CFRE International Annual Report 2012

Certifying fundraising executives Setting standards in philanthropy From the Chair

If you’re reading this annual report, chances are that you are a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) or are considering becoming one in the near future. On behalf of the board of directors of CFRE International, congratulations on your commitment to the profession of fundraising and your dedication to the demonstration that you care about the advancement of the sector.

Not long ago there was a lively and interesting discussion in the blogosphere about the future of the CFRE credential James Caldarola, CFRE and whether it is worth being certified. The discussion CFRE Chair, 2012 was joined by those who have held the CFRE for some time and have recertified several times, as well as by those who were considering becoming a CFRE. There were also a few contributors to the blog who once held the certification but chose not to recertify.

The essence of the discussion revolved around the relevancy of the CFRE and its merits compared to a graduate degree pursued in an academic setting. The question was, why obtain the CFRE — does it do much for you?

I offer that this isn’t the right question. The CFRE and the academic degree are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I know many people who have both, and are glad they do. All professionals, no matter the occupation, ought to constantly look for ways to keep learning. I wouldn’t want to take my business to a CPA who wasn’t up to date on tax law, so why would someone feel comfortable hiring a fundraiser who hasn’t opened a book or attended a course in years?

A critical aspect of CFRE recertification is the measure of how much effort an individual makes in keeping current with the ever-changing world of fundraising. The CFRE is a practiced-based certification — it measures not only what the applicant knows at the time of initial certification, but also the body of work and study that the certificant has demonstrated during each three-year recertification period. Unlike an academic degree that demonstrates the mastery of a body of knowledge at a specific point in time, the CFRE measures the ongoing effort, time, and energy that an individual has dedicated to the practice of fundraising.

So, is the CFRE relevant? You bet it is … as the board that oversees the certification process, one that is guided by diligence to psychometric best practices, we assure you that obtaining and keeping the CFRE is good for you as a professional, good for the profession, good for your employer, and most

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT importantly, good for those who entrust us with their resources in the way of charitable gifts.

In 2012, the board completed an extensive strategic planning process for the next three years. In 2012, CFRE International also experienced a 17% growth in the number of initial certification applications over the prior year. In the coming months and years, CFRE International is poised for growth, in numbers of individuals seeking the certificate, and in an expansion of geographic areas where the profession is growing.

As a professional holding the certificate, we ask you to partner with as ambassadors of CFRE International as we certify experienced fundraisers aspiring to the highest standards of ethics, competence, and service to the philanthropic sector.

Again, congratulations on your own commitment to the highest standards in the profession of fundraising.

From the Chair

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT CredibilityCredibility

2012 CFRE International Board of Directors

CHAIR Perry Hammock, CFRE James Caldarola, CFRE Executive Director, Resource Development Vice President Ivy Tech Community College Guidance in Giving, Inc. Indianapolis, IN Omaha, NE United States United States Marnie Hill, CFRE VICE CHAIR Manager, Legacy Giving Philip Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE Canadian Red Cross Executive Director of Development Victoria, BC Gundersen Medical Foundation Canada La Crosse, WI United States Judith Markoe Principal SECRETARY/TREASURER Big Picture Marketing Consulting Janice Gow Pettey, CFRE, MNM Washington, DC Vice President, Resource Development United States The Asia Foundation San Francisco, CA J.A. Tony Myers, Ph.D., LLB, CFRE United States Principal and Senior Counsel Myers & Associates PAST CHAIR Edmonton, AB Sharilyn Hale, M.A., CFRE Canada Principal Watermark Philanthropic Advising Leo Orland, FFIA, CFRE , ON Canada Account Director Robejohn & Associates Robert D. Driver, CFRE Melbourne, VIC Consultant Australia Gonser Gerber Advancement Consultants Naperville, IL Roland Owers, M.A., M.Sc., CFRE United States Chief Executive World Horse Welfare Sharon Gleason, CFRE, ACFRE Norwich, Norfolk Director of Development United Kingdom Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital Washington, DC United States

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2012 CFRE International Committees & Task Forces

ADVISORY COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION Roly Owers, Chair TASK FORCE Representatives appointed by Leo Orland, FFIA, CFRE, Chair Participating Organisations Sharilyn Hale, CFRE Judith Markoe AUDIT & GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Robert Driver, CFRE, Chair MARKETING COMMITTEE Tony Myers, CFRE Roly Owers, CFRE, Chair Leo Orland, FFIA, CFRE Sharon Gleason, CFRE, ACFRE Tony Myers, CFRE COMMITTEE ON DIRECTORSHIP Judith Markoe Sharilyn Hale, CFRE, Chair Sue Davies, CFRE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Perry Hammock, CFRE TASK FORCE Tony Myers, CFRE Philip Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE, Chair Susan Storey, CFRE Sue Davies, CFRE Robert Driver, CFRE EXAM COMMITTEE Alice Ferris, CFRE, ACFRE 5 Leo Orland, FFIA, CFRE, Chair Daniel McDiarmid, CFRE Sharon Gleason, CFRE, ACFRE James Greenfield, ACFRE STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Philip Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE Robert D. Driver, CFRE, Chair Sharon Gleason, CFRE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Judith Markoe, CFRE James Caldarola, CFRE, Chair Roly Owers, CFRE Janice Gow Pettey, CFRE Sharilyn Hale, CFRE UNITED KINGDOM TASK FORCE Philip Schumacher, CFRE, ACFRE Roly Owers, CFRE, Chair

FINANCE COMMITTEE Janice Gow Pettey, CFRE, Chair Robert D. Driver, CFRE Marnie Hill, CFRE

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2012 Advisory Council

Established in 2007, the purpose of the Advisory Council is to actively engage Participating Organisations and key stakeholders in discussion on issues facing CFRE International and the fundraising profession. Advice and guidance from the Advisory Council assists the CFRE International Board of Directors and staff in addressing issues affecting the profession that may impact the credential; identifying services that CFRE International might provide; and disseminating timely information on CFRE International. Advisory Council members are appointed by each Participating Organisation and serve as advocates for CFRE International in the broader fundraising community and provide input that will help CFRE International develop appropriate programmes and services that best meet the needs of candidates and certificants. The 2012 Advisory Council was chaired by Roly Owers, M.A., M.Sc., CFRE.

Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Grant Martin, CFRE (Tampa, FL United States) Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) Sharon Jones (Temple Terrace, FL United States) Association of Christian Development Professionals (ACDP) Bryan Holmes (Dallas, TX United States) Association of Fundraising Consultants (AFC) Andrew Day, CFRE (Harbury, WAR United Kingdom) Association of Lutheran Development Executives (ALDE) Meg Busse, CFRE (Chicago, IL United States) Association of Philanthropic Counsel (APC) Alexander Macnab, CFRE, FAHP (Chicago, IL United States) Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP) Norma Cameron, CFRE (North Saanich, BC Canada) Council for Resource Development (CRD) Polly Binns, CFRE (Silver Spring, MD United States) Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) Lesley Ray, CFRE, FFIA (Brisbane, QLD Australia) Fundraising Institute of New Zealand (FINZ) James Austin (Wellington, New Zealand) The Giving Institute William L. Carlton, ACFRE (Boston, MA United States) International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) Mike Wescott, CFRE (Wichita, KS United States) Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals Joseph Wang’endo (Nairobi, Kenya)

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2012 Advisory Council

National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC) Patricia A. Regan, CFRE (Silver Spring, MD United States) New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (NEAHP) Linda Dodge, CFRE (New Holland, PA United States) North American YMCA Development Organization (NAYDO) Joan Marie Belnap, CFRE (Winston-Salem, NC United States) Philanthropic Service for Institutions (PSI) Lilya Wagner, CFRE (Silver Spring, MD United States) United Way Worldwide Louise Kenny, CFRE (Alexandria, VA United States) Willamette Valley Development Officers Brenda Ray Scott, CFRE (Portland, OR United States)

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2012 CFRE International Participating Organisations

CFRE International and the CFRE credential are endorsed by nineteen professional associations in six nations. Participating Organisations promote the credential to their members and play an important part in the credentialing process as providers of fundraising training. Members of these associations receive reduced certification fees. CFRE International continues to seek to expand the list of Participating Organisations.

Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents more than 30,000 members in 230 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education and certification programmes. The association fosters development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.

Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) The Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) is an international professional organisation dedicated exclusively to developing the men and women who encourage charity in North America’s health care systems. Established in 1967, AHP is the source for education, networking, information, and research opportunities in health care philanthropy.

Association of Christian Development Professionals (ACDP) The ACDP has grown out of the need to support the day-to-day activities of development personnel who are Christians; to help apply the training received at Institutes and regional seminars; and to connect Christians in development work at the “grassroots” with their peers and to practical, affordable resources, particularly those resources that are not available from any other source.

Association of Fundraising Consultants (AFC) The Association of Fundraising Consultants exists to foster the development and growth of the profession of fundraising consultants in the UK, to preserve and enhance fundraising activity, to ensure high professional standards amongst our members, and to promote a true understanding of the role of fundraising.

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2012 CFRE International Participating Organisations

Association of Lutheran Development Executives (ALDE) The Association of Lutheran Development Executives (ALDE) is one of the nation’s leading organisations of Christian development executives. The Association is comprised of 27 chapters, which promote networking and education, and provide opportunities for Christian fellowship, for its members who are professionals in the areas of fundraising and communications. ALDE promotes, teaches, and models Christian stewardship.

Association of Philanthropic Counsel (APC) The Association of Philanthropic Counsel (APC) is a national association of consulting firms specializing in governance, management and fundraising. APC members adhere to a Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice, assuring that nonprofit organisations of all sizes can confidently engage experienced, qualified counsel focused on client satisfaction and results.

Canadian Association of Gift Planners-Association canadienne des professionnels en dons planifies (CAGP-ACPDP) CAGP-ACPDP is the only organisation in Canada that brings together charitable representatives with donor advisors in one professional association. Among our fundraising, legal and financial peers, we are looked to as the experts in charitable gift planning. We work with donors to achieve their highest philanthropic goals through thoughtful tax-wise, well-planned giving.

Council for Resource Development (CRD) The Council for Resource Development (CRD) is the essential education and networking choice for all community college development professionals. CRD connects, educates, supports, strengthens, and celebrates community college development professionals. An affiliate of the American Association of Community Colleges, CRD serves over 1600 members at more than 700 institutions.

