Los Angeles City Council Room 395, City Hall 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 Mail Stop 160

Attention: Sharon Gin, Legislative Assistant Planning and Land Use Management Committee


Dear Sharon Gin,

My name is Ryan Yokota, and I am writing to encourage the Los Angeles City Council to vote "yes" in regards to the preservation of the site of the former Tuna Canyon Detention Station as a City Historic- Cultural Monument as proposed by Council Member Richard Alarcon. Currently I am a PhD. Candidate in History at the University of Chicago, and previously I received my MA in Asian American Studies at UCLA. I am writing today not only because of my general interest in the preservation of Los Angeles and Japanese American history, but also because my own great-grandfather was incarcerated in the Tuna Canyon Detention Station solely on the basis of his national origin and race during World War II.

My great-grandfather, Waroku Yokota, came to the U.S. in 1899 at the age of 17 to work on the railroads in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He would eventually move to California, working as an agricultural laborer before setting up a chicken farm and hog ranch, and later worked in the transportation of agricultural goods. Settling in Los Angeles, he would eventually start up a number of sewing schools and later operate hotels in downtown Los Angeles. Through this time, he married, had children, and continued to contribute to the social fabric and community institutions of Los Angeles. He worked hard in the U.S. for 42 years before the start of World War 11,at a time when he was ineligible for citizenship due to racially exclusionary laws that prevented his naturalization.

Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the beginning of U.S. participation in World War II, the course of the Japanese American community would change forever. In the dark days following these events, he would eventually be arrested on false suspicions, sent to the Los Angeles City Jail, and would eventually be transferred to the Tuna Canyon Detention Station. From there he was sent to the Department of Justice internment camp in Fort Missoula, . Upon his release from that camp, he would be held at the Santa Anita Assembly Center, before being sent to a Japanese American Concentration Camp in. Rohwer, Arkansas, where he would remain for the duration of the war. He was never found guilty of any crime or act of treason. He had been incarcerated for four years solely on the basis of his national origin and race.

At the time my great-grandfather passed away in 1962, there had been no Japanese American Redress, and no apology or compensation for the incarceration experience that he and many other Japanese Americans suffered through. This experience was simply a hushed secret not to be discussed. The loss of time, livelihood, and property was something that was borne in silence. It has only been through the conscientious effort of many members of the Japanese American community that this shameful moment in our history has been exposed to the light of day.

Places like the Tuna Canyon Detention Station are an important aspect of the continuing push to bring this history to light. Historic preservation of sites like this safeguard the memory of this tragedy and help to provide healing to communities that had suffered greatly under the wrongs of past racism, while signaling our current commitment to ensure that such incidents never happen again.

I would like to conclude by urging the Planning and Land Use Management Committee and the Los Angeles City Council to work towards the designation of the Tuna Canyon Detention Station as a City Historic-Cultural Monument so that the history of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II can be remembered. It is my firm belief that only by safeguarding the memory of the wrongs of the past can we prevent similar abuses and mistakes in the future. I hope you will join me in working towards this goal as well.


Ryan Yokota Ph.D. Candidate in History University of Chicago

(213) 910-5518 cell [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES UCLA


Ph.D. CANDIDATE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 6265 BUNCHB HALL BOX 951473 LOS ANGELES, CA 90095-1473 Los Angeles City Council Room 395, City Hall 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 Mail Stop 160

Attention: Sharon Gin, Legislative Assistant Planning and Land Use Management Committee


june 20, 2013

Honorable Members of the Los Angeles City Council

My name is jean-Paul R. deGuzman, a PhD Candidate in the Department of History at UCLA and a committed supporter of Historic-Cultural Monument designation for Tuna Canyon Detention Station. I am writing in my capacity as the coordinator of a petition the Historic Tuna Canyon Designation Coalition organized and disseminated.

As of the morning of june 20, 2013 we have garnered 1,353 signatures on our petition located at www.change.org. In the course of a month we have gathered over twelve hundred signatures from a diverse cross-section of individuals indicating the widespread support for Councilman Richard Alarcon's motion to designate the site of Tuna Canyon Detention Station. Signers range from Sunland- Tujunga residents, the families of the detainees, veterans of the Asian American Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, scholars, writers, educators and members of the general public concerned with remembering this important space in local history. Signers, although concentrated in Southern California, hail from across the nation and even France and japan.

Several grandchildren or great-grandchildren, such as Lewis Kawahara (San Marino), Kerry Cababa (Torrance) Mitch Homma (Torrance), Chris Tashima (LA) and Ryan Yokota (Chicago) noted how their grandfathers or great-grandfathers were detained at TCDS and spoke of their deep personal investments in remembering TCDS. Mr. Yokota, as you will see in the public record, has also written a very passionate letter about the significance of designation from the standpoint of both the descendant of a detainee and as a historian.

Many signers remarked on the significance of the site to better understanding a largely forgotten about piece of history. Abby Diamond of Tujunga writes "This is important to me because it is a piece of our country's history. The City of Los Angeles should be responsible about preserving our country's past, and respectful to those who were held at Tuna Canyon Detention Station." Others commented on the educational potential afforded by site designation. jim Suthers (Burbank) writes: "If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. The Tuna Canyon Detention Station site is a potent reminder of what happens when misplaced fear leads to knee jerk reactions and destructive, immoral public policy." Similarly, the Revered Anna Olson (St. Mary's Episcopal Church, LA) writes that designation would prevent the "gradual erasing [of] this sad part of our country's history."

Many commented on how the site designation will speak to how we will collective remember the past and imagine a better future. Professor Tomo Hattori (Porter Ranch), a literary scholar at California State University, Northridge, writes "Remember the Alamo. Remember Pearl Harbor. Remember Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. Remember 9/11. Americans have a unique relationship to their painful passages through time. Recognition, and acknowledgment of historical pain is the foundation of the unique brand of human decency that the models for the world. Let the japanese Americans of our valley, our city, our state and our selves represent on this soil of unforgotten injustice for the greater wholeness of all of us."

The diversity of voices represented in this petition represents the large ambit of support Councilman Alarcon's motion has generated. Whether individuals see the designation as a means to redress a tragic period of our collective past or as recognition of a forgotten piece of history in their backyard or as an important tool to teach our future about the limits, promise and possibilities of democracy, they are all committee to writing the Tuna Canyon Detention Station into the great story of Los Angeles.

On behalf of the 1,353 signers who believe in the importance of the Tuna Canyon Detention Station, please vote in favor of Councilman Alarcon's motion.


jean-Paul R. deGuzman, CPhil Volunteer, Historic Tuna Canyon DesignationCoalition PhD Candidate and Teaching Fellow, UCLAHistory Department UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES UCLA


Ph.D. CANDIDATE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 6265 BUNCHE HALL Los Angeles City Council BOX 951473 Room 395, City Hall LOS ANGELES, CA 90095·!473 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 Mail Stop 160

Attention: Sharon Gin, Legislative Assistant Planning and Land Use Management Committee


June 20, 2013

Honorable Councilmembers:

My name is Jean-Paul deGuzman. a PhD candidate in the Department of History at the University of California. Los Angeles. I write to you today in a variety of capacities: as an historian of Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley in particular, as a board member of the San Fernando Valley's oldest Asian American civil rights organization [the Japanese American Citizens League. SFV Chapter), and as a life-long resident of the San Fernando Valley. These different intellectual, political, and social identities all intersect over my grave concern about the need to recognize Tuna Canyon Detention Camp as a Historic Cultural Monument, per the motion made by Councilman Richard Alarcon and seconded by Councilman Eric Garcetti.

Tuna Canyon originated as a Civilian Conservation Corps camp during the Great Depression. As the exigencies of War swept across the Southland, it was conscripted into service as a detention center for so-called "enemy aliens" of German, Italian, and, overwhelmingly, Japanese decent. Detainees were generally held incommunicado and one can imagine the anguish their family members must have felt when they were swept away from their homes. After the War, Tuna Canyon eventually became a golf course and the memory of its infamous wartime usage faded into distant memory.

The City Council has the power to recover this important chapter of Los Angeles history. To fully appreciate the historic and cultural Vitality of our great city we must become aware of all dimensions of our past, both the triumphant along with the tragic. Although the legacy of Tuna Canyon is one of wartime hysteria fueled by long- Simmering anti-immigrant prejudice. it is nevertheless a part of the fabric of our history. Its memory and the widespread potential to educate the public about Tuna Canyon's role in World War II can stand as an important bulwark against the type of hatred that shunted thousands of immigrants into its barracks decades ago.

More broadly speaking, the public is woefully unaware of the critical role that Asian immigrants and their families have played in the rich history of the San Fernando Valley. In the late 19'" century Chinese laborers laid the railroad that connected the dusty San Fernando Valley to the rest of Los Angeles and California, making it a key hub of agricultural production. As the Valley became an agrarian empire in the decades preceding World War II, Chinese and Filipino laborers, alongside their Chicana/o comrades, toiled in the citrus orchards and olive groves whose products put the Valley on the map. Needless to say, Japanese immigrants also tilled the soil of the Valley as small farmers eking out a modest, but vibrant community. World War II totally upended that community and stripped Japanese Americans of any sense of normalcy and security. After the War, Asian Americans participated in the struggle over equitable housing in the Valley and, after 1965, new Filipino, Thai, South Asian and Korean populations have transformed the Valley into a world city unto itself. I have learned about this fascinating past through story telling with various elders and my own PhD research in archives near and far. But, the designation of Tuna Canyon Detention Station as a Historic Cultural Monument would be one important step in addressing this history for the public and enriching the knowledge of all Angelenos.

I would like to conclude on a personal note. Although I am not Japanese American, I have come to learn from, work with and befriend several elders in the San Fernando Valley Japanese American community over the eight years. In 2005 I was a senior at Cal State Northridge, working on an oral history project dedicated to archiving the stories of this determined community. At first I thought my connection to Japanese Americans in the Valley would end once I received my grade. But, I remained involved with the community, eventually joining the Japanese American Citizens League for their commitment to civil rights. I have listened to incredible stories of resistance and perseverance in the face of crushing institutional and interpersonal prejudice. As a Valley resident and an ally of the Valley's Japanese Americans, I overwhelming believe Historic Cultural Monument designation is a fitting recognition of this community.

Thank you for your consideration.


Jean-Paul R. deGuzman, MA, CPhil PhD Candidate, UCLADepartment of History Haynes-Lindley Fellow John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation

Chair - Committee on Scholarships Japanese American Citizens League, San Fernando Valley Chapter California State University Northridge _ Department of Asian American Studies College of Humanities May 31, 2013

Dear Los Angeles City Council Members,

My name is Gina Masequesmay, and I am the Chair of Department of Asian American Studies at California State University, Northridge. I am writing on behalf of the faculty and students in my department to strongly urge all members of the Los Angeles City Council to support Councilmember Richard Alarc6n's motion to grant cultural-historic designation to the former site of Tuna Canyon Detention Station.

We are scholars grounded in the traditions of Asian American Studies and Ethnic Studies, interdisciplinary fields that bring together a wide variety of approaches to the study of power, class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, and other axes of social difference but remain united in the pursuit of social justice. Since our founding in 1990, our Department has worked tirelessly to connect our students with the larger communities in the San Fernando Valley and explore the region's Asian American past.

As you may know, Asian Americans have a long and rich history in the region, from Chinese railroad workers to Filipino farm laborers. In recent years, we have cultivated a strong relationship with the Japanese American community. In our "Telling Our Stories Oral History Project," our students have unearthed stories of Japanese American triumph and struggle in the face of intense racism throughout the first half of the twentieth century. During World War II, this vibrant community was stripped of its rights, property, and sense of security. The fathers, brothers, grandfathers, and uncles of various community members were shunted away to camps such as Tuna Canyon. This past is only now coming to light after decades of silence within the Japanese American community, a silence enacted as a way to forget about the tragedies of World War II and rebuild a semblance of normalcy. That silence, however, is crumbling with each day as more and more individuals come forward to share their family's lived experience with Tuna Canyon. They bring to light a tragic but critical chapter in our collective history as residents of the San Fernando Valley and the Greater Los Angeles Area. In remembering the contributions of Japanese American farmers who helped to make this region fertile and productive, Angelenos must honor the place and space that marked our collective struggles in order to heal and build a more inclusive, compassionate and sustainable future. The City Council is poised to playa major role in this process by designating the former site of Tuna Canyon as a cultural-historic monument.

Let us be completely clear. Our intentions in supporting the designation are focused upon redressing the injustices ofthe past, recovering a buried history, and educating the wider community for our peaceful future. As responsible members of the public, we cannot let this piece of history slip into faint memory. As voting constituents of Los Angeles and workers in the San Fernando Valley, we urgently request that you support the motion for historic-cultural designation for Tuna Canyon.


Gina Masequesmay, Ph.D. Chair of Asian American Studies [email protected]

18111 Nordhoff Street . Northridge' California 91330-8251 . (818) 677-4966' fax (818) 677-7094

The California State University' Bakersfield' Cha'lncl Islands' Chico . Dominguez Hill > East Bay' Fresno' FuUcrton . Humboldt ' Long Beach' Los Angclcs . Maritime Academy . Monterey Bay' Northridge' Pomona' Saccarnento ' San Bernardino' San Diego' SailFrancisco' SanJosc' San Luis Obispo' San Marcos' Sonoma' Stanislaus ihllh~.1fIf!1 Historic Designation Committee

Recipient: LA City Planning and Land Use Management Committee and the LA City Council

Letter: Greetings,

Grant historical/cultural landmark status to the former site of TCDS Comments

JP deGuzrnan Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-19 Designating the former site of Tuna Canyon as a historical/cultural landmark recognizes a tragic, but very important chapter in our collective history as Angelenos. This designation will help bring greater attention to the rich history of Japanese Americans in the San Fernando Valley.

