Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, February 2004 / Copyright © 2004 Japan Concrete Institute 3

Invited Paper Resistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Past and Future Shunsuke Otani1

Received 9 September 2003, revised 26 November 2003 Abstract This paper briefly reviews the development of earthquake resistant design of buildings. Measurement of ground accel- eration started in the 1930s, and response calculation was made possible in the 1940s. Design response spectra were formulated in the late 1950s to 1960s. Non-linear response was introduced in seismic design in the 1960s and the capac- ity design concept was generally introduced in the 1970s for collapse safety. The damage statistics of reinforced con- crete buildings in the 1995 Kobe disaster demonstrated the improvement of building performance with the development of design methodology. Buildings designed and constructed using out-dated methodology should be upgraded. Per- formance-based engineering should be emphasized, especially for the protection of building functions following fre- quent .

1. Introduction damage have been identified through the investigation of damages. Each damage case has provided important An earthquake, caused by a movement on the earth information regarding the improvement of design and surface, results in severe ground shaking leading to the construction practices and attention has been directed to damage and collapse of buildings and civil- the prevention of structural collapse to protect the oc- infra-structures, landslides in the case of loose slopes, cupants of building in the last century. and liquefaction of sandy soil. If an earthquake occurs Thank to the efforts of many pioneering researchers under the sea, the associated water movement causes and engineers, the state of the art in earthquake resistant high tidal waves called tsunamis. design and construction can reduce the life threat in Earthquake disasters are not limited to structural reinforced concrete buildings. Attention should be di- damage and injury/death of people under collapsed rected to the protection of existing structures con- structures. Fire is known to increase the extent of the structed using old technology. The vulnerability of these disaster immediately after an earthquake. The breakage existing structures should be examined and seismically of water lines reduces fire fighting capability in urban deficient structures should be retrofitted. One of the areas. The affected people need support, such as medi- important research targets in present earthquake engi- cal treatment, food, clean water, accommodations and neering is the development of design methodology to clothing. Continued service of lifeline systems, such as maintain building functions after infrequent earthquakes, electricity, city gas, city water, communication lines and for example, through the application of structural con- transportation, is essential for the life of affected people. trol technology. Damage to highway viaducts or railway, as seen in the This paper reviews the development of earthquake en- 1995 Kobe earthquake disaster, can delay evacuation gineering in relation to earthquake resistance of build- and rescue operations. It is the responsibility of civil and ings and discusses the current problems in earthquake building engineers to provide society with the technol- engineering related to reinforced concrete construction. ogy to build safe environments. Reinforced concrete has been used for building con- 2. Development of and struction since the middle of the 19th century, first for geophysics some parts of buildings, and then for the entire building structure. Reinforced concrete is a major construction Earthquake phenomena must have attracted the curiosity material for civil infrastructure in current society. Con- of scientists in the past. Ancient Greek sophists hy- struction has always preceded the development of pothesized different causes for earthquakes. Aristotle structural design methodology. Dramatic collapse of (383-322 B.C.), for example, related atmospheric events buildings has been observed after each disastrous such as wind, thunder and lightning, and subterranean earthquake, resulting in loss of life. Various types of events, and explained that dry and smoky vapors caused earthquakes under the earth, and wind, thunder, light- ning in the atmosphere. Aristotle’s theory was believed through the Middle Ages in Europe. The 1755 Lisbon 1Professor, Department of Design and Architecture, Earthquake (M8.7), which killed 70,000, partially due to Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University, Japan. a tsunami tidal wave, and a series of earthquakes in E-mail: [email protected] 4 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004

London in 1749 and 1750 attracted the interest of scien- the fault-line, and the stresses thus induced were the tists. forces which caused the sudden displacements, or elas- The first scientific investigation about earthquake tic rebounds, when the rupture occurred....” Reid did not phenomena is believed to have been carried out by explain what causes the external forces acting along Robert Mallet, who initiated the physico-mechanical fault lines. investigation of earthquake wave propagation. He in- Recent developments in geophysics are fascinating; vestigated the earthquake phenomena of the 1857 especially research on the relationship between plate Naples Earthquake, and used such technical terms as tectonics and earthquakes. Alfred Wegener presented the “seismology,” “hypocenter,” “isoseismal,” and “wave theory of continental drift (Wegener, 1915). He pro- path” in his report (Mallet, 1862). vided extensive supporting evidence for his theory such The measurement of earthquake ground vibrations as geological formations, fossils, animals and climatol- must have been a challenge for scientists. Chan Heng, in ogy. He claimed that a single mass, called Pangaea, 132 A.D. in China, developed an instrument to detect drifted and split to form the current continents. Wegener, earthquakes and point out the direction of the epicenter. however, had no convincing mechanism to explain the Mallet also invented an instrument to record the inten- continental drift. Exploration data regarding the earth's sity of ground motion by measuring the direction and crust, notably the ocean floor, increased in the 1950s; distance of a particle moved by the motion. Many at- e.g., American physicists M. Ewing and B. Heezen dis- tempts were made to develop (seismo- covered the great global rift (the Mid-Ocean Ridge in graphs) that could record ground movement during the Atlantic Ocean). On the basis of such exploration earthquakes. Luigi Palmieri developed an electromag- data, H. Hess, professor of Geology at Princeton Uni- netic seismograph in 1855. One was installed near versity, proposed the theory of sea-floor spreading in Mount Vesuvius, and another one at the University of 1960, which provided a mechanism to support Naples. The Ministry of the Interior of Japan adopted Wegener’s continental drift. Plate tectonics can describe Palmieri-type seismometers in 1875. the accumulation of strains at the boundaries of adjacent The first seismological society in the world, the Seis- plates or within a plate due to plate movements at the mological Society of Japan, was founded in 1880 when earth's surface, which cause earthquakes. European and U.S. engineering professors, invited to the Major earthquakes occur along the boundary of mov- College of Engineering in Tokyo, were interested in the ing tectonic plates when the strain energy, accumulated 1880 earthquake (M5.5), which caused mi- by the resistance against inter-plate movement, is sud- nor damage to buildings, but collapsed a chimney. John denly released. This type of inter-plate earthquakes oc- Milne, professor of Geology and Mining at the Engi- curs repeatedly at a relatively short interval of 50 to 200 neering College, was the leader in scientific and engi- years. Seismically blank regions, where seismic activity neering research. Milne, together with J. A. Ewing and T. is quiet for some time along the tectonic plate boundary, Gray, developed a modern three-directional seismome- are identified as the location of future earthquake oc- ter in 1881. Important research findings were published currences. However, it is not possible at this stage to in the transactions. For example, Milne introduced Mal- accurately predict the time, location and magnitude of let’s work on seismology and Ewing noted the differ- earthquake occurrences. ence between primary and secondary waves in the re- Another type of earthquakes occurs within a tectonic corded ground motion. plate when the stress accumulated within a plate by the The was renamed as the Imperial pressure of peripheral plate movements, exceeds the University in 1886. Kiyokage Sekiya, who worked resisting capacity of the rock layers at the fault. The closely with Ewing and Milne, became the first profes- epicenter is relatively shallow within 30 km from the sor of seismology chair at the Faculty of Science. earth surface. The fault in a plate remains as a weak spot Fusakichi Omori who succeeded him in 1897, was ac- after an earthquake, and earthquakes occur repeatedly at tive in experimental as well as theoretical research for the same location if stress accumulates up to the failure earthquake disaster mitigation. level. The location of many active faults has been iden- The relation between fault movements and earth- tified by geologists, and is taken into consideration in quakes was pointed out by Grove K. Gilbert, a U.S. ge- developing a seismicity map for structural design. If an ologist, who reported in 1872 that earthquakes usually intra-plate earthquake occurs near a city, the disaster in centered around a fault line. Clear relative movement densely populated areas can be significant. It should be was observed across the after the noted that this type of intra-plate earthquakes occurs at a 1906 Earthquake (Ms 8.3). This earth- long interval of 1,000 to 3,000 years. Therefore, it is quake caused 700 to 800 deaths and destroyed 28,188 more difficult to accurately predict the time, location buildings. The main source of disaster was fire. Harry F. and magnitude of intra-plate earthquakes. Reid, Professor at Johns Hopkins University, presented We need to emphasize the need for disaster mitigation the “Elastic Rebound Theory” in 1908 to describe the measures in society focusing on optimum use of seis- process of an earthquake mechanism; “... external forces mology and geophysics data. must have produced an elastic strain in the region about S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 5

