Iyanla Vanzant | 352 pages | 01 Aug 2011 | Hay House UK Ltd | 9781848504882 | English | London, United Kingdom Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What Youre Going Through PDF Book Piece by piece; one experience, one situation, and one circumstance at a time, until I found myself standing in the midst of a heap of broken promises, splintered relationships, and shattered dreams. There were also grammatical errors, typos and some erroneous information, like Iyanla thinks aids can be spread in a hot tub and had a big fight with her ex husband over this. Read aloud. But, to be well into adulthood and continually blame her father, her grandmother, her mother is tiring and unfair. Discover why everything you need to learn is reflected in your relationships; gain a new perspective on personal power, spiritual purpose, and karma; and recognize that it is possible to make your broken pieces whole. This good was a very good read for me. If I would do this, then that would happen, but can everything i Happy Friday!!! It is a function of what is stored on your internal landscape, your perceptions and misconceptions about life and how you fit into the scheme of things. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Who doesn't?! I personally don't want to take adv I'm in a book club. It is not a direct self help book. There comes a point when you have to say what happened in the past was in the past, it's time to move on and make a change. She made the story about her unworthiness that enhanced her need to be approved. Iyanla sure does give us blow by blow details. An good book for anyone who is searching for meaning and purpose. I can't help but to feel that her version of events might be denied by the other parties involved. I have never heard of Iyanla, nor have I read any of her books. Iyanla Vanzant. I got nothing of what I wanted. If you were here I would hug you It sounds like she is in need of cash and trying to get herself back out there. Here she shows the progression of weight loss through a personal diary, detailing how she Why do children blame themselves for the foolish mistakes the adults make? I appreciated Iyanla's honesty in her writing. I thought it would start with her story and then move into a self-help book to help others through their broken pieces. As the daughter of Beach Boys legend , Carnie Wilson grew up in the fast lane and has had a lifelong struggle with obesity. Iyanla is one of those women who puts my life into perspective. Her healing journey- -financially, psychologically, and spiritually--was not easy but is insp After becoming a multimillionaire, having her own television , and writing a number of best sellers, Iyanla One day, as I sat helplessly surveying the broken pieces of my mind, heart, and life, I recognized that a broken life is a test of faith of the highest order. Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What Youre Going Through Writer

She mentioned her son being incarcerated, but never addressed any particular incident or wrong doing which caused him to be incarcerated. Through it all she shares her wise and poignant spiritual insights, and I was left feeling encouraged and inspired to continue evolving on my own spiritual journey! Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. I also commend her for doing so, because it couldn't had been easy, not all at. The book is cleverly structured; it's really an examination of the experience and impact of the death of her daughter to cancer, but the first half is like a prologue laying the foundation so the reader will understand clearly why she had the reactions she did. I really felt bad for Iyanla and her entire experience with Buena Vista. She always needs to interfere and assuming what people are thinking rather than asking them. I rather not comment on it at all. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Did she write this book because she was in desperate need of money yet again? Apr 13, Lucas rated it liked it. What sticks with me most, after listening to all 11 hours of this audio book is how Iyanla seems on the other side of the chaos, pain and grief of her early life and yet she writes in the present, recognizing how living is a moment-by-monent experience and she seems put on this earth to remind us, that help is always one prayer away. For me, it's too repetitive and frustrating. I think he could have helped her tremendously. It made her shiver because deep down voices told her she was worthless, she was always undeserving and she was never to ask anything. Only when it hardens does it become uncomfortable. Nov 08, Terri rated it really liked it. What does one do when a 37 year old relationship ends in a brutal divorce, adultery being one of the reasons? I think she wrote this book for the money. The book is cleverly structured; it's really an examination of the experience and impact of the death of her daughter to cancer, but the first half is like a prologue laying the found Kind of like a follow-up to "Yesterday, I Cried," where the author uses her personal experiences to impart wisdom to her readers. Vanzant on Oprah twice! Mar 07, Kathleen Smith rated it liked it. Related Searches. My heart ached within as I read chapter by chapter of her experiences with abuse past down generation after generation. N-joy HIS day!!! After reading Peace from Broken Pieces I cannot imagine turning to her to read a book about really anything. So happy she shared her story and explains why she's so good at what she does. Or, better yet, watch her on youtube. Read aloud. Thanks for telling us about the problem. This woman has overcome so much--she's a true warrior of life. Enlarge cover. Who you once were is going to dangle old carrots, old wounds and issues, in front of your face. If you were here I Oh, how I wanted to love this book!!!! Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What Youre Going Through Reviews

