Tbe <^Morgan Jtorse <^Magazine
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TBe <^Morgan JTorse <^Magazine A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE (Nov., Feb., May, Aug.) Office of Publication SOUTH WOODSTOCK, VERMONT VOL. Ill MAY, 1944 NO. 3 MORGAN HORSE BIG FACTOR IN SADDLE ELEVEN MORGAN REMOUNT STALLIONS BREED Located in Nine States for the 1944 Breeding Season Beauty and Style of Kentucky Type Largely Due to New England Blood California Revere 7422, foaled 1924. Height 15.2: Weight 1150. BY R. T. M. MCCREADY Mansfield—Folly by Bennington. Harold E. Bradford, Susan- In New York Herald Tribune. January 10, 1926. ville. In any impartial inquiry concerning the factors that con Colorado tributed to the formation of the breed of American saddle horses Ulysses 7565, foaled 1927. Height 15.2: Weight 1175. Ben which now dominates the market and the show jing the trappy, nington—Artemisia by Ethan Allen. Leo Light, Snowmass. compact Morgan of proud carriage and indomitable courage must be accorded a place of the first importance. Justin Morgan, the Florida founder of the breed that bears his name, is one of the very great Haven 8053, foaled 1937. Height 14.3^ : Weight 1060. est figures in horse history. It is doubtful indeed whether, all in Delmont—Topaz by Mansfield. all, any other horse has had an equal part in the development of Virgil 7618, foaled 1928. Pennington—Quenelda—Trouba the horse in America. dour of Willowmoor. Dr. George Long, Winter Haven. Unequalled Progenitor Louisiana This great progenitor, who for a century and a quarter has Delmont X7936, foaled 1932. Height 15.1]^: Weight reproduced his spirit and his image as no other horse has done, 1115. Ulysses—Ladelle by Brook wood King. Forest J. Bor- is described, by writers of his day as an elegant, spirited saddle delon, Plancheville. horse, and various of his sons and more remote descendants were notable saddle horses. Foremost among these was Hale's Green Ohio Mountain Morgan (1834-1865), son of Gifford Morgan, by Hawk Jim 7689, foaled 1929. Height 15.3: Weight 1350. Woodbury Morgan, son of Justin Morgan. Usually exhibited Linsley—Lady Spar by Sparhawk. under saddle, he swept the country in 1853 and 1854, taking the South Dakota championships of the state fairs of Vermont, Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky. Writing of this model of the Morgan breed at this Swanton 7460, foaled 1925. Height 15.: Weight 1025. Ben nington—Carolyn by Ethan Woodbury. Pine Ridge Indian time, D. C. Linsley, historian of the Morgan horse, said: "Under saddle or led by a bridle rein, in style of movement, in Agency, Pine Ridge. muscular development, in spirit and action he need not fear Nebraska comparison with any horse living. There is a boldness in his Romanesque 7297, foaled 1921. Height 15.2: Weight 1200. style, a fire in his eye and an unceasing play to every muscle that Red Oak—Mariah K. by Headlight Morgan. once seen by a person having any taste for a horse will never be forgotten." Iowa Potent Blood of Morgans Bob Romanesque 7839, foaled 1933. Height 15.1: Weight Is there nothing more than a coincidence in the fact that 1150. Romanesque—Maggie Linsley. W. W. Chatterton, Wa somewhere in the back blood of so many of the greatest and most pello. enduring figures of both harness horse and saddle horse history, Kansas from Ethan Allen to Peter the Great, and from Green Mountain Morgan to Rex Peavine, there has been found the potent line Abbott 7704, foaled 1930. Monterey—Klyona by C. E. Burton, Coffeyville. from the lion-hearted Justin Morgan? Tehachapi Allan 7910, foaled 1934. Height 15.1: Weight George F. Paul, in an article in the Journal of Agriculture, 1100. Querido—Tab by Texas Allen. P. E. Hiebert, Hillsboro. has well said on this point: The Morgan imparted his strength and endurance to the trotter and he gave his courage and beauty to the saddle horse. NAPOLEON III—MORGANS IN PARIS The name of Justin Morgan must be classed with those of Mes senger and Denmark as founders of the two great American There was a time in the 1 7th century when the Morgan horse breeds of light horses. Without the prepotency of the Morgans family was our fastest breed of trotting horses, and were the the present-day show rings would lose some of their most at finest fancy driving horses in the world. During this period fine tractive performers. Morgan drivers were exported to England and also to France. A great number of the most celebrated prize winning saddle Napoleon III, then in power, had a team of fine American Mor horses have had a great deal of Morgan blood. Coleman s Eu- gan driving horses that he drove on the streets of Paris.