Des Moines Area Community College Open SPACE @ DMACC Expressions Student Work 1989 Expressions 1989 Troy Doolittle Ann Francis Susan Woods Kathy Eastman Maura McCarthy See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Doolittle, Troy; Francis, Ann; Woods, Susan; Eastman, Kathy; McCarthy, Maura; Myers, Mindy; Kent, Terri; Phillips, Enid; Hurd, Angie; Senn, Mimi; Norman, Carl; Cole, Cindy; Robinson, Kent; Barcus, Jim; Anderson, Linda; Rivas, Leslie; Johnson, Barb; Jensen, Jinea; Von Muenster, Karen; Harrison, Nancy Chido; Skoglund, Mike; Bui, Tho; Bergerud, Bruce; Bailey, Chad; Kellogg, Ruth; Rohlk, Kyle; Bergerud, Bruce; Jensen, Jenea; Brennan, Jennifer; Vannordstrand, Julie; Hurd, Angie; and Lindsey, Scott, "Expressions 1989" (1989). Expressions. 29. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Work at Open SPACE @ DMACC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Expressions by an authorized administrator of Open SPACE @ DMACC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Authors Troy Doolittle, Ann Francis, Susan Woods, Kathy Eastman, Maura McCarthy, Mindy Myers, Terri Kent, Enid Phillips, Angie Hurd, Mimi Senn, Carl Norman, Cindy Cole, Kent Robinson, Jim Barcus, Linda Anderson, Leslie Rivas, Barb Johnson, Jinea Jensen, Karen Von Muenster, Nancy Chido Harrison, Mike Skoglund, Tho Bui, Bruce Bergerud, Chad Bailey, Ruth Kellogg, Kyle Rohlk, Bruce Bergerud, Jenea Jensen, Jennifer Brennan, Julie Vannordstrand, Angie Hurd, and Scott Lindsey This book is available at Open SPACE @ DMACC: For Reference Not to be taken from this library XII I I "You do not honor a writer by praise.