Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 F VOL
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Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 f VOL. CXVI NO. 70 STORRS, CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1%3 WHUS Radio Begins Willard L. Beaulac To Speak Heeling Operations On Meaning Of Latin America Tonight marks the start of an- The program consists of two "The other American Republics in Chile. Cuba. Colombia and Par- other training program for all phases. The first is general heel- are important to us not only be- aguay. In his long caieer in our those interested in joining WHUS, ing meetings. These take place cause they are in our backyard; Foreign Service, he has held posts the student radio station here on once a week for about an hour Student Leaders they are important to us because in nine of the twenty other Amer- campus. Ttie training session, and include instruction in general they are immense, becase they ican republics. sometimes called "heeling," is de- operation of the station and vari- cover one-sixth of the earth's sur- Following graduation in 1921 signed to orient and train students ous FCC rules under which oper- To Judge Girls face and they have a population from Georgetown University he in the organization and the oper- ations are conducted. The second growth that will make them twice was assigned to Tampico, Mexico, ations of the station. phase of the pi'Ogram is intensi- as big as we are in some twenty, "hen transferred to Arico in nortJi- Jeff Tellis. Station Manager, de- fied training in the area or de- For 'Glamour' thirty years." ern Chile as consul. Sent to Port- scribed tlie program as follows: partments in which the trainee is Such is the view held by Wil- au-Prince, Haiti in 1927 as third interested. The latter phose is Three student judges have been lard L. Beaulac, career diplomat secretary, he was also assigned to conducted by the departments selected for the judging committee with 40 years experience in Latin concurrent duties in the adjacent Montville Is themselves. which will choose tlie "Best- America who comes to the Uni- Dominican Republic. Succeeding Once the trainee successfully Dressed Girl" on the Uconn Cam- versity of Connecticut Student posts included a five-year stint in completes the training program pus. They are: Joseph Marfuggi, Union on February 14. at 8 p.m. Nicaragua, three years in the U.S. and is "cleaied" by the depart- Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Cam- in the ballroom under the aus- State Department In Washington Sports Editor ment executive, he is ready to pus; Merritt Brown, Editor-in- pices of the Board of Governors. as assistant chief of the Division take an active part in the broad- Chief of the Nutmeg; Kevin Most recently the U.S. Ambas- of Latin American Affairs, a term Leigh Montville has been elect- cast operations of the station. Dunne. President of the Associ- sador to Argentina, Mr. Beaulac as fiist secretary at Havana, ed sports edlitor of the Daily has served in a similar capacity Campus replacing acting sports Departments ated Student Government. Cuba, later serving as counselor Mr. Tellis went on to emphasize to the Embassy in the then BatU- editor Ned Parker. Interview ta-ruled island republic. The Daily Campus board of tlie fact that tlie program is open These student leaders will join to everyone who is interested, re- In 1941 Mr. Beaulac was as- dircctois also announced today I forces with three meml>ers of tlie that the following members of the gardless of whether or not they signed to a similar role in tlie have had previous radio exper- faculty to interview the candi- U.S. Embassy al Madrid. Spain. lay-out staff have been named as- ] dates for the "Best-Dressed" title. sociate editors, the title usually ience. Positions are available in This wartime duty involved some D. J. work, newscasting. music The names of the faculty judges difficult problems of protocol, held by experienced members of will be announced later this week. the lay-out staff. library, special events and sports, which his wife recounted with The new associate eciitoi"s are and the engineering departments. A coffee has been scheduled for good humor in her Saturday Eve- Joni Newpeck, Carole Pedlikan, Steve Piimack and Bruce Cun- next Thursday. February 21. for ning Post article. "I Can Put a George Ko/.low, Bernice Golden, ningham will be the coordinators the purpose of introducing the Man in His Place." Alison Sabowitz, Russ Mercer and of the training session which will candidates to the judges. In 1944 he received appoint- Andy McKirdy. start tonight at 7:30 inHUB 103. The girl mat the