Samayita Chakraborty

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Samayita Chakraborty Joint PhD degree in Environmental Technology Docteur de l’Université Paris-Est Spécialité: Science et Technique de l’Environnement Dottore di Ricerca in Tecnologie Ambientali Degree of Doctor in Environmental Technology Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Technology PhD thesis –Väitöskirja – Proefschrift – Tesi di Dottorato – Thèse Samayita Chakraborty Bioremediation and biovalorisation of liquid and gaseous effluents of oil refinery and petrochemical industry To be defended on 12/12/2019, Paris In front of the PhD evaluation committee Prof. Rémy Gourdon Reviewer Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh Reviewer Dr. Antonella Marone Reviewer Prof. Piet N.L. Lens Promotor Prof Christian Kennes Co-promotor Prof. Giovanni Esposito Co-Promotor Prof. Eric D. van Hullebusch Co-Promotor Prof Jukka Rintala Co-Promotor Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh Chair Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Joint Doctorate Advanced Biological Waste-to- Energy Technologies (ABWET) Evaluation Committee Chairperson Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh Swedish centre for resource recovery University of Borás Sweden Reviewers/Examiners Prof. Rémy Gourdon Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering Institut National des Sciences Appliqueés de Lyon France Prof. Mohammad Taherzadeh Swedish centre for resource recovery University of Borás Sweden Dr. Antonella Marone Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development Italy Thesis promotor Prof. Piet. N. L. Lens Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Technology UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education The Netherlands Thesis co-promotor 2 Prof. Giovanni Esposito Department of Civil and Mechanical engineering University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Italy Prof. Christian Kennes Department of Chemical engineering and Bioengineering University of A Coruña, Spain Prof. Eric D. van Hullebusch University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée France Prof. Jukka Rintala Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Tampere University, Finland Supervisory committee Thesis supervisor Prof. Piet. N. L. Lens Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Technology UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education The Netherlands Thesis co-supervisor Prof. Christian Kennes Department of Chemical engineering and Bioengineering University of A Coruña, Spain Prof. Jukka Rintala Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Tampere University, Finland Thesis mentor Dr. Eldon R. Rene Department of Environmental Engineering and Water Technology UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education 3 This research was conducted in the framework of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Joint Doctorate (EJD) in Advanced Biological Waste to Energy Technologies. This research was conducted under the auspices of the Graduate School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE). Partial research was also conducted by Xunta de Galicia, Spain for financial support to Competitive Reference Research Groups (GRC) (ED431C 2017/66) as well as Spanish ministry of economy, industry and competitiveness (MINECO) through project CTQ2017-8892-R. 4 Contents Evaluation Committee .......................................................................................................................... 2 Chairperson ........................................................................................................................................... 2 List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 9 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 10 Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Yhtenveto ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Samenvatting ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Sommario ............................................................................................................................................. 17 List of publications .............................................................................................................................. 21 Author’s contributions ....................................................................................................................... 22 Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 23 General Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 23 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 24 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................. 24 1.2 Problem statement ....................................................................................................................... 25 1.3 Research objectives ..................................................................................................................... 30 1.4 Structure of the PhD thesis ......................................................................................................... 31 References ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 36 Literature review ................................................................................................................................ 36 2.1 Bioremediation of phenol and selenite in effluents of oil refineries and the .............................. 37 petrochemical industry ...................................................................................................................... 37 2.2 Bioremediation of CO/syngas in the gaseous effluents of oil refinery and ................................ 43 production of biofuels (alcohols) and value-added chemicals .......................................................... 43 2.3 Key parameters for alcohol production by syngas fermentation................................................. 49 2.3.1 Role of pH ............................................................................................................................ 49 2.3.2. Tungsten (W): heaviest essential element in anaerobic microbiology ................................ 50 2.3.3 Selenium: a cofactor of solventogenic enzymes .................................................................. 51 2.4 Alcohol recovery from fermentation broth ................................................................................. 52 2.4.1 Definition of alcohol and importance of butanol as fuel ...................................................... 52 2.4.2 Adsorption ............................................................................................................................ 54 2.4.3 Absorption ............................................................................................................................ 55 2.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 55 References ............................................................................................................................................ 56 Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 60 5 Aerobic fungal-bacterial co-culture to detoxify phenolic effluents and concomitant reduction of selenite ions of oil-refinery containing selenite ions ......................................................................... 60 Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ 61 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 62 3.2 Materials and methods ................................................................................................................ 63 3.2.1 Microorganisms and growth of fungal-bacterial co-cultures ............................................... 63 3.2.2 Batch experiments ................................................................................................................ 64 3.2.3 Analytical methods .............................................................................................................. 65 3.3. Results ........................................................................................................................................ 67 3.3.1 Suspended growth co-culture incubations ........................................................................... 67 3.3.2 Attached growth co-culture system ...................................................................................... 72 3.3.3 FT-IR
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