Beirut and beyond. But violence broke out at night, with mostly young, void. “I’m not at all attached to this rotten regime, but if “People are on the streets because they feel that at male protesters lobbing water bottles, rocks and fire- you bring it down, what would you have instead? A every level there is no one there for them,” said Maha works at security forces, who responded with tear gas chaos that could destroy the country,” said Fadia Kiwan, Yahya, a senior associate at the Carnegie Middle East and water cannons. a political science professor at Lebanon Universite Saint Centre think-tank. “Basic conditions have deteriorated in The pattern was repeated on Sunday night, with an Joseph. She said the demonstrators would be better off this country, in the past year in particular. Electricity, initially peaceful protest descending into violence after demanding a proper solution to the trash crisis. water, jobs, education, health, all of these, people are dark. Organisers blamed unaffiliated “troublemakers” “Within these limits, these young people could... put very concerned about,” she said. The weekend demon- and condemned attacks on police. On Sunday, Prime new pressure on the government and the political class.” strations were a rare example of non-partisan action on Minister Tammam Salam condemned violence against Yahya too said the collapse of the government could a social issue in Lebanon. protesters and acknowledged their frustrations. “open the door to a lot more chaos”. She said political While the country’s many politicians can reliably turn He warned that his 18-month-old government leaders needed to put public interests above their own out large numbers of supporters on a given political would become irrelevant if it failed to take action to “for once.” “I don’t know if they’re able to do that.” — AFP Tunisia’s young democracy stumbles under terror threat NAJAF: Mourners and militiamen carry the flag-draped coffins of six members of the Peace Brigades, a Shiite militia group loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, during TUNIS: The seven men spent a week in strated in the streets for Ben Ali’s down- ists. “If, under the new state of emer- Islamist Ennahda Party began passing their funeral procession in Najaf, 100 miles (160 kilometers) south of Baghdad, Iraq. a Tunisian prison on terrorism charges, fall, and went on to help form I-Watch, gency, you can’t even protest in front of laws to hold corrupt businessmen The militiamen were killed in Ramadi during fighting with Islamic State militants on suffering what they claim was torture an organization monitoring elections the assembly, you have all the ingredi- accountable, and set up a Truth and Saturday, their families said. — AP under custody, before a judge released and promoting democracy in Tunisia. ents to pass any dictatorship-like laws,” Dignity Commission to examine the them for lack of evidence. But as they Together with several other civic he said, maintaining that the police crimes of the dictatorship. stepped out of the courthouse in early groups, Awadi is sounding the alarm remain unreformed even four years In the aftermath of the revolution, August, plainclothes policemen over new laws passed by the parliament after the revolution. Under Ben Ali, however, the economy suffered, strikes Iran president says nuclear swooped in and spirited them away. that he says will overturn the gains of Tunisia was a police state in which the and demonstrations proliferated and a After their lawyers protested, Justice the past few years, and re-empower the feared Interior Ministry harshly radical Islamist movement arose that deal fosters better ties Minister Salah Benaissa told local radio hated police. These include laws to repressed dissent; the corrupt economy assassinated politicians and attacked that arresting suspects without a war- rehabilitate old regime businessmen was run by close friends and family of tourist sites. People demanded a TEHRAN: Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani was an evolving process. rant was now permissible because of accused of corruption, weaken the tran- the dictator. stronger state. The Interior Ministry has said yesterday that world powers will eventu- “We have come a long way but let’s walk the new war on terror: “There is an sitional justice process and protect After the revolution, the newly elect- since embarked on a whirlwind cam- ally look back at last month’s nuclear deal as first and try to run later,” Hammond told agreement between the ministry and security forces from attacks by journal- ed government led by the moderate paign of arrests, detaining hundreds a wise precursor to better relations with the reporters at Iran’s foreign ministry. Rouhani the security forces,” he said, “that allows and hundreds on terrorism charges - Islamic republic. echoed that sentiment, alluding Monday to them to act against terrorism without often on weak evidence. On Aug. 5, the His remarks came in a meeting with Britain’s historical role in Iran-along with the previous authorization.” man who had been arrested with great Britain’s Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, United States it led a coup that toppled Tunisia, the cradle of the Arab fanfare as the “mastermind” behind the who is on the second and final day of a trip to Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in Spring, was its only country to emerge Bardo National Museum attack several Tehran. British and Iranian embassies 1953. with a democracy marked by increased months earlier was released - apparent- reopened in Tehran and London on Sunday, “Although a nation’s historical judge- freedoms and regular elections. But a ly because he was not involved. the latest step in ending a diplomatic chill ments cannot be changed quickly in a short pair of devastating terrorist attacks that Critics maintain that the sweeps stemming from the nuclear crisis and period of time, we believe that one should killed nearly 60 foreign tourists has trig- only further alienate disenfranchised Western-led sanctions against Iran. not remain in the past. We should look to the gered a state of emergency, and police youth and say new strategies of per- The nuclear deal-which will see those future,” Rouhani said. have been arresting hundreds in suasion are needed to deal with terror- sanctions lifted in exchange a new inspec- “By moving forward on different political, sweeps. It is prompting many activists ism. “The attacks have had a psycho- tions regime and curbs on Iran’s atomic pro- economic and regional issues we can guar- to fear a return to the days of repression logical effect on the police and has giv- gramme-is due to be implemented in the antee long-term trust.” Hammond, who is under late dictator Zine El Abidine Ben en them a sense of impunity,” said next few months. “The negotiating parties accompanied by a small trade delegation, is Ali. Tunisia’s fledgling democracy has Michael Ayyari of the International will realise in the future that interaction the first British foreign secretary to visit Iran been cited as the hope for a region in Crisis Group, which just published a rather than confrontation with Iran was the since Jack Straw in 2003. which the democratic promises of the report about the need for reform in the right approach,” the official IRNA news European officials have been swift in Arab Spring have largely collapsed into Interior Ministry. “They now have more agency quoted Rouhani as saying. heading to Iran since July 14, when the chaos - as in Libya - or brought in harsh- freedom of movement and action.” In “We consider this agreement as the start nuclear accord with Britain, China, France, er new regimes as in Egypt. But Tunisia’s the fall, Tunisians elected a new party of a move toward creating a better situation Germany, Russia and the United States was freedoms may be buckling as the coun- to power, Nida Tunis (Tunisia’s Call), in international and regional relations.” announced in Vienna. try clamps down to deal with terror TUNIS: In this March 20, 2015 file photo, a man places a Tunisian flag which evokes the glories of the Hammond said Sunday that recent strife Iran’s leaders have always denied inter- attacks threatening an economy already onto a police car as a policeman stands guard during a demonstration Tunisia’s first post-independence between Britain and Iran-a hardline mob national allegations that they sought to teetering on the edge of insolvency. two days after gunmen attacked the museum and killed scores of peo- leader, Habib Bourguiba, who laid the trashed his country’s Tehran embassy in 2011 develop a nuclear weapon, insisting their “I have never felt so worried as these ple in Tunis, Tunisia. Seven men spent a week in prison on terrorism foundations for the state under his after banking sanctions were announced, activities are for peaceful energy and med- days,” said Achraf Awadi, who demon- charges, suffering what they claim was torture under custody, before a paternalistic, authoritarian rule. — AP forcing its closure-were being repaired but it ical purposes. — AFP judge released them for lack of evidence. — AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Son arrested after Oklahoma official fatally stabbed

OKLAHOMA CITY: Oklahoma’s labor commissioner Police said an altercation started inside the building ried with five children. percent of the vote during a Republican sweep of died after he was stabbed multiple times at an and spilled into the parking lot, where bystanders “I’m just numb right now, as many of us are,” statewide offices in 2010. He easily won re-election Oklahoma City restaurant, and his adult son has helped subdue the attacker until officers arrived. Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy in 2014. been arrested on a first-degree murder complaint in Costello’s 26-year-old son, Christian Costello, was Brogdon said. “He was a great Christian, a good man A strong proponent of smaller government, the slaying, police said. taken into custody in the parking lot and arrested on and a wonderful husband and dad. He is going to be Costello closed the agency’s Tulsa office, which he Officers were called around 6:30 pm Sunday to a a first-degree murder complaint, Balderrama said. sorely missed.” said was underused, and that the agency’s technolo- Braum’s ice cream and fast-food restaurant on the He remained in police custody late Sunday night. Republican US Sen. James Lankford also lauded gy upgrades had allowed much of its professional city’s northwest side after a stabbing was reported, Balderrama said he did not know whether the Costello, saying in a statement he was “passionate licensing services to be conducted online. Oklahoma City Police Department Capt. Paco younger Costello had an attorney who could com- about our nation, conservative fiscal principles, and “You can reform government,” Costello said dur- Balderrama said. Police found Labor Commissioner ment on the allegations. the people of our state.” “Mark was a friend, and as ing last year’s campaign. “It can be done when there Mark Costello stabbed multiple times in the head Condolences poured in from state officials. “Our we grieve, we will also pray for his family as they is political will. I have that political will,” he said. and neck, Balderrama said. Costello, 59, was taken to hearts ache as an agency for this tragic event and deal with this unbelievable tragedy,” Lankford said. Costello also faced criticism for comments he made a hospital, where he died. our department grieves for his family during this A successful businessman from Bartlesville who in 2011 in which he compared state bureaucrats to State Medical Examiner’s Office spokeswoman very difficult time,” Labor Department Chief of Staff founded a telephone software company in 1984, “feral hogs,” a comment he later said was “an unfor- Amy Elliott said an autopsy would be performed. Jim Marshall said in a statement. Costello was mar- Costello ousted the incumbent Democrat with 64 tunate animal analogy.” — AP Ban marks Boko Haram attack on UN in Nigeria

UN chief congratulates Buhari on staging fair elections

ABUJA: UN chief Ban Ki-moon yesterday hailed Nigeria’s “greater stability and peace” under its new leader as he commemorated a deadly attack on the global body by Boko Haram mili- tants. The secretary-general hugged relatives of the victims of the 2011 bombing as he laid a wreath at United Nations House in the capital Abuja and praised “the extraordinary fortitude and determination” of the survivors. “Our fallen colleagues and partners will be remembered this morning with a moment of silence in many places,” he said. “But nowhere are the memories of these col- leagues more immediate, more vivid and more compelling than here in Abuja. We will remem- ber them forever as truly the best of humanity.” Twenty-four people died when a bomb-laden car exploded at UN House, the headquarters for around 400 employees, on August 26, 2011. Radical Islamist sect Boko Haram, blamed for the deaths of at least 15,000 people during a six- year-insurgency, mainly in the country’s north- east, claimed responsibility for the attack. “The terrorists attacked the United Nations PARIS: US Air Force handout photo shows, Anthony Sadler greeting his family, and destroyed the lives of many colleagues. But including his father, Anthony Sadler Sr., during a reception after French President we have a mandate to build. To better the lives Francois Hollande awarded them with France’s top Legion d’Honneur medal at the at of people in need,” Ban said. ABUJA: United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon (R) shakes hands with Nigeria’s the Elysee Palace in Paris. — AFP Ban met President Muhammadu Buhari after President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja, yesterday, during a two-day visit. UN chief Ban Ki- the ceremony, congratulating Nigeria on staging moon laid a wreath in conflict-hit Nigeria’s capital to commemorate the fourth anniversary of free and fair elections and saying he recognised the car bombing by Boko Haram militants at United Nations House, the headquarters for the country’s “greater stability and peace” under around 400 UN employees. — AFP Five heroes who foiled its new leader. Haram fighters had ambushed a convoy carrying number of victories against the jihadists. An Nigeria’s army chief-of-staff Lieutenant General 8,700-strong Multi-National Joint Task Force, French train attack Solidarity Tukur Buratai. The officer was unharmed but one drawing in Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon and “For the first time in Nigeria’s history, a sitting soldier and 10 militants died in the ensuing fire- Benin, is expected to go into action soon. Buhari PARIS: Three American friends on a “I really feel like they had a divine inter- president peacefully ceded power to an opposi- fight, in Faljari village, east of Borno State capital has vowed to destroy Boko Haram, and replaced European vacation and a British business- vention and they were saved because the tion candidate in a democratic election,” he told Maiduguri, according to army spokesman Sani his military leaders earlier in August, ordering his man who overpowered a heavily-armed gun was at [Stone’s] head and [the terror a news conference after the meeting. “The elec- Usman. new chiefs-of-staff to end the jihadist bloodshed man in a crowded, high-speed train to Paris suspect] tried to shoot twice,” Eskel told tion sent a strong global message of respect for Boko Haram has stepped up its attacks in within three months. The military under his were awarded France’s highest honour yes- Sacramento’s ABC news station affiliate. democracy and the rule of law.” Borno and two neighbouring states in its north- predecessor Goodluck Jonathan was heavily crit- terday. Hailed as “heroes”, the foursome Skarlatos is also originally from Carmichael. Ban said he and Buhari had discussed devel- eastern heartland since Buhari came to power icised for poor handling of the insurgency and were handed the prestigious Legion opment, human rights and peace and security, on May 29. The Islamists have also carried out its failure to free more than 200 schoolgirls d’Honneur by French President Francois Anthony Sadler including “the troubling levels of violence and deadly ambushes across Nigeria’s borders and in abducted from the northeastern town of Chibok Hollande, who told them the whole world The third American was 23-year-old terror perpetrated by Boko Haram in northeast- recent weeks suicide bombers, many of them in April last year. The “Bring Back Our Girls” cam- “admires their courage and cool compo- Anthony Sadler, a student at Sacramento ern Nigeria and beyond”.”I express my strong sol- women, have staged several attacks in Nigeria, paign marks 500 days on Thursday since the girls sure.” State University. idarity with the Nigerian people and govern- Cameroon and Chad. were captured. Another Frenchman was due to be hon- He and a British business consultant, ment and with affected families and victims,” he “I want to reiterate my support for the Chibok oured too as he was the first who came in Chris Norman, helped subdue the man and told reporters. Fresh wave of violence girls, and so many other innocent abducted girls contact with gunman Ayoub El Khazzani keep him held down, after he was tackled. “I express my solidarity again with the and boys, whose names and fate remain and tried to stop him. But he has asked to “He leaves here a young man on an Nigerian people-and that the United Nations will The fresh wave of violence has claimed more unknown,” Ban said. remain anonymous. excursion and he comes back France’s work together in countering extremism and ter- than 1,000 lives over the last three months, deal- “It is intolerable that their lives and schooling Here are the five and the role they national hero. I’m still wrapping my head rorism.” Ban arrived in Abuja on Sunday, just ing a setback to a four-country offensive has been disrupted in this way. The whole world played in foiling what could potentially around that,” his father, Anthony Sadler Sr, hours after the military revealed suspected Boko launched in February that had chalked up a has been moved by their fate.” — AFP have been a bloodbath: said in an interview with NBC television. For Sadler, “hiding or sitting back” was nev- Spencer Stone er going to accomplish anything. “The Spencer Stone, a US Air Force member, gunman would have been successful if my Fire at Venezuela Less smoke could mean more was the first to reach the gunman before friend Spencer had not gotten up,” he told being slashed in the neck and hand with a reporters in Paris. nursing home kills 8 fire in Washington state box-cutter. He had just woken up from a “I want that lesson to be learned. In “deep sleep” when he turned around and times of terror like that to please do some- CARACAS: A major fire ripped through a private nurs- OKANOGAN: The massive cloud of smoke The complex of fires was estimated to be saw the alleged attacker, who was holding thing. Don’t just stand by and watch.” ing home in Venezuela’s capital Caracas on Sunday began to lift over the wildfires in Washington about 10 percent contained as of Sunday an AK-47, and he ran towards him, his killing eight elderly people, authorities said, calling it state on Sunday. But as air quality improves, morning, according to fire spokesman Dan friend Alek in close pursuit. Chris Norman “a miracle” there were not more victims. Firefighters the fire’s behavior could become more errat- Omdal. “We tackled him and he hit the ground, “I don’t feel like a hero,” said Norman, 62, were able to rescue more than 30 others and the local ic and intense, fire officials said. Meanwhile, local officials have downgrad- and Alek grabbed the gun while I put him who was the fourth man involved in mayor praised neighbors who raced to the Chivacoa “It’s like a flue opening in a fireplace,” ed some evacuation notices, allowing some in a choke hold. He kept pulling more restraining the gunman. Seniors’ Center as it was engulfed in flames and thick explained Suzanne Flory, spokeswoman for people to return to their homes. Thousands weapons left and right. “He pulled out a Norman is a Uganda-born British smoke. the U.S. Forest Service and the Rocky remain under evacuation notices. hand gun and a box cutter and started jab- national who grew up in the south of “Unfortunately there are eight victims, three were Mountain Incident Management Team. Three firefighters injured Wednesday in a bing at me with that.” France and had spent four years living in burned to death and five suffocated,” Ramon “Smoke serves as a cap on the fire.” fire near Twisp, Washington, are recuperating The 23-year-old was described by the England, where he has family. Norman is Muchacho, mayor of the upscale Chacao district of The Okanogan Complex of wildfires was at home after being released from the hospi- others as strong and quick, and with the married with two children, one of whom is Caracas, told reporters at the scene. measured at 374 square miles (969 square tal, according to the Washington presence of mind to help stanch the bleed- in the French navy, and two grandchildren. At least 10 elderly people were treated for smoke kilometers) Sunday morning, after growing Department of Natural Resources. A fourth ing from the seriously wounded passenger, The Daily Telegraph newspaper said he inhalation but were not thought to be seriously ill. more than 100 square miles (260 square kilo- injured firefighter remains in critical condi- even while hurt himself. has lived in France for the past two “It is miraculous that more than 30 elderly people meters) larger Saturday in what fire officials tion at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, “I saw he was squirting blood out of his decades and is based in the southern city have been evacuated and rescued,” added the mayor, said was a relatively calm fire day. a hospital spokeswoman said Sunday. Three neck and I was going to use my shirt, but of Nimes. He said he helps African entre- saying that a short circuit appeared to have sparked Sunday was expected to be a different other firefighters were killed in the fire. On that wouldn’t have worked. preneurs find financing in Europe and was the blaze. story. Once the smoke lifts, humidity drops, Sunday evening, the state Department of “I stuck two of my fingers in the hole in the Netherlands looking for export cred- Fanny Araujo, 68, told AFP that the fire broke out heat rises and fires flare up. Flory said they Health said that should nearby wildfires and found what I thought to be the artery its for one of his clients. Of his actions on when she and other residents of the nursing home would not know until Sunday night or early reach the site of a now-defunct uranium and pushed down and the bleeding the train, he said: “It was very rapid reason- were getting ready for bed. Anguished relatives gath- Monday how much the fire had grown on mine in Stevens County in eastern stopped, and I held that until the para- ing. “My thought was, OK, I’m probably ered at the home, eager to find out the fate of loved Sunday, but as of late afternoon, fire activity Washington, the smoke won’t be any more medics got there. going to die anyway, so let’s go. I’d rather ones. Muchacho said police and firefighters were had been relatively quiet. Visibility and air toxic than the standard smoke from a wild- An airman first class, he is stationed at die being active, trying to get him down, investigating, but accused the nursing home of not quality improved Sunday. fire. — AP Lajes Air Base in the Azores. rather than simply sit in the corner and be providing enough staff and said some fire extinguish- Stone is originally from the Sacramento shot. ers were not working. — AFP suburb of Carmichael in California. “Once you start moving, you’re not afraid any more.” Speaking at the Elysee Alek Skarlatos presidential palace on Monday, his brand Sisi and Putin meet to Skarlatos, a member of the Oregon new medal clipped onto his suit, Norman National Guard, had recently completed a said it was “a little bit difficult to believe address crucial issues deployment to Afghanistan and was treat- that it’s actually happened.” ing himself to a monthlong European vaca- “I think that one way or another, we are MOSCOW: Scheduled talks to be held by Egyptian President tion with his friends, US media reported. going to be facing this kind of problem Abdelfattah Al-Sisi with Russian leaders here today are His father Emmanuel Skarlatos told quite a few times in the future, and I would viewed as crucial at the political and economic levels. KATU News he was inspired by his 22-year- invite you all to think about ‘what would I Abbas’ mission in Moscow will be a “qualitative turning old son’s actions. do in that situation’. point in the bilateral relations and a boost to the strategic “He said he and his friend took down a “Act if the opportunity presents itself. partnership bonding Moscow with the Egyptian leadership,” terrorist on a train heading to Paris. Just like Obviously you don’t want to throw your- opines Alexander Filonek, a Russian researcher and oriental- that, like it was no big deal,” said the elder self in a situation that is completely hope- ist, in remarks to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA). Economic Skarlatos, 65. “I said, ‘What?’” less, but act if you can.” and business issues are expected to dominate his talks with Skarlatos said “let’s go” when he spotted President Vladimir Putin, he said, noting that the two nations the gunman, and he was right behind Unidentified Frenchman enjoy abundant potentials that qualify them to launch mega Stone as he charged the attacker. A Frenchman who wishes to remain and feasible ventures for their common benefits. “All three of us started punching him anonymous was the first person to discov- Middle East and North African affairs are forecast to loom while he was in the middle of us and I was er the attacker in the train restroom-with a high in the summit talks, he said, noting in this respect able to grab him again and choke him Kalashnikov slung over his shoulder, efforts that have been exerted by Cairo and Moscow to find unconscious while Alek was hitting him in according to French Interior Minister a settlement for the protracted Syrian crisis. Both Cairo and the head with the pistol or rifle,” Stone said. Bernard Cazeneuve. He “courageously tried Moscow have voiced deep concern at dramatic develop- ments in Iraq and Libya, as well, he said, and they have CARACAS: Two elderly women wait in a secure area after a fire at an old people’s home Stone’s mother, Joyce Eskel, said she to tackle him before the attacker fired sev- in Caracas on Sunday. A major fire ripped through an old people’s home in Venezuela’s believed that Skarlatos saved her son’s life. eral shots,” he added. — AFP demonstrated desire to work together to resolve the crises there too. — KUNA capital Caracas on August 23rd killing at least eight, authorities said. — AFP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

German govt condemns neo-Nazi riots outside refugee shelter

BERLIN: Germany’s government yes- ernment condemn in the strongest peaceful march outside the repur- presence from 140 to 250 officers, wing extremism. terday denounced the far-right possible terms the violent attacks and posed hardware store in Heidenau, Geithner said. The interior minister for Attacks against asylum seekers in protests outside a refugee shelter in the aggressive anti-foreigner senti- south of Dresden, on Friday evening. the state of Saxony, where Heidenau Germany have increased sharply which dozens of police were injured ment created there,” Merkel’s But hours later some of the protesters is located, said authorities have now over the past year as the country by a neo-Nazi mob hurling bottles spokesman Steffen Seibert told began attacking police who seemed put in place special equipment allow- faces a growing stream of people and fireworks at officers trying to reporters. “It’s repulsive how far-right unprepared for the violence. ing them to check the identities of seeking refuge from war and perse- ensure asylum seekers could move in. extremists and neo-Nazis are trying to Dresden police spokesman Thomas anyone around the site. cution. Officials say there were some Chancellor Angela Merkel had spread their hollow message of Geithner told The Associated Press Merkel’s deputy visited Heidenau 202 such attacks in the first six been criticized by commentators in hatred around a refugee shelter and that 35 officers were injured trying to on Monday to meet with refugees, months of 2015, as many as during Germany over the weekend for failing it’s shameful how citizens, even fami- protect the site from neo-Nazi rioters. town residents and local officials. Vice the whole previous year. The govern- to speak out swiftly against the lies with children, are supporting this By Sunday, when left-wing protesters Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told ment says it expects 800,000 people attacks, which began Friday night. spectacle by marching along.” drawn to Heidenau clashed with neo- reporters that the country “cannot to seek asylum in Germany by the “The chancellor and the entire gov- Hundreds of people took part in a Nazis, police had stepped up their give one millimeter of room” to right- end of 2015. — AP New blow for Greece’s Syriza as rebels try to form govt Greece’s fourth in just three years

ATHENS: Greece’s embattled ruling Syriza party a government in the next three days. tration under the head of the Supreme Court. suffered another blow yesterday when its secre- The leftist hardliners, who call themselves the Tsipras resigned on August 20 after an anti-bailout tary quit, as eurosceptic rebels were given a man- Popular Unity party after the victorious 1970 mutiny by Syriza eurosceptics formally wiped out date to try to form a government. Syriza secretary Chilean alliance of Salvador Allende, are the third his parliamentary majority, leaving the party with Tasos Koronakis stepped down in protest at Prime and last party to receive a mandate under the around 124 seats. Minister Alexis Tsipras’ decision last week to call terms of the constitution. “We will use this man- early elections, backtracking on an earlier proposal date to demonstrate the necessity of an anti-aus- War of words to hold a party congress in September to address terity government,” said party leader Panagiotis Government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili the rebel faction. Lafazanis, who has argued that Greece can happily said on Sunday that elections-Greece’s fourth in Greece is likely headed for snap elections as exist without the euro. just three years and the second since Syriza took officce in January-would probably be held next month. “As things stand, it is feasible to hold elections AVDIIVKA: A commander gives a letter of commendation to an Ukrainian serviceman on September 20,” she told state TV ERT. An on the position of Ukrainian forces in Avdiivka, Donetsk region yesterday. Ukrainian unprecedented war of words has broken out President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of this week sending three military con- between Greece’s outgoing government, the par- voys over the border into the separatist-controlled east with a total of up to 500 tanks, liament chief and the president over the snap bal- 400 artillery systems and up to 950 military armoured vehicles to pro-Russian rebels, lot. The government has accused parliamentary although he did not specify the time period for these deliveries. — AFP speaker Zoe Constantopoulou of “behaving like a dictator” after she branded the early election pro- cedure “undemocratic and unconstitutional”. Ukraine to increase troops Tsipras is seeking to defend the tough terms he accepted in the 86-billion-euro ($96 billion) rescue to fend off rebel attacks package, the third for Greece in five years. Constantopoulou, Greece’s youngest parlia- KIEV: Ukraine’s president vowed to between government forces and Russia- ment speaker at 38, has accused the 65-year-old increase troop numbers to fend off attacks backed separatists. president of breaking the rules by skipping a par- by Russia-backed separatist rebels and The conflict in the east, which has liamentary technicality in order to hasten the pro- warned his countrymen that there is still claimed more than 6,800 lives since it cedure. the threat of a “large-scale invasion,” in an began in April 2014, saw a major uptick in The president-an esteemed professor of consti- impassioned speech to mark violence last week with nine civilians and tutional law-responded on Saturday by dismissing Independence Day yesterday. soldiers killed in just one day. her arguments as “legally baseless”. Speaking during a military parade, Ukraine’s military said yesterday that Constantopoulou, whose father was a former head President Petro Poroshenko said Ukraine the rebels violated a cease-fire 82 times of Syriza’s precursor party Synaspismos, vehement- must not be complacent even though overnight in the eastern part of the coun- ly opposed the third EU bailout Tsipras signed in hostilities have largely died down. In a try, in some cases with large-caliber July and repeatedly sought to frustrate its ratifica- show of force, thousands of Ukrainian ser- weapons that should have been with- tion in parliament through stalling tactics. vicemen marched in downtown Kiev on to drawn in line with a truce signed in A former rising star of Syriza, Constantopoulou mark the country’s independence from February. ATHENS: Greece’s former Syriza Energy Minister and leader of the new leftist “Popular Unity” par- is now rumoured to be considering joining the the Soviet Union on Aug. 24, 1991. The presidents of Ukraine, France and ty Panagiotis Lafazanis (L) meets with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos to receive a three- anti-bailout Popular Unity. Another prominent “We stand for peace, but we are not Germany are meeting this evening in day exploratory mandate for the creation of a new government yesterday in Athens. — AFP Syriza lawmaker, flamboyant ex-finance minister pacifists,” Poroshenko said. “We must get Berlin to discuss a peaceful solution to the Yanis Varoufakis, on Sunday said he would not be a through the 25th year of independence as crisis. Moscow is not sending its represen- early as next month after Tsipras resigned in the The main opposition New Democracy conser- candidate with Tsipras’ party in the election. if on brittle ice. We must understand that tative to Berlin, but said it would watch face of the internal Syriza revolt over his accept- vatives-who have 76 seats in the 300-member par- “I will not be a candidate in the name of Syriza,” the smallest misstep could be fatal. The the meeting closely. ance of the tough terms of a massive new interna- liament-had earlier attempted and failed to form a Varoufakis, who has strongly criticised the bailout, war for independence is still ongoing.” A top French official, who spoke on tional bailout deal. With the Athens stock government. With just 25 lawmakers, Popular told France’s Journal du Dimanche. “Syriza is Poroshenko didn’t say how many more condition of anonymity because he wasn’t exchange shedding over 6.0 percent as global Unity cannot realistically muster enough support adopting an irrational doctrine that I have troops he would send to eastern Ukraine. allowed to speak on the issue, said the shares plunged over China economic worries, the for a majority in the 300-seat parliament either. opposed for five years: to further extend the crisis He claimed that Russia had massed about gathering was planned as a three-party rebels yesterday formally received a mandate from Pavlopoulos is expected to terminate the proce- and pretend it is solved, while maintaining a debt 50,000 troops on the border with Ukraine meeting and that talks also including President Prokopis Pavlopoulos to attempt to form dure on Thursday and name a caretaker adminis- that cannot be paid,” he said. — AFP and had supplied the rebels with about Russia could be expected “in the next few 500 tanks and 400 pieces of artillery. weeks.” Poroshenko warned that Russia is wary of Poroshenko told reporters in Kiev that an outright invasion and is instead devel- the meeting is crucial for Ukraine, oping another strategy: sow discord Germany and France to “coordinate their Ukraine celebrates across all of Ukraine and thus spoil its rela- positions” before a possible meeting with tions with its Western allies. Russian President Vladimir Putin. Poroshenko compared the rebel-held On front-line positions in eastern territories in the east and their viability to Ukraine, the mood was less festive. the evil kingdom of Mordor from J.R.R. “Today... is a happy day for Ukrainians, but Independence Day Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” novels. The it’s an ordinary day for us here on the front Ukrainian troops taking part in the line,” platoon commander Roman Pikulyk KIEV: Thousands of servicemen and soldiers killed in just one day. and Germany are meeting this evening the eve of the Independence Day. “I Independence Day commemorations car- said in the town of Avdiivka. “My heart marched in downtown Kiev yesterday Speaking at the parade, President in Berlin to discuss a peaceful solution renew my heartfelt appeal, so that the ried rifles but, unlike last year, the parade longs to celebrate, but here holiday feels to mark Ukraine’s Independence Day. Petro Poroshenko said Ukraine would to the crisis. Moscow is not sending its commitments undertaken to achieve didn’t feature any of the more powerful different, because at war every day is a The troops carried rifles but, unlike last continue to increase its troop num- representative to Berlin but said it pacification are respected, and with the weaponry as Ukraine is mired in a conflict miracle when one has survived.” — AP year, the parade did not feature any of bers in order to fend off attacks of sep- would watch the meeting closely. help of organizations and people of the more powerful weaponry which aratist rebels. A top French official, who spoke on good will, the humanitarian emer- could be viewed as sensitive as The press office of the Ukrainian condition of anonymity because he gency in the country is responded to,” Ukraine is mired in a conflict between military operation in the east said wasn’t allowed to speak on the issue, Francis told tens of thousands of peo- Erdogan set to call government forces and Russia-backed Monday that the rebels violated the said the gathering was planned as a ple gathered Sunday at the Vatican in separatists. cease-fire 82 times overnight, in some three-party meeting and that talks also St. Peter’s Square for his traditional win- The conflict in the east, which has cases with large-caliber weapons that including Russia could be expected “in dow appearance. “May the Lord give snap polls for Nov claimed more than 6,800 lives since it should have been withdrawn in line the next few weeks.” peace to the beloved Ukrainian land, began in April 2014, saw a major uptick with a truce signed in February. In Rome, Pope Francis made his lat- which is preparing to celebrate the ANKARA: Turkish President Recep Kilicdaroglu refuses to set foot in in violence last week with nine civilians The presidents of Ukraine, France est appeal for the end of fighting on national holiday tomorrow.” — AP Tayyip Erdogan was yesterday expect- Erdogan’s controversial and vast new ed to call snap polls likely to be held presidential palace. on November 1 after efforts to form a The opposition has accused coalition government failed. Erdogan of violating the constitution, Erdogan is due to meet with parlia- with Kilicdaroglu blasting him for seek- ment speaker Ismet Yilmaz at 1415 ing to stage a “civilian coup”. GMT a day after the deadline for form- On Friday, Erdogan, whose plans for ing a new government expired. a greater presidency with full executive After the president calls a re-run of powers were wrecked after the June elections, he is expected to give a polls, said he would call repeat elec- mandate to Prime Minister Ahmet tions. Davutoglu to form an interim “election The elections will come at a time of government” to take the country to the a dual offensive against Kurdish mili- November polls. tants and Islamic State jihadists in Iraq Davutoglu’s ruling Justice and and Syria, with some critics blaming Development Party (AKP) lost its over- Erdogan for operating a “war machine” all majority in the 550-seat parliament to seek political gains for his AKP. in the June 7 elections for the first time A spike in violence between Turkish since it came to power in 2002, forcing security forces and Kurdish militants the party to seek a coalition partner. has nullified a 2013 ceasefire with the But the AKP’s talks with opposition outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party parties to form a coalition government (PKK). after the inconclusive elections pro- The opposition CHP and the duced no results. Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Erdogan, a co-founder of the AKP, have refused to take part in a short- wants the party to regain an overall term election government. majority to form a government alone. This forces Davutoglu to hold talks The president indicated in recent with the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ weeks that he was not in favour of Democratic Party (HDP) — which he coalition governments but dismissed accused of being a PKK front-as well as criticism he had impeded the coalition independent figures to form an interim negotiations. government. Erdogan was obliged under the con- It remains to be seen if the stitution to give the second-placed November 1 polls will see the AKP Republican People’s Party (CHP) a man- increase its share of vote and regain its date to lead coalition talks. overall majority, with many analysts KIEV: This handout picture taken and released by the Ukrainian presidential press-service shows a unit commander kissing a flag handed by But the president refused to do so sceptical that the results will be much Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (L) during a military parade in Kiev yesterday, to celebrate the Independence Day, 24 years since Ukraine because the CHP’s leader Kemal different from June 7. — AFP gained independence from the Soviet Union. — AFP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 INTERNATIONAL

Pakistan rescues Chinese tourist held by the Taleban

ISLAMABAD: A Chinese tourist held from central China’s Hubei province, Saturday and handed over to their A video released in May showed a man over the last decade. hostage for more than a year by the had entered the country from India and diplomats on Sunday, without elabo- identified as Hong asking the Chinese Pakistani security forces have been Taleban in Pakistan has been freed by had been travelling around Pakistan by rating. government to honor his kidnappers’ aggressively targeting militants since a the country’s security forces and intelli- bicycle. “Our intelligence agencies are proud unspecified ransom demands. Taleban attack on a military school in gence agencies, authorities said. Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry of rescuing the captive,” Khan said. The Pakistani Taleban is an umbrella Peshawar killed 150 people, mostly chil- China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency Nisar Ali Khan announced the rescue of “Chinese authorities, whenever we group of various local Islamic militant dren. Over 300 suspected members of identified the hostage as Hong a Chinese hostage late Sunday night, meet, would always ask about the cap- groups bent on overthrowing the gov- different banned groups have been Xudong, who was abducted in May without naming Hong. Xinhua, citing a tive. Thank God now we have him.” ernment to install their own harsh picked up in the last four days in central 2014 near the northwestern Pakistani statement from the Chinese Embassy The kidnapping was claimed by a brand of Islamic law. The militants have Pakistani districts, counterterrorism offi- city of Dera Ismail Khan. Hong, who is in Islamabad, said Hong was rescued splinter group of the Pakistani Taleban. killed tens of thousands in Pakistan cer Shabana Saif said yesterday. —AP Maldives ex-president Nasheed back in jail Police and prison officials clash with supporters

COLOMBO: The Maldives has put was taken back to prison. He had The party said it had honoured Yameen, who beat Nasheed in a former president Mohamed earlier been moved to the main its side of the bargain by providing run-off presidential election in late Nasheed back in jail a month after island of Male to receive medical parliamentary support for the 2013. Nasheed, a climate change his 13-year prison sentence was treatment under an apparent deal sacking of Yameen’s vice president activist who was also imprisoned commuted to house arrest, spark- with the Maldives government Mohamed Jameel on treason during the three-decade rule of ing clashes between his support- after closed-door talks with the charges, among other matters. former strongman Maumoon ers and police in the honeymoon opposition MDP aimed at ending It also supported a controver- Abdul Gayoom, was elected presi- island nation. political unrest. sial legal change that would allow dent in 2008. Nasheed’s Maldivian Authorities had also said they foreign ownership of land for the He then rose to international Democratic Party (MDP) said would appeal against Nasheed’s first time in the Indian Ocean prominence by hosting a cabinet police and prison officials clashed conviction for terrorism, which archipelago. US Secretary of State meeting underwater to draw with its supporters as they sparked mass protests on the John Kerry warned in May that attention to the dangers facing the removed him from his home in the capital Male and took him to the KATHMANDU: Nepalese pedestrians walks past closed shops during a strike high-security prison island of called by the Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) demand- Maafushi on Sunday night. ing secularism in the new constitution in Kathmandu yesterday. Nepalese law- “Nasheed’s transfer back to jail makers tabled a revised draft of a new constitution in parliament as opposi- is in clear breach of the Maldives’ tion members chanted slogans in the latest protest against the charter. —AFP constitution, which provides no provision for reversing a commu- tation of a sentence,” the MDP said Eight Nepal police killed in a statement yesterday. Human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, who is in clashes with protesters representing the former president, said the move showed “complete KATHMANDU: Demonstrators armed AFP. A new national constitution pre- disregard for the rule of law”. with spears and axes killed eight police sented in parliament on Sunday aims to “After subjecting Nasheed to an officers in western Nepal on Monday dur- restructure Nepal as a federal state unfair trial and outrageous convic- ing escalating protests against a pro- made up of seven provinces and draw a tion, this capricious administration posed new constitution, officials said. line under a decade-long civil war that has now reversed its decision on house arrest,” the MDP quoted her The government announced a curfew ended in 2006. But protesters argue as saying. “They have the audacity and plans to send in the army to Kailali that the new internal borders will dis- to claim that there was no commu- district in the country’s remote far west, criminate against historically margin- tation of Nasheed’s sentence even where authorities said there were reports alised communities including the Tharu though we have official docu- that three demonstrators may have also ethnic minority, which has struggled to ments and public statements con- died. “So far I can confirm that eight overcome decades spent as bonded firming the opposite.” members of our security forces have slaves to high-caste landowners. There was no immediate com- been killed, including two paramilitary The latest clashes broke out when ment from the government. The personnel,” home ministry spokesman Tharu members held a protest to MDP said it had filed a complaint Laxmi Prasad Dhakal said. demand their own separate province. Monday with the criminal court challenging his transfer from “An indefinite curfew has been Minister Gautam said the government house arrest. imposed in the area from 4pm today,” would send troops to the area to try to Nasheed, the archipelago’s first MALE: In this March 15, 2015 file photo, Maldives former President Mohamed Nasheed waves Dhakal told AFP. The violence erupted as bring the situation under control, and democratically-elected leader, was sitting in a boat as he is taken back to Dhoonidhoo prison after a court dismissed his appeal police attempted to prevent protesters appealed for peace. “At a stage when sentenced to 13 years in jail in against his arrest in Male, Maldives. A party spokesman says Maldives police have taken from entering restricted areas and from we are heading to a new era... we must March after a court convicted him Nasheed back to jail Sunday night even though his detention was formally commuted to house vandalising government offices in the call on people to not be involved in under tough anti-terror laws. arrest last month. —AP town of Tikapur, 420 kilometres (260 activities that disturb social harmony The charges relate to the arrest miles) west of Kathmandu, Home and ignite ethnic hatred,” Gautam told of a judge accused of corruption Minister Bam Dev Gautam told parlia- lawmakers. He said the area had been when Nasheed, who was toppled islands and drew international crit- democracy in the Maldives was islands’ existence from global ment. declared a “riot-stricken zone” and the in February 2012, was president. icism. under threat, saying Nasheed had warming and rising sea levels. Supporters of the former leader been “imprisoned without due His jailing and the subsequent “All of a sudden protesters encircled army deployed. maintain his conviction was a Reputation tarnished process”. unrest have tarnished the image of the police and attacked them with Regional parties have long pushed politically motivated attempt to The MDP has since called on Nasheed’s lawyers resigned the Maldives as an upmarket knives, axes, sickles and spears,” Gautam for new provinces to be created along silence him, and his legal team has President Abdulla Yameen to hon- before the end of his trial, saying it tourist destination. Amnesty said. He said demonstrators also set fire lines that could favour historically mar- already petitioned the United our commitments made in the was aimed at destroying his career, International said earlier this year to one of the paramilitary officers- ginalised communities, but other law- Nations over his conviction. talks to release high-profile politi- and the United Nations termed his that protesters in the Maldives although it was unclear if he survived the makers have opposed such proposals, Nasheed’s sentence was formal- cal prisoners including Nasheed jailing “vastly unfair”. were being frequently beaten up attack. “Inspector Ram Bihari Tharu of the saying it would be divisive and threat- ly commuted to house arrest on and to quash criminal charges It came at a time of growing while the media faced a growing Armed Police Force was burnt alive,” he en national unity. July 19 and it is not clear why he against some 1,700 dissidents. opposition to the government of number of death threats. —AFP said. Nepal’s main parties struck a break- More than 40 security personnel were through deal on the charter in June injured in the clashes and were taken to after April’s devastating earthquake Tikapur hospital, district chief Raj Kumar helped end years of wrangling that Kashmiris suffer as India, Shrestha said. Another official, deputy dis- had left the impoverished Himalayan trict chief Udaya Bahadur Singh Thakuri, nation in political limbo. warned that the death toll could rise. Work on a new national constitution Pakistan exchange fire began in 2008, two years after the end Bonded slaves of a Maoist insurgency that left an esti- “We have heard reports that... three mated 16,000 people dead and JAMMU: On the face of it, these villages in But over the last two weeks the villages Earlier this month at least nine civilians protesters have also been killed, we are brought down the 240-year-old Hindu the Jammu region of Indian Kashmir seem have been witness to an angry exchange of were killed and scores injured in Kashmir, a trying to confirm the details,” he told monarchy. —AFP idyllic. Buffalo carts lazily make their way fire and mortar shells between Indian and region of the Himalayas divided between through lush green paddy fields. Elderly vil- Pakistani soldiers. This isn’t the first time the South Asian nations but claimed entire- lagers sit in the gentle sun exchanging local that these villages have borne the brunt of ly by both. gossip and bright-eyed children fill the local the animosity between India and archrival Kashmir is one of the thorniest disputes Maritime tribunal rejects Italy’s schools. Pakistan and likely won’t be the last. between the nuclear-armed neighbors. call for India to free marines Talks scheduled to begin Monday between Pakistan and India’s national security advis- HAMBURG: An international mar- for the tribunal to begin hearings. ers were scrapped because of disagree- itime tribunal yesterday rejected The marines, part of a military ments related largely to Kashmir. Italy’s request that India provisionally team on anti-pirate duty protecting India accuses Pakistan of arming and release two marines accused of the Italian oil tanker Enrica Lexie in training insurgents fighting for Kashmir’s killing two Indian fishermen, a set- 2012, say they mistook Indian fisher- independence from India or its merger with back for the Italian government after men for pirates and fired warning Pakistan, a charge Islamabad denies. More a three-year legal battle. shots. Two fishermen were killed. than 68,000 people have been killed in the However the International Tribunal Marines Massimiliano Latorre and violence. India and Pakistan have fought for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg Salvatore Girone have been in legal two wars over their competing claims to also ordered India to suspend legal limbo since their arrest in February Kashmir, and each administers part of it. action against the two Italian 2012. Girone is in India but Latorre is A ceasefire has largely held since 2003, marines, saying an international arbi- in Italy after India allowed him to but gunbattles and border skirmishes are tration hearing to be held in The return home temporarily for medical Hague must rule on the dispute. treatment. fairly common. So common that all the Rome objects to holding a trial in The fallout from the arrest of the schools in the villages of the R.S. Pura sector India, arguing that the case should marines has damaged wider relations of Jammu have temporary shelters built be taken to arbitration under the between Italy and India, contributing behind the buildings so children can run United Nations Convention on the to the collapse of a European Union- and hide. When the guns fall silent the chil- Law of the Sea and that the incident India summit planned during Prime dren are escorted home in ones and twos. happened in international waters Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to “Does the government know how peo- where national laws do not apply. France and Germany this spring. ple near the border survive? Do they under- The Indian government wants In April 2012, Rome paid $190,000 stand what the conditions are here?” asks Indian courts to try the case. The to each of the victims’ families as Chain Singh, an 88-year-old farmer and vet- court decided by 15 judges’ votes to compensation. In return, the families eran of the Indian army. six that Italy and India should sus- dropped their cases against the “Has a single high-level official visited pend all proceedings which might marines, but the Indian state’s case our villages?” aggravate or extend the dispute until has yet to come to trial. “The firing is an everyday thing. It’s a the arbitration tribunal rules on the India’s Supreme Court allowed really big problem for us. Everyone suffers. issue, tribunal president Judge Latorre to return to Italy for heart The children suffer,” says Kulbur Singh, a Vladimir Golitsyn said in the ruling. surgery, which he underwent in SRINAGAR: An Indian army soldier stands next to the wreckage of an Indian Air Force farmer. Italy and India must submit an ini- January. In July, the court allowed MiG-21 Bison aircraft that crashed in Soibugh on the outskirts of Srinagar yesterday. “This problem needs to be solved. We tial report to the Arbitration Tribunal him to stay in Italy for a further six on Sept. 24. No date has yet been set months. —Reuters The pilot bailed out and was rescued by an army helicopter near the crash site, after want Pakistan to live in peace and let us live the aircraft went down on a routine training flight, officials said. —AFP in peace.” —AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 INTERNATIONAL Sitting Rohingya MP in Myanmar to appeal election ban