judges choose ments as Ambassador Extraordin- as Uconn's "Best-Dressed Girl" ary and Plenipotentiary to Para- will represent the University in guay, where he hel|»ed to carry out the national contest ... If chosen the new cooperative-action tech- Swami To Speak On as a finalist, her picutre will ap- nique adopted by the Office of the pear in the August issue of Coordinator of Inter-American Af- Glamour magaznie. fairs. His next ambassadorial post was in Colombia, where he Indian-Red Chinese Battle Reminder was instrumental In negotiatinc All women's housing units are a new treaty of friendship, com- Swami G. whose more formal ial work agencies operate so that reminded that the names of their merce and navigation between name is Ssvami Kirshnanand Sar- he may learn how the techniques candidates for the contest should that country and the United iswati. will speak at the Student can be used to solve problems be submitted to the Dally Cam- States. Union on Thursday, February 14 throughout Africa and Asia. pus office by Friday, February In 1953, Ambassador Beaufcan on "The Indian-Red Chinese Bat- Swami G is at present staying 15. (Ext. 364 or 429-9384*. WILLIAM L. BEAULAC (Continued an Page .1> tle for the Leadership of Asia and in New York City with Mr. Tom tl»e Role of the United States in Gilliland of People to People. He this struggle." will arrive on the Uconn campus The Swami is in the United on Thursday afternoon under the Ahmad Jamal To Play Jazz Piano States to learn about the people invitation of Miss Diane Brown of "the greatest nation in the and Mr. Joseph Hammerman of world."' He further states that he the Uconn People to People Com- One of the three names on the bill for the jazz entertainment on Sunday afternoon of Winter is in the United States to tell mittee. The swami is to remain ; weekend is Ahmad Jamal, noted jazz pianist. The concert also features the Chris Barber Jaz/ Band] the American people the needs oil campus until Friday afternoon. I and the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem. A further article will deal with Chris Barber's group. Of India. He said that India is A Hindu monk. Swami G has Ahmad Jamal brings together ♦he nation bearing the responsi- taken the vows of poverty and j musical ability and an astute bilitv of fighting the ideological is dependent upon others for his awareness of popular tastes. He battle with Red China to deter- sustinence. has run the gamut of the music- mine whether Asia becomes Com- al experience, from his early days munist or stands as a fiee con- in Pittsburgh to the concert stage tinent, based on the principles of Calypso Festival of world-renowned Carnegie Hail. democracy. Ahmad is not completely new Upon further enumeration of Begins Weekend to the musical stage. At the age his purposes in coming to Amer- of fourteen he was singled out ica, lie stated that he is here to What is winter like in Trinidad? I by Art Tatum. jazz pianist, as a study the ways in which our soc- The Student Union will provide 1 "coming great." He has put out tlie answer to this on Friday, Feb- several well-received albums. ruary 22, when a Calypso Festival j among them "But Not For Me;" Weekend Display takes place in the Lobby. The at- I his "emotional appeal is there mosphere will be that of the regu- in person just as strongly as it Deadline Changed lar "Hawking Time" dances ex- projects on record."' cept in this case the Calypso Is- Ahmad Jamal was born In The final date far sulHnissions landers appear as the center of , Pittsburgh in 1930 and began of applications for "W inter entertainment. They will appear ] playing piano at the age of Skol" displays lias been extended from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. as the jhree. The evolution was swift to Thursday. February 14 at 4:30 first event of the Winter Weekend and progressive. By the age of p.m., Dick Holdt, display chair- "Winter Skol." 14, he was already an accredited man, announced yesterday. He member of the musicians' union said that entries may be turned in and the subject of admiration in at the St udent Union control desk Inside Pages local music circles. at any time up until then. Jamal stepped from high Hold! said. "The theme of Senator Cooper charges that school to the George Hudson Or- "Winter Skol" leaves a multitude Americans are still in the dark of areas open for display ideas. chestra, one of the larger bands over the Cuban situation. For of that era. The next few years These may range from 'A tribute hts comments see pa«;e 3. to winter in general,' or possibly saw him touring in smaller one ot this year's Winter Skol A new play opens in the Fine groups.