
 Working with files and directories  Working with editor pico

 To be done by the next class  Assignment 1.

05/24/11 -lect02-file1.pdf 1 Review: Major Components of the Unix OS

 Kernel  The master control program to control both hardware and software  Schedules tasks and provides multitasking and multi-user operations  Manages resources  Shell  Interprets user commands  Passes user commands to the kernel for execution (executes programs)  File System  Information organized as files and directories (special files)  Utilities  Software tools provided as part of the OS

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 2 Review: Syntax of UNIX Lines

 A UNIX command may have arguments, which can be an option or a  The general format for UNIX command line is  command option(s) filename(s)  A command is typically in lowercase  Options modify the way in which a command works  Options are often single letters prefixed with a dash  Some of options can be made from complete words  There are also special characters (such ‘>’, ‘<‘, ‘&’, ‘|’)

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 3 Files

 The most common entity users manipulate (directly or indirectly) is files (and directories)  Files  A well defined repository of information saved on a storage device  Program or component of a program  Arbitrary text  An executable (binary text)  A UNIX operating system itself consists of a set of files and directories

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 4 File Examples

 The linux operating system on shell.cs.fsu.edu is saved in files -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1401588 Jun 9 2005 /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-11.ELsmp -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 390536 Jul 11 2005 /boot/initrd-2.6.9-11.ELsmp.img  The tcsh shell program is a file -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 307488 Feb 17 2005 /bin/tcsh  The cpuinfo of shell.cs.fsu.edu is a file -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 8 17:17 /proc/cpuinfo  The usernames and their information are saved in a file -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1473 Dec 22 2005 /etc/passwd  The information about the file systems is a file -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1212 Sep 8 15:37 /etc/fstab 05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 5 Directories

 Special files called directories contain pointers to other files  In other words, a is a file that contains a list of files and subdirectories  A directory is changed when a file name is changed or a file is deleted  Structure of directories  Hierarchically structured like an inverted tree  / is the starting directory or “root”

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 6 Example Set of Directories and Files /

bin home etc

tcsh majors grads faculty fstab

… nienaber …

… research teaching …

vision cop3353 …

notes homework

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 7 unix-lect01-intro.ppt unix-lect02-file1.ppt Identifying Files and Directories

 Pathnames  Identifying a file by following a sequence of directories until you reach the file/directory  / is also the separator among the subdirectories and final file  Examples  /bin/tcsh  /etc/fstab  /home/grads/nienaber/teaching/cop3353/notes/unix-lect02- file1.ppt

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 8 Current Working Directory

 In order to be able to specify a file name or directory efficiently, the UNIX (actually the shell program) also remembers the directory where you currently work  You can then identify a file or directory relative to the current working directory  Suppose the current working directory is “home/grads/nienaber”, then: “teaching” would refer to the same directory as: /home/grads/nienaber/teaching

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 9 More on Pathnames

 Absolute pathnames start root  /home/grads/nienaber  /bin/tcsh  Relative pathnames start at the current working directory

 Special symbols for the current directory and parent directory  “..” refers to the parent directory (the directory “above”)  “.” is the current directory  Referencing user directories  ~nienaber is the absolute pathname to the user’s home directory “nienaber” (directory “/home/grads/nienaber” in this example)  ~/ is shorthand for the absolute to your own user directory  For me, it is the same as ~nienaber 05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 10 Pathname Examples


bin home etc

tcsh majors grads faculty fstab

… nienaber …

… research teaching …

vision cop3353

notes homework

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 11 unix-lect01-intro.ppt unix-lect02-file1.ppt Potential Exam Questions

 True/false  For any file, the absolute path to the file always starts with /. [T/F]  For any directory, the absolute path to the directory is always the same. [T/F]  For any file or directory, its relative pathname depends on the current working directory and is not unique. [T/F]  Using relative pathnames only, some files and directories can not be referenced when the current working directory is at the bottom of the directory tree (note / is at the top of the tree). [T/F] 05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 12 Common UNIX File Commands

List files and subdirectories View file content more/less View file content (pause each screen) Create a file / update its stamp Copy file to a new file Move file to a new directory, rename file Delete a file

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 13 Common Directory Commands