Heather Daly San Jose, CA 2013-05-20 History is more important than building a golf course. All relevant historical sites need to be recognized!

Karen Keehne La Crescenta, CA 2013-05-28 It is time to acknowledge Tuna Canyon Detention Station, its historic Zimmerman significance. as weI! as the important lessons it can provide now and for future generations.

Florante Ibanez Carson, CA 2013-05-29 American History must not repeat this dark era again .." Let it remind us of our Freedoms and the meaning of Democracy

Candice A. Wing-Yee Valley Village, CA 2013-05-29 1t is important to know our history to prevent the negative events in our past Mack from happening again. This is especially important to me as an Angeleno and an American.

Kevin Akin Riverside, CA 2013-05-29 We must save this evidence of the mistakes of the past, so that the generations to come may learn to avoid such mistakes in the future. It is historically, socially, and educationally necessary to save this site, and designate it as a landmark. I am from a neighboring county, but all of Southern California should have an interest in this issue.

Richard Hawkins Sherman Oaks, CA 2013-05-29 The story of Americans of Japanese ancestry teaches not only civil rights but citizenship. I spent 13 years with Go For Broke Nat'l Education Center interviewing Nisei vets for the same reason it is important to designate TCDS site as a City Historic-Cultural Monument - tells us who we are as Americans and who we are to each other.

elyse barrere los angeles, CA 2013-05-29 i beHeve that we need to preserve our history, even the shameful parts.

Ian Akin Tucson,AZ 2013-05-29 This part of our history must not be forgotten.

Judy Lee Riverside, CA 2013-05-29 History is all around us. We must preserve it to educate the future.

Roslyn Jones Riverside, CA 2013-05-29 History must be preserved for education in the future.

Edith Chen Northridge, CA 2013-05-29 Japanese Americans have long been part of California and U.S. history. Designating the Tuna Canyon Detention Station site as a City Historic-Cultural Monument recognizes this multi-cultural past that is often not told. While this is a sad chapter in U.S. history, a city designated cultural monument also opens up dialogue to see how far we have come as a nation, and how we must not repeat the mistakes of the past.

brenda chang honolulu, HI 2013-05-29 born and raised in L.A.

Sharon Weisman Glendale, CA 2013-05-29 It is vita! that we remember our past so that we do not repeat earlier injustices.

barbara d johnson van nuys, CA 2013-05-29 Because it is a historical site and must be preserved with great respect and a reminder of what can happen to innocent people in time of war.

William Skiles Sunland, CA 2013-05-29 We must remember our history

Chris Tashima Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-29 I believe my grandfather, M.K. Inadomi, was held here for a period during WWll. It is important to all Southern Californians, to remember injustices done, to recognize our Civil Rights

Nancy Farrell Paso Robles, CA 2013-05-29 History informs the future.

Michael Higby North Hollywood, CA 2013-05-29 We need to honor our history and preserve remaining open space. Denise Hatakeyama La Mirada, CA 2013-05-29 It should be kept as open space. Every city needs open space and it is a historical landmark. kathleen Likes Sunland, CA 2013-05-29 This was a very important time in our history, To distroy it would mean that it never even happened,

Sonia Tatulian Tujunga, CA 2013-05-29 It is a Historical Site for us,

Nancy Takayama Pacoima" CA 2013-05-29 This is not just Japanese American history, this is part of the United States of America history located in the San Fernando Valley, Let's keep the memory of our American history.

John McGlynn Sunland, CA 2013-05-30 I grew up in Sunland-Tujunga, hiking the hills and playing the occasional round of golf at the Verdugo Hills golf course. And even so, I never knew of the history of this area until reading and learning about the TCDS, As a people, if we are to grow, humanity needs reminders of our past. Not only are markers and memorials important to remembering great achievements, but it's even more important to remember our faults and failings. The City of Los Angeles needs to grant this landmark status, if even for just a historical marker, so that we, as a people, will never forget. Sunland-Tujunga can be so much more than it is, and the City of Los Angeles needs to do its part in maintaining a part of history. The TCDS may be long gone, but it should not be forgotten,

Luis Outumuro Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2013-05-30 Sites like these should at least have a plaque or more detailing the historical facts and reasons for it's existence,

Edmund Navy Tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 Its part of our community's (and America's) history and heritage and should be preserved,

Nancy Shannon Sunland, CA 2013-05-30 We are losing more of our past with each passing year. This is a piece of history.

Elaine Brown Sunland, CA 2013-05~30 This beautiful spot has history that must be preserved. Not only was it a detention camp during WWII, it has ancient native American history that remarkably is not even considered for recognition.

Joyce Barrett Burbank, CA 2013-05-30 ! have lots of friends whose Fathers were sent to .

Lee Turner Tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 Too many of our cultural heritage sites have been destroyed for commercial gain, Being a Tujunga resident who lives about a quarter mile from this site, I particularly hope this is given proper consideration. Our small community may not have a lot to be proud of, but this would be one.

Maureen OByrne Sunland, CA 2013-05-30 Historical landmark needs to be honored! No bull dosing and building track homes,

Priscilla Wegars Moscow, 10 2013-05-30 As the author of "Imprisoned in Paradise: Japanese Internee Road Workers at the WWII Kooskia Internment Camp,. I have found a number of connections between the Tuna Canyon camp and 's Kooskia Internment Camp, particularly internee Toraichl Kono and Superintendent Merrill Scott, both of whom were at both camps.

Russell Ing Tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 This is an important site for any American, History was made here.

Alexandra Squiers Tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 Please don't pave over all of history in Los Angeles. This is a site that has much to teach us, and leaving it _greenhonors al11hose that were affected.

Kerry Cababa Torrance, CA 2013-05-30 My grandfather, Shiro Fujioka was a resident of Hollywood and was taken there in December, 1941, He wrote a detailed account of his treatment.

Abby Diamond Tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 This is important to me because it is a piece of our country's history. The City of Los Angeles should be responsible about preserving our country's past, and respectful to those who were held at Tuna Canyon Detention Station. Lewis Kawahara San Mateo, CA 2013-05-30 My grandfather was sent there. Tuna Canyon should be preserve and protected.

Michael Dennis Tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 I sit on the board of directors for a local historical society and preserving our local history is something being overlooked

Doris Kelly Hyde Park, NY 2013-05-30 The Tuna Canyon Detention Station site represents another horrific decision made by our government in the past. We must always be reminded how easy it is for governments and people to make discriminatory decisions so that we can stop it before it happens,

Diane Berl Nazareth, PA 2013-05-30 We need more areas that will maintain History and Culture in all our areas. No more tearing down and building ugly sky scrapers and "luxury" apartments!!!

Michael Dohn Nashville, TN 2013-05-30 We need sites like these to keep fresh in our minds the atrocities of war and to remind us that as far as we have come, we still have a long way to go.

Laurie Castro Encino, CA 2013-05-30 It is important to preserve this site as a reminder of the history of our nation, Germany preserves the Death Camps of Nazi Germany and in the same light, we should preserve our Japanese Detention Camps, We should never forget the shame we brought on our nation by taking an entire ethnic population and stripping them of there rights as citizens and human beings. History has a way of repeating itself if we don't leave reminders of our past. tsuyu emi tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 Los Angeles should record history,

Carol Ross Grant, FL 2013-05-30 We should preserve this symbol of national shame and ignorance, because we have learned little since then,

Spencer Koelle Media, PA 2013-05-30 We must preserve the shameful history as well as the proud,

Virginia Buonauro Tujunga, CA 2013-05-30 We should remember and learn from injustice,

John O'oonnel! Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-30 I grew up not knowing of this travesty. That should never occur to kids again.

Yvonne Hansen Austin, TX 2013-05-30 New isn't always better or beneficia! for residents. Old has value.

Ibonnie Miller Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-30 It's part of the unpleasant side of our history. We need to remember.

Michael Mauer Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-30 As a native Angelino and archaeologist I am very aware of the fragile nature of history,

John Christgau Belmont" CA 2013-05-30 This site is an important part of US WWII history.

Robert Pierson Collegeville, MN 2013-05-30 I knew a Japanese American whose family was detained during the war while he served in OUR military. What a scandal. We don't want to forget them and their suffering.

Dale Kawata Vancouver, WA 2013-05-30 My parents (Nisei or second generation and American citizens) and grandparents (Issei or first generation) were incarcerated and interned at the Minidoka internment camp in Idaho from 1942 to 1945 after EO 9066 was enacted. They initially spent their incarceration at the Portland Assembly Center similar to Tuna Canyon after their forced removal from their homes in Portland, OR.

It is important that we never forget this injustice and preserve this part of history so we can learn to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Victoria Beardsley Santa Fe, NM 2013-05-30 Save it now, while you can. It is important.

Claudia De Bellis Bayport, NY 2013-05-30 Because its part of my American history.

Jim Suthers Burbank, CA 2013-05-30 If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. The Tuna Canyon Detention Station site is a potent reminder of what happens when misplaced fear leads to knee jerk reactions and destructive, immoral public policy. Virginia Elwood-Akers Los Angeles, CA 2013~05~30 I am interested in Los Angeles history, and this site should definitely be remembered. polly tarpley Poulsbo, WA 2013-05-30 As a child in California during WWII, I never knew of this facility! History begs us to remark and remember these places!

Beatrix Zlllnskas Van Nuys, CA 2013-05-30 Los Angeles county needs more historical sites to visit and less Houses and shops and paved over areas!

Eleanor Brooks sylmar, CA 2013-05-30 To protect the future we must remember the past. Teach lessons to our children.

Tomo Hattori Porter Ranch, CA 2013-05-30 Remember the Alamo. Remember Pear! Harbor. Remember Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. Remember 9/11. Americans have a unique relationship to their painful passages through time. Recognition, and acknowledgment of historical pain is the foundation of the unique brand of human decency that the United States models for the world. Let the Japanese Americans of our valley, our city, our state and our selves represent on this soil of unforgotten injustice for the greater wholeness of all of us.

Michael Bennett New Rochelle, NY 2013-05-30 We should be vigilant against doing the same to Muslims and Arabs. marianne flanagan des plaines, IL 2013-05-30 We need to remember as a nation what we did so as not to repeat our mistakes.

Catherine Cadieux Putney, VT 2013-05-30 The shameful episodes are also a vital part of who we were/are/are becoming. Let's not add insult to injury by ignoring this.

Jan Reiff Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-30 The site is important both nationally and locally. The camp and the issues that led to it are important for us to learn more about and understand.

Gene Chatman Hazel Green, AL 2013~05-30 As a constant reminder how we treated US citizens out of unwarranted fear and how we stlll haven't learned the lesson. e.r. kansas Canon City, CO 2013·05·30 OUR MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX HAS MADE THINGS WORSE.

Kim Roberts La Crescenta, CA 2013·05·30 To much of our cities history has vanished from sight. It would be nice for future generations to have some history left in our area. We don't need more homes, more traffic and more noise. We need more places where the future generations have an understanding of thier community and its background.

Susan SchoU K.C.,MO 2013·05-30 The people must see this and know what happened

Mel Kong Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-30 We don't get fooled again!!

Curtis Barlage Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-31 I'm of part Japanese decent, U.S. born. Was a little tough finding Information on the camps growing up. Would be a great outlet for the people to learn about this...correct the mistakes of the past.

Dorothy Read Kingston, R! 2013·05-31 I have lived in Californis, including in Los Angeles, and seen the internment sites. It is important that we not forget.

Julie Takatsch Port Jervis, NY 2013-05-31 We must never forget, lest we repeat.

Gordon Parker III Albuquerque, NM 2013-05-31 Those not aware of the past......

James Goltz South Pasadena, CA 2013-05-31 My wife's family was victim to this unjust incarceration, some of whom may have been sent here first, before Gila.

Anne-Marie Vaudescal Tujunga, CA 2013-05-31 Human beings need roots. These buildings are part of our roots, our history. We also need to remember what happened there during WWII!!!l

Russell Endo Boulder, CO 2013-05-31 Giving this historic designation to reDS is long overdue. Doing so will preserve an opportunity for everyone to learn about racial injustice. And even those who might never have an opportunity to see the TCDS site will know that the City of Los Angeles has acknowledged the nation's most serious wartime mistake. Audrey Parmlter Tujunga, CA 2013-06-01 Because of the historical history this site NEEDS to be preserved Future generations need to have places of reference like this to study and learn what went before them.

Tony Wilkinson Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-02 Councilmember Richard Alarcon proposed this long-overdue designation because it is the right thing to do. The Cultural Heritage Commission's rejection for 'ulterior motives' and because Japanese Americans 'waited too long' to request it is an insult to the people of this city generally and to those of Japanese ancestry specifically,

Valerie Bloom Glenside, PA 2013-06-02 These detention facilities are an important part of U.S. History. As a culture, it is critical to remember our past, including the parts we would rather forget.

Duane Sanchez Culver City, CA 2013-06-03 This Is a historical landmark! zane duffy towanda, tL 2013-06-03 we used to visit when i was a kid

david barron Sunland, CA 2013-06-03 Human beings from around the world have often erected monuments to show thanks to an event or a contribution by a giving people or an Individual.

Richard Abe san jose, CA 2013-06-03 Injustice without any proof of crimes against the country.

Melissa Morita Petaluma, CA 2013-06-03 This historical place needs to be preserved as a reminder of our past and to remind us to be humble. Our country is a good country but we aren't perfect, this will help us not to forget.

Alan Ando Brooklyn, NY 2013-06-03 Landmark status wilt remind people of today and future generations of injustice and violation of civil rights against people of color or who appear to be different. We need these historical reminders in hopes that such Violations of human rights and the devastating impact on individual, families and communities is eliminated.

Dean Gadda Portland, OR 2013-06-03 While it is too late to right this wrong it is not to late to own up to our mlsqulded actions.

