ISSN 0160-8029 F,


Number 14, Fall 1981 Editor: Robert M. Hiatt CONTENTS

Page GENERAL Correspondence Addressed to the Library F. of Congress DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING Library of Congress Rule Interpretations CLCRI) Library of Congress Policy for Cata- loging of Microreproductions Korean SUBJECT HEADINGS Assigning Subject Headings to Folklor e Materials Inquisition The Subdivisions %.elations" and "Militarv" relations " Economic Communitv Countries LC C LASSIFICATTON Subarrangement of a Literarv Author's Works in Class P Supplementary PTorks

Editorial address: Office of the Director for Cataloging, Processing Services, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540 /-- Subscription address: Subscriber Accounts, Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20541 Subscription price: $10.00 per year. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-51400 ISSN 0160-8029 Key : Cataloging service bulletin Individual Biography Table 69 PUBLIC ATTONS National Level Bibliographic Record- Films 70 ALA/Lc ROMANIZATTON TABLE Korean Word Division '71

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 GENERAL

Correspondence Addressed to the Library of Congress

Belaw is a revision of the list of LC officers to whom to direct inquiries that appeared in Cataloging Service ~ulletin,m. 9. All addresses are now Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540.

Policy matters relating to cataloq- MARC tagging and inputting ina Michael H. Shelley Lucia J. Rather Chief, MARC Editorial Division Director £or Cataloging

Descri~tivecatalwins ( serials MARC tagging and inputting and monographs t Serials)

Ben R Tucker mrothy J. Glasby Chief , Off ice for Descriptive Assistant Chief Catalqing Policy Serial &cord Divisian

Subject headings and LC classifi- M?W Cammications Format cation Margaret M. Patterson Mary K. D. Pietris Ccnmunications Fbmt Specialist Chief, Subject Cataloging Division Putomation Planning and Liaison Off ice Decimal Classification National Serials Data Program John P. Canami Chief, Decimal Classification Questions on descriptive or Division subject cataloging should be addressed to the officers men- materials and music sound above. Other questions re- recordings (descriptive and lating to the progran may be subiect catalosins addressed to:

Fred M. Birdman Linda K. Rartley Head, Music Section Head, National Serials Data P~P Special Materials Cataloging Division gran Section Serial Record Division Cataloaim in Publication Program records (printed cards and Questions on descriptive or MARC tapes) and LC technical subject cataloging should be publications addressed to the officers mention& above. Other que* Bvid G. Rmington tions relating to the progran Chief, Cataloging Distributkn may be addressed to: Sew ice

Susan H. Vita Chief, Cataloging in Publication Division

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING

Library of Congress Rule Interpretations &CR I)

[vertical lines denote additional or revised material]

-1,OC. [Rev .I . Spacing conventions following periods are given below. These mnventions have been established b achieve the following:

1) Standardize the spacing conventions following periods in all parts of the catalq record.

2) Make the application of the conventions consistent, whether the catalog record being prepared is MARC or mn-MARC, for those prepar- irq catalog copy and for others who must process it , e .go, in printing final copy or in converting copy to machine-readable £om. Note, haw- wer , that in some instances spacing on printed products derived £ran MARC records is nrdified by output prograns, sn that the spacing in the machine record may not reflect what is actually output.

3) Provide a cunprehensive statement, applicable to access points as ~~11as to bibliographic description. Apply the following conventions in lieu of any other explicit or implicit instructions in the rules (e.g., l.lG2) regarding spacing after per ids:

1) Access points (including series statements traced the same but excluding those traced differently and those not traced). Leave tm spaces after a period serving to separate distinct units of access points, including those for uniform . Apply, as appropriate, the conven- tions for initials, etc., applicable to the particular type of heading. Uhited States. Congress. House. Bible. Ehglish. Douai. ( Ac ta Lh iversitatis Stockholmiensis . Stockholm ecormic stdies. Panphlet series ; 4) [traced the sane] (Journal of biological science. Supplement ; no. 4) [traced the same] but (&pa-nt of State publication ; 8499. East Asian and Pacific series ; 173) [traced differently] (Biblioteca de arte hispdnico ; 8. Artes aplicadas ; 1) [traced differently]

2) Other parts of the catalog record: a) Elements that are not initials, etc. Leave only me space after a period. If a personal consists of separate letters, record the letters without internal spaces, regardless of how they are presented in the source of informat ion.

chief source: X Y Z (Letters representing a ) transcri~tion:/ XYZ

b) Initials, etc. &cord initials, initialisns, and acm- nyms without internal spaces, reqardless of how thev- are presented in the so-mce of information. %ply this provision also whether these elments are pre- sented with or without periods.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 Fe1 battesimo di S.A.R. Ludwico .. . KL Ianuarius habet dies xxxi Monasterij B. M. V. canpil il ioru [m] J. J. Rousseau New York : W.W. Morrow, 1980

In sune cases personal nane initials may be presented in a source without periods. When they are hown to be initials, insert a period after each letter. In case of doubt, do not insert periods.

chief source: by T S Eliot transcription: / T.S. Eliot , bvA -but chief source: LY. X qoes to the movies transcriptian: Dr. X goes to the movies Treat an abbreviation consisting of more than a single letter as if it ere a distinct word, separating it with a space £ran preced- ing and succeeding mrds or initials.

Ph. D. Ad bibliothecam PP. Franciscan. in Anger Mr. J.P. mrgan ~aratiyumcamukamum/Ma. Pa. FeriyacamitTuran I Charleston, W. Va. : [s.n.] , 1980 / by m. A. Brown I If two or more distinct initialisns (or sets of initials), , or abbreviations appear in juxtaposition, separate each £ran the other with a space.

M. J.P. Rabaut lime.,mnsieur J.P. Rabaut) par RF. s. d. C. Paris ... ( i .e ., par Roland &art, sieur de Chmnbray .. . )

-1.OE. [New]. In general, transcribe letters as they appear in the source. However, mnvert earlier £oms of letters and earlier £oms of diacritical marks into their modem forms. Separate ligatures unless modem usage dictates otherwise. If items published after 1820 show peculiar fonns of letters (e.g., "v" for "u" or "in for " j") , regularize these letters according to modem usage. If there is any doubt as to the correct conversion of elenents to modem forms, transcribe then £ran the source as exactly as possible.

-1.1B. [Rev .] Use judgment in deciding whether a mrd or phrase is part of the title proper or is an elanent of other title information. In many cases of course, the language used may itself anmr this question by offering no break at all between the elements: Loan agreement between the gwernnent of the thited Kingdm of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the gwernnent of the Argentine R?p&lic

In other cases, however, the source may indeed show a break (usually with a ccamna), but what follows the break is an inseparable part of the sense of the title:

Sincerely, Willis Wayde

Such obvious cases aside, it will usually be the cataloger's judgment that must perceive the difference between such titles proper as

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 5 The golden years of trains, 1830-1920 Greeley, life and times John McConnack, his own life story and such titles and other title infonnation as

Social life in twentieth century America : our custcms and traditions

The canplete car owner's manual : everyman1s guide to repair and maintenance Layout, typography, the appearance of the title in sources other than the chief one are all factors that may influence the cataloger's judg- ment. me factor that should frequently influence this jdgment in favor of including the word or phrase within the title proper is when the beginning of the title is very brief and is apt to be repeated with- in the catalog as the beginning of titles of many other items. Schizophrenia, diagnosis and treatment Orchideae , cultivation for beginners In some of these cases the same beginning is used deliberately by pub lishers as the cmntitle of a quasi-series or a quasi-multipart iten. Hamlyn ~ocket d ictionar ies , Eng li sh-Spanish , Spanish- English Hmlyn pockt d ictionaries , Ehg lish-French , French-English Annotated bibliography of natural resource information, northeastern Wyaning Annotated bibliography of natural resource information, southwestern Nolrth Dakota ?he Bantam great outdoors vacation & lodging guide, Canada The Bantam great outdoors vacation & lodging guide, Eastern mited States Naturally, there is a area where opposite treatments could result and be defended by one or mre of the ideas presented above. The Ibn Juan theme, versions and criticisns !Che Con Juan the : versions and criticisns Anti trust policies, American experience in 20 industries Antitrust policies : American experience in 20 industries

Guidelines in brief:

1) Use judgment. 2) Do not strain for consistency. 3) In case of dorbt, judge in favor of retaining the word or phrase within the title. If the chief source bears both a collective title and the titles of individual mrks, give the collective title as the title proper and give the titles of the individual mrks in a contents note (cf. LCRI 2.7B18). l.lF4. [Rev.] If the recording of multiple cowrate bodies with their hierarchies in a statanent of respnsibility leads to confusing results, add "ard" (or i.ts equivalent in foreign languages) in brackets to sepa- rate the nanes. . . . / prepared by U.S. Department of Agriculture, I Forest Service [and] Soil Conservation Service [and] U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Region 2

6 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 -not . . . / prepard by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Bparlment of the Interior, National Park Service, Region 2

1.4R. [New] . If an unpublished collection consisting of published items 7is cataloged as a unit (e.go, a group of pamphlets or other minor mate- rial assembled by the library or by a previous owner), give in the publi- cation! etc. , area only the inclusive dates of publication, etc. , of the items in the collection. (Apply this also tm unpublished collections containing a mixture of published and unpublished itms, e .g ., a contain- er holding published panphlets, newspaper clippings, letters and other manuscripts, military , and passprts.) If all the itens in the collection are frm the same publisher, distributor, etc., give the place and nane in a note.

[Pamphlets and leaflets relating to the Norwegian Resistance] . - 11942-19731 24 pieces : ill. ; 11-28 an. In Norwegian. Presented to the Librarian of Congress in 1977 on the occasion of his visit to the Norges hjemmefrontmuseum in Oslo.

1.4F6. [Rev.] If the editionbeing cataloged (LCRI 1.0) lacks adate t-of publication, etc. , aply the following : 1) If the itan contains only a copyright date and the copy- right date is within three years of the probable date of publication, etc., give the copyright date.

verso of top.: Copyright @ 1980 preface: June 1980 mtion, etc., area: c1980.

2) If the iten contains only a copyright date and the copy- right date is four or more years before the probable date of publica- tion, etc., give the probable date of publication, etc. (1.4P7). Fdd the copyright date ( 1.4F5) . t.p.: Revised Edition verso of t.~.: COPWiqht @ 1961 preface: ~bne1980- - mblication. etc. . area: [1980?1 , c1961. 3) If the item contains a copyright date and a date of manufac- ture (and the year is the same for both), apply the folluwing: a) If the year is within three years of the probable date of publication, etc., give only the copyright date. JB not add the date of manufacture.

verso of top.: Copyright @ 1980 // 1980 minting ~ublication.etc.. area: c1980.

b) If the year is four or more years earlier than the prob- able date of publ ication , etc. , give the probable date of publ icic tion, etc. (1.4F7). Pdd the copyright date (1.4F5). JB not add the date puqorting to be the date of manufacture.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 tap.: &vised Edition verso of top.: @ 1957 // Sixth Printing 1957 preface: June 1980 publication, etc., area: [1980?], c1957.

4) If the item contains a copyright date and a date of manufao- ture and the years differ, aply the following :

a) Give the date of manufacture in brackets as an inferred date of publication, etx., if it can be assunned that the date of manufacture and the date of the edition are identical; for books this means that the item is assumed to be the first printing of the edition. Add the ccpyright date (1.4F5).

verso of top.: Copyright @ 1979 // First Printing 1980 publication, etc. , area: [I9801 , c1979.

b) If the date of manufacture and the probable date of the edition canmt be assumed to be identical (or if there is doubt that they are), give the copyright date if it is within three years of the probable date of publication, etc. Fdd the date of manufacture (1.4~4).

verso of top.: Copyright 01978 // Sixth Printing 1980 preface: June 1978 publication, etc., area: c1978 (1980 printing)

c) If the date of manufacture and the probable date of the edition cannot be assumed to be identical (or if there is doubt that they me) and the copyright date is four or more years earlier than the probable date of publication, etc., give the date of manufacture. Atld the copyright date (1.4F5). top.: %vised Edition verso of top.: @ 1957 // 15th Impression 1980 preface: June 1978 mtion, etc., area: 1980 printing, c1957.

5) If the item contains only a date of manufacture, apply the followirq in the listed : a) Give the date of manufacture in brackets as an inferred date of publication, etc. , if it can be assumed that the date of manufacture and the date of the edition are identical; for books this means that the itan is assumed to be the first printing of the edition.

verso of t.p. : ~irstPrinting 1980 publication, etc., area: [I9801

b) Give the date of manufacture. verso of top.: 15th Impression 1980 publication, etc., area: 1980 printing. Materials other than printed books rarely show a date that could be called a "date of manufacture." In the rare cases in which such itens do bear such a date, it is unlikely that it will be recognized as such unless it is accanpanied by a wrd or phrase indicative of man* facture. Whenever possible, the cataloger's designation lm indicate that the date is one of manufacture should be derived fmthis accan- panying word or phrase. If there is no mrd or phrase, the cataloger should use his or her imagination and knowledge to fit the particular item. If this fails also, there's the very general word "manufacture" found in rule 1.4F6 itself, e.g., "1967 manufacture."

8 Cataloging Service Bulletin, Nb. 14 / Fall 1981 1.4G. [New] . If a brackted date of publication, ee., is Bllowed by 'sacketed place of manufacture, disregard 1.OC and put a closing brack- et after the date and an opening bracket before the place.

Paris : plans-guides Blay, [I9791 ( [Paris] : Imprimerie de Montligeon) -not Paris : Plans-guides Blay, [I979 (Paris] : Imprimerie de Montl igeon)

-1.6. [New] . Series Statements and Series racings Although a series statement may inclde a parallel title ( 1.6C) , other title information ( 1.6D) , or a statement of responsibility (1.6E), the heading for the series will contain only a title proper, or a tnifonn title healing or a name he&ing/title proper or a name head- ing/uni form title.

Series statement: (English linguistics, 1500-1800 : a collection of f acshile reprints ; no. 16) Series authority record: Ehglish linguistics, 1500-1800. Series tracing: Series: Eqlish linguistics, 1500-1800 ; no. 16.

Series statement: (Wrt : bulletin of the Fhysical Mucation and Sports Ikparbnent of the International mion of Stlldents ; v. 10) Series authority record: Wrt (International Union of Students. Physical Education and Sports Dept.) Series tracing: Series: Sport (~nternationalUnion of Students. fhysical Education ard Sports Dept.) ; v. 10.

Series statement: (Policy series / CES ; 1) Series authority record: mlicy series (Centre for Envimnnental Studies ( I;ordon. ma land ) ~&iestracing: Series: mlicy series (Centre for mviromental Studies (Lordon, England)) ; 1.

Series statement: (Momgraph / University Extension, UCLA, Department of Continuirq Education in Health Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine an3 UCLA School of Axblic Health) Series authority record: J!bnograph (University of California, IDS Angeles. Dept. of Continuing mucation in Health Sciences) Series tracing: Series: Pbnograph (University of California, IDSAngeles. Dept. of Continuing Mucation in Health Sciences)

Series statement: (Fhpers and documents of the I.C.I. Series C, ~ibliqraphies; no. 3 = Travaux et documents de 1'I.C.I. drie C, Bibliographies ; no 3) Series authority record: Papers and documents of the I.C.I. Series C, Bibliosraphies. Series tracing: Series: Papers and documents of the I.C. I. Series C, Bibliographies ; m. 3.

Series statement: (Occasional symposim / British Qcassland Society ; m. 8) Series authority record: ecasional sympsim. 11-10 conflict] Series tracing: Series: Occasional symposium ; no. 8.

Series statement: (Gesammelte Werk / Edgar Allan me ; 1. Bd.) Series authority record: W, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Wrks. German. 1922. Rxz.1. Series tracing: Series: me, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Wrks. @man. 1922. Rosl ; 1. Bd.

Series Titles Consisting Solely of a Corporate Body Name

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 9 Treat a statanent consisting solely of the nane of a corprate body and a nunber as a series statement. Give the corporate nane as the title proper. If the series is entered under title, assign a uniform title that consists of the title qualified by the term "(Series)" even if there is no conflict. In source: Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne // volume 36 Series statement: (Centre de recherches dlhistoire ancienne ; v. 36) Series authority record: Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne (Series) Series tracing: Series: Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne (Series) ; v. 36. Howver, if such a corporate body is a canmercial publisher, either give the statement as a quoted mte if the corprate body is not recorded in the publication, etc., area, or give the number alone if the corporate body is recorded in the publication, etc., area. If the body is not a canmercial publisher and the corprate name appears with the number solely as initials, give the statement as a quoted note if the heading for the body is established in its full form; if the heading for the body is established with the initials, treat the statement as a series. Numbers or Letters Not Associated With a Series Title

Ib not treat as a series statenent a nunber that cannot be associated with a series title. Give it as a quoted note instead on a bibliographic record for a monograph, but ignore it on a bibliographic record for a serial.

~o not treat as a series statement a combination of numbers and letters (or letters alone) that cannot be associated with a series title if there is evidence that the ccmbination is assigned either to every item the entity issues for internal control purposes or to certain groups of items £or identification. Give such a cmbination as a qmted note on a bibliographic record for a monograph, but ignore the canbination on a bibliograwic record for a serial. In any case of do~At,reject the ccmbination as a series statement.

Phrases That Are Not Considered Series Titles For books, distinguish between phrases that are true series and those that are not with the latter sanetimes ignored and sane- times given as a quoted note. Rase the distinction and the consequent action primarily on judgment. If there is no clear judgment that can be made, however, alsply the following guidelines :

a) If the phrase is essentially a statement (or a restate- ment) of the nane of the body £ran which the item emanated, reject it as a series. Give the phrase as a note if the nane of the emanating body is not given in the publication, etc., area. (Ignore the phrase if the nane of the mating body is given in the publication, etc., area. )

in source: An herican Astronautical Sxiety mblication publication, etc., area: San Diego, Calif. : Published for the heri- can Astronautical Society for Lhivelt , c1980. action: Bject the phrase as a series; do not give it as a quoted note.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 in source: An Evanqelical Tbeoloqical Society Publication publication, etc., &a: Grand Rapids : orderv van, c1980. action: kiect the brase as a series: sive it as a quoted note. note : "An kvarqelickl ~heologicalSociety publicatioi."

b) If the phrase includes a sub-imprint nane or the nane of a subsidiary, adivision,etc.,of apublishing firmand is presumed to , appear on dl items £ran this arm of the firm, reject it as a series, but qmte it as a note if the nane is not given in the publication, etc., area.

in source: A Spectrum Book publication, etc., area: Ehqlemod Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice- all, c1980. note : "A Swctrcan book."

c) If the phrase includes the name of an in-house editor or the name or designation of sane other official of the firm, reject it as a series, but quote it as a note.

"A Helen and Curt Wlff book."

1.6H. [Rev.] mese guidelines deal with the series area and related I . series tracings. Therefore, they apply whenever an item meets these conditions: 1) the item has an analyzable title (cf. 13.2); 2) the item also bears at least two titles that it shares with other itens; the cataloger judges that the titles are related, one being a larger (usually mre canprehensive in scope) title Lhan the others; the other title(s) is (are) then a canpnent of the larger one, i.e., sbseries. (See below for separate, unrelated series that appear on an item.)