3. Dawn of D C It should be noted that Sir Isaac Newton, in 1687 pro- posed the law of motion in “Philosophia Naturalis Prin- cipia Mathematica”; i.e., when a force acts on a particle, mα G the resultant acceleration of the particle is directly pro- portional to the force. The equation was introduced to mg calculate the motion of stars in the universe. The law of h 2 b motion was introduced in engineering by J. R. 2 d’Alembert who proposed the so-called D’Alembert’s principle in his “Traité de Dynamique” in 1743; i.e., the A B equilibrium of forces can be discussed in a dynamic problem by introducing a fictitious inertia force, propor- Ground Acceleration α tional to the acceleration and mass of a particle but act- Fig. 1 The West’s equation. ing in the direction opposite to the acceleration. John William Strut, also known as Lord Rayleigh, in his “Theory of Sound” published in 1877, discussed the used in Japan to estimate the intensity of ground mo- vibration of a single-degree-of-freedom system with tions from the dimensions of overturned tomb stones viscous damping under harmonic excitation, longitudi- after an earthquake. nal, torsional and lateral vibration of bars, and the vibra- The 1891 Nohbi Earthquake (M 8.0) caused signifi- tion of membranes, plates and shells. Such knowledge cant damage to then modern brick and masonry struc- could not be used in earthquake engineering for many tures in Nagoya City. This is a largest-class near-field years because the ground acceleration signal of an earthquake to have occurred in Japan. 7,273 were killed earthquake was not measured and because the equation in sparsely populated areas, and 142,177 houses were of motion could not be solved for an arbitrary excitation destroyed. Milne and Burton (1891) recorded the disas- function. ter. Milne, after noting the effect of surface geology on the damage rate, pointed out that “we must construct, 3.1 Intensity of ground motion not simply to resist vertically applied stresses, but care- Early earthquake engineers and seismologists must have fully consider effects due to movements applied more or known the importance of ground acceleration to esti- less in horizontal directions.” He could not define the mate inertia forces acting on structures during an earth- intensity of lateral forces to be used in design. The quake. The seismograph, however, was not capable of Japanese Government established the Earthquake Dis- measuring ground acceleration, which was more impor- aster Prevention Investigation Council in 1892 for the tant for engineering purposes. E. S. Holden (1888), Di- promotion of research in earthquake engineering and rector of the Lick Observatory in California, reported seismology, and for implementing research findings in that “The researches of the Japanese seismologists have practice. The Seismological Society of Japan was abundantly shown that the destruction of buildings, etc., merged into this council. is proportional to the acceleration produced by the earthquake shock itself in a mass connected with the 3.2 Seismic design forces earth’s surface.” The first quantitative seismic design recommendations Indeed in Japan, efforts were made to estimate the were made after the 1908 Messina Earthquake in Italy, maximum ground acceleration during an earthquake. which killed more than 83,000 people. Housner (1984) and his student, Kiyokage Sekiya, estimated stated that "The government of Italy responded to the maximum ground acceleration amplitudes from the Messina earthquake by appointing a special committee measured seismograph (displacement) records by as- composed of nine practicing engineers and five profes- suming harmonic motions in 1884. Because the domi- sors of engineering ... M. Panetti, Professor of Applied nant frequencies in displacement and acceleration sig- Mechanics in Turin ... recommended that the first story nals were different, this method tended to underestimate be designed for a horizontal force equal to 1/12 the the maximum acceleration. Milne (1885) introduced the weight above and the second and third stories to be de- West’s equation, which was used to estimate maximum signed for 1/8 of the building weight above." The height ground acceleration α necessary to overturn a rigid of buildings was limited to three stories. The technical body of width b and height h attached on the ground background for this quantification is not clear, but it is simply using dynamic equilibrium (Fig. 1); interesting to note that design seismic forces were ini- tially defined in terms of a story shear coefficient, a b α > (1) ratio of story shear to weight above, rather than a seis- h mic coefficient, a ratio of the horizontal force of a floor to the weight of the floor. where acceleration α is expressed as the ratio to Riki (Toshikata) Sano (1916) proposed the use of gravitational acceleration. This method was extensively seismic coefficients in earthquake resistant building 6 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 design. He assumed a building to be rigid and directly frame buildings was further extended by K. Muto at the connected to the ground surface, and suggested a seis- Imperial University of Tokyo (Architectural Institute of mic coefficient equal to the maximum ground accelera- Japan, 1933). Lateral stiffness of columns was theoreti- tion normalized to gravity acceleration G. Although he cally evaluated taking into account (a) flexural stiffness noted that lateral acceleration response might be ampli- of the column, (b) stiffness of adjacent girders immedi- fied from the ground acceleration with lateral deforma- ately above and below the column, and (c) support con- tion of the structure, he ignored the effect in determin- ditions at the column base. Story shear was distributed ing the seismic coefficient. He estimated the maximum to each column in accordance with its lateral stiffness. ground acceleration in the Honjo and Fukagawa areas The moment distribution of the column was determined on alluvial soft soil in Tokyo to be 0.30 G and above on by the column shear and the height of inflection point, the basis of the damage to houses in the 1855 Ansei-Edo which was evaluated taking into account (a) the relative (Tokyo) Earthquake, and that in the Yamanote area on location of story, (b) the stiffness of adjacent girders diluvial hard soil to be 0.15 G. Sano also discussed immediately above and below the column, (c) changes earthquake damage to brick masonry, steel, reinforced in the stiffness of the adjacent girders, and (d) the dif- concrete and timber houses and buildings and proposed ference in inter-story height immediately above and methods to improve the earthquake resistance of such below the column. The sum of column end moments at structures. a joint was distributed to girder ends in proportion to the girder stiffness. Various factors were prepared in table 3.3 Structural analysis methods format for practical use. Building structures are highly statically indeterminate. The use of digital computers for the analysis of stati- Actions and stresses in a building must be calculated cally indeterminate structures began in the mid-1960s. before seismic forces can be utilized in design. Funda- The enhanced memory, the increased speed of computa- mental studies of structures were developed in the mid- tions and input-output processes, and the efficient use of dle of the nineteenth century. J. C. Maxwell in 1864 and graphics made it possible to use digital computers in O. Mohr in 1874 separately developed the unit load routine structural design practices. The finite element method to determine the deflection of elastic trusses and method for the analysis of continuum structures was the flexibility method to determine redundant forces in made possible in the early 1960s. statically indeterminate trusses. L. M. H. Navier was the first to use the stiffness method of analysis in the prob- 3.4 Seismic design in Urban Building Law of lem of two-degree-of-kinematic indeterminacy in 1826. Japan The well-known Castigliano’s theorems were presented The first Japanese building code, the Urban Building in 1879. Law, was promulgated in 1919 to regulate buildings and The application of the stiffness method and the slope city planning in six major cities. Structural design was deflection method to plane frames originated with A. specified in Building Law Enforcement Regulations; i.e., Bendixen in 1914, and was also used by W. Wilson and quality of materials, allowable stresses of materials, G. A. Maney in 1915. A set of linear equations had to be connections, reinforcement detailing, dead and live solved before the moment distribution could be deter- loads, and method of calculating stresses were specified, mined. The practical method of structural analysis was but earthquake and wind forces were not. Allowable introduced later; the moment-distribution method was (working) stress design, whereby the safety factor for presented by Hardy Cross (1930). uncertainties was considered in the ratio of the strength Tachu (Tanaka) Naito at Waseda University intro- to the allowable stress of the material, was in common duced the slope-deflection method in Japan in 1922. He use at this time in the world. was interested in developing a simple procedure for The 1923 Kanto (Tokyo) earthquake (M 7.9) caused practical use. Naito (1924) analyzed a series of rectan- significant damage in the Tokyo and Yokohama areas, gular frames under horizontal forces to study the lateral killing more than 140,000, damaging more than 250,000 stiffness of columns and the height of inflection points. houses, and burning more than 450,000 houses. More He proposed lateral force distribution ratios (D-value) than 90 percent of the loss in lives and buildings was for interior (1.0) and exterior (0.5) columns, and for caused by fire. The damage to reinforced concrete flexible frames (1.0) and shear walls (8 to 20) and the buildings was relatively low although no seismic design height of inflection points in columns to determine the regulations were enforced before the earthquake. The bending moment from the known shear. Another impor- damage was observed in reinforced concrete buildings tant contribution of Naito was the introduction of rein- provided with (a) brick partition walls, (b) little shear forced concrete shear walls in the Industrial Bank of walls, or constructed with (c) poor reinforcement de- Japan Building (an 8-story steel reinforced concrete tailing, (d) short lap splice length, (e) poor building completed in 1923) as earthquake resisting beam-column connections, (f) poor construction, or de- elements. The effectiveness of structural walls was signed with (g) irregular configuration, and (h) poor demonstrated in the 1923 Kanto Earthquake. foundation. Naito’s D-value method of structural calculation for The Building Law Enforcement Regulations were re- S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 7 vised in 1924 to require seismic design using seismic earthquake resistant building design without knowing coefficients of 0.10 for the first time in the world. From the probable intensity and characteristics of design the incomplete measurement of ground displacement at earthquake motions. the University of Tokyo, the maximum ground accelera- tion was estimated to be 0.3 G. The allowable stress in 4. Accelerograph and response spectrum design was one-third to one-half of the material strength in the design regulations. Therefore, the design seismic The Earthquake Research Institute was established at coefficient 0.1 was determined by dividing the esti- the University of Tokyo in 1925, taking over the func- mated maximum ground acceleration of 0.3 G by the tions of the Earthquake Disaster Prevention Investiga- safety factor of 3 of allowable stresses. tion Council. Many new efforts were made to under- stand earthquake phenomena and also to develop tech- 3.5 Seismic design in U.S. Uniform Building nology to reduce earthquake disasters. M. Ishimoto de- Code veloped an accelerograph in 1931; accelerograph re- The first edition of the Uniform Building Code in 1927, cords were used to study the dominant period of ground a model code in the United States published by the Pa- motion at different sites, but not for structure response cific Coast Building Officials Conference, adopted the calculation. seismic coefficient method for structural design in seis- K. Suyehiro, first director of the Earthquake Research mic regions based on the experience from the 1925 Institute, was invited by the American Society of Civil Santa Barbara, California, earthquake. The seismic co- Engineers to give a series of lectures on engineering efficient was varied for soil conditions between 0.075 seismology at U.S. universities in 1931 (Suyehiro 1932). and 0.10; although buildings on soft soil were known to He pointed out the lack of information about earthquake suffer larger damage, this was the first time for a build- ground acceleration and emphasized the importance of ing code to recognize the amplification of ground mo- developing accelerographs for engineering purposes. tion by soft soil. At the U.S. Seismological Field Survey (later known After the 1933 Long Beach, California, earthquake, as the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey), established in seismic design using a seismic coefficient of 0.02 was 1932, F. Wenner and H. E. McComb worked on the de- made mandatory in California by the Riley Act, and velopment of the first strong motion accelerograph higher seismic safety, using a seismic coefficient of 0.10, (Montana model) in the same year. An accelerograph at was made mandatory for school buildings by the Field Mt. Vernon station measured the motion during the 1933 Act. Long Beach, California, earthquake, but the amplitude The 1935 Uniform Building Code adopted variations exceeded the capacity of the instrument. in design seismic forces in three seismic zones, recog- Acceleration records of strong earthquake motions nizing different levels in seismic risk from one region to were recorded during the 1935 Helena, Montana, earth- another. quake and the 1938 Ferndale, California, earthquake with peak amplitudes of 0.16 to 0.18 G, respectively. 3.6 Seismic design in Building Standard Law of The well-known El Centro records were obtained during Japan the 1940 Imperial Valley earthquake. The El Centro The Building Standard Law, applicable to all buildings records have been studied extensively and considered as throughout Japan, was proclaimed in 1950. Technical standard acceleration records for a long time. An earth- issues were outlined in the Building Standard Law En- quake acceleration signal is not harmonic, but is quite forcement Order (Cabinet Order). Horizontal earthquake random in nature, containing high-frequency compo- force Fi at floor level i was calculated as nents. Thus acceleration signals differ greatly from dis- placement signals in terms of frequency content. Fii= ZGKW (2) M. A. Biot (1933) from the California Institute of Technology suggested in 1933 that earthquake response where Z : seismic zone factor (0.8 to 1.0), G : amplitude of simple systems to transient impulses soil-structure factor (0.6 to 1.0), K : seismic coefficient should vary with their natural periods, and introduced (0.20 to height of 16 m and below, increased by 0.01 for the concept of a response spectrum. He suggested the every 4.0 m above), and W : weight of story i includ- i use of an electric analyzer. Biot (1941), who later went ing live load for earthquake inertia part. Soil-structure to Colombia University, developed a mechanical ana- factor G was varied for soil conditions and for con- lyzer (torsional pendulum) to calculate the response of struction materials; e.g., for reinforced concrete con- linearly elastic systems to an arbitrary exciting function; struction, the coefficient was 0.8 on rock or stiff soil, the 1935 Helena, Montana, earthquake and the 1938 0.9 on intermediate soil, and 1.0 on soft soil. The seis- Ferndale, California earthquake records were used to mic zone factor was based on the seismic hazard map develop the first earthquake response spectra. No prepared by H. Kawasumi from the Earthquake Re- damping was used in the calculation. He proposed that search Institute at the University of Tokyo and pub- the undamped response spectrum peaked at 0.2 s with a lished in 1946. maximum amplitude of 1.0 G, and decayed inversely At this stage, researchers and engineers discussed 8 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 proportional to the period of systems. He pointed out 5.1 Newmark’s design criteria that the response amplitudes could be reduced by the Veletsos and Newmark (1960) reported the relation be- effect of hysteresis of a structure in an inelastic range or tween the maximum response of linearly elastic and damping associated with the radiation of kinetic energy elasto-plastic simple systems under earthquake ground to the foundation (K. Sezawa and K. Kanai, 1938). motions; i.e., for the linearly elastic and elasto-plastic Biot’s finding that the earthquake force decreased systems having the same initial period, the strain energy with the fundamental period was first recognized in the stored at the maximum response was comparable in a City of Los Angeles Building Code in 1943; i.e., the short period range and the maximum response dis- design seismic coefficient Ci at floor i was defined as placement amplitudes were comparable in a long period range. On the basis of their observations, Newmark 0.60 C = (3) proposed that an elastic-plastic single-degree-of-freedom i N + 4.5 (SDF) system having ductility capacity µ (ultimate deformation divided by the yield deformation) should where N: the number of stories above the story under be provided with minimum base shear coefficient Cy consideration. The maximum number of stories was to resist a ground motion that produced elastic response limited to 13. The requirement also indicated the in- base shear coefficient C ; crease of seismic coefficients with the height from the e ground reflecting the deflected shape under dynamic Ce Cy = for short period systems (6) excitation. The 1949 edition of UBC specified similar 21µ − design seismic forces as follows: C C = e for long period systems (7) 0.15 y µ Fii= ZW (4) Ni + 4.5 The elastic base shear coefficient can be found from where, N : number of stories above, Z: seismic zone the linearly elastic response spectra of an earthquake factor, and Wi: dead and live loads at level i. motion; the plot of maximum response amplitudes with The joint committee of the San Francisco section of respect to the elastic period of systems for different the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Struc- damping factors. A structure could be designed for tural Engineers Association of smaller resistance if the structure could deform much recommended a model code in which the design seismic beyond the yielding point. “Ductility” became an im- coefficients were determined inversely proportional to portant word in seismic design and a large emphasis was the estimated fundamental period of the structure (Joint placed on developing structural detailing to enhance Committee, 1951) and the lateral force was distributed deformation capability. linearly from the base to the top. The base shear V was Newmark’s design rules opened a new direction in defined by the following equation: seismic design by providing a means to define the lat- eral resistance required for survival of a structure. For VCW= the precise application of Newmark’s rules, plastic 0.015 (5) hinges in a multi-story building must simultaneous yield CC=≤≤0.02 0.06 T to form a plastic mechanism. Due care must be exer- cised for the concentration of plastic deformation at where C : base shear coefficient, W : sum of dead and limited localities where early yielding develops during live load, and T : natural period of a building evaluated earthquakes. by a simple expression. Blume, Newmark and Corning (1961) wrote a “clas- The period effect on the amplitude of seismic design sic” design manual for multistory reinforced concrete forces was not considered in Japan until 1981. buildings, published by the Portland Cement Associa- tion. The manual was the state of the art in earthquake 5. System ductility engineering and earthquake resistance for reinforced concrete buildings. The design was based on the 1959 With the development of digital computers in the late SEAOC recommendations in terms of design earth- 1950s and with the accumulation of strong motion re- quake forces, but the design of reinforced concrete was cords, it became possible to calculate linearly elastic as based on the allowable stress procedure of the 1956 well as nonlinear response of simple structural systems American Concrete Institute Building Code; the ulti- under strong earthquake motions. N. M. Newmark made mate strength design procedure was treated as alterna- a significant contribution to earthquake engineering and tive method in the code. It should be noted that the structural mechanics by developing in 1959 a numerical manual discussed the advantage of weak-beam procedure to solve the equation of motion on digital strong-column systems. Evaluation of strength, ductility computers (Newmark, 1959). This method is exten- and energy absorption of reinforced concrete members sively used in current response analysis programs. was discussed, elaborating on such issues as the mo- ment-curvature relation of sections to failure, the effect S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 9 of compressive longitudinal reinforcement and confin- of any other more rigid elements was capable of resist- ing reinforcement on deformation capacity, the interac- ing 100% of the total required lateral forces in the frame tion of ultimate moment and axial force, and the effect alone, and 1.0 for all other building frame systems. of reversed loading. Good reinforcement details were The commentary of the 1967 SEAOC code explicitly suggested to improve ductility and energy absorption. stated that “... structures designed in conformance with Studies on earthquake response of structural systems the provisions and principles set forth therein should be slowed down in Japan during and after the Second able to: World War. As economic conditions stabilized and im- 1. Resist minor earthquakes without damage; proved during and after the Korean War (1950-1953), 2. Resist moderate earthquakes without structural some research funds were made available to research damage, but with some nonstructural damage; communities. The Strong Motion Accelerograph Com- 3. Resist major earthquakes, of the intensity of sever- mittee (SMAC) was formed in 1951 and developed a ity of the strongest experienced in California, series of SMAC-type seismometers that were installed without collapse, but with some structural as well throughout the country. The Strong Earthquake Re- as nonstructural damage.” sponse Analysis Computer (SERAC) was built at the This concept has been generally accepted by re- University of Tokyo (Strong Earthquake Response searchers and engineers in the world. Analysis Committee, 1962) under the leadership of K. Figure 2 shows schematically the expected perform- Muto. This was an electric analog computer capable of ance of a building under earthquake motions. The level calculating the elasto-plastic response of up to a of minimum lateral resistance should be determined (a) five-mass spring system. This analog computer was to control the serviceability of buildings from minor but replaced as the result of the development of digital more frequent earthquake motions and (b) to protect the computers approximately five years later, but produced occupants’ life by limiting nonlinear deformation from useful information about the nonlinear earthquake re- very rare but maximum probable earthquake motions. sponse of multi-degree-of-freedom systems, data that Architectural elements, such as non-structural curtain would be of benefit for the construction of high-rise walls, partitions and mechanical facilities, must be pro- buildings in an earthquake prone country such as Japan. tected for the continued use of a building after more The reduction of design seismic forces relying on duc- frequent earthquakes. It should be noted that the struc- tility was not considered in Japan until 1981. ture of higher resistance suffers no damage from infre- quent earthquakes while the structure of low resistance 5.2 Nonlinear effect in SEAOC Code suffers some structural damage and associated non- The Seismological Committee of the Structural Engi- structural damage, which must be repaired before use is neers Association of California (SEAOC) published a resumed. seismic design model code in 1957, which was formally The 1966 SEAOC code implicitly assigns expected adopted in 1959 (Seismological Committee, 1959). The ductility of a building according to its framing system, code represented the state of the art in earthquake engi- and much larger variation was adopted in horizontal neering at the time. The minimum design base shear V force factor K. More strict structural detailing require- for buildings was expressed as ments were specified for framing systems using a small horizontal force factor. V= KCW (8) where horizontal force factor K: the type of structural systems, and W: the weight of a building. Seismic coef- ficient C is inversely proportional to the cubic root of C Brittle but strong structure fundamental period T of structures, but is limited to 0.10; A: Response from frequent motions 0.05 C = (9) Resistance B: Response from infrequent motions 3 T C: Response from very rare motions The code recognized different performance of struc- B tural systems during an earthquake. Horizontal force B C factor K was 1.33 for buildings with a box system, and 0.80 for buildings with a complete horizontal bracing Ductile building system capable of resisting all lateral forces. The latter A system included a moment resisting space frame which, when assumed to act independently, was capable of re- sisting a minimum of 25% of the total required lateral Deformation force. K was 0.67 for buildings with a moment resisting Deformation space frame which when assumed to act independently Fig. 2 Performance objectives of building. 10 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004

