Eighth6HULHV9ROXXXII1R. 08 TuesdayNovember 17, 1987  Kartika 26, 1909 6DND 

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{Eighth Serie.r;, Volu~e XXXII, Ninth Session, 1987/1909 (Saka)) No. 8, Tu~sday, November 17, 1987/Kartika 26, 1909 (Saka)

COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions;

·Starred Questions Nos. 145 to 1S0 and JS2 . 1·26

Written Answers to Questions:

·Starred Questions NOl. 151 and 1S3 to 166 26-43

Unstarred Questions Nos. 1440 to 1509 and 1511 to 1674 43-374

Question of Privilege reo detention of Shri V.C. Shukla. M. P. by Delhi Police at Lodi Colony P .S: and not informing the Speaker immediately about it. 374-379

Announcement by the Speaker reo Indian Express Case 379·403

Personel EKplanations by Members 403-430

• The Sign+marked above the name of a Member indicates tbat tbo Quostlon was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. LOK SABHA DEBATES

LOK SABHA the last 3 years indicate an upward trend. For instance, while production of Khadi in quantity terms bas increased to 106.42 Million Sq. Mtrs. in 1986-87 from Tuesday, November 17,1987 103.98 Million Sq. Mtrs. in 1984-85, Kartika 26, 1909 (SAKA) the value of production has gone up to Rs. 201.95 crores from Rs. 157.62 crores during the same period. Similarly, the value of sales of Khadi products has also The Lok Sabha met at increased from Rs. 159.51 crores in 1984- Eleven of the Clock 85 to RI. 207.97 crores In 1916-87. There- fore. It cannot be said that tbere was a [MR. SPEAKER in the chair j. decline in either production or sale of Khadi. [English] SHRI ANIL BASU : You are well SHRI H. A. DORA : To day it;s aware that khadi was considered as a very thin, Sir. symbol of our freedom struggle during the independence period. [Translation] (Interruption,f)

MR. SPEAKER : I do not know PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: what you have done. Though no Congressman puts on Kbadi.

ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI ANIL BASU : Khadi industry is a symbol of freedom struggle and [English] Mahatma Gandhi introduced homespun khadi Dot only as a fervour of national Use of homespun khadl aspirations of the fl eedom struggle but *145. SHRI ANIL BASU : also for livelihood of millions o( Indian rural people. In view of this Mahatma SHRI AJIT KUMAR SAHA: Gandhi to the present era of Rajiv Gandhi, Will tbe Minister of INDUSTRY be the culture of Kbadi has declined. And pleased to state : in our more and more import libera- lisation policy and more and mor. import (a) whether Government are aware of synthetic fibre, use of Khadi has declined. of general decline in the use of homespun In view of this, may I ask the Hon. Kbadi;and Minister whether it is a fact that the 'sale of Khadi in Kbadi Bhawan in Bombay has (b) if so, the steps initiated to moti- decHntd sharply in the year 1986-17, and vate people in the use of Khadi and whether the Government is going to take results achieved? any action to increase the sale of Kbadi in the Khadl Bhavan in Bombay. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM: As far DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY as khadi sale is concerned, we have the OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA. figures for all ; we don't have the CHALAM) : (a) and (b)' Production figures association-wise or iestitution. and Sale are two indicators of wise. the trend in the use of homespun Kbadi. Production and Sale or Khadi eluriog If you see the figures from 1984·15 to Oral Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Oral Answtrs 4

19~6-87, it has been an upward trend, as SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM: The I said earlier. In ] 984-85, the sale of Khadl Commission is taking aU the steps khadi was to the tune of Rs. 159.51 to increase the production and sale of crores; it has increased to Rs. 196.74 Khadi. Special steps have also been taken crores in 1985.86 and In 1986·87 it has in this regard. Special rebate, over and further increased to Re. 207.97 crores. above the standing rebate, is being given for a period of 90 days to att,ract custo- SHRI ANIL BASU: I asked tbe mers and clear the accumuJated stocks question in relation to the Bombay Khadi every year. Last year we have given Bhawan. rebate for 120 days. KBs also provide funds to the State Boards and Khadi SHRI toA. ARUNACHALAM: That institutions to open new . sales depots, is what I said that I have no detaiJs renovate the existing ones as per the for tbe individual organisation or instiu· current plan of assistance approved by tion. . the Commission,

MR. SPEAKER: You can providt. Organisation of seminars and exhibi- tions are being encouraged. We are SHRI ANIL BASU: I am told that even trying to find the possibilities tbe sale of Kbadi in the non- Congress (I) of exporting Khadi products to other ruled states is increasing sharply; but in countries. the Congrefs (I) ruled stafes the saTe of Khadi is declining. The Minister has not SHRI RANJ1T SINGH GAEKWAD : given the state·wise figures. In view of Khadi is already very expensive and this this may I know whether tbe projected year because of the severe drought, many annual growth rate of Khadi~has been ac- parts of the country are not going to get hieved during the first year of the 7th FIve coflon crops. I would like to know as year pran, i.e. 1985·861 If so, the details to what steps the Government wishes to thereof and if not the reasons for that. take to make Khadi popular. May I also know whether the Government wishes to ·review the situation and conte- mplates to take action to increase the SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM:. The sale of Kha

  • SHRI ANIL BASU: H~ has not Usc of gas available at Cauvery Basin for answered the question. I asked about power generation by Tamil Nadu projected annual rate of growth of Electricity Beard Kbadi. *146. SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU: MR. SPEAKER: Shri Ajit Kumar Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased Saba to put his question. to slate:

    SHRJ AJIT KUMAR SAHA: Part (a) whether gas is used for power (blof the question has not breD answered, generation by the State Electricity Sir. The question was 'if so, the steps Boards; initiated to motivate people in tbe use of Khadi.... This has not be answered. May (b) the extent of power produced by I know wbat steps tbe Government has various State Electricity Boards with taken to motivate people to use Khadi ? gasi s Oral Answ~rs K~RTIKo\ 26, 1909 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6

    (c) whether there Is any proposal Minister, Mr. Vasant Sathe fully knows from the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board that we are actually short of power and to use the gas available at Cauvery Basin we need more power-only energy and for power generation: and not the political or any other power.

    (d) tf so, how much power is expected SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: He wants to be generated with the u~e of gas? electrical power in exhange f.or political power. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU : I would MINJSTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI like to k~ow whether the Ministry of SUSHILA ROHT AGI ) : (a) Yes, Sir. Energy will come forward to help Tamil Nadu in getting more power supply (b) From gas-based power plants because in India we are having the largest 2464 million units were generated during number of pump sets. In TamL Nadu tbe period April-October, 1987. alone we a~e baving more thall 11 Iakh pump sets and the Jargest consumer of (c) and (d) A proposal to Import a gas power supply is the farmers. Will the turbine unit of 5 MW capacity, based on come forward to gas supp.y fro~ the Cauvery basin, was help Tamil Nadu extract more energy received in July, 1987 from the Tamil by means of gas" atomic powC'r or Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB). The thermal power ? TNEB ware advised, in September, 1987, to contact MIS BHEL for their require. THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND ments. MINISTER OF STEEL & MINES (SHRI SHRI p. KOLANDAIVFLU : I thank V ASANT SATH E) : We are always very the hon. Minister for giving a positive eager that every State should have maxi- reply. With the gas which is available very mum power. I am glad that as far as near to Chidambram in South Arcot Tamil Nadu is concerned manily District. viz., S20eO cubic meters per day h.ecause of NeyveJIi and the proposed and 4000 cubic meters Itt a very near expansion in Neyveli and aJso the exploration, namely, Narimanan we can nuclear power station at KaJpakkam the have a power plant of more than 100 MW power situation has substantially improved You have allowed i~port (If gas turbine· but yet because of the growth and need of 5 MW capacity and the Tamil Nadu of agriculture there is always a gap bet- Electricity Board has been ad vised to been the projected demand and supply. contact the BHEL for their requirements. In the Seventh Five Year Plan in Tamil I want to know about the request made Nadu an ouray of Rs. 5750 crores has by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to been provided of which the outlay for have a 100 MW plant by the us~ of gas the power sector is Rs. 2000 crores. available in Tamil Nadu. A project report relating to 3 x 210 MW capacity thermal station at Cadallore SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: at an estimated cost of Rs. 759.22 crores Sir, as regards S MW unit import of gas was received in the CEA in March, 1987. . turbine has not been allowed because BHEL has already entered into a manu- The scheme is under examination and facturing collaboration with another . coal availability as also environmental company and tbis Dlachine of 3 5 MW clearance remains to be tied up We capacity is available io India itself. So ourselves are very eager and will try to it was not considered necessary to have help the Tamil Nadu people to the maxi- an imported one when the indigenous mum extent possible. turbine is available. As regards setting up of lOOMW unit we are not aware of SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY : Mr. that. We have to look into it. Speaker, Sir, even though the Seventh Five Year Plan' outlay is touching morc SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU: As far than Rs. 5,000 crores out of which nearly as Tamil Nadu is concerned the bon. 50 per cent is goiog to be spent 00 POWC( 7 Oral Answers NOVEMBEn. 11, 1987 Oral Answers 8

    generation in Tamil Nadu, the rea1ity is appeared regarding a gas-based power tbat it is one of the worst affected States. plant at Lalachuru. I request the Hon'bJe There arc DO bydroelectnc or coal·bal)ed Minister to give us full details. power projects ~ased l)n natural resources except Neyvell. In vIew of this, may I SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: ask the Hon. Minister through you At present, apart from the three projects whether the Ministry would consider which are likely to be commislioned setting up more and more nuclear power during the Seventh Plan (being undertaken projects as well as the usage of the gas by NTPC at Anta, Auraiya and Kawas), available in Tamil Nadu at Bhuvanagiri, we have some other projects which are in Kovilkalvilai and other areas? operation already. These are in Gujarat, , Assam and Tripura. Besides I do not think the 5 MW unit is going these, for tbe future, we already have to be a very good proposition because our projects under implementation in Rajas- hunger is very much. Wit h (he availabi- than, Tripura, Assam and Maharashtra. lity of gas at two places, they can have does not figure on our power generation plants at Bbuv8nagiri, list so far. If you are anxious, we shall etc. I would like to know whether the find out. Hon. Minister will come forward to assure us. SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: State Electricity Board has sent a SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: proposal. Will you clear it ? Sir, I would hke to say that Tamil Nadu SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: is not one of those States. Fortunately, it We will have to find out. has not been very badly affected. r Their performance is quite satisfactory though SHRT S. JAIPAL REDDY: As has it could improve. Because of failure of been pointed out already, adequate depo- monsoon and paucity of water, sits of gas have been found !n Godavari and Kerala have suffered tremendously .. basin. In addition to that, of late, consi. At th e same time, I do see that in the derabJe deposits of gas have been found near future we envisage that more gas near Bhuvanagiri in H'yderabad. In view would be ayailable. If there are more of the abundance of gas stocks in Andhra proposals comir'8 from any of the States, Pradesh, how is that the Government of I think we would be able to have more India has not cared to consider a proposal and more power stations in the country in from And hra Pradesh ? the near future. Sir, the Ministers are aware of the I have already explained about the severe shortage of power in Andhra specific qu(stion regarding the S MW Pradesh. The Hon'ble Minister was good unit. enough to arrange for more than 200 MWs of power this year. In view of this, will SHRI SRIHARI RAO: Sir, due to the Minister at least now rise to the acute shortage of power in Andhra Pra- occassion ? desh, the State Government had sent three proposals of 33 MW each for Goda- SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: vari and Krishna basins. There is plenty Sir. we are fu1Jy aware of the possibility of gas available in Andhra Pradesh. If and their goodJuck of having ruore and there is any proposal to set up these more gas in the country. On the contrary, three units or any other type of units I would like to tell the Hon'bJe Member under consideration of the Central that we are keeping a bumher of schemes Government, , would like to know when in tbe pipeline. Perhaps that may be in the proposals sent by the State Electr icity the pipeline. Since I am not very certain, Board would be cleared by the Central I have not committed about this. But we Government. would certainly like to apprise the Mem- bers that we would like to welcome any 1 know another place also in East schemes which can be found viable, where GodavarI. A newspaper report had there is a need 'in that particular region or Drat Answers Oral Answer& 10 where there is avaiIabiHty of gas. All [Tralls/atioll] these factors must bc Hnked together and I am sure that if that scheme is there, we Electrification or Development Blocks will see what is the position about it. I 10 Bastar.(M.P.) would also like to inform the hone Mem- ·147. SHRI MANKURAM SODI : ber that regarding availability of gas in Will tbe ~linhter of ENERGY be plc:ased future, we have already given prloraty to certa in projects lik c in Dadri where to state: another additional 600 MW gas project is (a) the number of development blocks likely to come uP. In . , which have not been eloctrified so far; Secondly, we could consider doubling up our 430 MW in Anta. (b) whether the work has been held up due to non-clearance by the Forest Thirdly, use of gas for plants in Delhi. Department; and Apart from this, as enumerated earlier. there are many in the pipelines. Though (c) if so, the details thereof? this question was on Tamil Nadu lind not on Andhra Pradesh we will look into it [English] and see if anything can be done about THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE it. DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI SHRI NAWAL KISHORE SHARMA: SUSHILA ROHT AGI) : (a) to (c) A The MJDister was replying to the question Statement is given below. and has referred to the on-going project at Anta in Kola. May I know from the Statement Minister about the Anta project, which is a gaseous project, that in view of the fact (a) to (c) Out of a total number of that lot of gas is available from HBJ pipe- 3382 inhabited villages in Bastar District line and the fertilizers plants are not likely of Madhya Prade~h, 1~01 villages had been to come up and in view (if the fact that electrified by the end of July, 1987. The Rajasthan is sutf~ring from seriou~ power headquarters of all the Development shortages, would the Minister consider Blocks in Bastar District have been elect- the making up of the capacity 'of this gas- rified. According to a preliminary survey based plant from 4.30 MW to 600 MW. made by the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Then Sir, would the Minister also indicate Board, the electrification of 4 vl11ages in 'as to what are the plans which have been the current year's prog,·amme has been formulated by the Ministry with the large affected for want of forest clearance for availability of gas in Jaisalmer and Barmer construction of 11 K V lines. districts ? [Translation]

    SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: SHRI MANKURAM SODI: Mr. Regarding the first part of the question, Speaker, Sir, the hon •. Minister has stated the hOD. Member is quite correct that in her reply that .fout of a total number there is greater availability of gas and of 3382 villases in Bastar district of therefore with this capacity, the NTPC M adbya Pradesh, 1301 VIllages had been capacity in Anta instead of being raised electrified by the·· end of July. 1987". Now from 430 to {OO M W could be raised to the Seventh Five Year Plan is going on & 860 MW. In Rajasthan, we have project out of a total number of 3382 villagcs, you which is under implementatioD in Ram- have electrified only 1301 villages. From garb, a gas turbine project of 1 x 3 MW. this, it is clear how slow we have been It is a smallcr one but a present onc. going in this field in this backward district. About other details of Rajasthan, in This is one of the examples. Besides, particular dIstricts I do not have and we there arc a total number of 32 development will look into them. block. in Bastar dlstrict) out of which two 11 Oral AnswtrS NOVEMB!:R t 7, 1987 Oral Answl'rs

    development blocks, namely, Abuzmad priority to the electrification of tribal Development Block,whicb has its headquar- areas, Harijan Bastis and backward areas ters at Orchha, and Darbha Development under the minimum needs progr3rr.me so Block, ~hich bas its headquarters in as to accelerate the speed of electrfication. project area, have not heen The percentage of electrification which electrified whereas tbe Madam Minister stood at 12 per cent in 1959, the year in has stated in her reply that the headquar· which R.E.C. was set up has today gono ters of all tbe development blocks in Bas- to 73 per cent. It is hoped that the rest tar district have been electrified. There of the areas would be covered by the end fore, I would request the hon. Minister to of the Eighth Plan. get it clarified from her Department once again. SHRI MANKURAM SODI : The Government has admitted that electrifica- Thirdly, with reference to tbe Govern· tion of 4 \'Wages in the current year's ment's decision to electrify all the villages programme has been affected for want of in th" country within a specified period. Forest Department's clearance. As per I do not think that thiS work will be com· the budget provisions of her Department pleted in time considering the speed with for rural electrification, the work relating which the work IS going on in Bastar to erection of poles is done and thereafter district. Therefore, I would like to know only poles are seen for the next 2 to 3 whether the bon. Minister would issue years and no electricity lin~ is laid because instructions to the State Government to cutting of trees etc. is involved. In the complete this work speedily? absence of clearance for cutting of trees, the people see only polc:s for 2-3 years. SHRlMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: The people ask us as to what is this policy Sir, as per my information tbe he adquar- of the Government that the poles are ters of all the Revenue Blocks in 32 erected by one department but the other development blocks have been electrified. . Department does not allow th(: laying of The two blocks which he has referred to electricity lines. There is no coordina- have also been electrified. With regard to tion between the two Government depart- the four villages which have not been ments. ,I would like to know \\'h~ther electrified, the slackness is not on our Government would bring about improve- part. It is the Forest Department of tbe ment so far as Jack of coordirlation is State GoverolDent which has not given concerned? the cl~arance. If the hone Member could get it cleared from the Forest THE MINISTER OF ENERGY Department of the State Government, they (SHRI VASA NT SATHE): Mr. Speaker, too would be electrifi.!d. Sir, so far as coordination is concerned, it is the two Departments of the State As regards the backwardness, it is a Government "blch have to coordinate fact that tbe percentage of electrifi~ation with each other. The one is Forest in Bastar district in Madhya Pradesh at Departmeot which is to give clearance present is 67 which Is marginally below the with regard to cutting and removing of national average of 72.2 per cent. trees etc. and the other is Electricity However, the speed of electri- Department of the State Government fication of the villages in Bastar which has to fix the poles and lay electric- district is slow which has to be speeded line. So far as the Centre is concerned, uP. In this regard, 1 he R.E.C. has form- we make provision and allocate funds fl'r ulated and got sanctioned 57 schemes. rural electrification and this Wt! have done. We have to accelerate the speed of The difficu~ty regarding coordination is electrification. I would rcquest between tbe two departments of the State the hon. Member as well as tbe Government. I would request the hone State Electricity Board and the State Members to help us in this regard in Electricity Minister to extend their coopera. impressing upon their respective State tion in this endeavour. At the same Governmcnb. On our part, we too will time, I would say tbat the R.E.C. and take it up with them. It is our endeavour the State Electricity Board should sive to electrify more and more villages. 13 Oral Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) OrQ/ Answers 14

    SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: It is for SHRI V ASANT SATHE : It js Dot for the State Government to give clearance, us to say, "Why do not you". In fact, I 11 k.v. lines are to be laid there and it have requested every hone Member of Parli. is the State Government who has to give ament and I would say It again that each clearance for it. hone Member of Parliament should start a cooperative integrated energy village,. [ English] at least in one village in his constituency. We will give all the technical assistance SHR'I CHANDRA PRATAP that is required and I can give you an NARAIN SINGH: Sir, tbe assurance for that. Let them a'so do Hon Minister has just now said that he something for their constituencies. would request the members to ask their respective State Governments to facilitate SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA the sanction of electricity in tribal viUages RAO : We have already given the names where there are forests. This is a very of the villages. incongruous' situation. On the one side, it is said that 'forests should not be cut, [Translation] and this, is one of the priority sectors of the Environment Ministry and Government SHRI VASANT SATHE: Merely of India. The Hon. Minis~er is very keen giving name wou ld not heJp. on 'Urja VilJages'. He has written to all the hon members of Parliament regarding [Trallslation] decentralised systems of power generation so that we can have these 'urja' villages. SHRI RAM SINGH YADAV : 1\fr. Spe- Why does not the Minister instead of aker,Slr, I would like to submit to the hon. passing the buck on the State Govern- Minister that whatever schemes have so far ment and ~eeing that the State Govern- been taken up by the Rural Electrication ment cut forests, have 'urja' villages in Corporation have not been taken in a remote area; aDd see that priority is given systematic manner. Even today, and othor to tribal villages to have these decentrali· tribal and other areas of Rajasthan are sed power systems '1 lagging far behind in the matter of electri- fication. Will the bon. Minister Issue a SHRI VAS~NT SATHE' Sir,I am t!lank. warning or directive to the R.E.C. to ful to the Member for suggesting this con· formulate a scheme for speedy electri- cept of 'urja' villages in those tribal areas fication of tribal areas? where for various reasons, like the trans- mission lines, etc., power cannot be taken through non-conventional system. I SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI: entirely agree that one of the greatest Whatever Sbri Sathe has said in relpy advantages that can be achieved is through to this basic question is corre t. As bas the use of natural energy sources like. the been pointed out earlier by an bon. blo-gas, bio-mass, solar system, wind, etc. Member, the poles are erected there but This whole integrated energy concept, I.e. lines are not laid. It is also necessary to the 'uda' is tbe most advantageous for lay electric lines. In this connection, I the tribal villages )ike in Gujarat and would like to say that perhaps the area Khandia. That is why we are proposing has not been fully equipped with non- that this scheme should reach the tribal conventional sources of energy. However, villages but for that we must get coopera- we shall take it up with the State Govern- tion from the State E'ectricity Board and ment and the concerned Minister, impres. the State Government. We can only sing upon them need fO get the schcomes give assistance. We have now decided of rural electrification implemented speed- to give asqistance even through the Power ily so that all the four villages are electri. Finance Corporation. fied. So far as the hon. Member's sub- mission t,hat the schemes are not being SHRI NAWAL KISHORE SHARMA: implemented systematically in Rajasthan, Why do not you have tbe cooperative I would like to say that R.E.C. is faking system? up all the schemes in a systematic manner IS Oral.A.nsweT.f NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Oral Answers and they bave given it due prority also. SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOO- Some special States and regions are cover- WALIA: The hone Minister has said ed under tbe minimum needs programme, tha he has not received any reeommen- such as, all North-Eastern States. The dation (rom the Government of Punjab R.E.C. will take up Its schemes in these asking the Central Government to abolish States. the levy system on rice. Either the Government of Punjab which is now a [English] Centrally-ruled State is misleading the people, or-I cannot say-somebody else. Or .11 States with less than 6S per According to The Tribun~, dated 29th cent electrification as on March. 1985. September, the Punjab Government has In these States, those districts will be recommended to .the Union Government taken up which have less than 65 per cent to examine the possibility of abolishing electrification in 1985, provided the States the levy system on rice in terms of aUo- have Jess coverage. These will be given wing the farmers to fetch better price for prioriorty over others. their paddy in the market. The measure will also help the farmers in providing [Translation] suitable price for paddy. Now the Govern- ment of Punjab say that they ha·ve recom- The question which you have raised just mended to the Government of India in a DOW wit) be covered under it. Besides, memorandum on drought conditions in Kinnaur and Labau' Spiti areas of Hima- Punjab. I would like to request the hone chal Pradesh are also covered under it. Minister that he should teU us whether the Government of Punjab Is misquoting SHRI RAM SINGH YADAV : They or whether some thing is wrong in his are covered on paper only. Actuany they Ministry. are not e leetrified. SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: There is SHRIMATI SUSHI LA ROHTAGI: nothing wrong in my Ministry. I do not From thi8, it is clear that there is a syste- I(DOW that the hOD. member is quoting. matic programme going on in this rtgard. Let him read the question. The question However. efforts will be made to accele- that he is asking is entirety different. His rate the speed. question reads:

    Paddy levy system In Punjab "Whether Punjab Government has urged the Union Govern- *148. SHRI BALWANT SINGH ment to reconsider the intro- RAMOOWALIA : Will the Minister of duction of paddy levy system." FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: In reply, I have said, 'no'. Now the hone m ember is asking whether the (a) whether Punjab Government has Government of Punjab bas asked us to uraed the Union Government to reconsi- do away with the levy system on rice. I der the introduction or paddy levy system; am not a'Ware whether it is abolished or not at the moment. But In principle, In (b) if so, the details thereof; and the interest of the distribution system in the wbole country, we cannot do (c) Government's reaction thereto? away with the levy system. We have to see that a1so. The hon. member knows [English) that in order to give Incentive, the Punjab Government is giving extra bonus to the THE'MINisTER OF PARLIAMEN_ farmers from their own funds. TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES SHRI BALW ANT SINGH RAMOO- (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) No, Sir. WALIA: Anyhow, the point bas not yet been cleared. The Minister has u~ed (b) and (c) Do not arise. technicalities ...•.• 17 Oral Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Oral Answers 18

    SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: No. no. I (a) whether the short supply items have answered you straight. In fact to available at the Super Bazar and havina your supplementary I have given more premium In the market find their way out than you have asked for. to bulk consumers;

    SHRI BHAGW A T JHA AZAD : The (b) if so, the details thereof; and Minister is very generous. (c) how does the Super Bazar control SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOO- the sale of such items througb its bran- WALIA: I would like to ask the han. ches? Minister through you whether his Govern- ment is aware that in Punjab-this question THE MINISTER OF PARLIA- relate. to the plight of farmt!rs in Punjab MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER the farmers have to spend RI. 46 crores OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES more on diesel because of drought. Due (SHRI H.K. L. BHAGAT): (a) to (c~ to drought, they also have to use 50 A Statement is given below: kilograml urea more per acre tban in the previous year. They have to incur 60 per (a) to (c) The Super Bazar has cent more expenditure on weedicides r"ported that in the recent past tbey because weedicides do not work properly received two reports of diversion of Pal. if water is not restrained in tbe fields. moJein to bulk consumers, one in Kanti- Similarly, they have to use more manual nagar branch (75 tins of 2 kg. each). labour. Thus it is costing the Punjab and the other in Mansrover branch (60 farmer Rs. 100 more per quintal for the tins of 2 kg. each). Except for these two production or paddy. So. again I would complaints, no other cases of diversIon like to ask whether he is going to look of essential commodities to bUlk COD- into it and abolish the levy to enable the sumers have come to their notice. How- Punjab farmer to get more. Will the ever, there have been certain reports of Minister consider doing this? non-availability of short supply items in certain branches. SHRI H.K L. BHAGAT: I cannot subscribe to the figures mentioned by the The Super Bazar has taken several hon. member. The Government has full precautions to ensure that the items of sympathy (Qr the Punjab farmers. short supply reach the real consumers. Keeping the difficulties of the PUDJab Some such steps are issue of items against farmers in view only, the PUDjab Govern- food cards, restriction of quantity to a ment has decided to give them bonus. consumer, sales against shareholders card Norma1Jy, we are opposed to giving any to members etc. Strict vigilance is al~o special bonus. But in the case of Punjab, being exercised through inspecting officers we have not opposed it. That is why they and surprise check4J are made to ensure are giving a special bonus from their own that the short supply items are properly funds. 1 again say we have sympathy for· distributed. In case of any irregularities the Punjab farmer. I cannot say whether coming to the notice of the Super the figures quoted by the hone member, Bazar, strict departmental action is taken. Shri Balw8nt Singh RamoowaJia, are correct or not. In giving the support [Translation] price, we go by the recommendations of the Agricultural Costs 8nd Prices Com .. SHRI HAFIZ MOHD.SIDDIQ : Mr. mission. Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister has stated in his reply that the Super Bazar has Control by Super Bazar on sale or items reported that in the recent past they received two reports of diversion of Pal· sbort supply 'n molein to bulk consumers.fn the first case 75 tins were diverted and in the second ·149. SHRI HAFIZ MOHO. case, 60 tins were diverted. Besides, there SIDDIQ : Will the Minister of FOOD have beeD some reports of irregularities AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to also. Throush you, Sir. I would like to state : 19 Oral Answtt's NOVEMBER 17, '987 Oral Answers 20

    know from the hone Minister as to what they tried to sold them at a reasonablo action has been taken in tbh regard? price. Who were the persons fo uod guilty and what action was taken against them? SHRI HAFIZ MOHD. SIDDIQ: Mr. Speaker, Sir, one more question I SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: Mr. would like to ask. As has been told by Speaker, Sir, in both the cases of irregu. the hon. Minister, there was shortage of larties referred to above, the matter was some items in Super Bazar and the stocks handed over to the police and the persons a vailable with them were sold out. invpJved were put under suspeJ.jsion. Through you, Sir, I would like to know from the hone Minister whether he would SHRI HAFIZ MOHD. SIDDIQ: formulate any scheme so as to avoid the Hon. Speal~er, Sir, the second problem is shortage of these items and to. check the that th'~re is shortage of some Items In black marketing of tbese Items? the open m3rket which are sold through Super Ba1ar. But we find tbat these ,items are being sold on premium in the SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT: I have open mark:t and we do not get them in already replied to this Question to some the Super Eazar in time. For instance. extent, even then I am making it more we can mention milk powder, Amul butter clear. Besides butter, potatoes, onions and other such' items which are being and Palmolien were in short supply. This sold in the black market. The price of time Super Bazar has sold potatoes and onions at lower ra tes in large quantities. J 00 grams of Amul butter in the Sup~r Bazar is Rs. 5.10, but we do not get It Similarly, PalmoJien has also been sold in in the Super Bazar at this price. The same large quantities by the Super Dazar. The is true of milk powder also whereas these quota of Palmolien for Delhi is handed Items are availahle in the market at high over to Super Bazar by Delhi Administra. rates. I would like to know from the hon. tion. \\J'hatever we could do we h'ave Minister whether the distribution of tbese done. Now the earHer position of! these items would continue like this or is he items in Super Bazar ha(l changed. Earlier going to _,ake some measures in this there were long Queues for :PaJrnolien . etc. respect '1 but now the queues are not that long. The situation has much improved ,now. SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT : Sir, of the [English} "items that are sold through Super Bazar. two or three have been particularly in " Acquisition of tribal land by Rokaro short suppJy during the last few days. Colliery in Hazaribagb Generally t prices of the items that are sold through Super Bazar are Jow as compared to the prices prevailing in the *150. SHRI ANANDA+ PATHAK: open market. The daily sales of Super Bazar are worth over Rs. 2S lakhs, per- SHRI MANIK SANYAL : haps it is about Rs. 28 Jakhs. But two Will the Minister of ENERGY be or three items have been particularly in pleased to state: short suppJy these days which include butter also. The entire Quantjty of butter (a) whether Union Government are that is supplied to Super Bazar is sold aware that West Bokaro Colfiery in out. I have told the butter dealers also to Hazaribagh is acquiring tribal land for remove this shortage of butter. They have constructing huge tanks without paying told me about some difficulties in this adequate compensation to tribals ; regard, but the shortage has been removed fo some extent. The Quantity which is (b) if so, whether Government pro- supplied to Supper Bazar is sold at a fixed pose to protect tribal interest in. the price but the private traders mfght have region; and indu1ged in malpractices. The Super Bazar did not have unlimited stocks with them. (c) If so, whlt action bas been taken Whatever supplies were made to tbem, by Union Government in this regard '1 11 ' Oral Answers KA R r1 KA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Oral Allswers 21

    THE MINISTER OF ENERGY get information for the benefit of the hone (SHRI VASANT SATHE) : West Bokaro Member because \\e have accepted tbe CoJJiery is a private-owned captive mine questions. We could invite the attc:ntion of TISeO. It is not in the p~blic sector. of two organizations, one the Bihar State Central Govcrnmen t does not, therefore, Government where Jaw and order or directly come into the picture in this violation of laws was concerned and regard. another, we trjed to get information from TISCO itself. The information that we According to our information, Messrs have received is this. They say that Tatas TISeO are not constructing any tank on arc not constructing any tank 00 the the acquired or any other Jand in the acquired or any other land In West West Bokaro Colliery. However, 'the Bokaro Colliery. We have written to the attention of the Statement has been drawn Bihar Government inviting their attention to the matter for enquiry and appropriate to this, I myself have done this, saying action. that on enquiry if it is found factually wrong and tbere is some violatIon, they (b) and (C) Do not arise. should take action. We are trying to help to the maximum extent possible. SHRI ANANDA PATHAK: Sir, the answer is not convjncing. Thousands of Secondly, Sir, 108.91 acres ofryotwari Adivasis and Harijans of Kedla and Duni land was acquired under the Land Acqui- viJJage of Hazaribagh made representation sition Act of the State Government nearly to the Government alleging that TISeO, two or three years back. Out of the total who is the management 'of West Bokaro land acquired. ~3.57 acres of land belong Colliery have forcibly and illegally grabbed to the tribals of five families. To these a big chunk of their ancestral land and five families. compensation has been paid. they are constructing huge tanks thereon. If it is the contention of the hOD. Member On petition, the Sub Division Magistrate that adequate compeosatio'o has ·oot been of Hazaribagh has issued a show cause paid, there also, legal recourse is avail- notice' to the management as to why cons- able. We can assist to tbe maximum truction of tanks should not be stopped. extent possibh.~. According to the report, the enquiry is going on. Therefore Sir,. there is a material SHRI ANAND,,~ PATHAK: I take fact and I do not understand how the this question very seriously, because every Government is trying to evade its res- day we ale shedding crocodile tears on the ponsibility because coal and mine come question of 'tribal land and tribal pro- , under the purview, of the Central Act. I blems. But here, hundreds of biglzas of would like to know categorica)Jy whether land are being forcibly grabbed by multi- Government has any responsibility to milliODnaires. Therefore, I want to know Jook into this and if so, whether the categorica1ly whether these lands were Government is going to take any action? properly and Jega JIy acquired by the Tatas. or whetber tbey were leased out by SHRI V ASAN T SA TH E: I have the Government after due process of already explained that. it is a private mine acquisition of Jand, and how they came under TISeO. After nationalisation of into the possession of so much of land. coal mines in the country, certain mines This, is what I want to know. were allowed to be retained in the bands of private sector companies like TISeO SHRI V ASANT SATHE: I can only under the Act itse1f. Sir, It is a captive give the information that 'we have received. minc. This Jao.d was acquired, as I said, under the State Land Acquisition Act; Bnd, SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: He is a therefore, whatever was done under the captive of TISCO. Act. was done according to Jaw, prima SHRI VASANT SATHB: Sir, for- lacie .. If there is any grievance, any parti- tunately like some hone Members, \\e do cular grievance, the hon. Member can Dot have capative mind. We could only communicafe to me also. I will forward 23 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Oral Answers 24

    it to the State Government. A h.tter has stated about the acquisitien of tribal Jand already been written on the 12th Novem- for further expansion of mine, which ber from our office to. the State's Secre- means, you have given right to Tata to tary, that this is the complaint that we acquire the land of tribal people and put have received- on the basis of the ques- them in trouble. I would like to say to tion asked- and that they should look the hon. Minister that the process of into the matter. coal mines nationalisation should be completed by nationalising the coal mines MR SPEAKER: Mr Manak Sanyal all over tbe country so that no mine may is not thrre. Mr Sudhir Roy. be Jeft in the bands of any private indivi- dual. SHRI SUDHIR ROY: It is a grim reality that in India, whenever there Is an SHRI VASANT SATHE: Mr. Speaker, irriaation project, thousands of tribal Sir, the main tbing is that TiSeO is a people are evicted from their ancestral steel company. Coking coal mines which land. -The tribals also lose an sorts of were used for steel manufacture were occuption.~, and are turued into beggars. attached to it. We have not nationalised· Therefore, I would like to know from the the TISeO. At the time of coal nationali- Minister whether he will cause an enquiry sation it was felt that there would be no to be made into the allegation viz. that harm if the local coa' mines attached to Tatas have illegally constructed a huge the company \\ ere retained in their hands tank in the area of the West Bokaro and that was why they were not nntional· Collieries, and inform us of the results of ised. There was no question of favouring this enquiry. Tatas, All of you are the masters of this country and whenever you decide SHRI V AS ANT SATHE: I have about the nationalisation of TISeO, we already replied to the question. On will do it. receiving this question from the hone Members, immediately I have taken up [English] the matter with tbe State Government, because it is they who have to make the Revival of sick ind ustties in West Bengal enq uiry, It is a matter under their Act ·152. KUMAR MAMATA BANERJEE: SHRI SUDHIR ROY: Has the Will the .. Minister of INDUSTRY De Government enquired about the proper pleased to state : utilization? (Interruptions) (a) whether Government have any SHRI V ASANT S ATH E : That is the proposa! for amendment of the present best I can do. If the hone Members want Industrial Policy i a order to help revival any further information, I will pass their of the sick industries in West Bengal; enquiry on to the State Government. and

    (b) if so, the details thereof? [Trans/tllioll]

    SHRI GIRDHARI LAL VYAS: Mr. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Speaker, Sir, I would like to know from DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL the bon. Minister that when coal mines DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY all over tbe country have been nationa- OF INDUSTRY (SHRl M. ARUNA- lised, why the TISCO, which is Tata's CHALAM) : (a) and (b) No, Sir. The company, has been permitted to retain policy guidelines in respect of industrtal coal mines? You have told that there sickness are applIcable to sick industrial Is also a provision under which TISeO units aJl over the country. has been allowed. I would, therefore, like to know on what bSlis the provision KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: I has been made in the law to allow TISeO seek your protection because West Bengal is on the top of the sick industries Jist. 10 continue to owo mines? You bave Duc to sick Industrial units problems in 25 Oral Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Wrltttn Answers

    West Bengal, MPs of West Bengal are Minister because it is a bureaucratic reply; also going robe sick. You wi II be sur- it is not a practical reply. Will the prised to know tbat thousands and theu- Minister consider cODvening one exclusive sands of workers are now jobiess The Bengal MPs' meeting to review tbe whole State Government is Dot only incompetent situation and also the demand of the but also careless and our Central Govern- workers regarding Bengal Pottery. Steel ment caDnot be care flee because they have & Allied Products Ltd, Shri Durga Cotton lome moral responsibiJity to look after MilJs and other sick industries? Will be the· grievances of the workers also. also review the whole situation? Have you received any concrete proposal from the State Government to revive sick THE MINISTER OF IN·DUSTRY industries in West Bengal? Have tbe State (SHRI J. VENGALA RAO) : About sick Government also asked for any rehabilit- units, they are not only in NagaJand lind ation package for the workers; if not, West Bengal but also throughout the what steps have been taken by the Central country. Earlier there were 60 and now Government to give special concessions they have become 89 units. As far as a and pay special attention to review the number of large sick units are concerned, whole situation. in Maharashtra, It was 155; in West Bengal, it was 150 and so on. As far as SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM: I personally agree with .he hone member all the States are concerned, first comes that many of the sick unifs are . Maharashtra and second West Bengal. ( Interruptions) located in West Bengal. Out of 689 large scale sick units, 150 units are in West MR. SPEAKER: The question Hour Bengal. There are so me ny reasons as is over. far as West Bengal is concerned. The supply of power in West Bengal is an important aspect relating to industrial sick ness. On occount of inadequate and erratic supply of power many indus- WRITTEN ANSWERS TO trial units are unable to achieve the rated QUESTIONS capacity. In the State of West Bengal, the ciimate of Industrial reJations is an [Ellglish] equally important factor. Excess labour force is an important reasons for sickness Setting up of petrocbemlcal complex of most of the sick units in West Benga). in Karnataka As far as the State Government is concerned, the management was tbken *J51. SHRrV. S. KRISHNA IYER: over by the Industries (Development and Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be Regulation) Act in 195 I. Out of 55 uni ts. pleased to state : 28 are located in West Bengal. The State Government has ta ken over 9 of (a) whether Government have taken these 28 units which·have been nationali- a decision to set up a petrochemical sed by the State Government and complex in Karnataka; 5 units out of 28 are oa tionalised by the Government of India. Out of tho (b) if so, where it is proposed to be remaining 14 units, five have since' been denotified while five are being managed set up; and by State Government and four by Central Government. The State Govt. have (c) the time by which it is lIkeJy to be agreed in principle to nationalise the set up ? flve units which are being managed by their nominees subject to availability of THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY lunds. (SHRI J. VENGALA RAO): (8) No, Sir. KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: I am not satisfied with the repJy of the (b) and (c) . Do not aris,. 21 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17. 1987 Written Answers

    Will the Minister of ENERGY be Cement Production pleased to state : ·J~3. SHRI LALITESHWAR SHAH} : DR. O. S. RAJHANS : (a) Whether new foreign participation in tbe coal sector Will be on a turnkey Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be basis instead of tbe usual practice of pleased to state : importing mining tecbnology and equip- ment to develop new coal projects ; (a) whether the target of the cement production in the country has been adversely affected due to power shortage (b) if so, whether bis Ministry bas during the current financial year; discussed proposals for the development of some mines with some foreign (b) if so, the details thereof; countries; and (c) if so, the name of the countries (C) whether Union Government have and salient features· of the discussions taken any steps to provide adequate held 1 power to the cement manufacturing units in tbe country to boost the production; and THE MINISTER OF ENERGY(SHRI VASANT SATHE) : (a)Turnkey approach (d) if so, the details tbereof? for foreign participatipD in coal sector project! is contemplated to be adopted THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY on a selective basis so as to benefit from (SHIRl J. VENGALA RAO) superior mining technology, improved (a) and (b) . The target for cement productivity and timely imp._)ementation. production during the financial year In other cases, the existing practice of 1987·88 bas been fixed at 42.S million import of goods or services,. which are tonoes. According to the present esti- not available in India, is expected to mates, tbe production of cement during continue. tbe financial year 1987-88 may fall short of the target by one million tonnes on (b) A few coal mines have been account of tbe power cuts imposed by the identified for Implementation by foreign State Governments in . major cement parties on turnkey basis. producing States. provided there is no further deterioration with regard to supply of power for the cement industry during (c) The countries which are being the remaining period of the year. considered for turnkey jmplementation of coa I projects are USSR, U. K. France, (c) and (d) Having regard to tbe Canada, Australia etc. The main feature power cuts prevailing in a number of of the contemplated turnkey approach cement producing States, the cement is that the project would be entrusted to industry bad been advised to set up a single party for total implementation captive power plants/generation capacity with guarantees for targetted production to meet the problem of power shortage. within stipulated time and defined costs. To encourage the setting up of captive DG set.. appropriate relief is allowed Central Investment In industrial by reducing the levy quota to neutralise sector in Kerala additional cost involved in using power generated at higber cost from tbe capti~e ·J55. SHRI K. KUNJAMBU: Will DG Sets Installed after 1.1.1982. the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state: Foreign collaboration In coal se dor (a) whether there is a proposal to *154. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE increase tbe central investment in the PATIL: industrial sector in KeraJa ; and SHRI BHADRESHWAR TANTI: (b) if so, tbe details tbereof? 29 U-'ritten A.nswers KARTJKA 26 1909 (SAKA) Written An.rwers 30

    THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY (b) A Jist 'of projects with the (SHRI J. VENGALA RAO) : (a) Yes, estimated capital cost wherever formulated Sir. and their status as in August, 1987 is given below :-

    SI. Particulars of the Projects Estimated Status as in No. capital outlay August, (Rs. io crore.) 1987

    1. Cochin Refineries Ltd. Benzene project 59.00 Approved

    2. Hindustan Organic Chemicals Phenol project 29.00 -do-

    3. Indian Rare Earths Ltd. Partly 3 projects 8.69 approved

    4. Cochin Export Processing Zone 4.76 Approved

    S. Ba'mer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Expansion project 1.08 -do-

    6. Hindustan Insecticides Ltd. Ongoing projects 3.00 -do~

    ,.. I. Fertilizers & Chemicals (Travancore) Ltd. Under 7 projects 481.03 consideration

    8. Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd. Modernisation & Expansion 1000 do-

    9. Indian Rare Earths Ltd. Two projects 2.00 -do-

    10. Instrumentation Ltd. Tool Room project 5.00 -do-

    11. Cochin Shipyard Ltd. Second Phase 45.00 -do- 12. National Textile Corporation Modernisation of 3 mills 84.90 -do- 13. Indian Telephone Industries Not Under One new unit kno\\oo Considera- tion 14. Bharat .Heavy Electticals Ltd. One new unit -do- -do- "15. Oil & Natural Gas Commission Oil exploration -do- -do- :1 U'rilUn Allswers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 32

    Demand for inclusion of more Items THE MINISTER OF COMMUNICA· under essential commodities TIONS (SHRI ARJUN SINGH) : (a) and (b) The proposaJ of MTNL for providing .1'6. SHRI V. KRISHNA RAO: . car telephones in Bombay has been post· SHRI SWAMI PRASAD poned for the time being in view of the drought situation in the country and con- SINGH: sequent economy drive. Will the Minister of FOOD AND Agro-based Industry In Orissa CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: ·158. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: (a) whether there is a demand for in- Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be clusion of more ,essential commodities in pleased to state : Fair Price Shops; and (a) whether there was a demand to (b) if so, the reaction of Government have agro-based industry in Orissa; in this regard ? THE MINISTER OF PARLIA- (b) jf so, what action has been taken MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINI. by Union Government: and STER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT) : (c) the number of applications recei- (a) and (b) Suggestions have been received ved in this connection and action taken . from time to time for inclusion of more thereon? essential commodities under the Public Distribution System for sale through fair THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY price shops. Presently, the Central (SHRI J. VENGALA RAO): (a) to (C) Government is responsible for arranging Processed food indutries based on agricul- the supply seven essential commodities, or tural produce and paper industry based on namely. wheat, rice, sugar, edible oils, agriculturaJ wastes/residue are delicensed controlled cloth, kerosene and soft coke. and no licence is required except for Further, the State Government/Union MRTP/FERA companies from whom no Territories are (ree to add more i terns for application has been received for setting supply under tbe Public Distribution Sys. up a unit in Orissa In 1986 and 1987. tem by organising their procurement, tran- sportation and distribution. The Central Government has advised the State Gove- Power supply received by Central rnment/Union Territories to expand their Electricity Autbority from West commodity coverage to meet the require- Bengal State Electricity Board ments of essential commodUies of the consumers at rtasonable rates through the ·159. SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA : network of fair price shops. SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOW. DHARY: Car Te lepbones

    ·157. SHRI JAGANNATH PATT- Will the Minister of ENERGY be NAIK: p]~ascd to state: SHRI BANWARI LAL (a) how much power supply was PUROHIT: received by the Central Electricity Autho- rity from the West Bengal State Electricity Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- Board till the end of September, 1987; TIONS be pleased to state: (b) the details of the areas where such (a) whether Government have aban- ·power was supplied by the Central Elect- doned tbe proposal to provide telephones ricity Authority; and in cars; and (c) whether the supply has stopped (b) If so, the reasons therefor? or is still contiouinl ? 33 Written Answt'rs KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE and implementation of system improve- DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE ment schemes. MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI); (a) to (c) The Reemployment or ret Ired officer. of Central Elt:ctrjcity Authority is not . ONGC directly involved in inter-system trans· actions. The Regional Load. Despatch ·161. SHRI M. RAGHUMA Centre of the Eastern Regional Electricity REDDY: Board is supervising and monitoring the Inter-connected operation of the Regional SHRI PRAKASH CHAND. arid and inter. system exchanges. When- RA : ever there is a surplus of power in any of Will the Minister of PETROLI!UM the power systems, it is transferred to the AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to neighbouring deficit States for optimum state: utilisation of the availabie p·ower. During April to September, 1987, West Bengal has supplied surplus power to the extent (a) whether a number of alnlor of 262.3 million units to the neighbouring officers have got employment in private power systems f)f Bihar, DVC and Orissa. Indian and foreign companies on huge salaries after retirement from the Oil " The practice of availing surplus power Natural Gas Commission; whenever available, by neighbouring deficit systems is being continued. (b) whether any of the companies where the retired officers of the ONGC Pum p-Iet eDergtaation programme by are working got an, contract or order Rural Electrification Corporatlo n fro'm or for the ONGC dudns the last ·160. SHill S.M. GURADDI : three years; and SHRI G.S. BASAVARAJU: (c) if so, the details of those contracts Will the Minister or ENERGY be or orders? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE 01" (a) whether the Rural Electrification THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM Corporation has sought more funds on an AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA urgent basis for accelerating the pump-set DUTT) : (a) A Statement is liven b.low. energisation programme in the drought affected areas; (b) and (c) Information is being coUec- . ted from various regional busineas centres (b) if so, whether the Corporation had of ONG~ and will be furnished shortly. worked out certain operational strategies for undertaklDg the pump-set energisation Statement programme; and

    (c) if so, to what extent Government The retired officer.s of ONGC are have provided the funds? required. to take prior approval of the Commission for accepting any appoint. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ment or post, whether administrative or DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE advisory, in any firm or company. whether MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI Indian or foreign, with which the Com- SUS'HILA ROHTAGI) : (a) and (b) Yes, mission has or is I ikely to have or had Sir. business dealings, within two years from the date of their retirement. Durin, the (c) It has been decided to provide an last two years ONGC hal given such addititional amount of Rs. 90 crores to approva1s in the case of 7 officers, who the Rural Electrification Corporation, by had applJed for it. The Commission has floating of bonda by the Corporation, for also come to know of 4 ex-officers "ho energisation of an additional 1.5 lakh have taken employment in private firma pumpsets in the drought affected areas wltbout obtai ning prior approval of the Jf"rit'cn Answ~r., NOVEMBER J 7, 1987 ,"',it/en Answers 36

    compefent authority in ONGC. The (b) and (c) A 3()(,0 line electronic details of officers who have taken com- exchange imported from M Is" Philips. mercial employment after tbe stipulated HoJland has been instal1ed at Alwar and period of two years are not known as is functioning since March. 1986. they are not required to take permission of the competent authority for accepting It is proposed to expand this exchange such empJoyment. ONGC bas no infor- by 1000 Hnes in 1988-89. The equipment mation regarding emoluments, offered by for this expansion is under import. Witb' tbe new employer. this expansion tbe OYT waiting list will become current. Import of electronic equipment for Indian 011 CorporatioD Projects Alwsr telephone ex chaDge *163. SHRI K. RAMAMURTHY : -162. SHRI RAM SINGH Y ADAV: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- NATURAL GAS ,be pleased to state: TIONS be pleased to state: (a) the details of the new projects of (a) whether Government had planned the Indian OB Corporation involving aD and approved the import of electlicnic out fay of Rs. 880.62 crores wbich are exchange equipment E-IOB of 5,000 lines pending approval of Government; and from France for Alwar city, Rajasthan during the year 1987-88; (b) when these proposals were sub- mitted to Government and when these are (b) whether the new equipment will hkely to be approved, particularly, in the provide telephone connections to persons background of IOC's capacity to imple- on the waiting list in the category of ment them with the internally generated "Own Your Telephone"; and resource, ?

    (c) the time by which the new ex- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF cbange will be ins'aJ)ed at A)war ? THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND r-.1ATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAH- THE MINISTER OF COMMUNICA. MA DUTT): (a) and. (b) The following TIONS (SHRI ARJUN SINGH) : (a) proposals for new projects have been sub .. No, Sir. mitted by the Indian Oil Corporation on the dates shown against each:

    Project Cost Date of submission Rs/crores to the Govl.

    1. Kandla-Bbatinda Product 603.88 30.4 87 Pipeline

    2. Second SBM at Salaya 83.27 4.8.86

    3. Modernisation of Digbol Refinery 168.34 11.9.86

    4. Separation of Propylene at 25.13 4.12.86 Matbura Refinery ---- 880.62

    First stage clearance has been ob~alned by loe in regard to Project Nos. 2, 3 and 4. Except (or the Project at S. No.4 above, IOe would need to raise external resources for tbo other projects, 37 Written Answers K.AlttIKA:6 '909 (SAXA) Written Answers 38

    Indo Brltlsb Jolot 'fentures for shoe Self employment to educated unemployed youtb components ... *164. SHRI DHARAM PAL SINGH *165. SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: MALIK: SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA : SHRI M. RAGHUMA Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be REDDY: pleased to state:

    Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be (a) whether self-employment scheme pleased to state : for educated unemployed youth bas been introduced in aU the States; and (a) whether tbere is any proposal under the consideration of Government to set up Indo.British joint ventures for shoe (b) the number of persons benefited components in the country; so far under tbe scheme in tbe country, State-wise ? (b) if so, the details thereof; and THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY (c) what are its financial implications? (SHRI J. VENGALA RAO) : (a) Yes. Sir. However, the scheme is not appli- THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY cable in citios and towns bavina more tban (SHRI J. VENGALA RAO) : (a) No, 1 million population as por 1981 Census. Sir .. (b) A Statement is given below. (b) and (c) Do not ar;se.


    No. of persons benefited (State/U. T ... wise) under employment scheme tor educated unemployed youth from .t983-84 to 1986·87.

    S. No. Name of (No. of applns. sanctioned by Banks) State/UT 1983--84 1984-85 1985 .. 86 1986·87

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    1. Andhra Pradesh 14781 13084 16518 14919

    2. Assam 8021 7642 4629 5837

    3. Bihar 14230 14806 26376 22256 4, Gujarat 10497 4072 6522 4924

    S. Haryana 6189 5478 4782 4808'

    6. Himachal Pradesh 2465 2156 1591 1406 7. J & K 1416 1119 ]095 708

    8. Karnataka 12307 12810 J2837 11]00

    9. Kerala 13091 11907 13033 19015

    10. Madbya -Pradesh 18786 1806S 17224 16679 Writtl'n Answers NOVEMBEll17, 1987 Written AhslVets 40

    I 2 3 4 s 6

    11. Mabarashtra 24579 18667 13848 13466

    12. Manipur. 991 994 1491 1493 . 13. Megbalaya 353 313 111 80

    . 14. Nagaland 189 269 166 ,)29

    15. Orilsa 6823 759' 8757 8620

    16. Punjab., 9047 1221~ 11677 15037

    17. Rajasthan 15054 15382 109i6 10736

    18. Sikkim IS 49 49 33

    19. Tamil Nadu 21247 22500 18722 18362

    20. Tripura 696 7D7 912 9C9

    21. U.P. 36857 34400 262~ 23197

    22. West Bengal 23680 23101 21815 23124

    23. A&N Islands 66 101 101 80

    24. Arunachal Pradesh 36 60 61 22

    25. Chandiaarh 325 300 394 416

    26. Dadra &, Nagar Haveli S4 68 40 19

    27. Goa Daman &. Diu Qot inop. 337 84 220

    28. Mizoram 196 202 104 233

    29. Pondicherry 4J4 400 465 480

    O. Total 242403 228800 220724 219308

    Allocatio. of Imported "eaetable oil (b) whether per capita need is consf- 10 States dere. as basis; -1'6. SHRt BRAJ AMOHAN MOHANTY: (c) whether complaints have been received from any State or Union Terri· SURI VAKKOM PURUSHO. tory regardin~ the allotment of imported THAMAN: vegetable oil for public distributioD system Will tbe Minister of FOOD AND as discriminatory; if so, tbe details tbere.. CIVIL SUPPLIBS be pleased to state: ,?f;

    (a) tbe distribution policy of imported (d) tbe monthly demabd of imported vlletable oil to different States and Union veselable 011 by different States and U niOD Territories ror publi~ distribution Iyatem; Territories, State/Unio~ Territory.wise; 4J Written A.nswers KARTIKA 26, 1909 fSAXA) Written Answers

    (e) whether in view of the drought This allocation Is supplementary to the situation prevailing tn the country. normal availability of indiaenous oil. io Government have Improved tbe supply of State/UTI imported vegetable oil to different parts of tbe country, if so, the details thereof; No specific complaint bas been recli· and' ved about discrimination in the allotment of imported edible oils. (f) the total Import of vegetable oj) durin8 the year .1987 and forejgn exchange States/Union Territories live their Involved in such deals? total demand for imported edible oil in an oil year. The allocation of impf)rted edible THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- oils to States/Union, Territories under TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF Public Distribution System has been lub- I FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES


    Annual Demand for oil from States during the Oil Year 1986-87 (November.October)

    S. No. Name of the States/UTs. In M. Tonnes ,------._------1 2 3

    1. And'hra Pradesh 201000 2. Assam 7200 3. Bihar 17080

    4. Gujarat 208000

    S. Haryana 30000 ,. Himacbal Pradesh 12000 7. Jammu & Kashmir 6000·

    8. Karnataka 112500

    9. Kerala 'S7000

    10. Madhya Pradesh

    11. Maharashtra 230000 12. Manipur 43. Written Answ~r.s NOVEMBER 17, 19.87 Written Answers 44

    1 2 3

    13. Meghalaya 8400

    '14. Nagaland 12000

    1S. Orissa 72000

    16. Punjab 21600

    17. Raja.toan 14500

    11. Sak-kim 1800

    19. Tamil Nadu 132000

    20. Tripura 2736

    21. Uttar Pradesh 19200

    22. West Bengal 186000

    23. A & N lslands 1200

    24. Arunachal Pradesh 450

    25. Chandigarb 1200

    26. D & N Haveli 1080 27. Delhi 35000

    28. Goa, Daman & Diu 5640

    29. Laksbadweep 200

    30. Mizoram 3000

    31. Pondicherry 7200

    ,~--~--- - ·No demand was received for 1986-87 from the State. Therefore demand for 1986·87 bas been taken at the same level as 1985·86.