Dare! Kahan Tujunga, CA 2013-06-03 The Sunland-Tujunga area is over commercialized with horrible billboards (similar to Sunset Blvd), and I have found there is NO control for growth in keeping with the natural beauty of the community, None whatsoever.

DAN BEARD Whittier, CA 2013-06-03 It's important to remember the troubled times our country has gone thru and the mistakes we've made in the past and make SUrewe don't make them in the future.

M.110 Sacramento, CA 2013-06-03 To preserve an sites related to the internment of the Japanese-Americans during WWII

Ellen Sasaki Richmond, CA 2013-06-03 I've never heard of this Japanese-American detention center. Goes to show, how important it is to keep public memory of the internment and the level of understanding high. We can not forget and "move on" when the same kinds of injustices continue to happen to others, today.

Maya Hasegawa Roxbury, MA 2013-06-03 My parents and grandparents were at different detention centers, but as many can be preserved need to be.

Javier Gonzalez Monrovia, CA 2013-06-03 This is part of our history, and it needs to be remembered by every generation to come michele zack altadena, CA 2013-06-03 Tying local history with national history is a good way to make it more relevant to more people.

Sabu Yamamoto Raleigh, NC 2013-06-03 These are my people. They deserve recognition for their suffering,

Julia Robinson Shimizu North Hollywood, CA 2013-06-03 Mass incarceration of the innocent should never happen again ...and should never happen PERIOD, David Watanabe Pasadena, CA 2013·06·03 It is important to preserve history that shows how America was and how it is now, lessons learned from the past.

Jeff Matsuda Monterey Park, CA, CA 2013-06-03 I live five minutes away from the site and I've never heard of it. That's part of the reason why we need this important landmark status.

wilma nakamura Kula, HI 2013-06-03 It's one thing to see photos in a book describing what happened in American History. Quite another to be able to stand on the soil where the Japanese Americans were imprisoned in their own Country.

Bruce Sato San Diego, CA 2013-06·03 My parents were sent to the Poston internment camp in 1942.

Sherry Nomura Seaside, CA 2013-06-03 My husband's grandparents endured incarceration camps in the US due to their Japanese heritage.

Patricia Nagano Los Angeles, CA 2013·06-03 Important to preserve our history's past!

Janet Kang Los Angeles, CA 2013·06·03 Acknowledging such injustice is the first step in the healing process. Ignoring our shameful past or pretending that such events never occurred is the equivalent of further victimizing the victims. Acknowledgement is also important because it allows us to ensure that we do not repeat our past mistakes .

Ellen Biasin Pasadena, CA .2013·06·03 We need to remember our past.

Jane Hayashi Oulncy.H, 2013'06-03 My family members were detained at another site. I think it is important to preserve this part of American history.

lku Kiriyama Torrance, CA 2013~06·03 The spirits of our Issei are there.

Yoshihiro Maruyama Laguna Niguel, CA 2013~06·03 This is an important building in California.

JOHN BRADY ROSEMEAD, CA 2013~06-03 This is one issue America should never forget. Interring citizens was immoral, illegal, and wrong.

Betty Wakamatsu Los Angeles, CA 2013·06-03 Iwas 11 years old when my family and I were sent to the Santa Anita Assembly Center and to the Rohwer, Arkansas, War Relocation Center without due process. This gives me and those like me some recognition of what was done to us.

Ellen Endo Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-03 It is important to remind future generations of where history took place and what we learned there.

Susan Miyabe Gardena, CA 2013~06·03 Shameful times in American history tend to get obliterated ...we need to teach the future generations of our errors. How can we do this if we remove all the evidence?

Mark Tanaka Castro Valley, CA 2013-06-03 This huge injustice needs to be commemorated.

Stephen Nagano Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-03 History is important to me, especially where an actual event occurred can be preserved.

Francesca Miller Sun Valley, CA 2013-06·03 Many historical items from this area have been removed, like the big copper bust of Von Hindenburg in La Crescenta park. These landmarks are necessary to remind everyone that we do have a past, and a history!

Gertrude Hara Honolulu, HI 2013'06-03 This means a lot to me, since based in Honolulu, Hawai'l. Pearl Harbor is one

of OUf main factor of WWII. For that, signing this petition.

suzy katsuda los angeles, CA 2013·06-03 Itis important to preserve our historical landmarks. It is especially important to preserve this landmark since it is in Los Angeles County.

Kenji Nakano New York, NY 2013-06~03 So that we won't forget something like this has happened in the past and we make sure that something like this will never ever happen again.

Kenjiro Akune Gardena" CA 2013-06-03 Because my friend's father was incarcerated during WWII because he was from Japan. Other than being of Japanese ancestry, he was a law abiding person with no criminal record .. Marc Stirdivant Glendale, CA 2013-06-03 Designation as a Hlstorlcal-Cultural Monument will allow for the opportunity to commemorate what happened on this site some 70 years ago and educate the public about the importance of protecting the rights and freedoms of all Americans ~no matter what their ethnic background.

Kathy Masaoka Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-03 Many people still do not know the history of the incarceration of Japanese Americans and it is important for future generations to understand the mistakes of the past.

Martha Matsuda Berkeley, CA 2013-06-03 My family was interned at several camps across the US but we've never heard of this detention center. It's time more people do, and find the significance of these actions

Lloyd Hitt Sunland, CA 2013-06-04 This is part of who we are. If we don't recognize our mistakes now, then we are doomed to repeat them

Mary Gruenewald Seatlle, WA 2013-06-04 I was held in internment camps during WWII also

Suzanne Watanabe Waianae, HI 2013-06-04 As a 3rd generation American of Japanese ancestry, I feel it is imperative that such sites be preserved not only as a reminder of a past historical event, but also as a reminder of what can happen when panic sets in. Lives were changed forever by that event, and this part of American history is a blight on our past.

Bryan Harada Cambridge, MA 2013-06-04 My greatgrandparents and grandparents were sent to internment camps during WWII.

William Maruyama Allentown, PA 2013-06-04 All of my Family were placed in US Concentration Camps, and my oldest Uncle and his Wife were sent to Tule Lake for harsh treatment because they were the oldest and were believed to be the most "disloyal." But my Grandfather was picked up on the street by a black sedan and sent to jail without trial, counselor any charges. This was "rendition" of US Citizens and yet we repeated this horror under the Bush administration.

Sean McCullough Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-04 This location is such an important part of our regional history, we have a moral obligation to protect it. Future generations should be able to experience the physical evidence of our past mistakes,

Laura Stiller Morgantown, WV 2013-06-04 We must remember so this doesn't happen again, sheila mears lake view terrace, CA 2013-06-04 It is an important piece of history that should not be forgotten.

Cristin Zeisler Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-04 The Tuna Canyon Detention Station deserves to be more than a footnote in history. It should be preserved as a living lesson.

ROSE MARIE SMITH TUJUNGA, CA 2013-06-04 We need to preserve and maintain this important legacy of our local history.

Darrell Smith Tucson, ft:l 2013-06-04 It is our history

AKIRATANA BELMONT, CA 2013-06-04 My father was probably held at this site being one of the first group to be arrested after Pearl Harbor

Lois Nichols GLENDALE,CA 2013-06-04 Our country need historical/culturallandmarks so people do not forget nor can they claim this act of internment never happened. Thank U

Eileen Yamada Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-04 My chuoren, grandchildren, and aUfuture generations, regardless of ethnicity, MUST KNOW the injustices that we have done to each other "~our own fellow citizens "~in order to prevent/avoid future unjust acts.

Ryan Yokota Los Angeles, CA 2013"06"04 My great"grandfather was incarcerated in these camps during World War II. We must never forget this tragic moment in U.S. history,

Martha Tocco Los Angeles, CA 2013·06·04 We must never forget that our democracy can make truly evil mistakes. Just because we think the United States is a beacon of freedom does not mean that citizens do not have to be vigilant in seeking civil rights protections for all our citizens and residents! Aileen Buhring Camarillo, CA 2013-06-05 My parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins were detained at a relocation camp in Arkansas. I believe we have an obligation to preserve and recognize all detention sites for posterity. We all have a responsibility to educate others to insure such atrocities are not repeated.

Wataru Ebihara Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-05 Please honor the memory of the innocent people who were arrested and detained by recognizing TCDS as a historical landmark. Their lives were changed forever. By remembering this tragic history, we hope that some wisdom might also be preserved for future generations.

Sandie Richards Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-05 I know many people who are survivors of this terrible action, It's not merely a blight on our past, it is worth remembering so that.we do not repeat the past. Let us honor those who survived.

Mitch Homma Torrance, CA 2013-06-05 My great grandfather, a Baptist minister, was arrested and detained here

Janice Nakamura Elk Grove, CA 2013-06-05 My mother married a Japanese man just before 1was born and I have his last name and always will. I was raised for a short while as half-Japanese and I snu sometimes wish I was,

Kalyn Sakamoto San Gabriel, CA 2013-06-05 1am the granddaughter in law of 2 Americans born and raised in the United States who happen to be of Japanese decent. They were living in the Pasadena area when they were forced to leave everything and report to camp. Please honor all these Americans, don't let their legacy die and keep this area designated as a landmark!!!!

Keith Culling Glendale, CA 2013-06-05 "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" "V George Santayana

Tony Utwinko Glendale, CA 2013-06-05 The shameful treatment of the Japanese people in California must not be wiped out of memory.

James Okazaki San Marino, CA 2013-06-05 Historic preservation and memorial

Anna Olson Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-05 ! pastor an historic Japanese-American congregation, many of whose members spent part of their childhood in internment camps. I didn't even know about this site, a sign of the way that we are gradually erasing this sad part of our country's history.

Kyle Nakamura Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-05 The Japanese side of my family was interned during the war, and! had to learn about this part of our history from them directly, because it was not taught at my school.

Daniel Culling Glendale, CA 2013-06-05 It is important for us to remember the history of our country, the mistakes we have made, and the people who have helped build it. mary kao Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-05 Historical reminder of how the government has abused the basic human rights of its citizens,

Glenn Yamada Henderson, NC 2013-06-05 This location should be granted status as a historical/cultural site so that the USA never forgets its racist past and that concentration camps existed here too.

Jerry Matsui Seattle, WA 2013-06-06 I was born in in the concentration camp in Idaho. My entire family was in that camp and my brothers and brother in-law were WWII veterans.

Amy Uyematsu Culver City, CA 2013-06-06 As a third-generation Japanese American whose parents and grandparents were all sent to detention camps during World War II, this is important for me.

laura Matsunaga Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-06 I am a Japanese American who Is proud of my heritage and proud of the strength and endurance that my community has had though tragic clrcurnstances. Sherrel Johnson Anaheim, CA 2013-06-06 We must preserve our history, as a reminder for future generations and as an acknowledgement of our errors, We can learn from our mlstakes.and honor those who we have unnecessarily harmed.

Hasan Hboubatl SANFORD, FL 2013-06-06 So we don't repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mustafa Umar Corona, CA 2013-06-06 l'm Muslim and lslamophobla Is on the rise, Many crazy people in positions of power would not hesitate to do the same to me or my family.

Martha Nakagawa Gardena, CA 2013-06-06 People have color have historically been treated as second class citizens in the United States, Please do not treat their history as second class,

Stephanie Chong La Crescenta, CA 2013-06-06 1was raised in the area and grew up knowing the history, but history needs to be preserved for future generations!

Daniel Fox Sun Valley, CA 2013-06-06 As the site now sits, it is an appropriately peaceful reminder of turbulent times. Other than a simple monument on the corner of La Tuna and Tujunga Canyon, leave it alone.

Zienab Abdelgany Irvine, CA 2013-06-06 Respect the historical sites/landmarks of all communities!

Diane Macinnes Tujunga, CA 2013-06-06 We must preserve these important reminders of our history so our children and grandchildren will not repeat the errors of the past. I commend our councilman for his support to designate la tuna canyon Detention Center as a historic site

Joanne Abu Qartoumy yorba Linda, CA 2013-06-06 My father is Nisei a veteran of WW11 and a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team F CO.Whose motto was Go For Broke!!! My mother and father attended Roosevelt High School and at that time they lost many frliends to encampment sights at Manzanar and some I believe here. It is Imperative that we preserve our nations history and never bury the opportunity to educate, empower and liberate those who were innocent of any crimes, these were true American heroes, fighting the battle to prove their loyalty under oppression whi! others like my father Were on the front lines in Europe. History wi!! repeat itself if we lose our perspective on how and why this happened so we can uphold the words "Never Again",

Deborah Costa Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-06 The request to designate the Tuna Canyon Detention Station as a City Historical Monument is sound and reasonable. As a matter of act it should have been a national monument ccnslderfnq that the location was created under an Executive Order. Be that as it may. The importance of an historic site that commemorates the civil rights struggle of United States citizens and the work of the CCC far exceeds the development of oversized, overpriced houses (from developer's project plan: "4 bedrooms with a a-car garage -- approximately 2100 square feet"). It's historical status should have been granted years ago along with the Presidential Letter of Apology from President Clinton in 1993. This should be corrected now.

Ron Stief Saint Augustine, CA 2013-06-07 We need to remember the mistakes 1the past to avoid repeating them in the future.

Jean Hoelscher Midland, TX 2013-06-07 This historical site was important and certainly wasn't taught to our local students when my sons went to school in Sundland-Tuiunqa.

Lorelyn Lewis Santa Monica, CA 2013-06-07 1have many Japanese American friends, I am always appalled at how little other Americans know about how their fellow citizens were treated during WW!1. Historical places like this can help educate people.

Jean Mc Donald Palos Verdes Estates, 2013-06-07 A family member of a friend of mine was held there, I had never heard of it CA prior to her sending me this notice with a request that I read it and sign, I am happy to do that. HONG HUYNH WEST HILLS, CA 2013-06-07 TO REMIND US THAT RACIAL HERITAGE AND SUSPICIONS WERE THE DETERMINING FACTOR IN THE DECISION OF DETAINING A GROUP OF JAPANESE DECENDED AMERICANS AND NOT GERMAN AND ITALIAN AMERICANS WHOSE MOTHER COUNTRIES WERE ALSO AT WAR WITH THE U.S.