5.3 Allowable stress design to ultimate strength 6.1 Nonlinear earthquake response analysis of design buildings The limitation of allowable stress design procedure With an accumulation of experimental data in the labo- based on single material safety factor was gradually ratory, more realistic resistance-deformation relations, noted; for example, (a) the attainment of material commonly known as hysteresis models, were formu- strength at a locality did not lead to the failure of the lated for structural members; e.g., Clough model structural member, (b) the safety margin at failure after (Clough and Johnston 1966) and Takeda model (Takeda stresses in section reached the allowable stress varied et al. 1970). Mathematical models to represent the with the amount of reinforcement, (c) even after the damage distribution of a member were studied. Methods attainment of member strength, some members could to calculate the nonlinear earthquake response of struc- continue to support the applied load with plastic defor- tures were developed by Clough et al. (1965) and Gib- mation, (d) acceptable damage levels might vary with erson (1967). Giberson’s one-component model, in the importance of members and with the different un- which all inelastic deformation was assumed to concen- certainties of loading conditions; e.g., dead and live trate at the member ends, is commonly used in earth- loads. quake response analysis. General-purpose computer The Japan Architectural Standard, which was issued software was developed by many researchers; e.g. in 1947, proposed two levels of allowable stresses for DRAIN 2D program by Powell in 1973. the structural calculation; i.e., one for permanent load- The first U.S. shake table was installed in 1967 at the ing and the other for extraordinary loading. Much larger University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and later at allowable stresses were specified for extraordinary the University of California at Berkeley. Takeda et al. loading with a corresponding increase in the amplitude (1970) tested reinforced concrete columns on the Illi- of design forces. Similar efforts were made in Europe nois earthquake simulator and demonstrated that the during the Second World War. nonlinear response of reinforced concrete columns un- The ultimate strength of reinforced concrete members der earthquake excitation could be reliably simulated if was extensively studied in the 1950s and 1960s. Flex- a realistic force-deformation relation was used in the ural strength of reinforced concrete members with and analysis. Otani and Sozen (1973) tested three-story without axial loads could be estimated with reasonable one-bay reinforced concrete frames and showed that the confidence. Some brittle modes of failure were identi- response of such frames could be simulated with the use fied and such modes were to be avoided in design either of reliable member hysteresis and damage distribution by using higher design forces or by using low capacity models. reduction factor. Statistical variation of material It is technically difficult to test structural members strengths in practice and amplitudes of loads, reliability under dynamic conditions in a laboratory. The speed of of strength evaluations, consequence of member failure loading is known to influence the stiffness and strength were considered in the load-factor and capac- of various materials. Mahin and Bertero (1972) reported ity-reduction factor format. The American Concrete the findings of dynamic test of reinforced concrete Institute (1956 and 1963) adopted the ultimate strength members as follows: (a) high strain rates increased the design procedure as an alternative procedure to the initial yield resistance, but caused small differences in on-going allowable stress design in 1956, and then either stiffness or resistance in subsequent cycles at the shifted from the allowable stress design to the ultimate same displacement amplitudes; (b) strain rate effect on strength design in 1963. The Euro-International Con- resistance diminished with increased deformation in a crete Committee (1964), founded in 1953, treated the strain-hardening range; and (c) no substantial changes design problems in a more rigorous probabilistic man- were observed in ductility and overall energy absorption ner and recommended limit states design on the basis of capacity. Therefore, the strain rate effect was judged to the ultimate strength of members. be small in the case of earthquake response. A full-scale seven-story reinforced concrete building 6. Nonlinear response analysis of with a structural wall was tested using the com- buildings puter-online pseudo-dynamic testing method at the Building Research Institute of the Ministry of Construc- With knowledge to estimate ultimate strength of rein- tion in 1980, as part of U.S.-Japan cooperative research forced concrete members, the behavior under load re- utilizing large testing facilities. Member and versals was investigated. The response of reinforced sub-assemblage specimens were tested before the concrete sections under alternating moment was calcu- full-scale specimen. When all the information concern- lated by Aoyama (1964); the effect of longitudinal rein- ing members and full-scale test results was carefully forcement on hysteretic behavior was demonstrated. The examined in formulating a mathematical model, the response analysis of reinforced concrete under load re- calculated overall structural as well as member response versals is difficult because the force-deformation rela- was shown to agree well with the response observed tion varies with the loading history and because the using the state of the art at the time (Otani, et al. 1985). damage spreads along the member. S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 11