—From Horse Lover, December 1943-January 1944, (Please tarn to page 51) CORPORAL FEHLAU COMMENTS ON A POLL is a most unusual and gentle animal. The Army has nothing like AND THE THOROUGHBRED him," or it might have been, "I wish the Army would have some like him." I don't remember exactly just which it was. Kindly change my mailing address to Ft. Bragg, N. C, in The curious crowd was then told by Doctor Johnson, of Rut stead of Ft. Jackson, S. C. land, Vt., that the brown horse which the Colonel, and his men I have perused the last issue (Feb. 1944) of the MAGAZINE were using for the demonstration was a registered Morgan stal with more interest than common, I think, because it contained lion, owned by O'Neill Bros., Monteno, 111. The horse's name more ideas and suggestions for the betterment of the time honored is Archie O 7856. When the show was over, many must have and proved Morgan Breed of horses than ever before. Some sug agreed with the Colonel. gestions were rather simple to put into effect. CPL. Y. M. FEHLAU One was offered by Leigh W. Nickerson, of Redlands, Calif., Co. "A" 399th Inf.. APO No. 447. Ft. Bragg, N. C. who advanced the proposition that The MORGAN HORSE MAGA ZINE, conduct a Poll to determine the type of Morgan the general public prefers today. (I wish to emphasize the word today be NICE LETTER FROM A CALIFORNIA JUNIOR cause the Editor in the "Editor's note" very thoughtlessly mis construed, I believe, the suggestion to mean—what people pre I am 14 years old and a real Morgan and just plain horse ferred 150 years ago.) This poll could be begun by interested lover. About five months ago I started collecting photos of parties sending in pictures of their favorite Morgans, living today, horses of all breeds. At the present time I have two hundred which would be reproduced in the magazine. All of these pic and one photos. They are of all breeds, but I am ashamed of tures should be very good ones and do the animals justice. myself—all I have of Morgans is four. I guess I have to get some addresses of Morgan owners. General Gates—a Close Side View In all the Morgan photos I have seen, there have only been two I have always thought that a close side view, such as we com that look like the Justin Morgan painting. They are—Gay monly see of General Gates 666, is best for careful examination. Mac, bred by the U. S. Morgan Horse Farm and owned by Dr. The usual practice of giving a description and pedigree would Clarence Reed of Compton, Calif., and the other is Redman be adhered to, of course. A fixed date ought to be set for the owned by W. J. Halliday of Bishop, Calif. final vote; the time between the beginning and the vote date I am now the proud owner of a one-half Morgan—one-half necessarily would be sufficient to permit the printing of all usable Arab mare purchased from Miss Barbara Adams of Monterey. photographs submitted the first six months, or at least some The mare is a deep red bay, with a perfect diamond star and definite period. Not only would such a program stimulate in perfect diamond snip. My mare, as all Arabs and Morgans, terest in the Morgan breed of horses, but also in the sale of The possesses a perfect disposition, and is really beautiful. She is as MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE. slick as a pig and as fat as one. She is 13 years old and when If this program involves a prohibitive expense, I feel most of she is ridden she prances like a three-year-old. I can ride her the subscribers would quite readily pay more. with a hackamore or any kind of bit. She is a parade horse and The foregoing obviously attempts to establish a preferred type the best cow horse in this vicinity and is also as fast as she is fat from the standpoint of appearance only. Therefore, after the and beautiful. Morgan breeders and the general public, with its hundreds of I had an offer of $300 but I couldn't think of selling her buyers and prospective customers, had made a choice, experts, for any price, even if it were a thousand dollars. (Gosh!) I guess such as Dr. Russell E. Smith, of Littleton, Mass., recommends I'm too soft-hearted to have a horse farm because I'll hate to in his short article "Type, Based On Utility," be chosen to ex sell a horse because when I fall in love with a horse no one amine and test the best animals to determine their soundness and could buy it from me. qualifications as top ranking representatives of the breed.