Mary Danlco pomona, CA 2013-06-07 Our histories -good and bad-shape who we are as peoples.

Jack Ong Santa Monica, CA 2013-06-07 lt's a historical landmark!!!

Lawrence Takahashi Gardena, CA 2013-06-07 Too few people know the history of my parents and grandparents generation in this country. The story of their fortitude and perseverance must be kept alive.

ELAINE ALEXANDER Glendale, CA, CA 2013-06-07 Part of history

Beth Beeman San Clemente, CA 2013-06-07 It is important to preserve our history- the good and bad.

AnnMarie Fowler Rialto, CA 2013-06-07 My grandmother used to take my mother there to dances trying to find a nice Italian boy, 101.When my father got back from the south Pacific, where he severed in WWll, she decided he was the Italian boy for her.

Robin Toma Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-07 With the powerful pressures created by invocations of "national aecurlty," over 120,000 Japanese Americans were imprisoned during WWIl without charges or trial, solely because of their ancestry. Without reminders of that in our midst, It is easy to forget and to allow tragic repetition of history.

Marge Taniwaki Denver, CO 2013-06-08 As a former prisoner at Manzanar, it is important to me that Tuna Canyon receive historic designation regardless of whether physical structures have been destroyed. It is what happened there that is the issue.

Carol Fodera La Crescenta, CA 2013-06-08 We need to learn from history and not repeat mistakes!

PJ Cochran Woodland His, CA 2013-06-08 I grew up in the East Valley and recognize .the beauty of this area should be preserved ...

Kresse Armour Sunland, CA 2013-06-08 Granting the historic designation to Tuna Camp serves two important purposes: it dignifies the survivors and their families with the acknowledgement that this dark page in history will not be turned and forgotten. And second, it signals a clear shift in US policy toward lis own citizens w. that they will be held in high regard, not in contempt; and that civil liberties will be cherished and not obliterated at the whim of a capricious government. There is justice for all, or there isn't. The vote that the council makes on this issue will let the people know precisely where it stands.

Regina Clark Tujunga, CA 2013-06-08 To preserve our local history for future generations.

Stephanie Landregan Glendale, CA 2013-06-08 We are losing our history and this history as tragic as it is is being built over and covered over.

Lynda Hessick Glendale, CA 2013-06-09 History is important. This is a large part of history in the Crescenta Valley's history soon to be forgotten!

Dave Galan Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-09 The fact that the evidence is gone doesn't mean it didn't happen. The history of this location needs to be preserved now, not hidden again.

Joy Long worth Sylmar, CA 2013-06-09 My family was in internment camp! This should not happen again.

Florence Blecher Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-09 Because it is important to acknowledge & preserve our past whether good or not so good.

Sherrill Stubbs La Crescenta, CA 2013-06-09 The history of this camp still affects the community today. It is Important to retain this history for the benefit of the community glenda yakel canyon country, CA 2013-06-09 Its a part of History, We have lost so much already don't destroy it Please robert yakel canyon country, CA 2013-06-09 History is important in all our lives David Barron Tujunga, CA 2013-06-09 It is our human nature as a civilized society to build a monument or to place a plaque to remind us of the sacrifices individuals and families endured during a time of war,

Jeff Burton 1ndependence, CA 2013-06-09 History!

Mary Farrell Lone Pine, CA 2013-06-09 The site offers an excellent opportunity to acknowledge and commemorate this important history,

Patricia Fujiwara Albany, CA 2013-06-10 I grew up within 20 miles of Tuna Canyon and have never heard of this facility or of its use during the early years of WWI1. Both my parents and their remnles were in internment camps,

Carlos E. Ramirez Covina, CA 2013-06-10 1grew up in Sunland/Tujunqa and learned to appreciate the history of the area, Preserving its historical sites adds to the culture and teaches future generations to avoid making the mistakes of previous generations.

Irene Yoshida Mountain View, CA 2013-06-10 My American parents, still living, and many relatives were unjustly incarcerated during the war. The TUna Canyon history is little known and must be preserved for anAmericans to know an learn from this shameful act of mistreatment of Americans and their immigrant parents,

Marta Sarno Sunland, CA 2013-06-10 We need preserve our history, good and bad, so that we never forget and what we hope will make us a more thoughtful Nation for our future and generations to come.

Jenni Kulda Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-10 My grandparents were detained and incarcerated during WW2, Important that history of these locations are used to educate,

Harry Yamahiro South Pasadena, CA 2013-06-10 Important to preserve historic landmarks for future generations lest we forget.

Takayama Patricia Pacoima, CA 2013-06-10 For civil rights hlstcry-leqal due process treatment reminders, Need to recognize sites where historic activities occurred in CA & US history.

Marita Etcubanez Washington, DC 2013-06-10 We must commemorate history and promote education for future generations to ensure that we do not repeat the mistakes of the internment of Japanese Americans during WWIL

Kay Littleton Woodland Hills, CA 2013-06-11 We need to preserve our historical cultural integrity.

Vicki Cohen Calabasas, CA 2013-06-11 Historical landmarks are important for the history and for those who had family or who personally affected.

'fll! X Japan 2013-06-11 I wanna show truth Miya Iwataki South Pasadena, CA 2013-06-11 We must remember and learn from our history,

Martelle Tsukamoto Elk Grove, CA 2013-06-12 AI! places used to incarcerate innocent Americans of Japanese ancestry during WWII need to be recognized as historically significant.

Anna Harrison Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-12 We need to remember the varied history of our nation,

Arsen Karamians Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-12 We must keep historic places and landmarks, we are a young country and we need to leave some historic places, monuments, lands ETC, for our future generations,

Miles Uchida Portland, OR 2013-06-12 As a 4th generation Japanese American, with relatives who lived in Southern and Northern California at the time, and were incarcerated in various internment camps (not this one), keeping the history of this dark time alive is important to me and for future generations of Americans to know the truth.

HELEN MATSUNAGA Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-12 It is important that our nation be aware of the mistreatment of fellow Americans because they looked like the enemy, tom jefferies La Crescenta-Montrose, 2013-06-13 we need open space more than more traffic CA Marsha Kirgan, MD Las Vegas, NV 2013-06-14 The historic events that TCDS represents are extremely important to our American history, and an important reminder of lessons learned that we never want to repeat. Please preserve this site as a Historic and Cultural landmark!

Signed, An American Citizen

Richard Ferreria Reseda, CA 2013-06-14 I lived in Sunland-Tujunga for 22 years and this part of the history was never spoken of. We cannot continue to let this (shameful) part of our history disappear,

Donna LePera Tujunga, CA 2013-06-14 ! love our community!

Richard Toyon La Crescenta, CA 2013-06-14 The idea that there are no physical buildings left to designate a historical site, is without question, wrong. A historical designation of a site recognizes and holds valuable the lessons of what occurred at a location. The battlefields of Gettysburg or Manassas no longer has bunkers or cannons yet the lessons of what occurred there resonate deeply in the fabric of this nation,

In World War II, this country was fortunate not to have waged physical war on our shores, however, we slipped into the holds of deep prejudice as we waged war against our own cltizens-v-a lesson we must never repeat today. As a Native American man, I know all too well the deep sting of losing my ancestral landmarks simply because "nothing" was there to claim it as such.

The Verdugo Hills Golf Course deserves a historical designation and should be a teaching place for all citizens of this nation.

Anne Befu Berkeley, CA 2013-06-14 I grew up in LA; both sides of my family were interned. It's extremely Important for us to memorialize this part of Los Angeles history.

Susan Borden Los Angeles, CA 2013-06-14 Too much history of minority groups has been obliterated already,

Bonnie Shlrnasakl Pasadena, CA 2013-06-15 My parents were Nisei and part of Exec. order 9066. My father In law worked tirelessly for the reparations,

Gregory S Hamane Santa Cruz, CA 2013-06-15 I grew up in the Pasadena area and my parents and friends parents were locked up during WW2

Janice Nabara Huey Culver City, CA 2013-06-15 This is important history that can still affect our lives.

Michele Namba Glendale, AZ 2013-06-15 Let's not let another historical site go by the wayside, Please save the Tuna Canyon Dententlon Station site! stephan meeks dallas, TX 2013-06-16 If it were another color of people who were unjustly done, it probably would have been designated long ago

Harry Kawahara Altadena, CA 2013-06-16 ilmmlmy is this important to you? (Optional)

Lynn Shimasaki Honolulu, HI 2013-06-17 To ensure that the legacy of perseverance and loyalty of Japanese Americans are remembered for generations to come

Beverly de Lucia Sunland, CA 2013-06-17 To save this location as open space to honor those whose freedoms were taken away. May we never forget!

Danle! Takahashi Torrance, CA 2013-06-17 ! have friends and relatives who lived thorugh E09066

Zane Toyon La Crescenta, CA 2013-06-17 This is a large part of the history of this area, my ancestral home,

Angie Thomas Santa Clarita, CA 2013-06-18 These places need to remembered!

Coralie Galey Sunland, CA 2013-06-18 This is an important part of our history that should not be forgotten. M Theresa Basile Culver City, CA 2013-06-18 Friends of mine and their families suffered internment during WWII, and their ordeal should not be forgotten, Also, we need to remember lest we repeat that era, when we become fearful of our neighbors again, for instance, during this so-called "war on terror,"

Michael Morizumi Meguro, Tokyo, Japan 2013-06-19 We need to learn from our mistakes to ensure that future generations do not have to suffer through the same sorts of injustices,

Norma White Sunland, CA 2013-06-19 This is an important part of our history

ROSE MARIE SMITH TUJUNGA, CA 2013-06-19 This site is important historically on many levels. First, as the camping site of the early residents of the area, the Tongva Indians, There are few sites remaining to remember their existence and reverence for the land. Second, as the site of the Civilian Conservation Corps camp that provided employment to so many during the Depression. They constructed the fire roads, debris basins and check dams that We still use and rely on today, Their work should not go unrecognized. Third, as the Tuna Canyon Detention Center where the Japanese were interned as we!! as prisoners of war. It is important to honor the memories of those who were interned here and those that worked here and the sacrifices they made. In our post 9/11 world, there are important lessions to never be forgotten, especially how easily our constitutional rights can be stripped away. This historic site should not be sacrificed for yet another monolithic housing development that can only promise to put up a token plaque noting the history in the midst of the crush of housing density obliterating all memories of those who came before. Please support this important Issue.

Caroline Luce West Hollywood, CA 2013-06-20 Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Bill Haller Lake Balboa, CA 2013-06-20 This is a small gesture on our part as Angelenos to honor those who were treated unfairly because of their country of origin and endured great suffering as a result.

Tara Greer sunland, CA 2013-06-20 We need to protect our history. LA has lost so much!

Dianne Kemble SUNLAND, CA 2013-06-20 This is my hometown! ehta«Jlg..1If9l Historic Designation Committee

Recipient: LA City Planning and Land Use Management Committee and the LA City Council

Letter: Greetings,

Grant historicallculturallandmark status to the former site of TCDS Signatures

JP deGuzman Los Angeles, CA 2013-05-19

christina lee Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-05-19

daniel lynch Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-05-19

Kristen Hillaire Glasgow Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-19

Heather Daly San Jose, CA, United States 2013-05-20

Laura Redford Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-20

Alfred Flores Buena Park, 2013-05-20

Laura Saxon morriston, FL, United States 2013-05-21

Concemed Citizen New City, NY, United States 2013-05-22

Michelle Magalong Corona, CA, United States 2013-05-22

Arturo Garcia Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-22

M S Nakamura San Marino, CA, United States 2013-05-23

Leah Panganiban Seattle, WA, United States 2013-05-28

Jessica Solis Norwalk, CA, United States 2013-05-28

Nancy Gohata Arleta, CA, United States 2013-05-28

steven lassoff los angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-28

Don Nakanishi Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-28

Karen Keehne Zimmerman La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-05-28

