Local Services & Housing Delivery

Who’s Who and How to Contact Us

Compiled by Local Services Business Improvement Team – 23/09/2014 Updated – 11/03/2015, 05/06/2015, 23/09/2015, 26/02/2016, 26/07/2016, 09/05/2017, 17/07/2017www..gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Local Services & Housing Delivery Management Team and PA’s

Paul Jones Anita Bingham Director of Local Services & Housing PA to Director of Local Services Delivery & Housing Delivery 01670 620292 01670 623432 [email protected] [email protected]

Mike Turner Greg Gavin David Laux Philip Soderquest Head of Property Services and Head of Neighbourhood Services Head of Technical Services Head of Housing Capital Programme 01670 622278 01670 623139 01670 623696 01670 622905 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Anita Bingham Leanne Laidler Margaret Henderson Leanne Laidler PA to Head of PA to Head of Technical PA to Head of Housing PA to Head of Property & Neighbourhood Services Services 01670 623694 Capital Programme 01670 620292 01670 623423 [email protected] 01670 623423 [email protected] [email protected] k [email protected] Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council What we do

Neighbourhood Property Services & Technical Services Housing Services Business Support Services Capital programme

• Bulky waste, hazardous • Highways asset management, • Estate Management • Oversee the Council’s Capital • Customer Feedback household waste, garden and roads and bridges inspection • Gypsy, Roma Traveller Service Programme • Complaint Handling commercial waste collection • Maintenance of roads, • Homefinder Service • Corporate Landlord function • Freedom of Information services footways, cycleways, bridges • Leaseholder Management • Estate Management of the Requests • Household Waste Recovery and street lighting, including • Resident Involvement corporate property portfolio • Financial Transactions Refuse collection and recycling winter and severe weather • Right to Buy Management • Acquisition and Disposal of • Invoicing service response • Tenancy Management Land and Buildings • Communications • Centres (HWRCs) • Network management, • Voids and Allocations • Provision and delivery of the • Performance Management • Abandoned vehicles including parking and Management Property Asset Management • LEAN • PFI Contract streetworks • Welfare and Advice Service Plan • ICT Support (Systems • Waste Management • Design and project • Repairs and Maintenance • Condition surveys of the Development and Asset Data • Closed landfill sites aftercare management of highway and • Cyclical and Planned Repairs corporate property portfolio Management) • Waste education and transport improvement and Maintenance • Design and project • IT Modernisation Programme awareness raising schemes • Emergency out of hours Callout management of property • Equality and Diversity • Winter Maintenance (Support) • Road safety training and • Gas and Solid Fuel Servicing improvement schemes • Service Planning • Flooding and extreme weather casualty reduction schemes and Maintenance • Building statutory maintenance, • General Administration response • Highways Laboratory services • Tenant Improvement Notice testing and inspection including • Programme/Projects • Street Cleansing • Transport operations for • Property Surveys third party engineering • Training • Grounds Maintenance schools and supported bus • Private Sector Service inspections • Compliance • Parks & Urban Open Spaces services • Landlord & Tenant • Repairs and maintenance of • Countryside and Public Rights • Flood and coastal erosion risk Accreditation council buildings of Way Maintenance, management • Homelessness & Housing • Office Moves Management and Enforcement Provision and Delivery of Options Service • Housing Capital Programme • Cemeteries and Crematoria • Local Transport Plan • Asylum Seeker & Refugee • Housing Asset Management • Markets • Transport Asset Management Service • Asbestos Management • Public Conveniences Plan • Management of Temporary • Caretaking and cleaning • Fleet Management • Network Management Plan Accommodation Units services • Mileage based lease car • Rights of Way Improvement scheme Plan • Security and postal courier • Parking Strategy service • Shoreline Management Plan • Local Flood Risk Management Strategy www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council How to contact us

Website Contact us online at: www.northumberland.gov.uk Problems can be reported at any time, day or night and you can instantly apply or pay for services via our website.

Email Individual officers can be contacted on the email addresses provided in this document, however common problems should be reported by using the relevant form on our website.

Telephone You can call us Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm (excluding bank holidays) on: 0345 600 6400

Please note: Outside these hours your call will be answered by Northumberland Fire & Rescue Service and calls should be made in emergency cases only.

