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Friendly Endeavor, July 1929

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Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, July 1929" (1929). Friendly Endeavor. 223.

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V o l u m e 8 , N u m b e r 7 . PORTLAND, OREGON July, 1929 ^11 iltioarb for Wnain SRocfesi Sfulp 30tl) to ^ugusit 4tl)

C O N F E R E N C E P E R S O N N E L at Highland Friends Church, Salem. He School for Singers in New York, and has is also president of the Evangelistic done some work under the great teacher, Lazar Samoiloff. She has been music Arthur and Edna Chilson Board of Oregon Yearly Meeting. Mr. Our joy and happiness could hardly be Sims is a graduate of Union Bible Sem instructor at North Pacific Evangelistic Institute since 1923. surpassed when we heard that Arthur inary. Don't miss Conference; you'll en and Edna Chilson and their two girls j o y h i s c l a s s . were going to be with us at Conference Liilufern Hudson this year. We can hardly realize such a I. Giirney Lee The announcement that Lulufern Hud treat is to be ours. We have long been The Conference has a staunch friend s o n i s t o b e t h e c h i l d r e n ' s l e a d e r a t interested in the Chilsons and their in I. Gurney Lee and we are glad to Conference is sure to make the children work, and their coming is a fulfillment have him on the program again. Mi-. happy. Those who were there last year of pleasant dreams. L e e h a s b e e n o n o u r p r o g r a m s i n p r e remember what a fine time they had in The Chilsons have been on the African vious years and his classes have been a the children's meetings. mission field for over twenty years real help to us. We believe that his Lulufern Hudson is deeply interested Oregon Yeariy Meeting has supported class this year will be one of real in children's work. She has been the dir them in the field for a number of years e c t o r o f t h e c h i l d r e n ' s w o r k i n s e v e r a l The Christian Endeavor of Oregon Year practical value for young people in all occupations, camp meetings, conferences, and other ly Meeting for some years helped to I. Gurney Lee has been in the minis religious meetings. In fact, she is de support the Chilson girls. Mr. and Mrs try for about twenty-eight years, having voting her time to children's work. She Chilson are graduates of Bible held pastorates in ilichigan, , Indi is a graduate of North Pacific Evangel Institute. The two girls have been doing i s t i c I n s t i t u t e . college work in Friends University dui^ ana, Illinois and Oregon. He is now ing the past year. pastor of West Piedmont Friends Church, Portland. During his pastoral J a s p e r B a l l o u work in Indiana, he also taught for sev Carrie Wood Everyone who knows Jasper Ballou is eral years in Union Bible Seminary, highly pleased to know that he will be It is worth a trip to Conference just Westfield, Indiana, Mr. Lee is a gradu the recreational director at Conference. to meet this quiet little woman whose ate of Cleveland Bible Institute. hfe has been consecrated to the Lord's All may well anticipate a good time for things just can't drag when Jasper is foreign fields. Miss Wood's Mis- Edward Mott around. 9'^®® ■^"11 be a real inspira- Again we are happy to have our Besides being a good recreational di friend Edward Mott ivith us at Confer rector Mr. Ballou is a good preacher. He from'theTeir" -^o-ation ence. We have always enjoyed his has done a considerable amount of pas in^nfia^hn''t'^^™V° mission field classes and addresses, so we are looking toral and evangelistic work during his tho ■ mneteen years ago, under forward to his classes with pleasure. time in school and since his graduation from North Pacfic Evangelistic Institute. Meeting.Sleti^^^'q'?, She is a member Yearly of the First Mr. Mott has had a great deal of ex perience in young people's work. He Jasper is planning some unusual rec was an instructor in Cleveland Bible In r e a t i o n a l f e a t u r e s f o r t h i s C o n f e r e n c e . stitute for several years and is now Come, see and enjoy them. president of North Pacific Evangelistic Institute. You can't afford to miss conference; you wll want to be in Mr. PERSONAL Gervas A. Carey ~ M o t t ' s c l a s s e s . Weren't you glad to hear that The his keen, lolicar^L Hden Cammack Friendly Endeavor had, in conjunction The Conference is fortunate indeed to with the First Friends church of Port have Helen Cammack on its program. land, purchased an Addressograph on a She brings to us something new in the split cost basis? This means that the way of a class in Bible study for Inter papers can be addressed more accurately mediates. We are sure they \\dll enjoy and quickly than before. This is a real this class because Miss Cammack knows progressive step for The Friendly En just what will interest young people. deavor to take. Miss Cammack is a graduate of North Aren't you just as glad to give just a Long Lake Friends Chnvrof^^'^' ™ Pacific Envangelistic Institute, has atten little bit of money to help pay for that City, Michigan, having hpM ^ravpse ded Willamette University and Oregon machine? This machine was purchased pastorates in Indiana Kaiwi ^ Normal school. She has taught in the with a faith that the young people of York Yearly Meeti?gk He fs public schools for two years and is Oregon Yearly Meeting were so inter ate of Friends UniversitTTt gradu- now matron at North Pacific Evangelis ested in their paper that they would be of Arts degree f^om the ^ tic Institute. oi. • j.