Note the following aspects: 1) if there is doubt whether one of the group titles is a subseries or a second series, treat it as a second series; this means that each series is recorded in its own series statenent (cf. 1.Kf1) and each series is established as a separate enti- ty; 2) if one title is a multipart item an3 the other is a serial, Itreat each as a separate series; 3) treat such phrases as "new series," I "second series," "series 77" as part of the series numbering and not as a subseries if the phrase indicaes a new designation system (cf. 12.3G) ; kmever, if the series is mnmbered , generally treat such a phrase as a subseries; 4) treat an iten with nunbering following a designation such as "supplement to [title of serial]" as a separate series; do not treat an unnunbered supplenent as a series, but give the statement as a quoted note if it is not recorded in the title and statement of responsibility area and make an added entry for the serial itself on the bibliqraphic record for the analyzable title ( cf . 21.288) ; 5) the term "series" applies to both serials am3 multipart monographs. The following instructions are based on rules 12.1B3-12.1B5. IB not apply rule 25.6. For a title to be treated as a subseries, both the main series and the subseries must appear in the same source in one of the preliminaries; proximity in the sane source is not a facbr. 1) If the main series is unnumbered: a) record both the main series and the subseries in the sane series statement (cf. 1.6H); b) establish only one entry for the series; include in the series entry both the main series and the subseries. series statement: (Acta Uliversitatis ~tockholmiensis. Stockholm econanic studies : new ser ., 7 ) series authority record: Act& Uliversitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm econmic stud ies. (DO not establish "Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis" separately) . series tracing : Series.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 series statement: (fitudes pt documents tchadiens. drie B ; 2) series authority record: Etdes et documents tchadiens. ~drieB. (m not establish "Etdes et documents tchadiens" separately) series tracing: Series.

series statement: (Progress in nuclear energy. Series V, Metallurgy and fuels ; v. 4) series authority record: Progress in nuclear energy. Series V, Metal- lurgy and fuels. ( rn not establish "Progress in nuclear energy" separately) series tracing: Series. If the main series appars on a later publication without any sub-series, at that point establish the main series separately and trace it separate- ly for this and any other item showing only the main series. Hmever, if later itens show both the main series and a subseries, use in the traciq only the form in which the subseries is already established.

2 ) If the main series has its own nlanbering system, a) record both the main series and the subseries in the same series statement (d. 1.6H) and b) establish the main series on one authority record and estab lish the subseries on another. series statement: (Biblioteca de arte hi&nico ; 8. Artes apli- cadas : 1) series authority records: 1) Biblioteca de arte hispihico. 2) Biblioteca de arte hispihico. Artes aplicadas. series tracings: 11. Series: Biblioteca de ark hishico ; 8. 111. Series: Biblioteca de arte hisphico. Artes aplicadas ; 1.

series statement: (Department of State publication ; 8499. East Asian and Pacific series : 173) series authority records: 1) ~ekrtmentof State publication. [Cf. 21.1B3; "for background only; mt intended to be a formal statanent of Ulited States plicy."] 2) Department of State publication. East Asian and Pacific series. series tracings: 11. Series: Department of State publication ; 8499. 111. Series: Department of State publication. East Asian and Pacific series ; 173. 3) If a hierarchy of main and multiple subseries is involved, and only sane are nunbered, treat the numbered ones under 2) above and the unnumbered ones under 1).

4) If the main series and the subseries appear in different sources on the iten, a) record each series in its own series statement (cf. 12.1B5) and b) establish the main series on one authority record and establish the subseries on another.

Note that if the main series and the subseries do mt appear together in the saw source in one of the prel hinaries , each series is Cecorded in its own series statement and each is established separately. series statements: (Bulletin / Engineering Experiment Station, =st Virginia Uliversity ; 111) (Wst Virginia Uliversity bulletin ; ser. 74, m. 11-13) series authority records: 1) Bulletin (West Virginia Uliversity. Engineering Experiment Station) 2) West Virqinia Thiversitv bulletin, -series tracings:- 11. Series: Bulletin (West ~irginia~hiversity . Engineering Experiment Station) ; 111. 111. Series : West ~irginia miversity bulletin ; ser. 74, no. 11-13.

12 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 I= [Rev,]. Notes Citing Other Editions and Works When a revised edition (other than a revised translation, cf. 25.23) of a work is being cataloged and

a) it has a different title £run that of the prwious edition, or b) it has a different choice of entry £run that of the prwious edition (for reasons other than the change to AACR 2), e.g., 21.12B, 1/ 1ink the new edition with the immediately preceding edition - by using AACR 2 for connecting mtes on both AACR 2 and non-AACR 2 records. 1) Title change only. If the title has changed since the prwious edi- tion but the choice of entry remains the same, connect the tw editions with reciprocal notes. However, if the earlier edition is a pre-1981 nor+MARC record, do not add a note lm it. The following pattern is suggested for the reciprocal notes: for the new edition: Wv. [enl., updated, ek.1 ed. of: [Title proper. Edition statenent. mte]. for the previous edition: FW. [enl., updated, etc.1 ed. published as: [Title proper. ~ditionstate- ment. Date]. Do not include the place or nane of the publisher in such notes unless needed for identification (e.g., to distinguish between two versions published in the sane year).

Rev. ed. of: 33 1/3 & 45 extended play record price guide. 1st ed. c1977. Rev. ed. published as: Record , 1948-1978. 2nd ed. c197 8. Rev. ed . of : wish for hospital personnel. [1974] Rev. ed. published as: Spanish, practical cmunication for health professionals. 1981.

Note that the wrdirq of the introducmry phrase may vary depending on the situation and the presentation of the information in the text. 2) Choice of entry chanqe. If the choice of entry has changed since the prwious edition, connect the tw editions with reciprocal notes. If, however, the earlier edition is a pre-1981 non-MARC record, do not add a note to it. In all cases make a related mrk added entry in the rec- ord for the later edition to link it to the earlier edition; do not make an added entry in the record for the earlier edition. Always make the added entry in the record for the later edition according to the correct AACR 2 choice of entry and form of heading, as well as form of title proper or uniform title. Use the form of reciprocal notes suggested under 1) above, whether the title changes or renains the same, and add the first statement of responsibility .

-I/ If the immediately preceding edition is not in LC's collections, make the connection to the most recent edition in the collecthn. If m previous edition is in LC, use any information available in the item being cataloged to construct a note or added entry, but do not ord i- narily do further research to establish details about the earlier edition,

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 13 bv. ed. of: aide to reference books / Constance M. Winchell. 8th ed. 1967. m. ed . published as: aide to reference books / canpiled by Eugene P. Sheehy, with the assistance of Rita G. ~eckeissenand Eileen McIlvaine. 9th ed. 1976. Note that if the new edition has a different choice of entry solely because of the change in catalogirq rules ( i .e ., the earlier edition, if recataloged , would also have the same choice of entry) , do not make a note or an added entry in the record for the new edition. pre-1981 record: Snith, John Henderson, canp. Readings in Anerican history, canpiled by J. H. Snith .. . 1972. rev. ed ., 1981: Readings in Iknerican history / canpiled by J. H. 3nith. - Rev. ed. - .. . 1981. In the above exanples, the correct AACR 2 choice of entry for the 1972 edition would be the same as that for the 1981 edition, and therefore, the connectirq note and added entry are not needed.

1.7B4. [Rev .I . A note may be essential to show a variation in the title appearing elsewhere in the iten. Although the source may con- tain more than one title, record in a note only the needed variant title, not titles already given in the description. If the variant title appears in a source that meets the criteria for an added title page, record the note as "Added t.p.:". If the variant title appears in another murce, specify its location (e.g., "Title on p. [4] of cover:"). There is no situation for which the note "Fdded title." or "Pdded title:" is appropriate. e, If a binder's title varies significantly £ran the title proper of the iten (cf. 21.2A), record it in a note and make an added entry %r it. If a monograph has been bound only for LC's collections (i,e., it was not bound by the publisher or it was not one of the multiple copies that were bound subsequent to publication as part of a cooperative acqui- sitions program), give only the note and not the Aded entry. In such a case, make the note a copy-specific one (LCRI 1.7B20), e.g., "LC copy has binder's title: .. . " In case of doubt, do not assme that the item was hdonly for LC.

1.m6. [Rw .]. In general, when recording a in a statement of re- sponsibility in a note, give the nmin the form it appears in whatever source is at hand. If there is no such source, or if the form in the source is unsatisfactory for any reason, approximate the £om required by 22.1-22.3 (£orpersonal ) or 24.1-24.3 (for corprate names) . not routinely record in a note the nane of the person or body chosen as the main entry heading if the name does not appear in the body of the entry or the note area for another reamn.

2.4F. Cancel. Incorporated in 1.4F6 revised.

2.12-2.18. [New] . Do not apply these rules. For any book published before 1801, use Bibliographic ~escriptionof Rare Books (Washington : Library of Congress, 1981). For books published after 1800, apply 2.0- 2.11.

14 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 5.1B2. [Rev.]. Rule 5.1B2 says that a statement of key, etc., is part of title proper whenever the title otherwise consists only of a generic term. Me5.1D1 shows as an exanple such a title proper repeat- ed canpletely in parallel titles. Tho often, however, the repetition is incanplete, as in the following exanple:

fkVioline und Klavier in h for Violin and Piam in B Mapt the followirq solution: when the title proper begins with a generic term that appears once, while the succeeding elements of key, etc., appear in multiple languages, end the title proper after the first statement of key, etc ., and punctuate each of the other statenents of key, etc., as elements of other title infomation (cf. l.lE5):

Sonate fkVioline und Klavier in h : for violin and piano in B Then consider a mewhat more canpl icated exanple of the same problem such as the following:

Goncerto D-Dur/D ~ajorm'Majeur f ihr Bm und mchester for Mrn and Orchestra pour Cor et Orchestre

Mopt the following solution: when the source shows that succeeding statements of key, etc., are broken up rather than showirq all the statements in any one language together, transcribe the statenents so that all elements in one language are wether. Treat the first group of elements in one language as part of the title proper and punctuab each one after the first as an element of other title information. (mte that this means ignoring the implications of l.lB5 for such a case.) The above case muld then be transcribed as

Concerto, D-Dur , f k Mm und Orchester : D major, for horn and orchestra : r6 majeur , pour cor e t orchestre mrther problans arise when data that are other title infor- mation or statements of responsibility are only partially repeated fran language to language. For such a problem with a statement of respnsi- bility, rule 1. IF11 provides a solution in the second paragraph ("If it is not practicable.. .") by saying to give the statement that matches the language of the title proper and to anit the other statenent(s). .. . [Czech title proper] Revidoval-rev id ier t von ~ntonin Mysl fk .. . / revidwal Antonin Mysl ik

There is no comparable "If it is not practicable ...ll prwision in the rule for other title information, yet the same difficulty of transcrip tion arises with partial repetition of other title infbnnation. Nonethe- less apply the miiito other title information. Sonata a velocith pazzesca Per for cembalo

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 The transcription muld be

Sonata a velocita pazzesca : per cembalo

If no real match in languages is pssible, then give the first of the other title information with the statement of respnsibility if ps- sible. Chief soure Gregor Joseph Werner

Concerto per la canera 5 4 fiir £or Violoncello & Piam

Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von Edited and arranged by Richard Moder


Concerto per la canera A 4 : fihr Violoncello & Piano / Gregor Joseph Werner ; herausgegebm und bearbeitet von Richard Moder

Apply rule 5.1B2 as if the mrd "opusw ( both occurrences) had been deleted, mking the rule applicable to any type of nunbering. scribe a serial nunber as part of the title proper.

Antiphony I1 : variations on a thene of Cavafy -not Antiphony : I1 : variations on a thene of Carafy I 5.583. [New] . When there is only one part, inclde its pagination. (Disregard the second exmple under 5.5D1.)

1 scare (20 p.) + 1 part (3 p.) %en parts are issued in tm or more "vol~~,~ the number of volumes. 1 score (2 v.) + 1 part (2 v.1 1 score (3 v.) + 2 parrts (3 v.1 4 parts (6 v.)

5.7819. [New]. In applying this rule, be by the followiq definitions:

Plate number. A serial number assigned to a publication by a , usually printed at the bottan of each page and sane- times appearing also on the title page. If an additional numkr, cor- responding to the total nlmber of pages or plates, follows tk plate number (often after a dash) , do not consider it part of the plate nunber.

publisher1s number. A nlmber similar to a plate number but not appearrng on each page of the publication. It may appar on the title page, the cover, and/or the first page of music. Transcribe a publisher's number (inclding a number preceded by a designation such as "Edition Breitkopf" or "Wilhelm Hansen edition") even if a plate number is also transcribed. Transcribe the statement as it appears, even if this means giving again a publisher's nme alredy

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1951 transcribed in the publication, distribution, etc., area.

Publisherls no.: Edition Bters Nr. 8444.

When transcribing tm or more distinct numbers, give each in a separate note. (Follow the rule as written Br the transcription of numbers for an item in multiple volumes.) Transcribe publisher's numbers before a plate number.

N.B. For the publisher's number dealt with here, music cata- logers (wh=taloging music) follow this directive rather than 1) the second sentence of the first paragraph of rule 5.7819 or 2) the para- graphs captioned "Numbers or letters not associated with a series title" in LCRI 1.6.

6.7B19. [Rw.] . men applying rule 6.7819 to include the label name and nmber in a mte, make this note the first one. Transcribe spaces and hyphens in publisher's numbers on sound recordings as they appear. Separate the first and last numbers of a sequence by a dash.

Angel: S 37781 XA Red : ARLl-3715 Eutsche Hamnia Mundi: 1 C 065-99 615. Euphonic: EES-101-EES-102.

When the item bears both a set number and numbers for the in- dividual items (e.g., discs), give only the set nmber unless it does not appear on the individual items; in that case give the set number first, followed by the numbers of the individual itms in parentheses.

Give matrix nmbers only if they are the only nunnbers shawn an Ithe item. Follow each matrix number by the word matrix in parentheses. ~elodia:C10 06767 (matrix)-ClO 06768 (matrix)

12.1B2. [Rw.]. men a title in full and an initialisn representing the mrds of the title appear in the chief source, select the initialisn as the title proper only when it is the sole £om presented in all loca- Itions other than the chief source. I

12.1B6. [New]. If a date or numbering occurs at the end of the title proper, do not transcribe it as part of the title proper. However, use ellipses to show this mission in the following two cases only:

1) there is a linking word between the designation aml the preceding part of the title proper; source: Sport in 1981 transcription: Sport in . . . 2) case endinqs of one or more words in the chronological designation link these words with antecedents within the pre- ceding part of the title proper. source: Taqrir al-sand li-sanat 1980 transcription : Taqr ir al-sanaw? 1i-sana t .. .

12.7B. [New] . In notes referring to another serial ( linking notes) ,

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 17 use the title or heading-title under which the serial would be entered according to XR2. this even when the other serial is represented m in the catalog by a pre-AACR 2 entry or is not represented in the catalog at all.

Note: If the serial referred to is represented by a preAACR 2 MARC serial-rd, the MARC serial record will be changed to the AACR 2 choice of entry and form of heading and a linking mte, if appropriate, will be added. If the serial referred to is represented by a pre- AACR 2 non-MARC record no additions or changes will be made on that reoord .

21.lB1. [New] . men applying footnote 1 in determining whether or not a conference has a nane, cases arise that exhibit conflicting widence insofar as two of the criteria in the definition of a corporate body are concerned: capitalization and the definite article. When the phrase r is in a language that normally capitalizes each wrd of a nane, even in running text, consider a capitalized phrase a nane even if it is preceded by an indefinite article. (This statement does not apply to other lan- guages . Named: In July of 1977 a Conference on Managment Techniques in Libraries was held ... Unnamed: Late last year the Ebetail Manufacturers Asso- ciation of the Greater Housbn area sponsored the national conference on losses by the£t at the .. . Amther important pint to bear in mind when decidirq whether a phrase is a name is that the phrase must include a mrd that connotes a meeting (e.g. , ("~ymposiutn,~"conference ,n "wrkshop ," "congress ," "col- loquium" ) (Note: me notable sequential conferences that lack such a term are nevertheless considered to be naned , e .g., DannstZdter CesprSch. ) e

Unnamed: A s~siumtitled "Coal Geology and the Fbture," sponsored by ... Unnamed: MSo de Cbra Wlante na lqricultura. WuniZo nacional, 01 e 02 de dez. de 1977 ... In general, consider rimed &l hoc events of the types listed at the top of p. 285 to be corporate bodies. However, for art exhibitions, treat as corporate bodies only those that recur under the same nane (e.go, ~iennaledi Venezia, Documents) .

21. -2. [Rev .I . In determining whether a mrk should be entered under the nane of a corporate body, the cataloger makes two determinations, keeping in mind that in many instances information appearing only in the content of the mrk will have to be taken into account in order to ascer- tain if the second determination particularly applies (cf. 21.OB, last sentence ) :

1) Does the mrk emanate £ran the corporate body involved? As irdicated in footmte 2 to chapter 21, a work manates from a cor- porate body if one of the following conditions applies: a) The corporate body has issued (published) the work. mrmally this means that the nane of the corporate body appears in a position indicative of publication (e.g ., fir books, the imprint position) in the chief source of information or appears elsewhere as a formal publication statement .

18 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 b) Corporate body A has caused the wrk to be issued (published). Generally the nane of a different body, carporate body R, appears on the chief source of infoma- tion (cf. above) or elsewhere as a £ormal publisher state- ment. Body A has arranged for body B, nand as publisher, to issue the mrk because body A has no facilities for palishing. The between the tm bodies is in mecases explicitly stated, e.g., Published £or the Historical Association by Routledge & Paul. In other cases it must be inferred fmevidence in the publication. For example, the nane of body A at head of title (the nane of a canmercial publisher appears in publisher position) cmnly indicates that body A has caused the item to be issued (published) , or, if the wrk appears in a series for which body A has editorial responsibility but is published by a cannercia1 publisher, body A has caused the work to be issued (published).

c) The corporate body, although the originator of the work, does mt meet the test of issuing (publishing) in either category a) or b) above. In this case, body B, which has m responsibility for the content, issues (publishes) a wrk whose content originates with body A. For exanple, a wrk is prepared by oorporate body A whi& functions as a consulting body, camnissioned by body B for that purpose; the canpleted work is published by body B. In this case the content of the work originates with body A although it has m responsibility for publication of the mrk. A similar situtation occurs *en a carnnercial publisher arranges to publish the card catalog of a library in book form. The library has no real responsibility for publication; it has only given permission to the carnnerical publisher to undertake publication. How?ver, since the mntent of the catalog has been prepared by the library1s cataloging staff , the content of the publication origina-s with the library. In all those cases, consider that "origi- nates with" is equivalent ta "emanates £ran

d) If there is doubt that the work mates £ran the corporate body, assume that the corpora@ body is involved with the mrk.

2) Does the work fall into one or more of the categories listed in 21.1B2? In answering this question, the following pints should be kept in mind : a) Judge that a wrk falls into a particular category if that category accounts for the predaninant content, or the purpose, of the mrk. That is, there may be sane material that does not fall into one of the categories; that material may be ignored for the purpse of making the determination. For exanple, a mrk may cantain factual data to support a statement of official position, when the official position is the chief purpose of the work. b) If there is any doubt as to whether a work falls into one or more of the categories, igrnre the involve- ment of a corporate body in determining the main entry heading and enter it either under personal author or title as appr* priate. JWke an added entry for the corporate body, however, even if not praninently naned.

