, On the Inside ~ Th.Weath.r Ycmb Buy Mizo- • •. Page 2 Mostly lair rmd rath.. warm today and Parent·Teachers MeoUng Today- tomonow. Hi9h today. 85: low sa. Hiqh .• . Page 3 owan at ye.terday. 82: low•• 9. Hickenlooper Asks Com Borer Study­ .... Page 5 Est. 1868 - AP Leased WiLe. AP Wireph:lto. UP Leased WiLo -' f'ive Conts Iowa City. ].-wa. Tuesda y . l\U'jusI 21. 1919 - Vt'l. 83, No. 225 Rent Control Funds' Reduced in Senate Diplomatic Sources Speculate, WA SHINGTON ( l ' P )- The . cnalr ,I'l'hlerday upheld n sharp rrrlnriion ill rent ('0111101 fumb, bul pl'vlllisecl Housing Expetlil· 1 r Tigu Woods a SYIIl Pllt hrti ' rill' if h is forcl'd to ask con6 re . for more moncy ncxt .l alllllll,),. Will Russia Attack Yugosla'via? "'hiit' he did 110t sa.v so in so Illany worcls, Woods immedi. ately hintrri that Ihl' action will milk" it UIlI1l'Cl'SSllry for him to ~() through with his plllJl to d . * * * control many rental areas and CO t C 'I V1 Fear Hot Feud III ask 10CHI offiCials to police rcnts I y ounci 0 es Ger a Parly in olhers. "This means thal we can carry ' To Defer Trai~er out the PreSIdent's mandate to • Joins with Tilt) Beyond Period protecl tenants {rom rent gouging A f' f 1 Y and illegal evictions and at the C um or ear B8r.t IN (IP) - A German Com­ same Ilme UGSUI' justice to land- munl~l faction formf'd 11 new party Of Verbal War It/cds," he said in a formal state- The city council passed a mo- yesterday and quickly leagued ment. liOn by Alderman Clark F. Mig- ilself With Yugoslavia's Marshal By ALEX H. (NGLETON "I am pleased and gra~f ul helt " defer action on all Iowa Tllo "to fight the Imper'alist Bol­ BELGRADE (A") - The hard­ shevIsm" of Russia. with thIs J'ea.ffinnation of con- Ci ty trailer residences for a per­ boiled struggle between YugO­ Its leaders said they already ,resslonal support for effective iod of one YEar, permitting thc slavia and Russia appeared yes­ rent control where housing is occupation of trailers in Iowa were collecting guns to resist ar­ still eritica.l and orderly decon- City until Sept. I, 1950. rest by Russian [orees in eastern lerday to be rellchlne beyond the trol where the deroa.nd Cor hous- An addition to MJlZhell's mo. Jermany If n c .,gary. name-calling stage to a threat of Ing Is bein, mei." lion by Alderman Wayne Pul- The chId - !10k sman and war. The senate approved a confer- IT'an to r aeh a solution to the co • lealler, 41-year·old Karl. Cominl' to the fore Is tbe dy­ ence committee report earmarking trailer question at leasl three lIelnz cholz, C)1~lmed hi Fre namite-laden qnestlon: "Wh t $17 .!i-million to administer rent w('eks before lhe date of termina­ Communi & I)ariy (1'It!') ha a would Ul e United St.te, do II controls during the rurrent Iiscal lion also was passed. lAP Wlropbolol .-row;.n.- membership now count· Josd talln fOnt 'he Sovl' year aller Sen. Paul Douglas (D- Aclion against living in trailers A Case of Too Much Gasoline ed at 4,000 In the ovitt s('ctor army to oVl'rthrow Yllgoslav1a,'! HI) withdrew a motion io let ' in Iowa Qity, which violate city of Berlin and 600 In the west. Independent Communist, Mar· Woods spend the money in nine building code ordinances. was de- SWATUED IN BANDAGE , Joseph Featherstone, 8, was treated In ern ector. shall TUo. Scholz said a well - organized months instead of 12. fer red once before, on June 1. Chlca&,o's Swedish Conn ant hospital ycstcrda for second deg-rer No one knows tor sure - out­ Douglas sRid he acted only by the council. burns he received from holdIng a Ii e-htcd match to look Into the gas Llnderground operation Is spylnt! on lhe Russians and smuggling side the Kremlin - what is com- wHIl the clear ullderstanding A discussion period in which tank of all "bandonI'd truck near hIs home. Tile ga ol.lle fumclI ing next. Bul the ef10rt which be­ Ulat the senate would be 8ym- persons in the audicnee told 1hl' Ignited, burned hi c1othlnx, and a neIghbor beat out the flame. weapons for the party. Scholz, a wartime anU - Nazi gan 14 months ago to ullseat Tito pathd:c if Woods found U nc- council of their views, preceded Joseph's cousin, Gary Lonl:' (left) 5, watellc!! Nurse Dolores Gon. l when the Cominform read him cessary to request additional the council's action. Atty. New- nle comfort thr victim. I\lolor;~ts are havlllg trouble in Chlca~o underground fighter who had been imprisoned four years liS a Reich­ out of the party develop d long money. Scveral senalors from man Toomey represenled 10WR Ci· getting gasoline hC(,llus of a strike 01 Ja ollne lruck drivers who ago into frequent shootmgs along both parties agrced to that URns opposed 10 trailer camp~ service rctall ouuets. stag fire suspect in the '1930'5, course of aclion. within thl' cil'y Iimlls or trailer ______...... , __~ ____ lives in the French sector behind t.)1e salelUte borders. 'rile rent control funds were !n- zones within the city. steel doors and barred windows The siluatlon has the diplomatic eluded in the $7,617,739,000 iude- Referring to the Martin trailer: which make a fortress of his CAr Wlre.,bD'.J corps here wondering and Vlorry­ B36' AI B b Th I· third-floor flaL pen.dent offi~es appropriations bill ra~p .on. Orchard .~lre~t, Toom"v - S om om war Ing German Tells 01 New Party ing. whIch carrIes money for such ~ald It IS "bolh a 11re hazard r Soviet sector authorities have At. an example of lhe jitters, on~ agencies us the atvillic energy nnn a henllh hazard." • outlawed him and put a price of GE T IU G WITIJ III llANOS Karl-lIelnz cholli Yesterday embassy lhoueht it had a sound 10,000 ellst marks (about $700) all commission a nd the veterans ad- Ally. Donald Barchart, who RIG SIT Ilf· In Berlin told or a Irroup 01 German CommunIsts which has formed Inside tip on an "invasion" date his head. minist.ra1lon. ACt"r seWing lhe sPok~ for Ihl' trailC'rit< R, said th(' a. /lew spllnt"r party. The 4l-year old Grrman engineer and vet· recently and hustled its staff off USSli en paa I es lies The other leader elected at thc renL ISsue, the senate approved I Martin camp and most camps h~cI r • eran ommunl I underground ca mpaigner said that the new Krou p. to northern Yu~oslavia . the whole rE-port. 1t now goes to been insp eted by city ilnd stall' F KP's organization meetmg was the Fne ommunl t party. h IT'C. and Yugo la-v Premier Mar­ Here are other signs contl'ibuL­ the house which was expected to health officials and were found 10 WJ\SIII:-\\l'I'() (AI') ·01'11. {'nI'l Hpllntz If'stifi d .\·pstel' Paul Szymanski, a head man in shal T.to a vow or SU I)Port, "We have formed to fI.-ht Imperialist Ing to the belief a bhowdo vn may follow suit. be more than .~8tisfRClory. clay Ihat (,XClpt 1'01' 1111' f'xistrnl'p of thr J\ml'ril'!ln B·3IJ bOIl1I){,I' the SOCialist Unity (SED) party Bolshevism." ScholK sa.ld. be close: * * * Seve ral other persons spoke for and til\' atolllil' h01\\h, HlI .·sia's nl'mil's rould O\'rl'I'lIn practic!lI1~' fOI'med In 1946 by a Soviet-die­ pnrl Al!;ai nst lhe action ..Toe Mc- tnted mergcr of Communists and 1. RU88la has bla~kllsted the I f R all of Europr lind i\~ill "in n I'rl!lti"l'lv sholt lilll!'