Display absolute pathname to current working directory

Create a directory

Remove a directory

Change the current working directory

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 14 Command Examples

 pwd  Prints the absolute pathname of the current working directory  ls –l  The ls command lists the files and subdirectories in a directory.  The ‘l’ flag gives detailed information.  touch  The touch commands creates an empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file  cp  The cp command copies the contents of a file or directory to another file or directory (two parameters). The ‘i’ flag asks before it replaces an existing file; the r flag recursively copies all subdirectories also

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 15 Command Examples – cont.

 mv  The mv command renames a file (it takes two arguments)  mv oldfilename newfilename  If the second argument is a directory it moves it to that directory  cd  Changes the current working directory to another one  cd notes  cd ..  cd ../notes  Command --help  Most commands have a summary of options via --help (or – h)  Manual pages give more detailed information 05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 16 Characters in

 File names can contain any characters except “/”, but it is recommended that you use upper or lower case letters, numbers, and “-” “.”  For example, although a file name could contain a space or spaces  confusing name  commands using this would not work correctly unless you tell the shell to not break an argument at the spaces by quoting the filename or using special characters  rm “confusing name” (or rm confusing\ name)

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 17 File Permissions

 Three types of running programs (or processes) can access a file  User (or owner): process spawned by the user created the file  Group: process spawned by a member of the same group of a file  Other: process spawned by anyone else  Permission types  Read: access to a file or list files of a directory  : modify / remove / write to a file (directory)  Execute: run a file as a program or enter a directory

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 18 Example Outputs

 Current permissions can be viewed using “ls –l”  First line is the number of disk blocks (1 block is 1024 (or 512) bytes) taken up by all the files

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 19 Columns in the Display from “ls –l”  First entry in a line is the mode  The first character is d for directory, else - for a normal file  The remain 9 characters in groups of threes are r, w, x permissions for user, group and other respectively (- indicates not having that permission)  Second entry indicates number of links to the file (usually 1 for a file and 2 for a directory)  Third entry is the user id of owner and the fourth entry is the group id  Fifth entry is the number of bytes of the file  Sixth entry is the date the file was last modified  The last entry is the file/directory name

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 20 Potential Exam Questions

 True/false  In order to read homework1.txt, a user must have read permission and execute permission for all directories along its absolute path. [F]  Without writing permssion to the current working directory, a user can not delete a file from it. [T]

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 21 Changing Permissions

 Using the command to set/change permissions  Numeric (as octal numbers)  Directly set the permissions for u, g, o using each 3 bit value as an octal value  chmod 754 unix-lect02-file1.ppt will set to 111 101 100 or rwx r-x r--  chmod 700 unix-lect02-file1.ppt will set to 111 000 000 or rwx ------ chmod 644 unix-lect02-file1.ppt will set to 110 100 100 or rw- r-- r--

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 22 Changing Permissions - cont.

 Symbolic  Format: chmod mode,[mode]  The format of mode is who operation permission  Who is one or more of u, g, o, a (for all)  operation is + (add), - (remove), = (set)  Permissions are one or more of r, w, x  Examples chmod 654 unix-lect02-file1.ppt chmod go-rwx unix-lect02-file1.ppt chmod g+w unix-lect02-file1.ppt chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r unix-lect02-file1.ppt

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 23 Changing Permissions - cont.

 Symbolic  Format: chmod mode,[mode]  The format of mode is who operation permission  Who is one or more of u, g, o, a (for all)  operation is + (add), - (remove), = (set)  Permissions are one or more of r, w, x  Examples chmod 754 unix-lect02-file1.ppt (rwx r-x r--) chmod go-rw unix-lect02-file1.ppt (rwx --x ---) chmod g+w unix-lect02-file1.ppt (rwx -wx ---) chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r unix-lect02-file1.ppt (rwx r-x r--)

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 24 Conversion Between Numeric and Symbolic Permissions

Symbolic Binary Numeric --- 000 0 --x 001 1 -w- 010 2 -wx 011 3 r-- 100 4 r-x 101 5 rw- 110 6 rwx 111 7

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 25 Potential Exam Question

 The most recent permission of homework1.txt is set using “chmod 0751”, Give its permission (using the permission format given by “ls –l”) after chmod ug-w,o+r homework1.txt

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 26 Potential Exam Question

 The most recent permission of homework1.txt is set using “chmod 0751”, Give its permission (using the permission format given by “ls –l”) after chmod ug-w,o+r homework1.txt

