12. Why is Miriam referred to as “Aharon’s sister” and not as “Moshe’s sister”? 13. The Jewish women trusted that G-d would grant the Jewish People a miraculous victory over the Egyptians. How do we see this? s"xc 14. Which sections of the Torah did the Jewish People receive at Marah? Schedule of Services/Events 15. When did Bnei Yisrael run out of food? THE BAIS YISROEL 16. What lesson in derech eretz concerning the eating of meat is taught in this week’s Parsha? Shabbos Parshas Beshalach SHABBOS OBSERVER 17. How did non-Jews experience the taste of the manna? Shacharis 8:30 A.M. 18. The Prophet Yirmiyahu showed the Jewish People a jar of manna prepared in Pirchei 3:30 P.M. Issue Number 460 15 Shevat 5763 the time of Moshe. Why? Mincha 4:30 P.M. Parshas Beshalach January 17 & 18, 2003 19. Which verse in this week’s Parsha alludes to the plague of blood? Shabbos Over 5:52 P.M. The Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you divrei Torah on the week's parsha from around the world and 20. Why did Moshe’s hands become heavy during the war against Amalek? Father/Son Learning 7:00 P.M. around the block as well as events going on in the Bais Yisroel Community. To submit a dvar Torah or item of interest to the community contact Hindy or Arnie Frishman at 952-927-5134 before Thursday of each week. Sunday

Shacharis 7:10 & 8:00 A.M. Sports and Learning 8:45 A.M. Mazel Tov Mincha 2:45 P.M. Mazel Tov to Jeff and Val Kreps on the birth of a son. Mincha/Maairv 4:45 P.M. Second Maariv 10:00 P.M. Everyone is reminded to daven for a beautiful esrog on Tu B'Shvat. Monday - Thursday Waxman's Question This Week's Question: Why is he called gauvh in this week's varp, when Shacharis 6:50 A.M. Only his name gauv was changed to gauvh later on by the ohkdrn. Answer to Last Kollel Mincha 2:45 P.M. Week's Question: When we left ohrmn we rushed out and our dough turned Mincha/Maairv 4:45 P.M. into matzos, not having enough time to rise as bread. But weren’t we Second Maairv 8:00 P.M. already commanded in the vrhcg of .nj and we weren’t allowed to bake Third Maariv 10:00 P.M. bread as it was the first day of jxp. The first year when we left ohrmn the Erev Shabbos Parshas Yisro ruxht of eating .nj was only for one day. Even that day, we were allowed to Shacharis 6:50 A.M. Only own .nj (ihhr)/ Light Candles 4: 51 P.M. Page Numbers Mincha 4:55 P.M. Parshas Beshalach/Shabbos Shira. Artscroll p. 366, Hirsch p. 262. Haftorah Artscroll p. 1152, Hirsch p. 850. Shiurim Given by HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff: Mazel Tov to Rachel and Chanan Siegel on their marriage this week. May Bnos 2:30 to 3:30 P.M./Next Week No Bnos Sunday: No for the Ladies they be zocheh to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisroel L'Shem U'Lisferes. Pic- PK: Hendel Prero 2823 Salem M - F: Mesechta Bava Kama at 6:30 A.M. tured here are the Chosson and Kallah. K: Tzippy Silverberg 2650 Quentin T, W & Th: Mesechta Kiddushin at 7:15 P.M. Grades 1-2: Miriam Kutoff 2815 Joppa Wednesday: Lunch and Learn. Noon. Altman & Izek. Grades 3-4: Rivka Heisler 2933 Ottawa (note change from schedule) ;hk vhcuy van W & Th: Moed Kattan at 8:15 A.M. ktrah ,hc ,khve cr Grades 5-6: Shira Masha Frishman Thursday: U of M. Hillel. 3:00 P.M. Message From the Rav vyuxhbhn w xhkupthbhn Kindergarten Pirchei Group 2:30 to 3:30 P.M. Kindergarten Pirchei 2:30-3:30 P.M. at the home of Eli Frishman. 2506 Lynn Ave Just Around the Corner For membership information or general information regarding activities and events at Bais Yisroel, (note change in schedule). write Congregation Bais Yisroel, 4221 Sunset Blvd., St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 or contact This Shabbos is Tu B’shvat, the Rosh sion of Parshas Beshalach about the Vikings Kippa Found HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff at (952) 926-7867 or (952) 922 8881. E-mail: [email protected] Be Hashana concerning the tithing of fruits. war with Amalek. The mon the A purple kippa with a Vikings emblem was found. Please call the Kutoffs at 925- sure to visit the Bais Yisroel Website at http://www.baisyisroel.org. The BYSO is published in It is also Shabbos Shira for it contains the heavenly food that descended daily 4439 to claim or if you know. conjunction with Puma Press. Torah reading of the song by the sea, zt for Klal Yisroel everyday (except Bais Yaakov Welcome Baskets rha. Additionally, we read at the conclu- Shabbos) during their forty year so- Bais Yaakov would like to send welcome baskets to new members of the commu- B Y nity. If you know of any new members of the community please call Bella Smith at S O This issue of the BYSO is sponsored by Mordechai Chaim 927-9670 or Yael Woolf at 922-9249. Hershstein in honor of the birthday of his Eishes Chayil, Chana. 