YANGON: A Rohingya member of the Rohingya Muslim minority. said. “I was elected in 2010. Now I’m Since 2012, when violence swept line Buddhists in February. The majori- Myanmar’s parliament barred from Most of Myanmar’s 1.1 million working.” across Rakhine, he has been an out- ty of white card holders were contesting Nov. 8 elections on the Rohingya, an ethnic minority living in According to Shwe Maung, both of spoken advocate for the Rohingya and Rohingya. Some former white card basis that his parents were not the country’s western Rakhine State, his parents were citizens prior to his called for greater citizenship rights for holders have been offered new citizen- Myanmar citizens at the time of his are stateless and live in apartheid-like birth in 1965 and his father served as a the group. Even if he is able to stand in ship documents. birth said yesterday he would appeal conditions. Almost 140,000 were dis- member of the Myanmar Police Force. November’s election - seen as a test of But earlier this month, Yanghee Lee, the decision and hoped to stand in placed in deadly clashes in Rakhine in Rakhine State election officials the country’s reforms process - he the United Nations special rapporteur the vote. 2012. Shwe Maung, who planned to could not be reached for comment yes- faces an uphill battle for re-election. on human rights in Myanmar, said that The move to deny Shwe Maung, an run as an independent after not being terday. Shwe Maung has represented Many of the people who voted for she was informed by the country’s MP from the ruling Union Solidarity nominated by the USDP, said that he the majority-Muslim Buthidaung con- Shwe Maung in 2010 held temporary election commission chair that those and Development Party (USDP), a was informed by state officials on stituency located in Northern Rakhine citizenship documents, more com- who received these new documents chance to run despite being a serving Saturday that his application had been State near the country’s border with monly known as white cards. But the would be banned from the vote. Lee member of government raises con- turned down. Bangladesh since being elected as an white cards were nullified by President said that the decision was of “serious cerns about the disenfranchisement of “It’s ridiculous for me,” Shwe Maung MP in 2010. Thein Sein under pressure from hard- concern”. — Reuters Rival Koreas masters at pulling back from brink

SEOUL: Once again, the Koreas are trying to dis- and stimulate a flow of much-needed aid. entangle themselves from violence and threats of Early 2000s: In what has been called the “sec- war - this time in tense talks that have dragged ond North Korean nuclear crisis,” animosity soars out in two marathon sessions over three days. after Washington says the North, after being con- Skepticism over success abounds, but the rivals fronted in 2002 by a U.S. envoy, admits privately have proven time and again over the decades that it has a secret nuclear fuel program, a viola- their mastery at pulling back from the brink. tion of an earlier nuclear accord. The current standoff may seem intractable, North Korea denies this and, already angry at with authoritarian North Korea refusing to even being lumped earlier by President George W. admit to, let alone apologize for, Seoul’s accusa- Bush into an “Axis of Evil,” says in early 2003 that it tion that North Korean land mines maimed two has withdrawn from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation South Koreans. And then there’s North Korea’s treaty. The US says the North has restarted its denial of what Seoul says was an artillery nuclear reactor. Tensions mount precipitously exchange last week initiated by the North. before Seoul and Washington turn to diplomacy If history is any judge, however, the Koreas will in summer 2003 with so-called six-party talks find a way to save face and avert the war that involving the Koreas, Japan, Russia, China and the both sides have been threatening, but avoiding, United States. South Korea, meanwhile, tries to since the real fighting in the Korean War ended better ties with the North under two liberal presi- with a cease-fire in 1953. dents, including Kim Dae-jung who is awarded Here’s a look at how they’ve done it, some- the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to pro- times with the involvement of South Korea’s ally, mote peace on the Korean Peninsula. the United States, over the years: December 2010: Although North Korea conducts its first North Korea backs off from an earlier threat of nuclear bomb test in 2006, the international disar- “catastrophic retaliation” after South Korea defi- mament talks result in nuclear deals seen as land- antly goes ahead with live-fire drills near the mark at the time. The negotiations, however, have country’s disputed western sea boundary. been stalled since 2008, and North Korea says it is This standoff is the result of similar drills by again producing bomb fuel. Seoul a month earlier that drew a North Korean 1992-94: The “first North Korean nuclear crisis” artillery bombardment that killed two marines includes North Korean threats to withdraw from and two civilians on a front-line South Korean bor- the NPT and Washington’s exploration of possible der island. air strikes amid U.S. government estimates that North Korea saves face by asserting that it did- the North is pursuing large-scale nuclear bomb TOKYO: Smoke rises from a steel plant beside a river in Kawasaki near Tokyo’s Haneda airport yesterday. A huge blaze broke in a steel plant n’t respond to the second drill because South fuel production. near Tokyo’s Haneda airport, a fire department official said, as television images showed plumes of thick black smoke and flames shooting Korea conducted it in a less provocative way. There’s also the North’s 1994 threat, for the first up into the air. — AFP Seoul says both drills were the same. May 2010: time, to turn Seoul into a “sea of fire.” This phrase North Korea threatens “all-out counterattacks” has been repeated so many times since then that after Seoul moves to resume psychological war- it’s largely ignored in Seoul, but many South US military depot blast and fare operations to punish the North over a torpe- Koreans at the time rushed to supermarkets to do attack that reportedly killed 46 South Korean stock up on instant noodles and other provisions. sailors earlier in the year. Eventually, with the help of a 1994 trip to Although South Korea restores the loudspeak- Pyongyang by former US President Jimmy Carter, steel plant blaze hit Tokyo ers now being used to pipe propaganda over the negotiators settle the so-called Agreed Framework border, it does not follow through on its vow to that’s meant to cap the North’s atomic efforts in turn them on. return for aid. It holds, sometimes shakily, until the Metal canisters-shooting out like fireworks North Korea, which denies being behind the next crisis, in 2002.North Korea founder Kim Il torpedo, later makes conciliatory gestures, includ- Sung and his South Korean counterpart, Kim SAGAMIHARA: A blast ripped through was inside,” an official at the from the huge fire on the military build- Washington, which for 70 years has ing hosting the reunions of families separated by Young-sam, also agree to hold what will be the a warehouse at a US military post yes- Sagamihara fire bureau told AFP, ing’s roof, lighting up the night sky. been the guarantor of Japan’s security, the Korean War. Foreign analysts say it is an first inter-Korean summit, but that plan is scrapped terday and started a fire, while a blaze adding that more than a dozen fire A woman who saw the aftermath of has 47,000 troops and numerous bases attempt to improve ties with the outside world when Kim Il Sung dies in July 1994. — AP broke out at a steel plant, in separate engines were sent to the scene. the blast told public broadcaster NHK in the country. The Pentagon said the accidents around the Japanese capital. Several hours later a huge blaze that she heard repeated thunderous cause of the explosion was not immedi- The explosion at the US Army’s Sagami broke out at a steel pipe plant near explosions for 10 to 15 minutes. ately known, but the building did not General Depot in the city of Tokyo’s Haneda international airport. “Orange sparks were rising quite high. I store ammunition or “radiological Sagamihara, some 25 miles (40 kilome- The Kawasaki city fire department said couldn’t see smoke but smelled some- materials”. Nearby buildings were not tres) southwest of Tokyo, sent sparks the blaze at the plant, owned by a unit thing like gunpowder,” she told NHK. damaged. shooting into the sky and triggered a of giant steelmaker Nippon Steel & The explosion at the depot-which “The storage building is not desig- blaze that burned through the night, Sumitomo Metal, may have been occupies about 200 hectares (two nated as a hazardous material storage but there were no reports of injuries. caused by workers who were using gas square kilometres) and employs nearly facility as some initial reports indicated,” Japanese and US base firefighters burners to dismantle the site. The fire 600 people-rattled the windows of US Navy Commander Bill Urban, a delayed battling the fire while the con- was put out shortly after 1:30 pm local nearby buildings. spokesman, said in a statement. tents of the building were assessed. time. “The plant had stopped opera- “I thought the American military “Inside the building that exploded Witnesses said they initially feared a tions in June, and there were not many facility came under a terrorist attack,” a were canisters of compressed gases: bomb had gone off at the military workers in the facility at the time of the local security guard told Jiji Press news nitrogen, oxygen, freon and air. “The installation. fire,” a company official told AFP, adding agency. The depot stores supplies and cause of the explosion... is under inves- The fire died out on its own about that it was to be closed later this year. acts as a repair centre for military vehi- tigation. There are no indications of six hours after it started shortly before cles. injuries.” Aerial footage showed the 1:00 am (1600 GMT), with firefighters Bomb fears Earlier this month a series of explo- one-storey building’s roof had partially standing by. “We coordinated with US Earlier, dramatic video footage sions at a hazardous goods facility collapsed, while the US military said fire units, and did not spray water as we showed large sparks-possibly metal rocked the northern Chinese port city windows and doors were damaged on waited for information related to what canisters-shooting out like fireworks of Tianjin, killing at least 123 people. the concrete building. — AFP

PAJU: In this Aug. 22, 2015 file photo provided by the South Korean Unification Ministry, South Korean National Security Director, Kim Kwan-jin, right, and Unification Frantic Bangkok bomber hunt Minister Hong Yong-pyo, second from right, shake hands with Hwang Pyong So, left, North Korea’ top political officer for the Korean People’s Army, and Kim Yang Gon, a senior North Korean official responsible for South Korean affairs, during their meeting at the border village of Panmunjom in Paju, South Korea. Once again, the Koreas are hampered by faulty cameras trying to disentangle themselves from violence and threats of war — this time in tense talks that have dragged out in two marathon sessions over three days. — AP BANGKOK: A week after a deadly bomb tore through the run, with police publicly no nearer to naming him Police also say they lack modern facial recognition central Bangkok, Thailand’s police chief said yesterday or his motivation. technology to decipher who the bomber is from the the frantic search for those responsible has been ham- National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung grainy security camera footage. Somyot is under pered by faulty security cameras. The trail is growing said his officers were working at “full capacity with no intense pressure from both the public and the ruling Marine admits choking increasing cold seven days after the bombing, which rest”. But he added that the investigation was bedev- junta to catch the perpetrators of an attack that sent killed 20 people-mostly Asian tourists-in the capital’s illed by shortcomings, such as the fact that the majori- shockwaves through the vital tourist sector. It was transgender Filipino commercial heart and wounded scores more. The ty of the city’s security cameras were not working. Thailand’s worst single mass-casualty attack and main suspect is an unidentified man in a yellow T-shirt “Sometimes there might be 20 CCTV cameras on a although the city’s inhabitants have tried to get back MANILA: A US Marine charged with murder American military personnel accused of crimes. seen on CCTV placing a rucksack under a bench at the road but only five of them work,” he told reporters. to their lives, tensions remain high. On Monday testified in court yesterday that he choked a Washington agreed to move him last year from Erawan shrine minutes before the blast. He is still on “Another 15 might be broken for whatever reason.” bomb disposal officers rushed to a quiet street off one Filipino unconscious during a fight that started a US warship to the Philippine military’s main of the city’s main thoroughfares after a Myanmar when he discovered that she was a transgen- camp in metropolitan Manila, where he migrant worker found a grenade on a construction der woman in a Philippine motel but stressed remained under American custody with an out- site. Police said the device had no link to their investi- that he didn’t kill her, his lawyer said. er ring of Filipino guards. — AP gation and had been buried for some time. Lawyer Rowena Flores said her client, Marine Pfc. Joseph Scott Pemberton, told the Whereabouts unknown court in Olongapo city, northwest of Manila, Police are convinced the main suspect, who has that Jennifer Laude was unconscious but been named in an arrest warrant as foreign, must breathing when he left her in the shower of a have had help from a network, likely involving some motel, where they checked in to have sex after Thais. But Somyot said he was no nearer to knowing meeting in a bar in October last year. whether he had fled the country or not. “I say that I Pemberton panicked after seeing her believe he is still in Thailand because I don’t have unconscious and left. Defense lawyers would information to confirm otherwise,” he said. Security present evidence that raises the possibility that footage has played a role in tracking some of the key someone else killed Laude, according to Flores. suspect’s movements. Cameras have picked him up Flores quoted Pemberton as telling the court arriving at the shrine via a three-wheeled “tuk-tuk” that he felt he’d been raped. taxi, leaving the bag and then departing on a motor- Flores said defense lawyers would prove bike taxi south towards the Silom area of Bangkok. Laude was a sex worker who deceived After that he disappears from view. Police have Pemberton, a man she said went to church reg- interviewed the motorbike drivers, with Somyot ularly and had never been involved in a fight adding that DNA tests had been carried out on 20 until he scuffled with Laude, whose former baht notes that the suspect may have used. The name was Jeffrey. police chief said he was also hoping for technical help Philippine government prosecutors from other countries which might have computer charged Pemberton with murder in December, equipment that can quickly search large amounts of saying there was “probable cause” that he killed BANGKOK: Thai people carry lighted candles near the Erawan Shrine at Rajprasong intersec- CCTV footage, as well as “make the picture more Laude in an attack that “was aggravated by OLONGAPO: US Marine Private First Class tion for the victims of an explosion in Bangkok, Thailand, yesterday. One week after last clear”. He said a number of countries had offered help treachery, abuse of superior strength and cru- Joseph Scott Pemberton (R) entering a Monday’s bombing at the capital’s revered Erawan Shrine, which left people dead and scores but some of their equipment did not work with the elty.” Laude had apparently been strangled and court building to face the first day of his injured, police appeared no closer to tracking down suspects or determining a motive for the Thai systems. Other nations had been sent evidence drowned in a toilet bowl. trial for the murder of transgender Filipina attack. — AP but had yet to get back with their findings. — AFP The case reignited a debate over custody of Jeffrey Laude, in Olongapo. — AFP NEWS TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015

View of the Cotopaxi volcano spewing ashes from Sangolqui, Ecuador on Sunday. A dozen towns of central Ecuador, including the Quito sector, suffered Saturday from the ashes of the Cotopaxi volcano, which started erupting a week ago after 138 years, affecting crops and cattle. — AFP

France honors train ‘heroes’ for courage Rare mass ‘terror’ trial opens in UAE Continued from Page 1 carrying out air strikes against IS in Syria since September Continued from Page 1 not trying to kill anyone. “It doesn’t take eight magazines last year. The wealthy Gulf state has upped security meas- (of bullets) to rob a train,” he told reporters on Sunday. They are also accused of setting up cells to train mem- ures in the aftermath of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings. “I think that one way or another, we are going to be fac- National Guardsman Skarlatos added that if Khazzani had bers in handling weapons and explosives in preparation for In July, it adopted tougher anti-terror legislation and ing this kind of problem quite a few times in the future, known how to handle guns, he could have killed many attacks in the UAE. Authorities reported their arrest on Aug introduced the death penalty for crimes linked to religious and I would invite you all to think about ‘what would I do people. “He would have been able to operate through all 2 and prosecutors immediately levelled the accusations hatred and “takfiri groups”. These measures were taken a in that situation’. Act if the opportunity presents itself. eight of the magazines and we probably wouldn’t be here against them and said they would face trial. Such mass trials week after an Emirati woman convicted of the jihadist- Obviously you don’t want to throw yourself in a situation today along with a lot of other people,” the 22-year-old said. on terrorism charges are rare in the UAE which has largely inspired murder of a US schoolteacher was put to death by that is completely hopeless, but act if you can.” A Spanish counter-terrorism source said Khazzani had been spared the Islamic militancy that has hit other Arab firing squad in a rare execution approved by President France has been on high alert since extremist attacks in lived in Spain for seven years until 2014. He came to the states. The UAE is part of a US-led coalition that has been Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. — AFP Paris in January left 17 people dead. Intelligence services attention of Spanish authorities for making hardline in Belgium, France, Germany and Spain had previously speeches defending jihad and attending a radical mosque flagged Khazzani as an Islamic extremist. But he is said to in Algeciras. It is unclear where he was living after he left have told investigators he is “dumbfounded” by accusa- Spain. His father said he went to France for a six-month IS blows up famed temple in Palmyra tions he was intending to carry out a terror attack. He said work contract but was let go after just one month, and Continued from Page 1 surrounding area, many of them government employees, he had stumbled upon a weapons stash in a park in Spanish intelligence services say he went to Syria from and infamously used children to shoot dead 25 Syrian gov- Belgium where he sometimes slept rough and decided to France - a claim Khazzani denies. Before the arrival of in the second century, ernment soldiers in Palmyra’s ancient amphitheatre. use it to rob passengers, according to Sophie David, a French sources say he did not show up on their radar Palmyra worshipped the Semitic god Bel, whose temple at Among those it has killed was Khaled Al-Assaad, Palmyra’s lawyer who was temporarily assigned to his case. until May this year, when German authorities warned he Palmyra is considered the city’s most significant, along with antiquities chief for 50 years, who was beheaded last week Khazzani’s father described his son as a “good boy” who had boarded a plane bound for Turkey. Khazzani boarded the sun god Yarhibol and lunar god Aglibol. after refusing to leave the city following the IS takeover. preferred “football and fishing” to politics. “I have no idea the Amsterdam-Paris train in Brussels, where it is believed Prior to the outbreak of the Syrian conflict in March In neighbouring Iraq, the jihadist group has razed some what he was thinking and I have not spoken to him for he was living. Stone - whose hand and eye were injured in 2011, more than 150,000 tourists visited Palmyra every relics of ancient Mesopotamia and looted others to sell on over a year,” Mohamed El Khazzani told British newspaper his wrestle with the gunman and who wore a sling at yes- year. IS mined the ancient site in June before destroying the black market. Syria’s war, which began with anti-regime The Telegraph in the Spanish port city of Algeciras on terday’s ceremony - and Skarlatos are due to go to a US the Lion Statue of Athena outside the Palmyra museum. protests, has spiralled into a multi-front conflict that has Most of the pieces in the museum were evacuated by killed more than 240,000 people. On Sunday, at least 31 Sunday. military base in Germany for health checks. Sadler is to fly antiquities staff before IS arrived, though the group has people including eight children were killed in government But Sadler, 23, dismissed suggestions that Khazzani was back to the United States. — AFP blown up several historic Muslim graves. IS’ harsh version air strikes on rebel-held Eastern Ghouta outside Damascus, of Islam considers statues and grave markers to be idola- the Observatory said. Rebels have fired barrages of rockets trous and the group has destroyed antiquities and her- into Damascus from the region in recent days, with Syrian Oil falls below $40 on China and oversupply itage sites in territory under its control in Syria and Iraq. state media saying 13 had been injured by missile fire yes- IS has also executed hundreds of people in the city and terday. — AFP Continued from Page 1 decline in prices, otherwise more deterioration is likely to take place. Prices have fallen by about 30 percent over the Analysts interviewed by Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) past two months, prompting an extraordinary meeting for agreed that predicting prices over the coming period is the OPEC. “If not now, then when?” Boodai wondered. not an easy task. Predictions over the past months were As for shale oil, he said that in best cases it is expected vain. Still, prices are more likely to go further down. A just to form only 10 percent of the world’s production in 20 price for a barrel must be $70-75, they said, yet they years’ time. The output of shale oil is now four million bpd, warned that it could fall as low as $20. and is likely to hit 10 million bpd in 2013, he said. Boodai The nuclear deal concluded on 14 July between Iran predicted more deterioration in prices over the coming and the world powers has been a reason for the decline of period. prices, head of Al-Ofuq (horizon) Administrative Analyst Mohammed Al-Shatti meanwhile referred to Consultancy Dr Khaled Boodai said. The deal has had such expectations that emerged recently over a decrease in the psychological effects, as more production is expected to US production during the rest of the year, which is likely to flow into the markets from Iran, he explained. Iran is help withdraw surplus from the markets and give positive- expected to increase production from a million barrel per ly affect prices. However, weak prices are expected by day (bpd) to 1.5 million bpd, but this will take time, he said. many to carry on with their downturn trend for years to The markets have been suffering oversupply of about two come, as far as 2020, he said. Some say they could even fall million bpd, now rising to three millions as a result of the to $20 or $10, Shatti said. world’s sagging economy. The falls of the Chinese and the Shatti touched on the lack of signs on a voluntary European stocks have also taken their toll on the oil mar- decrease of prices or international cooperation to restore kets. balance to the markets. For him, the impact of an increase Boodai urged the Organization of the Petroleum in Iran’s oil output could only be felt by April 2016 or even PALMYRA, Syria: A file picture taken on March 14, 2014 shows the courtyard of the sanctuary of Baal Shamin Exporting Countries (OPEC) to counter the unprecedented months later. — Agencies in this ancient oasis city. —AFP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 ANALYSIS


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Issues On packed French train, it was fight, flight or freeze

By Pascale Mollard-Chenebenoit

he foiled attack on a crowded Paris-Amsterdam train provoked a range of reactions from passengers, but Tthe military training of two young Americans who tackled the gunman proved decisive, psychiatrists say. When a heavily-armed man produced an AK-47 in the aisle of the packed train on Friday, it drew three kinds of responses: Shock, attempts to save one’s own skin and finally rare action that saw the attacker being overpowered and a bloodbath almost certainly being averted. French psychologist and criminologist Jean-Pierre Bouchard said such situations had an “effect of total surprise”. “Those who witness and comprehend what’s happening China needs to raise economic game undergo enormous stress. They feel an imminent danger of death,” he said. “Some people are going to be shocked and won’t be able to do much. Others are going to try to save By Kelly Olsen desirable development that, with consumer spending the situation was worse than portrayed, exacerbated their own skins by showing themselves as little as possible, rather than investment driving growth, will be more when a manufacturing survey last week reached its and hiding. And some people are going to try to get away, lowing growth, slumping stocks, suspect data: sustainable than the breakneck pace of the past. But lowest for more than six years. but in this case it was an enclosed space,” he said. The world’s second-largest economy is sending such a change takes time and retail activity has yet to The government has taken consistent policy steps to The suspect, 25-year-old Moroccan Ayoub El Khazzani, shockwaves through global markets, and flailing step up to completely fill its expected role, even as make sure the ongoing slowdown does not get out of allegedly boarded the Thalys train in Brussels carrying two S authorities appear increasingly asleep at the wheel, say investment growth slows. hand, such as cutting benchmark interest rates four guns, ammunition and a blade in his luggage. He first wounded a French-American traveller in his 50s, but he was analysts. The Shanghai Composite Index recorded its Andy Xie, a Shanghai-based independent economist times since November and also reducing the amount prevented from almost certainly causing carnage by two off- biggest fall for more than eight years on Monday, formerly with Morgan Stanley, told AFP authorities of funds banks must keep on hand in a bid to increase duty US servicemen and their friend Anthony Sadler, who renewing the plunges in China’s benchmark stock should cut taxes by up to two trillion yuan ($312 bil- lending. Brian Jackson, Beijing-based economist with leaped on him, grabbed his AK-47 gun and restrained him index. It comes as pessimism about the state of the lion) for several years, citing similar moves by the IHS Economics, stressed that the government has had even as he lunged at them with a box-cutter. A British pas- country’s broader economy is intensifying, forming a United States in 2008 in response to the global finan- some policy success, citing an overall stable construc- senger then helped them tie up the gunman. lethal combination that has sent global markets into a cial crisis. “That’s a very powerful way to stimulate con- tion sector and rebounding housing demand. “Most One of the American servicemen, National Guardsman tailspin. sumption,” he said. “It’s just a madness now,” he added. other parts of the economy have indeed slowed in the Alek Skarlatos, has said the suspect did not appear to have China’s leadership for years has claimed credit for The Chinese government, he said, “is not focusing on past year, but only gradually,” he wrote. “In any case, we had weapons training. Spencer Stone, who serves in the US transforming the economy with decades of double- the economy. The government’s mind is somewhere don’t view China’s stock market as a very good indica- Air Force, reached Khazzani first and was slashed in the neck digit growth. But now its huge rescue program is failing else.” tor of the overall health of the economy, given it and on the eyebrow and almost had his thumb sliced off to effectively support the stock market, and measures China’s ruling Communist Party and government are remains so trivial in its linkages to the rest of the econ- with the box-cutter. “Fortunately there were people who saw that might help instil much needed confidence in the currently devoting much of their attention to a massive omy.” the same danger but instead of being stunned or hiding real economy - such as cutting taxes and lowering military parade next week to commemorate the 70th But Liu Li-Gang, ANZ’s chief China economist, called went on to take action,” Bouchard said. “Here we had young interest rates much further - are missing in action. anniversary of Japan’s defeat in World War II, mobilising the government’s reluctance to take more aggressive American soldiers, who were trained and who had profes- Ultimately authorities had to restore faith that they hundreds of thousands of Beijing’s citizens in prepara- steps “very strange”, emphasising confidence was sional skills, and who reacted together,” he said. Anyone who have a grip on the situation, said Christopher Balding, tion. declining. The government’s willingness to deploy bil- has already seen or been trained to deal with such a situation an economist at Peking University’s HSBC Business lions of yuan to defend the stock market while restrict- automatically has a different reaction when such an incident School in Shenzhen. “They need to demonstrate much ‘Very Much Misguided’ ing spending on underlying fundamentals, was “very occurs, Bouchard said. Another psychiatrist, Nicole Garret- better leadership on this issue,” he told AFP, stressing As recently as 2011, China’s gross domestic product much misguided”, he said. “The current policy is being Gloannec, said the American servicemen “had all the tools to that someone needs to be put “in charge in coming out (GDP) expanded 10.6 percent but that slowed steadily carried out by a bunch of inexperienced people, which allow them to react in an appropriate way”. with a consistent message”. Much more aggressive to 7.4 percent last year. A surprisingly upbeat 7.0 per- has caused this mess. They would rather pile all this ‘They Thought Faster’ interest rate cuts were needed, he added, with produc- cent GDP growth figure announced last month for the money into the virtual economy instead of the real Quite apart from their training, they simply “thought er prices falling 5.4 percent year-on-year in July, the April-June quarter - matching the government’s official economy,” he added. “So people’s faith in China’s econ- faster” about what was happening on the train, processing 41st consecutive month of factory gate deflation. annual target - came despite several disappointing omy is lower and lower, which will cause very negative what was happening and deciding to take action. “Given the China’s economic growth has been on a clear down- indicators earlier. A surprise yuan devaluation earlier feedback, pressuring global markets and then further weapons he had, they realised that they all were all goners.” ward trend for several years, something many see as a this month - which should boost exporters - led to fears weighing on China’s.” —AFP The course of action they rapidly decided on “was the only way, and the best way, to save their lives”, she said. President Barack Obama has hailed the “extraordinary bravery” of the three Americans, who received France’s high- Barak bombshell could shake up politics est honour, the Legion d’Honneur, from President Francois Hollande yesterday. Experts said the reaction of the 62-year- By Dan Perry and Josef Federman Netanyahu issued veiled threats to attack tried to prevent it from airing the inter- have seemed to question that Barak knew old British businessman Chris Norman, who will also be hon- if the world did not take action. Those view, but that the military censor’s office what he was doing in giving the interview. oured by France for assisting the Americans, was fascinating ormer Defense Minister Ehud threats, while often dismissed by com- permitted it. There was no comment “What is certain is that there is a motive. because he had no military training. “Chris Norman is inter- Barak’s comments that Israel nearly mentators as bluster, were widely seen as Sunday from Barak, Netanyahu or Some hidden intent,” wrote commentator esting because he has admitted that at first he thought of attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities but a key factor in rallying international sanc- Ashkenazi, the former military chief. Sima Kadmon in the Yediot Ahronot daily hiding,” Garret-Gloannec said. But when he realised that oth- F the plan was scuttled by military men tions against Iran. Barak told his inter- The Cabinet ministers singled out by newspaper. ers had sprung into action, he came to their aid. “He was an and cowardly politicians could shake up viewer that both he and Netanyahu Barak - Yuval Steinitz and Defense Minister Barak may be intent on repairing his ordinary human being. He had no training, but he wanted to tarnished image and claiming a place in take part. He is courageous.” Israeli politics. The leaked interview, in favored an attack in 2010, but the mili- Moshe Yaalon - also declined to comment. The first passenger on the train to confront the gunman which Barak also described Prime tary chief of staff at the time, Gabi Avigdor Lieberman, then-Israel’s foreign history. But the comments also come as was a 28-year-old Frenchman who worked in a bank in the Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as indeci- Ashkenazi, said Israel did not have the minister, appeared to support Barak’s ver- Israel’s dovish left desperately searches for Netherlands. He attempted to grab his gun as the suspect sive and obsessively pessimistic, was the operational capability. “You can’t go to sion in an interview with Channel 2. “If a a leader. Like other Labor figures, Barak - came out of a toilet cubicle. He has so far chosen to remain talk of the town Sunday in an Israel the Cabinet when the chief of staff will prime minister cannot pass through his much more than Netanyahu - would prior- anonymous. Michele Vitry, a clinical psychologist attached to obsessed about Iran. But beyond the go and say ‘Excuse me, I told you no,’” Cabinet a decision that he wanted, proba- itize disengaging from the West Bank and the Paris Appeals Court, said: “It would be interesting to hand-wringing, the always calculating Barak said. bly there is a problem,” Lieberman said its millions of Palestinians chafing under know if he does martial arts, or if he had personal attributes Barak may have been focused on the The following year, he said two influ- Sunday. Israeli occupation. Isaac Herzog, a mild- that allowed him to react without fear.” future, perhaps for a final run at the ential Cabinet ministers had second mannered lawyer who lost to Netanyahu Not everyone’s reaction was as heroic. French actor Jean- country’s leadership. thoughts and scuttled an attack. Then, in Motive in Israel’s March election that pollsters said Hugues Anglade, star of the films “Betty Blue” and “Nikita“ Also a former prime minister, Barak 2012, a joint military exercise with the US Danny Dor, one of the authors of the was up for grabs, is sure to face a leader- and a passenger on the train, has strongly criticised two of enjoys respect as the last leader of the and a planned visit by then-US Defense new book, said Barak knew he was being ship crisis in the coming months. the staff in the restaurant car for fleeing towards the locomo- moderate Labor Party to win an election, Secretary Leon Panetta got in the way, he recorded and that there was never any Centrist Israelis are searching for a tive without trying to help anyone. But in the view of Garret- defeating Netanyahu in 1999. But he also said. Channel 2 said Barak unsuccessfully promise not to publish them. And few leader who can give Netanyahu a fight, Gloannec, they had “no training in how to react to this type is seen by analysts as having squandered mainly over the Palestinians but also the of situation and they have no responsibility towards the pas- his opportunity, lasting just two years in country’s move toward conservatism and sengers”. “Jean-Hugues Anglade also wanted to save himself a term that cemented his reputation as religion. The seeming frontrunner to and save those around him and that is completely under- brilliant but arrogant, and prone to over- replace Herzog is Ashkenazi, the former standable.” American student Sadler appealed Sunday to complicated analysis and nonstop military chief singled out by Barak as everyone to act as he and his friends had done if confronted machinations. Barak later returned to blocking the attack on Iran. Ashkenazi has with a similar situation. “The gunman would have been suc- been caught up in a scandal surrounding cessful if my friend Spencer had not gotten up. I want that les- politics, serving as defense minister from son to be learned. In times of terror like that... please do some- 2007 to 2013, when he was aligned with the appointment of his successor in 2010. thing. Don’t just stand by and watch,” he told a press confer- a re-elected Netanyahu on the dangers At the time, Barak accused his army chief ence in Paris. —AFP of a nuclear-armed Iran. He left politics as of improperly interfering in the appoint- the Labor Party was weak and torn ment process. between factions. Now 73, Barak may But prosecutors recently determined running out of chances for another there was not enough evidence to indict, comeback. preparing the way for what is expected to All articles appearing on these Barak’s interview, leaked Friday to be a dramatic entrance into politics. pages are the personal opinion of Israeli Channel 2 television coincide with Herzog already has voiced hope that the writers. Kuwait Times takes no the release of a new biography about Ashkenazi joins the Labor Party. Barak and responsibility for views expressed him, immediately thrust him back in the Ashkenazi remain bitter enemies and ana- limelight. “I imagine he would like to lysts say Barak’s comments now may be therein. Kuwait Times invites read- return to politics,” veteran commentator timed to trip up his old foe. Barak “wants ers to voice their opinions. Please Rina Mazliach told the privately owned to remind people where he was, what he send submissions via email to: opin- broadcaster. Barak wants “to return to did, how important he was, how rational [email protected] or via snail the Israeli consciousness.” he was,” said Reuven Hazan, a political sci- mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. In the recordings, Barak addressed entist at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. one of the country’s deepest secrets - “When Ashkenazi starts doing the political The editor reserves the right to edit whether Israel really was prepared to lecture circuit, Barak wants to be able to any submission as necessary. take military action against Iran’s nuclear In this Jan 17, 2011 file photo, Former Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak create and raise as many obstacles as pos- facilities. For years, both he and attends a press conference at the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, in Jerusalem. —AP sible.” —AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 SPORTS

Ranieri: Mahrez is priceless Hart shrugs Aussies lose sevens coach LONDON: Leicester City manager Claudio Ranieri cannot put a winning streak MELBOURNE: Australia’s medal hopes in rugby sevens at the Rio Olympics have suffered a blow with price on Riyad Mahrez, the midfielder who has emerged as the the shock resignation of men’s head coach Geraint John. LONDON: Manchester City goalkeeper Joe Hart refuses to get car- Premier League’s leading scorer after three matches. John, who was also the national director of Australia’s sevens programme, will return to his native ried away by his team’s impressive start to the Premier League cam- Wales to take on a new coaching development role with the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU). “I’m thrilled The Algeria international has four goals to his name-the paign that saw them equal a 103-year-old club record for successive to have been chosen to take on this exciting new role,” John said in a WRU media release. “Having same number as he scored in 30 appearances last season. league victories. The Sky Blues have won all their three league spent 10 years away from Wales, I feel I have a huge amount to give back to Welsh rugby, developing “Riyad Mahrez is worth nothing because we don’t sell him,” games, scoring eight goals and keeping three consecutive clean the next generation of elite coaches for Wales.” Ranieri told a news conference ahead of today’s League Cup tie sheets. John’s move blindsided the ARU, who earlier said the 53-year-old had quit for “per- at League One (third tier) club Bury. It means City have won nine successive league matches, six from sonal reasons”. The national women’s sevens coach Tim Walsh would take over as “There is no price for him. We don’t want caretaker of the men’s team pending a permanent replacement, the ARU added in a the previous season, and they can better the record when they host statement. John spent four years as coach of the Canada men’s sevens team before to sell him. “I try to help Mahrez to be a com- a newly-promoted Watford at the Etihad Stadium on Saturday. plete player. I want to help him improve taking the role in Australia last year. He departs less than three months before “We’ve come a little way but there were six wins at the end of a Australia head into their Oceania qualifying tournament on Nov. 14-15 where defensively. I think he can get better, he’s dead season,” the 28-year-old was quoted as saying by Manchester they face stiff competition for the region’s sole Olympic berth from Pacific rugby young.” Evening News. power Samoa. Australia’s men finished fifth in the sevens world series, missing out Mahrez, 24, signed from Le Havre in “It’s great to set records but we’d like that to be a record this sea- on automatic qualification for the top four teams. Fiji, South Africa, New January 2014, has scored in each of son. Nine this season, that’s what we’re focused on now. “Last sea- Zealand and Britain qualified through the world series, with Argentina, United Leicester’s three league games so far, helping son’s gone, we’ve made those mistakes and we’re starting again,” he States and France booking their Rio tickets through regional qualifiers. them take seven points. They are sec- added. Hart acknowledged his club have started the season well, Brazil, as hosts, are also among the eight sides confirmed for the 12- ond in the table after being but maintain it was still early days in the season. “We’ve started the team tournament. Australia’s men won a bronze at last year’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow under John and are expected to tipped by many pundits as rel- season well but we appreciate that starting the season means noth- push for a medal at Rio with a number of their top Wallabies play- egation material. —Reuters ing. It’s a long season,” the England international said. — Reuters ers from the 15-man game set to boost their squad. — Reuters Blue Jays sweep Angels, Indians triumph

ANAHEIM: Edwin Encarnacion had four hits from four at bats with a homer and four RBIs as the Toronto Blue Jays completed a thunderous three- game sweep of the Los Angeles Angels on Sunday with a 12-5 victory that vaulted them back into first place in the AL East. The Jays’ 16th victory in 19 games, coupled with the Yankees’ 4-3 loss to Cleveland, put Toronto atop the division for the first time since Aug. 13. The Blue Jays, who lead the majors by far with 670 runs, set a franchise record for a three-game series with 36. They totaled 48 hits against a van- quished Angels pitching staff that has surrendered 44 runs, 60 hits and 15 walks over their last four games. R.A. Dickey (8-10) won his fifth straight decision over seven starts, despite allowing five runs and 11 hits in six innings. The Angels’ Garrett Richards (12-10) was charged with nine runs and 10 hits in five-plus innings.

INDIANS 4, YANKEES 3 Francisco Lindor homered off Dellin Betances in the eighth, Trevor Bauer threw 6 1/3 strong innings and CC Sabathia exited with an injury as Cleveland beat New York on Andy Pettitte Day in the Bronx. Carlos Santana homered off Sabathia for the Indians, who have won five of their last six games at Yankee Stadium. Sabathia departed in the third inning with right knee pain. Lindor’s homer, the rookie’s second blast in two games, came moments after Carlos Beltran hit a game-tying double off reliever Bryan Shaw (2-2) in the seventh. Lindor became the first left-handed batter to homer off Betances (6-3), who had faced 302 left-handed hitters without allowing a homer.