 It will be –r-xr-xr-x

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 27 Wildcards

 Multiple files can be specified using wildcards  An asterisk “*” matches any number of characters in a filename  con* will match con, condor, constant.exe  *.c will match all files that end in .c  rm * will remove all the files in a directory  A “?” matches any single character in a filename  b?t will match bit, bot, bat. It will not match bt or boot  Square brackets “[]” will match any one of the characters in the brackets. A hyphen “-” can be used to match any of a range of consecutive characters.  [bhr]at will match bat, hat and rat  chap[5-8].c will match chap5.c, chap6.c, chap7.c and chap8.c

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 28 Wildcard Examples

 Common UNIX utility programs are saved in /bin and /usr/bin  We can out utilities starting with l by  ls /bin/l* /usr/bin/l*  We can find out the shell programs installed by (by convention shell programs end with sh)  ls /bin/*sh  We find out files related to networking by  ls /etc/*host*

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 29 Files

 “ls *” actually does not list all the files  There are hidden files (starting with ‘.’, also called dot files (but excluding “.” “..”)) that shell and other programs to use to customize settings and configurations  “ls –a *” will list also the dot files  You can also list the dot files by using “ls .*”  Note that these dot files will prevent rmdir to remove a directory

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 30 Dot Files – cont.

 For example, suppose subdirectory atmp2 contains the following files

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 31 Dot Files – cont.

 For example, suppose subdirectory atmp2 contains the following files

 You can use “rm –r atmp2” or remove the dot files first using “rm atmp2/.[a-z]*” 05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 32 Potential Exam Questions

 True/false  “ls *[0-9]” will include all the following files: [T/F] file1 file2 file3.h file4 file5.o file6.cpp - “ls *[0-9].*” will include all the files given above. [T/F]  Suppose that temp is a directory under the current working directory, after running “ls temp”, there is no output, however, “rmdir temp” fails with the following message rmdir: `temp': Directory not empty Explain why.

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 33 Editors

• Common text editors that are available (none have many of the features available on word processors) for plain text files such as programs, shell scripts, etc. – (vee-eye) • Available on almost all Unix machines • Fairly powerful and sophisticated – emacs (ee-macs) • Also widely available • Powerful and popular – pico • Easier to learn but simpler and not as powerful 05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 34 Starting pico

• The command "pico" at a shell prompt will start the "pico" text editor with an empty buffer $ pico • Specifying a file name will have "pico" open that file (or start a new file) $ pico testfile1 • Basic Command – Arrow keys are used to navigate around the document – Typing will insert text at the point of the cursor – The caret sysmbol (^) indicates you must press and hold the control (ctrl) key first, then press the command key – Some available commands are at the bottom of the pico window – ^o writes “out” the text to a file (a prompt will let you specify the name)

05/24/11 – ^x exits pico unix-lect02-file1.pdf 35 Marking and cutting and pasting in pico

• You cannot use your mouse in "pico" (actually, the mouse works to and because of the SSHClient program, but you must learn how to work without it) • ^^ (ctrl-shift-^) begins marking text at the current cursor position • Use the arrow keys to mark text • ^k cuts text (kills), • ^u then brings the text back at the current cursor position

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 36 pico command summary

(arrows) Move cursor (bksp) Move cursor left one space, deleting character ^a Move to beginning of line ^b Move back one character (same as left arrow) ^e Move to end of line ^f Move forward one character (same as right arrow) ^n Move to next line (same as down arrow) ^p Move to previous line (same as up arrow) ^v Move forward one page ^y Move back one page ^(space) Move to next word

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 37 pico command summary continued

^c Shows current position ^d Delete character at current position ^g Display help file (^V and ^Y to scroll through) ^h Delete previous character (same as bksp) ^i Insert TAB character (same as tab) ^j Justify paragraph ^^ Begin selecting text at current cursor position ^k Cut selected text ^l Redraw screen ^o Output current buffer to a file (save) ^r Insert text from a file ^u Undelete last line, series of lines, or marked block you deleted. Can also "unjustify" ^w Search file for text ^x pico 05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 38 Next Time

 Creating files using vi and emacs and checking file contents

 To be done by the next class  Assignment #1

05/24/11 unix-lect02-file1.pdf 39