." I')roperl,v said Sociall!ls. Yugoslav government as an "en­ econfro , 0 enls .Ginni~. ~ ~wner. th~t of W'l'apOllS, 111'1' D • Towa City has "[RIled Its duty III A mPI'i c';'/1 (lossrssinll IIll's(' 111'0 kf''y hI' said, FKP Joined Tlto', bitter anti. emy:' not only of the Soviet "Ihp g- rratrst fol'cl's for pNH'P in IIl l' world" bC'('all.'e till'Y mnin · Truman Calls for Arms ~d t C'f' not providing houses Ior the ~f Comlnrorm teud with the Krem· Union but of all Communist par­ In M ~ w·es I les pe~ple." -- --~ tain at the airport as he changed to a they were accorded by McGrath dents may get their grlldes tram However, Vollm'r emphasized expected his aide's appearance b~· car [or the drive to convention the privilege of presenting their the deans of the colleges. McCar­ that although Lhe rent control fore the investigators to be a "fiele hall. case to the credentials committee. rei said. office would be closed by th i~ day." action, rent controls would stili ------~---- qe enIorced by the gov€rnor's rent advisory board. Wherry Raps AchelOn Th is board, whieh was chosen For 'Secret' Arms Deal Educalion Bill Qiscuss ion .Ends in Discord by lhe govemOI' of IOWA with W ASH[NGTON nPI - Senat'! WASHINGTON (IPI - A house the approval of federal authori­ Republican L e II d e r Kenneth ties. con~isls of six members: J .A. labor committee "round table" sian at lea~t. committee meetin& on th.e contro­ Wherry yeste~day accused Seen!'­ discussion of possible fe deral ald­ rI'he meeting was attended by venial issue. Swisher, 114 N. Gilbcr street, tary Dean Acheson of secretly cha irman; HarOld Vestermark, to~education compromises broke representatives of the National Before the meeting broke up, committing the United States to 1607 E. Court street; Mrs. Clair up in discord yesterday with con­ Education association, the U.S. Sims got In one last word. He Hamilton, 422 N. Clinton slreet; send western Europe $1,160,000,- gressmen and witnesses shouting office of educatlon, the National announced. that be has obtained ' "stephan Darling, 1207 Seymour 000 in U.S. arms. recriminations at each other. Catholic Welfare conference. and 12 of the necessary 13 s~atures !trect; H.J . Dane, route 4, low!! The Nebraskan, who voted The in10rmal session was ealled the CIO aDd AFL. on a petition to force. LesinsJd to against Acheson's confirmation, (I>­ The session was scarcely under­ hold • replar _ion. City, and Herb Olsen, 720 N. Du­ \ (AP WIre, ••,., by Chairman John Lesinski buque street. told the senate It was "typical" of Mich) over the protest of many way before two committee Demo­ James Carey. CIO secretary­ "TPe board will hold a meetuig CONGRATULATIONS WERE In order at the Penta Jon In Wasblncton yesterday. Secretar), of the AI'DlJ secret commitments made by the committeemen in an attempt to crata, Reps. carl Perkins (Ky) and treuurer, wu the first witne" soon to discuss what sleps should Gordon Gra,. (leU) and Defense Secretar,. Louis Johnlon (second from left) joined In con&1'atulaUons administration which then asks find a way out of the religious HVgo Sims, (S.C.) angrily de­ and the 0Il1y eoe who had a be taken if the rent office is 'n Undersecretary of the Arm), Tracy Voorhees of New York (second from rlJhi) and AIIi,tant Army congress to make good on them to dispute that has killed the $300- nounced the ehalrman for his re­ ebance J makln& any extended closed," Swisher iaid ;yesterday. Seoret&r)' Arcblbald Alexander of BernanlavWe, N.J. af\er &he la.&ter &wo &oolt oa&hl for Ulelr offices. "save face." million education bill for tba sea- peated refusal to caU a relular remarlu. • PAGE TWO-THE DAll.Y IOWAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1949

Yank's Purchase Johnny Mi ze MAJOR-IIBaseb~ 1 Rec;'d Book Should Have Pa ~e for Fans Giant Slugger Sold ' : ',;:;":~~,"""m'"'"t M',~, S~ - Phds 'Rooters' Snap Six-Game Strea~ "sclosed Sum sale was made by Eddie Bran- I PHILADELPHIA (JP) - Th - - - - For Undl nick, Giants' secretary. He said. I NATIONAl. LEAGU" . record boo:t tor 1949 fruit barrage that followed He referred to the inCident I whole episode. The forfeit-delel! "We have solti Mize to the W L I'CT. OB ought to have a page hI' Ih toreed Head 1\1 Barliek when Glenn Nelson of St. Louis didn't count as n loss on Schoo., NEW YORK !\PI - Big Johnny ' j I r"I, ...... 71 ~.8 .'117 fans. They're having quite a sea- to declare till' first forfelled hil a ball to center that Andy uoy Rowe's pitching r('cord. Mize, the tomato- faced Georg!a Yankees. !::itra\ght c!lsh. Annunt Bl001l1)," ...... n9 • ,(;00 2 not disclosed, He leaves to join .. " 'n ...... "11 M .,~17 Il'i son. game In sevell years. 1'he GI- Palko c1aillls he caught on his probubly diM boy who spent 10 years blasting Pbllade lpb la .. .. . 60 l1li .1ICl8 12\\ They run on the field for auto- allts al ;) were involved ill that the Yankees at Detroit tonlght shoestrings. Barlick nol only dis- I€el quite as elatell. What lo.JUd tile fences of the , I (Monday night)." ~~:" h!::: ::::.:: :!! :T :~ g graphs in the middle of gam.s; one. allowed the catch Patko said he like a sure victory for the Giants last night was sold by the New Cln.lnnaU ...... 48 .9 .410 24 Ibring about suspension ot man3- Barllck said he caJled Sunday's rr.ade, but lailed to call time was WIped olf J ansen's pitdun& York Giants to the New York And that was all. The Yanks Cbl.a.o ...... 4~ 7. .378 28 gers - and in their latest coup, I game a 9-0 victory for New York bad taken an 8 p.m. EDT train VESTERDAV 'S SCORES t lh Phil d 1 h' hlill when Patko set up a howl. Nel. reco·rd. Yankees in a stunning stralght­ BOltOD 7. Brooklyn" COS e a e p la P es a "Cor the good of the people, base- son raced around the bases for a ------.---=--­ cash deal. for Detroit, and Miu wa sche­ TOD"Y'S PIT(,JlY-ItS ball gamf'. ball and the players." duled to take a mh!.'1ight 'ra!n. 8 1. Louis 01 )lrooklYD - (!. day-nl,bl) Th' t III h t I I t home run that won th e game. The 0 f f i cia 1 announcement. _ Br.,l. ( I ~.r.) ond Mun,.. ( II _~) or ere s noe nf w a m g I Awall Frick's DeCision Glillagher OJrnments made moments after the deal was Mize had been benched by the Pollet 06-7) va HaUe. ( 11 ,6) and R.. come next. ",iants in recent games for not (9 .. · ' or Barn,." ft. .. '\ Whrther the Phillies pay a fine' In Chicago, James Gallagher. closed, did not give any hint as Cbloa,. at N.w York - Lad. (2-3) The Phillies were a prelty un- Dutchman On hitllng, Huwever, Ius sale goes will have to await the arrival general manager of the Chicago to hoVi much the Yankees paid VI Harlan, (~- II) or KOII. (8-71 happy lot yesterday. I beyond his prese.,t slump. One ClnolanaU a. Pblladelpbla (nlrbt) - from Colorado of PreSident Ford Cubs said "George Barr and Al for the home run hi tting first WphntpJer n"'t) \II Borowy (I'!·II) This most recent clicapade of or Durocher's first statements Frick of the National league. E'rick Barlick are both competent urn­ baseman. Same estimates ran as Pltllbur,b at )lOltO. (.I,hl) - Ch ..- 'he people-who-pay-th -freight n .. (ft-8) "" Saln 19·13) is enroule lo New York from pires. TheY've been Working for high as $100,000 but they were when he took over the Giants cost them dearly. Channel Swim Colorado and is not eXpected be- a long time," ~ure ly ~Ie ~swork, I was that "we may sell Mize," A~IERICAN LEAOUl': Ended Six-Game St reak "It was a complete surprise to W J. PCT. 08 fore Wednesday. The Cub official emphasized CAP GRIS NEZ, FRANCE ~ Mize hu not been hlUlog well New York ...... 1S .. 2 .63/\ It deprived Manager Eddie me," the big first baseman said Boston . . •...... 12