    TecbDology ID eledrl~ .wltching system (b) if so, whether indigenous techno. factory. Baogalore logy is proposed to be used in that ESSII plant; 1440. SHRI SRIKANTA DATTA' NARASIMHARAJA WADI- (c) the proposed capacity of that YAR unit; and

    Will tbe Minister of COMMUNI. (d) when tbe fattory is expected to be set up ? CATIONS be pleased to state:

    (a> whether Government have finalised THB MIN1STER OF STATE IN tbe technology to be used in the proposed THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA- Electronic Swltchiol System factory at TIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN Bani_lor. ; DEV): Yes sir, partly. 4S Written AllsWtrS KARTIKA 26. 1909 (SAKA) Wrilltn AIl.fwers

    and utilities. The CPRI earned a total (b) It has been decided to com mence revenuo of R s. 275.74 lakhs from their production of 1 lakh lines a year of rural testing .nd consultancy services during exchanges with indigenous technology 1986-87~ developed by Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT). Tbis technology Is Scheme for lelf employment to educated also being considered for use in the larger unemployed youth exchanges. 1442. PROF. NARAJN CHAND PARASHAR: Will the Minister of (c) Five lakh lines per annum. INDUSTR Y be pleased to state: (d) One lakh lines a year of digital rural exchanges during 1988. and further (a) : whether tbe Task Forces as en- progressive)y. visaged. in the Self-Employment Scheme for Educated Unemployed Youth were Setting up or more thermal research stations set up in all the diskjc·ts to provide self 1441. SHRI MULLAPPALLY employment to educated unemployed RAMACHANDRAN: Will the Minister youth; of ENERGY be pleased to stato : (b)' if so, the Dumber of applications received under the scheme, State-wise, (a) the number· of regional testing for each year since the scheme has been centres functioning under the Central In force alongwlth the numbtr of such Power Research Inst ute with location it persons among them as havei been pro- thereof; vided assistance/self·employment ; (b) whether Government propose to (c) the total expenditure incurred on set up any more thermal research sta- this scheme for the last three years, State- tions ; wise for each year, separately; 8Dd (c) If so, the details of estimated cost, (d) whether the aJJocations· are pro- proposed locatio~ and estimated time· posed to be increased in the remaininl within which they are to be set up ; and years of the Seventh Five Year Plan, keeping in view the steep rise In the (d) the detaHs or the major testing number of educated unemployed perSODS and consultancy services rendered by the every year and the details thereof? Centra) Power Research Institute (CPRI) during 1986-87 and the total amount THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE earned from such services? DEPARTMENT· OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY THE MINISTER OF STATF IN THE OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE CHALAM) : (a) Yes, Sir. MINISTR Y OF ENERGY (SHRIMA TI SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) Tho Central (b) A Statement is given below. Power Research Inst.itute have, at present, (c) and (d) Under the scheme the Cen- testing facilites at Bangalore and Bhopal. tral Government allocates to States only (b) and Cc) The Central Power physical taraets in terms' of number of Research Institute have a proposal to set beneficiaries and do not allotl funds to up a Thermal Research Centre at Koradr implement the scheme. The loans are in Maharashtra. The proposal formulating scnctioned by the banks OD tbe recom- the cost estimates with time schedule for m~ndations of DIe Task Forces. The completion is yet to be sent by tbe Central capital subsidy to the extent of 25% on Power Research Institute. each loan contracted is paid out of central budget routed through R.B.I.: The ex- (d) During 1986.87, The Central pendlture incurred on account of capital Power Research Instiute rendered consuj- subsidy.during the Jast three years is al tancy and testing services in the fierd of under :.._ high vo1tage equipment for impulse, power frenquency, short circuit, mechanical with- Year Amount stand tests for 400 .KV towers, mobile (RI. in crores) field testing of power ~ystem., etc., besides 1983-84 90.61 providing special consultancy services to J984-85 93.32 industrial organisations, maDufacturers 1985.86 82.97 47 Written A.nswers NOV!:MB1!R 17 1917 Written Answers 48

    >-. , , ..c ., 0\ I"- \0 GO \0 00 g u C .III .... ~ V\ ~ 0 0 0 c "0 c:::I 0\ 00 N 0\ co ~ I"- .... ,..."'"' CIS .2 ~ ellS ...... ~ V) N ~ ~ .... N 00 VJ C ~ .... N .... ~ - 00 0\ ., • M \0 N ...... c a 0 ,... \0 V\ .._, "d V 0\ ~ ...."l ....M e U ~ .... ~ 00 V') 0 N l' c. 0 .... I"'- N Co to) "0 l"'- N N .... C .... C"") - U N - r-: < ... u - - co 0\ oJ, CIJ. 't") .... 00 c I"'- 0 't") N ,...... l' 0\ "0 I"'- ... en '"d" N 0 · N V') .... ~ 0\ 0 ,... ~ N C. 0 .... \C) 't") ~ .. Co U \0 I"- r- \D -0 < ... - ....0 .... 00 tfl ...... ~ 00- .D I • ." M () "0 ~ I"'- 00 C) .... V') M -C c eo e'\ \C N N 0\ c:J\ C CIS .... N r- N 00 lin g 0 .... lin ~ V\ r- N .... \C) rIl .... • ~ ) \0 ~ 0 \D ~ ...... 00 .... N 8 - - • 0 • 00 ." 8 .::: ""0'\ C "0 0 00 ...... _, 8 0 In .... 00 10 N .-.. C. 0 0\ \C) .... U "0 0 0'\ IV') 00 8 In Co 0 co.... tfl 0\ \0 '" C) c 0 '"r- 0 ~ \0 N ...."'"' < ... u N v .... °iI .... - f-4 .,

    ::>.._ c ~ ~ .... N .... 0 0. "0 0 0\ ~ 0 · ~ ~ ~ 0. 0 0\ 0\ lin Vl 0 IV') N In "'If' ~ .. \0 't") ~ g ~- V') iii < ... \0 "--' ""r- ., ." ..:l1lI - 0 , .... .:.c e c· CI .D 1:1 \0 0\ 0 CII ""I:t" N \I) N eo "'0 to In .... .0 VJ 02 ee ~ 0 r- ...... 00 • U ~ 0 \0 C)C) 0 "'It ...... N- .-.. N ~ lin t'f\ r- "I:t "'Id" V) 00 ...... , ..c , ,,; -• -• "'0 C e I 0 ..DO 8 "0 C 0\ Q. 0 u 00 I"'- .. .._, Co 0 "0 \,8 GO r- \II) eo r- 0\ 02 0 C C> 0 "I:t lin \Q 0 - ...... 00 ~ <: tJ ('f'l -• 0 ... ""'¥' N N fIl -00 - - \0 00 c S \0 .... - N .... N - •III) .,; CI "0 0. "'0 .... 0 C Co 0 r- N lin ~ .... V) ~ u III') C""\ r- r- C"")...... 0 ... ~ N \0 0\ -< N C""\ f"I') In 0\ - Z ~ 00 0\ - In "'0 0\ - c •.!. - - u Wl CJ ~ 8 "0 0\ In \D r- -CI u C .... 0 r- \Q 0 S 00 N 0\ 00 .... C ~ lin r- "lit" 0 .- VJ ~ 0 ~ ...... ~ 0 "'t't' • 0 .c • -00 ~ \D <"I .... 0 .... ! .... ~ ...... ~ CIJ· • 00 a 0\ C "0 -0 8 Ct\ U u \C) In N \Q r- ...... _, 0. 0 "'0 .... v N Ct\ \0 v Co 0 .~ \Q 00 00 t'f\ c .... ~ V) \0 \0 ... u III') r- \0 N r- < ... u \Q 0\ e'\ N '"e N •.... ~ .... - 0 .= ..c \C) .~ Q. "'0 lin 0\ N ...... ,0\ c. CJ ~ N C'J\ r- 00 ... C. r- 0 0 00 "'I:t N "'lIt' u -N ~ t'f\ \0 Co r- V\ N - .... 00 < ... 0 N t'f\ N - «I ...... c o~ 0 .... u en 0 -- ..c - u 8 . !! ell) "'0 .c u - u ." 0 VJ "'0 to ., Z e ., ~ CIS ... .c ... ~ ~ CIS Z• ::> ~ ..lliC ii ~ as - CIS c .c ... «I • 0 ::s .c 8 ... -... CIS C ., ., III ..~ 8 .. "0 CIJ ...... c Wl .c oS «I 8 8 ell 0· < < ~ 0 ~ .. ~ Z = """ ~ .... N tfl. It') ..Q r- rIl· .... ~ 49 Written Answers KARTIKA 26. 1909 (SAKA) Wrillen A.nsWel's 50

    o o 00 00 "I:t....

    N..... o ...\D ('f') r--- .... ("II-

    o .... 00 00 00 -n N \0 N .... ~ ("II .... 00 -~ o...... o

    lin 00 0'\...... f""- ~ .... -.;r f""- 00 C> .... -.;r f""- 00 .... 00 .... \D 00 M .... - ...... - ...... N - f"f'\ \D 0'\ 00 N \D QO .... o lin 00 .... o 00 \0 0\ ...... N N ... N .... S \D 0\ ~ ...... N N

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    \D 00 \C) N N 00 .... -lin .... \0 M 00 \D 00 N 00 .... r--- ~ V\ 00 N s 00 ~ i! N .... N- .... - r-...... c fI) u ~ as :s.. ~.. ell .e- fI) Q .., ca .;: !!.. z :E o 5 ~ . < .... o .... N..... lin• 00 ..... • - - - .... ('"-t ~ !1 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, ] 987 Written Answers

    0\ <:> M 0 00 C"I f'I") 00 <:> ...... N N ~ M - 0\ ('II- f') C 0\ M '() &1 ~ M N 't") 0"" -tf'a tf'a-

    N "Id" It') 0\ 0\ It') ~ -.:t - ~ \Q r:: 0\ ~ - 0\

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    0\ N "Id" ~ «""I N "_ 11"'1 00 -I"'- I,C) ,_ It') - 00

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    l"'- N ...,. M ~ ~ ~ ...... \0 N " - 00- \0 .I M

    co M It') t"'\ N \0 to- M 0 M N 00 \0 'Mf6 \0 0\ ! - 00

    "11:1' "Id" It') ~ IIr) ~ "111' 0 - ~ N ~ N .9 "'I:t 0\ I"'- 0 co to- ...... ~ o ~ Q ...... to- - ." e - N C'Q -.:t ~ .g ...ca ,.,., . U u 00 0 ~ ~ Q, ,.,., .,.., 0- Q Q " ~ N .... N I"'- - M ::J - i5 - ._ ~ fti U > c >. '0 CIS CIS ... ~ .~ 8 u... :c CIS e .c "0 ca ... Q co () c ... CIS ... CIS N "0 CID CIS 0 :a ... CIS 0 N CI 0 Q .. 0 Z 0 i ~ ~ r-: 00· 0\ N N N N 53 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, i~09 (SAKAj Written Answers 54

    Norms for opening of Post Offices in back- (iii) The condition that no new post ward and tribal areas office may be opened within 3 kms of an existing post office 1443. SHRI AMARSINH RATH- will be relaxabJe under special AW A : Will the Minister of COMMU· circumstances. NICATIONS be pleased to state: Tariet. for Crude 011 production (a) whether tbe existing norms (or the optn~Dg of new post offices are so t444. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PAT. rigid that tbe backward tribal areas in tbe NAIK : Will tbe Minister of PETRO. country are not Jikely to derive'the benefit LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased of this primary facility for years together; to state:

    (b) if so, tbe details of the existing (a) whether Government have set norms prescribed (or opening of new post higher targets for crude oil production office; and during 1987.88 ;

    (c) whether Government propose to (b) if so, the production of crude oil a1ter and adopt the norms in favour of projected by diff:rent oil companies during the neglected and backward tribal areas in the above year; the country 7 (C) the efforts being made in achieving THE MIN1STER OF STATE IN THE that target; and MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHltI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : (a) (d) the details thereot 1 No, Sir. This is not so. On the contrary. special provisions have been incorporated THE MINISTER OF STATE OF in the norms for the speedy postal deve- THE MINISTRY OP PETROLEUM of areas. lopment backward and tribal AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHM A- DUTT): (a) Yes Sir. (b) Does Dot arise. (b) to (d) Crude oil production tar- (c) In order to further accelerate gets of ONGC and Oil for 1987.88 are as postal development in these areas, the follow: dopartment bas decided to introduce cer- tain modifications in the norms. In so Targets (~Mc) sar as hilly. backward and tribal area~ are concerned, the following criteria are pro- ONGC 27.62 posed to be appJied : Oil 2.84

    (i)· A post office may be 0 pened for These targets are expected to a group of villages which consti- be achieved by the following efforts: tute a gram paochayat provided (i) the combined population of Putting new discoveries on pro· the panchayat as a whole is not duction in minimum possible less than 1500 (as against 3,000 time including througb Early. in normal areas and (II) no post Production System. office already exists within the group of villages. I nttnsifica ti on of workover operations ror revival of sick (ii) A minimum revenue equal to wells. 145% of cost will be deemed to be adequate in the case of post Multilayer completion of wells offices to be opened jn hilJy back- for obtaining production from ward and tribal areas as against more than one 'ayer from a 33 1/3% in normal areas. well. 55 Writttn Answers NOVEMB!1l17, 1987 Written Answers 56

    Sub·sea completion of well. (c) if so, the reaction of Government thereto? Use of artificial lift method.

    Increased well stlmulation opera- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tions. DEP,ARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY Stepping up of development OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- driIJing. CHALAM) : (a) Government has been endeavourinJ all aloDg to introduce a uniform pattern of industrial Dearness Clvn Supplies Corporation for A & N Allowance In all public sector enterprises. Islands

    1445. SURI MANORANJAN (b) Justice R.B. Mishra Committee is BHAKTA: Will the Minister of FOOD yet to submit its final Report. AND CIVIL SU PPLIES be pleased to state: (c) Does not arise.

    (a) whether Government have agreed Sickness 10 Cycle Corporation or India for setting up a Civil Supplic:s Corporation for the Union Territory of Andaman & Nlcobar Islands; and 1447. DR. SUDHIR ROY: Wi1l the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : (b) if so, wben the Corporation is likely to be set up ? (a) whether it is a fact that the Cycle THE MINISTER OF PARLIA- Corporation of India has become further sick after nationalisation and i& continuing MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER to be so ; OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI, H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) Yes, Sir. Andaman and Nicobar Islan.ds (b) if so, tbe causes and circumst- Administration bas Informed that necees- ances leading to such sickness; and sary approval of tbe Company Law Board, Calcutta about the availability of the name i.e. Andaman and Nicobar Civil (c) the remedial steps being contem ... Corporation under Section 20 of the Com- plated to remove sickness of this under- taking? panies Act bas been received. Action is being taken to get the Civil Supplies Cor... poration registered. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL Uniform pattern of dearness allowance DEVELOPMENr IN THE MINISTRY for public sector employees Of' INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- CHALAM): (a) and (b) The Cycle 1446. SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS: Corporation of India Limited has conti. Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be nued to incur Joases after nationalisation pleased to state : due to various reasons such 8S old and out-dated machinery, surplus manpower, (a) whether Government have ~onsl· poor liquidity position etc. dered the demand of the employees of the public sector enterprises to introduce a (c) Various measures such as streng. uniform J)attern of dearness allowance; thenillg of systems and procedures, pro- viding plan and non-plan assistance, better (b) whether the recommendations of coJlection of dues, reduction of costs etc., Mr. Justice R.B. Mishra have been tonsl- have been taken to improve the perfor. dered by Government ; and mance of tbe company. 51 tJ'rltlen Answ~rs KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers

    ReorgaDisatioD of LPG mark~tiDg set up (c) jf so, the reaction of Government by Indian on Corporation in this regard 1

    1448. SHRI R. P. DAS: Will the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATU- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS RAL GAS be pJeased to state: (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) No, Sir, An individual meter for each sub- (a) whether'the Indian Oil Corpora- scriber is provided in the exchange. ' tion proposes to reorganise its LPG marketing set-up; (b) Yel, Sir. Some complaintl of excess metering are received. (b) if so, tbe reasons for the reorga- nisation; and (C) Every complaint of excess meter- ing is investigated for any clerical error or (c) whether It would involve any technical fault. Rebate to the complainant additional expenditure; the details Is allowed if found justifi~d. thereof? Contribution of public sector uDdertak- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE ings towards Prime M'n'stter's Drought MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Relief Fuod NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- DUTT) : (a) and (b) The Indian Oil Cor- 1450. SHRI LAKSHMAN MALLICK: poration has reorganised its LPG depart. Wit) the Miniter of INDUSTRY be pleased ment of its fast expanding LPG market~ng to state: with a view to improving the operations and quality ofservice to its LPG consu- (a) the names of the public sector mers; undertakings under the administrative control of his Ministry which have star- (c) Yes, Sir, The additional expendi" ted implementing the appeaJ, if any, made ture on the reorganisation is estimated at by Government for contributing towards Rs. 29.20 Jakhs, while this is expected to the Prime Minlster"s Drought Relief Fund; lead to in a saving of about Rs. 63.00 . and Jakhs per annum. ( b) the amount of money so far collec. Telephones with meter ted in this regard.

    1449. SHRI PARASRAM BHAR- THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY D\\'AJ : Will the Minister of COMMUNI- (SHRI J. VENOAL RAO): (a) Statement- CATIONS be pleased to state: I indicating the list of publac sector under- takings alongwith tbeir contributions is (a) whether there is any proposal to given below. provide every telephone with meter near the instrument itself; (b) The names of the PSUs alongwith (b) whefber Government have also the monetary contributions made by them received complaints about exorbitant are given in the Statement·II below. billing; and

    Statement-I List of PS Us alODgwlth their contrlbutloDI towardl Prime Minlster'l Drought Relief Fuod The following public sector undertakings under tbe administrative control of the Ministry of Industry have started assisting in tbe drought relief pro· grammes in specific States by providing water. fodder and medicines:

    1. Indian Petrochemicals Corpn. Ltd. Written Answers NOVEMBER 17.1987 Written Answers ",' 60

    2' Hindustan Organic Chemica's Ltd. 3. Hindustan Insecticides Ltd. 4. Indian Orugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. ..I Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd. 6. Petrofils Cooperative Ltd. 7. Hindustaa Saln Ltd. 8. Instrumentation Ltd. . \ 9. Bbarat Heavy Plate & Vessels Ltd. 10. Scooters India Ltd, 11. National Newsprint & Paper Mills Ltd. 12. HMT. Ltd. 13. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 14. Richardson & Cruddas India (1972) Ltd. 1S. Maluti Udyog Ltd.

    16. Cement Corpn. of India Ltd, 11. Hindustao Paper Corpn. Ltd.


    LI.t of FSU. alonKwUh their contributions to Prime Minlsterts Drought Relief Fund

    81. No. Name of the Company Amount Contributed

    1. Jellop &. Co. Ltd. Rs. 5.00 Lakbs

    2. Hindustan Paper Corpa. Ltd. RI. 3,15,450/-

    3. Heavy Engineering Corpa. Ltd. Rs. 2.00 lakhs

    4. Andrew Yule &. Co. Ltd. Rs. 2.00 lakhs

    5. MiDIDg & Allied Macbi.ney Corpa. Rs. 1,02,308. Ltd.

    6. Bharat Yantra Nigam Ltd. (Holding Rs. 83,454. has been collected company) for contribution to PM's Drought Relief Fund.

    Besides monetary contributions to Prime Minister's Drought Relief Fund. some public sector undertakinas are also contributing to the Chief Minister'. Relief Fund in different States. 61 JJ'ritlen Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers

    Incentivel for promoting export of tiona1 facility provided for under bulk drugs Import·Export Policy.

    14Sl. SHRI D. P. JADEJA : Will the (vi) Rationalisation of duty structure Minister of INDUSTRY be pJeased to for bulk drugs vis-a-vis inter. state : mediates. (vii) Inclusion of bulk druis under (a) the various Incentives offered by bank commodity credit Government for promoting export of bulk EX} M scheme. drugs produced by sma1! sc-ale unit~~ (b) No, Sir. (b) whether Government have held workshops in the' metropolitan cities to explain the various incentives to the small (c) Does not arise. scale industry; and Retail priee on fireworks pack' (c) if so, how many workshops have been held during tbe Jast two years' in 1452. DR. B.L. SHAILESH : Will the Delhi and the details of the achievements Minister of FOOD AND aVIL of these workshops? SUPPLIES be pleased to state:

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether Government propose to DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICALS AND "sk the fireworks manufacturers to indicate PETROCHEMICALS IN THB retail price on each pack on tho same MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI pattern as is being done on other consu- R.K. JAICHANDRA SINGH): (a) The mer articles; and fo])owing Incentives have been offered by the Govt. to boost export of drugs and (b) if not, the reasons therefor? formulations: THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- (i) Advance licences under the duty TARY AFFAIRS AND MIN·STER OF exemption scheme and import FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI licences are issued to various H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) The packages of exporters agaioet definite export fireworks are covered under the Standards orders. of Weights and Measures (Packaged Com- modities) Rules, 1977. As such, their (ii) In order to provide ~tabiljty for manufacturers are required to indicate, tho growth of exports, a scheme among other tbings, the sale price on the has been introduced for the pak ages of fireweorks. registration or contracts.

    (Hi) Special provision have been made (b) Does not arise. for 100% export oriented units. construction of Telephone Exchange Civ) A scheme bas been introduced to Office at Pulfakulam, Colmbatore pro~'lde duty free import of raw materials against REP licences 1453. SHRI C.K. KUPPUSWAMY: issued on exports of specified Will the Minister of COMMU~ICA TIONS products. The scheme is appli- be pJeased to state: cable to all registered exporters exporting tbe product specified, (a) the stcps takcD to aoquire the REP licences issued under the land for the construction of Telephone scheme are freoly transferable Exchange Office at PuliakuJam T.S. No. like other REP licences. 1448/1.Coimbatore District; and (b) tbe progress made so far io tbi. (v) A produt;er exporter gets addi- rcaard? 63 Writttn Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE paper plants for carrying out research In MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS the field of pulp and paper. (SHRl SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) Yel, Sir. After the enquiry under section (b) Does not arise. SeA) of the L A. Act 1894 was compJeted and cost of land was deposited with District Revenue Authorities, the Govern- (c) NOt Sir. The Central Pulp and ment of Tamil Nadu suspended further Paper Research Institute is designed to acquisition proceedin,s. Howl ver, tbe serve the needs of the whole country in Government of Tamil Nadu is being per- Research and Development pertaining suaded to commence the acquisition pro- to the pulp and paper industry. ceedinas from the stage these were suspen- ded. (d) Does not arise.

    (b) The response of the state Govern- Public leetor Industrial units In Audhra ment Is awaited. Pradesh

    Paper research Institute In Andhra Prfldesh 1455. SHRI S. PALAKONDRA- YUDU : Will the Minister of INDUSTRY 1454. SRIHARI RAO : Will the SHRI be pleased to state: Minister of INDUSTRY be pJeased to state : (a) the number of public sector indus- (a) whether adequate research facilities trjal units set up in Andhra Pradesh from in paper industry are Dot available in January J st, 1984 to October 31 st, 1987; India; (b) the tot a) capital invested in tbese (b) if so, the action taken by Govern- units; ment in this regard;

    (c) wbeth:r there is any proposal to (c) whether there is any proposal to establish a paper research institute In set up more public sector units in Andhra Andhra Pradesh as the State is a leading Pradesh during 1987-88 and 1988-89; and paper producer; and (d) if so, the details of the proposal (d) if so" the details of the proposal and tbe proposed capital investment '1 and the place selected to establish the institute '1 THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY (SHRI J. VENGAlA RAO) : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) and (b) While it is not possible to DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL give tbe number of small units added by DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY 42 enterprises having their units In Andhra OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- Pradesh and the corresponding capital CHALAM): (a) The Central Pulp and investment added, particulars of 2 big Paper Research Institute set up in Novem- units added to two such enterprises are ber. 1980, at Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh, as under :- is baving well equipped lab('ratories and

    SJ. Enterprises Particular of Expected caphaI No. new units. Investment (Rs. in crores)

    1. Hindustan Flourocarbons 500 tonne per annum 34.00 Ltd. Polytetraftouroethy- lene 2. Cement Corporation of 1 million tonne per 53.96 India Ltd. annum Tendur cement project expansion. 6S IC.A Ittl K.A 26, 1909 (SAKA) "'ritlen Answer" 66

    (c) and (d) Details af public lector units proposed to b, let up in Andbra Prad•• b dudns tbe Sorventb Plan period are given bolow :-

    51. Entcrpriles Particular of Expected capital No. units inveltment (RI. in crore.)

    1, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. 3.0 million tonne per 2256.80 annum finished Iteel plant.

    2. Sponge Iron India Ltd. New Unit 37.80

    3. Hindu.tan Zinc Ltd. Some additions in the 37.10 viz.1 unit.

    4. Hindustan PetroTeum Propylene recover, 1'.28 Corpn. Ltd. plant

    '. Pertilizer Carparatioa of Replacement. ren.",al 36.00 India Ltd. and revamping of the Ramagundan unit.

    6. Indian Drugs and Pharma- Replacement, renewal 13.20 ceutical Corpn. Ltd. expansion .etc.

    7. Bharat Heavy Electricals Mill accessories project 28.00 Ltd. etc. in tbe Hyderabad unit.

    8. Bbarat Heavy Plates & Cryogenic manuractur- 20.50 Vessels Ltd. ing facility etc.

    9. Hindustan Cables Ltd. 3. LCRM unit etc. 54.00

    10. Cement Corporation of Ind.a Expansion or Tandur 153.96 Ltd. & Yerraguntala Unit.

    11. Tyre Corporation or India Kakinada unit. 15.00 Ltd.

    12. Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. Stage II Development 51.00 otc.

    13. Computer Maintenance Cor. Hyderabad unit. 29.00 poratlon Ltd. 14. Electronic Corporation of Hyderabad unit, 65.00 India Ltd, NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 67 Writfen Answer! I

    Public call offices allotted to war manufacturers offered some incentives to widows In Andhra Pradesh the retailers;

    1456. SHRI C. SAMBU : Will the (d) if so, the detaIls thereof; Ministt"r of COMMUNICATIONS be (e) whether it Is a fact that the rates pleased to state: of these small packs tn Super Bazar and Kendriya Bhandar continued to be more (a) the number of public caB offices for ~ome time and they did not pass on workiog in Andhra Pradesh as on date; the Incentives to the customers; and

    (b) the total n.mbcor of public call (f) if so, the steps taken to ensure offices allotted to physically handicapped tbat these institutions retain only one and women in Andhra Pradesh; margin of profit?

    (C) wh"-l her there is any proposal to THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT- run the public call offices by war widows; ARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF and FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) The prices (d) if so, the details thereof? of vanaspati in small packs are higher pri- marily due to additional cost of packging and handling THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE etc. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (c) and (d) Vanaspati industry is (a) There are 7735 public telephones ob5erving voluntary price discipline with in Andhra Pradesh. effect from 26th August, 1987. Under this arrangement, maximum consumer price of 15 kg. tin of vanaspati has been fixed i:'een (b) 541 public telephone have at R s. 335 (excluding loca) taxes} through- per~~ns allotted to physicaJly handicapped out the country. The prices of small and women. packs have been reduced correspondingly.

    (c) No, Sir. The manufacturers offer vanaspati to retailers for sale as per normal trade (d) Does not arise in view of reply arrangements. to part (C) above. (e) and (f) The rates of small packs Sale of vanaspati in small packs by of vanaspati in Super Bazar and Kendriya Super Bazar and Kendri ya Bhandar Bhandar were a Iso reduced with effect from 26th August 1987. "1457. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD SINGH: Win the Minister of FOOD Tm port of pulp by pa p('r industry AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to 1458. SHRI SURESH KURUP : Will state: the Minister of JNDUSTR Y be plec sed to state : (a) whether the price of small packs of vanaspati is morc than the loose (a) whether many unIts in paper vanaspati; industry are importing pulp availing the liberalisation of import and manufacturing (b) if so, what is the difference paper with lower grammage; together with reasons thereof and the steps takrD for balanced prices of small (b) if so, the details thereof; and loose packs; (c) whether it is a fact that the above paper with lower grammage is being sold (c) whether price. of the small packs unauthorisedly to the newspaper establi. were revised some time back and the shments iD the country; and Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) ~Vrlften Answers 7)

    (d) if so, the action taken to prevent The techne·economlcs of conve~ion this 7 of coal to oil on a commercial scale was examined througb a pre-feasibility study THE MINISTER OF STAlE IN THE and such conversion has not been found DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL favourable on a commercial scale in India DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY at present.

    .. _-- ._------(b) the reasons for not opening the Post Offices/Telegraph Offices area; 1985·76 Rs. 234.99 crores in this and 1986-87 Rs. 20~.43 crores (c) when the Post Offices/Telegraph 1987-88 Rs. 57.24 crores Offices will start functioning in Sec tots (April-June) 3, 6 and 6 of Rohini, New Delhi ?

    (c) There are no restrictions on the THE MINISTER or STATE IN THE sale of low grammage paper by paper MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS mills. (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEY): (a) At present there is no Post/Telegraph (d) Does not arise. Office in Rohini residential complex. However, a licensed postal agency bas Fuel oil from coal been set up in sector I.

    1459. DR. G. VIJA Y A RAMA RAO : (b) and (c) There is a continuing ban Will the Minister of ENERG Y be pleased on creation of new posts. However, a to state: proposa' has been formulated for establi- shmg a delivery post oUHee in the com- (a) whether Sir J. C. Gosh Commit- plex. This proposal will be taken up tee's recommendations on fuel oil from with the Ministry of Finance for approval coal (1954) have been finalised and acted in relaxation of the ban. When a post upon; office is set up, it wilJ also be provided with telephone/telegraph facilities. (b) if so, the results thereof; and Modernisation of telephone exchanges (c) bow much fuel oil is be;ng pro- In And bra Pradesh

    duced from coal, year-wisel for the last three years 1 1461. SHR[ MA NIK REDDY: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS THE MINISTER OF ENERGY be pleased to state: (SHRI VASA NT SATHE) : (a) to (C) The (a) the number and names of telephono J.C. Ghosh Committee appointed by exchanges which are proposed to be the Government of India in 1955 examined modernised in Andbra Pradesh durinl 'be production of liquld fuels from coal. tbe current plan period; 'Ii Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers '2

    (b) the estimated number of telephones be done durina the remaining period of likely to be provided in each telephone the plan. Names of these exchanges and exchaDS. durina the same period; and the n\jmber of additional telephones to be provided from tbese are given in the (c) tbe tundl allocated for the purpose, Statement below. If any? (c) The total financial outlay for THB MINISTER Of STAT!! IN THE Andbra Pradesh State including Vija)'a- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS wada and Hyderabad Telephone districts lldttI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): for the 7th plan excluding long distance (a) and (b) 40 exchange. were proposed media is about Rs. 266 crores. Funds to be modernised in tbe current plan for tbe proposals given in tbe annexure period. Out of this II exchanges have are being appropriated as per requirement already been modernised and the rest will of each work out of this allotment.


    SI. No. Name of exchange Additional No. of Remarks telephones Hke!y to be provided.

    1 2 3

    1. Kavali 27 I 2. Ravulapalem .7 I I. Tanuku 97 I 4. Bluru 541 I S. Nizamabad 1201 I Already 6. Anapartbi 3 ~ modernised ,. Tunl 2 I I. Kotbaaudem 300 , 9. Armoor 110 I 19. Ramachandrapuram 60 I 11. Balacheruvu 57 J 12. Gooty 7

    13. Kovur 20

    14. Visbakhapatnam (Industrial :estato 400 15. Reni&unta 60

    J6. AmaJapuram 242

    1'I. Hindupur IS2

    11. Amadal. v.I.,. 10

    19. BodhaD 51

    10. Vuyyuru 44 73 Wrlllen AnsWers KARTIK" 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 14

    1 2 3 4

    21. Yemmiganur 30

    22. Bhadrachalam 77

    23. Tadpatri 128

    24. J adcberJa 33

    25. Kodad 20

    26. Madavandlapalli 59

    27. Narasapur 45

    28. Bellampalli 34 Replacement of the following exchanges by electronic systems has been approved recently;

    29. Bhongir 100

    30. Mandapeta 100

    31. Medak 100

    32. Nirmal 100

    33. Dubbak 20

    34. Gowraram 10

    35. Narayankhed 20

    36. Shantinagar 10

    Hyderabad Telephone Districts

    17. Hyderabad-Golconda 700

    38. Jeedimetla 150 3'. Sarror Nagar 700 40. Rajinder Nagar ~oo

    Openlol of POlt Office at Ma),athar (b) whether Post Master and Peon (Radhapur) district Mldoapore, W.B. were appointed to run tbe said pOlt 1462. SHRI SATYAGOPAL MISRA: office; Will the Minister of COMMUNI- CA1IONS be pleased to state: (c) the reasons for not opening that post office and the reasons for the del.)'; whether a decision was taken to and open a Post Office at Mayachar (Radha· pur) under Mabisadal P .5., Tamluk sub- (d) when tbe said post office wiJl b, division Midnapore Dietrict, W~st opened? Benaal; 7S Ul'rilltll Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Writtell Answers 76

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN rHE (b) The objective of the Modernisa- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS tion plan is to eliminate time consumins- (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) manual transit operations to curtail delays Yes, Sir. in the delivery of ·telegrams and thereby provide greater public service. ModerniJ (b) Information is this regard is being sat ion of Telegraph Net-work involves ascertained and will be laid on the Table utiHsation of various building blocks like of the House. Store and FOIward Message Switching System. Store and Forward Telegraph (c) The post office though sanctioned System, Electronic Key Boards, Electronic could not be opened because the ban on Key Board Concentrators, PhoD~om' creation of posts bad been imposed in the Concentrators, Replacement of Electro. meantime. mechanical Tele printers by Electronic Teleprinters, etc. Computerisation w1l1 (d) The Department is now reviewing be confined to the ex.tent of elimination of all cases wherein specific commitments time consuming manual transit operations. have been made in tbe past in regard to opening of post offices based on norms (c) The Modernisation Plan is Jike)y which were force earlier. The inten- in to be implemented by ]990. tion is to seek the approval of the Minis- try of Finance for exemption from the (d) The Modernisation Plan on ban for such proposals. Tbis exercise implementation is likely to render surplus will include the proposal in respect of an estimated 10 per cent of the total non .. Mayachar also. However, having regard gazetted staff. to the present constraints, it can not be stated at this stage whether such post (e) The Department will suitab1y re. offices may be opened during the current deploy surplus staff. annual plan (1987·88) or deferred to the oex.t year. Postal facilities in Bihar Computerisatlon or telegraph details 1464. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: 1463. SHRI G.M. BANATWALLA : Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- Will the MlDister of COMMUNICA· TIONS be pleased to state: TIONS be pleased to state:

    (a) whether Government arc conside- (a) the states which are deficient in ring any proposal for computerisatlon of postal facilities in terms of the natIonal telegraph details; norm, I.e. below the national average;

    (b) if so, the details thereof, indicating (b) the names of districts in BIhar whether the total service is to be which have a Jower level of postal facilities .. computerised; than the State average;

    (c) if so, by what time; (c) the names of blocks in Purnea district of Bihar which have a Jower level (d) the estimate of staff that would be or postal facilities than the district averagei rQDdcred lurplus; and and

    (e) the plans, if any, for rehabilitation (d) whether it is proposed to give 0' the consequent surplus staff ? priority to those panchayats which have no postal facility in deficient blocks of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE deficient districts of deficient States, in MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS establishing new postal facilities? (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : (a) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Yea Sir. Telegraph Message Switching plan for modernisat.on of the Telegraph MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) Network is under implementation. As on 31.3.87, in the country as a wbole~ 77 If/rif/en Answers KARTJKA 26 1909 (SAKA) Written Anst,ers a post office -ser·ved on average an area of have sent any proposal to buy diesel 22.83 sq. kms. and a population of 4,758. pen~ratl"g sets to tide over the pOWC'! In the following States/Union Territories shortage in the State; tbe average area served by a post office was larger tban the a1l India average. (c) whether the proposal bas been cleared by Government; and Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Assam, Arunachal (d) if not, the reasons there.for ? Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Himachal Pradesh, 'Raj:1sthan, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Sikkim and Andaman & Nlcobar Is'ands. DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) The energy In the following States/Union Terri- generation in the Raichur TberIllill Power tories the average population served by a Station during April·October, 1987 was post office was more than tbe all India 1161 million units against the target of average. 1172 million units. The shortfall was marginal. Bihar, Delhi, Diu .. Kerala, Mabe, Maharashtra, Assam, Chandigarh, Har- (b) to (d) The proposal for installation yana, Pondicberry, Uttar Pradesh and of diesel generating sets with aD aggregate West Bengal. capacity of 77.76 MW has been sanctioned for execution in the State sector. This analysis by itself cannot be cons- trued as 'deficiency' in postal facifies as [Translation] Post Offices are sanctioned subject to satisfaction of certain norms pertaining to l'lxi ng of new limit for storage of wheat popuJation. distance, anticipated revenue and ri('e and the amount, of Joss. 1466. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRIPATHI: Will the Minister of FOOD (b) and (c) The information is being AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to colJected and will be laid on the Table of state: the House. (a) whether Government propose to (d) The department has recently for- ,fix new limit for storage of wheat and mulated certain new guidelines in this rice; regard according to which inter aJia, priority will be given to ~ram panchayats (b) if so, whether Government have which have no post office. This priority issued instructions to State Governments will however be subject to fulfillment of in this regard; and the prescribed norms relating to popula. tion, distance from nearest post office, (c) if so, the reaction of Stale anticipated revenue,: and the amount of Governments thereon and if not, tbe loss. reasons therefor?

    Raichor Thermal Power Station THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF 1465. SHRI NARSING SURYA- FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI WANSHI : Will the Minister of ENERGY H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) The be pleased to state: Central Government has no proposal to fix specific limits. However, on account of (a) whether the production in Raichur the unprecedented drought in the country, Thermal Power Station is falling below the State Governments were advised to expectation; have stock-limits for wheat and rtce, wherever sDd to the extent necossary, to (b) wbether Karnataka Government prevent hoardin8. Wrltttn Answer" NOVE~B1!R 17, 1987 Written Answers 80

    (c) Does not arise as no limits were AND CIVIL SUPPLIBS be pleased to proposed. atate :

    {Enrlish1 (a) whether thc Sal seeding processing industry in Orissa which has been lying Complaints aaaloat LPG dealers in idle during crushing season tbts year as a Delbi result of the raw material being kept in 1467. SURI UTTAMBHAI H. storage due to an interim court order, PATEL: has sought price relief from Government; and SHRIMATI PATEL RAMA- BEN RAMJIBHAI MAVANI: (b) if so, the details in this regard? Will the Minister or PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- .tatc : TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI (a) wbother his Ministry or Oil Com- H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) Sal seeds panics have received a largo number of of 1987 crop have already been allocated complaints regarding malpractices, illegal to local industry. Interim court order bal activities, corruption, delay in supply of been vacated, consequent on di,.missal of reftlls, etc. against the gas dealers of Delhi the writ petition of two parties by tho during 1 August, 1987 to 31 October. Supreme Court on 24th September, 1987; 1987.

    Application from one party for reduc- (b) if so, the details thereof; and tion of price has been received although no specific rate has been offered. (c) the action taken or proposed to be taken to prevent such malpractices and Dharoa by N.P.C.C. workers in Delbl the outcome thereof? 1469. SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM to state : AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- DUTT): (8) and (b) Yes, Sir. A total of about 1225 complaints were received by (a) whether Government are aware the Oil Companies against the LPG dist- that the workers of the National Projects ributors of Delhi during the period from Construction Corporation are sitting in August I, 1987 to October, 31, 1987. These Dharna in front of the office of the complaints relate mainly to delayed supply N.P.C.C. in DeIhl since 8 September, or refills, rude behaviour by tbe distribu- 1987; tors' staff and supply of under-weight refills; (b) if so, what are their demands', and (c) The complaints received by tbe Oil Companies against LPG distributors (c) the steps taken to ameliorate the are investiaated wherever necessary, and genuine grievances of the workers? appropriate action, ranging from warning letters to even terminaiion of distributor- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ships in some cases, is taken against the DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE errins LPG distributors in accordance MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI with the marketing DIscipline GuideJines. SUSHILA ROHT AG I): (a) About two to three bundred workmen have been S.I seedlog processlDg Industry demonstrating and shouting slogans in front of the Corporate Office of tbe 1468. SURI SRIBAlLA V PANI- NPCC at New Delhi since 8th September. GIlAHI: Win the Minister of FOOD 1987. 81 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answtrs 82

    (b) Their main demands are reinstatem- Satellite link for eastern region ent of retrenched workers, !'emova! of the present Chairman & Managing Director 1471. SHRI HARIHAR SOREN of NPCC, stoppage of subletting of cont- Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- racts secured by the NPCC, stoppage of TIONS be pleased to state: operation of NPCC's '] machines at work sites through piece-rate workers. (a) whether Government have a pro- posal to provide Satellite link for eastern region for software export; (c) The surplus wOlkmcn were offered alternative jobs in tbe security discipline so that they could be absorbed in the (b) if so, by which year such facility regular cadre of organization, without is proposed to be provided; and any financial ]oss to them. Thoso wbo did not accept this offer, have been ret- (c) the steps taken in this regard? renched after payment of their arrears of pay, retrenchment compensation. gratuity, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE bonus etc. payable under the Rules. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) [Trallslation) to (c) A direct SatelJlte link for Inter- national Telecommunication Services from New desjgn for Tehri Dam the eastero region is proposed to be provided from Calcutta during the period 1~70. DR. CHINTA MOHAN: 1989-90. Thb facility will, be available for software export purpose also. under SHRI BALW ANT SINGH certain conditions. No specific request RAMOOWALIA : for facility for software export from eastern region has so far been received. Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: [English]

    (a) whether the Soviet E"perts have Reliance of rural population on biofuel now made a proposal to prepare a new 1472. SHRI ANANDA PATHAK: design of Tehri Dam; Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: tb) if so, the detailed facts in this regard; and (a) The Government's policy to reduce reliance of rural population on bJofucl; (c) the total expenditure incurred on and this project so far? (b) If there is no such policy whether any policy in this regard is proposed to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE be evolved in near future? DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI THB MINISTER OF ENERGY SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) and (b> lSHRI VASA NT SATHE): and (b) Soviet Experts have carried out appraisal With;o the framework of energy policy, of tbe design of the Tehri Rockfill Dap) a number of programmes like National pr~l?~red .~arlier~ by the Tehri Dam Project Project on Biogas Devcl.opmcnt (NPBD), engineers. The appraisal report does not popularisation of improved chulbas aDd suggest any major changes in the design solar cookers, etc. have been initiated to of the dam and considers It feasible to conserve fueJwood and improve efficiency construct the project. of utilization of agro residues and animal ~astes. EncriY Plantation demonstra- (c) The expenditure incurred on Tehrl tion on wasteland has also been taken up Project upto September, 1987 is Rs, 262.77 to Increase fuelwood supply to tbe rural crores. population. 33 Written Answers NOVBMBl!R 17, 1987 Writ/en Answers 84

    Statutory minimum price for kbaDdlarl THE MINISTER OF P ARLIA- IUiar MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES 1473. SHRI V. SOBHANADRE· (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) The Cent. ESWARA RAO: Win the Minister of ral Financing Institutions provide financial FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased assistance to sugar factories for under- to state: taking expansion of capacity. The assis ... tance (rom the Sugar Development Fund (a) whetht'r statutory minimum support operated by the Central Government is price is fixed for cane to be supplied to also given to sugar factories for modern- khandsari sugar units in the country; isation cum expansion subject to certain conditions. The new sugar factories and (b) if not, whether Government would expansion units are also covered by the consider to fix the statutory minimum provisions of an Incentive Scheme. price to be paid by the khandsari units under clause (4) of the Sugar Cane Con- (b) and (c) Statement giving the trol Order; and Dumber of sUlar mills State-wise to whom Letters of Intent bave been granted for (c) If not, what are the rcasons lor expansion during the Sevcnth Five Year not fixing tbe statutory minimum price Plan js given below. payable. by the khandsari units in order to protect interests or cane growers? Statement

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIA- The Number of Letters of Intent issued MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER against the Seventh Five Year Plan for OP FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES expansion in the eXisting sugar units, (SHRI H.K.I;. BHAGAT): (a) to (c) Khandsari units are licensed by the State S. State No. of Sugar Governments. Under clause 4 of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966, State No. Mills Govts. have been authorised to fix, with the approval of the Central Government, 1. Uttar Pradesh .17 the statutory minimum price of sugarcane payable by khandsarl units. It is for the 2. Tamil Nadu 7 State Govts. to take the initiative and during the last few years, only Andhra 3. Gujarat 1 Pradesh Govt. has fixed the mlnlrpum prIce of sugarcane for khandsari units. 4. Karnataka 3

    Expansion or sucar mill. 5. Maharashtra 6

    1474. SARI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: f. Punjab 3 SHRI G.S. BASAVARAJU: 7. Bibar 2 Will the Minister of FOOD AND ---- CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: Total 39 (8) whether Government bave decided to extend concessions for expansion of' Telephone modern sugar mills; hili. 1475. SHRI G.S. GHOLAP : Will the (b) if so, the number of sugar mills Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be allo·wed, to expand, State-wise; 8Dd pleased to state :

    (c) if Dot, tbe rcasons therefor? (a> whether telephone bUls are required Written Answer$ KAIlTIK.A 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answerr 86 to be paid in post officeH only and not MRTP and FERA companies for settinl In banks; and up capacities in certain industries .ince March, 1985 and the details tbereof ? (b) if so, the reasons thereof? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT IN THE MiNISTRY (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA· and (b) The tel~pbone bills of subscribers CHALAM) : (a) to (d) Companies engaiod connected to telephone exchanges In the De- in 27 industries of high national priority partment of Telecommunications are paya- were exempted from Sections 21 and 22 ble at tbe autborlsed post offices and also of MRTP Act by notification No. S.O. at the cash counters of the Telephone Re- 408 (B) dated 22.S.19dS and thoso in S4 venue Accounting Offices. The network of more such industries were similary exemp- post offices has been extensive and tho offi- ted by Notification No. S.O. 6' (E) dated ces are easily accessibJe to tbo subscribers 21.2.1986 of the Department of Company all over the country. Collections made at Affairs. the post offices get credited .,.Inlo tbe Central Government account immediately. 28 industries were delicensed i. •• On the otber hand banks do not exempted from licensing provisions of In- necessarily have branches in such large dustries (Development and Regulation Act) numbers and arc less widespread tban post for MRTP/FERA Companies for locations offices. in backward areas by notification No, S.O. 140 (E) dated 31.3.1986 of tbe In Bombay and Delhi telephone sys- Department of Industrial Development. tems which have been placed under the public sector company, Mahanagar TeJe. Recently 48 Appendix.I industries have phone Nigam, the telephone bills are been delicensed for MR TP/FERA Com- payable at the cash counters of MTNL panies for locations in centrally doclared and at specified branches of selected backward areas and another 24 Non- nationalised banks who arc functioning Appendix.I industries have been dclicensed as the bankers for the Company. At the for MRTP/FERA Companies for location two stations. the post offices do not in category' A' backward areas; provided coHect telephone bills. such backward areas do not fall within a radius of tOO Kms. from cities having Industries deliceosed aod exemption population of more than 2S lakhs accord- granted to MRTP and J:1~ERA companies ing to 1981 Census, vide Press Note No. 16 (1987 Series) dt. 20.10.1987. 1476, SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN : Wlll the Minister of INDUSTRY be The details of industries so exemptedl pleased to state : delicensed are available in the notifications/ Press Note mentioned above. Copies of (a) whether his Ministry has further these notifications/Press Note would be Iiberalised and exempted the M R T P and available in the Parliament Library. FERA companies from the provisions of the Industries (Development and Regula- EstenlloD or validity or Industriallicencel tions) Act, 1951. for proJects 1477. SHRI SATYENDRA NARA- (b) if so, the details thereof; YAN SINHA: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state : (C) whether these companies will be excluded totally from the purview of (a) whether Government have decided sections 21 and 22 of the MRTP Act; and Dot to extend the validity of industrial licences for projects, which have Dot star- (d) the number and names or indus- ted commercial production witbin two tries dc-licensed and exemption granted to years of approval; 87 Written Answer$ NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 88

    (b) whether tbis provision would also (b) if so, the details of Government's apply to the public sector where delays plan to utilize the same to the full ? are even more pronounced;

    (c) whether this provision is expected THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND to prevent certain industrial houses from holding pre-emptive Hcences; and NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHM A DUTT) : (a) Exploration efforts have resulted in the discovery of substantial (d) which are the industrial houses natural gas reserves in tour major structu- owning licences which have not been con- res in Tripura. The total recoverable verted into production units even after reserves of natural gas arc estimated at leveral years ? about 2826 million cubic metres as 00 1.1.87. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVEL01»MENT IN THE MINISTRY (b) 0.13 MMCMD gas has already OP INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUMA- been committed to Tripura State Electri. CHALAM) : (a) The decision of Govern- city Board against which 0.06 to 0.065 ment not to grant extension of validity is MMCMD gas is being supplied at present. Dot in re~pect of industrial licences but it O.7S MMCMD gas for a gas based power is in respect of registrations issued to plant at Rokhia Bnd 0.02 MMCMD gas Industrial undertakings engaged in delicen- for Agartala MunicIpality has also been led industries. Such registration certi- committed. Efforts are underway to ficates are valid for a period of two years locate prospective users of gas. within which the industrial undertaking is requIred to commence production. [Trans/ation]

    (b) This decision applies to all indus- Pending scbemes for power generation trial undertakings whether in private sector or public sector. 1479. SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOOWALJA: (c) As registration for delicensed DR. CHINTA MOHAN: industries is liven freely, there is no scope for pre.emption of capacity. Win the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: (d) The proaress of implementation of Industrial licences and registration certi- (a) whether several schemes for power ficates is watched by different administra- generation have been pending with Uoion tive ministries and technical authorities Government for the Jast two years or and the action to revoke/cancel them is more; initiated/taken by them. The ,information In this regard is therefore Dot centrally (b) if so, the dctails thereof, project"!' maintained. wise; and Tripara baslo al major 011 Oeld (c) whether the present gap in the 1478. SHRI BAJU BAN RIYAN : power generation and its consumption is SHRI R. P. DAS : due to non-clearance of the schcmes in time? SURI AJ OY BISW AS :

    Will the Minister of PETROLEUM THE MINISTER OF STA-TE IN THE AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THB ltate : MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI (I) whether the Ttipura basin is emer- SUSHILA ROHTAGI) :(8) to (c) Informa. tlon is being collected and will be laid on ami a. a major onshore las field; and the Tablo of tbe House. 89 WrItten Answers KARTtKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Wrllttn An.rwtr.s

    [English] (a) whether Soviet Union bas offered to assist in new power projects witb a total Combined cycle gas based power projects capacity of 3000 M W. 00 HOJ g81 pipUoe (b) if so, the details of these projects; 1480. SHRI RAM BAHADUR and SINGH: Will the Minister of ENERGY bo pleased to state : (c) whether placiDg of orders for ".uch power projtcts abroad would affect utilisa- (a) whether combined cycle gas-based tion of capacity of Indian power equip- powor projects on HBJ gas pipeline in ment manufactruers ? Gujarat Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan bave been approved; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI (b) if 10, the cost tbereof and when SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) to (0) In the tbe final decision on these projects was Eighth Meeting of tho Indo-Soviet WorkiDS taken; Group on Power held in Moscow in (c) whether any tenders for tbe pro- October, 1987, both sides recognised tbat jects and the selection of contractors was prospects exist in respect of enlarging made by 8ny Board and If so, when; cooperation in the construction of new thermal/hydro power stations and trans- mission and distribution systems. The (d) whether the guideHnes on the inter- Soviet side indicated their interest in national competitive bidding (ICB) as extending assistance, OD mutually accep- isaued by World Bank were adhered to; tabJe terms and conditions, for new pro- jects of an aggregate capacity of about (0) whether Government have sought 3000 M W on which work could start', before approval of the World Bank on ·the con- March, 1990. tractors; and The Indian side agreed to examtoe this (f) if so, the reasons therefor? offer expeditiously, in the· light of new capacity induction plans. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE Power requiremeot of Kerala MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) and (b) Three 1482. SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHO- gas-based power projects atKa was in THAMAN: WflJ tho Mini5ter of ENERGY Gujarat, Auralya in Uttar Pradesh and be pleased to state: Anta in Rajasthan were approved for execution by the National Thermal Power (a) the total power requirement of Corporation (NTPC) in October, 1986 at Kerala for the current year; and an''''ettimtfed cost of about Rs. 1200 crores. (b) tbe average power gencration (c) to (f) Otobal tenders were invited capacity in the State 1 by the NTPC in accordance with the International Competitive Bidding (leB) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE procedure for World Bank-assisted pro- DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE jects. The Bank's concurrence to tbe MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI award recommendations has since been SUSHI LA ROHTAGI) : (a) The anticlpa- received by tbe NTPC. tcd energy requirement of Kerala duriD8 1987·88 is of tbe order 01 6200 minion Soviet otrer In new power projects units; 1481. SHRIMATI KISHORI SINHA: Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased (b) The present installed ,scDeratillS to state: capacity in Kefala II about 1476 MW. 91 Written Answer8 NOVEMBER 17, -1987 Written Answers 92

    Saaction to .uper hydro-thermal plant (b) if so, the reaction of Government Dear Nandikuru, Karoataka in this regard ?

    1483. SHRIMATI BASA V ARAJES- THE MINISTER -OF PARLIAMENT. WARI : Will the Minister of ENERGY ARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF be pleased to state: FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) Yes, Sir. (a) whether Karnataka bas submitted a ,proposal for setting up a super hydro- (b) : It has beon confirmed by U. P. tbermal pJ ant near NandikuIu in Udupi Government that no ban has been impo- taluk of Dakshin Kannada district; sed by tbem on the movement of mustard seed and mustard oil. (b) if so, the main dotails of tho proposal; Shifting of 011 India Headquarters 148S. SHRI AKHTAR HASAN: (c) whether Union Government have .xamined tbe proposal; SHRI MULLAPPALLY RAM· .CHANDRAN: (d) if so, tbe total expenditure invol- SHRI SAMBHAJIRAO ved; Ind KAKADE : Will the Minister of PETROLEUM '(0) whether Union Government have AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to accorded sanction to the proposal and state : also 'agreed to provide loans? (a) whether employees of the oil THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE India Ltd. are protesting against the DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THB decision taken by Government for shifting MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI its headquarters from Delhi to Duliajan (SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (e) No in Assam; proposal (or setting up a super hydro plant near Nandikuru in Karnataka has (b) if so, the details of the objections been received. However, a feasIbility raised and Government's reaction thereon; report for installation of a Thermal Power Station (2 x 210 MW) at Nandikuru at an (c) the number of staff members in estimated cost of Rs. 614.24 crores has Delhi likely to be effected; and been received in the Central Electricity Authority in April, 1987 for technoecono- Cd) the provision made for tbe mainte- mic appraisal. Tbe proposal could be nance of adequate s~aff of new head- considered for techno .. economic appraisal Quarters in Assam ? after position regarding availability of weter bas been ascertained and environ- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE mental clearance and civil aviation clear- MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND ance arc available. NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- DUTT): (a) to (d) Oil India Ltd. (OIL)'s Ban on movement or mustard seed! aDd registered office bas not always been at 011 by U. P. Government Duliajan. Chairman-cum-Managing Direc- 1484. SHRIMATI N. P. JHANSI tor (CMD)and two other functional Direc.. LAKSHMI : WilJ tbe Minister of FOOD tors, who had been operating from New AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to Delhi. are proposed to be sbifted to state: Duliajan. While OILs Executives Employ- ees Association at Duliajan has welcomed (a) whether West Bengal Government the Government decision to shift the CMD has drawn his attention regardfnl the ban and tbe functional Directors from Delhi imposed by Uttar Pradesh Government to Duliajan, some staff members of Delhi on tbe movement of mustard seeds and office had expressed certain misgivings mustard oil as reported in the -Hindustan about the proposed move. However, these Times" dated Octobor 24, 1987: Ind missivinls like lh' obtainins law and order 93 Wrltten Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 94 situatlon in Duliajan, feeling of insecurity [English), on the part of non·Assamese employees Dlver.lon of consumers commodities and bardship to Delhi based employees meant for public distribution sy5tem whose spouse are locally employed have been removed during discussions held by 1487. SHRI RAM PYARB PANIKA : senior officers of the Ministry with the Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL staff of OIL. While CMD, functional SUPPLIES be pleased to state: Directors and some senior officers will move to Duliajan, most of tbe staff will (a) whether he Is aware that fivestar continue at Delhi as OIL will continue to hoteJs, guest. houses, restaurants and have an office In Delhi for the pur- dhabas are getting ellsential commodities, . pose of liaison with the Government and edible oil, butter. milk, vegetables in bulk other agencies and performance of other at a!premlum from Government owned ou- functions. t1et. such as Nafed, Super Bazar, Mother Dairy and many others such outlets [ Translation) ownedl controlled by the Delhi Adminis- tration. meant for Public Distribution Projects undertaken by Telecommuni- System, creating scarcity in" these outlets cations Consultants India Ltd. forcing the consumers to pay blgher prices in the open market; 1486. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD RA WAT : Will the MInister of COMMU- (b) whether complaints of such mal- NICATIONS be pleased to state: practices have been received by Govern. ment and whether aDY market survey has (a) the number of projects undertaken been made by Government agencies to by telecommunications Consultants India find out the source of such malpractices Ltd. in gulf countries and the number of at the post of consumers; project of these completed so far; (c) if so, the action taken OD the complaints and the resuls of market lur- (b) the profit earned or the Josses vey so conducted with details thereot; suffered by the undertaking on the pro- and jects completed by it in the gulf countries; and (d) the action taken in each case where any officials were found guilty of (c) if losses have been suffered, the such malpractices ? reasons therefor? THE MINISTER OF PARLIA. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) (SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) Telecommunications Consultants Indja There was a newspaper report to this Limited has undertaken 79 projects in effect. No specific complaint has, how- gulf countries since'its tnception in August, ever, been received. 1978. Out of these, 51 have been comple- ted till 31.3.1987. (c) and (d) Do Dot arise. Power generating plants ID Welt Bengal (b) On the projects completed till 1488. SHRI HANNAN MOLLAH: 31.3.1987 in gulf countries, TCIL has Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased earned profit amounting to Rs. 18.88 to state: crores. (a) tile Dumber of power generating (c) Does not arise. plants of the Central Electricity Authority which are In operation in West Beopl, wltb location tbereof; ,s JJ'ritten Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 96

    (b) the capacity of those plants; and system load conditioni, age of the plant etc. (c) the amount invested by tbe Cent. ral Electricity Authority in those p1ants ? Special lund to finance research pro- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Jects on rlsk-sbarlng basis with THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN Industry THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRI- MATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) No 1490. DR. T. KALPANA DBVI: power generating plant is operated by the Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be Central Electricity Authority. pleased to state :

    (b) and (c) Do not arise in view of (a) wbther Union Government have answer to (a) above. decided to establish a special fund to finance research prOjects. on a rls·, k sharing basis with industry; Plant load factor achieved In tbermal power sta dons, (b) whether Directorate General of Tecbnical Development has identified the 1489. SHRI YASHWANTRAO areas where research could be under- GADAKH PATIL : Win the Minister of ENERG Y be pleased to state: taken;

    (a) the details of the plant load (c) whether the fund would b~ av~il­ factor achieved in Sin8rauJi, Korba, able for indigenisation of exlstlDg In- Ramaaundam and Badarpur tbermal dustries, besides developing new technolo- gies; and power station~ during the period April. September. 1987; and (d) whether DGTD has technology (b) the reasons for variations in bank monitoring mechanism, supported achievements.,.ff any? by strong management system, to belp domestic industry to develop indigenous THE MINISTER OF STATE IN technology? THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRI. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN MATI SUSHILA "ROHTAGI): (a) THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL Details of PLF achieved in SjngrauJi, DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY Korba, Ramagundam and Badarpur OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA. Thermal Power Stations during April- CHALAM) : (a) No decision baa beeD September, 1987 arc as under :_ taken in the Ministry of Industry for esta blishroeot of SpecJal Fund to finance Research Project. on a rlsk.sharin8 basis Station P.L.F.(%> with industry.

    (b) and (d) DOlD is actively en. Singr~uli 77.1 gaged, inter alia. in the promotion of industrial and technological development. Korba 69.6 technology upgradation, identification of technology saps and, through them, Ramaaundam areas of further development and resear- Badarpur ch. import substitution etc. It main- tains a close interaction with the industry and entrepreneurs. (b) The variation in the Plant Load Factor different thermal stations arisc ot (C) As no decision has yet been on aCC9unt or various rcuoos which taken on the establishment of tbe Fund. include unavailability due to forced out- it is Dot possible to indicate its appJi. aae and planned maiatcnaocc .hut-down, cation. 97 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 91

    Public eall offices in Palghat Government of Madhya Pradesh bad re- presented about shortfall in the supply 1491. SHRI V. S. VIJA YARAGHA- of Imported edible oils to the State by the VAN : Will the Minister of COMMUNI- State Tradina Corporation of India. CATIONS be pleased to state:

    (b) whether there has been any de- (c) Riee-Allotment of rice to mand for increase in the number of Madhya Pradesh has been railed (rom public call offices; and 25.000 tonnes to 35,000 tonnes in October, 1987 and the same )evel has been main- (c) if so, tbe steps befng taken to tained for November, 1987 also. meet the demand ? Wheat-The demand 'of the Stat. in respect of wheat for public distributioD THE MINISTER OF STATE IN system is being met in (ull. THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNI- CATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) There are 282 public tele- Sugar-Allotment of levy sugar is phones in Palghat District in Kerala. based on a uniform norm of 425 arams per capita availability for tho projected (b) and (c) There is one demand population as on 1.10.1986. pending for provisron of a l'ubJic tele- phone at MALAMALAKAVU which is Ediblt Oils-The allocation 01 impor- being examined for suitability and techni- ted edible oils (both under P.D.S. and cal feasibility. small packs) to Madhya Pradesh has b.en progressively increased from 4500 M. TI. Supply of food graIns and edible oils to in August, 1987 to 10,000 M.Ts. in Madhya Pradesh O.ctoher, 1987. 1492. SHRI KAMAL NATH: Win Statemeot the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: Demand, Allotment and Oft"take of Rice. Wheat, Sugar and Edible Oils i. (a) whether Government have received respect of Madhya Pradesh during the Bny representation from Madhya Pradesh period Febuary, 1987 to October, 1987. Government regarding short supply of foodgratns and edible oils by the Food (In lakh tonnes) Corporation of India ,

    (b) the total quantity of foodgrains, Rice Wheat Sugar sugar and edible oils supplied to the State during the last nine months as compared Demand 2.75 to tbe demand; and 4.50 • Allotment 2.35 4.50 2.33 (c) the steps taken to increase the Quantities to meet the urgent requirements @Offtake 1.44 1.34 XX of that State?

