The sense of smell, more than sight, hearing or even taste, is where we store our most cherished and vintage memories. Imagine walking into a restaurant and smelling that distinctive turkey aroma – it takes you back to wonderful holiday meals with your family, friends, and loved ones. Whether you’re slicing for sandwiches or serving turkey dinners, these turkey breasts are sure to bring cherished memories and a smile to the face of your customers. Thanksgiving in July!!

238025 Turkey Roast 60/40 Skin On RTC Netted 2/10# avg 20031 Perdue® No Antibiotics Ever, Ready To Cook, Boneless, Skin-On 60% Breast/40% Thigh Turkey Roast. Netted for a unique appearance. ROP

238290 Turkey Breast Roast RTC Boneless Skin On, Foil Wrapped 2/9# Avg 35008 This boneless roast is made with 2-3 whole muscle breast lobes, and covered with a defatted breast skin that provides a rich golden roasted color. Each roast is enhanced with 18% turkey broth marination to give it an authentic roasted flavor and maintain moistness. The roasts are wrapped in foil to allow the chef to add signature prior to . This turkey breast roast is ideal for center of the plate, carving stations, and premium sandwiches. Roast and serve or for improved yield, hold refrigerated to be sliced and served the next day. ROP

238295 Turkey Breast Roast RTC Boneless Skin On, Cook in Bag 2/11# Avg 35002 This boneless roast is made with 2-3 whole muscle breast lobes, and covered with a defatted breast skin that provides a rich golden roasted color. Each roast is enhanced with 32% turkey broth marination to give it an authentic roasted flavor. The roasts are packaged in a cook-in bag that captures the au jus and reduces cooking time by 1/3. Perfect for center of the plate, carving stations, and premium sandwiches. ROP

238350 Turkey Breast Skin On Cook in Bag 4/5# Avg 56060 Perdue® Harvestland® No Antibiotics Ever, Ready To Cook, Boneless, Skin On Turkey Breast Roast, Cook-In-Bag, 18% Marination. ROP

238400 Turkey Breast Roast Netted, Skin On, Ready to Cook 2/9# Avg 35019 This boneless roast is made with 2-3 whole muscle breast lobes, and covered with a defatted breast skin that provides a rich golden roasted color. Each roast is enhanced with 32% turkey broth marination to give it an authentic roasted flavor and maintain moistness over an extended hold time. The roasts are netted to provide the unique roasted visual appearance. Perfect for center of the plate, carving stations, and premium sandwiches. ROP

238405 Turkey Breast Roast Raw Skin On, Cooking Bag 2/9# Avg 35051 Perdue® No Antibiotics Ever Ready To Cook Boneless, Skin-On, 3 Piece Turkey Breast Roast, Cook In Bag, 18% Marination. ROP 238550 Turkey Breast Airline/French Breast, Ready to Cook 2/7# Avg 35064 Ready to cook boneless turkey breast with the wing drummette attached. Unique product presentation. Enjoy the flavor, texture and aroma of freshly roasted turkey, without the added labor, time, and yield loss of a whole turkey. Each roast is enhanced with 20% turkey broth marination to give it an authentic roasted flavor and maintain moistness. This turkey breast roast is ideal for center of the plate carving stations. ROP

238590 Turkey Breast Airline/French Breast , Ready to Cook 2/7# Avg 35064 ***HOT DEAL RIVIERA AND PUNTA GORDA ONLY***

Beautiful fruit, IQF, for desserts, , smoothies and so on. Let your imagination go wild!

10096905 Estate Blackberries IQF 2/5# 10096904 Estate Raspberries IQF 2/5# 10096907 Estate Whole Strawberries IQF 1/30# 10099092 Estate Blueberries IQF 2/5# TBA Estate Pineapple Chunks IQF 2/5# TBA Estate Pineapple Diced IQF 2/5#

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. It is illegal to hunt in the state of Arizona. . Count the number of cricket chirps in a 15-second period, add 37 to the total, and your result will be very close to the actual outdoor Fahrenheit temperature. . It's against the law to doze off under a hair dryer in Florida/against the law to slap an old friend on the back in Georgia/against the law to play hopscotch on a Sunday in Missouri. . Average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000. . The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight in case of war or emergency, they could be used as airstrips. . The name of the girl on the statue of liberty is Mother of Exiles.

For more information or samples, please contact your local Coast to Coast representative or call 561-635-3506. We look forward to speaking with you!