More by Iyanla Vanzant See more. We have had very similar paths; I've had multiple marriages, lost my entire life savings,my home, BUT I have never sat with my adult child and watched him die! Something has shifted in your thinking, but it has not reach the other levels of your being—the heart and the spirit. Do you think God seriously works that way woman? She really shares her journey with readers; even the painful and very difficult aspects of it. I try really hard to not stay in my story. The book is not only about Iyanla Vanzant, it is a universal story of hurts and wounds, of denials and betrayal, lies and truth but above all the light of God that makes us rise all above it and make us shine. She made the story about her unworthiness that enhanced her need to be approved. Jun 23, Lisa rated it liked it. What does a mother do when she loses her daughter bit by bit to cancer? I feel her pain when she talks about dealings with men. Iyanla shares about her final failed marriage but doesn't go in depth about her first two. Trivia About Peace from Broken No matter how hard Gemmia tried to be perfect, her mother didn't really notice Peace from Broken Pieces is Iyanla Vanzant's journey through the darkest days of her life. In this book, Iyanla shares her tremendously tragic childhood, her many mistakes as a teen and single mother, her rise as an inspirational speaker, her fall from grace after losing her contract with the Oprah show, the disastrous day time show of her own produced by Barbara Walters, and losing her closest daughter to cancer. Master Integrative Life Coach shows readers how to set healthy boundaries for deeper connection and freedom, to create life they most want. T Iyanla is an amazing and inspiring woman. Iyanla bares her soul, her emotions, flaws and mistakes. This is a wonderful compilation of quotes and affirmations from some esteemed Hay House authors. Not many people are willing to go to the depths that she did. As you ma Peace from Broken Pieces is a book that I needed to read at this particular point in my life. There comes a point when you have to say what happened in the past was in the past, it's time to move on and make a change. I personally don't want to take adv I'm in a book club. If you need a story that is not only interesting but also uplifting to read, then this is a book you should definitely read. This is not easy or light reading but it's the kind of honest, raw, truth-telling that stays with you and inspires change. This book centered around Iyanla's and Gemma's lives. After realizing the part she played in Gemmia's death, she begins to start over and change the dynamics for her grandchildren. Knowing that you are enough is a function of consciousness. I truly read her book and felt that I had learned something about myself. I lived in the projects and was on welfare, only for 9 mos but I still felt the pains of a system that showed you rejection at every turn. Oct 05, Nakia rated it liked it. Here she shows the progression of weight loss through a personal diary, detailing how she Eventually, in this form of bankrupt relationship, your benefactors will demand or expect more than you are able or willing to give. Peace from Broken Pieces is Iyanla Vanzant's journey through the darkest days of her life. Welcome back. In chapter 2 "Walking Wounded". Apart from Iyanla: Fix my life, two of her most poignant episodes were: Daddyless daughters and Fatherless sons. Quotes from Peace from Broken She claims she is "finally ready to have a real relationship with myself, where I could stand on my own two feet without hidden agendas or needs that I did not put on the table Published first published September 15th As you make the journey with her, there are valuable lessons that she shares in her make it plain style. I was so looking forward to this book and I very much like the memoir-as-self help genre but this book just failed for me.

Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What Youre Going Through Read Online

Your personal lie circulates throughout your entire being and determines how you move, or if you can move at all. She got good grades, never got in trouble and helped raise her brother and sister. Welcome back. I had a gaping hole that no amount of achievement, money, or acknowledgment could fill. I wanted to get lessons. She is such a powerful person to listen to, the things she said on Oprah just made me go, "Ah ha! In most cases, it is not a one-shot deal. I found myself crying at several points in this book, and feeling a lot of compassion and respect for Iyanla. I was not a believer in God speaking to her and having actual conversations with her. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. This woman has overcome so much--she's a true warrior of lif I saw Iyanla on Oprah's Lifeclass on OWN last week and decided to read this book after she referred to one of the concepts in it. Iyanla shares about her final failed marriage but doesn't go in depth about her first two. The rest of the book just seemed like a never ending saga of drama and Vanzant playing the victim. Obviously, she has been through enough and she goes on and on about being a bad mother, not believing her own hype, marrying a cheater, etc. I think there's something powerful about getting to the "top" and realizing there's nothing there And those lessons were not easy. She has this happen conversations numerous times through the book. How can I learn from her own broken pieces when she doesn't mend her own? When that happens, you will be tempted to revert to old feelings, old patterns of thought, and old patterns of behavior. What she preaches to others is not how she even lives her own life. To ask other readers questions about Peace from Broken Pieces , please sign up. Iyanla Vanzant. I really wanted to love this book. It's also perfectly okay, that I am not a fan and did not enjoy this book. Overview How do you find your way through the broken pieces and the pain to peace? Who doesn't?! She mentioned her son being incarcerated, but never addressed any particular incident or wrong doing which caused him to be incarcerated. Talking about the need to break generational curses. Error rating book. Vanzant has clearly spent the time to distill the lessons of her life and how to consciously try to make different choices, or as she might say, how to change pathology. Her life story is heartbreaking. Her marriage ending, her career tanking, etc. See a Problem? Top charts. Hay House Inc. N-joy HIS day!!! I am in awe after reading her story. I find her entertaining and probably even well- meaning, but I stand by what I wrote 8 years ago. An amazing book that made me cry, made me smile, brought me joy and made the look inside myself at the pathology of my family and what I have brought forward. I have a whole new respect for Iyanla Vanzant. It is not a direct self help book. Content protection. In Chapter 5, when she was talking about the "soul", it came out of nowhere and I thought it was all just crazy talk.