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIA. MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER • Levy sugar quota is allotted to OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES Stale Governments on the basis (SHRf H.K.L. BHAOAT): (a) No of a uniform norm of 425 arams representation has been received from per capita availability for the pro- Madhya Pradesh Government regarding jected population alan 1.10.1986. short supply of foodgraios. However, tbe @ Offtake Haures in respect of Rice Written ,Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Wrlttell Answers 100

    &. Wheat arc upto September, in the past are under consideration of the 1987. Department. However, the eanction of XX Madhya Pradesh is a direct post offices in these cases will depend allottee State and is arranging upon relaxation from ban being given by lifting of levy sugar through its tbe Ministry of Finance and availabUty of own nominees. resources.

    Edibl~ Oils: No demand was received A/mora District (1) Kapkoti -(2) AjoJj .. from tbe Government of Madbya Pradesh maJli (3) Naunta durin[l the Oil year 1986.87 (November- October). As such 62,000 MTs. demanded Pithoragarh District (1) Gobparl by the State during the Oil year 1985-86 (2) Rawalbhet (3) Matiyani (4) Sil was adopted as their demand for the on (5) Bibil. year 1986·87. A total quantity of 30,300 M.Ts. of imported edible oil was allocated to the State from February to October, SettlDg up of thermal plaDt Dfar 1987. Againist this allocation, lifting was Suratgarb 18,391 M.Ts. 1494. SHRI MANPHOOL SINGH [Translation} CHAUDHARY: r Will tbe Minister 01 ENERGY be pleased to state: OpeniDg of sub pOlt offices aDd branch post offices In hili areas I)f Almora (a) whether a scheme has been for- and Pithoragarh mulated to set up a thermal pJant of 410 megawatt on Indira Gandhi canal near 1493. SHRI HARISH RA WAT: Will Suratgarh : the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pJeased to state: (b) tbe progress in regard to tbe im- (a) whetber there is proposal to plementation of tbis scheme: open some new post offices and branch post offices this year; (c) the total expenditure likely to be incurred thereon; and (b) if so, whether priority will be accorded to hill areas of tbe country in (d) the time by which this plant will the matter; and be completed? (c) if so, tbe places in Almora and Pithoragarh districts in Uttar Pradesh THE MINISTER OF STATE IN where new sub post offices and branch THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN post office. are proposed to be opened THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRI- this year? MA-' I SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (d) A feasibility report In respect of installa- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN tion at tbermal power plant(2 X 210MW) THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNI. at an estimated cost of Rso 483.16 crores, CATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN near the Indira Gandhi Cannal, was DEV): (a) Yes, Sir. received in the Central Electricity Au- thority (CEA) in May, 1984 from the Rajasthan State Electricity Bcard(RSEB). (b) Hill areas as wel1 as backward Tho scheme couJd be considered for and tribal areas are accorded priority in techno·economlc clearilnce after the statu- the implementation of the prolramme. tory requirements, under Section 29(2) of the electricity (Supply) Act, 1948, have (c' The following cases of opening been compJied with by the RSEB and of new branch post offices relating to necessary Inputs, includina coal linkage, A'mora and Pithoragarh districts in res.. bave beeD tied up. pect of which assuraDces bave been given t~l Written Answers KAR TlKA 26. t 909 (SAKA) Written Answers t02

    [English] (a) the present position with regard Financial subsidy for backward districts to commissioning of various units of Chukha Hyde} Power Project; I n Tamil Nadu (b) whether power already being 1495. SHRIMATI VYJAYANATHI. generated is fuUy utilised ; MALA BALI: Will the Minister of IN. DUSTR Y be pleased to state: (c) if. not, tbe reasons therefor: and

    (a) the particulars of districts where (d) the criteria for distribution of provist..lo of subsidy for establishing new Chukha power between different Statesl industries in the backward districts in the Agencies and the time by which the pro- country has so far been made; ject is likely to be fully commissioned? MINISTER STATE (b) tho names of the backward dis .. THE OF IN THE DEPARTMENT. OF POWERIN tricts in Tamil N adu for which subsidy THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRI. has been provided for opening new indus- MATI SUSHILA ROHT AGI) : (a) Units tries; and I & II of the Chukha Hydel Project in Bhutan were commissioned iD September (c) how much financial subsidy has and October, 1986 respectively. Units III been given to the various industries under and IV of the project arc scheduled for this scheme, category-wise? commissioning by December, 1987. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (b) and (c) All surplus power ex- THE DEPARTMENT OF INDU- ported by Bhutan Is presently being fully STRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE utilised in India. MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM) : (a) The (d) The Chukha power exported by names of districts identified as Centrally Bhutan bas been allocated amongst the industrially backward and made eli gible constituents of the Eastern Region, for graded rates of Central Investment treatjng tbis power to have been generated Subsidy and other concessions are given by a Central Sector generating station on pages 6 to 22 of the Booklet on "In- The additional allocation a vailable to tb~ centives for Industries in Backward 'Home State' under the Central Sector Areas" (Updated upto October 20, 1986) formula for sharing has agaia been aUo- copies of which are available in the cated to the constituents of the Eastern Parliament Library. Region. Expansion or Central Public Under- (b) The districts of Dharampuri, takings In Kerala Kanya Kumari, Madurai, North Arcot, 1497. PROF. P.J. KURIEN: WHI Ramanathapuram, Soutb Areot. Than- tbe Minister of I NDUST R Y be pleased javur, TirucbirapalU and Puduk konal in Tamilnadu have been identified as indus- to atate : triany backward districts. (a) whither there is any plan under consideration to modernise and ex- (c) Since the Inception of the Central pand the Central PubJic Undertakiogs in Investment Subsidy Scheme in 1971 and Kerala ; and upto 31.10 1987, an amount of Rs.573.93 Crores has been reimbursed to States! (b) if 10, the details thereof? U oion Ten itories. Details of Central THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Investment Subsidy reimbursed iudustry.. THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL wise/category-wise arc Dot maintained. DEVELOPMENT IN ~.THE MINJSTR Y OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA. Cbukha Hydel Power Project CHALAM): (a) Yes, Sir. 1496. SHRI AMAL DATTA: Will (b) A Statement containing tho Jilt the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to of projects undor consideration as in Itate : AUluat, 87 is ,iVOD beJow. lo~ Written Answer" NOVEMn£R. 11, 198' Written Answe" 104

    Statement List of Projects

    S. Particulars of the Project Estimated capital No. outlay (Rs. in crores)

    1. Fertilizers & Chemical (Travancore) Ltd. 481.03 7 projects

    2. Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd. 10.00 Modernisation & Expansion

    3. IDdian Rare Barths Ltd. 2.00 Two projects

    4. Instrumentation Ltd. S.OO Tool Room Project

    S. Cochin Shipyard Ltd. 45.00 Second phase

    6. National Textile Corpn. 84.90 Modernisation of 3 mills

    7. Indian Telephone Industries NotknowD One new unit

    8. Bharat Neavy Electricah Ltd. -do- One new unit

    9. Oil & Natural Gas Commission -do- Oil exploration

    Addltio.al electricity geDeratioD from (c) tbe State-wise number and total .man bydro-electrlc schemes capacity of schemes/units so far' installed and the experience so gained ; and 10498. SHRl C. JANGA REDDY: Will tbe Minister of ENERGY be pleased (d) the details of the plan In this to .tate : regard 7

    (a) whether a Central Water Com- THB MINISTER OF STATE IN milsion study bas estimated tbe possibility THE DEPARTMENT OF POWERIN of about 5.000 MW of additiona) electri· THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY city leDeration from small hydro-electric (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAOI): Ichemes aDd micro hydro-electric units. (a) and (b) No study has witb benefits 01 low investment, shorter been carried out by the Central construction time. Httle population and Water Commission. It is estimated tbat .uttable for remote area load-centres ; the hydroelectric potential of micro, mtni and small hydro· electric schemes in tbe (b) If 10, their findings and main country could be of tbe order 01 about features tbereof ; 5,000 MW. lO~ Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written A.nswers 10~

    (c) A Statement giving details of (d) It is cnvisaged tbat micro/mini/ micro/mini/small hydroelectric projects so small bydroelectric schemes with a total lar installed in tbe States is given below. capacity of about 151 MW would be Such 8chem~s are generally suitable for completed during thc Seventh Five Year meeting the power requirement of remote Plan. and isolated areas. StatemeDt

    Additional Electricity generation from small Hydro-electric schemes

    S. Name of tbe State/U.T. No. of Approximate Aggregat. No. Stations Capacity (MW)

    1. Himachal Pradesh 11 13,770

    2. Jammu &. Kashmir 8 28,305 3. Uttar Pradesh 26 34.550

    4. Punjab 1 1.000

    s. .Rajastban 1 3,000

    6. Mabarashtra 3 15,300

    7. Andhra Pradesh 3 11,350 I. D.V.C. 1 4,CK)O

    9. Sikkim 3 3,296

    10. West Bengal 7 19.908

    11. Assam 1 2,000

    12. Manipur 3 2,400

    13. MegbaJaya 2 12,710

    14. Nagaland I I,SOO

    15. Tripura 3 16,010

    16. A runachal Pradesh 24 13,420

    17. Mizoram 1 1,000

    11, Neepco 1 ,

    Will the Minister of COMMUNICA· AppolDtmeDt of ChalrmaD aDd MaDagfng TIONS be pleased to state: Dlrertor ID IDdlan TelepboDe Industries (a) whether the POlt of Chairman and 1499. SHRlMATI GEETA MUKH· ManagiDI Director of Indian Telepbone ERJEE : Industries (ITl) bal been JyinS vaeaD& DR. KRUPASINDHU BHOI: since April this year; and SHRI MOHD. MAHFOOZ (b) if so, tbe detans thereof and rea- ALI KHAN: Ions ror tbe delay in appointment 01 tbe 101 Wrltte" Answer" NOVEMBER 1.7, 1987 Written Answers loa

    Dew Cbairman and Managing Director? and Distribution Systems,. for implementa- tion in a phased manner. They have also THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE been advised to intensify surprise raids/ MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS inspections on the various consumer (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) installations for the prevention or losses Tb., post became vacant from 1.1.1987. due to pilferage, defective meters, etc. A Managing Director is in cbarge OD acting basis. With a view to optimise generation from the existing Therrual Power Stations, (b)- The fanner- Cbairtmtft aDd Ma·De.. a Centrally Sponsored Renovation and gina Director of Indian Telephone Indust- Modernisation programme covering 34 ries who was due to retire in March, Thermal Power Stations, has been 1987. wa. appointed as Secretary to the launcbed. Government w.e.f. 1.1.1987 before arrangements could be made for selection S-Poiot Programme OD controlling of a substitule. prices A proposal to reorganise tbe Indian Telephone Industries top management has 1501. SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI : been under consideration and the selection Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL for the substitute was kept in abeyance SUPPLIES be pleased to state the details temporarily pending finalisation of the of tbe 5 -Point Programme drawn out by decision. his Ministry to keep the prices under control? LOll of eoergy due to pilferage aod defective metres THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF 1580. SHRI H.B. PATIL: Will the FOOD AND CIVIL Sl'PPLIES (SHRI Minister of ENERGY be pleased to H.K.L. BHAGAT) : In order to keep state : prices of essential commodities in check and improve their availability, Ministry of whether on an average 21 per cent Food and Civil Supplies is implementing of energy produced every year is Jost due a five-pronged plan of action as under : to technical derects In the system and partly as a result of pilferage and defective (1) OpenIng a new outlets under the metres; and Public Distribution System, (b) if so, the reaction of Union particularly in the drought Government in this regard and the pro- affected areas. gramme of renovation and modernisation, if any, to cover tbermal power stationl in (2) Adequate allocation and proper the country ? distribution of essential commo- dities; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE (3) Effective monitoring and super- ~\{INISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI vision of the PDS; SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) and (b) The ovorall Transmission and Distribution losses;n the country arc in the range of (4) Strict enforcement action to pre- 21-22%. These Josses are partly due to vent hoarding. blackmarketigg, speculation etc.; and technical reasons, inherent I in the .ystem, and partly due to pilferage, defective metres, etc. The State tS) Keeping a watch on the price Electricity Boards havo been advisod to situation and holding dialogues Ideatify the el,meols relponsib Ie for with reprelJcntatives . of trade and exces.ivo 10I8el aDd prepare schemes for industry lor self-discipline and tbe strenltheoinl 01 their Transmis.ioD voluntary containment of prices. 109 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAXA) Writttn Anlwers 110

    Electrification or ,III ages (d) the progress made 80 far?

    1502 .. SHRIMATI PRA8HAWATI THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE GUPTA: DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE SHRI SRIKANTA DATTA MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI NARASIMHARAJA WADI-' SUSHILA R OHT AGI): (a) A Statement YAR: indicating statewise number of villages electrified during the current year, as OD . Will the Minister of ENERGY be 30.9.1987 is given below. pleased to state : (b) A total of 1.56,323 villages iD the (a) the number of vl!lages electrified country are stilJ without electricity as OD during the current year in the country, 30.9.1987. Statewise details are given In State-wise; the enclosed Annexure.

    (b) the number 'of villages which are (c) and (d) The Seventh Plan envisages still without electricity; . electrification of 1,18,101 villages in the country, out of which 49,471 villages have (c) the target fixed to electrify vjna~es been electrified during the period from during the Seventh Five Year Plan; and 1.4.1S85 to 30.9.1987.


    The Statc-wise Dumber of villaacs electrified during the current year and remaininl to be electrified' (as on 30.9.1987)

    S. No. States Villages electrified Remaining to during 1987.88 upto be electrified 9/87

    1 2 3 4

    1. Andhra Pradesh 225 2411

    2. Arunachal Pradesh 11 2539 (.)

    3. Assam 140 6126 4. Bihar Sl3 28324 s. Goa Nil 16 C.) 6. Gujarat 309 (P) 31S 7. Haryana @ @

    8. Himachal Pradesh :'71 (P) 504

    9. Jammu & Kashmir 24 574

    10. Karnataka 423 (P) 675 .

    11. Ktrala @ @

    12. Madhya Pradesh 933 22348 111 ""/fIe,, Answe,s NOVl!MB!R 17, 1'87 "',itten Answers 112

    1 2 3 4

    13. Maharashtra 114 2186 (.)

    14. Manipur SO 1434 1'. Megbalaya 64 3122 16. Mizoram 10 S04 (.)

    17. Nagaiand 16 206 (.)

    18. Orissa 189 20508

    19. Punjab ~ @

    20. Rajasthan 239 12783 (.)

    21. .Sikkim 8 143

    22. Tamil Nadu @ @

    23. Tripura SO (P) 2503

    24. Uttar Pradesh 985 40017 (.)

    25. West Bengal 288 1590S

    Total (States) 4862 15622S

    Total (U. TI) 46 122

    Total (All-India) 4908 1.56223

    (·)-Flaures as per 1981 census. (@)-Cent percent villages electrified. (P)-As per Ministry of Programme Implementation Monitoring Report.

    Suspension of HBJ Pipeline work THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM IS03. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAH· Will tbe Minister of PETROLEUM AND MA DUTT) : (a) to (c) No. Sir. NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: Shortage of mlteriallo DESU store. (a) wbether there is likelihood of considerable dolay in the completion of 1504. SHRI P.M. SAYEED : Will HBJ Pipeline; the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state : (b) whether Spie Capag's contract is proposed to be cancelled after the work upto Bijaipur is completed; and (a) whether the DESU Eogfoeerina Association bas pointed out tbat there is (c) whetber there Is also a proposal acute shortage of material in DES U to luapend aU work beyond Bljalpur to stores; lave losios Ind concentrate on KA W AS projects ? (b) whether tbe 5hcrf8&e of m8ttr~al 1J 3 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers t 14 is a major cause for non-maintaining (d) the step. taken to stop 8uch regular suppJy of electricity; accumulation and the results achieved ?

    (c) if so, whether Government propose THE MINISTER OP ENERGY to adopt some remedial measures to (SHRI VASANT SATHE) : (a) No, Sir. replenish the stocks; and ,(b) Figures upto 31st October, 1987 (d) the other contributory factor (or are yet to be compiled. Tbe position erratic electricity lupply by DESU and regarding outstandings as on 30.9.87 Is the time by which Delhi is likely to have given in tbe Statement below. The total outstandings of the Public Sector Power uninterrupted supply like Bombay? Generating companies & State Electricity THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Boards were Rs. 754.84 crores as on 30.9.87 DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE of which an amount of Rs. 390.92 crores MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI is claimed as deductions by them. The out- SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) Yes, Sir. standings of public sector stecl . plants were Rs. 101.39 crores 01 which Rs. 64.02 crores Is cla;med as doductions (b) According to Delhi Electric by thcm. Approximately Rs. 23 crores Supply Undertaking, the stock of tho are outstandiog to Coal Companies from material is b~ing replenished on a conti- tbe Power sector on account of interest nous basis commensurate with the biHs raised by them on outstanding sale requirement of the different Departments. bi lis.

    (c) Does not arise in view of the (c) and (d) The following steps are answer to (b) above. being taken to realise coal sales outstan- ding from the State Electricity Boards and (d) 10 order to further Improve the Steel Plants : power supply of Delhi various measures are being taken which include augementa- (i) Regular follow up action is being tlon of the g~nerating capacity of DBSU, taken by Coal Companies and strengthening of the transmission and Coal India to realise outstanding distribution network including upgradation dues (rom variou1 Electricity of the voltage level to 400 KV to cope Boards/Power Stations and Steel with the increasing system load demand Plants. etc, Arrears due to Coal India Ltd. from (ii) State Electricity Boards have been raising disputes regarding Electricity Boards and Steel Companies coal supply bills and withholdio8 1505. DR. A.K. PATEL: Will the payments of the disputed Minister of ENERGY be pleased to amounts. They have been advised state : to settle disputes throush arbit- ration and open letters of credit. (a) whether more than Rs 1300 crores of Coal India l.imited are due towards (iii) Central Government have decided various Electricity Boards power genera- that 80% of the undisputed dues ting companies and steel undertakings in pend;n8 for over 3 months will pubHc sector; be recovered in six eq ual monthly instalments from tbe Central (b) the exact dues in each case as on assistance to be released to the 31 October, 1987 including the interest concerned State O()veraments due; from May, 1987 onwardl.

    "l (c) how far it has affected the working (Iv) Department of Coal bas allo of Coal India Limited and the reasons been taking up witb State why such huae arrears werc allowed to so Governments to clear their dues on mounting; and expeditiously. tiS "'rltten Answer! NOVEMBI!R 17, 1987 Written Answers 116

    In view of the serious financial cons- derable pressure being brought to bear on traints faced by lome of the State Electri- tbem directly and through tho State city Boards, it has been very difficult to Governments. brina down outstandingl inspite of consi-

    Statement Broak up of Power Houlewlso and Steel Plantwise outstanding dues al on 30.9.1987

    (Figures in Croros of Rupees) Electricity Bo_rd.!power Houses

    Full Bill Deductions Total

    I 2 3 4

    BSEP 54.41 4.09 58.50

    UPSEB 94.74 2~.61 120.35

    OSEa 9.96 4.36 14.32

    PSED 15.64 42.74 '8.38

    TNBB 3.74 5.78 9.52

    HSEB 38.71 20.05 58.76

    RSEB 1.89 0.09 1.98 MSEB 23.'5 50.66 74.61 MPEB 15.87 21.72 37.59

    GED 16.24 10.70 26.94

    WBSBD 14.65 14.65 WBPDC 3.38 3.38 APEB 0.11 0.11 --- 0 __- ---- Total 293.29 185.80 479.09

    DPL 18.34 4.41 22.75

    DVC 3.86 46.11 49.97

    DESU 16.68 17.24 33.92

    BTPS 11.07 85.1' 96.26

    NTPC 17.4' 48.24 65.73

    CESC 00.16 0.17 0.33

    AEC 2.72 3.70 6.42 111 W,ltten An.fwtrs KAttTIKA 26, l'O~ (SAXA) Wrltt~n Answers ._-118 1 2 3 4

    Others 0.31 0.06 0.37 ------Total 70.63 205.12 275.7S

    Grand Total 363.92 390.92 754.84

    Steel Sector

    DSP 4.74 18.70 23.44

    RSP 3.02 1.42 11.44

    BSP J.3~ 11.98 13.33 ------Total 9.11 39.10 ---48.21

    BSL 2.49 15.32 17.81

    lISCO 25.71 9.52 35.23

    SAIL 0.02 0.02

    SALEM SP (-) 0.01 -(-) 0.01 ------Total 28.23 24.84 53.07

    IIS~O (K&M) 0.03 0.08 0.11 Grand Total 37.37 64.02 101.39:..

    [Translarion] (b) )f so, whether Government are Refund of Scooter deposit. by Lobi. aware tbat Lobia Machines Ltd. is not Mathlues Ltd. returning tbe amount to tbe people 00 their demand; 1506. SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL : SHRI VISHNU MODI: (0) if 10, whether It il a fact that Employees Union of Lobia Macb;Des Ltd. has also apprised Government in tbi! Will tbe Minister of INDUSTRY be rega~; and pleased to state:

    (a) whether Government have issued (d) if so. the action taken or proposed any orders to MIs. Lobia Machines Ltd. to be taken by Government against tbo to refund the amount deposited for '",obia Machines Ltd. and direct them to allotment of scooters applied by the refund tbe deposits to tbe people 7 peoplo 119 Written Answer" NOVEMBER 17. 1981 Written Answers 120

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- Yes, Sir. CHALAM) : (8) Govt. have issued cortain guidelines to all the automobile manufac- (b) and (c) Since the absorption of turers for utilisation of advance money casual mazdoors in regular establishment and advised them to arrange early refund is not quick, it was decided to pay higher of such money to tbe customers, in case wages to those casual labourers who have of cancellation of these bookings. worked In the Department for Joog. Accordingly tbey were categorised into (b) Some instances of delay in refund. tbree categories according to tbe number ing the advance money by the company of days tbey have worked in the Depart- have been brought to tho notice of the ment, liz. (i) Casual labour who bas £lot Govt. completed 720 days of service in a period of tbree years at the rate of 240 (fays per (c) This DepU. has not received any annum with the Department as on 1.4.80, representation from the Employees Union (ii) Casual labour who baving been work- of Lobia Machines Ltd. ing with the Department from 1.4.77 or earlier and have completed 720 days of service as on 1.4.80j and (Iii) Casual la- (d) Any specific complaint received bour who has been working in tbe Depart.. by the Govt. regarding delay in refund of meot from 1.4.75 or carlier and has com- advance money, is promptly taken up with pleted 1200 days of service as on 1.4.80. the Company. This decision was implemented by the PaymeDt of "ages to daily wage workers Telephone and Telegraph offices with In Telecommunications Department effect from 1.5.1980.

    1507. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAJ: Will (d) and (e) Payment of wages to three tbe Min\ster of COMMUNICATIONS categories of casual labours is already be pleased to state: being made from the date on wbich they become eligible. (a) whether in 1980, Telecommunica- tions Department bad directed to make [English) payment of wages to daily wage workers Digital system of tele phcnfs arter forming their three categories and all tbe departments accepted this; 1508. PROF. SAIFUDDJN SOZ: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- (b) if 10, the basis 00 which three TIONS be pleased to state: categories of daily wage workers were formed and the date on which this decision was implemented by the Telephones and (a) whether digital system of tele- Telearaph Offices; phones is an improvement on the tradi- tional one; (C) whether the above orders came into rorce ror daily wale workers of eTO, (b) if so, the number of telephones New Pclhi from July, 1987; replaced by the end of September, 1987 and tbeir cost ; and (d) if so, the reasons therefor and (c) the cost of replacing the eDtire whether Government would direct to make system '1 payment to the above workers from the dale OD which the orders with regard to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE three categories came into force; and MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN OEV): Ca> (e) if so, by what time and if Dot, the The digital telephone exchange is an realOD. therefor? improvement over tho traditional one. Writtrn Answers KARTIKA ~6, 1909 (SAKA) iWritten Answers

    (b) (i) By the end of September, 1987 Toor undertaken by MIDI.'er for proper 59269 (Fifty nille thousand two bundred distribution of essential comwodltle. In sixty line) lines capacity has been replaced by digital lines. States IS11. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: (ii) The projects for replacing these Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL Jines are for replacing the conv~ntional SUPPLIES be pleased to state: Jines a9 well as for giving new con- nections. Separate costs are not available Ca> whether he recently had a tour or for replacement alone. The total cost of the country in connection with the matter replacement and for provh.llOg new coo- of proper distribution of essential com· nections is Rs. 109.28 (Rs. 109.28) moditieCJ; crores, which includes provision for giving • 32531 new connections. (b) whicb wero the States and Union Territories visited by him; (c) For replacing 10,000 Jines by digital system in a city like DeIhl/Bombay, (C) the response he got from the the cost will be about Rs. 13.11 crores merchant community; including lines and cables. (d) the naturo of complaints he recei· ved from the consumers; and Manufacture of passenger car (e) tbe details thereof? 1509. SURI R. ANNANAMBI: Will the Minister of INDUSTR~ be pleased to THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN· state : TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES lSHRI (a) whether Government propose to H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) During manufacture passenger vehicles (cars) in September and October, 1987, I visited tho col1aboration with Russian Government; States of Andhra Pradesb, Gujarat, KarD8- (b) if so, when the production is Jikey to taka, Maharashtra, Madbya Pradesh, start; Orissa, Bihar and Sikkim to have a first hand exporience of the workina of tbe PubJic Distribution System. (c) whether it will be in private sector or a Government undertaking; and (c) to (c) During these visits I beJd discussions with the representatives of the (d) whether tbese cars wiJJ be cheaper trade and industry and impressed upon than the other cars at present manufac~u­ them the need to follow fair trade practices red In India 1 and to comply with the control and regul. atory orders issued by the Government.. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE The need to brJng down prices of essential DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRiAL items was also stressed. In addition, I DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY also stressed upon them tbe need lor OF INDUSTRY (SHRl M. ARUNA- maintaining the quality of products in CHALAM) : (8) to (c) There is no propo- tbe interests of tb.e consumers. sal to manufacture passenger cars with Soviet CoUaboration in tbe Public Sector. I have the impresston tbat our .UiSCS- However somo applications have been tions were well received. The people received by the Govt. for selling up whom I have come into contact expressed manufacturing facilities for passenger cars general satisfactfon about the functiooiog with Soviet Collaboration in Private of tbe PDS although stray complaints like Sector. irregular opening of fair price shops and availability of commodities etc. were (d) It is premature to assess t he pricing projected. These complaints were brouaht of sucb cars as none of tbe project pro- to the notice of the State Government posals bave yet been cleared by the officials accompanyiDI me for appropriato Government. remedial a~'ioD. Written Answers NOVEMBER 17. 1987 Written Answer.t 124

    [Translation) Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be plea- sed to state: LPG godowol 10 populated areas 1512. SHRI SARFARAJ AHMAD: (a) tbe number of companies exemp- SHRIMATI MANORAMA ted between May 1985 and October 1987 SINGH: from the provisions of tbe Monopolies and Restrictl ve Trade Practices Act (M R TP) Will the Minister of PETROLEUM Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to and the licensing provisions of the Indus- state: tries (Development 8nd Regulation) Act;

    (a) whether Government have con- (b) the particulars of the companies; ducted any survey to identify the gas agencies which are having their godowns (c) whC:lber these exemptions are in populated areas; governed by any conditions; and lb) if so, the number of godowns thus Identified and their location; (d) how many such exempted under- takings have actually teen set up in back- (c) whether Government have issued ward areas? any instructions to shift them somewhere e1se In public interest; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL (d) ir so, when and the details thereof; DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTR Y and OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- (e) if not, the reasons therefor ? CHALAM): (a) AI) companies engaged in 27 specified industries were exempted THE MINISTER OF STATE OF from section 22A of MRT1' Act by noti. THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND ficatlon No. S.O. 408 (E) dated 22.5.1985 NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- and another set of 54 industries by Doti- DUTT) : (a) to (e) LPG Godowns are set fi=ation No. S.O. 65 (E) dated 21.2.1986 of up by distributors of oil marketing com- the Deptt. of Company Affairs. panies only after obtaining clearances. from All industrial undertakings engaged in administrative and statutory authorities 20 specified industries were exempted from like Fire Department, Explosives DePtt. licensing provisions of the Industries Accordingly, the godowns can continue at (Development and Regulation) Act for existing locations until the clearances MRTP/FERA companies for locations remain valid. No location-wise survey has in centrally declared backward areas by been conducted by che oil companies to notificati~n No. S.O. 140 (E) dated identify god owns situated in thickly popu- 31.3.1986. Such delicensing has also been lated areas. announced in respect of 28 Appendix-I industries for MR TP/FERA Companies for However, in Delhi, a committee con- locations in any centrally declared backward stituted by the DeIhl Administration area and 24 non-Appendix.. I industries for inspected the 16 LPG godowns in Delhi which bad been earlier found prime facie location in Category • A' Backward areas al hazardous by the Fire Department by Press Note No. 16 (1987 series) dt. 20.10.1987 of tho DepU. of Industrial (Delhi), and came to the conclusion that Development. Copies of the notifications/ four aodown! in the Union Territory need to be re.sited. Out of these, two godowns press notea would be available in the havo already been ro-aited. Parliament Li brary.

    (b) Since the exemptions are industry. wise and not company.wlse, the required Companies exempted und er Compao"'.·! information is not centrally maintained. Act, FERA aDd MRTP Act 1'13. SHaI INDRAJIT GUPTA: (C) Yes, Sir. 125 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written A1lswers 126

    (d) As the progress of setting up such incidence of duty has come down. The underts kings is watched by differeut State MODV AT Scbeme was extcnded to tyrea Governments, Administrative Ministries in June 1986 8S a result o( which the and Technical Authorities concerned with incidence of duty OD tyre manufacturers diffc:rent industries. tbe information is Dot has been further reduced in absoluto centrally maintained. terms. Price of tyrel Setting up or a National Gas Grid 1514. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: 1515. SHRI Y.S. MAHAJAN: Will Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be the Minister or PETROLEUM AND pleased to state: NATURAL GAS be pleased to state:

    (a) whether during the last three years (a) whether a proposal has been sub- tbe cost of tyres have recorded such steep mitted by the Oil and Natural Gas Com- rise that it is getting out or tbe reach of mission to Government for setting up a the private users; NaHonal Gas Grid for the effective utilisa. tion of the country's gas production which (b) whether the manufacturers have is like)y to risc during the Seventh Five Government's taxation policy responsible Year Plan; for thisi (b) if so, its broad features and the (c) whether Government would go in estimated capital outlay Involved; for an Indepth study of the problems of the users as also the producers and bring down the prices by suitable tax ad- (c) Government's action to tbe pro- justments; and posal; and

    (d) If so, Government's reaction in (d) how Government propose to this regard ? utiliso tbe natural gas as well 8S the aal produced in the various refineries in the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE best possible manner ? DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THf! MINISTRY THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THB OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHALAM) : (a) and (b) There has been NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA. an increase in tbe prices of tyres, particu- DUTT) : (a) to (c) The proposal of ONGC larly bus and truck tyres. However, there for a Nlttional Gas Grid is a part of the do not seem to be any indications of long-term Perspective Plan for the devolop- slackening of demand for tyres due to this ment and utilisation of natural gu. Ita rea SOD. Implementation will depend upon the establishment of a jequate reserves of gas The tyre manufacturers have justified and availability 01 financial resources for rise In tyre prices from time to time on its production and utilisation. Explora- the ground of increase in the cost of tion IS underway for discovering oil and inputs and have also been making repre- gas reserves. sentations for reducing the tax incidence on tyre•. (d) Natural gas is proposed to be utilised for power generation. production (c) and (d) The rates of taxation on of rerti1i7ers and LPG and production specific commodities are fixed keeping in of other downstream petrochemicals. view the national interest. Ad-valorem rates were replaced by specific rate. of Supply or imported edible oils to ,aDllspatl duty ror various sizes of tyres In 1984 manuracturers budget. These rates have not been revl. sed since tben. However, prices of tyres, 1516. SHRI BIRINDER SINGH: particularly bus and truck tyres, have WiJ1 tho Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL iDcr.ased considerably tbereafter and the SUPPLIES be pleased to atatc : 127 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 121

    (I) the quantity of the imported edible oils botb in the domestic and international oils supplied to the private vanaspati markets etc. manufacturers from January 1986 to September, 1987 and at what price; and Increase In crude eil production 1517. SHRI V. TULSIRAM : Will the (b) the quantity of edible oils Govern. Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATU· ment propose to import in the next year RAL GAS be pleased to state : 1988·89. (a) whether the producfion of crude THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- oil during the first half of current financial TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF year has Increased; FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) The quantities (b) if so, tbe details of the wells, and prices of imported edibJe oils supplied state-wise, where the production bas to the private vanaspati manufacturers increased; and from January 1986 to September, 1987 are (c) the names of the refineries where given below :- the oil was processed as kerosene and petrol, quantity-wise during this period? Quantity (In M.Ts.) Prices (Rs. per M.T.) THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA· 5,15,824 1 J,SOO DUTT) : (8) and (b) Yes, Sir. As against 87,743 J 3,000 14.86 Mt. planned, the production of crude oil was 15.18 Mt. Increased production 1,01,099 J5,ooO came from Gujarat and Bombay Offshoro 10,289 18,000 areas. (c) Refinerywise production of Keros (b) The import of edible oils in the enc and Petrol during this period from next year 1988·89 will depend on various indigenous and imported crude oil \\tas as factors like availabllity and prices of edible under :- (Tonnes)

    Name of tbe Petrol (MS) Kerosene Refinery

    IOC (AOD) 27210 32452 BPC 176494 410589 HPC (Bombay) 62515 121116 OAUHATI 39401 52881

    BARAUNI 71378 117954

    OUJARAT 241135 553878

    HALOIA 53999 75267 MATHURA 235960 317487

    COCHIN 116574 288245 MADRAS 96788 286304 BR & PL 50438 J29 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Wr;lt~n Answers l~O

    [Translation] Yes, Sir. A decision has becn taken to provide STD facility for Sbfvpuri in Rural electrification programme In Madhya Pradesh with aU other district Jalsalmer, Rajastban headquarters through the Trunk Exchange Network. This decision does not Cover IS18. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER Sbeopur as it is not one of the district JAIN: Will the Minister of ENERGY headquarters? be pleased to state: (b) and (c) It has been planned to (a) whether Union Government pro- implement this decision progressively durin, pose to give impetus to rural electrifica- the 7th Plan. tion in Jaisalmer district by providing special assistance to Raj'asthan Stato [English] Government or State Electricity Board in view of the peculiar conditions therej Supply or gas to industries io Andbra and Pradesh

    (b) if so, the time by which and the 1520. SHRI B B. RAMAIAH: Will manner in which the said assistance would the Minister of PETROLEUM AND be provided? NATURAL GAS be pleased to state:

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) the terms and conditions on which DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE Government have entered tnto an agree- MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI ment with Industries in Andhra Pradesh SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) and (b) Rural for lupplying gas; Electrification Corporation (REC) has been sanctioning rural electrification schemes in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan (b) whether before implementing the under Revised Minimum Needs Pro- present agreement, Government propose gramme which offers loan assistance on to change the terms and conditions: Hberal terms and conditions. REC has so and far sanctioned 11 schemes for a loan assistance of Rs. 288 lakhs for electrifica- (c) if so, the reasons therefor? tion of 118 villages~ out of which 51 villages have been electrified upto March, THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THB 1987. MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA. Direct trunk dialling facility In Sbhpurl DUTT) : (a) ONGC have entered Into an d I strict, M.P. agreement with industries in Andhra Pradesh in May 1987, for supply of gas 1519. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH: on the following salient terms and condi- Will the MInister or COMMUNICA- tions : TIONS be pleased to state:

    (i) Period of contract is three years (a) whether a decision was taken to for supply of gas from Narsapur- provide direct trunk dialling facility for Razol fields. Shivpuri district in Madhya Pradesh from GwaJior, Datia, Jhansi and Sheopurj (ii) The price of gas during the initial contract period of two years. (b) if so, the time by which this deci- would be Rs. 865/1000 MI plus lion will be implemented; and taxes and for the third year the Dormal price to be decided by (c) the reasons for delay? the Government would apply.

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) and (c) ONOC has .iaDed the MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS contract prior to Government's fi.dna tbe (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) price or K.G.Basin las at Rs, 900/1000 M .. 131 Writttn Answ~'s NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answe,,, 13:: whIch is different from the contract meet tbe demand of Telecom. Department price. Therefore, ONGC have been No telephone instruments are being advised to modify this contract price. imported with the Iibcralisation licensing policy in March, 19 many Jicens<,s have Indigenous capacity for telephone lines been issued lItilising latest t~chnology for and production of telepbone IDstruments the manufacture of telephone instruments. This has been done with a view to have free availability of telephone instruments JS21.· SHRI MOHO. MAHFOOZ to meet tbe future demand both for urban ALI KHAN : Will tbe Minister of as wcll as rural areas. COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (d) The status as on 31.3.]986 is given be]ow: (a) whether Government propose to import of telephone lines from certain (i) Total number of international manufactures; connections in the country. 31.671akbs (b) if so, the details thereof stating tbe cost involved and the reasons there- (it) Total numc~r of for; connections in the rural areas. 4.35 lakhs (c) whether with the restructed pro- duction of telephone instruments and (iii) Percentage availa- other accessories, Government have bility in rural are examine how far it has resulted in with- ares. 1374% boldlng the advantages of the sophisticated communication system from the people, (e) A number of licensed units have particularly in the rural areas: already commenced production of tele- phone instruments through latest techno- (d) if so, the details thereof stating logies selected by the Government. The the avera~e percentage of telephones demand of telephone instruments and available in the country and the share of accessories shall be met through indigenous the rural areas; and capacity so developed in the country. The Centre for Development of Telematlcs set (e) the steps taken by Government so up by the Government has very succes. far to develop Indigenous capacity both fully completed designing the 128 Post in sophistication and quantity to attain- RAX and are working on bigger systcms self-sufficiency and the results achieved '1 which testifies to the development of indigenous technology in the effort to THE MINISTER OF ST ATE IN THE achieve sclf sufficiency in this sector. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) Sbare of ele('tricity from Central Hydel Ycs, Sir. Pro jeets to Punjab

    (b) The Department is Importing 1522. SHRI M.S. GILL: Wi)] the exchange equipment on a very selective Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: basis mainly for expanding exchanges already imported. Howc:vcr. a few small (a) the ressons wby Punjab has Dot size electronic exchanges arc being impor- been riven their share of electricity from ted ror rural and semi.urban as 93.000 nncs the Central Hydel Projects all these are bolng imported by the Department years; FOB of these imports is about Rs, 30 (b) whether Government propose to crores. make good the arrears of electricity in tbe current year; and (c) The production or telcphone Instruments in the couDtry is .ufficient to (c) apart from Bairasiul and SiDgraul1 133 Written Answers KAR.TIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Wrltttn Answers 134

    which other Central Hyde) Projects have (d) if so. the reasons thereof; and not yet starfed giving share to Punjab? (e) tbe names of tbe popular products THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (Cosmetics) whose production has been DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE discontinued by MIs. Smith Stanistrect MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI Pharmaceuticals Ltd., ea Icutla ? SUSHILA ROHT AGI): (a) Punjab could Dot draw its fun share from the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Central Sector Hydel Project of Baira Slul DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICALS AND 00 account of increased ·suppJy to Delhi. PETROCHEMICALS IN THE MINIST- RY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI R.K. JAI- CHANDRA SINGH) : A (b) In the current year upto October (a) Statement is givcn below. 1987, Punjab bas drawn its approximate allocation. (b) As a part of their RehabHitation Plans thesc companies have been (c) No other Central hydel project, instructed to re.pr;nt tbelr marketjng in which Punjab has a share, has starled strategies so as to ensure fulfilment of full commercial generation, their sales targets and to attain higher market share. For this purpOIO, promo- Public 2je('tor drug units io West Bengal ti onal efforts are beiDi given a new thrust . . 1523. SHRI SAMBHAJIRAO KAKADE : Will the Minister of INDUS- (c) and (d) After review of tbeir TR Y be pleased to state: product mix, production of a few items was discontinued from time to tjme mainly (a) the number of public sector drug on account of (i) Jow volume of sales due units in West Bengal with details of to dwindling demand and (ii) negative . capital, production during the last three returus in some cases . years, prefit or loss; (e) Smith Sianiatreet Pharmaceuticals (b) whether any marketing strategy Limited stopped production of the folio- bas bc!en evolved for every unit; wlog cosmetic products long back :

    (c) whether several popular products Lolita Telcum powder, Smith Canthe- manufactured by these units have stopped ridin hair tonic, Team. After Shave lotion, production; Lanapage Audecoloque, Esude Coloquc, Lavender Boquette, Eaude Toilet.


    t. Names of pubJic seftor drug unit. In West Bengal

    (i) Smith Stanistreet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

    (il) Ben&al Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

    (iii) Bengal Immunity Ltd. 135 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Wrilten Answers

    2. Details of capital production and Profit/Loss

    In Rs./crores

    Production Profit/Loss Paid up ------capital 1984-85 85-86 86·87 1984·85 . 85·86 86-87 as on 31.3.87

    (I) Smith 4.21 9.77 8.54 9.44 (+) 0.01 (-) 1.35 (-) 2.12 Stanistreet Pharmaceu- ticals Ltd.

    (ii) Bengal 8.52 11.35 10.04 12,06 (-l 2.54 (-) 2.90 (-) 2.98 Chemicals and Pharmaceuti- cals Ltd.

    (iii) Bengal 11.64 5.86 7.84 7.03 (-) 1.06 (-) 4.38 (-) 4.62 Immunity Ltd.

    Calual labourer" In Departments 01 Telecom: Number of casual labourers POlts and Telecommunications in the Department of Telecommunications i. about 1,05,000. In Delhi it is 8191. IS24. SHRI TARIQ ANWAR: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be (b) and (c) Postal: Casual labourers pleased to state: Who have not completed 720 days of ser- vice are paid at the approved local rates (a) the number of casual labourers at whiJe those who have completed 720 days/ present employed by Government under 1200 days within a period of 3/5 years are tbe Department of Posts and Telecom- paid daily wages equal to 7S% and 100% munications. especially in Delhi: of 1/30th of the minimum of Group 'D9 scale plus the DA, respectively. Casual labourers who complete 240 days jn each (b) the minimum wages paid to them; proceding 2 years (480 c!ays for part tjme and casual labourers in 4 years) arc selected to the departmental cadres through a (c) whether tbere is any plan to written test. However, the question of absorb thoso casual labourers as Govern. thei.f wages .and appointment on a regular ment servant ? baSIS are beIng considered afresh in the light of the recent Supreme Court judge- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ment of October. ] 987. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SH~l SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): Telecom: Rs. 15.70/. per day (5 day (a> Postal: AI 00 February. 1987, week). 4512 full time and 7408 part time casual labourers were working in the Department Telecom: Casual labourers are of Posts. Out of them, 926 fua time and absorbed as aod when regular vacancjes 286 part time labourers were in Delhi arise. In accordance with the Government Circle. Buidclines, those who have been worked Wr;tltn Answd's KARtlKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 138 for 240 days in each of two proceding lity of tbe State Government/Union years, are eligib!e for such regularisation. Territory concerned. The Central Govern- ment suppl(ments their efforts by provide No lodustry Districts in UUar Pradesh iog various incentives and concessions. Entrepreneurs setting up Industries in tbese 1525. SHRI SWAMI PRASAD 'No Industry dhJricts, are eligibJe for SINGH: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY CentraJ Investment Subsidy at the bighest be pleased to state : rate i.e. 25% subject to a maximum of 25 lakhs, and Concessional Finance etc. (a) whether certain districts of Uttar The Central Investments are primarily in Pradesh have been declared as 'No Industy Jarge industria) projects of a basic charac- Diltrlcts'; ter. The 1ocation of such projects bas, tberefore, to be decided on broad techno- (b) if so, the names of these districts; economic considerations. Subject to luch considerations comparatively backward (c) whether Hamirpur is also in the ar~as lire given preference in location of list of 'No Industry Districts·; central projects. From the year 1985 till Sept. 1987, tbree DGTD Registrations (d) whether Government have drawn and one Industria) Licence have been up a programme on priority to establish issued to Hamirpur District. some industries either in public or private sector 10 tbese 'No Industry Districts'; Utilisation a. against Installed capacities (e) if so, the details of the programme for po"er In Gujarat drawn up for Hamirpur; and 1S26. SHRI RANJITSINGH GAEK- (f) if not, the detailed reasons there .. WAD: Will tbe Minister of ENERGY for? be pleased to state:

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL (a) the utilisation as against installed DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY capacities (or power, including thermal OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- and hydel in Gujarat during 1986-87 as CHALAM) : (a) to (c) The (oHowing 11 compared to 1984-85 and 1985-86; and districts in Uttar Pradesh have been identified as 'No Industry Districts' :- (b) the power received from Korba Super Thermal Power Station and Tara- pore Atomic Power Station by Gujarat 1. Banda Electricity Board during 1986 as against 2. Fatehpur 1987 up to October? 3. Hamirpur THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB 4. Jalaun DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THB s. JauDPur MINISTRY OF ENEROY (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHT AGI) : (8) The thermal 6. Sultanpur and hydel installed capaCities in Gujarat during 1984·85, 1985-86 and J 986-87 and i. Kanpur Debat the tbermal Plant Load Factor durinl tbe 8. Cbamoli same period are If yen in the Statement below. The power generation from hydro 9. Pauri Oarhwal stations mainly depends OD tbe reservoir 10. Tehri Garhwal le,els. 11. Uttar Kashl (b) The required information i. givoD below: (d) to (f) Industrialisation of specific diltrict./areal is primarSly the responsible ",',/llen AnswerS NOVEMBER 16, 1918 Written Answers

    (Figs. in MU) 1 2 3 April to Flom Korba STPS' From Tarapur October "87 490.9 334.8 Atomic Power Station During April-October, 1987 only one 1 2 3 unit was in operation at Tarapur Atomic Power Station compared to both units April to operating during the corresponding period October '86 393.8 571.8 of 1986 except for April, 1986. Statement

    Organisation Category Installed Capacity (MW) Thermal PI:--F <0/0)

    1984-85 1985-86 1986·87 1984-85 1985-86 1986·87

    G.E.B. Thermal 2392 2602 2812 54.0 53.2 54.0 Hydro 3tJO 300 300

    Total 2692 2902 3112

    Private Thermal 381 381 381 71.3 66.3 64.5

    Total (Gujarat) Thermal 2773 2983 3193

    Hydro 300 300 300

    Total 3073 3283 3493

    Post offices without their own buildings (b) During current year a sum of Rs. in Kerala . 1.50 crores have been allocated to con- struct Dew Postal Buildings in Kerata. 1527. PROF. K.V. THOMAS: Will tb. Minister of COMMUNICATIONS Percentage of cholesterol 10 Palmolelo be pleased to state: Bleached Oil 1528. SHRIMATI D. K. BHAND .. the number of Post Offices in ARI : Will the Minister of FOOD AND Ker.la without tbelr own buildings till CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to refer to January t 1987; and the reply given to Unstarred Question No. 7399 on 21 April, 1987 regarding percentage (b) the amount allocated to construct of cholesterol in palmolein bleached oil new postal buildings in Kerala? and state:

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) to what percentage palmolein MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS bleached oil is saturated; (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) The total number of Post Offices in Kerala (b) what is the percentage of choles- Circle i. 4734 IncludiDa 3273 Extra De- terol in palmolein bleached oil; and partmental Post Offices and 1461 Depart. mental POit Offices. Till January 1987. (c) tbe other Ingredients ava,Hable in 1264 Dtpartmental Post Offices are fun_- this oil ? tionios without their own buildings in 'Kerala. Extra Departmental Postmasters THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- aro required to provide accommodation TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF under tbeir own arrangement for rUDDing FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI .u~b POlt Ofli~c •• H.K.L. BHAGAT): Tho saturated }4.1 Wrtlttn Answer, KARTlKA 26, 1909 (SAXA) Written Answers 142 constituents of patmoJein are around' objectives of this move; and 44.6%. " (0) the achievements ·ma~ by tbit (b) Refined, bleached and deodorised reorgainistion, region-wise? palmoleln contains a very negligible quantity of around 6 part per million THE MINISTER OF STATE OF cholesterol. 1'HE MINISTRY' OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- (c) The other minor constitutnts are DUTT) : (a) Yes, Sir. carotene, tocopherols, phosphatides and triteroenic and aliphatic alcohols. . (b) To ensure better operational per- Reorganisation of ONGC formance, greater coordination amongst various functional groups and accounta- 1529. SHRI PRATAPRAO B. BHO- bility of overall performance dn defined SALE: Win the Minister of PETROLEUM areas, ONOC has been reorganised into 6 AND NATURAL GAS be .pleased to regional business centres, each under the state: control of a Regional Director, with over- all responsibility for the operations and (a) wbether lome reorganisation of results in that region. ONGC bas been done; (c) A Statement is liven below. (b) if so, the details thereof and the


    Improvement in Efficiency Build-up in ONGC Operations

    Parameter 1983·84 1986-87 Index (1983-84== 100)

    1 2 3 4

    1. Surveys

    No. of seismic parties (Onshore) ONGC (Field season) 35 53 lSI


    Northern Region 3 6 200 Central Region 8 , . t 13

    Southern Region 7 10 143

    Western Region 11 17 ISS

    6 Eastern Region, 11 183 2. Production

    (a) Crude Production (MMt) ONGC 23.15 27.86 120' 143 WritUn Answers NUVBMJSBR 17, ~987 Written Answers 144

    ______.. -______1_

    1 2 3 4


    Western Region 3.59 4.56 127

    Eastern Regi on 2.17 2.6& 123

    Bombay Offshore 17.39 20.62 119

    (b) Gas supplies (MMt3) 2227.74 5039.56 226 ONGC

    Reaioow Is e

    Western Region 645.34 644.95 100

    Eastern Region 89,99 112.14 125

    Bombay Offshore 1492.41 4262.54 286

    Central Region 19.93

    (c) LPG Production (in 195.7 451.2 231 thousand tonnes) ONGC


    Western Region 42.5

    Bombay Offshore 195.7 408.7 209

    (d) Work over ri~s in 35 48 137 operation ONGC


    Western Region 25 30 120

    Eastern Region 10 16 160

    Central Region 2

    3. Drllliog

    (a) No. of rigs In opera- 57 102 179 tlOD at the end of the year) ONGC


    Western Region 16 27 169

    Eastern Region 18 36 200

    Central Relion 7 10 143 14S Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 146

    1 2 3 4

    Southern Region S 11 220 Northern Region 1

    Bombay Offshore 11 17 ISS

    (b) WellcompJeted ONGC 20S 309 lSI


    Western Reaion 78 .IS4 197

    Eastern Region 36 60 167

    Central Region 2 S 250

    Southern Region 8 21 263 Northern Region

    Bombay Offshore 81 69 85

    (c) Metreage Drilled 467.9 732.8 157 (thousand metres) ONOC


    Western Region 123.6 237.6 192

    Eastern Region 112.1 189.3 169

    Central Region 16.6 27.2 164

    Southern Region 35.5 69'7 196

    Northern Region 3.3 Bombay Offshore 180.1 205.7 114

    4. Reser,es

    (a) Geological reserves 3517.60 4062.6! 115 (oil+OEG) (MMt) alii on 1st Jan. 84 & 87. ONGe.

    (b) Recoverable reserves 1031.7S 1246.40 121 (Oil+ OEO) (MMt) as OD 1st Jan. 84 & 87-0NGC. 147 Written ..4nswers NOVEMBER 17, 198' Written Answers 148

    J 2 3 4

    !. Flnaocial (Rs. 10 crores)

    (a) Gross Revenues 3472.82 5627.39 162 ONGC·

    (b) Profit before Tax. 1607.66 2104.96 131 ONGC

    (c) Profit after tax· 805.66 1484.46 184 ONGC

    6,1 Seiamic coverage 320 727 . 227 onshore ONOC (SLK per party Ylar) 'field seaSOD.


    N ortbern Region 225 S43 241

    Centra) Region 312 377 121

    Southern Region 353 1592 451

    Western RegioD 399 850 213 Eastern Region 209 355 170

    6.2 Seismic coverage 10568 12378 117 offshore (LK per vessel/year).

    6.3 W orkover index 6.34 9.05 143 (wells worked over per rig per year) ONOC Regloowlle

    We~t,.rn 'R.ea1on 7.08 10.56 149

    Eastern Region 4.50 6.58 146

    7. Sa~IDgs darIng 1986-87

    As a result of an organIsed and systematic effort throuah management and technj. , cal audits of various units of operations as also due to ttie commercial approach to the workIng, Commission has been able to bring about a savini of about Rs. 200 crores duriDS 1986-87 alone. 149 Written Answe,s KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers ISO

    GMerameat regulated/eootrolled Items H.K.L. BHAOAT) (a) and (b) : Important 1530. SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: items ot" public use. tbe prices of which Will ,be Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL arc controlled (fuJJy or partialJy) and/or SUPPLIES be pleased to state: regulated by Government include petro- leum ·products. coaJ, solt coke, electricity, (a) the names of item of pubitc use, fertilizers, JrOn and steel, non-ferrou. the prices of which arc controlled/regula- metals, drugs and medlclDes, newsprint, ted by Government; and insecticIdes, cement, rice, wheat, susar, (b) the prices of these items as on 1st imported edible oi.s and controlled cloth. There is currently a volun,ary prico January, '1987 and 1st Octob.:r, 1987. agreement in the case of vanaspati. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- Wholesale Price Indices of selected items TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF liS 00 3rd January, 1987 and 3rd October. FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLiES (SHRI 19H7 are Biven in the Statement below. Statement

    Wholesale price indices (WPI) of selected commodities the prices of which are fully or partially controJled and/or regulated as in the week ending 3.1. J987 and 3.10.1987

    Commodity Wholesale Price lode" as hi week-ending ------3.1.1987 3.10.1987

    1 2 3

    1. Kerosene 410.4 410.4

    2. Petro) 640.9 640.2 3. Hiab Speed Diesel Oil 450.7 450.7 4. Light Diesel Oil 929.5 929.3 s. Aviation Spirit 688.6 691.0

    6. Lubricating Oil 541.2 541.2 7. Furnace on 1412.S 1412.S S. Coal 730.7 730.7 9. Coke 606.3 606.3

    10. Electricity 573.4 619.2

    11. Iron, Steel and Ferro Alloys. 542.5 54'.4

    12. Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys 408.1 462.2

    13. Fertilizers 288.8 288.4

    14. Insecticides 484.9 496.0 1st W,Ufeh Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answe,r lS2

    1 2 3

    15. Newsprint 541.2 541.2

    16. Drugs and Medicines 2069 209.5

    17. Rice 298.9 336.6 .

    18. Wheat 251.2 250.7

    19. Sugar 312.4 310.5

    20. Cement 473.6 484.5

    Noto: 1. The Wholesale Price Indices for some commodities like rice, wheat, sugar, etc. are based on a combination of controlJed/regulated and open market prices. 2. There is no separate wholesale price index for controlled cloth. For Imported edible oils there is no wholesale price index.

    Import 'of edible oil by ShAtes (a) whether several vanaspati and soap manufacturers bave been issued 1531. SHRI CHINTAMANI lENA: licences for the import of edible oils from Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL foreign countries; SUPPLIES be pleased to state: (b) if so, the names of companies and (a) whether It is a fact that many the quantity of oil Imported by them States are not getting tbeir full demand of during the last three years, year-wise; edible oil and they are facing great and difficulty; and

    (b) if so, whether Union Government (c) whether there is any check that will consider to allow tbe State G overn- the oil imported by these companies is ments to import direct edibl~ oil as per being used by themselves and not sold in tbeir requirement when they are not the market on higher prices which results getting their puota from the Centre? in increasing prices of edible eUs aed other items produced from oil ]ike soap THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- etc. ? TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) The allo- TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF cation of Imported edible oil to States! FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI U n'oD Territories for distribution under H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) No PDS is of a supplementary in nature. Actual Users' licences are issued to Presently. tbe allocatJons to States/U. Ts. vanaspati oj) and soap manufacturers for have been substantially increased. It is the direct import of edible oiJs as this Dot proposed to allow States/U .Ts. to item is canalised for import exclusive y import edible oils directly. tbrough State Trading Coporation and Hindustan Vegetable OiJs Corporation. Licence. for edible 011 import However, under the "Registered Expor- 1532. SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA : ters" policy, against the exports of toilet Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL soaps, laundry soaps, medicated soaps SUPPL1ES b. pleased to state: and industrial soaps", crude palm oil is 153 Written A"swel's KARTIKA 26,1909 (SAKA) Writ/en Answers 154

    aHowed under REP licences for direct Crs. were incurred upto 31st March, i7 import @ ~% on tbe f.o. b. value of out of 15 exploratory wells drilled, gas realisation. Similarly, against export of was discovered in only one woll. fatty acids, fatty amines, direct import of palm oil, copra/coconut oiJ is allowed to (b) Sir. the extent of 50% of the face value of No, REP licences admJssible @ 20% of f.o.b. (c) Future drilling programme will value of realisation. Separate statistics of depend upon the an'alysis of existing these REP licences and imports against seismic and drilling data as well as them are not maintained. However parti- culars of these licences are published in acquisition of fresh data from the area. tbe weekly bulletins of import licences, export licences and industrial licences" Industriad policy for Uoioa Territory copies of which are also available in thCJ of A&N IsJauds Parliament Library. 1534. SHRI MANORANJAN 'c) There is no machinery to check' BHAKTA: Will the Minister of lNDUS- such specific cases. However" there is a TRY be ·pleased to state; provision to conduct suo 111010 inspection of firms obtaining the licences to ascertain (a) whether Government have fin~li­ whether the imported goods have been sed any industrial polley for tbe UnlOD properJy utilised. Such inspection covers Terr"tory of Andaman and Nicobar a small percentage of a1l import Jicences Islands; granted. In addition. as and when any violat ion of conditions of import licences! (b) if so, the details along with the misutilisatiOD of imported goods come to incentives proposed to be provided; and tbe notice of Government, appropriate action is taken under the provisions of (c) jf not, when tbe policy h. likely to Imports and Exports Control Act, 1947 as be finalised? amended and the orders issued there- under. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY Expenditure on drilling in Andaman OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. and Nicobar Islaods ARUNACHALAM): (a) to (c) There is nO separate industria! policy as such MANORANJAN, 1533. SHRI for the Union Territory of ADdaman & BHAKTA: Will the Minister of PETRO. Nicobar Islands. However, these Is1ands LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased are included in Category 'A' for purpose to state: of grant of incentives for industries in backward areas/districts. (a) the total ex pendifure incurred so far for offshore drilling in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and tbe results thereof; Price of Tyrel aDd Tubes 1535. SHRI MOHAN BHAI PATEL: (b) whether Government have decided to stop further drilling in Andaman and SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA : Nlcobar Islands; and Will the Minister of INDUStRY be pleased to state : (c) if not, when Dext work of ONGC is exptcted to begin in Andaman and (a) whether the production of tyres Nicobar Islands? and tubes bas been affected due to the shortage of rubber; THB MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM (b) if so, what steps are being taken AND NATURAL GAS ~HRIBRAH_ to import rubber or tyres to meet the MADUTT): (a) A totaJ of Rs. 130.44 demand; iSS Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Written Answers

    (c) whether Government are aware (b) if so, tbe amount spent on the that tho prices of tyres are increasing off import of gas turbinos aunually, during and on; tbe Jast tbree yeauj

    (d) if so, the reasons therefor; and (c) whethor the Bbarat Heavy Electri- call Limited has acquired the capacity for (e) the measures taken by Govern- manufacturing gas turbines', ment to cbeck tbe rising trend of tyre prices in future ? (d) if so, the detai Is thereof; (e). whether aoy foreign collaboration THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE has beeD entered into; and DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (i) if so, the details thereof? OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE CHALAM) : (a) and (b) The Government DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL have not received any report from tbe tyre companies' regarding their production DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- beinl affected due to shortage of rubber. CHALAM): (a) and (b) Applications {or import of power generating equlpmcnts (c) to (e) There is no statutory cont- (Including gas turbines) except diesel rol over the prices of tyres. According to generating sets for stand by power the tyre manufacturers, rlllDg cost of gene- ration, considered by Empowered production is the main reason for the are an increase in tyre prices. Committee under the Ministry of Industry in terms of para 40 or the Import-Exuort Import or gal turbines Policy 1985-88 and the approval for import is given on merit of each case after taking )536. SURI MOHANBHAI PATEL: into account the· offers received a2ainst WiJl the Minister of INDUSTRY be the g100al tenders and after considering pleased to state : the indigenous availability of the equip- ment. During the last three years folJo-


    Year Name of tbe part, (Rs. in Jakhs) 1984-8S

    1. Mabarsahtra State Electricity Board, Bombay. 1690.43

    1'8S-86 1. MIs. Indian Petro-Chemicals 2252.14 Corpn. Ltd, Baroda.