6.2 Seismic design in ATC-03 modification factor. Soil-structure interaction must be When the review work of the 1959 SEOC was initiated considered in determining design earthquake forces and in 1970, the 1971 San Fernando, California, Earthquake corresponding displacement of the building. hit suburban areas of Los Angeles, causing significant The concept of ATC03 was further extended and damage to hospital buildings. It was recognized that the adopted in the Uniform Building Code. potential of major earthquake damage increases with the increase in population and urban densities. The Applied 7. New seismic design concepts Technology Council (ATC) initiated a project to develop tentative but comprehensive seismic design provisions Ultimate strength design refers to the ultimate strength in 1974 under research contracts with the National Sci- of structural members, but does not represent the ulti- ence Foundation and National Bureau of Standards in mate strength of a structural system. The attainment of the U.S. The first comprehensive seismic design docu- ultimate strength in a few members will not lead to the ment was drafted in 1976 based on modern earthquake collapse of the structure. Design concept, based on more engineering principles (Applied Technology Council, explicit formation of a collapse mechanism as the 1978). Many new concepts were introduced; e.g., (a) strength of a structural system, emerged in the more realistic ground motion intensities, (b) effect of mid-1970s. Although inelastic response of structural distant earthquakes on long-period buildings, (c) re- members is assumed in design, the inelastic deformation sponse reduction factors according to toughness and of the members is not realistically estimated in struc- damping in inelastic range, (d) introduction of seismic tural analysis. Recent design procedures in the world hazard exposure groups, and (e) seismic performance consider inelastic response of structural members ex- categories. plicitly. Ground intensities and seismic indices were defined by the peak ground acceleration and the effective peak 7.1 Capacity design velocity-related acceleration at the construction site. An integrated design procedure called Capacity Design Three seismic hazard exposure groups were defined. was developed for reinforced concrete buildings in New Group III buildings having essential facilities that are Zealand under the leadership of T. Paulay (Paulay, necessary for post-earthquake recovery, should have the 1970). The capacity design philosophy is a general de- capacity to function during and immediately after an sign concept to realize the formation of an intended earthquake. Group II buildings have a large number of yield mechanism. occupants or occupants of restricted mobility. Group I buildings are all other buildings not belonging to Group (1) Required resistance III or Group II. Allowable story drift was specified for The required level of horizontal force resistance should the seismic hazard exposure group to control the dam- be determined taking into consideration, (a) characteris- age level (allowable drift ratio is 0.01 for group III, and tics of the maximum intensity ground motion expected 0.015 for Groups II and I). at the construction site, and (b) acceptable deformation A seismic performance category was assigned to each at expected yield hinge regions of a structure. building. The analysis procedure, design and detailing requirements were specified for the seismic perform- (2) Desired yield mechanism ance category. Equivalent lateral force procedure and The weak-beam strong-column mechanism has been modal analysis procedure were outlined in the document. preferred by many structural engineers; i.e., a mo- The design base shear V of a building in the equivalent ment-resisting frame develops yield hinges at the end of lateral force procedure was defined as girders and at the base of first-story columns and struc- tural walls to form collapse mechanism (Fig. 3). The 1.2 A S VW= v (10) earthquake input energy can be quickly dissipated by fat RT2/3 and stable hysteresis of flexural yielding beams. For a given displacement of a structure, the ductility demand where W : total gravity load of the building, AV : effec- at yield hinges in the weak-beam strong-column struc- tive peak velocity-related acceleration, S : soil profile ture is minimum because plastic deformations are uni- coefficient (1.0 for hard soil, 1.2 for intermediate soil, formly distributed throughout the structure. It is also and 1.5 for soft soil), R : response modification factor true that the deformation capacity is reasonably large in (4.5 for reinforced concrete bearing wall system, 5.5 for girder members where no axial force acts; on the other building frame system with reinforced concrete shear hand, the formation of a plastic hinge at the base of the walls, 7.0 for reinforced concrete moment resisting first story column is not desirable because large defor- frame system, and 8.0 for dual system with reinforced mation capacity is hard to develop at the locality due to concrete shear walls), and T : fundamental period of the the existence of high axial load. Some extra moment building. The deflection of a building was first calcu- resistance should be provided at the base of the first lated as elastic deformation under the design seismic story columns to delay the yield hinge formation. Local forces, and was then multiplied by the amplification story mechanism as shown in Fig. 3 should be avoided, factor, which was slightly smaller than the response 12 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004