'I Knit Wool Makes a Good Traveler Parent-Teacher ! 1eddy Bear' Still Pe,sona' Notes Jump A Child's Favorite, Swim Suit Sales Meeting Opens' The Rev. Elmer E. Dierks and Toy Maker Says uo Van Etten represented the For Iowa City Stores Iowa City Baptist church at I' At SUI Today It Sis or Junior has just dropped statewide men's retreat at low' 'wimlUl'rs or Towa 'ity aren It the only person bappy her or his favorite plaything inw Falls this weekend. w "Freedom to Grow" is the 10w8 river or some other in­ about the n low8 'ity wimming pool. M. rchant of thi city theme of the two-day work con­ acc . ible spot. the chances are a Mr. and Mrs. WlIl iam Marlow" are ~.njoying "the be. t wiming uit sson Iowa ity ha ever ference of the Iowa Congress of teddy bear will soothe the griet­ 122 TempUn park, are the par- had. Parenis and Teachers which stricken mourner. ents of a seven-pound, elght- In a sur,'l'Y mad by The I opens this morning at Macbridc For, according to Ben Michtom, ounce boy born Sunday at Mercy Daily Iowan, local ml'rehant ?ave a tendency this summer, as auditorium. whose Lather originated the tey hospital reported a large increa~ e I n the lD the past. to buy tight fitting Ethel Karwin, consultant in 47 years ago, the teddy bear is volume ot swimming suits sold Iastex trunks. child development for the Illinois still the favorl te stuIfed animal this year over the number sold One men's store reported sales toy of American children. Mlch­ Mr. and ,Mrs. Kenneth Ccx, Association for Supervision and IIL'It llmmpr. "eral torp. rp- oJ swimming suits "up well over Qurriculum Development, region­ tom, vice-president of a novelty route 2, Iowa City, are the par­ ported a 100 percent increase In 50 percent thiB summer." al consultant in parent education Hnd toy company, recently con­ ents of a seven-pound, one-ounce tor the National Parent-Teacher ducted a survey of tOY tastes son born Sunday at Mercy hos­ swimming suit sales. Other stores One smaller shop reported sales congress and education lecturer among parents who annually pital. have sold 50 percent more this up 25 percent on men's suits. Yel­ year, but one large men'!: store low wu the best - elling color. at the Univc rsity of Chicago, will jY.'nd S300-million on toys tor has had no increase. Other store. have sold more tan be the principal spo!aker. their youngsters. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Smith 31 '/ S. Capitol streel, are the Tbe larrest raIn In ..If!! II trunks than any other color. Miss Karwin will speak on The orl,lnal Teddy bear wu par~ In women's and ehlldren', UUII. Several store said "Why Parent Education" at 10:30 named In 1902. Pns. Theodore ents of a son born yesterday al man~aers Mercy hcspital. The bab)" weighed Men', swim trunks have 10_ that the large Increase LO sales or a.m. today in Macbride auditorium Roo evelt bad adopted a bear created In ..l ea volume vcr women Ibeachwcar was partly due durlnt a l\fls i sippi hun tin, eight pounds, eight ounces at birth. and (In "New Concepts in Child lui :rear bui to a amaller 0 to beUer designed suits this sum- trip. u- Cero" tomorrow afternoon. ~l m~ The two-day conference and Pictures cl Teddy Roosevelt and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kessler, ODe maaacer ..Id, "For the study groups will be (valuated by ,i5 baby bear appeared through­ 319 E. Burlington street, arll the Most stores anticipated the in­ n.... tlDw manufaduren have Prof. Ralph H. Ojemann, sm out the country, along with stor­ parents of a daughter borll yes­ creased demand in swimmln:t wear r.:lae an ou\ to make lul&a ap­ child w£llare department, and u~s of how the famous Teddy had terday at. Mercy hospital. She caused by the openin, of the new peaUar to the varlolll averall! Mrs. 0 .5. Falland, Colfax. refused to let the bear be shot weighed lix poundll, 15 ounces. pool. However, one of the lar,er ',pili of _mea', Ill'1Ire. In­ becaube it was such a pet. Iowa City stores neglected to olace I" of Jlllt lor the perfectl, Registrations for the s ~ssion Valerie Dierks, SUI graduate wili begin at 8 a.m. today in The elder Michtom, an immi­ a sl~able order last winter for built &h'L" who is the daughter of the Rev. swim lIuits ill~ "completely miss­ He then showed suits that make Macbride hall. gL'ant then making a few tOYs in Brcoklyn, cut out a tiny bear skin and Mr•. Elmer E. Dierks of the ed the boat 01'1 them," a sales rat girls look slimmer and others and set it in his window. He pack­ Baptlst church, lett. SYnday for clerk of the store said. than enable slim glra to look ed up anothcr, sent it to Roosevelt Mohne, Ill., to work with teen­ Two - piece women's Buits that flitter. Also women with small AMA Charges FBI and asked permission to call ii agers at an Illinois Y-Teens en­ topped soles last year have lost busts can now buy suits that do the "Teddy bear." campment at Camp Hauberg. The their leadership to the more con­ "quite a little cheatlng." "1 don't think my name', like­ work is in preparation for job as servative one-piece suits, most Larger girls who have had rough With Reprisal Ra'id ly to b wprth mucb In the bear teen-aae director at tbe Y.W.C.A. stores reported. times getting In and out of their I bu Ine ," Roo eveli wrote baek, in Rockford, 111., which Miss One talesman did Jlot. like suits can now get models with a On Chicago Office "but you'r" welcome to Ule It." Dierks will begin this fall She re­ conneet!... the word oonMrYa­ zipper all the wa)" down the back And so, as a result, millions at turned last week (r\lom Hulett. Uve with one-pleeo lulta. He that makes Slipping into a suit Wyo.. where she had been di­ .taW that the n_ one-piece flmply a case ot slipping. WASHINGTON ~ - A American ehlldren arc sleeping WIth the namesake at a president. rector of a northern Baptist. sum­ 8ul&6 "o)ver more bul, wow! Innovatlo~ such as boy - girl spokesman for the A m er i can mer service project. the way the, cover wbal the, combinations, where men and wo­ Medical association charged yes­ cover." men can buy sui is with the same terday that the deparlment of Begin Compilation Women have shown a definite drsigns, and :luits that are solrl justice tried to "raid" its Chicago preference for solid color in their with beach towerls to match are KNIT WOOL UIT make llraetleal travel.oA' companion. The e alifor nl a-de~lrn('d Pa eo "001 offlces in reprisal for the AMA's Boswell, City Pool swimming apparel with aqua and credited with aiding sales of 8ults. opposition to President Truman's casuals require only minor presslngs occasionally ta keep th em Immaculate. They hanK on a hanger, Of City Directory green very popular and white not compulsory h e a i t h insurance rOil. in and out. of trlwel luggage a nd kceJ) on th e go w.thout. sagClng or siretchLnll'. peclal pre- Manager, Appointed so much in demand. Several plan. shrmkinll' firms their Iiucs permanently. Frlces arC" about 35 for adult and from 15 to 17 for chll- Interviewers for R.L. Polk and sportswear department managers Thc allegation was made at dren. compa yesterday began com- Boid that white reportedly has a Boy Scout Officials, the first of a series of round- --- - piling names and addresses for a Conservation Officer tendency to dlscolor after being table conferences called by the I C"' P bl" S hit E II 2 200 J 0 new Iowa City directory whleh in chlorinated water for so me Scouters to IMeet ~A as part oC iis drive 1.0 defeat owa I y U IC C 00 SO ' nro, ames. Merritt will be available Jan. I, 1950. William Boswell Jr., manager ot Ume. the health insurance scheme. T· Grace Schymtzik, in charge c.t the Iowa City munclpal swimming One women's store features flu­ J ohnson county district scout Clem Whittaker, San Francisco The eight public ~('hools in IOWa ~- - .....---.