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2012 CFRE International Participating Organisations

Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA) The Fundraising Institute – Australia (FIA) exists to make the world a better place by advancing professional fundraising through advocacy of standards, professional development pathways, and measurable credentials, so that our members can achieve best practice.

Fundraising Institute of New Zealand (FINZ) The Fundraising Institute of New Zealand (FINZ) is the professional body for those employed in or involved with fundraising, sponsorship and events in the not-for-profit sector. Our aim is to promote and uphold professional and ethical fundraising and encourage the development of philanthropy in New Zealand.

The Giving Institute The Giving Institute, leading consultants to nonprofits, seeks to educate and engage members in the ethical delivery of counsel and related services to non-profits through research, advocacy, and best practices. Giving Institute provides shared experiences for executives of member firms who can become leaders in philanthropy.

International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) Through its programmes, the International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) offers practical steps—and an overall vision—that can lead to untold future benefits for the Church. ICSC offers blueprints for increasing diocesan and parish support with the goal of providing faith communities with a stable financial base for the future.

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2012 CFRE International Participating Organisations

Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals (KAFP) KAFP is a not-for-profit voluntary membership association that serves as an umbrella organisation for fundraisers. Our main purpose is to encourage organisations involved in fundraising and resource mobilisation to adopt and promote high standards of ethical practice and inject professionalism. KAFP is a professional association of individuals responsible for generating resources and philanthropic support for a wide variety of non-profit and charitable organisations in Kenya.

National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC) National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC) leads the Catholic development community toward excellence in the ministry of ethical fundraising through education, resources, networking and advocacy.

New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (NEAHP) New England Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (NEAHP) is a not-for-profit professional membership association for people engaged in the business of raising money for non-profit healthcare organisations. NEAHP serves non-profit healthcare organisations through well-designed programmes of frequent, accessible educational and networking opportunities. NEAHP is dedicated exclusively to the advancement of health care philanthropy.

North American YMCA Development Organization (NAYDO) Throughout all aspects of YMCA work, NAYDO strengthens the missions and values of the YMCA through the advancement of philanthropy. To lead, support, and advance the development of YMCA professionals, volunteers, YMCA associations in the philanthropic work their YMCA through training, education, advocacy, research and knowledge sharing.

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2012 CFRE International Participating Organisations

Philanthropic Service for Institutions (PSI) Philanthropic Service for Institutions (PSI) inspires regular voluntary financial support for its member institutions, Seventh- day Adventist institutions and ministries, and creates an understanding of the ministry of philanthropy and the way people change and grow by giving. PSI advances the ministry of philanthropy through advocacy, education, programmes, and resources/services.

United Way Worldwide United Way Worldwide is the national organisation dedicated to leading the United Way movement. Local United Ways create long-lasting community change by addressing the underlying causes of the most significant local issues. Common focus areas include helping children and youth achieve their potential, promoting financial stability and independence, and improving people’s health.

Willamette Valley Development Officers (WVDO) Willamette Valley Development Officers (WVDO) empowers its members to develop resources and fundraising excellence. We learn together. We support one another. We improve non-profits and the communities they serve.

12 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Credibility


In June 2012, Certified Fund Raising Executive International Credentialing Board received acceptance of its National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) annual report. This acceptance is an indication of CFRE’s continued best practices in operating a certification organisation.

NCCA, the accrediting arm of the Institute for Certification Excellence (ICE), grants accreditation to a select group of organisations that demonstrate compliance with the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs.

The accreditation process includes a comprehensive and independent expert analysis of the certification programme against the highest industry standards.

CFRE International believes our continued accreditation by NCCA serves as an indicator to the nonprofit sector, donors, and other stakeholders that the CFRE is a reliable tool for measuring that a fundraising professional has mastered the set of knowledge, skills, and abilities to be an ethical and effective fundraiser.

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 13 Validity

Validity Tables

During 2012, a total of 590 new candidates applied to the CFRE programme and 619 examinations were administered at numerous computer-based testing (CBT) locations in North America and 6 locations in three additional countries. A total of 471 individuals were granted initial certification as a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) bringing the total number of current CFRE certificants to 5630.

Current exam forms reflect a Test Content Outline based on the international Job Analysis Survey conducted in 2009/2010 in eight countries—Australia, , Canada, Italy, Kenya, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The following statistics are for all forms of the exam in 2012.

2012 Exam US Form US Form Statistics 6341411 6341421

Total Scored Items 200 200 on Exam

Total Scaled Score 800 800 Possible

Passing Point 500 500 (Scaled Score)

Mean Scaled Score 539.59 535.14 of all Candidates

Range of Scores 325–683 285–688

KR-20 Reliability .84 .84 Coefficient

Standard Error of 5.77 5.80 Measurement

14 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Validity

Validity Tables

2012 Exam UK Form CA Form AU/NZ Form Statistics 6347101 6346411 6348101

Total Scored Items 200 200 200 on Exam

Total Scaled Score 800 800 800 Possible

Passing Point 500 500 500 (Scaled Score)

Mean Scaled Score 605.80 539.48 554.80 of all Candidates

Range of Scores 495–740 343–647 469–623

KR-20 Reliability .93 .83 .76 Coefficient

Standard Error of 4.29 5.73 5.60 Measurement

Explanation of Terms

Total Scored Items on the Exam: The examination consists of 225 questions; however, 25 of those are pre-test questions that are being evaluated for possible inclusion in an exam at a later date. Information on how candidates perform on those questions is being collected without the questions affecting a candidate’s score.

Total Scaled Score Possible: This is the highest score possible and represents a perfect score. CFRE International uses a scaled score. The scale runs from 200–800. The passing score is 500. The 500 corresponds to the number of questions a candidate must answer correctly, based on which form of the exam the candidate is taking. Candidates answering 89 questions or fewer correctly receive a 200. Scaled scoring is a common practice among certification programmes with multiple forms of the exam.

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Explanation of Terms

Passing Point (scaled): This is the score a candidate must receive in order to pass. It represents the number of items candidates need to answer correctly in order to pass the exam. The number of questions that must be answered correctly is determined by evaluating the overall difficulty level of the exam. The more difficult the exam, the fewer questions a candidate would have to answer correctly in order to be assessed as having mastered the content. CFRE International uses the Modified Angoff Method and the Direct Consensus Standard Setting Model to establish the passing point. The exam is not scored on a “curve” and there is no predetermined number or percentage of candidates that will pass. The passing score is set for each form of the exam and does not change until a new exam form is developed.

Mean Score: This is the average score of all candidates who took the exam during 2012. A passing score is 500. CFRE International uses criterion-referenced scoring. This means the passing point is set before the first exam and does not change between exam administrations. CFRE International does not score its exam on a curve. This means that it does not matter what group of people a candidate tests with, or how large that group is. CFRE International also does not predetermine the number of people it will certify in a given year—performance on the exam is up to the candidate.

Range of Scores: This shows the range of candidate scores between the lowest scoring candidate and the highest. The range for the CFRE Exam is considered typical for a professional certification programme. No one has scored 200 points, which would indicate the candidate guessed at all the questions. No one has scored a perfect score either, indicating the difficulty level is appropriate for the candidate population.

KR-20 Reliability Coefficient: This is one of the most important programme statistics. It indicates the reliability and consistency of the exam, or how well the exam distinguishes between candidates who are “masters” of the content tested versus those who have not yet “mastered” the content covered. Professional certification programmes strive for KR-20 results of 0.80 or higher. These statistics indicate that the exam is quite dependable for assessing a candidate’s mastery of the information tested.

Standard Error of Measurement: The standard error of measurement yields an estimate of the average amount of error associated with a CFRE test score. A large standard error indicates that a significant amount of error exists in the test score. The small standard error results suggest that the CFRE tests are precise measures of baseline knowledge in the field of fundraising at the five-year level.

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Explanation of Terms

Content Area Performance: The CFRE examination administered during 2012 was broken down into six major content areas of fundraising: Current and Prospective Donor Research; Securing the Gift; Relationship Building; Volunteer Involvement; Leadership and Management; and Ethics and Accountability. Candidate performance across those content areas is monitored.

During 2012, all candidates except those in Australia/New Zealand performed best in the area of Volunteer Management. Australia/New Zealand candidates performed best in the area of Relationship Building. All candidates except those in Canada scored lowest in the area of Securing the Gift. This is understandable as this is the broadest content area, covering all of the specific fundraising techniques and strategies. The CFRE candidate pool is involved with a great diversity of fundraising; therefore, it is understandable that not all candidates are masters of every specific type of fundraising. In 2012 in Canada, candidates scored lowest in the area of Leadership and Management.

The next lowest scoring area for all candidates except those in Canada was Leadership and Management. This may reflect a lack of available education for fundraising professionals in their country of residence or limited on-the-job exposure to certain leadership and management functions. The next lowest scoring area for Canadian candidates was Securing the Gift.

Content Area Average % Average % and Number Correct, U.S. Correct, U.S. of Questions* Form 6341411 Form 6341421

Current Prospective 70.52 70.66 Donor Research (33)

Securing the Gift 64.88 65.46 (36–38)

Relationship Building 74.39 74.65 (50–53)

Volunteer 79.01 76.99 Involvement (18)

Leadership and 66.62 66.27 Management (36)

Ethics and 75.53 74.43 Accountability (20–23)

Total (200) 71.09 70.92

* The number of questions by category varies slightly by exam form.

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Validity Tables

Content Area Average % Average % Average % and Number Correct, CAN Correct, CAN Correct, Aus./NZ of Questions• Form 6346301 Form 6346411 Form 6348101

Current Prospective 83.03 71.42 73.33 Donor Research (33)

Securing the Gift 75.00 65.42 66.94 (36–38)

Relationship Building 82.00 75.30 78.60 (50–53)

Volunteer 85.71 77.26 72.38 Involvement (18)

Leadership and 76.00 64.58 67.50 Management (36)

Ethics and 84.00 72.32 73.50 Accountability (20–23)

Total (200) 80.30 70.96 72.25

* The number of questions by category varies slightly by exam form.

CFRE International assesses the knowledge, skills and competencies of the fundraising profession as identified in a rigorous international Job Analysis study. This research informs the Test Content Outline, on which the exam is based.

Best practice in the certification profession requires that a new Job Analysis be performed every five to seven years. In 2009/2010, CFRE completed its most recent Job Analysis study, which was reflected in new forms of the exam in 2012.

CFRE uses a cadre of trained, currently certified fundraising professionals to help develop the CFRE examination. The examination in each country is developed, vetted and approved by professionals from that country. In addition, the passing standard is set by a panel of fundraising professionals working in that country.