- glad to help improve the paper and its sity, is a Iraduate of Princrn, She is deeply interested in Christian circulation. logical Seminary, and has tan^kt T Endeavor work, being at toe present The machine is quite valuable and is years in Friends University time editor of the "Friendly Endeavor. costing The Friendly Endeavor between $40 and $50. So far, we have received Bess Owens Riinyan $1,50 to help pay for it. Won't you rally Edgar P. Sims to the cause? If 100 would give fifty After Mr. Sims' lone- ah<;p,p„„ j- Who can forget the wonderful con cents each, we would have more than as a teacher at Conference wp certs at Conference led by Boss Owens happy to have him with us'aJain^^f Runyan? Won't it be splendid to have enough to pay the bill. know that there is soineth^-?t ' her with us again to conduct another store for us. something good in soul-thrilling concert? Music is a won derful thing and Mrs. Runyan knows Remember, Piedmont thinks it's go wo^k^fw about"fift5en yla?s {Z how to help us appi'^ciate it. - „ , ing to win the song contest again. The Illinois and Oregon. He is now So'^r Mrs. Runyan is a graduate of Reed songs are to be based on Conference College, has attended de Reske-Seagle loyalty. Page 2 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR July, 1929 Page 4 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR July, 1929

CONFERENCE REQUIREMENTS. There are some things that are abso SOCIETY NOTES has taken pastoral work in Nehalem The Sunday school has just closed a "I guess statesmen," Aunt Cora haz lutely wrong to do on Sunday. Think f o r t h e s u m m e r . contest on reading the New Testament. arded. What to Bring. over some of these. Then there are The U's beat the I's, so were enter For your class work, bring your Bible, Four of the graduating class of North "No, you're wrong," Betty answered. things that are wrong, only if used the Pacific Evangelistic Institute gave their tained by a humorous program. "Listen." note book and pencil. For your sleeping wrong way. What would you name in S C O T T S M I L L S this class? Then there are things that orations at our Sunday evening service, And she read the following classifi quarters, bring top bedding and straw June 2. They wei-e all good and we cation : tick—mattresses are furnished in the are always right and there is no ques Mr. and Mrs. Earl Deane and family Authors 15; Statesmen 10; Soldiers tion about them. What are they? enjoyed them. A u n t C o r a ' s C o l u m n cottages. There will be straw on the left us recently for a motor trip thru Paul and Violet Bolliger are receiv 5; Preachers 5; Scientists 5; Educa ground for all who bring straw ticks. central Oregon and California. ing congratulations on the birth of a t o r s 4 ; I n v e n t o r s 4 ; L a w y e r s 4 ; R e Bring your old clothes, hiking shoes, J u l y 2 1 , 1 9 2 9 son, Paul Wesley, on June 2. PATRIOTISM. f o r m e r s 3 ; M i s s i o n a r i e s 2 ; P a i n t e r s 2 ; b a s e b a l l m i t t s , b a t s a n d a n y o t h e r a t h The Misses Fern and Valma Giger, C h i l d r e n ' s D a y w a s o b s e r v e d i n t h e A c t o r s 2 ; E n g i n e e r s 1 ; P h y s i c i a n s 1 . l e t i c e q u i p m e n t y o u m a y h a v e . Topic—"Everyday Citizenship." Rom. having completed their school work at Sunday school on June 9. An interest Bob was silent a few moments and Bring your musical instruments with 13: 3, 7-10. Psalms 15: 1-5. Longview, are now with their parents at Betty sat before the desk, pen in hand, this place. ing program of songs and recitations gazing dreamily off into space. Soon then he said, "Well, it appears a fellow you; we would like to have an orches If we follow President Hoover's ad was given. she gave a deep sigh. doesn't have to be a soldier to be a tra. Jessie Kellogg, who sometime ago had vice we will not go far astray along the the misfortune to break both legs, is Mrs. Munsel, a missionai-y from the "What's the matter, sis?" Bob en line of citizenship. Our first duty is to patriot." improving, though still in the hospital. Friends Mission in Central America, quired, looking up from the book he "I wish that more people could realize The Expense. be law-abiding. He says no nation can spoke for us in the morning seivice on Past experience has proven that $10.00 Aletha Allen and Ira Dumas were was reading. that," Aunt Cora said. "In this gener long survive if its citizens disregard the married at the Scotts Mills Friends June 9. Her having come directly from "I'm trying to write an essay on ation we are striving especially for great will cover the expense of room and law. the stc^tion where Carrol and Doris international friendships and' we need board during the week of the Confer church on Tuesday evening, June 18, be 'Patriotism'," Betty explained. "What Every citizen should be— fore about fifty relatives. Tamplin are now, made'her talk inter is a patriot, anyway?" more young people who can realize that ence; so that it will be safe for you 1. Industrious. A group of young people from Rose- esting to our people. "That's easy," Bob said. "A patriot the best wav to serve our country is not to count on that amount plus whatever 2. Religious. dale and Scotts Mills made a trip to Ab- Mr. and Mi-s. Curtis Ellett, enroute is a fellow that fights for his country, to fight." your transportation v/ill be. There are 3. Just. from California to their home in Damas of course." extra features such as the deep sea fish 4. Benevolent. iqua Falls on Memorial Day. L. Earl Deane gave an illustrated lec cus, Ohio, attended the opening session "Is Uncle Jim any less a patriot now, C O N F E R E N C E D E C O R U M . ing, which usually costs $1.00, and the 5. Neighborly. ture on Sleeping Sickness as it exists of Oregon Yearly Meeting, and visited teaching English than he was dressed in trip on the bay in the launch which is 6. Honest. Alison and Inez Rogers and other friends uniform and driving army trucks a few 25 cents, so it is well for each dele in Africa to a large and appreciative A well ordered conference must have With all our care about being right in Portland. Mrs. Ellett is recording years ago?" Aunt Cora asked quietly. gate to come prepared to take these and proper citizens for our own dear audience on May 31. clerk of Ohio Yr arly Meeting, also cor appropriate rules of conduct for the Evangeline Kludas, who recently "W.ell," Bob defended himself, "Don't guidance of those who may be in attend things in, if possible. country, America, how much more care responding secretary of their Missionary y o u a l w a y s t h i n k o f a s o l d i e r fi r s t w h e n do we need to make sure of our citizen graduated from Asbury College, return Board. ance; and for the consideration of those ed to Scotts Mills on June 1 and was you think of a patriot? Teaching who may be contemplating, and perhaps Reservation for Club. ship in Heaven. Let us build for eter If you do net receive your Friendly quietly married on June 20 to Marion school isn't notable—it involves no sac planning to attend the young people's In order to secure needed accomoda nity. Endeayor on time this month, please be rifice!" tions, it will be to your advantage to Cook, of Powell Butte, Ore. lenient with the circulation managers. conference to be held at Twdn Rocks, we "Sacrifice!" Betty broke in. "Yes, wish to make the following announce register before Conference. If you ex B e i n g " p a p a " a n d " m a m m a " i s a n e w there may be some sacrifice, but take J u l y 2 8 , 1 9 2 9 . ment concerning what will be expected pect to join the Dining Club, or desire STAR experience for them. Beverly June ar soldiers as a class; don't a lot of them the committee to secure sleeping ac rived June 12. of those who may be in attendance. Topic—"How the Chui-ch is Making Our join for fun and in war times, how many The conference days should be a time comodations for you. send $5.00 with Nation Better.,, Matt. 13: 31-33. Mrs. Mary E. Farmer, of Oil City, Pa., Lulu Matthews, our pastor's iwfe, was were drafted and went just because they of spiritual uplift, mental profit and your name and address to Worth Coul- Luke 4: 18-19. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cope. had to? Are all of them patriots?". son, Scotts Mills, Oregon. Indicate in suddenly taken very ill near the middle "Aunt Mary" endeared herself to the physical recreation; but it should not be W e s h u d d e r t o t h i n k w h a t o u r n a t i o n of May and was soon removed to the "I'd say a patriot is a man or woman a time for lowering our standards of your letter what you ^.•ant so that the Cope family years ago in Ohio by being who at the sacrifice of personal interest would be without the church. None of Nazarene hospital at Nampa, where she Christian dignity and modesty. It is committee can act intelligently. The a "friend in need" in time of illness. renders good seiwice to his country, in us would care to live here. underwent an operation for acute appen "The June C. E. business meeting and not necessary for young people to sacri money will be used to recure the neces The church represents every forward dicitis. We are so thankful that she is whatever way," Aunt Cora said. "I sary accomodations and is not a regis social, which had been postponed because think a missionary is a patriot, an fice their refinement and to become move, every fine, uplifting endeavor, ev now at home and doing nicely. Her of Quarterly and Yearly Meetings, was coarse in order to have a good time. tration fee. explorer, physician, engineer, preacher, The first meal of the Conference will ery victory for rightousness. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beeson, of held June 21 at the home Emel and Al or in fact, any one who deserves well of Cultured Chri.stian young people always be sei-ved on the Monday evening Rev. Henry Hinds said, "The church is Alhambra, Cal., came to be with her berta Swanson. After the business, welcome appropriate rules of discipline, as necessary as the school. Some people h i s c o u n t r y. " of the Conference, and the last meal during her illness. charades were played until the straw "That may be true." Bob answered. and never chafe under proper restraint. will be served on the last Monday have educated themselves without schools, Our Endeavorers are busy earning berry shortcake was ready. Everyone We want our young people to have a and some have been religious without "But it seems to me that people as a morning. money for their conference expenses. seemed to .enjoy himself, especially with whole believe that fighters stand first good time—the most enjoyable time pos church. Both are exceptions! Abolish the shortcake. sible—a real vacation; but we wish for I^is James and Carol Heston taught among those who served them." An Invitation to Our Pastors. schools and what would become of cul Daily Vacation Bible school at Kingman On Sunday morning, June 23, the ser them not to forget that they owe to ture? Abolish church—what then of re "Yes," Betty answered. "Look at the We are inviting the pastors and their Kolony, fifteen miles from Nyssa, Ore vice was in charge of the committee on the monuments." themselves, to others and to their God, a w i v e s t o b e o u r g u e s t s a t t h e d i n i n g ligion?" And if we abolish religion, the gon, for two weeks. Forty-two were en Christian Education. Mrs. Runyan of conduct which is above reproach. Their rolled and thirty received certificates for "Not always," Aunt Cora answered. hall again this year. Their children, up religion of Je.sus Christ, we are indeed Portland Bible Institute gave a very "The two greatest monuments in Edin general decorum should be of a high lost. order. to twelve years of age. will be enter saUsfectory work and attendance. forceful address on "The Home and its burgh are to Robert Burns and Sir Wiil- tained for half price. If you desire us rorty-six of our Endeavorers and old Relation to the Trend of Modern Edu All persons who go in bathing, both er people enjoyed our annual C. E. pic ter Scott. In Washington there is the men and women, will be expected to to furnish sleeping accomodations, the August 4, 1929 cation." Lincoln monument." expense will be the usual charge of nic on Clear Creek, May 21. Besides "And the Washington monument," Bob throw coats, shawls or blankets around §2.50 per person. Topic—"Jesus Teaching on God's Loving four carloads, our never-failing friend said. themselves, over their bathing suits when Care." Matt. 6: 26-32. and helper, Mr. McKibben. took twenty- c h e h a l e m c e n t e r n e w s going to or returning from the water; six on his truck. As is our custom, we "Washington was a soldier though," and not to parade unnecessarily without Jesus knew all about God's loving Betty objected. stopped about half way to our destina Wedding bells have been ringing in "First in peace, first in war, and first the additional covering. care, for He did not flinch at Pilate's tion and cooked our breakfast of ham, this part of the world also. June 2nd at OUIET HOUR FOOD threat. m the hearts of his countrymen," Aunt Young people must not leave the im- God was caring for Him even though eggs and coffee over a big camp fire. the close of the morning service. May Cora quoted. "I have a plan. Bob, rnediate neighborhood without permis B y B E L L G . B A D L E Y We were privileged again to see some Hintz and Harold Hodson were united in sion; and groups which include both the cup could not he passed from Him. of Idaho s beautiful mountain scenery. get that book there, 'The Hall of Fame.' men and women must have an approved What comfort is there in God's care? marriage by Rev. C. I. Wliitlock. About It is compiled by the University of New Christian Endeavor Topics Lela .Tones and Josephine Roberts, two chaperon. All young people will be ex Why do we believe that God's care is fifty people attended the wedding dinner York. Suppose we classify the names of our Endeavorers, graduated from our which was served at the bride's home. in there and see where the fiffhters pected to be in not later than ten o'clock loving? at night. .Tilly 14, 1929 high .school this year . They