A full list of local council telephone numbers, customer information centres and PayPoint locations are available on the Council website. www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Visiting us

County Hall Address: Northumberland County Council County Hall Morpeth NE61 2EF

Directions for visitors to County Hall Using public transport: Details are available from TRAVELINE on 0870 6082608

Local and long distance trains serve Morpeth Station, which has a taxi office and bus stops nearby.

Using your car or bike: Heading North on the A1 from Newcastle take the A197 signposted to Morpeth. Carry along this road to the outskirts of town and take the second turning on right (signposted). The visitors car park is the first turning on the right. www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Local Area Council’s (LAC)

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Neighbourhood Services Management

Greg Gavin Head of Neighbourhood Services

01670 622278

[email protected]

Ray Wealleans Peter Jeffreys Mike Jeffrey Bob Hodgson Stephen Wardle and David Hunt Contracts & Countryside & North Davey Robertson Castle Morpeth , Blyth Area Area Commercial Green Spaces Northumberland Fleet Manager Area Manager and Manager Manager Manager Manager Area Manager Seaton Valley Area Stakeford Depot 01670 622943 01670 624430 Manager 01670 625575 01670 624428 01670 623020 01670 624421 Blyth Depot 01670 625579 Davey.Robertson@ Stephen.Wardle@ David.Hunt@ Peter.Jeffreys@ Mike.Jeffrey@ Bob.Hodgson@ northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk Raymond.Wealleans@ northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk Vacant northumberland.gov.uk

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Neighbourhood Services

Divisional Area Contracts & Countryside & Green Fleet Managers Commercial Spaces

• Refuse & Recycling • Waste Policy • Public Rights of Way • Fleet Maintenance • Street Cleansing • Waste Contracts & PFI • National and Regional Trails • Fleet Replacement • Grounds Maintenance • Education & Awareness • Access Land • Fleet Compliance • Commercial Development • Country Parks • Fuel Management • Cemeteries & Crematoria • Pollution Control and Landfill • Urban Parks • Transport Services • Markets Aftercare • Local Nature Reserves • Lease Cars • Winter Maintenance (Support) • Hazardous Waste Collection • Playing Fields • Security & Postal Courier • Abandoned Vehicles • Other Green Spaces • Household Waste Recovery • Trees & Woodland Centres and Permit Schemes • Beaches & Coastal Management

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES North Northumberland

Head of Neighbourhood Services Greg Gavin 01670 622278 [email protected]

North Northumberland Area Manager Bob Hodgson 01670 624421 [email protected]

Alnwick Berwick

Senior Team Leader - Senior Team Leader - Berwick Darren Middleton Rab Taphouse 01670 624412 01670 624405 [email protected] [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Alnwick Bill Pringle 01670 623456 [email protected]

1) Alnwick, 2) 3) Amble West with Walkworth, 5) Bamburgh, 10) Berwick East, 11) Berwick North, 12) Berwick West with Ord, 40) Longhoughton, 47) Norham and Islandshires, 56) , 59) Shilbottle, 66) www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES Castle Morpeth

Head of Neighbourhood Services Greg Gavin 01670 622278 [email protected]

Castle Morpeth Area Manager Stephen Wardle 01670 624430 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Stakeford Depot ✱ Colin Green 01670 623459 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader Keith Bowden 01670 624422 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader Anthony Bell 01670 620060 [email protected]

15) Choppington 26) Druridge Bay 39) 41) 42) Morpeth Kirkhill 43) Morpeth South 44) Morpeth Stobhill 48) 50) East and Stannington 51) Ponteland North 52) Ponteland South and Heddon 53) Ponteland West 63)www.northumberland.gov.uk Stakeford Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES Ashington and Blyth

Head of Neighbourhood Services Greg Gavin 01670 622278 [email protected]

Ashington and Blyth Area Manager - Stakeford Depot Ray Wealleans 01670 625579 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Stakeford Depot ✱ Colin Green 01670 623459 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Blyth Depot ✱ Senior Team Leader - Blyth Depot ✱ Jimmy Reith 01670 620058 Refuse/Recycling/Bulky Waste [email protected] Rob Warnes 01670 620031 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Stakeford Depot Senior Team Leader ✱ ✱✱ Peter Bowman 01670 624665 Refuse/Recycling/Bulky Waste [email protected] Chris Mason 01670 624414 [email protected]