Erica Juhn PVP, CA, United States 2013-05-29

Gina Masequesmay Woodland Hills, CA, United States 2013-05-29

jane lee Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29

Bonnie Chen Los angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29

LaiWa Wu Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29

Florante Ibanez Carson, CA, United States 2013-05-29

Tracy Buenavista Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29

J Michael Walker Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29

emily forman los angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29

Dawna Sirard N. Grosvenordale, CT, United States 2013-05-29

Candice A. Wing-Yee Mack Valley Village, CA, United States 2013-05-29

Candice M Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Kevin Akin Riverside, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Daniel Liou Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Richard Hawkins Gardena, CA, United States 2013-05-29 elyse barrere los angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Rabbi Suzanne Singer Riverside, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Ian Akin Tucson, AZ, United States 2013-05-29 angela tea altadena, CA, United States 2013-05-29 yasunori gohata Arleta, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Judy Lee Riverside, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Jennifer Okabayashi Aliso Viejo, CA, United States 2013-05-29 jon taleb joshua tree, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Ikumi Crocoll Ann Arbor, MI, United States 2013-05-29 Becky Foreman Riverside, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Susan Murata Honolulu, HI, United States 2013-05-29 grace honbo-meyer sherman oaks, CA, United States 2013-05-29 David Yoo Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Roslyn Jones Riverside, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Edith Chen Northridge, CA, United States 2013-05-29 George Davison Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 brenda chang honolulu, HI, United States 2013-05-29 Cindy Gao Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-05-29 Linda Tanaka Simi Valley, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Joe Barrett Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Dora Quach Rosemead, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Kimberly Zarate Riverside, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Sharon Weisman La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Kimberly Harris Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 barbara d johnson Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Lisa Crane Upland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Cindy Cleghorn Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 dana stangel sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Meghan Jenks Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Tomi Bowling Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Robin Meares Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 William Skiles Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Kurt Koesler Shadow Hills, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Jessica LoGuercio Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Jim McGlynn Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Chris Tashima Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Paula Warner Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Nancy Farrell Paso Robles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Gay Yuen Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Jim Beardsley Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Michael Higby Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Michele Bigler tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Kristin Sabo Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Roger Klemm Shadow Hills, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Jacqueline Sanders Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Steven Ferguson Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Gillian Cornelius Studio City, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Marian Silcock Sylmar, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Kathy Nolda Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Susan Shacket Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 John Rigney Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 anni siegel tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Cathi Perez Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Denise Hatakeyama La Mirada, CA, United States 2013-05-29 kathleen Likes Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Sonia Tatulian Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Lorrie Oshatz Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Priscilla Plotkin Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Frances Plotkin Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 isabelle brightman santa Cruz, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Nancy Takayama Pacoima, CA, United States 2013-05-29 John McGlynn Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Lessa Pelayo-Lozada San Pedro, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Karen Yen Brentwood, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Luis Outumuro Rancho Cucamonga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Brigitte Salkin Court St Etienne, 2013-05-29 Thomas Carling La Crescenta-Montrose, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Edmund Novy Tujnga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Nancy Shannon Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Elaine Brown Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Louis Elovitz Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Joyce Barrett Burbank, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Lee Turner Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Patricia McElwee Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-29 Constance Gibson Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Victoria Skinner Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Melinda Eubanks-Ferris Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Heidi Geyer Shadow Hills, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Alan Garner Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 allan clair Van Nuys, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Melissa Cleland Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Deborah Ray Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Theresa Perry Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Maureen OByrne Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Priscilla Wegars, Ph.D. Moscow, ID, United States 2013-05-30 R.lng Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 MaryLouise Eckman Simi Valley, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Nicolle Maggi tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Alexandra Squiers Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Kerry Cababa Torrance, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Kelly Herold Shadow Hills, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Athena Owen La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Abby Diamond Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Nancy Comeau La Crescenta-Montrose, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Anne Chilcott Thousand Oaks, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Lewis Kawahara San Mateo, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Eugene Moy Alhambra, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Kim Ogle California, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Michael Dennis Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Barbara Monier Evanston, IL, United States 2013-05-30 christine rachlin bangor, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Jennifer Cheng Chicago, IL, United States 2013-05-30 kristin zaugg Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Debbi Abalos San Juan Capistrano, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Gregory James Milwaukee, WI, United States 2013-05-30 Harold Jones Columbia, MO, United States 2013-05-30 syed shamsuzzaman altamonte springs, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Gabriel Lautaro Oakland, CA, United States . 2013-05-30 Laura Horowitz Pittsburgh, PA, United States 2013-05-30 norma harris queens, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Thomas Rainey Murfreesboro, TN, United States 2013-05-30 Betty Chan Shoreline, WA, United States 2013-05-30 patricia mundy hopkins, MN, United States 2013-05-30 Karen Stickney Lewiston, ME, United States 2013-05-30 Weeza Matthias, MD Bangor, ME, United States 2013-05-30 Sue Genser Waltham, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Heather Karschner Ann Arbor, MI, United States 2013-05-30 Cynthia Boxberger Durham, NC, United States 2013-05-30 Arlene Forwand Huntington, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Doris Kelly Hyde Park, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Brenda Leff new york, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Roman Lewyckyj Victor, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Michael White Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Dori Cole Wheaton, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Michael DeBellis Woodstock, NY, United States 2013-05-30 James Jacobovitz Tampa, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Jean Marie Lindquist Minneapolis, MN, United States 2013-05-30 Karynn Merkel Eureka, CA, United States ·2013-05-30 Hai Nguyen Ly Chicago, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Richard Perras Albany, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Loren Levy Douglaston, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Jane Merkel Eureka, CA, United States 2013-05-30 RH Saugerties, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Fran Fortino Haydenville, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Erik Streeter Salem, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Joel Leitner Larchmont, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Darlene Fisk Needham, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Hannah Banks Newton, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Douglas Ingram Winston, GA, United States 2013-05-30 Bruce Donnell Santa Fe, NM, United States 2013-05-30 Martin Mendelsohn Norfolk, VA, United States 2013-05-30 Christina Stone Providence, RI, United States 2013-05-30 Lisa Preston Lansing, MI, United States 2013'05-30 John Metcalf Midland, MI, United States 2013-05-30 Donald Di Russo Hyde Park, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Talia Fernandez Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Kelly Warner Bigelow, AR, United States 2013-05-30 Diane Berl Nazareth, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Kymberly Pipkin Tahoe City, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Gabriel Gonzalez Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Rayshonda Williams Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jen KROUCHICK Warminster, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Bob Basker Aurora, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Michael Dohn Nashville, TN, United States 2013-05-30 Nicholas Prychodko Bridgehampton, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Christina O'Neill Keogh West Chester, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Marty Landa Sedona, AZ, United States 2013-05-30 Garry Chilluffo Indianapolis, IN, United States 2013-05-30 Herbert Spilde Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Neal Madnick Flushing, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Amy Squires Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Emily Rosen New York, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Gina Armstrong Anniston, AL, United States 2013-05-30 Laurie Castro Encino, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Lanell Gardenhire Bronx, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Luisa Robles Greenbelt, MD, United States 2013-05-30 Scott French Austin, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Diane Donato Columbus, OH, United States 2013-05-30 Roderick Burkhardt Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Eldon Wedlock St. Petersburg, FL, United States 2013-05-30 tsuyu emi tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Patricia Williams Hartford, CT, United States 2013-05-30 Gilda Ochoa La puente, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jennifer Sigler Hampton, NJ, United States 2013-05-30 jill bryant buffalo, NV, United States 2013-05-30 Arnold Greenberg Blue Hill, ME, United States 2013-05-30 Gloria Hatrick Hillsboro, OR, United States 2013-05-30 Shannon O'Leary East Bridgewater, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Rick Russell Bowling Green, OH, United States 2013-05-30 Clement Lai Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Christina Dutra Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 MIKE FERRO SO. DENNIS, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Teresa Carstensen Columbus, OH, United States 2013-05-30 Brendan Michaels Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Donald Capes Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Lisa Hagen-Potts Everett, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Alan Garcia San Diego, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Isabel Gonzalez Worcester, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Carol Ross Grant, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Spencer Koelle Media, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Robin Jones Avon, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Gynger Fyer Jacksonville, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Rafael De Jesus - Nieves Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Melvin Bautista Phoenix, AZ, United States 2013-05-30 Joan Sanford Warrenville, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Connie Ra Olympia, WA, United States 2013-05-30 harold meyer jr washington depot, CT, United States 2013-05-30 Virginia Buonauro Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Stanley L. Swart Jacksonville, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Michelle Jordan Ashland, OR, United States 2013-05-30 Penny Hammack North Richland Hills, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Shelly Halling Rochester, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Helen Boucher Brunswick, ME, United States 2013-05-30 Omar Haroon Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 DNae Gardner Kansas City, MO, United States 2013-05-30 Holly Van Ostran West Lafayette, IN, United States 2013-05-30 Aaron Hood Fairfax, VA, United States 2013-05-30 kathy white west hartford, CT, United States 2013-05-30 Shari Bruun Camas, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Eric Roth Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Joseph Micketti Ashland, OR, United States 2013-05-30 Allison Lopez Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 John O'Donnell Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Kimberly Arbogast Sherwood, OR, United States 2013-05-30 Lisa Garcia Harlingen, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Karen DeMoss New York, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Yvonne Hansen Austin, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Jacquelyn Unitt Riverside, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Sharon Carrington Detroit, MI, United States 2013-05-30 Ibonnie Miller Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Sandra Harris Piscataway, NJ, United States 2013-05-30 Gerry Veeder Denton, TX, United States 2013-05-30 James Lynch Chestertown, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Dorian Sarris san francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Kelsey Sampson Brighton, MA, United States 2013-05-30 ROBERT BURK Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 marilyn vey 10950, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Eleni Duret Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Anthony Magana Meridian, ID, United States 2013-05-30 Pierre Labossiere Oakland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Nathan Larson Little Rock, AR, United States 2013-05-30 Jon Boyden Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Ann Miners Oakdale, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Tan Truong Seattle, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Mayra Bautista Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Meghan Cameron Napa, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Kevin Segall Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Amanda McCutcheon MonroeVille, NJ, United States 2013-05-30 Jeanpaul Setareh Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Torrin Roberts Denver, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Rachel Wolf Santa Cruz, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Sarah Sercombe Royal Oak, MI, United States 2013-05-30 Antonio Rodriguez Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Eve McFarland Austin, TX, United States 2013-05-30 phyllis muldoon northampton, MA, United States 2013-05-30 Jerry Thompson Mukilteo, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Victoria Raya Richland, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Ingrid Rochester Elbert, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Paul Thomason New York, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Marianne Shade Santa Maria, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Sarah Hafer Sacramento, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Stephen Scheffler Windsor, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Dan Lind Sweden, AL, United States 2013-05-30 Debbie Griffin Madison, AL, United States 2013-05-30 Amanda Lane Plymouth, MN, United States 2013-05-30 Michelle H Jenison, MI, United States 2013-05-30 lynn snyder margate, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Christy Rodgers San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jay Rutherdale Sacramento, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Alexandra Shephard Kissimmee, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Raphael Rose Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Eddie Bumguardner Cortez, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Diane Wynne Tampa, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Jacqueline Johnaon Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Justin McCullough Bonita, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Muriel Cahn Burbank, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Mitch Dalition San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Birgit Hermann San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Grace Shimizu EI Cerrito, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jerry Hicks Oak Park, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Michael Wood Corona, NM, United States 2013-05-30 John DiMaggio Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Cory Waugaman New Brighton, PA, United States 2013-05-30 sergio neveu Florianopolis, SC, United States 2013-05-30 Heather Duncan Provo, UT, United States 2013-05-30 Jeaneane Williams Greensboro, NC, United States 2013-05-30 Leena Willis Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Paula Grandbois EI Segundo, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Michael Mauer Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jessy Pranger St. Louis, MO, United States 2013-05-30 PJ Dell'lsola Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Daniel Walton Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Bette Anderson Bullhead City, AZ, United States 2013-05-30 Jeramy DeCristo San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 David Johnson Orange, NJ, United States 2013-05-30 John Christgau Belmont" CA, United States 2013-05-30 Alan Shute Lexington, MA, United States 2013-05-30 James Goeke St. Louis, MO, United States 2013-05-30 Patrick Studt Sun Prairie, WI, United States 2013-05-30 Kevin O'Byrne Laredo, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Loretta Larkin Jersey City, NJ, AL, United States 2013-05-30 bryan yarberry berwyn, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Robert Pierson Collegeville, MN, United States 2013-05-30 Sheila Ryder Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Heather Brawley Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jeffery Jaekley Willard, MO, United States 2013-05-30 Sara Combs Wills Point, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Courtney Rajan Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Rachel Sonnenblick Santa Cruz, CA, United States 2013-05-30 paul wood West Jordan, UT, United States 2013-05-30 Thomas Humphrey Amityville, NY, United States 2013-05-30 al krause nyc, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Dale Kawata Vancouver, WA, United States 2013-05-30 sherrie munday Boulder, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Martha Sklar Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Olga Abella Robinson, IL, United States ·2013-05-30 Susan Bohrer Merced, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Mark OCallaghan Knoxville, TN, United States 2013-05-30 Ashley Frith Temple Terrace, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Wesly Moore Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Victoria Beardsley Santa Fe, NM, United States 2013-05-30 Wayne Johnson San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Matthew Blair Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 j groshardt richardson, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Claudia De Bellis Bayport, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Hari Khalsa Santa Cruz, NM, United States 2013-05-30 Suzanne Hutchinson Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 John Binder Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Ginger Geronimo Birmingham, AL, United States 2013-05-30 Susan Minobe Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Carl Arnold Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Jim Suthers Burbank, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Chris Toll VENICE, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Nanci Falley Lockhart, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Michelle Kline Pittsburgh, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Kim Dickey Leavenworth, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Angelica Ramirez los angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 ronen Hartfeld San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 CJ King Wesley Chapel, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Ivy Buchanan Austin, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Michael Molder Newberry, SC, United States 2013-05-30 Michael Shook Vashon, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Julie Kirgo Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Julia Albertin Yellow Springs, OH, United States 2013-05-30 Peter Gjerset Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Steven Shea Milwaukee, WI, United States 2013-05-30 Karen Constantine Altamonte Springs, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Elinor Davis Oakland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Brent Gunderson Two Rivers, WI, United States 2013-05-30 Virginia Elwood-Akers Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Charlotte Manning Venice, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Patricia Koesler Sun Valley, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Brenna Conlon Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Aaron Gayken Sioux Falls, SO, United States 2013-05-30 Nicole Maschke Cleveland, OH, United States 2013-05-30 polly tarpley Poulsbo, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Joel Yarber LA, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Cristina Porcellana New York, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Suzanne Kuffler Woods Hole, MA, United States 2013-05-30 christy anderson-crosen ford, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Nora Donaghy Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Beatrix Zilinskas Van Nuys, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Terrie Allen Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-05-30 chad ferrin Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jose Ricardo Bondoc San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jeanene Bergeron Daly City, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Lauren Hirshberg Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Julia Wells Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Myron Mohr Van Wert, OH, United States 2013-05-30 Shelley Brown Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Eleanor Brooks Sylmar, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Larry Steen Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 LOVE LOVE Terra Earth, NC, United States 2013-05-30 Jen Kilcoyne Portland, OR, United States 2013-05-30 Clara King Lithonia, GA, United States 2013-05-30 sarah cornish montrose, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jessica Flamholz Mohnton, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Tomo Hattori Porter Ranch, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Stephan" lowe birmingham, MI, United States 2013-05-30 JIM HEAD OAK PARK, MI, United States 2013-05-30 Natalie Gillespie Evanston, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Cay Boychenko Simi Valley, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jonel Stahr Seattle, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Melissa Wise Benbrook, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Brian Inzer OXR, AL, United States 2013-05-30 Anne Becker Saratoga, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Miriam Wadey Costa Mesa, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Polly Stonier Phoenix, OR, United States 2013-05-30 Dwight Allbee Waverly, lA, United States 2013-05-30 Adam Williams Ann Arbor, MI, United States 2013-05-30 Amy Prouty Foothill Ranch, CA, United States 2013-05-30 malik griffin Knightdale, NC, United States 2013-05-30