    1. MIs. Madras Refineries Limited. Madras. 734.38

    1. MIs. Hindust8D Petroleum Corpn. Lied. Bombay. 1743.00 157 Written Answers I

    (c) to (f) MIs. Bharat Heavy Eloctri- (I) Difficulties in land filling at site; cals Limited have been recently given an industrial licence for manufacture of Gas (if) Selection o~ import of technology, Turbines and Auxiliaries for an annual capacity of 1 SO MW in their existing (iif) Delay in procurement of equiD- undertaking in Hyderabad. MIs. BHEL ment; have also been approved foreign collabo- ration with MIs. General Electric (Iv) Shortage of man-power; and Company of USA for a period of ten (v) Delay in procurement of Steel, years from the date the agreement is filed cement, cables etc. with Reserve Bank of India. (d) The increase in cost arising out of Imported process ttchDOlogy from UK delay in completion Is accounted lor by for Low Temperature CarbonfsatloD increase in Interest charges and revenue Plaut at Da okanJ expenses and is of the order of Rs 11 crores. • 1537. SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOW-' DHARY : Will tbe Minister of ENERGY In royalty paid to roal PlIOdurl.1l be pleased to state: ~ISIOD State. (a) whether the. imported process technology from U K. for Low Tempera- 1538. SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA: ture Carbonisatfon Plant at Dankuni is Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased not suitable for the Indian coal which to state: contains higber percentagQ of ash; (a) the names of the coal producing (b) whether Government intend to States in the country and the approximate improve the imported technology; quantity of coal produced In each State annually; (c) the causes of delay in commission- ing of Low Temperature Carbonlsation (b) when the rate of royalty was Jalt Plant at Dankuni; and fixed; . (c) tho total amount of royalty paid (d) the exact amount of escalation of to each coal producing State durinB tbe cost due to delay in commissioning of the last three years, year-wise; and plant?

    THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (d) whether there is any proposal to (SHRI V ASANT SATHE): (a) No, Sir. revise the rate of royalty; if so the time by which tbe rate win be revised? (b) A High Powered Committee set up to suggest techoJogy for Dankuni Plant THE MINISTER OF ENERGY recommended. adoption of a commerciaHy (SHRI VASANT SATHE) : (a)jThe names proveD British technology. of the coal producing States in the country and the quantity of coal produced in each (c) The delay in completion of the State during 1985·86 & 1986-87 is given as project is mainly on account of the under :- fo) Jowing reasons : (Figures in million tooDel)

    State Coal production 1985-86 1986-87

    1 2 3

    Wist Bengal 19.37 20.32 159 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 160

    1 2 3

    Bihar 54.30 5S.91

    Uttar Pradesh 3.S6 4.91

    Madhya Pradesh 42.56 44.79

    Maharashtra 11.57 12.30

    Oriss~ 6.04 7.07

    Assam 0.84 0.91

    Andhra Pradesh 15.66 16.5S

    Total (An India) 154.20 165.79 ------(b) Royalty rates on coal were Jast revised w.e.f. 13.2.1981.

    (c) Royalty on coa~ paid by SCCL to Andhra Pradesh and by CIL to diffent State Govt's during the la9t 3 years was as under :-

    (Rs. in crores)

    Year Andhra West Bihar Orissa Madhya Maharashtra Uttar Assam Pradesh Bengal Pradesh Pradesh

    6.07 10.82 2S.78 1.86 17.20 5.20 1.17 0.47

    1985·86 7.61 11.10 28,46 2.13 17.35 5.95 1.51 0.68

    1986·87 9.20 11.1.6 27.70 3.60 22.06 6.09 2.09 0.50 ------(d) The question of revising tho rates of royalty on coal Is under consideration• of the Government. Mld·term review of Seventh PIon by ONGC estimated reserves and how the gas struck 1539. DR. B.L. SHAILESH : Will the is proposed to be utilised; and Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATU. RAL GAS be pfeased to state: (d) the targets set down by the Com- mission for oil exploration and drilJing (a) whether the Oil and Natural Gas during the remaining period of tbe Plan 1 Commission bas carried out a mid-term THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THB review of the Seventh Five Year Plan in MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND so rar as its 011 drilling operations both off- NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- shore and onshore, are concerned; DUTT) : (a) Yes, Sir. (b) !r so, what are its achievements; (b) The achievement of drilling opera. tiOD8, both offshore and onshore, for the (0) the locations where wells have beeD first two years (1985-87) of the VII Five drilled and oil and gas struck and their Year Plan are as under : 161 Wrj lien Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) WrUren Answers 162

    Onshore Offsbore Total

    1. Metreage {thousand mtrs) 912.30 410.61 1322.91-

    2. Wells completed (NC's) 422 lS4 576

    (c) The drilling operations during the Saurasbtra, Bengal, Krishna-Godavari, first two years (1985-87) were carried out Cauvery, Andamans and Bombay. in the oDland part of the basins of Cam bay, Rajasthan. Kutcb-Saurasthra, Bengal, Oil/gas was struck at the following new Upper Assam, Assam-Arakan Fold belt, prospects in the basins of Cambay, Upper Krishna-Godavari & Cauvery, Himalayan Assam, \ Krishna-Godavari, Cauvery & Foot Hills and Ganga VaJ)ey and In tbe Bombay Offshore during this Period as offshore parts of the basins of Kutch- detailed below :

    Basin Prospect where' oil/gas struck ODland Offshore

    Cam bay Karjisan


    South Malpur


    Upper Assam Namti

    Krisbna-G oda vari Narsapur GS-8 Kaza Tatipaka Kaikalur

    Cauvery Narimanam Bombay B-174 Panna East 0·18 B-172

    R-71 CD CA B-42 B.131 R-7A B·179 163 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17. 1987 W,illen Answtrs 164

    Thes" areas are still under exploration finds are establisbed. and the estimates of reservs will be known (d) The targets set down by ONGC only after the delineation of the field •• for exploration and driIJing during the 0'81 utilisation plans would be drawn up remaining period (1987-90) of the VII only afler the commercial viability of tbe Five Plan are as given below:

    Targets for the period 1987-90

    A ODshore

    1. SOfTey. (Par.y years)

    (a) Geological 42

    (b) Gravity Magnetic 21

    (c) Seismic 187

    2. Drilling

    (I) Metreage (000' Mtrl) 2245.00

    (b) Wells (Nos) 1003

    B. Off.bore

    1. Seismic surveys (000' Kms) 112.. 00

    2. Drilling

    (a) Metreage (000' Mtrs) 1016.39 (b) Wells (Nos) 422

    AllocatioD of Plam 011 to States THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN_ 1S40. PROF. NARAIN CHAND TARY AFFAIRS AND MIN"STER OF PARASHAR: Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI FOOD A ~D CIVIL SUPPLIES bo pJeased to state: H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) Requests are received from time to time from States for (a) whether States have demanded an increase in their allocation of imported increase in the allocation of edible oils edible oil including RBD Plam Oil. especially Palm Oil for overcommg the scarcity caused by drought situation iD the current financial year; (b) aDd (c) The following States have sought increased allocations on account of (b) if so, the detal1s in tbis regard, State-wise; and increased demand due to various reasons including scarcity caused by drou2ht :_ (c) the action taken by Government in fulfilliog the demaod or each State? 16~ Written Answers KA RTIK.A ~6, 1969 (SAKA) Written Answers 166

    (Quantity in MTI,)

    Stale Req uest for increased Allocations made by the monthly allocation Government during the months

    October, 1987 November. 1987

    1. Bihar 3,000 3100 3tOO

    2. Gujarat 20,000 to 25,000 24000 24000

    3. Rajasthan 1500 to 25,00 5000 5000

    4. Orissa 3000 4800 4800 s. Madbya Pradesh 10000 10000 10000

    6. Jammu & Kashmir 2000 2100 2100

    7. Kerala 10000 11000 11000

    8. U.P. ~OOO to 5000 10000 ]0000

    9. M abarashtra 20,000 27000 27000 21000 2Jooo 10. Andhra Pradesh 17000 13000 13000 11. Tamil Nadu 20000

    Investigation by MRTP commission into (d) if so, the action taken against those aWairs of soft drinks companies companies on the findings of the Com- mission? 1541. SHRI S.M. GURADDI : SHRI G.S. BAS A V ARAJU : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SHRIMATI B {Is SAV ARAJE- DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL SWARI: DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be CHALAM): (a) to (d) On the basis of pleased to state : the nows item which apperaed in the Hindustan Times dated 19.7.1987, the (a) wbether the Monopolies and MRTP Commission has directed Director Restrictive Trade Practices Commi$sion Genera) of Investigation and Registration bas ordered a suo moto Investigation Into (DOl & R) to investigate and rtport whe- nine soft drink manufacturers and bottlers ther the soft drink manufacturers are asking them to furnish details of the cost ind ulging in the trade practices of mani- or production, taxes, ex. factory prices and pulation of prices in such a manner as to trade margins during September; Impose unjustified cost on the consumers. Tbe investigation of nine soft drink (b) if 10, the replies received from manufacturers by DGI & R is underway these soft drink companies; and depending upon its outcome, tbe MRTP Commilsion is empowered to take (0) whether the soft drink companies further appropriate action in these cases are raising pricel of their drinks and as per tbe relevant provisions of tho akmiD8 hlah profits; and MRTP Act, 1969. 167 Written Answets NOVEMBER 11 1987 Written Answers 168

    Recommend atioos of Kelkar commUte,e was prepare'd by the Industrial Reconstru- 00 drugs ction Bank of India; and

    1542. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE (b) if so, the details thereof 1 PATIL: SHRI BHADRESWAR THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE TANTI: DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DR. V. VENKATESH : DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINI- STRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be ARUNACHALAM) : (a) and (b) The pleased to state: report of tbe Working Group constituted by the IRBI for preparing a viability (a) whether a list of drugs other than report on National Tannery Company was those needed (or the National Health submitted by the IRBI to the Govern- Proqramme bas been prepared by a ment. The report of the Working Group committee, headed by Dr. Vijay Kelkar; indicates that the assets cannot match its liabilities and that the Company IS ecco- (b) if 10, whether the Kelkar Commi- nomicaJJy non-viable. The State Govern- ttee had made recommendations regarding ment and the Company have referred tho multinational companies mak1ng huge matter to the Board for Industrial & profits from drug combinations; Financial Reconstruction which bas been set up under the Sick Industrial Compa. (c) if so, whether his Mini&try has nies (Special Provisions) Act, ~985. devised measures to control the evil; and PIaD for saving eledric:it, losses

    (d) if so, details thereof? 1544. SHRI DIG VIJA Y SINH: Will tbe Minister of ENERGY be THB MINISTER OF STATE IN THE pleased to state: DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICALS AND (a) whether there is any plan to PETROCHEMICALS IN THE invest Rs. 5000 crores in the next five MINISTR. Y OF INDUSTRY (SHRI years for saving electricity losses and R.K. JAICHANDRA SINGH) : (a) 10 generating 5000 M W more of electricity; (d) Tbe Kelkar Committee has recomme- and ndod items of drugs to be included in Cateaory II and they have been IDcorpo- (b) if so, the dC't,i)s of the Plan? rated in tbe Second Scbedule to the Drugs THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (Prices Control) Order. 1987. The Order DEPARTMENT OF PO\VER IN THE was notified in the Gazette on 26th August, MINISTR Y OF ENERGY (SHRIMA TI 1987 and copies tbereof were laid on the SUSHILA ROHT AGI) : (a) and (b) There Table of the House on 27th AU8uS'. 1987. is no such pian. The Government is, Details of other recommendatioDs of the however, committed to take all t'ossible Kelkar Committee ara contained in its steps to reduce electricity losses and to reliort copies of whicb are available in tbe add to the generation capacity to meet Parliament Library. the demand for power, subject to avaj]a- bility of resources. Viability report o. National Tannery Co. Ltd., Calcutta ASS'stJlDCe from sugarcane development fund to Karnataka lS43. SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA : 1 ~4S. SHRI S. M. GURADDI : Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be SHRI H. N. NANJE pleased to state : GOWDA: SHRIMATI BASA VARAJES. (a) whether Government are examl- WARI: ninl tbe viability report on tbe National WiJJ the Minister of FOOD AND Tannery Company Ltd. Calcutta whicb CIVIL SUPPLIES be pJeased to atate : 169 Written Answers K.ARtIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers i'o

    (a) whether Government are conside.· tes of groundnut production are under fng a proposal for releasing assi~tances for finalisation. sugarcane development from the Sugarcane Development fund to Karnataka State; (b) The target fixed for groundnut production for 1987·88 is 81.6 Jakb MTs. (b) jf so, tbe total amount allotted If this target is achieved, then the fiaure to Karnataka; and of groudnut oil derived from tbis quantity would be 22.85 1akh M.Ts. (c) how much has been utilised by the sugar industry in Karnataka and the (c) The steps taken by the Govern. developments made by the sugarcane ment to increase the production of ground- industry in that State? nut oiJjgroundnut are as follows:-

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- (I) Implementation of the National TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF Oi!eseed·§ DeveJopment Project. FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI (2) National Dairy Deveiopment H. K. L. BHAG AT): (a) All the Sugar Board's OiJseeds Project. M ills in the country are eligible for loan assistance on soft term for sugarcane deve- (3) Better incentive to producers lopment from the Sugar Development through fixation of minimum Fund. su pport prices.

    lb) and (c) Loan assistance could not (4) Intensification of research efforts be provided to Sugar Mills in Karnataka for increasing tbe productivity of for want of applications as per guidelines oil seeds. and tbe Rules of tbe Scheme. (5) Setting up of necessary processi- Production of groundnut oil ng and infrastructuIal facilities to keep pace with the production 1546. SHRIMATI JAYANTI programme of oilsecds. PATNAIK : Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pJeased to (6) Setting up of Technology Mission state: on oilseeds production under orders of the Prime Minister.

    (a) the lotal quantity of groundnut [Trans/ation] oil produced in 1985-86 and 1986-87;

    Promotion of Industries by WHt Germany (b) tbe target fixed for the produc- tion of grouodnut oil in 1987-88; and 1547. SURI KALI PRASAD PANDEY : Will the Minister of INDU. STR Y be pleased to state: . (c) the steps taken by Government to increase the production of groundnut oil ? (a) whether West Germany bas announced to promote several industries in India; THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI (b) if so, tbe names of tbe projects H. K. L. BHAGAT): (a) According to being considered for modernisation by the the latest figures available. the actual two countries; production or groundnut in ] 985-86 was 55.S lakb M. Ts. The Quanti ty of ground. (c) the details of the expenditure nut oil derived from this production is Incurred and likely to be incurred on these 15.54 Jakh M. Ts. for 1986-87, the cstima. projects by Governmont of Iadia and 'il 171 Written A"swe;s NOVEM:bER 17, 1981 Written Answers

    bas requested Union Government tor ODe the of aid the years form foreign during Jakh tonnes of rice every month from the 1986, 1987 and 1988; central pool in order to meet the drought situation from August 1987 onwards; (d) the time by which modernic;atlon work of these projects is likely to be com- pleted and the likely production capacity (b) how much of rice has been sent to Tamil Nadu so far from August 1987 ot" these projects thereafter; tiJl date; and ce) the total amount of assistance (c) if not, the reasons thereof '1 liven by West Germany during the current year; and THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN· TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF (f) the details of agreement concluded FOOD Al'oD CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI or proposed to be concluded between H. K. L. BHAGA T): (a) The Govern· India and West Germany in this regard ment of Tamil Nadu asked for monthly during the current year '1 allocation of rice at 1 Jakh tonnes in August & September 1987 and at 1.25 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Jakh tonnes in October and November, DEPARTM.I!NT OF INDUSTRIAL 1987. DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- CHALAM) : (a) and (b) Imparl of techno· (b) and (c) The State Government has lo&y and investmenl from other countries been allotted 50,000 tonnes of rice every is allowed for modernisation of industry month during August 87 to November 87. within the parameters of our policies. Allocations of rice from the Central Pool DurinI' tho annual Indo-FRG Bilateral to various/UTs., including Tamil Nadu,. Trade Negotiations held in New Delhi in are made on a month to month basis April, 1987. the German side have shown taking into account the overall availability interest in the modernisation of Rourkela of stocks in the Central pool, stocks Steel Plant, but there is no formal commi- available with the State Govts, relative tment. There Is no other proposal under needs of the various States, market avaiJa- consideration for modernisation of bility and other related factors. The industry. allocations from the Central Pool are strictly supplemental to the open market (c) and (d) Do Dot arise. availability.

    (e) Durina the last Annual Indo. [Trallslation] FRO Aid Neaotiations held in April 1987, FRG authorities have committed OM 395 Telephone lines 10 Bastar District of million as Fanancial Assistance and DM 39 Madbya Pradesh million as Technical Assistance. 1549. SHRI MANKURAM SOOI:' Will the Minister of COMMUNICA· (f) Government to Government TIONS be pleased to state: Aareement for \ the above amount was lianed on 'l June 1987. (a) whether the remote development [English] blocks in Bastar District of Madhya Pra. desh are having telephone lines but due Allocatlo D of r Ice to Tamil Nadu to the dismantJed wires, no telephone connection is working there; )548. SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU: Will the Minister or FOOD AND (b) whether except tbe MaiD Road CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: line in Tehsil Headquarters I no other• telephone in any far flung development (a) whetber Tamil Nadu Government block is workins; and KARTIKA 26, 1'09 (SAKA) W,itl~n Answers 174 173 Writt~n Answers be published at Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, (c) the action being taken to improve Madras. Kaopur, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and tbe situation '1 many other cities are expected to ron ow , Tbe contractors are required 10 pay to the THE MINISTER OF STATB IN THE Department an agreed percentage of adve- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS rtisement revenue subject to a minimum (~) (SHRJ SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): amount. and (b) Out of 32 development blocks 10 Bastar district, 30 are baving telephone (d) Yes, Sir. facilities. 12 Blocks arc having telephone exchanges and remaining 18 arc served by (e) The cost of the directories is long distance public telephones. Out of apparently being met by the contractors these 18 long distance public telephones, by advertisements. 12 are working satisfactorily and balance are faulty. These are being attended Telephone rouDettloD. In Bangalore Cit, to. ]551. SHRI V. S. KRISHNA IYER : (c) Actions are being taken to restore Will the Minister of COMMUNICA· the so:rvices of the remaining six. TIONS be pleased to state:

    {English] (a) the total number of telephone connections in BSDglore City; Telephone DJ rectory (b) the number lubscribers who 1550. SHRI V. S. KRISHNA IYER : of have disconnected STD connections; and Will the Minister of COMMUNICA· TIONS be pleased to state: Cc) the reasons for tbe large scale STD disconnections? (a) whether yellow pages telephone directory is being published by Baogalore THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Telephones; MINISTRY OF COMMU:NICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHA N DEV): (a) (b) jf so, when; The total Dumber of telephone connections in BangaJore city Is 83,650. (c) the names of cities where yellow pages telephone directories are available (b) The number of subscribers who and the cost involved; have got STD facility barred on their telephone is 25,706. (d) whether the above directory will (c) The reasons seem to be that many be given free of cost to subscribers; and Government offices and Business houses do not desire srn facility from a)J their (e) the source from whicb the cost telephones and want this facUity to be of the directory is met? avsilabJ" only (or certain telephones. Some individual subscribers probably do THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THP! Dot want STD facility for fear of its mis- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS use by otbers without their knowledge or (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): during their absence. (a) and (b) The work of pubUshfng of Bangalore Telephone Directory has been Study on thermal power generation awarded'to a contractor who proposes to and distribution by National publish the main telephone directory Prodnctlvlty Council a)ongwitb Yellow Pages directory by May 1988. 1552. SHRI LALITESHWAR PRASAD SHAHI: WiIJ the Minister (c) At no city such directories are of ENERGY be pleased to .tate : available at present. However, directorjes by similar arrangements are expected to (a) whether the National Productlvit)' 175 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Wriuen Answers 176 council (NPC) has recently discussed at !umers is of relevance to Develo. Dolhi a deta'ied study on thermal power ping countries. The large custo- generation fn the country. mers install substations within their territory and the energy (b) if so, the details thereof; and suppJy is measured at the hiBb tension line. (c) the names of the participants in the discussions and the outcome of the 4. Fluidized bed combustion bas discussions held ? several advantages like direct removal of sulpbur during com. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE bustion. low NOx emis~jon, ability DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE to bura a variety of fuels and MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI amaner size plant. SUSHILA ROHT AGI): (8) to (c) The National Productivity Council (NPC) had S. Currently. uncertain load gro- conducted a Study Meeting on Thermal wths. capital scarcity and long Power OeneratioD and Distribution, recen- lead time for laree units arc pro- tly at Delhi. Eight member countries of mpting both utility companies and the Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) consumers in Japan to take a viz. India, I ndone~ia, Republic of Korea, fresh look at co.generation·sys- Malaysia, Nepal. Phillipines, Sri Lanka tems. In tropical countries in and Japan participated.' Three experts combination with absorption from Japan, one (rom France and one chil1ers, the heat could be used from Asian Development Bank, Manila for cooling. and 10 experts from India also participa- ted. The outcome of the discussions is 6. Future energy systems will be given in the Statement below. properly composed of two kind- large scale power generation using Statement nuclear energy and coal and small scaJe energy supply systems utili- Study Meeting on Thermal Power General sing diversified e!'ergy sources. tioo' and Distribution Outcome of Di~cussioDs 7. Reduction;n auxilIary power consumption is very important. 1. Both Availability Factor and Plann;ng for economy in auxilJ· Utilisation Factor in a Power a ry p,ower consumption mu~t Plant are to be taken into account start at the initial design stage in evaluating its performance. and must be continued through Due to fluctuations in toad, utili- day to day operation and main- sation factor couJd be Jow. tenance.

    2. A sizeable proportion of tran~mi­ 8. Maintenaee in a modern sophie ssion/distribution Josses is due to sticated power pJant needs an pilferage. particulary in the earlier integrated multidisciplinary group &tages of economic development. approach. Higher plant availa. The Developing Countries in . bility can only be achieved by Asia should follow the Korean giving sustained attentl on to practices of reducing such losses maintenance system and procedu- (rom nearly 30% in 1961 to Jess res. Maintenance engineers than 6%by 1986 by revamping tbe should be associated with design transmission and distribution of plants and protect planning system. right from the conceptual stage.

    3. The Korean practice of supplying 9. Periodic checking 01 consumers bigh tension power to major con- metering equipment and making 177 Written Answers ~ARTIICA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 178

    them tamper proof are necessary. Open ...... )f post offices In rural and tribal Whenever theft of electricity is areas detected, there should be dete- rrent punishment. Publicity of IS53. SHRI BALASAHBB VIKHB tbe offences would also be of PATIL: some value. SHRI BHADRESHWAR TANTI : 10. Gas turbines located near cong- DR. V. VENICATBSH : lomeration could help in meeting sudden peak loads. Will tbe Minister of COMMUNICA. TIONS be pleased to state: 11. Settin8 up of a separate corpora- tion for power supply to urban (a) whether aoy steps have been taken areas and an urban tariff struc- to open post offices in rural & tribal ture different (rom that in rural areas; and areas may be considered. (b) if so, the details thereof? 12. Application of computers in dist- ribution system planning and loss THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB reduction is recommended. Tbe MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS objective of computerised distri- (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : bution system planning is to Yes. Sir. satisfy tbe growing demand for electricity at the minimum cost (b) The detaUs are furnished in the and at the same time fulfilling Statement below. reliability and quality of supply. Statement

    Number of rural post offices sanctioned during 1987-88 up to 15-11-1987

    No. of post officcs sanctioncd in Circle ------Normal rural areas Hilly /Backward Total Tribal areas

    1 2 1. Punjab 1

    2. Mabarashtra 3 1 4

    3. Bihar 11 55

    4. Madbya Pradesh 27 86 113

    s· Rajastban 17 17

    6. Kerala 23 8 31

    7. North Eastern 26 16 42

    8. West Bongal 1 1

    92 173 265 179 Writltn Answt'rs NOVEMBER 17 1987 · Written Answers 180

    Cement CorporatioD of lodla States/Union Territories, including Kerala. is reviewed from time to time and propo- ]554. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE sals are formulated based on t be assess- PATIL: ment made. Some of the programmes SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI : currently undertaken/eDvisased Include Coooperativisation Scheme in Coir Sector, VENKATESH : DR. V. Model Coir Villages and Medicare for Will the MinIster of INDUSTRY be Coir workers, plea!ed to state:

    I Kerosene quota for State •• (a) wb~lher tbe Cement Corporadon of India is turning into a sick unit; lSS6. SHRI J AGANNATH PATT- NAIK: (b) it so, the details thereof; SHRI PARASRAM BHARA· DWAJ: (c) tbe reasons therefor; Will the Minister of PETROLEUM (d) whether the Review Committee AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to appolnted to look into tbe afl"airs of the state: company bas since submitted its final repon; and (a) whether Union Government have raised. tht' kerosene quota for certain (e) if so. tbe saltent features thereof States recently; and aDd if not, the reasons for delay? (b) if so, the details thereot; State-wise THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE during tbe last six months? DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTR~AL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA· MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHALAM) : (a) No, Sir. NATURAL GAS(SHRI BRAHMADUTT): (a) and (b) Requirements of Kerosene of (b) and (c) Do not arise. '. various States/Union Territories are asses- sed by allowing a 5% growth over tbe '';' (d) aod (e) The Review Committee is allocations made In the correspondiog likely to submit its final report by 31st period of the previous year,. on a four- December. 1987. month-block basis and allocations aro made accordingly. However, to meet Re.Uallslng traditional lodustrles 10 Kerala the increased demand, allocations of kerosene to all the States and Union JSSS. SHRI K. KUNJAMBU: Will Territories arc presently being made after tbe Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to allowing a growth of 7.5% for Winter state: BloCk (Nov. -Feb.) and 7% both for Summer Block (Marcb-Juoe) aod Mon51oon <8> whether tbere is any scheme under Block (July-Oct.). Be§ides the regular consideration for revitallsing the tradition- al1ocatioDs. additional adhoc releases have al industries in Kcrala with central assis- also been made 00 request to mect specific tance; and situations like flood, drought, cyclono; shortage of LPG/soft coke, etc. lb) if so, the detail. thereof? A Statement giving tbe allocations of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE- kerosene made to Stales and Union DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL Territories during the period from March DEVElOPMEl\T IN THE MINISTRY to October, 1987, is given below. OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA .. Allocation for the period from Nov.• 1987 CHALAM): (a) and (b) The need for to Feb., 1988 has also since becD mado revitaJising traditional indu.tries In various after allowing a growth or 7.5%. 181 Written ilnswtra mARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) W,ltten Answtr" 182

    StatemeDt Statewile Kerosene allocation made DuriDI tbe period from Marcb to October, 1987

    (Pigures in tonnes)

    s. State/Union Terrritoriel Allocation Adboc Total No. @7% growth Allocation Allocation

    1 2 3 4 s

    1. ADdhra Pradesh j04860 304360

    2. Arunachal Pradesh 4720 920 5640

    3. Andaman & Nicobar 1900 370 2370

    4. Assam 128180 1095S 139135

    5. Bihar 231572 52201 235733

    6. Cbandigarh 10800 . J~800

    7. Dadra & N. Haveli 1560 1560

    8. Delhi Administration )23440 123440

    9. Gujarat 4111O

    10. Goa, Daman & Diu 15920 15928 11. Haryana 11360 S7'1 171S1 12. Himachal Pradesh 17360 3600 20966 13. Jammu &: Kashmir 31440 2100 33,..' 14. Karnataka 233700 IISOS 24520S

    IS. Kerala 131512 127~ 144278

    16. Madhya Pradesh 185372 30139 21'5511

    17. Maharashtra 190880 2200 79301()

    18. Manipur 10380 1605 11915

    19. Meghalaya 8040 t7SS 979S

    20. Mizoram 2880 540 3420

    21. Nagaland 5220 '10 5930

    22. Orlsaa 13901 10420 84OlO 183 Written Answel",J NOVEM8ER 17, 1981 W,illen Answer,J 184

    ------_ .. _- I 2 3 4 5

    23. Punjab J7S020 175020

    24. Pondicberry 7220 200 7420

    25. Rajastba8 127136 18066 141104

    26. Sikkkn 2740 2740

    TI. Tamil Nado 349400 390 349790

    28. Trfpura 9660 3140 12800

    29. Uttar Pradesb 457383 5J784 509172

    30. West Bengal 393860 17500 411360

    31. Laksbadweep 500 500

    Marloe-based I nd.stry in Orissa thereon.

    1557. SHRI SOPtAN ATH RATH : Will F orest·based industry in OrIS$& the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state: 1558. SHRI SOMNA TH RATH : win the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased whether there was a demand to to state : have marine-based industry in Orissa; (a) whether there was demand to have (b) if so, what action has been lakeD forest-based industry in Orissa; by Union Government; and

    (c) tbe number of applications received (b) if so, the action takeD by Union Government; and in tbis connection and action taken there- on ? (c) tbe number of application, received in this connection and action taken THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE thereon? DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE CHALAM): (a) to (c) During the years DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL 1985, 1986 and 1987, 5 applications have DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY been received for Deep sea fishIng with OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA. base port In the State of Orissa, of which CHALAM): (a) to (c) During the years Permission Letters/LeUers of IDtent have 1986 and 1987 (upto October, 1987). DO been issued iD respect of 4 of tbe applica- fresh applications (or graot of industrial tions; wbile. 1 application is at varioul licence for settlnR up of units for manu- .tases of processing. The details of pend. facture of pulp, paper or timber products ing applications are not divulged till tbe based OD forest raw materials in Orissa Government have laken a fina' deciSion have beeD received. . 18S Written Answer! K'ARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written AlI3wera 186

    Allotment of essential commodities to gbt conditfons in that State? Orissa THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENT.. 1559. SHRI SOMNATH RATH : Will ARY AFFAIRS AND MiNISTER OF the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI SUPPLIES be pleased to state : H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) Allocation of commodities is made taking llito account (a) the details of demand of Orissa the overall . availability of stocks in tho for allotment of rice, wheat, sugar, kero- Central Pool, relative needs of valous sene and edible oil per month, at present States, market avaitability and other relev- and allocations made of each items against ant factors. A Statement indicating tbe the demand: and position of demand and allocatioD of (b) whether Government propose to wheat, rice, sugar, imported edible oils meet the full demand in view of the drou- and kerosene to Orissa is given below.


    A 1I0tment of wheat and rice from Central Pool for Orissa for Public Distribution System from April to November, 1987 is as under:

    (In '000 tonbes)

    Month Demand Aliotment ------Rice Wheat Rice Wheat

    -_------~. --.~----.~-.---- April 15.0 23.0 10.0 23.0

    May 15.0 23.0 10.0 23.0

    June 20.0 23.0 20.0 23.0

    July 20.0 23.0 20.0 23.0

    August 20.0 23.0 20.0 23.0

    September 70.0 23.0 35.0 23.0

    October 30.0 23.0 40.0 23.0

    November 40.0 23.0 40.0 23.0

    Total: 230.0 184.0 195.0 184.0

    Allotment of sagar

    Monthly quota of levy sugar is allotted on tbe unlfam norm of per capita availa- bility of 425 grams per month for the projected population al on 1.10.86 and not on tho b~.is of demands received from the States. From February 1987 onwards, tbe monthly levy sugar quota allotted to Orissa is 12,393 tonnes. In addition, 1865 tonnes eacb lor tbe months of September, 1987 and October, 1987 bas beeD allottod as festival quota. 1S7 WdttelJ AnsweN NOVEMBER .'. i987-

    Allotment 01 Imported edible oils

    The demand made by the Government of Orissa durin. the Oil Year 1986 .. 8' (November, 1986 to October, 1987.) is 72,000 MTs. The monthwisc aUocation to Orissa from November, 1986 to October, 1987 is as under.

    MODth Allocation under PDS including Small Packa

    November. 1986. 305()

    December .. 1986- 155()

    .lao UHY, 1987 15S() .

    IYebruar" 1981.:' 1050

    March. 1987' )050 , A'pril, 1'981- l05()


    Iune, 1981f 1400

    July. 1981 1600

    August', 1987 3500

    September, 198'1 3800

    October. 1,987' 4800

    Total :.. 25650

    Allotment.,f KerOSIDe

    The kltal aUocation- of kerosene' to Orissa doriD'~ the MODsoon and Winter Blocks tbis year ha"e beell as under ~

    Figures in tonnes per month

    Monsoon Bteck (Jury to October, 1987) lQ,845

    Winter Block (November. 1987 to February, 19&8) 12. roo

    This al1ocatioD teems to baye met tbe State"s essential requirement, as no request tor additional a))ocatioD bas beeD received from· tbe State Governmeat S;DC~ Jufy, 1987.

    FJl'orts to Bod 011 and lias io Orissa weat (a, wbether any e"pJoratioD work is lolng on to find out oil and gas in Orissa 1560. SHR[ SOMNATH RATH : Wilt coast; and tho Minister of PETROLEUM AND (b) if SOt the details and results NATURAL GAS. be pleased to state: tbere- of? 189 Writun Answers ICARTIlCA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written A.nswers 190

    THB MINISTER OF STATB OF various operations. This Itr.tegy THE MINISTRY OF PETROLBUM involves: AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA· DUTT): (a) Yes Sir. (i) Analysil of the critical areas or oporations through management (b) 0111 India Limited is carrying out and technical audits. exploration for oil and gas both in the onshore and offshore areas along the (iI) Management of innovation Orhlsa Coast. througb rewards and motivational 1. Onshore In the Orissa onshore, techniques. 3800 std. line kms of conventional seismic (iii) Enhancing output through efficj. surveys and 310 line kms. of deep sound- . ency and optimising utilisation of ing seismic surveys have been carried out. equipment and macbinary. These have been f()l1owed up by drilling three exploratory wells and a fourth well These steps are expected to increale is currently being drilled. The drilling so efficiency of operations and productivity far has not resulted in tbe discovery of and also lead to cost control and reduc- any oil or gas deposits of commercial tion. However, it would be difficult to significance. assess at this stage the amount of savings likely to occur during the year. 2. Offshore In the Orissa offshore a total of about 7600 std. line kms. of seis:' Setting up of industrial units 10 backward mic surveys were carried out. Based on areas by big boules these surveys; 10 exploratory weJls have so far been driBed and the eleventh 1562. SHRI S. M. GURADDI: Will exploratory wen is currently being drilled; the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to no commercial accumulation of oil or gas state: bas been discovered so far. (a) whether large industrial houses Three-pronged strategy adopted by have set up their units in backward areas; O.N.G.C. (b) if so, tbe reasons thereof; 1561. SHRI S. M. GURADDI : SHRI H. N. NANJE GOWDA: Cc) whether all the licences issued to the big houses for setting up units in back- WiIJ the Minister of PETR OLEUM ward areas have not been undertaken; AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to and state: (d) ir so, the reasons thereof and what (a) whether a three-pronged strategy. action Government propose to takc so adopted by the Oil and Natural Gas Com- tbat the big bouses set up tbeir industrial mission. has enabled It to bring about units in backward areas to correct regional huge savings; unbalances ?

    (b) if so, the details thereof; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL (c) tbe amount of savings likely to DEVELOPMENT IN THB MINISTRY OCcur during the current year? OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA· CHALAM) : (a) to (d) Under the provi- sions of the Industries (Development & THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM Regulation) Act, 175 industrial licences AND N,\TURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA· (Including 14 carry-oo-buslncss licences) OUTT) : (a) to (c) ONGC have adopted were granted during tbe year. 1984 to a three pronged strategy for controlling 1987 (U pto September) to various under- tbe cost and en hancins tbe efficiency of takings registered under tbe MRTP Act 191 WrlttenAnswers NOVEMBER 1'7, 1987 Wr;tI~n Answ~rs 192

    (or setting up industries in central1y deCla- for settina up industrfea in backward red industrially backward areas of the areas. country. As regards tbe grant -ot Jetters of inte- An industrial licence is issued with an nt/industrial licences under the provisions initial validtty period or two years within of the lOR Act, the number of such app- which the entrepreneur is expected to com- rovals issued during J986 and 1987 (upto mence commercial production. However, September) to various parties including further extensions beyond the initial Central Govt. undertakings for the esta- validity period of two years can also be blishment of new industria,) units in Na'go- granted by the administrative Ministry nda and Rangareddy districts of Andhra concorned on genuine grounds. It gener- Pradesh is indicated below:- ally takes about three to four years for an industrial proiect to fructify. Gestation Name of No. of Letters No. of Indust- period, however, varies from project to the Dist.. of Intent issu- rial Licences project. rict ed for setti ng issued for setti- up New Under.. ng up New If the holder of an industrial licence takings. Undertakings. falls to imt>f.ement it within its validity per'; iod, the .same is revoked/cancelled by the Nalgonda 17 3 administrative Ministry concerned. None of the industrial licences granted during Rangareddy 13 3 th~ period 1984 to 19~7 Cupto September) to various MR.TP Undertaking'l for loca- tion of industries in backward areas has Details, such as name & address of been cancelled so far. As such, the pro- the undertaktngs, location includmg the jects for which these industrial licences name of the district, item (s) of manufa- have been granted would presumably be at cture involved and ca pacity etc., in respect various stages of implementation. of all letters of intent and induI;trial lice .. Dces issued are being published regularly letting up of Industries In Andhra Pradesh by the Indian Investment Centre in their "Monthly Newsletter". Copies of this 1563. SHRI M. RAGHUMA publication are being sent to Parliament REDDY: Will the Minister of INDUS- Library regularly. Tlt Y be pltased to state: Complaints 00 quality of coal supplied by Coal (a) whether any new industries have India Limited been taken up in Nalgonda and Ranga- reddy districts of Andhra Pradesh during 1564. SHRI MOHANBHAI PATEL: 1986- 87 with central assistance; Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state : (b) if so. tbe details thereof; aDd

    (e) if so, the details thereor and the wear, FashioD Garments etc. is conlide. names or the uDits to whom paid; and red on merits if such collaboration is justi- fied taking into consideration factors such (f) the steps taken to improve the as nature of technology involved, availa:. quality of coal supplied by Coal India billty of indigenous technology, potential Limited in future? for export earnings and the like. .

    THE MINISTER OF ENERGY Holding company for public lector (SHRI V ~SANT SATHE): (a) to «() compaolel under Petroleum Mlnlltry The Information is being collected and will bo laid on tbe Table of the House. 1566. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISH- NAN: Foreign collaboration for non-priority SHRIMATI KISHORI sectors SINHA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM 1565. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISH- AND NATURAL GAS be pJeased to NAN: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY state: be pleased to state :

    (a) whether the attention of the (a) whether it is proposed to form MinIstry has been drawn to the reports holding company for all the bublic lector companies under his Ministry; that approva Is for foreign colJaborations in the non-priority sector on the increase; (b) if so, tbe rationale thereof; and (b) whether there have been propo- sals for foreign collaborations In Soft (c) whether it is proposed to be a DrinkS. Toileties, Sporls, Foot wear, substitute for the Oil Coordination Commi. Fashion Garments etc. since 1985; and ttee set up in 1973 or the entire petroleum industry wiJl be restructured on a new (c) if so, how many of such propo- basis? sals have been cleared and what is Gove.:. roment policy framework in relation to THE MINISTER OF STATE OF such proposals for nonpriority sectors? THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DUTT): (a) ~o, Sir. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (b) and (c) Do not arise. OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- dlstributton and import CHALAM): (a) to (C) Government has Stock, or rice approved 1324 and 957 proposals for forei· 1567. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISH. gn collboration during 1985 and 86 respec- NAN: tively. The particulars of foreign colla- boration proposals approved viz. name SHRI RANJITSINGH of Indian Company, foreign collaborator, GAEKWAD item of manufacture. nature of collabora- tion are published on a monthly basis by Will the Minister of FOOD AND the Indian Investment Centre as a supp- CIVIL SUPPLIES be pJeased to state: lement to it!l monthly News Letter. Copies of tbe publication are sent regularly to (8) the off.take of rice from the the Parlia ment Library. It may be stated public distrib ution system in different that the Government's policy is that forei- states rrom January to October, 1987, and gn collaboration, financial or technical is the corresponding period in 1916; not ordinarily necessary for non.priority sectors including consumer goods. Howe- (b) the carried-over stock position ver, foreign collaboration ror manufacture and flce available from paddy procure- of Soft Drinks, Toiletries, Sports, Foot ment this Year; 195 Writltn Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 196

    (c) tbe present stock position; ding period in 1986 Is given below. Infor- mation for October, ] 987 Is not yet avail. (d) whether Government are Visua- able. )ising a deficit for tbe last quarrer of 1987 and the lst quarter of 1988; (b) As on 1-10.1987, rice stocks with public agencies were estimated at S.44 (e) If tbere is a deficit. whether Gove. million tonnes. A quantity or 12.77 lakh fnmfnt propose to resort imports; and tonnes of rice (including paddy in terms ,0 of rice) was procured till 12th November. 1987 in the kharif marketing season of (f) if 10, tbe detai's tbereof including tbe quantity to be imported and from 1987.88. which country? (c) The latest stock position of rice avaiJable as on 1st October, 1987 is 5.44 THE MINISTER OF PARLIA· million tonnel. MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (d) to (f) The stocks available are (SHRI H. K. L. BHAGA T): (a) A state- reasonable to meet the present requirement ment showing offtake of rice from central of the public distribution system. Howe .. pool to vaiious States/Union Territories ver t tbe Government keeps open the option fOf public distribution system from Janu· to import foodgrains as and when consi- ary to Septrmber, 1987 and tbe correspon· dered necessary.


    Offtake of rice from Central Pool to various States for Public Distribution from January to September in 1986 and ]917.

    (In '000 tonnes)

    Name of the State/UTs. 1986 January to 1987 (P) January September to Sept.

    1 2 3

    1. Andhra Pradesh 964.3 848.7

    2. Arunachal Pradesh 35.S ~6,6

    3. Assam 288.3 351.3 4. Bibar 3.t.2 33.4 31.2 37.4 S" Goa 182.1 6, Gujarat 207.7 8.5 7. Haryana 8.2

    8. Hlmacbal Pradesh 21.2 24.S

    9. Jammu & Kashmir 78.1 115.1

    10. Karnataka 421.9 '02,2 . . Writtln Answers kA RTi KA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 198

    1 2 3 ..

    11. Kerala 1207.4 1236.1

    12. Madbya Pradesh 144.2 160.0

    13. Maharaahtra 387.0 446.8

    14. Manlpur 15.3 36.9

    IS. MeghaJaya 73.6 84.0

    16. Mlzoram 58.9 S86

    17. Nalaland 45.' 62.1

    IS. Orissa 44.2 93.6

    19. Punjab 2.0 2.$ lO. Rajasthan 7.7 12.0

    21. Sikkim 32.5 21.0

    22. Tamil Nadu 338.1 309.9

    23. Tripura 89.0 106.0

    24. Uttar Pradesh 117.6 196.2

    15. West Bengal 643.9 583.4

    26. A & N Islands '.3 5.9

    27. Chand;garh 2.1 2.4

    28. D & N Haveli 1.6

    29. Daman &, Diu 0.3

    30. Delhi 126.7 133.4

    31. Lakshadweep 1.7 2.7

    32. Pondicherry 11.0 2.8 -_._ --- Total 5421.8 5732.5

    Water reservoirs feeding major hydro. October in 1986 and 1985; and electrie proJeets

    I (c) tbe percentage of the capacity of 1568. SHRI K. P. UNNIKRISH· reservoirs filled up by October in 1985, NAN: Will tbe Minister of ENERGY be 1986 and 1987 r~spectfvely? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE . the levels' of water reservoirs DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN .THE feedios major bydro-electric projocts in MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI India al on)1 October, 1987; SUSHILA ROHT AGI) : (a) to (c) The requisite information is given in tbe state- (b) tbe comparable levels as·.. on 1 ments I and 11 below.


    Water Je,'els of majo~ reservoirs as on 1st October (AU figs. in melres)

    S1 • Name of the . Reser\loir Level as on 1st October during No. Reservoir --_...... _------_ ...... 1985 1986 1987

    1 2 3 4 5

    Northern ReKi~n 1. Bhakra 506.25 509.70 507.38 2. Poog 420.58 423.00 403.40

    3. R. p. Sagar 344.81 351.30 346.22

    4. Riband 265.18 263.0] 268,12

    Western Realon

    1. Ukai 93.59 101.92 95.49

    2. Gandhi Sasar 391.86 398.48 393.66

    J. Koyoa 655.53 656.08 649.74

    Soutbern RealoD

    1. MachkuDd ~z •• ;:n 834.9U 822.18

    ~, .. . 2. Naaarjunasagar 166.79 166.62 163.43

    3. Srisailam 267.04 269.58 263.13 •• Sharavatby 546.78 548.52 542.39 5. Idukkl 721.04 717.76 704.69 201 Written Answer, KARTIKA :6, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 2()~

    1 2 3 4

    6. Sabarigirl 969.90 974.24 954.88

    Eastern Region

    I. H}rakud 192.10 190.30 192.02

    2. BalimeJa 446.79 451.10 444.90


    Gross capacity at full reservoir level, Gross capacity upto which resorvoira filled and percentage of filled capacity to total as on 1st October (Fie. in MCM)

    Name of Gross Gross capacity as on 1st October duriog Reservoir Capacity ------..--.--- at FRL 1985 1986 ----,_...------._-1987 MCM 0/0 of MCM % of MCM . % of Capa- Capa- Capa. city at city at city at FRL FRL FRL

    2 3. 4 S 6 7 8

    --.----... -~ -_ .. Northern Region

    1. Bhakra 9399 7940 84.47 8490 90.3 8121 86.40

    2. Pong 8141 6961 85.51 7426 91.22 3697 45.41 3. R· P. Sagar 2905 1602 55.15 2623 90.30 1785 61.45

    4. Riband 10605 92]5 86.99 8321 78.46 105S7 99.5'

    Western Region

    1· Ukai 8515 3595 42.22 6537 76.77 4130 48.50

    2. Gandhi Salar 7747 3596 ~6.42 6847 88.38 433 ~ 55.93

    3. Koyna 2805 2529 90.16 2593 92.44 2958 69.80

    Southern Relion

    1. Machkund 970 349 35.98 710 73.20 151 15.57

    1. Nagadana 11558 8160 70.60 8122 70.27 7420 64.20 ··Iar ~03 Written Answe.,s NOVEMBER 1 7, 1981 Writt~n Answers ~J4

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    3. Srisailam 8722 7195 82.49 8620 98.83 5446 62.44

    4. Sbaravatby 4494 2502 55.67 2877 64.02 1713 38.12

    S. Idukki 1996 1755 87.93 1266 63.43 796 39.88

    6, Sabarigiri 454 279 61.45 339 74.67 149 32.82

    Eastern Region

    I. Hirakud 8148 8148 100.00 6982 85.69 8146 99.97

    2. 3603 156. 43.40 2040 56.54 1419 39.33

    FRL-Full Reservoir Level. MCM-MillioD Cubic Meter.

    Order. for Heavy Eoglneering Corporation Orders for Miniol and Allied Machinery Corporation 1569. SHRI SATYENDRA 1570. SHRI SATYENDRA NARA. NARAY AN SINHA: Will the Minister Y AN SINHA: Will the Minister of of INDUSTRY be pleased to state: INDUSTR Y be pleased to state: (a) whether the Heavy Engineerin8 (a) whether Mining aDd Allied Machi. Corporation is back to fun production nery Corporation has turned the corner after the recent prolonged strike; during the year;

    (b) if so, whother all the shops have (b) if so, the reasons thereof; restarted work; (c) whether it is receiving orders from (c) whether the p1ant has got orders Visakhapatnam steel plant; and from Visakhapatnam steel plant; (d) whether it has secured' export (d) whether any machinery which it markets? could have made, has been allowed to be imported; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL (e) if so, the details there or ? DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY lSHRI M. ARUNA- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE CHALAM) : (a) Yes. Sir. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (b) Some or the factors which contribu- OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA· ted to this were substantial Increase In tbe CHALAM) : (a) to (c) Yes, Sir. value of production, particularly the in- plant production as against bought outs; manufacture of sophisticated and higher (d) and (e) 1m port of machinery is value added products; improved working decided upon by the user sector keeping capita) management; improved process in view the im port policy etc. of tbo planning on the shopfloor, etc. Government and the interest of the iodiaenous manufacturer. (c) Yes, Sir. 205 Written Answers KARTIKA 26.1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 206

    (d) Yes, Sir. (d) During tbe current financial year it is expected that about 4 lakh addition) Energy flow to rural areas pump sets would be energised which would consume about 1450 million units of 1571. SHRI G.S. BASA V ARAJU : electrical ener8Y during the year. Install... SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: tion of 1.2 lakh family size bioS8s plants, 90 community/institutional biogas plants WiJl the Minister of ENERGY be and 12 lakh improved chulhaa havo been pleased to state: targetted for the current year.

    (a) whether 78 per cent of country's New Incentive. for sugar industry population 1iv~s in rural areas and only 20 per cent of the commercial ener8Y Is 1572. SHRI G.S. BASA VARAJU : available to them; SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA: (b) whether Government are consider- WiIJ the Minister of FOOD AND ing some steps to improve ener"y- flow CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: to rural areas; (a) whether Union Government are (c) if 10, the details thereof; and considering some new incentives for sugar industry for its dove]opment; Cd) to what extent energy flow to rural areas will be increased during the (b) if so, whether any concrete propo- current financial year? sal for incentives to be provided to the sugarcane industry has been formulated; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT -OF POWER IN THE (C) the main features of the new lugar MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI strategy so rormulated; and SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) As per tbe 1981 Census, 76.69% of the population live in rural areas. The pattern of rural (d) to what extent it will help in energy consumption is dominated by non- improving production of sugar and commercial energy sources such as fire. development of sugar industry in tbo country? wood, agricultural wastes and cow-dung which provide 90% of the total energy consumed in the rural areas. Electricity THB MINISTER OF PARLIA- is consumed in the rural areas mainly for MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER agricultural purposes. As per the Sector- OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES wise provisional information about con- (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) to Cd) An lumption of electricity for 1985-86, the incentive scheme was introduced in Decem. share of agriculture sector was 19.10% ber, 1975 and was reintroduced in Novem- In regard to petroleum products, the share ber, 1980 when sugar was again brought of rural areas in the pC'tro cum products under the policy of dual price control. consumed for energy use is estimated to This schemo has been since revised and be 26.110/0. updated and circulated to aU sugar factories on 4.11.1987. (b) and (C) States are advised from time to time to accord high priority to The main features of tbe scheme are supply of power to agricultural sector. to allow release 0' additional quota of The Department of N on-Conventlona) levy free sugar and excise duty concessions Energy Sources have been implementing aD such incentive quantities. Funds programmes such as installation of biogas generated tbereby are to be utilised fully plants, improved chulhas. harnessing of for repayment of loans takoD from Central wind energy and energy from agricultural Financial Institutions. Grant of incentivel waste primarily for tbe benefit of rural bas led to tbo increase of indigeno.. IUBar arcas. production capacity by way of lettinl up :07 Wrifffn Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answerr 208 new sUlar unitl or expansions of existing COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to sUlar units. state: {Trans/ation] (a) whether there bas been extremely Bodbgbat Hydel Project In Daltar M. P. inadequate invesment in the provision IS73. SHRI BALWANT SINGH of telecom-facilities in the rural a.reas in RAMOOWALIA: tbe Sixth and Seventh Five Year Plans. DR. CHINT A MOHAN: (h) if so, the reasons thereror and the Will the Minister of ENERGY be actual investments In the rural as well 8S pleased to state: urban areas during the two Plans, year- wise, separately as also the definition or (a) whether approval has been accor.. rural and urban areas in the telecom, ded to the setting up of Bodhghat Hydel parlance; Project in Bastar area of Madhya Pradesh; (c) whether any steps have been taken (b) so, the difficulties new being If to rectify the situation and remove tbe experienced in setting up this project and Imbalances in investments in these two the stagel in which the~e are being exper- areas during the Seventh Plan, especially ienced; and in the remaining years: and . (c) since when these difficulties are if being experienced in setting up this project (d) not, the reasons therefor? and the time by which these difficulties are likely to be removed? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) DEPAR TMENT OF POWER IN THE 10 order to provide telecommunication MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI facilities in rural areas, long distance SUSHILA ROHTAG I): (a) to (c) Bodh- public telephones. rur al exchanges, JUDC- ghat Hydroelectric Project in Madhya tion lines to main exchanges and broad Pradesh was accorded approval by the band systems to Trunk AUlomactic Planning Commission in February, 1'79. Excbanses are required to be provided. However, as the forest land for the project Broad band systems are shared by exchan .. was not transferred before the Forest gel ill urban areas also. Telecommunica- (Conservation) Act, 1980 came into effect, tion works on a network basis and there- clearance in terms of the provisions of the fore It is not easy to distribute the expen- Act bad to be sought subsequently. The diture between rural areas and urban areas. clearance is yet to be accorded by tbe In view of the above, separate allocation Ministry of Environment and Fo!~sts. in tlrms of expenditure has not been made Ministry of Welfare bas constituted an in the Five Year Plans between rural areas Indepth Study Group to undertake a and urban areas. comprehensive study on the possible displacement of tribals due to Bodhgat (b) to (d) Do not arise in view of (a) Project and their rehabilitation with above. Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Porests as convenor. A view OD cJearance De,elopment of small Publie Digital of the project can be taken after the report Exchange has been submitted by the Indepth Study Groop. 157S. PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARASHAR: Will the Minister of [EnKlish] COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to la,estmtnt 011 teleeom 'aeilitle. In the state: rura1 areas

    IS74. PROF. NARAIN CHAND (a) whether there is any proposal to PARASHAR: Will the Mioister of introduce a small public Digital Excbange Written An.rwers KAATIKA 26. 1909 (SAKA) Wrllttn Answers 210 popularly known as UXDs system In the time by which it .... ould be implemented; Indian Telecoms, so as to provide the and facilities of duplicated control and bill;ng functions combined with a compreh-cosl'Ve (c) if not, the reasons for delay and maintenance and diagnostics package which the time by \"hich decision would be· ensures a trouble free systems; taken?

    (b) it so, the details tbereor and the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN date by whicb it would be introduced; THB DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THB MIlIoT(STR Y OF ENERGY (c) if Dot. the reasons thereror and (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): whether aoy alternative system is (a) to (c) The inform'ilioD is being proposed to be introduced by the Indian collected and will be laid aD the Table of Telecom \\ ilb tbe advantages poculiar to tbe House. the UX'Ds system; and Rise In price or ,.naspati (d) if ~O. the nature there of and not, 'he retuons, thereror ? IS77. SHRt VAKKOM PURUSHO· THAMA N: Will the Minister of FOOD THE MINISTER OF l)TATE IN THB AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS state : (SHRT SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) (a) : No, Sir. (a) the retail priC'e of vanaspati at present; (b) Does Dot arise. (b) whether there were any complaints (c) Two alternative amall puJ>lic digital of vanaCipati being sold at much higher ex(;hange systettJs are under development' prices; 'tiz : (c\ if so, the action taken to check C~DOr (i) -RAX such ma fpnlctices; and

    (ii) ITI-ILT (d) the measures taken to brio, stab:.. lity in vanaspati prices 'I The above systems a~ beiog specUically d~veloped for the Indian Network. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. TARY AFFAIRS ANI) MINlST':R OF (d) It has been cansidered preferable FOO[) AND CIVIL SlYjJPLIES (SHRI to develop indigenous syst~ms for meet 108 H.K.L. BHAGA f) : (a) As per the the country's needs. . voluntary price disciplioe effective from 26th August 1987, the maXlml.lm CORsum'"'r NatIonal rdnd ror rehabilitation or oDstee'S price of.S kg. the vanaspati is Rs .. rrom hyde. dams 33S/- plus local (a:lte5. The retail prices ()f vanasp.tl at p.res nt are wlth.n this 1576. PROf. NARAIN CHAND limit.. PARASHAR : Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: (b) and (c) No complaint of vanasp.'i (a) whether Government propse to set being sold at much higher prices has be.:n up a National Fund for th-e rehabilitation receiv-ed. State Governments bave been to closely R10fllt'Of the implemcnta· of oustees from tbe various bydel/irrigatton advised dams, as recommended by tbe Committee . tion of tbe agreed prices coatrol. Govern- m~at on PetlticDs in their Tenth Report (Sixth Is also keeping a close watcb on the Lok Sabha) aad reiterated in Ei,hteentb price trend aod availabIlity of vanaspa~l. Report (Seventh Lok Sebba); (d) Some important measures takeo to bring stability in Ihe prices of van.spau (b) if so., the details thereof and the are: 211 W,lt/ell A"swer8 NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers

    i. lncre•• ed allcxation of imported (b) II so, the details in tbi. reaard; edible 011. to tbe van8spati units. Ind

    Ii. Voluntary price discipline. (c, how many States have implemented these suggestIons and to what extent these iii. Stricter credit control on edible stea:s have helped in stabilising tb~ prices oiJseeds/oiJs of essential commodities? THE MINISTER OF PARLIA· iy. Intensive deboardill8 operation. MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER 'OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES v. Recent decision to sell imported (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) odiblc oil in tbe open market OD In leveral communications addressed to auction. the Chief Ministers 01 State. an~ Admini- tr.tor. of Union Territories, I bave stres- De-boarding drhe for ~oDtroJling pricel sed the need of .aking effective action Igainst boarders. bJackmark.eteers and 1578. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJE. other anti-social elements under the provi. SWARI : Will the Minister of FOOD sions of the Essential Commodities Act AND C1VIL SUPPLIES be pitasI'd to and other similar Icgis'ationl . • tate : (c) A Itatement indica'ing the reauli I (8) whether he bad asked tbe Stat~ of aati·boarding drh c launched by Statesl GoverDments to inteDslfy the deboardiog U Ts. in liven below. drive in the country by nabbing black. marketeers and speculators to stabilise tbe Tbese measures bave belped in chec- prices of essentia J commodities in the king tbe rile in prices com. aevtre drousbt conditions; of essential moditiel.


