A perfect union of contrary things d

Continue Sprecher: Rufus Beck 5 out of 5 Stars Sprecher: Nina West 4.5 out of 5 Stars Sprecher: Hape Kerkeling 4.5 out of 5 Stars Sprecher: Mark-Uwe Kling 4.5 out of 5 Stars Spre Simon Jaeger 4.5 out of 5 Stars Sprecher: Catherine Frelich 4.5 of 5 Stars Maynard was always very private man, who shied away from the spotlight (literally-he sings in a dark corner at the back of the stage) so the fact that he agreed to tell his life story was to me both intrigued and doubtful. The memoirs follow his life from child, to student, to soldier, to rockstar, to vintner, but I have often had the feeling that the book has come up against the limits of what he is willing to share with the public. This is not your typical rock star (auto) biography. MJK just about Maynard has always been a very private person who shied away from the spotlight (literally-he sings in a dark corner at the back of the stage), so the fact that he agreed to tell his life story to me is both intrigued and doubtful. The memoirs follow his life from child, to student, to soldier, to rockstar, to vintner, but I have often had the feeling that the book has come up against the limits of what he is willing to share with the public. This is not your typical rock star (auto) biography. MJK provides only some quotes interspersed throughout, while the bulk of it is written in the third person by Sarah Jensen, whose writing style is very fluffy and floral-at the beginning I often had to remind myself that I read as it comes across almost like a fictional story. Writing is somewhat distant and careful (as I said, I think not all that much to say about things Maynard is willing to publish), but is often worshipped, which is where the fact that Sarah Jensen is an old and close friend shines through. Another caveat: If you approach this as a fan of Maynard musician, and only want tales of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, you'll be disappointed-it's about Maynard's very introspective and sometimes struggling man, and the choices he made in the way of his life that ultimately led him, among other things, to be a member of several successful bands. It is about the things that shaped him as a man and then his art; but the tool isn't even mentioned until more than halfway, and if that's what you came in, you'll definitely be thrilled with the lack of (new) information. In the first part, we learn about his family's origins and childhood in the Midwest, his athletic accomplishments in high school, and his army service, where, given the opportunity to enroll in the Military Academy, he dropped out of art school instead. The second half of the book is more vivid and interesting, and concerns his fear of not fulfilling his potential as he dabbled in various jobs and hobbies, and finally his rise to the status of a musical legend (and Pretty rapid growth it was-Tool got a record deal after playing all four live shows) and a successful winemaker. If you don't go into expecting That Maynard's inner life and secrets are laid bare for your consumption (which if you know anything about the person you wouldn't), it will provide a pleasant insight into a life driven person with an insane amount of determination, passion, creativity, and above all, interests and talent. I learned some new things and it managed to increase my respect and understanding of his art.—————All my book reviews can be found here Buy on BookDepository... more Sarah Jensen, with . Backbeat, the $29.99 (288p) ISBN 978-1-4950-2442-9 Keenan, lead singer-songwriter for the Grammy Award-winning band Tool, calls himself a world-class multitasking in its e-mail signature, and first-time author Jensen details all the various kinana-leading musical projects side-by-side Perfect Circle and ; Caduceus Cellars owner and winemaker; The aspiring actor and comedian is in this entertaining biography, which also serves as a look at one of the most important and influential bands of the 1990s. Of course, to please many fans of the instrument, Jensen's look at Keenan's development as a personality and artist is comprehensive, embracing Keenan's Midwestern youth and his time in the military (which supported his subsequent time in art school), his life in Boston working in a pet shop, and his move to Los Angeles in the late 1980s, where, along with groups such as Fury Machine, , the instrument helped redefine the sound of metal (primary cry was the key to making his sound sincere) and carefully developed a radical stage show. Jensen perfectly describes how Keenan used the talent of the lyrics to play visual and auditory to create a provocative siestesis. And it gets Keenan to come out because of his carefully crafted persona to look back on his life and career and recognize that most of them had dumb luck and trust. You