Rooming Network Improving the Quality of Life for Rooming House Residents of the Inner South

Inner South Rooming House Network Melbourne Victoria Submission to the Inquiry into in Australia June 2020 Background: ISRHN NETWORK:

The Inner South Rooming House Network (ISRHN) brings together a committed group of consumer advisors, information/ service delivery, welfare, allied health, community health nursing, , outreach and community development professionals from a broad range of agencies working within the Inner south area of Melbourne along with people who have a lived experience of living in a rooming house. The mission of the ISRHN mission is to improve the quality of life for Rooming House residents within the City of Port Phillip/ Inner South area and be an active voice for change.

The purpose of the ISRHN network is to: • Provide a forum for information sharing, and professional development • Advocate for improved access and equity for Rooming House residents • Respond to Government policy papers and Sector Reforms and keep abreast of current issues in Rooming • Be aware of the trends and shifts within Rooming House communities • Identify Community Development opportunities and seek funding to action these • Build upon the strengths of Rooming House communities

The ISRHN held a National Homelessness Week 7 August 2019: Pop up get together & Speakers Corner and thank the Inquiry committee for the opportunity of sharing these ideas. At this event, we were seeking input from community members who have experienced homelessness how to better address the acute lack of safe, secure, which is the main trigger of homelessness: • Women & children should never experience homelessness, they should be priorities and access for help should be easily available-in my case I was on the run with my three kids because of domestic violence, at the moment I am getting there slowly recovering, but the experience traumatised us • More housing for homeless and cheaper rent • Much more & community housing-we need to have a base where we feel safe & start forward to be a part of a community where we are productive and belong • Increase amount paid through Centrelink Newstart payments now • Long term supports-sometimes you need them for good-you can’t put a limit on it • Assertive mental health outreach-go where people are and keep going • Increase Crisis Housing options as population has increased

Inner South Rooming House Network Melb Vic Submission to Inquiry into homelessness in Australia 2020 Co-Convenor

• Shut down shonky ,illegal rooming houses • More public and social housing spread throughout communities ‘not ghettoized’ • Better rights for renters-ensure the new rental law is implemented • Stop punishing homeless people & demonising them in the press • Need safe & affordable housing o Short term o Medium term o Long term • People need choices about housing & freedom of movement • More $$$ to services to provide support • No unhealthy houses to be rented-we need rental standards • Estate agents who break the rules to receive 2 warnings and fines-3rd breach - deregistered as Real Estate Agents • Specific increase of housing & support for young people aligned with continuing/furthering education & employment support-eg Foyers • No of multiple properties to individuals who then run them as illegal rooming houses • No terminating leases without reason • Tenants to be able to negotiate lone term leases • No chucking people out pending approvals for redevelopment of properties, tenancies to be allowed to continue until proof of permits are approved • No rent bidding allowed • Agents on site for all inspections by prospective tenants at end of tenancies rather than just being sent with key to a currently still occupied property • No properties left vacant because rent is too high-if not rented within a month-reduce rent by 20% and reduced further if still not rented by a further 2 months • Everyone needs a home and deserves a home • Housing needs to be accessible for all abilities and the application and eligibility needs flexibility too • Put a small percentage of defence forces funding to addressing homelessness- particularly for veterans • Community attitudes to homelessness need to change & modernise-this is a real issue and can affect any one of us • More affordable housing-less budget waste in other areas -invest in people • Less funding to industries and more funding for housing-it’s not rocket science!! • For every room taken by The Block-rooms that used to house the poor and now housing the wealthy • Vacancy tax-homes are for people not just profits • Build more housing and make it safe for women to reside in • Spot purchase public housing now • More support to find your roots and develop connections in community • Better mental health services • We need public housing -built by the government, managed by the government and maintained by the government-community housing rents are too expensive

Inner South Rooming House Network Melb Vic Submission to Inquiry into homelessness in Australia 2020 Co-Convenor