CARDINALS 10, PADRES 3 Michael Wacha pitched six solid innings and Stephen Piscotty homered twice and drove in five runs to help St. Louis Cardinals avoid a three-game sweep. Jason Heyward had three hits as St. Louis averted getting swept for the first time this season. Wacha (15-4) got his fourth straight win, allow- ing one run and four hits while striking out three and walking two. After being shut out on Saturday night, the Cardinals scored four in the first against rookie Colin Rea, who was making his third major- league start. Rea (2-1) struggled early and made a throwing error in the first that contributed to the Cardinals’ rally. He gave up five runs - four earned - ANAHEIM: Toronto Blue Jays’ Kevin Pillar hits an infield single to score Josh Donaldson during the eighth inning of a baseball game against the Los Angeles Angels. — AP over four innings. San Diego made two errors in the Manny Machado moved to shortstop for the first Washington. Bryce Harper doubled twice for the high-tying six walks and raised his career ERA 7.17 Napoli and Chris Gimenez homered to help Texas first inning and the Cardinals capitalized with three time in his major league career in the 12th and mis- Nationals, who completed consecutive series victo- against Washington in eight starts. Jonathan hold onto the second AL wild-card spot. hits, including Piscotty’s two-run triple. played a grounder by Eduardo Escobar, who slid in ries for the first time since winning three straight in Lucroy, Scooter Gennett and Khris Davis homered The Rangers, who have won nine of their last 11 safely to second. It was Machado’s second error of late June. Jordan Zimmermann (10-8) allowed four for Milwaukee. games, started the day with a half-game lead over MARINERS 8, WHITE SOX 6 the game. Third baseman Jimmy Paredes then runs over 5 2/3 innings. Matt Garza (6-14) gave up the Angels, with Baltimore another half-game back. Robinson Cano had a two-run homer and could not handle a sharp grounder by Shane seven runs over 4 2/3 innings in his shortest outing RANGERS 4, TIGERS 2 Hamels (7-8) got the win, allowing two runs on Nelson Cruz doubled in two runs to help Seattle Robinson that allowed Escobar to score. since May 16. He allowed eight hits and a career Cole Hamels threw six strong innings, and Mike eight hits and two walks. He struck out two. Shawn avoid a three-game sweep. Seattle built a 7-1 lead Glen Perkins (2-4), who had been dealing with a Tolleson, the third Rangers reliever, pitched the through five innings, but the White Sox cut it to 7-6 bulging disc and hadn’t pitched since Aug. 17, ninth for his 25th save. with five runs in the sixth behind a pair of two-run picked up the win. Tommy Milone got his first Matt Boyd (1-4) gave up three runs on five hits homers. Adam Eaton singled with one out in the career save. Brian Matusz (1-3) took the loss. MLB results/standings and three walks in six innings. Mitch Moreland put sixth and scored on Tyler Saladino’s double. Jose Texas ahead with a two-run double in the sixth. Abreu followed with his 23rd home run. After CUBS 9, BRAVES 3 Cleveland 4, NY Yankees 3; Texas 4, Detroit 2; Arizona 4, Cincinnati 0; Philadelphia 2, Miami 0; Adrian Beltre and Rangers manager Jeff Banister Melky Cabrera grounded out, Avisail Garcia singled, Kris Bryant homered twice and Kyle Schwarber Minnesota 4, Baltimore 3 (12 innings); Washington 9, Milwaukee 5; Kansas City 8, Boston 6; were both ejected in the fifth inning. chasing starter Taijuan Walker. Logan Kensing, connected an inning after hitting a hard foul ball Houston 3, LA Dodgers 2 (10 innings); Chicago Cubs 9, Atlanta 3; Toronto 12, LA Angels 5; called up earlier in the day from Triple-A Tacoma, that sent a fan to the hospital as Chicago handed Oakland 8, Tampa Bay 2; Seattle 8, Chicago White Sox 6; NY Mets 5, Colorado 1; St. Louis 10, DIAMONDBACKS 4, REDS 0 relieved and allowed a two-run homer to Adam Atlanta its seventh straight loss. Chris Anderson gave up five hits in 6 2/3 LaRoche, his 12th. The game was briefly delayed in the first inning San Diego 3; Pittsburgh 5, San Francisco 2. innings, and Welington Castillo and David Peralta The Mariners added a run in the eighth on Ketel after Schwarber’s foul liner hit a female fan sitting homered to help Arizona hand Cincinnati its sea- Marte’s sacrifice fly. Walker (9-7) allowed five runs just past the camera well on the first base side. The American League National League son high-tying ninth straight loss. on seven hits in 5 2/3 innings. John Danks (6-11) woman was carried off on a stretcher and taken to Eastern Division Eastern Division The Diamondbacks completed their first four- was tagged for seven runs on eight hits in five a hospital. The Cubs said the woman was con- W L PCT GB NY Mets 67 56 .545 - game sweep over the Reds. Anderson (6-5) was innings. scious. Several fans around the majors have been Toronto 69 55 .556 - Washington 62 61 .504 5 optioned to Triple-A Reno on Tuesday and recalled hit this season, and Major League Baseball has said NY Yankees 68 55 .553 0.5 Atlanta 53 71 .427 14.5 on Thursday when Jeremy Hellickson was put on ATHLETICS 8, RAYS 2 it is studying the issue of crowd safety. Baltimore 62 61 .504 6.5 Miami 50 74 .403 17.5 the disabled list. Relievers Addison Reed and Matt Eric Sogard hit a tiebreaking two-run single as The Cubs hit five home runs, including a leadoff Tampa Bay 62 62 .500 7 Reynolds finished the shutout. Reynolds, coming Philadelphia 50 74 .403 17.5 part of a seven-run seventh inning as Oakland shot by Dexter Fowler in the first inning and a Boston 56 68 .452 13 back from Tommy John surgery, made his first big withstood another blown late lead by the bullpen three-run drive by Miguel Montero. Central Division Central Division league appearance since June 2013. Raisel Iglesias to beat Tampa Bay. Jason Hammel (7-5) allowed two runs in 6 1/3 Kansas City 75 48 .610 - St. Louis 78 45 .634 - (3-5) struck out 13 in seven innings, the most by a Mark Canha tripled and drove in four runs while innings. Matt Wisler (5-4) gave up Bryant’s two-run Minnesota 63 61 .508 12.5 Pittsburgh 74 48 .607 3.5 Reds rookie since Gary Nolan fanned 15 Giants in Billy Burns added three hits for the A’s, who won for homer in the first, Schwarber’s solo drive in the sec- Detroit 59 64 .480 16 Chicago Cubs 71 51 .582 6.5 1967. just the third time in 12 games. ond and Montero’s homer in the third. Chicago White Sox 58 64 .475 16.5 The A’s went into the game with the worst Milwaukee 53 72 .424 26 Cleveland 58 65 .472 17 PHILLIES 2, MARLINS 0 record in the AL and managed only three hits ASTROS 3, DODGERS 2 Cincinnati 51 71 .418 26.5 Rookie Aaron Nola pitched a career-high eight through the first six innings before matching their Jason Castro’s solo homer in the 10th inning Western Division Western Division innings and allowed only one runner to advance Houston 69 56 .552 - season high with seven runs in one inning. helped Houston complete a three-game sweep. LA Dodgers 67 56 .545 - beyond first base, helping Philadelphia beat Miami Texas 64 59 .520 4 Stephen Vogt had two hits as part of the sev- There was one out in the 10th when Castro con- San Francisco 66 58 .532 1.5 and tighten the race for next year’s top draft pick. enth when the Oakland sent 12 men to the plate. nected off Chris Hatcher (1-5), launching a 96 mph LA Angels 63 61 .508 5.5 By winning the final three games in the four- Vogt was also thrown out at home two batters fastball into the first row of the seats in left field. Seattle 57 67 .460 11.5 Arizona 62 61 .504 5 game series, the Phillies moved into a tie with before Sogard’s hit off Steve Geltz (2-5) put the A’s The play was reviewed and confirmed. Oakland 54 71 .432 15 San Diego 61 63 .492 6.5 Miami for the worst record in the majors (50-74). ahead for good. Fernando Rodriguez (3-1) retired Kenley Jansen, who had converted 17 straight Philadelphia is 21-12 since the All-Star break. four batters for the win after the Rays scored twice save opportunities, allowed a leadoff single to Nola (4-1) allowed three hits, walked two and off Sean Doolittle in the seventh. rookie Carlos Correa in the ninth before the Astros struck out six while throwing a career-high 100 tied it up on a two-out RBI single by Marwin pitches. The Phillies’ 2014 first-round draft choice METS 5, ROCKIES 1 Gonzalez. Luke Gregerson (7-2) allowed one hit in a lowered his ERA to 3.59 and improved to 4-0 in his Logan Verrett stepped into Matt Harvey’s spot scoreless 10th for the win. past six starts. Marlins rookie Adam Conley (1-1) and earned his first major league win in his first The NL West-leading Dodgers were swept by allowed one run while pitching a career-high six start, pitching eight impressive innings to lead New the Astros for the first time since May of 2008 and innings. He walked four, but the Phillies went 0 for York. After the NL East-leading Mets posted two 14- have dropped a season-high five straight overall. 5 with runners in scoring position against him. 9 wins at Coors Field, Verrett (1-0) allowed just one run and four hits while striking out eight. He got ROYALS 8, RED SOX 6 PIRATES 5, GIANTS 2 the spot start when the Mets decided to push back Mike Moustakas’ two-run double capped a four- Andrew McCutchen hit his 19th homer and Harvey’s outing, and he turned in a performance run ninth inning that rallied AL Central-leading Pedro Alvarez made up for some shaky defense by worthy of New York’s strong rotation. Kansas City past Boston. Moustakas also had a solo adding his 20th of the season as the Pirates held off Michael Conforto had three hits for the Mets, homer and RBI double as the Royals salvaged a the Giants. who have won 11 straight against Colorado dating split of the four-game series. Boston led 6-4 going Francisco Liriano (9-6) gave up two unearned to 2014. David Hale (3-5) threw a pair of wild pitch- into the ninth. runs and struck out five in 5 1/3 eventful innings to es while Anthony Recker was in the second After left fielder Jackie Bradley Jr. threw out win his fifth straight decision. The Pirates are 10-0 inning, both allowing a run to score. Omar Infante trying for an inside-the-park homer in Liriano’s last 10 starts dating back to June 26. for the first out, Kansas City rallied with four hits Alvarez committed a pair of errors that led TWINS 4, ORIOLES 3 against Junichi Tazawa (2-6), tying it on Eric directly to both San Francisco runs but atoned with Trevor Plouffe hit a tying single with two outs in Hosmer’s two run single. Moustakas hit a bases- a solo shot in the seventh that gave Pittsburgh the ninth inning as Minnesota took advantage of loaded double to right. Chris Young (9-6) retired some breathing room. Mark Melancon worked a two errors in the 12th to complete a four-game one batter and Wade Davis got the final three outs perfect ninth for his major league-leading 39th sweep. Twins manager Paul Molitor was ejected in for his 11th save. save.Matt Duffy had three hits for the Giants. Ryan the ninth for arguing a strikeout by Miguel Sano, Vogelsong (9-9) failed to make it out of the fourth who tried to hold back his swing. Plouffe followed NATIONALS 9, BREWERS 5 inning as San Francisco finished 2-5 on a seven- with his hit, giving closer Zach Britton his third Anthony Rendon and Wilson Ramos homered, NEW YORK: Cleveland Indians starting pitcher Trevor Bauer delivers during the sixth game road trip. — AP blown save of the season. All-Star third baseman and Danny Espinosa hit a three-run double to lead inning of a baseball game against the New York Yankees. — AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 SPORTS

BELGIUM: Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany steers his car in this file photo during the Belgium Formula One Grand Prix. — AP Formula One counts its lucky stars

SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS: Formula One can through the famed and feared Eau Rouge at before the Italian Grand Prix. Pirelli issued a subsequent statement to you wear them down.” Ferrari principal count its lucky stars after Sebastian Vettel and more than 300kph. Compatriot Rosberg, sec- Monza is a home race for both Ferrari and point out that, after a spate of six failures at Maurizio Arrivabene said the team’s strategy Nico Rosberg escaped unscathed from high- ond in the championship and battling Pirelli, the sport’s sole tyre supplier, and the the 2013 British Grand Prix, their request for a was “absolutely right” and based on data. “We speed tyre blowouts at the Belgian Grand Prix. Mercedes team mate Lewis Hamilton for the timing is bad news for the latter. maximum number of laps to be allowed on are not so stupid or so crazy to take a risk for Had the incidents involving Germany’s top title, also suffered a right rear failure in Friday The Italian-based company are bidding the same set of tyres had been rejected. the driver,” he added, pointing out that Pirelli two current drivers happened moments earli- practice. “For either of us-for me on Friday or against French rivals Michelin, who want to “These conditions, if applied today at Spa, had an engineer embedded with the team. er, the sport could have been heading for a for him (Vettel) — if that would have hap- provide a bigger and much more durable tyre, would have limited the maximum number of “Don’t worry, our job was done right.” very dark place indeed so soon after the death pened a couple of metres earlier or later we for a new contract from 2017. laps on the medium compound to 22,” it Vettel was one of several, along with of French racer Jules Bianchi. Bianchi’s demise, would have had huge shunts,” he said. Commercial supremo Bernie Ecclestone will added. Vettel had done 28. Hamilton and McLaren’s Fernando Alonso, to nine months after he suffered severe head “I mean the biggest shunts ever, because ultimately decide who gets the contract and Lotus trackside operations manager Alan voice concerns about the tyres in the pre-race injuries in a Japanese Grand Prix crash last this track is just so fast. “The next track is while it may come down to other factors, safe- Permane, whose French driver Romain drivers’ briefing. October, put safety back in the spotlight and Monza, the fastest track of the year, so they ty concerns cannot be ignored. Grosjean finished third, questioned whether “I don’t know what else needs to happen,” the dramatic events at Spa raised more con- have to think of something to try and improve While some questioned Ferrari’s aggressive tyre wear was really the reason. the German said after the race. “It’s probably cern. “Things like that are not allowed to hap- that situation,” added Rosberg, whose wife is strategy in trying to get Vettel to the finish on “They (the tyres) would generally get to not as bad as it was in Silverstone some years pen. Full stop. If it happened 200 metres earli- due to give birth to their first child this week just one stop, others felt the tyres should have being undriveable before they became unsafe; ago but it’s not acceptable. er, I am not standing here now,” said four times and will not have been calmed by events in been able to last. you would pit stop way before anything like “If Nico tells us he didn’t go off the track, he world champion Vettel after his Ferrari’s right Spa. Vettel, who lost out on a podium finish, Certainly, Vettel was overheard remonstrat- that happened,” he told reporters. didn’t go off the track. Why should he lie to us? rear tyre exploded on Sunday’s penultimate did not hold back on the expletives and said ing with Pirelli motorsport head Paul Hembery “I’d be very surprised if it was a wear-relat- Same with me. I didn’t go off the track. It’s just lap. Moments before, the German had blasted the drivers would have to discuss matters after the race: “Forty laps, you told us,” he said. ed failure, because they lose performance as out of the blue, the tyre explodes.” — Reuters Wilson in a coma after being struck by debris

PENNSYLVANIA: Justin Wilson sustained severe head injuries and is in a coma in critical condition after the Briton was struck by debris from another car during the closing laps of the penultimate race in the IndyCar Series on Sunday, officials have said. The 37-year old former Formula One driver, a seven-times winner in IndyCar racing, was airlifted to hospital in Allentown, Pennsylvania and will remain there for further evaluation, IndyCar officials added. Wilson’s car was appar- ently out of control after being hit by the debris and veered into the wall at the Pocono Raceway in Pennsylvania. His Andretti Autosport team mate Ryan Hunter-Reay, who went on to win the 500-mile (804.67 km) race, said he had not heard of the Briton’s condition in hospital though he had been unconscious at the track. “All I know is that he was unconscious,” Hunter-Reay said. “He was not responding. He was airlifted. That’s all obviously very bad details.” Wilson’s crash was reminiscent of a 2009 incident when Brazil’s Felipe Massa was struck in the helmet by a spring from Rubens Barichello’s car dur- ing qualifying for the Hungarian Grand Prix LONG POND: Justin Wilson, of England, walks on pit road during qualifying for Pocono and had to undergo surgery. — Reuters IndyCar 500 auto race. Wilson was injured during the race and air lifted to the hospital. — AP Fever defeat Liberty

INDIANAPOLIS: Tamika Catchings scored 14 quarter field goals and shot just 23 percent 20) and the Stars (7-21), for the final playoff points to lead a balanced offense and Shenise from the field in the first half as the Mercury berth out of the Western Conference. Lavender Johnson hit the go-ahead jumper with 1:32 took a 37-22 lead into halftime. Minnesota blocked a career-high five shots and played in left to help the beat the New coach Cheryl Reeve was ejected late in the her 132nd consecutive game, second all-time York Liberty 80-79 on Sunday night. Natalie third quarter after picking up two quick tech- for Los Angeles. Parker had 12 rebounds and Achonwa and Maggie Lucas scored 11 points nical fouls. Sylvia Fowles had 16 points and 12 nine assists. The Sparks shot 54 percent from apiece while Johnson and Lynetta Kizer rebounds for Minnesota. the field and dominated in the paint 52-28. added 10 each for the Fever (17-9), who Kayla McBride scored 13 points and pulled within a game of the Eastern SKY 66, MYSTICS 64 Dearica Hamby 10 for the Stars, losers of five MALAGA: Tinkoff-Saxo Slovakian cyclist Peter Sagan celebrates as he crosses the finish Conference leading Liberty. Kizer’s hook shot Cappie Pondexter’s layup with 6 seconds straight. Nneka Ogwumike, the Sparks’ sec- line to win during the third stage of the 2015 Vuelta Espana cycling tour. —AFP in the lane gave Indiana, which led by as left gave the Sky a victory over the Mystics. ond-leading scorer, sat out for the third many as 12 points in the first half, a 78-77 Washington’s Kara Lawson hit a 3-pointer with straight game with concussion-like symp- Sagan wins Tour stage lead. Tina Charles answered to put New York 28 seconds to tie the game. Coming out of a toms. Parker scored nine points in an 11-2 run back on top with 1:58 to play. Johnson’s pull- timeout, Pondexter, out near the halfcourt for a 28-13 first-quarter lead. The Sparks led MALAGA: Slovakian Peter Sagan claimed fication favourites finished with the same up jumper 26 seconds later proved to be the line, let the clock wind down before driving 43-24 at halftime and led by as many as 37. his first Grand Tour stage victory in two time so Nairo Quintana maintains a four- winner. for the winning points. Lawson missed a last- years on the third stage of the Spain’s second advantage over Britain’s Chris Trailing by one, New York forced a turnover second jumper. With the home-and-home DREAM 102, SUN 92 Vuelta yesterday. Froome, who is hoping to become just the with 20 seconds left. After a timeout, sweep, Chicago (17-11) earned its fourth Angel McCoughtry scored 33 points to The 25-year-old Saxo-Tinkoff rider third man to win the Tour de France and Epiphanny Prince’s shot was off the mark on a straight victory over Washington (15-11) in help Alanta beat Connecticut, handing the edged out France’s Nacer Bouhanni and the Vuelta in the same year. contested jumper from the right elbow in the the battle between Eastern Conference teams Sun their fourth-straight loss. It was the German John Degenkolb in a sprint to the After the drama of three-time Grand final seconds. Tina Charles led the Liberty (18- jockeying for playoff berths. eighth time McCoughtry has scored 30 or line at the end of the 158.4km ride from Tour winner Vincenzo Nibali’s expulsion 8) with 18 points. Pondexter finished with nine points, six more points against the Sun in her WNBA Mijas to Malaga in time of 4hr 06min 46sec. from the race on Sunday for being towed below her average. Elena Delle Donne, the career, and it was Atlanta’s first win at Colombia’s Esteban Chaves maintains by his Astana team car, Monday’s stage MERCURY 79, LYNX 67 league’s leading scorer at 24 points per game, Uncasville since June 23, 2013. The Dream, the overall lead after his victory on failed to produce any significant changes in DeWanna Bonner scored 21 points, and had 18 on 7-of-22 shooting along with 10 who had a season-high for points, have beat- Sunday’s second stage. Dutchman Tom the general classification as the sprinters Brittney Griner added 10 points, 11 rebounds rebounds. Allie Quigley added 15 points and en Connecticut twice in three games and Dumoulin remains in second, five seconds enjoyed one of the few chances offered to and six blocked shots as the Mercury clinched Clarissa Dos Santos 10. Lawson led meet for a third time in four games Tuesday in behind, with Ireland’s Nicholas Roche a fur- them on this year’s route. They still had to a playoff berth with a victory over the Lynx. Washington with 19 points with Ivory Latta Atlanta. Atlanta (10-15) got off to a fast start, ther 10 seconds back in third. get over the first category one climb of the Sagan finished second an incredible five tour midway through the stage, but an ini- Noelle Quinn scored 11 points and adding 15 and Emma Meesseman 12. scoring 63 first-half points (63-47), the sec- times during the Tour de France last month tial breakaway group of eight riders was Monique Curry finished with 10 for the ond-highest total for one half in franchise his- and his latest success adds to three stage whittled down and eventually caught Mercury (16-10). scored five- SPARKS 90, STARS 59 tory. Shoni Schimmel hit all four of her 3-point wins at the Vuelta three years ago. “I was 13km from the finish. straight points during a 10-2 run in the sec- Jantel Lavender scored 22 points and attempts in the first half and the team shot 23 lucky that after a crash yesterday I didn’t And it was finally Sagan’s time on the ond quarter that pushed the Phoenix lead to Candace Parker added 20 to help the Sparks of 32 from the field to build a 20-point lead. suffer any damage and today I have to road into Malaga as he had just enough to 31-19 with 3:12 left in the first half. Minnesota roll to a victory over the Stars. Ana Dabovic had The Sun (12-14) trailed by just six, 86-80 mid- thank the team because we deserve this hold off a late surge from Bouhanni to seal trailed by double digits the rest of the way. 18 for the Sparks (10-17), who padded their way through the fourth quarter, but got no victory,” said Sagan. All of the general classi- the win. — AFP The Lynx (19-9) made just 4 of 17 second- cushion between themselves, idle Seattle (7- closer.—AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 SPORTS

Coe says IAAF must restore sport’s trust and integrity BEIJING: Sebastian Coe wants the public people out from world championship- to “fall in love again with athletics” and winning positions.” one of his priorities as the new IAAF president will be to restore the sport’s MEDIA COVERAGE trust and integrity, he said yesterday. Coe denied he did not welcome The IAAF has been in crisis since data media coverage alleging widespread from thousands of blood samples was drug use and official cover-ups. “We leaked to two media organisations earli- shouldn’t ever hide away from the media er this month. “All the things I want really that wants to look and judge us,” said the to get stuck in to, in the first hundred Briton who took over as president earlier days actually, all that can only be predi- this month. cated on two immutable principles of “For me the issue was really about the trust and integrity,” Coe told the BBC very selective use of information that while attending the world champi- actually shouldn’t have been in the pub- onships. lic domain, it was very private informa- The double Olympic 1, tion, and information you could not champion added he must banish the extrapolate from in terms of one simple notion all leading athletes are using per- reading.” formance-enhancing drugs. “Our overall objective is to get the “We’ve got to kill the perception that cheats out of our sport but my objective somehow the IAAF has been sitting on over the coming years is for the clean its hands, or is in some way complicit, in athletes to know there is absolutely no not doing enough,” said Coe of the question I am in their corner.” sport’s governing body. Coe said he wanted sanctions for “I’ve been on the Council since drug cheats to be proportionate. “That is 2003...we have driven high-profile cheats why we pushed to go back from the two out of the sport and we’ve paid a high years [mandatory ban] to four years price for doing that. because two years is a mere blip in a “In 2005 we were a sport that still had career,” he explained. “Four years is a very the prescience to start collecting sam- serious time out of sport. “I don’t want to ples knowing one day the technology see people coming back quickly from a would emerge and we could go back 10 ban where it is viewed as a slap on the years, as we have done recently, and pull wrist.”— Reuters Sprint Queen Fraser-Pryce wins third world 100m title

BEIJING: Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce under- in the final, anything is possible. My start lined her status as Queen of the Sprints was good, I thought I was close enough to BEIJING: Kenya’s Ezekiel Kemboi (centre) takes the water jump on his way to winning the gold medal in the men’s 3000m steeplechase final at with an unprecedented third world cham- medal. Wow.” the Championships at the Bird’s Nest stadium. — AP pionship 100 metres title at the Bird’s Nest stadium yesterday. MORE PREPARED Kemboi takes steeplechase crown With her long, dyed green braids flow- Like Schippers, American Tori Bowie has ing behind her, the diminutive Jamaican not long turned her focus to the sprints was not quickest out of the blocks but soon after being predominantly a long jumper BEIJING: Ezekiel Kemboi underlined his status as in 8:12.38, while Brimin Kiprop came third in the leading quintet until the bell sounded for got into her stride and powered down the and she claimed bronze in 10.86 ahead of one of the great Kenyan athletes by capturing 8:12.54. Another Kenyan, 2015 world rankings the final lap. track in 10.76 seconds to add to her titles in 2007 world champion Veronica Campbell- the world championship 3,000 metres steeple- leader Jairus Birech, was fourth in 8:12.62. “On Jager surged on to the shoulder of Kipruto Berlin in 2009 and Moscow two years ago. Brown (10.91). “I am delighted for the chase crown for a record fourth time yesterday. the last lap nobody could follow me,” said but, down the back straight, Kemboi overtook all Back at the same arena where she won medal but I wished I showed a much better The 33-year-old seized the gold medal thanks Kemboi as he confirmed he would race at the his rivals before producing one of his trademark the first of her two Olympic gold medals at race,” she said. “I think I will be much more to a devastating sub 57-second last-lap burst at Rio Olympics next year. “I will be celebrating victory dances after crossing the line. Kipruto said the 2008 Games, Fraser-Pryce locked up a prepared for next year’s Olympics. the Bird’s Nest Stadium. Kenya secured their first tonight with my team mates.” the Kenyan quartet had run as a team. “Our plan fifth title in the last six major champi- “Coming here, I did not know what to clean sweep in the event for eight years but the The prospect of an athlete challenging the was to go for gold, silver, bronze,” he explained.”I onships in the blue riband sprint. expect but I feel excited inside despite the anticipated challenge from Evan Jager faded on Kenyan monopoly in this event, 12 previous am happy I was able to my team, I sacrificed “I will always work hard and do my best,” fact it is not visible from the outside. This a the final lap as the American was unable to world champions were born in the African coun- myself for the team.” For Jager, 26, it was a case of she said. “When I ran the heats, I remem- major stepping stone for me.” match the speed of the Africans and trailed try, improved when Jager was runner-up at a going back to the drawing board. bered back at the 2008 Trinidad and Tobago team mates home sixth. meeting in Paris last month. “Those guys are so freaking tough over the when I was a 21-year-old. Michelle-Lee Ahye (10.98) and Kelly-Ann Kemboi, who clocked eight minutes 11.28 last lap, running extremely fast over barriers,” he “I expected nothing then. And I came Baptiste (11.01) finished fifth and sixth with seconds, added the title to those he won in MODEST PACE said. “It’s something I haven’t figured out yet. out here again tonight and won a gold the third Jamaican Natasha Morrison and 2009, 2011 and 2013 and to the Olympic gold he However, the relatively modest early pace did “There’s a reason why the Kenyans have won medal. I am really excited.” Former heptath- Nigeria’s Blessing Okagbare (both 11.02) landed in 2004 and 2012. not suit the rangy American yesterday. While every single steeplechase world championship lete Dafne Schippers almost caught Fraser- seventh and eighth respectively. Silver went to Conseslus Kipruto, who did Kipruto did much of the hard work up at the they’ve competed in for the last 12, 13 years so Pryce with a brilliant finish but was more Fraser-Pryce’s time was the second much of the pacesetting and hung on to finish front, Kemboi hardly moved from the back of it’s really tough.” — Reuters than satisfied with her second Dutch fastest of the year after her own 10.74 in national record of the night in 10.81 for Paris last month but she was not satisfied. second place. “I get tired of 10.7s,” the 28-year-old said. Bolt back in action as Gatlin The first European to win a medal in the “I just wanted to put a great race together. I 100 metres at a world championships since want a 10.6 something. Hopefully in my France’s Christine Arron in 2005, Schippers next race I’ll get it together. I just work hard was delighted to secure silver in her first and focus on executing.” seeks road to redemption season after giving up the multi-discipline Schippers will also compete in the 200 event to focus on the sprints. metres but Fraser-Pryce confirmed she BEIJING: Newly-crowned 100m champion Usain “It’s a national record, I’m second in the would not defend her world title in the Bolt makes a swift return to the track on the fourth world, it’s crazy,” the 23-year-old, who won longer sprint, despite being named on the day of the world championships in Beijing today world heptathlon bronze in 2013, said. Jamaica team for the event. when he goes off in round one of his favoured “It’s good for the country and good for “I am not considering the 200m, the 200m. Bolt pipped American rival Justin Gatlin by Europe. I was a little bit nervous in the plan has only been to only run in the one-hundredth of a second to claim victory in an semi-finals and after that I think, Okay, I’m 100m,” she said. — Reuters epic 100m battle at the Bird’s Nest on Sunday. The Jamaican has struggled this season with pelvic joint pain but came roaring back to clock a season’s best of 9.79sec at just the right time. His focus turned immediately to the 200m, in which he will be seeking a fourth consecutive title after hav- ing previously triumphed in Berlin, Daegu and Moscow. “I should be fine-ice up, chill out and get some rest,” said Bolt, who won the 100m after a heart-stopping stumble in his semi-final. “I went to see my coach (Glen Mills) after the semi-final and he told me ‘You’re thinking about it too much’. And he is right because I know exactly what to do. I guess this recipe of confidence will also work for the 200m. “Justin’s been running great all season,” added the Olympic champion. “I’m not expecting to just turn up and not compete because he’s a great competitor. It’s my favourite event so something I want even more, so I’ll go there and do my best.” Aside from Bolt, middle-distance superstars Genzebe Dibaba and David Rudisha will race the finals of the women’s 1500 and men’s 800m respec- BEIJING: Jamaica’s Usain Bolt celebrates in this file photo after winning the gold medal in the tively. Olympic champion Rudisha, whose win in men’s 100m ahead of United States’ at the World Athletics Championships. — AP London was matched by an incredible world (But) anything is possible in the final.” look set for a battle for lower steps of the podium. record, will be up against it in the two-lap event, Ethiopian Dibaba last month shattered the There will be a new champion in the men’s traditionally one of the toughest in athletics. world record which had been held since 1993 by 400m hurdles after Trinidad and Tobago’s defend- The Kenyan faces tough challenges in the shape China’s Yunxia Qu, who competed under the guid- ing champion failed to make it into of Ethiopian Mohammed Aman, Botswanan Nijel ance of controversial coach Ma Junren, and looks the final. Likewise Bershawn Jackson, the 2005 Amos and Bosnian Amel Tuka. untouchable in the 1500m. world champion, also failed to advance. The “It was my dream to get into the final before this Dutchwoman Sifan Hassan, Sweden’s Abeba evening session also includes finals in the women’s championship and now my dream came true,” said Aregawi, American duo and discus and men’s long jump, as well as semi-finals Tuka. “My friend Rudisha, he has a lot of energy. , and Kenyan Faith Kipyegon in the women’s 400m. — AFP Bolt win reverberates in anti-doping fight

BEIJING: When the dust settled on Usain Bolt’s than his American rival-the finest of margins, but He’s been able to come back, he’s been proving stunning world championships victory over two- enough to bolster the crisis-hit sport’s credibility. to people he’s a great talent. A four-year suspen- time doping offender Justin Gatlin in the men’s His victory would have been warmly wel- sion is supposed to ruin your career and it really 100 metres, the natural order of athletics comed by athletics chiefs, who have been under hasn’t, athletically, for him.” remained intact just. heavy fire over doping and were uneasy at the Gatlin, who had been unbeaten in 28 races Olympic chief Thomas Bach was quick to con- prospect of Gatlin being crowned the world over two years before Sunday’s final, vowed to gratulate Bolt, who had barely completed his lap 100m champion. return with a vengeance in the 200 metres, start- of honour in Beijing on Sunday, dancing and As allegations of widespread doping ing on Tuesday. “I just have to reset, man,” striking poses with the Jamaican flag draped engulfed athletics in the build-up to Beijing, shrugged the American, one of four men in the over his shoulders like a superhero’s cape. newly elected IAAF president Sebastian Coe, 100 metres final to have served a doping ban. “Congratulations to Usain Bolt for a historic who has promised zero tolerance for drug “Just get ready for the 200 metres, dial back in victory,” said the International Olympic cheats, admitted a Gatlin victory would make and be ready for business.” Committee president. “It was great to see him him feel “queasy.” Gatlin, 33, was banned for Bolt, the six-times Olympic gold-medallist, winning in the Bird’s Nest stadium again.” eight years after a second positive test in 2006, refused to depict the race, described in some It is hard to imagine that Bach, a supporter of though that suspension was halved after he quarters as a clash of “good vs evil”, as a morality lifetime bans for doping, would have been quite cooperated with anti-doping officials. tale. “That’s for you guys to write,” he told jour- so happy had Gatlin controversially ended Bolt’s While there was symbolic significance at least nalists. “I have shown the world that it is possible reign as the world’s fastest man. in Bolt’s one-hundredth-of-a-second win, (to run clean). I have worked my hardest. I have “My aim is to be the best ever, to continue Gatlin’s agent Renaldo Nehemiah said the run- pushed myself.” Bolt’s countryman Asafa Powell dominating,” said Bolt, one of the most tested ner has been shaken by the constant references said bluntly after the race: “No one wanted athletes in sport. “There is no time to celebrate to his murky past. Gatlin to win.” anything.” “He’s not angry, he’s upset about it,” said The fact Powell has also served a drugs ban BEIJING: Jamaica’s Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce (fourth from bottom) starts on her way to Bolt’s ruthless takedown of Gatlin was a Nehemiah. “We build people up to break them underlines just how deep the problem runs in winning the gold medal in the women’s 100m final at the World Athletics close-run thing. The Jamaican clocked 9.79 sec- down, that’s just human nature. “When you athletics-and how much work the likes of Coe Championships at the Bird’s Nest stadium in Beijing. — AP onds in the final, just one hundredth quicker serve a doping ban, usually it’s career-ending. and his old friend Bach have yet to do. — AFP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 SPORTS England rest Root for Australia T20 and ODI

LONDON: England have rested Ashes-win- wicketkeeper batsman Jonny Bairstow ning star batsman Joe Root from their even though he revived his international squads for both the upcoming lone career with a series-clinching 83 not out Twenty20 international and five one-day against New Zealand at Chester-le-Street in internationals against Australia. June. Root, the Ashes player of the series after “We have made some significant his 460 runs played a central role in progress in our limited-overs this England’s 3-2 win over the five Tests, has summer, and the next six games allow been a key player in all three international these players to continue testing them- formats in recent times. selves against one of the very best sides in But with England facing tough Test the world,” said England national selector series away to Pakistan and South Africa James Whitaker. later this year, England’s selectors have “This is primarily a young group of play- decided to give the 24-year-old a break ers, and the next three weeks will provide from international duty. them with valuable experience as we con- Also omitted are senior bowlers James tinue to identify those who can take our Anderson, currently out with a side strain, limited-overs cricket forward over the next and Stuart Broad, whose stunning eight for four years.” 15 at his Trent Bridge home ground saw Yorkshire paceman Liam Plunkett, Australia skittled out for 60 in the third included in the ODI squad after spending Ashes Test. much of this season as cover for England’s Neither Anderson nor Broad, as well as Test bowlers, was well aware of the chal- veteran batsman Ian Bell, have played a 50- lenge posed by Australia. over one-day international since this year’s “They won the World Cup not so long World Cup, which Australia won on home ago-they are the best in the world, so it’s soil in March. going to be a tough ‘ask’,” said Plunkett. “But Test skipper Alastair Cook, dropped we beat New Zealand, who were in that from England’s squad before the global World Cup final, so it shows where we are- showpiece, was again omitted from white- and I am really looking forward to the ball duty. Eoin Morgan will again captain tough competition.” both squads, having led England in their The lone Twenty20 clash takes place in miserable first-round exit from the World Cardiff on August 31, with the one-day Cup before overseeing a thrilling one-day series starting at Hampshire’s Ageas Bowl series win at home to World Cup finalists headquarters on September 3. COLOMBO: Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli (right) greets Sri Lankan cricketer Kumar Sangakkara after the second Test cricket match between New Zealand. Australia face Ireland in a one-day inter- Sri Lanka and India. — AP Essex left-arm seamer Reece Topley was national in Belfast on Thursday in what will the only uncapped player in either squad be their first 50 overs per side clash since after being named in the Twenty20 party. the World Cup. With former captain Michael Moeen Ali was restored to both squads Clarke having retired from international Ashwin helps India after being injured at the start of the sea- cricket after the Ashes, the upcoming son, with fit-again fellow all-rounder Chris white-ball games will mark Steven Smith’s Woakes also selected. first campaign as the full-time one-day But there was no place for Yorkshire skipper of Australia. — AFP level Sri Lanka series

COLOMBO: Off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin caused a dramatic Sri Lanka collapse as India SCOREBOARD completed a crushing 278-run victory in the sec- ond Test in Colombo yesterday to level the three-match series. COLOMBO: Final scoreboard on the fifth day of the second Test between India and Sri Lanka at Ashwin grabbed five for 42 as Sri Lanka, set the P. Sara Oval in Colombo yesterday: an improbable victory target of 413 runs, were India 1st innings: 393 (L. Rahul 108, V. Kohli 78, J. Mubarak c Kohli b I. Sharma 0 shot out for 134 in their second innings soon R. Sharma 79, W. Saha 56, D. Prasad 2-84, A. D. Prasad c Mishra b Ashwin 0 after lunch on the fifth day at the P. Sara Oval. Mathews 2-24, D. Chameera 2-72, R. Herath 4-81) R. Herath not out 4 Leg-spinner Amit Mishra chipped in with Sri Lanka 1st innings: 306 (K. Silva 51, L. T. Kaushal lbw b Mishra 5 three as the hosts lost their last eight Thirimanne 62, A. Mathews 102, A. Mishra 4-43) D. Chameera lbw b Mishra 4 batsmen for 62 runs after resuming at 72-2, giv- India 2nd innings: 325-8 declared (M. Vijay 82, A. Extras: (lb4, w1, nb2) 7 ing Virat Kohli his first win as captain in his fifth Rahane 126, D. Prasad 4-43, T. Kaushal 4-118) Total (all out, 43.4 overs) 134 Test as leader. Fall of wickets: 1-8 (Silva), 2-33 (Sangakkara), 3-72 A brief spell of heavy rain forced an early Sri Lanka 2nd innings (72-2): (Mathews), 4-91 (Chandimal), 5-106 (Thirimanne), lunch with nine wickets down, but the weather K. Silva c Binny b Ashwin 1 6-111 (Mubarak), 7-114 (Prasad), 8-123 cleared for India to finish the match in the sec- D. Karunaratne b Ashwin 46 (Karunaratne), 9-128 (Kaushal), 10-134 ond over after the resumption. K. Sangakkara c Vijay b Ashwin 18 (Chameera). The defeat denied retiring Sri Lankan great A. Mathews c Rahul b Yadav 23 Bowling: Ashwin 16-6-42-5, Yadav 7-1-18-1, I. Kumar Sangakkara a fairytale farewell in his last D. Chandimal b Mishra 15 Sharma 11-2-41-1 (nb2, w1), Mishra 9.4-3-29-3 international match. The left-hander was dis- L. Thirimanne c sub (Pujara) b Ashwin 11 India won by 278 runs, level three-match series 1-1. missed for 18 on Sunday. India’s emphatic win set the stage for an intriguing finale to the series when the third and hosts with 46, but six batsmen failed to reach under a lot of pressure. “The was quite final Test starts at the Sinhalese sports club in double figures as Sri Lanka were bowled out in demanding, but we could have put on a better the Sri Lankan capital on Friday. 43.4 overs. show on the last day. But having said that I must Kohli said he was delighted at his first win as Ashwin finished with a match-haul of seven concede that India, especially Ashwin, bowled captain after coming close twice against wickets to add to the 10 he took in the first Test really well.” Sri Lanka never recovered after they Australia in Adelaide and against Sri Lanka in the England’s Joe Root walks after losing his wicket in this file photo. in Galle where Sri Lanka fought back from the lost Mathews off the first ball of the day, edging first Test of the current series. brink to win by 63 runs. fast bowler Umesh Yadav to stand-in wicket- “We had played really good cricket in both Sri Lankan captain Angelo Mathews said he keeper Lokesh Rahul, who dived to his right to Burning Ashes regret to those Tests as well and if we had done that for was disappointed not to secure a win in hold a low catch. one more session there, two more wins would Sangakkara’s final match. “I was pretty disap- First Test hero Dinesh Chandimal began by follow Clarke into retirement have been ours,” he said. pointed with the way things went because we hooking seamer Ishant Sharma for a six, before “It is a commendable effort by the team to did not play our best cricket,” Mathews said. “I he was bowled round his legs by Mishra for 15 to MELBOURNE: A batsman of prodigious tal- Africa. Even as the runs gushed from his regroup so soon after Galle and put up a show am even more disappointed that we did not win reduce the hosts to 91-4. It soon became 111-6 ent and a captain unflinching in pursuit of bat, rumours swirled of dressing room like this. Once we took those early wickets in the it for Sanga. We promised him we would play as India grabbed two more wickets in the space victory, Michael Clarke restored Australia to disharmony. A ham-fisted attempt to instil morning, we wanted to bowl attacking lines and our best cricket, but we didn’t. of five deliveries. Karunaratne was bowled by the pinnacle of test and one-day cricket discipline during the ill-fated 2013 tour of didn’t want to lose time. “There is one more Test “The best time for batting was on the second Ashwin before lunch and Mishra sealed the win but winning the affections of a nation India saw four players stood down in the to play and I am sure we will be as focused and and third days and we clearly did not capitalise by trapping both Tharindu Kaushal and proved his toughest battle. infamous ‘homework-gate’ episode. positive as we were in this match.” Opener on that. After they took the lead, they batted Dushmantha Chameera leg-before on either Clarke bowed out a winner at The Oval The Clarke-endorsed caper backfired Dimuth Karunaratne played a lone hand for the really well in the second innings and put us side of the break. — AFP on Sunday but the dead rubber demolition badly and Australia were whitewashed 4-0 of England was a Pyrrhic victory that will do in the subcontinent before losing the Ashes little to salve the 34-year-old’s one burning 3-0 in England. The team took back the urn Sangakkara regret. Having never won an Ashes away in with a brilliant 5-0 whitewash months later four previous attempts, Clarke staked his and though Clarke led from the front with offered legacy on bringing the sacred urn home centuries in the first two tests, his crowning and promptly lost with a game in hand. moment would come at Newlands the fol- diplomatic post Leading a team to Ashes defeat is a car- lowing March. dinal sin in cricket-mad Australia, so for Nursing a broken shoulder and pep- COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s Kumar Sangakkara said a many of his compatriots, his two failures in pered with bouncers, he saw off a brutal tearful farewell to international cricket yesterday charge will forever bar him from the pan- assault from South Africa’s pacemen to and was immediately offered the post of the theon of his country’s great captains. compile an unbeaten 161, setting up a rare island’s top envoy in Britain, where he plays county Similarly, his final tormented spells at the series win away to the Proteas and securing cricket. Several thousand cheering fans, many of crease took the gloss from a fine record of his team the top ranking in tests. The tri- them schoolchildren waving Sri Lankan flags along 8,643 runs in 115 tests, tipping his average umph was to prove the tipping point for with VIPs, turned out to salute Sangakkara at the under 50, the mark often seen dividing the both the team and player, however. end of the second Test against India in Colombo. very best from the rest. Poorer records have Australia’s reign as number one was “You have been a great honour to Sri Lanka,” invoked wild adulation for players from fleeting, while age, hamstring injuries and President Maithripala Sirisena said in a televised other parts of the world. Australia, howev- the rise of Steven Smith would all push ceremony at the P. Sara Oval for the formidable er, is its own country. Clarke toward the exit. cricketer after the match. Local fans raised on a diet of Allan The death of team mate Phillip Hughes Sangakkara, who turns out for Surrey in English Border and Steve Waugh struggled to struck Clarke like a hammer blow but his county cricket, did not directly address Sirisena’s warm to millennial Clarke, a working class leadership in mourning comforted a announcement about the diplomatic post, later boy whose comfort with wealth and nation. Injured and grief-stricken, his stir- telling reporters he had been unprepared for the celebrity was at odds with the no-nonsense ring 128 against India in the Adelaide trib- gesture. “It was a surprise, I have to go and think austerity of previous Australian captains. ute match for Hughes was the last of his 28 about it and discuss with his excellency (the presi- A darling of Australia’s weekly gossip test centuries. dent)” Sangakkara said. magazines, Clarke was less popular among Clarke’s refusal to surrender to his body During the formal sendoff, the 37-year-old local cricket media. Portraits emerged of a frustrated as well as inspired, and a grow- broke down as he thanked his parents for standing player aloof in the dressing room whose ing chorus of pundits urged him to quit. by him during his 15 years of cricket. “All the sup- disdain for time-honoured protocols occa- He defied them all and helped Australia port and love they showed over the years, whether sionally ticked off senior team mates. secure a fifth World Cup in March, scoring a I played cricket or not, whether I did well or not, The Ferraris, supermodel girlfriends and half-century in the final in his last one-day the only place I could go and feel underwear modelling grated with tradi- international. Another fairytale swansong safe was home. So thank you ‘amma’ (mother) tionalists, and Clarke’s first forays as captain beckoned in England and few in Australia and ‘apachchi’ (father),” Sangakkara said, fighting drew jeers from home crowds. begrudged his last tilt at bringing home back tears as fans cheered and clapped. Yet, in the soul-searching years after the the Ashes. He also praised Indian captain Virat Kohli and calamitous loss in the 2010/11 Ashes, there But the goodwill acquired over years his team for their tough opposition during his were fewer comforting sights than the man evaporated in weeks as Clarke’s struggles farewell match which Sri Lanka lost by 278 runs on nicknamed ‘Pup’ striding to the crease. on the English pitches confirmed him a Monday, allowing the tourists to level the series 1- He battled a degenerative back condi- spent force. With ready-made replacement 1. “Thank you for not giving any quarter,” he told tion throughout his career but carried the Smith waiting in the wings, a farewell test the Indian team. team with a Bradman-esque weight of runs at The Oval seemed another needless “And thank you for really making it a privilege of COLOMBO: Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena hands over a memento to cricketer and brilliantly marshalled a patched-up indulgence for critics and Clarke was dis- mine to play against you,” he said. Hours after the Kumar Sangakkara at the end of the second Test cricket match. — AP bowling attack. missed cheaply in the first innings. emotional send-off, Sangakkara said he was look- the short mid-wicket fielder for 18. Sangakkara, the ICC chief executive David Richardson paid trib- “I’d place Clarke second only to Mark He denied himself a last chance to make ing forward to a “new innings” with his family. fifth highest run-getter in Test history, finished his ute to Sangakkara as “one of cricket’s greatest ever Taylor among Australia’s recent captains amends by having England bat again, his “Thank you for the wonderful farewell,” he said Test career with 12,400 runs from 134 Tests at an players and ambassadors”. when it came to tactical awareness,” former first and only enforcement of the follow-on. on Twitter. “I will miss the cricket. But my amazing average of 57.40. He scored 38 centuries, including “By scoring a total of 28,016 runs across all three captain Ian Chappell wrote on Espncricinfo. The hunch proved astute, and Clarke wife (Yehali) and children await my innings with a best of 319 against Bangladesh in Chittagong last formats, he puts himself in the higher echelons of A pair of golden summers book-ended a walked off The Oval with a big win, though them. Time for family.” Thousands turned out on year. He follows Sachin Tendulkar of India, Ricky players to ever grace the game. “Sangakkara will spectacular 2012 boasting a triple-century one unlikely to gild his legacy or ease the Sunday to see Sangakkara’s final international Ponting of Australia, Jacques Kallis of South Africa rightly go down as one of cricket’s greatest-ever and a double at home against India before pain of another Ashes failure away from innings. But he was denied a dream end to his and Rahul Dravid of India in the all-time list of lead- players and ambassadors,” Richardson said in an two more doubles against touring South home. —Reuters career when he was caught tapping a full toss to ing Test scorers. ICC statement. — AFP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 SPORTS Last week for managers as big clubs eye their talent

