The Belfast Gazette, 6Th September, 1968 303
THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 6TH SEPTEMBER, 1968 303 (iii) to stop up Harbour Street between the Short Bros. & Harland Ltd., Hawlmark Works, New- points where it meets the motorway. townards. 5. To transfer certain works to Belfast County Standard Telephones & Cables (N.I.) Ltd., Doagh Borough Council. Road, Newtownabbey. 6. To provide that only traffic of the types defined Turner Bros. Asbestos Co. Ltd., Beechvalley, Dun- in Classes I and II of Schedule 3 to the Special gannon. Roads Act (Northern Ireland) 1963 will be authorized to use the motorway. The route of the motorway, the locations of the bridges and connections which it is proposed to FAMILY ALLOWANCES AND NATIONAL construct and particulars of the road which it is INSURANCE (NO. 2) ACT (NORTHERN proposed to stop us are delineated on a map, a IRELAND) 1968 copy of which, together with a copy of the draft Order, may be inspected by any person, free of Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of powers charge, at all reasonable hours during the period conferred by section 3(4) of, and Schedule 3 to, the from 6th September, 1968, to 16th October, 1968, Family Allowances and National Insurance (No. 2) at the following places: Act (Northern Ireland) 1968 and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, the Ministry of Antrim County Council, Health and Social Services for Northern Ireland, County Courthouse, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance for Crumlin Road, Northern Ireland, has made regulations entitled the Belfast, BT14 6AJ. Family Allowances, National Insurance and Indus- trial Injuries (Consequential) (No.
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