step over the edge into darkness. Bliss finds you. (November) No, no. This © 2016 By Sarah Jensen and Maynard James Keenan All Rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form without written permission, with the exception of a newspaper or magazine reviewer who would like to quote brief excerpts in connection with the review. Published in 2016 Backbeat Books Imprint Hal Leonard LLC 7777 West Bluemound Road Milwaukee, WI 53213 Trade Book Division Editing 33 Plymouth St., Montclair, N.J. 07042 Printed in Illustrations ramiro Rodriguez Book designed by Michael Kellner Ian Keenan photo from 1972 Mason County Central High School Yearbook. All school sports photos and mock election photos from 1982 County Central High School yearbook. Lines from Little, Big John Crowley, published in 1981 by Bantam Books. Used by John Crowley. Lines from Burn About Out © 1986 by Maynard James Keenan. Used by resolution. Lines from Oreste © 2000 by Billy Howerdel and Maynard James Keenan. Used by resolution. Lines from the oceans © 2011 by Maynard James Keenan. Used by resolution. Lines from Humbling River © 2010 by Maynard James Keenan. Used by resolution. The Library of Congress Cataloging in the publication of data is available on request. ISBN 978-1-4950-2442-9 www.backbeatbooks.com For Kjiirt the foreword punk Psychopomp Maynard James Keenan is a mysterious fountain of permanent creation. From his heartbreaking lyrics and extraordinary music in several bands to his startlingly delicious wine, he's a smear of our culture like no other artist. He has saddled guises and genres and makes us wonder what can fuel such an original superhuman output. Behind every extraordinary person is a crisis, overcome. Most fans of Maynard's work understand the significant impact of his mother's health and faith. From the age of 11, Maynard was destined to be different because his life at home set him apart from his peers. Both the creative artist and the shaman are the classic outsiders of traditional society; their experience of alienation, disease and mortality gives them a unique perspective, a modified condition. This allows them to see things that others can't. Native Americans have a tradition of hayoka, opposite, jester or sacred clown. Hayoka says he moves and reacts in the opposite way to the people around them. Maynard embodies both the trickster and the archetype of human medicine. Unsurprisingly, he lives in an area near Sedona where kachin, the cheat god and powerful natural forces are connected. In my art for the instrument album, the flaming central point is the throat. I saw the magic of the word empowering music and giving it a unique poetic depth and height. Maynard floats in these depths, so his songs become the soundtrack of the soul, a recognition of our united unconscious ascending forward. Once I visited his house in the Hollywood Hills and saw his amazing collection of sculptures by the outsider artist Stanislav Shukalsky. Maynard is not only an artist, but also surrounds himself with eccentric and amazing works of art. The rock star, who writes songs performed by millions of people, is a man of power. Enthusiastically elevating crowded stadiums around the world night after night is pure shamanic magic. MJK is renowned for its uncompromising artistic integrity and willingness to confront frightening themes. By luring listeners into the collective shadow, he directs us to what is and needs healing. After all, why are we going to a rock concert or a shaman? An enthusiastic leader is in contact with a higher level of creative creativity and becomes a conduit for powerful transformative energies. We go to the show to try this supreme reality, the source of all the good, the true and the beautiful. Without saying a word, we feel his love running through everything he does. Maynard's message points us to ourselves, and the lesson of his life is our artistic task: to be positively intoxicated with life, to be true to yourself, to spiral, to keep going, to continue to grow. Alex Gray co-founder, CoSM, Chapel sacred Mirrors Wappinger, New York February 2016 Prologue The houselights dim and the crowd on their feet, expectant. And when a man in a concealed Italian suit takes his microphone, they swing in time and nod to the drums and bass and join him in every word. He sings about the spirit of fire, about the taste of ashes on the tongue, about the truth on the other side of the mirror. He sings about the desert, which is not a deserted place, but a land of breath, flying, crawling, dying-living with the spirits of ancestors and unspeakable stories about children in the future. Colored spotlights sweep the house in a wash of color and players move in a balanced triad of solemnity and chaos and light laughter. Duets, solos and parodies tell the story of deception and pain repeated