(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D742,349S Han (45) Date of Patent
USOOD742349S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D742,349S Han (45) Date of Patent: . Nov. 3, 2015 (54) MOBILE TERMINAL D687,795 S * 8/2013 Kim et al. ............. D14f138 AD D696.216 S * 12/2013 Jung et al. ................ D14f138 G D697,889 S * 1/2014 Ahn et al. ................ D14f138 G (71) Applicant: Sting Elstronics Co., Ltd., D698.332 S * 1/2014 Ryu ......................... D14f138 G uwon-si (KR) D699,206 S * 2/2014 Kim ......................... D14f138 G (72) Inventor: Woo-Seung Han, Seoul (KR) (Continued) (73) Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Suwon-si (KR) RU 81520 4/2012 (**) Term: 14 Years OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No. 29/472,061 Samsung Galaxy Win Pro G3812, announced Dec. 2013, online). site visited Jun. 11, 2015. Available from Internet, <URL: http:// (22) Filed: Nov. 8, 2013 www.gsmarena.com/Samsung galaxy win pro g3812-5886. php>.* (30) Foreign Application Priority Data (Continued) Sep. 26, 2013 (KR) ........................ 30-2013-004908O Primary Examiner — Jeffrey D Asch (51) LOC (10) Cl. ................................................ 14-03 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — NSIP Law (52) U.S. Cl. USPC ..................................................... D14f138 G (57) CLAM (58) Field of Classification Search The ornamental design for a mobile terminal, as shown and USPC .............. D14/138 G, 138 AD, 341, 346, 345, described. D14/138 R, 496, 203.1, 203.3, 203.5, 203.7, D14/248,218; 455/575..1, 556.2, 575.3, DESCRIPTION 455/575.4; D21/517,329; 379/.433.01, 379/.433.04: D10/65, 78; 361/679.3, FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of a mobile terminal show 361/679.56: D13/168 ing my new design; CPC ...........
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