4) Ashington Central 13) Bothal 16) College 18) Cowpen 25) Croft 30) Haydon 34) Hirst 37) Isabella 38) Kitty Brewster 45) Newbiggin Central and East 46) Newsham 49) Plessey 57) Seaton with Newbiggin West 60) Sleekburn 61) South Blyth 65)www.northumberland.gov.uk Wensleydale Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES Cramlington, Bedlington and Seaton Valley

Head of Neighbourhood Services Greg Gavin 01670 622278 [email protected]

Cramlington, Bedlington and Seaton Valley Area Manager - Blyth Depot Vacant

Senior Team Leader - Stakeford Depot ✱ Colin Green 01670 623459 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Blyth Depot ✱ Willie Hartill 01670 623464 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Blyth Depot ✱ Refuse/Recycling/Bulky Waste Rob Warnes 01670 620031 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader - Stakeford Depot ✱ Refuse/Recycling/Bulky Waste Chris Mason 01670 624414 [email protected]

6) Bedlington Central 7) Bedlington East 8) Bedlington West 19) Cramlington East 20) Cramlington Eastfield 21) Cramlington North 22) Cramlington South East 23) Cramlington Village 24) Cramlington West 28) Hartley 35) Holywell 58)Seghillwww.northumberland.gov.uk and Seaton Delaval Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES Tynedale

Head of Neighbourhood Services Greg Gavin 01670 622278 [email protected]

Tynedale Area Manager David Hunt 01670 625575 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader Peter Daley 01670 625581 [email protected]

Senior Team Leader Geoff Cairns 01670 625576 [email protected]

9) Bellingham 14) Bywell 17) Corbridge 27) 29) Hadrian and Haydon 31) Central with Acomb 32) Hexham East 33) Hexham West 36) Humshaugh 54) North 55) Prudhoe South 62) South Tynedale 64)Stocksfield and Broomhaughwww.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES County Wide

Head of Neighbourhood Services Greg Gavin 01670 622278 [email protected]

Waste Management

Contracts & Commercial Manager Peter Jeffreys 01670 624428 [email protected]

Fleet Management

Fleet Manager Davey Robertson 01670 622943 [email protected]

Countryside and Green Spaces

Countryside & Green Spaces Manager Mike Jeffrey 01670 623020 [email protected]

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Technical Services Management

David Laux Head of Technical Services

01670 623139

[email protected]

Steve Bucknall Ruth Bendell Simon Rudman Highways Delivery Manager Infrastructure Manager Design Manager

01670 620043 01670 624141 01670 622967

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Technical Services

Infrastructure Highways Delivery Design Management

• Highways and bridge • Highways development • Design and project inspections programmes including management of highways and • Management and maintenance improvements and transport improvement of roads, footways, cycleways maintenance schemes and bridges • Highways Asset Management • Design of road maintenance • Maintenance and improvement • Road safety training and schemes including landslips of street lighting casualty reduction schemes • Design of bridges and • Winter maintenance and severe • Management of the Members structures weather emergency response Small Schemes Programme • Safety scheme design and road • Sign manufacture • Transport operations for safety audits • Traffic management schools and supported bus • Highways Laboratory Services • A69 NPLG maintenance services contract • Network Management, parking enforcement and management of works on the highways including works undertaken by utilities • Management of Infrastructure Records including highways national gazetteer, rights of way definitive map and statement and flood protection assets • Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES HIGHWAYS DELIVERY North Northumberland

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected]

Highways Delivery Manager Steve Bucknall 01670 620043 [email protected]

Highways Inspectors Area Manager (North Northumberland) Graham Bucknall Nigel Brannen 01670 620044 [email protected] 01670 623039 [email protected]

Neil Howie Highways Maintenance Senior Team 01670 623038 Leader [email protected] Mitch Young 01670 620052 [email protected]

Senior Construction Team Leader Tony Bell 01670 623031 [email protected]