over millennia, and are also a reminder of the eternal human capacity for selflessness and joy. And dance is a celebration of ancient peoples, not so different, the viewer admits, from themselves. The video against the wall of the scene is their own soaring flight among the soul stars, causing them to smash weightlessness as they look down at canyons and mesas, a landscape created by flooding and wind, a place hostile and somehow welcoming, too. And their heartbeat is one with a spiral guitar and percussion and bass and keyboard and a strong, clear voice of the narrator. Tales of the group tells the prism of gone faces and lost hours, visions and tears and destruction, and the sonic river picks up speed and then cascades into arpeggio love and hope. The red sheen drifts in the floodlights. Players and spectators move like one, and together they dream of a dream. Spirito Marzo believed in alchemy. He understood how a hard day could turn weather, soil and fruit into beautiful Barolo or Barbaresco. He spent his childhood among the mountains and valleys of Piedmont, where the care of the vineyard was certainly not only. A small, cunning, funny and full of life, as his name implies, he captured the heart of Clementine Durbiano, a no-nonsense woman who wore her dark hair parted in the middle and pulled seriously from her square forehead. According to all his words, they had a happy union, reinforced by the common zest of adventures and rosy hopes for their children. In America, in their opinion, lay their condition. Anything that can happen in a place where people created light bulbs and and what they call movies. And in the spring of 1902, the liner La Bretagne sailed from Le Havre, France, with Spirito, Clementine, and their two-year-old daughter, Luigi Ernestina, on board. Their time was less perfect. Spirito imagined a future in lumbering, and they arrived in Litonia, Pennsylvania, to find most of their forests had gone to build coal mines, rail links and paper. For several years, he took what work he could at the remaining mills and logging sites until, lured by the promise of a better life in West Virginia, he gathered his family and moved to Richwood to work in a tannery there. The company's house was just big enough for a growing family, but the yard had plenty of room for tagging and pompom games, for a vegetable garden and vines trained through a wooden fence. But by the 1920s, the gemlocks that once covered the land in silver-green were almost depleted, and most of West Virginia's tanneries were closed. There was nothing for him but to pack his few things and sail-Spirito, Clementine, ten-year-old Peter, and baby Albert-for Italy. And there they made their home on a narrow street on the edge of the village, where snow-covered mountains rose in the distance and vines settled in the sun. Luigi Ernestine really discovered her condition in America. Not for her alpine Italian village. She stayed in West Virginia and took on the thoroughly modern name Louise. And she began to capture the heart of a dark-haired young man from Sparks. Herbert Van Keenan recently returned from machine-gun duty in Saint-Michael and the Battle of Mez-Argon, and his American roots are deeply ingrained. His father's ancestors were among the first Irish in the 1740s, and his mother was a descendant of Abraham LeMaistre, a French Huguenot who arrived in Maryland as a retreating carpenter in 1661. Abraham's great-grandson Benjamin served not only in the War of 1812, but also during the Revolution as a courier for General George Washington in the Valley Forge. Benjamin's brother Joseph was part of the 13th Virginia Regiment in Brandivin and Hermantown. No one could be more American than this, Louise decided, and as the owner of Akron speakeasy and with a position with the post office in the near future, Wang was confident of a wonderful future. In 1921, they married at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Webster Springs, West Virginia, and, sparingly and reassuringly, were by 1960 able to send their youngest son to Kent State University in Ohio. Mike, a star member of Kent's wrestling team, took his daily workouts through nearby Hudson, past wide lawns and neat lots, and the house where the Dover, Ohio, police chief lived. And one morning he stopped running. In the yard, quite suaving his own business, was daughter, Judith, and when Mike ran to the front walk, she smiled. He went out into the yard and they talked about his classes most likely, and her hopes of landing a job one day, perhaps the fun she had at her school drama club, her love of singing, and the tap lessons she'd splurged on. After that, Mike called the White House every morning with black shutters. She was the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood, he will remember. The child with large