were vale Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodson are now stand." When do we most need God's care? dictorian and salutatorian of the class. _ living on the Hodson farm near Spring- It is pheferable that dogs should not Topic—"The Christian Sunday—^What It Joseph may often have thought him Bob fetched the book and Betty class be brought to the grounds, but if found i.s for and Why." Lylyanus and Emma Haworth, Annis brook. ified the names as he read them off. self forgotten, but God was caring all The Willing Workers S. S. class gave necessary to bring them, their owners Luke 4: 16-22. the time. and Carol Heston attended Yearly George Washington was named first, and Bible Study—For wor.ship. Luke 4: 16-.22 Meeting June 11-16. Miss Hintz a kitchen shower on May 25, after some discussion, he Was li.sted as a should see to it that they are not per Jesus pointed out the fact that God and at the monthly C. E. business meet mitted to annoy any person. (The lesson) has not overlooked anything in all cre soldier, although he might have been ing and social on May 28 a basket full listed as a statesman. Then, they went In case of sickness or accident to any For meditation—Rev. 1: 9-11. ation, and will certainly not forget man highland of useful articles was found by Miss person, or in case of need from any For—Exod. 20: 9-11. —^his greatest work. on to Lincoln, Daniel Webster, Benjamin other cause, please report promptly. For home life—Luke 10: 38-42. Hintz by following a winding string un As a father has taken the responsi Endeayor has been yery til it ended at a car where sat Mr Hud Franklin, and so through the list. Very sincerely, For kind seiwice—John 12: 1-8. bility of his children's welfare, so God small but ivith the return of our young "This is a lot of fun," Betty remarked son and the basket of presents. After once. "I never realized before how FATHER and MOTHER COPE. f-- 1 ® learn what Jesus has taken the responsibility of His people from school, we feel encouraged being told she might have all in the children. Care does not mean coddling, ^ t h e f u t u r e . O u r car they proceeded to examine the con many great men there were who weren't If you wish to win success in life L .i/*® that the Sabbath soldiers." Ilia rr "^faat to enslave man, to limit though. A wise father does not make monthly business meeting was held at tents of the sui-prise basket make perseverance your bosom friend' HpLy • expand it in right ways, everjrthing easy for his children. _ the church Friday eyening. May 31. At A few evenings after the wedding a "Sixty-five names," Bob announced. experience your wise counsellor, caution WrneiH®<5®'5®"^"y the Spiritual life! Neither does God, and that explains thi.s time the following officers were chirivari crowd appeared to wish the "I think that is enough to settle the your elder brother, and hope your guar some of the mysterious discipline of elected for the coming six months: Presi- point." dian genius.—Addison. and inafv for religious thought newlj^ved.s joy m life. Perhaps their ex "You guess. Aunt Cora," Betty said tht ^t is the very time in lif© dent, Geneyieye Beckett; yice-president, pression of it was rather noisy but that "Be not dismayed whate'er betide, Calyin Thomas; secretary, Jessie Thom was what they meant to .say. after she had counted them all up. A murmuring Christian obscures what God will take care of you/' as; assistant secretary and treasurer. "Which group has the most?" viou can do.

i July, 1929 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 5. July, 1929 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 3 B E F O R E V A C A T I O N A rising vote of appreciation was Put any burden upon me, only sus Doris Gardner; organist, Doris Ross; song the latter part of May. given Aletha Allen for her faithful ser tain me. assistant organist. Hazel Newton; com We are always glad for their vice as secretary. The Friendly Endeavor wishes you a Send me anywhere, only go with me. mittee chairmen—prayer meeting, Guy presence and look forward to The meeting was adjourned until Con S e v e r a n y t i e b u t t h i s t i e w h i c h their coming each year. happy vacation this summer. But you ference at Twin Rocks. Turner; missionary, Ha'zel Newton; look know the Fiiendly Endeavor can't take a Binds me to Thy service and Thy out, Milo Ross; social, Edith Riggs; C. E. heart. We have had several visit vacation and has to pay its bills just the reporter, Mary Turner. ing speakers in the pulpit the C. E. RALLY —Livingstone. Our pastor and wife with the help of same. past month. Rev. Chas. Now before you go, won't you see that the social committee gave a reception On Saturday evening of Yearly Meet In speaking with God, remember men. Whitely, Secretary of the> your society's quota is paid in full, then in the church basement May 4 to wel American Friends Board of ing the new officers of the C. E. Union In speaking \\dth men, remember God. come the Turners home. For the past you can enjoy a vacation without worry? Foreign Missions, brought The Friendly Endeavor needs the money. filed to the platform and Walter Lee t w o y e a r s t h e y h a v e m a d e t h e i r h o m e the message Sunday evening, introduced each one. in Iowa and Idaho. Those present from June 2. Mrs. Emma Mun- James Henderson, the state C. E. other places were; Florence Ritter and ■sell, a missionary from Hon S o c i e t y Q u o t a Paid president, spoke a few words. HEADACHE Walter Lee, of Piedmont; Harriet Booher, duras, Central America, F i r s t F r i e n d s ? 