Every draft test question must be linked to a topic area found on the Test Content Outline and referenced to at least one source on the CFRE Resource Reading List before it will be reviewed.

CFRE International continues to experience a healthy recertification rate well above the average rate for voluntary certification programmes.

18 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Since its beginning as an independent organisation in 2001, CFRE International has become self-sustaining and continues to experience steady increases in the overall number of CFREs.

CFRE International derives 92% of its revenue from candidate fees for both initial certification and recertification. The remaining 8% is made up of fees paid by Participating Organisations to gain access to the credential at reduced rates for members and from continuing education provider fees, job vacancy postings and sales of certificate frames. All revenue is put back into the programme to ensure the validity, credibility and sustainability of the exam.

The Board of Directors of CFRE International is committed to ensuring a reliable and credible certification programme for all candidates and certificants, ensuring investments in ongoing exam development activities and sufficient investment in organisational capacity.

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CFRE International Consolidated Financial Report

Income 2012 2011 Continuing Education Provider Fees $28,270 $24,705 Initial Certification Fees $410,517 $324,681 Interest $68 $75 Job Postings/Merchandise Sales $9,593 $10,138 Participating Organisation Fees $55,808 $60,950 Recertification Fees $495,456 $503,430 Other $12,393 $21,896 Total Income $1,012,105 $945,875

Expenses 2012 2011 Professional Services $64,334 $31,912 Board Travel/Operations $47,955 $47,888 Committee Operations $8,198 $3,105 Examination Services $91,440 $88,593 Insurance $8,619 $8,594 Occupancy/Overheard $243,269 $226,549 Postage $11,636 $12,019 Promotion and Marketing $78,200 $85,839 Salary and Related $315,055 $339,435 Taxes $9,827 $1,963 Temporary Services $60,363 $36,058 Total Expenses $938,895 $881,955

Net Income $73,210 $63,920

20 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

2012 Continuing Education Providers

The goal of the certification process is to ensure the continuing competence of each Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) and maintain the professional standards of those engaged in the fundraising practice. Continuing education courses provide one of the main methods for keeping up with professional practice. One of the most frequently asked questions is where candidates can go to obtain continuing education. The following is a list of our 2011 Continuing Education Approved Providers. We thank them for the knowledge and skill they share.

Academic Impressions AFP Long Island Chapter Academy for Grassroots Organizations AFP Lubbock Chapter (formerly High Desert Resource Network) AFP Manitoba Chapter Advancement Resources, LLC. AFP Maryland Chapter Advisory Board Company, Philanthropy AFP Memphis Chapter Leadership Council AFP Nashville Chapter Advocate Charitable Foundation AFP Nebraska Chapter AE Consulting AFP NC Triad Chapter Association of Fundraising Professionals AFP New Hampshire/NNE Chapter AFP Alaska Chapter AFP New Jersey AFP California AFP New Chapter AFP Central Florida Chapter AFP Northern Arizona Chapter AFP Central Illinois Chapter AFP Northwest Ohio Chapter AFP Central Iowa Chapter AFP Northwestern Pennsylvania Chapter AFP Chicago Chapter AFP NY Westchester Chapter AFP Coastal Bend TX Chapter AFP Oklahoma Chapter AFP Connecticut & Fairfield Chapters AFP Orange County Chapter AFP East Central Illinois AFP Regina Saskatchewan Chapter AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter AFP Permian Basin Chapter AFP Everglades Chapter AFP Rhode Island Chapter AFP Finger Lakes Chapter AFP San Diego Chapter AFP Florida Caucus AFP Space Coast Chapter AFP Fort Worth Metro Chapter AFP South Carolina/SCANPO AFP Greater Austin Chapter AFP South Sound Chapter AFP Greater Cincinnati AFP Topeka Chapter AFP Greater Dallas Chapter AFP Triangle Chapter AFP Greater Detroit Chapter AFP Virginia Chapter AFP Greater Houston Chapter AFP Washington Chapter AFP Greater Los Angeles Chapter AFP Washington DC Metro Area Chapter AFP Greater Philadelphia Chapter AFP Western Massachusetts Chapter AFP Greater Toronto Aging Services of California AFP Greater Wichita Chapter Academic Libraries Advancement and AFP Hampton Roads, Virginia Chapter Development Network (ALADN) AFP Illinois Capital Area Chapter ALDE AFP Indiana Chapter Alliance for Children and Families AFP Knoxville Chapter American Institute for Philanthropic Studies

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 21 Sustainability

2012 Continuing Education Providers

American Schools Foundation Alliance (ASFA) Foundation Innovation, LLC Apporte LLC with Funding Forum Association of Professionals Researchers for Fundraising Success Magazine Advancement (APRA) - Canada Georgia Association for Development Artez Interactive Professionals Aspire Research Group LLC Georgia Center for Nonprofits - Nonprofit Association of Development Officers University Association of Donor Relations Professionals Georgian College Association of Science-Technology Centers Giant Angstrom Partners Bank of the Cascades Giving Point Baptist Foundation of South Carolina Global Philanthropic Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation Gonser Gerber, LLP Blackbaud Grant Professionals Association BNP Strategies Philanthropic Management Greater Naples Area Planned Giving Council Bristol Strategy Group Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership Canadian Association of Gift Planners Greenlights for Nonprofit Success Canadian Association of Gift Planners - Greater Grinspoon Institute for Jewish Philanthropy Montreal RoundTable High Desert Resource Network Canadian Association of Gift Planners - Huntington Bank Vancouver Island RoundTable Inland Northwest Development Council Canadian Council for the Advancement of Institute for Charitable Giving Education (CCAE) Institute for Strategic Funding Development Canadian Council of Christian Charities (ISFD) CASE Institute on Philanthropy Catholic Campus Ministry Association Iowa Hospital Association Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation Junior Achievement USA CCAE - Canadian Council for the Advancement Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit of Education Management Center for Nonprofit Management Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals Center for Nonprofit Resources KY Nonprofit Network CentrePoint Land Trust Alliance Charity Village Campus LeadingAge ChCCPG LeadingAge Ohio Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals LDS Philanthropies Christa Mannarino Minnestora Planned Giving Council (MPGC) Christian Service Charities NAADA-National Agricultural Alumni and Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Development Association Council for Resource Development NAYDO CT Association of Nonprofits NC CORD (CRD) Dental Philanthropy Network NCDC Development Exchange Inc. Netzel Grigsby Associates, Inc. Edison Graduate Academy for Community New England Assoc. for Healthcare Leadership, Edison Community College Philanthropy (NEAHP) IMPACT, Inc. NIC Foundation Estate Planning Council of the Lehigh Valley Nonprofit Connect Falona Joy Nonprofit Learning Point Feeding America Nonprofit Management Program - Duke Fontbonne University University of Continuing Studies

22 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

2012 Continuing Education Providers

Nonprofit Network Southwest Washington Ryerson University, Chang School of Northern California Planned Giving Council Continuing Education, Fundraising Northern Ohio Planned Giving Council Management Certificate Program Northwest Development Officers Association San Diego Planned Giving Partnership (NDOA) San Diego State University, College of Northwestern University Extended Studies NW Planned Giving Roundtable SC Planned Giving Council Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Sinclair Community College Partnership for Philanthropic Planninf of Society of Animal Welfare Administrators Greater LA Southside Community Partners Partnership for Philanthropic Planning Lone Spertus College Star Council Stephen Thomas Limited Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of The Advisory Board Company, Philanthropy Greater Dayton The Axelson Center for Nonprofit Management Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of The Chronicle of Philanthropy Greater Philadelphia The Chronicle of Philanthropy Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of IN The Community Foundation of Collier County Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of RI The Foundation Center Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit The Grantsmanship Center Organizations (PANO) The Israel Academy of Philanthropy Pentera, Inc. The Nonprofit Center at La Salle Unviersity’s Petrus Development School of Business Philanthropic Planning Group of Greater New The Nonprofit Marketing York The Resource Alliance Philanthropic Service for Institutions The Support Center for Nonprofit Management Philanthropy Leadership Advancement Nexus/ Copley RAFF Inc United Way of Oakville Philanthropy Partners of the Cape and Islands United Way’s Center for Nonprofits Planned Giving Council of Broward University of Illinois at Chicago Office of Development Planned Giving Council, Mid-America University of Oklahoma Planned Giving Council, Mid-Iowa University of Oregon Planned Giving Group of New England University of Wisconsin-Superior Continuing Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona Education Planned Parenthood Development Officers Veridiom Group LLC Council Virginia Association of Fundraising Executives (VAFRE) Portland University, University Advancement Virginia Caucus (AFP) PREP/APRA (Prospect Researcher of Eastern WealthEngine Institute Pennsylvania/Association of Professionals Researchers for Advancement) West Suburban Philanthropic Network Pride Philanthropy Wilkes Consulting, LLC Purchase College, State University of Willamette Valley Development Officers New York School of Liberal Studies and Women in Development North Continuing Education Women’s Philanthropy Institute at the Center Rice University Center on Philanthropy & on Philanthropy at Indiana Nonprofit Leadership YMCA of Greater Toronto Rollins College Philanthropy & Nonprofit YMCA of Silicon Valley Leadership Center YMCA of the USA

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2012 Certificant Demographics

471 Sector of New CFRE Certificants Employing Organisation

15.3% 13.9% 5,630 Human Consultant Total CFRE Certificants Services 7.9% Arts/Cultural/ Humanities 24.6% 6.0% Educational/ Religious Research 4.6% Society/ Public Benefit Gender 25.3% Health 1.6% Environmental

31% Male Level of Responsibility

69% Female 20.4% Middle Management

62.1% 9.9% Consultant Upper Management 6.1% Ethnicity/Race Functional Programme Area .7% Other .4% Not Currently 92.4% Employed Caucasian

1.8% Asian/Pacific Islander 1.7% Black 1.5% Hispanic/Latino 1.5% Other .9% Multi-Ethnic .2% Indigenous