    (Based on the reports received from the State Govts/U.Tao upto 10.11.87) Progress of Dchoarding drive launched in States/U.T.s. from 1.8.87 to 10.11.87) ------.------Sl. Statcs/U.Ts. No. of No of No. or Value of goods No. r aids persons prosecu- seized (Rs. in conducted arre.tcd lions Jakbs)

    1 2 3 4 s 6

    1. Andhra Pradesh 134 170 160.45

    2. Assam 180 10 12 4),79

    3. A r uoachal Pradesb

    4. Bibar 128 81 1'.79

    5. Gujarat ~29 7 130.31

    6. Goa

    7. Haryana 21S 18 20 0.06

    8. Himacbal Pradesh

    9. Jammu" Kashmir 213 Written AN.TWerJ KAll TIK.,. ~. 1909 (SAKA.) Wrltte" Answers 21.

    1 2 3 S

    .--~- • -~-- 10. Karoataka 171 ~ 13 116.78 11. Keral. 1424

    12. Madhya Pradesh 4192 ..- 29 SLSJ 13. Mabarashtra 109S4 24' 23' 98.3J 14. Manfpur - - IS. Meghalaya - 16. Mizoram l .. 17. Nagalaod

    J8. Orissa 366 5.31

    19. Punjab 3139 2

    20. Rajasthan 308 90 31 ..5' 21. Sikkm I I

    22. Tamil Nadu S90 4(} ; '8.1f 23. Tripura

    24. Uttar Pradesh ~6S0 It9 19S 1'89.31

    2S. West Bengal 271 260 1~4.6()

    26. A & N IslaDds 759 I

    27. Cbandigarb SO

    28. Dadra & Nagar HaveU 4 ~.1"

    29. Delhi 1291 .,S ~S I ...... 30. Lakshadweep - - - 31. Pondicherry 463 24 !tl C.12

    32. Daman & Diu

    Total: 27717 1156 1201 1022.32 21S Wrlltt.n A.nswer! NOVEMBER 17,1987 Written A.nswers 2.16

    Change In Dorms for openiag of rural Installatloa of ne" telephone system post ctlices J.580. SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: 1379. SHRJMATI BASAVARAJES· DR. V. VENKATESH : WARI : WIll the Minister of COMMU NI- CATIONS be pleased to state: Will tbe Minister of COMMUNI .. CATlONS be pleased to state: ' (a) whether norms for opening of new post offices in rural areas have been . (a) whether Mahanagar Telepbone NIgam, DeJhi is gOIng to instalJ a new drastically changed; system at all tbe exchanges of tbe capital; (b) if so, tbe main reasons for chan- ging tbe norms (or openina the rural post (b) if so, tbe salient features of the offices; and new system; aDd

    (c) the number of post offices that will (c) the main advantage of the system? be opened in Karnataka State in tbe year 1987-88 ? THE MINISTER OF STATBn~' THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (SHRI ,SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) MINISTRY OF CO\1MUNICATIONS Y.cs,. Sr. MahaDagar TeJephone Nigam (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) Limited, Delhi proposes to Instal auto- Certain modifications were introduced in matic message accounting system at all the norms for optning of post offices in abe excbanges of tbe capital. rural areas with effect from 28.1.1987. (b) and (c) In this system, recording and computation of the number of caBs (b) The following objectives were made by a subscriber will be done with kept in VICW wbile introuuciog tbe modifi- the heJp of a computer, th('reby avoiding cations !- any human error.

    (i) Provision would be made for 'The subscriber win be abJe to get on grouping of villages in order to request details of the long distance ~al1s make up the prescribed minimum m~de by him including tbe dale and time population so tha t post offices ~l the call, the number dialJed and dura- could be opened in smaller tJon of conversation lor his examinatIon. villages also. Streamllniag PubJl", dIstribution (it) The pcrmissib!e Jamj ts of Joss should be suitably increased 1581. SHRI AKHTAR HASAN: baving regard to the increased SHRI T. BASHEER : cOS's of running of extra.depart- mental post offices. WiJl the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state:

    (C) So far. S propo~als have been (a) the action taken to streamUne the formulated for opening of new post offices public distribution system in rural areas in Karnataka State Further proposals in the country In view of the drought aod may also be received from the Circle flood situation; before the end of tbe year. However, in view or tbe ban on creation of posts, each (b) whether complaints have been proposal need to be approved in the received that rural population is not Ministry of Finance and therefore, it is getting the facilities which ace given to not feasib'e at this stage to indicate how urban arcas; and many new post ofic(s will actually be (c) if so, the nature of the complaints cpencd in Karnataha State by 31.3 1988. and 'be action rakeD thereon? 217 Written Answers KARTlKA 26. 1909 (SAKAJ Written Answers 218

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIA. against hoarding. blackmarketina, MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER speculation etc. ReluUs of the OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES l enforcement measures taken by (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGA T) : (a) Imple. States/UTI have been encourag- mentation of the Public Distribution ing. 27717 raids have been System is a dual re~ponsibility to be per- conducted since August, 1987 formed by the Central and the State/UT resulting in 11S6 arrests and tho Governments. At present there are about siezure of goods worth Rs. 3.40 Jakh fair price shops in the count ry 10.22 crores. of which about 75% are in rural areas. (viii) to review tho pricos and availabi- The following steps have been taken lity of essential commotles. by the Central Govt. for streamlining the Public DistributIon System. Ox) Additional allocations of rood- grains, edible oils a'nd sugar have I.-State Governments and Administ- been made to States/UTa. rations of UTs bave been asked: II. (i) Department of Civil Supplies (i) to reguJarly review the functioning have sanctioned, during 1987·88 financial of PDS and availability of aSlistance to tbe tune of Ra. 182.S0 Jakbs essential commodities. They have for the purchase of 73 mobile vans to the been asked to identify hitherto States of Andhra Pradesh, Himachal uncovered areas and to make Pradesh, Karnatakh, Madhya Pradesh, efforts to open addltational fair Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa and price shops in such areas. Chandiga rh.

    (ii) In remote, inaccessible and far- (ii) 2954 new fair price shops have flung areas to open Fair Price been opened in drought affected Statel Shops through State agencies, from August, 1987. cooperatives etc. wherever necessary. (b) and (c) Public Distribution System being an operation of such a huge magni. (iii) to press into service more mobile tude, complaints of local nature cannot vans to cover areas where static be ruled out No specific complaint fair price shops cannot be alleging that the rural population is not opened. getting the facilities given to urban areas ' hal been received. However, whenever (iv) to ensure that the fair price shop complaints of tbe nOD-availability or owners keep their shops open Public Distribution System items in a and display 00 boards tbe a vaH- particular area etc. are received, they are ability of slocks and the prices forwarded to the concerned State of each item. Governmenf /U. T. Administration for appropriate remedial action. (v) to develop a system or delivery of PDS items to the last link i.c. Indudrlal growtb centre. fair price shops particularly in 'he rural, remote, backward and 1582. SHRI SRIBAlLAV PANI· inaccessible areas. GRAHl: SURI NARSING SURYA. (vi) to set up/activate Vigilancel WANSHI : Advisory Committees right uplo Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be the fair price shop level. pJeaseJ to state :

    (vii) to gear up their enforcement (3) the Dumber of Industrial arowth machinery and launch , drive centres in tbe country. State-wilo; 219 Written Answers NOVEMBER 1 7. 1987 W,itttn Answ~'.J 220

    (b) whetber Government propose to rate of Central Subsidy i. e. 25% subject take somc effectIve mcasures for streng- to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs besides 'heniDS these Industrial growth centres; aDd' priority in grant of licencos etc.

    (c) if so, tbe detairs thereof? [Translation]

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Loss of foodgralas ID FeI Godowa. THE DEPARTMENT OF INDU- 1,lal 10 opeD STRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI 1583. DR. CHANDRA S HEKHAR M. ARUNACHALAM): (a) to (c) The TRIPATHI : Will the Mioister of FOOD foJlowing numbe!' of growth centres AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to identified by the State Governments, (or development of infrastructural facilities in state: their No-Induslry Disulct., have been approved by the Central Government. (a) the quantity of foodgralns s'ored during last tbree years by the Food Sl. Name of No. of Corporation or India.. State-wise; No. State Growth Centre. (b) whether some foodgrains were 1, Rajastban 8 damaged during the aforesaid period due to rains and other natural calamities as 2. Orisla 3 the same- were kept in tbe open due to 3. Uttar Pradesh 11 shortage of godowns;

    4. Karnataka 2 (C) Ir 80, the quantity of the rood.. S. Madbya Pradesb 6 grains so damaged; and

    6. Bibar S (d) tbe details thereof 1

    1 7. Mabarasbtra THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN.. TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF 8. West Bengal , FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI 9. Tripura 3 H .K.L. DH AOAT): (a) The quantity of roodgralns (wheat and rice) beld by PCI 10. Nalaland 2 in its various regions a. OD 1st July of 11. Arunachal Pradesb 4 1985, 1986 and 1987 is iodicated In tbe statement below : 12. Mizoram 1

    Total 51 (b) to (d) Yes. Sir. Damalos to foed· grains occur both in covered gOdOWDS a8 well as in cover aod plintb storage and An amount of RI. 11.42 crores bas also in traDslt due to factors beyond been released a. Centre·. share ror deve- lopment of Infrastructural faCilities, In human control luch as rainl, floods, respect of 21 arowtb ctntres, to seven cyclones etc. Tbe details of roodgrains so State Governme'lts, In addition entre- damaged durinl 1983-84. 1984.85 aDd preneUR s~ttin8 up industries In these Ifowtb c~nt,es are elisible for blabest 1985.S6 are li.co below : 221 Written Answer, KARTlKA 26,1909 (SAKA.) Written Answer.. 22.2

    Vear Averase stock Quantity of %age of damaaed boldiog of (oodgrain. to average foodgr.ins in transferred atock boldjna FCr aodowns from sound to damaged grains (In lakh tonnes)

    1983-84 118.85 1.01 0.85

    1984-85 163.15 0.65 0.40

    1985-86 176.47 0.87 0.49

    PCI maintains only a consolidated account of damages.

    Regionwise stock position or wheat and Rice beJd by Food Corporation ollndia as on 1st July of 1985, 1986 and 1987.

    (Figures in '000 tonDOS)

    Zone /Region as on a.oD a.oD 1.7 1987 1.7.1986 1.7.1985 ------Wheat Rice Wbeat Ric. Wheat Rice

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7


    Delhi 175.2 37.4 121.3 50.4 128.5 22.4

    Haryana 827.5 670.9 1103.5 1080.3 1100.7 784.0

    Himachal Pradesh 12.6 2.0 8.2 4.1 3.2 2.3

    Jammu & Kashmir 13.2 20.2 52.6 47.2 18.0 17.3

    Punjab 1957.0 3146.8 2611.7 3379.8 2429.3 2914.0

    Cbandigarb 2.4 Nq. 2.1

    ~~jastban 1431.4 36.6 1035.1 89.9 1078.1 90.0

    U tfar Pradesh 1612.8' 583.6 1852.3 725.6 2950.6 762.6

    East As,am 53.6 50.0 61.2 64'1 .53.4 74.6

    Bihar 279.9 107.6 239.9 299.3 13'.1 223 Writ/en Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 224

    1 2 3 4 6 7

    NEF Region

    Meabillaya 1.6 4.4 2.1 7.S 3.5 8.0

    Na8aland 2.1 1.1 0.6 1.9 0.5 0.8

    Manipur Neg. 8.9 0.1 2.4 Neg 0.8

    Mizoram Neg 1.5 Neg. O.S O.t 0.7

    Tripura 0.7 3.9 S.O 10.6 Neg 3.8

    Tota] of NEF 4.4 19.8 7.8 22.9 . 4.1 14.1

    Orissa 126.3 79.2 110.7 ]31.8 143.0 95.9

    Welt. Beagal

    a) R.M Godowns 116.1 180.8 132.6 202.5 ]46.5 189.4

    b) JM (PO) 122,9 138.1 114.7 . 149.9 149.S 143.2 Godowns


    Gujarat 497.4 82.3 508.0 68.7 551.6 3.1

    a) JM (Po) Ksndla 57.2 5.1 208.0 Neg 104.8 0.5

    Madbya Pradesh 717.0 667.9 1029.8 641.2 1053.5 424.1

    Mabarashtra ~61.1 256.9 )016.6 213.1 1196.S 81.S

    Goa 2,7 3~6 2.4 4.4 3.6 5.4


    Andhra Pradesh 187.2 779.6· 41 S.S 572.9 7J9.0 837#;

    JM (PO) VIZA-G 12.9 3.4 J9.5 8.0 21.6 8.0 Karnataka 121.' 126.2 74.4 137.1 129.9 69.3

    Ker.la 74.S 313.6 64.7 310.~ 70.4 127.6

    Tamil N.du 13'.8 187.4 318.6 219.7 423.7 1597

    a) H. Godowns 29.4 1.1 4.0 2.0 J3.9 0.9

    Total S229.6 7502.6 11113.1 8252.4 12793.1 6996.9

    NOTE: (I) - Rlce politioo is In terms of total rice IncludIng paddy. (2) - Above position lncludos atock. in traasit. 225 Written Answers K!ARTImA 2., 1909 (SAKA) Writren Answers

    FCI lodoWD at Balti wltb World Bank in certain cases without completinl necc- assi.tance ssary formalities; and

    1584. DR. CHANDRA SHBKHAR (C) if so, the reasons theretor '1 TRIPATHI : Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES b. pleased to THE MINISTER OF STATE OF TH. Itate : MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL -GAS (SHRI BIlAHMA... (a) whether the Food Corporation or DUTT) : (a> Oil Companies bave issued India proposed to build godown capacity 1'4 Letters of Intent for LPG dhtributor- of 55.000 tons fn addition to 25,000 toni .hips and 125 Letters of Intont (or Retail for buffer stock at Basti, Uttar Pradesh Outlets in Uttar Prade.h durinl the las& with the World Bank assistance; and tbree years;

    (b) tbe reasons for wblch the Food (b) Selections for alJ tbe deal.rships' Corporation of India has failed to acquire distributorships have been made In accor- land as offered by district authorities as a dance with the Dealership Selection Guide- site (or the purpose '1 lines;

    THE MINISTER ',OF PARLIAMEN- (e) Does nOl arise in view ot r.ply to TARY AFFAIRS MINISTER OF ANn (b) above. 1'000 AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K..L. BHAOAT): (a) and (b) In {Translation] 1976·1977, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) had a proposal to construct a sto- Acqu!sltion of land for Fel godown In rage capacity of 25,008 tonnes under its Basti, U. P. general programme and 52,500 tonnes under the World Bank assisted foodgrains 1586. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR storage project in District Basti for slorage TRIPATHI Will the Minister of buffer stocks. The proposal was sub- of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be sequently dropped since the State Govern- pleased to sta te : ment could not acquire the land as the land owners filed a suit in Allahabad Hiah (a) whether the Food Corporation Court challenging tbe acquisition. The of India had appJled ror acquiring land matter is still subjudice. Besides, keeping ror the construction of a god own In Uastl in view the prescnt stock level as also the (Uttar Pradesh) in 1976·77; and available capacity in District Basli, tbe Corporation has no proposal at present (b) if so, the place for which FeI to construct additional storage capacity in bad applied and the reasons for not acqui. this District. rina the land so far and the dotails thereof? [ E1Izlish] TUE MINISTER OF PARLIA. I.lue of licences for diesel/petrol pumps aad MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER L. P. G. Igencles in U. P. OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES 1585. DR. CHANDRA SHEKHAR (SURI H.K.L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) T RIPATHI : Will the Minister of Tbe Food Corporation of India (Fel) bad PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS approached the U. P. Government to pro- be pleased to state : vide suitable land In District BasH for construction of &odowDs. The State Gove- (8) the number of licences sanctioned rnment offered land in Kbalilabad Tebsn for diesel retail outlets/petrol dealerships of District Basti. The land, however. aDd L. P. G. agencies in U. P. during the could not be acquired by the State Gove- last three years; nment since the lind owners filed a suit in Allahabad Hiaht Court challenging tbe (b) whether licences have been issued acquisition. The matter is still subjudice. 227 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 228

    [English] Ii unanticipated subsurface problems in development of Jorajan oil Decline or 011 prQdactlon 10 eastern region fie Id.

    IS87. SHRI Y ASHW ANTRAO iii. heavy floods forcing shut down GADAKH PATIL: Will the Minister of some we1ls. of PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to stafe : iv. reduced production from ageing oil fields of OIL. (a) whether the production of crude v. inadequate aas compression oil by the oil India Limited In the eastern facilities. region bas decreased in tbe recent past; and RevisIon of overseas telephone charges

    (b) if so, the details tbereot and tbe 1588. SHRI YASHWANTRAO reasons tberefor? GADAKH PATIL: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE to state: MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- (a) whether the overseas telephone DUTT) : (8) Yes, Sir. Charges have been recently revised; and

    (b) if so, the details thereof and the (b) Crude oil production from Oil reasons therefor 1 India Limited's (OIL) fields during the past two years has been as follows: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS 1985 .. 86 : 2.675 MMT (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : (a) 1986-87 : 2.61 MMT and (b) Overseas Telephone Charges have been rationalised with effect from 1.] 0.1987 The reasons (or shortfall are as follo- as in the Statement below. The rationa- ws: Hsation was necessitated on account of tho revision in the local teJephone ca1I char. i. frequent bandhs and strikes and ges and the proposed extensive expansion general disturbed industrial eJi- of International Subscriber Dia]Jed (ISD) mate in the North Eastern region. Services to a large Dumber of countries.

    Statement Details of tbe revised Qverseas t~lepbone Call cbarges

    (A) Operator Assisted Call.


    Q. Ntighbouring (SAARC) countries

    For first 3 minutes Rs.45/-

    For each additional minute Rs. 15/- or part thereof

    Report charge Rs.6/-

    h. Olher Neighhouring eounlries, (on satellite m~diu'n) For first 3 minutes Rs.60/- Writ/en AnSWefG KAktJKA 26" 1909 (SAKA) WrItten Answers 230

    For each additional minute Ra.20/- or part thereof Report charge Rs.6/-


    Countries fo Afriea, Europe, Gulf, Alia &: Oceania

    For first 3 minutes Ra. 10S/- For each additional minute RS,36/- or part thereof

    Report charge Rs.8/-


    All countries in Amerl can contiDents and 'Jtber plaees 10 Western Hemlsp here

    For first 3 minutes Rs. 120/--

    For each additional mInute Rs.40/- or part thereof

    Report charge Rs. 10/-

    (8) International Subscriber Dfalled Calls For ISO calls, against the present one second pulse rale the foHowing pulse rate shall apply. Slab-I Slab·II Slab .. III

    Pulse rate 2.0 1.2 1.0 seconds seconds second

    Collection per minute Rs. lS.00 Rs. 30.00 Rs. 36,00

    lIn the case of SRI LANKA falling in Slab I, the revised pulse rate will be effective from 24.8.87) The above mentioned rates will be applicable as per the geographical location of a country appropriate to the slab in which it faIls. (c) jf so, the details thereof? ModernisatioD of telephone exchangesio Palghat "THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THe MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS 1589. SHRI V. S. VIJA Y ARAG H· (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : (a) VAN: WHI the Minister of COMMUNI- In Plagbat District, there are total 59 CATIONS be pleased to state: telephone exchanges out of which 58 arc automatic and one (Vadakancherry- (0) tbe Dumber of telephone exchanges Malabar) is manual. None of these ex- whicb have been modernised in PaJgha'; cbanies are of electronic type.

    (b) whether the remaining excbang:s (b) and Cc) Vadakancberry.MaJabur will be modernised before the eod of the manual exchange is proposed to be auto- Seventh Plan; and matised in tbe 8tb Plan. Tbe cODversioa 231 Written :.4nswers NOV!MBBIt 1" 1'~7 JPritten Answers

    01 aU these exchanges into electronic ment of infrastructura) facilities in the exchanges will be dont progressively identified growth centres In 'No Industry dependinl on availability of equipment Districts' . and resources. During the years 1984-87 (upto Sept. Setting up of Industries fo "No Industry Districts" 87), the following number of Letters of intent, Industrial Licencos and DGTD 1590. SHRI HARIHAR SOREN : Registrations have been issued for location WilJ the Minister of INDUSTR Y be plea- of industries in the 'No Industry Districts' s ed to state : of Orissa.

    (a) the number of districts in different Year Letters Industrial DGTD States which still remain as 'no Industry intent licences registra- Districts'; tions (b) the number of these districts in Orilsa; 1914 3 13

    (c) the steps taken to set up industrial 1985 11 11 unitl in these districts witb central subsidy and 1986 5 1

    (d) the details thereof? 1987 4 3 3 (upto Sept. 87) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB .------_.------DBPARTMBNT OF INDUSTRIAL Public hayloR corpo- DEVELOPMENT IN THB MINISTRY lector uodertakioKI OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- rate hoadquarters In Delbi CHALAM):

    (b) to (d) The question of shifting the to shift tbe corporate office of National corporate headquarters of PubHc Sector Hydro.. electric Power Corporation to Undertakings located in the capital has Faridabad and also the CMD and fUDC- been under consideration of the Govern- tional directors of Oil India Ltd., to ment from time to time. According to the Assam. information available there are proposals


    Names of Public Sector Undertakings having headquarters in the Capital

    1. State Farms Corporation of India Ltd.

    2. National Seeds Corporation Ltd.

    3. Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd.

    4. Hindustao Fertilizer Corporati on Ltd.

    S. Nationa) Fertilizer Ltd.

    6. Paradeep Phosphates Ltd.

    7. Pyrites, Phosphates & Chemicals Ltd.

    8. Airlines Allied Services Ltd.

    9. Indian Airlines 1.. International Airports Authority of India

    11. National Airports Authority of India

    12. Pawan Hans Ltd.

    13. Vayudoot Ltd.

    14. Central Cottage industries C\)rporation of India Ltd.

    15. Handicrafts & Handlooms Export Corporation of India Ltd.

    16. Minerals & Metals Trading Corporation of India Ltd.

    17. Projects & Equipment Corporation of India Ltd . .. 18. State Trading Corporation or India Ltd.

    19. Trade Fair Authority of India

    20. Mahanagar Telephone Niaam Ltd.

    21. Telecommunications Consultants (India) Ltd.

    22. National Hydro-electric Power Corporation Ltd.

    23. National Projects Constn. Corporation Ltd.

    24. National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd.

    25. Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. 235 Written Answers NOVEMBER 11, 1981 "',llIeft AnSKitrs 236

    26. Power Fin8:~ce Corporation Ltd. 27. Hindustan Vegetable on. Corporation.

    28. Central Warehousinl Corporation. 29. Food Corporation of Iodla.

    30. Modern Food Industries 01 India Ltd. 31. Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (India) Ltd.

    32. Educationa) Consultants of India Ltd.

    33. Hindultan Insecticides Ltd.

    34. National Sma)] Industries Corporation.

    35. Bbarat Heavy Electrical. Ltd. 36. Bharat Leather Corporation.

    a7. Cement Corporation of India Ltd. 38. Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.

    39. Maruti U dyog Ltd.

    40. National Industr-ial Development Corporation.

    41. Engineers India Ltd.

    42. Gas Authority of India Ltd.

    43. IBP Co. Ltd. (Chemical Division)

    44. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 45. Oil India Ltd.

    46. Hydrocarbons India Ltd.

    47.. Indian Railway Construction Co. Ltd.

    48. Rail India Technical & Economic Services Ltd.

    49. Central Electronics Ltd.

    50. National Research Development Corporation.

    51. Bharat Aluminium Co. Ltd.

    52. Steel Authority of India Ltd.

    53. Delhi Transport Corporation.

    54.' Indian Road Construction Corporation.

    55. India Tourism Development Corporation, 237 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written A.nswer, 238 S6. National Textile Corporation. S7. Hindustan P rcrab Ltd.

    $S. National Buildin& Construction Corporation.

    !9. Housing & U cban Development Corporation.

    60. Water & Power Consultancy Services (I) Ltd.

    61. ElectronIc Trade & TechnoJoiY Development Corporation Ltd.

    62. C.M.C. Ltd.

    Cases of alleged corruption etc. in requirement. of tho oil refining industry Super Ba.zar and also acquire, develop and adopt appropriate technologies for the purposc; 1.~92. SHRI R.P. DAS Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL (h) if 10, when the Centre wa. set up SUPPLIES be pleased to state : and whether any achievements Ilavo been made by the Centre so far; aDd (8) whether his MJnistry is aware of a super-scandal recently unearthed In (c) the details tbereof'l regard to corruption, embezzlement, leait' ages and shortages in the departments THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE of the Super Bazar; and MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM' AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- (b) if so, the action taken in this DUTT) : (8) Yes Sir. regard 1

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- (b) and (C) The Centre was set up OD TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF 27th May. 1987 and has just embarked OD FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES tSHRI Its work. It has so far published the firat H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) The issue or a quarterly technical journal Super Bazar, DeIhl. has reported tbat which features various developmental certain cases of theft, pllferage and mis- programmes and achievements of indige- appropriation of stocks by its employees nous refineries as well as latest tecbnoJo. and others were reported during tho last Sical trends. Activity Committees have six months. The employees found involved also been constituted recently to identify have been. placed under suspension and areas of improvement and technological inquiry proceedings have been initiated advancements. against tbem. Cases of serious nature have been reported to the police. Necessary 1m port of Tyres changes in key persoDnel have also been effected. 1594. SHRI V. SOBHANADREBS_ WARA RAO: Will the Minister of Centre for assessing technological re- INDUSTR Y be pleased to state: qulremeofi of 011 refinlDg Industry (a) the prices suggestcd (or d;tTtroot categories of tyres by tbe Bureau of 1593. DR. O.S .. RAJHANS : Industrial Costs and Prices; SHRI BA NW ARI LAL PUROHIT: (b) tbe prices at which tbe tyre manu- facturing companies are seIling different Will the Minister of PETROLEUM categories of tyres at pre'ent; AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: (c) the action taken by Govetnment to see that the tyre manufacturln8 com- (a) whether Government have set up panies follow the sU8aestions or recom- a Centre to assess tbe future tcchnolollcaJ mendations 01 BICP; 23' Wrltt~n .tfnswers NOV:!MBI!R 17, 1987 Written Answers 240

    (d) whether Union Government have Will tbe Minister of COMMUNICA. tlk.D a decilion to allow import of tyres TIONS be pleased to state: unde r Open General Licence to bring down tb. domestic prices of tyres; and (a) the number of the district head. (e) if 10, tbe date from which this quarters In Uttar Pradesh proposed to be will come into eff~ct '1 Hnked with Delhi and Lucknow by S.T.D. strvice by the end of this year; and THB MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL (b) the names of such district head- DEVELOPMENT IN MINISTRY THE quarters? OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- CHALAM) : (a) to (c) BII.e P. had IUls'lted a fair normative price for tyres THE MINISTER OP STATE IN THB OD • per kg. basis. Subsequent to this MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS r.commendation of tbe Bureau, costs of tSHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEY) : (a) various inputl or tyres have gone up. 3 district headquarters in Uttar Pradosh BICP has. thererore, been requested to are proposed to be provided STD facility update it. conclusions. through tbe Trunk Automatic Exchlnac Network by the end of this year. (d) No, Sir.

    (e) Does not arise. (b) The names of these district head. quarters are Bijnore, Lakbimpur Kberl [Trtlltdation] and Pithoragarh.

    Conltructlon of F.C.I. godowns 10 bill Residential facilities for P&T employe.s distri cts, Uttar Pradesh in bill areas of V.P.

    lS9S. SHRI HARISH RAWAT 1597. SHRI HARISH RAWAT Will tbe Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL Will the Minister of COMMUNICA- SUPPLIES be pleased to state: TIONS be pleased to state:

    (a) whether his Ministry had taken a deeision to construct at least one godown (a) whether there is no facility 01 In lome of tho hill districts of Uttar residential quarters fo.r the P&T employees Pradesh for storage of foodgrains; and in hill areas coming under the U. P. P&T Circle; and (b) if so, when the decision was taken and tbe names of places for which this (b) if so, tbe steps proposed to be decilion was taken and details of the steps taken for providing residential facilitjes taken to implement It '1 for the employees working there '1

    THB MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA- FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI TIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) The DEV): (a) No, Sir. Residential quarters Food Corporation of India has tentatively for tbe P&T Employees in Hill areas of planned to construct godowns at 8 centres U.P. arc existing at Dehradun, Atmora, in the bill areas Uttar Pradesh. A or Nalnital, Ranikhet, Pauri, Badrinath, and finll view in the matter is yet to be Rudraprayag. taken.

    Llnkln& of d •• trict headquarterl of U.P. . (b) Action for further construction of with Delbl aDd L.cknow by S.T.D. staff quarters/acquisition of land is beioa lervlce taken where staff quarters arc not cxistina· .S96. SHltI HARISH ItA W AT : 241 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answ6rs

    [English] report for a 2 X 210 MW Thermal Power Station for the clearance of the Union Sale ·of Postal Orders 10 rural areal Government; 1598. SHRIMATI VYJA YANTHI· MALA BALI : Will the Minister of (b) if 80, the details of the proposed project; COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (c) the action taken by Union Government in the matter;

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (f) if not. the reasons therefor? THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNI. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN CATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN DEV): (a) The rates of commission on THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRI- Indian Postal Orders were last revised MATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (c) with effoct from 1st January 1987. Deci. In August, 1987, the Kerala State Electri- sion to discontinue production of certain city Board (KSEB) submitted a project denominations of postal orders was taken feasibility report to tbe Central Electricity in October 1984. These denominations are Authority (CEA) in regard to installation of Rs. 3/-. Rs. 4/-, Rs.6/- Rs. 8/-. Rs. 9/- of a coal-based power station (2 X 210 Rs. 30/- & Rs. 40/- respectively. Wherever MW) at Kayamkulam. The proposed available In stock. posta] orders of these project is estimated to cost Rs. 584.81 denominations however will continue to crores; the feasibility report could be be on sale at post office counters for considered for techno-economic clearance some more time. by the CEA after necessary inputs, including availability of water etc., have (b) Postal 'orders are· now produced been tied up and all requisite cllarances in the denominations of SO paise, Rs. 1/-, are available. Rs. 2/-, Rs. 5/-, Rs. 7/-, Rs. 10/-. Rs. 20/- Rs. 50/- and Rs. 100/-. These are sold through all departmental post offices (d) to (f): A proposal in respect of a including those in rural areas. Extra- 100 MW oil (LSHS) based station at departmental branch post offices in rural Cochin was received from the KSEB in areas also sell postal orders by procuring -July,. 1987 in the CEA. The propolal them from their respecti\'e account offices could be taken up for techno-economic after realising the reJevant amount inclu- appraisal after all necessary inputs/clea- sive of commission from the customer in rances, including availability of oil on a . advance. sustained basis and environmental clearan- Clearance to Thermal Power Stations ces, have been tied up by tbe KSEB. No proposal in regard to setting up or an at Cocbln lind CsnnaDore In Kersle LSHS/diesel based station at Cannanore 1599. SHRI MULLAPPALLY bas been received in the CEA. RAMACHANDRAN: Will the Minister eoerlY of ENERGY be pleased to state: Generation of wind 1600. SHRI AMAL DATTA: Will (a) whether tbe Kerala State Electri. the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to city Board has subml ned any project state: 243 NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answtrs 244

    (a) tbo progress made in the utilisa- Rs. J .58 unit respectively. These costs tion of wind energy for generation of compare favourably with the actual costs electricity and other purposes; the details for similar sizes of Dew thermal and hyde) of projects implemented/under implemen- projects. ta tion/proposed; (c) While windmills for water pump- (b) the capital and revenue co~t or ing aro avai)abJe indigenously, wind generation or per megawatt of electricity electricity generators are at present being from luch source and compare tbe same imported. However, several initiatives with thel mal aDd hyde) generation; and bave been taken to accelerate indigenisa- tion, and It is expected that indigenous (c) whether the neces!ary equipment production of wind generators will arc available indigeneously, jf not, what commence within the current Plan arrangements are being made or proposed Period. to make them so available? Hydro-elec.rlc power projects In North THE MINISTER OF ENERGY Eastern Region (SHRI VASANT SATHE) : (a) The 1601. SHRI AMAL DATTA: Will Department of Non-conventional E~rgy the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to Sources is implementing a broad-based state : programme for the utilisation of wind energy for water pumping and electricity (a) tbe number of hydro-electric pro- aeneration. Wind farm projects of aggre- iects in North Eastern region including gate capacity 3.63 MW have been estab- those uuder imp1ementation; lished at five locations in the country and (b) their names, locations, targeted over 85 lakb units of ele.ctricity have been capacity, actual generation by each of fed to the respective State grids since the such projects; and commissioning of these projects last year. 1800 water pumping wind mills have also (c) the details of the projects which been installed. Other projects under are under consideration at present? implementation include expansion of wind farm projects; individual grid-connected THE MINISTER OF STATE IN wind electric generators; wind battery THE DEPARTMENT OF POWERIN chargers for various battery charging THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY applications; and stand-alone wind electric (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): Iystems in remote inaccessible areas. (a) and (b) Statement-I indicating the nameCJ. locations and targetted capacity of the hydro-electric projects including (b) The capital and generation cost of those under implementation together with wind power depends on the wind condi- the actual generation from hydro-electric tions at a given location, unit size of project (During April '87 to October, '87) machine, and the overall size of the project. For 1 MW projects undertaken in the North-Eastern Region is given so far using SS KW machines, the capital below· and generation costs have turned out to (c) Statement-II indicating the hydro- be in the range of Rs. 1.50 crores/MW- electric projects which are under consido- Rs, 2.00 crores/MW and Rs. 1.2S/unit- ration at present is given below. Written Answers kAR T iKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers ~46


    SI. Name of tho State Installed Generation (MiUion No. HydroeJectrlc in which Capacity Units) during April Project located (MW) '87 to October '87. -----..--- Programme Actual

    Hydroelectric Projects UDder Operation

    1.- Lohtak (Central) Manipur 3x35 297 227 2. Khangdong (Central) Mcghalaya 2x2S 134, • 3. Kyrdemkulai Meahalaya 2x30 93, 131 4. Umiam Stage I . Meabalaya 2x9+2x91 115 179 5. U miam Stage I I Megbalaya 2x9 ~ 6. Umtru Meghalaya 4x2.8 J 7. Oumti Trlpura 3xS 26 20 ------...... ___ --.---. Hydroelectric Projects under CoostrucUon

    1. Karbi Lang pi Assam 2xSO

    2. Dbansiri Assam 15xl.33

    3. Umiam Umtru St. IV Megba1aya 2x30 4. Kopili Meghalaya 2xSO

    s. DoyaDg Nasaland 3x3S

    6. Ranganadi Stage I Arunachal 3x135 Pradesh

    *There is no generation due to repair works in head race tunnel. Wrltttn Answtrs NOVEMBEtt 11, 1~81 Written Answers 248

    ....• ..... : .' ua ~ ..,

    ~ r- .-. •0 .-. r- - r- :- 00 U U) ..... ~ 0 20 __...... -. lr) "0 -:s .;: \0 \0 00 ~ ., ... tID ~ - N \0 ca 0 d '0 :;) 00 :; Q,. an 00 0\ &; .c u C"I r- co 0\ 0\ 0\ r- ~ as - 0\ C\ r- .._, >c 8 ~ <.._, N .... < ~ ...... _, 8 ~ -.. N N - ..:: wi fI.t - - w .s ~ -- - -

    " . CI 0 00 ;:.... - ~ .. """"' 00 00 -... ::c \Q ~ u 0\ 0 ... Q 0 ~ 0\ N u ~ oe .... M g u ..,;. lr) ~ - 0 - ~ 0 .._, N N

    ...... • -• '0., ;;... •& Ir) Vl u ·u ... In lr) • - -CIS M ~ N co """"' ~ "" - c. ~ ~ ~ ~ -{IJ• ... ~ ~ C'f') - ('fa ~ - - to-• U• .._, ~ M M ....

    00 .;;• fI'J c co :0 ii - ..; 0 """"' g - 8 Co fI'J CIS .. II) ... N c ~ as (II 0 Q8 "0""""' "0 II) co ~ c; 8 - """"' • - """"' C - 8 ••c:Q 8 (.,j c C ~ c:I ~ ~ ..c ..c""""' ..cI.. Q as < - tIS as < <.._, u .; ... Col ...... w u .. ~:.c .2 u as u'" U 0 CG 0 Q iii .c= Ii . co N - co co c:I "'0 .. ".: N .., -'1 ... ::: "i: ... ..! co as fill >co - ., ftI ~ ~ en ;:J 0 a:s -..u g ., ='... u 0 ... ~ - ~ (-I z.._, z..._., ~ ~ ....., z Q ...l ., - <.._, :> Q ~ Q z < > -

    u ua 8 ~ u ..c u ..Q ..c 8 .!! u y ., (I) ~ ..cI ca ";i OJ - G ·c ~ - U'J Z LI.) 0 Col 8 ., 8 •8 8 Ul co U :c • ~ :c 8 """0 Q ,::0 U 0 ., .c .cen .c .c 00 .c u ca u • u I u C c CIl . u ., °c- u rIl CIl .., e GIS E iIII"\ CIl ... :e... 0 CI • ::::I w ....&::2 .:I ..w t.IJ ::J W Z CIl• Q :c -~ ::c Q ~ Z == := 0 z . . N ffi ... vi -U'J - .. 249 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answef 250

    .;:• u• u 0 ... os:'" .c u :s u= ... -cu u ..._,.. ~ 0 u Q -u u f3 oS' - I) > '0 tU 0 .c Q,... u ..c .., fIl 0 rn - u .a .!! "::s .c ~ - t:r -

    ~ ~ N 00 G' I/") \0 "'I:t 00 00 ao QO 00 N 0\ \t 0\ 0\ 0\ M -: -...., -...., It") -'-'

    0 C) II")+ II") an ~ r- ~ I< I< ~ .c N N ......

    co ,...... Q 8 - 0 Q-'" .,Ci'J as cog '" QQ ..c ,...... <...., c U ..Q < .., tIJ M 8 CI u ...: as E :J '0 :c-. ", C.\1 as ~ ~ ... "- -'" '" < ~ ~ Q <. '-'

    ... S ~ ..c:a ,.... u °6 c;n °Co .... l.Q ..Do U ClIO ... 0 00 ,.... ::c .. 0 CI 0e • 0 eo ~• ..c o_til or;; CI =... - ~ • u u CI' .c0- 0.. rIl 00. u S ... - to( Do 0 • w - ~ ~ ::>...., ::c ~ w...., -

    0\- Written Answ~rs NOVEMBER 11, 1987 Written Answers 2S~

    Public Telephones This, however, is subject to availabi- lity of adequate resources. 1602. PROF. P.l. KURIEN: Will the Mtnistcr of COMMUNICATIONS be pica sed to state : States dependent on hydro"electric power (a) the total number of public tele- phones in tbe country at present; 1604. PROF. P.J. KURIEN: Will the Minister of ENERGY bo pleased to' (b) whether any steps are beiD2 taken state: to increase the public telephonesj (a) the names of States which arc (c) the present requirement as well as wholly dependent on hydro-electric power the projected requirement for the next ten and years; and (b) the steps taken to meet tbe (d) the details of the plan, jf any, to requirement of power in those States? meet the requirement? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) Kerala, to (d) Tbe information is beiDg collected Himachal Pradesh (H.P.) and SJkkim arc and will be laid on the Table of the wholly dependent 'on hyde) power. J &K, House. Karnataka and North Eastern (N.E.) Region as a whole, arc mainly dependent Pending applications for telephone on byde~ power. conoectloDI 10 Kerala 1603. PROF. P.l. KURIEN: Will (b) H.P., Sikkim and N.E. Region tbe Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be are by and large, self-sufficient. H. P. has pleased to state : also a share in BBMB and Bairasuil. Sikkim bas a share from Cb ukha HEP (a) tbe total number of applications and the Central Station of Farakka STPS. for telephone connections pending in Kerala and Karnataka have shares from Kerala; and the Central Sector Stations of Ramagun- dam STPS, Madras Atomic Power Station (b) by what time these applications and Neyveli 2nd Mine Cut. Karnataka are expected to be disposed of ? also gets substantial assistance from Mabarashtra. J&K gets a share from THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Bhakra and shall get it from Salal. The MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS State also gets additional assistance from (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) BBMB/Singraull STPS particularly during The number of applications for telephone winter months. New projects for addi. cODnectioDs pending in Kerala as on tional generation, both thermal and hyde), 31.10.1987 is 97,644. are beiDI implemented iD the State as well as In tho Central Sectors. The CeJltral (b) About SO,OOO out of the present Sector projects cater to the reg uiremontl waltins list is proposed to be clearod of the States in tho realon. during the 7th Plan period and tho remaining durinl tbe 8th Plan period. Cost or DHEL equipment During tbe 7tb Plan period the number of lines expected to be give. is 81 follows: 1605. SHRI C. JANOA REDDY 1'87·88 10,000 lines Will the Minister of INDUSTRY b. pI easod to statc : 1918·89 15,800 lines 1'19~9' 2~,OOO liDOI (I) wjlotbcl' Govornment bave mid, 253 Written Altswers KARTJKA 26~ 1909 (SAKA) Writ/en Answers 254

    any Itudy about the cost of BHBL equip- a number of factors like the quality or ment, their delayed suppJy and unsatis- inputs, operatina skIns. proper main- factory performance; if 10, with what results; tenance practice. etc. Keeping all factorl in view, the CBA ••ts leDcratioD taract. for various powlr station.. BHEL I.tl (b) whether there are any plans to have exceeded the generation tarletl lot vilw of import such equipment in their by CEA durinl 1985-86 and 1986-87 and quality; comparative cost and have been abl. to meet the target "urinl the first six months of 1987.88. (c) if so, the details of the orderl placed with foreian suppliers of power-set. It is the Government's poJicy to enlure and other equipment during th. la.t three maximum ullIs.tion of indiaenoul capacity. years and the current year; and Import is resorted to only selectively and on meritN depending on the totality of the (d) the assessment of tho adverse or Circumstances. favourable effects of such imports on BHEL 1 (c) Orders for the import of equip- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ment, whether power sets or other equip- DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ment, are placed by the concerned project DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY authorities under the administrative OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- control of different Central/State Minist- CHALAM): (a) and (b) Studies by inde. ries/Departments and, therefore, the pendent bodies like BICP and CEA have details are available only with them. shown that the conversion costs of BHEL Nevertheless, tbe details of orders placed for its main products are, for the most on foreign suppliers duriolr the Jast three part, same as that or foreign suppliers. years and the current year, as known to BHEL is also by and large able to meet BHEL, are given in tbe Statement below. Its delivery commitments. (d) There is no adverse effect on The performance of equipment. parti- BHBL if imports arc resorted to after cularly power generating sets, depends, ensuring adequate utilization of the besides the quality of the equipment, OD eapacity of BHEL.


    Orders for power generating equipment placed on (orelgn suppliers during 1984-85, 1985-86, 1986·87 and during April-October 1987

    Year Projects tor which orders placed

    1 2

    1984-85 Nil

    1985-86 (i) Kaha1gaon (4x210 MW)

    (Ii) Eastern Ghandak (3x5 MW)

    (iii) Valgai (2x3 MW)

    (iv) Pyakara (lx2 MW)

    (v) Lower Borpani (4x2 MW)

    (vJ) Upper Indravlti (4xlSO MW) 2SS Written Answer& NOVEMBER 17 1917 Written Answers

    1 2

    19&6-17 (i) Farakka (2xSOO MW-SG only (ii) Dulhasti (3x130 MW) (iii) ~ehri.I (4x250 MW)

    (iv) Tehri-II (4x2S0 MW)

    (v) Nagarjunasagar LBC (2x30 MW) (vi) Nagarjunasagar RBC (lx30 MW)

    (vii) Kotcshwar (4xtOO MW) (viii) Ujjani (lx12 MW)


    (April-Oct. '17) Sardar Sarovar (6x200 MW)

    Thermal power plant. In public 8 ector reasons there of?

    1606. SHRI C. JANGA ~EDDY: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE to .tate : MINTSTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHT AGI) :" (a) to (c) The (a) the names of public sector (Cen- requisite information is given in the state- ral or State) thermal power plants, their ment below. rated capacity and percentage capacity utilisation in each case duriog each of the The performance of several stations in last three years aDd the current year, the Central Sector and State Sector comp- State-wise; ares favourably with the performance of Thermal PJants in the Private Sector. The (b) the names of the three major pri- variation In the Plant Lord Factor of diffe- vate sector thermal plants in the country, rent thermal stations arise on account of their rated capacity and percentage capa .. various reason which include unavaiJabiltiy city utilisation of each of them during the of the plant due to forced outage and same period : and plaoned maintenance shut-down, system 10ad conditions, age of the plant etc. (C) bow do they compare and the


    Thermal Power-Stations and their capacity aod PLF (luring 1984-85 to 1987-88

    ------Sector 1984-85 1985-86 1986·87 1987-88 Stations (April-October) Cap. P.L.F. Cap. P.L.F. Cap. P.L.F. Cap. P.L.F (MW) (%) (MW) (%) (MW) (%) (MW) (%)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I. CentrAl Sector 1. N.T.P.C. JJadarpur 720.8 47.8 720.0 46.0 720 52.6 720 57.8 257 Written Answers KARlIKA 26, 1909 (SAlU) Written Answers 251

    1 2 3 4 5 , 7 8 9

    SiograuJi 1050.0 59.3 1050.Q 68.8 1550.0 74.3 15S' 71.4 STPS

    Korba 630.0 52.2 630.0 74.4 630.0 80.7 630 73.0 STPS

    R'Gundao 600.0 57.4 600.0 72.1 600.0 820 600 61.ft STPS

    Farakka 210.0 426.0 46.1 630 22.9 STPS

    2. Neyvcli 600.0 77.2 600.0 74.9 1120.0 74.1 1020 ".0 3. D. V.C. Chandra pur 780.0 52.8 788.0 47.1 710.0 40.1 780 3'.8

    Durgapur 460.0 40.3 460.0 ~2.' 4'0.6 50.9 460 43.2

    Bokaro 205.0 51.0 415.0 51.8 415.0 49.3 4]5 29.8

    II. State Electricity Boards

    I. DESU J.P.Stn. 282.S 61.7 282.5 63,8 282.5 66.1 282.5 44.9

    2. H.S.E.B. F'bad Extn. 180.0 27.9 180.0 25.2 180.4 44.1 180 44.6

    Panipat 220.0 39.7 330.0 39.0 440.9 27.1 448.0 35.7

    3. R.S.B.B. Kota 220.0 57.2 220.0 57.6 220.0 54.8 220.0 67.2

    4. PIS.B.B. Bbatinda 440.0 61.9 440.0 60.4 440.0 58.9 440.0 67.2

    Ropar 420.0 79,4 420.0 57.0 420.0 78.1 420.0 62.3

    5. U.P.S.E.B. Obra 1550.0 29.7 1550.0 041.6 1550.0 37.8 1550.0 49.6

    Panki 284.0 48.1 284.0 34.2 284.0 52.9 284.0 26.7

    H'Gaoj A 90.0 32.0 90.0 23.S .'0.0 16'1 ~.O 37.6

    H'Gaoj B&S 450.0 29.6 450.0 34.8 450.0 40.7 450.0 43.1

    Parieha 220.0 220.0 28.1 220.0 50.0 220.0 26.2

    An para 210.0 420.0 71.9 420,0 '1.0 lS9 Written A.nswers NOVEMBER J7, j 981 Written Answers 26J

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9

    6. G.E.B. Duvaran (T) 534.0 66.2 534.0 57.7 534.0 64.3 534.0 63.9 5.5.2 Ukai 850.0 50.5 850.0 49.9 850.0 51.9 850.0

    Gandhi Nasar 240.0 39.9 240.0 69.0 240.0 48_3 240.0 52.7

    Wanakbori 630.0 52.2 840.0 47.3 1050.0 51,3 1050.0 61.3

    Utran 61.0 59.7 61.0 54.3 61.0 61.0

    7. M.S.2.B.

    Naslk 910.0 51.9 910 63.9 910.0 62.7 910.0 63.3

    Koradi 1100.0 36.0 1100.0 62.0 110.0 41.0 1100.0 48.4

    Paras 92.5 34.4 92.5 43.8 92.S 35.8 92.5 40.6

    ~busaw.l 482.5 45.7 482.5 59.7 482.5 49.9 482.0 51.4

    ParU 480.0 74,2 480.0 66~9 480.0 45.7 480.0 60.2

    ChaDdrapur 420.0 45.2 840.0 44.8 840.0 56.7 840.0 49.0

    Kbaporkhcda 90.0 18.6 90.0 32.0 90.0 90.0

    UraD GT 240.0 61.6 672.0 27.4 672.0 672.0

    I. MPEB

    Satf}ura 1142.S 48.5 1142.S 51.7 1142.5 52.6 1142.5 48.5

    Korba-} 100.0 55.1 100.0 55.0 100.0 47.0 100.0 36.3

    Korba-II 200.0 44.3 200.0 57.5 200.0 61.2 200.0 61.0

    Korba.lIt 240.0 56.2 240.0 57 8 240.0 46.4 240.0 53.2

    Amarkantak 300,0 65.9 300.0 63.1 300.0 60.9 I 300.0 44.7

    Korba West 630.0 47.2 840.0 45.7 840.0 53.7 840.7 47.7

    9, APSEB

    Kothagudem A 240.0 58.9 240.0 54.0 240.0 59.3 240.0 64.7

    Kothagudem B 220.0 32.1 220.0 36.0 220.0 44.5 220.0 68.5

    Kotbagudem C 220.0 38.3 220.0 55.0 220.0 64,8 220.0 67.0

    Vijayawada 420.0 77.4 420.0 88.9 420.0 90.1 420.0 89.8

    Ramagundcm B 62.' 50.4 62.S 90.4 62.5 79.6 62.5 67.9 ~61 Written Answ~,.s KAR1ItcA 26, 1~n9 (SAKA) Written AnswerJ 262

    1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 __ - NelJore 30.0 44.S 30,0 45.3 30.0 64.3 30.0 59.1 10. Karoataka

    Raichur 210. 420.0 33.' 420.0 4'.6 420.0 S3.8 11. TNEB

    Eonore 450.0 36.2 450.0 52.2 450.0 48.8 450.0 56,4

    Tuticorin 630.0 62.0 630.0 65.S 630.0 76.1 630.0 71.5

    Mettur 210.0 210.0

    12. BSEB

    Patratu 730.0 33.0 840.0 40.0 840.0 ll.O 840.0 30.~ 365.0 21.3 Barauni 36S.0 17.0 365.0 29.3 365.0 28.4 Muzaffarpur 110.0 220.0 40.3 220.0 41.8 220.0 33.4

    13. ORISSA

    TaJcber 470.0 32.2 470.0 31.7 470.0 31.7 470.0 33.2

    14. W.B.S.E.B.

    Bandel 530.0 48.4 530,0 51.3 530.0 55.3 53d.0 ~8.7

    Santaldih 480.0 24.7 480.0 28.6 480.0 26.9 480.0 26.4

    Oal Turbine 100.0 100.0 100.0 ]00.0

    15. ASSAM Chandrapur 30.0 35.0 30.0 39.6 30.0 59.4 30.0 63.9

    Namrup 111.5 38.2 111.5 46.9 111.5 30.4 1 J 1.5 55.6

    Bongaigaon 120.0 15.9 180.0 ).9 240.0 9.2 240 14.Z

    Gar Turbine 45.0 37.S 45.0 39.8 60 60 42,S

    Ill. Private Se~tor

    A.E.Co. 3Bl.0 71.3 381.0 66.3 381.0 64.S 381.0 57.1

    Trombay 830.0 6S.7 830.0 54.! 830.0 63.2 830.0 71.3

    C.B,S.C. ~68.0 54.0 599.0 55.3 559.0 56.0 5S9.0 53.1 T I Wrltlttl Answtri NOveMBER 17. 1981 Written Answers ~64

    AllocatioD to National Hydro-Electric States during the Seventh Five Year Plan; Power Corporation and

    1607. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PAT- (e) tbe details thereof? NAIK : Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE (a) whether Government bave raised MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATJ the Seventh Plan allocation to the Natio-, SUSHILA ROHT AGI) : (8) and (b) Yes, nal Hydro-electric Power Corporation; Sir. The amount of hike is Rs. 1343.30 crores. (b) jf so, the amount of hike made in the Seventh Plan allocation; (c) The target set for power generat- ion by NHPC during the Seventh Plan per- (c) the target set for tbe power gene- iod is about 3.9 Billion Units. ration by National Hydro-electric Power CorporatJon during the Seventh Plan : (d) aod (e) During the Seventh Five (d) The Dumber of hydel power pro- Year Plan the following seven new projects jects proposed to be executed in different are proposed Co be executed by NHPC .-

    S. No. Name of the Project Capacity State ·___ T~_ .. 1. Uri HE Project 4xl20 MW J&K

    2. Salal StglII 3x115 MW J&K

    3. Baglihar 3x15,0 MW J&K

    4. Sawalkot 3x200 MW J&K

    s. RaDgit HB Project 3x20 MW Sikkim

    6. Chamera Stage-II 3x100 MW H.P. 7. DhauJiganga 4x65 MW U.P.

    Power Piaanee CorporatioD THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 1608. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PAT- DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE NAIK : Win tbe Minister of ENERGY be MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI pleased to state : SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) to (d) The main objective of Power Finance Corpor. (a) tbe main objectives of Power fin- ation is to provide term finance to power ance Corporation. projects. Presentfy, the Corporation is engaged in mobilising resources by issuing bonds. (b) the works taken in hand since the tnception of Power Finance Corporation; Clearance to . open calt project at (c) the various programmes proposed Mukunda in Dbaobad to b. taken up during 1987.88; and 1609. SHRIMATI JAYANTJ PAT- (d) the detaH! thereof? NAIK : Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state : ~6S Writttn Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Al1sw~'$ 266

    (a) whether the Mukunda open cast coal project is pending clearance with the i"folasses Policy Public Investment Board: 1611. SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI: (b) the estimated annual production WJlI the Minister of INDUSTRY be capacity of the project; and pJeased to state :

    (c) the steps taken to expedite the (a) whether Govornment have changed Public Investment Board clearance? the molasses policy; and

    THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (b) whether the new policY has resul- (SHRI VASANT SATHE) : (8) to (c) ted in any improv:ment in the availability Originally, the Mukunda opencast project of alcohol to the chemical industry in de- was designed for a production capacity of ficit States? 12 million tonnes per annum. The pro- posal was considered by the Public Invest· TIlE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ment Board. Subsequent to the Board's DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL consideration a revised proposal has been DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY prepared. The revised proposa I with a OF INDUSTRY (SHRI R. K. production capacity of 15.1 million lonnes JAICHANDRA SINGH): (a) and (b) per annum is bein8 processed for sumbmiss- The policy announced recently envisages, Ion to the Public Investment Board. inter-alia, increase in the prices of molasses and the Central Excise Duty thereon. The Soil Subsidence revised price of alcohol has also been up- 1610. DR. SUOHIR ROY: Will the dated and notified. In the case of alcohol- Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: based chemfcal industries, full rebate will be admissible in respect of the Central (a) whether the experimental pilot pro- Excise Duty (applicabie to molasses) which ject for studying effects of the indigenous would have been paid as a part of the methods for preventing soil subsidence has price of alcohol purchased by Chemical not been given enough importance; and Industrial Units after 1.10.1987, so tbat they do not have to bear the full impact (b) If so, the detaiis tb~reof ? of the increased prices. There is no short. age of alcohol in the country and the re- THE MINISTER OF Et',ERGY quirements of industrial alcohol in tbe de- (SHRI VASA~T SATHE): No, Sir. ficit States have been fulJy covered in the inter-State allocation orders, Issued in tbis (b) A piolt project with a sanctioned regard. cost of Rs. 44.84 Jakhs at Ramjibanpur (Eastern Coalfield Ltd.) Is being executed for stabilisation of water filled voids. The Indigeoisation or Auto parts industry projects involves application of innovative methods like stowing of sand and water 1612. SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI: slurry through boreholes aDd testing the Will tbe Minister of INDUSTRY be plea. efficacy of these measures by gc:o-physical sed to state: methods. A separate project officer has been posted to oversee the implementat- (aj whether any steps have been taken ion of the p.roject since its inception. The recently to encourage Indigenisation of progress of the project is beiDa regularly auto parts industry; monitored by Eastern Coalfields Ltd., Central Mine Planning and Design Insti- (b) if so, the details thereof; and tute Ltd., Asansol-Durglpur Development Authority, Central Mining Research Stat- (C) whether Government are consider· tion and Department of Coal. Against ing withdrawal or concesslonal rate of 24,000 cubic metres of sand stowing, 18,000 customs duty on tbe jmport of automobile cubic metres has already been completed. components by the industry to encouraae The project is ljkely to be completed by indigenous manufacturc of compoDcnts ? March, 1988. 267 WritlcnAnswers NOVEMBeIl11, 1987 Wdtten Answers

    THE MINISTER OF STAtE IN THE directed OIL to take up crash programme DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL for recruitment and traIning of technical DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY personnel. Government have also decided OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- to move the Chairman - cum .. Managing CHALAM) : (a) and (b) Witb a view to Director and other functional Directors meeting the requirements of tbe new gene- from Delhi to Duliajan for better opera.. ration of vehicles now being manufactured tional control of OIL, whose major areas 10 the couotry, Govl. bave encouraged of operation are located in A~sam. the auto ancillaries Co modernise, upgrade and induct latest technology. For quicker Licences for petrocbemical projects indigenisation of the new vehicles Govt. have extended facilities like delicensing, 1614. SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI : broad banding and certain fiscal concess- Win the Minister of INDUSTRY be p!ea. ions to the auto ancillary industry. sed to state:

    (c) Fiscal concessions extended to the (a) the number of petroch~mlcal vebicles as well as component manufact- projects for which licences bave been urers arc base t OD tbe: criteria of fuel Issued during the financial year 1987-88; efficiency, phased manufacturing pro- gramme etc. and contiouance of fiscal (b) the number of projects which concessions are periodically reviewed by have been put on around; and the Government- (c) the reasons for s!ow implementa- Oil operatioD! ia Assam tion of the projects in this se~tor ?