3 5 . 0 0 $10.00 Aletha Allen presented the Twin Edith Riggs, Hazel Newton, Genevieve Piedmont 20.00 7.00 Rocks program and Carol Heston told Beckett and Milo Ross, of N. P. E. I., spoke another Sunday, and P e r h a p s I t ' s Y O U R E Y E S ! Morse Heacock gave an in S e c o n d F r i e n d s 1 5 . 0 0 8.00 about Perry Conference. and Alice and Howard Stanton of Al THOROUGH EYESIGHT teresting talk on the Temper Highland 15.00 An offering of $40 was taken for Con bany. Everyone enjoyed the evening im ance situation at another S o u t h S a l e m 1 0 . 0 0 3.50 ference ground improvement EXAMINATIONS mensely and especially the Turners, who Vancouver's New Church Building Melba 5.00 5.00 C h e s t e r H a d l e y, o u r d e a r C o n f e r e n c e were so glad to be wdth their old friends meeting. There have been several Rosedale 5.00 father, brought a stirring message to again. who made the Rally such a wonderful deaths among us the past month. We Earle Riggs. of California, visited rela Greenleaf 20.00 young and old alike. As we left the i success. Hurrah for our host and host D. Pearson passed away the latter part S t a r 1 5 . 0 0 15.00 meeting house we felt our purposes re Arthur Ruhndorf t i v e s a n d f r i e n d s h e r e o v e r M o t h e r ' s ess, Newberg. of May, just one week later than Carrie Boise 10.00 kindled and convictions deepened that OPTOMETRIST Day. First lY-iends, of Vancouver, feel ex- Wood's brother. Bertram Wood. IVDss Newberg 10.00 3.00 we, Oregon C. E., must be true to the Our pastor was in Klamath Falls May huberant and quite "peppy," too. We Hazel Guth, a neicc of Carrie Woods, highest purpose God has for us. 211 Alderway Building 14, 15 and 16 in connection with Ore have good reason. We want every also passed away. Paul Wiley, a son S p r i n g b r o o k 1 2 . 0 0 C h e h a l e m C e n t e r 8 . 0 0 3.00 Let us remember our advisor, Chester Alder Street—Corner Broadway gon Yearly Meeting work. young Friend to take a look at our new of John Wiley, was killed in an aero Tacoma 10.00 5.00 Hadley, in prayer. He has just under Earl Deane, a returned missionary Church home, for which we are very plane accident. Our sympathy and Entiat 8.00 8.00 gone a sugical operation. from British West Africa, gave an illus thankful. Also we are very thankful prayers are with these bereaved ones in trated lecture at our church Sunday V a l l e y M o u n d 5 . 0 0 to our Pastor, who made it possible for t h e i r h o u r o f t r i a l . V a n c o u v e r 5 . 0 0 5.00 night. May 26. Views were taken on the us to have this commodious place in RELIGIOUS BELIEF AND FAITH OF The Christian Endeavor members spent S c o t t s M i l l s 1 2 . 0 0 5.00 field, mostly of medical and surgical which to worship. Also thanks to all a most enjoyable day Decoration Day at GREAT SCIENTISTS work. It was all very interesting and the other good folks that helped make the Y. W. C. A. Rock Creek Camp, a B e t h a n y ( S e a t t l e ) 5 . 0 0 a l a r g e c r o w d a t t e n d e d . T h e s a m e this possible. Brothers Cope, Lee, Hadley lovely spot close to the city. Thev Total $220.00 $77.50 S i r J a m e s Yo u n g S i m p s o n i s k n o w n evening at Christian Endeavor. Mrs. and all the rest. Our dedication seiw- had the place all to themselves, which Dean gave a ve: y interesting talk about t h e w o r l d o v e r a s t h e d i s c o v e r e r o f c h l o „,LEE ice was a very precious time. Brother made it more pleasant. the work there among the natives. Our Sunday School contest which clos r o f o r m a s a n a n a e s t h e t i c . H e w a s a l s o Edgargar Sims' Hims' inspiring inspiring message message gave gave _us u BUSINESS MEETING one of the greatest physicians of his -K^nshohocktn Mrs. William Edmund.son and Paul sup:h a determination to "go forward." es the last Sunday m June, is proving a left Monday, May 27, to visit her decided success We are working for a day. It was said of him that he had Listen ye well, old friends, and thou "the brain of an Apollo, the eye of an daughter at Greensville, Ohio. FIRST FRIENDS OF PORTLAND goal of 250 and have almost reached it Our choir has secured the seiwices of shalt hear the mysteries of a business eagle, the heart of a lion and the hand on several Sundays. The Sunday School of a lady." The simplicity of his Chris