C) Relow are canments on the individual categories of

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 . Category a. 'Ib belong to this category the mrk must deal with the body itself. The mrds "administrative nature" indicate mrks dealing with the managenent or co~uct of the affairs of the body itself, including mrks that describe the activities of the body either in general terms or for a particular period of time, e.g., minutes of meetings, reports of activities for a particular period. Mnnally , such mrks are intended in the first instance for internal use, althugh they may be available to others. Sm, particularly reports of activities, progress, ee. , may be required by superior or relatd bodies. Other mrks, particularly general descriptions of objectives or activities, may be generally available for purposes of public relations. Internal policy" is 1imited to policies formulated for the corrduct of the a£fairs of the body itself. For wrks concerned with policies relating to topics of wider concern to a body, see category c. In the case of religious dencminations and local churches, category a includes mrks that deal with the organization and govement of the denomination or local church, e .q., Tk Rook of Discipline of the United ~ethodistChurch. It also includes liturgical works like the Missal and the Book of CmnPrayer because they present the procedures for celebratirq a particular act of worship, a vital part of a denomination's or local church's activities.

Category b. It should be pointed out that canon law is included in category b even though not mentioned. Category c. This category is best characterized by saying that it deals with those mrks that pr* sent official statements of position of a body on matters other than the affairs of the body it- self. Pbte the following pints particularly:

i) The body does not have to k a camittee or a canmission; it may be a department or section of a body, or even the whole my. ii) The subject on which a position is taken mnnally bears a close relation to the body's objectives and activities, which may be expl icitly or imp1 icitly expressed.

iii) The material dealing with the subject consists pr imar ily of pol icy statenent s , reccnnnenda t ions for plicy, or opinions; it is nwer merely a reporting of facts, events, research, investigation, etc. Below are explanations of the first three exanples on page 290, AXR 2.

20 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 "Welfth interim report .. . " The canmittee, on the basis of studies of the actual cond itions, recanmends changes. mte that if only a description/analysis of the conditions is published, entry muld be under title since the official position of the body is absent.

"Firm action for a fair Britainn The Conservative Party states its official position on political action that should be taken in Great Britain in 1974. "Hydrogen sulfide health effects .. . " The official position (recamendation) the Enviro~ mental Health Resources Center takes as to what the standards should be is the essence of the publication ( £or purposes of 21.1B2).

Category d. ?his category requires little canment, since it may not be applied to any type of body other than those stated. mte that the name of the con£erence , expedition, e tc ., must appear prminently (cf. 0.8) in the publication being cataloged in order for the body to be considered as the main entry heading. mte also the mphasis upon the collective aspect of the wrk. It must deal with the activities of many persons involved in a corporate body covered by the category, not with the activities of a single person.

Category e. This category emphasizes that the respnsibility of a performing group must go beyond "mere per fonnance , execution, etc. 'I Thi s means that the group must be responsible b a major degree for the artistic content of the wrk beiq performed. A typical example is an acting group that perf5nns by means of improvisation. The group collectively "plans" the drama, that is, determines the broad outline of the plot, the nature of the characters, etc., in the absence of a written dialogue. The developnent of the drama proceeds entirely on the basis of improvised dialogue. The performance is recorded and it is the recording that is being cataloged.

3) There is no rule canparable to AACR 1 rule 17 A-B fbr making a determination of whether the main entry heading for a wrk is to be under the nane of a person or of a corporate body. When a wrk emanating £ran a corporate body bears the name of one or more persons as authors, it is necessary, first of all, to determine if the main entry heading is the name of the corporate body according to the provisions of 21.1B2. If the wrk does tmt meet the two conditions imposed by 21.1B2, or if there is doubt that it does, it is necessary next determine if the work may be entered under the heading for a person nand, according to the plrwisions of the appropriate rule, e.g., 21.4A, 21.6. If entry under the nane of a person is not permitted, by default the main entry is under title (21.1C3). Make an added entry under the heading for the corporate body if the main entry is under the nane of a person or under title.

Pdd the following as a sixth category of works that can be entered under a heading for a corprate body:

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 2 1 f) cartographic materials emanating £ran a corporate body other than a body that is responsible solely £or the publication and distribution of the material Use judqment in decidirq whether the body is the producer of the work, i.e., take into account such factors as the nature of the body and its cartographic output as well as any special in£ormation about the cartography of the particular work.

[Rev. 1. Apply 21.1B2a to the catalog an exhibition of the two or more artists if it meets these conditions: I . 1) it presents itself as a catalog; 2) it emanates fran a corprate body; 3) all the mrks listed are held by the corporate body £ran which the catalog emanates; 4) the wrding of the chief source explicitly links the catalog to the corporate body that owns the works listed.

Henry Moore t~ Gilbert & George : modern British art fran the Tate Gallery : Palais des beaux-arts, Brussels, 28 September-17 November 1973. - London : Tate Gallery Pub1 icatims Dept . Apply 21.1B2a to a catalog of the works of tw or more artists (that is not related to an exhibition if it meets both these conditions: I 1) it emanates fran a corporate body; 2) all the mrks listed are held by the cotprate body £ran which the catalog emanates. Catalogue of the Italian paintings before 1800 / by Wter lbmry. - Sarasota, Fla. : John & Mabel Ringling Museum of Art The presence of reproductions of the artists' works or re- ductions and text about the artists or the artists' works is not a factor in choosing the main entry heading for either type of catalog.

If 21.1B2a cannot be applied, enter the catalog under the for the person who wrote the catalog or under title, as appro-

I For the catalog (exhibition or other) of the mrks of a single artist, apply LI=RI 21.17B.

21.1B3. [New]. If the proceedings of a named conference are not entered -the conference because the nane does not appear praninently (2le1B2d), make an added entry for the conference if named anywhere in the item.

21.17B. [Revision of 21.17 and 21.1781 . If a catalog of the works of meartist also contains reproductions of the artist's mrks or reproductions and texts about the artist or the artist's works, enter it under the heading for the person who wrote the catalog if he or is represented as the author of the catalog in the chief source of infoma- tion. Otherwise, enter the cataloq under the heading for the artist. ("Catalog" incldes those that are related to exhibitions of the artist's works and those that represent the works of an artist held by one co~ rate body.) If a catalog of a single artist's works does not contain rep

22 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 ldmtions of his or her mrks, aply the following in the order listed: I 1) if the catalog manates fran the corporate body that blds all the works listed, enter it under the heading for the body; I 2) if the person or persons who wrote the catalog is known, enter it according to 21.4A or 21.6; I ( 3) if neither 1) or 2) is applicable, enter the catalog under its I I title. If a work is entered under the heading for the artist, accord- ing to the above, make an added entry under the heading £or the person who wrote the text if his or her name appears anykhere in the item.

21.30F. [New]. When considering added entries for insitution(s) in which an exhibition is held, make an added entry under the heading for each institution if there are three or less, or under the first if there are four or more.

21.30G. [Rev .I . Formulate the added entry for another wrk according to the appropriate APIJR 2 rule for the choice of entry, fbrm of headirq , and £om of the title proper (or the uniform title). mly this both to simple and to analytical added entries (cf. 21.30M). If the work is already represented by a main or secondary entry heading on a pre-1981 MARC bibliographic record and the main entry does not conform rn AACR 2 in choice of entry, update the main entry on the MARC bibliographic record. If the only difference is the £om of a nane or uniform title heding used in the main entry and the pre-1981 form of heading will be changed to its pst-1980 form through the forthcaning programnatic update of the file (LCRI: 26), do not update the MARC biblio- graphic record. I Do not update any pre1981 mwMAFC bibliographic records. I

Note that an unnmbered supplement or "special number" to a serial is not treated as a series ( cf . LCRI 1.6H) even if it appears in + a iormal series-like statanent. Instead, mention it in a note (if mt already recorded in the body of the entry) and make an added entry for the serial itself on the bibliographic record for the analyzable title. If the supplement or special nunber relates to the serial as a whole, formulate an added entry consisting of the nane of the serial follcwed by two spaces and either "Supplementn or "Special number" in English. I Ralliol Cbllege record. Supplement. I If a supplement relates to a particular nmber of a serial., formulate an added entry consisting of the name of the serial, the nmber (preceded by tm spaces), anrl the qualifier "(Supplement) ." l!ctualite's-.Service. Fb 306 (Supplement) Bulletin (Association fraqaise pour l'dtde du quaternaire) . No 50 (Supplement) Mondo. N. 33 (Supplement) mione Trentim-Alto Pdige. N. 8, 1976 (Supplement)

If the supplement is to a title for which a series authority record exists, give the numbering in the form specified on the series authority record. This will insure that the added entry for the supplant to a particular nmber will file in proper relation b any series added entry for that number.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 23 Actualids-service ; no 306. Actualit&-service. No 306 (Supplement) If the supplement relating to a particular number of a serial is itself nunbered (in relation to the number of the serial, not the whole serial), £6rmulate the Aded entry as described abwe but include the number in the qualification. ~ctualids-service. lb 306 (Supplenent 1) Actualit6s-service. No 306 (Supplement 2)

21.30L. [Rev] . Preliminary note. The following rule interpretation -es guidelines for tracing most, but not all, series. Once the results of applying these guide1ines are apparent , 1ibrarians should feel free to send canments on the traced/not traced dichotany herein prescribed.

Series Numeration Apply the optional provision for adding the numeric, .e tc ., designation of the series, if present in the iten, in the serles added entry. Give it in in the form established on the series authority rewrd. Series Tracing Guidelines

Rule 21.30L calls for making an added entry under the heading for a series if it provides a useful collocation. Although "useful colloca- tion" is not itself defined, the rule describes three categories of series for which added entries are not considered useful. The intent of this rule, however, was not to require added entries for all types of series other than these three categories, but rather to allow individual institutions to define "useful collocation" in ways appropriate to their collections and users.

Following closely the most recent @icy under WR1, the Library of Congress will continue to restrict to sane degree the categories of monographic series for which added entries are made. This decision is based on a) the assmption that certain series are of relatively little Wrtance in providing routine access to library materials, and b) the objection of a nunber of users of LC cataloging products to producing a great quantity of expensive and little-used series added entry cards for their already overburdened card catalogs.


1) Trace all series in the following categories:

a) mse published before the 20th century, including contemporary reprints of the sm, without regard to the type of publisher; b) those entered under a personal autbr (note that this means igmring the third category listed at the top of p. 325 of AACR 2)- whether these are momgraphic series or multipart items, witbut regard to the type of publisher;

C) mse published by any corporate body that is not a canercia1 publisher. (For this purpose, treat a university press as a mncamer- c ial publisher ) ; d) those published by small or *' alternative" presses, i .e ., small pr inting/p&lishing firms that, though canmerc ial , are devoted to special causes or to branches of literature, usually without a mass

24 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 aud ience . 2) Do not trace series in the following categories:

a) series in which the itens are related to each other only by cmnphysical characteristics;

b) series in which the nLnnbering suggests that the parts have been nunbered primarily for stock control or to benefit £ran lower pst- age rates;

c) series published by a canmercial publisher in which the title indicates primaril a literary genre, with or without the nane of the publisher .&-ver, the title inclrdes words that significantly narrow the focus of the literary genre or that indicate that the series is intended for a specialized audience (e.g., children), it is not primarily indicative of literary genre and should be traced) ;

d) series published by a camnercial publisher in which the title conveys little or no information about the content, genre, audience, or purpose of the works in the series.

3) Also Trace series

a) that fall into both categories 1 and 2 above; b) in special cases in which the cataloger feels that a useful collocation would be served by creating added entries for the series despite the lack of informative words in the series title;

C) in any case of doubt. If a series established after January 1, 1981, clear1 violates the intentions of these guidelines, change the series autTi+ rity record tn reflect these provisions and correct any bibliographic records in the MARC database in which the series has been handled under the earlier decision. Form of Series Added Entry Tracing

If the first series in the series area of the record is to be given an added entry and the series statement and nmbering/designation are in exactly the sane form as the established series heading and fonn of numbering/designation, trace the series with the word "Series" followed by a period. If the presence of an initial article or an ISSN is the only difference bewen the series statement, eb., and the estab- lished heading, the word "Series" and a period my still be used for the tracing. If there is any difference between the series statement, etc., and the established fonn of the series other than the two mentioned above, trace the series explicitly, using the mrd "Series" followed by a colon and the established heading and numeration, if any.

If more than one series is to be given an added entry, always trace explicitly series subsequently to the first even if the series statements are in the same form as the heading for the series. If a series statement £or a traced series contains two or mre nLlmbers (or the potential for tm or more numbers in situations involving open entries), proceed as below with respect to the numbering used in the series added entry. 1) Record for item is closed or is being closed

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 25 a) Two or more consecutive numbers. If the series statement contains two or more nhrsrepresenting consecutive itms in the series, record the numbering in the tracing in the same form as in the series statenent.

b) Two or more non-consecutive numbers. If the series state- ment contains two or more nlmbers reprsenting items in the series that are not consecutive, record in the tracing only the first number, followed by "etc." (without qmtation marks or brackets). 2) Record for ita is apen l a) First number is permanent. If the first number is a per- manent one, record in the tracing that number followed by "etc ." (without quotation marks or brackets) uhether subsequent numbers will be consecutive or mt. When the record is closed, apply the provisions in 1) above. b) First number is not permanent. If the first number is not a permanent one, record the ncanbering in the tracing in the same form as in the series statement. When the first number becomes available, apply the provisions in 2)a) above. When the record is closed, aply the provisions in 1) above.

3) Examples Series statement Series added entry

(Series ; 13- ) Series ; 13, etc. (until record closed)

(Series ; 13, (18,) Series ; 13, etc. (until record closed)

(Series ; -5) Series; -5. (until first number becames available or record is closed]

(Series ; 13415)) Series ; 13, etc. (until record closed)

(Series ; (18)) Series ; <18> (until first number becomes available or record is closed)

(Series ; (3)-5) Series ; <3>-5. I

(until first number- - becomes available or record is closedl

21.38. [New]. If a theological creed, confession, etc., is accepted by -two or more denminational bodies, and the edition of the creed, etc., being cataloged is not associated with one particular denanination, apply the following:

1) enter the edition under the heading for the particular corporate body that is known to be originally responsible for the creed, etc.; 2) enter the edition under the title of the creed, etc., if 1) is not applicable.

2 6 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. ' 14 / Fall 1981 If such a creed, etc ., is needed in a secondary entry (other than an analytical added entry), apply the following:

1) use a heading consisting of both

a) the heading for the particular corporate body known to be responsible originally for the creed , e tc. ; b) the title of the creed, etc.

2) use the title of the creed, etc., alone if 1) is not appli- cable.

Spacing and Punctuation Conventions in Personal Name Headings in Access I Points in Name Authority and Bibliographic Records

a) Name portion of heading Periods. If the name of a person consists of or contains initials, insert a period after an initial if it is certain that the letter is an initial. In case of doubt, do mt insert a period.

Eliot, T. S. H. D. If the nme consists of separate letters that are presumed not to be initials, anit or include periods according to the predaninant usage of the person. XYZ

Spaces. If the name contains tm or more forenmes repre- sented by initials, consists entirely of initials, or consists entirely of separate letters that are not initials, leave a single space between the initials/letters in all cases.

Eliot, T. S. H. D. XYZ

b) "Additionsn to name heading Periods. Chit or periods according to the predaninan usage of the person (or their appearance in refer- ence sources, if appropriate) . Spaces. IB not leave spaces between single initials/letters

~rown,G. B., F.I.P.S.

Treat an abbreviation consisting of more than a single letter as if it were a distinct word, sep- arating it with a space £ran preceding and sue ceeding words or initials/letters.

Cataloging Sewice Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 2) Names with portions abbreviated or missing. If the personal nane m is abbrwm( two or more letters present as opposed to a siqle letter used as an initial) or if a forename is missing from a name entered under , do not leave open space af ter the abbreviation or missing forename. Instead, insert, as ap~rropriate,

a canna and one space; Matos, &, 1943- not Maws, d , 1943- cbsta, mrres. not Costa, mrres . ~aGr,capitaine. not Valmer, capitaine . Morrison, 1776-1815. not Morrison, 1776-1815. son, Mrs. -not Maan, ms . a period;

Tissot. not Tissot, cbrpeleijn, W. F. 'Ih. not Corpeleijn, W. F. 'Ih ~un-er, Sv.-Aa. -not Junqer, Sv -Aa a period and one space;

Ensched6, Ch. J. not Enschede', 61 J -re-Lissnijder, Efh. van de. -not ~alle-Lismijder, R3n van de. a period, a canma, and one space;

mnes, Th., 1910- not Jones, Th 1910- ca-1 s U., Alfonso. not Calles Ll , Alfonso 13a= Aman, PbM. , Haj i . -not Dahlan man, Mohd , Haji. 3) Names entered under part following a prefix. If a nane heading consisting entirely of one or more also contains a separately written prefix and the nane is to be entered under the part following the prefix , separate the prefix from the entry element or elements with a cma-space. form used: van de Walle-Lissnijder heading : Walle-Lissni jder , van de. I - If a mrd or phrase is associated with such a nane, place the word or phrase after the prefix, preceded by a cma-space. £oh us&: Bctor de winter heading: Winter,de, Ibctor

4) Names entered under last element of a multiple element surname. When a nane heading lacking any £orenane(s) is entered under the last elenent of a multiple element surname and a reference is traced £ran the surname in direct order, do not add a cma af ter the tracing.

Wsa, Ferreira da. -x Ferreira da Rosa

28 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 F& ference generated from tracing : Ferreira da msa search under msa, Ferreira da.

5) Bibliographic description. Fbte that the spacing and pmctuation conventions applied to personal nanes used in access points differ £ran tbse used in the descriptive portion of a bibliographic record; for the latter, see IIJRI 1. OC.

In determining the nme by which a person is ccxnmonly known "fmm the chief sources of information of wrks by that person issued in his or her language," include wrks issued both during and after the person1s lifetime.

When the only works in the person1s language are very early wrks, e .go, 15tk16th century, and the form of neappearing in then differs £ran the form used in modem reference sources in the person1s language, prefer the latter. Treat a music canposer as an author and determine the nane from the form found in the chief source for the published music. If form in the published music is in the canposerls language, determine the nme £run reference sources of the composerls country of residence or activity. If the name is not listed in these reference sources, use the nme found in the published music. When a person known primarily as an author is being established as a main or added entry heading and the chief source shows the nam witbut forenames or forename initials, search briefly to see if there are other publications that could be called his or her works. If the search is successful , use the form that appears most frrequently in the person's mrks. Otherwise, create the AACR 2 form for the person under surnane without other nanes as it appears in the item being cataloged. Consider this form to be pmisional . Change the heading if subsequently received items show another form used more frequently.

Fbr nonwriters (sculptors, painters, illustrators, and people who appear only as subjects), consider mrks "by" or about the person within the scope of "reference sources," as mentioned in footnote 1. mte that these sources must be issued in the personls language or in the language of his/her country of residence or activity. "Conventional reference sources" is used here to refer tn ency- clopedias and such tools, while "other reference sources" is used refer to any type of source other than conventional reference sources (these other sources are typically wrks by and about the permn). Tk reason for making this distinction is that the next problan dealt with arises £ran having encountered a nmber of cases in which one £om of name is consistently shown in the conventional reference sources, while another fonn as consistently appears in other reference sources. In such cases prefer the more truly "sought" fonn according to the cata- loger's knowledge of the person and the cataloger' s judgment of the sources in the particular case. If the person being established is not an author or not known primarily as an author and the only source for the pers=>nlsnme is the itgm being cataloged, use the fullest form found anyvhere in the item. Treat persons involved in the graphic aspects of cartoqraphic materials as nonwr iters ( e.g ., cartographers, engravers) .