    1613. SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI : THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Will the Minis1er of PETROLEUft,f AND DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- (a) what is the institutional arrange. CHALAM) : (a)to(c) No large P~trochem­ ment to control and oversee tbe oil opera- ical Complex has been sanctioned in 1987- tion in Assam; 88. Licensing of Petrochemical projects Is however a continuous process. The (b) how the senior executive of Oil proposal, for projects are examined on India Limited keep a watch on these op- techno economic consideratIons including erations; and their location and costs. A large petro- chemica' project takes about 4 to 5 years tc) what steps are under considera- for completion. tion of Government to Improve tbe wor- king of oil drlltang operations? Suggestions from tyre indus try

    THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE 1615. SHRI BANWARI LAL MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND PUROHIT: NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- SHRI V. SREENIVASA DUTT): (a> and (b) The operations of PRASAD: Oil IDdia Limited (OIL) in Assam are Will the Minister of I NDUSTR Y bo controlled from tbo Field Headquarters of pleased to state: the C",mpany situated at Duliajan (Assam) and headed by its Director (Operations). The Duector (Operations) is supported by (8) whether the attention of Govern· Financial Controller and other senior offi .. ment has been drawn to the news·item cers lookiol aiter exploratioD, production captioned "Steps to make tyre industry and other operations. efficient'" appearing in the H industao Times dated 22nd October!' 1987 wherein it i. (c) OIL is taking necessary !teps to stated what tbe Automotive Tyro Manu- to Improve its worldnl. GOvernment have facturors Association have made some 269 Written Answers KAR 1 JKA 26. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answtrs 270

    suggestion to make the tyre industry cost made into the causes of damage to tho effective, viable and efficient; and drilling rig; if so, the outcome thereof;

    (b) if 80, the reaction of Government (d) whether ONGC had hired a rcp- thereon '1 lacement rig from foreign contractors during the period the jack up ria was under repairs; THB MINISTER OPSTATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (e) if so, the total expenditure Incu. OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA. rred on repairs and biring and tbe COlt of CHALAM) : (a) Yes, Sir. of a new ria;

    (t) The suggestions are mainly with (f) the reasons for which it was deci- reference to reduction of incidence of ded to go in (or such repairs than to pur- taxation on tyres and for containing raw chase a new drilling rig; and material prices OD tyres. There is DO statutory control over the prices of raw (g) whether Government propose to materials required for tbe manufacture of claim the repairing cost from the firm tyres. As regards tbe incidence of taxa- which supplied the rig and If not, the tion, in she 1984 budget, ad valorem rates reasons therefor ? were replaced by specific rates of duty for variou~ sizes of tyres. Tbese rates have THE MINISTER OF STATE OF not been revised. However. prices of THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM lyres. particularly bus and truck tyres AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA. have increased considerably thereafter and DUTT): (a) Government has seen tho the incidence of duty ~as come down. The news-item. MODVAT scheme was extended to tyres in the year 1986 as a result of which the (b) DurIng a statutory survey of the incidence of duty on tyre manufacturers rig "Sagar Pragati" (which is carried out hGS been further reduced in absolute after 2·1/2-3 years of service of a rig). terms. cracks were noticed in its Jeg. As Indian yards did Dct have facilities for dry dock Repairs to Jack.up rig ·'Sagar Pragatl" repairs to rigs, it was .decided in May, 1985 to tow tbe rig to Dubai for repairs, 1616. SHRI BANWARI LAL During tbe voyage, the rig was caulbt PUROHIT: in a cycloDCI resulting in fUrther SHRJ Y. S. MAHAJAN : damage to it. The damaged leas of the SHRI MOHO MAHFOOZ rig bad to be cut off at Dubai. The rig ALI KHAN: was tben towed from Dubai to Japan in Oct. 1986 for installation of new legs. \\'ill tbe Minister of PETROLEUM During this voyage, the rig was aaain cau- AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to ght in a cyclone and liuffered further state : damage. After installation of new leas and repairs to damaged equipment at (a) whether Government's attention H.tachi Shipyard in Japan it was brought has been drawn to the news item captio- back to India and after confirmatory j~ckj­ ned "Rig repair costs ONGC rUPees 26 ng test~ handed over to O'NGC 0.0 Oct. crores" appearing in the Hindustan Times 5, 1987. dated 26 October, 1987; (c) An inveitlgation to find out tbe (b) If so, the details of damage cau- reasons for deve10pmeut of cracks ill the sed to the jack-up rig, when and where it Jegs of the ria ··Sagar Pragati9t was carded was sent for repairs 8Qd wheo it was recei- out through M Is. Noble DCGtOD Associa- ved back; tes. It revealed that the cracks had rc,ulted from Cati&uo mechanism caused by (c) whether any inv~stj8ation was cyclic and static stressing wblch could not 271 Written A.llsw~rs NOVEMBER 17, 1987 J'f"r/t ten Answers 272 bave becn foreseen at the time the unit NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHAM. was delivered .and put to use. DUTT) : (a) Yes, Sir;

    (d) Yes, Sir. However, ONGC keeps (b) LPG production, which was about a mix or owned and charter-hired rigs . 1.42 million tonnes in 1986.87, Is expected even in tbe normal course. to go up to about J .80 million tonnes by 1989.90; there is no proposal to reduce (e) An expenditure of around US S the sale price of LPG; 16.54 million in all was incurred in conne- ction with repairs to the rig. The expen- (c) and (d) Yes, Sir, ONGC has initia- diture on hire of another jack-up rig ted pIlot projects for testing the suitability during tbe period tbe rig "Sagar Pragati" of use of Compressed Natura] Gas in was immobllised was US $ 15.57 million vehicles in the place of diesel. These arc approximately. at an experimental stage. (f) It was considered more econo- mical to get the damaged rig repaired than Home delivery cbarges for LPG cylinders to purchase a new onc as the repair;" cbar- ges could be claimed against insurance. 1618. SHRI p, M. SAYEED: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND (g) No, Sir. ~he warranty period of NA TURAL GAS be pleased to state: the supplier had already expired by tbo time damage to the rig came to notice. (a) whether the LPG agencies inclu- However, ONGC bas already received an de the conveyance charges for home deli- amount of Rs. 14 crores appr.oximately very of cylinders; against insurance; its further claim for Rs. 9 crores approximately is under (b) if so, whether' Oil India Ltd. consideratioo. has issued instructions not to exceed cer- tain amount as delivery charges and if so, Production of LPG and compressed the amount fixed for the purpose; natural gas (c) whether these conveyance char- 1617. SHRI P. M. SA YEED: Will ges are deducted from tbe bill in case the the Minister of PETROLEUM AND customer collects the .cylinder from the NATURAL GAS be pleased to state ~ dealer's place; and

    (a) whether the production of LPG (d) if not,' the reasons therefor? is likely to rise In near future; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF (b) if so, the quantum by which its THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM production is expected to go up and whe- AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- tber there is a possibility of reducing the DUTT) : (a) The commission per cylinder sale price of LPG In near future; admisssible to an LPG distributor takes Into. account the cost incurred in home (c) whether there are some new pro- delivery of refills within tbe area of ope- jecta being set up by ONGC to produce r'ation of the distributorship; compressed natural gas as a substitute for diesel all; and (b) Oil India Ltd. has not issued any instructions in this regard; (d) if so, the details of tbe projects indicating tbe prospects of using compre- (c) Consu~ers col1ectlng refills from ssed gas in running vehicles' as well as tbe distributors" premises are entitled to a industrial engines 1 rebate of Rs. 2/-per refill;

    THE MINISTER OF STATE OF (d) Docs not arise in view of (c) THB MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND above. 273 Written .1nswers KA'RT1KA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answtrs 274

    LPG facility at block centres 10 Stat~1 (b) the places where these offices arc located and tbe rent being paid for each J619. DR. A. K. PATEL: Will the of tbeR buildings; Minister of PETROLEUfd AND NATU. RAL GAS be pleased to state: (c) tbe rea.ons for taking thele buil- dings on rent: (a) whether there is any proposal to make LPG available at block Centres In (d) whetber these Departments various States, especiaJJy In the tribal and cannot build their own office buildinas by billy areas; '" acquiring the land; and

    (b) if 10. the details tbereof; (e) if so, the reasons therlof 1 (c) if not, the reasons therefor; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB MINISTRY OF COMl\fUNICATIONS (d) the State-wise number of such (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN OEV): (a) block centres where this facility is already to (e) The information is being collected available; and and will be laid on the Table of the House. (e) the State.wise targets fixed for the current year and the next year in this [English] regard?

    THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THB Trunk telephone l!iIervlces In Andamao and MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Nlcobar Islands NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA. DUTT): (a) to (c) While there is no 1621. SHRI MANORANJAN proposal to make the LPG facility availa., BHAKTA: Will the Minister of COM. ble at Block Headquarters as such, inclu. MUNICATIONS be pleased to state: ding such Headquarters in the tribal and hilly areas, LPG marketing is being exten- (a) whether Government propose to ded by the oil industry in a phased manner connect 21 Islands with Port Blair, the to locations with a population or around capital of Andaman and Nlcobar Is'ands 20,000 and above and offering sufficient and main Jand by introducing Trunk Tele- potential for economicaHy viable distri- phone Services; butorships; (b) if so, the details thereof; and (d) The Information Is being concc- ted and will be laid on the Table of the (c) if not, the alternative telecommu- Sabba; nication programme contemplated by Government for the Union Territory of (e) Does not ariso in view of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1 reply to (a) to (c). THE MINISTER OF STATE IN [Translation) THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNI- Building for Mahanagar TeJepbo.e Nigam CATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN and Central Telegraph DEV): (8) Yes, Sir. Tbe Government is having plans t. coonect 21 locations 1620. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAJ: in 17 Islands in the Andaman & Nicobar Win tbe Minister of COMMUNI CA. Group of Islands. In addition to LDPTS TIONS be pleased 10 stAte: (Long Distance Public Telephones) are also proposed to be provided. (a) the number of offices rof Delhi Mahanagar Telephone Nigam and Central TeJearaph Office, New DeJhi, housed in (b) There are already 2 earth stations rented buUdinl, at Port Blair and Car Nicobar providiD& 275 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, J987 Written Answers 276 trunk facilities to the main land and bot- 10. Baratana Islands. ween themselves. Besides this, 3 earth Itations at Mayabunder, Daglipore and 11. Maya Bunder. Campbellbay for providing reliable trunk communication facilities are under Insta- 12. North Andaman (TehsiJ)AI lIatiOD and are expected to be completed by March t88. 13. Diglipore.

    . The (oHowing schemes are also sanc- 14. Car Nicobar (Tehsil). tioned and arc under execution by Dece- mber 1988 :- IS. Car Njcobar (Island).

    (i) Installation of Satellite Earth 16. Nicobar (District) Stations at Rangat, Hutbay. Kamorta and Katchal. 17. Nan Cowry (Tehsil). (ii) Installation of sman capacity UHF/VHF Systems between; 18. Kamorta.

    Port Blair.Wirnber]ygaoj 19. Katcha1. Wimberlyganj-Perrarganj 20. CampbelJ Bay. Port Blair-Neil Island Port Blair-Bathubasti 21. Hut Bay. Kamorta·Champai (c) Other island communities will Port Blair-Havelock also be considered for provision of trunk Port Blair-Baratang telephone facilities progressively.

    Baratang-Kadamtala LPG agency and petrol pump at Car Rangat-Katamtala Nicobar

    (iii) Installation of MARR System 1622. SHRI MANORANJAN connecting 10 LDPTs to the BHAKTA: Will the Minister of PETRO· base station at Port Blair. LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state: The schemes at & (ii) above will provide trunk telephone facilities to the (a) whether Government have re~el­ following 21 locations: ved any representation for opening an . LPG agency and a Petrol pump at Car l. Port Blair (Municipal Board) Nicobar, headquarters of tribal Nicobar DIstrict; and 2. Port Blair (Tehsil)

    3. Havelock Island. (b) if so, the action taken in the matter? 4. Ferrarganj. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF S. South Andaman. THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- 6. Wimberlyg8Dj. DUTT) : (a) A request has been received by tbe Indian Oil Corporation Limited in 7. Middle ,ADdaman (Part). this regard; 8. Middle Andaman (Part)· (b) It has been decIded to award a 9. Rangat, rctail outlet at Car Nicobar to an apex 271 Written Answers KARttKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Wrine" Answers 218 cooperative society. The potential avai. (e) the date by which these applica- lable at Car Nicobar is not sufficient for tions are likely to be disposed of? economically viable marketing of LPG. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Ptndlng applications for new telephones MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS connections in Idgah Telephone Exchange (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV) : (a) No, Sir. J 623. PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ : SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER (b) Details of the number of appli- JAIN: cations on waiting list exchange-wise in Mahanagar Telepbone Nigam Ltd., New Will the Minister of COMMUNICA. Delhi are siven in the Statement below, TIONS be pleased to state: which il laid on tbe Tablo of tbo Houle. (a) whether there is a general complaint that a large number of applications for (c) The number of new telephone new telephone connections arc pending connections released so far yearwile in with Mabanagar Telephone Nigam, New Idgah Telephone exchange are as aiven Delhi; below.

    (b) If so, tbe details thereof, excha- Year 1984·85 1985 .. 86 1986-81 nge-wise; No of 8,794 3,846 (c) the number of new telephone connectionl connections released so far, year-wise (d) There ere 10,127 aplications in under Idgah Telephone Exchange: the waiting list for new telephone conne. ctions in Idgah Telephone Exchange. (d) the number or applications for new telephone connections which are still (e) Telel='hone connections to tho pend!ng with Idgah Telephone Exchange applicants 00 the waiting list would b. for disposal; and provided on availability of exchange capa- city progressively.

    Statement Details of number of applications on waiting list, exchange-wise io Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd., New Delhi.

    S.No. N arne of Exchange No. of applicants on waitiog JIst

    J 2 3

    L Janpath 2372

    2. Jor Bagh 4547

    3. Kidwai Bba van 2781

    4. Raj Path 1902

    5. Sena Bhav&u 524

    6. Lodi koad.. 36 16$ ",'rillen Answers NOVEMBElt i;, 1~8' Written Answel's 280

    1 2 3 --- --.---- - 7. Alipur 183

    8. Badh 969

    9. Tis Hazari 7341 10. Narela 463 11.. Shakti Nagar 33393

    12. Delhi Gate 7439

    13. Idgah 10127

    14. Sbabdara East 5270

    IS. Laxmi Nagar 19549

    16. Sbabdara 2817

    17. Cbanakyapuri 7548

    18. Hauzkhas 8310

    19. Nehru Place 18648

    20. Othla 4849

    21. Cantonment 950 22. Janakpuri 7648

    23. Karol Bagh 12577

    24. Najafgarh 531 25. Nangloi 2182 31250 26. Rajouri Garden ----- Total 194342

    (d) if so, the date from which they Bareau of ludiaD Standards Aft, 1986 have been brought into force; 1624. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK : (e) whether the Executive Committee Will tbe Mini.ter POOD AND CIVIL or of the Bureau have framed regulations SUPPLtES be pleased to state: under section 38 of the Act;

    (b) if 10, from what date; . (,) the Dumber and names of. items notified by the Bureau which shan be (c) whether Government have framed compulsorily required to conform to the all tbe rules required to be framed under Indian Standards under Section 14 (a> of tbe Act; tbe A~t ? 281 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers .28.2

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- ral) Regulations, 1987, were notified on TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF 1-6-1987. Regulations on other matters FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI listed under section 38 of tho Act and H. K. L. BHAGAT): (a) and (b) Yes, other connected matters arc at an adva- Sir, with effect from 1.4·1987. need stage of formulation.

    (c) and (d) Yes, Sir. The Bureau of (g) So far only one item, viz. multi- Indian Standards Rules, 1987 t have purpose dry batteries. has been brought become effective from 1-4-1987 while the within the ambit of comDu!sory certifica. BIS (Appointment, Terms and Conditions tion marking scheme of the Bureau under of Service of Director-General) Rules, the provisions of this section. However. 1987. were brought into force with effect certification mark has already been made from 2.7-1987. compulsory on 120 products under the provisions of other Acts are given In tbe (e) and (f) The Bureau of Indian Stan- Statement below. dards(Powers and Duties of Director-Gene-

    Statement List of Pradu cts U ndcr Mandatory Certification

    Products for whicb lSI mark is obHgaiory in the country :-


    (i) IS : 1694-1974 Tartrazlne, food grade

    (ii) IS : 16~5·1974 Sunset Yellow FCF, food grade

    (iii) IS : 1.96-1974 Amaranth, Food grade

    (iv) IS : 1697-1974 Erythrosine, food grade

    (v) IS : 1698·1974 Indigo Carmine, food grade

    (vi) IS : 2558-1974 Ponceau 4R, food grade

    (vii) IS : 2923-1974 Carmoisine, food grade

    (viii) IS : 2924·1974 East Red E, food grade

    (ix) IS : S346-197.5 Coaltar Food Colour preparatloDs aDd mixture•.

    (x) IS : 6022-1977 Fast Green FCF t food grade

    (xi) IS : 6029-1977 Green S, food grade

    (xU) IS : 6406-1971 Brilliant Bluc FCF. food grade

    2: FOOD ADDITIVES (27 March, 1985)

    (i) IS : 2557 .. 1963 . AnoattocoJour for food product.

    (ii) IS : 4447·1967 Sodium benzoate, rood grad.

    (iii) IS : 4448-1967 Ben zoe acid, food arad.

    (iv) IS : 4467-1980 Caramel 283 Writtell Answerl NOVEMBER 17, 1981 WriUen Ahswers . 184

    (v) IS : 4750-1968 Sorbitol, food grade

    (vi) IS : 4751-19'8 Postassium metabisulphite, food grade

    (vii) IS : 4752.1968 Sodium metabisulphite, food grade

    (viii) IS : 4818-1968 Sorbic acid, food grade

    (ix) IS : SI91-19£;9 Sodium alginate, food grade

    (x) IS : 5306-1978 Sodium carboxymetby cellulo~e, food grade

    (xi) IS : 5342-1969 Ascorbic acid, food 8r~de

    (xii) IS : 5343-1969 Butylated hydroxyanixole, food grade

    (xlii) IS : 5344·1969' Butylated bydroxytoluene, food arade

    (xiv) IS : 5707·1970 Agar, food grade

    (xv) IS : 5719-1970 Gelatin, food grade

    (xvi) IS : 6030·1971 Sodium propionate, food grade

    (xvii) IS : 6031·1971 Calcjum propionte, food grade

    (xviii) IS : "'3·1972 Fumaric acid, food grade

    (~ix) IS : 7905.1975 Calcium alginate, food grade

    (xx) IS : 7908.1975 Sulphur dioxide, food grade

    (xxi) IS : 7928-1975 Alginic acid, food grade

    (xxii) IS : 8356-1977 Titanium dioxide, food grade


    IS : 1989 (Pt. I " II)-Leather safety boots and shoes for minors and for heavy metal industries.

    4. CEMENT (I July 1983)

    (i) IS: 269-1976 Ordinary and low heat portland cement

    (Ii) IS: 4S5.1976 Portland slag cement

    (iii) IS : 1489·t 976 Protland pozzolana cement

    (Iv) IS : 3466-1967 Ma sonry cement

    (v) IS : 6452-1972 Hilh alumina cement for structural use

    (vi) IS : '~-1973 Supersulphatcd cement

    (vii) IS : 1041-1978 Rapid hardcnins portland cement

    (viii) IS : 8042-1978 White portland cement

    'il) IS : 1043!'1978 Hydrophobic portland cement 285 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17. 1987 Written Answers 286

    I (x) IS : 8112·1976 Hiah strength ordinary portland cement

    (xi) IS : 8229-1976 Oil weU cement

    ,. SAFETY HELMETS FOR USE IN MINES (20 July. 1973)

    IS : 2925-1984 Industrial safety helmets 6 MINERS' ~CAP LAMP BATTERIES (19 June 1969)

    IS : 2552-1978 Miners' cap lamp batteries (lead acid type)


    IS : 2148-1911 Flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus

    8. LPG CYLINDERS (July, 1967)

    IS : 3196-1982 Welded low carbon steel gas cyHnder exceediDI '-litre water capacity for low pressure liquefiable lases.

    9. WIRE ROPES USED IN MINES (23 April, 1966)

    IS : 1855.1977 Stranded steel wire ropes for winding aDd man-rldioa haulages in mines

    10. MILD STEEL TUBES (1 August, 1978)

    (i) IS : 1161-1979 Steel tubes for struct ural purposes

    (ii) IS : 1239(Part J) Mild steel tubes 1979

    (iii) IS : 4272-1983 Steol tubes used (or water wells

    11. STEEL AND STEEL PRODUCTS (l June, 1971)

    (i) IS: 226-1975 Structural steel (standard quality)

    (ii) IS: 277-1977 Galvanized steel sheets (plain Ind corrugated)

    (iii) IS: 279-J 981 Galvanized steel wire for telearaph and telephone purposes

    (iv) IS: 280·1978 Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes

    (v) IS: 432{Part 1M. S. and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn &11-1982 steel wire for concrete reinforcement

    (vi) IS : 513·1973 Cold rolled carbon stell sheets

    ("H) IS: 961-1975 Structural steel (bigh teDsile)

    (viii) IS : 1029-1970 Hot rolled steel strips (baling)

    (hr) IS : 1079-1973 Hot rolled carbon steel sheet aDd strip

    (X) IS : 1139-1966 Hot rolled mild steel, medium tenlile steel and blah yield strength steel deformed bars for concret, reinforcements 2~7 ··Wrltten Amwtrs KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 288

    (xl) IS : ]148-1982 Hot-rolled steel rivet bars (up to 40 mm) diameter for structural purposes

    (xii) IS: 1149-1982 High tensile steel rivet bars for structural purposes

    (xlii) IS : 1786-1979 Cold-worked steel high strength deformed bars for concrete reinforcement (xiv) IS : 187'-1978 Carbon steel biilets, blooms, slabs and. bars for forsinss (xv) IS : 1977·1975 Structural steel (ordinary quality)

    (xvi) IS : 1998·1973 Steel rivet and stay bars for boilers

    (xvii) IS : 2002·1982 Steel plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and high temperature service including boilers.

    (xviii) IS : 2062'1984 Weldable structural steel

    (xix) 'IS : 2073-1970 Carbon steel black bars for production of machined parts for general engineering purposes.

    (xx) IS : 2830·1975 Carbon steel billets, blooms and slabs for re-rolling into strutura) steel (standard quality).

    (xxi) IS : 2831.1975 Carbon steel billets, blooms and slabs for re.rolling; into structural steel (ordinary quality),

    (xxii) IS : 2879·1975 Mild steel for metal arc welding electrode core wire

    (xxiii) IS : 3502·1981 Steel chequered plates

    (xxiv) IS : 3748·1978 Tool and die steels for hot work

    (xxv) IS : 3749-1978 Too1 and die steels for cold work

    (xxvi) IS : 3930-1979 Flame and induction hardening steels

    (xxvii) IS: 4368-1967 A 110y steel billets, blooms and slabs for forgings for general engineering purposes.

    (xxviii) lS : 4397·1972 Cold. rolled carbon steel strip~ for ball and roller bearing cages

    (xxix) IS : 4398-1972 Carbon.. chromium steel for the manufacture of balls, rollen and bearing races

    (xxx) IS : 4430 .. )979 Mould steels

    (xxxi) IS : 4431-1978 Carbon and carbon.maDganese free cutting steel

    (xxxii) IS : 4432-1967 Cas~ hardening steels

    (xxxiii) IS : 4882-1979 Low carbon steel wire for rivets for use in bearing industry

    (xxxiv) IS : 5489-1975 Carburisiog steels for use in bearing indlHtry

    (xxxv) IS : 5517-1978 Steels for hardening and tempering 289 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 290

    (xxxvi) IS : 5518-1979 Steels for die blocks for drop forging

    '(xxxvii) IS : 5522·1978 Stainless steel sheets and coila 12. VANASPATI (1 October, 1985)

    IS : 10633-1983 Vanaspati

    13. V ANASPATI CONTAINERS (1 April 1986)

    (i) IS : 2552-1979 Steel drums (galvaDlzed and ungalvanized)

    (ii) IS : 10325-1982 J5 Kg. square tins for VANASPATI and edible oils

    (iii) IS : 10339~1982 Obee aDd edible oil tins

    (iv) IS : 1~840. J 984 Blow moulded HOPE containers for vaoaspati

    (v) IS : 11258·1985 to·and 20.Kg. square tin for VANASPATI gbee and edible oils.

    (vi) IS : 11352-1982 Flexible packs for tbe packing of edible oils and vanaspati

    14. NATURAL FOOD COLOURS (15 November, 1985)

    (i) IS : 3827-1966 Riboflavin

    (ii) IS : 3841-1966 B-Carotcne

    (iii) IS : 4446-1967 Chlorophyll

    (iv) IS : 6386-1971, Beta-apo-8·carotenal, food grade

    (v) IS : 6405·1971 Centhaxantbine, food grade

    (vi) IS : 6797·1972 Metbyl ester of beta-apo-8-carotenioc acid

    (vii) IS : 7260-1974 Ethyl ester of beta.apo-8-carotenioc acid, food grade

    IS. MilK PRODUCTS (4 July, 1986)

    (i) IS : 1165·1975 Milk-powder

    (ii) IS : 1166·1973 Condensed Milk

    16. PRESSURE STOVES (1 April. 1986)

    (i) IS : 1342.1978 Oil pressure stoves

    (ii) IS : 2787-1979 Multi-burner oil pressure stovea

    (iii) IS : 8808·1978 Burner. for oil pressure stoves and oil pressure heater.i

    (Iv) IS : 10109-1981 O~l pressure stoves, offset burner type

    17. DRY CELL BATTERIES (I April,~1987)

    (I) IS : 203-1984 Dry batteries for 8uhliabts 291 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written AnswerS'

    (ii) IS : 2576·1975 Dry batteries for transistor radio receivers

    (iii) IS ~ 8144·1976 Multipurpose dry batteries

    18. GLS LAMPS (1 June, 1987)

    . (i) IS: 418.1978 Tungsten filament general service electric lamps

    •• )9. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES (1 October, 1987)

    (i) IS: 366·1983 Electric Irons

    (ii) IS: 368·1976 EJectric Immersion water heaters

    (iii) IS: 369-1983 Electric radiators

    (iv) IS : 2994 .. 1966 Electric stones

    (*v) IS : 3854 .. 1965 Switches for domestic and similar purposes

    (*VI) IS : 4949·1968 2·Amp, switches (or domestic and similar purposes effective from 1 October, 1987 (*vii) IS : 1293·1967 Three pin plugs and socket-outlets. (·Effective from 1 December, 1987) *. Tbere was discussion with the representatives of small scale industries who have represf'nted about difficulties that they envisage in implementation of mandatory certification for these seven electrical appliances. Considering this, proposal for postponing the date for mandatory ce,rtification by Dine months Is under consideration of the Government. Formal notification bas not yet been issued.

    S.T.D. call rate worked out. After the modifications are completed, the date of introduction of the 1625. SHRI SHANTARAM NA1K: reduced tariff will be fixed. Will the Minister Qf COMMUNICA· TIONS be pieased to state: (c) At present reduced tariff is charged between 7 PM to 8 AM on National STD (a) whether Government prop05e to ca))s. Anal)sis of traffic shows that cbarge one third amount of the original traffic falls after 10 PM. In order to rate to STD calls made between 11 p.m. encourage the public to utilise the available and S a.m. to allow subscribers to make circuits at night, it Is proposed to further social calls etc. at reduced rates; redu~c the tariff during JO PM to 6 AM. (b) if so, when these concessional rates will be made applicable; and Setting up of industries In Goa

    (c) the details thereor ? 1626. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be plea .. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE sed to state : MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) (a) the number of proposals for esta- Yes, Sir. There Is a proposal to reduce blishing industries in Goa received from the STD tlriff between 10 PM to 6 AM Government of GoaffJrivate parties pend- for National STD calls. ing with his Ministry for clearance tin datt'; and (b) The technical modifications required in all the exchanges for introduc. (b) the de-tails th~reor ? ti OD of reduced tariff at ni,ht Is ~~lDI Written Answers ~ARTIKA 2£', 1909 (SAKA) Written Answer 294

    THE MINISTER OF ST ATE IN industries in Goa received from Govern .. THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ment of Goa State Public Sector/Private DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY Parties pending aod disposed of durin. OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- period from 1985 to 1987 (upto 31.10.1987) CHALAM): (a) and (h) The year-wise is given below :- number of applications for establishing

    Year Total Nos. of Number of IL No of Number of applications appllcations appJlca- prQPosals received tions approved and ------LOI sranted Public Pvt. Reje- Pen- Sector Sec. cted ding Public Private Sector Soctor

    1985 24 5 19 10 2 12 1986 17 4 13 8 4 S 1987 13 2 11 *6 4 1 2 (upto 31. JO. 87)

    * 1 case has been otherwise disposed of.

    The remaining applications are under (c) Does not arise. different stages of proce~sjDg. Jt is the constant endevour of the Government to Growth of energy aDd growth of demaud dispose of all pending Industrial Licence applications as expeditiously as possible. J628. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: To ensure this. procedures have been Wi1l the Minister of ENERGY be pleased streamlined. Details of pending propo- to state : sals are however, not divulged till the Govt. have taken final decision thereon. (a) whether a recent study has sugges. fed that as per tbe present rate of growth Post offices in villages of Karaotaka of energy and the growth of demand, there will a'ways exist a shortage; 1627. SHRI V. KRISHNA RAO : Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS (b) If so, Government's assessment be pJeased to state: upto 200U AD.

    (a) the total number of villages in (c) the reasons for the continuous Karnataka without post office; shortage in the country and Its impact on country's econmic health; and (b) whether there is a proposal to provide at least a small post office in ea<>h (d) the steps be;ng ..::ontemplated to village; and , improve the situation? Cc) if so, the details of the plan in this regard? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ~\1INISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (c) The (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) CEA has rtcently carried out generatios There are 18.790 villages in Karna- capacity optimisation studies, results of taka where no post o~ce is at present which are contained in It& report titled located. 'National Power Plan (1985-2000 AD)' covering the period upto 2000 AD. (b) No. Sir. Accordinl to tbe 12tb ADoual Power 2'5 Written Answers NOVBMBi;:R 1'1, 1987 Written Answers

    Survty Committee, the forecast of power (b) whether some States have shown requirement by tbe end of the 7th, 8th their reluctance to set up consumer pro- and 9th five-year pJans Is as follows :- tection councils as stipulated in tbe Cen- tral Act on the subject;

    Terminal year Peak En~rgy (c) jf so, the name! of tbe States where of five year demand requirement sucb councils are yet to be set up; and plans (MW) (MKWH)

    ------~----- .. -~------... ~~--- (d) whether Government propose to 7th Plan (1989.90) 49278 269379 give any direction in this regard to expedite the matter? 8th Plan (1994-95) 78438 428613 THE MINISTER OF PARLIA- 9th Plan (1999.2000) 115400 684973 MENTARY AFFAIRS A~D MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES The studies conducted by CEA indicate (SARI H.K.L. BHAGAT): (8) Representa- tbat capacity addition of about 48000 MW tives of 1.5 States and U. Ts. attended the in tbe 8th PJan aDd 62000 MW in the 9th meeting of the Central Consumer Protec. Plan would be required to meet tbe tion Council held on 28 September, 1987. demand. The representatives of the remaining States could not attend due to their other com- The investment required during the mitments. 8th aDd 9th five-year plan periods to achieve this, is estimated to be of the (b) to (d) No State bas shown reluc- order of Rs. 200,000 crores. This includes tance to set up the Consumer Protection funds required for advance action on Council. So far, as per information power Icbemes for benefits during tbe available, the States of Andbra Pradesh, 10th five-year Plan and beyond. The Assam, Bihar, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, prelent indications, however, are that on Maharasbtra, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Sikkim account of the likely constraints of funds, and Uttar Pradesh and Union Territories .tc., the actual capacity addition during of A & N Islands, Chandigarh, Delhi and tbe 8tb Plan period may be of the order Pondicherry have set up the Consumer of 38,000 MW as against the envisaged Protection Councjls. The Central capacity addition of 48.000 MW. Government have repeatedly advised the States and Union Territories for establish- (d) The steps taken to meet the power ing the statutory institutions conceived Ihortage and to improve the availability under the Act. of power include expediting commissioning of additional capacity. improving the [Trans/arion] performance .of the exisling therma I power Setting up of petrochemical factories station!, reducing transmission and distri· bution losses, implementation of energy 1630. SfiRI SARFARAZ AHMAD: conservation and demand management measures, aod Implementing short gesta-' SHRIMATI MANORAMA tion projects. SINGH: StiRI VILAS MUTTEMWAR : Conlumer CouDcils in State. Will the Minister of INDUSTR Y be 1629. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL : pleased to state: Will tbe Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: . (a) whether Government propose to set up six petrocoemical factories in the (8) whether a number of States did country at a cost of Rupees 10,000 crores; not attend a meeting of tbe Central Con- sumer Protection Council held in Septe- (b) if so, the time by whicb the so mb~r, 1987 and jf ,10, the reasons thereof; factories will be set up and tbe names of 297 Written Answe,.s KARTIKA 26,1909 (SAKAJ Wrlttell Answers 2Y8

    the places wbere these factories will be sector for schemes executed during the located; and year 1987;

    (c) the criteria to be adopted for the selection of sites for these factories? (h) the detaiJs of the projects ill the telecommunications sector for which aid has been granted by the World Bank; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (c) the steps proposed to ensure OF INDUSrRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- judicious utilisatIon of the aid and com- CHALAM) : (a) No, Sir. pJetion of the relevant projects accordioa to schedule? (b) and (C) Do not arise. . THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE [English] MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): (a) Changes in Companies Act No scheme financed from the 9th World Bank loan will b~ commissioned in 1987. 1631. SHRI SRIHARI RAO : (b) The Project includes procurement SHRI K. RAMACHANDRA of optical fibre systems, MicrowAve Sys- REDDY: tems, Under-ground Cables, Digital Co- Win the Minister of INDUSTRY be axial Equipments, Satellite Earth Stations, pleased to state: Cable PCM Systems, Muhiplex;ng Equip- ments, and 60 MHz Co-axial Systems, (a) whether the Chambers of Com- besides Training and Consultancy. merce and Industry have made any repre- sentation for carrying out drastic changes (c) Schemes have been formulated for in the Companies Act to s,mphfy tbe commissioning of tbe equipments 00 various provisions; and arrival.

    (b) if so. the deta its thereof and the Power plant ba8ed 00 paddy straw decision taken by Government in the 1633. SHRI Y.S. MAHAJAN: Will matter; any if the Minister of ENERGY be .pleased to state: THE ~,fINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (8) whether the Punjab State Electrl· OF INDUSTRY (SHRI ~t. ARUNA- city Board has finalised plans to set CHALAM) : (8) Yes, Sir. up a power plant based on paddy straw as a source of fuel in consultation with tbe Department of N oo-Conventional Energy (b) The Companies (Am~ndment) Bill Sources; 1987, has been introduced in the Rajya Sabba 00 31.8.87. to further amend the (b) tbe running cost of production of Companies Act, ] 956, wbich includes electric power by the proposed pow~r Inter. alia, provisions for simplification of' plant as compared to tbe conventional some of the provisions of the Act. thermal power plants; and

    World Bank aid for telecommuuicatioDs sector (e) the rate of efficiency of tbe pro· posed plant at which It is expected to bo operated ? 1632. SHRI SRIHARI RAO : Will the Minister· of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state : THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (SHRI .VAS~NT SATHE) : (a) Yel, Sir. (a) the total aid extended by tbe lb) The cost of production of electric World BaDk for ,be telecommunications power throUib tbe. alro tbermal power 299 Written Answers ~ovi!M8.ER. 17, 1981 Wrillell Answers 300 will be about 8S paise per unit as compared through solar thermal route would be to tbe conventional thermal power acnera- much less than of conventional thermal tion cost of about 72 paise per unit. power plants as tbere are no fuel costs Involved. However, the actual running (c) The agro thermal plant is expec- cost of production of electricity can only ted to have an over all efficiency of about be known when megawatt siz" sofar power 24 percent as against 37% for conventional plants are installed in the country. coal based tbermal power plants. (c) The operating efficiency of a solar Setting ap of lO]ar, power plants power plant depends on a number of factors such as location, solar radiation, 1634. SHRI Y.S. MAHAJAN: Will type of technology Involved etc. However, the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to the overall efficiency of a solar thermal atate : power plant may be anything between 8 to 20 per ccnt. In case of photoYoltaics, (a) whether the feasibility of settIng the modules currently made in the country solar power plants in a big way has been have conversion efficiencies of the order examined and if so, with what results. of 10%.

    (b) what will be the running cost of Losses/profits by units of Cement production of electric power by the solar Corporatloo of India power plants and how 11 will compare with 1635. SHRI BIRINDER SINGH the power generated by thermal ,power Wan the Minister of INDUSTRY be plants; and pleased to state :

    (c) at what rate of efficiency these (a) the units under Cement Corpora- solar power plants arc expected to be tion of India which are incurring Josses/ operated? earning profits;

    THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (b) the year-wise as well as unit-wise (SHRI VASA NT SATHE): (8) A pre. details of losses/profits since 1985; and feasibility report on 30 M W solar tbermal (c) the measures Government arc power plant has already been prepared taking to prevent the recurring Josses ? and is under considerafion. However, feasibility of setting up Jarge scale photo- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN yoltai~ power plants in India bas not yet THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL been studied. DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- (b) As per tbe pre-feasibility report CHALAM): (8) and (b) Net profit/loss prepared for 30 MW solar thermal pO\ler of the operating units of Cement Corpora- aenerating plants it is expected that the tion of India during 1985-86 and 1986-87 running cost of production of electricity are a. follows : RI. lakhs

    Unit 1985-86 1986-87

    1 2 3

    Mandhar 66.93 (199.72)

    Kurkunta (44.71) (186.27)

    Bokajan 78.42 17.74

    Rajbhaa (43,79) (142.73) 301 Written Answers .K!ARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Wrltten·Answers 302

    1 2 3

    NaY SS80n (214.27) ) (416.58)

    , AkaItara I (549.78) (487.84)

    Yerraguntla (286.55) (301.84)

    Charkhi Dadri (44.25) (179,,58)

    Adilabad (286.70) (338.65)

    (Figures in bracket jodicat" loss)

    (c) The Management bas been streng.. Bclspur as it forms part of the Turbhe thened and emphasis is being laid on exchange. The other exchanges are likely higber capacity utilisation, preventive to be connected directly to Bombay by maintenance, cost reduction, revamping the end of the 7th Plan. of the marketing structure etc. Soviet ••sistanee for power projects In Direct telephone facility from New Andbra Pradelb Bombay to Bombay 1637. SHRI V. TULSIRAM : 1636. SHRI S.G. GHOLAP': Will DR. G.S. RAJHANS : the Minister of COMMUNICAIIONS be pleased to state: Will tbe Minister of ENERGY be ." pleased to state: . (a) whether there is no direct tele.. (a) whether Soviet Unfon has offered phone facility from New Bombay to assistance lor power projects in the Bombay; country; (b) jf so, the reasons tbereof; and (b) if 10, the details of assisfance 10 (c) the time by which New Bombay offered together with total capacity. esti- and particularly Belapur, a part or New mated COlt. location of the projects and Bombay, will get this facility? expected generatioD 01 power;

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) whether a project will be let up MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS In Andhra Pradesh, if not, the realons (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN OEV): (a) therefor; and Direct Telephone Facility from New Bombay to Bombay is available on STD (d) the time when these projects arc from Turbhe, Rabela, Panvel, Kalamboli expected to yield benefits? an j Sbeva Port Trust. The service is charged at the rate o( 36/48 seconds pulse THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE rate. DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI (b) The automatic dialling service is SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) to (d) in the not available for Uran. Taloja, Digboda, Eighth Meeting of the Indo-Soviet working Nhava and Kausa. This is due to the Group on Power held in Moscow in non-availability or long distance media October, 1987, both sides recognised tbat aod/or the exchanges being either manual prospects exist in respect of enlaraing or small capacity automatic exchanges. cooperation in the cODstruction of Dew tbcrmaf/hydro power stations and trans- (c) The facility is already available to mission and distribution systems. The 303 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 304

    SovIet side indicated their interest in rates to the worst drought affected dist- extendina assistance, on mutually accept- ricts of Barmer, Jaisalmer and Jodhp~r in able terms and conditions, for new pro- Rajasthan to combat the acute drought jects of an aggregate capacity of 3000 MW situation there ? 00 which work could start before March, '1990. The Indian side agreed to examine THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- the offer expeditiously in the light of new TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF capacity induction plans. FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (8) Government have Specific projects are identified with due introduced a scheme for supply of wheat regard to the power requirements and and rice at specially subsidised prices to relevant techno-economic considerations. the people living in the areas covered under the Integrated Tribal Development [Translation) . Projects (ITDP) excluding urban agglo- merations and the tribal majority States CODcesslonalwheat for drought affected of Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Milo- districts of Rajasthan ram, Nagalaod, Dadra & Nagar HaveU 1638. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER and Lakshadweep. A list of the ITDPs Is JAIN: Will tbe Minister of FOOD AND given in the Statement below. Under the CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state: scheme, wheat is supplied to the consu- mers at Rs. 1.55 per kg. The main (a) the names of tbe Adivasi areas objective of the scheme is to provide the where wheat is being provided at conces- minimum need of foodgrains at conces- sional rates te. Rs. I.SS per kilograms sional rates to the poorer and weaker under tbe Public Distribution System and section" of the society. tbe details of objectives thereof; and (b) The I.T.D.P. Scheme has a (b) whet her Government propose to Umlted purpose lind it has not been provide wbeat at the same concessional extended for a oy other purpose to other areas.


    list of I.T.D.Ps in various States/Union Territories

    S. No. State/U .T. I.T.D.P. District

    - -- 1 2 3 4

    1. And bra Pradesh 1. AdiJabad Adilabad 2. East Godavari East Godavari 3. Khammam Kbammam 4. Srikakulam Srikakulam s. Visakhapatnam Visakapatnam 6. Vizianagaram Vizlanagaram _7. Warangal 8. West Godavari West Codavari II. Assam 9. Silchar Cachar' 10. Mangaldoi Darang 3M, "rltt~ M!wer. ~IlTIKA 26, 1909 (SAU) Writttn Answ"" 3<>'

    ~---.-- ---._.. _ -,------~ ---.------_ ....

    1 2 3 4

    " 11. Tezpur Darao8 12. Dibrugarb Dibrugarh 13. Tinsukiya & Sadiya Dibrugarh 14. Kokrajhar Goalpara 15. Dhubri Goalpara

    16. GoaJpara OoaJpRra

    17. Darpeta' Kamrup

    18. Nalbari . Kamrup 1'. Gaubati-I Kamrup 26. Oaubati-II Kamrup 21. N. Lakhimpur Lakhimpur 22. Dhemaji & Jonai Lakhimpur 23. MarlgRon (Nowaona) Nowgong

    2~. Jorhat Sibaaiar 2S. Majuli Sibaagar 26. Golaghat Sibaalar 27. Sibaalar SibsRgar

    III. Bihar 28. LatebRr Palamau 2'. Ranchi Rancbi 30. Khuoti Rancbi 31. Lohardada Rancbi 32. Gumla Rancbi 33. Simdcaa Saothal ParaaDaa 34. Dumka Sao thaI ParaaDa.

    35. Pakur Saothal Paraaoal

    36. Jamtara Ssothal Parlanal

    37. Rajmahal Santha] Paraloas

    38. Chakradbarpur Siogbbbum 3'. Cbaibassa Sinlbbbum 41. Saraikel. SiDlbbbum

    41. Dbalbbum SiD.hbbum '.7 Writtln AnSW'f$ NOVBMB~It 17, 19.7 Written Answ"s 30g

    1 2 3

    IV. G.jarat 42. Banaskantha Banaskantba 43. Bharucb Bharuch 44. Dangs Danas

    4~. Panchmahals Panchmahals 46. Kbedbrahma Sabarkantba 41. Surat-I Surat 48. Surat-II Surat 49. Vadodara Vadodara

    56. Valsad VaJsad

    Y. Himacbal Pradlsh 51. P.ngi Chambha 52. Bharmaur Chamba

    53. Kinnaur Kinnaur

    54. L.baul Lahaul & S"iti SSe Spiti Lahaul &. Spiti

    VI. Karo.taka .56. Mudigerc Chickmaga)ur 57. Ponnampet Coorg 58. H.D. Kote Mysore 59. Udlpl South Kanara 60. Puttur South Kanara VII. Ker.la 61. Punnalur Trivandrum QulJon & Jdukky 62. Idukky Idukky & Ernakulam '3. Nilambar Malappuram Wynad Kozhikode

    64. Manautboddy Wynad


    65. Attapady Palgbat

    VIII. Madbya Pradesh 66. Baibar .Balaghat

    67. Bhanupratappur Bastac

    68. Naraiapuf Baatar 3G9 Written An.1w~r$ ICARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) W,It/ell Answer, 310

    1 2 3 4

    ______.0 •• ___._. __ o ______.- . -- - . ._...... _ .-...... _~--

    69. Baslar 70. Jagdalpur Bestar 71. Dant.wada Bastar 72. Konta Baltar 73. Bljapur Bastar 74. Helul Betul 75. Katsbora Bilaspur 76. Gaurella Bllaspur 77 •. Tamia Chhiddwara 78. Bicbbua Chbindwlra 79. Dbar Obar 80. Kuksbi Dblr 81. Dondi Our,

    82. Kesla HosbaDg.bad

    83. Jhabua Jhabua

    84. AJirajpur Jbabua

    8S. Khalwa KbaDdwl

    86. Barwaof Kbaraooc

    87. Kbargooc Khargon.

    88. Maheshwar Kbargono

    89. Mandl. Mandla

    90. Niwas Mandla

    91. Dindori Mandl.

    92. Karbal Morcn.

    93. Jasbpur Naaar Raiaarh

    94. Dharamjaigarh Rai.arh '5. Oariaband RaJ pur 96. Cbowki aajoaodlaoD

    97. Sailao. Radam tl. LakbnadoD Seom ",rlltelf Answer;

    1 2 3

    99. Kural Seoni

    100. Shabdol Sbabdol

    ,~ 101. Pushprajgarb Sbabdol

    102. J aisiDlhnagar Shahdol

    103. Kusmi Sidhi

    104. Ambikapur Surguja

    lOS. Pal Surguja

    186. Surajput Surguja

    107. Korea Surguja

    IX. Maharashtr. 108. Akola (Rural) Ahmednalar

    109. Melahat (Dbaroi) Amrawati

    110. Sironcha Chaodrapur (Chandrapur-I)

    111. Oadchir~1i (Btapalli) Chaodrapur (Chaodrapur-II) (Cbanor.)

    112. Rajpura ChlDdrapur

    113. Dhulc-I DbuJe (Taloda)

    11 .... Dbule-II Dbul. (Nandurbar)

    lIS. JaJgaon Jalaaon

    116. Kiowat

    111. Naisik·J Nisik (Kalwan)

    111. Nasik-II Hasik (Dindorl) .

    119. AlbbeaaoD Pun. (Sal)

    120. Tbane-} Tban. (JaWabar) 313 W" Iten Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 314 ~~

    ------. ----~ . ___ ---~-.---.

    1 2 3 4

    121. Thane-II Thane (Shabapur) , 122. Yavtmal Yavatmal (Pandbarkawada)

    X. Manipur 123. Maoipur East Maoipur East 124. Manipur oN o~th Maoipur North 125. Manipur South Manlpur Soutb

    126. Maoipur West Manipur West

    127. Tengnoupal TeogDoupal " XI. Orissa 128. Nilgiri BaJasore 129. Baliguda Boudh Khondmals 130. Kbondmals Boudh Khondmals

    131. Parlakbemundi Ganjam

    132. Th. Rampur Kalahandi

    133. Kconjhar , Keonjhar

    134. Champua Keonjhar

    13S. Koraput

    136. Rayasada Koraput

    J37. Malkanairi Koraput

    138. Jeyporc Koraput

    139. Nowrangpur Koraput

    140. Gunupur Koraput

    141. Baripada Mayurbhanj

    142. Rairangpur Mayurbbanj

    143. Karanjia Mayurbhanj .. 144. Kaptipada Mayurbhaoj

    145. Kuchrnda Sambalpur

    146. Sundcraarh Sundergarh

    147. Panposh Sunderaarh

    , '. j15 Written Ahswets NOVEMBER 17 1981 Writlen Allswers 316

    -_ .. -~.-----. 1 2 3 4

    148. Donai Sundergarh

    XII. Rajasthan 149. Banlwara Banswara ISO. Cbittorgarh Cbittorgarh lSI. Duogarpur Duogarp:.Jr IS2. Sirobi Sir obi IS3. Udaipur Udaipur

    XIII. Sikkim 154. North District North District 155. East Diltrict East District 156. West Di.tricl West District IS7. South District South District

    XIV. Tamil Nadu 158. SIUeri Hills Dharamapuri 159. lawathi Hills North Areot 160. Kolli Hills Salem 161. Yereaud Salem 162. Kalrayan Hills Salem 163. Aranuthumalai Salem 164. Pacbamalai Salem 165. Ka]rayaD Hills South Areol 166. Pachamalai Hills Tiruchirapalli

    XV. Tripura 1'7. North Trlpura North Tripura 168. South Tripura South Trlpura 169. West Tripura West Tripura

    XVI. Uttar Pradesh 110. Lakhimpur Kheri Lakhimpur Kherl

    XVII. West .eDaa) 171. Bankura Bankura

    172. Bjrbhum Birbhum

    173. Burdwan Burdwan

    174. Darjeeling Darjeeliog

    175. Hooghly Hooghly

    176. Jalpaiauri JaJpaigurl

    177. MaIda MaIda

    171. Midnapore Mldnapoto Written Answers KARTIKA 26.1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 311

    1 2 3 ..

    179. Murshidabad M urshidabad

    180. Purulia Purulia

    181. 24 .. Parganas 24-Parganas

    182. West Dlnajpur Welt Dinajpur

    XVIII. Andaman & 183. Andaman &. Nicobar Nicobar Islands Nicobar Islands

    XIX. Daman and 184. Daman Daman Diu

    No Industry districts in Rajasthan (b) An amount of Rs. 191.41 lakhs bas 1639. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER been released so far as Centre's share JAIN: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY for development of in(rastructural facilities be pleased to state : in these districts. Under the Central In- vestment Subsidy Scheme, an amount 01 (a) the names of the 'no industry dis .. R s. 48.6S crores has been reimbursed to tricts' in respect of which Rajasthan Rajasthan so far. Government have sent infrastructure de .. ve)opment project reports to Union (c) The following number of Letters of Government along with the dates of sub- intent, Industrial licences and nOTD mission of each such report and whether Registrations have t)een issued to 'No In- copies of these project reports will be laid dustry Districts' in Rajasthan during the on the Table of the House; last three years :

    (b) the amount of assistance and Year Letters of Industrial DGTO subsidy given by Union Government so far intent Jicences Registra tio 01 to the State Government for industrial development of the 'no industry districts; 1984 2 8 and 1985 6 1 19 (C) the names of the areas in tho said 'no industry districts' where industrial 1986 8 S devo)opment took place under the said schemes and the details thereof? 1987 3 9 (up to Sept. 87) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY The details of LIs/ILs/DGTO Reg- OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA· istrations regarding name of tbe undertake CHALAM): (a) Of the four no Induslry ina etc., are published by Indian Invelt- Districts of Rajasthan, Project Report in ment Centre in their 6MonthJy News respect of Sirohi district was submitted by Letter't copies of which are available in the State Government during the year the Parliament Library. 1985.86 and for Churu, Barmer and Policy for development or ancillary lada.tr. Jaisalmer districts, during the year 1986·87. Ie •• These are project reports and it is not 1640. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH : proposed to lay tbem on the table of the Will the Minister of INDUSTR Y be plea .. House. sed to statc : 319 Wrltltn Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers

    (a) whether any policy has been laid (d) what percentage of the demand is down for the development ·of ancIllary in- likely to be rnet witb the imported rice ana dustries by the units set up under Govern- the likely impact on the price structure 1· meot Undertakings; (b) if, so, whether this policy is also THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. applicable to the units set up by defence TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF organisations; and FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H. K. L' BHAGAT): (a) There is rea- (c) whether the central establishments sonable quantity of stocks of rice with the are complying with tbese policies In toto? public agencies. The Government, how- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ever, keeps· open the option to import DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DE- foodgrains as and when considered necea- VELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF sary. INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNACHAL- AM):(a) The Polley for growth and develo- (b) In the absence of firm estimates of pment of anci11ary industries by public sec· Kharif production, it is too early to tor enterprises has been laid down in the quantify the anticipated shortfall. guidelines issued by tbe Government on the subject in May, 1978. (c) and (d) Do not arise in view of (b) The Policy for development of an- (a) and (b) above. cillary industries is a ho applicable to the pubic sector undertakings under the Mini- Power Pia ot in Punjab try of Defence. 1642. SHRI M.S. GILL: Will tbe (c) Pubic Sector Enterprises have Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state: taken several steps to implement the pro- ramme of ancil1arisatioD such as setting up (a) whether Government have a pro... of Plant Level Committee, Dominations of pos al to set up gas based thermal power senior officers to look after ancillary plant in Punjab; and development, an'd assisting the units by provldioi technical know-how and mana- l b) if so, the details tbereof and if gerial guidance, production aids like des- not, the reasons tberefor ? igns, drawings, tools, jigs & fixtures, quali- ty control orocess, supply of critical raw THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE materials etc., wherever possible. DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THB MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI [English] SUSHILA ROHTAGI) : (a) No, Sir.

    Import of rice to meet demand (b) Installation of more gas-based 1641. SHRI MOHD. MAHFOOZ ALl power plants would depend on the availa. KHAN: Will the Mintster of FOOD AND bHity of gas on a sustained basis, tbe CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to state :. power requirements and other relevant techno-ecnnomic factora, (a> whether the country which has been seU sufficient in rice. will have to re. Contract for offshore exploration to sort to imports to meet tbe demand; foreign companies

    (b) if so, what is the anticipated short. 1643. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL : faU in rice Kharif crop during tbe current SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN : year as against targ~t and the percentage by which the rich carryover stocks are Will the Minister of PETROLEUM likely to decline; AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to state:

    (c) the e~timated quantity or rice pro- (a) whether some foreign companiel posed to be imported and the cost involved; have been awarded contracts for oil ex. aDd ploration in offshore areal; 321 Written .4nswers KARTIKA 26, 1909 ($AKA) Written Answer3 322

    (b) if so. tbe names of the campanies Government welcome these moves in a'od the terms of tbe contracts witb tbem; the development of alcohol Industry.

    (c) the areas earmaked for tbeir ProductioD 01 SUlar operation; and 1645. SHRI SWAMI PRASAD (d) ·the target dates, if any, fixed for SI~GH : Will the Minjster of FOOD AND the purpose? CIVIL SUPPLIES be plealled to state tbe steps Government propose to take to in- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF crease the output of sugar during 1987.88 THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM to 1989-90? AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAH- MA DUTT): (a) No, Sir. THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF (b) to Cd) Do not arise. FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT): Government have Manufacture of alcohol form beetroot already taken various steps to 'increase the Molasses. production of sugar in the country. These Includc- 1644. DR. T. KALPANA DEVI : Will the MI~tster of INDUSTRY be (1) increase in the statutory minimum pleased to state: prtce of sugarcane payable by (a) whether it is a . fact that some new sugar factories during the season technique has been developed in Rajasthan 1987-88 from Rs. 17.00 to Rs. to manufacture alcohol from b~etroot 18.00 per quintal linked to 8.S% recovering; molasses;

    (b) if so, the details of this process; (2) grant of rebate in excise duty on sugar produced during the montbs (C) the cost involved in this proc~ss; of October and November, 1987, in 1987-88 season in excess of th" (d) the yield of alcohol with this pro- average quantities produced dur- cess; and ing the corresponding period in the preceding three sealons; and (e) what are the views of Government on this process ? (3) measures for development of sugarcane cultivation and establ- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN ishment of new capacity envisaged THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMI. under the new sugar policy for the CALS AND PETRO·CHEMICALS 7th Plan period. IN, THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY (SHRI R. K. JAICHANDRA SINGH): (a) to (e) In the recently announced Survey for onderground coal reser,es policy, the Government has already 1646. SHRI RANJIT SINGH GAEK- relaxed the ban for manufacture of alchol from raw materials other tban sugar WAD: Will tbe Minister of ENERGY be pJeased to state.: ' and khandsari molasses, such as tapioca, beetroot potato etc. in order to case tbe pressure on sugar/khandsari moJass~s and

    (c) the details of the plan drawn out to harness the coal by opening new coal. Mine Planning and Design Insitute in con- fields? junction with M;neral Exploration Cor- poration Limited and other engaged agenc- ies. The coal reserves of India, as per THE MINISTER OF ENERGY aSicssment made by GSI up-to 1986 are (SHRI VASANT SATHE) : (a) and (b) 1.59,~99.l6 million tonnes for coal seams Regional exploration of coal and preparat- of O.S metre and in thickness down to a ion of geological reports is carried out by depth of 1200 metres. The details ef coal Geological Survey of India. which is a reserves in the different States 'is a. continuous process. Based on these geologi- under: - cial reports, the detai led exploration pro- aramme of coal is taken up by Central

    State Reserves in million tonnes

    (a> Andhra Pradesb 10,296.6" (b) Arunachal Pradesh 90.23

    (c) Assam 280.03

    (d) Bihar 56,612.30

    (e) Madhya Pradesh 23,856.44

    (f> Maharashtra 5,075.40

    (g) Meahalaya 458.94

    (h) Nagaland 12.05

    (I) Orissa . 34,463.01

    (J) West Bengal 28,154,16

    J ,59,299.16

    Of the above reserve~, 46,627.95 million (b) the total consumption of coal dur- tonnes are of tbe proven category. ing the above period; (c) whether there is a growing demand (C) Medium and long-term plans have for allotment of more coal to each sector been drawn up for development of coal whereas the coal production is decreas- resources in tbe country. As per these ing; projections, annual coal production will (d) wether Government have drawn increase from t he present JeveJ of 165.79 out a plan for modernisation of coal mines m.t. to 226 m.t., 325 m.t. and 417 m,t. by and for ex plocation of new coal mines; the end of Seventh, Eighth and Ninth and Plao periods respectively. (e) if 80, the details regarding the coal Coal output, consumptloD and demand requirement of the country during 1990 and steps to be taken to augment coal 1647. SHRI RANJITSINGH GAEK· production ? WAD: will the Minister of ENERGY be rleasod to state: THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (SHRl V ASANT SATHE): (a) Coal (a) the total coal output from each of production in the country during the tbe coal fields during the last three yearSj years 1984-~S to 1986·87 is as under: 325 Written Answers KAIt TfK4 26. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 3~6

    (In mUlion tonnea)

    Company Coal Production

    I. Companies under 1984.. 1985 1985-86 1986-87 Coal India

    l. Eastern Coalficlds Ltd. 23.11 24.03 25.62

    2. Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. 21.84 21.08 24.01

    3. Central Coalficlds Ltd. 39.00 24.13 25.14 4. Northern Coalfields • 11,61 13.60 S. Western Coalfields 46.05 18.11 19.34 6. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. • 34,25 36.15 7. North Eastern Coalfields Ltd. 0.81 0.84 0.91 --- Total Coal India Ltd. 130.81 134.11 144.77 II. Singareni CoJlieries Company Ltd. 12.33 15.66 16.SB

    III. Captive Collieries under TISeO/IISCO/DVe 4.27 4.43 4.44

    Toal All India 147.41 154.20 J65.79

    • Included 10 WCL and CCL. The two new companies NCL and SECL wero formed on 28.11.85 by regrouping the collieries under CCL and WCL. (b) Off-take of coat during the years 1984-85 to 1986·87 is given as under:

    1984-85 1985-86 1986-87

    139.58 155.05 162.68

    (c) Demand for coal is generally browing for power generation. Against this demand from year to year, in most of the major production in the terminal year of VlIth .5 cOD4Juming sectors except Railways. Coal year Plan is anticipated to be 226.00 productiQn is also steadiiy increaslDg from million tonn~s. The gap between the de- year to year as wou1d be seen from (a) mand aod suppJy is planned to be met by above. Anticipated demand, as assessed by drawing down of pit head stocks which Planning Commission for major sectors, stood at 22.18 million tonnes at tbe end or. actual off-take and % satisfaction le\·el I September. 1987. Plans have been drawn achieved during the last 3 years are given up for development of coal resources in tbe in the Statement below. country. The steps to be taken to augment coal production include improvement of (d) and (e) Requirement of coal (or production capacity by re-oraanisiog exist- various consuming sectors during 89-90 has i08 mines, opening of new mines and aug- becn projected to be 236.70 milloD tonDes menting of infraltructural facUities aad excludID8 9.00 million tonnes of middlings support services. WrlttenAnswetJ NOVeMBBR 17. 1981 Writ/en Answers 3~8

    N o In. 0' 00 oe

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    rI.) c -CIS &;: ·c - o.. S -Q. .. t< u f;W . ... f'). Written Answers KA~TIK~ ~6J 1909 (SAKA) U'rltten Answers 330

    $ N ''D-

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    o o


    It'\ N o Q ~ - .0 .c III

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    s: .~ Co ~ S - :s o !! ..g o o o - Z U Z.