Jose R. Charron Trujilo Alto, PR, United States 2013-05-30

William Botch Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 judith Pearson Estancia, NM, United States 2013-05-30

Nicole Lust Laurel, MD, United States 2013-05-30

Belinda Hanley gales creek, OR, United States 2013-05-30

Benjamin Plotkin Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Ian Greaves Salt Lake City, UT, United States 2013-05-30

Michael Bennett New Rochelle, NY, United States 2013-05-30 marlene montanez los angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Ziskind R Lieb Pipersville, PA, United States . 2013-05-30 marianne flanagan des plaines, IL, United States 2013-05-30

Colleen Lobel San Diego, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Arley Rodriguez Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Robert Favorite Davis, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Amanda Woods La Jolla, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Grace Kao Philadelphia, PA, United States 2013-05-30 diane rosales long beach, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Carolyn Poinelli Boston, MA, United States 2013-05-30

Lee Bory Arlington, VA, United States 2013-05-30

Preeti S Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Ron Varasteh Irvine, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Rebecca Hedges-Lyon Leander, TX, United States 2013-05-30

John Bowling Phoenix, AZ, United States 2013-05-30

Robert Horsting Glendale, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Jennifer Durrah Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Catherine Cadieux Putney, VT, United States 2013-05-30

John llowiecki Taylor, PA, United States 2013-05-30

Valerie Matsumoto Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Monica Gormley Evanston, IL, United States 2013-05-30

Marguerite Benoit Providence, RI, United States 2013-05-30

Janice Reiff Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Viktoria Medicine Elk Littleton, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Gene Chatman Hazel Green, AL, United States 2013-05-30 Erik Schnabel San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Molly Madden K.C., MO, United States 2013-05-30 Jacob Plotkin Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 claudia cornejo Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jenny Gronholt Tacoma, WA, United States 2013-05-30 s.r. kansas Canon City, CO, United States 2013-05-30 Daniel Kinch kent, WA, United States 2013-05-30 crystal-lynn klinger Everett, WA, United States 2013-05-30 Lauren Sanchez San Antonio, TX, United States 2013-05-30 Barbara Stanley San Diego, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Peter Supersano Reno, NV, United States 2013-05-30 Jeff Witt P.V., KS, United States 2013-05-30 Juleen Schaefer St. Cloud, MN, United States 2013-05-30 Stacy Kilter Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Robert Johnson Hesperia, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Colin Foster Mesa, AZ, United States 2013-05-30 M Culkin New York, NY, United States 2013-05-30 Sheila Ward San Juan, United States 2013-05-30 Mark Reback Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Suzanne Spencer Columbia, MO, United States 2013-05-30 michael landess jacksonville, IL, United States 2013-05-30 Lois Sparkman Orlando, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Kim Roberts La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Sue Smith Springfield, PA, United States 2013-05-30 Connie Peterson Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Margaret Phelps Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Jillian Sang Coral Springs, FL, United States 2013-05-30 Kathe Garbrick Manhattan, KS, United States 2013-05-30 Catherine Bachelder Fremont, CA, United States 2013-05-30 Susan Scholl K.C., MO, United States 2013-05-30 Francine Brown New York, NY, United States 2013-05-30

Julie Curnow Palo Alto, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Lisa Witham Mentor-on-the-Lake, OH, United States 2013-05-30

Julie Alley Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-05-30

JULIANNA BENEFIELD CARY, NC, United States 2013-05-30

Maggie Davidson Pompano Beach, FL, United States 2013-05-30

Martin Nolasco LAFAYETTE, IN, United States 2013-05-30

Jordan Yee Fremont, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Mel Kong Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Harry Smalley Schertz, TX, United States 2013-05-30

Jean Adams Albuquerque, NM, United States 2013-05-30

Saad Siddiqui Arlington, TX, United States 2013-05-30 edgar gehlert rogersville, TN, United States 2013-05-30

Katherine Busz Lynnwood, WA, United States 2013-05-30

Andrew Brinkhaus Bellevue, WA, United States 2013-05-30

Chris Lieding HAIKU, HI, United States 2013-05-30

Stanley Becker Long Beach, NY, United States 2013-05-30

William Mc Guire San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Mark Soenksen Newhall, lA, United States 2013-05-30

Cynthia Jenney Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-30 beth allen garberville, CA, United States 2013-05-30 amy villalpando los angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Jimmy Foot Mckinleyville, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Jorge De Cecco Ukiah, CA, United States 2013-05-30

RaquelNava Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Jacquelyn Freeman Calhoun, GA, United States 2013-05-30

John Lundquist Broomfield, CO, United States 2013-05-30

Danielle Ruiz Citrus Heights, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Lauren Shiraishi Hercules, CA, United States 2013-05-30