LONDON: With just over a week to go and said it should be on Aug. 1, before with Wanyama. manager Tony Pulis, who left him out of Everton have been aware for some until the British transfer window closes any matches are played. The first three games have also Sunday’s home defeat by Chelsea. time of Chelsea’s interest in young for four months, several Premier League He is concerned about speculation exposed his team’s over-dependence on England defender John Stones, which is clubs are steeling themselves to resist linking his Senegalese winger Sadio striker Harry Kane and Pochettino con- TRANSFER REQUEST likely to have increased after the champi- raids on their talented youngsters from Mane to Manchester United and Kenyan firmed last week he wanted another for- A statement from Albion on Monday ons conceded seven goals in their first bigger rivals. West Bromwich Albion’s midfielder Victor Wanyama to Tottenham. ward. Without naming West Bromwich’s confirmed that the Burundi-born striker three games and now have captain and desire to hold onto striker Saido Berahino After Southampton’s 0-0 draw at Watford Berahino, who is widely believed to be was now pressing for a move. “West centre-half John Terry suspended follow- was underlined on Monday when they on Sunday he insisted “nobody is for the main target, the Spurs manager said Bromwich Albion have received a written ing his sending-off at West Brom. rejected a formal transfer request from sale”. One of the problems has been that at the weekend that “maybe in the next transfer request from Saido Berahino,” it Everton’s captain Phil Jagielka, who plays the England Under-21 international. playing three or four games while the few days we can strengthen the team a read. “The request has been rejected and alongside the 21-year-old Stones, said in But Albion, Everton and Southampton window is still open enables rich clubs to little bit more”. Tottenham’s chairman the club’s position remains unchanged interviews before Sunday’s defeat by fear new bids for players they have insist- identify weaknesses in their squad, Daniel Levy has a reputation for leaving from that outlined in the statement from Manchester City that the present system ed they want to keep. All three have criti- sometimes caused by additional injuries deals until the last minute and the selling chairman Jeremy Peace of August 18.” led to uncertainty and “unsettles people”. cised the way the window will still be or suspensions. club has little or no time to find a Peace had said, “We have no interest “I cannot get my head round why it works open four matches into the new Premier replacement. in selling Saido, which is what I have told the way it does,” he added. Everton man- League season, which started a week ear- MORE STRENGTH Albion have already paid a club record Daniel Levy. “I know we are living in an ager Roberto Martinez reiterated after the lier than usual because of next year’s Tottenham fall into that category and fee for a new striker of their own in age where no club can say ‘never’ about match how keen the club were to keep European Championship finals. manager Mauricio Pochettino, who was Salomon Rondon from Zenit St the possibility of selling a player. Stones. But like Pulis, Koeman and others, Southampton manager Ronald Koeman in charge at Southampton before leaving Petersburg. The continuing rumours “However the prospect of selling Saido is he faces an uncomfortable wait until described the Sept. 1 deadline as “crazy” last year, is reported likely to be reunited about Berahino, however, have annoyed simply not on our agenda.” 1700 GMT next Tuesday. — Reuters Sunderland eye League Cup

LONDON: Sunderland captain John But having seen his side work their O’Shea has urged his side to use today’s way back into Saturday’s game at Palace, League Cup second-round tie at home to only to go down 2-1 to an 87th-minute fourth-tier Exeter City as a springboard Bakary Sako goal, centre-back Ciaran for the rest of their season. Clark says Villa can draw encouragement Sunderland manager Dick Advocaat from their latest display. “We did really found himself in the spotlight after his well to pull it back and with a couple of team lost their opening two league minutes to go it was just one of those games, but they stopped the rot by things,” he told the club website. recovering from a goal down to draw 1-1 “We’ll learn from that and we’ll move at home to Swansea City on Saturday. on to the next game. That’s all we can While Sunderland failed to win, it was a do.” Leicester City, flying high in the much-improved display and O’Shea is Premier League after three unbeaten hopeful that it will prove a turning point. games, visit third-tier Bury, while “We’ve Exeter now and we’d look to Newcastle United host Northampton win that and move on into the next Town and 2013 winners Swansea, also round of the cup,” the former Manchester unbeaten in the league, face York City. United defender told the Sunderland Second-tier Milton Keynes Dons, who website. created a sensation at this stage of last “Whoever you’re playing against in season’s tournament by humiliating the cup, if you have a home draw you Manchester United 4-0, entertain fellow want to get the win and move on.” He Championship representatives Cardiff City. added: “The negative vibe around United will enter the competition in because of such poor performances has the third round along with the seven not totally gone-we didn’t win, we got a other Premier League teams competing draw-but it’s something to start with.” in Europe, including Arsenal, Liverpool, Sunderland’s next league outing is at Manchester City and holders Chelsea, Aston Villa next weekend and Tim who beat Tottenham Hotspur in last sea- Sherwood’s side are also in need of a son’s final. TEL AVIV: Basel’s head coach Urs Fischer (left) and FC Basel’s player Luca Zuffi, attend a press conference ahead of the UEFA Champions League pick-me-up ahead of their encounter The third-round draw will be made play-off round second leg soccer match. — AP with Notts County of fourth-tier League after Everton’s home game with Barnsley Two. Having won at Bournemouth on the on Wednesday, when the Merseyside Premier League’s opening day, last sea- club’s centre-back John Stones, strongly Astana on the brink as son’s FA Cup finalists subsequently lost to linked with a move to Chelsea, will line Manchester United and Crystal Palace. up against his former club. — Reuters playoffs promise drama

BERNE: Astana are on the brink of becoming the by their European standards, to defend a 1-0 who travel to Partizan Belgrade, both have 1-0 first Kazakh team to reach the Champions lead on Wednesday against Cypriot champions leads to defend while Sporting Lisbon take a League proper in this week’s playoff ties which APOEL Nicosia, surprise quarter-finalists in more vulnerable 2-1 advantage to CSKA Moscow promise to serve up the sort of drama and ten- 2011/12. “Astana’s victory doesn’t mean they and Celtic a 3-2 lead to Malmo. Malmo are sion often missing from the group stage. have more of a chance of going through than attempting to qualify for the second season run- Monaco, quarter-finalists last season, must we do,” said APOEL coach Domingos Paciencia. ning while Celtic want to avoid a repeat of last overturn a two-goal deficit at home to Valencia “We still have the game at home, where we will year’s dramatic playoff defeat by Maribor. in arguably the most attractive of the week’s sec- have our fans and good support.” If Astana quali- Defeat for Lazio, meanwhile, would mean ond leg clashes and Lazio defend a one-goal fy, it could create logistical problems for their that Serie A has only two group stage represen- lead at Bayer Leverkusen. With potentially mil- group stage opponents who would have to fly tatives for the second season in a row. lions of euros at stake, Tuesday and Wednesday’s several thousand kilometres across five or six Dinamo Zagreb, who host Albanian champi- matches promise unremitting theatre in contrast time zones to Central Asia for a midweek game. ons Skenderbeu with a 2-1 lead already in the to the group stage itself which has become little Valencia, who have missed out on the group bag, and Shakhtar Donetsk, who won 1-0 away more than a formality for Europe’s biggest clubs. stage for the last two seasons, take a 3-1 lead to to Rapid Vienna last week, look clear favourites Five teams will be defending a one-goal lead Monaco on Tuesday in a match which pits to progress. Maccabi Tel Aviv are well-placed to away from home and two more, Valencia and Portuguese coach Nuno Espirito Santo against spring an upset after holding Swiss champions Manchester United, will have a two-goal cushion his compatriot Leonardo Jardim. FC Basel 2-2 away in the first leg. Revenge would to defend but with an away goal against them. Manchester United, for whom missing out on be sweet for Maccabi, who were knocked out of Only Dinamo Zagreb and Shakhtar Donetsk, the group stage for a second season running both the Champions League and later the who won away in last week’s first legs, appear to would be unthinkable, lead by the same score as Europa League by Basel two seasons ago and be in for a comfortable evening. Astana will trav- they visit Club Bruges on Wednesday. then saw the Swiss swoop for their coach Paulo el around 3,500 kilometres, a relatively short trip Lazio, who visit Leverkusen and BATE Borisov, Sousa. — Reuters

Ismael Sosa Chivas get Pumas help as relegation worry still bites

MEXICO CITY: Guadalajara Chivas had “I informed Nestor and he will let it be UNAM Pumas to thank for not dropping known through the right channels,” de la into bottom place in the Mexican champi- Torre was quoted as saying on the club’s onship relegation table on Sunday. Pumas website ( beat promoted Sinaloa Dorados 2-0 to referring to his brother, Guadalajara’s sport- leave the losing side at the foot of the table ing director. “Insulting the players, provok- based on teams’ average points over three ing them, is that how a referee acts?” De la seasons. Torre said. “He said to Marco Fabian ‘don’t Lucho Gonzalez The Chivas had lost 1-0 away to leaders be a jerk, nothing happened to you’,” he Leon on Saturday and would have gone told reporters of an incident when the bottom of the relegation table if Sinaloa Mexico midfielder was fouled. River Plate succumb to another loss had avoided defeat on their visit to Pumas’ “I had to denounce it because my play- Universitario stadium in the capital. Pumas, ers are upset, very cross with the way the BUENOS AIRES: Libertadores Cup champions River Rogelio Funes Mori is in England looking to finalise nerves got the better of the visitors. who scored through Argentine striker referee spoke to them. “This has nothing to Plate displayed effects of their trophy-winning his transfer to Everton. Estudiantes, who have won Arch-rivals Boca notched their sixth win in sev- Ismael Sosa and Ecuador’s Fidel Martinez do with whether he refereed well or badly, exertions as they succumbed to their second suc- the Libertadores Cup four times, gave River a guard en matches to beat Gabriel Heinze’s Godoy Cruz 2- either side of the interval, climbed into sec- whether we won or lost, just his attitude cessive Argentine league defeat away to of honour when they ran out onto the Estadio Unico 0 and keep pace with San Lorenzo, 3-2 winners at ond place in the Apertura championship towards my players.” Estudiantes. pitch. Former Argentina winger Lucho Gonzalez put Argentinos Juniors on Saturday. Goal difference on 12 points after six matches, three points Leon defender Juan Ignacio Gonzalez Sunday’s 2-1 loss in La Plata followed last week- River ahead in the first half with a superb left-footed does not count in Argentina. behind Leon. scored the only goal four minutes before end’s 1-0 defeat by modest San Martin at El volley into the top corner. Second half goals from Carlos Tevez laid on the 38th-minute opener at Guadalajara, one of Mexico’s biggest halftime. America notched a fourth succes- Monumental where fans packed the stadium to midfielder Ezequiel Cerutti and centre back La Bombonera for Marcelo Meli’s diving header clubs, are also one from bottom of the sive win, 3-1 over Veracruz with a brace celebrate River’s third Libertadores success. Sebastian Dominguez gave Estudiantes victory and then converted a penalty in the 66th. “We’ve got a Apertura standings with four points and from Colombian Andres Andrade at the River have dropped nine points behind joint the 11th place in the league standings. very important month ahead of us when a lot of facing another season fighting to avoid rel- Azteca on Saturday. leaders San Lorenzo and Boca Juniors to fifth in the “We didn’t show the fighting spirit and mental things can be settled. We need to be ready for that,” egation. They are one of four teams with 12 standings although they have a game in hand. strength to recover quickly as we have been used said Tevez. Boca host San Lorenzo on Sept. 5 with- Coach Juan Manuel de la Torre said points, behind Pumas on goal difference An energy-sapping round trip to Japan where to,” said coach Marcelo Gallardo. “The equaliser hit out Tevez and midfielder Fernando Gago, who will Guadalajara’s performance at Leon had not and ahead of Puebla and Toluca. Puebla, they won the minor but lucrative Suruga Bank Cup us hard and we couldn’t get back into the match.” be on tour with Argentina in the United States, and been helped by referee Luis Santander’s who have a game in hand, came from two beating J-League Cup winners Gamba Osaka 3-0 on River had young striker Lucas Alario, hero of visit River the following weekend for the attitude towards his players, insulting sev- goals down to beat Pachuca 3-2 at home in Aug. 11 added new names to their list of players their Libertadores final victory over Mexico’s Tigres, “Superclasico”. They are also in the quarter-finals of eral of them during the match. Sunday’s late match. — Reuters with injuries or fatigue. River’s Argentina defender sent off seven minutes from time for a foul as their the Copa Argentina. — Reuters Sagan wins Ashwin helps Tour stage India level Sri Lanka series

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Bolt back in action as Gatlin seeks road to redemption Page 17

CINCINNATI: Roger Federer of Switzerland (right) and Novak Djokovic of Serbia pose with the trophies after Federer won in two sets to win the men’s singles final at the Western & Southern Open. — AFP Federer captures Cincinnati title

CINCINNATI: Roger Federer moved into pole position “I chose to roll the dice a little bit and see how having lost to Murray in Montreal. He didn’t muster a tiebreak in the first set. After that, he was just the bet- for a US Open title run on Sunday, capturing his sev- things were going to go. If they went great here then it break point against Federer, whose superiority was ter player. I had some double-faults, dropped my serv- enth Cincinnati Masters with a dominant 7-6 (7/1), 6-3 was a great plan. “If not, I was going to go back and clear in the first-set tiebreaker. ice game. win over Novak Djokovic. practice and be really motivated for the US Open to Federer’s variety of shots included an aggressive “The way I played this week, it’s great I managed to The 34-year-old Swiss star added the Serbian world start.” The gamble paid off for Federer, who needed 90 return on selected second serves, in which he reach the finals.” Djokovic isn’t giving up on his number one to a victims’ list which included Andy minutes to subdue Djokovic. advanced almost to the service line to surprise the Cincinnati dream. “This year I got to the final, it’s a step Murray in the semi-finals, capping a near-perfect week With the win he takes back the world number two Serb. After seizing a 4-1 lead in the second set, Federer closer,” he said. “I’m going to keep going, keep fighting for the 17-time Grand Slam winner. ranking Murray seized for a week and will be seeded gave himself three match points with his seventh ace to make history. Federer was playing his first tournament since second behind Djokovic at Flushing Meadows for the of the contest and converted on the first to the cheers “Obviously it’s a great incentive and inspired me to falling to Djokovic in the Wimbledon final. He passed season’s concluding Grand Slam which starts on of a partisan crowd. The 34-year-old-who wasn’t bro- come back and play my best tennis.” Federer fancies up the Montreal Masters won by Murray last week, August 31. ken all week-nudged ahead of Djokovic 21-20 in their his chances at the US Open in New York, where he won preferring to rest and prepare at home. Federer claimed his 87th career ATP title and his head-to-head series. the last of his five titles in 2008. “It’s great, I didn’t expect it, to be quite honest. I 24th trophy in a Masters 1000 event. Djokovic, mean- “I think we really get the best out of each other, “I’ve got the confidence, I’ve got the matches, and knew I had a chance, but I still felt more guys were while, was thwarted in his bid to become the first man we’ve improved a lot over the years playing each oth- I’m actually still feeling really fresh even after this going to have a better shot than I had because they to win all nine of the elite Masters 1000 titles as he er,” Federer said. After struggling all week, Djokovic week, because the matches have been rather short,” had played Montreal before,” Federer said. endured his fifth final defeat at Cincinnati-the lone said he knew Federer would be a tough nut to crack. “I he said. “Usually that helps. But I’ve realized over all the Masters missing from his resume. knew coming in that he was going to be aggressive, “Because I didn’t play both tournaments (Montreal years that it’s just really difficult to win back-to-back The Serbian world number one has now fallen in no question about it. and Cincinnati), I can really pace myself next week and Montreal and Cincinnati, or Toronto and Cincinnati. the final of both of his tune-up events for the US Open, So I tried to handle it,” he said.”I did well until the see how much practice I actually really need.” — AFP

Serena wins final Ko bags Canadian Open

VANCOUVER: World number two Lydia Ko has held off a fast US Open tune-up finishing Stacy Lewis and Ryu So-yeon to claim her third Canadian Pacific Women’s Open and eighth LPGA title in a CINCINNATI: Serena Williams con- Williams will be bidding for his- playoff in Vancouver on Sunday. New Zealand’s Ko could only tinued to work her way up the list tory at the US Open as she attempts muster an even-par-72 in the final round at Vancouver Golf of WTA tennis legends, winning her to complete a rare calendar-year Club to finish at 12-under-par, allowing Lewis to catch her 69th career title with a straight-set Grand Slam in singles. She came after the American shot 67, but Ko prevailed in the opening win over Simona Halep at the WTA back from an early first-set deficit to hole of sudden death. Cincinnati tournament. take charge against Halep. Williams Lewis found trouble in the left rough and was unable to The world number one claimed is looking forward to the start of the save par leaving Ko with a short putt to win the title for a third her second straight Cincinnati tro- US Open in eight days. time, the first time as a professional having won back-to-back phy and moved past Aussie legend “I prefer to have this pressure in 2012-13 as an amateur. “It’s been such an amazing week. I Evonne Goolagong into fifth place than the pressure of not winning,” made some really good up and downs on the front nine but I in the all-time WTA win list in the she said. “Not everyone can handle just couldn’t get anything going and I wasn’t hitting anything Open Era. Martina Navratilova that pressure, but I’m OK with it. I close,” Ko told reporters. heads the list with 167 singles would rather be in this position “Obviously Stacy played awesome and so did the other girls crowns. than another one.” so I knew I needed to play consistent and that’s what I tried to The 33-year-old American rallied Williams went down an early do.” Defending champion Ryu set the early pressure with a past third seed Halep 6-3, 7-6 (7/5) break but reclaimed it and then scintillating bogey-free 64 to finish at 11-under, tied third with on Sunday for her fifth title of 2015. some to win the opening set. The fellow Korean Kim Sei-young (68) before Lewis one upped her. “I think that playing Simona really second was much more combative Ko birdied the third hole but bogeyed the ninth before tested me, and I felt like I was up for as Halep held her own from the grinding out nine successive pars. The 18-year-old had a 10- the challenge and up for the test,” baseline. foot birdie chance on the 17th hole to take the lead after a Williams said. But Williams turned up the heat lucky bounce out of the rough but missed on the high side. After her approach to 18 finished a long way from the hole “I definitely feel there is room in the tiebreaker to finish the job in she faced a nervous two-putt to make extra holes but almost for improvement.” Halep, who hand- 99 minutes with 15 aces. drained the monster putt for the win. A similar lag in sudden ed Williams one of the worst losses Williams now stands 21-4 in death was enough when Lewis missed her 10-foot par save. of her career at the 2014 WTA Finals Cincinnati as she moves on to New Canadian teenager Brooke Henderson, fresh off her maiden in Singapore, will surpass Maria York for training. The American has LPGA win, finished at four under in a tie for 23rd in her quest Sharapova as the second ranked won all five of her 2015 finals - CINCINNATI: Serena Williams of the United States holds the Rookwood Cup after defeating Simona Halep of Romania, in the women’s final at the to be the first Canadian winner since Jocelyne Bourassa won player in the world when the new three Grand Slams, a Miami title the inaugural event in 1973. — Reuters rankings come out Monday. and now Cincinnati. — AFP Western & Southern Open tennis tournament. — AP Kuwait banks drive earnings growth in H1 15

Page 22 Business The all-New Sonata Sport Turbo in Kuwait TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 Page 26 Bank ABC closes $320m syndicated China needs to be more transparent Facility for KIB Page 25 Page 23

NEW YORK: Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) yesterday in New York City. As the global economy continues to react from events in China, markets dropped significantly around the world yesterday. — AFP Great fall of China sinks world stocks Shanghai loses 9%, Dow opens more than 1,000 points lower

NEW YORK: World stock markets plunged yesterday, as a slowdown and currency war kicked in. “It is a China-driven As commodity markets took a fresh battering, Brent and Japan fell 5.1 percent to a three-year low. Tokyo’s Nikkei near 9-percent dive in China shares and a sharp drop in the macro panic,” said Didier Duret, chief investment officer at US crude oil futures hit 6-1/2-year lows as concerns about a ended down 4.6 percent and Australian and Indonesian dollar and major commodities sent investors rushing for ABN Amro. “Volatility will persist until we see better data global supply glut added to worries over potentially weaker shares hit two-year troughs. the exit. there or strong policy action through forceful monetary demand from the normally resource-hungry China. US “China could be forced to devalue the yuan even more, The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than easing.” Many traders had hoped that such support meas- crude was last down 3.3 percent at about $39 a barrel while should its economy falter, and the equity markets are deal- 1,000 points as Wall Street opened, and the benchmark ures, which could include an interest rate cut, would have Brent dropped to $43.60 barrel to take it under January’s ing with the prospect of a weaker yuan amplifying the neg- Standard & Poor’s 500 index slid more than 2.5 percent, a come from Beijing over the weekend after its main stocks lows for the first time. ative impact from a sluggish Chinese economy,” said Eiji drop that puts it nearly 10 percent below its record high. A markets slumped 11 percent last week. With serious doubts Kinouchi, chief technical analyst at Daiwa Securities in key measure of US equity volatility, the CBOE Volatility also now emerging about the likelihood of a US interest GREAT FALL OF CHINA Tokyo. Index, or VIX, shot above the 50 mark for the first time since rate rise this year, the dollar slid against other major curren- The near 9 percent slump in Chinese stocks was their Just as worrying was evidence that developed markets 2009, and the New York Stock Exchange was forced to cies. worst performance since the depths of the global financial were becoming synchronised with the troubles. London’s implement special price-indication measures to allow for a The Australian dollar fell to six-year lows and many crisis in 2007 and wiped out what was left of the 2015 gains, FTSE with its large number of global miners and oil firms, more fluid start to trading. emerging market currencies also plunged, while the frantic which in June has been more than 50 percent. With the lat- was down for its 10th straight day, its worst run since 2003. European stocks were more than 4.7 percent in the red dash to safety pushed the euro to a 6-1/2-month high est slide rooted in disappointment that Beijing did not The pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 was last down 5 percent after Asian shares slumped to 3-year lows as a three month- above $1.15. The euro briefly shot to as high as $1.17. announce expected policy support over the weekend, all at 1,355 points, wiping around 400 billion euros ($460.16 long rout in Chinese equities threatened to get out of hand. “Things are starting look like the Asian financial crisis in index futures contracts <0#CIF:> <0#CIC:> <0#CIH:> billion) off the index and taking its losses for the month to Oil plunged another 4 percent, while safe-haven govern- the late 1990s. Speculators are selling assets that seem the slumped by their 10 percent daily limit, pointing to more more than 1 trillion euros. ment US and German bonds, and the yen and the euro, ral- most vulnerable,” said Takako Masai, head of research at bad days ahead. “We are in the midst of a full-blown growth scare,” strate- lied as widespread fears of a China-led global economic Shinsei Bank in Tokyo. MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside gists at JP Morgan Cazenove said in a note. — Reuters Saudi plunges 5.9% as Why stocks are tumbling 6 region continues slide years into the bull market NEW YORK: Well, that was fun while it lasted. For years, PLUNGING OIL MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS investors in US stocks shrugged off threats - a government The steep drop in the price of oil in the last month has shutdown, fear of a euro collapse, a near US debt default - and become a major concern for traders. Oil briefly went below DUBAI: Saudi Arabia’s stock market plunged 5.9 per- chemical producer, lost 7.0 percent on Monday while just kept on buying. At the sixth anniversary of the bull mar- $40 a barrel on Friday, its lowest price since the financial crisis cent yesterday, leading another day of losses across the petrochemical sector index plunged 7.3 percent. ket in March, the Standard and Poor’s 500 index had more six years ago, and fell firmly below that benchmark yesterday. the Middle East as the region reacted to sliding oil The sector’s earnings are directly linked to falling glob- than tripled in value. If oil keeps falling, it is likely to drag down the S&P 500. prices and a deteriorating global environment. al oil prices. Now, buyers are hard to find. A wave of selling has ham- Drillers and other energy companies make up a significant “Markets in the Gulf are changing their expectations Miner Ma’aden, which had risen in early trade, mered major indexes, with the S&P 500 losing nearly 6 per- chunk of that index. Shares of those companies have plunged and looking at the possibility of different conditions in closed down 9.6 percent. cent last week. That was its worst weekly slump since 2011. US 35 percent in the past 12 months. future: lower oil prices, perhaps lower government stock futures yesterday were indicating another steep decline DISAPPOINTING PROFITS spending,” said Adel Merheb, director of equity capital GULF, EGYPT that could pull the index into what Wall Street calls a “correc- The upside to falling oil is that all the money that drivers markets at Dubai’s Shuaa Capital. The Kuwait index Other Gulf markets also fell but less steeply as bar- tion,” or a fall of 10 percent from a recent high. are saving at the gas pump should mean more spending by lost 1.6 percent to 5,816 points. gain-hunters, who had deserted the markets on Corrections are natural in a bull market, a pause in the mar- them at stores - and a faster-growing US economy. But For that reason, the sell-off in the Gulf may have Sunday, returned. The Dubai index came well off its ket’s march higher, and this one is long overdue. They usually Americans are choosing to pay off debt instead of going further to run, despite valuations that have become early lows and ended down 1.4 percent at 3,402 come about once every 18 months. The last one was four shopping. “Household finances are growing more healthy ... considerably cheaper in the last few days, he added. points, after plunging 7.0 percent on Sunday. Some years ago. but you want to see a pickup in spending, too,” said Tim The Saudi index’s drop brought it to a 29-month beaten-down second-tier stocks rebounded, such as The big trigger for selling last week was yet more evidence Courtney, chief investment officer of Exencial Wealth Advisors. low of 7,025 points, breaking major technical support bourse operator Dubai Financial Market, up 4.0 per- of a slowdown in China’s economy, but there were plenty of The new frugality helps explain why the biggest long-term on its December low of 7,226 points. The index, which cent. other worrisome developments weighing on the market. A driver of stock prices - corporate earnings - have been so dis- had plunged 6.9 percent on Sunday, has now lost 23 Merheb said, however, that it was by no means look at a few of them, and why you may not want to panic, appointing lately. In the second quarter, companies in the S&P percent in August, erasing more than $100 billion of clear where Dubai’s market would bottom. He noted yet. 500 grew earnings per share just 0.07 percent from a year ago, FEARS ABOUT CHINA according to research firm S&P Capital IQ. That is the worst market value. that the index was still about 5 percent above its low Despite Beijing’s efforts to restore calm, the Chinese stock showing in nearly six years. US dollar/Saudi riyal forwards edged up to fresh 12- in December, when Brent crude oil hit a low of $45 a market has taken investors on a wild ride this summer. Then The next report card on earnings doesn’t arrive until year highs on Monday as banks hedged against the risk barrel; oil is now at $43 and falling. Abu Dhabi’s stock last week, the government announced a depreciation of the October. In the meantime, investors will be looking at other of riyal depreciation. Saudi credit default swaps, used index lost only 0.5 percent as a few blue chips rose; country’s currency, stoking fear that the economic slowdown indicators of economic and corporate health. This coming to insure against a sovereign default, also rose. The Aldar Properties gained 3.4 percent and First Gulf Bank there was even worse than it had let on. Friday, the government reports on consumer spending in July. kingdom has over $600 billion of net foreign assets, so rose 0.7 percent. On Friday, more bad news: A gauge of manufacturing TRADING MILESTONE bankers and economists think it is in no danger for the Qatar’s market slid 1.7 percent but Islamic bank showed that key sector on the mainland is continuing to con- Many investors pick and choose stocks based on a compa- foreseeable future of breaking its currency peg or Masraf Al Rayan edged up 0.4 percent. tract. What happens in China matters, and not just because it ny’s business outlook, but there is an entirely different class of defaulting on its debt, which is currently miniscule. Egypt’s stock index, which had tumbled 5.4 percent is the world’s second-biggest economy. Falling Chinese trader that relies on technical indicators to make investment But the market movements show how oil’s relent- on Sunday, lost a further 1.9 percent, caught up in the demand has sent prices plunging for all manner of commodi- decisions. Many of their screens were flashing “sell” this week. less slide is eroding confidence in the Saudi economic global emerging markets rout. All of the 10 most heav- ties - iron, copper, oil. That has walloped countries that export The S&P 500 and the Dow have broken through a few key model. The government has still not publicly released ily traded Egyptian stocks dropped but some second- them. technical levels recently. One important one is their 200-day a detailed plan to cope with an era of cheap oil. Saudi tier stocks bounced back, with Credit Agricole Egypt Its surprise devaluation also triggered other governments moving averages, which the two indexes pierced on Thursday, Basic Industries Corp, the kingdom’s biggest petro- surging 5.5 percent. — Reuters to drive their currencies lower, roiling financial markets and helping to fuel selling. Both indexes dropped 2.1 percent that spreading fears of a currency war. day, before further tumbling on Friday. — AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 BUSINESS Kuwait banks drive earnings growth in H1 15

KUWAIT: Financial results for corporates listed on the profits down as earnings shrank by nearly a third. The KSE revealed strong growth in banking, real estate and NBK ECONOMIC REPORT two biggest companies in the sector saw notable financial services sectors during the first half of 2015, declines in profits. Meanwhile, the oil &gas sector was though overall results were more mixed. Weakness in Nonetheless, reported losses continued to shrink, declin- another sector that saw a decline in aggregate profits telecommunication and oil and gas companies offset the ing by 42 percent y/y in 1H15 to KD 29 million. The num- in 1H15 compared to 1H14 as oil prices dropped more robust growth seen in other sectors. As a result, aggre- ber of loss-making companies was steady. than 50 percent between the two comparable periods. gate profits were up an unimpressive 5.6 percent with no Banks were the main driver of growth with the sec- The announcements of corporate earnings didn’t seem noticeable impact on equity prices. tor’s profits up a solid 13 percent y/y. Banks benefitted to have much effect on stock prices. The KSE indices Earnings of 169 Kuwaiti listed companies totalled KD from an improving operating environment and healthy didn’t see any significant moves throughout the 868 million. Earnings’ growth appears to have moderated growth in credit. With such results, bank profits continue reporting period. somewhat from the stronger results seen in 1H14. to dominate the listed corporate sector with a 41 percent share of total earnings. Their share increased by three percentage points in 1H15asthe contribution of the tele- com sector dropped. The real estate sector was the second main contribu- tor to growth in earnings. The sector’s profits were up a notable 32 percent y/y totalling KD 96 million. Again, the aggregate figure did not represent the actual perform- ance of the sector. More than 60 percent of the report- ing companies saw a decline in profits in 1H15 compared to 1H14. The growth in the sector’s earnings was driven almost entirely by a big gain at one company. Meanwhile, the modest results by other companies seem reporting companies saw positive growth in profits. The to be in line with the slowdown seen in the real estate aggregate positive figures for the sector were driven by market in 1H15. big loss reversals at a few companies. Meanwhile, the Non-bank financial services companies were also a number of companies reporting losses increased to 13 in main driver for growth in earnings. Sector profits totalled 1H15 from 9 in 1H14. Poor performance by Kuwaiti and KD 93 million, up a strong 43 percent y/y. However, a some regional equities in 1H15 appeared to weigh on closer look at the performance of the sector reveals a the portfolios of investment companies. more modest recovery. Less than half of the sector’s Telecommunication companies pulled corporate News Takeover talks for Oman’s in brief United Finance collapse

DUBAI: Talks for a possible takeover of Oman’s United US dollar stable against Kuwaiti dinar Finance by Al-Omaniya Financial Services have broken down and will not progress any further, the two sides KUWAIT: The US dollar rate was stable against the Kuwaiti said yesterday. The board of United Finance met on dinar trading at $0.301 yesterday, the Central Bank of Kuwait Sunday to discuss the proposal but decided that Al- (CBK) said. The euro was up to KD 0.345, as compared to Omaniya had not made “an acceptable financially bind- Sunday’s rates. The Sterling Pound also went down to KD 0.472, ing offer”, according to a United Finance bourse filing while the Swiss franc was up to KD 0.318. The Japanese yen which did not elaborate further. trading was the same at KD 0.002. In a separate bourse filing, Al-Omaniya said it had submitted a non-binding bid which was subject to due Saudi’s MMG appoints Shafei as new CEO diligence. United Finance then “insisted on a commer- cially binding offer before the due diligence”, a condition KHOBAR: Saudi construction company Mohammad Al-Mojil Group which Al-Omaniya did not want to accept and so talks (MMG) has appointed Hafiz Shafei as its new chief executive officer, ended. the company which is restructuring operations following heavy United Finance has a market capitalization of $113.8 losses, said yesterday. Prior to his appointment, Shafei was director million, according to Reuters data, while Al Omaniya’s of operations at the firm, which ran up extensive debts when it market value is $197.8 million. Al-Omaniya’s was the overextended itself to try and take advantage of a construction final offer left on the table after an initial three-way bat- boom at the turn of the decade. Shafei succeeds William Milligan tle among financial institutions in the sultanate for who resigned due to “personal circumstances”, MMG said in a state- United Finance, which offers loans and leasing services ment to the stock exchange without elaborating. Last year, MMG as well as corporate deposits. executives told Reuters the company aims to collect between 700 In May, United Finance invited National Bank of and 900 million riyals ($187-$240 million) in payments owed from Oman, Bank Nizwa and Al-Omaniya to participate in a other firms as part of a recovery plan to save the 60-year-old compa- KARACHI: Pakistani stockbrokers talk on phones as they watch share prices on a monitor during a trading session bidding process. The other two institutions later decided ny. MMG’s shares have not traded on the Saudi bourse since July at the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) in Karachi yesterday. Pakistani stocks recorded a sharp decline of 4.16 per- not to bid, leaving Al-Omaniya as the only potential pur- 2012, when they were suspended by the regulator after breaching cent yesterday as both the local and international investors pulled out amid falling crude oil prices globally as rules relating to accumulated losses. well as the Chinese financial crisis. — AFP chaser. Shares in both United Finance and Al-Omaniya didn’t trade yesterday as the main Muscat bourse was again buffeted by global market turbulence, closing 3 UAE Exchange names CEO, Unlike ‘97, Asian economies percent down. — Reuters makes changes to board expected to bend, not break ABU DHABI: UAE Exchange, a global remittance and foreign Saudi telecom regulator exchange business which last year bought Travelex, named a KUALA LUMPUR: The world market turmoil lings, their currencies came under fierce dependent on China’s demand for their new chief executive and changes to its board yesterday. Deputy extends bid deadline for bears ominous similarities to the contagion pressure, forcing governments to spend bil- exports of minerals, timber, energy Chief Executive Promoth Manghat has been promoted to chief that laid Asian economies to waste begin- lions in precious dollar reserves to support resources and other commodities. ‘piggyback’ mobile license executive, the Abu Dhabi-based company said, adding that the ning in 1997: pressure on regional curren- their currencies. But Chinese growth is slowing, fuelling a changes would help drive accelerated global growth. Indian- cies, a worsening trade outlook and slowing Eventually, pegs had to be abandoned sell-off in emerging markets as global born billionaire Bavaguthu Raghuram Shetty, who founded UAE DUBAI: The deadline for bids to run a “piggy- growth. But despite the daily beatings suf- and economies were shattered. “Back then, investors seek “safer” investments such as US Exchange, has been appointed chairman of the board, it said. back” telecom service on the network of Saudi fered by stock markets and currencies in the whole house of cards came down. But assets. “Brazil is particularly vulnerable since Nabeel Abdul Rahman, chief executive and vice-chairman of Arabia’s No.3 mobile operator Zain Saudi has Asia, painful lessons learned 18 years ago today, with no pegs, the exchange rates are it is an important exporter of commodities Abu Dhabi-based investment company KBBO Group, was been extended again until December, the indus- have left its economies far more able to able to take some of the local heat, like a such as iron ore and soyabean to China, named vice-chairman. KBBO’s portfolio includes Centurion try regulator said on its website. withstand severe shocks, economists said. safety valve,” said Song Seng Wun, an econ- and... since its economy is already in reces- Investments, which along with another KBBO company, Infinite The deadline was originally June 2014, then There will be pain, however, particularly omist with CIMB Private Banking. sion,” said Biswas. Others such as Chile, Investments, owns 60 percent of UAE Exchange. The board of if global economic engine China slips into a “That’s the most important difference Russia, South Africa and Malaysia are Aug 13, 2015, and has now been extended to directors would also include non-executive independent direc- deep and extended slowdown-curbing its today.” already seeing export slowdowns or are Dec. 10, the Communications and Information tors for the first time, along with shareholders and manage- demand for emerging-market commodities. expected to dp so soon, analysts say. Technology Commission (CITC) said, “following a ment representatives, UAE Exchange said. But one key difference today-the lack of Stronger systems China’s stellar annual growth rates of up number of requests from stakeholders”. It gave currency pegs-should allow Asian The late-1990s crisis also exposed a to 10 percent propelled it to the rank of no further details. Seeking to increase competi- Dubai contractor Drake economies to bend, but not break. Before range of lapses in regulatory oversight, par- world’s second-largest economy. But tion, the CITC instructed the kingdom’s three and Scull appoints Deeb as CFO 1997 the governments of countries like ticularly in banking and lending. Most have growth has slowed this year to 7 percent, mobile operators to each host a mobile virtual Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and South been addressed. “All of that really strength- and Beijing’s recent move to devalue the network operator or MVNO, which lease capacity DUBAI: Dubai-based contractor Drake and Scull has appointed Sam Korea fixed their currencies to the US dollar. ened the ability to withstand shocks. It’s yuan-placing further pressure on other cur- from a host operator, usually paying a percent- Deeb as its chief financial officer with immediate effect, the firm said This helped funnel speculative foreign about not repeating the same mistakes,” rencies-has raised suspicions its economy is age of revenue as well as fees. Former monopoly in a bourse filing yesterday. The statement did not reference who “hot money” into their economies, said Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief econo- worse-off than thought. Saudi Telecom (STC) teamed up with Virgin Deeb replaces. Deeb was formally CFO of Abu Dhabi-based family fuelling stock and property bubbles while mist for IHS. “But one of the big issues right “I wouldn’t expect something like the Mobile Middle East and Africa (VMMEA), part- conglomerate Al-Jaber Group, whose core business is construction. masking economic imbalances that were now is whether Asia can withstand the financial crisis of 1997, but if China has a owned by British entrepreneur Richard Branson’s He was suspended in April, 15 months after taking on the role, building up. shock of a significant and protracted crisis in hard landing and growth is weak for years, Virgin Group, while No 2 operator Mobily part- But when growth slowed and sentiment China.”Economies throughout Asia and the that could cause problems for Asia,” ahead of what the company said at the time was “disciplinary nered with Jawraa Lebara. — Reuters action”, without elaborating on its nature. turned against the former investment dar- rest of the developing world have become Biswas added. — AFP


Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. GOLD Saudi Riyals 81.380 US Dollars Mint 0.298600 0.302600 20 gram 226.690 Jordanian Dinar 426.180 10 gram 116.040 Asia ASIAN COUNTRIES Egyptian Pound 38.514 5 gram 58.700 Bangladesh Taka 0.003465 0.004065 Japanese Yen 2.500 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.255 Chinese Yuan 0.046357 0.049857 Indian Rupees 4.555 Indian Rupees 4.553 Hong Kong Dollar 0.036891 0.039641 Pakistani Rupees 2.962 Pakistani Rupees 2.960 UAE Exchange Centre WLL Indian upee 0.004554 0.004944 Srilankan Rupees 2.555 Bangladesh Taka 3.879 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 Nepali Rupees 2.902 Philippines Pesso 6.453 Japanese Yen 0.002418 0.002598 Singapore Dollar 214.780 CURRENCIES TELEX TRANSFER PER 1000 Cyprus pound 576.070 Kenyan Shilling 0.003141 0.003141 Hongkong Dollar 38.981 Australian Dollar 206.78 Japanese Yen 3.495 Korean Won 0.000244 0.000259 Bangladesh Taka 3.884 Canadian Dollar 233.33 Syrian Pound 2.600 Malaysian Ringgit 0.069716 0.075716 Philippine Peso 6.506 Swiss Franc 324.31 Nepalese Rupees 3.860 Nepalese Rupee 0.003030 0.003200 Thai Baht 8.494 Euro 347.73 Malaysian Ringgit 73.120 US Dollar 302.65 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 47.675 Pakistan Rupee 0.002800 0.003080 Sterling Pound 477.60 Philippine Peso 0.006493 0.006773 GCC COUNTRIES Thai Bhat 9.450 Japanese Yen 2.52 Sierra Leone 0.000067 0.000073 Saudi Riyal 80.619 Turkish Lira 103.740 Bangladesh Taka 3.885 Singapore Dollar 0.211164 0.217164 Qatari Riyal 8.306 Indian Rupee 4.596 South African Rand 0.017265 0.025765 Omani Riyal 785.340 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.257 Bahrain Exchange Company Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001971 0.002551 Bahraini Dinar 802.980 Nepali Rupee 2.873 Taiwan 0.009657 0.009837 UAE Dirham 82.321 Pakistani Rupee 2.965 CURRENCY BUY SELL Thai Baht 0.008223 0.008773 UAE Dirhams 0.08235 Europe ARAB COUNTRIES Bahraini Dinar 0.8043 Belgian Franc 0.007883 0.008883 Arab Egyptian Pound - Cash 40.575 Egyptian Pound 0.03854 British Pound 0.467084 0.476084 Bahraini Dinar 0.793541 0.801541 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 38.621 Jordanian Dinar 0.4304 Czech Korune 0.004845 0.016845 Egyptian Pound 0.038051 0.040881 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.411 Omani Riyal 0.7859 Danish Krone 0.042072 0.047072 Iranian Riyal 0.000084 0.000085 Tunisian Dinar 156.580 Qatari Riyal 0.08345 Euro 0.340308 0.348308 Iraqi Dinar 0.000197 0.000257 Jordanian Dinar 426.630 Saudi Riyal 0.08072 Norwegian Krone 0.032962 0.038162 Jordanian Dinar 0.422226 0.429726 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.028 Romanian Leu 0.086688 0.086688 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Syrian Lira 2.155 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Slovakia 0.008997 0.018997 Lebanese Pound 0.000151 0.000251 Morocco Dirham 31.479 Swedish Krona 0.032366 0.037366 Moroccan Dirhams 0.019737 0.043737 Swiss Franc 0.313419 0.323619 Nigerian Naira 0.001245 0.001880 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Turkish Lira 0.104037 0.111037 Omani Riyal 0.778414 0.784094 US Dollar Transfer 302.200 US Dollar 302.150 Qatar Riyal 0.082296 0.083509 Euro 347.530 Canadian Dollar 230.410 Australasia Saudi Riyal 0.079950 0.080650 Sterling Pound 475.510 Sterling Pound 475.130 Australian Dollar 0.210015 0.221515 Syrian Pound 0.001280 0.001500 Canadian dollar 229.110 Euro 347.915 New Zealand Dollar 0.192839 0.202339 Tunisian Dinar 0.153268 0.161268 Turkish lira 103.140 Swiss Frank 286.020 Turkish Lira 0.104037 0.111037 Swiss Franc 322.520 Bahrain Dinar 802.730 America UAE Dirhams 0.081297 0.082446 Australian dollar 219.700 UAE Dirhams 82.640 Canadian Dollar 0.222719 0.231219 Yemeni Riyal 0.001366 0.001446 US Dollar Buying 301.000 Qatari Riyals 90.615 US Dollars 0.298100 0.302600 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 BUSINESS

Oil market loses faith in Saudi oil strategy: Kemp

LONDON: Saudi Arabia’s strategy for rebal- prices recover (“Short-Term Energy Outlook” ancing the oil market through a period of low- August 2015). EOG Resources, one of the er prices shows few signs of working so far - largest shale producers, expects output will with rival producers claiming they will raise turn down in July and August and the rollover output even as prices slide to new lows. should be evident when the data is published Saudi policymakers insist the kingdom will in September and October, which would vin- maintain its market share and let low prices dicate Saudi thinking. But other shale produc- take care of the surplus by forcing cuts from ers, such as Pioneer, are more bullish, and higher cost producers and stimulating fuel claim they will be able to continue increasing demand. With prices down by more than half output in the second half of 2015 and compared with the same point in 2014, oil through 2016 even at depressed prices. consumption is growing at some of the fastest Production records from North Dakota rates for a decade. There are signs output show output stalling but still near its peak of growth from shale drillers and other produc- 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd). Some reduc- ers outside OPEC is starting to slow, but it is tion in output is also likely to come from non- not falling yet. Within OPEC, other producers, OPEC non-shale producers with conventional principally Iraq and Iran, are determined to projects in Latin America, Africa, the North continue raising their output even as prices Sea and other parts of the world. Major inter- slump. “We will be raising our oil production national oil companies and leading independ- at any cost and we have no alternative,” Iran’s ents have all announced sharp cuts in their Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said in a news exploration and production budgets which story carried on his ministry’s website. should in theory translate into lower produc- “If Iran’s oil production hike is not done tion over time. promptly, we will be losing our market share The number of rigs drilling in the non- permanently,” Zanganeh added. Saudi Arabia’s OPEC non-shale segment of the market has strategy may not be enough to eliminate the fallen by more than 20 percent since July surplus and lead to a sustained rise in prices in 2014, according to rig counts published by Bank ABC headquarters in Manama the next two or three years. The resilience of Baker Hughes. The International Energy non-OPEC output despite slumping prices, Agency predicts non-OPEC supply will be coupled with a continued battle for market essentially flat in 2016, after growing by 1.0 Bank ABC closes $320m syndicated share within OPEC itself, contributed to the million bpd in 2015 and 2.4 million bpd in “lost decade” in oil markets after 1986. 2014. But non-OPEC growth, from both shale Oil producers and investors fear the same and conventional producers, could prove Murabaha Financing Facility for KIB stalemate could be playing out again. more resilient than Saudi Arabia, OPEC and the IEA have assumed, in a replay of the SAUDI STRATEGY 1980s. Syndication endorses bank’s track record: Sheikh Jarrah “It is not the role of Saudi Arabia, or certain other OPEC nations, to subsidise higher cost LOST DECADE AGAIN? KUWAIT: Kuwait International Bank KSC has success- ing the asset growth plans.” He added: “The tremen- bank with a network of 26 branches spread across producer by ceding market share,” Oil Minister “I just cannot understand how this low fully closed a debut syndicated Murabaha financing dous success of this syndication, particularly given the State of Kuwait. KIB was established in 1973 (as Ali Naimi told an audience in Berlin in March. price can sustained investment in high-cost facility. The Facility was signed yesterday. Bahrain- the challenging global financial environment, is a Kuwait Real Estate Bank) and is listed on the Kuwait “Saudi Arabia is called upon to make swift oil areas, someone somewhere must be losing based Bank ABC and Bank ABC Islamic acted as the definite endorsement of KIB’s track record, financial Stock Exchange and regulated by the Central Bank of and dramatic cuts in production. That policy his shirt,” former OPEC secretary-general Ali Initial Mandated Lead Arrangers and Coordinating position and growth prospects. We thank all the Kuwait. KIB offers a range of sharia-compliant retail was tried in the 1980s and it was not a suc- Jaidah told a closed conference in 1988. Banks for the Facility. banks who participated in the deal for their trust and and commercial banking products, including cess. We will not make the same mistake “Saudi Arabia believes that the price war The Facility was initially launched for $100 million, support and hope to continue the mutually prof- Murabaha (cost-plus asset finance), Ijarah (leasing) again.” The Saudi calculation appears to be eventually will eliminate much oil from non- and following strong interest from the market KIB itable and beneficial relationship with them.” and Istisna’a (construction finance) facilities. The that as a low-cost producer with massive OPEC producers, such as Britain and the decided to utilize the significant oversubscription to Ray Ferguson, Executive Vice President and Group bank also engages in trade finance, investments, financial reserves and almost no debt, the United States, because their oil is too expen- increase the Facility size to $320 million. Chief Banking Officer said: “We are delighted that credit cards and property management. kingdom can ride out an extended period of sive to produce,” the Wall Street Journal wrote The Facility carries a tenor of three years and will Kuwait International Bank appointed Bank ABC to be Bukhamseen Holding through its subsidiaries & low prices better than most others in the mar- in 1986. The exit of this oil would make more be used by KIB for general funding purposes. the sole Initial Mandated Lead Arranger and affiliated companies (none of which holds more than ket. Once higher cost and financially weaker room for OPEC production growth. Commenting on the successful closure of the Coordinator for its debut syndication. It is a landmark 5 percent) is the largest shareholder of KIB with a producers have been forced to cut their pro- But while non-OPEC production stopped transaction, Sheikh Mohammed Jarrah Al-Sabah, transaction where we have been able to demon- 20.85 percent stake and Public Institution for Social duction, prices will rise and Saudi Arabia will growing for four years after 1985, it defied Chairman of KIB, said: “The overwhelming participa- strate our commitment and meet the requirements Security (Government of Kuwait) is the second- benefit from a combination of higher prices expectations it would fall, and started rising tion by the regional and international financial insti- of one of our important clients.” largest shareholder with a shareholding of 9.13 per- and successfully defended market share. The strongly again in the early 1990s. tutions in the syndicated facility affirms the strong John McWall, Group Head of Syndications at Bank cent. Al-Huda Hotels & Tourism Company has a problem is that there are so far few signs of MIT economist Morris Adelman explained: position of Kuwait International Bank. This not only ABC, added: “The syndication received a significant shareholding of 7.25 percent followed by Al-Baraka non-OPEC output actually falling and other “The shock of the oil price chilled investment. confirms the trust and reputation of KIB in the inter- oversubscription supported by a high quality group Kuwait General Trading & Contracting Co who owns OPEC countries are currently trying to Non-OPEC production barely increased from national financial arena backed by the resilient and of 13 regional and international based banks reflect- 5.83 percent. The remaining shareholders all have a increase, not restrict, their output. 1985 to 1992. But its failure to decline was a robust economy of Kuwait, but also the increasing ing strong relationship support for Kuwait stake of less than 5 percent. great disappointment.” One reason production global acceptance of Sharia compliant products and International Bank and confidence in the Kuwait KIB is well capitalised with CAR at 24 percent as SUPPLY RESILIENCE failed to decline was lower prices stimulated a structures. We are happy to acknowledge the confi- banking market. We wish to thank these banks for of December 2014, which is mostly tier 1 capital. According to the US Energy Information drive to make production much more efficient, dence placed in our expertise and capacity to tap the their professionalism and cooperation in successfully The equity base grew year-on-year reaching $822 Administration, shale production is already including the first widespread use of three capital markets with such deals. 2015 will be a mile- closing the syndication.” million in FY2014 ($806 million in FY2013). KIB’s dropping and will continue falling through dimensional seismic surveys and horizontal stone year for KIB. The resources garnered through Net Profit for FY2014 was in line with that recorded the rest of the year and into 2016 unless drilling (“The Cartel in Retreat” 1993).— Reuters the deal are in line with the bank’s strategy to diversi- Company Overview in FY2013 at $47 million. KIB is rated A+ (stable) by fy its additional funding sources required for pursu- KIB is a sharia-compliant retail and commercial Fitch Ratings. VIVA launches latest Samsung devices

KUWAIT: VIVA, Kuwait’s fastest-growing and most developed tele- com operator, announced the launch of two new devices, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus. The devices are available for customers at all VIVA’s branches, author- ized dealers or VIVA’s E-Store starting 23 August 2015. VIVA’s postpaid customers interested in obtaining the latest Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus can do so by subscribing to one of the competitive packages on offer. Customers can get the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (32GB) and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus (32GB) for free by subscribing to the KD55 plan, or they can subscribe to the KD40 and KD 30 plans and receive the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (32GB) or Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus (32GB) with upfront amount, depending on the package that best suits their needs. The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is powered by Android 5.1 Lollipop, bolstered by Samsung’s own TouchWiz layer. That means the phone will be able to tie into Google’s wide array of services (like Google Now, turn-by-turn navigation and access to Drive

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus files), while also tapping into Samsung’s own software, all of which customizes the display’s look and feel. It features a 5.7-inch display (2,560x1,440 pixels). The display is 5.7-inch display and has a 16- megapixel camera, 5-megapixel front-facing camera, 4K video res- olution as well as a Live broadcasting to YouTube feature. The Note 5 also runs with Exynos 7 Octa-core processor, a 2.1GHz quad-core chip, plus a second 1.5GHz quad-core chip for lower- powered tasks, 32GB/64GB storage options, and 4GB of RAM. Quite similarly, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus has many of the same features as the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, with the main difference being the edge on the sides of the device. One feature addition is App Edge, which lets you set aside certain apps as Samsung Galaxy Note 5 favorites for quick access from the side of the screen. Shell eyes Iran, to pay debt when sanctions end

TEHRAN: Royal Dutch Shell will repay a $2 examine possible options to work in Iran.” “I am not going to speculate on that I’m billion debt to the National Iranian Oil As part of the UK delegation, Shell met afraid. That is very much bound up with Company (NIOC) when sanctions on Iran Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar when and how sanctions are unwound are lifted and will consider investing in the Zangeneh and Central Bank Governor and that is a little bit in the lap of others,” country’s vast energy sector, Shell’s boss Valiollah Seif in Tehran. “Iran is and will be he said. Shell has around $2 billion in out- for new business said. Much would an important potential business area but standing debt to the Islamic Republic as a depend on the terms offered by the of course it will have to rank with other result of Iranian oil deliveries which Shell Islamic Republic once sanctions were lift- projects that we have across the world-so had been unable to pay for due to sanc- ed, said Edward Daniels, Shell’s executive yes it is a very large player in oil and gas tions. “We would like to make that pay- vice-president for commercial and new reserves but projects need to make eco- ment as soon as possible. As yet, we can- business development. He was speaking nomic sense for our company,” Daniels not do so,” Daniels said. to Reuters while on a British government said. Iran has 9.3 percent of the world’s Western sanctions have cut Iran’s oil visit to reopen the country’s embassy in proven oil reserves, the fourth largest after exports by more than half to around 1.1 Tehran. Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Canada, and million barrels per day from a pre-2012 “We are very pleased to have been part 18.2 percent of the world’s natural gas level of 2.5 million bpd, with the loss of oil of this historic delegation. Clearly Iran reserves, bigger even that Russia’s 17.4 income making it difficult to invest in new remains under sanctions with time before percent share, according to the BP development and pay for the equipment sanctions will be unwound and clearly we Statistical Review of World Energy. and services needed to keep its produc- will be absolutely adhering to all sanc- Daniels would not be drawn on when tion operating smoothly. So when does tions,” Daniels said. “Having said that, when more Iranian crude oil could come back on Iran’s energy sector come back into fash- sanctions are removed we will look to to the market. ion after years in the cold?— Reuters TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 BUSINESS

Sterling slides as stocks rout cools BoE hopes Gold below multi-week LONDON: Sterling fell to a two-week low against and suggest that this recovery is far from being before the BoE’s quarterly inflation report, the a basket of currencies yesterday as investors over,” JP Morgan technical analysts wrote in a first rate hike was pencilled in for highs; PGMs tumble interpreted the steep fall in global stock markets note to clients yesterday. January/February. Since then, however, a slump as a signal the Bank of England will refrain from They reckon it’s “highly likely” that the euro in Chinese stocks and devaluation of the yuan raising interest rates any time soon. The pound will continue rising up to the May high of 74.84 has sent global markets into a tailspin. Britain’s LONDON: Gold edged lower yesterday increase in September. A potential was weakest against the euro, which was up 1 pence and possibly 76.35 pence. Sterling also FTSE 100 has lost 10 percent in two weeks and is but remained near a seven-week high delay in a Fed rate move could offer percent on the day and up 4 percent over the slipped against the dollar, trading down 0.25 on track for a tenth consecutive daily loss, its as the dollar and shares tumbled on some short-term upside potential for last four days, its biggest rally against sterling in percent in early trading Monday at $1.5660, longest losing streak since January 2003. concerns about the Chinese economy non-interest bearing gold. over five years. helping to drag down the Bank of England’s Recent UK economic data has sent mixed and uncertainty over the timing of a US Fed officials planning to lift interest The euro broke above 73.00 pence yesterday trade-weighted sterling index to 93.40. Last signals to the BoE. The housing market looks rate rise. The dip was partly due to rates as soon as next month have been for the first time since June 10, marking a rise of week, it hit a seven-year high of 94.80. strong enough to warrant higher interest rates, heavy losses in the rest of the com- encouraged by solid US jobs growth, 3 pence in barely over a week. “The latest breaks Money market traders are now pushing back some economists say, but the last retail sales modities sector, with crude oil down but inflation holds the key to how far above key-resistance between 72.25 and 72.69 expectations of the first Bank of England rate figures were well short of economists’ expecta- almost 4 percent and copper falling to the Fed can go in moving rates away pence in a very dynamic way are clearly bullish rise to June next year or later . Earlier this month, tions. — Reuters a six-year low. Platinum dropped 3 per- from zero. However, worries about cent and palladium hit its lowest in global deflation would not bode well three years at $564 an ounce. for gold, typically seen as an hedge Spot gold was down 0.2 percent at against inflation. “Deflation by itself is $1,158.51 an ounce by 1145 GMT, with not positive for gold ... but because so investors taking profits after the metal much hinges on what the Fed will do hit its highest since July 7 at $1,168.40 later this year, any increased expecta- on Friday. It gained more than 4 per- tion of low inflation or deflation for a cent last week, the most since mid- period of time means that a rate rise is January. “Gold is holding on to some of pushed back even further into the the gains it made last week and that future,” Butler said. speaks to the difficulty in the global European stocks were 3.2 percent in equity market right now,” Mitsubishi the red after their Asian counterparts Corp strategist Jonathan Butler said. slumped to three-year lows. “China has Gold has now rebounded 7 percent been the global cushion ... that took in from a 5-1/2-year low of $1,077 reached all the deflationary pressure as well as in late July, benefiting from uncertainty providing global growth,” said Howie posed by China’s surprise devaluation Lee, analyst at Phillip Futures in of its yuan currency and the move’s Singapore. impact on the dollar. “The fear right now is there’s nothing The US currency fell to its lowest in to fall back on,” said Lee. Gold looks on two months against a basket of curren- track to rally to $1,200, he said, a level cies, down 1.1 percent, as more last seen in June. Spot silver dropped investors priced out chances of a rate 2.5 percent to $14.92. — Reuters TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 BUSINESS China needs to be more transparent

Asiya Capital Investments Company Analysis

By Camille Accad would be a serious sign of intent that China is against the US dollar. Since then, the nominal opening up its economy to foreign capital. effective exchange rate (NEER) - a trade weighted On August 11, the Chinese renminbi (RMB) fell 1.8 Furthermore, the latest move would improve the exchange rate measure - showed that the curren- percent against the US dollar, the sharpest daily RMB’s chances to be included in the IMF’s SDR cy strengthened by an additional 12.8 percent decline since the currency was de-pegged from basket next year, facilitating its internationaliza- against its main trade partners in the last twelve the US dollar in 2005. So far, the RMB has depreci- tion. months as of June. In fact, the IMF declared in ated around 3 percent, to its lowest value against A second factor explaining this change is eco- May that the RMB was not undervalued anymore. the US dollar in over four years. The move comes nomic momentum. Many think that the move So the recent devaluation could be considered a as a result of a change in the system to determine was intended exclusively to boost the economy’s realignment with fundamentals after a rapid the exchange rate. manufacturing and export sectors. Growth of the appreciation, rather than an unfair devaluation to Before August 11, the exchange rate was deter- gross domestic product (GDP) has stabilized at 7 gain competitiveness at the expense of its trade mined daily by the central bank, the People’s Bank percent YoY as of late, but this year’s large export partners. of China (PBoC), after considering quotes for the USD:RMB from selected large banks, called “mar- ket makers”. Neither the quotes submitted by the banks, nor the system used to determine the daily TAIPEI: Office workers pass by monitors displaying the Taiwan Stock Exchange reference rate were made public. Once deter- in Taipei yesterday. Stocks tumbled across Asia yesterday with China’s main mined, the RMB was only allowed to move a maxi- index losing more than 8 percent as investors shaken by the sell-off last week mum of 2 percent each day. The following day, the on Wall Street unloaded shares in practically every sector. —AP process would be repeated. In practical terms, the rate was determined by the central bank. Following the August 11 devaluation, the PBoC China’s army of small investors announced that the system to determine the daily rate had been changed. The new mechanism is still believes, despite rout similar, but the banks are asked to take into con- sideration three factors when submitting quotes: BEIJING: Investors who piled into China’s investments, to open accounts and invest in the previous day’s closing rate, supply and stock market at the government’s behest shares. demand factors and other major currency move- may have lost heavily in recent months, but With margin trading common-where ments. The rest of the process remains many clung yesterday to hopes of official res- investors borrow to finance their activity, unchanged: the central bank complies these quotes - which are not published - and determines cue even as markets erased the year’s gains. magnifying both profits and losses-many will the daily rate - with a method that is not revealed. Chinese trading screens were bathed in a sea have made fortunes on the way up. But since The key change here lies in the fact that, by asking of green-the colour of falling prices in the markets turned after an unsustainable rise of market makers to take into account market fac- country, where red has positive connotations more than 150 percent in the year to June tors, the exchange rate system is considered to be and marks rising values-as the benchmark 12, the picture has changed. Ni admitted he closer to liberalization. Shanghai Composite Index plummeted 8.49 did not know much about stock markets and Why is that important? Because China will contraction, the 18-month long property market The development is welcome, but a word of percent, or 297.83 points, to 3,209.91, below mostly picked large state-owned companies soon need external funding, and to do so it will slump and the recent stock market correction caution is needed. If the exchange rate was to be its closing level on December 31 last year. that cropped up a lot in the newspaper, such have to open its capital account and convince could trigger a rapid deceleration which the truly market determined, it would probably con- Retired factory worker Ni Dongxia, 72, sat as oil giant Sinopec and Agricultural Bank of international investors to use renminbis to store authorities are trying to avoid. tribute to long-term growth, but it also means the calmly in front of a display in a trading room China. part of their reserves. The country has already In reality, the devaluation seeks to achieve RMB would experience swings, which may desta- He said he started investing in the stock in Beijing which showed nearly all stocks in been working on it: China already set up offshore both goals. The Chinese economy has been on a bilize the economy. A second factor to be consid- Shanghai and Shenzhen in the negative. market after he retired and initially only small yuan-trading hubs, launched the Shanghai-Hong slowdown specifically because it is undergoing a ered: if the PBoC is not sincere in its intention of He has invested about half his savings in amounts-mostly out of boredom. “At first I Kong stock connect, established free-trade zones change in economic model. In the past, the RMB allowing market forces a greater role, investors the stock market, but remained confident in was just playing around to pass time and fill and widened the RMB trading band. If the PBoC’s was criticized for being undervalued. But will punish the economy by pulling investments authorities’ ability to handle the situation. my days,” he said. “But with the news of the claims are real and the RMB fluctuations are accu- between mid-2010 and the start of 2014, China out. Overall, China needs to convey more trans- “The government won’t allow the stock mar- past few months, I think maybe I shouldn’t rately based on market dynamics, this move appreciated its currency by more than 10 percent parency to attract long term investors. ket to fall too much and will help it rise have invested so much money in the stock again,” he said. “The national leadership cares market.” about the people. How could they just let us lose all our money?” Ni’s fellow investors, ‘Walk into a casino’ Russian ruble falls to 2015 low most of them retirees, sat sipping tea from Some were putting their money where thermoses, chatting and occasionally walk- their optimism was. Authorities have MOSCOW: Russia’s battered ruble sank yester- pummelled the Russian economy in recent rate this year to assuage inflation fears. ing over to one of the computers along the launched broad interventions to try to day to its lowest point this year as Asian and months, with the ruble collapsing. Russia’s reces- The Bank of Russia’s key rate stood at 11 per- wall to make a trade. restrain the drops, amid concerns they could European stock markets nosedived on concerns sion deepened in the second quarter as gross centh. Inflation rose to a vertiginous 15.6 per- Almost all of China’s more than 90 million impact on the real economy, but they have over the Chinese economy. domestic product contracted by 4.6 percent cent last month, shrinking Russians’ purchasing stock investors are individuals, according to failed to arrest the drops in the face of wor- Russia’s dollar-denominated RTS stock index compared with the same period last year. power. the China Securities Depository and Clearing ries over stalling growth and doubts about had plunged nearly 4.5 percent by 1100 GMT as Russia’s currency has fallen more than 20 per- “Of course I’m not pleased that prices have Co-more than the Communist Party has valuations. The latest move came Sunday, the ruble tumbled to 70.92 against the dollar, its cent against the dollar in the past two months, gone up,” hotel worker Yulia Seleznyova told AFP. members. This differs from most developed when the State Council, China’s cabinet, said weakest since December 2014. The ruble- sparking fears of more instability after a period “This is directly affecting me, and I’d like the countries, where institutions dominate. the national pension fund would be allowed denominated Micex dropped by 1.76 percent of relative recovery. ruble to go back up.” Last year the government triggered a to invest up to 30 percent of its net assets in before recovering slightly in early afternoon Russia’s central bank-which did not comment The ruble lost around half of its value in 2014 stock market boom by encouraging ordinary stocks-raising the prospect of more than trade. on the ruble’s depreciation yesterday-was forced but recovered slightly as energy prices stabilised citizens, normally deeply wary of equities as $150 billion flowing into the markets. —AFP The slide in oil prices and Western sanctions to drastically hike interest rates in December as this year, allowing officials to claim the worst of over Moscow’s role in the Ukraine crisis have it battled the ruble’s plunge but has cut back the the crisis had passed. —AFP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 BUSINESS

The all-New Sonata Sport Turbo: Striking design and exhilarating performance A valuable addition to Northern Gulf Hyundai Sport lineup

KUWAIT: After a successful debut in Kuwait, also offering excellent performance, and the the all-new Hyundai Sonata Sport Turbo has practical application of the latest Hyundai now established itself as an impressive con- technologies, such as Smart Trunk function tender in the sports car segment, and found and Blind Spot Detection. wide-spread demand from local automotive Raed Turjuman, Northern Gulf’s CEO said: enthusiasts. It therefore comes as no surprise “We are proud of the Sonata Sport Turbo’s that Northern Gulf, Hyundai’s local official notable sales performance and the value it dealer, has been very proud of the model’s brings to Hyundai’s Sport lineup. It is a unique performance since its launch last May. The all- vehicle, thanks to its striking design and exhil- new Sonata Sport Turbo combines a uniquely arating performance, which have been built captivating exterior with exceptional per- into the car to appeal specifically to driving formance, a top speed of 235kph and a totally enthusiasts. He also expressed the company’s restyled interior. intent to continue to deliver world-class At the beating heart of this model lies a Hyundai quality to the local market, some- 2.0L four cylinder Turbo gasoline direct injec- thing customers have come to always expect tion (T-GDI) engine which allows for increased from Northern Gulf.” acceleration, higher torque (35.7 kgm) and Northern Gulf continues to apply its man- more power - at 245 ps it delivers a 38 per agement’s customer-centric vision, which has cent increase over the current range-topping helped Hyundai Kuwait achieve impressive model. Supporting this punchy engine, which satisfaction metrics, ultimately translating can reach 0-100 in 7.5 seconds, is a newly into consistent increases in its local market refined sport-tuned suspension that results in share. a sportier driving experience even at top Additionally, the company constantly speeds. offers a variety of promotions to ensure cus- On the outside, new features include 18- tomer satisfaction and to make Hyundai’s inch alloy wheels and dual twin tip exhaust vehicles accessible to all with competitive and mufflers, which enhance the powerful engine lights to ensure that it stands out from the gear knob, cluster and dynamic interior trims. across the region in 2014. In 2014 the All-New reasonable prices. Northern Gulf is keen to tone and complement the performance. From crowd. On the inside, design enhancements The Sonata has traditionally been one of edition launched region-wide and was the reinforce Hyundai’s global brand value as a the front notable central grille changes are include turbo stitching, a sporty D-cut three- Hyundai’s best-selling models across the second Hyundai model to feature the brand’s leading automotive brand that has been able visible plus sportier LED day time running spoke steering wheel for easy handling, a new Middle East, with more than 28,000 units sold Fluidic Sculpture 2.0 design concept, while to compete with older legacy brands.

Global investment flydubai adds Astana to not a threat, but a lifeline: Etihad its growing network Airways president, CEO KUWAIT: Last year’s ground-breaking investment by Etihad Airways in Alitalia has revitalised Italy’s national air- KUWAIT: Dubai-based flydubai es. Astana is a major economic hub line, and set it on a new course towards sustainable prof- yesterday announced the launch of in Central Asia and the launch of fly- itability, the President and Chief Executive Officer of its flights to Astana, the capital of dubai’s flights to the Kazakhstani Etihad Airways, James Hogan, said yesterday. Kazakhstan, extending the airline’s capital marks an important mile- Mr Hogan was speaking at the Rimini Roundtable route network in the country to stone in our expansion in the Discussion, a prestigious annual event held in the historic three destinations. region. We look forward to show- Italian town of Rimini to discuss issues of cultural and The airline will operate four casing our services in the capital economic importance to Italy. flights a week, starting from 26 and contributing to the develop- Addressing the segment titled “Banking on and October 2015, and will be the first ment of trade and tourism between Investing in Italy”, Mr Hogan said: “Alitalia is a company Dubai-based carrier to serve this the economic hubs of Central Asia with a great heritage and global brand recognition. But route. flydubai launched operations and the Middle East.” over many years Alitalia has lost its way and become a to Kazakhstan in September 2014 Kazakhstan and the UAE are challenged business.” with flights to Almaty and extending their cooperation in Etihad Airways invested 560 million euros in a multi- Shymkent. Astana becomes the trade, investment and tourism as level deal comprising a 49 per cent equity stake in Alitalia, ninth destination in flydubai’s net- both Astana and Dubai are prepar- a 75 per cent stake in Alitalia’s loyalty program, work in Central Asia and the ing to host the EXPO in 2017 and MilleMiglia, the purchase from and leaseback to Alitalia of Caucasus. With the new launch the 2020, respectively. The two coun- five pairs of arrival and departure slots at London airline will operate 38 weekly flights tries have demonstrated impressive Heathrow Airport, and shareholder loans to reduce from Dubai to cities in Armenia, growth in various industries, includ- Alitalia’s immediate financial liabilities. Etihad’s commit- Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, ing energy, Islamic finance and con- ment was the largest part of a broader investment with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and struction. other stakeholders, which totalled 860 million euros. Turkmenistan. Passengers from Astana will “Aviation is a global industry, not a local one,” Hogan Ghaith Al Ghaith, Chief benefit from flydubai’s convenient said. “Like so many other industries, aviation should have Executive Officer of flydubai, said: and affordable services, including access to global investment funds in order to provide the “It has been a year since the start of the award-winning inflight enter- capital required to grow efficiently and remain competi- our operations in Kazakhstan and tainment system available in tive. “Global investment is not a threat,” he said.”It is both we are pleased to extend our net- Russian, English and Arabic offering a lifeline and an energiser, which can only be good for work in the country, where we have over 1,300 hours of music, movies, European aviation, European economies and European seen strong demand for our servic- TV shows and newspapers. jobs.” Hogan said the Etihad Airways investment in Alitalia was a cost-effective way for both airlines to progress, while delivering more choice and better quality to con- sumers. “Let’s not forget that nobody else wanted to invest in Business Class will be available on in Dubai has created a network of International (DXB) and Astana Alitalia,” Hogan said. “But we see a great future for Alitalia, all flights to Kazakhstan, providing more than 95 destinations in 46 International Airport (TSE) will and we are committed to working with other sharehold- passengers with a personalised and countries. The airline also provides commence on 26 October 2015 ers, and with the airline, to help rebuild it as a premium more comfortable travel experi- access to over 250 destinations via with 4 flights a week. Flight FZ705 brand and a profitable business. ence. Dubai International thanks to inter- will operate from Dubai on “A strong Alitalia is essential for Italy,” he said. “Without flydubai operates a fleet of 49 line agreements with its partners. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays Alitalia, air connectivity to, from and within Italy would be new Next-Generation Boeing 737- and Saturdays, with a return flight seriously diminished and left to others without the same 800 aircraft with an average age of Flights details FZ706 on the following day from commitment to Italy or Italians.” around three years and from its hub Flights between Dubai Astana. Hogan said that as a strategic shareholder, Etihad Airways needed to see a return on its investment, and together with Alitalia’s management had set a three-year New warrior to arrive in Kuwait today timeline for achieving sustainable profits. In this first year, the aim is to reduce losses, with break-even targeted in KUWAIT: Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer The Warrior has its presence in attract the youth segment along 2016 and profitability in 2017. “We are not a bank,” Hogan said. “We needed to sta- Sons and Toyota Motor Corporation over 180 countries and has been the with the business users. bilise the business financially by providing fresh capital. will reveal today the new Warrior in leader of the league for decades. The all new warrior is fully charac- We also needed to work with Alitalia, its unions and its Kuwait. This trademark has earned Now the warrior has all new look, terized by toughness and robust- partners to identify immediate opportunities to cut costs. reputation for its phenomenal build with a full change ground up. With ness that you can depend on to con- These included seeking efficiencies, restructuring the quality, sophistication and quality of its refined and contemporary look quer all your challenges, with a per- network and schedules, and reducing the short-haul fleet to maximize aircraft utilisation. There were immediate engineering. New Warrior redefines the Warrior will now appeal and fect harmony between powerful results.” everything- you will feel the tough- performance and innovative com- Etihad Airways helped expand Alitalia’s global reach ness and experience the comfort. fort. Furthermore advanced specifi- by connecting the networks of both airlines via Etihad’s You may test drive the new Warrior cation and technological equip- hub and home base in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United today (August 25, 2015) at Sirbb ment, innovative designs and bold Arab Emirates, with each carrier entering into codeshare agreements on each other’s services. Etihad also assisted Circuit in Shuwaikh from 4 to 10 PM, touch in every detail, all to make you Alitalia in sourcing new wide-body aircraft to increase the invitation is open for general feel the toughness, feel the comfort. long-haul services. public. Tough and emotional design, “We have not only ensured that Alitalia stays in the air,” Toyota brand promise focuses on superb interior styling, powerful Hogan said.”We have also invested in protecting and cre- “Peace of mind” & “Waku-Doki’. engine, smooth handling and com- ating jobs in Italy. We have invested in rebuilding the Alitalia brand. And we have invested in Alitalia with the “Waku-Doki” translates to an excit- prehensive safety features makes clear commitment that we will help it to grow into a pres- ing and fun to drive experience with this legendary icon stand apart from tige global brand, and an airline and company which thrilling designs. This is yet another the rest and this warrior is all set to contributes to Italy.” example. be a game changer. technology TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015

Tech Tips: Stuff you didn’t know you could do on Facebook

NEW YORK: Did you know you can add a lot of people, and a lot of different UNSUBSCRIBE the likes and congrats roll in. Bask in the new feature, Facebook lets you spruce a pronunciation guide to your name on ways to say your name. To add a pronun- Anyone who’s commented on a popu- love and glory. Fast-forward a few years up the photos you post by adding text Facebook? Overlay colorful text on the ciation guide, go to the “about” section lar Facebook post, or belongs to a particu- for some couples, and the glory fades, not and quirky stickers, such as drawings of photos you post? How about mark the of your profile and click on “details about larly chatty group, knows that those noti- to mention the love and marriage. In this scuba gear, sunglasses or a corn dog. end of a relationship without your 500 you,” (called “more about you” on mobile) fications telling you that “Jane Doe and 4 case, you might not want to announce This tool is available on iPhones and is closest friends getting notified? then “name pronunciation.” Here, others also commented on a post” can the irreversible breakdown to 450 of your coming soon to Android devices. To use Many of these tips and tricks aren’t Facebook will offer suggestions for your get a bit annoying. You can turn off notifi- closest friends. Thankfully, you can still it, choose a photo to upload and click well known, even to veterans of the 1.5 first and last name that you can listen to cations for individual posts by clicking on mark the end of a relationship without the magic wand icon. Here, you’ll find billion-strong people-connector and before selecting. If none work, you can the globe icon on the top right corner of notifying everyone. Go to your profile and text overlay options as well as the same time-waster. Facebook is constantly also type in your own phonetic pro- your Web browser, then on the “X” next to click on the “about” section, then “family stickers you can use in other parts of updating its service, adding new features nouncer. the individual notification. You can also and relationships on the left.” Under rela- Facebook. or tweaking old ones. A lot can slip change your notification settings here to tionship, you’ll see a gray icon that proba- through the cracks even if you are scroll- ONE-TIME PASSWORD get fewer or more of them for each group bly says “friends,” or maybe “public.” SECURITY CHECK ing through your friends’ updates several Logging in from a public computer? If that you belong to. Change it to “only me.” Then change your Another recent addition to Facebook’s times a day. Here are a few ways to you don’t feel comfortable typing in your To do this on mobile, click to view the relationship status. After a while, you can trove of tools is a “security checkup” that enhance your Facebook experience: password on a shared machine that original post, then click the down arrow in change it back if you wish. Your hundreds guides users through a checklist aimed at might have malicious software, the top right corner of the post. You’ll see of acquaintances will be none the wiser, making their account more secure. This HOW DO YOU SAY THAT? Facebook lets you request a temporary an option to “turn off notifications.” unless they are stalking your profile to see includes logging out of Facebook on Web More than 83 percent of Facebook’s one by texting “otp” to 32665. You’ll get if you are single. browsers and apps they are not using, users are outside of the U.S. and Canada, an eight-character passcode that works KEEP IT ON THE DOWN-LOW and receiving alerts when someone tries and they use over 80 languages to com- for the next 20 minutes and cannot be Announcing engagements and mar- PICTURE PERFECT to log in to their account from an unfa- municate with friends and family. That’s reused. riages on Facebook is fun. Post and watch Thanks to a popular but little-known miliar device or browser. — AP

Cambodian student held Will video games become over Facebook post calling the new prescription drug?

for ‘Colour Revolution’ NEW YORK: Boys and girls want very American Psychological Association different things from their video cited by Medical News Today. Violent PHNOM PENH: Cambodian authori- “Does anyone dare to launch a games. In a national survey of both video games, like those from both the boy and girl gamers, researchers found Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty ties have charged a student with Colour Revolution with me? Any day, that girls care more than boys about series, specifically have been linked to in the near future I will launch a incitement to commit a crime over playing as female characters, accord- decreases in empathy, positive social an alleged Facebook post calling for Colour Revolution in order to ing to GDC Vault, a video game confer- behavior and sensitivity to aggression, a “colour revolution” in the country, a change the vulgar regime. Even if I ence series. The survey found that girls according to the study, which right groups said yesterday. am jailed or die, I have to do it,” he prefer to play as female characters, reviewed four mega-analyses previ- Kong Raiya, 25, an anti-govern- wrote. Raiya faces up to two years in whereas boys are fine playing as either ously done by the APA about video ment activist, was arrested on jail if convicted. Cambodian officials boy or girl characters. game use and behavior. In some cases, Thursday outside a university in could not be immediately reached Specifically, the study found that 28 these video games have increased Phnom Penh, Am Sam Ath of local for comment. In recent months percent of girls were more likely to criminal behavior among youngsters, rights group Licadho told AFP. strongman Prime Minister Hun Sen play a game because of the protago- Medical News Today reported. The 25-year-old man was charged has taken an increasingly hard line nist’s gender, whereas just 20 percent Studies like these have made it by a court on Saturday with incite- towards dissent. of boys said the same, according to difficult for Omernick and other start- ment to commit a felony and sent to “His arrest is a warning to other GDC Vault. up leaders to get the FDA to allow jail pending further investigation, he youths,” Am Sam Ath said. It also fol- Despite the difference in prefer- doctors to prescribe video games said. lows the recent jailing of a number ences, boys and girls both play a lot of instead of prescription drugs, NPR “He was arrested because of a of opposition members and activists video games, although boys overall reported. The FDA and other post on Facebook calling on people for insurrection over their alleged play video games more frequently. In help children manage medical issues tor of Akili, a startup that’s developing researchers say there isn’t “good evi- to launch a colour revolution,” Am roles in a protest that turned violent fact, 19 percent of boy gamers said like ADHD, depression and autism. a video game called Project Evo, which dence that brain changes actually Sam Ath said. “Colour revolution” is a last year. A Cambodian opposition they played video games several times Video games, experts told NPR, is aimed at helping children with men- occur” for better or worse. help the brain focus on specific tasks tal health disorders. Video games have term used to refer to a wave of anti- senator also faces up to 17 years in a day, while 6 percent of girl gamers Dr. Michael Ehlers told NPR that and situations, which can improve also been known to help adults, too, more research that measures the government mass movements in jail after a court charged him over said the same, according to Pew. Boys are also more likely to play on any giv- one’s cognitive skills and act like medi- especially those with post-traumatic effects of video games needs to be recent years, mainly in the former the posting of a disputed document en day, Pew reported. In fact, 60 per- cine. stress disorder, according to my col- done before doctors can be allowed Soviet bloc, although it is unclear on Facebook about the border with cent of boys said they played video league Chandra Johnson. In fact, some to prescribe video games instead of which one the student was referenc- Vietnam. games on any given day, whereas 39 Perfect vessel video games have been created specif- medicine. “It’s just essentially a digital ing in his post. Hun Sen, one of the world’s percent of girls said the same, accord- “The qualit ies of a good video ically to help those with PTSD cope version of otherwise typical kinds of In a Facebook post on August 7, longest-ruling leaders, marked three ing to Pew. game, things that hook you, what with their traumas. psychological and cognitive behav- Raiya under his profile name “Soriya decades in power in January. He is But both boys and girls could soon makes the brain snap, engage and go, This isn’t the case with all video ioral therapy,” he told NPR. “Quite Koko” said he would launch a revolu- regularly criticised by campaigners benefit from booting up their could be a perfect vessel for actually games, though, as some have been important is that we hold them to tion in the near future. for stamping out dissent. — AFP Nintendo. NPR reported earlier his delivering medicine,” said Matt linked to aggressive behavior among the same standard of evidence that month that some video games may Omernick, the executive creative direc- children, according to a study from the they actually work.” 10 video games coming this week