∆max ∆max


θ θmax max

Weak-beam strong-column mechanism Local story mechanism Fig. 3 Weak-beam strong-column mechanism. but minor yielding of some columns in a story should be the bending resistance of a girder with deformation; i.e., tolerated as long as the column can support the gravity the width of slabs effective to the flexural resistance of a load. yielding girder becomes wider with a widening of flex- ural cracks at the critical section; (3) Resistance at yield hinges (d) Bi-directional earthquake motion develops higher A nonlinear analysis (commonly known as push-over actions in vertical members than uni-directional earth- analysis) under monotonically increasing lateral forces quake motion normally assumed in a structural design; is carried out until the planned yield mechanism (nor- and mally the weak-beam strong-column yield mechanism) (e) Actual amount of reinforcement may be increased develops the acceptable damage at critical regions. The from the required amount for construction reasons. lateral force distribution is taken similar to the first The level of additional resistance must be determined mode shape. The contribution of higher modes should in the development of design requirements using a se- be considered, especially in the displacement response ries of nonlinear response analyses of typical buildings of high-rise buildings, in selecting the distribution pat- under credible earthquake motions. tern of lateral forces for high-rise buildings. The resis- tance at the yield mechanism formation should be (5) Limitation greater than the required resistance. When the survival of a structure under a severe earth- quake motion is the design objective, the weak-beam (4) Assurance of planned yield mechanism strong-column design is probably most desirable. How- In order to ensure the planned yield mechanism during ever, it should be noted that the weak-beam an earthquake, extra resistance should be provided in strong-column mechanism requires a significant number the region where yielding is not desired and against un- of localities to be repaired after an earthquake. This is desired brittle modes of failure, such as shear failure and the problem after an infrequent medium-intensity bond splitting failure along the longitudinal reinforce- earthquake; i.e., the repair of yielding and associated ment. The members and regions that are not part of the damage at many localities results in significant cost for planned yield mechanism should be protected from the continuing use. action calculated in the pushover analysis by the fol- lowing reasons: 7.2 1981 Building Standard Law Enforcement (a) Horizontal force distribution during an earthquake order can be significantly different from that assumed in the The Ministry of Construction of Japan organized an pushover analysis due to higher mode contribution; integrated technical development project entitled “De- (b) Actual material strength at the expected yield velopment of New Earthquake Resistant Design hinge can be higher than the nominal material strength (1972-1977).” The Enforcement order of the Building used in design; therefore, the actions in non-yielding Standard Law was revised in July 1980 following the members may be increased at the formation of a yield recommendations of the development project and was mechanism with enhanced resistance at each yield enforced from June 1981. The major revision points are hinge; listed below. (c) Additional contribution of slab reinforcement to (1) Design and construction of a building is made S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 13 possible up to 60 m in height; the design and construc- building. tion of buildings taller than 60 m must be approved by the Minister of Construction, (2) Serviceability requirements (2) Additional requirements were introduced in Conventional earthquake forces are the elastic design structural calculation; (a) story drift, rigidity factor and story shear using standard base shear coefficient C0 of eccentricity factor under design earthquake forces, (b) 0.20. The stress in structural members under gravity examination of story shear resisting capacity at the for- loads and the conventional earthquake forces should not mation of a collapse mechanism under lateral forces, (c) exceed the allowable stress of materials. The story drift alternative simple procedures for buildings with abun- angle under the conventional earthquake forces must be dant lateral shear resisting capacity, not more than 1/200 of the story height and the story (3) Design earthquake forces were specified (a) by drift limit can be increased to 1/120 if the damage of the story shear rather than horizontal forces, (b) as a func- structure and nonstructural elements can be controlled. tion of the fundamental period of the structure, (c) at two levels (allowable stress design and examination of (3) Strength requirements story shear resisting capacity), and (d) also for the un- Each story of a building must retain a story shear resist- derground structures, and ing capacity greater than the required story shear resist-

(4) Strength of materials was introduced for the cal- ing capacity Qun defined below: culation of ultimate member resistance in estimating QDFCW= (15) story shear resisting capacity. un s es i∑ i

where, D : structural characteristic factor, representing (1) Design elastic story shear s the ductility of hinging members of the story, F : The seismic (elastic response) story shear coefficient es structural configuration factor, representing the distribu- Ci is calculated by : tion of stiffness and mass in a story, Ci : story shear coefficient, and ∑W : total dead and live loads above CZRACitio= (11) i story i. where, Z : seismic zone factor (0.7 to 1.0 in Japan),

Rt : vibration characteristic factor, Ai : factor repre- Structural characteristic factor Ds , a reduction factor senting vertical distribution of the seismic story shear of the required strength from elastic design shear, may coefficient, C0 : basic base shear coefficient (0.2 for be defined for each story, considering the deformation conventional allowable stress design and 1.0 for the rank of hinging members at the formation of a yield examination of story shear resisting capacity). The vi- mechanism. The deformation rank is defined by (a) ratio bration characteristic factor Rt represents the shape of of shear stress to concrete strength, (b) tensile rein- design acceleration response spectrum: forcement ratio, (c) ratio of axial stress to concrete strength, and (d) shear span to depth ratio. Structural Rt =1.0 forT < Tc characteristic factors of reinforced concrete buildings

T 2 (12) vary from 0.30 for ductile structures to 0.55 for Rt =1.0−0.2{ −1} forTc ≤ T < 2Tc non-ductile structures. Tc Structural configuration factor Fes considers the dis- T R =1.6 c for2T ≤ T tribution of stiffness along the height of the structure t T c and also the eccentricity of mass center with respect to the center of rigidity in a floor. The structural configura- where, Tc : dominant period of subsoil (0.4 s for stiff tion factor is calculated as the product of factors F sand or gravel soil, 0.6 s for other soil, and 0.8 s for s and Fe representing the irregularity of stiffness distri- alluvium mainly consisting of organic or other soft soil); bution in height and eccentricity in plan, respectively, as T : natural period of the building. The natural period of given below: a reinforced concrete building may be estimated by the following simple expression: Fes= FF e s (16) TH= 0.02 (13) 7.3 Capacity spectrum method where, H : total height in m. The coefficient Ai de- The new structural design procedure was introduced in fines the distribution of design story shear along the the existing Building Standard Law Enforcement Order height of a building: in 2000 for the evaluation and verification of perform- 12T ance (response) at a given set of limit states under (a) Aii=+1( −α ) (14) gravity loads, (b) snow loads, (c) wind and (d) earth- α 13+ T i quake forces. In addition, structural specifications were prescribed for the method of structural calculation, the whereα = ∑∑WW/ , ∑W : total of dead and live loads ii1 i quality control of construction and materials, the dura- above story i, and ∑W1 : total dead and live loads of the 14 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 bility of buildings, and the performance of nonstructural 10 elements.

(1) Design limit states 8

The performance of a building is examined at the two )

limit states under two levels of design earthquake mo- m/s/s 6 tions; i.e., (a) damage-initiation limit state and (b) ( life-safety limit state. 4 The properties should be protected under normal

gravity loading and in events that may occur more than Acceleration 2 once in the lifetime of the building; i.e., the damage DampingDamping FactorFactor=0.05 = 0.05 must be prevented in structural frames, members, inte- 0 rior and exterior finishing materials in events with re- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 turn periods of 30 to 50 years. The damage-initiation 0.1 1.0 10.0 Period(s)Period (s) limit state is attained when the allowable stress of mate- rials is reached in any member or when the story drift reaches 0.5 percent of the story height at any story. The Fig. 4 Design earthquake acceleration response spec- initial elastic period is used for a structure. The allow- trum on exposed engineering bedrock for life-safety limit able stresses of concrete and reinforcement are state. two-thirds nominal compressive strength and yield stress, respectively. cation of ground motion by surface geology is evaluated For the protection of human life, no story of the using the geological data at the site and an equivalent building should collapse even under extraordinary linear multi-mass shear-spring model. The shear loading conditions, such as an event with a return period modulus reduction factors and damping factors are of several hundred years. The life-safety limit state is specified for cohesive and sandy soils at various shear attained when the structure cannot sustain the design strain levels. gravity loads in a story under additional horizontal de- formation; i.e., when a structural member has reached (3) Demand spectrum its ultimate deformation capacity. The ultimate defor- The design spectrum is transformed to “Demand Spec- mation of a member must be calculated as the sum of trum” by plotting a diagram with design spectral accel- flexure and shear deformations of the member and de- eration SThA ( , ) in the vertical axis and spectral dis- formation resulting from the deformation in the connec- placement SThD (,) in the horizontal axis (Fig. 5). tion to adjacent members. When a viscous damping of a linear system is small, the response spectral displacement is approximated by the (2) Design earthquake forces expression below:

The seismic design response acceleration spectrum 2 T STA () of free surface ground motion at a 5% damping SThDA(,)=  STh (,) (18) factor is represented as follows; 2π

STAs()=⋅ ZGTST () ⋅0 () (17) Demand spectrum for an equivalent damping ratio

heq can be obtained by reducing the spectral accelera- where Z : seismic zone factor, GTs (): amplification tion and displacement ordinates at 0.05 damping factor factor by surface geology, ST0 (): response spectral by the following factor F ; acceleration ordinate of ground motion at exposed en- h gineering bedrock, and T : period of a building ex- pressed in seconds at the damaged state. Seismic zone h factor Z evaluates the relative difference in expected intensities of ground motion. Two levels of ground mo- tion are defined; i.e., (a) Large earthquake: largest mo- tion in 500 years, and (b) Intermediate earthquake: 10th S A largest motion in 500 years. The acceleration response spectrum is specified at exposed engineering bedrock. 2

The design spectrum ST ( ) at exposed engineering Acceleration Spectral 2222Tπ o ω = () bedrock is given by Fig. 4 for the life-safety limit state: 2Tπ The design spectrum for the damage-initiation limit state is to be reduced to one-fifth of the spectrum for the SD Spectral displacement life-safety limit state. The ground motion of an earthquake is significantly Fig. 5 Formulation of demand spectrum of design earth- affected by the surface geology. The nonlinear amplifi- quake motion. S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 15

1.5 Fh = (19) Spectral Acceleration 110+ heq

The damping factor varies according to the amount of damage in constituent members in a structure. STA () Response point

(4) Capacity spectrum (,)DVRBmax max A multi-story building structure is reduced to an equiva- lent single-degree-of-freedom (SDF) system using the results of a nonlinear static analysis under con- stant-amplitude gravity loads and monotonically in- creasing horizontal forces (often called a “pushover Spectral analysis”). The deflected shape of the pushover analysis ST() D Displacement is assumed to represent the first-mode shape of oscilla- tion. Fig. 6. Capacity spectrum using spectral acceleration If a structure responds in the first mode to the ground STA () and displacement STD () motion having spectral acceleration SThA (,)11 and dis- placement SThD (,)11 at the first-mode period T1 and damping factor h1 . For the mode shape vector normal- ized to the roof-level displacement, the maximum roof (5) Equivalent damping ratio An equivalent viscous damping ratio h at a damage displacement DR1max and the maximum first-mode base eq state is defined by equating the energy dissipated by shear VB1max are calculated as follows: hysteresis of a nonlinear system and the energy dissi- DSThRD1max=Γ 1(,) 1 1 (20) pated by a viscous damper of a linearly elastic system under resonant steady-state vibration: VMSThBA1max= 1(,) 1 1 (21) 1 ∆W where M1 : effective modal mass, and Γ1 : first mode h = (26) participation factor. eq 4π W