Project Officer John Hunter 01670 623550 [email protected] 1) Alnwick, 2) Amble 3) Amble West with Walkworth, 5) Bamburgh, 10) Berwick East, 11) Berwick North, 12) Berwick West with Ord, 40) Longhoughton, 47) Norham www.northumberland.gov.ukand Islandshires, 56) Rothbury, 59) Shilbottle, 66) Wooler Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES HIGHWAYS DELIVERY Castle Morpeth

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected]

Highways Delivery Manager Steve Bucknall 01670 620043 [email protected] Highways Inspectors

Lee Dundas Area Manager (Castle Morpeth) 07717151499 Martin King [email protected] 01670 620046 [email protected] Lee Baxter 01670 623037 [email protected]

Highways Maintenance Senior Team Leader Ali Johnson 01670 623026 [email protected]

Senior Construction Team Leader Mark O’Neil 01670 620062 Mark.O’[email protected]

15) Choppington 26) Druridge Bay 39) Longhorsley 41) Lynemouth 42) Morpeth Kirkhill 43) Morpeth South 44) Morpeth Stobhill 48) Pegswood 50) Ponteland East and Stannington 51) Ponteland North 52) Ponteland South and Heddon 53) Ponteland Westwww.northumberland.gov.uk 63) Stakeford Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES HIGHWAYS DELIVERY Cramlington, Bedlington and Seaton Valley

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected] Highways Inspectors

Highways Delivery Manager Steve Bucknall Reuben Poole 01670 620043 01670 623028 [email protected] [email protected]

Davey Yates Area Manager (South East) 01670 620056 Mick Carle [email protected] 01670 624443 [email protected] Martin Henderson 01670 625572 [email protected] .uk Highways Maintenance Senior Team Leader Russell Mason 01670 620047 Eddie Millican [email protected] 01670 620054 [email protected]

Senior Construction Team Leader Alan Taylor 01670 620057 [email protected]

6) Bedlington Central 7) Bedlington East 8) Bedlington West 19) Cramlington East 20) Cramlington Eastfield 21) Cramlington North 22) Cramlington South East 23) Cramlington Village 24) Cramlington West 28) Hartley 35) Holywell 58) Seghill and Seatonwww.northumberland.gov.uk Delaval Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES HIGHWAYS DELIVERY Ashington and Blyth

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected]

Highways Delivery Manager Highways Inspectors Steve Bucknall 01670 620043 [email protected] Reuben Poole 01670 623028 [email protected]

Area Manager (South East) Davey Yates Mick Carle 01670 624443 01670 620056 [email protected] [email protected]

Martin Henderson 01670 625572 Highways Maintenance Senior Team [email protected] Leader .uk Russell Mason 01670 620047 [email protected] Eddie Millican 01670 620054 [email protected] Senior Construction Team Leader Alan Taylor 01670 620057 [email protected]

4) Ashington Central 13) Bothal 16) College 18) Cowpen 25) Croft 30) Haydon 34) Hirst 37) Isabella 38) Kitty Brewster 45) Newbiggin Central and East 46) Newsham 49) Plessey 57) Seaton with Newbiggin West 60) Sleekburn 61) South Blyth 65) www.northumberland.gov.ukWensleydale Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES HIGHWAYS DELIVERY Tynedale

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected]

Highways Delivery Manager Steve Bucknall 01670 620043 [email protected] Highways Inspectors

Michael Rowe Area Manager (Tynedale) Kris Westerby 01670 624444 01670 623551 [email protected] [email protected] Stephen Lowes 01670 620053 Highways Maintenance Senior Team [email protected] Leader Andrew Olive 01670 624442 Brendan Doyle [email protected] 01670 624436 [email protected]

Senior Construction Team Leader Andy Fisher 01670 620194 [email protected]

Project Officer Scott Wharton 01670 624445 [email protected] 9) Bellingham 14) Bywell 17) Corbridge 27) Haltwhistle 29) Hadrian and Haydon 31) Hexham Central with Acomb 32) Hexham East 33) Hexham West 36) Humshaugh 54) Prudhoewww.northumberland.gov.uk North 55) Prudhoe South 62) South Tynedale 64)Stocksfield and Broomhaugh Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES Street Lighting (County Wide)

