Parish Council Minutes

Annual Meeting

Date of Meeting: 7th October 2019 Attendees: Andrew McKersie, Julie Dowton, Phil Potter, Valerie Jackson, Will Kingdom, Tony Steed Apologies: Mark Wakefield

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1. Conflicts of Interest – PP and AMcK declared their interest in Davidstow Residents Action Group.

2. Minutes of Meeting 9th September – The minutes of the meeting were approved.

3. Matters Arising – AMcK confirmed he had written to the planning officer about Dairy Crest’s planning application. The action on Cllr Rotchell to return with details of the route of the By-pass were noted but it was agreed not to track the action and await Cllr Rotchell’s attendance at a future meeting.

4. Planning – PA19/07308, Discharge conditions for the Anerobic Digester, land North West of Lower Tregeen

At a previous meeting Councillors had requested an Odour

Management Plan as a planning condition. The Plan had now been formally submitted to Council. Mr Wonnacott attended to answer questions. Councillors supported the proposed Plan

PA19/ 07308 – Conversion and extention of existing listed outbuilding to form a new dwelling, Lower Trevivian – Councillors agreed to submit a neutral response on the AMcK proposed development. AMcK to inform .

5. Report from the Camelford Network – AMcK reported that he had attended a meeting of the Camelford Network. The key points were: Camelford By-pass: Although it had been understood that the decision for finance for the scheme was expected at the end of the year, in reality there were numerous further milestones that had to be reached. Under the current plan, the very final decision point would not be until…. Shaping Places – a presentation had was made by a new department at Cornwall Council who helped to co-ordinate and integrate other Council departments to help create an integrated plan. A number of towns, such as and had benefitted. Consideration was being given to Camelford , especially in view of the impact that the by- pass, if built, would have on the town. Cornwall 50 year plan – Cornwall Council has started work on a new 50 year plan. Given the timescales involved, it was likely that significant new schemes would get identified, such as the possibility of a major new town in the North / East of Cornwall to help relieve housing demand. The process was at an early stage and the team was currently in the process of gathering initial ideas. The Climate Emergency questionnaire, developed by the Camelford Network, was considered by Councillors. Most of the ideas were only relevant to larger Parishes and Town Councils. Councillors decided that there were no actions relevant or appropriate for Davidstow.

6. Report from Cornwall Governance Review meeting. AMcK reported that he had attended a public meeting in Launceston, called by the Cornwall Governance Review (CGR) team. The majority of the meeting dealt with potential boundary changes around Launceston. A representative from the neighbouring parish of had spoken about the desire of residents to establish a Parish Council. However, given the Parish’s size, a merger with another Parish was required. The suggestion of a merger with Davidstow was mentioned, although the Treneglos preference was for a merger with Tresmeer, Tremaine or possibly Warbstow. AMcK reported that he addressed the meeting in support of the Council’s submission to the CGR team to transfer the remaining parts of Hallworthy into Davidstow. In response to the suggestion of a merger with Treneglos, AMcK reported that he had confirmed that there was no support from Davidstow for any merger given the lack of synergies between the two communities.

8. Dairy Crest Update- AMcK, JD and PP advised that they had attended a meeting the previous week with Dairy Crest (Saputo) and the Environment Agency to address on- going issues. Dairy Crest had reported issues with noise and additional night-time tractor movements in response to rainfall being diverted to the WWTP. During the meeting, potential solutions to both noise and volume of water were identified. Dairy Crest advised that they were considering bringing forward the replacement of the BT1 tank, as it was this tank that was the cause of the majority of issues affecting residents. On the subject of planning, the Council’s reiteration to the planning officer for the requirement for a condition on new production had also been discussed. Dairy Crest indicated their understanding that the requested condition be linked to upgrades to the WWTP. AMcK had advised that the response to the planning officer had also included reference to the removal of solids at the factory as a potential solution but undertook to check the correspondence to ensure that the Parish Council’s view was clear. AMcK reported that he had written back to Dairy Crest, enclosing a copy of the submission to the planning officer, where the requirements of the Parish Council were clearly set out.

9. AoB – The annual bill for hosting the Council’s website had been AMcK received. Councillors expressed concern at the size of the bill (£372). Councillors agreed to renew the contract for another year but AMcK undertook to review options. Mr Jim Hunt updated councillors on his new electric car sharing venture. Two cars are currently available, bookable through the website. Mr Hunt also informed councillors that he had started discussions with Western Power about the possibility of a micro grid in Davidstow. Mr Hunt undertook to return to the Council once the scheme had developed further.

Date of next meeting – 4th November, 7am Methodist Hall, Tremail