Debbie McDowell Iowa City, lA, United States 2013-05-30

Karen Rodriguez Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-31

Tiffany Von Higgins New York, NY, United States 2013-05-31 Curtis Barlage Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Jo Hewitt Indianapolis, IN, United States 2013-05-31 Francis Gilmore Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Lorraine D. Johnson Seattle, WA, United States 2013-05-31 Lois Brooks Ferndale, MI, United States 2013-05-31 Theodore Mornel Jersey City, NJ, United States 2013-05-31 Michael Mitsuda Fremont, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Nancy Costello Bonita Springs, FL, United States 2013-05-31 Minerva Hallowell Phoenix, AZ, United States 2013-05-31 Marian Allen Sitka, AK, United States 2013-05-31 Reynolds D. Mulero New York, NY, United States 2013-05-31 Lynn Christopher Sachse, TX, United States 2013-05-31 Russell Smith Charles Town, WV, United States 2013-05-31 frank belcastro dubuque, lA, United States 2013-05-31 Asuna Osako New York, NY, United States 2013-05-31 Mary Elizabeth Franchi Rochester, NY, United States 2013-05-31 Dorothy Read Kingston, RI, United States 2013-05-31 Elliott Boone Kansas City, MO, United States 2013-05-31 Julie Takatsch Port Jervis, NY, United States 2013-05-31 janice lucy tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Laura Dunbar Nashville, TN, United States 2013-05-31 Kimberly Rottler Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Gordon Parker III Albuquerque, NM, United States 2013-05-31 Susan Colosimo La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Sean Welch Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Jane Rosenberg Calabasas, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Josette COUCHOUD Palaiseau, United States 2013-05-31 Roshni Koshy Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-05-31 Karen Verloove Orlando, FL, United States 2013-05-31 Dean Fischer Pittsburgh, PA, United States 2013-05-31 Wendy Grove Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Jen Halbert Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-05-31 Ana Reed Sun Valley, CA, United States 2013-05-31 James Goltz South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Yasiu Kruszynski Chicago, IL, United States 2013-05-31 Warren Leary Washington, DC, United States 2013-05-31 Sylvia Cabrera Whittier, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Nancy Hiestand Davis, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Priscilla Dean Vance Longmont, CO, United States 2013-05-31 Aida Shirley Las Vegas, NV, United States 2013-05-31 sandra Huerta hayward, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Jennifer Stovall Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Karen Zimmerman Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 David Sherman Santa Rosa, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Bruce Ross Houston, TX, United States 2013-05-31 Wendy Cervantes Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Zach Totz Eastpointe, MI, United States 2013-05-31 GEORGE SKIADOPOULOS ATHENS, GA, United States 2013-05-31 Carolyn O'Brien LA, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Justin Maddox Lake Stevens, WA, United States 2013-05-31 Stephen Markel Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Nancy Freedland Big Bear City, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Jessica Blevins Fort McCoy, FL, United States 2013-05-31 kay carey BEAVERTON, OR, United States 2013-05-31 Fallon Hume n/a, ID, United States 2013-05-31 Richard Robichau Peabody, MA, United States 2013-05-31 nancy grossi Van Nuys, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Josh Bednarsky Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Liat Bird Granite Bay, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Eugene Leung San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-05-31 judith foran 69101, AL, United States 2013-05-31 Anne Burkhardt Chicago, IL, United States 2013-05-31 Jackie Branagan Nooksack, WA, United States 2013-05-31 Patricia Opaskar Cleveland Heights, OH, United States 2013-05-31 Francisco R Gonzalez Bonilla Bronx, NY, United States 2013-05-31 Cynthia Bower Tucson, AZ, United States 2013-05-31 Mary Liss Brookfield, IL, United States 2013-05-31 Amy Irish Littleton, CO, United States 2013-05-31 Dr. Ann Searing Milton, MA, United States 2013-05-31 Natalie Henry Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Cheryl Courtney-Evans Atlanta, GA, United States 2013-05-31 Anne-Marie Vaudescal Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Shaylene Ader-Steinhauser Kankakee, IL, United States 2013-05-31 Theresa del Rosario St. Paul, MN, United States 2013-05-31 Ruby Briseno Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-05-31 william lambert Vallejo, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Larry Kirby Portland, OR, United States 2013-05-31 Melissa Petersen Seattle, WA, United States 2013-05-31 Benjamin Axt Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Russell Endo Boulder, CO, United States 2013-05-31 Gail Wilke Sunland, CA, United States 2013-05-31 Dinah Jentgen Las Cruces, NM, United States 2013-06-01 Elisabeth Kelly Washington, DC, United States 2013-06-01 Catherine Stewart San Diego, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Marie Masumoto San Pedro, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Randy Mermel Roscoe, IL, United States 2013-06-01 Nancy Turney Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Stephanie Shieh Davis, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Audrey Parmiter Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Christina Fong Grand Rapids, MI, United States 2013-06-01 Jean Traubner Shadow Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Lauren Graham San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Vivian Pons Orem, UT, United States 2013-06-01 jason husby minneapolis, MN, United States 2013-06-01 JC Roets Erie, PA, United States 2013-06-01 Jan Novotny Jacksonville Beach, FL, United States 2013-06-01 Nancy Davis Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Becky Marek Austin, TX, United States 2013-06-01 Ryan Davis Chicago, IL, United States 2013-06-01 Howard Black Pipe Creek, TX, United States 2013-06-01 Jose M. Garcia Leduc Gurabo, PR, United States 2013-06-01 Hugh Spillane Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-01 Drew Martin Lake Worth, FL, United States 2013-06-02 Larry Fox Freeland, WA, United States 2013-06-02 gail demirtas Thousand Oaks, CA, United States 2013-06-02 Michael W Evans Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-02 John Wund crossville, TN, United States 2013-06-02 John Parker Chelsea, MA, United States 2013-06-02 Tony Wilkinson Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-02 Paul Rabinov La Crescenta-Montrose, CA, United States 2013-06-02 Warren Furutani Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-02 Valerie Bloom Glenside, PA, United States 2013-06-02 Bismar Montano Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-02 Julimar Castro Eagan, MN, United States 2013-06-03 Duane Sanchez Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Gina Sandler Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 zane duffy towanda, IL, United States 2013-06-03 Lela Michael Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Alon Rand Florence, MA, United States 2013-06-03 barron barron Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Yuliya Spivakova Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Breyan Hunter Alexandria, VA, United States 2013-06-03 Bruce Hara Kings Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Takehiro Nakamura Washington, DC, United States 2013-06-03 Jenna Nakagawa Fresno, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Autumn Nakamura Woodside, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Vicky Matsui Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Juliane Shibata Northfield, MN, United States 2013-06-03 Toshi Sakai Jamaica, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Suzanne Ito New York, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Richard Abe san jose, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Tom Nakayama Providence, RI, United States 2013-06-03 Kenji Fukuda Flushing, NY, United States 2013-06-03 David Yamaguchi EI Cerrito, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Mark Yamashita Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Hiroko Nishimura College Park, MD, United States 2013-06-03 Maya Harada Shreveport, LA, United States 2013-06-03 Frank Wada Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Paulette Sato North Brunswick, NJ, United States 2013-06-03 Ron Sakai PLEASANTON, CA, United States 2013-06-03 cindy lauren Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Judy Nakamura Menlo Park, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Linda Ogawa Foster City, CA, United States 2013-06-03 WesleyWada Bend, OR, United States 2013-06-03 Hayato Ono Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ramona Bennett Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 judith scott venice, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Terie Miyamoto Centennial, CO, United States 2013-06-03 michael rha santa monica, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Robin Cottle Venice, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Carrie Glenn Lakewood, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Melissa Morita Petaluma, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Brett Williams Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Dan Kimura Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Nicholas Endo Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Chiaki Yamamoto Washington, DC, United States 2013-06-03 Wasef EI-Kharouf Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Elaine MacPherson Acton, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Mark Malan Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 kate lewis los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kevin Flatow Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Jerry Wolf Duff Seliers Northridge, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Vernon Endo Montclair, NJ, United States 2013-06-03 Orson Rheinfurth Sherman Oaks, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Timothy Aoki Santa Rosa, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Dennis Littleford Palmdale, CA, United States 2013-06-03 IsabelO. Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-03 David Jung Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Hiroko Miyamura Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Alan Ando Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Yvonne Fisher Neal Playa del Rey, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Rikke Christensen Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Alan Ando New York, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Hiromi Yoshida Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Aaron M. Tanaka Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Brent Yamada Newark, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kira Ikeda San Jose, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Mary Takahashi Los Altos, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Stephen Goodelie Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Daniel Tanaka South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 KoChiba San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-06-03 harvey sternheim los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Tatsuya Goto Berkeley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Nathan Kato Baltimore, MD, United States 2013-06-03 Dean Gadda Portland, OR, United States 2013-06-03 Janice Martyn Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Naomi Miura San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Darci Oltman Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kareem Lara Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Benjamin Warga Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Frances Takahashi SF, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Laura Yamashita Atlanta, GA, United States 2013-06-03 brian takagi edmonds, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Enook Ray Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Tom Pitman Burbank, CA, United States 2013-06-03 DAN BEARD Whittier, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Carolyn Brown Altadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 izumi yamashita vista, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ryan Cowles MONROVIA, CA, United States 2013-06-03 SamiTamura Portland, OR, United States 2013-06-03 Paul Fujimoto New York, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Sam Smolker Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Akiyo Yamada Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Sandra Nakagawa Palo Alto, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Max Yamaguchi Lakewood, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Mitsuo Takahashi n. hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Bryana Nakayama San Jose, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Michael Sakamoto Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Joshua Calistro Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 lenore rodah So. Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kenneth Ito Sacramento, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ellen Sasaki Richmond, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Maya Hasegawa Roxbury, MA, United States 2013-06-03 Jennifer Avellan Alhambra, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ron Yamamoto Arcadia, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Javier Gonzalez Monrovia, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Theophelous Scantlebury Hawthorne, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Rachel Takahashi Richmond, VA, United States 2013-06-03 Carol Masuda Tucson, AZ, United States 2013-06-03 Rabbi Rachel Bat-Or So Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Athena Cedeno north ridge, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Larry Iwasaki Katy, TX, United States 2013-06-03 John Hara Reno, NV, United States 2013-06-03 Eleanor Taniguchi Sacramento, CA, United States 2013-06-03 sara goolsby Richmond, CA, United States 2013-06-03 corey okada Sacramento, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Art Kobayashi Port Ludlow, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Richard Mora Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 JUNKO TAKAGI ANCHORAGE, AK, United States 2013-06-03 Jennifer Sakurai Santa Barbara, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Richard Conti Pacific Palisades, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kristi Kubo Canyon Country, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Claire Knowlton La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Patricia Murakami Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Laura Kaneko Oakland, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Scott Watanabe Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Anne Takahashi Fremont, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Laurie Ignacio Oakland, CA, United States 2013-06-03 michele zack altadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Gamal Prather Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Andre Calvin Jr. Hawthorne, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Sabu Yamamoto Raleigh, NC, United States 2013-06-03 Natasha Watanabe Las Vegas, NV, United States 2013-06-03 Miyuki Yoshida Tarzana, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Katie Ludovici Silver Spring, MD, United States 2013-06-03 Sandy Navarro Bell, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Erick Avila Lynwood, CA, United States 2013-06-03 karin wang la crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Dudley and Candace Campbell Valley Glen, CA, United States 2013-06-03 marya shahriary Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Cheryl Yamashita South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Nicholas Hara Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Don Aoki Mountain View, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kate Stayman-London Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Darrell Clarke Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Julia Robinson Shimizu North Hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Brenda Fortune Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kathy Yep Claremont, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Gabrielle Nomura Bellingham, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Ben White Monrovia, CA, United States 2013-06-03 greg watanabe gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Marge Haley Los Altos, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Leee Takagi Honolulu, HI, United States 2013-06-03 Michelle Endo Berkeley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 David Watanabe Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Charlene Nakamura Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Edward K Fujimoto Rocklin, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Yuri Saito Campbell, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Cheryl Moore Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Corinna Takahashi Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-03 susan oka los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Carlos Vellanoweth Whittier, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Gwen Ulin Granada Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Jeff Matsuda La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-03 wilma nakamura Kula, HI, United States 2013-06-03 Jayson Yamaguchi Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Joyce Sasaki MARTINEZ, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Julia Vetrie Canyon Country, CA, United States 2013-06-03 . Akiko Noguchi Portland, OR, United States 2013-06-03 Nisha Vyas Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Bruce Sato San Diego, CA, United States 2013-06-03 etamura Port Orchard, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Bernadette Jaeger Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Yukio Kawaratani Monterey Park, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Sherry Nomura Seaside, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Anne Nakano Moorpark, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Patricia Nagano Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Elizabeth Sato Union, KY, United States 2013-06-03 Hajime Wada Duvall, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Karen Fujita Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Michelle Chiba Glenplool, OK, United States 2013-06-03 Yuji Ito Carlsbad, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Chris Maehara Whittier, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Paul Kaneko Santa Cruz, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Akemi Imai Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Jennifer Ishikawa Sunnyvle, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Janet Kang Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Tom Dromgoole Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ken Tanaka Longmont, CO, United States 2013-06-03 Anna Thurman Simi Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 David Hashimoto Mililani, HI, United States 2013-06-03 Yoshio Nakano Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ellen Biasin Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Martin Rey Rochin Inda Oakland, CA, United States 2013-06-03 utae suzuki Hilo, HI, United States 2013-06-03 Jerry [email protected] CA, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Luz Cambero Baldwin Park, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Sandra Truitt Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Vincent takeuchi Laguna Niguel, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Jane Hayashi Quincy, IL, United States 2013-06-03 lku Kiriyama Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Janelle Ito Elk Grove, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Tsuyoshi Hashimoto San Jose, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Donna Kowzan Moorpark, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Yoshihiro Maruyama Laguna Niguel, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Jamie Ball Burbank, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Erin Tripp Simi Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Diane Sasaki Denver, CO, United States 2013-06-03 JOHN BRADY ROSEMEAD, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Reshma Sham asunder Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Terry Sato Colorado Springs, CO, United States 2013-06-03 kimberly yamamoto Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Marilyn Ikeda San Jose, CA, United States 2013-06-03 CHENAI LEE STUDIO CITY, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Betty Wakamatsu Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Natsumi Watanabe Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Suwen Kuo San Gabriel, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Dale Inafuku Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 GAYLE ENDO Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 joe vogel moorpark, CA. United States 2013-06-03 david nakamura fremont, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ellen Endo Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Steven Mai Norwalk, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Susan Miyabe Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Tadashi Kowta Granada Hills" CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kunal Natu Los Altos, CA, United States 2013-06-03 max wong los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Mark Tanaka Castro Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Sarah Kraft Van Nuys, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kricket Kimura Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-03 Alan Kumamoto Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Erin Hooker Wilmington, NC, United States 2013-06-03 Shannon elliott van nuys, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Mari Sakurai Rolling Meadows, IL, United States 2013-06-03 Stephen Nagano Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 James Okazaki San Marino, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Francesca Miller Sun Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Maggie Watanabe Roslyn, PA, United States 2013-06-03 Mark aka Sky Anderson LA, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Lorraine Tajii - Nakamura Anaheim, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Christian Sautter Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Daryl Spafford Hidden Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Gertrude Hara Honolulu, HI, United States 2013-06-03 Claudia Culling Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-03 suzy katsuda los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Wajma Ahmady Porter Ranch, CA, United States 2013-06-03 James Fujita Visalia, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Janet Ervin Alhambra, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kenji Nakano New York, NY, United States 2013-06-03 Dina Jaye Duarte, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Akriti Akhauri St Augustine, FL, United States 2013-06-03 renee billot Sun Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Alexis Cone Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Shirley Owens Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-03 David Klein Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Carol Winkler Las Cruces, NM, United States 2013-06-03 Dawn Kita Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Emily Sasaki Chicago, IL, United States 2013-06-03 CARL YOSHIDA GRESHAM, OR, United States 2013-06-03 Kenjiro Akune Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Marc Stirdivant Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Chitra Rao northridge, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Michael Takahashi torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-03 RachelShuen Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Deanna Kitamura Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Eurie Chung Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Alex Nieto Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Kathy Masaoka Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Ryan Imai enterprise, AL, United States 2013-06-03 Patricia Pena Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Stephanie Villanueva Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Martha Matsuda Berkeley, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Julia Hasegawa Los Angeles, California, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Karen Goodwin Orange, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Sara Moore Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-03 kim conaway torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-03 Haru Kuromiya Altadena, CA, United States 2013-06-03 John Tan Davis, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Lloyd Hitt Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-04 David Rodriguez South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Tram Le Rosemead, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sharlee Moore Redondo Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Kazuo Shiroyama Cardena, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Michele Shimizu Boston, MA, United States 2013-06-04 Ahsan Zaman Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-04 theresa jaranilla long beach, CA, United States 2013-06-04 KEVIN KREISS SEATTLE, WA, United States 2013-06-04 Carlos Van Natter Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sandra Korgie National city, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Yumiko Miura Bristol, VA, United States 2013-06-04 Sharon Hales La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Richard Devletian Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sharon Mason Woodland Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-04 JULIE MENEGHINI DOWNEY, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Carole Suzuki Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Mary Matsuda Gruenewald Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-04 Kiyomi Yamashita Dallas, TX, United States 2013-06-04 Russ Andrews So pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Annie Luong Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 norine nishimura oakland, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Suzanne Watanabe Waianae, HI, United States 2013-06-04 Caroline Netzorg Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Kerry Kaneichi Lakewood, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Eric Schoner Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Nancy Endo Wilcox Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-04 William Diehl Santa Susana, CA, United States 2013-06-04 MICHAEL YANAGITA GLENDALE, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sharon Barnes Encino, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sayuri Ishida Glendora, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Bryan Harada Cambridge, MA, United States 2013-06-04 Carrie Morita Diamond Bar, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Kaoru Sato Mesa, AZ, United States 2013-06-04 Holly Yokoyama Alta Loma, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Jason Fong Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Jennifer Lai Lexington, KY, United States 2013-06-04 Michael Kast Panorama City, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Richard Fukuhara Orange, CA, United States 2013-06-04 William Fox Golden, CO, United States 2013-06-04 William Maruyama Allentown, PA, United States 2013-06-04 Kitty Tanaka New Orleans, LA, United States 2013-06-04 Kerry Yo Nakagawa Fresno, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Janice Yen Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Tzerl Seltzer Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Todd Shimizu Hayward, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Pamela Chiba Rio Rancho, NM, United States 2013-06-04 susan apgar Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-04 maria andrade los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Laurie Kojima Sacramento, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Mark Yoshida Honolulu, HI, United States 2013-06-04 Jennifer Chao Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Aza Allen Panorama City, CA, United States 2013-06-04 ken yamamoto santa barbatra, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Maki Tanaka Oakland, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sean McCullough Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Jenny Meza Palmdale, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Laura Stiller Morgantown, WV, United States 2013-06-04 Joan Powers San Jose, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Eli I. Van Nuys, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Andrea Bloom Washington, DC, United States . 2013-06-04 RL San Jose, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Linda Nakamura Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Kristin Fukushima los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Ted Maneki Wioodland Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Wi! Kimura Novato, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Doug Yamamoto Albany, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Beth Kopacz Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 sheila mears lake view terrace, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Corri Hilt Santa Clarita, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Hideki Yoshida Hawthorne, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Kimi Maru Monterey Park, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Cristin Zeisler Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Barney and Sher Mayerson Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Michael Germaine Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Rebecca Heacock Burbank, CA, United States 2013-06-04 ROSE MARIE SMITH TUJUNGA, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Carla Mancuso Wallkill, NY, United States 2013-06-04 erin yarrobino ozone park, NY, United States 2013-06-04 Teresa Kuwahara Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Darrell Smith Tucson, AZ, United States 2013-06-04 Brent Beaty Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sharon Smyth EI Segundo, CA, United States 2013-06-04 AKIRATANA BELMONT, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Patrick Koppula Los Angeles, CA, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Terrence Tally Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Lois NICHOLS GLENDALE, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Michael Dobbs Austin, TX, United States 2013-06-04 Eileen Yamada Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Julia Murakami Whittier, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Ryan Yokota Chicago, IL, United States 2013-06-04 Martha Tocco Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Adam Knoedler San Gabirel, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Ronald Watanabe Honolulu, HI, United States 2013-06-04 C Pinto India 2013-06-04 Genevieve Okada San Diego, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Louise Sakamoto Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Laurel Matsuda Kamuela, HI, United States 2013-06-04 Dawn Mabalon San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Michael Salazar Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Waynna Kato South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Suzanne Huesca EI Monte, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Masae Nakano Japan 2013-06-04 Grant Fujii Portland, OR, United States 2013-06-04 June Hibino Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Aileen Buhring Camarillo, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Tuyet Pham N. Hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Lisa Ruiz Huntington Park, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Linda Shishino-Cruz Moorpark, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Cheryl Leutjen Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 shakeelsyed Anaheim, CA, United States 2013-06-04 anjali nath LA, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Walter Dominguez Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Hamid Khan Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Mary Singaus Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Dian Sohn Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Wataru Ebihara Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Bernie Eisenberg Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Sherna Gluck Topanga, CA, United States 2013-06-04 adrienne crew los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 ndindi kitonga Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-04 Caroline Harris Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Micro Art Beverly Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Matthew Baker Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Patti Kameya SI. Paul, MN, United States 2013-06-05 Sandie Richards Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 saira sayeed Califomia, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Mitch Homma Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Takako Sakamoto Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Janice Nakamura Elk Grove, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Anitra Novy Stillwater, OK, United States 2013-06-05 Kalyn Sakamoto San Gabriel, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Adolfo Valerin LOS ANGELES, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Ii chu Monterey park, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Amy Lippert Chicago, IL, United States 2013-06-05 Daryl Kobayashi Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Bryan Matsumoto Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Keith Culling Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Mengning Li Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Hisae Matsuda Richmond, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Tony Litwinko Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Aaron Takahashi Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Michelle Lucio Lawndale, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Natalie Oppenheimer Wynnewood, PA, United States 2013-06-05 Thom Wilson Baltimore City, MD, United States 2013-06-05 mary ramos redondo beach, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Anna Olson Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Kyle Nakamura Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 John Ota Alameda, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Eric Avila Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Daniel Culling Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Mary Kao Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Amy Ikeda Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Damon Kondo Kailua, HI, United States 2013-06-05 Vicki Tamoush Tustin, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Andrea Humberger Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-05 Akira Watanabe San Rafael, CA, United States 2013-06-05

Darrell Floyd Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, United States 2013-06-05