-- 0 ece ve B.A. th(' interviewing, said the diree- pool, has been apPOinted one of orescent suits that "glow In the officers and scouters will meet. advertising man who is directing Cily will open Monday, Sept. J2, held nt 10 a.m. Sept. 10. Juni') r tory will list every city resident five new conservation officers, the moonllght and under water." DUf at 7:30 tonight in the boy scout the AMA campaign, told news- with an expected enr-Illm: nl. of 11igh school teachers will m'~ Juu1CS O. Merritt, 214 Finkbine 18 years old and over. lnterview- state conservation commission an­ to an "irridescent" teature the suit Office, 15 1-2 S. Dubuque street, men at the conference that the over 2,200 studentB, Iver 11.. OJ!- separntely following the 10 a.m. pnrk, i~ one of 345 pl'rsonB wh.- ing probably will be completed nounced last week. "also chanl(es color as the wearer tor discussion of administration "raid" was made on the offices stad, school superintendent, snid me( ting and grarle school fncuilies wlll receive degrees at summer In tWQ mMths. The appointments were made moves." The suit molds to the and programming, scout executive of the Chicago mcdical society yesterday. will meet with their princip~ls The new directory wl\J be the following competitive exam ina­ sk.ln and is sold in one-piece or Martin L . Hunler said yesterday. last December, soon after the Registration for Cily hir.(h ttlC ~;1me aftcrnoon. commencement Fndny al Drake rir~t to be publishcd tor Iowa lions taken by 90 candidates. Bos­ two-piece styles, saleswomen said. District Chairman Harry Dun­ AMA opened fire on the health school students is planl1l cI on the Due to the temporary lac~ of university, Des Moines. I City since 1946. well will be assigned to prelim­ A larce cbeaper-prleed store lap will have charge of the ad­ plan. following schedule: seniors will space, Lincoln grade ~ c h - QI Jl" ,lil. Merrilt. who has had n sludy I ------Inary tralning SepL 8, the com­ \bat. handln both men', and wo­ ministration section which will be attended by institutional rep­ He said an FBI agent, armed registcr on SEPt. 6, juni',rs Oil will start the acmtemle Yl,U' in program coorrlinatrd brtwcen SUI AAA Ak F mission said. men's be&ebwear. ordered 100 with a letter of instruction from Sept. 7, sophomores on Sept. 8, the Horace Mann grade school and Urake unlvcl'~ily Lhc past s~, armers Boswell said he will be asso­ pereent more swImmlnl apparel resentatives, district and councll (he. jus(ice departmentj demanded and freshmen on Sept 9. bUilding. yem', will l'lc(,l"ve a ~.A. (legl ce. ciated w ith the fi sh and game thl, year t.han last and salea officers. the right to eXllmine the society's A faculty mel ting tor all Clty Op ·tnrl said lhal . ac('o~ding to a AI~o graciuating from Drakc To Store Own Corn division of the commission and Indicate that. all lultl ordered They will discuss plans for the records all the way back to 1936. public school teachers will be new sta~e law. pupIls WIll bc ad- university Friday is Katherine probably will work out at Des will be aold. TIltl store has !"Jld fall unit and district scout ex­ He quoted the FBI man as say------_.-- mltted Into kindergarten classes Karstens Wehrle, Tiffin, who WIll Storn e space allocated to Moines. moath women', one-pleee plain pansion program to serve more ing the.4nspection was part of an,W k If they l'e.'ch thl ",'U "I ltV!! UIlI receive a B.S. dC'grce in educalhn. John. n county for 200,000 bush­ Boswell plans to leave for hi s colored lIults, boys' 1'II~x utts boys, the nation-wide scoul roll anti-trust investigation. ea er' Sex Lives or beforc Nov. 15. He urgC'd pflr- - --- cis of surplw corn will hold only conservation work after the swim­ and men's tan colored boxer call and inspection, Hunter sald. Whittaker said the society re- ents to bring birth certificates of T W' H . plIrt of the expected. surplus crop ming poOL closes about the tlrst type truakl, District Commissioner Ray Culp thiS fall, AA Chairman Ray 1;:. Men like the boxer type swlm­ will have charge of the program­ fused to surrender its books and Lo nger Than Men r hildreu whv arc cnlering kinder- WO alve eanngs week or September. He has been that the agent, after two more garten. On Drunken Driving Smalley sqid yesterday. manager ct the pool since it open­ mlng trunks over all others, Iowa ming section which w1l1 be at­ unsuccessful tries, gave up the SI. MilrY's Catholic school will Smalley :Idvised farmers to pro­ ed June 11. City sail'S Indicate. Younger boys tended by scout group leaders. attempt. WASHINGTON (II') - Women bcgin classes on Tuesday, Sept. 6 Eugene 11.. Arnold, 304 Ronalds vide additional corn storage space slL·eet. and Robert 11. Skrivcr, A justice department spokes- I may be. the "weake~ " scx, but with an expected enrollment of on their farms. Thc government man said the charge is "too ridi- the public health scrvlce reporterl over 300 and SI. Patrick's grade Downey, were charged in Iowa is providLQg storage payments culous to talk about." But he de- yesterday that they live longer and high school~ will optn on the City police court with op I ating anrl loans (or new crib construc­ elined to say whether department than men on the average of four same day. a motor veil/de whil" intoxicated. tion, he sai~. "mclals had examined the AMA's or fIve years. 'l'hey were bound over to the The new storage bins will be You can still buy a copy of records. It said white women have the Supervisors to Consider Johnson county grand jury after erected by Nagle Lumber com­ longest average life expectancy..,.. waiving a preliminary hearing. pany ncar the present commodity 70 .6 years-of any scgment of the Resurfacing Bids Today Skriver, who appeared III court credit cor ration's bins south of population. The average for while Semina ry Students men is 65.2 years. Birls for gravel resurfacing 80.95 Sunday after being apprehended Iowa City. Among non-whites, the lire ex- miles of Johnson county roads Saturday night, was released on $500 bond. Arnold appeared in pectancy for women is 61.79 and will be opened at I :30 today at U.S. Birtbs Hold Own The 48 page spe(ial edition Comp~ete Trainin 'g police court yesterday morning 57.9 for men. the coul'thou~e and considered by In First Half of '49 The average for the lotal pop- the board of supervisors. and is being held pending thc posting of a bond. WASHINGTON (II') - The na­ Here in Psychiatry ulation is 68.8-about two years The project will require about . tion's birth ra te appears to be longer than in prewar years. 20.000 tons of gravel and is holding steady, the U.S. publi;: of Five students from Seabury- All of the figures are for 1947, scheduled for completion by No- health service reported yesterday. Western Theological seminary, tbe latest year for which data vember, County Engineer Ray Town 'n' Campus It estimated that 1,706,000 live Evanston, ill., have completed a is available. Justcn sa id. births were registered during the H)-week training program at the ------:------­ first six mdnths of 1949, compared ~ychopathic hospital, hospital of­ The Optimist club will meet for to 1,694,000 in the first halt of fIcials said yesterday. a reguiar meeting tomorrow noon 1948. rrhe studenis, investigating the at the Hotel Jefferson. The latest figure is the second The Daily Iowan use of psychiatry ' in teaching re­ y and Stop Me highest U.S. birth rate on record ligion, wor~ed as hospital attend­ The Thlrty~Two club will meet for the J anuary-June period. Dur­ ants, attcnded lectures and made J-o.