    GIl -o ~ 331 ",'rltlen Answers NOVEMBER a1, 1987 Written Answers j~2

    Raising prlre of foodgraios in Kerala of Palmolein in 2 Kg~. and 5 ·Kgs. pack- ings at Fair Price Shops baving common 1648. PROF. K,V. THOMAS: Will names of packers and processors 1 the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SU PPLIES bo pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF PARLIA. MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER (8) whether the retail price of food- OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES grains, particularly rice distributed through (SHRI H.K.L. BHAG AT) : (a) Yes, Sir. Fair Price Shops has been raised recently . in Kerala; and (b) According to Delhi Administration, it· is not correct. (b) it so, the details thereof and the rea sons ther efor 1 (c) Does Dot arise.

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIA. MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER (d) and (e) Yes, Sir. Two Public OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES Sector Undertakings namely the Hindustan (SHRI H.K.L. BHAGA T) : (a) The retail Vegefable Oil Corporation Ltd. and the prices of rice and other foodgrains are State Trading Corporation Ltd. are fixed by the State Governmtnts and supplying Palm olein to Fair Price Shops Union Territory Administrations tbernse- and Super Bazar, Keodriya Bbandar, etc. Jvee, who generally take into account the for distributing the same to the consumers against Ration Cards. Central issue price and their own distribu- tion costs and subsidy if any, in fixing the prices. (f) Government of India bas been allocating substantially increased quantity Distribution of Palmoleln 10 Delbi of imported edible oils to Delhi Adminis- tration tor distribution to consumers. 1649. SHRIMATI D.K. BHANDARI: Will tbe Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL Public sector I ndustry in Sikklm SUPPLIES be pleased to state: 1650. SHRIMATI D.K. BHANDARI: (a) whether the distribution of Pal- Will the Minister of INDUSTRY be plea- moJein bas been introduced through Fair sed to state: Price Shops in Delhi since September, )987; (a) whether it is a fact no public sector industry bas been set up in Sikkim (b) whether it is a fact that very few so far; tins of 2 Kgs. were made available tbrough Fair Price Shops during September, 1987 (b) if so, tbe reasons therefor; and 1 and tbe majority of Fair Price Shops have not been supplied with Palmolein in (c) tbe steps Government propose to October. 198.7; take in this regard 1 • (c) if so, the reasons therefor; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL (d) whether it is also a fact that DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY Palmolein tina supplied through Fair OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA. Price Shops, Super Bazar and Kendriya CHALAM) : (a) Yes, Sir. Bhandar etc. have differelAt names of packers and proc;essors; (b) and (c) Investment decisions to set up public sector units are taken 00 techno- (I) if so, the reasons thereof; and economic considerations rather than on geographical ones. Any proposals for (f> the steps Government propose to setting up a Public Sector Unit in Sikkim ~.kc to make available adequate atock will bo considered on merits. 333 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Wrillen Answers 334

    Foreign assistance for exploration or the North Com bay and Cauvery onshore hydrocarbons basins on turn-key basis under intor- Governmcntal agrcements of May 22t 1985, 1651. SHRI PRATAPRAO B. In pursuance of yet aoother agreement BHOSALE : WiJl the Minister of PETRO- of November 27, 1986, ONGC has signed LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased a general agreement wirh V 10 Technoex- to state : port to start a tbird project of intensive integrated exploration project In a mutually agreed area West Bengal onshore. (8) whether as~istance from. foreign 10 The companies has been sought to increase the Soviet Union has. extended long-term pace of exploration for hydrocarbons in credits for the execution or these projects. tbe country; (d) The cost of Cambay Cauvery pro- (b) if so, the details of assistance and jects is estimated at about Rs. 500.00 progress made in this regard so far; crores. Outlay (or remaining projects wUI be known when relevant contracts arc (c) tbe terms and conditions of assis- signed. tance by tbese foreign companies; and Production and supply of crude oil and gas (d) the financial outlay involved in the 1652. SHRI PRATAPRAO B. pace of exploration of hydrocarbons? BHOSALE : Will the Minister of PETRO. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased THB MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM to state: AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAH- MADUTT) : (a) Yes, Sir. (a) the production of crude 011 during o. 1986·87 and 1987-88 till date, source.wise; (b) and (c) In order to supplement the efforts of two national oil companies, (b) the quantum of production of ONGC & alL, bids were invited by gas supplies during 1986-87 and 1987-88 till Government from experienced international date, source-wise; and' companies to explore for oil and natural gas in 27 blocks in offshore areas of India. (c) the other exploration and produc- In response to this, 12 bids covering 9 tion activities undertaken by the Oil and blocks have been received from 7 foreign Natural Gas Commission during 1986-87 ? 011 companies. Negotiations with the bidders are in progress. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND In addition to thiS, V /0 Technoexport NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- of the USSR Is carrying out intensive DUTT) : (a) and (b) Information is as integrated exploration of hydrocarbons in follows:

    State/Area Production of Production of gas Supplies of gas crude oil (MMT) (MMT) (MMT) ------.------_------1986·87 87-88 1986-87 87·88 1986·87 87 .. 88 (Apr.Oct.) (Apr.Oct.) (Apr·Oct.)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Assam 5.15 2.99 235.95 1259.43 838.2 567.47 Arunachal Pradesh 0.06 0.02 12.ge 7.77

    Naaalaod 0.11 O.OS 5.75 2.93 335 Written Answtr.t NOVEMBER 17, J987. Written Answers 336

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Oujarat 4.56 2.89 910.00 • 547.00 645.0

    TamllDadu 0.01 1.00 4.00

    Tripura 21.00 14.00 20.00 14.00 ADdhra Pradesh, 11.73 6705 Bombay' offshore 20 62 4561 4263 2823

    (c) Otlier exploration and production (a) whether the Oil and Natural Gas activities include: Commission proposes to set up two new Institutes at Bombay; (i) Drilling of 43 (17 Onshore and 26 offshore new structure/prospects (b) jf so, the names of tltese Institutes; undertaken during 1986-87. (c) what will be the detailed activities of these institutes; (iI) Re-start or explora tory drilling operations in Himachal Pradelh at location Cheri-I. (d) tbe financial outlay involved in each such institutes; and

    (iii) Commencement of drilling opera- (e) tbe benefits to be achieved by these tions in Bengal Offshore. institutes and when tbese institutes are Jikely to start functioning? (iv) Com~issioniDg 01 16 new onland rigs for drilling (including deve- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THB lopment drilllDg). MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI BRAHMA- (v) For tbe first time, initiated and DUTT) : (a) Yes, Sir. completed successfully drill ins' of two horizontal deveJopment wells (b) The two Institutes being set up at in offshore Bombay High. new Bombay by the ONGC are :_

    (vi) Commenced oil production from (1) Institute of Production Ttchno- 7 new 011 pools, nemcly, Nanda .. logy (lPT). laD Gandhar, Asjol. Padre , Kat- (2) 1 nsUtute of Engineering & Ocean kalur & Lanwa in onshore and Technology (TEOT). Panna Sour in offshore. (c) These Institutes are expected to (vii) Commencement of gas supply to provide the required R&D SUpport to GNFC. Bharuch in Gujarat and ONGC's operations in their respective HFC, Namrup (Assam). areas. Institutes take up only applied R&D problems and basic research is farmed out to universities and technical (viii) Commissioning 8 new warkover- institutes such as ITTs through co)Jabora- rigs. live arrangements and sponsored researcb projects. : Settlna up or losUtates at Bombay by ONGe The Institute of Production Technology (lPT) wilJ carry out research & develoment 1653. SHRI PRATAPRAO B. in various areas of production of oil and BHOSALE : Will the Minister of PETRO. las such as treatment and transportation~ LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased workover sllmulalion of reservoir for opti- to state: mum production weJl completion and othcr 337 Written Answers KARTIKA 26 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 338

    related down hoYe problems, effluent van8spatl, oil cake after de-toxification disposal, corrosion and related problems, and identification of new sources of ve- heavy oil production, sub-sea tec!:Joology, getable oils from tree and forest origin. etc. (c) The allocation during 1987-8' to The Institute of Engineering &. Ocean 1989 .. 90 is as under :- Technology (IEOT) wilJ primarily carry out applied research in the field of engine- (R~. in lakhs) ering and ocean technology. It will also ,------_ .. - _...... __ carry out the design review of all offshore 1987.88 t988-89 ·1'89-90 (Provisional) . platforms including deep water production ------systems. 46 6 Ie

    (d) IPT project is estimated to cost Import of edible 011 I;y N.D.D.B. aDd otller about Rs. 19.7 crores and the IEOT pro- agencies ject Rs. 18.85 crores approximately. 1655. SHRI SWAMI PRASAD SINGH: (e) These Institutes have already star- Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL ted functioning as a nucJeus In Bombay. SUPPLIES be pleased to state: Oil industry Is a higb technology are•• Achieving self· reliance in techno}oHY has (a) whether it is a fact that the Nation· been identified as one of the important al Dairy Development Board hal been objectives of ONGC. These Institutes importing edible 01 s; are intended to bridge the technological gaps which have aready been identified and (b) if so, the detail~ of imports made will be identified in future. by it; Allocation for plan schemes relating to R&D programme (C) whether it is also a fact tbat some other agencies have also been permitted 1654. SHRI SWAMI PRASAD to import the edible oils; SINGH: Will tbe Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES be pleased to (d) if so, the details thereof; to state: (e) the total edible oils imported b, (a) whether it is a fact that several these agencies, separately; and plan schemes relating to R&D pro- grammme have been launched; (f) the countries from wbich impor- ted? (b) If so, the details of these schemes and the objectives thereof; and THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF (c) the allocation made for these sche- FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI mes during 1987-88 to 1989·90, year-wise. H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) Yes, Sir.

    THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. (b) National Dairy Development Board TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF has received 1,56.965 MTs of Crude FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI Rapeseed Oil from Canada and 1,47,780 H.K.L. BHAGAT) : (a) Yes, Sir. MTs of Refined Soyabean Oil from U.S.A. upto August, 1987. (b) 17 Schemes have been approved by the Government. Out of tbese three (c) aDd (d) Yes, Sir. The State Trad· schemes have already been completed. ing Corporation of India bas been permit. R&D schemes relate to production or ted to jmport the edible oil on behalf of edible grade rice bran oil. low cost spread tbe Government of India for distribution fat blended oils, oils, trans-free PUFA to consumers under PDS etc. 339 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17. 1987 Written Answers

    (e) The Stafe Trading Corporation of in respect of employees to be India has imported 14.97 Jakh (Prov.) borne by Cycle Corporation of tonnes of imported edible oil during the India Ltd. (CeIL). oil year 1986-87 (Nov.-Oct.). (c) and (d) No deed has yet been (f) U.S.A., Brazil, Argentina, Europe, executed. However, action has been Canada, Malaysia and Indonesia. ini tiated to execute the same.

    Haadover of Noakball Machine Tools (e) Ponding execution of the deed, the Limited to Hinduslan Cable·s Ltd. unit is under the management of HCL at present. Originally. HeL had intended 1656. SHRI PURNA CHANDRA to run it as a subsidiary company but it MALIK: Will the Minister of INDUSTRY has now been decided to run it as a be J)leased to' state : Dlvisjon of HeL.

    (a) whether it is a fact that the Noak- (f) Due to p3ucity of orders, the unit hali Machine Tools Ltd., a subsidiary of is not working to its full capacity. erstwhile Sen-RaJeigh Ltd., was handed over to the Hindustan Cables Ltd. after nationaJisation and consequently coming Ta king up of R&D projects into existence of Cycle Corporation of 1657. DR. T. KALPANA DEVI : Will India Ltd; the Minist~r of ENERG Y be pleased to state: (b) if so, the terms and conditions of such banding over; (a) whether several Research and (c) whether any deed was executed; Development projects jn the field of energy generation have be(n taken up by his (d) if not, the reasons thereof and Ministry; when it will be done; (b) If so, the detajls of each such pro- (e) what is the present relation of ject; Noakhali Machine Tools Ltd. with Hindus- tan Cables Ltd.; and (c) whether these projects will require any foreign consultancy and collabora. (f) whether N oakhali Machine Tools tion; and Ltd. is working to its fuJI capacity? (d) if so, the names of foreign coun- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tries and details of consulluncy and colla- DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL boration to be advanced by each such DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY country '1 OF INDUSTRY (SHRI lYl. ARUNACHALAM): (a) Yes, Sir. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEl-'hRTMENT OF PC,WbR IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI (b) The main terms and conditions of SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) Yes, Sir. the transfer were :- (b) (0 (d) :- (i) The unit to be taken over by Hinduslao Cables Ltd. (HCL) 1. Puga Geothermal Assessment Project: with effect from 1st April, 1984. To assess tbe geo-thermal energy pot. (ii) Rs. 60 Jakhs, subject to verifica- ential available in Puga VaJJey (Ladakh), tion of stock and sundry debtors, a project of exploratory and of R&D to be paid by HCL. nature \\-as sanctIoned 10 March, 1980 at a cost of Rs. 98 lakhs. The project is (iii) Accrued liabilities for aratuity. being implemented by the Central Electri- prOVident fund, etc. upto 31.3.84 city Authority. It envisages geo-scientific WrittclI Answcrs KARTIKA 26, i909 (SAKA) Written Altswers 342 investigations on the feasibility of utilisa- in the form of exchange of scientific per tion of geo-thermal energy in Puga Valley sonnel and supply of equipment" further for power generation. An expenditure of development of technologies in tbe field Rs. 71.30 lakbs has been incurred upto of enerlY gencration, etc, Septcmbor, 1987. Regional Reference Staodard Laboratory 2. Tid~1 Powor ~eneratlon n the GuU of Kachchb \Gujarat) : 1658. DR. T. KALPANA DEYI : Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL The project envisages investigations, SUPPLIES be pleascd to state: studies and preparation of a Jeasibllny report for a t IdaJ power project in tbe Gull of Kacbchh (Oujarat) including con- (a) whelher a Regional Reference struction of tbe tadal barrage baving a Standard Laboratory lor southern regioD lengtb of about 3.J.S kms. across the has been set up; Hanslbal creek. The same was sanctioned 1n 1980 at ao estimated cost of Rs. 218,38 (b) if so, the pJace where it has been lakbs wblch was revised to Rs. !l3J .22 set up and the activities to be undertaken lakbs In September, j 984. The in\'e~lI~a· by it; and tions commenced In January, 19~.l. The project IS being implemenle~ by tbe CEA (C) when the laboratory wilJ start its drawing upon the services and expertise of normal iunctioning ? a number of speciaJised agencies. Most of the jnvesugatlOn~/btulhes have been THE MINISTER OF. PARLIA· completed and tbe CEA is expected to MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER prepare tbe dran feasibility report by OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES Marcb, 1988. PClDung of tbe firUlt report (SHRI H.K.. L. BHAGAT) : (a) Yes, Sir. is expected to be complet(d by September, 1988. (b) and (c) The Laboratory has beeD E,cctricitc de France were consulted set up at Bangalore. It has been function- twice Le. in 1982 and 1986 on spec.:1tic ing from .T anuary 1986 in a temporary issues. accommodation provided by the State Government. Its main function is to 3. R&D Projecls for Noo·couveo- calibrate legal standards of Weights and tional Sources uf Euergy Measures of the State Governments in tb" The Department of Non-conventional regIon •. Eneray Sources bas spon~orcd several Biogas units re~earch and deveJopment projects In lh~ fichl of new and renewabJe bouc\:es of 1659. DR.. T. KALPANA DEYI : WiJ! energy related to energy generation. the Minister of ENERGY b; pleased to Tb~st= project are In ,be field of solar state : thermal, ::.olar pnotovoltaic, bio-gas, biomass, energy trom urban wast~, small (a) The targel fixed for bJogas units hydro, Wind cnergy, nydrosen euergYt for eacb Slate aDd Union "errnory aurlna CbcIDlcal ~ources 01 energy, geo-tnermal 1986·87 and 1987-88; energy, ocean cneriY and Maguelo Hydro Dynamics elC. and are being lakeD up in (b) The total outlay fixed for bioaa9 Universilles, ln~lan lusUlute~ 01 1 ecbno· units for eacb State for J98b·H7 and logy, and National LaborattlrlCS, .libarat 1987-88; Heavy E&eclricats Limned & other researcb IDSlitutions tbrougbout tbe country. Tb., (c) Tho criteria adopted for monitorinl Depilruncut IS bavlng sCientific cooperatlon ot tbese units; and under bllaleral aireemcnts In tbe field of DCW and renewable ~ources 01 eneray with many COUDtC10S such as USSR, USA" (d) The achievements made 10 far in W•• , Germany, Deomark, Swcdon, etc., thiS tidd ? Written Answers ISOVEMBER 17, 198? Written Answers 344

    THE MINISTER OF ENERGY (c) and (d) The criteria adopted for (SHRI V ASANT SA THE): (a) 1 he In .. monitoring are monthly reports OD number formation about the targets fixed for biogas of plants set up; and quarterJy inspection units for each State and Union Territory reports from State Govts. and implcment- during 1986-87 and 1987·88 under National ing agencies. In addition, the programme Projects on Biogas Development (N PBD) Is being monitored by the ., Monitoring is given in Statements.} and 11, below. Cclls" of the DepU. of Non-Conventional Energy Sources as well as by the indepen- (b) State-wise outlays are not provided. dent agenCies. Reports indicate that on Fundi arc released iD Instalments an average about 85~o of tbo plants set up as per approved norms. Funds reJeased UDder National Projects on Biogas Deve- to different States durinll 1986-87 and lopment were in working condition at a 1987·88 (April-Oct. '87) under National given time. Project on Biosas Development are given in Statement-III below. Statement-I

    SI. State/U. Territory Target for 1986-87 No. Implementing Agency (N o. of plants)

    1 2 3

    1. Andhra Prvdesh 20,000 2. Assam 1,000 3. Bihar 6,400 4. Gujarat 5,000 S. Haryana 2,200 6. Himachal Pradesh 2,500 7. Jammu & Kashmir 120 8. Karnataka 7,000 9. Kerilla 2,400 10. Madhya Pradesh 3,000

    11. Maharasbtra 40,000 12. Manipur 25 13. Megbalaya 30 14. Nagaland 10 1'. Orissa 2,500 16. Punjab 1,600 17. Rajasthad 5,000

    18. Sikkim ~

    19. Tamil Nadu 1j,120 ZOo Tripura 10 345 Written Answers KARtlKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answets 346

    1 2 3

    21, Uttar Pradesh 20,000 22. West Bengal 2,800

    23. Andaman & Nlcobar 5

    24. Chandigarh 5 25. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 10 26, Delhi 60 27. Mlzoram ISO 28. Goa. Daman & Diu 180

    29. Pondicherry 100 30. Khadi aDd Village Industries 15,000 Commission (KVIC)

    Grand Total : 1,50,150

    _-- -.----~--

    Statement-II -_.. _------SI. States/U. Territories! Target for 1987.88 No. Implementing agencies (No. of pIanls)

    1. Andhra Pradesh 10,000 2. Arunachal Pradesh S

    3. Assam 2,000 4. Bihar 5.000 S. Goa, Daman & Diu 100 6. Gujarat 7,500 7. Haryana 2,000 8. Himachal pradesh 3.000 9. Jammu & Kashmir 100 10. Karnataka 5,000

    11. Kera'a 2,500 12. Madhya Pradesh 2.000

    13. Mabarashtra 30,000 14.. Msnipur IS. Meghalaya ~47 Wr;II~" Answer, NOvtMBEIt 17. I'll Written A.nswers

    1 2 3

    16. Mizor.m 60

    17. Nalaland 10

    18. Orilsa.· 3,000

    19. Punjab 1,300

    20. Rajasthan 3,000

    21. Sikklm 30.

    22. Tamil Nadu 13,000

    23. Tripura 10

    24. Uttar Pradesh 18,000

    25. Welt. Benaal 3,000

    26. Andaman & Nico 5

    27. Cbandigarh 5

    28. D.!~~_a & Nagar R"...'-ty., •• 10 29. Delhi 100

    30. Pondicherry 100

    31. Khadi and ,.yillage Indultrics J0,000 Commission (K VIC)

    Orand Total 1,20,900


    Funds relealed to the State Govts./U. Territorlel Administration/the impl_ement- ina aleocies duriol 1986-87 and 1917-18 (April-Oct. '87). .

    SI. 5tate/U. TerritorYI Amount released-Rupees in No. Implementinl Aaencics laths. ~;,-~------~;~;--- (AprH·Oct. '87).

    II" ... _ ....

    1 4

    , ... r ,- ·w _irS. ..1' 1. Aodhra Pradesh (NEDCAP) 349 Wrltttn A"swer~ KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAJrA) Wrltttll A,fSWtr, 350

    1 2 3 4

    ., 2. Bihar, (BREDA) 203.71 72.00

    3. Assam 19.68 46.98

    4. Gujarat (GAle) '374.42 211.22

    5. Haryana 88.79 49.86

    6. Himachal Pradesh 9'.42 71.7S

    7. Jammu and Kashmir 2.46 1))3

    , 8. f Karnataka 277.55 72.00

    9. Madbya Pradesh (MPSAIDC) 1~O.73 32.77

    10. Maharashtra 1549.60 "S.93 11. Kerala 84.97 31.01

    12 .. Rajasthan 156.74 46.0'

    13. Orissa 182.52 "44.25 . 14. Punjab 41.89 20.98

    15. Tamil Nadu 4.57.17 155.00

    16. Uttar Pradesh 1271.16 487.75

    17. West Bengal 197.27 18.80

    )8. Sikkim 1.06 0.S3 19. Goa, Daman and Diu 3.64

    20. Pondicberry 1.86

    21. Mizoram 6.43 J.43

    22. Delhi (DEDA) 2.0S 1. .. 8

    23. KVIC· 659.36 413.7S

    24. Goa. 1.6' -_.-..----_ .... ------Total: 6427.71 2827.78

    K VIC= Kbadi and Villaae Industries Commission 351 fJ'riUtn Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 352

    Rlst 10 consumptloD or crude oil and (c) the broad outlfnes of the various petroleum products recommendations made by BICP in tbis behalr and the steps Government propose 1660. DR. B. L. SHAILESH : Will the to take to conserve energy in these indus- Minister of PETROLEUM AND NATU. tries; RAL GAS be pleasod to state: (d) whether Government arc also (a) whether Government have taken holding any talks with the commission for note of the rising consumpti on of crude European Communities and cooperation in oil and petroleum products in 1986.87; the energy conservation field; and

    (b) if so, whether it is likely to push (e) if so, the stage at which the up oil import bill; matter stands at present?

    (c) whether in view or the foreign THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB exchange reserves fast declining, Govern- DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ment contemplate to take certain positive DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY measures to check the rising consumption OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA· and keep the on import bill within certain CHALAM) : Yes, Sir . • pecified limits: and

    (b) The BICP stu~y for the paper (d) if so, tbe details thereof 1 Industry, has placed the potential for energy conservation at Rs. 42 crores per THE MINISTER OF STATE OF annum, provided the industry takes up THE MiNISTRY OF PETROLEUM co-generation of power and increase the AND NATURAL GAS(SHRI BRAHMA- energy efficiency of large boilers by over DUTT): (a) and (b) The demand for 10% amongst other measures. petroleum products is growing faster than indigenous prodction of crude oi t and For the cement industry, the potential increased imports are necessary to meet scope for savings of elctricity compared to the growing needs of the economy. international standards, bas been placed at 27 Kwh per tonne in the case of wet pro- (c) and (d) The important steps, cess plants and 44 Kwh per tonne in the among others, taken to reduce dependence case of dry process plants. The scope on imports are to intensify exploration for reduction of coal has been given as efforts, curb consumption of POL and 0.414 K. Cal/Kg. per tonne of CHnker in promote conservation through various using wet process and 2 208 K. Ca1./Kg of mealures. the same using dry process. Eoergy audit In cement and paper ( c) The broad recommendations 1661. DR. B. L. SHAltESH : Will made by the BICP for the paper industry tbe Mini.ter of INDUSTRY be pleased to are as follows:- state : (i) To remove infrastructural const· (a) whether the Bureau of Industrial raints faced by the paper industry; Costs and Prices (BIep) had made detailed studies of energy audits in cement and (ii) To ensure continuous suppJy of paper industries in view of the massive power, in terms of both quality energy consumption by tbe country's heavy and quantity; industry aector far exceeding interna tional standards; (iii) To ensure supply of consi- stent quality of coal; (b) if so, their findings regarding the (iv) To provide !joft loans to units potential ror energy con"ervalion in the implementing energy conservation piper Ind pulp and cement Industries; projects; 353 Writ/~n Answers KARTIKA 2(). 1909 (SAKA) JJ'rlt/~n A"swers 354

    (v) To give preference to expanllon (d) and (0) The talks with the EEe or modernisation schemes if lin- are still active. ked with integrated energy conser- vation systems; Shortage of power In Southern States

    (vi) To allow import on Jiberal terms 1662. SHRI V. SREENIVASA for those instruments, equlpments PRASAD: and machinery Dot available in SHRI N. V. CHANDRASHE. tbe country for energy conser- KARA MURTHY: vation schemes. Will the Minister of ENERGY be For the cement industry. the impor- pleased to state: tant recommendations made by the BIerI NCBM study are as (o)Jows :- (a) whether the Southern States are lIkely to faeo power shortage in the near future; (i) Wherever there is unsteady power supply from the grid, captive power generation of capacity of (b) ir so, the likely extent thereof; and 30% of the total power load of the plant should be allowed to be (c) the reasons thereof and steps installed to guarantee uninterrup- taken to meet tbis power shortage? ted power supply to klin and coal mill. This will improve capacity utilisation and, hence, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMBNT OF POWER IN THE specific power consumption. MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (c) The (ii) At least SO%of the coal supply to . power shortage faced by the States in tbe cement industry should be of C Southern region during April to October, and D grade or nODcoking coal 1987 Is indicated btlow : with maximum asb content not exceding 28%. This is feasible to be executed by the coal indus- Name of the State sbortage try through the present Coal % Linkage Committee. (April-October. 1987) ------_._--_----_.. --- (iii) Adequate fiscal incentives be provided to the cement manufa- Andbra Pradesh 9.0 cturers, details of which could be KlI.rnataka 26.7 worked out separately after detai- Jed in-plant investigations on ener- KeraIa 13.9 gy optimisation possibilities. To test out the feasibility of such Tamil Nadu 11.2 encrgy saving projccts, a few pilot projects would need to be set up. In view of the low reservoir levels in most of tbe reservoirs In tbe Southern As a follow-up of BICP/NCBM study Region, the States in the Southern Region of cement industry II it has been proposed are expected to face power shortage of that all cement plants should be covered varying degrees In the coming months. by a detailed energy audit. Further, tho All efforts are bcing made to provide National Award for Energy Efficiency in power to the States in the Southern Rcgion cement Industry bas been instituted. The from the Central Sector stations as per recommendations regarding power supply, tbeir share. Assistance would also be coal supply and fheal incentives are under provided to the States (rom the neighbou- constant review by the Government and ring systems to the extent possible. In Development Commissioner. Cement order to further improve the availabiHty Industry. of power in the Southern Reaion, various Written A,lswers ~ss "',.Itan Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1987 steps are being taken which include e,(pe- (b) whether such disparities arc more ditious commissioning or additional gene- in oil sector? fating capacity, early stabilisation of newly commissioned units, optimum utilisation of existing capacity, reducing transmission THE MINISTBR OF STATE IN THB and distribution losses and implementing DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL energy conservation and demand manage- DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF I~[)USTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA- ment measure •• CHALAM) : (a) Yes, Sir.

    IDstallatlon of automatic acc:ountlng systeOl (b) No, Sir at all exchanges In the capital

    1663. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE Power projects proposed for private sector PATIL : Will the Minister of COMM- UNICATIONS be pleased to state: 1665. SHRI MULLAPPALLY RAMACHANDRA~ Will the Mini- (a) whether Delhi Mabanagar Tele- ster of ENER G Y be pleased to phone Niaam Limited proposes to instal state : automatic accounting system at an the exchanges In the capital; (a) whether any power projects have been proposed for the private sector exclu- (b) if so, whether tbis new system sively; and will solve the problem of over-bilJing or under-biJIina; and (b) 'the main recommendations of the five member committee on tbe setting up (c) if so, the details thereof? of such power projects '1 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS THE MINISTER OF. STATE IN THE (SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV): DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI (a) Yes, Sir. SUSHJLA ROHTAGI) : (a) No, Sir.

    lh) and (c) In tbis system, recording and computation of the number of calls (b) SpeCific proposals received from made by a subscriber will be done with the private sector are examined on merits. the help of a computer, thereby avoiding The Report of the Workieg Group set up any human error. to study the modalities of private sector participation in electric power generation The subscriber will be able to get on is receivjng consideration of Government. request details of the long distance cans made by him including the date and time Transmission loss(,s fn States of tbe caU, the number dia))ed and dura- tion of conversation for his ~xaminatioD. 1666. SHRI K. KUNJAMBU: Will the Minister of·ENERGY be pJeased to Di sparities in wage increRse of employees state : of publlr. sector companies (8) the present position in regard to 1~4. SHRI SRIKANTA DATTA the transmission losses occurring in the NARASIMHARAJA WADIYAR: Will State, State-wtse break-up; the Minister of I NDUSTR Y be pleased to state: (b) whether any steps were taken to whether Government are aware of reduce the losses; and tbe disparities in wage increase of tbe employees of different public sector comp- (c) if so, the improvement made in anies; aDd ' each of these States due to these steps '1 357 Written Answers KA~TIi(A 26, t9()9 (SAKA) Wrillen Answers

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE payments to the State Electricity Boards/ DEPARTMENT OF PO\\'ER IN THE Electricity Department. individuals and MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRIMATI institutions for tbeir contribution towards SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (C) the reduction or Transmission and Distri- A Statement indicating the State. wise bution losses. Transmission and Distribution losses during the year 1985-86 is given below. It has been possible for the States of The State Electricity Boards have been Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, advised to bring down the losses through Rajasthan. Madhya Prades'h, Maharasbtra suitable technical measures and more particularly through vjgorous administra- Goa, Andbra Pradesb. Karnataka. Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, Manlpnr, Meghalaya, tive measures to detect and prevent theft of energ)'. The Indian Electricity Act, Nagaland and Tripura to brin& about a marginal reduction in tbeir Transmission 1910 bas been amended to make tbeft or energy a cognizable offence proviCling for and DJstribulion losses during 1985.86 as compared to 1980.81. more stringent punishments. A scheme bas,rcccotly been introduced for incentive Statement Transmission and Distribution Losses in State Electricity Boards/Electricity Departments

    Regiqn State Electricity Board/ T &0 losses as percentage Department of generation at bus bar (including commercial losses such lis pilferage, et c.) 1985·86·

    ------.~-- -~------~--~---- 1 2 3 1':orthern Regjon 1. Haryana 19.84 2. Hima~hal Pradesh 20.22 3. Jammu & Kashmir 35.85

    4. Punjab 18.82 S. Rajasthan 26.54 6. Uttar Pradesh 20.50 7. Chandigarh 18.90 8. D.E.S.U. 18.00

    Western Region I. Gujarat 25.50 2. ~adhya Pradesh 18.90 3. Maharashtra 14.51

    4. Dadra &. Nagar Haveti 16.00 S. Goa. Daman & Diu 20.43

    Southern Reaion 1. Andhra Pradesh 19.19 2. Karnataka 22.50 3. Ker.l. 24.60 Wrillen Answers NOVEMBER 11, 1981 Written Answers 360

    --- --.. _-, _---_.- ._-_- _. 1 2 3 4. Tamil Nadu 18.70 5. Laksbadweep IsIs. 19.82 6. Pondicherry 1800

    Eastern Region 1. Bihar 22.48 2. Orissa 23.00 3. ·Slkkim 18.20

    4. West Benga) 23.13

    s. Andaman & Nicobar IsIs. IS.11

    N ortb-Eastern 1. Assam 19.98 ReaioD 2. Manipur 45.00 3. Megbalaya 8.19 4. Nagaland 20.00 5. Tripura 30.50 6. Arunachal Pradesh NA 7. Mizoram 43.63

    AU India (Utilities) 21.70

    Note: (1) ·ProvisionaJ. (2) NA : Not Available; Data awaitcd. (3) The lower T&D loss figure in respect of Megbalaya are due to bulk lale of en.r~y at HT level to the neighbouring States.

    Oil aod gas fuodl found during the current financial year; and 1667. SHRI SRIBALLAV PANI. GRAHl: Will tbe Ministcr of PETRO- (c) the details thereof? LEUM AND NATURAL GAS be pleased to statc : THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM whether new oil and aas deposits AND NATURAL GAS(SHRI BRAHMA- have been found in the country; DUTT) : (a) to (c) Yes Sir. During April- October 87, oil and gas have been dis- covered in the following pJace~/regions : (b) it so, the new oil and gas deposits

    State/Relion Location Oil/Gas

    1 2 3 On Land Assam Borbll Oil ~ Dirol Oil L Hapjun Oil Arunachal Pradesh Kumcbal Oil and Ga. ( Kbarsand Oil Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written All.swerJ 3G2

    1 2 3

    Tripura Asartala Dome Gas Tamilnadu Bhuvanagiri Oil and Gas

    Olfsbore Western Offsb ore B-J32 Oil and Gas B-SO Oil and Gas

    B·134 Oil and Gas C.22 Gas

    C-24 Gas

    Eastern Offshore GS-16-2 Oil and Gas

    Generation of power in Kerala (f) the details 01 proposal for increas- ing the generation or power in KeraJa and 1668. SURI MULLAPPALLY the action taken by Government 00 the RAMACHANDRAN: Will the Minister same? of ENERGY be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN (a) the average generation of power THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN per year in the Southern States of Kerala t THE MINISTRV OF ENERGY (SHRI. Tamil Nadu, Karoataka and Aodhra MATI SUSHILA ROHTAGI): (a) to (c) Pradesh based 00 the Installed capacity of The required information is liven in the their power system; Statement below. (b) the main sources oC power in these States, State-wise; (d) The anticipated energy require- ment of Kerala during 1987.. 88 i. about (c) the actual generation of power in 6(45 million units. Kerala during 1984-85, 1985 .. 86 and 1986- 87 respectively; (e) The energy generation io Keral. during April, 1987 to September, 1987 was (d) the estimated power requirement about 2080 million units. . in Keraia for 1987·88; (f) The information is beinl collected (e) the detaiJs of power generated aod will be laid on the Table of the during the first half of 1987-88 in Kerala: House. and Statement

    Capacity and Generation in the Southern States during 1984-85 to 1986·87 -_.---_ ...... _------_._- _. - State Category 1984·85 1985·86 1986-87 .... -_-...... Cap.------Gen. Cap. Gen. Cap. Gen.- (MW) (Gwh) (MW) (Gwb) (MW) (Gwb)

    Kerala Hydro 1271.5 4886 1271.5 5357 1476.5 4647 Tamil Nadu T.N.E.B. Thermal 11S0 4937 1150 5694 1360 6139 Hydro 1389 4452 1389 2944 1389 3321 Total 2539 9389 2539 1638 2749 9460 Written Answers NOVEMBER 17, 1981 "/ritl~/1 Ahswers _- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Neyveli Thermal 810 4057 810 1020 5107

    Kalpakkam Nuclear 470 1070 470 1731 470 1698

    Tamil Nadu Thermal 1968 8994 1960 9631 2380 11246

    (Total) Nuc]('ar 470 1070 470 1731 470 1698

    Hydro 1319 4452 1389 2944 1389 3321

    Total 381' 14516 3819 14306 4239 16265

    ICarDataka K.P.C. Thermal 420 420 207 420 1267

    Hydro 2082.2 8364 2082.2 7310 2082.2 6521

    Total 2502.2 8364 2502.2 7517 2502.2 7788 And bra Pradesb

    APSEB Thermal 122S.S 5838 1225.5 6774 1225.5 7284

    Hydro 2161.7 7037 2161.7 5744 2441.7 6799 • Total 3387.2 12875 3387.2 12518 3667.2 14083

    R'Oundem Thermal 600.0 1491 600 3788 600.0 4308 STPS

    A.P. Total Thermal 1825.S 7329 1825.S 10562 1325.5 11592

    Hydro 2J61.7 7037 2161. 7 57« 2441.7 6799

    Total 3987.2 14366 3987.2 16306 4267.2 18391

    C.ptl.~ power plaatl (c) the number of captive power plants applied for but not yet sanctioned with 1669. SHRI AMAL DATTA: Will details or capacity, costs etc; and the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to Itate : (df the reasons (or delay in sanction- ina? (a) tbe names of captive power plants THE MINISTER OF STATE IN In the country with details or' generation THE DEPARTMENT OF POWER IN capacity, locatiOD. cost. actual utilisation . THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY (SHRI. and actual cost of generation of electri- MATI SUSHI LA ROHTAGI) : (a) and city: (b) Information is beina collected and wiU be laid on tbe Table tho House. (b) the detail. of captive power plants under iustaHallon and the number or (c) and (d) The requisite informatioD tbOI. which hlvo been sanctioned: i. liven in tbe StatemoDt below. KARTIKA 26,1909 (SAKA) Written AIISwtr 3~ ~6~ Written Answers ,_ , C'I) u C u "'0 u ~ ., u ., (J 0 .D > (.) .... > '; c .c C CG c IS - ... ,_., as ~ - '> v c .c ...= '0 .lJ C "0 u 0 ... - II) l1li -0 ... .; 0 ,~ lIS r:l ...Q. ., "0 .J:l 0 co .... 0 (,) Co C'I) :; GIS ~ = 4» as .- & ., .w 0 0 c -u -8 < 0 as .c \C 0 as J,Q t) ...... ~ - (,) Q ... Q. 00 • 0 ~ 0\ - ,§- .2 U Co e 4» -8 >. • .; c Q CI ._ ... ,!! en ., ... 0 ~ 0 v ... ..CI 0 0 ." "; 'f;) -.; c .:: - (J 'i: -.:: - ...... • U ::s 0 - l1li as ,_ 0 ... (,) ...... CG ." ..; '> ~ ., ... t) 0 a as - .c ~ 0 l1li .9 .c 'i: -to) u U LU i:: til .E - :l (\S ~ ,S (j 10004... 8 tI - ~ -l1li "- aD '- U "'0 c ...C "'0 ....0 0 v .!! "as 4» u ~ U 0 en ..Co... .d u ...... , U U C C ..... asCo) ,n ... e ., 0 - "0 Co -IS ... • Co 0 u '" -- rIl 0 u "0 ~ ~ - o· 0 '';: ':;' .... '0' 8 - .0 "C. • - U ...... c u Q ... I-t ~ .;: -d ~ .9 Co 0 ';: v :s ~""" u 0 .c '_• u~ .~ "0 0 ... C'I) .- u 0 a.l cd .c C .s: 'E u c .c :;,. .. '; ., u ., .D •~ -0 - ., ..... ~ ~ U ~ .c .c c - Co .... as ::> :! ...., =' ...0 - Q -IS .l'J 0 =• ...~ " ... - 'i: 0 ..c ...:3 ...rIl ~ 0 u ~ V'\ rIl ... '0 ("t') f"\ ...... «) """ '",.,.. 'u .c V\ V\ '': ... .:..4 co ; ...... ~ 00 ...0 .! u ,5 '" - - ~ ;; c LlJ ~ "(;...... CI 0 U .( (l.l \0 ...... l/! ...... oe 00 00 _. U 00 0\ Q\ 0\ c '- 0\ -G.I 'i 0 ...0- ., .;:; .a ~ 0 0\ S 0 ., . - G.I ... t) ... -.0 -Co 0 u C u -., \tS Q ~ til - "" . -..... Cd '" ... - ttl CI - '8 ~ lit U ....v "0 >, U '"C cn ::3 0 ,-.., 'u-~ V\ <:I ." 0. ~ 0 0 M ... 0 Q. ('f') \Q N C ... ~ ~ '" c:~ ~ U ,._" - ...u ~ 0 ~ iii ., CI ,~ rI.I ·5 0 u II) (I) 'C 0. ~ "C=' -ell eo ...fA -... >. .. C 0 U .Q ::J .11'1 10004 "0 -:::3 C. ,...., "0 ... "0 C ~ =' 0 ::s u .... c .... '0 'a Q U l1li U eo ~ u CIS U CI ... Z - (,) z' Coo N :; .c - ;; Q 0 ...CIl CI -... U u ... """ IS ... =~ - ...."1 ,!! '6 8 - ... ;:• CIS 'S' Co 's v 'ii c ... .. 0 ~ ~ C) I- • ~ ~ ... 8 ....., :c -~ U ...... ~ u ..~ .,; .,; .; 0 > .c "0 ..0 ~ u "0 v U ~ Q _:j til -~ ~- -~ ~- - - , o· . en z - ...: N ~ .. 367 Writun Answlrs NOVlMB!JIt 17. 1987 Writ/ttl Answers 368

    r- OC) 0"1 o- .~ 00- C) N .c

    -...u c:: ~

    ftJ > o ...Co 0. tU

    - KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 170 369 Written Answt1$

    Ollse eda Import (c) to what extent tbe productfon of edible oil can be augmented; and 1670. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE PATIL : (d) to what extent tbe prices can be SHRI BHADRESW AR lowered? TANTI: DR. V. VENKATESH : THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF Will the Minister of FOOD AND FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI CIVIL SUl'PLIES be pleased to state: H. K. L. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) At present, oilseeds are not being imported. (I) whether oil industry favours However, there Is a proposal to import, import of oil seeds; OD aid basis,S Jakh tonnes of oilseed. to (b) if so. whether Government have be canalised through National Dairy taken any decision about the Import of Deve)opment Board. oilseeds; (c) Government has already taken a (c) if $0, the foreign exchange outgo number of measures to increase tbe production of oi1seeds and oils The involved; important measures taken are: . (d) whether this would generate revenue at home aod provide work for Ci) Implementation of the National the indigenous processing industry; and 011 seeds Development Project, covering special measures for (c) if so, the details thereof 1 groundnut, rapeseed/mustard, soyabean and sunflower oesides THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- intensive development work on TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF five other oilseeds. FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT): (a) There have been representations from the oil industry (ii) State-IeveJ cooperative oilseeds seeking import of oilseeds. growers' federation have been formed in some States under tbe (b) and (c) At present import of oil- project for restructuring of Edible seeds is not permitted. However, there Oils and Oilseeds production is a proposal to import, on aid basis, 5 and marketing through National ]akh tonnes of oilseeds to be canalised Dairy Development Board through National Dairy Development . Board. (iii) Better Incentive to producers through fixation of minimum (d) and (e) It would be possible to support price for oilseeds at assess the situation only after the proposal higber levefs. and its details are finalised.

    Edible oil price rise (Iv) Intensification of research efforts for increaSing the productIvity of 1671. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL : ofJseeds. A Technofogy Mission Will the Minister of FOOD AND CIVIL on oilseeds has been set up. SUPPLIES be pleased to state: (v) Increase in area under noo-tradi· (a) whether to arrest the steep rise in tional oilseed crop like soya bean prices of edible oU Government have and sunflower and exploitation drawn up any plaos to Import rapeseed of oilseeds of trec and forcst and soyabean during tbe next three orlain, rice bran etc. months;

    (b) if so, the particulars of the plan (vi) Setting up of neceuary proces.inS drawn up in tbis regard: and iofrastructural facilitie. to 371 WriltenAnswers ~OVEMBER 17, 1987 Written Answers 372

    keep pace with the production edible oils have been' reduced programme of ollsecds. under the StorB~e Control Order.

    (vii) Fiscal incentives for increased (vi) It has been decided to release use of non-conventional oils by 50,000 MT of imported edible the vanaspati industry,texemption oil into the open market through from excise duty in respect of 'auction by STet refined rice bran, cottonseed and soyabean oj), meant for Production or filament yarn direct human consumption and also for refined solvent extracted 1672. SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHER. oil. JEE: Will tbe Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to state: (d) The following measures have been taken by the Government to check price (a) whether the indigenous production rise and reduce pressure on domestic of Polyester Staple Fibre and polyester lupplies : filament yarn is in excess of the indige- nous demand; and (I) State Governments have been advised repeatedly, even at the (b) If so, the details of its installed level of Chief Ministers, to take ca pacity, production and demand during action against speculators and 1984-85. 1985-86 and 1986·87 '/ hoarders and other such anti- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE social elements. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY (ii) Al1ocation of imported edible OF INDUSTRY (SHRI M. ARUNA.. oils to the public disrribution CHALAM): (a) The indigenous produc- and vanaspati industry have been tion capability exists to produce PSF & increased. PFY in excess of indigC'nous demand. (iii) Credit control on edible oils and oilseeds has been tightened. In the current year the installed capa- city of PSF has substantiaIJy increased. (Iv) Voluntary price control of vanas- PFY industry is capable of producing pati and discussion with oil more of filament yarn due to technologi- cal changes etc. industry'with a "view to stabili- ~ ~ !. sing prices of oils. ~(b) The details are as follows: (v) Stocks limits for oilseed. and

    Polyester Staple Fihr e ('OCO tonnes)

    Year ll'lstalled Production Demand} capacity consumption ------. __ -._------1984 .. 85 43 39 41 1985-86 43 43 46 1986-87 88 65 6S .. Polyester FilamtDt Yarn 1984·85 42 56 57

    1985·86 61 68 71 > 1986·87 64 80 85 313 Written Answers KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Question of Privilege reo j74 Deleillion of Shri V.C. Shukla Hike in price of filament yarn R Y OF INDUSTRY (SHRI R.K. JAI· CHANDRA SINGH) : (a) Indian Drugs 1673. SHRIMATI OBETA MUKHER- & Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL) and JEE: WIll the Minister of INDUSTRY Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (HAL) are be pleased to state: supplying PeDlcillin 0 at the Government notified price of Rs. 6.S lakbs per MMU, . (a) whether the prices of fi1ament yarn have been raised as compared to (b) While allowing imports or-Penicil- the fair prices recommended by the lin 0, price of Rs. 3.S lakhs per MMU is Bureau of I nuustrial Costs and Prices; adopted. and

    (b) if so, the factual position thereof (c) and (d) On the basis of the rep· and the reasons therefor? resentations received (rom Indian Drug. Manufacturers' Association (IDMA) and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE some other manufaclurers. the price of 6 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL APA has been raised to Rs. 2,000/- per DEVELOPMENT IN THE MINISTRY kg. with effect (rom 3-11-1987. OF INDUSTRY tSHR1 M. ARUNA- CHALAM) : (a) and (b) Since Bureau of (e) and (f) State Trading Corl'D. of Industrial Costs and Prices has not sub- India Limited (STC) looks after the mitted its report, no comparison can be imports of canaJised items only and made in the prices of polyester filament Penicillin G is not a canaJi!ed item. yarn.

    Price of Penicillin G

    1674. SHRI MULLAPPALLY 12.00 hr!l. RAMACHANDRAN: Will the Minister of INDUSTR Y be pleased to state: QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE itF-. DETENTION OF SHRI V. C. SHUKLA, (a) the per mllHon megawatt unit M.P. BY DELHI POLICE AT LODI (MMU) price of Pen!cilJin G supplied by COLONY p.S. AND NOT INFORMING the Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals THE SPEAKER IMMEDIATELY AB- Lfd (IDPL) and Hindustan Antibiotics OUT IT. ( InUrruptions) Ltd. (HAL) : [ English] (b) the corresponding price or Imported PenicWID G : Prof. MADHU DANDAVATE (Raja- pur) : I am on a point of order. (c) whether any suggestions/represen- tations have been received for raising the MR. SPEAKER: I am giving a fulio •• price of the drug called 6 APA :

    (d) if so, the decision taken in this SHRI K. p. UN~IKRISHNAN regard; (Badagara): I have given a notic. of privilege regarding the arrest of Mr. V.C. Shukla. (c) Whether Gov~rnment have stopped import of Penicillin 0 through which src MR. SPEAKER : I am giving a rul. is the basic drug for 6 APA; and

    (f) If so, the reasons therefor ? PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE : Sir, I am on a point of order.

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MR. SPEAKER: First 01 all, let mo DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICALS AND give the ruling. PETROCHEMICALS IN THB MINIST· ( Int~rrUpl;On$) 375 Question 0/ Plirieiege reo NOVEMBER 11, 1987 Detention oj Shr; V.C. Shukla 316

    MR. SPEAKER: YcC)terday, the 16th (English) November, 1987, at about 3.30 P.M. some honou.rable Members raised the question Since. ] was satisfied that there was a of an bOD' bJe Member of this House, Shri Prima Facie case needIng enqulI'Y, 1 V. C. Shukla having been "arrested and had already decided to refer the matter to detained H by the Delhi Police. 1 refel red the Privileges Committee when at 10.50 the matter immediately to the government A.M. today mOlnlng, I received a to find out the facts and particularly to communication from tbe comml~sioncr of ascertain whether the hon·ble Member Police, DeJhi, narrating in detail the Shri Shuk1a wa, so arrested or detained and sequence of events" According to him, if so, why was information in that regard Shri V.C. Shukla actually travelled in bls not immediately conveyed to me. I was in- own car to the Police Station in Lodi formed that no arrest or detention of Shri Colony and ··demanded tbat he too should V.C. Shukla bad taken place. This infor- be detained with his supporters. He mation was duly conveyed to the house continued to sit in SH09 s office with- at about S.lS P.M. by the Hon'ble Deputy out any restraint on him throughout Speaker who was then in the Chair. the period. Since his supporters wer~ In agitated mood and shouting slogans even Later, last night at 9.30 P.M., I received in the Police Stalion, SHO iodbl Colony at my residence a communication from the who by then bad returned from the Court Station House Officer. Lodi Colony Police did not consider it prudent to let them go Station. jnrormiD~ me that Shri V.C. Immediate1y and detained them under Shukla, Member of Parliament was detain- Delhi Police Act from 12.30 P.M. to 4.00 ed from 12.10 P.M. till 4.00 PM. P.M. Shei Shukla's name was included .n the list on bis own insistence." ( Illterruptions)

    notice~ This IS a very ~erjous matter invoh';ng Also,. I have since received ot the prestige, rights and privileges of this priVIlege from Hon'bJe Members Sarvashri House and of its Members. The questions K. P. Unnikrishnan, Aril Mohammad tbat arise are: Khan and JaipaJ Reddy. 1 am c\lovlnced that there IS a pnrna faCIe case for (1) If Shri V.C. Shukla was actually enquiry. All aspeClS of lht) maner may detained at 12.30 P.M. by the therefore, be Jooked into by the PriviJeges Delhi Police why was the Speaker Committee who may make an early In- Dot ,mmediately infurmed of qUiry on high priority basis and report to the detention particularly. when th~ House. the House was in Session and the [Trans/ation] detention was taking place in DC'lbi itself and there could bard- ly be any difficulty in immediate SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN communication ? (Bahraich) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Mini. ster of Home Affairs should rcs:gn, (il) Why wrong information was siven [ English) to the Speaker and through him to the House to the effect that Mr, SPEAKER: There is a second Shri Shukla had not been detained ruling. while actually he was detained ( Illterruptions) for 3/1/2 hours. MR. SPEAKER! I am on my legs. ( lllurruptiollS) Please sit down. I Translation) ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Nothing goes on MR. SPEAKER: Why do you Dot record. allow me to speak now? What has gone wroDg with you? Maintain decency at MR. SPEAKER: I am giving a so. least sometimes. cond ruling. (Intel'ruptio'lJs) ~77 Question 0/ Privclege reo KARTJKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Delention of Shri V.C. 318 Shukla Mr. Arif Mohammad Khan. I am giving (1IlIerruptiol1S) • a ruling. MR. Sreaker: Not allowed. [Trans/ation] ( interruptiolls) SHRI ARIF MOHAlVIMAD KHAN: [ Trallslalion] Home Minister sbDuld resign. It i3 a ... ( Int~rruptiolls) MR. SPEAKER : Look, such thiD8! MR. SPEAKER: Mr. ArH, the words are not good. you have used do not bthove you. (Interruptions)

    [English] SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD kHAN: If saying*· is unparliamentary, I am with.. You must apologise. This is wrong. drawing it. ( Interruptiol1s) ( Interruptiolls)

    [ TranslatiOn} MR. SPEAKER: You havJ said one more word. MR. SPEAKER : You should not utter such words. You had also been the SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Minister of Home Affairs but you cannot May be you have heard so. • use abusive language. It is wrong. (J nterruptions) SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: MR. SPEAKER: It has been heard so. The question of using abusive ]angua~e (Interrupt ions) does not at all arise. SHRI. ARIF MOHAMMED KHAN. If it is a unparliamenfary, I am pre: MR. SPEAKER: You have not done pared to apologite ten times ...... a good thing. ( Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Why do you not MR. SPEAKER: You have not done resume your seat. I am giving my rulliDa. a good thing. You may please withdraw You are doing strange thlnga. it. (Interruptions) (Inttrrupfions) [Engiislz] SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: If saying·· is unparliamentary. it may be MR. SPEAKER: I am on my ruliog. expuDged. 1 apologise for that. ( Interruptions) (interruplions) [Tralls/alion] MR. SPEAKER: Apart from it, you have used another word also. You said SHRI MANVENDRA SINGH (Ma.. two things. It is not good. You may thura) : Action should be taken against please withdraw them. the police officers. [English] ( Interruptions)

    PROF. K. K. TEW AR Y (Buxar) : MR. SPEAKER: Action has been You deplore his conduct in the house. taken. I have already done what I could Every "time he is in tbe habit of doing it. do. Now you may pJea~e resume your Specially after the matter bas been referred seat I have already done what I was to to the Privileges Committee, this is what do. he ;s laying ...

    •• Expunged as orderes by tbe Chair. ·Not recorded ~79 Announeem(!nl by th~ NOVEM8ER 11, 1981 Express case 3S0 Speaker reo Indian {English] the House is substantially identical with the one on which a court of Jaw has to I have already referred It to the Privi- adjudicate. In such cases, diSCUSSion on tbe legos Committee and they will lake appro- matter is postponed till judgement of the priate action. So simple it is. court is delivered. In tbe instant case, tbe ( lnttrruptions) matter is already before tbe HIgh Court and tho issue sought to be raised by the [Translation] Member is, to my mind, substanttally the same on wbich the courl is required to MR. SPEAKER : Please sit down, I am adjudicate. going 10 give my ruling. It is so strange. Everytbing bas aot its limit. You arc The Committee bad further observed the hone Members of the bouse. Please that the rule of ·sub-judice' has appli- apeak quietly. I shall do what you witJ catioo only dudng the period when the dicta tie. I do what you say. The House matter is under active consjderation of a is yours or mine 1 (lnterruptioll) court of law or courts-martial. Thctt would [English] mean as under :-

    PROF. K.K. TEWARY Will you (a) In criminal cases-from the lime allow me for a minute because you have charge.sheet is filed till judgment aHowed everybody? is delivered;

    [Trans/ati.n] (b) In civil suits- from the time issues are framed till judgment is deli- MR. SPEAKER: First I should give vered; tbe ruliog. Did I ever prevent? I only asked bim to apolaoise and nothing else. (c) Injuction petitions .. from tbe time (Interruptions) they are admitted till orders are passed. 12.10 hrs. Since I do not have tbe full facts of ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER tbe case before me, tbe precise nature of INDIAN RE. EXPRESS CASE proceedings in the High Court will have to be ascertained before I am in a position [English] to give my ruling in the matter. ( Interruptions) Mr. SPEAKER: I have received a notice from Prof. Madbu Dandavate seek.- PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE (Raja- jng.to raise, through a point of order, the pur): One submission to you, Sir. Prof. interpretati<,n of tbe 'sub-judice' rule. Sahib. Obviously, his reference is to my obser- vations in the House yesterday regardlog MR. SPEAKER: If there is anything the INDIAN EXPRESS case. I had obser- on tbis issue, tben don't do it. ved tbat Government bad already filed a case In a court of Law aod it was for tbe courts now to pronounce on the merits of Then I will take it up later on. the issue. I had aJso observed that I would not bar 8ny discussion which is under the PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE I rules. want only clarification ...... ( Interruptions) In this connection, I would like to draw the attention of the House to the MR. SPEAKER: You come to me report of tbe Committee of Presiding and I will sive tbe clarification to you. Officers (1968) wbere in it has been poin· ted out tbat tbe test of 'Sub-Judice' should PROF. MADHU DANDA,VATE bo tbat the matter sougbt to bt raised in . Only Clarification, Sir. • Express case 3~2 381 Announcement by the KARTIKA 26. 1909 (SAKA) Speaker rei Indian

    MR. SPEAKER: I will give the clari- fication tomorrow and discuss it with you. SHRf DINESH GOSWAMI (Gawa. PROF. MADHUDANDAVATE ~ Sir. hati): Sir, you have given a Calling I have a clarification to seek. AUen tioD for lomorrow bur a very serious situation has developed and It cannot [Translation] wait till tomorrow ••. (lnttrruptions).