24 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

AUSTRALIA South Australia Carol L. Collinge, CFRE Candice M. Naylen, CFRE Australian Capital Fiona A. Blinco, CFRE Deborah K. Coult, CFRE Genine R. Neufeld, CFRE Territory Tracey Brown, CFRE Mary Ann D. Coutts, CFRE Lucinda G. Neufeld, CFRE Judith Ford, CFRE Peter J. Coote, CFRE Kenneth C. Crocker, CFRE Rhonda M. Newman, CFRE Diane E. Lebson, CFRE Peter W. Fletcher, CFRE Jane A. Dafoe, CFRE Maureen O’Connor, CFRE New South Wales Kim M. Jacobson, CFRE Sherry L. Dahl, CFRE Jennifer Panteluk, CFRE Joy N. Barrett James Mackay Phillips P. Jolayne M. Davidson, CFRE Joan Paton, CFRE Deborah G. Beder, CFRE Jones, CFRE Margaret Dawkins, CFRE John A. Phin, CFRE Christopher Benaud, CFRE Clare V. MacAdam Scott Decksheimer, CFRE Jane M. Potentier, CFRE John Godfrey, CFRE Tasmania Jason R. Demers, CFRE Mary-Ann Provencal, CFRE John C. Herring, CFRE Ric R. Fletcher, CFRE Michilynn E. Dubeau, CFRE Kristi J. Puchbauer, CFRE Jannine A. Jackson, CFRE Victoria Vincent E. Duckworth, CFRE Debra L. Ramage, CFRE Stephen M. Mally, CFRE Nicole Elizabeth Beatty, Brian E. Duclos, CFRE Beth L. Ratzlaff, CFRE Andrew A. Markwell, CFRE CFRE John J. Dumonceaux, CFRE M. Michelle Regel, CFRE Evelyn R. Mason, CFRE Paul K. Benjamin, CFRE Pamela J. Fawcett, CFRE Diane M. Reid, CFRE Lindsay B. May, CFRE Peter F. Dalton, CFRE Michael P. Ferber, CFRE Mary Saretski, CFRE Stuart C. McGill, CFRE Jennifer C. Doubell, CFRE Karen Filbert, CFRE Lori K. Shockey, CFRE David C. Osborne, CFRE Kimberly D. Downes, CFRE Eleanor Finger, CFRE Doreen L. Slessor, CFRE Alison G. Overton, CFRE Ronald J. Fairchild, CFRE Edward K. Follis, CFRE Edith A. Smith, CFRE Janice M. Pavey, CFRE James J. Garland, CFRE Rob Fragoso, CFRE Mari-Evelyn A. Stuebing, Marty Rhone, CFRE Anne J. Gribbin, CFRE Derek D. Fraser, CFRE CFRE Marilyn Rickard, CFRE Laurence A. Joseph, CFRE Tara L. Friesen, CFRE Laura M. Svajlenko, CFRE Libby G. Rodgers-McPhee, Julie M. Marshall, CFRE Sandra Gomez, CFRE Kara L. Tersen, CFRE CFRE Jeremy C. Maxwell, CFRE Jose F. Guillen, CFRE David Tod, CFRE John A. Townend, CFRE Graham J. McKern, CFRE Nancy I. Hammer, CFRE Joanne Toller, CFRE Janet J. Walmsley, CFRE Leo G. Orland, CFRE Lynne C. Hately, CFRE Janet Tryhuba, CFRE Alicia J. Watson, CFRE Cheryl M. Pultz, CFRE Neil Hayes, CFRE Nollind van Bryce, CFRE Kerin L. Welford, CFRE Hollace H. Reid, CFRE Joseph A. Henschel, CFRE Bethany A. Wall, CFRE Darryl D. Whatmough, CFRE William R. Roath, CFRE Karen E. Hill-Chow, CFRE Laurie J. Wallis, CFRE Roewen Wishart, CFRE Patricia H. Roath, CFRE Valerie Hoey, CFRE Adam Zawadiuk, CFRE Queensland, CFRE Simone Rosel, CFRE Andrea C. Holtby, CFRE British Columbia Leanne K. Angel, CFRE Judith M. Sproats, CFRE Michael A. House, CFRE Vanessa Abaya, CFRE Jeffrey D. Buchanan, CFRE Bronwyn Street, CFRE Chandra Ingram, CFRE E. Saskia Ages, CFRE Meredith A. Campbell, Michelle Trevorrow, CFRE Katherine A. Irwin, CFRE Stephani A. Afgg, CFRE CFRE Judy Turner, CFRE Snezana N. Jocic-Andrejevic, Rowena R. Anderson, CFRE Leigh Ellen Cleave, CFRE Western Australia CFRE Amber D. Ballard, CFRE Kerry A. Cutting, CFRE Angela E. Bowman, CFRE Julie D. Johnston, CFRE Arno Bangert, CFRE Katherine A. Davis, CFRE Michelle A. Fraser, CFRE Kim D. Kadatz, CFRE Ann Barnard Ball, CFRE Peter L. de Keratry, CFRE Brian Holmes, CFRE Karen L. Karpuk, CFRE Paul J. Battjes, CFRE Kenneth C. Edwards, CFRE Tony J. Hume, CFRE Ken Kissick, CFRE Hilary E. Beard, CFRE Ted. E. D. Flack, CFRE Vicki A. Rasmussen, CFRE Joyce M. Law, CFRE Francis P. Belden, CFRE Joanna M. Garner, CFRE Gordon C. Long, CFRE Christopher J. Berghuis, Simone M. Garske, CFRE Canada Mary Adele MacDonald, CFRE Craige Gravestein, CFRE Alberta CFRE Carey Bornn, CFRE Nigel S.J. Harris, CFRE Lorelei D. Abernethy, CFRE Kathryn E. MacFarlane, Kathleen A. Butler, CFRE Rebecca Hazell, CFRE Darcie Acton, CFRE CFRE Norma E. Cameron, CFRE David Mark Hindle, CFRE Cynthia Amerongen, CFRE Guy E. Mallabone, CFRE Veronica Carroll, CFRE Alan C. Le May, CFRE Sharon Kim K. Anthony, CFRE Raymond E. Marshall, CFRE Shantal Cashman, CFRE Jenny M. Mansell-Black, Karen L. Ball, CFRE Patricia Matheson, CFRE Audrey Sin Yu Chan, CFRE CFRE Joanne L. Ballance, CFRE Sue M. McCoy, CFRE Andrew Chan, CFRE Daniel C. McDiarmid, CFRE Coby A. Benoit, CFRE Jennifer L. McGlashan, CFRE Peter A. Chipman, CFRE Lorraine M. Nothling, CFRE Thomas P. Berekoff, CFRE Cynthea I. McIntyre, CFRE Marie-Claire Concannon, Lesley Ann Ray, CFRE Joan V. Black, CFRE Christine M. McIver, CFRE CFRE Margaret A. Scott, CFRE Brian G. Bowman, CFRE Andrea L. McLellan, CFRE Rosemary E. Conder, CFRE Terri M. Sheahan, CFRE Tania J. Brandstrom, CFRE Jodi L. McNabb, CFRE Gina S. Cuthbert, CFRE Lindsay Stokes, CFRE Roger R. Breault, CFRE Michael C. Meldrum, CFRE Louise M. De Pape, CFRE Jane M. Thompson, CFRE Patrick Cadieux, CFRE Joyanne A. Mitchell, CFRE Leanne Denis, CFRE Peter J. Treseder, CFRE Patricia M. Christie, CFRE J. A. Tony Myers, CFRE Marina Dreszach, CFRE Lynette Walsom, CFRE Carlene A. Chrumka, CFRE Rizwan Nathoo, CFRE Suzanne M. Dube, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 25 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