Cataloging Se'lrvice Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 29 For persons known by only a phrase or other appellation that does not contain a real nane (cf. 22.11), use the fonn found in Englisk language reference sources if the phrase, etc., was not used by the person but was assigned to the person by scholars later.

When a forename or surname is represented by an abbreviation, lrather than by an initial, use in the heading the nane for which the abbreviation stands provided there is no question as to what the nane is or how it is spelled. If this condition is not met, search the Cat* logerst Reference Collection (but not beyond) to determine the full fonn of such an abbreviation. Brownridge, William -not Brownridge, Mn. (William) F'edndez-~ivera ~arcia,Manuela -not Fdez .-Rivera ~arcia, Manuela

22.2A. [Rev .I . If a person1s name shows a nichane in quotation marks or within parentheses as a part of other forenme(s), anit the nicknanre I- in formulating the heading . name used: Martin (Bud) Schulman heading : Schulman , Martin

If a married man' s name shows her own £orename ( s) in paren- theses as part of her married nme, anit the parenthesized elenents in formulating the heading.

name used: Mrs. John A. (Edna I.) Spies heading: Spies, John A., Mrs. If an autbr simultaneous1 uses different forms of his/her e real nane for different4, apply 22.2A or 22.3A, not 22.X. Fbte that under both 22.B ard 22.3A, the first choice is the name ap- pearing most of ten in the author1s works.

22.2C3. [New]. &strict the application of 22.2C3 to situations in which the author has written at least tw works under each nane and the number of main entries under each name muld be approximately the same. Otherwise, apply 22.2C2.

22.3A. [Rw.]. The rule provides the following priorities to be applied when choosing frm mng several forms:

1) the fonn most canmonly found; 2) the latest form; 3) the fullest form.

When applying 22.3A, consider the £om found in 80% of the author1s wrks (counting forms appearing in both main and added entries) to be the most camonly found form. (The form found in the chief source of a persongs thesis is taken into account when choosing the form to be used in the heding. 1

I When calculating the 80%, do it quickly and use camnon sense. I This means

1) count the forms if there are no more than aproximately 15 records; -or 2) if there are more than a~?proximately15, browse through the file, looking £or an obvious case of

30 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 predaninance. If nothing is obvious, sanple the file (wery 3rd, Sth, 10th, eke reoord, dependiq on the size of the file) . Note that the second choice given in 22.3, the latest £om, must be ignored when the headixq is for living people. When there is no canmnly found form (as defined above), awly the third choice, the fullest form. (When determining the fullest form for a person who uses both forename initials and forenanes, make no distinction between hi- tials and forenanes, e .g., "B.E.F. Pagen" is fuller than "Bernard Wward Wgen." ) [Note: Equating the predaninant form or the cmlyfound fonn with the form fourd in 86% of the person's wrks applies only to 22.3A; no such formula has been assigned to "predaninant fonn" or "can- mnly found arm" in the other rules.] Exceptions: 1) If an established heading is already indicated as being AXR 2 and subsequently received itens show forms in the chief source that vary in fullness, change the established heading to the form found in 80% of the autbr's wrks if it differs from the form used in the heading. 2) If an established heading is already indicated as being WR2 cgnpatible because it varies in fullness £ran the AXR 2 form, generally do not reconsider the heading.

If the nane of an author appears in tm or more forms in one Iwork, a-ly the following: 1) If the name appears in tm or more sources, once in the chief source and one or more times in other sources, choose the form appearing in the chief source. title page: T.B. Smith verso of title page: T. ~asil3nith I11 headinq: Snith, T. B. (T. ~asil)

2) If the nane does not appear in the chief source but does appear once in another praninent source and one or more times in other sources, chose the fonn appearing in the praninent source. verso of title page: R J. mttschall page 239: Robert J. mttschall headinq: mttschall, R. J. (Robert J.)

3) In all situations mt covered by 1) or 2) above, choose the full- est form of name. verso of title page: Victoria Qlofre Neub page 1 of cover: Victoria Galofre headins: Qlofre Neuto, Victoria Specid~rwisionsfor Headings Established before January 1981 for Persons Entered under Surname but Which Have No AACR 2 Coding

1) Fmspeople. %is prwision deals with headings for persons who, according to the cataloger1s judgment, are fanous. In case of doubt, consider a person famous. mnsider the heading established before January 1981 a mn-AACR 2 one if it includes a forenane or forenane initial that should not be present under AACR 2. ("Forenanen incldes any nane elenent that is transcribed in the forenane position, e.g., a maiden nane, a . ) established heading: Snith, Harry Allen, 1907-1976 AACR 2 form: Smith, H. Allen (Harry Allen), 1907-1976

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 established heading: Wzart, Johann Chrysostcrm Wlfgang Ilmadeus, 1756-1791 m AACR 2 form: Pbzart, Wlfgang ZPnadeus, 1756-1791

established heading : Anthony, Susan Brownell, 1820-1906 AACR 2 form: Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell), 1820-1906

established heading: Dumher, LRO Ernest, 1906- FACR 2 form: IXlzrocher, Leo, 1906-

when there is no predaninant form, includes a first forename initial but the heading established before January 1981 incldes the first foreninrre, consider such a heading a nopAACR 2 one. (U. S. im~intis defined as being an American place transcribed anywhere in the publication, distri- bution, etc. , area on a bib1iographic record. ) established heading: Varda, Mireille Reg ine AACR 2 form: Varda, M. Rqine (Mireille Regine)

If the only form found or the form found predaninantly ( i .e., in 80% of the author's works) or the fullest form *en there is no pre duninant form incldes a full first forenane but the heading established before January 1981 includes only the first forename initial, consider such a heading a mn-AACR 2 one,

established heading: Walga, G. Raymord AACR 2 form: Walga, George Raymond

If the variation from AACR 2 is a matter of fullness not cwered (by these two situations, apply 3) below. I 3) All others. For questions of fullness of forenaomes involv- - ing people other than those covered by parqraphs 1) and 2), treat the headirq as an XR2 one a) if the heading reflects the only form found or the form found in 80% of the author's works or b) if the-headirg reflects the fullest form of name found in the author's works when no single form is found in 80% of the vnrks. If the heading is either mre or less full than the £oms cwered by a) or b), treat it as WR2 canpatible.

established heading: IXangoole, P. H. AACR 2 form: Drangoole, Philip H. (Philip Henry) (Consider the established heading AACR 2 ccanpatible)

established heading: Abrahanson, Max William AACR 2 form: Abrahamson, Max W. (Max William) (Consider the established heading AACR 2 compatible) established heading: Capet, Marcel AACR 2 form: Capet, Marcel F. (Consider the established heading AACR 2 ccanpatible)

established heading: Hyatt, J. B. (no other information known) AACR 2 form: Hyatt, J. B. (Consider the established heading AACR 2 )

rJote that in this category there is no possibility of a "nor+ AACR 2" decision; every case will be either AACR 2 or AACR 2 canpatible. If, however, the question of fullness of name involves surnanes used as the entry elment, do not consider any heading established before

32 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 January 1981 as AXR 2 canpatible if it does not show the proper degree of fullness. established heading: Alvar dpez, Manuel AACR 2 form: Alvar, Manuel (Consider the established heading nowAACR 2)

22.3C. [Rev.]. Fersons who bear nares derived from a nonranan script but0write in a mealphabet language should not be treated under this rule. The decision that the person is writing in a ranan-alphabet language is based on the first item cataloged, i .em, the fact that the text of this iten was oriqinally written in a ranan-alphabet language. (If it becanes evident later that most of the person's wrks were written I in a mnranan script, apply the provisions of this rule interpretation.) I Apply the albrnative rule found in £ootnote 4 to rule 22.3C2.

If a person entered under either a given nane or a surnane is 1ikely to appear in general Ehglish-language reference sources, search Collier's Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia Americana, and Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed.). If the name is found in all three sources in a single form, use the arm foud. If the nane is found in all three sources but the form varies, use the form found in Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica (15th ed.). If the natle is not found in all three sources, use mtematically rananized form of the name in the heading. Exception: For f anous persons entered under given nane but not found in all three general mglish-language encyclopedias because of special ized f me, consult major specialized encyclopedias ( e .go , New Catholic Encyclopedia, The Oxford Classical Dictionary) to determine if there is a well-estab- lished EXqlish laquage form of the nm.

Fbr persons of too recent fame to be included in the three general English-language encyclopedias nand awe (e.q ., new authors, dancers, persons recently famous as pli tical figures, Soviet dissidents, chess players, etc.), consult the yearbooks of the encyclopedias ad the indexes of such newspapers as me New York Times and The Washington -Post to determine if there is a well-established English languaqe form of the name. If an application of AACR 2 to a heading established before Jan- uary 1981 wuld mean a change £ran a nonsystenatic to the ALA/LC systma- tic rananization, h-er , do not make the change whenever the heading is in accord with LC policy on establishing new mnranan script nanes under AXR 1. Consider such headings as APCR 2 canpatible. This means that headings encountered in a Sonn contrary to AACR 1 @icy are ax+ sidered non-AACR 2. I Names of Surnamed Persons Written in the Cyrillic Alphabet I

1) If the existing authority record for the person's nane shows the surname spelled the sane as that found in the three English- language encyclopedias listed above (e.g., Qinlca), retain the existing heading and consider it AACR 2. (Note that autmtically considering the heading XR2 in this way means disregarding bth the spelling and the presence or absence of forenanes and .) If the only difference between the tsm forms is the presence of diacritical marks (or characters rananized as diacritical marks) in the established head- ing, consider them spelled the same (e.g., Cog01 )

2) If the person's nane is established with the summe splled differently fmthat found in the three general mglish-language encyclopedias listed above, use the Sorm ( surname, forenme(s) , ad patronymic) Sound in Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed .) as the heding.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 33 Names of Surnamed Persons Written in the Hebraic Alphabet 1 Headings Established after December 1980 ~ollowthis order of preference when establishing new headings:

1) If the nane is fad in a rananized form on a Hebrew or Yiddish item issued in Ealestine or Israel and the author lives in 20th century Palestine or Israel, use this krm.

2) If the name is £olmd in Collier's Encyclcpedia, in me Encyclopedia Americana , and in Encyclopaed ia Britannica (15 th ed .),and the fonn does not vary, use the form found; if the nane is found in all three sources but the £om varies, use the fbrm found in Encyclopaedia ~ritannica(15th ed .) . 3) If the nme is £ound in Ehcyclcpaedia Judaica, use this form. 4) Otherwise, use the systematically rananized form of the nm. Headings Established before January 1981

1) ~eadingestablished in a systematically mized form. If the form agrees exactly with all the provisions of AACR 2, accept the heading as AACR 2. Otherwise, consider the existing heading mn-A?CR 2.

2) Headings established in a nonsystematically rcmanized form. Fbllow this order of preference when determining the AXR 2 form:

1) If the form agrees with the predaninant rananized form found on a Hebrew or Yiddish iten issued in Palestine or Israel and the autbr lives in 20th century Palestine or Israel, accept the heading as AACR 2. 2) If the fonn agrees with the form found in Collier's Encyclcpedia, in The Encyclopedia Americana, ad in Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed.) (or agrees with the fbrm found in kcyclcpaedia Britannia (15th ed .) if the form in these three sources varies) , accept the heading as A?CR 2. 3 ) If the form agrees with the form found in Encyclapaedia Judaica, ae cept the heading as A?CR 2. 4) If the form agrees with rule 44B1 of AACR (1967) as applied at the Library of Congress, accept the heading as AACR 2 canpatible. 5) Otherwise, cmsider the existing heading nowAACR 2.

22.8A. [New]. If the nane chosen for the heading is based on a fonn found in nowEnglish sources (cf. 22.3, 22. XI) and the nane Bund in these sources includes "words and phrases denoting place of origin, dani- cile, occupation, or other characteristic that are canmonly associatd with the nane," use in the heading the forms for these mrds and phrases that are found in the sources used.

source: ~henu'el Dtber mi-Barisav headiq: Shemu9el mer, mi-Barisov -not Shenugel Duber, of Barisov If words and phrases denoting place, occupation, etc., aFpear only in canplex statements that contain other elenents, generally do not treat them as being "camonly associatedn with the nme. Hwever, if the exclusion of such mrds and phrases results in a heading that con-

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 £1 icts, they may be added to the heading as a parenthetical qualifier (22.19A). (If added, use Ehglish forms whenever possible.)

22.10. [Rev .I If a. person uses only a full forenane or £orenames and an initial as a surnane, enter Llnder tk initial.

name used: Mike Q. heading: Q., Mike. Note that for nanes consisting entirely of initials or entirely of separate letters that are presumed not to be initials, a single space is left between the initials/letters in all cases (cf. ICFU 22.1B).

H. D. D. S., Master i. e., Master XYZ

For purpses of filing and machine searching in LC, initials/letters separated by a space, a period, or a canbination of a period-space are treated as a series of words; letters not separated by a period or a I space or a ccnbination of a per iod-space are treated as a single word . Therefore, for names consisting entirely of initials or entirely of I separate letters, make, in addition to other references, a reference frun the form witbut periods or spaces.

i. e., Master -x ie, Master XYZ -xm For references in a form other than without periods, use periods or not, depending upon whether they are used in the heading.

XYZ -xz, XY

22.16A. [Rev.]. Ebr names that conflict, see 22.18-22.20. Apply the optional provision. This mans adding within paren- theses the full font of an initial used in the heading when it is known. not do special searching, however, to discover this information if there is no conflict.

name used: F. A. Flan (His iirst name, Flayd, is known) headimj: Flan, F. A. (Floyd A.)

name used: Sister M. Alicia, S.C.N. ( "M. " is known to stand for "Mary") headins: M. Alicia (Mary Alicia), Sister, S.C.N.

name used: H. D. ("H. D." is known to stand for "Hilda Doolittle") headins: H. D. (Hilda Dmlittle)

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 35 name used: A. Samad Said ("A*" is known to stand for "Abdul") heading: A. Samad Said (Abdul Samad Said)

name used: Pedro F. mnzaez R. (His full name, Pedro Felipe ~onz6lez~odri~uez, is knm-) heading: &nzi%Lez R., Pedro F. (Pedro ~elipeCbnzdlez mri- gwz) Extend the option to nanes established under 25.15A that con- sist of a surname ard a term of address, etc., by addirq the forenas after the term of address, e tc. (Apply this even if there is no cox+ flict.) name used: Cardinal Lavigerie (His forenames, Charles Martial Allemand, are known) heading: Lavigerie , cardinal ( Charles Martial Allemand) name used: M. Petit (His forenames, JeawPhili~pe,are known) heading: Fetit, M. ( Jean-Philippe) Note: If a heading established before January 1981 is AACR 2 except for- absence of £orenanes that appear as information in sources cited on the authority record, do not consider the absence of such forenares in the heading a reason for considering the heading as either AACR 2 compatible or nowAACR 2. Instead, if no other factor is involved, consider it an AACR 2 heading.

AACR 2 form if he were a new author: Mdison, C. D. (Carlton Daniel) (consider the established heading AACR 2)

22.17C. [~ev.]. For bishops, etc., who are alsx, saints (22.13), apply Ithellowirq: I 1) add only "Saint" if there is no other saint with this name;

2) add both "Saint" and "Bishop," etc., if than one I saint with this name. 1 Note: If a heading established before January 1981 is AFCR 2 except thame abbreviations "Rp." or "Abp." need to be expanded, con- sider the established heading ?VCR 2 mpatible.

established heading: mricius I, Bp. of Limoges AACR 2 form: Ihxricius I, Bishop of Limoges (Consider the established heading AACR 2 campatible)

22.18. [Rev.]. I\pply the optional provision. This means adding a date whenever it is known. Ib not do special searching, however, if there is no conflict. (Do not change an established heading just to add a date discovered later; if the heading must be revised later, add the date .)

For persons living in the twentieth century, the date should be a relatively precise one. Specifically, add the date to headings for these persons only if it falls into any of the followirrg categories: 1) thepersonisstillliving and theyearofbirthisknown ("1900- "); 2) the person is no longer living and the years of birth and death are known ("1900-1981"); 3) the person is no longer living and only the year of birth is hm ("b. 1900") ; 4) the person is no longer living and

36 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 only the year of death is known ("d. 1981"). (Note: If a date in one of these categories is available only in a non-Gregorian year, add tk Gregorian year to the heading only if the Gregorian year is certain.)

Fbr pre-twentieth century perms, less precise dates may be used. Consult the exanples under 22.18 for a guide. bbte one detail about the use of "El." dates: mrmally a span of years is used; use a single year after "£1." only if the date is found in this form in a reference source ( cf . 22.1B, footnote 1). Note 1: If a heading established be£ore January 1981 is APCR 2 except for the absence of birth or death dates that appear as information in sources cited on the authority record, do not consider the absence of such dates as a reason for considering the heading as AACR 2 canpatible; instead, if no other factor is involved, consider it an AACR 2 heading.

Note 2: If a headinq established before January 1981 is AACR 2 except that the qualification "ca." needs repositioning in a statement of dates, consider the established heading XR2 canptible. established heading: Pann , Anton, 1797 (ca. )-I854 AACR 2 tom: Pann, Anton, ca. 1797-1854 (Consider the established heading AACR 2 canpatible)

Note 3: If a heading established before January 1981 is AKR 2 except that tventieth century dates in the form "fl. [date] " have been used, consider the established heading XR2 canpatible. established heading: Nelson, David, £1. 1967- AACR 2 form: Nelson, David (Consider the established heading AACR 2 ccsnpatible) If the birth date becanes available, however, revise the heading to sub stitute this for the "£1." date.

22.18-22.20. [Rev .]. If a personal name heading conflicts with another heading, resolve the conflict as follows:

1) Add to the heading being established

a) the full form of a nane represented by an initial in the form chosen for the heding if the full form is available in the iten being cataloqed (22.16)

established heading: Jackson, A. new author: A. Jackson (New author's full name, Arnold Elrod Jackson, is available) heading for the new author: Jackson, A. (Arnold)

b) the date (22.18) ; do not search beyord the Catalogers' Reference Collection to determine the date. I established heading: Brue, James E. new author: Jaws E. Brue (New author's birth date, 1942, is available) headina for the new author: Rrue, Janes ED, 1942- Note: 1) If both the full form represented by an initial and date are available, add both. 2) ID not add "£1." dates to headings for perms living in the twentieth century even if the nmconflictse 3) Pdd a single "£1 ." dab to headings £br pretwentieth century persons only if the date is found ir a reference source. c) a term of address, etc., that appears with the nme in a pre I Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 37 I minent source (cf. 0.8) in items by the person or with the 1 m nane in headings in reference sources (22.19B)

I Note: If either the full form of a nane represented in the (or I heading by an initial or a date becanes available later both becane available) , do not change the existing heading just to replace the tern of address, etc.

d) a forename or surnane or the initials of a forename or surm not represented by an initial in the form of nane chosen £or I the heading. established heading: Clapper, Jbhn new author: John Clapper (New author' s full name, John Samuel Clapper, is available) heading for the new author: Clapper, John (John Smuel) established headim: Gelf und . mvid new authur: DavidJGelf und * (New author's full name, avid A. Gelfund, is available) headinq for new author: Gelfund. David (David A.1 established heading: Smith, Elizabeth new author: Elizabeth Snith (New author's full name, Ann Elizabeth Smith, is available) heading for the new author: Snith, Elizabeth (Ann Elizabeth) established heading: Ol iver , Joan new author: Joan Oliver (New author's full name, Joan Oliver i ~uigddnech,is available1 heading for thernew author: Oliver, Joan (Oliver i ~uigdanbnech) established heading: Jones, Mrs. new author: Mrs. Jones (~ewauthor' s forenames, Ella Gertrude, are available) heading for the new acthor: Jones, Mrs. (Ella Ckrtrude)

Note: If the full fonn of a nane represented in the heading by an initial, or a date, or a 22.19B term of addrress, etc., becanes available later, do not change the existing heM ing just to replace the unused forenane or unused surnane. e) a full forenane when the forenane chosen for the heading is a nicknane. established heading: Jbqen, Dick new author: Dick Jorgen (New author's full name, Richard Clark Jorgen, is available) heading for the new author: Jorgen, Dick (Richard Clark)

Note: If the full fonn of name represented in the heading initial, or a date, or a tern of address, etc., beca~les mailable later, do not change the existing heading just to -replace the unused full forenane. 2) Change an established heading according to the order of prefer- ence given in 1) above. Note: -1y this to all established headings, including those =which there are no MARC entries.