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected]

Highways Delivery Manager Steve Bucknall 01670 620043 [email protected]

Street Lighting Programme Manager Gavin Barlow 01670 622980 [email protected]

Street Lighting Operations Manager Mark Kane 01670 624073 [email protected]

Assistant Street Lighting Engineer Colin Watson 01670 623011 [email protected]

Assistant Street Lighting Engineer Paul Roberts 01670 622983 [email protected] www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES Design Team (County Wide)

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected]

Design Manager Simon Rudman 01670 622967 [email protected]

Senior Structures Engineer Peter Brewis 01670 622964 [email protected]

Senior Structures Engineer Jemma Reay 01670 622959 [email protected]

Senior Quantity Surveyor Keith Wesson 01670 622995 [email protected]

Senior Roads Engineer Gary Mills 01670 622979 [email protected]

Laboratory Manager Martin Newton 01670 737575 [email protected] www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council TECHNICAL SERVICES Infrastructure (County Wide)

Head of Technical Services David Laux 01670 623139 [email protected]

Infrastructure Manager Ruth Bendell 01670 624141 [email protected]

Principal Programme Officer (Highway Improvements) Neil Snowdon 01670 624128 [email protected]

Principal Programme Officer (Highway Maintenance) Dale Rumney 01670 624151 [email protected]

Passenger Transport Manager Mark Cusack 01670 624081 [email protected]

Network Manager Lynne Ryan 01670 624120 [email protected]

FCERM Manager Aaron McNeill 01670 624139 [email protected]

Infrastructure Records Manager David Brookes 01670 624134 [email protected] www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Housing Management

Philip Soderquest Head of Housing

01670 623696

[email protected]

Susan Ogle Julie Young Keith Miller Housing Operations Manager Strategic Housing Manager Housing Maintenance Manager

01670 622909 01670 623076 01670 623649

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Housing

Housing Operations Strategic Housing Housing Maintenance

• Estate Management • Homelessness & Housing • Responsive Repairs and • Gypsy, Roma Traveller Service Options Service Maintenance • Homefinder Service • Management of Temporary • Emergency out of hours callout • Leaseholder Management Accommodation service • Resident Involvement • Private Sector Service • Planned and Cyclical • Right to Buy Management • Property & Tenant Accreditation Maintenance • Tenancy Management • Private Sector Property • Gas Servicing and Repairs • Voids and Allocations Condition Surveys • Solid Fuel Servicing and Management • Private Rented Sector Service Repairs • Welfare and Advice Service • Private Landlord Forums • Tenant Improvement Notice • Landlord Advice & Assistance Inspection • Rent Deposit Guarantee • Property Survey Scheme • Illegal Evictions • Empty Homes Back into Use • Neighbourhood Management Initiatives • Asylum Seeker & Refugee Service

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council HOUSING OPERATIONS (HFN) North & South East Area Management

Head of Housing Philip Soderquest 01670 623696 [email protected]

Housing Operations Manager Susan Ogle 01670 622909 [email protected]

North Blyth Area and Alnwick South Blyth Area (Cowpen, Cramlington & Alnwick) (Blyth, Seaton Delaval, Seghill, Holywell, Seaton Sluice)

Area Housing Manager Area Housing Manager Christine McGregor Amanda Mason 01670 623498 01670 622869 [email protected] [email protected]

Area Housing Team Leader Area Housing Team Leader Sarah Thorpe Pearl O’Hare 01670 623477 01670 623476 [email protected] Pearl.O’[email protected]

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council HOUSING OPERATIONS (HFN) North & South East

Head of Housing Philip Soderquest 01670 623696 [email protected]

Housing Operations Manager Susan Ogle 01670 622909 [email protected]

Voids and Allocations Manager Colin Blackett 01670 623502 [email protected]

Resident Involvement Manager (Also working as Area Housing Manager) Amanda Mason 01670 622869 [email protected]

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council HOUSING MAINTENANCE (HFN) North & South East

Head of Housing Philip Soderquest 01670 623696 [email protected]

Housing Maintenance Manager Keith Miller 01670 623649 [email protected]