Canada Jeff M. Norris, CFRE Krislyn Glays, CFRE Katherine Alyea, CFRE British Columbia Jo-Anne Nykilchyk, CFRE Ashley Goodon, CFRE Kathleen M. Ancker, CFRE (continued) Mandy Parker, CFRE Kevin D. Hunter, CFRE John Andresen, CFRE Angela J. Dudek, CFRE Diane K. Paterson, CFRE Allison G. Kesler, CFRE Michael J. Anthony, CFRE Renee E. Eaton, CFRE Janice D. Perrino, CFRE Linda A. Lindsay, CFRE Cynthia J. Armour, CFRE Laura A. Edwards, CFRE Annika Polegato, CFRE LuAnn M. Lovlin, CFRE Lori D. Arsenault, CFRE Scott Elliott, CFRE Pam Prewett, CFRE Jackie A. Markstrom, CFRE Jannine I. Atkinson, CFRE Elain Evans, CFRE Sandra B. Rankin, CFRE Derek J. McLean, CFRE Ken G Aucoin, CFRE Heather M. Ferguson, CFRE Thomas G. Riglar, CFRE Suzanne M. Munroe, CFRE Kathryn E. Babcock, CFRE Leslie Fields, CFRE Eva Riis-Culver, CFRE Blair Nicholls, CFRE Gerald W. Backs, CFRE Lindsay Erin Follett, CFRE Shelley L. Sainsbury, CFRE Bridgette Parker, CFRE Zak Bailey, CFRE Kari J. Frazer, CFRE Aaron D. Sanderson, CFRE Lawrence G. Prout, CFRE Tracey A. Bailey, CFRE Elaine Fung, CFRE Dimpel Sandhu, CFRE Beth M. Proven, CFRE Cynthia Ball, CFRE Diana M. Gallivan, CFRE Judy Y. Savage, CFRE Patricia J. Smith, CFRE Elizabeth R. Banman, CFRE Cary Gaymond, CFRE Amanda J. Sayfy, CFRE Barbara D. Smithson, CFRE Linda Barnett, CFRE Kristy l. Gill, CFRE Andrea Seale, CFRE Mary Beth Taylor, CFRE Mike Bartlett, CFRE Christie Goode, CFRE Danielle C. Semple, CFRE Teresa J .Turner, CFRE Deborah J. Barton, CFRE Rose-Marie U. Goodwin, Kerry A. Shillito, CFRE Leslie E. Weir, CFRE Deborah Bauder, CFRE CFRE Vivian A. Smith, CFRE New Brunswick Joanne Beaton, CFRE Moira L. Gookstetter, CFRE Jocelyn M. Snih, CFRE Sheree A. Allison, CFRE Elissa Beckett, CFRE Donald E. Gordon, CFRE Christopher R.P. Spicer, CFRE Thomas J. (Tim) Cameron, Renee M. Beneteau, CFRE Linda J. Gray, CFRE Davida L. Stafford, CFRE CFRE Darlene Bennett, CFRE Loren J. Hagerty, CFRE Sigrid Stark, CFRE Marianne M. Mepham- Deanna Bickford, CFRE Janis Hamilton, CFRE Claudia M. Steeves, CFRE Newton, CFRE Frances Bigman, CFRE Cheryl B. Hebb, CFRE Sherry Stein, CFRE Helene M. Ouellette, CFRE Andrea D. Blackler, CFRE Marnie L. Hill, CFRE Debora Sweeney Crombie, Linda L. Saunders, CFRE Jacqueline Bloom, CFRE Christiane A. Hodson, CFRE CFRE Julie M. Thebeau, CFRE Debra Bond-Gorr, CFRE Lucille C. Hough, CFRE Rosemary E. Terzariol, CFRE Tammy Wood, CFRE Suzanne Bone, CFRE Sarah J. Howard, CFRE Dree E.C. Thomson-Diamond, Newfoundland Sherry A. Booth, CFRE Jennifer L. Ingham, CFRE CFRE Rose M. Daley, CFRE Mikhael G. Bornstein, CFRE Esther Jang, CFRE Kyle S. Tiney, CFRE Gerard T. Power, CFRE John M. Bouza, CFRE Sofia S. Janmohamed, CFRE Barbara J. Toller, CFRE Ann S. Andrusyszyn, CFRE Mary L. Bowyer, CFRE Jennifer L. Jasechko, CFRE Cecilia Tupper, CFRE Nova Scotia Glen E. Boy, CFRE Roger Kayo, CFRE Tara N. Turner, CFRE Doris E. Cameron, CFRE Lisa Boyle, CFRE Anne M. Kirkpatrick, CFRE Lyn A. Tyler, CFRE Cynthia D. Carroll, CFRE Dora Boylen-Pabst, CFRE Jody Kitts, CFRE Brenda Ulmer, CFRE Sharon R. Crowe, CFRE Karen A Brackley, CFRE Sarah E. Kocaba, CFRE Natasha J. van Bentum, CFRE Doralin M. Fredericks, CFRE Kimberly A Brittain Drumm, Benedict V. Kononoff, CFRE Tania F. Vrionis, CFRE Barbara L. Goit, CFRE CFRE Natasha Krotez, CFRE Laura E. Walsh, CFRE Kevin R. Lynch, CFRE Alison Broadworth, CFRE Jennifer Lau, CFRE Heather A. Wardle, CFRE Geraldine E. MacIsaac, Michelle Brome, CFRE Jacqueline Lee-Son, CFRE Janice E. Waud Loper, CFRE CFRE Fiona Brown, CFRE Diane M. Lloyd, CFRE Joanne Waxman, CFRE Adrienne M. Malloy, CFRE Julie L. Brown, CFRE David J. Love, CFRE Lisa J. Westermark, CFRE Carolyn P Marshall, CFRE Timothy E.J. Brown, CFRE Cynthia A. Loveman, CFRE Jane Westheuser, CFRE Anne Melanson, CFRE Maria Elena Brown, CFRE Signy Madden, CFRE Genesa M. Wheaton, CFRE Elizabeth F. Mills, CFRE Linda D. Bryson, CFRE Kathy Mannas, CFRE Janice Williams, CFRE Jone E. Mitchell, CFRE Joan A. Burdette, CFRE David Mark, CFRE Andrea R. Wink, CFRE Carol D. Murray, CFRE Theresa A. Butler-Porter, CFRE Melanie L. McKenzie, CFRE Tamara M. Wojdylo, CFRE Lisa M. Pottie, CFRE Melissa J. Cameron, CFRE Stephen J. Miller, CFRE Manitoba Rosemary Spicer, CFRE Megan E.A. Campbell, CFRE Lynne Milnes, CFRE Ronald E. Bailey, CFRE Paulette S. Sweeney- Cindy M. Carson, CFRE Glen J. Mitchell, CFRE Christina Barwinsky, CFRE Goodwin, CFRE Julie Carter, CFRE Erin L. Morantz, CFRE Carolyn E. Basha, CFRE Marni Tuttle, CFRE Carole Chabot, CFRE Noah Morantz, CFRE Jo-Anne M. Dalton, CFRE Ontario Kim Chadsey, CFRE Elizabeth A. Moxham, CFRE Geneviève Delaquis, CFRE Rachel Agnoluzzi, CFRE Esther Chang, CFRE Sara P. Neely, CFRE Monica L. Dinney, CFRE Roger D. Ali, CFRE Paul A. Chesser, CFRE Linda J. Netherton, CFRE Danielle M. Dunbar, CFRE Kathy Allan, CFRE Jennifer Childs, CFRE Kaman Ng, CFRE Maretta F. Emery, CFRE Beverly J. Allen, CFRE Jennifer A. Clark, CFRE Adrienne A. Nolan, CFRE Karen S. Fowler, CFRE Nneka A. Allen, CFRE Trevor M. Clark, CFRE Knut Nordlie, CFRE Tania Gauthier, CFRE Corey L. Allison, CFRE Linda C. Clemow, CFRE

26 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

Canada Scott Fortnum, CFRE Margaret N. Jones, CFRE Heather MacKneson, CFRE Ontario (continued) Robin L.L. Fowler, CFRE Alanna J.T. Jones, CFRE Tracy C. MacLeod, CFRE Mark E. Climie-Elliott, CFRE Eric D. Frans, CFRE Mridula Joyner, CFRE Caterina F. Magisano, CFRE Lorena Colarusso, CFRE Shirley J. Freek, CFRE Sylvia Kadlick, CFRE Susan Manahan, CFRE Kelly A. Cole, CFRE Yves C.L. Gadler, CFRE Anthony J. Keating, CFRE Jo-Anne M. Mancini, CFRE Lynn Conforti, CFRE Melanie C. Gaertner, CFRE Elizabeth Kenny, CFRE Catherine J. Mann, CFRE Jennifer Conley, CFRE Renee Gallant, CFRE Debbie Kesheshian, CFRE Laura J. Manning, CFRE Erin Coons, CFRE Len Gamache, CFRE Lisa Kilby, CFRE Arlene Manning, CFRE Jane Corbett, CFRE Sandra Gamboias, CFRE Rachel T. Kindt, CFRE Adelia Marchese, CFRE Stephanie Corlett, CFRE Bobbi-Jo Gardiner, CFRE Paul H. Klein, CFRE Paul E. Marcus, CFRE Shirlene Courtis, CFRE Laura C. Gatensby, CFRE Timothy J. Kluke, CFRE Robin B. Markowitz, CFRE Melody L. Craggs, CFRE Tara S. George, CFRE Mai Yee Samantha Koon, Katherine Marks, CFRE Glenn W. Craig, CFRE Gary A. Gerard, CFRE CFRE Catherine M. Marostica, Katherine L. Craine, CFRE Tony Giampietro, CFRE Jessica Kovacs, CFRE CFRE Denise M. Cumming, CFRE David J. Gilmer, CFRE Sylvie C. Labrosse, CFRE Teresa Marques, CFRE Rhonda E. Cunningham, Gary Gladstone, CFRE John E. LaFramboise, CFRE Lesley A. Marshall, CFRE CFRE Lisa Gleva, CFRE Josh Lai, CFRE Deborah A. Mates, CFRE Paula A. Curtis, CFRE Leigh Godbold, CFRE Tracey Y. Lamb, CFRE Gregory C. Mather, CFRE David L. Cuthbert, CFRE Ruth Godinho, CFRE Nicole M. Lamont, CFRE Catherine E Matzig, CFRE Jody Dailey, CFRE Nicole S. Goldstone, CFRE Guy W. Laporte, CFRE Peter J. Mayhew, CFRE Adrienne Davidson, CFRE Jana K. Gordon, CFRE Samantha Laprade, CFRE Michael Mazza, CFRE Rebecca A. Davies, CFRE Shannon D. Gorman, CFRE Dolores P. Larrier, CFRE Harry McAvoy, CFRE Debra L. Davis, CFRE Lois Graveline, CFRE Anette Larsson, CFRE J. Boyd McBride, CFRE Julie G. Davis, CFRE Jennifer I. Gray, CFRE Patricia I Lauzon, CFRE Nicole McCahon, CFRE Helen A. De Boer, CFRE Fraser Green, CFRE Rob Lavery, CFRE Beth L. McCarthy, CFRE Mary Deacon, CFRE Deborah L Greenfield Jerry Lawlor, CFRE Kathryn E. McKechnie, CFRE Diana E. Deakin-Thomas, Findlay, CFRE Susan F. Lawrenson, CFRE Amy L. McKinnon, CFRE CFRE Pati Greenwood, CFRE James P. Lawson, CFRE Thomas R. McLagan, CFRE Janet R. deVries, CFRE Sharilyn D. Hale, CFRE Susan M. Laycock, CFRE Susan A. McLean, CFRE Paul J. Dickson, CFRE Nancy Handrigan, CFRE William M. Leacy, CFRE Valerie McMurtry, CFRE Antonio DiCosmo, CFRE Susan Hardy, CFRE Sharon Lee, CFRE Mary Elizabeth McPherson, Karen Dolyniuk, CFRE Christina Harley, CFRE Tony Lee, CFRE CFRE Catherine P. Dorais-Plesko, Candace J. Harrington, CFRE Deborah Moffat Legrove, Judith L. Mead, CFRE CFRE Scott Harris, CFRE CFRE Terry M. Mercer, CFRE Martha Drake, CFRE Mary Heinmaa, CFRE Lisa F. Lemon, CFRE Alayne L. Metrick, CFRE Noel Draper, CFRE Jeanette S. Hepburn, CFRE Tara E. Lepp, CFRE Cindy L. Mewhinney, CFRE Debbie Drewett, CFRE Pat A Hetherington, CFRE Tina Leslie, CFRE Stephanie L. Miller, CFRE Jennifer L Drouillard Duce, Nancy J. Hewat, CFRE Catherine A. Leslie, CFRE Mireille R. Millette, CFRE CFRE Anissa B. Hilborn, CFRE Ryan T. Lester, CFRE Peter Joseph Misiaszek, Gabrielle N. Duchesne, CFRE Graham Hill, CFRE Kristy P. Lewis, CFRE CFRE Suzanne Duncan, CFRE Bruce R. Hill, CFRE Emma Lewzey, CFRE Patricia L. Mongeon, CFRE Susan C. Dusick, CFRE Catherine S. Hinton, CFRE Greg D. Lichti, CFRE Paul J. Moore, CFRE Rebecca S. Dutton, CFRE Christopher H. Hobbs, CFRE Katharine C. Little, CFRE Richard Morgan, CFRE Maria L. Dyck, CFRE Corrie Hobin, CFRE Tania L. Little, CFRE Tammy L. Morison, CFRE Douglas Earle, CFRE Anthony Holl, CFRE Lilian Litwin, CFRE Oleksandr Morosovskiy, CFRE Laird W.H. Eddy, CFRE Naomi Hood, CFRE Marie J. Lizotte, CFRE Christy Morrow, CFRE Susan J. Egles, CFRE Alasdair Hooper, CFRE Hazel M. Lloyst, CFRE Mitze S. Mourinho, CFRE Gina Eisler, CFRE Jay K Hooper, CFRE Juniper Locilento, CFRE Lisa Mulholland, CFRE Steven J. Endicott, CFRE Peter Hoppe, CFRE Susan A. Lockett, CFRE Susan Mullin, CFRE Leah G. Eustace, CFRE Tom E. Horlor, CFRE Frank H. Lockington, CFRE Kathryn E. Munro, CFRE Laura E. Evans, CFRE Susan Horvath, CFRE Jamian Logue, CFRE Sarah J. Nadalin, CFRE Lisa M. Eveleigh, CFRE Allison Howell, CFRE Melanie Lovering, CFRE Elizabeth A. Naylen, CFRE Ellen Ewert, CFRE Dalit Dell Hume, CFRE Joanna Munroe Luciano, Jill A. Nelson, CFRE Lana Feinstein, CFRE Catherine M .Hurley, CFRE CFRE Anita D. Nielsen, CFRE Phyllis C. Fergusson, CFRE Christina Hurst, CFRE Lawrence J. Lutgendorff, Krista M. O’Donnell, CFRE Maureen Flanagan Pool, Sherrie M. James, CFRE CFRE Brad Offman, CFRE CFRE Jane M. Jamieson, CFRE Heather Macdonald, CFRE Piotr Okonski, CFRE Lois A. Flemming, CFRE Liza Jerome, CFRE Judith L. MacGowan, CFRE Rosemary H. Oliver, CFRE Donald Scott Forfar, CFRE Marilyn R. Job, CFRE Kimberley MacKenzie, CFRE Andrea Olson, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 27 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