3) Apply 22.20.

Note: If the full form of a name represenw by an initial in the headirq, or a date, or a term of address, etc., becanes

38 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 mailable later £or one of these nanes, establish this name separately. (Ib not establish me of these nanes separately if only an unused forenme(s) , unused forename initial( s), or unused surnane becanes available later. )

22.20. [Rw .] . Note: If a heading established bebre January 1981 covers mre than one nane and the nanes are a mixture of AACR 2 and APCR 2 canpatible forms, consider the established heading as AACR 2. If the nanes are all ARCR 2 canpatible consider the established heading AACR 2 canpatible. If any nane is nowAACR 2, establish it separately in its AACR 2 form.

22.26C2. [New] . The names that cane under the prwisions of the rule are as follows:

Mi, Budi (Boedi), Job (Djob), Karta, Kusuma (Koesoma), Mangku (Mangh), hbto, Prawira, Pura (Bera), Sastra, Sri, surya (Soerya, Surja, Suria), and Tri.

22.27A. [New] . Change the second sentence of the rule to read The rule also applies to nanes £ran other ethnic groups native to Malaysia such as Ibans, Kedazans , etc. Nanes fmethnic groups of mrr-Malay origin, e .g ., Ind ians , Chinese, borne by persons 1iv ing in these countries are excluded.

22.278. [New] . Add the following Iban exmples to the rule: Luat anak Jab -x Jabu, mat anak

William Duncan (Full name: William Duncan anak Wjadan) -x Duncan, FTilliaan -x William Jlmcan anak Wjadan -x Ngadan, William Duncan anak -but Nichol, Lirda (Surname: Nichol ) -x Linda ~ichol

22.27C. [Fled . Wd to footnote 21 the following Iban filial indicator: anak (a*, ak or &.)-child of

22.27D. [New]. Disregard the provision to anit titles appearing in the father's nm. Revise the last exanple in the rule as follows: Iskandar bin Raja Muhd Zahid , Raja -x Raja Iskandar bin Raja Muhmad Zahid -x Zahid, Raja Iskandar bin Raja Muhe In applying the rule, note the following Iban titles: 1) Titles of honor

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 /-Fall 1981 Thai Serang Guai Kayau Kepala Manok Sabong Manok Sabong Kepala Pugu Menoa Tuai Mema - maw Kaya Orang Kaya Penanca Crang Kaya Panglima Orang Kaya Tmenggong Pa tingg i T-~ggong Rad in Pateh

2) Titles of office Eenghulu Dalan Engarah Penghulu Manaal Tuai nunah

3) Religious titles Epala Lenanbang Saut kmasnbang Lanisnbarq Manang Bali Manaq Mansau Manang Mengeris I-23.2A. [Rev.]. Pq?ply the current policy for current place nmes. 1) For nms in the Ihited States, base the heading on the form bund in a recent edition of the Rand Maally Camnercial Atlas and Marketing Guide.

2) For names in Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, base the heading on the £om found in a recently published gazetteer.

Note: For the tw categories abuve, generally use in the heading the form found on the iten being cataloged rather than a shortened form or unabbreviated form found in a gazetteer, unless 23.5A is appli- cable. However, for "Saint" or "St." and "Mount" or "Mt. ," always use the spelled out form regardless of the item being cataloged or other evidence.

Fbr U.S. tomships that are not local places, do not include "township" as ~rtof the name used in the heading. (In mestates these nonlocal townships are called towns.) If the nane of such an entity conflicts with the name of another place in the same state, a~ly23.45 if the conflict is with the nane of another nonlocal township or 24.68 if the other place is not a nonlocal township.

3) For nanes in Canada, use the heading provided by the National Library of Canda. Accept the NLC form, even if it differs fra I;C policy in such matters as "Saint," fullness, qualifiers, etc.

40 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 4) Fbr other names, base the heading on the form provided by the 1J.S. Board on Geographic Nanes (BGN). If Baapproves a re manized form that conflicts with LC's policy for the rananiza- tion of that language, use the LC fonn of rananization in the heding. If the FGN respsnse indicates a brief form of the place nane, generally select the long form as the heading unless 23.5A is applicable.

-BGN: Romo [brief] State -BGN: Sulzbach [brief] an Neckar heading: Earn State (Nigeria) heading: Sulzbach an Neckar (Germany) -BGN: Coast [brief] Prwince E. Milly [brief]-sur-Sauldre heading : Coast Province (Kenya) heading: M illy-sur-Sauldre ( France) -BGN: Bra [brief]-ch6 heading : K6r+chd ( )

If eChl apprwes both a vernacular and an hglish form (called a conven- tional nmne in BQJ teminolcqy) , use the Ehqlish form. For the following names, use the English form even though BGN approves only a vernacular form: Mantua Anhwei Province Mexico City maria Monteneg rn Bosnia and Hercegw ina Ningsia Hui Autonanous Region B?Xges Wrth Brabant Canbn Nolrth Holl~ Car inthia North Rhine-Westphal ia Chekiang Province Nuremberg Crete Osaka Cmatia aadua ~a iren Peking Fast Flanders piraeus Fukien Province mrt Arthur Qlent Wineland-palatinate arbi in Saint -11 Heilungkiang Province Serbia Hesse Sev ille Hokkaido Shanghai mnan Province Shansi Province Hopeh Wvince Shantung Province Hunan Prwince Shensi Prwince Hupeh Province Sian Inner bQngol ia Sicily Istanbul Sinkiang mince Jaffa Slwenia South Holland msu Prwince Styria Kiang si mince Swatow Kiangsu Prw ince Syracuse Kirin Szechwan mince 16mngsi Chuang Aubmous Region Whran [instead of Teheran] Kwangtung Province Tibet ichow Prw ince Tientsin KF'm Tsinan Liaoninq Prw ince Tsinghai Province muvain Tsing tao Leer Austria Tsitsihar Low?r Saxony Turin Macedonia (~epublic) Upper Austria Malacca West Flanders Yunnan Province Zurich

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 -mte: If a foreign name is established in an Ehglish form, use the same form whenever the nane is used by more than one jurisdictional level or is used as part of another name.

Kwto ( Japan Kyoto ( Japan : Prefecture) -not Ky6to-fu (Japan) Cologne (Germany) Cologne-Deutz (Cologne, Germany) -not K6ln-Deutz ( Cologne, Germany) Do not follow the example "Ulion of Soviet Socialist Re- p&licsan E#;N approves both "Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsn and "Saviet Ulion." Use the short form "Soviet Union."

For the constituent republics of the Soviet Union, use the following headings :

Armenian S.S.R. Li thuan ia Azerbaijan S.S.R. Moldavian S.S.R. Byelorussian S. S. R. Russian S. F. S. R. Estonia Tajik S.S.R. Georgian S.S.R. Turkmen S. S. R. Kazakh S.S.R. Vluaine Kirghiz S.S.R. Uzbek S.S.R. Latvia

Far the mited Rirrgdan, continue t6 use "Great Britain."

For the Federal &public of Germany, use "@many (West) For the Q?rman Democratic &public, use "Germany (East) .I1

For the Denocrat$c Feople's Republic of , use "Korea (Narth) ." For the &public of Korea, use "Korea (South) ." For V&shiqton, D.C., use "Districtgf Colmbian as the heading for the governnent of this name, with "Washington (D.C.)" used only as a location qualifier or as the entry element for cmss references £ran place.

In dealing with Iordon, use the heading

1) "Corporation of Londonn for itens fmthe entity bearing this name that has administrative control over the 677-acre City of bndon.

2) "Greater Ibndon Council" for items £ran the entity bearing this nane that has administrative control over the 32 Lordon boroughs which make up "Greater London"Jexc1uding the City of Lodon).

3) "London (England)" as the qualifier added to corporate headings (even though the body concerned is located in a borough or in the city of Londori) or as the entry element for cross references fran place.

For all the gwernments that have controlled the mainland of , use "China" for all periods except 1937-1945. For the government headquartered in Chungking , 1937-1945, use "china. " For the government headquartered in Peking, 1937-1940, use "china (Provisional governme~t, 1937-1940. " For the governments headquartered in Nanking, for 1938-1940 use "china (Reformed government, 1938-1940)" and for 1940-1945 use "china (~ationalgovernment, 1940-1945) . " For the post -1948 government on Taiwan use "china (Republic : 1949- ) . " For the province of Taiwan, use "~aiwan."

42 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 For Jerusalem, use "~erusalem." Treat military installations (fbrts, bases, canps, airfields, etc. ) as local places. nis means adding as a qualifier the country, state, prwince, etc., that muld have been added to a city or bm in the sane place. Apply this even if the installation is located outside the country which controls it , i .e ., add the head ing for the larger place in which it is located in all cases.

23.4F. [Rev.]. Mte that many local places on islands should be quali- fiedwith the nane of the islarrd or island group.

If the island or island group is a jurisdiction, use as the qualifier the heading that is established according to LCFU 23.48, If the island or island group is not a jurisdiction, use as the qualifier the heading established by the Subject Cataloging ~ivision. mr local places in Hawaii, alwys use as the qualifier the heading for the nane of the state rather than the heading for the name of the island on which the place is located. ( Folr conflicts, hawever, see LlJRI 23.4J.I

23.4J. [Rev.] Conflicts Apply either 23.45 or 24.68 (depending on the situation) to re- solve amflicts in headings for places (geographic nanes and nanes of gaverrments) not already resolved by the additions called for by LCRI 23.4B. Cnnflict in place nanes is not restricted to those already estab- lished or being established in the catalog. Instead, if there is no existing conflict in the catalog, search gaaetteers, etc., to determine if two or more places within the same jurisdiction have the same nane or if tm or more places with the sane rime muld bear the sane qudlifier £or the larger place.

If a name of a U.S. township (called "msnin New England and sane other states) conflicts with the nane of another township within the same state, add the heading for the county to each nane. Spring (Berks County, Pa.) Spring (Centre County, Pa .)

If the nane of a U.S. township conflicts with the nane of a place that is not a township, and both are within the same state, apply 24.6B. Hawaii

If local places in Hawaii conflict, add to each nane the head- ing for the island on which the place is located rather than the heading for the county. (Headirqs for the islands of Hamii are established by the Subject Cataloging Division.)

24.1. [Rev.]. Cbntinue the current policy of adding a canma to a series =rds appearing in an Grrglisklanguage nane except be£ore an anper- sand.

Note: If a heding established before January 1981 does not punctuate asin a series according to present policy, still consider the heading AACR 2.

If the form of nmselected as the heading includes quotation

Cataloging SBrvice Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 43 /L4, marks around an elment or elenents of the name, retain them (cf. example in rule 24.784). Use American-style double quotation marks in the head- ing. If the form of name selected as the heading consists of or contains initials, regularize the spacing and put one space after an initial that is followed by a wrd or other element that is not an ini- tial and no space after an initial that is followed by another initial consisting of one letter. form in source: F&H Denby form in heading: F & H Denby form in source: U. S. D. A. Sympsiun ... form in heading: U. S. D. A. ~ymposiun .. . form in source: B B C S-ny ... tom in heading: BBC Symphony ... precede or follow initials consisting of tw or more letters with a space, e.g., "Gauley Bridge (W. Va.)," "Ph. D. Associates.ll If the form of name selected as the heading includes a place nane at the end ard the place is enclosed within parentheses or is preceded by a c-space, retain in the heading the punctuation as found. If the form of name selected as the heading includes a Greek letter or a letter or symbol used to indicate a tramark, a patent, copyright, etc ., bracket an equivalency, explanation, etc ., as appropriate. If the £om of name selected as the heading includes an abbre- viation, retain in the heading the abbreviation as found. fonn in source: Direcci6n de la Ehergia//biv . ~stadistica//~ecc. ~nfomac& form in heading: Buenos ~ires''(Argentina : province) . ~irecci6nde la hergia. Div; st ad istica. Secc. Infomacion

No*: If the heading was established before January 1981 and the body's name appears in the heading without quotation marks altholrgh the body's predaninant usage shows quotation marks around one or mre elements, consider the heading AACR 2 compatible. established heading: Istituto tecnico C. Gemnellaro di Catani AACR 2 form: Istiturn tecnico "C. Gamnellaron di Catani (Consider the established heading AACR 2 ocmpatible) When the nane of a body consists of both a nmrical or alpha- betic designation and wrds indicating the bodygs function, include both in the heading for the body. Separate the tw parts with a dash.

source: Abteilung V - Vermessung-sen head ing : [parent body] . Abte ilung V-Vemessungswesen source: Social and Wonmic Sciences (Section K) heading: [parent body] . Social ad ~conanicScience* Section K

source: Subtask Force I, Gas Dissolved in FBter heding: [parent body]. Subtask Force I--Gas Dissolved in Water

44 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 24.4B. [Rw .I . enerdly do not add a general designation qualifier a corprate nane containing two or more surnanes (without forenanes or witbut brenane initials). For performing do not add a general designation qualifier if the nane contains tm surnanes (with or without forenames or forename initials) or if the name contains two forenanes.

When establishing a heading for a ship, add a general designa- tion in English if the nane alone does not convey the idea of a corporate body. If there is any question at all as to whether there is an appro- priate general term, take the term £ran the item being cataloged. If there is mre than one ship with the sane name, add a term as specific as necessary to resolve the conflict. Ulua (Ship) (Unique name; qualifier added to clarify the meaning of the heading )

Franklin (Aircraft carrier) Franklin (Stemship) (Two ships of the same name but each of a different type)

Lexingbn (Aircraft carrier : CV6) Lexington (Aircraft carrier : CVA(N) 65) (Tm aircraft carriers with the same name) Note: If a heading established before January 1981 includes a parenthesized term added to show that the heading represents a corprate body, consider the heading AACR 2 even if the presence of such a tern is contrary to current thinking.

established heading: Chefs1 Rights Alliance (Society) AACR 2 form: Chef s1 Rights Alliance (Consider the established heading AACR 2) Also consider the headirq established before January 1981 APCR 2 if such a term is absent but is considered necessary according to current think- ing (as above).

established heading: . BFA Elucational Media AACR 2 form: RFA Educational Media (Finn) (Consider the established heading AACR 2) In dealing with performing groups, apply the following:

1) If the nane contains a word that specifically designates a performing group or a corporate body in general ( e .go , Rand, Consort, Society) or contains a collective or plural noun (e.g ., Ramblers, Boys, mt Swen), do not add a designation to the nane. 2) If the name is extremely vague, consisting primarily of single, cmnwrds (e.go, Circle, Who, Jets) or the nane has the ap pearance of a personal name (e.g., Jethro nill), add a designation to the name.

3) If the name falls between the above tm categories (e.g., Ied Zeppelin, Jeffermn Airplane, F&xl Apple, L.A. Contenp), add a desig- nation tm the name. If there is doubt whether a designation should be added, add it.

Use the designation "(Musical group)" unless special circm stances ( such as a conflict) require a more specific tern.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 24,4C8, [Rev .I . When add* the nane of an institution tm a corporate m nane, give the nsne of the institution in the form and larquage on which the heading for the institution is based (mt necessarily the catalog- entry form for the institution). ~=eless, if the canbination of cowrate name plus qualifier actually conflicts in the file being searched against, then give the qualifier in catalcq-entry £om.

NemC.hh (Southern State Qllege) -not Nanan Club (Southern State College (Springfield , S.D.) ) I Newman Cltb (St. Joseph's College (Brooklyn, New York, I N.Y.)) Newman C1h (St. Joseph's College (Philadelphia, h.)) .

24 .6. [Rev. ] . When a sovere iqn nation and amther place of the sane name that is not a sovereign nation exist at the same time, do not I-qualify the..nme of the sovereign nation. When a succession of jurisdictions would be entered under the sane nm, use one heading for all, no matter what differences there are between the jurisdictions . North Carolina Hawaii -not mrth Carolina (Colony) -not Hawaii (Kingdun) mrth Carolina (State) Hawaii (Republic) Hawaii (State) Texas India -not Wxas (Republic) -not India (Daminion) Texas (State) India (&public) Haever, when the geographical qualifier added to a nane to reflect its current status is not appropriate for the earlier entity, use Itwo headings, and qualify each. Brabant (Belgiun) Tuscany (Italy) Brabant (Duchy) Tuscany (Grand Duchy) -not Brabant (Belgiun) -not Tuscany (Italy) When the nane of a state, prwince, or territory in Australia, Canada, or the Uhited States; of a British county, region, or islands area; of a constituent state of Malaysia, the U.S.S. R., or Yugoslavia; or of an island that is a jurisdiction conflicts with the nane of a place within the sane larger jurisdiction, add the type of goverrment as a qualifier to the larger geographic entity. Malacca (Malacca) Durham (Durham) Malacca (State) IXllrham (County) -not Malacca -not Durhan New York (N. Y. ) New York (State) -not New York When the name of a state, province, or territory in ~ustralia, Canada, or the Ulited States; of a British county, region, or islands area; of a constituent state of Malaysia, the U.S.S.R., or Yugoslavia; or of an island conflicts with the name of a place in another jurisdiction, qualify the latter only.

Alberta (Va.) Victoria (Tex .) Alberta Victoria -not Alberta (Prwince) -not Victoria (State) - 46 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 Corsica (S. D. ) Ibrset (Vt.) Corsica Ibrset -not Corsica (Dept.) -not Darset (County) ~irginia(Minn.) Viqin ia -not Virginia (State)

Exception: Use "Washington (State)" as the heading for the State of tsashington. If the name of a U.S. township (called "towns" in New England 1 land sane other states) cmflicts, apply the following: 1) If the conflict is with the name of a local place within the same state, add I a) the name of the state to the local place; I I b) the nane of the state and nTbwnship" (or "Tbwn") to the nsne I of the township.

Passaic (N. J.) Passaic (N.J. : mship)

2) If the axlflict is with both the nane of a local place and the I name of another township, all of which are within the same state, ( add

I a) the name of the state to the local place; I b) the nane of the county, the nane of the state, and "l'bwnshipn 1 (or ll'Xbwnn) to the names of the townships. I Berlin (Wis.) Berlin (Green Lake County, Wis. : flown) Berlin (Marathon County, Wis. : Town) I 3) If the conflict is only with the name of another township within I the same state, apply 23.4J. -24.13. [Revision of 24.13, type 41 If a body is entered subordinately according to types 2, 3, or 4, make a direct reference £ran the nane of the subordinate body only if its name appears without the nane of its parent body on the chief source of one of its own publications. When making the reference, generally qualify the name with the nmof the parent body (in the form and language on which the heding for the parent body is based, not necessarily its catalq-entry form). -Note: If a nsne authority record for a headirg established before January 1981 contains such a direct reference, accept it as valid without exanining the evidence (although a qualifier may have to be added to it). 24.17. [Rev .]. Treat the mited Nations as a gwernnent body when deter -mmlng the heading for its subordinate and related bodies.

men cataloging items that emanate £ran a bcdy within one of the countries of the Soviet bloc and one or more goverment agencies appears at head of title only as a "stamp of approval," do not refer through the nares of the governnent agencies when establishing the ma- tor body. make a reference through the heading for the gwenment itself (the country, republic, district, etc.).