    MR. SPEAKER: Please meet me to- [Translation] morrow. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: What I can do ..• ? An hone Member from your side is al. [English] ready speaking. ( Illterruptions) MR. SPEAKER : No discussion MR. SPEAKER: Ask him to stop now ... (Interruptions) speaking. ( Intertuptions)

    SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE [English] (Bolpur): Sir. the Government bas tiled a suit and they have to tell you.·..... MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, (Interruptions) look here. If you can be just patient and stand in your places, it will be more PROF. MADHU DANDAVATB: I appropriate and more honourable to you want only information about the ruB 'g. also ... ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: You give it to me and I wi)] consider it. ...•• MR. SPEAKER: Don't do like this. (1Ilterrupt~'ons ) I talked to him. We had a meeting of the Business Advisory Committee yesterday. [Translation] What has been put down {or today, if the hone Members can have it tomorrow , I MR. SPEAKER : You may give it can do it ••• later on. I wiJ) definitely look into it. ( Interrt4ptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Please listen to me. [ English] This bas to be done according to the time PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I that is availables. You have to be reasona· want you to refer to the ruling of the ble. I cannot be unreasonable. 'I havo Chair given on 9.5.1968 .•••.. got no magic wand or magic lantern with ( Interruptions) which I can do it off and 00. What you, Mr. G08wami, wanted, I have done it. MR. SPEAKER: Not now, Sir ... rInterruptions) SHRI DINBSH GOSWAMI: Please listen to me what I am saying. MR. SPEAKER: Not now, Sir. I MR. SPEAKER: I hOD, will let you know I have done that can, but the Members must stand in their own places. You can give it to me. ( Interruption.f) SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: Sir, a [Translation] serious situation bas arisen ...••• (Inttrruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Goswami, your ca1ling Attention 'bas been accepted for to- MR. SPEAKER: The limits are being morrow. crossed by you, . ( Interruptions) 383 Annollnetml'nl by the NOVEMBER 17, 1987 Express case 3S4 Sp~aker rc. Indian

    SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: Sir, a SHRI DINESH GOSW AMI: I am serious situation has developed not raising 8 bout tbe Election Commission, which cannot wait till tomorrow because Sir. tomorrow is the election. ( bzterruptions) [Trans/ation] MR. SPEAKER: I do not know. I cannot do it. This cannot be solved even MR. SPEAKER: Let our views be now. exchanged. ( Interruptions) SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: Listen to me, Sir. Why don't you aHow the [English] facts to go on record? I have given not. ice, Sir, Two police forces are standing SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI : The face to face. The CRP. and the BSF have Central Government bas deployed BSF been deployed by the Central Govern· and CRP in that area. I am not raising met, and tomorrow morning the elections the Election Commission t11atter. The Cen. are .••.• (Interruptions). tral Government has made an announce .. ment that come what rnay, election will MR. SPEAKAR : Nothing goes on take place. Now two forces are standing record ... side by side-BSF and CRP" and the Assam (Interruptions) ** Police. It is not a matter of EJection [Translation] Commission ...•.. (Illt,'rruptions.)

    MR. SPEAKER: First ask him to It is an explosive situation. If there stop speakina. is a Jaw and order problem , tbe . election is to be postponed. That is not a matter [ El1glish] of Election Commission. The Central SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: I shall Government has taken a partisan attitude .• ( Illterruptions.) control them, Sir.

    Mr. SPEAKER ~ Control them. MR. SPEAKER: I cannot a1l0w a discussion on the conduct of the elections. SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: I Shall control them provided you permit me to SHRI DINf!SH GOSWAMI : I am have my say. not raising a discussion on the conduct of the election. MR. SPEAKER: I have alredy per· mitted you. MR. SPEAKER: This is what it is, Sir. Now, what tbe Election Commission SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI : AU bas drawn uP. 1 cannot do anything about right, Sir. Tomorrow is the date of the it. I had a promise with you that I will Nagaland elections. get this border problem discussed and that I have done. Nothing. more. MR. SPEAKER: Right. SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI : Sir, you SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI : Now. the had informed the Home Minister last week Government of Nagaland bave tried to but no reply has come feom the Home set up seventeen polling booths within the Mini ster. territorial jurisdiction of Assam... (Inter- rplitions) MR. SPEAKER: I have already done MR. SPEAKER: May I just interrupt it. Tomorrow it will be taken up. you for a minute? Whatever falls under tbe purview of tbe Election Commission, SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: To- that you should not rai5e here. morrow is the election, Sir. What is the use of doing it tomorrow? ·~Not recorded ( Interruptions) Announeemtnt by the KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Express case 316 Speaker re. Indian MR. SPEAKER : I canDot do antbloll MR. SPEAKER : If you want to do a more, Sir. thing, do that properly. Is lhis tho way to Bet a thing done ? SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI : Sir, the [English] established position of law is ..•...••• ( Interruptions) SHRI DINESH GOSW AMI: What else to do. Sir '1 The Home Minister has MR. SPEAKER :1 cannot do anything not responded. more, Sir. ( Interruptions) SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI You MR. SPEAKER : I will adjourn the can, Sir. The House caD. House If you do like this. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: What can I do '1 (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Nothing forms part of tbe record. I have not anowed any~ MR. SPEAKER: I bave put a dis- body. (Interruptiolls) cussion. That Is all. *. MR. SPEAKER : I have not barred SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI : The any discussion at all. House is the competent authority .••... (Interruptions) I( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: If you do like this, (Translation] I shall adjourn the House. rInttrruptions) MR. SPEAKER: There is no use MR. SPEAER : I have no other opt- getting annoyed with mc. I have aJready ion but to adjourn the House. allowed the Calling Attention (or ( Interruptions) tomorrow. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : What can I do '1 ( Interruptions) [Tra'lslation] MR. SPEAKER: I am golna to adjourn tbe House. MR. SPEAKER: Yes, I have done. l(Interruptions) But it als9 requires the presence of the hone Minister. MR. SPEAKER : What I have to say ( Interruptions) is tbat this is your House. [Tralls/afion] MR. SPEAKER: How can I do with- in a minute? Do I possess any magic If you behave like this, It is very un- ward '1 becoming of you. If I pr=veot you ..•... ( Interruptions) ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Please at least Ii,- MR. SPEAKER: Wherefrom can I ten. get it done '1 ( Interruptiolls) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: When have I pre- vented you? MR. SPEAKER: I have caned for (Iflt~rrupliolls ) the Minister a1so and have done everything The purpose will be served MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Dinesh. I have only when a thing Is discussed. not prevented you .•.... (Interruptions) ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I have Dot pre- MR. SPEAKER: You tell me. what vented you and in accordance with what can I do '1 I am prepared. . you said .•• ( Interruptions) ( Interruptions) • N ot recorded. .·Not recorded. 387 Announcement by the NOVBMBER J 7, 1981 Express case 388 Speaker ref Indian

    (English] [Trans/ation]

    MR. SPEAKER : I sbaH have to MR. SPEAKER: I cannot say any- name all these Members. thing to anyone. What was in my power, have done. SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI : You I name all these Members. We do not mind. (Interruptions) ••

    MR. SPEAKER: An rlahl. If you MR. SPEAKER : I am waiting for want, I wilJ name them. you. I cannot force anyone. He said to (Inrtrruptions) me'

    MR. SPEAKER: I have put it down (English) for tomorrow. (Interruptions) And I immediately took notice and I PUt it down for tomorrow. MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed ( Interruptions) anybody to go on record. [ Interruptians)· 1Trans/ation]

    [Translation] MR. SPEAKER: Then what do you lose? MR. SPEAKER: This wtll not do. ( Illttrruptiolls) rInterruptions)

    MR. SPEAKER: You are seeing that MR. SPEAKER: Please Iiten to me. ( Interruptions) You are getting angry. What I can do ? Opposition leaders are also sitting here. This much I would like to tell you that without the (reguistioning the Election I have not stoppC!d any ODe. Commission. the CRP or the B.S.F. can- not be sent there. [Eftglish] ( InterrputiOllS)

    I .. ave already an owed discussion. MR. SPEAKER: If they have sent, I have no knowledge or it. (Translation) (Interruptions)

    I have not at al1 stopped anyon". What MR. SPEAK ER : This had happened else I can do. in the case or Haryana. For Haryana, (Interrupti OilS) they had requisitioned the force. The Home Minister is here. If he wants to say MR. SPEAKER: You are forsing me anything in t.his matter, I have no object- to resort to dictatorship. iou. ( Interruptions) [Engli sh) MR. SPEAKER: This does not be- If you want to murder democracy, hove you. You are harmiog yourself. than I can't help. (Interruptions) That is why it was set (Interruptions) aside. Therefore, I say if it sent without their consent. That is why election was MR. SPEAKER: Nothing goes on head in Garhwal. record. (Interruptions) Are forces sent there ( [nttrrIlPlions)·· to maintain law and order or for other purposes?

    • N ot recorded ··Not recorded ~89 Announcement by the KART1KA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Express case 390 Speaker reo Indian

    [English] PROF. K.K. TEWAR Y : They are holding the House to ransom for nothing. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE MR. SPEAKER: You are right. (Raja pur): Wby done you say that the ( Interruptions) Home Minister should clarify the situation? ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Order, order. No cross-talking. Please sit down. [Tralls[alion] (Interruptions)

    MR. SPEAKER: He is sitting here. [Trans/ation] I have never prevented him. MR. SPEAKER: Please sit down ..• [ linglish] Stop him. ( Interruptions) He is always there and I allow any bon. Member to make a statement and MR. SPEAKER : What is all tbi, also tbe MlDister in charge to make a ·tamaisha' ? statement. What I could do. I have ( Interruptions) already done. When be makes any [El1glish1 statementt I have DO problef:ll.

    THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS MR. SPEAkER: Let us hear him. (SHRI BUTA SINGH) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, 1 want to ... S. BUTA SINGH : Mr. Speaker. Sir, •• ( Interruptions) ( Interruptions)

    [Translatioll] [Translation] MR. SPEAg ER : Kindly listen to MR. SPEAKER: But before he starts me. I would ]ike to say one thing that I did ( Interruptions) not like this. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : If you go on making a noise, how the proceedings wiIJ [ Ellglish] be conducted '1 (Interrupt ions)

    MR. SPEAKER: If you go back to MR. SPEAKER: You have seen as your seats, tben I wilJ allow him to make to how things have gone out of conlrol. a statement. ( Interruptions) AN HON. MEMBER : It is for tbe good. [English) MR. SPEAJ<,ER: What good Is this? MR. SPEAKER: I dOD't allow. This way democratic structure of the ( Interruptions)·· country will crumble down. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: It is most shameful. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Kindly Hsten to me. Please take your seats. MR. SPEAKER: I always deplore it. ( Interruptions) It is always deplol able. I have got no respect for this type of misdeeds and MR. SPEAKER : New things arc coming up one after tbe other and theso hooliganism. are contin~ing. At my instance, Sbri Ari( ( Interruptions) has apologised. He said tbat he had committed a mistake. I don't know what ··Not recorded. bas bappene4 tbere and I could Dot follow 391 Announcemtnt hy the NOVEM:bER 17, 198' Express tase Speakerre. Indian

    what was said there due to the extreme MR. SPEAKER: I have accepted. Doise. Even if I do Dot accept. please listen to (Inttrruptions) me. I acknowJege that you accepted it. I have been telling that you accepted. I MR. SPEAKER: Please listen to me. saw him riling up and advancing. He has I want to say ..• threatened him in this way. ( Interruptions) It is not only to-day. earlier also he MR. SPEAKER : Tantiji, you are has done this. J will neither favour you losing your temper. The shift will get torn nor him. and that will cause Joss to you. ( lnterruptions) [English1

    MR. SPEAKER: The point is that I do not do it ... I do not know what if he bas sajd anything objectionable to you have said, Mr. Tewary. You must him, I have not heard it. explain. ( Intfrruptiolls) [Translation] MR. SPEAKER : Kindly listen to me. Hon. Members sitting there know very ( Interruptiolls) weJl what happened. They took menan- cing steps towards each other. It does not SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN behave any body, (Babraicb): You have seen that he has left his scat. [English]

    MR. SPEAKER : KindJy listen to PROF. K.K. TEWARY (Buxar) : Mr. me. Kindly stop speaking after my pre- Speaker, Sir, what preceded tbis was venting you to do so. You make me judge really very unfortunate ... (Interruptions). and at tbe same time do not listen to What happens in Nagaland and Assam mc. about the.

    SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: [Transl arlon} If impartial verdicts are given, therc will DO pandemonium. You hear my voice but MR. SPEAKER: No, No. You may do Dot hear their "oice. please express only your views. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I hear everyone. I will not come under any o~e's pressurt. MR. SPEAKER: How to deal with peopJe ( Interruptions) tbese ? ' ( InterruptiOlls) SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI (Gbosi): MR. SPEAKER : This is not the way May I know why Mr. Tewary left his leat? to decide things, If punishment is to be ( Inttrrllptions) given to some body he must be given opportunity to explain. There is a method for everything. If making uproar is tbe MR. SPEAKER : Let me speak in only way, you may go OD doing so. I caD this matter. May be I am going to sayan adjourn the House for the whole day. tbat very matter. Mr.' Arif whatever I heard, I have told you. [English] rInt~rruptlohs)

    SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: PROF. K.K. TEWAR Y : I will just He shou1d also apo logi.e fot it. explain to you. As tbe hone Mem bers came out from their seats and started f Inltrruplions) squattins in the Well of the House, I was ~9~ Allnount!~melll by tI,e KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Express case Speaker reo Indian

    just arguing with Sbri Goswami and I that tbere was menacing step towards heard something from this sIde, some very him. unmentionable words'. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) PROF. K.K. TEWARY: I did not PPOF. K.K. TEWARY : I never take menacing step. I was going out and lacked any decorum and dignity while merely pleading with him, "if you hold speaking in the House and I did not utter these views, it js no use paralysjng the a word which is objectionable towards the proceedIngs of the House. Please BO and bon. Member. As 1 was going out, I sit on that Iide. H I was merely walking. merely said ... (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Whoever does j t, [Translation1 it is tbe same. rInterruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Just wait a minute. Let me bear. PROF. K.K. TEWARY: When they all came, you remember, when Han. [English] Members from the opposition. (interruptiolls) PROF. K.K. TEWARY : I did not mention even a word whicb cao be taken [T,.anslation] objection to. I mereJy said that "since you belong to Ollr party and if you have SHRI RAM DHAN (Lalganj): Mr. such views - "tbIS, I think. I said merely Speaker, Sir, J have a point of order. I because I felt when I heard those words want to say something to you. If you do which I cannot repeat in tbe House; I Dot alJow tbis, how this House wlil should not. No Member in the House run? with any sense of dignity, with any con- ( Interruptions) corn for the dignity of the House should repeat it. [English] (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : I think you ar" MR. SPEAKER: Did you threaten not listening to me. The House does not him? seem to be in a mood to di scuss. They are just rambling. We could sort out things by mutual consultation and by PROF. K.K. TEWARY: No, no, mut ual acceptance of each other's points not at all. How can I think of tbreaten- of view-that what the discussion js. ing anybody. I will be tbe last person 10 is If you are not prepared to do it, I ad- the House to hold out thrctlt to any HOD. journ the House till 2 p.m. and then we Member. I merely said. "since you are shall just sit together and find out some holdioa such views, why don't you go and means to work. join your friends that side 1" Tbis is all, I said. And in return, I got barrage of 12.41 hrs. abuses which eacb Member sitting there The Lok Sahha adjourned for Lunch will testify. After all .. this House has to till Fourteen of the Clock be run by you with the cooperation of the Hon. Members. We have been watch- The Lok Sabha re·assembled after iog for some time tbat in tbe Dame of Lunch at thirty one minute.' past small grievances, proceedmgs of tbe Fourteen 0/ the C Jock. House are being stalled. This is an oraanised attempt to paralyse tbe House. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair1 rInterl'uptions) [English] MR. SPEAKER: I could not hear SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE' what be was ,ayiDS. But I was seeing (BoJpur); On a point of order. Sir, you Expr~ss t ase 395 A,UloUlltemellt by the NOVEMaER 17, 1987 Speaker reo Illdiall adjourned the HousC' till 2 o·clo~k. We assembled hero. A largo number of Meembers were prescnt. The quorum was MR. SPEAKER : I have got some there. We found that tbe Secret a ry- precedents. I have got some things. o neral annouDced a further adjournment Accordjng to that, we decided it. til 2.30, when the Jearned Deputy Spea- ker was sitting here. I don't think any SHRI SOMNA TH eHA TTERJEE body CaD exercise the power of eV,tn But your decision witl ha~e to be announ- adjournment witbout beina a Member of ced In a proper manner. the House. We have elected you to tbt! Ch~ir's Chair. Therefore, it Is prerogative MR. SPEAKER: That's what he did. to adjourn the House ~ ben the House IS It was not out of order. I did it and I 801na on. have fu11 responsibility. According to the procedures and precedents, I did it. Don't SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY worry about that. I will take care of (Kalwa) : 1 hat should be from the Chair. that. I am not going to antagonise you.

    SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE When tbe House Is prorogued, only the I have ampJe experience. We have never President can call it. Otherwise it is only the Speaker·s right to call it. When there seen tbls. I can understand your decision is quorum and when tbe Deputy Speaker being announced by a notice on the is present. tbe Secretary-General notice board. It could have been a notice on the notice board. a.Dnounces the adjournment ..• ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAK.ER: Look here. I will MR. SPEAKER: Now listen to me. not try to confuse the ruJes. I will be the last person to do that. Let me read out SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE to you. This is a very serious matter. (Interruptions)

    [Traluiationj MR. SPEAKER: Mr. TanH, now I am reading it. Why don't you listen MR. SPEAKER: Please listen to me. now? If 1 take action without giving due thought, I will be easily caught by you. This action was taken after due conside- SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE ration. Is ther,e any rule? (Interruptions) SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE : We have no attitude of catchiDg bold of MR. SPEAKER: There are prece- anybody. It is a question of the dignity dents that I can convey a message to the of the House. House that this has been postponed. So, this is not out of the way that I have [ English] done.

    I am not interested in catching any- SHRI SURESH KURUP (Kottayam): body. Only througb the Deputy Speaker ... MR. SPEAKER: No, no; I d.idn't mean by tbat yourself. I meant the other MR. SPEAKER: 1 know what I can way. It is not that you wanted to catch do. aDybody. (Int~rruptions )

    [Translation] MR. SPEAKER : I have got the proceedings. There are so many, you SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJE~: see. You had said about catchioa a poiQt. ( Interruptions) 397 Alfnouncem~nt by the KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) Expttss case Speaker reo Indian

    MR. SPEAKER: It is my discretion. MR. SPEAKER : Not allowed. 1 did it on precedents and according to Please sit down. That is O,K. conventions. ( Interruptiolls)··

    SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: MR. SPEAKER: No. Only one clarification. We are not dis- [Translation} puting that you have taken a decision. But when the House assembles here with SHRI RAM DHAN : Mr. Speaker, a Quoium, then how is that decision of Sir. just now, when you asked to clarify youts to be comrtn1nicated when Deputy the position, he levelled such charges Spea{(er is present '1 against me. It, therefore, becomes my (Interruptions) first duty to clarify tbe position. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE Communication may be by a notice on MR. SPEAKER: You give me in tbe notice board. writing. I will allow YOU.

    MR. SPEAKER: You are a very SHRI RAM DHAN: Not in writing. fine gentleman, Sir. You just listen to me When you a1Jow one hone Member to and I will explain to you. There is no make his statement, it becomes your first problem. A meeting of the BAC continued duty to a]Jow otller hon. Member also to till beyond 12.15 hours. At 12.20 bours, make his statement. the Secretary-General informed Members in the House tbat the Speaker had told Mr. Speaker, Sir, the hOD. Member him that House would meet at 12.45 hours. has Jevelled the cbarges against me. In This is what is going on. such a situation you should allow me aJso rInterruptions) to clarify my position.

    SHRI G.M. BANATWALLA MR. SPEAKER: You may say what (Ponnani) Was the Deputy Speaker you want. present at that time '1 (Interruptions) SHRI RAM DHA N: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have been elected to this House for MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Banatwalla, I the fourth time ... (Interruptiolls) know that... (Interruptiolls) MR. SPEAKER: Now you may MR. SPEAKER: Now listen to me. please keep quiet and let bim say what he Let us now be logical. You are shouting. wants ... (Interruptions) Well, I could have done it. I knew tbat the Hon 'ble Deputy Speaker was there. The House would have asscmbled ...... I SHRI RAM DHAN: If tbese people knew it. are Dot stopped. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I am already asking SHRI G.M. B-\NATWALLA It them to stop speaking. does Dot look good. Don't do it again. He should have done it. SHRI R4.M DHAN : If you go through tho records of 6th Lok Sabba, MR. SPEAKER: I knew it; he could you will see that I have never said objec- have done it. Why are you getting agitated ttonable words. It Is in the records. A unnecessarily'! .•• I have done it. We did very untoward incident took place to-day. it earlier and we can do it again. But ••. (Interrupti OilS) . My life is in danger. this is the proper method we adopted. When you adjourned tbis Hoose and left, ( Interruptions)·· I was surrounded by people in this House. They were 4 to S Member•• ··Not recorded. ( Illterruptiolls) 399 Announctment by the NOVEMBER 17.1987 Express case 400 Speaker reo Indian

    [ English] [ English]

    THE MINISTER OF HOME MR. SPEAKER: Please listen. Rule AFFAIRS (S. BUTA SINGH) : On a 357 reads : point of order. Sir •.. rInterruptions). I am explaining to the Speaker. How can you "A member may. with the permis· object to it '1 sion of the Speaker, make a per- sonal explanation althougb there AN HON. MEMBER Under what is no question before the House; rule? but in this case no debatable matter may be brought forward, S. BUTA SINGH: Speaker's permis- and no debate shall arise. sion is the rule. He has permitted me. rInterruptions). Now, what do you object to '1

    [Translation) THE MINISTER OF PARLIA.. MENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINI. MR. SPEAKER: I ask for the pOint STER OF FOOD AND CIVIL of order. If that is not there, I will give SUPPLIES (SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT) : my fulins. I object because he is not making any personal explanation. He can explain [English] something said about him. But he is making an absolutely new allegation that S. BUTA SINGH: My humble sub.. after the House adjourned ... mission to you is that the hon. Member [Translatioll ) was offering his personal explanation and for that there is a procedure and that MR. SPEAKER: Please do not talk. procedure is g;ven in the Book. That Resume your scat. should be according to that procedure ... (Interruptions). That is what I am sayjng. ( Interruptions) Why don't you listen '1 MR. SPEAKER: Shri Bhagat, Shri [Translatiolls 1 Ram Dhao, please listen to me.

    MR. SPEAKER: Why do 'not you SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speaker, Jet me listen '1 Sir, tbe treatment I got 10 this House ••••.. ( I"terruptiQns) MR. SPEAKER: PJease listen to me. [English] Whatever you said and someone else said to you in this House, you may narrate s. BUrA SINGH: Is tbis the way that in good words. Thereafter I shall we will fun the House, that they can see what could be done dictate anything and we cannot even refer to the procedure .. (Illterruptions). SHRI RAM DRAM: I am referring to the same thing. [Trtfns/ation) MR. SPEAKER: No. not the things SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI : Mr. Spea- that bappened after the adjournment. k~r. Sir, these people want that nothing First of all you may narrate whatever took they have said should go OD record. place in the House. We can take up out- side things laler. MR. SPEAKFR: You may please sit down SHRI RAM DHAN: I want to tell ( Interruptiolls) about what took place in tbe chamber. 401 AllllOuntemelll by the KARTIKA 26. 1909 (SAKA) Express ease 402 Speak~r reo Indian

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE [Translation] MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY MR. SPEAKER: Shri Ram Dhan, . AFFAIRS (SHRIMATI SHEILA DIKS .. you may talk about what has happened HIT) : Nothing took place in the House. while the House was in session. About MR. SPEAKER: I sball listen to the Incident tbat took place afterwards others' views also as also to you. Please that somebody made an assault on you, that you give in writing to me. resume your seat. SHRI RAM DHAN : I am mentioning {EnllishJ the same tbinK.

    You will get my permission. I will [Translation] listen to you also ••• (Interruptions) SHRI VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA (Mahasamund) : Mr. Speaker. SiI:, I want [ Translation} to say that if any hone Member is attacked inside or outside the Parliament, he has SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speaker, every right to tell about tbat. Sir, I have been assaulted. Should I not even make a mention of it ? [English] (InUrruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I am also saying tbe same thing. MR. SPEAKER: Please lislen to me. I am now concerned with the present [ English] moment. If you talk about outside things ...••• But that is not a personal explana. tion. Personal explanation is some thing SHRI RAM DHAN : I am not talking about which he is wrongly implicated. of outside things. I am talking about an Incident that took place in the chamber. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: If a person has any a l1egations to make, under [English] Rule 353. notice has to be given .••...• (Interruptions) SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK(Panaji) : He cannot make a false statem~nt. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: (Interruptions) I am on a point of order. Mr. Tewary bas made an allegation against him. Has he given any notice to you? MR. SPEAKER: Why do you not ( Interruptions) allow me to handle? [Translation} [English] MR. SPEAKER: Kindly listen to me. Now I am doing it. I do not want any Personal explanation is given only when advocacy at this stage. I can take case there is any allegation against someone. of It. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: (Illterruptions) Shrl Tewary had mark the allegation. (Translation) MR. SPEAK ER : I am also saying the samething. If any allegation has been made MR. SPEAKER: Please let me do. against him, he can repudIate that and I shall talk. tbat is why he has been allowed. ( Interruptiolls) [English] MR. SPEAKER: You sit down. I I am talking to Shri Ram Dhan. Let have heard what you have said and I am me talk. to him. aware of it. ( Interruptions) ( Illltrruplions) 483 PtrstJnnl rxpian(ltitJn NOVEM.BER 17, 1981 hy m('mh~rs £.04

    MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Naik. if you SHRI RAM DHAN: On oath I say don't lose temper then 1 will be able to that whatever I have said he may repeat do my work. it. (IIlUrruptiolls) .. I only told him as (lllltrruptions) to why he should behave like this and because of such kind or behaviour be has MR. SPEAKER : Please listen to him. apo ogised in .he House in the past and Mr. Ramdhan, please speak. removed from tbe Council of ministers. This much I have certainly said. This SHRI RAMDHAN : Mr. Speaktr. Sir, enraged him so much that had hone first let an atmosphere be created in which Minister Sbri Sootosh Mohan Dev not it becomes possible for me to speak. intervened and made him set Sbri Tewary could. have gone to any ext.,nt. I don't want to say anything more in this regard. I don't want to add anything more to the remarks you have made. I want to say 14.45 hn. one tbing more. You have allotted me PERSONAL EXPLANATIONS BY seat here and my division number is also MEMBERS here. Still Shri T. Basheer and two-thr.ee other Members came to me from behind [Trans/ation] and pressurised me to chanse my seat and go to the other side. MR. SPEAKER: You may speak freely. Whatever alJegation has been ( Interruptions) m::de against you, yon can tell about, it and refule it. MR. SPEAKER: I will make tbe recommendation. You are a Member of SHRI RAM DHAN (LaJganj) : I was the Congress Party. Why do you make about to say the same thing when tbere a noise. was pavdemonlum( Interruptions) ( Interruptions) MR. SPAKER : Order, Order. Now finish the matter quickly. [English] SHRI SHANfARAM NAIK SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speaker, (Paoaji): This is like a school boy's Sir, Shri Tewary has alleged in his state. complaint. ment tbat 1 have hurled unprintable abuses against bim. [Tralls/arioll] SHRI C. MADHA V R EDDI (Adila- bad) : Unspeakable. SHRI RAM DHAN : '* bout what arc you going to recomend ? Kindly give your MR. SPEAKER: It is the same thing. ruJing. ( JIlterru 1'1 iOlls) SHRI RAM DHAN: I want to say that the whole country knows those per_ 50115 who are habitual offenders. And MR. SPEAKER: I accept that wba- if I have said anything like this ..••.•• ever you have said in the House is I10t unparliamentry, or it is not an abuse or ( /1Ittrrllptions) it has Dot been said with ma'afide inten- I English] tions. I accept it. Please sit down ... PROF. K.K. TE\VARY (Bu~ar) : You ( In/rri/pl iOlls) aive me one minute. [ English] [Translationl SHRI SURESH KURUP (Kottayam) : MR. SPEAKER: You will also give There cannot be aoy debate on personal your explanation. explanation. ( 111 It rr uptioll.r) ( Jllferruptiolls) Personal explanation KARttkA 16,1909 (SAKA)

    SHRI SURESH KURUP: The rule shown the same deBree of respect (or the clearly says that no debate will be hone Chair. aIJowed •.•. (Interruptions) [Translation] [Translatiollsj

    MR. SPEAKER Why don't you MR. SPEAKER What are you sit ? doing '1 Let this item in be completed.

    SHRI RA MOHAN: Let me say what [English] I have to say. PROF K. K. TEWARY : Even to my ( llllerrupt;ons) honourab:e colleagues in the House. I ba vc: SHRI RAM DHAN : I am only a always been respectful and very friendly. suspended Member of the Congress Party what happened is thi,s : You made certain and I have not been expellea from it. ... observations, and I clarified WJth your permission, that whatever Mr. Ram Dhaa ( Interruptions) said·I am not going to repeat them, since be has explained it; and bringing that MR. SPEAKER: That is why you again into this will further add to the con. have been allowed to sit here. troversy; therefore, I would Dot like to repeat the words that be uttered. ot SHRI RA\{ DHAN: I never say ., . t cour·se, you did not hear-but from my anything. Have at least the patJence 0 side, I must clarify tbat I did not Inean to listen to' what I have to submit, I want threaten him or to cr~ate any sense of to say that this seat is mine and you have insecurity in his mind. aranted me the right to sit here. If I also start behaving in the same manner In About his expression that J am a habi· which members sitting behind me have be- tual offender .. J Interruptions) haved then thene could be exchange of bJOWS and disgraceful conduct in the MR. SPEAKER: No, no. For me, all house. You should therefore give your members are good. That is what I feel. rutang on .t. Why do other Members do llke this 1 PROF K. K. TEWARY: It is for this hon. House to decide, but the track record of Mr Ram Dhan establishes his ••. MR. SPEAKER: That is why I was rIn ttrruptions) recommending. Please sit down. [Translation j SHRI RA\.f DHAN : I want to sub- mit that theie Members should not try to SHRI RAM DHAN : I have not said attack me. anything. The way he has been talking, the way be has abused the Hanjans [English) of the country aod insulted them deserves to be condemned, PROF. K. K. TEWARY : Mr. Speaker. Sir; I would not like to join issues with ( Interruptions) Mr. Ram Ohan, or to whip up any cont- SHRI RAM DHAN : He has said about roversy on this unfortunate incident tbat me like this .•• took place in the forenoon. I have always had tbe maximum degree of respect for [ Enzlish] the bon. House, (Interruptions) for the rules .. J Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: You are not explai. nina his conduct. You arc exp!aininl MR. SPEAKER: Order, order. Plea- your conduct. se listen. PROF. K.K. TEWARY: I have not PROF K. K. TEWARY: And r have laid anythina ... (Inttrruptions) 401 Personal explanations NOV£MSaR 17. 1987 by m~11lh~rs 408

    MR. SPEAKER: I do not want to MR. SPEAKER: Order. order,· allow anybody to impute motives to anybody ••• (Inttrruptions) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (Bankura): He must tender an apology. MR. SPEAKER: Whether they are Mr. Tewary's remarks or anybody else's MR. SPEAKER: I bave heard the remarks. Please sit down. (Interruptions) two explanations, both from Sbri Ram DhaD and Prof. K.K. TEW AR Y and find [Translation] that there were some misgivings. Now, I think, as the hOD. members have said nei- SHR I RAM DHA N: He wanted to ther of tbem had any bad intcntion; nei- make such remarks about me ... ther Shrl Ram Dhan, because he had completely gone by the hone members· MR. SPEAKER: He has said nothing .. regard to the House and to other mcm- bers; he did not want to say anything.~. SHRI RAM DHAN·: If he wants to Once he advanced towards tbat, I said, he open a new chapter against your testimony was advancing menacingly .. _ tben let me also reply. rIllterruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I had disaJlowtd MR . SPEAKER: I did say and tbat is everything for your sa ke. why 1 asked for his personal explanation; and that is why, in the meantime, 1 had [ EIIlllish] also postponed it. I wanted to clarify the pOSition. Prof. Tewary, in all good faith PROF. K.K. TEWARY : I have said that be did not mean anything. In already said that maximum restraint should view of all this. Jet us close this and let be exercised by the hon, Members beca- the matter rest here. (InUrruptiolls) use the whole world ... SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: No.

    MR. SPEAKER: I want your e~p)a­ (Interruption) nation. MR. SPEAKER: Shri Buta Singh. rInterruptions) PROF. K.K. TEWARY: The entire country is watching the proceedings in the [Trans/ati8n] House. Therefore, from my side, I assure ( Interruptions) you that I will not offer any opportunity to any hon. Member in the House to SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speakcr.Sir, you have changed your decision. take offence to that; and whatever happe- ned, that was preceded by a certain inci- ( Illterruptions) dent in the House. I was merely referring [ Ellglish] to tbat. I did Dot make any reference to Ram Dhan JI. and I did not mean-I THE MINISTER OF HOME again repeat, I did not mean to threaten AFFAIRS (S. BUrA SINGH) : Mr. Spea- him-what I said is this, I merely said: ker Sir..• 'The views tbat you bold, you are not entitled to be on this side. You are enti- tled to be on the other side: This is all [Tralls/ation] that! said. (Interruptions)

    MR. SPEAKER: Shri MR. SPEAKER : So, you did not Dinesh Goswami, please listen. mean to threaten him. ( Interruptiolls) PROF. K.K. TEWAR Y: No, Sir; I did not mean to threaten him. Not at [English] all. I will be the last person •.•• SHRI BASUDEV ACHARIA: You (Int~rruplions) Why sh\)uJJ I hold out a must ask him to apoloaisc. tbreat to him. (InltrruptiohS) 409 Personal txplanatiolls KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) by members 410

    MR. SPEAKER : He bas said no bad don't do anythinF, then this House will words, no abuses, no epilhe s, nothing. not be allowed to function in this manner. (Interruptions) ( IlIttrruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I am satisfied. MR. SPEAKER: It is alright. If you (Interruptions) don't want, then I will adjourn the House. wbat do I lose? (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Now I can read from the Handbook for Members Lok Sahbs. On page 117, point (40) reads as If you do not want the House to func- tion, what can I do ? follows: (Interruptiolls) '"If any statement is imputed to another member and the latter 15.00 hrs. says that he did not make that SHRI RAM DRAN: This will not statement, the contradiction do. should be accepted without demur." ( Illterruptions) ( Interruptions) [Engli sh)

    MR. SPEAKER: No. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN rInterruptiolls) (Bahraicb) : You are not fair. ( Interruptions) SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: No. S. BUTA SINGH: Some of the hone MR. SPEAKER: I think the hone Members from the opposition diJection on Member is transgressing his limits by the other side tried to raise an issue about expressIng this. • the presence of the CentraJ Police Organi. sation in some part~ of Nagaland and SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Assam. (Interruptions) They wanted to No. You asked me to apologise; I apoJo- know as to why the CR PF and the BSF gised. are present in that area. ( Inttrruptions) ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I never expected MR. SPEAKER: I had accepted it this from you. Look here. What I because there was nothing on record. If said was, if this shouting, if there was anything on record ... this noise making and voice makiD! rInterruptiolls) machine is allowed to go on, assuming I have allowet it, I would have demanded MR. SPEAKER: If there was some- an apology, as I did earlier. Otherwise, I thing on the record, I would Dot have would have asked him to withdraw from accept,d it. Now. they have made me the House if there was anything on the satisfied. It is my observation. If there record. It was on my personal visual was anything on record, I would hhve inspection I said those words. If I had made him to apologise. So, there is no been partial. I would not have said that. problem. But he said, "No, I did not mean it" ( Illterrputiolls) I think it is all right. I will listen to Shri Madhav Reddi. MR. SPEAKER: I have done my rInterruptions) best ... (Interruptions) [Trans/ation) [Translation] SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI (Gbosi) : You have yourself s"en and said this. SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speaker, What more is required? Sir, what is all this happening? If you (Interruptiolls) 4 _ 411 P~rsoltal explanations NOVEMBER 17, 1987 by memhers '1 '

    SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: MR. SPEAKER: I agree with you, I said this to you not to tbe Home Minis- Professor Sahib. I fully endorse what you ter or the Government. But you asked have said. I do Dot retrace my steps, and me to apologise al1d I tendered my I do not hide anything behind anybody's apology. face .. 1 do not have anything to gain if I am partia I. I cannot be. MR. SPEAKER: It is right. You rInterrupti OilS) tendered an apology. [Translation] SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Your·· in this way in this House ... SHRI RAM DHAN: What did you (lntt,ruptions) say earlier and what have yo:,) said lafer ? MR. SPEAKER : Please listen to me, [Eng/ish] Mr. Ram Dhan. You had said that I am MR. SPEAKER: You are not even a gentleman. sparing me. SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speaker. (Interruptions) Sir, there is no doubt in that. Had you (Trans/atioll] done proper justice, I would have no objection and would not have said any- MR. SPEAKER: Had this thing been thing. 1 in my mind. I would have never said that (Interrllpt iOlls) he advanced menacingly. ~IR. SPEAKER: I am firm on my [English) stand. What I have said is final. I have never budged from my stand. I have said SHRI V_ KISHORE CHANDRA S. what T saw. DEO (P.arvatbipuram): You are treating me in a partisan manner. ( Interruptions) (Interruptions) SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speaker, SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Sir, you do not know about me. 1 had You have •• You cannot have •• fought against the Britishers. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I agree. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE SHRI RA M DHA N: I was behind (Raja pur) : Mr. Spearker, I have a the bars for 20 months during emergency request. Let not a wrong impression go and was never afraid of anyone. So, I on record. You have taken the attitude would like to say to you. 'hat both of them have clearly expressed tbat they did Dot mean any threat or any (Inttrrupriolls) insult to each other. But, I humbly point MR. SPEAKER: It is a bad thing to out that Arif ~1ohammadji said "I did not intimidate anyone, but It Is even worse mean aoy insult to any Member in this to yield to 5uch intimidations. He is a House". Despite that you insisted tbat he bad man who does injustice but one who must teoder apology and he did apologise. yields to !njustice is worse than him. 1 But when that Member says, "1 did not agree with you" I have never said any- mean a threat" you are prepared to thing out of fear. Whatever I have said accept it. \Vhat is it ? in this House I have remained firm on (Illterrupt iOlls) that. I expelled Mr. Tewary from this very House because I was firm on that PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE point. How do I understand this? I do not ( J nit rruptions) understand this. ( Illterruptiolls) MR. SPEAKER: Why do you not hear me ? .·ExpUDled as ordered by the Chair. ( I"tt'rrllptions) 413 P''fsonal explanations KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SA.KA) by members 414

    MR. SPEAKER : Kindly listen to (Tralls/ation) me. MR. SPEAKER: If you do not want ( Interrupti~llS) the House to fUDction, I can adjourn it. I am saying it correctly that had I ( Interruptions) some thing in my Inind and bad I n<'t said wbat I had seen that Mr. Tewary was MR. SPEAKER : Now he should Jooking very meek then I would have heen come in the House and say (Interruptiolls). guilty but I have said what I saw. If it Had he said that word, I would have not like tbis ? But an boo. Member of this surely asked him to apologise. It was a House rises and says on the floor of the gesture which I saw. Now he says that he House that I might have seen wrongly has not uttered any such word ... and he did not say that rrom that angle ( Interruptions) and his Intention was clear. In tbat case, I should accept t bat. . [Engli~'h} ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: If you do nol want to fUD, the House I will adjourn it. MR. SPEAKER: After that he did not say a single world. Had eveD one [Translation} word was 5pok~n, .. (Interruptions) SHRI 8AIFUDDIN CHOWC>HARY (Katwa) : What step will you take if some MR. SPEAKER: Guptaji, listen to Member leaves the House in this way? me. If he had uttered a single word ... MR. SPEAKER: He says that Shri SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Basirhat): Ram Dhan has abused and Shri Ram Sir, do .)'OU agree' that what you have seeD Dban says that he bas not abused. I said and what you have said is wrong? that he is a gentleman and his statement be accepted. MR. SPEAKER: I have to agrt!e ( Interruptions) what be bas said. (Illterruptions) [ English]

    MR. SPEAKER : Li:iten to nle. I did SHRI V. SOBHANADRESSWARA not hear what he has said. He said that RAO : I am on a point of order. he did not abuse and he says that he bad ( Iutcrrputions) abused. But he says tbat he did Dot abuse and therefore I bad to accept his [Trans/atiol1j version. MR. SPEAKER: What caD be done He said that he had no such intention, if one makes a mountain of a mole hill ? he did Dot WaDt to intjmidate him. Coming from ao hOD. Member I should accept AN HON. MEMBER: This is Dot that. . so. ( Illterruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I did not ask the [ English] MJUister. In the case of Shr; Shuk ra. it was 'SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA As a quite unfair. I did not delay it even for a Member of this House, have I got the single minute. I have Dot seen it. I did right to say that J have hit Plof. Danda- say that when a perSOD says on the floor vate but I have no intention of hitting of the House .•• him? (Illterruptiolls) . (Illt~rrupliolu)

    SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA l\1R. SPEAKER: Had he used some RAO (Vijaywad): He must apologise. such word, I would have definitely asked ( Illt~rrllpfions) him to a poloeise. 415 P,'rsonal explanatiolls NOVEMBER J 7 1987 by members 416

    SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: [Trans/ation} I told you that I did not say·· to the Minister but I referred to the Govern- SHRf RAMESHWAR NEEKHRA ment. (Hosbangabad) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, just now he was abusing. MR. SPEAKER: Sir, it is written (1ltttrruptiolls) here. You can see the record. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I not intend It. I am submitting that you may expunge it ( Interruptions) from the record. SHRI RAMESHW AR NEEKHRA MR. SPEAKER: I will get it ex pun- Just now you were saying tbat the han. ged. Speaker is·· SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: I have said it correctly that because you Is it not abusing? have asked, I have apologised. [ English] MR. SPEAKER: It is unparliamen- tary_ S. BUTA SINGH: Sir, tbe House cannot digest this kind of insinuation, this SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: kind of the Chair. Therefore, Sir. my Otherwise, to say *. to the Government request to you is that you must control is Dot uDparliamentary. To you ** the Member. He must withdraw these words ... (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: You are doing a wrong thing again. [Translation]

    [ English] SHRI RAMESHWAR NEEKHRA: Mr. Speaker, Sir, this is contempt of I think the bon. Member is transgres- the House. sing alJ his limits. ( Inftrruptions) ( Interruptiolls) SHRI PIYUS TIRAKY (A1ipur~uars): [Tralls/atioll] He should first apologise. The matter of suspension wi)) be tak en up later. MR. SPEAKER What are you saying 1 ( Interruptiolls)

    SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: MR. SPEAKER : It is for me to But there can be no compromise on this decide. issue. You may expel us but we will·· ( Interruptions)

    I Ellgli.'lh] AN HON. MEMBER: It caonot go on like this in the House. S. BUT A SI NGH I take serious Interruptions) objection to the insinuations made on the r Chair by Shri Ant. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: ( Interrupliom;) Sir, the Chai r of the Speaker is such that even if one person suspecled that integrity MR. SPEAKER: No insinuations are of the Chair in the past. the Speaker allowed. resigned. You have to bear in mind these glorious traditions and wjH have to make S. BUTA SINGH : Sir, I am on a tbe House feel that you are discharging point of order. My point of order is •• ( Interruptions) your duties in an impartia1 manner. The ------··EXpUDgcd as ordered by the Chair. ··Expunged as ordered by the chair. 417 Personll/ explanations KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAXA) by members 418

    House has bad glorious traditions. Such [Trans/ation] tbings should not happen. But when a gentleman says that I have MR. SPEAKER: Today after new not done a particular thing, what can I thing is happening. Arif Sahib is telling do ? me of glorious traditions. Are you tea- ( 111lerruptiOlls) ching me the new glorious traditions? THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN. [English] TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI SHRI SHANT ARAM NAIK (Panaji): H.K.L. BH AGAT): Sir, J waDt to make Sir, how long are we going to bear this? onc thing clear that the personal asper- The Speaker" s dignity and the dignity or sions which Arif Mohammad Khan Is the House ... making on the Chair, will not be tolerated. (Illterruptions) Let me say this. He has to withdraw ..• (Inter,.uptions) [ Translation] [Translation] MR. SPEAKER : Mr. Gupta, will you take up Bhopal issue today ? SHR.! ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: Now again also! SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: We have ( Inttrrllplions) the Constitution (Amendment) Bill first on the agenda. (Interruptions) [English]

    [English] SHRI H. K. L. BHAGAT : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to make one tbiog MR. SPEAKER: If there were any clear that Mr. Arif Mohammad Khan's words, I would have made him apologise. making aspersions 'against the Chair will not be tolerated. (Interruptions) He has ( Interruptions) to withdraw it. He must apologise. We [Translation] wi)) not tolerate such aspersions on the Cbalr. (Illt~rruptiolls) No, you must with· MR. SPEAKER: I expelled him and draw that aspersion and apologise to the also caJJed for his explanation. I have Cbair. (Interruptions) You are making done everything but when somebody aspersions on tbe Chair. What is it that says ... he has got to do ? (Interruptions.) No, no. ( Interruptions) You must apologise to the Chair immedia- tely ... No question of tolerating tbe asper- [ c_,'llglish] sions on the Chair..• (Interruptions) You are treating the Chair: In a detestable and SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY : shameful manDer. You talk of democracy. One thing you can do, Sir. You can You are casting aspersions OD tbe Cha;r. condemn the very move of the member ... We are tolerating this today for a long ( Interruptions) time. You are spoiling everything for political reasons. We know how great MR. SPEAKER: That is what I said. you are. (Interruptions). You must apolo- •• ( Interruptions) gise apologise to the Chair for the way you are behaying. (Interruptions) ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Now look here. II [TrallslationJ I have missed, then I miss you also certain t' Imes •.• SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: ( Inte~ruptions) I thank tbe hon. Minister of Parliamentary Affairs for giving me a certificate on behal, MR. SPEAKER : That fa what I have of this incompetent and corrupt Gove rn. said. mcnt. I am fighting this incompetfnt aDd Personal c:xplanations NOVEMBER 17. 1987 420

    corrupt Government and there cannot be S. BUTA SINGH: The Chair's ruling a better certificat~ than this for me~ Many is the final verdict. He bas given the tbanks for this certificate. ruling which is tbe final word. Let every. ( Inttrruptions) body accept tbe ruling. Why is Prof. Madhu DaDdavate keeping silent? I do [ English] not know. (Interruptions) The Chair is being Bouted. SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN: (Interruptions) I am grateful for the certificate given by tbe Parliamentary Affairs Minister. I am [ Translation] proud of the certificate given by him. (Interruptions.) It is •• Government. It SHRI RAM DHAN : We have accep. is an incompetent Government. Let them ted the Chair ruling but they have no~. tbrow me out. [English] MR. SPEAKER: It will not go on record. S. BUTA SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, no amount of calumny •. no amount of (Interruptions) • gimmickry .• , (Interruptions) can be anowed in this House. Tbe qustion is that House [Translation] has to be managed by the Chair and the SHRI RAMESHWAR NEEKHRA; Chair's ruling is final. Mr. Speaker. Sir, he Is committing con- tempt of the House. Those who are trying [ Translation] to throttle democracy, should be taught a lesfiion. SHR1ARIP MOHAMMAD KHAN: You cannot be a mute spectator while he [English] is beDig insuUed.

    SHRI VJDY A CHARAN SHUKLA [English} (Mahasamund) Sir, where is the leader of the House? 1 be House needs his guida- S. BUTA SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, nce and his assistance. 1 he leader of the you have accepted the explanation of both House should come here and assist tbe tbe Members and both the Members House. . explained their conduct and you have given tbe ruUng. After the Speaker's (Inter rllpfions) Ruling, where is the question ? The House has to respect the Speaker's ruling. S. BUTA SINGH: Sir, before any- (Interruptions) Yes, S pcaker's ruling t.os body says something about the leader, Jet come .. them understand tbe cardinal prinCiple of ( lnterruptiolls) the parliamentary democracy. It is to obey the luling of the Chair. It is tbe ruling of the Chair which you s'hould SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Mr. Spea aceept. Let everybody accept the ruling ker, Sir, will you permit me, . Sir. (or one of the Chair. Why is Prof. Madhu Danda. minute to toke Mr. Tewary's pJace? Thait vate keeping sHent? Why is he allowing means, please imagine that I am Mr, the ruling of the Chair to be flouted? The Tewary. I am not joking, I am speaking rulling of the Chair is the final word in this as follows: House This House is governed by the Chair's ruliolZ. The Chair's ruling must U Although I bad no intention of be respected. The Chair has aiven a threatening Shri Ram Dhan. it seems I ruling. Let everybody accept the ruling moved In a manner whIch gave you, Mr. Speaker, the impression that I bad moved This House cannnot bt: run through shouts. in a theateniD8 manner. For giving you this impressoD I express my regret." ( IlIttrruptions)

    •• E"pungcd as ordered by the Chair. This is the best thins he can do with 421 Persollal explanatiolls KARTlkA,26~ 1909 (SAKA) by members 422 grace. The whole House will be happy a lot about the Chair. He bas not even to accept it. What is wrong with it 1 spared the Cbair. This is the reason ( Interruptions) why I am in agony. Think of me also. I too have a consence. I want to SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: We arc suy that tbi.,s was not such a big thing. trying lo find a solution, Sir. When a person stand up and says that he did not do it. there has been some [Translation] misunderstanding and be bad no such intentioo- MR. SPEAKER: Whenever such ocas- sions arise, 1 have felt that we try to walk [English] on an edge of a sword in a way that we down funble because I know that if we it amouots to the same thing. I acce- did sometbiD.8 wrong, it shaH not be good pted it. either for the House or for the Chaff. when aD occasion arose" I dealt with that [Trans/atiollsJ promptly and whalever I felt right. I did it. If I wanted to conceal anything. 1 He said it in tbe House and also out- would have avoided the issue. But 1 side that he was abused. But when Shri simply said. Ram Dhan denied it, I had to accept the gentleman's words. Even lhen if some hon. Members cast ( Interruptions) aspersions on the Chair or say that J am partla 1, I am pained. MR. SPEAKER: I did not hear it at all. Had I heard it I would have definet- SEVERAL HON. MEMBERS: ely said so. If he did Dot feel as aschamed Shame. in saying so or did not realise it tbat be did so if he had felt it in his heart, he MR. SPEAKER: Why don't YOll would have definitely Dot said so. allow me to speak? By crying 'sbame' rInterruptions) nothing is going to be solved. ( Interruptions) [English] ( Interruptions) I want to say one thing more. If an hon. Member stands up and denies that SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA he hEld not said I;ke this, is it less than ao RAO : It was quite intentional. apology 1 Had there been some such ( Interruptions) )word ... ( Illttrruptions) SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE (Bolpur): Was he going out of the House 1 MR. SPEAKER : Why don't you ( Interruptions) 'listen? Had there been some such word, tbe situation would have been d,fferent. MR. SPEAKER: What should I Last time, when Prof. K. K. Tcwary said do ? He denies haviD~ said so. He says something he had to leave the House. He I had only asked him to change his seat. did not say anything today. There was DO other intention. How can I take action on a word which is not [English] wrong, abusive or unparliamentary, when he has accepted it, why don't you accept I made it.. It was I •.• it ? ( Interruptions) ( Interruptions)

    [Transl arion] MR. SPEAKER: I would have done the same thing today as on that day. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Kurup. kindly That day also he had said that he did not keep silent for a miDute Shri Arit bas said speak anything against Professor even more what he said Mr. Arit bas said Sahib .•• 423 P~"sonal explanations NOVEMBER 17, 1987 by members 424

    (English] to Shrl Indrajit Gupta's formula? ( Interruptions) But I made him suffer for that. I made him suffer for that. I did It. MR. SPEAKER: Now you may sit down. (Interruptiolls) SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY : Why had you to suffer for that? [English} .

    MR. SPEAKER: No. I did Dot S. BUTA.SINGH : After the Question suffer. He bad to suffer. He had to go Hour proceedings, some of the hOD. out. should 6uffer? have never Why I I Members were trying to raise some issue done anything wrong. (Interruptions) regarding the presence of Central Police organisation in certain parts of Nagaland MR. SPEAKER: That is why, I took and Assam. Yo u were very kind to exception. r~mark .....• (Illlcrruptions). ( Illterruptions) [Tralls/ation] [Trallsiatiollj SHRI RAM DHAN : What you have MR. SPEAKER: Whatever he has said .•.... (Interruptions). said, I tlave accepted it. Had he the courage to threaten then he would not MR. SPEAKER: I say you may have said that he did not say this. please sit down. Accede to my request. (Interrupt iOlls) SHRI RAM DHAN: If some bon. MR. SPEA KER : Had he the courage. Member is attacked in this House ...... he would have said that be said this. (Interruptions) ( Interruptiolls) MR. SPEAKER: You may sit down. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Acharia, had ( Interruptions) he the courage to threaten, he would not have said that h: did Dot say this. SHRI RAM DHAN: Mr. Speaker, Sir, now this is being done. I accept your [English] earlier ruling. SHRI BASUDES ACHARIA: Let [English] him express his regret. (lnterruptions) SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: False statements are going on record. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: He should have tbe guts to admit his MR. SPEAKER: Without my per- mistake. (Interruptions). mission, nothing will go on record. I have not allowed it. (Interruptions)· MR. SPEAKER: I adjourn the House, if you want. (Illterruptions). [Translations]

    S. BUTA SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir. MR. SPEAKER: Why are you dic- today... ••• (I1Iterruptions). tating? Please sit down. (Interruptions).

    SHRI BASUDES' ACHARIA: He MR. SPEAKER: Now you want to should express his regret. be dictatorial. (Inltrruptions). MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Ram Dhan, SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: you are a thorough gentleman. You seemed He bas no courage. (Illterrupliolls). to be quite gentle, You used to say that [Trans/ation] you are quite a gentleman. Now sit down. MR. SPEAKER: You may sit down. SHRI RAM DHAN: Nothing is (Int~rrllptiolls) audible to me what you are saying. I want

    SHRI RAM DHAN : What happened • Not recorded. Personal explanations KARTIKA 26, 1909 (SAKA) by members 42<1

    to submit to you tbat you should not [Tralls/atiolts] establish a praetice that if an hon. Mem- ber is attacked in the House ...... MR. SPEAKER: I have seen that. Had there been any such expression, I [English] would have asked him to tender an MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed apology for that and would have expunged anything. that from the proceedings. He says that (Intt rruptiolls)· he has not said like this; there seem. to be some misunderstanding. Now what can be done in such a situation? [Translation) SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Tben MR. SPEAKER : Mr. Ram Dhan. you should say that your impression was some consideration should be given to the wrong. (Interruptions) House and the country. I have said this keeping in view the interests of all and I SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJI: have said nothing improper or against the Your impression was correct. interest of anyone or have not said any- thing which may be humiliating to any one. I fully intend to respect everyone. MR. SPEAKER: Whatever he has Giving respect to you and the House will said and clarified, I am laying on that result in my own respect and the respect basis. Whatever I have seen I have said. to everyone else. Therefore, when you To me it looked as If he was bein~ threa- have agreed, you should not pursue it tened. further. Now you may please sit down. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJI ( Interruptions) That was correct. SHRI RAM DHAN : The case is now being disposed of in tbis way. MR. SPEAKER Listen to me. Whatever I fe]t I have said. He has said that he was going to ask him as to why be SHRI VIDY A CHARAN SHUKLA: should not sit in his seat; wby he was Mr. Speaker, Sir, one thing should be Sitting there ? clarified. Shrl Tewary bas said that he was not going to threaten. You have said [English] that he was going to thereaten. For tbis at least a clarificatio'n should come from Shri Tewary as to what he was going to SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWAltA do. Was he going to shake bands witb him RA 0 : Why did he get up on bls feet? or was he going to congratulate him? What for he was going out? Was he not SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA Why ~oing to threaten him? don't you pull him up ?

    MR. SPEAKER: I have told you SHRI SOMNATH CHATTI!RJEE that I have heard his version. Whatever Why did he get up from his seat? he has said should be accepted. (Interruptions) PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE Kindly don't express regrets. I hope you MR.SPEAKER: I have no option do not express regrets for having said that but to adjourn the House. be was moving menacingly towards the bon. Member. [En,lishl [Translation] I cannot do anything else. ( ltiterruptions) MR. SPEAKER : I have said what I saw, Mr. Professor. I am not afraid or *Not recorded anyone except the God. by members 411 PtrsolftJi explaltations NOVEMBEit 17, 19~ 1

    [ Ellgllslz] I repeated that. Prof. Dandavate is present here. I say that If I commit a wrong, I am ready to apologise. Had be the SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Why did he get up ? Why did he move to courage, he should have conceded tbat he his seat? said that. That would have been bigger than asking for apology ... (Inttrruptions) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA For what purpose 1 SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI : A coward ( Interruptions) does not have the courage ....•• rIn!errllptions)" [Translation} MR. SPEAKER: Then way do you MR. SPEAKER: He says that he was bother for him? going to ask him not to sit there and that ( Interruptions) he shuuJd sit somewhere else as it was not his seat. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAJ: If some one commits a mistake, be should be ( Interruptlolls) punished for that ... (lnurruptiolls) [English} SHRI RAM DHAN: Over your seat MR. SPEAKER: That is what he 'Dharmchakra Pravartanaya' is written. said.... Things of this nature should Dot bappen. If the same injustice which is meted out to' [Translatioll} us outside Is meted out iD this House a15o, tben you should come to our rescue. If someone has the courage to do something, ~e does not retrace and if he ( Illterruptions) retraces, then what else can be a bigaer tbina than this? Mr. Rai, why are you [Enclish} interrupting? Sit down. S. aUTA SINGH: Sir, he is defying (Inttrrupt ions) your tuling. ( Int~rruptjons) SHRI C. MADHAV REDDI (Adila- bad) : If you think that whatever he said THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN- is an apology, tbeD we accept that ... TARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF ( Interruptions) FOOD AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI H,K.L. BHAGAT): Sir, I want to make SHRI ARIF MOHO. KHAN: There one tbing clear. He is not obeying the cannot be any compromise on the ques .. ruling of Ihe Cbair. It as the Chief Whip tion of honour or the hon. Members and of the Congress Party, have issued a Whip the House. You may do whatever you to him and to Mr. Rai-to both of tbem- like ... (Interruptions) to obey the Congress Party Whip and not to challenge tbe ruling of the Chair. If they want to disobey the Whip, let them MR. SPEAKER: Ir someone with- do it knowingly. (lnlerruptions) I have draws what he bas said, tben tbere cannot issued the Whip and I am entitJed to issue be a beetter case of apology. You said it tbis Whip to both of them. and you have accepted it. [~ranslat ion} ( Interruptions)

    SHRI ARIF MOHO. KHAN I did SHRI RAM OHAN : This Govern· not say. ment has lost the confidence of tbe entire .:ouotry. ( lnt~"ruplions) MR. SPEAKER: You said thi' and 429 Personal explanations KARTIKA 26. 1909 (SAKA) by members 430

    [English] Members, wbicb I do not want to do. I want to work. I want that this House MR. SPEAKER: No. Not allowed. should rUDe (In t err up t ions) •• . [Translation]

    S. BUTA SINGH : Nobody caD You compel me. You do Dot allow challenge the ruling of the Chair. The the House to rUDe ruling of tbe Chair is the property of tbe [English] House and the House must accept tbe ruHoR of the Chair. I adjourn the House tiIl 11.00 A.M. tomorrow. (Interruptions) 15.41 hr•• MR. SPEAKER: I do not find the situation such as will allow us to work. I The £Ok Sahha then adjourned till find nothing except that I can name the Eleven of the Clock on Wednesday, November, 18, 1987/Kartika 27, 1909 ··Not recorded: ( Sakal

    Gupta Printing Works. 472, Esplanade Road. Delbl-l10006.