1. 13:18 - Eighty percent (four-fifths). 2. 13:19 - Yosef made his brothers swear that they would make their children swear. 3. 14:5 - To regain their wealth. 4. 14:7 - From those Egyptians who feared the word of G-d and kept their animals inside during the plagues. 5. 14:10 - They cried out to G-d. 6. 14:25 - He melted them with fire. 7. 14:30 - So that the Jewish People would see the destruction of the Egyptians and be assured of no further pursuit. 8. 15:1 - Resurrection of the dead during the time of mashiach. 9. 15:5 - The wickedest ones floated like straw, dying slowly. The average ones suffered less, sinking like stone. Those still more righteous sunk like lead, dying immediately. 10. 15:14 - They felt horrible seeing in a state of glory. 11. 15:17 - “T’vi-aimo...” — “Bring them” (and not “bring us”). 12. 15:20 - Aharon put himself at risk for her when she was struck with tzara’at. (See Bamidbar 12:12) 13. 15:20 - They brought musical instruments with them in preparation for the miraculous victory celebration. 14. 15:25 - Shabbat, Red Heifer, Judicial Laws. 15. 16:1 - 15th of Iyar. 16. 16:8 - One should not eat meat to the point of satiation. 17. 16:21 - The sun melted whatever manna remained in the fields. This flowed into streams from which animals drank. Whoever ate these animals tasted manna. 18. 16:32 - The people claimed they couldn’t study Torah because they were too busy earning a livelihood. Yirmiyahu showed them the manna saying: “If you study Torah, G-d will provide for you just as he provided for your ancestors in the desert.” 19. 17:5 - “And your staff with which you smote the river....” 20. 17:12 - Because he was remiss in his duty, since he, not Yehoshua, should have led the battle. journ in the desert is also introduced in this Parsha. The commonality of these in Egypt. G-d sends quail for meat and provides manna, a miraculous bread that falls waited 10 to 15 minutes for him. Finally, the doors opened. “What we did not know themes could be explained the following way. The war with Amalek occurred in from the sky every day except Shabbat. On Friday a double portion descends to sup- was that Rabbi Finkel was severely afflicted with Parkinson’s disease. He sat down Refidim. Chazal explain that this was not just a geographic location but also a ply the Shabbat needs. No one is able to obtain more than his daily portion, but manna at the head of the table, and, naturally, our inclination was to look away. We didn’t description of our nation’s spiritual condition. vru,v in ovhsh upr. Their hands were collected on Friday suffices for two days so the Jews can rest on Shabbat. Some want to embarrass him. “We were all looking away, and we heard this big bang on weakened in Torah. An enemy attacks when it senses a weakness in its adversary's manna is set aside as a memorial for future generations. When the Jews again com- the table: “Gentlemen, look at me...” ...His speech affliction was worse than his defense. In this case, Klal Yisroel had become complacent in their studying of plain about a lack of water, Moshe miraculously produces water from a rock. Then physical shaking. It was really hard to listen to him and watch him... “Then he Torah and fulfillment of mitzvos. Amalek took the offensive, waging a war beyond Amalek attacks. Joshua leads the Jews in battle while Moshe prays for their welfare. asked, “Who can tell me what the lesson of the Holocaust is?” He called on one guy, typical human limitations, knowing that they would certainly suffer defeat. Nev- who didn’t know what to do - it was like