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 Distinguish such cases, however, fmother cases, which do occur even in the Soviet bloc in which the gwermnent agency nmed has a hierarchical relationship. Feferences through the agency or agencies must be made in these cases.

24.18, type 4. [New]. &strict the application of type 4 to major exe- cutive agencies of national gwermnents.

24.21B. [Rev .I . Ignore the heading for the U. S. House of Representa- tives sham in one of the exanples in rule 24.21B. Continue to establish new subdivisions under the existing heading. . Congress. House. (Consider the heading AACR 2) When a subordinate unit is entered as a subheading of a parti- cular chamber of a legislature, generally do not make a reference fran the unit as as a direct subheading of the legislature.

Enter a body that presents itself as a subordinate unit of a legislature (or as a subordinate unit of a particular char) as a subheading of the legislature (or of the particular chmber) even if the body's menbership does not consist solely of menbers of the legislature or of its staff.

24.21C. [Rev.]. Continue present policy and apply the treatment of legislative subcamittees of the U.S. Congress alm to legislative sub canmittees of certain U.S. states. ~pply24.21C also to other types of bodies subordinate to legislative canmittees and subcamittees , e .g ., task forces, panels. mited States. Congress. muse. Camnittee on Ways and Means. Subcmittee on Wade. Lhited States - Japan Trade Task Force. California. Legislature. Assembly. Subcamni ttee on musing Production. Housing Pdvisory Panel.

Make a reference £ran the nane of the subcamnittee as a direct subheading of the chamber to which the parent camittee belorqs if the nane of the submittee is unique within the legislature. mited States. Congress. Senate. Camittee on ~oreignFelations . Subcanmi ttee on Canadian Affairs. -x United States. Congress. Senate. Subcamnittee on Canadian Affairs

24.24A. [Rw.]. For forms for component branches, camnand dis- tricts, and military units of military services, define "cmponent branch, canmand district, or military uni t" as an agency which constitutes

1) A unit subject to canbat service or an administrative unit over such units. cQnmands corps fleets general staffs military districts

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 regiments or divisions of infantry, etc.

2) A unit that serves as a direct support unit to cate- gory 1. corps of engineers legal units, e.g., judge advocate general material camnand medical corps military police transport sew ices This means treating the following types of bodies under general rules: research agencies, e .g ., laboratories, research centers, institutes, experiment stations, museuns schools, e.g., service academies, Air Lhiversity musical groups, e .g ., military bands, cbirs, etc. annories , arsenals base hospitals, other hospitals Treat forts, bases, cap, air£ields, etc., as jurisdictions I(- LCRI 23.2A).

Create a uniform title for a serial ( including numbered and un- nunbered monographic series that are mt multipart itans) entered under title if the title proper of the serial is identical to the title proper of another serial in the catalog, whether the other serial is entered under title or under a nmheading. (The "catalog" referred to here is the file against which the searching and cataloging is beiq done. ) Serials catalogers are permitted to take into account any other serial of the sane title of which they km, whether or not it is in the catalog ( e .go, it might be found in a reference wrk being searched by the serials cataloger for sune other reason). Take into account only the main title of another serial, not variants traced as cross references (or as added entries. For untraced series created before 1981, however, I take into account any title under which an untraced series autbrity rec- ord is filed. In general do not predict a conflict. (For an exception Ito the conflict plicy, see 6. Title Co~istingof Corporate Nam Alan: I below. ) Construct the uniform tltle uslng the tltle proper of the serlal, followed by a parenthetical qualifier. Wte that the uniform title created is used not only as the main entry headirg on the bibliographic record for the serial itself but also whenever the serial is referred to in other access pints (added entries or subjects) and in linkiw notes. In general resolve the conflict by addirq a uniform title to the bibliographic record for the serial being cataloged; do not add one also tm the record for the serial cataloged earlier.

Note : When a serial reappears as a reprint, as a microform capy or relssue, as a braille edition, etc., do not use a uniform title to distinguish one of these secondary manifestations £ran the original. If the original itself has a uniform title, use the same uniform title for the other manifestation. (If the original has m uniform title, do not use one fbr the other manifestation when the only reason for doing so would be to distinguish the original £ran the other manifestation.) 1) Choice of Qualifying Term I The terms most carrmonly used W qualify the title proper I

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 49 are the fbllatJing: a) Corporate body b) Place c) Place and date, or Corporate body and date d) Date e) Edition statement, other title information, etz. Apply the following cribria in determining which category of qualifying term is to be used:

a) Corporate body

Choose as the qualifying term the nane. of the corporate body with which the wrk originated or by which it was issued or published if the title proper consists solely of one or more of the folluw- ing elements ( exclusive of articles, prepositions , and conjune tions) : an indication of type of publication an indication of periodicity an indication of subject content Bullet in Warterly report Annual geology Nuclear physics If more than one corporate body is associated with the work, choose as the qualifying term the name of the body responsible for the serial, rather than one only publishing it. If any other question arises as to the applicability to the case in hand of one or more of the three criteria above, use place kr manalyzed serials. For analyzed serials, use place for those issued by a caranercial publisher and corporate body for those not issued by a cmrcial publisher. b) Place of publication

If the cordition mder (1) above does not apply, prefer place of publication as the qualifying term.

~rrow(~ntr&al, ~16bec) Arrow (Castlegar, B.C.) Transactions of the Illuminating Ehgineering Society (I;olldon, m1a-m Transact ions of the I1 luminating Ehg ineering Society (New YO*, N.Y.) If the work is published in more than one place, choose as the qualifying term, in this order of preference, (a) the place that wuld be named first in the publication, distribution, etc., area %r the first issue published; (b) the place naned first on earliest issue %r which a place is known; or ( c) the place rimed first on the earliest issue in hand. (For monograph catalogers: if there is no collected set record to consult for this infonna- tion, take it fmthe iten being cataloged .) Exceptions: a) If the addition of place as a qualifying term is inadequate to resolve the conflict, because another wrk with the-same title was published in the same place, then use the nane of the body for the qualifier as under (1) above.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 Contact (Tbronto Nutrition Ccmmi ttee) Contact (Red Estate Institute of Canada) (Both works published in Toronto)

b) If the title incldes the intitials or other abbreviation of the issuing body's nane, also use the nme of the body as the qualifier under (1) above.

AIJ proceedings ( Anerican Institute of Journalists) AIJ proceedings (Association of Iron Joiners)

c) Place and date, or Corporate body and date

If the addition of oorprate body or place alone is inadequate as a qualifying term, prefer as the qualifying term a canbination of either corprate body and date or place and date, following the general criteria for choosing between corporate body and place under 1) Choice of Qualifying Tern above.

Bulletin ( Canad ian Association of Med ical Word Librarians : 1944) Bulletin (Candian Association of Medical FWord Librarians : 1971) (Published be&n 1968 and 1971 under title: CAMRL newsletter)

d) Date If the title already includes the name of the body or place that would serve as the qualifier (see (1) and (2) above), add the be- ginning date of publication alone. (If the beginning date is unavailable, use the earliest date known .) San F'rancisco journal (1944) San Francisco journal (1980) Papers read before the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba (1945) Papers read before the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitcba ( 1967) (published between 1965 and 1966 under title: Wans- actions of,. .) el Edition statement. other title infarmation, etc. If none of the terns listed above (either individually or in canbination) is adequate, choose as the qualifying term any elenent or canbination of elements extracted from the descrip- tion of the work that will serve t~ distinguish it £ran otbr works entered under the sane title.

2) Form of Oualifvim Term

Enclose all qua1ifying terms, including canbinations of terms, in parentheses, using a space-colorr-space to separab tenns of a different type.

Sludge (New York, N.Y. : 1965) Record nanes of coprate bodies used as qualifyiw terms in catalog-entry form, retaining all marks of punctuation internal to the headirq, including parentheses.

Studies in theology (Duckworth (Finn) )

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 &cord place names used as qualifying terms in the form prescribed for use as additions to headings (see 23.4A).

Transactions of the Illuminating Ehg ineering Society (London, -land)

3) Additions to Uniform Title Headings I The Library of Corqress does not distinguish between the original and its manifestations. 'Ib others who wish to make the differentiation, the Library recamends that a term such as "Reprintw be added as a subdivision (outside the parenthetical qualifier).

Art (Philadelphia, Pa.). Reprint (1970) Art (Philzdelphia, Pa.). &print (1977)

41 Chanaes in Uniform Title Headinas When the name of a corporate body used as a qualifying term in the uniform title chanqes or the body's respnsibilities fbr the publication are assumed by another body, create a new record (successive entry), using the new form of name (or the nane of the body newly responsible) as the qualifying term in the uniform title. Relate the tm records by means of a linking entry note, citing each in uniform title form. (For monograph catalogers: if there is no collected set record, make earlier/later heading references between the two titles.)

If a place of publication has been used as a qualifying tenn and there is a change in the form of nane for the place or in the place itself, do not change the uniform title and do not create a new entry. A note may beadded the record indicating thxa change in place of phlication has occurred. n 5) Main Entry Under a Name Heading If a mrk is entered under a personal or corprate body heading and the title is identical to the title of a different work entered under the sane heading, create a uni£orm title for the mrk by adding to the title proper a qualifying term as instructed below. Qualify the title proper by adding in parentheses the place of publication, provided the addition of the place nme serves to distinguish the wrk £ran others with the sane title proper that are entered under the same name heading.

If the addition of place as a qualifying term is not ade- quate, qualify the title proper by adding in parentheses a tenn consisting of date, other title information, an "editionn statement, or any other tenn or canbination of terms that will serve to distin- guish the work £run others with the same title proper entered under the sane name heading. Canala. Dept. of Public Wrks. [Annual report (1965)l Annual report .. . Canada. lkpt. of Public Worrks. I [Annual report ( 1977 )I I Annual report .. . (Published £ram 1972-1976 under title: &port)

6) Title Consisting of Corporate Name Alone

5 2 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 If the title of a series entered under title consists sole- ly of the nme of a corporate body, always create a uniform title that consists of the title qualified by the term "(Series)" wen if there is no conflict. Apply this to all series, including those that are multipart items. entre de recherches dlhistoire ancienne (Series) Oxford Historical Society (Series) I Monographs That Conflict I If a work (other than a serial) is entered under a title proper that is the sane as the title proper main entry of another work, do not assign a uniform title to either work simply to distinguish them, even if there are multiple editions of either work. France / prdface de Pierre Mend&-France. - ~en&ve; New York : Nagel, 1955.

La France. - Paris : Librairie Iarousse, 1967.

France. -- Paris : mcumentation fran~aise,1972.

IBwever, if another manifestation of one of these works re-- quires a uniform title (e.g., a translation, excerpts) or if one of these works is used in a subject or added entry, assign a uniform title to the particular work according to the provisions for adding a qualifier to a serial title. (If the tracing represents a monograph, which is entered under title and has the sane title proper as another work entered mder title, assiqn a uniform title to the work even if there is no bibliographic record £or it in the catalog.) This sane miform title must be used in all entries for the work. Existing records in which the work appears as a main or secondary entry must be changed. Note: IB not assign a miform title if the conflicting mrk is being used only in an analytical added entry.

France (Nagel). Ehglish. France / preface by Pierre Mend&-France ; translated by William H. Parker. - Geneva ; New York : Nagel, 1956. (A translation of the 1955 work) France (Nagel) France / prQface de Pierre Mend&-~rance. - ~enbve; New York : Nagel, 1955. (Revised bibliographic record for the 1955 work)

I Radio and Television Programs I In the heading for a radio or television progran, add to the name the qualifier " (Radio prcgram) * or " (Television program)" in all cases. U.S. Census Publications For U.S. Bureau of the Census publications that contain the census or parts of it, use a uniform title consisting of the nane of the census, qualified by the year of the census. Wd to this basic unifmrm title parts of the census as subdivisions. 1) title proper: 1972 census of construction industries uniform title: Census of construction irujlustr ies (1972)

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 53 2) title pmper: Numerical list of manufactured products : 1972 census of manufactures uniform title: Census of manufactures (1972). Nmerical list of manufactured products

3) title proper: Census of housing, 1960 uniform title: Census of housing (1960)

If a canic strip, single panel cartoon, etc., is entered under its title, establish a uniform title for the mrk that consists of its title, followed by an appropriate parenthetical qualifier (e.g., "Bat- man (Oanic strip)"). I mtion Pictures I If a motion picture is entered under title and a heading is needed for the i ten as a secondary entry, add the qualifier " (Fbtion picture) " to the title whenever the title is the same as a subject head- ing appearing in Library of Congress Subject Headings (latest edition) or the title has been used as the title of another mrk. (It does not matter if the other wrk is entered under title or urder a nane heading.) This same uniform title must be used in all entries for the work. (Existing records in which the motion picture is used as a main or se- condary entry must be charged.) Note: D not add a qualifier if the motion picture is used only in an analytical added entry. new work: Cop1 and, Aaron, 1900- 'RE red pony .. . (~usicfor the motion picture of the same title)

existing works: 1) Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968. The red pony .. . I (A book) 2) The FW pony [motion picture] .. . ( added entry on the new work: I. Red pony ( Pbtion picture) I revised record for the motion picture: W pony (Motion picture) The red pony [motion picture] .. .

25.14. kw]. Apply 2 5.14 only when establishing a mifonn ti tle for a *written in the 15th century that exists solely in pre-1501 editions and no one title predaninates. Otherwise, apply 25.4A.

25.27B. [Rev.] . Fbotnote 9 lists three categories of titles that are totreated as "titles consisting solely of the nmof one type of canposition": 1) titles that consist of a nane of a fonn; 2) titles that consist of a nane of a genre; 3) titles that consist of a generic term frequently used by different canpsers. ?he third category (and the third category only) should be waluated with the final sentence of the footnote in mind also. This will be particularly true when the camon term is accanpanied by sane modifier other than a medium or a rnnneral . me should consider that all mod ifiers other than a mdim or a nunera1 make the phrase a distinctive title-no matter how canmn sounding it is. Fbr example "Piecew is a generic term frequently used by different canposers , but "Cbncert piece ," "Iiittle piece ," etc. , are cansidered distinctive titles.

When a French work for solo voice and keyboard stringed linstrunent has the title dlcdie or klodies, do not translate the title I n

54 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 into Fhglish, since the cognate words in Wlish and other languages do not have the specific meaniq of the French wd. Consider the mediun of performance to be imp1 ied by the title and do not include it in the uniform title (25.29A2(a) ). %en a French work for solo voice without accanpaniment or with 1accmmiment other than a kevboard str imed instrment alone has the title~61odieor &lodies, doanot translate the title into hglish. In- Iclu3e the mediun or accanpaniment or a statement of the absence of accan-

When the word Melody or Melodies or its ccgnate in another liar guage ( including French) is the title of any other wrk, consider it the nane of a type of canposition. Use the Ehglish form in the uniform title and include the dimof performance (25.29A1). Cbnsider camnonly used liturgical titles such as Requiem, Dem, Salve Regina, and Dixit Dominus to be generic terms. If a Galform rrequired,= one if possible by adding the letter s to the last wolrd of the title: if this is not convenient, consider the- plural to be the same as the singular. mly 25.29A2(a) and do rot Inormally include a statement of medim of performance. When cataloging the first occurrence of a work of a parti- Icular type by a canposer 1) If the canposer is deceased, search reference murces to determine whether the canposer wrote mre than one work of the type, and use the singular or plural form in the uniform title according to the information fourd.

2) If the canposer is living, use the singular fonn in the uni- form title unless the mrk being cataloged bears a serial number (in- cluding 1); in that case use the plural form on the assumption that the has written or intends to write mare works of the type. Wen cataloging the second occurrence of a work of a parti- cular type by a canposer, if the singular form has been used in the uniform title for the first work of the type, revise that unifnnn title to use the plural form. Note that the medium of perfonnance is not a criterion in the application of this provision of the rule; if a canposer wrote one piano sonata and one violin mnata, he or she wrote tm mmtas and the plural fbrm must be used.

25.29E. [Rev .] . In the list of terms for groups of instruments, use instrunentsn instead of "plectra1 instrunents ." I Use the phrase instrunental ensemblen as a statement of me- dim that is added to a title in a unifbrm title only if the medium is a qroup of diverse instruments not already provided for by other terms in the list.

25.30. [New] . Ebr skekhbooks containing sketches for various canposi- tions or miscellaneous sketches, add "Sketchesn in parentheses tm the apprapriate collective uniform title formulated under 25.35 or 25.36. [Selections (Sketches)1 [Instrunental music. Selections (Sketches)1

[Piano music. Selections ( Sketches)1

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 /Cq [Sonatas, piano. Selections (Skekhes)] [Symphonies, no. 7-9 (Sketches)]

25.36B. [New] . For collections of music by a single canposer for various notion pictures, use the uniform title "IJbtion-picture music" or "Motior+ picture music. Selections" (without a statement of medim) instead of such uniform titles as "Orchestra music. Selections .I1

Appendix B.9. [New] . Use also in headings the abbreviation "Dept." for the English word "Department." Consider these headings AACR 2.

Pdd the following : Term Abbreviation b ilangan bil . nanbr no. nmr m.

Appendix D: Collection. [New] . If one main entry heading would be appropriate: three or mre independent works or parts of works pub lished together. If more than one main entry heading muld be appre pr iate: two or mre independent wrks published together and mt written £or the same occasion or for the publication in hand.

Appendix D: Running title. [New]. The title , or abbreviated title, repeated at the head or foot of each page or leaf.

Library of Congress Policy for Cataloging of Microreproductions

The Library of Congress Information Bulletin (Nov. 21, 1980) inclded an announcenent of an interim ~ibraryof Coqress plicy for the catalog irq of microreproductions, pending a final resolution of questions that arose £ran a consideration of the application of AACR 2 to such materials. The AI&h'ISD/CCS Canmittee on Cataloging: Bscription and Pccess sponsored extensive discussions of the questions raised and finally in June 1981 at its meeting in San Francisco voted tD favor the thrust of the Library's interim policy as an alternative t-o provision 0.24 in AACR 2. When the Joint Steering Caranittee for Revision of XR 2 considered the same issue on July 2, 1981, at its meeting in San Fran- cisco, the camittee decided not to take action at this time in relation tD rule revision that muld incorporate an alternative for microreproduc- tions-particularly since the issues ha3 not been as thoroughly discussed in the other countries represented as in the United States.

The statenent, below is the final Library of Cbngress policy for the catalgirq of microreproductions. The policy will be applied and recamended by the Library as "rule interpretation" rather than rule rw ision. 1) Materials covered. This policy applies to reproductions in micro- and macro form of previously existing materials. Specifically

56 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Flall 1981 the plicy applies to micro- and macroreproductions of books, panphlets, and printed sheets carbgraphic materials manuscripts music graphic materials in macroform serials

It applies to reproductions of dissertations issued by Lhiversity Micro- films International and "on demand" reproductions of books by the same canpany . It is the intent of this policy to apply AACR 2 in determining the choice and krm of access points but to mphasize in the bibliogr* phic description data relating to the original item, giving data relating to the reproduction in a secondary position. As a result, rule 1.11 and chapter 11 of AACR 2 will not be applied to these materials except to provide directions for the formulation of the note describing the micro- or macroform characteristics of the reproduction. ( Items that are microreproductions of material prepared or assenbled specifically for bringing out an original edition in microform will be cataloged as instructed in chapter 11 of AACR 2.)