WASHINGTON: Every year is backloaded back in 2006 for Xbox 360, and it kicked she is, or what the heck is going on in her November 6, but if you preorder Call of with major game releases as publishers off one of the best shooter franchises life. It turns out that romance is going on. Duty: Black Ops III on Xbox One or PC, hope for big sales during the holiday around. Since Gears of War 4 won’t be With the help of a spirit named Orion, you you get a code that lets you participate shopping season. The deluge of big hitting the shelves until the end of 2016, get to go on dates with five men. The trick in a multiplayer beta that takes place games is officially beginning, and it’s not Microsoft thought now would be a good is that you can’t let on about your condi- August 26-30. This sneak-peek includes going to let up for quite some time. time to polish up the first installment for tion, or else you’ll lose the chance to three maps and seven modes that you’ll That’s great news for anyone who likes Xbox One. The question is whether the regain your memories altogether. It might be able to test drive ahead of anyone playing video games, but it’s also over- game is good enough to stand out in not be for everyone, but it sure is unique. else. whelming. Who has the time and money 2015. Judging by the multiplayer beta Check out the reviews if you’re looking for Beta tests like these rarely go to play them all? Microsoft did a couple months ago, it something different. smoothly, so you might want to clear That doesn’t seem to be a problem does. The game looks fantastic and plays your schedule if you’re going to try to that’s hurting the industry, so whether great. Now if only they’d remaster the 8. I Am Bread get onto the servers right when they go you like choose-your-own-adventure rest of the series... live. That said, this is your best chance to horror games, remastered classics, visual Releases August 25 for PS4 get an early look at this year’s install- novels, football, or just about any other 3. Madden NFL 16 A new genre of game is sprouting up ment of the blockbuster shooter fran- kind of game, you’ll find something to in which the primary challenge is fighting chise. play. Read on for all the biggest games Releases August 25 for Xbox One, Dishonored: Definitive Edition the bizarre control schemes. I’m talking launching the week of August 24, 2015. PS4, Xbox 360, and PS3 about games like QWOP, Octodad, and 10. Octodad: Dadliest Catch One of the most prolific and longest- sneak into enemy compounds, rescue The game follows a group of Surgeon Simulator. A more recent entry in 1. Until Dawn running series in the history of video hostages, assassinate villains, or pretend teenage protagonists who discover a this burgeoning genre is I Am Bread, a Releases August 26 for Xbox One games, Madden NFL has come out in to be an invited guest at a fancy cos- machine that can send emails into the much less gory game from the makers of This game has been swimming from Releases August 25 for PlayStation 4 yearly installments since 1990. The tume party. past. Since that lets the recipient Surgeon Simulator. You play as a piece of system to system since its original PC If you like horror movies, then you’ll games have come a long way since To help make your entrances extra change the future, they realize this is bread (of all things) and you have to move release in 2010, but it’s just now making definitely want to keep an eye on Until then, culminating in the most realistic stealthy, you have an array of supernat- powerful technology indeed. This dis- your clumsy self from point A to point B. its way to Xbox One. Like I Am Bread and Dawn, a game that puts you in the shoes digital version of the sport imaginable. ural abilities that let you do things like covery inspires them to try to create an You control the corners of the bread as Surgeon Simulator, the only enemies in of eight potential murder victims. Like As usual, this year’s installment teleport short distances, possess ene- actual time machine, which kicks off a you try to maneuver it, say, from a kitchen this quirky game are the overly compli- many scary flicks, the game follows a includes a few tweaks that may or may mies, control swarms of rats, and more. series of fascinating and entertaining table into a toaster on the counter. Not cated controls. group of teenagers who decide to spend not stick in future editions, based on It’s a ton of fun, with numerous ways to events. If you don’t mind a lot of reading only is the bread hard to control, but you The funniest part of the game is actu- the night in a cabin in the woods, a locale how successful they are here. Developer complete each mission. You can even in your games, this is one to check out. can’t let it touch dirty surfaces for long. ally the premise. Somehow an octopus that just happens to be in the path of a Electronic Arts is touting more beat the game without killing anyone if serial killer. You get to play as each of the advanced passing options, new receiver you’re feeling non-violent. If you missed kids in turn, making decisions about controls you can use while the ball is in this game the first time around, don’t let where they hide and how they react the air, and new “broadcast graphics” it pass you by now. when the killer comes a-hunting. that make the game look even more Your choices determine who lives and like a televised game. 5. Mega Man Legacy Collection who dies, so if you’re always yelling at horror movie characters for making 4. Dishonored: Definitive Edition Releases August 25 for Xbox One, dumb decisions, you’ll be pleased that PS4, and PC you get to craft the narrative here. Add in Source: Bethesda Softworks The Mega Man games practically performances by Hollywood stars like Releases August 25 for Xbox One and defined the action platforming genre Hayden Panettiere, and you’ve got the PS4 on the Nintendo Entertainment System. makings of a potentially terrific horror Dishonored is one of my favorite That console was home to the first six game. games from the last console generation, games in the series, which came out so it’s good to see it come to the new between 1987 and 1993 and are collect- 2. Gears of War Ultimate Edition crop of systems with all of its DLC ed here. included. What is Dishonored? It’s a first- Also in this collection are a number Releases August 25 for Xbox One person action stealth game that, of extra goodies, like concept art, ene- The original Gears of War came out depending on the mission, has you my descriptions, challenges that remix memorable segments of the games, and even screen filters that make it look like you’re playing on a CRT television. Pick this one up if you want to relive an important part of gaming history. 6. Steins; Gate Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer Beta Releases August 25 for PS3 and PS Vita 7. Amnesia: Memories The result is equal parts hilarious and frus- has convinced everyone in his life, from The PS Vita is home to lots of genres trating. Check this one out next time his co-workers to his family, that he’s a that haven’t gotten a foothold in the Releases August 25 for PS Vita you’re hanging out with your buddies. human. To keep up the ruse, you must U.S., and Steins;Gate is one of them. It’s If one visual novel isn’t enough for you, help him do things like get from the a “visual novel,” which means you spend here’s another releasing the very same 9. Call of Duty: Black Ops bedroom to the kitchen, eat breakfast, most of your time in the game reading. day. Amnesia: Memories is a romantic sto- III Multiplayer Beta and get in his car to go to work. It’s not The focus is on the narrative rather than ry that centers on a young woman who easy, but it’s incredibly silly and highly on the gameplay, but the narrative is wakes up on August 1 with no memories Takes place August 26 - 30 satisfying once you achieve Octodad’s excellent, according to most reports. at all. She doesn’t know who she is, where Madden NFL 16 The full game doesn’t come out until rather pedestrian goals. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Water management key to achieving sustainable development goals: WB

STOCKHOLM: As demand for water grows, the replace the MDGs, broadens water from a narrow without access, say UNICEF and the World Health management of groundwater. “Groundwater is the world must focus on how the precious resource access issue to a “fundamental rethink” of how it is Organization. Ahmad said achieving the new biggest source of stored water that we have, and will be shared among farmers, the energy sector managed, said Junaid Ahmad, director at the water goal and scaling up access means not only yet it has been progressively abused”, extracted at and cities if it is to achieve the United Nations’ World Bank’s water global practice. building pipes, but also fixing institutions and a faster rate than it is being recharged, he said. new development agenda, a World Bank expert “We’re headed into a perfect storm in which improving governance. More than 2 billion people still lack access to said. The world faces a 40 percent shortfall in over the next 20 years we will see the demand for Another challenge, he said, is putting a price toilets, but Ahmad is optimistic that the new goal water supplies in 15 years due to urbanisation, water growing significantly, driven by thirsty agri- on water. “We are in a world in which we are trying of universal sanitation coverage by 2030 can be population growth and growing demand for culture, thirsty energy and thirsty cities,” Ahmad to price carbon, but we do not know how to value achieved. “It took developed countries many years water for food production, energy and industry, said on Sunday on the sidelines of a global water water,” he said, adding that because water is a to achieve universal access,” he said, noting that a according to a United Nations report published conference in Stockholm. human right, there is an assumption that it should World Bank simulation showed countries such as in March. “If we are to achieve these goals of food and be free. France took 25 to 30 years to provide toilets for The UN Millennium Development Goals energy security, sustainable urbanization, and “Free water is probably the most expensive everybody. (MDGs), which had focused attention on the ensure service delivery of water and sanitation to water for poor people, because whenever you “If we look at history and the pace in which needs of poor nations for the past 15 years, citizens, we now need to figure out how water is give out free water it’s captured by the politically developed countries have changed, then what included boosting access to clean water and sani- going to be allocated across sectors.” Some 2.6 bil- powerful, not by the poor.” developing countries are doing today is pret- tation. The Sustainable Development Goals, due lion people have gained access to clean water Other challenges include climate change, ty historic. They are catching up at a very fast to be adopted at a UN summit in September to since 1990, but more than 660 million still live which has made the water supply patchy and the rate.” — Reuters Low-energy and healthy homes: Europe’s answer to shale gas? EU policymakers review building law

BRUSSELS: With street names such the end of 2020 and to transform Insulation, said. ants move in sometime in 2017. To as Temperance and Hygiene and existing property, including through Fuel charges for the Bon Air pro- quote the company’s founder on the plenty of green open spaces, the deep renovation, meaning tackling totype will shrink from an estimated wisdom of testing theory - or EU pol- 1920s Bon Air (Good Air) housing 80 percent or more of a building and nearly 6,000 euros per year to 580 icy - on real people: “One experiment estate in a working-class district of cutting energy use by a similar euros after the renovation, its archi- is better than a thousand expert Brussels was meant to provide a amount. tects say. A major obstacle is the ini- assumptions.” healthy “garden city” way of life. Now As a bloc, the 28-member EU tial outlay, which has limited deep The International Energy Agency 21st-century planners are striving to spends more than a billion euros a renovation to barely 1 percent of says making the relevant technology turn it into a modern ideal with the day on importing fossil fuel, much of buildings per year versus a non- widely available and competitive will kind of renovations EU policymakers which is used by buildings, chiefly binding EU goal of 3 percent. take a decade. As both a world sitting in their shiny offices across for heating and cooling. Those behind the Anderlecht leader in smart building and home the city want to see throughout the The Commission says buildings project say the cost - which in this to historic property that is the most European Union. consume 40 percent of EU energy case includes extending the proper- wasteful on the planet, the EU there- Work starts in Bon Air in and the potential for savings is vast ty, as well as insulation, a new heat- fore must forge ahead. NEW DELHI: Prakash Javadekar, Indian Environment Minister, addresses a press con- September to transform a prototype as three quarters of property is ineffi- ing system and new windows - is not “The European Union needs to be ference in New Delhi yesterday. — AP from damp and dingy into a light, cient. Smarter building, it says, cre- the sole consideration. pro-active in addressing deep ener- well-ventilated and very low-energy ates millions of jobs, fuels growth Demolishing the houses and gy renovation,” IEA analyst Marc Rich world has responsibility home. It is the model for 86 social and cuts health bills: insulation cures replacing them with zero-energy Lafrance said. The potential losers houses in Bon Air and La Roue (the the damp that causes asthma, while homes was not possible because the are the utilities. Sabine Froning, head Wheel), another housing estate in using less energy lowers emissions garden city estates are regarded as of public affairs and communication to curb climate change: India the same Brussels district of and improves air quality. part of Brussels’ heritage. at Sweden’s Vattenfall, said the com- Anderlecht, with a budget of 17.4 The industry says it is Europe’s For VELUX of Denmark, which has pany sought to become more of a NEW DELHI: India’s environment minister said Prakash Javadekar said India was in the final million euros ($19.7 million). answer to the US shale gas revolu- teamed up with the Brussels civic service provider, while retaining a yesterday that the rich world could not wish stages of preparing its submissions to the UN, In the European Commission, tion, which has greatly reduced US authorities, it’s the chance to deploy supply role, notably as a specialist in away its responsibility for man-made global and that he was confident a global deal could be meanwhile, policymakers have energy costs. “This sector is ready technology on a scale that makes it efficient district heating. “A building warming, as he urged developed nations to do reached at the summit in Paris. But, he added, begun a review of EU buildings law. and waiting to eclipse shale gas as more competitive and to check it is is never going to be zero every hour more to help his country deal with the impact of the rich world had so far failed to make sufficient The aim is to work out how to the biggest source of energy saved user-friendly. In return for financing of the day. It will always need to climate change. money and cutting-edge technology available enforce requirements that all new in this case,” Barry Lynham, director the prototype, VELUX is allowed to export and/or import energy,” India is one of the last major economies still to help poorer countries that were not to blame buildings be nearly zero-energy by of strategy for German firm Knauf monitor it for two years, once ten- Froning said. — Reuters to submit its plans to tackle global warming for global warming. “Historical responsibility is a ahead of a United Nations summit in December fact. It cannot be wished away. We are just 2.4 where more than 190 countries will seek a deal percent of the world’s historical emissions,” he to halt a damaging rise in temperatures. Despite told reporters in New Delhi. Unlike other large its low per-capita emissions, India is already the emitters like the United States and China, India Second cancers are on the rise; world’s third-largest carbon emitter. Its huge has said it will not commit to a “peak year” for its population of 1.2 billion, a fast-growing econo- own emissions, arguing that doing so would my and rising use of coal make its role crucial if hamper its drive to beat poverty through eco- One in five US cases is a repeat the UN summit is to succeed. nomic growth. — Reuters Even as laws change, the ‘M’ NEW YORK: Second cancers are on the rise. Nearly 1 in 5 new cases in the US word is banned in head shops now involves someone who has had the disease before. When doctors talk about second cancers, they mean a dif- SAN FRANCISCO: You still can’t say “marijua- protest, we went and sat down with civil ferent tissue type or a different site, not na” in the head shop. For years, the stores that affairs, told them what we were going to do,” a recurrence or spread of the original sell marijuana pipes and bongs have insisted Poe said, referring to the Philadelphia Police tumor. Judith Bernstein of suburban that the products they sell are for tobacco use, Department’s Civil Affairs Unit. “And then we Philadelphia is an extreme example. choosing their words carefully to avoid being marched down Market Street with a police She has had eight types over the last ensnared in laws against marijuana parapher- escort.” Which is to say that it is possible to two decades, all treated successfully. nalia. As states and cities across the country smoke marijuana in front of the police, even “There was a while when I was get- have lowered the penalties for possession, a though one cannot in many locales discuss ting one cancer diagnosis after anoth- patchwork of federal, state and local laws weed in certain stores. er,” including breast, lung, esophageal, means little has changed at the head shops. Experts say prosecution for marijuana para- and the latest - a rare tumor of her eye- “The map of the United States is colorful as to phernalia alone are fairly uncommon. Many lids, she said. “At one point I thought I where you can lawfully buy paraphernalia and people interviewed for this story, however, had cancer in my little finger.” About 19 not use magic code words,” said Allen St Pierre, point to a 2003 DEA sting called Operation percent of cancers in the United States executive director of the National Organization Pipe Dreams, which ensnared 55 people for now are second-or-more cases, a for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. distributing drug paraphernalia, including recent study found. In the 1970s, it was Seventeen states have decriminalized mari- actor Tommy Chong, one half of the stoner only 9 percent. Over that period, the juana - meaning that possession, but usually comedy duo Cheech and Chong. He pleaded number of first cancers rose 70 percent not the sale - of small amounts leads to a guilty and served nine months in prison for while the number of second cancers minor fine and no criminal record. Four states selling the “Chong Bong,” which was delivered rose 300 percent. - Washington, Colorado, Alaska and Oregon - to an undercover business in the Pittsburgh Strange as it may sound, this is part- along with the District of Columbia, have legal- area. ly a success story: More people are sur- ized marijuana, meaning that there is a state- Even in places where possession of small approved marketplace for pot. In Philadelphia, amounts of marijuana is decriminalized for viving cancer and living long enough PHILADELPHIA: Judith Bernstein meets with Dr Henry Fung at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in to get it again, because the risk of can- lawmakers decriminalized possession of less individual tokers, paraphernalia laws may still Philadelphia. Her husband, Arnold, is at right. Bernstein has had eight different types of cancer over the than 30 grams of marijuana - about an ounce - apply. In Maryland, lawmakers decriminalized cer rises with age. last two decades, all treated successfully. — AP Second cancers also can arise from in October 2014, meaning that a person with a possession of marijuana in 2014. Aficionados the same gene mutations or risk fac- unknown. When you have your next which gave me an opportunity to raise endure too much of the same type, small amount gets a fine rather than being caught with less than 10 grams pay a $100 civil tors, such as smoking, that spurred the diagnosis, it’s fear of the known,” and my family and enjoy my bride. So said Dr. Alan Venook, a colon and liver hauled away in handcuffs. But at Wonderland, fine. But possession of a pipe with marijuana first one. And some of the very treat- having to face treatment all over again. whatever time I get forward here I con- cancer expert at the University of a head shop festooned with Grateful Dead residue could lead to a $500 fine and a criminal ments that help people survive their Robert Ulrich, 58, a contractor and sider free time,” he said. California, San Francisco, who treats iconography, the mere mention of marijuana is record. A measure that would have decriminal- first cancer, such as radiation, can raise building inspector in Wasilla, Alaska, “You hope for the best and you pre- Ulrich, the Alaska man. A second can- enough for clerks to refuse a sale. “Even the ized marijuana pipes and bongs in the state the risk of a new cancer forming later said that when doctors told him in pare for the worst.” cer means doctors need to assess mention of medical marijuana means I cannot was vetoed in April by Governor Larry Hogan, in life, although treatments have great- 2013 he had advanced colon cancer, Imagine what it has been like for genetic risk to the patient and possibly sell anything to you,” said a clerk at the store, who said cited concerns that the bill did noth- ly improved in recent years to mini- two decades after he had overcome Bernstein, 72, the Philadelphia-area the family, Venook said. before declining further comment and refus- ing to prevent driving under the influence. The mize this problem. Psychologically, a Hodgkin lymphoma, it was like “they woman who has had skin, lymphoma, “We’ve failed if a woman who had ing to identify an owner or manager. legalization of pot in the District of Columbia second cancer often is more traumatiz- put a time stamp on your existence ... it breast, two types of lung, esophageal, a BRCA1 mutation and had breast That situation is ironic but not surprising to has completely changed the conversation ing than the first. “I think it’s a lot makes your head spin.” thyroid and now the eyelid cancer, a cancer develops colon cancer,” he said. Philadelphia marijuana activist NA Poe, who in there, said Adam Eidinger, the owner of Capitol tougher” for most people, said Julia He is making end-of-life plans while form of lymphoma. “I’m not going to The gene mutation means she should June led a protest featuring hundreds of peo- Hemp in Washington, D.C. Police raided the Rowland, director of the federal Office fighting the disease with aggressive tell you I’m some uber human being,” be monitored and screened often ple smoking marijuana. “Before we did that shop in 2011 — Reuters. of Cancer Survivorship. “The first time chemotherapy. “My outlook on it is, I Bernstein said. She went to a psychia- enough for other cancers to have any you’re diagnosed, it’s fear of the got 30 years out of the first go-round trist after one diagnosis and “spent four precancerous colon growths removed, days very upset” after the latest one. he said. Experts have this advice for cancer Challenges survivors: Have a formal survivorship But she said that exercising has plan, a blueprint for the future that helped her feel well through treat- includes a detailed summary of the ments, and that having endured many treatment you received and what kind tragedies among her friends and fami- of monitoring is needed. “Anyone ly has given her resilience. “Some peo- who’s had a first cancer needs to ple just can grieve and deal with it” understand what kinds of symptoms when faced with challenges like can- they need to be alert to and what kind cer, she said. of medical follow-up” they need, said “She is so upbeat,” said Barbara Elizabeth Ward, an American Cancer Rogers, a nurse practitioner at Fox Society researcher who authored a Chase Cancer Center who has treated recent report on second cancers. Bernstein for more than a decade. For Don’t neglect screenings for other most patients, “it is harder the second forms of cancer besides the one you time around, or third or fourth ... like, were treated for. Make sure to get any ‘Oh, God, not again.’” recommended tests such as colono- Medically, second cancers pose scopies, mammograms or HPV or Pap special challenges. Treatment choices tests. If you get a second cancer, “take may be more limited. For example, a deep breath,” Rowland said. radiation usually isn’t given to the Treatments improve every day, and same area of the body more than once. there are more resources, including Some drugs also have lifetime dose social media, for support, and doctors LAHORE: A Pakistani mother holds her child as a health worker gives him a polio vac- PHILADELPHIA: A nurse places Judith Bernstein’s chemotherapy med- limits to avoid nerve or heart damage. are more used to treating cancer more cine in Lahore. Polio remains endemic in Pakistan after the Taleban banned vaccina- ication on an intravenous stand at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in “The body has a memory for the than once. “No one’s giving up on tions, attacks targeted medical staffers and suspicions lingered about the inocula- Philadelphia. — AP radiation or chemotherapy” and can’t you,” she said. — AP tions. — AP TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 HEALTH & SCIENCE Anti-abortion group releases video snippet after court win

LOS ANGELES: An anti-abortion group to the videos prompted members of a researcher an ‘intact fetus,’” the compa- ment that the secret recordings were released a snippet of video showing a Congress to try to kill funding for ny said. legal under an exemption that allows California company executive discussing Planned Parenthood, which provides such subterfuge if someone believes fetal tissue for research after a judge health services to women such as birth Privacy violation they are gathering evidence of a crime. ruled the group could show the footage control, sexual-disease screening and The company, which broke ties with “Defendants’ apparent ideological con- even if it was illegally recorded. abortions. It has also led to calls for inves- Planned Parenthood last week, said the viction that fetal tissue procurement is a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge tigations of the center and of Planned videos were illegally obtained because violent felony does not, without more, Joanne O’Donnell rejected efforts by Parenthood. Placerville-based they weren’t notified they were being rise to the level of a ‘reasonable belief,’ “ StemExpress to block the videos, though StemExpress, which got some of its fetal recorded and the company’s right to pri- O’Donnell wrote. she said the company likely will prevail in tissue from Planned Parenthood, was vacy was violated. Releasing video would While O’Donnell said StemExpress its lawsuit claiming its privacy was violat- drawn into the controversy when its draw the company and Dyer “deeper into would probably prevail in its privacy law- ed by an anti-abortion activist posing as chief executive and general counsel met the vortex of public animosity stirred up suit, the center’s lawyer said that state- MONROVIA: A woman being discharged from the Island Clinic Ebola treatment cen- a biomedical company employee. in May at a Northern California restaurant by CMP’s crusade to brand everyone ment was based on little evidence. ter is sprayed with disinfectant in Monrovia, Liberia. Lingering health problems The company that provides blood, with two representatives of the phony associated with Planned Parenthood as Attorney Charles LiMandri said the afflicting many of the roughly 13,000 Ebola survivors have galvanized global and tissue and other biological material for Biomax Procurement Services. evil criminals,” the company said in court recordings will show Dyer had no expec- local health officials seeking to determine how widespread the ailments are and medical research said it was considering It was a ruse orchestrated by the cen- papers. tation of privacy in a public restaurant how to remedy them, with the World Health Organization calling it an emergency an appeal, but the little-known Center for ter’s leader, David Daleiden, who posed Dyer said the company’s connection where a diner sat nearby and waiters within an emergency. — AP Medical Progress didn’t hesitate to pre- as “Robert Sarkis” to secretly record the to Planned Parenthood led to violent interrupted the meal. view its latest covert video targeting conversation. In a 10-second clip includ- threats and forced her to hire a security “I’m very pleased that justice was organizations that trade in fetal tissue. ed in a highlights reel, StemExpress Chief team. StemExpress won a temporary done and that my client is in a position to Biogas digesters energize The Irvine, California-based anti-abor- Executive Officer Catherine Dyer can be restraining order last month, but release the video,” LiMandri said. “The tion group reignited the abortion debate seen discussing liver tissue. O’Donnell said Friday that the center’s constitution is vindicated, and the truth after releasing undercover videos last The Center for Medical Progress said First Amendment rights to release the will be shown.” isolated Palestinian village month of Planned Parenthood officials the excerpt showed her discussing intact videos trumped the company’s right to The Los Angeles case is one of two discussing aborted fetal organs it pro- fetuses, though she never used that term block them under privacy claims. the anti-abortion group is facing in BEIT YANAI, Israel: Palestinian villagers living in Studies, based in the arid Negev desert. vides for research. Abortion opponents in the snippet or in a nearly three-minute The judge said she couldn’t tell who California. A federal judge in San desolate, off-grid areas in the West Bank have said the video showed Planned clip provided by StemExpress. was telling the truth the confidentiality Francisco who temporarily blocked the begun using Israeli-made biogas generators that HEALTHY OPTION Parenthood was illegally harvesting and StemExpress said the clip was mis- of the May meeting, but she said the fact center from releasing recordings it supply free, clean energy by gobbling up organic Oshik Efrati, chief executive officer of selling the organs. Planned Parenthood leading and the entire discussion was Daleiden concealed his identity and secretly gathered at annual meetings of waste. The portable, household “anaerobic HomeBioGas, said he hoped the product would said it did nothing wrong and the videos about livers, which are highly sought by secretly recorded the conversation made National Abortion Federation is sched- digesters” made by Israeli start-up company save many lives in rural areas across the world were deceptively edited to support medical researchers. “StemExpress has his account less believable. uled next Thursday to consider a perma- HomeBioGas turn food leftovers and manure into where smoke from cooking on an open fire causes extremists’ false claims. Fervent reaction never requested, received or provided to O’Donnell rejected the center’s argu- nent injunction. —AP methane for cooking and lighting. severe respiratory illness and death. Up to 2.7 bil- They can be taken along if people living in ram- lion people live in under-served communities with shackle huts or tent dwellers, such as local , no access to clean energy and waste disposal serv- decide to relocate or move home. ices, HomeBioGas says, while 4.3 million women ‘I’m alive’: People survey damage “HomeBioGas has invented this simple digester and children die each year due to inhaling smoke that can easily be assembled and transported,” said from indoor open fires. Palestinian engineer Amer Rabayah, who coordi- The company aims to expand its production nates installation of the devices. capacity and enlist governments and aid agencies from Washington fire Rural West Bank areas that Palestinians want as to buy digesters for impoverished communities, part of a future state with the Gaza Strip and East but plans are still in their infancy, Efrati said. Jerusalem have been left under-developed, while “This system will be available to everyone that OKANOGAN, Washington: As crews made inroads Israel, which captured the territory in a 1967 Middle needs it in the developing world. It will eliminate against massive fires burning in north-central East war, has invested in adjacent settlements. waste, it makes clean gas, and there is no need to Washington some people began to assess just how Palestinians - largely left to fend for themselves - breathe in any smoke,” he said. damaging the huge blazes have been. have relied on donations from foreign states and A fermentation process to produce the gas is Steve Surgeon, a mechanic and scrap-metal seller, international aid agencies. “(In) this area ... there is precipitated when bacteria is added in powder or lost everything he owns except for his home on the no water or electricity. We have no services,” said liquid form to a mix of water and waste. The bacte- outskirts of Okanogan. He stayed in place as the fire local resident and digester owner Nayef Zayid. ria then multiply to create a self-perpetuating raced over a ridge and barreled down toward his Around 40 digesters have been set up in a pilot process. Rich liquid fertiliser, a byproduct of the house, flames lapping just feet from his back porch. project at the Palestinian village of al-Awja in the process, can also be used to boost crop growth for “I’m alive,” he said with a sigh Sunday. “I shouldn’t central West Bank’s Jordan Valley. a population that largely relies on agriculture for be, but I am - and that’s what matters.” The European Union has funded the project to income, Efrati explained. The Okanogan Complex of wildfires on Sunday the tune of some 500,000 euros ($559,750), and the HomeBioGas declined to discuss a retail price measured about 374 square miles and was estimated Peres Center for Peace, set up by former Israeli pres- for the digester, whose materials and construction to be about 10 percent contained, fire spokesman Dan ident Shimon Peres, facilitated Israeli-Palestinian costs amount to a few hundred dollars. It is best Omdal said. More than 1,000 people were fighting the cooperation. A group of Israeli and Palestinian vol- suited for use in warm climates. blazes. Sixteen large wildfires are burning across cen- unteers helped assemble the digesters, which take The company also sees affluent, environmen- tral and eastern Washington, covering more than 920 about three hours to install. Some digesters have tally aware Western consumers as future clients for square miles. More than 200 homes have been also been provided to Bedouin in Israel in partner- its product, which will be sold to them for profit, destroyed, and more than 12,000 homes and thou- ship with the Arava Institute for Environmental marketing director Ami Amir said. — Reuters sands of other structures remain threatened. The blazes were among several large fires burning across the West, taxing firefighting resources and prompting Philippines’ coal-power plans officials to seek help from other states and even abroad. Officials said Australia and New Zealand are unsettle clean-energy investors sending firefighters to help battle the western blazes. One of the latest western blazes was a potentially MANILA: Plans to boost the Philippines’ coal- million tons last year. While miniscule com- destructive fire that erupted Sunday afternoon in fired power capacity by more than 25 percent pared to purchases by China and India, growing California’s San Bernardino Mountains. The US Forest in just three years will be a cheap solution to Philippine imports will be welcomed by Service said the fire near Snow Summit Ski Resort the country’s precarious power supply but bad Indonesia, its traditional main supplier, at a time south of Big Bear Lake has forced evacuation orders news to investors in clean energy. A total of 25 prices are falling. The Philippines also buys coal for about 400 homes. By late Sunday, the blaze had BREMERTON: The sun turns red as it sets through the smoke behind the Olympic Mountains in coal-fired power stations are in the pipeline from Australia, Vietnam and China. chewed through about 100 acres of terrain and was 25 Bremerton on Saturday. The smoke from the Central Washington fires left a smoky haze over with capacity totalling 12,200 megawatts, “A significant portion of our electricity mar- percent contained. In Washington, a new firefighting the area. — AP according to an updated list of power projects ket is dependent on imported coal from mobilization center is being set up at Fairchild Air published by the Philippine Department of Indonesia. I’m worried about our energy securi- Force Base near Spokane to help fight wildfires in the downgraded some evacuation notices, allowing some Visibility and air quality improved Sunday. Energy last month. Twelve of them with a total ty being put in the hands of another country,” state. The base will be the staging area for 20 large fire people to return to their homes. Thousands still The good news for Sunday was that less smoke capacity of 3,400 MW are under construction, said Vincent Perez, a former Philippine energy engines and 10 water takers and will be run by a team remain under evacuation notices. Sarah Miller, a means restrictions on air travel will be lifted and more and are slated to be completed by 2018. Those secretary who is now the CEO of wind power from San Diego. The engines are coming from Utah, spokeswoman with Okanogan County Emergency fire tankers can drop water and chemical retardant, plants require at least 10 million tons of coal a developer Alternergy Partners. Nevada, Arizona and Colorado, officials said. At Management, said residents have been warned to stay Flory said. Air quality, which has been dangerously year, industry estimates show. Promoting solar, wind, hydro and geother- Surgeon’s property, heaps of twisted and charred met- ready to leave at any time. Suzanne Flory, spokes- bad, will also improve when the smoke cloud lifts, but About a third of the country’s power capaci- mal energy has become a challenge for al litter his land where the fire burned through. woman for the US Forest Service, said there’s a worry firefighters won’t be able to take a breather. “We tell ty of nearly 18,500 megawatts uses coal as fuel, investors as the government remains biased Surgeon estimates he lost more than $100,000 worth that once the smoke lifts and humidity drops the ris- firefighters, if you see blue sky, heads up,” Flory said. but supply from local mines mainly owned by towards low-cost power from coal. Investors of property, including his shop, his motorcycle, several ing heat will cause the fires to flare up. Flory said they Three firefighters were killed battling blazes near Semirara Mining and Power Corp is not have been grappling with high initial expenses cars, a travel trailer and all of his tools. would not know until perhaps early Monday how Twisp, Washington, on Wednesday. An injured fire- enough. Coal imports soared to a record 15.2 and red tape. — Reuters “But I have my life and I have my home,” he said. much the fire had grown on Sunday, but as of late fighter remains in critical condition at Harborview “Everything else can be replaced.” Local officials have afternoon, fire activity had been relatively quiet. Medical Center in Seattle. — AP WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 Energy savings for eco-conscious Movenpick Hotels and Resorts ‘Green’ hotel initiatives reduce consumption across Middle East company-wide commitment to adopt- shading and protection against sand- ing environmentally friendly practices storms. It’s a move that has reduced the Asaw Movenpick Hotels and Resorts cut electricity bill for these ‘chillers’ by a sig- energy and water consumption by record nificant 16 percent. levels across its Middle East portfolio in 2014. The list of green innovations goes on, A range of innovative hotel-led initiatives, with Movenpick Resort and Spa Dead Sea many pioneered by general managers and becoming the first hotel in the Middle staff members, led to energy and water East to use solar-powered club cars for reductions of 7.8 percent and 6.3 percent guest transportation. respectively in 2014, compared to 2013. “In 2014, the average sustainability To put this into perspective, the compa- performance of Movenpick properties in ny’s Middle East hotels saved 271,000 hours the Middle East was 84 percent, which is of energy over the course of the year, which 1 percent above the Green Globe interna- is the equivalent of one 75-watt incandes- tional industry average,” says Hotelier. cent light bulb running constantly for 31 Over the last five years, Green Globe years. CEO Guido Bauer has been overseeing They also saved enough water to fill 46 the annual sustainability certifications of Olympic-sized swimming pools or 105 mil- Movenpick properties worldwide and has lion 1.5-litre bottles of water. been impressed with the level of commit- “One of our core values at Movenpick ment by the company’s portfolio of Hotels and Resorts is to always conduct hotels. business in a responsible way, encompass- “Movenpick’s Middle East properties ing sustainability practices that not only were some of the first to benefit from our address current needs but preserve the continuous improvement certification environment for generations to come,” program having found numerous ways to explains Gerard Hotelier, Vice President of improve environmental aspects of their Operations, Middle East and South Asia of surrounding communities. Most impres- Movenpick Hotels and Resorts. sive is this region’s measurable gains in “This commitment has inspired our team world and all of its green initiatives fall with the group’s Middle East hotels intro- timers and special water faucets at reducing global carbon pollution while members to think carefully and creatively under the company’s global sustainability ducing a range of environmentally Movenpick Hotel and Resort Al Bida’a conserving water, which is a most pre- about how they can reduce the use of the program called ‘Shine’, which concentrates friendly practices from ‘green’ meetings Kuwait. cious resource for all in the Middle East,” Earth’s natural resources while enhancing on three areas - Environment, Employer and packages with naturally-lit rooms, paper- Meanwhile, the Movenpick Hotel and said Bauer. the guest experience and developing the Social Sustainability - with a focus on less solutions and sustainable food Apartments Bur Dubai has introduced “Green Globe will be promoting many wellbeing of our employees and the local Education. choices at Movenpick Hotel Jumeirah Green Wrap Technology, using a steel of Movenpick’s Middle East hotels to Gold community.” Lakes Towers in Dubai, to energy- and framework and filtration system that Member status later this year in recogni- Movenpick Hotels and Resorts is the most Environment friendly water-saving strategies such as the use increases the reliability of the hotel’s air- tion of their year-on-year improvement Green Globe certified hotel company in the These initiatives have paid dividends of LED lightbulbs, motion-sensor light coolers and even provides additional and dedication to sustainability.”

IKEA recalls PATRULL nightlight for risk of electric shock KEA urges customers who have a PATRULL nightlight to immediately stop using it and to bring it back to any IIKEA store for a full refund. IKEA has received one report where a small baby boy, one year and seven months old, played with the PATRULL nightlight. He tried to remove the light from the socket when the lid came off. The child got an electric shock and visible wounds on the hand. Safe products are an IKEA priority. Whenever an IKEA product is involved in an incident we take immediate action and PATRULL nightlight was removed from sales at once. The lamp has been tested to and complies with all applicable legislation and standards. In the investigation that followed more than 600 PATRULL nightlights were tested and found to be OK. In spite of this IKEA has decided to recall the lamp to avoid the risk of further incidents. PATRULL nightlight has been sold in Europe and North America since 2013. The PATRULL nightlight can be returned to any IKEA store for a full refund. Proof of purchase (receipt) is not required. For more information, please visit Fifty children from LOYAC, a nonprofit organization working towards the overall development of the youth, visited the Interior Ministry’s Police General contact IKEA on 1840408. Department, where they met with senior department officials, toured around the operations room and inspected patrol vehicles.

Iraqi singer Ali Ward’s band performed a concert at the Abdulhussein Abdulredha Theater recently as part of the 10th Summer Cultural Festival. Ward graduated from the Kuwait Music Institute, where he spe- cialized in playing the Oud. The festival is organized by the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters. —KUNA WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015

Mexican artist Polina Porras Sivolobova —Photos by Joseph Shagra

Mexican artist Polina Porras Sivolobova and Mexican Ambassador to Kuwait Miguel Angel Isidro are seen in a group photo with guests.