---By BENNETT CER~f...., -----' jn room 303 1)1 the Hotel Jeffer­ ing the first six months of 1947, a a field trip to the slate mental son tomorrow noon. No program tota I of 1,865,881 births were reg­ IN Montgoml'ry, Alabama, a w~altby rrrncral ·tl'odc confi­ hospitai at Mt. Pleasant. is planned. istered. Their three-part program in­ dentl." into his bank and ~ollght to cash his "check for fl hllndred cluded learning and recognizing dollars. An rfficiolCY ('xpcrt haa re"oiutionize d lhc bank's sys­ Yes, there's still a very limited supply of that cases heeding psychiatriC treat­ tem, bow vr t, a nd the paying ment, interpreting need for such teller declarrd, "1'1\ ha va to fi'lk YOu'RE WIn{- Daily Iowan of the year - the 48 page special Ireatl'(lent to the patient and his for YOU l' idrntification, pll'a~c ." ~';:/:5 .>'CXIR ". family and working in cooperation with psychiatrists when the pa­ "Dammit," l'OAred the grn('rnl l editionl Here's 48 pages packed full of stories, tient is improved. "1 've bPC'lL a depositor hcre for Robert E. Gariepy, Woonsocket, years and yo n knQw me prrfrrt­ no finer cleaning! photos and news items about the University of R.I., and William G. Worman, Fre­ ly well." "Kindly sec the src- ~~~~~~===tr'~1 Don'1 let our priCH 1001 mont, OhiO, will remain in Iowa ond vice-pt'esident," suid thl' City unlll after Sept. 1, officials tellpl·. youl Your apparel ge• Iowa, Iowa City, the Sports world~ and news from said. The other three students - The second vice- presidenl took the same incllvtdual Max L. Kors, Beatrice, Neb.; D. the general to the first vice-pres­ attention that usually everywhere. Sanford Duncombe, Briarcliffe ident and the first vice-presidrnt Manor, N.Y., and John Pruessner, calls for much hlqher Wichita, Kan. - have gone h' me. tookpresident him okayedto the thepresident. check Thejust ;; ~~~~~'" ' in time to keep tne general from Irs a copy you'll want to save to read over having an apopletic stroke. ~ last Rites Today As he raked in his hundred dollars, the general suddenly de­ manded, "What's my balancc here now?" The teller investigated and over in the months to cOl11e •.• or buy several and reported rathcr sheepishly, "$234,405.47, sir." The gener al made -,,~~" ... ".....,. For Frank Fairall out a new check for $234,405.47 and . said, "Now dammit, get the 10 to send to your friends. The price is only 5 cents president to okay thIs one. I want it cash." The frightened prcsi­ /' a ON'IW,,. ON Funeral services tor Frank U I Fairall. 70, 232 S. Dubuque strcet, dent came pattering over on the double and protesled "Gencral Who died yesterday morning at you're wihdrawing your entire balance with us!" ' , ••. or 10 cents already wrapped for mailing. "1 certainly am," said the general. "I figure I better grab it University ,hospitals, will be held ~ Mon \ Of Lodl,. SKIRT at 2:30 p.m. today in the Hohen­ whiie there's still one idiot in lhis bank who seems lo recognize me." Coovrhrht. 1149. by Bf!nnett Cerl DUilrfbuted bv Kmsz Feature", bvrlt\jCIII.., 89 ~ Stop in today or dial 4191. achub mortuary. TROUSERr The Rev. C.S. Williams will of­ SUIT ficiate at the services a nd burial Or ~ will be in Oakland cemetery. Surviving Mr. Fairall is a sis­ ter, Mrs. J.W. Stackman, Bur­ Furniture Auction ~ DRESS 89 ~ SW~4TER lington. 1:30 P.M. Wednesday 24th .~/ The Daily Iowan Two Fi"ed in Court Comer Bowery and Van Buren Streets ~~3 On TraHic Violations An ?wner's complete household furnishing will be sold at Two persons were tined a total Beaumull)' Clune.. ~ auction o~ comer .lot, including electric refrigerator, May­ ...... fe«." __,... • .,. . Circulation Dep't. Business OHica of $35 in police court yesterday an' ,re u d - chairs afternoon by Judge Emil O. Trott. tag washing machine, sewing machine. davenport, Jack Paul Hoag, 321 S. Dodge rockers, dressers, bed, drop leaf table, 2 floor lamps, lawn street, was tined $10 plus COlltS mowers, tools and assortment of many things. 1 South East Hall Dial 4191 tor r,.Ilure to observe a stop slgll , Dubuque and Br,uce B. Keller, Lone Tree, Otherl may conaign only good large items to sell. Dial 2307 St. was tined $25 plus costs for reck· A. O'LEARY and E. TROYER. Auctioneers 1e1l1 driving. J. " White House"Gets Costly 'Lilt' Daily Iowan By TilE CE TRAL PRES The WASHINGTON - News thal hung Ihe family washing in the public room~ each \ole White House exterior walls will has Its East 'Room, the Whitt: House has and Inlcl'esting hislory. Wbtl ESTABLISHED 1868 'emain standing during thc $5,­ been adcrned by varied types of they are opened again afUr IIJe ------~ OO,OOO renovation authorized by TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1949 furniture and furnishings. r novalion they w, t h Ve Df" .ongress, and that. first flolf rooms Through sparkling socialite days walls, new SUPIlorls, ntlf cell· PubllJhed d&lI,. ...epl )fonaay by ~Iuslvel)' to the ule tor republluUo ••r viii be restored authenticnlly, was I tude.' Publlcattons, Ine., l '!6 Iowa A .. e., all the local neWI printed In this news· e f Dolly Madison, through gr:m ings, but in thrlr new qbapltr lelcomed Iby most Americans, who Iowa City. low.. Entered a ut'!oncl paper as well u all AP newt d l.p&tt.bu years or the Civil war enlling of While tll)u ~e h'stor; tbt, f'ilau mall m.aUer at tbe pOltotrlee aL egard the oldest publtc lJullJing Iowa CUy. Iowa, under the ad con· BOArd of 'trustee.: Rlcbard Dlee, with the tragic assassination of wi!! look muc'" :t~ Americul 0' '1 Washington as symbol'c cf the • re.. of Itt.reh 2, 1870. Geol'l't EnloD, Don Guthrie, M ..... I'~~tlllmt "I)J'ctn'lln LJI coIn, havc 1>110"'11 Ul{m throUBh the ------Ladd, 1.. e..lle O. Moeller, Paul Ol,un, jmplicity, beauly and character Subscription rates-By carrier In Iowa Max Sowefl, Anne Smith. .hrough depl'essions and period~ decades. ell,., 20 u :nta ,,'eeldy or $1 per ) CDI' In r ~ ur democratic system. d prosper:t.y, through W~l' and With n(>w paint on its old f.t. adval1ee: .I:K montb.. S.tG.'i: three mDoth. FRED M. POWNALL. t'.blltber Nobody is going to begrudge; $1.l1li. By m all In Iowa $1.1lU per yoar, ABTIIUR WIMER peace, the White House, alway~ terior and new furnishings ap;1ro. Ilx months ,3.00; three moulh. S'!. And ,anges in the plumbing and [ur­ A ..I,l4n l 10 Ibe Publl.ber Jnder tl.e lPotlight Ul publl(: ..1,,' luI' ld" hllll,e {.( l . r~!iJ~J:J otber mall lublerJptJoDI $8 per year JOHN. S. DAVENPORT ishings that will m:>dernize Iivint at-I ...... Ix months '4.2:li "h, fie mouth. S:!.2l, CJttulalion DIrector uarters of the president. and hi, ..!ntion, has rem:.tined nn mspirn- t"e IT',lt.sent mgo­ the new one?" s held as home of the pr('sitient a 'ackE'cI h! IlVY jndustry. Thus tialions on an Amti'illn state trea­ "When did Congress become the national investigators? Well, ne Unilod St.ates - all thesl \u.< tri3n inrhl~triAl produ('ts wen: ty wi II be dC'"i ·ivp in steering I'm very glad te see you're 50 interested in your government, Bil1y." nake it the No. 1 showplace c. 'old to Hunllnrv in return I'll' Ih < Ihe cour:;r of th e c~untry's future "Maybe I'll get the gold sbr for civics this week. huh. teacher?" h's great world capitnl. 'ital wheal. Sinre "ommunism - ., _., vas introdllC"d in Hungary. in· I------:.,.--~-- "Not if you don't stErt li'tening dl'rin.~ clnss. I told you ye. terday * * that in 1949 the 81st congress of the United States realized that CONGRESS lJuthorized $2-mil ius1ry has been built up ancl the, H bb Ch · ion for "the preparatil n of draw· 'ood surpl.us ha~ been ~oing to 0 y anneS mto passing laws fcr the country wasn't as important. as finding out to the SOVIf t UniOn and Its satel- . ~!II what people in the government and citizens like you and I were ngs and speciflcations, nnd tht I -:J urchase of furniture, furnishing lites - not Austriu. The same doing and thinking." ------T" C • J b lOd eqUipment, and $3,4.00,OO() fo' lJas been trlle in Romania, Yup- Ime· onsummg 0 "And weren't' they a congress anymore then, teacher?" t cost-plus-a-fixed-fee g (' ncr a 1 ~lavia and the other Balkan st:J.te~ F,or Bert Hft~. g 'e~ 71 "Oh yes, Billy. They kept on meeting and even passed a few ollstrucLon contract for "remo­ While ?'