Aliye Ece marina die Rey, CA, United States 2013-06-05

Karen Pinto Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05 jerome eaton los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05

Guillermina Turner San Gabriel, CA, United States 2013-06-05

Adrienne Winans Columbus, OH, United States 2013-06-05

Ebban Maeda New York, NY, United States 2013-06-05

Glenn Omatsu Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-05

Glenn Yamada Henderson, NC, United States 2013-06-05

Jerry Matsui Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-06

Stacy Sullivan Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Susan Nakaoka Torrance" CA, United States 2013-06-06 kirsten sasaki e northport, NY, United States 2013-06-06

Taiji Miyagawa Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Art Sato Pacifica, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Joshua Wallman NY, NY, United States 2013-06-06

George Yamamoto Diamond Bar, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Gann Matsuda Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Christen Sasaki Honolulu, HI, United States 2013-06-06

Ian White Venice, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Joseph Szabo Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Richard Oba San Francisco, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Amy Uyematsu Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Norma Corral Van Nuys, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Laura Matsunaga Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Sherrel Johnson Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Andy Griggs Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Bill Watanabe Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Edward Fisher Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Anbar Mahar Mission Viejo, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Donna Young Playa del Rey, CA, United States 2013-06-06 Hasan Hboubati Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Amin David Anaheim, CA, United States 2013-06-06 mustafa umar anaheim, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Martha Nakagawa Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Greg Culling Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Twyla Sherman Sylmar, CA, United States 2013-06-06

John Shishino-Cruz Moorpark, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Stephanie Chong La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-06 janet maker los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Karima Khatib Huntington Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Daniel Fox Sun Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Sarah Richardson Pittsburgh, PA, United States 2013-06-06

Zienab Abdelgany Irvine, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Cecilia Peralta anaheim, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Diane Macinnes Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Andrea Zinn Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-06-06

Joanne Abuqartoumy Anaheim, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Deborah Costa Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

TTakahashi kapolei, HI, United States 2013-06-06

Joanne Masuda Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Roni Love Cerritos, CA, United States 2013-06-06 elsie osajima los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-06

Chuck Anderson Anaheim, CA, United States 2013-06-07

Ron Stief Santa monica, CA, United States 2013-06-07

Jean Hoelscher Midland, TX, United States 2013-06-07

Yosh Kuromiya Alhambra, CA, United States 2013-06-07

Abdallah Jadallah perris, CA, United States 2013-06-07 roo pinder chase la crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-07 mary jane pushee norwell, MA, United States 2013-06-07 jacqui pushee norwell, MA, United States 2013-06-07 steve klempke pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-07 eugenia mori north hills, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Kathleen Ford Tujunga" CA, United States 2013-06-07 Jan Goldsmith Sherman Oaks, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Debra Graynom-Daly La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Lorelyn Lewis Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Jean Mc Donald Palos Verdes Estates, CA, United States 2013-06-07 kAZUAKI iDEHARA SHERMAN OAKS, CA, United States 2013-06-07 GEORGE OGASAWARA Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Larry Chinn Palo Alto, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Terence Sweeney Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Jody Gardner Chicago, IL, United States 2013-06-07 Steve Cooperman Woodland Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Hiroto Nobunaga Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-07 HONG HUYNH WEST HILLS, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Dennis Degen Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Laura Masatani Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Melissa Masatani Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Mary Danico pomona, CA, United States 2013-06-07 lisa james Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 jennifer fang philadelphia, PA, United States 2013-06-07 Timothy Cunniff Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 vikki paulus los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Jack Ong Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Lawrence Takahashi Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Micah Mori Lodi, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Darren Kameya Granada Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Rev. Jim Conn Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Jack Neff Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-07 gregory shikata sant monica, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Elaine Alexander Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Jennifer Ruggiero valley village, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Beth Beeman San Clemente, CA, United States 2013-06-07 AnnMarie Fowler Rialto, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Robin Toma Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Misao Murao Woodland Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-07 Marge Taniwaki Denver, CO, United States 2013-06-08 Kazuaki Yanagida Norco, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Timothy Shivers Dallas, TX, United States 2013-06-08 Cynthia Teruya La Canada, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Yuko Takei Astoria, NY, United States 2013-06-08 Noriko Wada Danville, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Tim Jones La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Carol Fodera La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-08 hide nakano Japan 2013-06-08 Susan Fukushima Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Keiko Pinson Missin Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-08 PJ Cochran Woodland His, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Jane Nakasako Pacific Grove, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Lincoln Bergman Richmond, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Koichi Mera Pacific Palisades, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Darlene Goguen Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Robert Furse Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Barbara Robbin Studio City, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Tiffani Carroll CONYERS, GA, United States 2013-06-08 Evelyn Motoyama Burbank" CA, United States 2013-06-08 Carol Bond Sun Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Michelle Van Duzen Shadow Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Kresse Armour Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Regina Clark Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-08 stephanie landregan glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-08 Lynda Hessick Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Fred Mound GlendaLE, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Gloria Mills Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-09 KEVIN CLELAND SUNLAND, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Vickere Murphy La Crescenta-Montrose, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Barbara Pampalone Chatsworth, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Joy Long worth Sylmar, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Bob Gerecke Claremont, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Steven Upshie North Hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Melanie McKinnell Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-09 E Fong Portland, OR, United States 2013-06-09 Theresa Cardona Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Ryoko lizuka Japan 2013-06-09 Florence Blecher Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Jimmy Chang Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Sherrill Stubbs La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Laura Friedman Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Melodee Patterson Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Zachary Sklar Olivebridge, NY, United States 2013-06-09 Susan Bolan La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Robert Peppermuller North Hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Laura Ng Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Elizabeth Sherry Marina Del Rey, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Glenda Yakel Canyon country, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Samuel Snow hampton, VA, United States 2013-06-09 Robert yakel Canyon country, CA, United States 2013-06-09 David Barron Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Jeff Burton Lone Pine, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Victoria McCoy La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Jessica Sacks Thousand Oaks, CA, United States 2013-06-09 karen suarez monrovia, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Vivian Hwe Altadena, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Mary Farrell Lone Pine, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Thomas Patrick O'Shaughnessy Burbank, CA, United States 2013-06-09 Christophe Jonatowski Sun Valley, CA, United States 2013-06-09 M Perloff Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-09 judith gilkey McKinleyville, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Eugenia Beh Austin, TX, United States 2013-06-10

Patricia Fujiwara Albany, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Paul McDermott Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Michelle Wong Oakland, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Jenny Le alhambra, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Carlos E. Ramirez Covina, CA, United States 2013-06-10 Starr Lam Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-10 heather martin sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Sandra Ikeda port hueneme, CA, United States 2013-06-10 irene Yoshida Mountain View, CA, United States 2013-06-10

DeAnna Mortimer Sunset, UT, United States 2013-06-10

James Du Bois Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Amy Birdwell Garland, TX, United States 2013-06-10

Marta Sarno Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-10

J. Kuida Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Dennis Kortheuer Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Roberta Medford Montrose, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Fiona Wong Brooklyn, NY, United States 2013-06-10

Jeffrey Fergus Washington, DC, United States 2013-06-10

Harry Yamahiro South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-10 lorraine brabham Hoboken, NJ, United States 2013-06-10

Patricia Takayama Pacoima, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Juliet Shen Albany, NY, United States 2013-06-10

Samantha Ng New York, NY, United States 2013-06-10

Marita Etcubanez Washington, DC, United States 2013-06-10 framk marumoto Johns Creek, GA, United States 2013-06-10

Robert Griffin North Hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Kevin Tan Chelmsford, MA, United States 2013-06-10

Kenji Murao Woodland Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-10

Daniel Carnie Sherman Oaks, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Kay Littleton Woodland Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-11 Alan Nishio Gardena, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Jill Gefen Santa Monica, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Richard Katsuda Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Barbara Okita Sherman Oaks, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Manami Izumida Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Dee Morrison Canyon Country, CA, United States 2013-06-11

G,lenn Takeoka Sacramento, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Vicki Cohen Calabasas, CA, United States 2013-06-11 danny pushee norwell, MA, United States 2013-06-11 =f:il :51: Japan 2013-06-11 Christine Ellison Santa Clarita, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Caro Avanessian Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-11 setsuko tagawa Japan 2013-06-11

Kentaro Terauchi Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Patricia Nelson Vista, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Viggen Aghakhanian Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-11

MELODY ARGENTINE CARLSBAD, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Kiomi Thomas Cerritos, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Miya Iwataki South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Eiko IIZUKA Mississauga, Canada 2013-06-11 reina lizuka mississauga, Canada 2013-06-11 tadashi kojima toronto, Canada 2013-06-11

Joyce Naka Morton Grove, IL, United States 2013-06-11

Steven Wong Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-11

Marielle Tsukamoto Elk Grove, CA, United States 2013-06-12

Anna Harrison Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-12

Arsen Karamians Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-12 enzo mulas florence, AK, United States 2013-06-12

Stewart Imagawa Lake Forest, CA, United States 2013-06-12

Miles Uchida Portland, OR, United States 2013-06-12

Rebecca Operhall Colorado Springs, CO, United States 2013-06-12 sandra bell tarzana, CA, United States 2013-06-12 HELEN MATSUNAGA Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-12 Judd Matsunaga South Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-13 Yuri Matsunaga Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-13 tom jefieries La Crescenta-Montrose, CA, United States 2013-06-13 Stanley Shikuma Seattle, WA, United States 2013-06-14 Marsha Kirgan, MD Las Vegas, NV, United States 2013-06-14 Richard Ferreria Reseda, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Donna LePera Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Richard Toyon La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-14 david urmston los angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Barbara Hamane San Gabriel, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Erika Gaetano palo alto, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Anne Befu Oakland, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Keith Hamane Pasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Debbie Henson North Hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Kaitlyn Higa LOS ANGELES, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Susan Borden Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Wayne Toyota Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-14 Stacy Toyon La Cresenta, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Bonnie Shimasaki pRoadPasadenaasadena, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Glenda Young Granada Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Gregory S Hamane Santa Cruz, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Janice Nabara Huey Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Bonnie Chun Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Victor Huey Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Michele Namba Glendale, AZ, United States 2013-06-15 Y. Okada Covina, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Nancy Toyota Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-15 June Fujimoto Valencia, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Chris Kapis Gilbert, AZ, United States 2013-06-15 gilberto zepeda Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-15 judy tachibana sacramento, CA, United States 2013-06-15 Linda Casper L Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-16 stephan meeks dallas, TX, United States 2013-06-16

Harry Kawahara Altadena, CA, United States 2013-06-16

Misako Miyagawa Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-16

Lynn Shimasaki Honolulu, HI, United States 2013-06-17

Beverly de Lucia Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-17

Felicity Figueroa Irvine, CA, United States 2013-06-17

AA EI Segundo, CA, United States 2013-06-17

Daniel Takahashi Torrance, CA, United States 2013-06-17

Melissa Reischman Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-17

Bill Nicoll Glendale, CA, United States 2013-06-17

Zane Toyon La Crescenta, CA, United States 2013-06-17

Dennis Kortheuer Long Beach, CA, United States 2013-06-17

Jenny Gordon sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Joe Kenck Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-18

David Scott Upland, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Angelina Thomas Saugus, CA, United States 2013-06-18 james hirano Santa Cruz, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Katie Husband Fareham, DC, United States 2013-06-18

Coralie Galey Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-18

M Theresa Basile Culver City, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Sacha Mcintosh Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Patty Saienni Westchester, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Roman Saienni Westchester, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Brigitte Presby Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-18

Michael Morizumi Japan 2013-06-19

Norma White Sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-19

Calvin Torng Palos Verdes Estates, CA, United States 2013-06-19

Caroline Luce West Hollywood, CA, United States 2013-06-20

Travis Matsuzaki Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-20 lezle stein l.a., CA, United States 2013-06-20 cesar deleon Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Steven Phelps Bellevue, WA, United States 2013-06-20 Bill Haller Lake Balboa, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Tara Greer sunland, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Gloria Martin Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Diane Kemble Newhall, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Jennifer Shea Granada Hills, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Farah Kerawala RPV, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Susan Plunkett Rocklin, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Brian Purvis Tujunga, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Barbara Carter Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-20 Dave Guerrie Dave Guerrie Los Angeles, CA, United States 2013-06-20 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES UCLA


3 June 2013 ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES CENTER 3230 CAMPBELL HALL 405 HILGARO AVENUE Los Angeles City Council BOX 951546 Room 395, City Hall LOS ANGELES, CA 90095-1546 PIWNE: (310) 825·2974 200 North Spring Street FAX: (310) 206·9844 Los Angeles, CA. 90012 http://w....tw.aesc.ucla.edu Mail Stop 160

Attention: Sharon Gin, Legislative Assistant Planning and Land Use Management Committee

RE: Council File No. 12-1625 Site of Former Tuna Canyon Detention Station

Dear PLUM Committee Member:

I am writing to urge you to vote in favor of the Tuna Canyon Detention Station site as a City Historic-Cultural Monument as initiated by Council Motion (Alarcon - Garcetti).

Originally established as a Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Tujunga during the Great Depression, Tuna Canyon was transformed into a high security detention facility shortly after the outbreak of World War II. It was one of several such facilities created in reaction to growing wartime fear and prejudice.

Between December 1941 and April 1942, the U.S. Justice Department arrested and detained 1,490 Japanese immigrants who were confined there. Lesser known is the fact that more than 1,000 Italians, Germans and Japanese Peruvians were also arrested and detained there around the same time.

The Monument will memorialize the significance of Tuna Canyon to Los Angeles' multi-faceted, multi-cultural history and serve as an enduring reminder that democracy is fragile and must be diligently preserved now and into the future.

As a historian of the United States who specializes in Asian American history, I have spent my career working to unearth and to reclaim stories that have been forgotten and suppressed. More than simply giving voice to these stories, it is imperative to ask how they inform and deepen the understanding of our collective history. Facing the full scope of the past with honesty and humility will help us to be a nation characterized by "liberty and justice for all."


David K. Yoo Director & Professor