Sivolobova gives a demonstration to Mexican Ambassador Angel Mexican Ambassador to Kuwait Miguel Angel Isidro delivers his Mexican Ambassador Angel Isidro and Russian Ambassador Alexey Isidro and Russian Ambassador Alexey Solomatin. speech. Solomatin check the artworks. Art exhibition celebrates 40 years of Mexico-Kuwait relations

By Faten Omar Porras is a Russian-Mexican artist whose playful way. She said she intends to introduce He admitted the Mexican-Kuwaiti bilateral the support they have provided to present artwork spans multiple disciplines such as to the Kuwaiti audience her own personal exchanges have not reached their desired the exhibition. ayt Lothan hosted an art exhibition drawing, artist’s books, video, photography, interpretation of Aztec myths through two level yet and affirmed that his country’s gov- In 2009, Porras received a grant to pro- titled ‘Toys, Masks and Stories: A Vision performance and puppets. She has been puppet shows. ernment is aiming, through this exhibition, to duce an original puppet play titled “Los Bof a Mexican Artist,’ by Mexican artist exploring her Mexican roots through the use “I would like to make the people of Kuwait start a more interactive cultural relationship Alebrijes en busca del sol,” a playful story Polina Porras Sivolobova on Sunday in Sidra of autobiography, myth and storytelling. Her know more about Mexico’s history through with Kuwait. based on the pre-Hispanic myth of the fifth Hall as part of the Mexican Embassy’s cele- artwork has been shown at the Queens my puppets and pictures in this exhibition,” sun and sudden disappearance from the sky. brations of the 40th anniversary of launching International 2004, the Smithsonian Institute she said. Good start Porras’s deep interest in education and rela- diplomatic relations between Mexico and in New York City, the Hemispheric Institute of Porras noted that her exhibition showcas- The Ambassador also stressed the impor- tional aesthetics has taken her to explore Kuwait. Performance and Politics in Sao Paolo, Brazil, es the ‘Aztec Universe’ as a vital part of tance of increasing mutual exchanges public interventions and participatory experi- The four-day exhibition sheds light on the the Contemporary Art Museum in Oaxaca, ancient Mexican mysticism and its reflection between the two countries in various fields, ences such as her most recent work, “A Mad- myths of Aztec empire, a triple alliance of Mexico and Art Jericho in Oxford, UK. on modern day life. Also, Porras thanked her including the cultural field, noting that this Proper Tea party” in England, a nonsensical three native tribes that ruled Central and sister for helping her and encouraging her to exhibition is a good start to achieve that. He experience about social norms around the Southern regions of Mexico between 1428- Opportunity be who she is today. also expressed his gratitude to NCCAL’s table. In 2010, Porras directed and produced 1521. The event is sponsored by the Mexican During her speech, Porras expressed her Meanwhile, Ambassador Isidro said that in Secretary General Ali Al-Youha, as well as Bayt her first video-documentary, “Mi Abuela (my Ambassador to Kuwait Miguel Angel Isidro in happiness for the opportunity to exhibit her 1975, Mexico and Kuwait decided to start Lothan’s Director General Sheikha Amal grandmother, my grandmother),” relating her cooperation with National Council for Culture, artwork in Kuwait and to introduce a different their bilateral relations and since then, there Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah and General bicultural background through her grand- Arts and Letters (NCCAL) and Bayt Lothan. aspect of Mexico’s history in a friendly and have been some exchanges in different fields. Manager Sheikha Farah Fawaz Al-Sabah for mothers, one Russian and the other Mexican. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 TV PROGRAMS

Teenage Witch 15:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 01:40 Wolfblood 15:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 02:05 Wolfblood 16:00 Chopped 02:30 Violetta 17:00 The Kitchen 03:15 The Hive 18:00 Easy Chinese: San 00:00 Grimm 03:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Francisco 01:00 Marvel’s Agent Carter 00:45 Tanked 03:00 Salem 01:40 Voodoo Shark Teenage Witch 18:30 Easy Chinese: San 03:45 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Francisco 04:00 Switched At Birth 02:35 Biggest And Baddest 05:00 Odyssey 03:25 Gator Boys Teenage Witch 19:00 Chopped 04:10 Wolfblood 20:00 Iron Chef America 12:00 Emmerdale 04:15 Wild Things With Dominic 12:30 Coronation Street Monaghan 04:35 Wolfblood 21:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 05:00 Violetta 21:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 16:00 Emmerdale 05:02 Treehouse Masters 16:30 Coronation Street 05:49 Voodoo Shark 05:45 The Hive 22:00 Man Fire Food 05:50 Mouk 22:30 Man Fire Food 19:00 Odyssey 06:36 Meet The Orangutans 20:00 Switched At Birth 07:00 My Pet’s Gone Viral 06:00 Lolirock 23:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 06:25 Hank Zipzer 23:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 21:00 The Flash 07:25 Groomer Has It 23:00 Salem 08:15 Voodoo Shark 06:50 Girl Meets World 09:10 Treehouse Masters 07:15 H2O: Just Add Water 10:05 Tanked 07:40 Jessie 11:00 Groomer Has It 08:05 Wizards Of Waverly Place 11:55 Treehouse Masters 08:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:50 Wild Things With Dominic 08:55 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 00:40 Come Date With Me Monaghan Teenage Witch Australia 01:00 Good Morning America 13:45 Biggest And Baddest 09:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 01:05 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 03:00 The Strain 14:40 Gator Boys Teenage Witch 02:00 Emmerdale 04:00 Outlander 15:35 Tanked 09:45 Austin & Ally 02:25 Come Dine With Me Ireland 05:00 Good Morning America 16:30 Wild Things With Dominic 10:10 Austin & Ally 02:55 Coronation Street 07:00 Emmerdale Monaghan 10:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 03:25 Coronation Street 07:30 Coronation Street 17:25 Voodoo Shark 11:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 03:50 More Tales From 09:00 Chicago Fire 18:20 Giant Pandas Go Wild 11:25 Jessie Northumberland With Robson Green 10:00 Emmerdale 19:15 Gator Boys 11:50 Jessie 04:20 Sunday Night At The 10:30 Coronation Street 20:10 Tanked 12:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Palladium 12:00 24 21:05 Sharkbite Beach Teenage Witch 05:15 Murdoch Mysteries 13:00 The Blacklist 22:00 Giant Pandas Go Wild 12:40 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 06:10 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 14:00 Live Good Morning America 22:55 Man-Eating Super Wolves Teenage Witch 07:05 Coronation Street 16:00 Chicago Fire 23:50 Gator Boys 13:05 Good Luck Charlie 07:30 Coronation Street 17:00 24 13:30 Good Luck Charlie 18:00 The Blacklist 13:55 Dog With A Blog 08:00 More Tales From Northumberland With Robson Green 19:00 Chicago Fire 14:25 H2O: Just Add Water 20:00 24 14:55 Lolirock 08:25 Sunday Night At The Palladium 21:00 The Blacklist 15:25 Austin & Ally 22:00 The Strain 16:00 Jessie 09:20 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 00:15 Michela’s Classic Italian 10:15 Come Dine With Me Ireland 23:00 Outlander 00:40 Marbella Mansions 16:30 Jessie 17:00 The Next Step 10:40 The Chase 01:25 Hairy Dieters 11:35 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 02:15 Come Dine With Me 17:25 Liv And Maddie 17:50 I Didn’t Do It 12:30 Murdoch Mysteries 02:40 Antiques Roadshow 13:25 Emmerdale 03:30 Antiques Roadshow 18:15 Mako Mermaids 18:40 Liv And Maddie 13:50 Come Dine With Me Ireland 00:00 The Day-PG15 04:20 Marbella Mansions 14:15 Coronation Street 05:05 Hairy Dieters 19:05 The Next Step 02:00 Kill Em All-PG15 19:30 Lolirock 14:40 The Chase 04:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 05:55 Michela’s Classic Italian 15:35 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 06:20 Marbella Mansions 19:55 Hank Zipzer 06:00 The Day The Earth Stood 20:20 Binny And The Ghost 16:30 Doc Martin Still-PG15 07:00 Antiques Roadshow 17:25 Paddock To Plate 07:50 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 20:45 H2O: Just Add Water 08:00 Aeon Flux-PG15 21:10 Good Luck Charlie 18:20 Murdoch Mysteries 10:00 Terminal Velocity-PG15 08:45 Michela’s Classic Italian 19:10 Coronation Street 09:10 Marbella Mansions 21:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 11:45 The Last Castle-PG15 22:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 19:35 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 14:00 The Day The Earth Stood 09:55 Come Dine With Me 20:30 Doc Martin 10:20 Antiques Roadshow 22:25 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Still-PG15 Teenage Witch 21:25 Paddock To Plate 16:00 Double Take-PG15 11:15 Antiques Roadshow 22:20 Coronation Street 12:05 Antiques Roadshow 22:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 18:00 Aeon Flux-PG15 Teenage Witch 22:50 Emmerdale 20:00 Left Behind-PG15 13:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 23:15 Murdoch Mysteries 13:50 Michela’s Classic Italian 23:10 Wolfblood 22:00 The Hunger Games: 14:20 Marbella Mansions 23:35 Wolfblood Catching Fire-PG15 15:05 Come Dine With Me 15:30 Antiques Roadshow 16:25 Antiques Roadshow 17:20 Antiques Roadshow 00:10 The Beach: A Photographer’s 18:20 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Journey 00:00 Reginald D. Hunter: In The 01:00 Zeb’s River Journey Thailand Midst Of Crackers 19:10 Michela’s Classic Italian 00:00 Sex With Brody 02:00 Building Wild 02:00 The Last Shot 19:35 Marbella Mansions 00:30 The Soup 02:55 Cabin Fever 04:00 Planes, Trains And 20:20 A Taste Of Greenland 00:55 Extreme Close-Up 03:50 Megastructures Automobiles 21:15 A Taste Of Greenland 01:25 Keeping Up With The 04:45 Zeb’s River Journey Thailand 06:00 Raising Helen 22:10 Antiques Roadshow Kardashians 05:40 Python Hunters 08:00 Foodfight! 23:05 Antiques Roadshow 02:20 E! News 06:35 Extreme Ice 10:00 The Last Shot 23:55 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 03:15 Escape Club 07:30 Traveler’s Guide To The 12:00 Raising Helen 04:10 E!ES Planets 14:00 Struck By Lightning 05:05 E!ES 08:25 Last War Heroes 16:00 Foodfight! 06:00 Keeping Up With The 09:20 Nordic Wild 18:00 Liar, Liar Kardashians 10:15 Ultimate Survival Alaska 20:00 Every Day 06:55 Keeping Up With The 11:10 Dead End Express 22:00 The Royal Tenenbaums 00:20 Fast N’ Loud Kardashians 12:05 Locked Up Abroad 01:10 Ice Cold Gold 07:50 Style Star 13:00 Last War Heroes 02:00 Ice Cold Gold 08:20 E! News 14:00 Traveler’s Guide To The 02:50 Island Of The Mega Shark 09:15 Giuliana & Bill Planets 03:40 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 10:15 Giuliana & Bill 15:00 Taiwan: Island Of Fish THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL ON OSN MOVIES ACTION HD Edition 11:10 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 16:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska 01:00 Pawn-PG15 04:05 Auction Hunters 11:35 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 17:00 Dead End Express 03:00 At Any Price-PG15 09:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 07:00 Valley Of The Kings-FAM 19:45 Uncle Grandpa 04:30 Savage Family Diggers 12:05 E! News 18:00 Locked Up Abroad 05:00 The Citizen-PG15 16:00 Asian Tour Highlights 08:25 Captain Nemo And The...- 19:57 Uncle Grandpa 05:00 What Happened Next? 13:05 House Of DVF 19:00 Taiwan: Island Of Fish 07:00 Chalet Girl-PG15 19:00 NRL Full Time FAM 20:20 Teen Titans Go! 05:30 How Do They Do It? 14:05 Extreme Close-Up 20:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska 09:00 Penthouse North-PG15 20:30 Teen Titans Go! 06:00 Gold Rush 14:30 Style Star 20:00 IndyCar Highlights 10:10 Tea And Sympathy-PG 20:50 Dead End Express 11:00 The Citizen-PG15 20:41 Teen Titans Go! 06:50 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling 15:00 Keeping Up With The 01:15 Jelly T 21:00 Champions Tour Highlights 12:15 The Yearling-FAM 21:40 Locked Up Abroad 13:00 The Giver-PG15 22:00 NRL Full Time 14:20 Ask Any Girl-FAM 20:55 Ben 10: Omniverse Thunder Kardashians 15:00 Knockout-PG15 02:45 A Turtle’s Tale 2: Sammy’s 22:30 Taiwan: Island Of Fish 16:00 The Gang That Couldn’t 21:17 Ben 10: Omniverse 07:40 Fast N’ Loud 16:00 Keeping Up With The 17:00 Penthouse North-PG15 Escape From Paradise 08:30 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 23:20 Python Hunters Shoot...-PG 21:40 Adventure Time Kardashians 19:00 A Walk Among The 04:30 Hammer Boy 21:51 Adventure Time Edition 17:00 Giuliana & Bill Tombstones-PG15 06:00 Goat Story 2 17:40 The Three Musketeers-FAM 08:55 Auction Hunters 22:02 Adventure Time 18:00 The Grace Helbig Show 21:00 Hours-PG15 07:45 Dragon Guardians 02:00 WWE Experience 19:45 North By Northwest-PG 22:13 Adventure Time 09:20 Savage Family Diggers 18:30 The Comment Section 23:00 The Frozen Ground-18 09:45 Hiroku: Defenders Of Gaia 03:00 Live WWE Raw 22:00 Get Carter-18 09:45 What Happened Next? 22:25 Johnny Test 19:00 Wags 11:15 The Dragon Pearl 07:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 23:55 Adam’s Rib-FAM 23:10 Regular Show 10:10 How Do They Do It? 20:00 Hollywood Cycle 13:00 A Turtle’s Tale 2: Sammy’s 00:00 Bad Judge 09:00 Golfing World 23:55 Total Drama World Tour 10:35 Ice Cold Gold 21:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills Escape From Paradise 01:00 Last Week Tonight With John 10:00 Indycar Series 00:20 Total Drama World Tour 11:25 Ice Cold Gold 22:00 E! News 14:30 Dixie And The Zombie Oliver 14:00 WWE Afterburn 00:40 Grojband 12:15 The Island With Bear Grylls 23:00 Stewarts And Hamiltons Rebellion 01:35 The Brink 15:00 WWE Raw 01:05 Grojband 13:05 Auction Hunters: Pawn Shop 16:00 Beethoven’s Treasure Tail 02:00 Ballers 01:30 Beautiful Creatures 23:00 Golfing World 01:25 Teen Titans Go! Edition 18:00 Hiroku: Defenders Of Gaia 02:30 It’s Always Sunny In 03:00 Grand Piano 01:50 Regular Show 13:30 Auction Hunters 20:00 Vampire Dog 03:20 Total Drama World Tour Philadelphia 04:45 Five Thirteen 02:35 Johnny Test 13:55 Savage Family Diggers 22:00 Dixie And The Zombie 03:42 Total Drama World Tour 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 06:45 Salinger 14:20 Gold Rush Rebellion 04:05 Ninjago: Masters Of Jimmy Fallon 09:00 Grace Of Monaco 15:10 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling 23:30 Beethoven’s Treasure Tail Spinjitzu 05:30 Til Death 11:00 Grand Piano Thunder 00:00 Chopped 15:30 ICC Cricket 360, Episode 33 04:28 Ninjago: Masters Of 06:30 Cristela 13:00 The Cutting Edge 16:00 Fast N’ Loud 01:00 Food Court Wars 16:00 Women’s Ashes: ENG v Spinjitzu 02:00 Mystery Diners 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 15:00 Gravity 16:50 What Happened Next? AUS, 1st ODI H/Ls 04:50 Teen Titans Go! 17:15 How Do They Do It? 02:30 Mystery Diners 08:30 Til Death 17:00 Grace Of Monaco 05:00 Teen Titans Go! 03:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 10:30 Cristela 18:45 Bobby Jones: Stroke Of 17:00 Women’s Ashes: ENG v 17:40 Deadliest Catch AUS, 2nd ODI H/Ls 05:10 Grojband 03:10 Henry Hugglemonster 18:30 The Island With Bear Grylls 03:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring Genius 00:15 Dom Hemingway-18 05:35 Grojband 03:20 Calimero 18:00 Women’s Ashes: ENG v 19:20 Dual Survival 04:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Jimmy Fallon 21:00 Belle 02:00 The Expendables 3-PG15 06:00 Regular Show 03:35 Zou 20:10 Auction Hunters 04:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 13:00 Til Death 23:00 Night Train To Lisbon 04:15 When The Game Stands AUS, 3rd ODI H/Ls 06:11 Regular Show 03:45 Loopdidoo 20:35 Savage Family Diggers 05:00 Chopped 13:30 Cristela Tall-PG15 19:00 ICC Cricket 360, Episode 33 06:20 New Regular Show 04:00 Art Attack 21:00 The Island With Bear Grylls 06:00 Iron Chef America 16:00 The Nightly Show With Larry 06:10 The Book Thief-PG15 06:31 Regular Show 04:25 Henry Hugglemonster 21:50 Dual Survival 07:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin Wilmore 08:30 Snitch-PG15 06:40 Uncle Grandpa 04:35 Calimero 22:40 Bride Of Jaws 07:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 10:30 2 Fast 2 Furious-PG15 06:50 Uncle Grandpa 04:50 Zou 23:30 Hellriders 08:00 Chopped 18:00 Mulaney 01:00 Snowpiercer-PG15 12:30 The Expendables 3-PG15 07:00 Adventure Time 05:00 Loopdidoo 09:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 18:30 Fresh Off The Boat 03:00 Safe Haven-PG15 14:45 Bully-PG15 07:25 The Amazing World Of 05:15 Art Attack 19:00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 05:00 Planes: Fire And Rescue-PG 16:30 Snitch-PG15 10:00 The Kitchen 01:15 Out Of Reach Gumball 05:35 Henry Hugglemonster 19:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 07:00 Return To Nim’s Island-PG 18:30 Grace Unplugged-PG 11:00 Easy Chinese: San 02:45 Dangerous Minds 07:36 The Amazing World Of 05:50 Calimero Francisco 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 09:00 Last Vegas-PG15 20:15 She Wants Me-PG15 11:00 Won’t Back Down-PG15 04:30 John Rabe: Part 1 Gumball 06:00 Zou 11:30 Easy Chinese: San Jimmy Fallon 22:00 Rush-18 07:47 The Amazing World Of 06:15 Loopdidoo Francisco 21:30 The Nightly Show With Larry 13:00 The Gabby Douglas Story 06:00 John Rabe: Part 2 00:00 Violetta 15:00 Last Passenger-PG15 07:45 K-Pax Gumball 06:25 Limon And Oli 12:00 Chopped Wilmore 07:58 The Amazing World Of 06:35 Art Attack 00:45 The Hive 17:00 Last Vegas-PG15 09:45 Six Days, Seven Nights 13:00 Guy’s Big Bite 22:00 Louie 19:00 Grudge Match-PG15 Gumball 07:00 Calimero 00:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 13:30 Guy’s Big Bite 22:30 Silicon Valley 07:00 Golfing World 11:30 Meet Bill Teenage Witch 21:00 The Devil’s Hand-18 08:10 Ben 10 07:10 Zou 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 23:00 It’s Always Sunny In 08:00 PGA European Tour 13:00 Thorne: Scaredycat 01:15 Sabrina: Secrets Of A 23:00 A Million Ways To Die In The 08:55 Ninjago: Masters Of 07:25 Minnie’s Bow-Toons 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Philadelphia West-18 Highlights 15:15 Meskada Spinjitzu 07:30 Jake And The Never Land 16:45 Surrogates 09:15 New Regular Show Pirates 18:15 Dark Water 09:26 Regular Show 07:55 Sofia The First 20:00 Death At A Funeral 09:40 The Amazing World Of 08:20 Doc McStuffins 21:30 The Station Agent Gumball 08:45 Loopdidoo 23:00 Frankenweenie 10:00 Uncle Grandpa 09:00 Limon And Oli 10:12 Uncle Grandpa 09:10 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 10:25 Steven Universe 09:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 10:36 Steven Universe 10:00 Sofia The First 10:45 Total Drama: All Stars 10:30 Jake And The Never Land 11:10 Adventure Time Pirates 00:00 American Idol 11:20 Adventure Time 10:55 Miles From Tomorrow 01:00 MasterChef Australia 11:20 Doc McStuffins 02:00 Private Practice 11:30 Johnny Test 11:45 Henry Hugglemonster 03:00 Private Practice 12:25 Teen Titans Go! 12:00 Henry Hugglemonster 04:00 Grey’s Anatomy 12:40 New Regular Show 12:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 05:00 Cougar Town 12:51 Regular Show 12:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West 13:00 Regular Show 13:00 Sofia The First 05:30 Cougar Town 13:11 Regular Show 13:30 Loopdidoo 06:00 The Simpsons 13:25 Adventure Time 13:40 Limon And Oli 06:30 The Simpsons 13:35 Adventure Time 13:50 Cars Toons 07:00 Lost 13:45 Uncle Grandpa 13:55 Jake And The Neverland 08:00 American Idol 14:10 Steven Universe Pirates 09:00 MasterChef Australia 14:21 Steven Universe 14:20 Miles From Tomorrow 10:00 Private Practice 14:30 Total Drama: Pahkitew 14:45 Messages From Miles 11:00 Private Practice Island 14:50 Doc McStuffins 12:00 Grey’s Anatomy 14:55 Ben 10: Omniverse 15:15 Sofia The First 13:00 Cougar Town 15:15 Ben 10: Omniverse 15:40 Art Attack 13:30 Cougar Town 15:40 Ninjago: Masters Of 16:05 Nina Needs To Go 14:00 The Simpsons Spinjitzu 16:10 Lilo & Stitch 14:30 The Simpsons 16:00 Matt Hatter Chronicles 16:35 Adventures Of The 15:00 Lost 16:25 Teen Titans Go! New Gummi Bears 16:00 American Idol 16:35 Teen Titans Go! 17:00 Chip n Dale Rescue 17:00 MasterChef Australia 16:45 Teen Titans Go! Rangers 17:10 Uncle Grandpa 17:25 Ducktales 18:00 Switched At Birth 17:21 Uncle Grandpa 17:50 Jake And The Neverland 19:00 Switched At Birth 17:30 New Regular Show Pirates 20:00 Bones 17:41 Regular Show 18:00 Miles From Tomorrow 21:00 According To Jim 17:55 Regular Show 18:25 Messages From Miles 21:30 According To Jim 18:06 Regular Show 18:30 Sofia The First 22:30 The Simpsons 18:15 Adventure Time 18:55 Doc McStuffins 23:00 Lost 18:40 The Amazing World Of 19:15 Jake And The Never Land Gumball Pirates 18:51 The Amazing World Of 19:35 Sheriff Callie’s Wild West Gumball 20:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 19:02 The Amazing World Of 20:35 Sofia The First 01:20 The Wings Of Eagles-FAM Gumball 21:00 Adventures Of The 03:05 Father Of The Bride-FAM 19:13 The Amazing World Of Gummi Bears 04:35 Across The Pacific-FAM Gumball 21:25 Chip n Dale Rescue 19:25 Clarence Rangers THE EXPENDABLES 3 ON OSN MOVIES PREMIERE HD 06:15 TCM Presents Under...-U Classifieds




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Arrival Flights on Tuesday 25/8/2015 KAC 514 Tehran 13:45 Departure Flights on Tuesday 25/8/2015 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:20 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 Airlines Flt Route Time KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 BBC 143 Dhaka 00:05 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 13:55 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 JZR 176 Dubai 13:10 THY 772 Istanbul 00:15 AXB 393 Kozhikode 13:55 RBG 556 Alexandria 00:05 OMA 642 Muscat 13:15 JZR 239 Amman 00:20 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 JZR 562 Sohag 00:20 MSC 410 Asyut 13:55 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 GFA 221 Bahrain 14:20 JAI 573 Mumbai 00:25 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 JAD 301 Amman 00:45 FDB 057 Dubai 14:20 MSR 615 Cairo 00:30 THY 767 Istanbul 14:10 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 FDB 072 Dubai 00:30 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 JZR 539 Cairo 01:30 SAW 701 Damascus 14:50 PIA 206 Lahore 00:40 IZG 4172 Shiraz 14:30 JAI 574 Mumbai 01:30 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:55 KLM 411 Amsterdam 00:55 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:40 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:40 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:00 JZR 502 Luxor 01:10 KAC 741 14:40 RJA 642 Amman 01:45 RJD 135 Abu Dhabi 15:00 KAC 177 Vienna 01:20 AXB 394 Kozhikode 14:55 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:50 OMA 645 Muscat 15:05 JAD 302 Amman 01:30 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 MEA 408 Beirut 01:50 KAC 1802 Cairo 15:35 DLH 635 Frankfurt 01:35 FDB 058 Dubai 15:05 OMA 643 Muscat 02:05 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:35 BBC 144 Chittagong/Dhaka 01:35 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:05 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:15 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 THY 773 Istanbul 02:05 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 KKK 6507 Istanbul 02:15 NIA 251 Alexandria 15:50 MEA 409 Beirut 02:50 KAC 673 Dubai 15:20 UAE 853 Dubai 02:25 RJA 640 Amman 15:55 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:50 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 THY 768 Istanbul 02:50 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:00 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 02:55 JZR 188 Dubai 15:50 QTR 1076 Doha 02:55 JZR 535 Cairo 16:05 PGT 859 Istanbul 02:55 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:55 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:05 FDB 051 Dubai 16:10 KKK 6508 Istanbul 03:10 SAW 702 Damascus 16:00 RJA 644 Amman 03:10 QTR 1072 Doha 16:20 OMA 644 Muscat 03:35 KNE 473 Jeddah 16:00 MSR 612 Cairo 03:15 JZR 257 Beirut 16:30 THY 769 Istanbul 03:40 OMA 646 Muscat 16:05 FDB 067 Dubai 03:15 KAC 178 Vienna 16:55 UAE 854 Dubai 03:45 RJD 136 Abu Dhabi 16:10 KAC 1544 Cairo 03:35 KAC 562 Amman 17:00 RJA 645 Amman 03:55 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:15 PGT 860 Istanbul 03:45 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 FDB 068 Dubai 04:00 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:45 THY 1464 Istanbul 03:55 UAL 982 IAD 17:25 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 NIA 252 Alexandria 16:50 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:00 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 MSR 613 Cairo 04:15 RJA 641 Amman 16:55 JZR 555 Alexandria 04:15 JZR 177 Dubai 17:45 PGT 861 Istanbul 04:45 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 THY 770 Istanbul 04:40 KAC 742 Dammam 17:45 THY 765 Istanbul 04:55 FDB 052 Dubai 17:10 THY 5580 TZX 05:05 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:50 MSC 406 Sohag 05:00 JZR 512 Sharm el-Sheikh 17:15 THY 6376 Istanbul 05:05 JZR 483 Istanbul 18:20 JZR 560 Sohag 05:00 QTR 1073 Doha 17:25 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:10 KAC 502 Beirut 18:35 QTR 1077 Doha 05:05 UAE 858 Dubai 17:40 MSC 411 Asyut 05:55 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:35 THY 1465 Istanbul 05:55 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:00 KAC 542 Cairo 18:55 RJA 643 Amman 06:35 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:15 KAC 618 Doha 18:55 THY 6376 Dubai/Istanbul 06:35 JZR 184 Dubai 18:20 BAW 157 London 06:35 QTR 1080 Doha 18:55 GFA 212 Bahrain 06:50 KAC 287 Dhaka 18:35 JZR 1541 Cairo 06:40 KAC 166 Paris/Rome 19:00 THY 771 Istanbul 06:50 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:40 JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 KAC 104 London 19:00 MSC 412 Asyut 06:55 JZR 538 Cairo 18:40 JZR 503 Luxor 07:20 UAE 875 Dubai 19:05 FDB 070 Dubai 07:05 JZR 238 Amman 18:45 KAC 382 Delhi 07:30 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:05 JZR 240 Amman 07:05 JZR 124 Bahrain 19:20 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:45 FDB 063 Dubai 19:10 JZR 164 Dubai 07:15 GFA 218 Bahrain 19:50 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 ABY 123 Sharjah 19:20 KAC 173 Munich 07:45 FDB 064 Dubai 19:50 SVA 512 Riyadh 07:50 JAI 572 Mumbai 19:35 BAW 156 London 08:30 QTR 1081 Doha 19:55 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:40 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 ABY 124 Sharjah 20:00 QTR 1086 Doha 07:55 FDB 061 Dubai 19:50 SVA 513 Riyadh 08:50 KAC 361 Colombo 20:00 KAC 154 Istanbul 08:10 OMA 647 Muscat 20:00 QTR 1087 Doha 08:55 UAE 876 Dubai 20:35 KAC 334 Trivandrum 08:15 KAC 674 Dubai 20:00 KAC 1801 Cairo 09:00 JAI 571 Mumbai 20:35 KAC 352 Kochi 08:15 MEA 402 Beirut 20:15 JZR 256 Beirut 09:05 FDB 062 Dubai 20:35 UAE 855 Dubai 08:25 DLH 636 Frankfurt 20:20 KAC 513 Tehran 09:15 KAC 351 Kochi 20:45 KAC 362 Colombo 08:30 JZR 189 Dubai 20:25 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 KAC 1543 Cairo 20:55 KAC 284 Dhaka 09:00 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:40 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KAC 343 Chennai 20:55 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05 KAC 174 Munich 20:55 KAC 619 Doha 09:30 OMA 648 Muscat 21:00 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:10 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:30 DLH 636 Dammam 21:00 QTR 1070 Doha 09:25 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:15 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45 MEA 403 Beirut 21:15 KAC 350 Kochi 09:40 UAE 859 Dubai 21:15 JZR 482 Istanbul 09:45 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:15 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 KLM 415 Amsterdam 21:25 UAE 856 Dubai 09:50 MSR 607 Luxor 21:40 IRA 675 Lar 09:40 FDB 073 Dubai 21:30 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:00 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 QTR 1074 Doha 21:30 KAC 101 London/New York 10:00 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:05 UAE 873 Dubai 10:40 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 GBB 4762 Sarajevo 10:05 FDB 074 Dubai 22:10 MEA 404 Beirut 10:55 THY 764 Istanbul 22:10 QTR 1071 Doha 10:40 ALK 230 Colombo 22:20 MSC 405 Sohag 11:20 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:10 IRA 674 Lar 10:40 KAC 381 Delhi 22:20 JZR 561 Sohag 11:25 JZR 125 Bahrain 22:15 FDB 056 Dubai 10:40 UAE 860 Dubai 22:25 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:30 AIC 987 Chennai/Hyderabad 22:25 KAC 501 Beirut 11:00 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 22:25 JZR 165 Dubai 11:50 PIA 239 Sialkot 22:35 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:30 OMA 641 Muscat 11:50 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:40 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:25 KAC 349 Kochi 22:30 JZR 241 Amman 12:40 BBC 044 Dhaka/Dammam 22:40 FDB 059 Dubai 22:50 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:35 QTR 1075 Doha 22:40 UAE 871 Dubai 12:45 JZR 185 Dubai 23:00 MEA 405 Beirut 11:55 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:45 MSC 409 Asyut 12:55 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 23:00 KAC 541 Cairo 12:05 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 MSR 614 Cairo 23:30 UAE 874 Dubai 12:10 THY 5581 Bursa 23:00 KAC 620 Doha 13:10 JZR 513 Sharm el-Sheikh 23:30 RBG 554 Alexandria 12:10 KAC 153 Istanbul 23:00 THY 766 Istanbul 13:10 FDB 071 Dubai 23:55 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:15 KAC 205 Islamabad 23:05 IZG 4171 Shiraz 13:30 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 CROSSWORD 1002 STAR TRACK

Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Dream, believe, achieve, Ram. The moon your ambitious tenth Hunker down, Libra. You’re in a cozy, sentimental mood, as the house sextiles enchanting Neptune, giving you a strong intuitive message about moon in Capricorn, your tender fourth house, aligns with dreamy Neptune. Don’t your life path. Capture these impressions by journaling or talking to a friend. push yourself too hard today at the office. If possible, work remotely and take lit- Feeling uninspired? Spend your lunch hour perusing a gallery or walking in tle breaks throughout the day. Tasks that require an emotional or creative touch nature, or listen to music on your headphones at work. There’s a strong link are favored, too. Pick up flowers for your house, or buy a new wall hanging. If a today between your practical goals and your imagination. - family member needs your soothing presence, show up with takeout and a listen- ing ear, ready to comfort.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Follow that hunch! Your intuition could lead you to some This Scorp is on fire! Today’s alignment between the moon in your wacky, wonderful places, as the moon in your adventurous ninth house innovative third house and imaginative Neptune makes you unstoppable, makes a supportive sextile to dreamy Neptune. Loosen up your schedule if especially when it comes to generating ideas and articulating them with extra possible. Do something random, like exploring a new rooftop bar alone, and sizzle. In pitch meetings and brainstorming sessions, trust your gut. Your see who you meet. You feel your best with offbeat characters, or people who knack for taking the emotional temperature of a room really serves you well— have had vastly different life experiences. If an idea or story has been nag- you can zero in on concepts that resonate. Speak up today. When you talk, ging at you, pour it into a journal or write a blog post. Click, send, connect! everyone listens, so use this power to your advantage.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Today, the moon in Capricorn, your second house of self-worth, There’s an empire in the making, Gemini, and it’s all yours. Today, forms a supportive sextile with manifestation-master Neptune. A your best weapon for getting ahead—and making savvy, strategic moves—is serendipitous encounter with a close friend or family member could bring an ACROSS carry urine from the kidney to the urinary your intuition, thanks an alignment between the moon in Capricorn, your eighth unexpected moneymaking opportunity. Or maybe your intuition guides you 1. Top part of an apron. bladder. house of shared wealth, and perceptive Neptune. Garner resources and powerful toward a savvy career move. Overall, think about your bottom line—and how 4. A deep pan with a handle. 7. A gum resin from the conium hemlock tree. backing by tuning in to subtle, unspoken energies. For example, if you sense an to strengthen creatively. Could you relocate to a less expensive home or cut 12. A boy or man. 8. An opening that permits escape or release. investor or partner has concerns, ask them directly, and then listen to the answer. down on the pricey gourmet purchases here and there? Tune in, perhaps by 15. A river in north central Switzerland that 9. A tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling). Once you have more information, you can co-create a mutually beneficial situa- listening to a guided meditation, and the answer will come. runs northeast into the Rhine. 10. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. tion—and it’s Gemini for the win-win! 16. Any of a group of crystalline silicate miner- 11. As of a conifer. al common in igneous and metamorphic 12. Hungarian choreographer who developed rocks. Labanotation (1879-1958). ) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 17. A sweetened beverage of diluted fruit 13. The sixth month of the civil year. Cancer (June 21-July 22 juice. 14. Lacking or deprive of the sense of hearing Don’t be shy, Cancer. The stars support daring action, especially in your one- Showing your softer side? You could feel unusually tender-hearted 18. A unit of length of thread or yarn. wholly or in part. on-one relationships. An intuitive moon-Neptune alignment helps you tune into a partner’s today, thanks to a happy alignment between the Capricorn moon and compassionate 19. A family of birds of the suborder Oscines. 22. Lighted up by or as by fire or flame. needs more readily. Let relationships expand your life, instead of constricting it. Initiate con- Neptune. Others may come to you wanting advice or a shoulder to cry on. Listen and 20. The cry made by sheep. 25. Gully or streambed in North Africa and the versations about current limitations—like family obligations and work schedules—and then dispense TLC, but also know your limits. Today of all days, you can really absorb peo- 21. (Mesopotamia) God of agriculture and Middle East that remains dry except during figure out how to bust through those blocks. Don’t mistake someone’s hesitation for rejec- ple's emotional energy, so go easy on yourself. If you have a chance to speak or write, earth. rainy season. tion either. You might just be dealing with another sensitive soul—someone who needs qui- grab it. You’ll instinctively know how to capture people’s hearts. Go on, Capricorn, stir those souls! 23. Tree of low-lying coastal areas of south- 26. The state of matter distinguished from the et reflection like you do. Follow the words of the poet Rilke and be “guardians of each other’s solitude.” eastern United States having glossy leaves solid and liquid states by. and racemes of fragrant white flowers. 28. The blood group whose red cells carry 24. Atypically small. both the A and B antigens. 27. A drug (trade names Calan and Isoptin) 30. Wild ginger. Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) used as an oral or parenteral calcium blocker 31. Measuring instrument consisting of a Save that analytical work for another day, Aquarius. Detail-oriented tasks in cases of hypertension or congestive heart graduated glass tube used to measure or Purge that bad juju, Leo. Today, the moon in your purifying sixth may be extra difficult, as you are in a dreamy, emotional mood. The moon is lighting up failure or angina or migraine. transfer precise volumes of a liquid by draw- house aligns with mystical Neptune, prompting you to go on a divinely inspired cleansing tear. It’s not enough to just clear your desk—you may also your twelfth house of catharsis, sending positive beams to mystical Neptune. It's impera- 29. Pig-sized tailless South American amphibi- ing the liquid up into the tube. want to zero in on the bad habit or thought pattern (“I’ll do it later”) that leads tive that you pour your heart and soul into whatever you do today. To go with the cosmic ous rodent with partly webbed feet. 32. A heavy brittle diamagnetic trivalent to the clutter. With regard to health, a juice detox or commitment to eat clean flow, change your routine. If you have to read or do paperwork for your job, make that 33. In bed. metallic element (resembles arsenic and anti- could have physical AND psychic benefits. Ground yourself in practical self- happen, say, at a vibrant cafe or on the beach. Doing something artistic, like painting or 36. God of the underworld and judge of the mony chemically). care (e.g., regular massages or an infrared sauna session), and you might just dancing, might even make you more productive in the long run. Indulge your whims…in dead. 34. Little known Kamarupan languages. unfurl the knot of a long-standing emotional issue. the name of productivity! 38. The United Nations agency concerned 35. A hotel for motorists. with civil aviation. 37. Widely distributed low-growing Eurasian 40. A strip of land projecting into a body of herb having narrow leaves and inconspicuous Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) water. green flowers. 44. (nautical, aeronautical) Situated at or 39. Open-heart surgery in which the rib cage In the morning, you might wish for a dozen roses…and by the after- Let it roll right off your back, Pisces. Today, the moon in your gre- toward the stern or tail. is opened and a section of a blood vessel is noon, they’re on your desk. Your powers of manifestation—especially when it garious eleventh house forms an upbeat alignment with dreamy Neptune. A 45. A metal-bearing mineral valuable enough grafted from the aorta to the coronary artery comes to your most soul-stirring desires—are sky-high today, thanks to a moon- team project or a group outing could pique your sensitivity, as you’re overly to be mined. to bypass the blocked section of the coronary Neptune alignment in your love zones. If you’re looking for amour, try an “ask, tuned in to everyone’s energy and hidden dynamics. Others see you as a 48. Lovable especially in a childlike or naive artery and improve the blood supply to the believe and receive” approach. But choose your thoughts wisely, Virgo. Examine leader—so don’t hesitate to move the conversation in a different, more pro- way. heart. your attitude around relationships and dating. Drop expectations and scorekeep- ductive direction if the crew gets sidetracked. Your sensibility can also help fur- 51. Roar louder than. 41. Worn or shabby from overuse or (of ing, and watch a tendency to overanalyze. Connect from the heart instead of over- ther a digital project or a social media campaign. Listen to your hunches and 53. Australian wild horse. pages) from having corners turned down. thinking. run with them. You could tap into the collective with your eyes closed. 54. A metric unit of length equal to one bil- 42. A fortified military post where troops are lionth of a meter. stationed. WORD SEARCH PUZZLE Yesterday’s Solution 55. A state in northwestern North America. 43. A unit of weight used in some Spanish 56. A mechanism in a firearm that ejects the speaking countries. empty shell case after firing. 46. Port city on southeastern Honshu in cen- 59. A Mid-Atlantic state. tral Japan. 60. A light strong brittle gray toxic bivalent 47. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. metallic element. 49. Small European freshwater fish with a 63. A member of an Athapaskan people that slender bluish-green body. migrated to Arizona and New Mexico and 50. A river in north central Switzerland that Utah. runs northeast into the Rhine. 65. (astronomy) A measure of time defined by 52. A switch made from the stems of the rat- Earth's orbital motion. tan palms. 69. A particular environment or walk of life. 73. A magnetic tape recorder for recording 57. The part of a ship's equipment or cargo (and playing back) TV programs. that is thrown overboard to lighten the load 74. Large Old World bat of warm and tropical in a storm. regions that feeds on fruit. 58. Open and observable. 76. According to the Old Testament he was a 61. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel skewer usually with vegetables. (9th century BC). 62. Jordan's port. 77. Take in solid food. 64. Type genus of the family Arcidae. 78. The Magadhan language spoken by the 66. A sock with a separation for the big toe. Assamese people. 67. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake 79. A small cake leavened with yeast. Chad. 68. A member of the Siouan people formerly DOWN living in the Missouri river valley in NE 1. With no effort to conceal. Nebraska. 2. The United Nations agency concerned with 70. Title for a civil or military leader (especially atomic energy. in Turkey). 3. (informal) Exceptionally good. 71. A negative. 4. A swift whirling motion (usually of a mis- 72. A light touch or stroke. sile). 75. A radioactive transuranic element pro- 5. A port in southwestern Scotland. duced by bombarding plutonium with neu- 6. Either of a pair of thick-walled tubes that trons. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 information

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Afghanistan 0093 Luxembourg 00352 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Macau 00853 Algeria 00213 Macedonia 00389 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 Madagascar 00261 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Angola 00244 Majorca 0034 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Anguilla 001264 Malawi 00265 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malaysia 0060 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Maldives 00960 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Mali 00223 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Malta 00356 Austria 0043 Marshall Islands 00692 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Bahamas 001242 Martinique 00596 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahrain 00973 Mauritania 00222 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritius 00230 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Barbados 001246 Mayotte 00269 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Belarus 00375 Mexico 0052 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Belgium 0032 Micronesia 00691 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belize 00501 Moldova 00373 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Benin 00229 Monaco 00377 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Bermuda 001441 Mongolia 00976 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bhutan 00975 Montserrat 001664 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Morocco 00212 Bosnia 00387 Mozambique 00258 Adaliya 22517144 Botswana 00267 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 Namibia 00264 Brunei 00673 Nepal 00977 Kaifan 24849807 Bulgaria 00359 Netherlands 0031 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Burundi 00257 New Caledonia 00687 Shuwaikh 24814507 Cambodia 00855 New Zealand 0064 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Cameroon 00237 Nicaragua 00505 Canada 001 Nigar 00227 Nuzha 22526804 Cape Verde 00238 Nigeria 00234 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cayman Islands 001345 Niue 00683 Central African 00236 Norfolk Island 00672 Qadsiya 22515088 Chad 00235 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Dasmah 22532265 Chile 0056 North Korea 00850 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 China 0086 Norway 0047 Colombia 0057 Oman 00968 Shaab 22518752 Comoros 00269 Pakistan 0092 Qibla 22459381 Congo 00242 Palau 00680 Cook Islands 00682 Panama 00507 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Costa Rica 00506 Papua New Guinea 00675 Mirqab 22456536 Croatia 00385 Paraguay 00595 Cuba 0053 Peru 0051 Sharq 22465401 Cyprus 00357 Philippines 0063 Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Poland 0048 Czech Republic 00420 Portugal 00351 Jabriya 25316254 Denmark 0045 Puerto Rico 001787 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Qatar 00974 Djibouti 00253 Romania 0040 Bayan 25388462 Dominica 001767 Russian Federation 007 Mishref 25381200 Dominican Republic 001809 Rwanda 00250 W Hawally 22630786 Ecuador 00593 Saint Helena 00290 Egypt 0020 Saint Kitts 001869 Sabah 24810221 El Salvador 00503 Saint Lucia 001758 Jahra 24770319 England (UK) 0044 Saint Pierre 00508 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Vincent 001784 New Jahra 24575755 Eritrea 00291 Samoa US 00684 West Jahra 24772608 Estonia 00372 Samoa West 00685 Ethiopia 00251 San Marino 00378 South Jahra 24775066 Falkland Islands 00500 Sao Tone 00239 North Jahra 24775992 Faroe Islands 00298 Saudi Arabia 00966 Fiji 00679 Scotland (UK) 0044 North Jleeb 24311795 Finland 00358 Senegal 00221 Ardhiya 24884079 France 0033 Seychelles 00284 French Guiana 00594 Sierra Leone 00232 Firdous 24892674 French Polynesia 00689 Singapore 0065 Omariya 24719048 Gabon 00241 Slovakia 00421 N Khaitan 24710044 Gambia 00220 Slovenia 00386 Georgia 00995 Solomon Islands 00677 Fintas 23900322 Germany 0049 Somalia 00252 Ghana 00233 South Africa 0027 Gibraltar 00350 South Korea 0082 Greece 0030 Spain 0034 Greenland 00299 Sri Lanka 0094 PRIVATE CLINICS 001473 Sudan 00249 Guadeloupe 00590 Suriname 00597 Guam 001671 Swaziland 00268 Guatemala 00502 Sweden 0046 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Syria 00963 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Serbia 00381 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Tanzania 00255 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Thailand 0066 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Hungary 0036 Toga 00228 Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Tonga 00676 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 India 0091 Trinidad 001868 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam Rheumatologists: Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 Uganda 00256 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Ivory Coast 00225 United Kingdom 0044 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 USA 001 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Kenya 00254 Venezuela 00582 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Liberia 00231 Zambia 00260 Soor Center Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 Zimbabwe 00263 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lithuania 00370 LIFESTYLE36 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 Gossip

hris Brown has named his new album after his daughter. The 26- year-old star is expected to release his seventh solo studio album Sting’s guitarist: The Police Clater this year and revealed he has named the collection ‘Royalty’, after the tot who he announced he was the father to back in April. should have stayed together Announcing the news on Twitter, he simply wrote: “MY NEW ALBUM ting’s guitarist Andy Summers thinks The WILL BE NAMED “ROYALTY.” (sic)” The LP follows his collaborative Police shouldn’t have broke up. The 72-year- release with Tyga ‘Fan of a Fan: The Album’ earlier this year and will be old rocker - who replaced original guitarist his first solo release since 2014’s ‘X’, which featured hit singles ‘Loyal’ S Henri Padovani in the band fronted by the and ‘New Flame’. The hip hop star - who recently collaborated with Rita ‘Roxanne’ singer - revealed that numerous fights Ora for her raunchy single ‘Body On Me’ - has not yet revealed further caused them to disband and Sting to pursue a solo details about the collection, although his former flame Rihanna is career but he believes that they should have stayed reportedly desperate to be involved. A source revealed: “Chris gets together. He said: “I think what we should have nothing but cool points from Ri for naming his new album Royalty! done was probably take two years off, gone away That’s so sweet and a testament of how much he loves and honors his naming album and then come back.”But it didn’t play out that way little girl. Rihanna wants to be featured on the album and do a collabo- so we stopped and of course cleared the stage for ration with him. She’d be hurt if she wasn’t.” And the Bajan beauty - U2.” Andy addmitted that the band - including who collaborated with Chris on a 2011 remix of her track ‘Birthday drummer Stewart Copeland - would fake getting Cake’ - has reportedly already started writing a track they could work along together on stage. He said: “We were always after daughter on together. An insider told “She feels in her heart crushing each other ... There were some horren- that Chris is going to pump his soul into the album so it can live up to dous scenes. I remember playing Newcastle and we his daughter’s name and she wants to be part of that.”She’s even taken had a horrendous fight in the dressing room before time to write a few lines for a possible song on the album. She thinks we came out smiling to do the last song.” Andy Brown the album is going to be epic by all proportions.” went on to play guitar for Sting on his hit album ‘Nothing Like the Sun’ and on his ‘Nohing like the Cage’ tour but he recalled the days of being in The Police as the most “rock and roll” of his life. He told The Mirror: “It was definitely the rock and roll life... and I paid for it. “You can image the position we were in. We were like the three most desirable men in the world, so what’s a guy going to do? “We became more than a band, we became a world- wide phenomenon and it was incredibly intense and it started to strain the relationships.”