!i nerccnt of AlIstrh's U laws. But thcse laws were just ordinary, everyday la ws they had teling (r rebuilding the executive foreign tradl' Is with the ""st, to pass. They didn't have time to dc· anything about the big laws nansion or for constructjon of t only 'he nal imports from ROCKFORD, IOWA UP) - The that people argued about. Th('y had to pass those up so they'd have U. S. Plays Santa Claus eparate residence for the presi­ Poland have helped to restore hobby of Bert Hodge, 77-vrar· time for their invcstigating. They had to investigate so many thing,: len I." Determination of which i' 1l1t" Austrh)\ ~('~nomv. With lit­ tle oth er aid 111 sight, th(' Mar­ old woorlworkn- herp, has turned wicked old Ccmmunists and spies and gove1'l1ment officials and judges ;hould be was left to the e m· into a full time occupation. mission on the renova tion of the shall plan bas hlul to do the and professors and books. It was reolly a full-time job." Hodge, a form!']' carpenter, be ­ For rito's Yugoslavia 'xecutive mansion. rest. "Then wbo passed tbe laws?" General aud -sub('ontract~ are Thp shortnf' of hard (d:lllar) gan doing rabinet {vork when he "No one passed any laws, Billy. There were already a By J. IU. ROBERT JR was about working in the fall to be awarded on cOmlletitive ' lirrency, f 11 by so many other 20, wr) Foreign Affairs Analyst) and winter wh(,l1 there wasn't laws, e.!Hugh laws for the congressmen to talk about during the time lJ illtling among responsible ceJl­ ~ations, has p1a.E'ued Austria, to n much carp"nter w'lrk. Since he th y had to stay in their meetings. And they had committees to in­ That $3-million steel mill for around Tito's neck. plalnr!] blUf rly. But the l lnlted tractors. The Austrianq have bpgun to loo~ bought a lathe Hi ypars ago Hodge vestigate the laws. So you see, the representatives and senators Tito is bu t the first of several It is this economic pr SSUTC S bte~ has tal(en the pOSition The six-member commi ~~io n 01 'or new mnrkf'ts, m~rkels whicl' has don. ml1st of his work on the were kept more than busy without passing any new laws, even American acts to reinforce the which has caused him to turn to thaL it was only sensible to prt'­ hey never explorrd before thr enovation has temp rary he3d· lath(', doing only a little special though some of the cld-fashioned people thought they needed new ones. square-jawfd Communist who the west. vent warmaklne- geods Irem go- -' ar. Amon" Ihese> npw areas an' ,uarters in the fonner library a cabinet work. HI' ... ells many 0/ dared say no to Stalin. The British rccently ncgotiatC'd inR' to co unil'ies which later ·)n " dia. the Near Eaqt and South But those people were very seWsh and they only wanted laws he White House. '.hp arlirlcs he 1l1.1k r s and keeps There is no doubt now in offi­ a $800-mil1ir.n trad(' ngrecm('nl might bet'ome shooting ~nemj fs. that would solve their own little personal problems like having The commission's first big de­ "merica. other! for his own enjoYl'!icnt. cial Washington that sometime with him nnd only this wr k:l 'rito, however, broke with th' ' ision was that White House x An arrrl'Plnt'Jlt h!l. S b !' (' n hemes and medicine and jobs. Those people didn't understand how He said hI' ~til1 hn~ wo:ld stored soon the Yugoslav leader will be world bank invf>-tigatin ml~l:.I·H1 Kremlin more than a year age s'Jrlled wil:h Argl'l1l1na which important Jt was to investignte things." 1'1 iur walls should rem:Iin. Nece'" 1nd rpo!1y C']' usp that cut able to get an American-backed arrivro in Yugoslavia to determine He is the only important Cem will sellll an illitin! flow ·) f was "Oh, I see now, teacber. I'll remember It tllis time. Now ca.n 'ary underpinning and new steel morp thpn 50 ye::trs ago. "En)ugh" world bank loan. Trade wilh west­ thp advisability or a Illan. Tih is muni~t Ipad ~r to refuse to tal{( lnd concrete snpp I'ts well bl ~O( d~ worth ~':'.R·mll1ion frnm I go play?" h;! added, "to keep m ~ busy for I ern nations generally will become reportf'r1 to have :lsJo:l'd $200-mil- Stalin's orders and get by with it ,llaeed inside to mnke the While Austria. al'eorllil1ll" tn Ihr ;11- "Yes, Billy, you can go now nnd play G-man with the other easier for l-Jim. lion but scrms m orq Ij '.ly t'l g I retaining power. H€ still oro formation .1rparllnl'nt of Ih· 'c;n,e till1C.'l tho III fTouse strong and secure. Hodge dop~ his woed turning boys." There is no sign at this time­ $50-mi11ion. That is what Aml>ri- claims himself a good Communisl AlI~trinn Consulate Gcneral In Duties of the commission ill ­ in nn unDrthorlox manor r, rmtgh­ "Ah gee, teacher, nob dy plays G-man anymore. We're cOn­ of any intention to .~end guns t ­ C,lll otriciah l'~tim~lte he urgently in fact a betler Communist thai 'lude approvnl 0[ all constructior New York. nel'ds at this timc. the Soviet l!'aders. in.~ out the pi c sOli ths lathe gl'essional investigators!" Be lgrade. But pre umn:Jly if the ,)lans, app'Ttvol of I.he r:eneral c:Jn ")\Jp,£'nlinlions nrp in nr ' .. r'" whil!' till' w01d is gr en, then Russians ord r an all-out efforl The grantin~ o f thl' liN J1,~ '1'he im[lortant change which hr! \Vith Brnzi I which may npl A li S' ractor and subcolltJadot·" ;)'1' putling them in ~ncks to dry for by th eir satellite countries to [or a Jwivate Amrric(\n ('omplllY rome 3JOut is that Tilo IS n fria 11 $20-millinn (',)n lr:Jcl. ()the' up('\'vision or the prr.er('ss of t'li abnut two ye3rs be [ore firi ~hin '~ smash Yugoslavia, Washington. I 10 sltil) ff,l' I>tecl mill to Yu,,:o- long r ,.)' addition to Russi:ll1 pow WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR ·rn~·tr llrtion. 'The rOlI1mbsion w:1 )~reements ar' hpinl1 worked ou' them. He' now hos 10n to 500 London and Paris will not stand' sl:wia SOIllP timllin thE' llr"l 1'1 1'1' but fath , r a Ihreat to ;1. with Colllmbi~, Bolivia nnd Chile. 1'Ut"'/IV. Au,us' ~::, IIJ 10 1~:d5 p.m, Soorl9 TJme 'cpat this 11roeress to the presi· pieces r~u~h d Ollt and dried, by without taking steps to defeat 1II0ntbs or two ye:~rs deI'S "0' \ Th" w('stern wil!ingnt.s~ 10 pre f\.,...fl 1 /'II L tl'i'Hl prr\dlJ(t~ ("'''in 8 '1.) 0 a.m. Morn'ng Chapel 1:00 pm. \1",/('al CMts lent. 'r1 ready for the final turning and 8:lfi N.w< 2:rn p .m. News the Russian design. o:>st th e Ampriean governlnrn' \ll'nt him [rom going undpr cv I n.m. During the presidency or Thl'1 1 ';;outh Al1'''rica aro f lr'rll'i'~ finish in!!. TInd!'(' added that he 8:30 O.m. Org"n 511'lfnll< 2:15 p.m. SIGN OFr For behind President Tru­ anything. H is 1I0t aid ill thl' th"~,,,h he is a Communist dem B:45 'a, m. Churd) in thl" Wildwood KSLTJ-'o",a C Hy. Iowa lore Rocsevelt in 190~ the Whit llal'hinery, ~ I as. w n r I> mMJr· nev('r ('xpeelC'd to ,'If able to CJm· p:oo •. m. Proudly We Hall ~I 7' mo man's appr:lVal of the teel mill sense P,at Brihin bas hrn oll.;trntcf that the gl'l at i'sue (, House got its largest. previolls re 'vrlf's, IrGdnrs and ,"xllI-heol'inRS phte ail of flH'll1. 