2) Bibliographic description

a) General. Apply chapter 2 to books ( including disserta- tions cataloged as books), panphlets, and sheets; chapter 3 to cartogra- phic materials ; chapter 4 to manuscripts ( including dissertations not cataloged as books); chapter 5 to music; relevant prtions of chapter 8 to graphic materials in macroform; and chapter 12 to serials. Transcribe the bibliographic data appropriate to the wrk being reproduced in the follawing areas: title and statement of responsibility editim material (or type of publication) specific details for cartographic materials and serials publication, distribution, e tz . physical description series

Record in the note area all details relating to the reproduction and its publication/availability. Introduce the note with the word that is the specific material designation appropriate to the item.

b) Microreproductions. Md the general material designa- tion " [microform] " in the title and statement of respnsibility area according to l.lC2. Record in the note area the bibliographic details relating to the reproduction required by 11.4, in the order and form prwided by this rule, followed by the details required by 11.5-7. If a note of the 11.7810 type is necessary, transcribe it before any series statement required by 11.6.

Microf ilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Micmf ilms, 1981. 1 microfilm reel ; 16 m. High reduction.

Microfilm. Washington : Library of Coqress, 1981. 1 microf ilm reel ; 5 in., 35 an.

-1/ For the purpse of this statement the term "macroreproduc tion" refers only to macroreproductions produced "on demand ."

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 57

* c) Macroreproductions. Ib mt use a general material T designation in the title and statement of responsibility area. Use the mrd-"~hotocopy" to introduce the note giving- the details of the macmre- prodm tion.

Rotocopy, Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Micmf ilms, 1965. 20 an. Photocopy. [S.I., s .no, 1981?] . 23 an. Photocopy. Seattle, Wash. : lhiversity of Washiqton, 1979. 28 an.

University Microfilms International

!this statement applies to that part of the output of Uliversity Microfih International (IMI) consisting of 1) regular university disser- tations that are made available through either micm or macroform (xerograMy) processes and 2) previously published books that are sub- quently made available "on demand" in either micm- or macroform. It does not ap ly to dissertations issued in print runs or to books issued as regular 51 publications or republications. For WI output in categories 1) and 2) above, the Library of Cbrqress will apply the @icy stated above whether the IMI item is in micro- or macroform. %is treatment of WI micm and macroforms is necessary because items may be available in both forms. Che 1 ibrary may acquire a work that has been reprodmd xerographically bile another li- brary may acquire the sane work reproduced in micmfnnn. Thus, both items need b be cataloged in a manner that emphasizes the bibliographic details of the original, regardless of the medium used to present the particular reproduction of the intellectual content contained therein.

Korean Rolnani~ation

Library of Corqress details on word divisim fkr the rananiza- tion of Ibrean appear at the end of this issue.


Assigning Subject Headings to Folklore Materfal s

Below are guidelines for assigning subject headiqs to mrks that consist of or discuss folklore materials. Similar to the .wwisions for ethnic music (Cataloging Service Baletin, no. 13, p. 76-795 , these guidelines stress a canplex of headims rather than a simle headina assigned to each work of folklore. ~~nunberof dif ferentdtopics ha& been identified as having retriwal value for such works, and each should be brought out separately, if possible. They are 1) the ethnic, national, or occupational group that originated the folklore, 2) the special We of the folklore, and 3 ) the blkloric emphasis or genre.

Conf lict of Systems. An array of headings are to be assigned b works of folklore that class mainly in GR or GT. It should be recognized, however, that certain subdisciplines of folklore have been prwided with their own special set of headings that may be in conflict with the headings indicated here. Where there is a conflict of systems, the provisions of the special field should prevail. Ebr exanple , hlk music, which classes normally in M, has been prwided with its own set as cited -2/ By "regularn is meant full publication, not just availability "on" demand. "

58 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14/ Fall 1981 above. For works of this type, use the special guidelines. Also, certain genres of folk literature that class in P, such as folk poetry, should be given standard literary treabnent that again may be in conflict with the pmvisicms given here. This explains, therefore, v.hv certain qenre headinqs provided in these instructions are accorded spkial trea-t as literary form headings (e-g., Folk literature), altbugh the stanrlard folklore headings are not (e-g., Tales). 'Ihe nature of a headirq does not change, however, just because ~t is "bornx+ ed" £ran one system for use in another. Tales, for example, if used for a literary work classing in P is m t modimby languqe in the mrmal manner of literary form headings.

Assignment of Headings

1) General Rule. Assign, as appropriate, a canbination of the following headirgs to mrks of Blklore: [ethnic, national, or occupational group] --local subdivi sion]-Folklore [theme] -rnlklore [heading( s) for specific folklore genres, with local st& d ivision] Folklore-- [local subdivision] [locality]-Social life and custans [other topics, as applicable]

Note: The subdivision Folklore is free-floatimj. 2) Special Provisions a) Collections. Always assign to a collection of folk- loric texts, if pssible, the first three categories of headings listed above. Assign other headings, as appropriate, to the work.

b) Wrks that discuss folklore. Tb such wrks assign headings lbr the first three categories of headings above, if a specific genre is involved. Subdivide the genre headirq by History and critician or by mre specific subdivisions such as Classification; Thm, motives; etc., if apmpriate. If a specific genre is not involved, assign ln- stead of the third category, the Burth and fifth categories of headings. In such cases the subdivision History and criticism is mt used. Explanation of the Categories of Headings 1) Ethnic, national, or occupational gmup

a) If possible, always assign headings of the type [ethnic, national or occupational group]-[local subdivision, if appropriate]- Folklore Afro-Amer icans-Tbuisian&Folklore Ital ians-Austria-Folklore Jews-Folklore Chimney-sweeps-Ne therlands-Folklore !%ere ( A£r ican people)-Folklore Cree Ind ians-Folklore b) IB rnt assign hedings of this type for individual na- tionalities within their own country. The use of Folklore or headings for individual genres with local subdivision is sufficient. Ebr exanple, for the folklore of Italy, use Folklore-Italy, mt Italians--Folklore. c) For Indian groups, assign two headings, one designating the individual tribe, if any, and the other the major group to which the tribe belongs.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 59 Cree Ind ians-Folklore Indians of North Amer ica-Canada-F'olklore

d) If the itm discusses the folklore of an occupational group within a single ethnic group, assign headings that designate both the ethnic group and the occupational group. b@ avers-Pbrocco-Folklore Berbers-Folklore

e) Designate the influence exerted on the folklore of an ethnic group by another group by mans of headirgs of the type [ethnic gm~.~p]--Folklore-- 1. ..I inf luences. Finn-Ugrians-Folklore-Slav ic influences

2) Special Thanes in Folklore. If the item has a special thane, designate the theme by means of the free-floating sMivision Folklore. Stars-Folklore Lizards-Loui sianeFolklore This use of the subdivision Folklore under topics should mt be confused with the use of legends under topics. The latter subdivision is used under a few re1ig ious topics, e .g ., Grail-Legends , but only in connection with published Medieval runances and legends (see Cataloqing Service, bulletin 83, p. 12). In all other instances the subdivision Folklore shuld be used for both folkloric texts or £or criticism.

3) Headings for Specific Folklore Genres. The following is a list of typical folklore genre headings, grouped according to category: Folklore (General) Musical Literary Fairy tales Ballatls Fables Legends Folk music Folk-drana Tales Folk Fblk 1iterature Folk poetry Nursery rhymes Proverbs Riddles

a) ?b a collection of folkloric texts in one genre, assign the appropriate genre heading subdivided by local subdivision, if appr* priate. Ebr wrks of criticism, subdivide the genre heading or the genre heading with local subdivision by the subdivision is tory and criticism, e .go , ~ales-~rimn&History and criticisn. b) Special Treatment. Walify the literary genre headings category by la--ty in acmrdance with mrmal literary £om heading practice. Also, for translations, subdivide these literary qenre headings by the appropriate translation subdivisions, e.g., --Translations into English; -Translations frm German. Co not qualify the hedings of the folklore (general) category by language or nation* lity. For the special rules £or qualifying musical qenre headinqs and use of the suMivision Texts, see cataloging service-~ulletin,no. 13, p. 76-78. Ib not use txration subdivisions under headings listed under either the folklore (general) or musical categories. A few guide- lines for assigning particular genre headings are given belaw. c) airy tales. Assign this heading to collections of tradi- tional narratives that typically deal with supernatural beings (e.g., fairies, ogres, dragons) or supernatural events and that are often created for the amusement of children. It is metimes difficult, however. to distinguish between Tales, which represents the blanket term £or tiadi- tional narratives,and Fairy tales. If in doubt, prefer Tales.

6 0 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 d) Folk literature. Assign this heading to collections cow taining two or more folklore genres. e) Legends. Assign this heading to collections of traditional narratives genermegarded by their tellers as true. They may include narratives that are religious (such as tbse associated with the lives of saints or martyrs, religious objects or beings) , supernatural (e.g., vampires, weremlves, or ghosts) , individuals (e.g ., national figures or heroes), specific places (such as those emphasizing place nme origins or folk histories).

!lb works of legends associated with historical persons known tn have existed, assign a heading in the form [name of person]-Legends, e.g., Crockett, Davy, 1786-1836-Legends,

For wrks concerning legendary figures, use headings in the form [name of person] (Legendary character), e.g., Pecos Bill (Legendary character). To Medieval legends involving re1ig ious objects, assign the subd ivision Legends, e .g ., Grail-Legends .

(Xlalify the heading Legends by the nanes of religions to desiqnate the lgends of these individual bodies, e.g., mends, Jewish; ~gends,Christian; Legends, Buddhist.

Subdivide the heading Legends or the form subdivision wends by the subdivision History and criticism for wrks that discuss the genre. f) Tales. Assign this heading to collections of traditional narratives that arthe most part fictitious ard are told primarily Br entertainment, e .g ., ~ales-~ebraska. For wrks that are collections of a single tale type, assign a headirq in the £om [tale nm] (Tale), e.g., Dragon (Tale). For works that discuss the type, subdivide by History and criticisn. 4) Folklore. Assign this heading, with local subdivision if appropriate, to mrks that discuss folklore in general or folklore as a discipline. Ib not assign the heading to a mrk that deals only with one or more folklore qenres (i.e,, a work that has been assigned a headirq for a spcific ge&e with subdivision History and criticism or the bed- ing Folk literature with the subdivision History and criticism). Ib mt subdivide the heading by History and criticism. Whenever the heading is subdivided by place, assign also a headirq of the type [locality]- Social life and customs. For national groups in countries other than their own, assign two headings for folklore to bring out the folklore of the place of origin and the current location. Germans-Ranan ia--Folklore Folklare--Ranan ia Fblklore--Cermany

5 ) Assign other heaings as needed. Folklore, Applied Literature and folklore Folk medicine Esychoanalysis ad folklore Fblk dentistry Fblklore and history Oral tradition Folklore and education Story- telling [eb.I

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 The titles in each of the following exanples are fictitious and are prwided only to dmnstrate a principle of subject assigment. The subject tracirys are listed in the order of the categories given above. The problem of classification is not being considered; therefore, in an actual situation the tracings may need b be altered in accordance with Cataloging Service Bulletin, no. 1, p. 15. A_ Classification of American Folk Tales 1. Tales-Uited States-Classification. Folklore of Tunisian Potters

1. mtters-Tunisia-Folklore 2. Fblklore--Jrunisia. 3. Tunisia-Social life and custans. Legends Collected Among the Preliterate Peaples of Nigeria 1. Legends-Niger ia. Scottish Tales and Legends

Mexican American Folk Medicine Traditions frum Texas 1. Mexican Pmer icans-~exas-Folklore. 2. Eblk medicinmxas. 3. Folklore--Wxas. 4. *xas--Social life and custms. Analysis of Legends Told by Italians in Austria 1. Ital ians-~ustria-Folklore . 2. wqends-I taly-Hi story and cr i ticisn. 3. Legend-~ustria-History and criticisn. Bachama Stories and Storytellirrg

1. Bachana ( African people)-Folklore. 2. Tales-Nigeria. 3. Story-tell ingoNiger ia. Folklore and mends of the Jews in the Ukraine 1, Jews-UkraineFolklore . 2. mlkloreUlara ine . 3. Iegends, Jewish-Ukraine. 4. UrkraineSocial life and custans.

A Calilection of Navajo Coyote Tales Translated into English 1. Navaho 1nd ians-Folklore. 2. Indians of Mrth Anericif-Arizona-Folklore. 3. Coyote s--Folklore . 4. 7Sl.e~-Arizona. - Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 An Analysis of Navajo Coyote Tales 1. Nanrajo Ind ians-Folklore . 2. Indians of Ebrth Anericit-Arizona-Folklore. 3. Coyo~s-Folklore. 4. Tales--Arizona-History and criticisn. About Afmerican Tales in Gullah Found on St. Simongs Island, Ga.

1. Afro-Americans-Georgia-Saint Simon's Island- Folklore. 2. rnles-Georgia-Saint Simongs Island-History and criticisn. 3. allah dialect Folklore of the Berber Weavers of Morocco 1. Berbers-Folklore . 2. Wavers-Morccco-Folklore. 3. Fblklore--Momco. 4. brocco-Social life and customs.

Iban Tales, Legends, Proverbs Collected in Sarawak

1. Ibans ( Bornem people ) -Folklore. 2. Fblk 1iterature , Iban--Malaysia-Sarawak

A Collection of Tales, Songs, and Poems Obtained Amang the Berbers of Morocco and Translated into English 1. Berber s-Folklore . 2. Folk 1iterature, Berber--Mom~anslations into English. 3. Fblk 1iterature, English~anslations£ran Berber languages . The Folklore of Garlic Among Italian Americans in Massit chusetts 1. Ital ian Anericans-Massachuse tts-Folklore . 2. Garlio-Massachusetts-Folklore. 3. Fblklo~assachusetts . 4. Massachusetts-Social life and custans . Implementation With the hplenentation of these new prwisions hundreds of headings currently listed in LCSH will be cancelled, involving [topic] ( in religion, folk-lore, etc. ) Folk-lore of [ topic] [lore headings of the type Plant lore] [type of animal]-Legends and smries

For elklore, all the above headings are being replaced by headimjs of the type [topic]-Folklore, the sddivision Folklore being a freefloating s&division. In addition, the heading Folk-lore is being replaced by Folklore and the heading Animals, Legends and stories of is being replaced by Animals--Folklore. The cleanup operations are being handled as a special project and should soon be canpleted. This means that all the changes will appear wether in a forthcaning issue of a LCSH Supplement.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 %me of the replacenent headings announced above are narrower in scope than the corresponding headings being cancelled. Folr exanple , all headings of the type [topic] (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) include, in addition to the folklore aspect, a religious aspect. The religious aspect will be covered by several new subdivisions to be announced in a later issue of Cataloginq Service Bulletin. The subdivision Legends and stories will be replaced by the existing sthdivisions ~ictir Biography, and Anecdotes, a new usage which will also be e- at a later dak.

Tnquisit ion

1) Descriptive cataloging The wlrd ~nquisitionis not the nane of a corporate body. Therefore, under MR2 LC will cease b use the term as a main or added entry heading . The appropriate heading prescribed by AACR 2 will be used in all cataloging undertaken after Decenber 31, 1980, e .g. , the nane of the defendant £or a trial or the nane of an inquisitional tri- bunal.

2) Subject cataloging The Subject Cataloging Division has established Inquisition (Indirect) as a topical subject heading. Procedures

a) Assign the subject heading Inquisition divided by place, if appropriate, to wrks dealing with 9 aspect of the ~nquisition. b) D rot use the subdivision History or establish period s+ - divisions derthis subject.

c) Assign additional hedings appropriate b the item being cataloged, such as the nane of a defendant in a trial or other topical subject heail ings.

The Subdivisions 'Pelations " and "Nrilitarv relations "


1) isc continue using the following tm sets of obsolete sub divisions: -Relations (general) with .. . --&la tions (general) with foreiqn countries -Relations (military) with .. . --Relations (military) with fore ign cowtries

Use instead the following freefloating subdivisions as apprw pr iate:

o~elations ( Indirect)

Use under names of regions, countries, cities, etc., for general relations between one region or jurisdiction ard another.

64 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 Military relations (Indirect)

Use under nanes of regions, countries, cities, etc., fbr military relations bewen one region or jurisdiction and another.

2) Do not use the subdivisions to bring out relations between regions or jurisdictions in a single country.

3) Subdivide these subdivisions by region or country to desig- nate relations with a specific region or country. If the region or country is so subdivided, make an additional subject entry with the two geographic names in reversed positions. 1. thited Statee~elations--China. 2. China-Relations-Ulited States.

4) Use the subdivisions Relations and Military relations with- out further subdivision £or the relations of a region or jurisdiction with three or more regions or jurisdictions. Ib not use the obsolete expression ... with foreign countries.

Economic Communitv Countries

As indicakd on p. xvii of the 1979 Supplement to LCSH, most of the headings of the type [corporate name] countries were cancelled in 1979 and replaced by two headings: 1) the corresprding nane heading and 2) the nme of the area covered. Ebr exanple, Acuerdo de Cartagena countries was replaced by the AACR 1 head ing Acuerdo de Cartagena and Andes region. These headings were cancelled as a single project, and any heading that was not then cancelled was to remain intact in LCSH as a valid heading.

me Subject Cataloging Division has been asked tB identify which headirqs were cancelled and which were retained. The followitq head ing s were cancelled : Acuerdo de Cartaqena countries Asian and Pacific Council countries ~sociac i6n Latinoaner icana de Libre Canercio countries Caribbean E'ree Wide Associations countries Council of countries Merc ado can& Cen tmaner icana countries Ckganization for Ecomic Cooperation and Developnent countr ies

Altbugh it was decided not to continue the practice of establishing headirqs of this type, the followirq two headings were retained because of their frequency of use: mropean Ecomic Community countries European Free Trade Association countries There are no plans to cancel these two renaining headings.


Subarrangement of a Literarv Author's Works in Class P

Below are guidelines £or the subarrangenent of works by an in- dividual autbr once the form of the autbr' s nane and the correspond- ing class nwnber or Cutter have been determined ( for the latter, see Cataloging Service Bulletin, no. 3, p. 16-18; no. 11, p. 101).