being called on in the fifth grade without ertheless, they took what was lacking in Klal Yisroel, a sense of diligence and “Pharaoh approached, the Children of Yisrael raised their eyes and behold! - Egypt the answer. And the guy says something benign like, “We will never, ever forget?” growth above and beyond set goals and self enacted limitations and waged war was journeying after them, and they were very frightened; the Children of Yisrael And the rabbi completely dismisses him. I felt terrible for the guy until I realized the utilizing those very measures. The mon reminds us that our sustenance and success cried out to G-d.” (14:10). What kind of mother is it that can send her child of in the rabbi was getting ready to call on someone else. All of us were sort of under the is completely in the hands of Hashem. We must rather put our creative energy into morning with a sandwich and an explosive vest? Of the lunacy of a national policy of table, looking away - you know, please, not me. He did not call me. I was sweating. serving Hashem. Celebrating Tu B’Shvat is a celebration of renewal of potential. suicide bombings there can be no doubt. Every fiber of a normal right-thinking indi- He called on another guy, who had such a fantastic answer: “We will never, ever We look at barren fruit trees and envision them brimming with the fruits of success. vidual is revolted by this carnage, by the wanton devaluation of innocent life. In the again be a victim or bystander.” The rabbi said, “You guys just don’t get it. Okay, We thank Hashem now for His beneficence in the wide array of fruits we will take last two years, however, we have learned a bitter lesson: Self-sacrifice, however ill gentlemen, let me tell you the essence of the human spirit. “As you know, during the pleasure in tomorrow. intentioned, is the most powerful weapon known to man. Nothing can stand in the Holocaust, the people were transported in the worst possible, inhumane way by way of self-sacrifice - except a corresponding display of self-sacrifice. In this week’s railcar. They thought they were going to a work camp. We all know they were going The Song of the Sea began as a song of potential as well. As Rashi explains the Torah portion, when the Children of Yisrael saw the awesome seemingly supernatural to a death camp. “After hours and hours in this inhumane corral with no light, no women accompanied the men with musical instruments that they had prepared in degree of the Egyptians’ self-sacrifice in pursuing them, they cried out to G-d. Unlike bathroom, cold, they arrived at the camps. The doors were swung wide open, and Mitzrayim to use in singing praises to Hashem for miracles that had not yet un- the back-seat-driving of other kings, Pharaoh led his troops into battle at the head they were blinded by the light. Men were separated from women, mothers from folded. Their faith was greater than the faith of the men. For they envisioned (14:10). And also unlike other kings Pharaoh was prepared to divide the spoils of war daughters, fathers from sons. They went off to the bunkers to sleep. “As they went redemption so tangibly while still immersed in the deprivation and pain of golus. and not horde it to himself (15:9). When the Jewish People saw this other-worldly into the area to sleep, only one person was given a blanket for every six. The person As Chazal in Sotah (11b) teach: ohrmnn ubh,uct uktdb ,uhbesm ohab ,ufzc. In the merit self-sacrifice they implored G-d to give them an equivalent degree of supernatural who received the blanket, when he went to bed, had to decide, ‘Am I going to push of righteous women our forefathers were redeemed from Egypt. self-sacrifice to combat Pharaoh. G-d replied to Moshe “Why do you cry out to Me? the blanket to the five other people who did not get one, or am I going to pull it Speak to the Children of Yisrael and let them journey forward!” Was G-d ignoring toward myself to stay warm?’ “And Rabbi Finkel says, “It was during this defining Tu B’Shvat, Shabbos Shira, the mon and the war against Amalek inspire us to their plea? No. He was telling them that the power of self-sacrifice is not some mi- moment that we learned the power of the human spirit, because we pushed the recognize our potential never to become complacent. They remind us that Geulah raculous gift; it is a power in the heart and the mind of man to harness. G-d told them blanket to five others.” “And with that, he stood up and said, “Take your blanket. is just around the corner. Let us join together to prepare ways now, to thank and to journey into the sea, an action of self-sacrifice in itself would be sufficient to defeat Take it back to America and push it to five other people.” A little self-sacrifice goes praise Hashem for the miracles of the imminent future- with the coming of Moshiach the Egyptians. So, should Israeli television start a campaign of ads for mommies from a long way. Tzidkaynui int ubhnhc vrvnc. Kiryat Shemona to Eilat to send their kids off to school in the morning with a smile and a bomb? No. That’s not quite what I’m suggesting. Notice that G-d didn’t ask the Parsha Questions Children of Israel to give up their lives, He wanted them to be prepared to give up their lives. There’s all the difference in the world. Part of our innermost thoughts 1. What percentage of the Jewish people died during the plague of darkness? when we say the Shema is that, if necessary, we are prepared to give up our lives for 2. Why did the oath that Yosef administered to his brothers apply to Moshe’s gen- the sake of our faith. A Jew doesn’t seek martyrdom, but if we are called upon to eration? surrender our lives to sanctify the Name, we do this with all the commitment of a 3. Why did the Egyptians want to pursue the Jewish People? Parshat B’Shalach suicide bomber. And even for those of us who will never be put in the position of 4. Where did the Egyptians get animals to pull their chariots? dying to sanctify the Name of G-d, we can still make self-sacrifice part of our lives. 5. What does it mean that the Jewish people “took hold of their fathers’ craft” (tafsu Pharaoh finally sends B’nei Yisrael out of Egypt. With pillars of cloud and fire, G- Every little bit of self-sacrifice creates a powerful defense lawyer in the Heavenly umnut avotam)? d leads them toward Eretz Yisrael on a circuitous route, avoiding the Pelishtim Court for ourselves and the whole of the Jewish People. If we are prepared to make 6. How did G-d cause the wheels of the Egyptian chariots to fall off? (Philistines). Pharaoh regrets the loss of so many slaves and chases the Jews with small sacrifices, G-d may not ask us to make big ones. Recently there was an interest- 7. Why were the dead Egyptians cast out of the sea? his army. The Jews are very afraid as the Egyptians draw close, but G-d protects ing meeting between two worlds. Howard Schultz, chairman and chief global strate- 8. To what future time is the verse hinting when it uses the future tense of “Then them. Moshe raises his staff and G-d splits the sea, enabling the Jews to cross safely. gist of Starbucks, the wildly successful chain of coffee houses described his meeting Moshe and Bnei Yisrael will sing”? Pharaoh, his heart hardened by G-d, commands his army to pursue, whereupon the with Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the great Rosh of the in Jerusa- 9. Why are the Egyptians compared to stone, lead and straw? waters crash down upon the Egyptian army. Moshe and Miriam lead the men and lem: “When I was in Israel, I went to Mea Shearim, the ultra-Orthodox area within 10. The princes of Edom and Moav had nothing to fear from the Jewish People. women, respectively, in a song of thanks. After three days travel only to find bitter . Along with a group of businessmen I was with, I had the opportunity to Why, then, were they “confused and gripped with trembling?” waters at Marah, the people complain. Moshe miraculously produces potable water. have an audience with Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, the head of a yeshiva there. I had 11. Moshe foretold that he would not enter the Land of Israel. Which word in the In Marah they receive certain mitzvot. The people complain that they ate better food never heard of him and didn’t know anything about him. We went into his study and Parsha indicates this?