9:30 a .m . Mu.c.Jc You W3nt 4:30 p.m. SIGN ON sale to THo is a very Important allled wllh billion$, or uolhrs. the ensl-west conflict is not thror­ 10:00 s.m. Tune Dustpr'l' 4:?O p.m. Opu o-P.M. pair job, since it was recJnstructed WI'r.le dirsd traim are beinr lli~ favorill' woods to werk are pollcy decision. It is. ill lacl, onl" of Ole lea ~t (:lira I communism \IS. westerr 10:30 a.lll. Th .. Book.hrlf ~:OO p.m. Rhapsody 'n Rhythm 1ft r the RritLh burned it duro 1hipned to ArgentiOll. black cherry rind walnut, both JO :45 n.m, GuardIans of Your Hf"alth 5::'~ p.m. U.S. Navy Band Th e essence of this decision i· exptllsi e moves the /!1v('rn- l'democr:lcy but rather the exten The trn.('tnrs t hat A uqtrln. 11 :01) n,m. NpwfJ 5:4j p,m. Errand of Mercy in g the War of 10 12. nolivl' to tJli ~ nrp:J. that THo, AS a thorn in the siu( ment h ere has walle in the ':l)1 I .qion of Russian pow, l' "s. .h' 11 :15 a.m, Me10dy Mnrt G;no p.m. DinnE"1 Hour Jaml.'s IIcban, an Irish-Amer!· seuds to Argt'ntintt are not RU ­ " We h:Jve as nice wnod in lhis Il '''!'j 0.111. Town ~t.l tf" ME.-dfcnJ Soclf"t.v 7:00 p.m. Storfe~ to R"tnf"rnber of Soviet Russiu, is worth divi­ war. mnin ten!]ncC' of the powcr of thr perier tt) Amcricn.n tra(' tors, the 1'1:0n noon Tlh .v lhm Rambles 7'15 p.m. Vincent Lopez I~an Jrchitect, tlrew the plans fo' part of the country as there is sions of soldiers and millions Of It is important becnu thc capital rity, he said, it oC Burlingt.on. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Iowa High pant of the new President's House, nvision a f!lvornble bnlnnce of salesl1'on. day Thursday, September 22 The bluffs along the Iowa rivel' would n o bnger have to depend The Iowa Cilian's hopes u' School Press association conven­ nigh' 7:30 p.m. - Open House for at Iowa City formed a grandstand on M i ~!l i~~i1)pi riv!'t· towns 10 han­ I)PCominlf a great river port for tion, Iowa Memorial Union. petit New Students, President's home Cor most of the town's 2,300 citi­ dle its freight. The capitnl lVas thc roa dless interior or the I Owa 6:30 p.m. to 11 :00 p.m. - Towa Tlmrsday, September 22 zens as they ga tbered t c greet lei ri tory dimmed after Ihe Rip­ distu High School Press association now n n l'ar wit.h the older I 7:30 a.m. - Opening of classes the Ripple as she puffed up the llnd larger rJ 'er ports. , ple left. The Ripple never rc­ lilf~' dinner and social evening, Iowa 8:20 a.m. - Induction cere­ river the morning of June, 20, menl TIle afternoon of the "e,-ent I llllncll lind it WBS 10 month.J Memorial Union l'C'ony, west approach , Old Capitol 184l. exlrao"dinaTY" the city lathers before another stea m er "raced Saturday, September 10 Friday, September 23 ROC The Ripple was the first steam­ held a banquet t'or the stram~ r 's up the Iowa" from the Missis­ Official Registration for iJrmal 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. - AI! er to come up the Iowa and dock crew anil passrngcrs at lIlc Na­ si ppI. Fl'aternity Rushing. , Univc rsily Party, .Freshman Par­ at the little territorial capital. tional h Olr l. "After the tn.b le On April 21, 1842, the towns­ September Jl -14 ly, Iowa MemOl'ial Union. Among the w itnesses of the rlolhe was taltellaway," the peoplC', this time nccompanied by Formal Fr3ternHy Rushing. Saturday, September 24 , "event extraordinary" was Wil­ toas tq and speeelics started. a grc liP of awestruck I ndian~, Thursday, Septl'mbcr 15 2'00 p.m. - Football: Iowa vs. Ha m Crum, editer of the l ew!! Specches were given by J .B. watched the big "fire canoe" Hock 8:00 a.m. - Beginning of oricn­ UCLA, Iowa stadium. City Standard. \ Newhnll, authOi' of "Sketches of River put! LIP to the steamboa: (For Information regarding dates beyond this schedule, In the June 24 Issue of tht Iown" ard passenger on the Rip­ landing. 'fhe Rock River had maile Bee reservations in the orfice of the President, Old Capltol.) Standard, Crum described hDW ple, and lhe Ri[lple's Captnin D. the lrip from the M 1ssisslppl the Ripple "raced majestically Jones. 'fhpy both bragged about . GENERAL NOTICES u, the Iowa" with the beautiful the capital's beautiful locati( n and I overnlr ht and this faci helped fire Iowa City's press as it pro­ GENERAL NOTICES shcultl be deposit!'d with the city editor of The vlra-In forest as a backdfOp. The its future as a rlvct· port. steamer docked ai tbe terry rlalmed the brlgMness of the Dally lowlln In the newsroom in East Hall. Notices must 8Ubmltt~ At Icnst £ix toa s t~ were !liven landina- w hi c h the editor LlIWl1 'S river port future. by 2 p.m.' the day preceding first publication; they will NOT be by the city fathers that (o]Jowed promptly renamed the steam­ The R tck River came to town aeeepted by telcphone, and must bc TYPED OR LEGmLY WRITTEN the sam e pattern as Ncwhall's boat landlnl". once more bringing merchand ise and SIGNED by a responsible person. ilnd J ones' spe che~.' Crum told of the two and a hall rl'orn Burlington and Bloomington One tOlL5t wasl. given by APARTlITE TS AND ROOM Friday, 9:00 a.m . to ]2:00 noon day trip from the mouth of the (Muscatine) and taking with ;t l\lcscs Cream " ho s~liil , "As the AVAfI.ABLE for rent this fall Dn qatll r i!~' anrt no Sunda~ hoJlr~ Iowa to the capital., He said that 15 to 20 passengers to St. Louis : steamlIol2t IHpj,le I m~ , by h er may be listed with the orf Cam­ Oth( r H';; raries ~nd reading rO(l' ''' no obstacles were encoun terect and a ca rgo of pII (.11 tllp banks or 80511, extension 219J , before Aug. ing trees which he was sure I ow~ I n 1844 the steamers Maid of 15, as freshman orientation ac­ U B RI\RY nOURS from August Citians would rem; ve w ithin the' this cHy. n'ay PI' Orwerily an.lutcd at Six Consecutive days, Bendlx sales and servIce. Jacluon'. heat. Large lot and four-car ga­ 'ourh the H6 ;mlliou by the ., dl'part-­ per day __.. _ OOe per col. Inch Electric and Gift. Single room for man student. rage. Excellent home in good condition. Terms. John Nunn, Ko­ lIent of agriculture. One Month _ 50c per col. InC'h Baggage and Rubbish. Light haul- Write Jack Holst, 1112 Kirk- lts old 'Remarkable' Victim ser Brothers Realtors. First Na­ u. "1 hope Congress will see fit to Insertions) ing. Dial 2914. wood Blvd., Davenport, Iowa. ngs appro_ leI as soon as possible on this tional Bank Building. ~·r~!I.tEn~ lIIeasure in order that we may get Returns to Cheer ?~e-T-s-o-n-Ql-r-Se-;::-.-l'Vl-:·""ce-8------,ar,38 Unfurnished or partly turnlshed the 'Wn:te Dadllnet apartment for graduate student _w_a_n_(_'_o __~_u~y~ ______~I02 Ihe facts and have a sound basis Weekdays ______4 p.rn. ?est 01 ill lor action dealing with this prob­ CUl"!ains la.undered. Dial 5692, wife and ~on by September 1. Good Want to buy: Bookca£e, desk, Saturdays _____. __ Noon references. Phone 8-0240. Icah tradi. lem at the earliest possible date," SUI Polio Patients night table. Write Box No.8-H. Ie lair-age Chock your ad In the II Nt 'JiU. II Ourtains, shirts laundered. Dial Hickenlooper said. A polio victim who is beating appears. The Da:Uy Iowan a:n be re­ 4291. Mi.acellaneoua tor Sale JOI IIpOnalble lor only one lncorrect InRrtlon . Music and RcidiO- - llrn . Tbe Hickenlooper resolution oCf the ravages of the crippling --;-- BrillC' Advertlsemenll to Grapes. Dial 4904. would authorize the chairman disease, returned to the isolation Situations Wanted 42 Dependable radio repairs. PIck-up The Dally Iowan Busloetl.S OtfJee of the senate committee on a/l'rl­ ward ot University hospitals last ------Experi nced Chinese cook. Works Real ElltCIte 94 and deliver. Woodburn Sound culture and forestry to appoint weekend. BllellJen&. East Ball, or pbone at appointed kitchen, hourly ------ServIce. 8-0151. • five-man c()mmlUee to study Lester Topp, 30-year-old former rate. $1. Ext. 4356. 