brown eyes and thick dark hair was born on the afternoon of April 17, 1964. They would give him a middle name Herbert, they decided, after Mike's father and older brother. His name will be James. Mike took a job teaching science at the Indian Lake High School in several cities in the west, and the family moved into a two-year-old house surrounded by flowerbeds and vegetable plots with plenty of room for Mike's side business selling the skins of animals he was trapped in and raised. Infused with trout-splashed rivers and dotted with dark forests where Jim imagined deer and rabbits could live, Indian Lake was an idyllic place to be a little boy. He raised the child's eyes to see a bald eagle hovering in his aerie on Pony Island, listened to cicadas buzzing in tall trees on the edge of the yard, patted his pet raccoon-tame as a housecat and all of him. Barely tall enough to see above the windowsill, Jim will stand by his bedroom window and watch his father plant peas and lettuce in the garden below. I remember thinking, well, if I crawl out the window, and if I can open that screen, I can get to the tree and go down to help him. I saw that what he was doing took some time. He seemed to struggle to get a shovel into the mud. I tried to stand on the ledge of the window and realized, no, I would never be able to safely get from the window ledge to this tree. I could tell the distance from the window to the tree was too far, so I came back out of the window and just watched my dad. But I was so eager to help. As idylls often do, the Indian dream lake has shifted to its dark side of the shadows. Judith eased her Volkswagen Beetle from the driveway and past the Italian cypress, which lined the front walk. She was holding her hand in the middle of Jim when she braked at the end of the road. Whether Mike's concern for the sport from his family was distancing itself, or Judith had enough possums in the bathroom and an muskrat in the basement, the rift became irreparable. Divorce papers filed, Judith packed into a VW with a few things and Jim Green Gumey erasers and his pencils, and pointed the car to Interstate 71 and Hudson. Jim twisted in his place and watched the house reced from his eyes, hoping to catch his father's last glimpse. Then he turned to his mother. He doesn't love us anymore? he asked. He was three years old. Mother and Made her home with Grandma Gridley until Judith set aside enough of her income from her work with the Western Backup Phone to rent a place of her own back-to-back farm in Tallmadge. Judith did everything she could to mask the smell of the piggery from her back. She painted every room and worked away in this house to make it home, her half-sister Pam will remember. She was like June Clever, always baking and cooking, doing her best to be the perfect parent. However, Jim will remember the house as dark and strangely empty, and the pig farmers living in the front rooms as less than the caregivers. Accused of watching him while Judith was at work, they didn't think anything about leaving him alone until they slipped into the movies. She would return any minute they calmed him down, and left the four-year-old waiting for eternity before his mother returned home. Jim slung a set of pistols and holsters around his thighs the way he saw Marshall Matt Dillon do on TV or created swirling designs with his spirograph, one by one, and not two, so. And before going to bed, Judith sat on the edge of the bed and read from Andersen and Mother Goose and his collection of Little Golden Books about puppies and kittens and three small pigs. And she told him her own stories, about her recurring dream that she was standing on one leg, stretched her fingers to the sun, got up with the wind, and flew over houses, rivers, and trees. Judith recognized Jim's artistic inclinations and brought home one day a small organ so he could experiment with chords and tempo and simple melodies. And Aunt Pam, only ten years older than Jim, became more of a sister than an aunt. I had a cheap guitar and he was very interested in it, it will explain. The first song he learned was Little Black Egg. On a sunny day, she'd climb with him in a shady cool oak tree in her parents' backyard and read it to Bartholomew and Oobleck. His pets were a cat and a canary - a combination that ended in tragedy and taught him early on the competition and survival of the fittest. He rarely saw his father, but Mike remembered him at birthdays and Christmas parties and faithfully sent Time-Life books about Native Americans or biographies of inventors and industrialists, stories of people who fought against all odds and persevered in the same way. Jim was looking forward to most of the holidays at Grandma Gridley's house when aunts and uncles and cousins gathered to share stories of Christmas past and grandma's