Responsive Maintenance Team Leader Albert Straughan 01670 623667 [email protected]

Planned Maintenance Team Leader Steven Freeman 01670 623646 [email protected]

Repairs and Maintenance Team Leader Kenneth White 01670 622914 [email protected]

Team Leader (Gas) Gary Brown 01670 623638 [email protected]

Scheduler Team Leader Jill McDougle 01670 623100 [email protected]

VACANT - Team Leader (Contracts)

VACANT - Team Leader (Logistics and Procurement) www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council STRATEGIC HOUSING County Wide

Head of Housing Philip Soderquest 01670 623696 [email protected]

Strategic Housing Manager Julie Young 01670 623076 [email protected]

Senior Housing Services Officer (Homelessness & Housing Options) Vicki Flint 01670 623085 [email protected]

Senior Housing Services Officer (Private Sector & Empty Homes) Kirsty Gilmartin 01670 623070 [email protected]

Senior Housing Services Officer (Asylum Seekers & Refugees) Stephen Ward 01670 620916 [email protected]

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Property Services Management County Wide

Mike Turner Head of Property Services and Capital Programming

01670 622905

Mike.Turner@ northumberland.gov.uk

Alistair Cowie Ian Healer Colin Munday Mike Robbins Lee Grange Dave Pears Programme Manager - Capital Delivery Statutory & Planned Strategic Estates Managing Architect Facilities Manager Housing Manager Maintenance Manager Manager 01670 620262 07785 540553 01670 623653 01670 623642 01670 622337 01670 622290 Lee.Grange@ Dave.Pears@ Alistair.Cowie@ Ian.Healer@ Colin.Munday@ Mike.Robbins@ northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk northumberland.gov.uk

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council Property Services

Statutory & Facilities Capital Housing Design Capital Delivery Planned Strategic Estates Management Maintenance

• Creation of the Housing • Full design service in • Management of external • Statutory inspection and • Corporate Landlord • Development & Capital Programme the delivery of projects consultants in the testing , mechanical and function implementation of • Procurement of Housing for internal and external delivery of electrical services • Property Services Help Property Strategy related projects clients property-related capital • Planned and cyclical Desk • Property Review • Housing related major • Design & procurement building projects maintenance • Building Attendants • Assessment of improvement works of improvement works • Project Management programmes • Building Cleaning Development Potential • Design & procurement to NCC-owned property and coordination of • Asbestos management • Property repairs & • Acquisition and Disposal of new build housing • Management and planned improvements • Tree inspections and maintenance of property by • Housing Asset Procurement of the to NCC affiliated maintenance • Management Service purchase/sale or lease Management School Improvement property • Property survey Level Agreement for • Negotiation of property • Housing Asbestos Programme and Special • Responsive repairs and • Service Level school caretaking and compensation claims Management Educational Needs maintenance building Agreement with schools cleaning • Valuation of Land and • Management of Project fabric, mechanical • Office moves Property Chronically Sick & • Cost planning & services and electrical • Management of County • Development Viability Disabled Persons estimating for future • Management and Hall restaurant assessments Adaption programme construction related delivery of all capital • Confidential Waste • Lease Renewals and • Production of Deed projects works to NCC housing disposal Rent Reviews Plans • Feasibility studies and stock Eg heating, • Building hygiene • Management of the • Environmental Works outline designs for rewire,bathrooms , services Council’s property Programme projects prior to external kitchens • Building waste portfolio including • Formation of building commission • Emergency out of hours tenanted property contracts for housing • To set architectural callout service • Management of Vacant related schemes design and specification • Renewables inspection, Buildings • Co-ordinate Energy standards and policy for testing and repair • County Farm Estate Performance certificates Council capital building Management for void properties and projects • Wayleaves Easements RTB’s • To act as the Corporate and Licences • Cost planning & Landlord on • Insurance Valuations estimating for future improvement projects • Development and projects instigated by schools Management of • Co-ordinating major Council’s Property planned improvements database and mapping to sheltered housing system. schemes www.northumberland.gov.uk • Land ownership advice Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council - END PAGE -

www.northumberland.gov.uk Copyright 2009 Northumberland County Council