20' x 54' wrplus SUI barracks. G:;;-u-a-ra- n-t:-e-e'""d- re- p- Ill""'·-rs--:r'""o-r-o""U"-m-o':""k-et the ClUl"ent epidemic of the I Two·apartment dwelling r ody p GI, first visited the isolaBon ward Home and Auto radio!!. We plck~ European corn borer. a year ago this month. He was 4191 Where Shan We GO 51 to erect Larew Company, 227 E. up and deliver. Sutton Radio Serv­ The subcommittee would hold stricken with D severe case of Washington. ice. 331 E. Market. Dial 2239. hearings in Iowa and other al­ polio. Tn th old days when II fellow told ------fected areas of the country and This year he came back to a girl a naughty story, she blushed. Nowadays she memorizes IT'S YOURS TO RENT I' tountry report to the senate. The group cheer up Ihe present polio pa­ It. Memorize this-"Always a would also be authorized to make tients. MAHER BROS. Do you want to haul a bed - Quick Service good time at the ANNEX." stove - refrigerator - sand - 1'003 froln legislative ~ecommendaiions to!' Toop's recovery has bem term­ lAP WIrephoto) ashes - lurniture - or one ot a oonlrol of the pest. ed "remarkable," by hospital of­ IT WAS A WET WEDDING for Ruth Ehler,- 11, and Lows Villani. ) 8' thousand things? Irs.%r I ••• at Roger's Rite-Way. Yes, Apartments for Rent More than 28 stales are now ficialS: When he entered the h os­ 21, both ot North Bergen, N.J .• who were married yesteaday on TRANSFER Do it th fast conomiclIJ way ~s int\'(). you'll get Quick service on all infested by Ihe corn borer and pital Aug. 10, 1948. his chances of tbe bottom of the Atluntic ocean. The weddlne party was dry, Small Apartment. Student couple with "Hundy Haul" trailers. almost a recovery were considered poor. however. since they were encased in a. divine bell at the end or I types of repairs. And there's no )'<;Ir efficient furniture By th hour, day or week. this year there is an even higher sacrifice ot quality or workman­ or Graduate lady. Apply in per­ potential for damage, acco~ding As he visited the patients Jast Steel pier at Atlantic lIy, N.J . That's the m:nlster at the left. 'on at Larew Plumbing Company. Moving --- s~ip , cith r. You get lhe tops in 11':01 Euro- to the agriculture department. week, he was sitting in a repairs at low prices. No phoJle calls please. and Iowa City Trailer Mart wheelchair and was even able to Conditions have been very fa vor­ Baggage Transfer ;ent Il\!go_ Ible to the borer this year and stand with support from crutches. Wanted - to Rent \f. 141 S. Riverside Drive Dinl 6838 state trea­ _Igber infestations have been Topp was released from Uni­ Pair Wed in Diving Bell Roger's Rite-Way Dial - 9696 - Dial '! nr :J b droom home. Neor Uni­ "By the Dam" J steering /Ound, the department reported. versity hospitals last March, nnd versity Climpus. Reply Mrs. ryla futUre "The wide area which the has continued his recovery fight Across from the Strand Theater IIarvey Shoman-522 Parkway­ lorn borer Infests and the tre­ by taking exercises at his home On Bottom of Atlantic alu field, West Virginia. Close Out on GE Radio Combinations mendous toll which It is taking 1n Sumner, Iowa. By CLAJRE COX from our Bg-rlcultural produc­ A student at Iowa State col­ A'l'LAl\'1'1 eel 'I'Y (1 P)- ,\ IIHlt"hinbt 11 pretty 20% off lion make it lmlieraUve 'hat we lege before he was stricken, Topp and blond Your Car Ite what action can be taken to re-entered rchool at Upper Iowa spllrkplllg' a~"~mhll'l' lil'P(ll'rl lIlt' nllivt'(' of n forlullt' tpllt'r yps­ Sell Typewriters IOntrol tb~ Insect," llicken­ university this summer. He plans terday and got ll1ulTird Oil th., bottom of til!' Atlantic oceall. Stop In and see the new Reconditioned Appliances IooJer said •• 10 graduate in June. Louih Villuni, ~1. nnc! Hllth Ehlt'IS. 17. both of ~(Jrth Ber­ You can . I'll the old jalop to get down-payml'nt on Royal Portable. "According to reports I have gen, N. J., w nt 211 East Washington O)t1 stmd ed. "I would also like to point Fredericksburg; J anet Kllngham­ been heltl umlcr water. how­ I was cul out that we have approprlat.ed ever, with the happy coupll's wartime broadcasts from Radio mer, 29, Manchester. Tokyo. "Eniugh" more than $75-mlUion to aid In Dennis Seefelt, 12, Wesley; 'Le­ clad In diving suits or .iust durk- POPEY~ ~usy for a ff&'btlnr hoof and mouth dl­ Roy KiJderman, 6, Leighton; Dor­ Ing- their heads lmdl>r and hold- The witness was Norman Reyes. '" ltIlSe In Mexico and to prevent othy Kulhmann, 22, Northwood; their noses. n lieutpnant during the war in d lurning III spread In the United Statts, Mrs. Ardith Johnson, 18, New The new Mrs. Villani 5:lirl n the Philippine army. ' r, tJugh­ while we are spending only Hampton, J ames Miller, 25, N'lrth fortuI!e tellEr recently arivi.o rd h£'J The government subpoenae!.l the Inthe about $100,000 per year, a mere English. to have an unusunl wC'CI(lint!;, f ReyE's but didn't call him 3S a 'cen, then piliance In compari ~on to fight Dorothy Huffaker, 30, Charle£ she wouldn't forgl't thl' o("(,:1si,)11 witness. The defense has beel1 10


·COpt. 194\1, KinS J'r3lurtS SynJiC1llf. Inc .. WOllcJ "Do you have a correspondence PAGE SIX-TIlE DAILY IOWAN, T UE DAY. AUGUST %3, 19<1.9

~r -'- ,- . -

FOR A FINALE TO THEIR THRILL SHOW at Hawkeye Downs durlnK the All-Iowa fair last week, ANOTHER BREAm-TAKING ACT performed by the Chitwood t I' 0 U pels drlvlnl' a. 1138 !MId Joe Ch:twood and His Daredevils performed a dea ~h-defyinl' leap in their 1949 Fords from one ramp Ford through a flaming barricade. One man Is driving the car wh.le another sits outside en " about six feet high and eight feet wide to another of the same helrht and width. Here the two ears hood. Both came out of the flames uninjured_ The barricade Is made of plankinr and Ibl~ approach the first ramp at a speed In excess of a mlle-a-minute. The ear In the foreground goes soaked in gasoline. The car was traveling mote than 60 m.p.h. 1 around the ramp to circle under the car which climbs the ramp to beKin the leap ••• see next pic­ ture. ,

, .. ,.. .. ~

' ~, X...... ". , !.. ".

i <

HERE THE CAR IS IN THE MIDST of the death-defying leap between the two ramps. The second car is st.H moving about 60 m.p.h. and Is directly underneath the car In mid-air. This photo was taken by Dally Iowan PhoioKrapher Bill Rodger who was standing beside Photorrapher Showers THE SAME OLD BATTERED 1936 FORD which passed IbrOlli In Is by lie A MOTORCYCLE RIDER OF THE CHITWOOD troupe toYS who slIapped the first picture of the series ••• see next picture. the flaming barricade the picture abovc rolled over with death by crashing through a flaming barricade. Part of the driver as a climbs a small ramp. The car rolled 011 its side pi barricade is thrown in front of the cycle as the rid e r crashed then flipped up 011 Its nose. Besides passing through the wil1lrrir through alld pieces of the flaming wood alld shavinKS cling mo­ flames. this same car hHod been rolled over scveral tImes 'u" mentarily to the driver. He was uninjured. the week.


Daily Iowan Photos by

Jim Showers

J01E CWTWOOD. CHIEF DAREDEVIL, drives over a lteep ramp with his rlrbt ha;d while h'e waives a. handkerchief In his left hand out of the window. The &roupe's clown stands by uncon. THE LEAPING CAR IS ABOUT TO LAND with a. bounce on the aecond ramp. This .11010 cerned as Chitwcod drives the car on two wbeell behind his back. Maybe the Cllown would be more • taken during the second performance of the act where a convertible Ford wall uled as the see .... concerned If he knew a hubcap (see arrow) fron the 'rear wbeel of the oar had flown off and , to pass under the OIlC lnakhll the leap. The Chitwood troupe w:1I next perform at the IOWa talr this ' weelf- • , W.U ilUDledlately over hJa head. __ 1- _ •__ --J