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 6 5 Background The various tables of Class P that are used in connection - with individual literary authors normally provide for the arrangement of the author's works by special categories, e .go, Collected works, Selections, Translations, Separate works. Fbr exanple, Table IXa, the mst canmonly used table for the arrangement of the works of a literary author, provides the following breakdown (latest revisions are included): Qllected works By date By editor, if know Collected fiction. By date Collected essays. Ep date Collected pens. By date Collected plays. 5 date Wanslat ions ( Collected) Modern versions in the same language. By date Ehglish. Ry translator, if given, or date men&. Ep transla~r,if given, or date Gennan. By translator, if given, or date Other. Ep language Selected works. Selections. By date Separate works. Ep title Biography and critici sn ~ictionaries,indexes, e*. EJy date ~utobiography, journals, memoirs. By title Letters (Collections). By date ktters to and £ran particular individuals. corresprdent ( alphabetically) General works When classing an individual work, it is necessary to decide 1) what specific literary author table to use in connection with the autbr (altbugh in the past many literary author numbers of Class P did not indicate what table was applicable, the Subject Cataloging Divi- sion is now taking steps to make annotations in all subclasses; 2) hat category of the table is appropriate £or the iten being cataloged. Table Revisions

A number of the individual literary autbr tables have mder gone slight rrrodifications over the years, including Table 1%. If the table to be applied has been issued in several versions, always use the mst current one. Ib mt attenpt to retain earlier provisions even if it is discwered upon inspection of shelflist records that the works of an author were mainly shelflisted when an earlier version of the table was valid. These instructions may at times result in same slight separation of editions . Collective Titles

APlZR 2 Rules 25.8+ provide fbr collective ulifonn titles for the arraqement of a mrk. Since these provisions were mt designed tn correspond exactly to the captions of the classification tables, make no attanpt to recomile the differences. Use the titles only as guides when deciding to what category of the table a particular mrk belongs. For exanple, 1) the collective title Selections may correspond either to Selections or Selected works of the tables ( separate numbers may be pa- vided for each) ; 2) sane mrks assign4 the collective title Selections may class with Separate works (see below).

The Cateaories of the Tables

1) General Principles. Class mder the collections numbers, inclding Collected works, Selected works, Translations, collections of

6 6 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 the works of an author that were previously published or never published in the autbrls 1ifeti.m. Use the Separate works n&rs for irrdividual works or for collections of works, incllding pens, stories, etc., that are being published for the first time while the author is still liviq (earlier appearances in journals or periodicals are not counted).

2) Collected works. Class under this caption works that are issued as the canplete works of an author, Fbr example, class here the collected works of the novelist and playwright W. Somerset Maugham. When the table provides two nLnnbers mder this caption, one for date and one &r editor, prefer editor, if bwn (readily ascertainable fmn the itan being cataloged); otherwise, use the number for date. Class here also the collected works of an author whose achiwenent has been slely in one genre. For exanple, class the collected pas of the pet Keats here and mt under the caption Collected poems.

3) Collected fiction, Collected essays, etc. Class under these captions the collected works in one genre ok an autbr whose lite- rary achiwenent has been in tm or more genres. For exanple, class here the canplete collected plays of Maughan, a mvelist and playwright. How- wer, class mder Collected works the canplete poems of the pet Bats. 4) Selected works. Sane tables provide separately for this category. If so, class here a published collection that contains at least two or more canplete works of an author but that does not contain the authorvs canplete works. 5) Selections.' In tables here Selected works are also sepa- rately provided, treat this caption as if it read Quotations, extracts, -etc. (some tables wen make use of this caption, e.q., Table 111 of PN, - k, PS, PZ) . Mer such captions, class dlecti6ns consistitq of isolated excerpts, quotations, etc., £ran the author's various works. For the most part, mne of the selected itens represent canplete mrks. If the table does not provide both categories separately, but only pr* vides Selections, class under the caption both categories of works, i-e.. both Selected works and Selections. The caption in Wle 1% has &.exparded to read Selected works. selections;

6) Translations. Ulder this caption class all translations of collections whether they are collected works, selected works, selec- tions, collected plays, poens, etc., unless separate prwisions appear elsewhere for various genres, etc. Class translations of separate works with the Separate works caption. If a collection has been classed with Separate works for reamns given above, class also the translation with SeDarate works.

Hilst, Hilda. [rnemsl mesia (1959-1979) ... 1980. various aenres. C

Garcia Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936. [mans. mglish and Spanish. Selectims] Lament %r the death of a bullfighter and other pens in the

oriainal- - Smnish.. with Ebqlish translation 1937. - 2 . .. . (~l&sthis selection-of poems with translations into English, A2-29 of Table IXa)

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 67 Simenon, Georges , 1903- q [Selections. English. 19801 me mite fbrse Inn and other novels ... 1980 ...- Translated frm the French. - Contents: The White mrse Inn - The grand- mother - The country doctor. (A selection tknslated into English; class with transle tions into English, A2-29 of Table IXa) Corneille , Pierre, 1606-1 684. [Selections. English. 19801 mlyeuctus ; The liar ; Nicanedes ... 1980. (A translation of three plays; class with special transla- tion number under Corneille in the schedule, .E5, English) Mac& ish , Archibald, 1892- [mans. Selectio~ s] ~ctfive and other pans .. . 1950 .. . - Contents : Actfive -- Geography of this time - Definition of the frontiers -- Voyage west - .. . (Assuming that this collection contains no original poems, class with Selections of Table IXa) Rontempelli, Massh, 1878-1960. [Selections. 19781 Opere scelte ... 1978. (Class this collection with Selections of Table IXa)

Graves, et,1895- [Poens. ,Selections] mms, 1953 ... 1953. (Assuming this collection contains only new poem, class with the Separate works number) Sillibe, Alan. [Short stories. Selections] The second chance and other stories .. . 1981. (Assuming this collection contains only new stories, class with the Separate mrm number) Blackburn, Rul . [Poens. Selections] Against the silences .. . 1980. (Assuming this collection contains only new poems, class .. - with the Separate works number)

Supplementsrv arorks

A supplenentary wrk is a separately issued wrk that in me way cantines or canplenents a previously issued wrk. Supplements, appendices, indexes, addenda, continuations of texts without volm num- bering, etc., are all considered supplementary wrks. In the past sup plmentary works, which were "dashed on" to the catalog record of the original work, were autmtically assigned the sane call nmber , 90 that the two wrks stood together on the shelves. Since supplementary wrks are now being cataloged separately, however, the subject cataloger is responsible for identifying a supplementary wrk as such and classifying it accordirgly. Procedures

1) Formulate the call number of a supplanentary wrk by adding "Suppl ." W the call nunber of the original work. Do not use double mtters, as was often done in the past. m

68 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 HD9211 HD28 EFJ1300 .C55W55 .Y555 .F3 1980 vol.55 1966a Suppl Suppl Suppl -3 If a work supplenents a particular numbered volwne of a series, provide the volwne nunber as part of the canplete call number.

Follow this practice wen when application of the corporate body rule caused a specific date and mrk letter to be added to the call number of the original mrk (see Cataloging Service, bulletin 110, p. 6-8). Use the date and work letter of the original work. If supplementary works to a particular wrk are issued suc- cessively, formulate a unique call number by adding numbers to the designation " Sum1. , " e .g ., Suppl -2, Suppl -3, Sup1-4. 2) No Call Number Available. For varying reasons the Library may not as yet have classified the original work at the time its supple- ment is being cataloged. The original mrk may belong to a category of materials that are .to renain unclassified, or the Library did not ac- quire the original mrk. When this is the case, £ormulate a call number for the original work and add the designation Suppl. to it. 3) Subject Headings

a) Assign the same headings to supplementary works that were assigned to the original. Assign additional headings, as appro~iate, to bring out any topics peculiar to the supplement. b) Indexes. Indexes represent a special kind of supplementary work. Assign as the first subject heading the nane/title of the original work with subdivision Indexes. Assign as additional headings the same headings assigned to the-inal work with subdivision Indexes.

Individual Riographv Table This table originally appeared in Cataloging Service, bulletin 107, p. 5-6; sweral minor modifications have recently been introduced. In using the table the instruction By date always refers to the imprint date of the item cataloged. This table for the subarrangenent of biography is applied throughout the LC classification system where a class number is provided explicitly for individual biography.

RE C)phthalmology 1 periodicals. Societies. Serials [...I Biography 31 Collective 36 1nd ividual , A-Z

Apply the table to class nunbers of the RE36 type. Brceptions to the application of the table are made where special provisions for subar- ranganent have been incorporated into a schedule itself ard also where special biographical tables have been provided £or use in Class D, Class N (the artist table) and Class P (various author tables).

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 6 9 .x Cutter for the biographee .xA2 Collected wrks. By date .a25 Selected wrks. Selections. date Including qmtations .xA3-39 Autobiography, diaries, etc. E3y title .xA4 Letters. By date .xA5 Speeches, essays, and lectures. E3y date .-6-2 Biography and criticisn PUBLICATIONS

National Level Bibliographic Record- - Film s

The final version of the National Level Bibliocrra~hicRecord------Film was recently canpleted by the Library. This publ isation defines the specific elenents that should be included in records £or films that might be shared with other organizations or contributed to a nation- wide data base. mphasis is on the choice of elenents to be included in a record rather than on content designation. Since in certain irr- stances it is difficult to separate content and content designation in machine-readable reards, this publication is based on the MARC films format. 'Ihe price for this loose-leaf £ormat publication is $20.00, which includes the basic edition ard the first update. Subsequent semiannual updates are projected; however, the price has not yet been established. All orders anil inquiries should be directed to Subscriberr kcoun ts Ulit, Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540.


Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 The Library of Congress applies the McCune-Reischauer system in rananizing Korean, as state& in cataloging Service, bulletin 119 all 1976). For word division, the statement saw that urwisionallv the Japanese rules are to be follared. The ~ibkaryof congress ha; gradually develaped details of a more spcifically mrean policy for mrd division. A synthesis of these herebBre unpublished details is below.

Basic Principles

1) Each word, including particles, is separated £run another wd.

2) A canpound word is considered a canbination of binary words. (A b@aq a canpound consisting of tm or tw syllables of Han' gul .) 3) A canpound mrd is divided into binary canponents accord- ing to euphony. m*&nd e%g norae 3i nalgae wi e 24 (q g- 714 91 HI HanPguk j munhak chh ip 74e@w$%$ ,

SPecific Rules

1) Write a particle (e)as a word separate £run the word , except as noted in a-c below. na & nae kil e '4-4-47d 4 noin pada *hwk ct ch'dn zi kkum a kaae -ege

a) Add a ~rticleas a suffix to a verb stem, adverb, or a simple inflection of the verb sten or adverb. =rang pannn anae ~t@$-+ok ~4 ch* &k&i 4- 2 9 c"] ~1 kanan a iginh- $p 7tLk%oi 712-25L /4 b) Write,- coordinated particles together as a word, wiless one of them is a binary. na mando anida + e50k~-1 it Han'guk )no j8n & cheodae ?@fl$$"l\ q?l.j;?q$ iltk ege n& sera sang "m "'$04174 ~&~~~~ hanp~~~U& ci sahak 9~4.:n~jqj@

71 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 c) Add a single contracted form as a suffix to the word stem. - e j6nen mich4'i mllassk 04Ig!V ill 4 eF&d & L 3 chig% nugun9ga was5 *I .2.%n c.~~7t%Aj aid5 muijt i toe* mannari @IcIhd ?%!01qq '$~tzI

2) Write a simple inflected verb, adjective, or adverb as a separate word or as a suffix joined to a word, according to the sense of the element ( s) involved.

4 mndong i t";l ttae r!4+l%&Cq

8 pam e ssk insaengnon yj- $A gig$ d c-uk chick 'in pgsa 232~lq,!~t L.22 0 nugd wiha* chong b ullina T I dd*\"j@3$c\bt simni to mot ka& palp$ng nanda t f 7\ $J- $!-jkb 61-

a) Separate an auxiliary verb, adjective, or adverb, and its inflee tion, fmthe word stem.

ihok ma& cha nk chan t'ilgo t 'a orhk py5l irh5 -~rink.3

b) Separate the auxiliary hada, the copula ida, and inflec- tions of the sane £ram the word stem, provided thrthey maintain the binary form. sin h chcangjoja & sarang iranh pyijng

c) Separate a gerund form £.ran the word stem,

3) Write an imperfect noun as a separate wrd, except as mted in a)-b) a)-&) belaw. moran Wt p'il rnuq6p $%.@ZJ ~$9 ssirim 61tan0 ppun anirao M]SE*Y$ &te

a) mite a single-syllable, imperfect noun as a word joined lm an attributive adjective or to a simple inflected verb. -halsu hk saramda sinsa sungny6 '6r"obun nugur"ul wihan kgsinSga

72 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 b) Write a single-syllable, attributive adjective or prefix as joined to a personal pronoun or imperfect noun.

kun$ wa &i ig8t i chinsang ida

4) Write a derived won3 formed by the addition of a single character modifier, aff&or substantive as a single word.

~an~gukkwa Han9gugin fl1.3J (-A ifP 13c pudongsan p6y8ngka f$hfi$?f$ taedosi "ui iny& kwa Han'guk k4k j"-1 %!&k%@ Hanbando si pgy6nghwa wa anbo 4$~~51~$o%@4~

a) In a Sir-mrean phrase, write a simple inflection of the auxiliary dl-+-hada ard the copula o\ *ejoined to the wrd sten.

kodokhal ttae i say& I'd J]@%C~o 1 I-.\ (5% $nq&nhan saengmy&g

b) In a Sim-Korean canpound, write a single character modifier, aff ix, or substantive as a separate word.

Han'guk ilm m$ng 51 sasu

C) Write an attributive adjective or a pre-formative character separately from the word it modifies. -sin Mnp8p --6 hana edo sapc"um i ~d*p\z$g 01 Han9guk sinhak nom kkdaesa %ichae chcnny6ng .. .kwanhan y6n9gu

d) * Write t*o coordinated characters, affixes, or substantives to- gether as an integral part of the wrd.

such 'ur ip ch61ch4a q$$, A@>z kungnaeoe saji4ng ~ga qt~~\# HanSguk &aga inbo $~@J$&%EP$$ chL&gsony8n ege t&in& &l $~I&VJNI~~CZ~+$-g tokkwajk ksvich4ik kwan9gyep'6p @ %6 fiQ% i!g (58

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 73 e) Write a sirrgle-character suffix together with the word stem. - kongsangche% ;i chu jang a6hdaun tongmulG *& f) Md the binary 5% chuui (used chiefly as a formative element) to its modifier as a suffix. If the modifier is a word of for eign origin, add chuui after a hyphen.

minjujutii %%%& t * MarGkg~s&chu'ii- wa Kid- nt8.2./-&*=&+&@&

5) Write any binary canponent of a canpod as a single word, when pos- w sible.

t'0 ji kaeryang ch&ap ki& gx &f.&&

a) Write a singlecharacter substantive as part of the precedirrg binary element of a canpound. Write a single-character substar+ tive or an additional modifier together as part of the binary elenent. kukse ki- @I%&;& br??&i;~ chijhg t 'onggye chosapgyo $3 &$A,G~ $I $5& ~an'guk chiint &ongmkcho k~rrmulg I3 i$$fi hEB98 kyeryang kyhgjehakch8k y6nn'gu - 8 g@3f1Y~9d-f $ i&hmnby61 +nin'gu 3 :&$ti@%

b) If two single-character substantives appear in succession, write the seoold one as a separate word.

kukse kibon$p non @$k&&:%$$i l~r+ &A > chij'jng t'onggye chosap4yo chip $13 tt,!h,&#&$?% h8113ae chakka samsipsamin chip gjt 4Tz 33~~g Chungguk koj& Hansiin-- s& ? a 5 da;g$$hjg

c) Write a single-character noun as a separate word. hy&n haeng jkg 5 e che kisul 3xf~&z ~-l)%E#f Moktan 'gang haeng $lch 'a 'Yir--f?r% tSY1l $ ~an'guk aiunggong Gi kyqri;k @aip%rq~5

6) Personal names

a) Write a nme consisting of two characters as a single word. Hyphenate a given naane in two characters or a courtesy name ( in place of ) , and capitalize only the first syllable. m

74 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 Ch'oe ~l'i-w&

Yi ch'dn

Kim el

N=w'Jng Kak Snu Chalg&

b) Write a psedmym or other assuned nane as . Kim sakkat


c) Write a Bujdhist priestly or posthumus name as one word.

I* Yk.,.a


d) Write a reign title, temple nane, or title of nobility as one word without a hyphen. ~'aejo


ung Hong Ssi chaq H6ibi.n

7) Corporate names, geographic names, names in publicatiar titles, etc.

a) Treat a corporate nane also as a binary canpsmd. Write seprately as binary elements general terms such as '$@ s,~$b etc. 37 5 ? A@, Hyphenate a generic term suffixed to a word of foreign origin. $2@Cp&a- Han'guksa E?eE tt 3- R (Society of Ebrean History) Han'guk Sahakhbe %-r+ @zq/$ (~r-ry Society of Ebrea)

Han3 guk ~ydnis%t~%hoe

75 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 b) Write a wr: me, term of address, or publication title separately £ran its modifier and also separately £ran the wrd it modifies.

Mllam Yi Sang- jae 9 nanjung ilgi ch'o ~h~&n K'wibong chip &nye Hakkwa -chi

C) Hyphenate a generic term used as part of the nane of a jurisdic tion, and indicate phonetic changes. v -6- 31 R.& Taegu-% k.qiF Kahoe-dmg

d) Write a generic term for a type of topographic feature, archi* tural construction, or a corporate entity used as a part of a proper name joined to that name. Hallasan- :&&I,., Nak-xlgang :$$qTL/I / mgn-- 4G;: P7 Tonga Ilbosa- - %$i$K+f

e) Treat a generic term for a topgraphical feature or a jurisdiction also as a binary element &en canbined with another wrd, ~'aebaek sanmaek kfi&M Anju Kminhoe 52 Y~uI@ I%* V6nju kunji fi )l*Ifl&. Sjarydae Madl Sarij8ng

8) Abbreviated form

Write an abbrwiatd contracted nane , foreign, as a single word.

on3 "u ian &n9 qy6ngny6n chunggongkw6n si changnae

76 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 b) Hyphenate abbreviated forms canbined coordinately. IB not indi- cate phonetical. changes. Write a single-character substantive as part of the final elenent in that canbination.

ch'oesin Pul-Han sajh

&l Chung-~odihrqHakJCyo sineSin-Kuyak ch8ns8

9) Numerals

a) Write a spelled-out cardinal n&r as one word. In a nhr wer 100, separate by hyphens without phonetic chaqes each unit of ten (sip), hundred (paek) , thusand (chson), etc. Join a generic term to the preceding elenent.

b) Treat a contracted form of a cardinal number or calendar year, in Chinese or Arabic, as one wad, and substitute a hyphen for a central point ( ) within the numeral. 2 'S Tan9gi sachen-ibaek-kusipm$ndo yesan @.$z lg -;% ig $ /$ $+ Tan gi 4294-$ndo yesan @$.I? 4294 qBT g- yuksibiny8n sa6p kyehoek q ,$?$$fl&g *.L-. f. 62-5x1 sa6p kyehoek 62 /if $x,~ti@~'I tosi ch' ilsibil 813 i? 71 tosi 71 8 Fn

c) In cases of certain contracted nurnerals that have been firmly established through camnon usage, prefer that form.

sa-ilgu haksaeng GiG *illy& kunsa h~~ng -dlundong

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981 d) Treat the ordinal pfix $$ che an3 other cardinal nmbr af- fixes also as part of a binaryxment or part of a canpund. m

-the samch'a Yuen Ch'anghoe -the 3-ch'a Yuen Ch40nghoe -chess ch'dn %isegye -che-4 ch "ui segye %@72%q$S# sebantchae sanai

nanu han kuru

e) Idetain an Arabic nuneral or substitute it ~r a vernacular character nuneral. Hyphenate a nunerd or suffix without indication of pbnetical change.

u Nanyang "&ang 20-pSEI &ly!3!?f*fl ~amyan9?hang isimn*sa Rrg~?,$Fj20 % 2 a.Ijaeguk. Ijae che 1-)wa 1

Kungnip Pangmulgwan koj'bk chosa ; che 3-chcaek


- Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 14 / Fall 1981