T Mm11=Γ{1} [ ] {φ } 1 (22) where ∆W : hysteresis energy dissipated by a nonlinear system during one cycle of oscillation, and W : elastic {}φ T [m ]{1} 1 strain energy stored by a linearly elastic system at the Γ=1 T (23) {}φ 11 [m ]{}φ maximum deformation (Fig. 7). For the dam- age-initiation limit state, a constant damping ratio of where {}φ : first-mode shape vector, []m : lumped 1 0.05 is prescribed because the state of a structure re- floor mass matrix (diagonal matrix), and {1} : vector mains linearly elastic at this stage. The equivalent with unity elements. damping ratio must be effectively reduced to correlate The spectral acceleration STh(,) and displace- A 11 the maximum response of an equivalent linear system ment STh(,) required to develop maximum base D 11 and a nonlinear system under random earthquake exci- shear V and roof displacement D of a struc- B max R max tation. ture can be defined as follows: V STh(,)= B max A 11 M Equivalent linear system 1 (24) Resistance

D Maximum Response point STh(,)= R max D 11 Γ 1 (25) Nonlinear system

A structure is assumed to respond elastically to the Deformation ground motion using the secant stiffness and equivalent damping factor defined at the maximum base shear and roof displacement. For each point on the base shear-roof Strain energy W displacement relation of a structure under monotonically increasing horizontal forces, the corresponding accel- Hysteretic energy∆ W eration and displacement spectral ordinates SThA (,)11 and SThD (,11 ) can be plotted as shown in Fig. 6. The relation is called the “capacity spectrum” of the struc- Fig. 7 Equivalent viscous damping ratio for hysteresis ture. energy dissipation. 16 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004

by the vibration of floor slabs. The dominant part of Demand Spectrum at ST() structural damage is caused by horizontal inertia forces A Life Safety associated with lateral vibration of the structure. The amplitude of inertia forces is proportional to the mass of Life Safety a structural part in vibration and the response accelera- tion developed at the point. Heavy structures, such as Damage adobe houses and reinforced concrete construction, at- Initiation Capacity Spectrum tract larger inertial forces during an earthquake. Mini- mum resistance should be provided to resist horizontal and vertical inertia forces corresponding to the weight Demand Spectrum at of a structure. Damage Initiation ST() D (2) Period of vibration Acceleration is an important index in engineering. Al- though the acceleration signal of an earthquake ground Fig. 8 Demand spectra and capacity spectrum at dam- motion appears to be random, the signal contains special age initiation and life safety limit states. dominant periods of vibration, representing the charac- teristics of surface geology at the construction site. The acceleration amplitude of ground motion is generally (6) Performance judgment large in a period range less than 0.5 to 1.0 s, and it de- The performance of a structure under a given design cays with the length of periods. Therefore, the accelera- earthquake motion is examined by comparing the ca- tion response, corresponding to the inertia forces, is pacity spectrum of the structure and the demand spectra generally large for short period structures. For a given of design earthquake motions evaluated for equivalent duration of an earthquake motion, the short period damping factors at the two limit states. Spectral accel- structure is subjected to more cycles of oscillation; i.e., eration of a structure at a limit state should be higher the short period structure is generally more susceptible than the corresponding acceleration of the demand to damage unless larger resistance is provided. spectrum using the equivalent damping ratio. (3) Strength and deformation capacity 8. Lessons learned from earthquakes A structure does not always fail immediately when the action reaches the strength (maximum resisting capac- Earthquake engineering is not a pure science, but has ity) of a structure. A structure collapses when the de- been developed through the observation of failure of formation capacity is reached in vertical load carrying structures during earthquakes. The sole aim of earth- members, such as columns and walls. The location of quake engineering has been not to repeat the same mis- damage can be controlled by selecting weak regions of a takes in the event of future earthquakes. structure in design planning. A large deformation capac- This section reviews the observation of damage of ity after reaching the strength, commonly known as man-made construction, with emphasis on the damage ductility, can be built into weak structural members so to reinforced concrete buildings. Those defects found in that the collapse can be delayed even after significant existing constructions should be identified by vulner- structural damage is developed. ability assessment and retrofitted for safety in the event The brittle modes of failure should be prevented in of future earthquakes. vertical load carrying members. If the brittle modes of failure cannot be corrected in construction, then higher 8.1 Structural damage associated with system strength must be provided and also the mass of the con- faults struction should be reduced. Similar failure patterns of buildings have been repeat- The structural damage of a building with high lateral edly observed in the investigation of past earthquake resistance (stiffness and strength) is likely to be smaller damage. Design requirements have been modified or under frequent minor earthquakes than that of a building added for the protection of new construction. However, with low resistance, regardless of the deformation ca- older structures, designed and constructed using out- pacity. Therefore, a certain minimum resistance is nec- dated technology, are susceptible to the same patterns of essary for the continued operation of buildings after damage during future earthquakes. frequent earthquakes.

(1) Heavy structures (4) Progressive collapse Inertia forces in horizontal and vertical directions are When a vertical member, such as a column or a struc- developed with vibration of a structure. Vertical inertia tural wall, fails in a brittle mode, the shear carried by forces are developed by the vertical vibration of a the member must be resisted by the other vertical mem- structure caused by the vertical ground motion and also bers of the same story. The additional shear often trig- S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 17 gers brittle failure of the other members because the structural analysis although they can contribute signifi- structural members are normally designed under the cantly to the stiffness of the framing system. The exis- same specification; i.e., if a member fails in a brittle tence of these high-stiffness nonstructural elements can manner, the other members may fail in a similar mode. cause irregular stiffness distributions in plan or along Collapse of a building in a story occurs by progressive the height. brittle failure of vertical members. Nonstructural elements are commonly neglected in Failure of vertical members does not simply results in modeling and analysis in design calculations, but are the reduction of lateral resistance, but also results in loss placed for the purpose of building function, for example, of vertical load carrying capacity. The gravity load sup- partition walls. When stiff and strong nonstructural ported by the failing member must be transferred to elements are placed in contact with structural elements, adjacent vertical members. The failure of gravity load the interaction can leads to the damage in nonstructural transfer causes partial collapse around the failing verti- and structural elements. A typical example is a captive cal member. column, where deformable length is shortened by span- drels directly attached to the column. (5) Concentration of damage The concentration of structural deformation and associ- (9) Pounding of adjacent buildings ated damage to limited localities should be avoided if Pounding of adjacent buildings causes structural dam- the deformation capacity at expected damage locations age. Proper distance should be maintained between ad- is limited, especially in reinforced concrete buildings. jacent buildings. In the case of a series of buildings con- Collapse of a building is normally caused by the failure structed side-by-side in some localities, the edge build- of vertical load carrying members of a story. In order to ings are often pushed outward and suffer severe damage protect vertical members in a multi-story construction, while inner buildings are protected from excessive lat- they should be provided with higher strength than con- eral deformation. necting horizontal members so that damage should be directed to the horizontal members. (10) Deterioration with age Deterioration of structural materials due to aging and (6) Vertical irregularities aggressive environmental conditions reduces the seis- When the stiffness and associated strength are abruptly mic performance potential of a building. Prior earth- reduced in a story along the height, earthquake-induced quake damage, unless properly repaired and strength- deformations tend to concentrate at the flexible and/or ened, has the same effect. It is important either to main- weak story. The concentration of damage in a story tain the structure at regular intervals or follow rigid leads to large deformation in vertical members. The construction specifications for durability of the struc- excessive deformation in vertical members often leads ture. to the failure of these members and the collapse of the story. (11) Foundation Soft/weak first stories are especially common in The failure of foundations is caused by: (a) liquefaction multi-story residential buildings in urban areas, where and loss of bearing or tension capacity, (b) landslides, the first story often is used for open space, commercial (c) fault rupture, (d) compaction of soils, and (e) differ- facilities or garages. For example, structural walls that ential settlement. It is normally difficult to design and separate residential units in levels above may be discon- construct a safe foundation to resist ground movement tinued in the first story to meet flexible usage require- immediately above the fault rupture. Although founda- ments. The first-story columns during strong earthquake tion failures normally do not pose a life threat, the cost shaking must resist a large base shear, inevitably leading of damage investigation and repair work is extremely to large story drift concentrated in that story. high. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the possibility of foundation failure. (7) Horizontal irregularities If, for example, structural walls are placed on one side (12) Nonstructural elements of a building while the other side has open frames, the Damage of nonstructural or architectural elements, such eccentricity between the centers of mass and resistance as partitions, windows, doors and mechanical facilities, causes torsional vibration during an earthquake. Larger interrupts the use of a building. The cost of repair work damage develops in members away from the center of on a building is often governed by the replacement of resistance. The structural wall is effective reducing lat- the damaged nonstructural elements, rather than the eral deformation and resisting large horizontal forces, repair work on structural elements. Damage of non- especially when they are distributed in plan. structural elements may create a falling hazard for peo- ple in, or escaping from, the building; furthermore, (8) Contribution of nonstructural elements fallen elements may block evacuation routes in a se- Nonstructural elements, such as masonry or concrete verely damaged building. infill walls and stairways, are normally disregarded in 18 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004