sugar cookies. A real Christmas tree in the living room sparkled with tinsel and trinkets, and on the upper branches hung chimney-washing lollipops and paper stars. We make handmade jewelry every Christmas, Pam recalls. Each of us made one for everyone in the family. One year, Jim Macrame Santa Claus for me and my mom, and he was very young, he drew a pine tree to look like Santa. On every street, one house becomes an unspoken agreement place where kids gravitate toward hide-and-seek and tag and elaborate games to make-believe. The rambling ranch house on Hays Road was a gathering place for neighborhood boys who became friends of Jim. Enclosed by a separated railway fence, its deep front yard was big enough to play ball, and the white barn nearby was an open invitation to explore its dark mowers. The backyard stretches out into a forest full of mysteries and adventures. When Judith remarried in 1968, they moved into a spacious home in Ravenna, a blue-collar city lured from the hills of Virginia by steady wages and insurance plans offered by General Motors and goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Akron. After a day on the assembly line, they'd drive 20 miles home, smoke their way through the evening news and episode of The Sonny Sher Show or Hee Ho or Laughter-In, then climb in the morning to do it over and over again. For Jim and his friends, the house served as a base camp for endless research and invention. Isolated in a pocket between highways and interchanges and three miles from the city center, the area was far enough removed to feel to them as the world apart. The small terrace surrounding the recessed flowerbed in the side yard made a beautiful cabin for the boy sitting on the top stage, the flagpole rising from the middle of the garden, the perfect propeller. From this point of view, the fields outside enemy territory hiding untold invaders or the Arctic desert are just waiting to be in demand. Abandoned outbuildings behind the barn have become bunkers and command centers, where boys are reconstructed movies like Kelly's Heroes and the Bridge on the River Kwai, or episodes of Hogan's Heroes, Jim takes on the role of Richard Dawson. The trapdoors in the old coop were secret passages where they could hide deserters and spies, and stay away from the enemy's eyes. Released from the classroom, Kirby and John, Teddy and Billy, who lived next door, joined Jim in the barn on Friday afternoon and chose their allegiance - a German or ally or a member of the French Resistance - and formulate plans for a weekend battle. Strategies in place, they are scattered home for dinner and collected after breakfast the next morning to resume where they are staying. They dispersed across the field and into the woods, making their carefully thought-out drama. They crept through the tall meadow grass, rushing behind trees and a van in the driveway if they felt the enemy nearby. Opponents can't meet again until Sunday afternoon, when they came to crawl on their bellies from the edge of the forest to take each other by surprise. In a flurry of sharing a toy rifle and excited screams-you don't Me! I got you! - The battle ended in a matter of seconds, until everything started again next weekend. In the winter Jim moved the fight to his room, at one point he could escape his stepfather and sudden nursery with a bright orange Hot Wheels track. He created complex stories about quests and battles, skirmishes and rescues conducted by his collection of army figures and medieval knights and their horses. Through the basement floor, he built a vast landscape of castles and warehouses, each miniature mountain range and bend into the river setting for history. Modeling clay was a block of nothing. There was potential here. You can create something out of this nothing. When I played with soldiers and knights, if there was a missing element of history - a horse, a guy or a building - I would create it. My imagination can turn this amorphous block into something. Ravenna officials couldn't quite decide which school district ranch the ranch house owned, and in the first six years he lived there, Jim was assigned as many different schools as possible. Before he could make friends, Betty, the bus driver, would be taken to a new school. First grade, third grade, fourth grade - constant adaptation to new teachers, new classmates and confusion in where to find the dining room. I've always met new people. As an only child, I kind of lived in my head anyway, so I brought my friends with me, having a lot of voices in my head. Glass is a half-empty kind of this insulation. But the glass semi-complete version of independence. I was not subjected to a hierarchy that had already been established with these children who grew up together and who knew each other's flaws and shortcomings, and