Miss Pinnell for choir leader. We now gave an interesting program after our meeting unfolded before your very ears Hres June, indeed, is a month of weddings —yea the youths' assembly under a tian faith was as conspicuous as his have choir practice every Tuesday night get-together dinner preceding monthly PORTLAND BRANCH at the churrch. and graduations. Vergia Ireland of meeting the first of the month waterproof wigwam at Yearly Bleeting great skill as a physician. He worked Our Junior Endeavor is progressing Marshfield and Gerald Morrison, former Quarterly Meeting was held at our on Saturday afternoon at 4:00 in m. for a generation in the realm of medical B r o a d w a y a t F l a n d e r s nicely. Minnie Beckett has had charge ly of Portland, were quietly married at church this time. The sessions were (we know the tent was waterproof lor science, constantly seeking to find new B R o a d w a y 8 5 3 0 of it during the absence of Hazel New the home of Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Morri especially good and the programs fine. the rains descended and the breezes light that sufferers might be helped. DONALD JIacPHEE, Manager ton, the superintendent, who has been at son on June 3. Rev. C. A. Hadley offici This IS always a time of great blessing blew while we were encamped within.) When someone asked lura what was ated. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison will make The meeting decided to suggest to the greatest discovery he had ever made, tending N. P. E. I. to all who can attend. he gave this reverent reply: "The Jessie Thomas spent a few days in their home in Marshfield where he is We are indeed glad to have our stu Oregon C. E. that it stand by the mis greatest discovery I ever made was that Portland visiting friends and attending employed by the J. C, Penney company. dents at home again. Elizabeth Had sionary program of the church and that X R a y L a b o r a t o r y the commencement exercises at N. P. E. On the following Friday evening a ley, who has been attending Asburv Col- it put half the money raised into the I w a s a s i n n e r a n d t h a t J e s u s i s a Telephones I. Others attending the exercises from group of the young people met at the lege in Kentucky, returned Saturday of African fund and the other half into the Savior." He had a deeply thoughtful Office 341 home of Elizabeth Ott in honor of and decidedly logical mind. As a youth Residence 1697 J here were Mr. and Mrs. Rickard and sinking fund. The following officers he was troubled with religious doubts, sons, Carol and Paul, also Earl Beckett Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morrison and Mr. Noilparly Bowman Meeting; are Genevieve back from Badley Pacific; and were elected: president, Walter P. Lee, and son, Wallace. and Mrs. Richard Kneeland. After much but_ increasingly, he found in Jesus Olive Terrell, a teacher of Greenleaf vice-president, Laura Cammack; ^cre- Christ all his soul required. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stanton had their fun and laughter each pair of newly- Academy, is here for a vacation. tary, Elizabeth Ott; treasurer, Milo Ross; Dr. Carl E. Miller son Howai-d and family, of Albany, and weds were presented with a carving set executive advisor. Rev. Chester Hadley, JOHN C. BROUGHER. M. D. a f e w o f h i s f r i e n d s o v e r J u n e 5 t o from their friends of the C. E. and Sun SECOND FRIENDS C. E. superintendent Portland Q. M., teldred Dentist help him celebrate his birthday. day school class. Hadley; superintendent Salem Q. M., One who can leam to accept without Sunday morning, June 9, E, R. Mar Dorene Heacock, Marcia Newlin and Doris Gardner; superintendent Newberg Hours by Appointment tin, superintendent of American Sun Don Larimer graduated from Franklin The two adult Bible classes met to Q. M. LaVerne Hutcheons; superinten complaining the misfortune that cannot gether at the church on Wednesdav dent Boise Valley Q- M-' be helped, will save thereby a great 511-512 U. S. Bank Building day School Union, N. W. district, had high school; Helen George from Wash evening May 22. They took Their sup"^ deal _ of energy -with which to combat charge of the morning services. It ington high school; Frieda Williams superintendent Tacoma Q. M., Esther the ills that are not inevitable. makes us realize and appreciate our from the high school of Commerce, and per and ate together. Then followed Hendricks. S A L E M - : - O R E G O N own privileges and bles-sings more when Eileene Kenworthy from Rose City Park the business meeting, and one of the we hear about those that do not have grammar school in the past few days. most interesting lessons from the mis t them, Mr. Martin is doing a great work All of the young people plan to continue sion study book, "Life of Pandita Rama- — l e t u s p r a y f o r i t a n d g i v e a l l w e their education at various places. can to help it along. At the June quarterly meeting Walter John and Ruth Rittermeyer, who have been with us for almost six vears have A number of our young people held a C. and Gladys H. Cook were recorded platform meeting at Livesley church as ministers of the go,si3el. A report of accepted tthe appointment to pastoral 1 Where There is No the work at Kelso was read at this ses work in the Evangelical chuv/.