8.2 Damage in structural members place at the bend and the region becomes less ductile. Failure types of members may be different for columns, The reinforcing steel capable of developing high tough- beams, walls and beam-column joints. It is important to ness and ductility before fracture must be used for lat- consider the consequence of member failure on struc- eral reinforcement. tural performance; e.g., the failure of vertical members often leads to the collapse of a building. Failure modes (3) Shear failure of flat-plate construction in flexure and shear of a member and bond failure along A flat plate floor without column capitals is popular in the longitudinal reinforcement are reviewed. some regions because it does not have girders below a slab level. The critical part of the flat slab system is the (1) Flexural compression failure of columns vertical shear transfer between the slab and a column. A reinforced concrete member subjected to axial force The shear failure at the connection leads to “the and bending moment normally fails in compression of pan-cake collapse” of the building, leaving no space concrete after the yielding of longitudinal reinforce- between the adjacent floors after the collapse. Serious ment; this failure mode is normally called flexural com- failure was observed in the 1985 Mexico City earth- pression failure. The deformation capacity of a column quake. is influenced by the level of axial force in the column and the amount of lateral reinforcement provided in the (4) Bond splitting failure region of plastic deformation. The level of axial force is The bond stresses acting on deformed bars cause ring limited in design to a relatively low level under the tension to the surrounding concrete. High flexural bond gravity condition. During an earthquake, however, exte- stresses may exist in members with steep moment gra- rior columns, especially corner ones, are subjected to dients along their lengths. If the longitudinal reinforce- varying axial force due to the overturning moment of a ment of a beam or column is not supported by closely structure; the axial force level in these columns may spaced stirrups or ties, splitting cracks may develop become extremely high in compression, leading to flex- along the longitudinal reinforcement, especially when ural compression failure. It is often difficult to distin- the strength of concrete is low, when large diameter guish shear compression failure and flexural compres- longitudinal bars with high strength are used, or when sion failure, as both failures takes place near the column the concrete cover on the deformed bars is thin. These ends and involves concrete crushing. The lateral con- splitting cracks result in loss of bond stress, limiting the fining reinforcement can delay the crushing failure of flexural and/or shear resistance at a small deformation concrete under high compressive stresses. (5) Splice failure of longitudinal reinforcement (2) Shear failure of columns Longitudinal reinforcement is spliced in various ways, The most brittle mode of member failure is shear. Shear including lap splices, mechanical splices and welded force causes tensile stress in concrete in the diagonal splices. Splices should be located in a region where ten- direction to the member axis. After the concrete cracks sile stress is low. Splices in older buildings were located under the tensile stress, the stress must be transferred to in regions of higher tensile stresses because the implica- the lateral reinforcement. Brittle shear failure occurs in tions for earthquake performance were inadequately the diagonal tension mode when the minimum amount understood. Splice failure reduces flexural resistance of of lateral reinforcement (size, spacing and strength of the member often before yielding. shear reinforcement) is not provided in the member. When the minimum amount of lateral reinforcement (6) Anchorage failure is provided in a member, the shear failure is developed The force in the longitudinal reinforcement in beams in the form of diagonal compression failure of concrete and columns must be anchored within a beam-column after the yielding of lateral reinforcement. This mode of connection or foundation. Connections of older building failure is not as brittle as the diagonal tension failure, construction may be without joint transverse reinforce- but the deformation capacity is limited. If an excessive ment, in which case the column and beam reinforcement amount of lateral reinforcement is provided, diagonal is anchored in essentially plain concrete. If the beam compression failure of concrete takes place prior to the longitudinal reinforcement is not fully anchored in a yielding of lateral reinforcement. Therefore, there is an beam-column joint, the bar may pull out from the joint; upper limit in the amount of lateral reinforcement effec- e.g., beam bottom reinforcement, in non-seismic design, tive for shear resistance. After the compressive failure is embedded a short distance into the beam-column of concrete, the vertical load carrying capacity of the joint. column is lost, leading to the collapse in the story. Because the lateral reinforcement resists tensile force (7) Beam-column joint failure under shear, the ends of rectilinear lateral reinforcement When a moment-resisting frame is designed for should be anchored in the core concrete with 135-degree weak-beam strong-column behavior, the beam-column bend, or they should be welded together. When a rein- joint may be heavily stressed after beam yielding and forcing bar is bent, permanent plastic deformation takes diagonal cracking may be formed in the connection. S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 19

Wide flexural cracks may be developed at the beam end, columns. partially attributable to the slip of beam reinforcement The Enforcement Order of the 1950 Building Stan- within the connection. Such shear cracking may reduce dard Law specified the following for reinforced con- the stiffness of a building. Failure is observed in crete construction: (a) ends of longitudinal reinforcing beam-column joints with narrow columns and also in bars should be hooked; (b) specified compressive beam-column joints without lateral reinforcement. strength of concrete should be not less than 90 kgf/cm2; (c) columns should be reinforced by at least four longi- (8) Failure of piles tudinal bars firmly fastened by tie reinforcement at in- The inertia force acting in a building must be resisted by tervals not exceeding 30 cm and 15 times the smallest the foundation structure. High bending moments com- diameter of longitudinal reinforcement; (d) minimum bined with axial forces acting at the top of a pile can dimension of a column section should be larger than cause crushing of concrete. Such damage in the founda- 1/15 the clear height; the reinforcement ratio of a col- tion structure is difficult to identify after an earthquake, umn was not less than 0.8 percent; (e) beams should be unless apparent inclination of a building is detected as a reinforced by top and bottom reinforcement; spacing of result of permanent foundation deformation. stirrups should be not more than 3/4 of the beam depth and 30 cm; and (f) thickness of a structural wall should 8.3 Quality of workmanship and materials be no less than 12 cm; the spacing of horizontal and The performance of a construction is affected by the vertical reinforcement should be 30 cm or less; an quality of work during construction. For example, the opening should be reinforced with bars of 12 mm di- material strength specified in design documents may not ameter or larger. Two levels of allowable stress were be developed during construction. The amount of rein- specified for the long-term and short-term loads. The forcement is not placed as specified in design. The end allowable stresses for long-term loading were two-thirds of lateral reinforcement is not bent by 135 degrees as the specified strength for reinforcement in tension and the building code specifies. Concrete cover to rein- one-third the specified compressive strength for con- forcement is not sufficient and the reinforcing bar is crete in compression. rusted with cracks in surface concrete. Education of Structural calculation for reinforced concrete con- construction workers and inspection of construction struction was not specified in the Building Standard work are necessary to maintain the quality of work- Law and associated regulations, but it was left for the manship. individual engineer to resolve as an engineering issue. The quality of materials also deteriorates with age. The Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) Standard pro- Proper maintenance of structures is essential. Changes vided the engineering basis. The 1947 AIJ standard re- in use and occupancy often involve structural modifica- quired that (a) if the design shear stress of concrete by tions without proper investigation into the consequence long-term or short-term loading exceeded the concrete in the event of an earthquake. allowable stress for the short-term loading, all design shear stress had to be carried by the shear reinforcement, 9. Design requirements for reinforced (b) if the design shear stress exceeded F /12 ( F : concrete in Japan specified concrete strength) under long-term loading or F /8 under short-term loading, the member section had In this part, we will review the design of reinforced to be increased. It was generally recommended that concrete members in Japan. The design requirements member dimensions should be selected large enough for were improved based on the lessons learned from past the concrete to carry most of the design shear stress and earthquakes. that the minimum amount of lateral reinforcement Enforcement Regulations of the 1919 Urban Building should be placed to ease concrete work. Law specified quality of materials, allowable stresses of The 1968 Tokachi-oki Earthquake (M 7.9) caused materials, connections, reinforcement detailing, dead significant damage to short reinforced concrete columns and live loads, and method of calculating stresses. The in school buildings. The damage raised doubts about the 1923 Kanto Earthquake (M 7.9) caused significant earthquake resistance of reinforced concrete construc- damage in reinforced concrete buildings provided with tion. The causes of the damage were summarized as (a) (a) brick partition walls, (b) little shear walls, or con- poor concrete and reinforcement work, (b) uneven set- structed with (c) poor reinforcement detailing, (d) short tlement of foundation, (c) shear strength and ductility of lap splice length, (e) poor beam-column connections, (f) columns, (d) corner columns under bi-directional re- poor construction, or designed with (g) irregular con- sponse, and (e) torsional response of buildings. The AIJ figuration, and (h) poor foundation. The Enforcement recommended that (a) shear stress level in columns be Regulations required (a) minimum splice length of 25 kept low through the use of structural walls and the use times the bar diameter for lap splice, (b) use of top and of larger sections, (b) monolithic non-structural wall be bottom reinforcement in girders, (c) minimum dimen- included in structural analysis, (c) amount of shear re- sions of 1/15 times clear height for columns, and (d) inforcement be increased and placed effectively, and (d) minimum longitudinal reinforcement ratio of 1/80 for ends of ties and hoops be bent more than 135 degrees, 20 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004