that they could do well. I wasn't a pigeon in the established social order. Every time I had to make an important decision, I could rely on my instincts. I could rely on three voices: my head, my heart, and my gut. No external noise can penetrate into a lasting sense of self-confidence. Jim did not aspire to be the most popular boy in the class or pet teacher or one who received the best grades. His goal was to decipher the unspoken code that other children seemed to intuitively understand. They raised their hands and waited for them to be sentenced. They formed an orderly line when they went out on the break and knew the rules of the game when they took to the softball field - all apparently not told. None of this made sense to Jim, but he went through the motions as best he could, as if he understood the plan. And sometimes he flouts the rules. One afternoon, while his second-rate classmates sat hunched over their appointment, he went to the pencil sharpener at the back of the room. Curiously, he removed it from the wall and found inside the yellow curls of wooden shavings and pieces of soft black graphite. Impulsively, he him through the upper lip and cheerfully goose step his way back to his desk. His prank led to the first of many trips to the gym to withstand the nursery from a child-prone teacher. After that, there seemed to be the slightest violation - laughing too loudly, losing his place in his book reading, tasting pasta-justified the same punishment, and he soon gave up even trying to play by the rules. Once the morning bell rang, he'd don another mustache or talk out of turn in order to get the expected flogging out of the way as soon as possible. Judith suggested that her son could benefit from the activities, both structured and enjoyable, and invited him to join the local Cub Scout squad. Perhaps swimming and building balsa-wooden planes and climbing ranks with other boys will help him develop not only social skills but a little much needed self-esteem. She took Jim to his first meeting, and he joined the pack around Formica's kitchen table. Dan's mother brought the meeting to order and set a greasy white candle in the center of the table. She lit it and informed the boys that when it burned all the way down, she would bring out the cake and cookies and Hawaiian Punch. If they misbehaved, she warned her that she would blow a candle, and they would not receive any treats that day. Those were rules that Jim could understand. He returned the following week, wanting to learn all about camping and hiking and cedar derbies. Den's mother lit a candle, and almost immediately, the other boys pressed their lips and began to blow gently to the flame, enjoying his trembling dance. Jim watched as they lean closer and puff stronger until the flame went. Young as he was, he was bewildered and appalled by their self-care. Feeling more outsider than ever, he swore that his scouting days were over, and worried whether he would ever find a place where he belonged, or recognize him when he did. Jim's grades were solid in every subject, but not exceptional. His teachers noted in their reports that he lacked attention, but the personal reserves he had completed in those years offered two areas in which he could succeed: the military and the arts. Three times a week, Jim attended services with his mother and stepfather in a series of gloomy fundamentalist churches, each of which is more devoutly smug than the latter. It was horrible to me when they started that Pam would remember. One day they came to my parents after church. Jimmy was sitting on the couch and didn't do anything, didn't even talk. It's like he's got a lobotoome. I'm like, Jimmy, what's wrong with you? What is going on? Let's go for a tree acorn. Let's read it. No problem. Terrorized as he was the threat of eternal curse, Jim was troubled by the pervasive hypocrisy he felt among the pious. He watched the ministers cry on the altar, pleading for forgiveness as they from the church church He heard them preaching purity, even as they imagined trying next week with a deacon or luring some little boy into a riza. Congregations turned a blind eye to the crimes of their pastors, believing that absolution lies in the exact reading of Bible verses about the wages of sin. They warned Jim that his flaws - his less stellar grades and classroom glitches - marked him as the main candidate for Satan's possession. Life was no easier in the playground. He tried to emulate other boys-boys who knew that sporting success was one of the few tickets from a place like Ravenna. They had mastered bats and balls and even punches and spare parts long before that, and Jim was often called when the two captains chose sides for the game. But from the third grade came Jim's first distinctive achievement. Dressed in a high red hat