Canada Carol Simand Seidman, CFRE Jason Wagar, CFRE Dorothy M. Massimo, CFRE Ontario (continued) Pamela Shanks, CFRE Holly Wagg, CFRE David McBride, CFRE Andrea C. Orr, CFRE Ivan Sharp, CFRE Cindy Wagman, CFRE Karen N. Mitchell, CFRE Michelle M.B. Osborne, Michele Sharp, CFRE Tannis D. Walker, CFRE Luce Moreau, CFRE CFRE Alan Sharpe, CFRE Catherine Wallace, CFRE Martin Munger, CFRE Fiona L. Ott, CFRE Bonnie Shepherd, CFRE Mandy D. Walsh, CFRE Ligia Pena, CFRE Edita Page, CFRE Katalin Sheskay, CFRE Helen Walsh, CFRE Maria Piccioni, CFRE Andrea Page, CFRE Mildred P. Siderius, CFRE Kimberly E Warner, CFRE Catherine Rowe, CFRE Jill Palmer Abbott, CFRE Gary E. Sim, CFRE Wendy A. Warner, CFRE Dolly Shinhat-Ross, CFRE Donna Pammer, CFRE Lesley A. Sims, CFRE Glenn Waterman, CFRE Kimberly A. Strydonck, CFRE Cecelia Paolucci, CFRE Tatiana Slobodcicov, CFRE Allan Weatherall, CFRE Amanda Williams Janet L. Park, CFRE Edward B. Sluga, CFRE Paul G. Weitendorf, CFRE Saskatchewan Kourtney R Parker, CFRE Heather E. Smith, CFRE Kerry L. Whiteside, CFRE Bruce W. Acton, CFRE Susan J Paterson, CFRE Cheryl L. Soderlund, CFRE Sriyani (Sue) H. Widyaratne, Nowshad Ali, CFRE Tracy L. Paterson, CFRE Constantinos Sophocleous, CFRE Georgina A. Altman, CFRE Shirlanne Pawley-Boyd, CFRE Sara Wilbur, CFRE Susan Clarkson, CFRE CFRE Dianne E. Spencer, CFRE Diane Wiles, CFRE Kathryn J. Cousins, CFRE Robert Ian Peacock, CFRE Shanan Spencer-Brown, Lorelei R. Wilkinson, CFRE Karen J. Dackiw, CFRE Heidi Peever Bain, CFRE CFRE Elisa M. Williams Schroen, Judy I. Davis, CFRE Anne Marie Peirce, CFRE Susan B. St. John, CFRE CFRE Michelle M. Gallucci, CFRE Rosanna Petricca, CFRE Janice L. St-Denis, CFRE Kathleen A. Williamson, Roberta L. Gamble, CFRE Gil Pharand, CFRE Andrée Steel, CFRE CFRE Don C. Gorsalitz, CFRE Erin Prendergast, CFRE Jennifer C. Stewart, CFRE Kim Willis-More, CFRE Lisa M. Green, CFRE Jory C. Pritchard-Kerr, CFRE Robert A. Stewart, CFRE Karen D. Willson, CFRE Kent Hartshorn, CFRE Kathleen A. Provost, CFRE Susan A. Storey, CFRE Kathleen M. Wilson, CFRE Edie Holzapfel, CFRE Andreia A. Prudencio, CFRE Barb L. Storey, CFRE Julie A.K. Wirtanen, CFRE Darla M. Humble, CFRE Maureen M. Pryce, CFRE J. Shannon Stuart, CFRE Mark J Womack, CFRE Alison M. Matheson, CFRE Margaret Purcell, CFRE Barbara A. Sutton, CFRE John E. Wong, CFRE Jennifer L. Molloy, CFRE Eyre L. Purkin Bien, CFRE Sharon R. Svob, CFRE Patricia E. Wright, CFRE William Pratt, CFRE Wendy Quick, CFRE Sonya Swiridjuk, CFRE Ken S. Wyman, CFRE Aaron W.B. Ruston, CFRE Jacqueline L. Raaflaub, CFRE Ann Symington, CFRE Nancy A. Yarmel, CFRE Joanne Wurmlinger, CFRE Paulett M. Ramsey, CFRE Linda Syrota-Sullivan, CFRE Louise Yearwood, CFRE Nora Yeates, CFRE Jessica Rawn, CFRE Dorothy Tam, CFRE Guy W. Yerama, CFRE Jami L. Young, CFRE Karobi Ray, CFRE Kristy Taylor, CFRE Tan-ling Yeung, CFRE Linda A. Reid, CFRE Kelly Celeste Taylor, CFRE Marion York, CFRE Hong Kong Diana Reitberger, CFRE Beverly S. Teller, CFRE Denny Young, CFRE Vincent Kin Ming Law, CFRE Elizabeth Rejman, CFRE Stephen M. Thomas, CFRE Aleksandar Zakonovic, CFRE Dana Visocchi Rice, CFRE Heather L. Thomas, CFRE Kelly L. Ziegner, CFRE Ireland Donna J. Richardson, CFRE Jennifer L. Thompson, CFRE Trevor Zimmer, CFRE Denisa L. Casement, CFRE Gina Rosen, CFRE Christine E. Thompson, CFRE Tamas Zsolnay, CFRE Ann Baker Rosenfield, CFRE Richard B. Thompson, CFRE Wendy E. Zufelt-Baxter, KOREA, SOUTH Breanna Ross, CFRE Sheryl A. Thorpe, CFRE CFRE Hyunsoo Kim, CFRE Brenda Rothwell, CFRE Eva Thurlow, CFRE Quebec Sarah A Rothwell, CFRE Alexandra Tieman, CFRE Suzanne Belanger, CFRE LEBANON Gilles Roy, CFRE David G. Timms, CFRE Jeff Bicher, CFRE Walid A Katergi, CFRE Cynthia L. Rozeboom, CFRE Robert P. Tomas, CFRE Christian Bolduc, CFRE Derek Rumboldt-deLouche, Ingrid L. Town, CFRE Nicole Boucher, CFRE Mexico CFRE Barbara K. Track, CFRE Lucie Chatelain, CFRE Isabella Navarro-Grueter, John F. Russell, CFRE Megan Tregunno, CFRE S. Bronwen Dearlove, CFRE CFRE Lyn Russo, CFRE Rosemary L. Triebner, CFRE Marcel Dupuis, CFRE Deborah K. Rabe-San Robert Ryan, CFRE Rebbeca L Truax, CFRE Nicola Elkins, CFRE Roman, CFRE Wendy Sanderson-Culley, Ka Po Connie Tsui, CFRE Chantal Gélinas, CFRE CFRE Zahra Valani, CFRE Cynda P. Heward, CFRE New Zealand Erin E Sargeant Greenwood, Patricia A. Valleau, CFRE Carl Julien, CFRE North Island CFRE Josephine van Herpt, CFRE Paulanne Jushkevich, CFRE Dianne J. Armstrong, CFRE Robin H. Schultz, CFRE Jennifer A. Van Noort, CFRE Peggy Killeen, CFRE John G. Barnett, CFRE Heather Scott, CFRE Christopher P. Vanderkruys, Jean G. Lewis, CFRE John C. Bergin, CFRE Alanna M. Scott, CFRE CFRE Shaun G. Lynch, CFRE Tom M. Brady, CFRE Elaine Scrivener, CFRE Teresa E. Vasilopoulos, CFRE Jean-Nicholas Marziali, Dwyllis Brown, CFRE Andrea Segal, CFRE Pearl F. Veenema, CFRE CFRE Kitty Hilton, CFRE