>. at Ever- Sunday evening, June 9. Minnie Beck People Perish ett has been helping in the Sunday sion. A business meeting has been es ett, Wn. On IViday evening. May 24, school work there since the first of tablished with twelve members, their a farewel social was held in their hon- March, One of the ,students of N. P. E. membership being in the First church or at the home of Lloyd and Ida Collyer. Proverbs 29:18. I- Gilbert Carey, is holding services until such time as they have a large toT them f h Jby n our , pastor, h p r F. e J s Cone e n t and e d every Sunday morning at that place. enough group for a I'egular monthly meeting, they were assured that^ur prayers w Support the School That Stands for the Things You Believe. Mrs, Muncell, of Central America, them to their new Lfd^ Send Your Pledge for the Campaign Today. VANCOUVER. spoke at one of our services recently. Her report of the work in that place Ves, we are back again. We, too, ex was interesting and instimctive. May pect to meet you at Twin Rocks. WIlio it broaden our vision of the "fields would not after having such an inspiring wifite unto the harvest." their position before God. North Pacific Evangelistic Institute, 1186 on? time at the Conference Rally in New The Men's Glee Club of Pacific Col On Sunday evening Jasner Ballou I berg April 27th ? Three cheers to those lege gave us an enjoyable evening of preached a very helpful message He Page 6. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR July, 1929


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Entered as second class matter, Febmary 8, 1928, T H E B I B L E at the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, under 215 SECOND STREET the sot of March 8, 1879. "The Bible is the charter of all true liberty, .... the guide and hope and C o m e r S a l m o n inspiration of man."—W. P. Anderson. PORTLAND, OREGON SEMI-ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT " I t i s s u p r e m a c y a n d n o t p r e c e We give the best prices and service on Christian Endeavor Union dence that we ask for the Bible. The Doors, Windows, Mill Work, Builders' Bible is stamped with specialty of ori Hardware, Paint, Roofing, etc. .We be ASSETS gin, and an immeasurable distance lieve in Quaker honesty and fair dealing. Jan. 1 Cash on hand ...$52.48 separates it from all competitors."— Cash received ... 38.59 W. E. Gladstone. "In the poorest cottage there is one Cash total $91.07 B o o k w h e r e i n f o r s e v e r a l t h o u s a n d s o f Office Hours: T a b o r 9 5 8 4 LIABILITIES years the spirit of man has found 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Expense of Print light and nourishment."—Thomas Car- ing $22.25 lyle. "There are two books laid before us Traveling 15.25 DR. A. E. GEORGE Miscellaneous ... 4.70 to study, to prevent our falling into error; first, the volume of the Scrip DENTIST Expense total $42.00 tures, which reveals the will of God; then the volume of the creatures (na June 1, 1929 ture) which expresses his pov/er." — Bacon. 1050 Vi Hawthorne Ave. Balance $49.07 "We count the Scriptures of God to ALETHA ALLEN, Treas. be the most sublime philosophy." — P O R T L A N D . - O R E G O N S i r I s a a c N e w t o n . LOVE "That stupendous work, a Book Peace is love resting. which, if evei-ything else in our lan B i b l e s t u d y i s l o v e r e a d i n g i t s l o v guage should perish, would alone suf B u i l d e r ' s S u p p l i e s E l e c t r i c S u p p l i e s e r ' s l e t t e r s . fice to show the whole extent of its Prayer is love keeping tryst. beauty and power."—Lord Macaulay. Paints, Glass, Roofing Conflict with sin is love jealousy "Wherever archeology has been able fighting for its lover. to test the negative conclusions of crit Hatred of sin is love shrinking from icism (of the Bible), they have dissolved Hawthorne from that which separates from its like a bubble in the air."—Pi-of. Sayce. lover. "The Scriptures for naivete, wealth Sympathy is love tenderly feeling. of expression and grandeur, excel the Enthusiasm is love burning. writings of the Romans and the Greeks. Hardware Hope is love expecting. Homer never attained the perfect Patience is love waiting. phraseology of the songs of Moses."— K. L. MENDENHALL Faithfulness is love sticldng fast, Fenelon. "There are no songs comparable to place. Ta b o r 0 4 3 5 Modesty is love keeping out of the songs of Zion, no orations equal to sight. those of the prophets, nor politics like Soul winning is love pleading. those the Scriptures teach."—Milton. 1078 Hawthorne Are, Portland Ore.