Beam Yielding

My1 h VD = (My1 + M y2 )/h My2

Beam Yielding

Fig. 9 Calculation of column design shear in 1971 AIJ RC Standard. or welded closed-shape hoops and spiral reinforcement proximately 92,800 buildings and houses, and damaging be used. Note that the shear resisting mechanism of a approximately 192,700 buildings and houses. Approxi- reinforced concrete member was not understood at the mately 90 percent of the deaths were caused by the col- time. lapse of houses and buildings. The Law Enforcement Order was revised in 1971 as The damage to reinforced concrete buildings may be an emergency measures to prevent shear failure of col- characterized by (a) collapse in a middle story in office umns; i.e., (a) diameter of hoops was set at 6 mm or buildings, (b) collapse in the first story in apartment and larger, and (b) spacing had to be 15 cm or less (10 cm or condominium buildings, (c) significant loss incurred by less within a range twice the smallest dimension of the damage of non-structural members, (d) fracture at column section above and below the face of horizontal the splice of longitudinal reinforcement by members) and 15 times or less of the diameter of the gas-pressured welding technique, (e) damage in lightly smallest longitudinal bar. reinforced beam-to-column connections, and (f) failure The AIJ revised the RC Standard in May 1971 to its of foundation and piles. present form. The allowable shear resistance of beams and columns was derived on the basis of statistical 10.1 Damage statistics of new construction analysis of experimental data on ultimate shear resis- Many reinforced concrete buildings collapsed during the tance. Design shear force VD of a column may be cal- 1995 Kobe earthquake due to brittle shear failure of culated by one of the following procedures (Fig. 9); i.e., columns. The same failure mode was observed in school (a) shear force at the simultaneous flexural yielding at buildings after the 1968 Tokachi-oki earthquake in Ja- the top and bottom of the column, (b) shear force calcu- pan. The Building Standard Law of Japan was revised in lated by assuming flexural yielding at a column end and 1971 to require close spacing of lateral reinforcement flexural yielding at the beam ends connected to the (ties) in columns. The Building Standard Law was fur- other end of the column, or (c) 1.5 times column shear ther revised in 1981 to require higher lateral resistance under the design loads and forces. Note that the shear from a building irregular in the distribution of stiffness design is based on the capacity design concept in deter- in plan or along height in addition to the examination of mining shear resistance as well as design shear force by lateral load resistance of each story at the formation of this revision. The size of hoops and stirrups should be the yielding mechanism under earthquake loading; the not smaller than 9 mm in diameter. Spacing should be required level of lateral load resistance was varied in not less than 10 cm; however, the spacing could be in- accordance with the expected deformation capacity of creased to 15 cm in a region 1.5 times the maximum yielding members. section dimension away from the column top and bot- The Architectural Institute of Japan investigated the tom ends. The spacing could be relaxed to 20 cm if lar- damage level of all buildings in Nada and Higashi-Nada ger bars were used for shear reinforcement. The mini- districts in Kobe City where the seismic intensity was mum shear reinforcement ratio was 0.2 percent. In a highest; 3,911 buildings in total were investigated column where shear force was expected to increase (Concrete Structures Committee, 1996). Seventy-five during an earthquake, the use of welded closed-shape percent were residential buildings (including those used ties and hoops was recommended. partially as offices or shops) in the area. Forty-eight percent were built in conformance with the 1981 Build- 10. Building damage in 1995 Kobe ing Standard Law. earthquake disaster The damage level was classified as operational dam- age (no damage, light damage and minor damage), The 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake, commonly heavy damage (intermediate damage and major damage), known as the Kobe Earthquake, hit a populated area of and collapse (including those already removed at the Kobe City, killing more than 5,500, collapsing ap- time of investigation). Buildings with operational dam- S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 21

2000 200

1800 180

1600 Damage level 160 Damage level Operational Operational 1400 140 Heavy Heavy 120 1200 Collapse Collapse

1000 100

800 80 Number of buildings Number Number of buildings Number 600 60 40 400 20 200 0 0 -1971 1971-81 1981- -1971 1971-81 1981- Construction age Construction age

Fig. 10 Damage of reinforced concrete buildings with Fig. 11 Damage of soft first-story buildings with construc- construction age. tion age. age could be occupied immediately after the earthquake. and 1981, and after the 1981 revision of the law. Almost Buildings with heavy damage needed some or major one half of the soft first-story buildings constructed be- repair work for occupancy to resume. fore the 1971 revision suffered severe damage or col- The ratio of buildings suffering heavy damage and lapse. Note a significant improvement in the safety of collapse decreased with construction age (Fig. 10). the soft first-story buildings with the revisions of the Among the 2,035 buildings constructed before the 1981 Building Standard Law. The ratio of heavier damage of Building Standard Law, 7.4 percent suffered heavy soft first-story buildings is much larger compared with damage and 8.3 percent collapsed. Among the 1,859 that of normal buildings. We need the improvement in buildings constructed using the current Building Stan- design of these buildings either by limiting the deforma- dard Law, 3.9 percent suffered heavy damage and 2.6 tion of the first story with the use of vibration control percent collapsed. The 1981 Building Standard Law devices or by providing first-story columns with en- enhanced significantly the performance of reinforced hanced deformation capacity. concrete buildings against earthquake attack. Ninety three and a half percent of the reinforced concrete 11. Future role of earthquake engineering buildings survived this strong earthquake motion with operational damage. During the twentieth century, earthquake engineering We may say that the reinforced concrete building de- concentrated on the development of technology to pro- signed using the state of the art and practice is reasona- tect human lives from earthquake disasters. The damage bly safe against earthquakes. Approximately 15 percent, statistics of reinforced concrete buildings in the 1995 or possibly 20 percent, of those buildings constructed Kobe earthquake disaster clearly showed the reduction before the 1981 Building Standard Law need strength- of heavy damage in buildings with the development of ening in Japan for preparation against future earthquake seismic design requirements. Six and a half percent of events. those reinforced concrete buildings designed and con- One characteristic failure of reinforced concrete structed in accordance with the state-of-the-art suffered buildings in Kobe was the collapse of soft (weak) heavy damage or collapse, but 93.5 percent of them first-story buildings. This type of failure was observed survived with just operational damage, even in the areas in many apartment and condominium buildings, where that suffered the largest ground shaking. The author residential units are separated by reinforced concrete believes that the state-of-the-art has reached a stage ca- structural walls, which effectively resist earthquake pable of protecting human lives in engineered buildings. forces without causing much deformation. The ground This statement is true only when the state-of-the-art in floor is normally used for garage or stores. Therefore, earthquake resistant technology is applied in design and no partition walls were placed in the ground floor. In construction. Those existing buildings that do not satisfy other words, the upper stories are generally strong with the state-of-the-art should be retrofitted to attain the ample structural walls whereas the ground floor is bare same level of safety. against earthquake attack. Collapse took place in the The Structural Engineers Association of California ground floor in the form of shear failure of columns. (SEAOC) published “Vision 2000 - A Framework for Figure 11 compares the damage of soft first-story Performance Based Engineering (Vision 2000 Commit- buildings with construction age; i.e., before the 1971 tee, 1995)” in 1995. Performance-based design aims to revision of the Building Standard Law, between 1971 construct a building that satisfies the planned perform- 22 S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 ance of a structure under a given set of loading condi- such damage may be reduced by providing some gap tions. Extensive research is needed to achieve this de- between the brick wall and columns. sign methodology. The response (acceleration or velocity) of a structure Safety in the event of major earthquakes is one per- must be controlled to prevent heavy furniture and formance objective. The importance of ductility has equipment from overturning on the floor or to prevent been emphasized for the survival of a building; i.e., a heavy equipment from falling off shelves; otherwise the structure should be capable of resistance after develop- contents of a building should be properly fastened to the ing plastic deformation (damage). At the same time, structure. ductility was used as a means to reduce design seismic Earthquake resistant design technology has pro- forces. The author is concerned that damage may de- gressed significantly in the last few decades. Damage velop in a structure even during frequent minor earth- investigations have demonstrated the poor performance quake motions because the structure is designed for too of older buildings designed using out-dated technology. low lateral load resistance relying on large ductility. It is The retrofitting of deficient buildings is an urgent task costly to repair structural as well as non-structural for owners, who are responsible for maintaining the damage after minor but more frequent earthquakes, and performance of their buildings to the existing code level. the building cannot be used during the repair period. A An efficient and reliable seismic assessment procedure structural engineer should advise a building owner should be employed to identify probably deficient about the possible cost of repairs and losses associated buildings. New structural walls may be added to en- with having to cease building operation during repair hance the lateral resistance of weak buildings as long as work if a building is designed with low lateral resis- the foundation has sufficient capacity to support the tance. additional weight caused by the walls. Steel bracings The damage level of structural and non-structural can be installed if the foundation defective. The ductility elements is known to be closely related to story drift of columns can be improved by steel plate jacketing or (inter-story deformation). Structural damage to a brittle carbon-fiber plastic sheet wrapping. but high resistance building is much smaller under more frequent earthquake motions than damage to a ductile 12. Summary structure. A number of damage investigations reported the effectiveness of structural walls in reducing the This paper briefly reviews the development of earth- damage in structural members as well as non-structural quake resistant design of buildings. Measurement of elements. The importance of limiting story drift during ground acceleration started in the 1930s, and response an earthquake by providing large stiffness and high lat- calculation was made possible in the 1940s. The design eral resistance should be emphasized in earthquake en- response spectra were formulated in the late 1950s to gineering. 1960s. The development of digital computers made it The non-structural elements, such as windows, parti- possible to calculate the nonlinear response of simple tions, doors and architectural facilities, are essential systems in the late 1950s. Nonlinear response was in- parts of a building's functions. Even if structural mem- troduced in seismic design in the 1960s and the capacity bers suffer no or slight damage, if partitions are broken design concept was introduced in the 1970s for collapse in a residential building, the unit may not be occupiable safety. Earthquake engineering struggled to develop until such damage is repaired or replaced. If the com- methodology to protect human lives in buildings puter facilities are damaged in the computer and infor- throughout the twentieth century. The damage statistics mation center of a company, even though the building is of reinforced concrete buildings in the 1995 Kobe dis- free of structural damage, the function of the building is aster demonstrated the improvement in building per- lost. The cost of repair and recovery work is often gov- formance resulting from the development of design erned by the replacement of the non-structural elements methodology. Buildings designed and constructed using rather than repair work on structural elements. out-dated methodology should be upgraded. The author Falling of broken non-structural elements is danger- believes that the state-of-the-art has reached a stage ca- ous for people escaping from the building, and falling or pable of protecting human lives in engineered buildings. overturned objects may block evacuation routes in a Those existing buildings that do not satisfy the building. The non-structural elements must be protected state-of-the-art should be retrofitted to attain the same from minor frequent earthquakes to reduce the financial level of safety. burden on the building owner as well as to maintain the The significance of the performance-based engineer- function of the building. Controlling inter-story drift ing should be emphasized; a building should satisfy the through the use of structural walls or structural control planned performances of a structure corresponding to a devices and improving the method to fasten given set of loading conditions. Damage control and non-structural elements to the structure may reduce maintenance of building functions after an earthquake damage to partitions. Stiff, weak and brittle brick walls, will become a major issue in the future. For this purpose, filled in a flexible moment-resisting frame, fail at an new materials, structures and construction technology early stage even during medium-intensity earthquakes; should be utilized. S. Otani / Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 2, No. 1, 3-24, 2004 23

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