28 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

New Zealand Paul M. Molloy, CFRE Christopher Theriot, CFRE Deborah Dale, CFRE North Island (continued) Amy V. Smith, CFRE Christopher N. Thomason, Jill W. DeMichele, CFRE Stephanie Maitland, CFRE Robin Thomas, CFRE CFRE Michelle E. DiMuro, CFRE Donald Wayne McKenzie, West Midlands Matt J. Waters, CFRE Pamela Doherty, CFRE CFRE Robert Astick, CFRE Robert W. Wellbaum, CFRE Kristi B. Edwards, CFRE Heather Newell, CFRE Wiltshire Manuel Williams, CFRE Constance L. Eggert, CFRE Carol J. Painter, CFRE Robin Jequier, CFRE Alaska Yvonne C. Ervin, CFRE Clive G. Pedley, CFRE Worcestershire Adele M. Alderman, CFRE Christine Ewing, CFRE Errol B. Pike, CFRE Judy M. Tucker, CFRE Sally A. Archer, CFRE Alice Ferris, CFRE Lisa J. Ramsell, CFRE Yorkshire Christine L. Bell, CFRE Peter J. Finley, CFRE Rebecca Scelly, CFRE Linda Ellis, CFRE Katherine A. Bender, CFRE Michael N. Fischer, CFRE Amanda J. Stanes, CFRE Lucy Stirling Keni L. Campbell, CFRE Sue M. Gaub, CFRE Johan L. Vos, CFRE Nicole Gray Conchar Jayna L. Combs, CFRE Renea Gentry-Wiley, CFRE Patricia R. Walbridge, CFRE Sandra G. Ehrlich, CFRE Marie D. Harris, CFRE South Island UNITED STATES Gretchen C. Gordon, CFRE Bill J. Harrison, CFRE Dominique J. Leeming, CFRE Alabama Ann M. Hale, CFRE Lee Hartmann, CFRE Lisa Wells, CFRE Victoria E. Allen, CFRE Sarah L. Hobart, CFRE Pauline U. Hechler, CFRE Kathy S. Briscoe, CFRE Naomi E. Horne, CFRE Mary Lee Hoffman, CFRE NORWAY David F. Bryant, CFRE Danalee Jackson, CFRE Cheryl M. House, CFRE Deborah Thomson, CFRE Candace C. Burnett, CFRE Kristan Jez, CFRE Diane Jezek-Powell, CFRE Lisa Costanzo, CFRE Lynne Johnson, CFRE Tana K. Jones, CFRE PUERTO RICO Linda P. Crowell, CFRE Elizabeth Johnson, CFRE Sandra S. Jorgensen, CFRE Maria F. Levis, CFRE Peggy E. Darby, CFRE Thea Lawton, CFRE Keith C. Kerber, CFRE Jacqueline A. Mullen, CFRE Robert L. Dewhurst, CFRE Julia A. Martinez, CFRE Nancy J. Kirk, CFRE Jennifer H. Ellison, CFRE Elizabeth A. Miller, CFRE Robert Kirkpatrick, CFRE SINGAPORE Jason E. Fisher, CFRE Stephanie F. Monahan, CFRE Alan Knobloch, CFRE Liza M. Boffen-Yordanov, Marilyn J. Fletcher Ray, Tlisa A. Northcutt, CFRE Nathan Kretzmann, CFRE CFRE CFRE Heather A. O’Connor, CFRE Clyde W. Kunz, CFRE James W. Fogal, CFRE Nora Ortiz Fredrick, CFRE Kelly A. Lane, CFRE United Kingdom I. Douglas Foster, CFRE Wanda K. Peros, CFRE Leslie K. Lindquist, CFRE Gloucestershire Durward Hank Galbreath, Beth E. Rose, CFRE Daniel M. Linguiti, CFRE Janette I. Miskelly Fife, CFRE Suzanne Rudolph, CFRE Karla Van Drunen Littooy, CFRE Jennifer F. Hall, CFRE Mary K. Rutherford, CFRE CFRE Louise D. Bird, CFRE Ryan C. Hankins, CFRE Ivy A. Spohnholz, CFRE Bettie J. Love, CFRE Kent Alice Hestley, CFRE Margaret A. Stoneking, CFRE Mary L. Luna, CFRE Gillian M. Moody, CFRE John M. Hogewood, CFRE Tammy Tragis-McCook, CFRE Samantha A. Maracle, Middlesex Erica L. Hollins, CFRE Mary C. Tyrrell, CFRE CFRE Christopher F. E. Goldie, J. Scott Huffman, CFRE Julie C. Varee, CFRE Stacey C. Marsh, CFRE CFRE Tara G. Jones, CFRE Laurie B. Wolf Melanie Morgan, CFRE Richard Holland, CFRE Debra D. Joyner, CFRE Arizona Bonnie J. Morgan, CFRE Ibrahim Taguri, CFRE Cathy C. Lee, CFRE Diane Abraham, CFRE Glen Newhart, CFRE Norfolk James N. Lewis, CFRE Nancy F. Ackley, CFRE Robbie Nicol, CFRE Roland A. Owers, CFRE Kristin M. Martin, CFRE Jacquelyn Ahrenberg, CFRE Lisa A. Notaro-Goin, CFRE Marc A. Stowell, CFRE Karen McCauley, CFRE Toby E. Amir Fox, CFRE Lisa Olivas-Cook, CFRE Northamptonshire Norma J. McGee, CFRE Gail S. Baker, CFRE Gina W. Ore, CFRE Jimmy James, CFRE Erin Melaney, CFRE Laura E. Barton, CFRE Jacqueline A. Palmenberg, Northumberland Michael R. Miller, CFRE Loren B. Bouchard, CFRE CFRE Eric D. Grounds, CFRE Linda B. Montgomery, CFRE Frank E. Bourget, CFRE Marianne T. Pekala, CFRE Oxfordshire Charles T. Moore, CFRE Louise E. Bowden, CFRE Mark Publow, CFRE Kay F. Honner, CFRE Kathleen Ninas, CFRE Peter Brennan, CFRE Margie Puerta Edson, CFRE Suffolk Melinda K. Nord, CFRE Richard M. Brown, CFRE Joyce A. Richards, CFRE Mark H.W. Jefferies, CFRE Kisha R. Norris, CFRE Penelope Cagney, CFRE John C. Sar, CFRE Graham Papenfus, CFRE Julia O. Pipes, CFRE Jennifer P. Carrillo, CFRE Eva Scholfield, CFRE Sussex Jeffrey S. Powell, CFRE Alma T. Chavez Strasser, John A. Scola, CFRE Alba F. Lewis, CFRE Jennifer S. Ray, CFRE CFRE Scott Sheldon, CFRE Warwickshire Gregory H. Schultz, CFRE Kimberly G. Cherry, CFRE Michele Shipitofsky, CFRE Andrew J. Day, CFRE Jerry F. Smith, CFRE Christine M. Clouse, CFRE Scott D. Showers, CFRE Caroline J. Hutt, CFRE Miranda D Springer, CFRE Michelle Conklin, CFRE Susan G. Sirkus, CFRE Catherine M. Jackson, CFRE Molly D. Stone, CFRE Mary J. Crist, CFRE Kelli Smith, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 29 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Joy N. Atrops-Kimura, CFRE Catherine M. Connolly, CFRE Edith A. Glassey, CFRE Arizona (continued) Claire Axelrad, CFRE Bill Connors, CFRE Michelle M. Glenn, CFRE Karny Stefan, CFRE Christopher Baiocchi, CFRE Cathy Conway, CFRE Elizabeth G. Glynn, CFRE Jon Stettner, CFRE William Ballas, CFRE Jeff A. Conway, CFRE Lois J. Gomez, CFRE Stephen V. Stone, CFRE Pamela J. Barden, CFRE Brenda S. Cook, CFRE Tanya G. Gonzales, CFRE Joseph F. Swaba, CFRE Viki L. Barie, CFRE Deborah J. Cordano, CFRE Gary L. Good, CFRE Torrie A. Taj, CFRE W. David Barnes, CFRE Matthew S. Cottle, CFRE Judith R. Goodbody, CFRE Bethany C. Taylor, CFRE Jeanne M. Barry, CFRE Susan C. Covey, CFRE Geoff C. Graham, CFRE Jennifer M. Tersigni, CFRE Pamela Becker, CFRE Peter D. Crouch, CFRE Leslie A. Graham, CFRE Kimberly A. Thompson, CFRE Marie A. Beichert, CFRE David C. Cunningham, CFRE Sarah M. Grant, CFRE David K. Udall, CFRE Katherine M. Bella, CFRE Judee A. Daniels, CFRE Monica Grant, CFRE Laurel Vetsch, CFRE Kimberly A. Bellinger, CFRE Mike Davis, CFRE Bryan O. Grassmann, CFRE Richmond J Vincent, CFRE Lisa C. Bennett, CFRE Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie, Harvey Green, CFRE Catherine R. Wagenbach, Michael K. Bergler, CFRE CFRE Louise G Gregory, CFRE CFRE Kristin J. Bertell, CFRE Charles E. Day, CFRE Sandra W. Gresham, CFRE Mark D. Walker, CFRE Kerry L. Beuthin, CFRE Brad de la Cruz, CFRE Anne D. Grey, CFRE Susan E. Waschler, CFRE Michele A. Bignardi, CFRE Carol M. Dedrich, CFRE Diane V. Grooms, CFRE Anne C. White, CFRE Nora S. Bird, CFRE Mark E. Deffenbacher, CFRE Amy Gross, CFRE Barbara C. Willis, CFRE Mary L. Bishop, CFRE Tina T. Del Piero, CFRE Anita Louis Grossman, CFRE Celeste A. Winters, CFRE Lambert G. Bittinger, CFRE Martha M. DeLaO, CFRE Teri L. Halliday, CFRE Martin H. Wojcik, CFRE Larry G. Boles, CFRE Joanna DeLeon, CFRE Sarah J. Haney, CFRE Arkansas Gregory N. Bonn, CFRE Julie E. Denman, CFRE Jane G. Hansen, CFRE Sharon H. Blackwood, CFRE Julie S. Bornhoeft, CFRE Denise M. Desmond, CFRE Ruthellen Harris, CFRE Hope H. Bradberry, CFRE Brian J. Bowden, CFRE Anne Dewey, CFRE Elizabeth A. Harvey, CFRE Frances C.M. Carter, CFRE Rachelle B. Bracebridge- Janet H. DeWolfe, CFRE Robin R Harvill, CFRE J. Clif Christopher, CFRE Bussell, CFRE David S. Disend, CFRE Clyde M. Harwood, CFRE Ronald C. Cox, CFRE Travis Bradburn, CFRE David A. Dolan, CFRE Helen M Harwood, CFRE Clark W. Ellison, CFRE Merle E. Brodie, CFRE Dawn G. Doorn, CFRE Teri Hauser, CFRE Shannon D. Gwinn, CFRE Jessie Brooks, CFRE Jill M. Dotts, CFRE Tomoaki L. Hayashi, CFRE Art Horne, CFRE Rebecca A. Brown, CFRE Devon Dougherty, CFRE Marni A. Hayman, CFRE Frederick R. Hueston, CFRE Robyn M. Browning, CFRE Michael D. Driebe, CFRE Patricia A. Heller, CFRE Christina L. Hughes, CFRE Marsha L. Bryan, CFRE Kathy Drucquer Duff, CFRE Charlotte A. Henderson, Catherine J. C. Johnson, Pamela Bumgardner, CFRE Estella R. DuBose, CFRE CFRE CFRE David L. Bundesen, CFRE Kirsten L. DuBray, CFRE Renee Herrell, CFRE Kelly D. Kemp, CFRE Teresa Bunuel, CFRE Heather H. Dugdale, CFRE Amy E. Himes, CFRE Cheryl L. Kester, CFRE Maria S. Burns, CFRE Robin E. Dunn, CFRE Karen Hinman, CFRE James Kimbrough, CFRE Loretta A. Burris, CFRE Kristine Edmunds, CFRE Mark R. F Hodde, CFRE Amy C. Linimon, CFRE Lori J. Butler, CFRE Victoria A. Emmons, CFRE Judith A. Hodges, CFRE R.M. Daniela Martin, CFRE Kyle C. Button, CFRE Leslie V. Esposito, CFRE Mary Hohensee, CFRE Carolyn McCone, CFRE Tracy M. Byars, CFRE Timothy L. Evans, CFRE Christine Hollister, CFRE Allison A. McElroy, CFRE Allison E. Cagley, CFRE Kirsten K Everspaugh, CFRE Julianne E. Holt, CFRE Ben R. McLintock, J.D., CFRE Adrienne D. Capps, CFRE Mickie H. Faris, CFRE Susan E. Hoover, CFRE Jamie Clayton Mercer, CFRE Amy C. Cardullo, CFRE Gerard J. Fazio, CFRE Larry L. Hostetler, CFRE April Moreton, CFRE Patrick J. Carew, CFRE Carole A. Fish, CFRE Steen Hudson, CFRE Tom Nisbett, CFRE Mary Ruth Carleton, CFRE Erich Foeckler, CFRE Richard N. Hume, CFRE Ellen A. Plummer, CFRE Tracy C. Chappell, CFRE Karen B. Follette, CFRE Linda A. Hunt, CFRE William H. Powell, CFRE Selina S. Chi, CFRE Terri Forman, CFRE Reginald K. Ingram, CFRE Charliss M. Russ, CFRE Linda C. Chin, CFRE Susan P. Fox, CFRE Nicole M. Jackson, CFRE Fred G. Scarborough, CFRE Cheri L. Choy, CFRE Linda P. Frank, CFRE Michelle Jacobson, CFRE Sarah D. Van Vleck, CFRE Monika M. Churchill, CFRE Kristen S. Fulks, CFRE Timothy Jaeger, CFRE Jill D. Wagar, CFRE John Ciambrone, CFRE Robyn C. Furness-Fallin, Linda S. Jaffe, CFRE Lynnette Watts, CFRE Patricia Clark, CFRE CFRE Diane James, CFRE Sue S. Williamson, CFRE Andrew G. Clayton, CFRE Patricia F. Gallagher, CFRE Paula E. Jameson, CFRE Stephen P. Wilmes, CFRE Cheryl J. Cobbs, CFRE Carol D. Gallant, CFRE Laura Jason, CFRE California Bobby Cobbs, CFRE Laura S. Gallardo, CFRE Christine R Jeffers, CFRE Janie Anderson, CFRE Dena R. Cochran, CFRE Carlos A. Garcia, CFRE Victoria M Johnson, CFRE Kristin N Anderson, CFRE Sharon C. Collins, CFRE Tammy J. Gass, CFRE Scott W. Johnson, CFRE Karolo Aparicio, CFRE E. Danielle Collins, CFRE David L. George, CFRE Donna B. Johnson, CFRE James S. Armstrong, CFRE David Colwell, CFRE Maria Gitin Torres, CFRE Lori T. Johnson, CFRE