and black straps, the bag crossed smartly across his chest, he appeared as a tin soldier opposite classmate Kelly Callahan at the school to play Mr. Grumpy in a toy store. When Jim turned the key on Kelly's back, her porcelain doll character was brought to life to dance on Christmas Eve with Raggedy Anns and Andis and the teddy bears that made up the rest of the ensemble. A little magic occurred when he came out in the spotlight in full costume and character to play in a belief in someone else's story. Soon after, Betty, a bus driver, called Judith with the amazing news that Jim was no longer disrupting her route by burning holes in her maths book with a magnifying glass or singing too loudly along with fleetwood Mac tape in her eight-track player. Maybe he only changed because he was nine years old. Or perhaps Jim's discovery that he could channel his gift of storytelling to productive purposes left him little time for mischief. Other sixth graders chose the usual themes for their research projects at the end of the year, but Jim chose Sasquatch. His presentation included a display collected from photos he found in magazines, and he received model clay from the back of his closet and created a detailed diorama of Bigfoot lumbering through the woods. More pseudoscience than fact, his complex project - his history - nevertheless impressed the judges and earned a blue tape. At home, he gathered his knights and soldiers and cleared the basement to make way for a makeshift scene lined with cardboard boxes and stray lumber lengths. At one end, he set a portable player record and folded the built-in speakers. He rolled over Alice Cooper, Joni Mitchell, and Kiss Albums Aunt Pam introduced him, and finally slid his Jackson Five records onto the spindle. An impromptu microphone in his hand, he stood alone on a small stage, accompanying the Jacksons on ABC, and I'll be there. He gyrated his way through Dancing and sometimes when he managed to hit the hit notes, just in time, he imagined that his cabaret was real, a naked light bulb in the ceiling colored spotlight, the music continues long in the morning. Light erupted into the pulsating gate through the courtyard, and the wail of sirens echoed against the barn wall and over the field. Just inside the split rail fence, Jim stood alone, watching the ambulance crew as they leaned over a blanket figure that lay motionless on a stretcher. He looked up when Billy's father from under the door came purposefully out of the shadows and asked what the excitement was all about. My mom's going to the hospital. His curiosity satisfied, the man turned and went back to his house, his own son slept safely inside. He returned to his TV and seat, leaving Jim on the other side of the fence in sound, light and darkness. Perhaps the aneurysm was caused by high blood pressure, and perhaps it was a long time coming. Anyway, the vessel in Judith's brain swelled up to rupture. In hospital, she suffered two more haemorrhagic strokes, leaving her half-hearted, half-blind, and unable to respond when Jim tried to talk to her. You could see how she struggled to make that word, but she couldn't say it, he recalled years later. Few support groups existed in 1976 to help families care for someone in The State of Judith. Her husband and son were on their own, and the advice of their current church group was less than helpful. She was wrong with God, they told Jim. That's why she got sick. They offered no help or ear listening, and took them a good time deciding whether it was right for Judith to come to church in the pants she should wear on her incontinence pads. Judy had to wear some godawful ugly shoes because she was paralyzed and they gave her a hard time about it, too, Pam will remember. After the stroke, I took Jim to his church, and the minister gave a sermon on how our blood would run four miles wide and four miles deep if we approached and saved ourselves. So of course I took Jim and left. And I said I'd never, ever take him to church again. Although I met wonderful people in these churches, people with a solid foundation of family and unity, they were caught in dogma. This was my first brush with Fuck Your Church. I knew in my heart that the universe was not so ugly, and that no one was sitting in court. There's just shit going on, and if we all help each other, we can work through it. I knew these people were wrong. What they said had nothing to do with the fact that I had to learn in the Bible Bible a perfect union of contrary things download. a perfect union of contrary things deutsch. a perfect union of contrary things pdf free download. a perfect union of contrary things free download. a perfect union of contrary things audiobook download. a perfect union of contrary things epub download

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