Ora’s punk influence ita Ora is influenced by punk music. The ‘How We Do (Party)’ hitmaker has revealed she was inspired by the Rlikes of The Clash and The Sex Pistols but insists she never stuck to “one specific genre”. She said: “Growing up I never really listened to one specific genre.”I was really involved actually sur- prisingly enough in my love for punk music and that really graduated to even the style references you know and kind of really focusing on a culture more than anything because for me record label music is a specific type of culture.” And for her latest album, the 24-year-old beauty describes it as her “most eclectic record” yet, asabian want to set up a record label. The year-old daughter Mimi to be able to access revealing she drew on many personal experiences. Speaking to ‘Eez-Eh’ rockers have revealed they’re keen provocative clips from artists such as Rihanna and Perez Hilton, she added: “This album is probably the most to set up their own company so they can Miley Cyrus. Speaking ahead of their set at V

Kasabian want own K eclectic record I’ve done so far I think it really represents my start signing new bands as they want to encour- Festival over the weekend, Tom explained to the music taste ... “It’s really influenced on my personal life and who age a wave of outspoken acts. Guitarist Sergio Daily Mirror newspaper: “I’ve got a three-year-old I am as a 24-year-old Londoner and just all the experiences that Pizzorno, 34, told The Sun newspaper: “I’d like to daughter, and when there is someone dancing I been through. “The theme of this album I think it’s definitely one day. I think about it more and more as we go like a stripper, you know, she is three years sexual but it has a form of innocence to it. It’s like being the girl deeper into this, that I’d like to. I can see what I old.”But the kids will get to it no matter what. But that might be judged for things that aren’t necessarily true think is missing. “I’d like to give opportunities to then they copy it and pick it up. I don’t want my because of something they’ve seen or whatever whatever, and people that aren’t going to say the right thing daughter doing that.” then they forget the statistics of someone about how hard they every time in an interview ... That aren’t always actually work.” going to make everyone happy. “It’s our job to create a question.” Meanwhile, the band has also backed the censorship of raunchy music videos, as frontman Tom Meighan doesn’t want his three- Lemmy predicts tour death otorhead’s Lemmy thinks he will die on the road. The 69- year-old rocker has suffered with his health for some time Mand has been told to cut back on drinking alcohol and smoking, but he thinks he is most likely to expire on his tour bus, because that is where he feels “most at home”. He said: “I’ve had some health scares, I’ve had to really cut back on smoking and drinking and whatever. But it is what it is. I’ve had a good life, a good run. I do what I do still. I’m sure I’ll done on the road, one way or another.” But the ‘Ace Of Spades’ hitmaker isn’t afraid of death. Asked if it scares him, he said: “No.” And while he has his own house in Los Angeles, Lemmy doesn’t know where is home is, because he spends more time on Motorhead’s tour bus with his band mates - guitarist Phil ‘Wizzo’ Campbell and drummer Mikkey Dee - than he does at his apartment. He told Kerrang! Magazine: “I live on the bus. That’s the story innit - home is where you leave your s**t. The Eisenberg was ‘surprised’ place I feel most at home is with the boys in the band on the road. I don’t even know where I live anymore. I have an apartment in LA, Zachary Quinto: I have ‘Now You See Me’ was a hit but not ever sure where home is, really. I haven’t done for years.” esse Eisenberg was “surprised” his film ‘Now You See Me’ was a no gay role model big hit. The 31-year-old actor - who starred in the 2013 movie Jwith Isla Fisher about a magician who leads a team of talented illusionists called the Four Horsemen into robbing a bank - says he achary Quinto feels like he occupies a “unique space” as a gay actor. The 38- wasn’t expecting the blockbuster to be a massive financial success. year-old star - who’s best known for his roles as Sylar on the sci-fi drama He said: “I don’t really keep very close tabs on the financial perform- Zseries ‘Heroes’, and Spock in the rebooted ‘Star Trek’ - has admitted that as a ances of movies but I was very aware that internationally it was a big gay actor, he feels there are very people who can help guide his career. He said: hit. Which I was surprised by because there was a lot of quick dia- “For me, personally, it’s interesting, because I looked around when I got ‘Star Trek’, logue and I thought that maybe that would be difficult to translate and I said to myself, ‘Who could I look to for guidance for how to navigate this path as a non-English speaking audience reading it. But people seem to that I’m on?’ And there wasn’t anybody. “I look around and say ‘OK, yes, there’s a lot love it in every country - and it was more popular in one country of gay actors that are open, many more now than there were 10 years ago.’ But I than another ... that was surprising. Jesse will reprise his role as J. still feel like I’m occupying kind of a unique space.” Despite this, Zachary counted Daniel “Danny” Atlas for the sequel which is also set to star Daniel fellow actor Leonard Nimoy - who previously starred as Spock and died, aged 83, Radcliffe as Arthur Tressler’s son Walter who seek’s revenge for his earlier this year - among his closest friends in the showbiz industry, saying he con- father’s death. The sequel will be released in June 2016 and the actor sidered him to be “like family”. He told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: “I recog- says he feels “lucky” to get to work with the cast again. Jesse told nized a lot of qualities in him that I aspired to and I found him incredibly generous Collider: “it allowed us to make another one, which we liked doing and intelligent and compassionate and funny.” because it’s kind of a tight knit group. And we really enjoy each oth- er, so I was excited that we got another opportunity to do it again.”

Eva Longoria: Hollywood should reflect society

va Longoria thinks Hollywood should reflect wider socie- ty more accurately. The 40-year-old actress, who was Eborn to Mexican/American parents, has urged the film industry to reflect society, and minority communities in partic- ular, more precisely. She said: “We (Hispanics) are about 16 per- cent of the population, but we’re only seven percent in films and television.” What’s more, Eva insisted Hispanics’ participa- tion in the US film industry should extend to “producers, direc- tors, writers”, not just actors. She told EFE: “We should create the content we want to see on television.” Eva’s remarks come shortly after admitting she dreams of becoming the “female George Clooney”. She said: “I want to be the female George Clooney.”He directs produces and stars. I want to be in charge of the final product.” Despite this, Eva has also previously claimed acting is nothing more than a “means to an end” for her. She shared: “I’ve always been business-minded. I worked in corporate America before becoming an actress and knew that acting wasn’t the end but a means to an end. “It gave me the platform and the exposure I needed to do my philanthrop- ic work. It also gave me the financial security to focus on my other businesses, start new businesses, and even help other people start businesses.” LIFESTYLE37 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 Gossip Arterton’s opera ambition emma Arterton wants to work on an opera. The 29-year-old actress adores the “drama” of the passionate musical productions and would Glove to show off her vocal skills in a challenging role. Asked what she would do if she wasn’t an actor, she said: “A theatre director. Or I’d love to do opera. I’m classically trained, I really love singing and I love the drama of opera.” Gemma - who is dating director Franklin Ohanessian - can next be seen in French movie ‘Gemma Bovery’, and with two other movies based in France in the pipeline, she finds making films there much more comfortable than her native UK or Hollywood as there are less industry-based restrictions and considerations in place. She explained: “Something about filmmaking in France feels very unrestricted to me, which you don’t necessarily have at home, or more so in the US because it’s all wrapped up in money and release dates and executives. In France, those considerations rarely come into play.” The ‘Quantum of Solace’ star admires French actress Juliette Binoche and aspires to be just like her. Discussing her dream co-stars, she told Britain’s HELLO! magazine: “Sean Penn. That would really be something. And Juliette Binoche, because she seems quite down to earth and she’s got this timeless, ageless beauty and she’s talented and elegant - all the things that I want to be.”

Freeman isn’t a Jenner’s gift ‘typical’ actor

artin Freeman’s partner says he’s not a “typical” actor. Amanda Abbington has revealed she admires the ‘Sherlock’ star’s decision to turn down work he doesn’t from DVF think is right. She said: “I’m just dead proud of him. He makes brilliant choices as M iane Von Furstenberg sent Caitlyn Jenner three well - he’s turned things down because they haven’t been right and I think: ‘Oh God, I dresses. The designer was thrilled when she saw the would take everything.’ “Whereas he’s careful, he’s discerning. He’s not your typical actor - transgender reality TV star wearing one of her gar- he mulls things over. He has good morals, and I admire that.” However, Amanda has admit- D ments on her new TV show ‘I Am Cait’ and reached out to ted she has no idea about her husband’s latest project, starring alongside Scarlett the 65-year-old former Olympian. She told You magazine: “I Johansson and Robert Downey Jr in the new Marvel movie. She shared to The Observer was very moved by that, and I sent her an email to congrat- magazine: “I don’t really know much about Marvel. Joe [their son] loves all that stuff, but I ulate her on her courage. “She wrote back and then I sent ask Martin about it and then I cloud over. “I think he’s part of the government - he has to her my autobiography and three dresses.” Diane, 68, is do a lot of stuff into walkie-talkies. He says: ‘I have to order Scarlett Johansson and Robert most famous for her iconic wrap dress which was first Downey Jr round all day,’ and I’m like: ‘Oh stop name- dropping, stop it.’” unveiled at a fashion show at Manhattan’s Pierre Hotel in 1974 and she admitted she has been shocked by its suc- cess. She said: “I wanted women to feel sexy, slinky and feline. I never thought I was making a fashion statement, but it turned out that I made not only a fashion statement but also a sociological one. “Not only has it paid for my chil- dren’s education and my houses and my freedom, but it has had a huge influence on millions of women.”

Vergara wedding cake focus ofia Vergara wants cake to be the focus of her wedding. The ‘Modern Family’ beauty is preparing for her upcoming nuptials to ‘Magic Mike SXXL’ star Joe Manganiello and says she is prioritizing organizing the tra- ditional dessert. She told Martha Stewart Weddings magazine: “Cake is my favorite thing. So the cake table is going to be super special. A big wedding cake and lots of desserts ... “It’s about creating memories that you’re always going to cherish. That’s what’s important.” Meanwhile, a source recently claimed that the pair have started sending out their wedding invitations. They said: “I’ve never seen two people so truly in love. The way they talk to each other, touch each other. It’s incredible.” And fellow ‘Hot Pursuit’ star Lovato has ‘never Reese Witherspoon is helping the pair get ready for the big day. The 43-year- old actress said: “Joe and I are both trying to figure out the wedding because our schedules are so crazy. “We initially wanted a small wedding but it didn’t been more in love’ work out with how many people we wanted there, so we want it really big now. Reese is helping, as are all my girlfriends.” It is thought Sofia and Joe will he ‘Cool for the Summer’ hitmaker says things couldn’t be better between herself tie the knot at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, in November. and boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama. She shared: “I’ve never been more in love. I’m so Texcited to have him in my life as my best friend and my boyfriend.” And the 23-year- old beauty has admitted she is feeling much more confident about herself after turning the negatives in her life to positives. She added to Yahoo! Beauty: “I think I got here because I’ve worked really hard. I go to the gym every day, I’m taking care of myself, and I’m keeping healthy. I feel like when you put a lot of time and effort into being healthy, you feel it. “When you’re constantly bettering yourself, you’re able to accept your body for Osbourne thinks what it is, and you learn to love it.” Meanwhile, Demi recently admitted she is “grateful” for her boyfriend. She said: “We don’t share everything with the world. But we do feel com- fortable to share a lot. With Wilmer and I and our relationship, he’s extremely supportive in Rancic is a ‘liar’ everything that I do. He makes me feel confident and beautiful. And I’m just really, really grateful for him.” he pair infamously fell out over “offensive” comments made by the former E! News anchor on ‘Fashion Police’ and the 30-year- Told star has insisted the two won’t be building bridges any- time soon. She said: “I will never admit to liking Giuliana because I don’t. I don’t think she’s a good person and I think she’s a liar.” Asked about the other stars on the E! show, she added: “Brad [Gorescki] is one of the most incredible people in fashion, he is funny as hell. “I am so happy for Melissa [Rivers] that she is filling that seat and I want that show to go on. It was just my time to move on.”However, Julia Louis-Dreyfus Kelly hasn’t ruled out a return to the show she hosted for four years. When asked if she’d consider it, she told The Wrap: “If certain people weren’t there.” Meanwhile, Kelly previously admitted to “screaming” refuses to get a facelift when she found out Melissa would be hosting ‘Fashion Police’.She said: “This is what should have happened from day one. Melissa he ‘Veep’ star has insisted she doesn’t want to go under the knife despite having Minaj paid for her always should have been there. When [Melissa] called me to tell me, her “share of vanity”. She said: “[I have a] share of vanity [and] like to look nice. I was like screaming, jumping up and down because I’m like, T[I’m not planning on] pulling my face back behind my ears. I haven’t done that, I ‘Continue the legacy!’” don’t have a plan to do that. “I realize as I say that it sounds like I’m disparaging to those who have, but I don’t want to be. My brother’s wedding point is that I’m glad to be the age I am and to have had the career I’ve had and am now hav- he ‘Anaconda’ hitmaker reportedly spent around $30,000 on her older brother ing. It’s like, ‘Yeah, I’m here, I’m still doing this, Jelani Maraj’s wedding to Jacqueline Robinson, which took place on Saturday and my plan is to continue to do it for quite Tin front of 200 guests in New York. Sharing a snap from the big day, she cap- some time.’” That’s not to say that the 54-year- tioned it: “I would cross the ocean for u. I would go & bring u the moon. Promise u. old comedienne doesn’t feel “pressure” to look For u I will. I love my brother so much man. “Can’t believe I cried during his wedding good. She added to PEOPLE magazine: “I do feel and his first dance like a punk. May God bless him and his union. Tonight has been the pressure. I’m not going to lie to you and say one of my favorite nights of all time. I do anything to see my brothers smile. (sic)” I don’t feel the pressure. But I would also say I Sources say the 32-year-old star arrived early for the wedding along with her seven don’t quite feel it the way I used to. There’s a security guards, makeup artists, a photographer and a few friends. The insider part of me that’s like ... ‘Who cares?’ “I’m scared shared to the New York Post’s Page Six column: “Nicki’s security guys were massive. of surgery. I have TMJ, and I just had to have an They could barely fit through the door. But she was sweet and low-key. “Nicki injection into my jaw to try to make the inflam- couldn’t have been sweeter, she ... looked really happy for her brother, and she didn’t mation go down and just getting that flipped perform or take the spotlight during the reception. She seemed to be making a me out.” —Bang Showbiz point not to upstage the bride, saying it was her big day. “To the slight disappoint- ment of some other guests, there were no ‘Anaconda’ moves ... She stayed until 12:30 lifestyle TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 FEATURES

Participants wait for the award ceremony to start behind a table with tro- A team’s car stands at the starting line during the first TPG Deafblind Race. A driving instructor (left) communicates with a contestant touching his phies following the first TPG Deafblind Race. knee during the first TPG Deafblind Race. Defying limits: Deafblind Poles get behind the wheel otor-racing is not for the faint- school, gave out a clear set of instructions For safety’s sake, the instructor could stop where you are, so your ears and eyes are hearted. But when you are deaf to his deafblind driver, whose face showed the car at any point. But with every kilome- those of the instructor. You need to have Mand blind, it takes on a different a determined concentration. “When I touch ter, the drivers became more and more total confidence in him,” she said. dimension. All 19 drivers who took part in the left side of your knee, turn left. When I confident. this unusual race on the tarmac of the Lodz touch the right side, turn right,” Palgan said Kamila Dobrzynska, a 30-year-old who is Breaking stereotypes airport in central Poland earlier this month while demonstrating the motions. “When I blind in one eye and partially deaf, made it Sylwek Slipek, who is deafblind, drove are hearing and visually impaired. But like touch the top of your knee, straighten the up to 50 kilometers (30 miles) per hour by for the first time in his life-and with wife Helen Keller-the American author, activist steering wheel, and when I press down, the end of the straight. “It’s a weird feeling. Kasia, born blind, along for the ride to and lecturer who was the first deaf and accelerate. When I pull on your knee, brake.” There’s fear,” she said. “You don’t know cheer him on. Riding in the back seat, she blind person to graduate from college-they gave her husband a pat on the shoulder are pushing the envelope of their disabili- and said “Good luck” before a woman ties. “Out of 19 participants, 12 had never waved the checkered racing flag and driven a car before, while seven used to Sylwek set off on his first lap. The 30-some- drive before they became disabled,” said thing couple said that the event was a way Mateusz Kotnowski, from Poland’s Deaf and for them to forget their everyday problems. Blind Aid Society (TPG). Sylwek once worked as a supermarket clerk “Some are completely deaf and blind. but has been on the job hunt for three Those who can still see or hear a little wear years to no avail. The unemployment rate masks and helmets to ensure an equal for disabled Poles is 16 percent. playing field for all,” he said. Each partici- By taking part in the event, the couple pant had to complete two timed laps of the hoped to help break stereotypes of those circuit while under the watchful eye of a with disabilities. “Perhaps others will realize co-driver. First, though, they had two days that if deafblind individuals are able to of training to get a feel for the steering drive a car, then they can just as well have a wheel. Three driving schools volunteered a job and work,” said Kasia Slipek. “Perhaps parking lot, five cars and a handful of they’ll see us as nice people with good val- instructors-who first had to work out a lan- ues-and not some good-for-nothings,” she guage based on touch to communicate said. Sylwek completed his laps flawlessly, with the drivers. earning sixth place overall. But the trophy went to Kamila, who not only broke stereo- Participants wait for their turn during the first TPG ‘There’s fear’ Driving instructor (left) congratulates his contestant (right) during the first TPG types of disabled people, but of women Deafblind Race at the airport in Lodz, central Zbigniew Palgan, the owner of a driving Deafblind Race. drivers as well. — AFP Poland. — AFP photos Mideast boutiques seek to become fashionable M&A choice ealthy Gulf Arabs’ love Middle East’s largest tissue of boutiques doesn’t brands, to a Standard Chartered Wjust apply to fashion, Private Equity-led consortium but increasingly to their choice for $175 million. “Clients may like of financial advisers as well. you and trust you but they are Boutique advisory firms seem not going to give you business if tailor-made for a region where you aren’t qualified. These are personal ties are key, and where generational businesses and most mergers and acquisitions they can’t risk it,” said Katerji. aren’t billion-dollar glamour While its size might pale in com- deals for sovereign wealth funds parison to transactions which but in the $50 million to $150 propelled boutiques to the fore- million bracket - territory front in the West - such as Alcatel ignored by the investment Lucent picking Zaoui & Co as banks who dominate league sole advisor for its 15.6 billion tables. The question in the euro ($18 billion) sale to Nokia - brand-sensitive Gulf, where FINE was a significant deal in a supercars abound and Versace region where transaction values interiors are the ultimate in are still small by global stan- home decor, is whether bou- dards. Many deals are so small no tiques can compete with global- outside advisers are needed. The Officine Panerai e-boutique ly recognised investment banks. That is why most Gulf boutiques “Would you rather go to the stretch their skill-sets into other boutique restaurant around the areas of corporate advisory, help- corner or would you rather go to ing pay the bills but also building opens in the United States McDonalds?” asks Ziad Awad, a the relationships for future deals. former managing director at Other revenue streams, be it fficine Panerai presents its new site new functions to enhance and personalise the experi- able to the client to complete an acquisition securely Bank of America-Merrill Lynch retainer fees for advisory services, with an entirely updated struc- ence of navigation in an ever more advanced and inter- through the channel of their choice: boutique, e-bou- who set up his own boutique or wealthy shareholders backing Oture, offering clients new content and services, and active way. Users can access a reserved area, My tique or concierge. firm, Awad Capital, two years the boutique, are important as it is also launching its first e-boutique where a selection of Account, in which their details and individual prefer- ago. “And what is the right com- Middle Eastern M&A is notori- watches from the Officine Panerai Collections and a com- ences are stored, they can see models and accessories Officine Panerai parison - which one is the ously slow to complete and prehensive range of accessories can be chosen and pur- which are part of their own Wishlist, and they can Founded in Florence in 1860 as a workshop, shop and Prada?” he adds, acknowledging prone to failure - often a conse- chased quickly and securely. In the first stage, the e-bou- choose to receive informative material about the prod- school of watch-making, for many decades Officine that while a number of clients quence of sellers’ unrealistically tique will be available only in the desktop and tablet ver- ucts and activities of Officine Panerai. The multi-channel Panerai supplied the Italian Navy in general, and its spe- still prefer to stick with brands, high asset valuations. sion of the Panerai site accessible to users based in the experience is also enhanced by the interaction between cialist diving corps in particular, with precision instru- many are opting for specialist Another challenge boutiques United States. Angelo Bonati, CEO of Officine Panerai says: the web site and the concierge service, which enables ments. The designs developed by Panerai in that time, advice. The number of such firms face is competition, at the small- “The rapid convergence of the Retail world and the Digital the navigator to be put in direct contact with Panerai including the Luminor and Radiomir, were covered by in the Middle East is growing, er end from the “big four” centered on the free zones in accountancy firms who can also one offers clients and enthusiasts new standards of serv- Ambassadors who offer their assistance on any subject the Military Secrets Act for many years and were Dubai, the region’s finance hub. leverage other corporate work ice, and the world of luxury cannot ignore any opportunity related to the brand, and they can also guide clients in launched on the international market only after the According to figures from the to supplement M&A business, of offering more to its clients. The opening of the first acquiring the models available through e-commerce by brand was acquired by the Richemont Group in 1997. Dubai International Financial while big-ticket M&A is still the Panerai e-boutique for the United States market repre- telephone. To respond to the great interest of Panerai Today Officine Panerai develops and crafts its move- Centre, the emirate’s main bank- preserve of the investment sents a fundamental step in our strategy which will bring it watch enthusiasts in straps, a new search tool devoted ments and watches at its Neuch‚tel manufacture. The lat- ing hub, six advisory firms have banks. “When it comes to large even closer to the needs of the enthusiasts of our brand.” solely to accessories has also been created on the site. ter are a seamless melding of Italian design flair and his- set up in 2015, versus seven in deals in the Middle East, I don’t The new site, now presented in a The new e-boutique has been created to offer all the tory with Swiss horological expertise. Panerai watches 2013 and 2014 and four in 2012. think the region is ready to give responsive version with a design which automatically fundamental information on watches and accessories as are sold across the world through an exclusive network One of those is Trussbridge those big deals to boutiques adapts to the device on which it is used, offers various clearly as possible, with simple tools immediately avail- of distributors and Panerai boutiques. Advisory Limited, run by Samer yet,” said Omar Iqtidar, head of Katerji and Rody Yared, former Middle East investment banking senior investment bankers at at Citigroup, pointing to the Citigroup and JP Morgan, range of services big banks offer respectively. to alleviate the complexities of Home fashion with a social conscience They point to a changing cross-border deals. banking landscape, which is Such grand transactions making the kind of personalized aren’t boutiques’ targets yet, THE One’s eco-chic products take lush living to new levels relationships that Middle Iqtidar notes, but cross-border Eastern clients want increasingly capabilities are still important for difficult. “The client demands a advisers as Gulf families are Eureka! Let’s protect our forests direct relationship with every increasingly seeking M&A out- In a bid to limit their environmental impact, THE part of the deal and doesn’t side the region, while interna- One’s EUREKA range, which is part of their good wood want to be dealing with the tional private equity has been collection, features a host of dining tables, entertain- head of M&A, head of corporate flowing in like never before. ment units and sideboards that have all been created finance and a host of juniors,” Awad said his firm has devel- using wood from managed forests or plantations and said Yared. “It’s not the fault of oped relationships with bou- not from illegal logging. Independently audited by T?V individuals but the model of tiques in other parts of the world Rheinland, documentation of each piece of wood banks pushed down on them. to help facilitate cross-border ensures that it can be tracked back to its source, so tree The talent might be there but business - drawing on the lovers can rest assured the entire process is all above the model which the industry is growth of boutiques globally. board. moving towards ... doesn’t allow And with many investment Save the planet from plastic for a real relationship business.” banks still retrenching in terms THE One’s 100% degradable plastic bags have an of products and geography, additive known as d2w that is included at the time of Relationships opening the way for those with manufacture, which means they will start disintegrating Strong relationships with the experience and relation- six months after production, eventually vanishing into family businesses can lead to ships, Middle Eastern boutiques deals. Trussbridge, for example, could in the years to come thin air. If you’re after something more permanent, you advised Jordan’s family-owned become as fashionable as the may want to invest in one of their fab FEED tote bags. Doing good is in THE One’s ‘Jeans’ With all proceeds going to THE Onederworld - THE Nuqul Group on selling a minori- clothing brands adorning their Made from sustainable fabrics like burlap and organic Find meaning in a material world with a funky, limit- One’s Sustainable Village Community Programme, your ty stake in FINE, one of the clients. — Reuters cotton, each purchase also contributes to ending child ed edition wrist wrap made from THE One Tribe’s recy- purchase can change the lives of underprivileged chil- hunger! cled jeans. dren in India. lifestyle TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 MUSIC & MOVIES Former ‘30 Rock’ star Morgan weds long-time fiancee

Tracy Morgan and Megan Wollover attend One Night Only: Louis Tomlinson, An All-Star Liam Payne, Niall Tribute To Horan, and Harry Don Rickles, Styles of the boy in New band One York. — AP Direction, pose racy Morgan has married his when their limousine was struck by a in the press fiancee of four years. According to Wal-Mart truck on the New Jersey room at the 2015 the 46-year-old actor-comedian’s Turnpike. Billboard Music T Awards at the publicist, Lewis Key, Morgan wed Megan The former “30 Rock” star has mostly Wollover on Sunday. Their 2-year-old been out of sight since the crash as he MGM Grand daughter was in attendance. It is recuperated from his injuries. But NBC Garden Arena in Morgan’s second marriage. recently announced that on Oct 17 he Las Vegas, The ceremony came 14 months after will guest host “Saturday Night Live,” Nevada. — AFP the June 2014 crash that seriously injured where he was a cast member from 1996- Morgan and killed a fellow comedian 2003. — AP One Direction ‘to go separate ways’ next year ritish pop phenomenon One Direction are least a year to work on their own projects. Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and to take an indefinite break from next year, There is absolutely no bad blood between Louis Tomlinson swiftly developed a giant, fiercely Baccording to a media report yesterday them and they are all 100 percent behind the deci- loyal following of young girls worldwide. The chart- which has left fans devastated. The four-piece boy- sion. “It is definitely not a split and they fully intend toppers have sold more than 50 million records band will separate for at least a year from March to to get back together at some time in the future.” around the globe. Malik quit the band in March, pursue solo projects, according to The Sun news- They are due to release their fifth album before shortly after being signed off with stress. paper, citing a “1D source”. The band, who enjoy a Christmas, and fulfill promotional commitments by “I am leaving because I want to be a normal massive global teenage following, did not com- the end of February, the report said. There will be 22-year-old who is able to relax and have some ment when contacted by AFP and have not com- no tour for the new album. The band’s last sched- private time out of the spotlight,” he said at the mented on the tabloid report on their various uled concerts are at the Sheffield Arena in north- time. The Sun’s report said the split would have Twitter accounts. ern England on October 29, 30, 31. They are cur- happened regardless of Malik’s departure. The “The guys have been together for five years, rently touring North America and are due to per- Sunday Times newspaper’s Rich List 2015 reck- which is an incredible run for any boyband,” said form in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today. Put together oned the band members were worth £25 mil- The Sun’s source. “They fully deserve to have at for a British television singing contest in 2010, Niall lion each. — AFP

Recording artist Nicki Minaj performs at the 2015 Billboard Hot 100 Music Festival at Nikon at Jones Beach Theater on Sunday in Wantagh, NY. — AP Jackman to launch ‘Broadway To Oz’ music show Judge set to rule on Howard divorce settlement judge will determine whether Terrence Howard can overturn a Adivorce settlement with his second wife because of his claims she extorted him to sign the agreement by threatening to leak private information. The ruling expect- ed will not end legal fighting between Howard and his ex-wife Michelle Ghent but a significant amount of money is at stake. The pair’s divorce settlement entitles Ghent to a share of Howard’s earnings, including from his starring role on the hit television series “Empire.” The second season of the show debuts this fall. Superior Court Judge Thomas Trent Lewis convened a four-day hearing recently to hear testimony about Howard’s claims. The judge has not signaled how he will Terrence Howard attends the FOX Actor Hugh Jackman sings on stage before holding a press conference where he announced rule. If he rules in Ghent’s favor, Lewis will Network 2014 Upfront event in New his new stage show “Broadway to OZ” in Sydney, Australia, yesterday. — AP photos York. — AP convene another hearing to determine ugh Jackman will put on his tux and his Beast” and the Australian Broadcasting how much Howard owes. Testimony during divorce in January 2011. Ghent’s lawyers Wolverine claws for a new stage show Corporation’s TV drama series “Corelli,” during the hearing revealed numerous private have said she denied extorting the actor in a that will tour his native Australia later this which he met his wife, co-star Deborra Lee details about the actor, including his H deposition. She was not allowed to testify at year. The “Broadway To Oz” concert show will Furness. Roles in Australian independent films admission that he had cheated on Ghent a recent hearing because her attorneys did play major arenas in five cities and is structured “Paperback Hero” and “Erskineville Kings” were during their engagement, that he kept not file a sworn declaration from her before as a personal journey through Jackman’s life, followed by Hollywood successes including “The years of phone sex recordings with multi- the proceedings began. Ghent has accused from early days in Outback Australia through Prestige,” The Fountain,” “The X-Men” franchise ple women, and that he has already Howard of abusing her on multiple occa- successes in musical theater and Hollywood star- and its “Wolverine” spinoff, and “Les Miserables,” divorced his third wife. sions and has an active restraining order dom. It will mix medleys of work that Jackman for which he earned an Oscar nomination. His Lewis also heard a 2011 call in which against the actor. Howard, who was nomi- has been directly associated with, as well as trib- more recent stage successes include the hit Ghent berated Howard and threatened to nated for an Academy Award for his starring utes to classic musicals. Jackman will be backed Broadway show “Hugh Jackman: Back On sell his private information if he didn’t pay role in 2005’s “Hustle & Flow,” is not required by a company of 150 musicians and dancers. Broadway.” her money by the end of the day. Howard’s to attend the hearing. The actor’s career has “‘Broadway to Oz’ is a dream come true. This is “Broadway To Oz” is produced by Robert Fox accountant sent Ghent $40,000 in response resurged since the debut of “Empire,” a hit the show I’ve always wanted to bring home.” for The Dainty Group. The show starts in to the call, which he called “hush money.” series for Fox that had steadily improved rat- Jackman said in a statement. Jackman’s career Melbourne on Nov 24, touring through Sydney, The actor called it “blood money.” He told ings each week in its first season. The show’s Hugh Jackman speaks during a press began in Australia in the 1990s with starring Brisbane and Adelaide, before closing in Perth Lewis that leaking the information at the second season, set to debut on Sept 23, is conference. roles in “Sunset Boulevard” and “Beauty and The on Dec 15. — Reuters time would have ended his acting career. highly anticipated. Work on the show’s sec- Howard has accused Ghent of blackmailing ond season continues. Howard spent four him over private audio and video of him days in court during a recent hearing, testi- dancing naked in a bathroom to get him to fying for portions of three of those days. His Police probe Gibson’s ‘angry sign the divorce settlement. The pair was absence didn’t impact the show’s shooting married for a year before Ghent filed for schedule. — AP tirade’ at Australian photographer Bangladesh court bans olice were investigating claims yesterday that controversial Hollywood star Mel PGibson allegedly shoved and verbally movie on factory disaster abused an Australian photographer during an top court in Bangladesh yesterday it got clearance from the Bangladesh Film angry altercation. Kristi Miller, a news photogra- banned a movie depicting one of Censor Board in July. pher with Sydney’s Daily Telegraph, said she had Athe world’s worst industrial disas- It centres on the dramatic rescue of taken two pictures of Gibson leaving a cinema in ters for six months amid concerns that it 19-year-old garment worker Reshma the city with Rosalind Ross, 24, on Sunday would “negatively portray” the nation’s Akhter from the ruins of the nine-storey evening when the actor aggressively confronted $25 billion garment industry. Two High Rana Plaza 17 days after it collapsed. her. “I took two frames and then I ran to get in Court judges gave the order, saying the Images of Akhter, dusty and dazed, front of them,” she told the newspaper. movie, Rana Plaza, named after the ill-fat- being pulled from the wreckage “I turned around with my back to them and ed factory complex, breached a previous appeared on newspaper front pages ran forward and the next thing I knew he had order by the same court by screening worldwide and turned her into a nation- shoved me in the back from behind.” Miller gruesome images of the disaster that al heroine. Akhter has since married her described the actor as “out of control” as he killed 1,138 people in 2013. boyfriend and found a well-paid job at a charged after her, spitting in her face and calling “The court heard a writ filed by a hotel run by the international chain her a “dog”. “I was just shocked that I was being labour group and banned screening of Westin, which approached her after her pushed, shoved in the back,” she claimed. New the film in the country and overseas for ordeal. “The Rana Plaza is also about South Wales police said they were investigating six months,” Deputy Attorney General Reshma’s love story, which tries to raise the incident but did not specify what, if any, Mokleshur Rahman told AFP. “The judges awareness about the life of the country’s charges were being pursued. imposed the ban following concerns that millions of woman garment workers,” “Police were told a man became involved in an it would negatively portray Bangladesh’s director of the movie Nazrul Islam Khan altercation with a photographer. He allegedly Actor and director Mel Gibson arriving at Fox Studios for a press conference in Sydney. — AFP sensitive garment sector in the world and told AFP. “I don’t know what prompted pushed the photographer,” they said in statement physical contact whatsoever with this photogra- Gibson was using offensive language. The Oscar can also create [a] law and order problem the court to ban the film. to AFP. “We would urge anyone who might have pher, who was harassing my client and his friend,” winner, who is in Australia to direct World War II in the country,” he added. Bangladesh’s Rana Plaza movie is about the tragedy witnessed the incident and is yet to speak to the actor’s representative, Alan Nierob, told the drama “Hacksaw Ridge”, has not been without garment industry is worth $25 billion a at the factory complex,” he said, adding police to come forward.” Gibson’s management in Telegraph in an email. Miller alleged Gibson, 59 controversy in recent years. In a high-profile case, year in exports. The 137-minute film was he would appeal as he had already cut the United States denied any physical contact continued to lash out at her until he was led away he was caught on tape in 2006 making an anti- scheduled to hit more than 100 theatres the scenes that were deemed to be “too between the star of “Braveheart” and “Lethal by an apologetic Ross. “I thought he was going to Semitic rant at a US sheriff’s deputy who had across the country on September 4 after cruel” by the censors. — AFP Weapon” and the photographer. “There was no punch me in the face,” Miller said, adding that arrested him for drunken driving. — AFP One Direction ‘to go separate ways’ next year

TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 39

Hand-painted vinyl balls float in the MacArthur Park Lake as part of a large-scale public arts installation organized by the Portraits of Hope charity in Los Angeles, California yesterday. The work titled “The Spheres at MacArthur Park,” involves filling the park’s 8.39-acre lake with about 3,000 balls, each 4 to 6 feet in diameter and covered in bright floral and fish patterns. — AFP For the families: 1 couple, 2 weddings, 5 dresses By Paula Froke planning than we might otherwise have done, sound promising. Still, I liked the blurry picture. with our relaxed approach that bypassed a lot of So I drove 75 miles to their small apartment. In wo dresses - one from Craigslist, several the traditional formalities. (When I initially person, it seemed even less promising. sizes too big, the other a last-minute, $18 slipped Timothy’s ring onto his right hand during In their cramped bathroom, with their baby Tantique shop find. Two bouquets - one the ceremony - “I said that you should rehearse crying and their cat underfoot, I donned the crafted from a gigantic flower market’s offerings, this,” his uncle/pastor intoned - we just smiled dress. As feared, it was way too big. In the vanity the other from wildflowers gathered from the and tried again.) mirror, I could see only the bodice. But somehow, side of a highway. Two venues - one a waterfront We wanted room for compromise, rule-bend- it made me feel bridal. Plus, she needed the park where the groom spent his last hours of ing and flexibility. Some of the ways we found $150. So I took it. bachelorhood cleaning up goose droppings, the that - with help from the family: other a ... cemetery. To think, all I’d wanted was to run down to City Hall. The venues Fortunately, Timothy is wise. A wedding, he California: Middle Harbor Shoreline Park in told me, is as much for our families and friends as Oakland, because of its family connection. it is for us. So that became our theme: “taking it Timothy’s sister Celia (his “best woman”) was part to the family.” Which meant that my simple City of a team that had helped plan and design the Hall idea morphed into two ceremonies, one in park. It’s a lovely and historic setting with a view California with his large family and one in of San Francisco. It’s also home to geese, so on Pennsylvania with my small family. We enlisted the morning of our wedding, my groom helped their help, from the planning to the music to the scoop goose poop. food. “Yes it is about the couple, and it’s this Pennsylvania: A tranquil spot of deep mean- huge, important step, but you don’t live life in a ing: my father’s burial place. An unusual setting, bubble. You’re basically blending two families in but we knew we could make it just right at this one moment,” says Yolanda Crous, features and spot atop a hill, with cornfields and mountains as travel director for Brides magazine. “This is prob- the backdrop. ably the only time in your life that you’re going Photo shows bride, Paula Froke, left, and groom, Timothy McCarthy, at the informal reception to be able to get everyone in one room.” The music following their wedding at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park in Oakland, Calif. — AP photos While we no doubt were on the extreme end California: The Twintet: Timothy’s twin of the family-involvement scale, many couples brothers, Michael and Patrick, plus Patrick’s wife, View gallery have a similar philosophy. After all, Crous notes, Vivian, and her twin, Wanda, played jazz. Celia The flowers everyone wants a personal wedding, and what’s and mother Ruth, accompanied by Celia’s hus- California: From the San Francisco Flower more personal than your family? “Giving a family band, sang The Beatles’ “I Will.” Market, where Timothy’s sister Ann - my matron member a role is a very special thing for them,” Pennsylvania: Our friend Ron, singing and of honor - and I selected the flowers. Queen says Jamie Miles, editor at At the on guitar. Anne’s Lace was key, and not just because it same time, families should respect boundaries: California: Timothy’s Uncle Bob, a minister. looks bridal. Ann and her daughters Megan and “Don’t be too intrusive, and be respectful of what Nephew Hikaru kept us all in line as master of Molly crafted the flowers into the corsages and Photo shows bride, Paula Froke, left, and (the bride and groom) are communicating to the ceremony. bouquet, and Celia’s daughter Eva was “maiden groom, Timothy McCarthy, as they prepare you.” Pennsylvania: My brother-in-law, Glen, as of the Solstice” - the adult version of a flower girl to cut their wedding cake at Middle Harbor Our families gave us plenty of space. master of the ceremony. My mother, Marliene, for our June 21 wedding. Shoreline Park in Oakland, Calif. Thankfully, they also prodded us to do a bit more sister Dana and best friend Sharon each read. Pennsylvania: From the side of a highway Up next: a seamstress who (scarily) took no near my childhood home, where we plucked measurements and promised great results. Five Queen Anne’s Lace - just as my dad used to do weeks later, I discovered she was right. when I was a kid. Again, Ann made the corsages In the meantime - just in case - I rounded up and bouquet. two alternatives from a consignment shop. One The favors Timothy McCarthy, left, and bride, Paula was never really in the running, but the second, Succulents from the flower market, which we Froke, at the second of their summer of an ivory-and-gold Ann Taylor sheath, seemed replanted into colorful mugs rounded up in a 2014 wedding ceremonies, in the cemetery just right for the Pennsylvania wedding. Until the flurry of thrift-store power shopping. These also where Froke’s father is buried near State time came two months later, and it had become served as table decorations. College, Pa. too small. The tableware The rocks Pennsylvania: Clock ticking, I hit the con- More thrift-store power shopping. Ann and I On my finger: My grandmother’s diamond signment shops again. Success: a pink sheath - selected several boxes’ worth of festive plates, rings. Otto, son of Timothy’s longtime friend non-traditional, to be sure, but hey, it’s the sec- bowls and flatware in a rainbow of styles. (Later, Peter, was ring bearer. ond wedding, I’m non-traditional, and Timothy the sisters valiantly boxed it all up again and In everyone’s hands: We wanted all the guests and I both like pink. Plus, it fit. donated it back to the shops.) to participate in our wedding. And, we like rocks. So the dress was good to go. Until two days The cake So we brought a collection that nephew Taro dis- later, when Ann and I were in an antique shop. California: A multi-tier carrot cake by Ann, tributed to each guest to hold during the cere- There, peeking out from a corner, was a sliver of with help from Celia. mony while thinking good thoughts for our ivory beading. I tried on that dress. It fit. So did Pennsylvania: A peanut butter-based concoc- future. Now the rocks are displayed at home in the veiled hat in the same shop. And with a day tion created by my mother, with ice cream from our “wedding rock basket.” to spare, I had the perfect second dress for my Penn State’s creamery. And oh yes, the (five) dresses second wedding of the summer. Would our rule- The food California: The dress saga started on bending and chance-taking work for everyone? California: An assortment of relatives Craigslist, where a blurry picture showed only a No. It was perfect for us - with essential help manned the grills and others brought potluck for beaded bodice. Replying to the ad, I got a man from our families. And am I forever grateful that a reception at the park. speaking on behalf of his wife because his we didn’t do the City Hall thing? Absolutely. As Dana Plumley, second left, does a reading as part of the wedding ceremony for her sister Paula Pennsylvania: Takeout from a favorite BBQ English was better. He didn’t know the dress size, Miles puts it, “You don’t have to have one wed- Froke, left, and, Timothy McCarthy, second from right, at a cemetery near State College, Pa. joint for a party at my mother’s house. but described his wife’s proportions. It didn’t ding out of a box any longer.” — AP