30 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Katherine A. McNulty, CFRE Christopher M. Redo, CFRE Sally Thomas, CFRE California (continued) Karen W. McQueen, CFRE Kevin M. Reeds, CFRE Tresa M. Thomas Susan L. Jones, CFRE Yukiko M. Meadows, CFRE Kim L. Rhinehelder, CFRE Massiongale, CFRE Kelly B. Kannwischer, CFRE Daniel E. Meek, CFRE Kendra A. Rhodes, CFRE Stephanie L. Titus, CFRE Katherine M. Karpe, CFRE Megan K. Meihaus, CFRE Janice H. Rice, CFRE Cecilia Degnan Tonsing, CFRE Katherine Keeney, CFRE Honey Meir-Levi, CFRE David G. Ricks, CFRE R. William Torgerson, CFRE Diana Kelker, CFRE Michele Melicia Young, Virginia V. Rivera, CFRE Tonya L. Torosian, CFRE John Kelleher, CFRE CFRE Jill Muchow Rode, CFRE Elizabeth A. Touma, CFRE Leonard P. Kelly, CFRE Rebecca Merrell, CFRE John N. Rodenberg, CFRE Carole D. Tremblay, CFRE Linda D. Kennedy, CFRE Kenneth D. Miles, CFRE Tim Rodriguera, CFRE Deborah Ann Trimble, CFRE M. Annette Ketner, CFRE Amy M. Miller, CFRE Anita Rodriguez-Lambert, Tim Truitt, CFRE Kathryn J. Keyes, CFRE Kelly R. Mitchell, CFRE CFRE Antoinette Tschann, CFRE Dian Kiser, CFRE Charity L. Monte, CFRE Diana Rogers, CFRE Zachary D Tucker, CFRE Alice J. Klein, CFRE Terry Monteleone, CFRE Joseph J. Rosenthal, CFRE John A. Turner, CFRE Vicky A. Klug, CFRE Antoinette G. Moriarty, CFRE Frances A. Rozner, CFRE Emma Lee Twitchell, CFRE Susan K. Knollenberg, CFRE Richard H. Morley, CFRE Michael A. Ruff, CFRE Susan A. Valencia, CFRE Bettina C Kohlbrenner, CFRE Kelly Morrison Pop, CFRE Pamela L. Sadler, CFRE Deborah Veady, CFRE Dolores M. Korf, CFRE Jennifer A. Morrow, CFRE Mansoor Sakhiy, CFRE Zoot Velasco, CFRE Kevin Kosik, CFRE Janelle H. Morton, CFRE Wendy J Santana, CFRE Thomas M. Venturino, CFRE Anne Kratz, CFRE Randall F. Mueller, CFRE Juliana Schirmer, CFRE Juliana Ver Steeg, CFRE Denise A. Kuhn, CFRE Patricia Narciso, CFRE Jeanne E. Schmelzer, CFRE Diane Vigil, CFRE Karen W. Kwan, CFRE Robert J. Nava, CFRE Christine Schmidt, CFRE Astrid von Soosten, CFRE Mark Lachman, CFRE Lynn R. Nawahine, CFRE R. Scott Schroeder, CFRE John W. Wadas, CFRE Kathryn J Landa, CFRE Joseph Naylor, CFRE Andrea M. Scott, CFRE Jon Wagner, CFRE Paul I Lanning, CFRE Sharon Nazaroff, CFRE Christa Sheehan, CFRE Jane E. Walstrom, CFRE Jean M. Larsen, CFRE Paula M. Neal Reza, CFRE Kathie C. Sheehy, CFRE Raymond W. Watts, CFRE Greg Lassonde, CFRE Theresa M. Nelson, CFRE Sarah E. Shepard, CFRE A. Nicole Weaver-Goller, Sally G. Lawrence, CFRE Elizabeth G. Nesbitt, CFRE Randy A. Shulman, CFRE CFRE Andrea Learned, CFRE Nicole G. Noble, CFRE Susan M. Shum, CFRE Amy C Weeks, CFRE Sharon L. LeeMaster, CFRE Susan L. Obert, CFRE Eileen M. Sigler, CFRE Robert E. Weiner, CFRE Harriet Lehmann, CFRE Fonny Oei, CFRE Nancy E. Simerly, CFRE Dana S. Weintraub, CFRE Jennifer Lenard-Benson, CFRE Elissa N Oransky, CFRE Jenni Skidmore, CFRE Jeffrey M. Wergeles, CFRE Beverly H. Lenihan, CFRE Steve Ortiz, CFRE Patricia M. Slattery, CFRE Pamela M. Werner, CFRE William R. Lewis, CFRE Daniel Otto, CFRE Susan B. Smith, CFRE Katherine Wertheim, CFRE Sandy T. Liarakos, CFRE Kimberly L. Parker, CFRE Dennis P. Smith, CFRE Heidi Whitman, CFRE Latifah M. Light, CFRE Chanda B. Parrett, CFRE Peggy A. Smith, CFRE Judith A. Whittier, CFRE Elizabeth A. Liles, CFRE Amy B. Parrott, CFRE Michelle L Smith, CFRE Jeffery R. Wilcox, CFRE Susan B. Loden, CFRE Amy D. Parsons, CFRE Patricia O. Snyder, CFRE Marc Wilde, CFRE Mari Ellen Loijens, CFRE Linda F. Parton, CFRE David G. Snyder, CFRE Timothy J. Willard, CFRE Claudia A. Looney, CFRE Christine Paul, CFRE Cecilia N. Soriano, CFRE Elizabeth A. Williams, CFRE Kimberly Low, CFRE Alan V. Pearson, CFRE James T. Sotiros, CFRE Debbie B. Wilson, CFRE Thomas Lowden, CFRE Daniel Peddie, CFRE Chelsey A. Souza, CFRE Karen E. Wirick, CFRE Colleen R. Lukoff, CFRE Sandra L. Peffer, CFRE Catherine Spear, CFRE Susan Wishon, CFRE Stephen A. Lundin, CFRE Susan Peters, CFRE Elizabeth S. Stacey, CFRE Gail M. Witzlsteiner, CFRE Jennifer M. Lyter, CFRE Diann Peterson, CFRE Holly N. Stanco, CFRE Tamara Wolf, CFRE Melissa MacRae, CFRE Janice Gow Pettey, CFRE Deborah E. Stanley, CFRE Amy Wolfe, CFRE Glenn Maddalon, CFRE James E. Pinder, CFRE Patricia Stein, CFRE Cynthia L. Wolfe Funai, CFRE Constance S. Maguire, CFRE Shirley M. Pok, CFRE June Stephens, CFRE Kerry Wood, CFRE Paula March, CFRE Richard Politte, CFRE Eugenia M. Stewart, CFRE Lisa A. Wood, CFRE Jennifer J. Marsteen, CFRE Thomas R. Poole, CFRE Arthur T. Stillwell, CFRE Sonia R. Wright, CFRE Vicki Mastro, CFRE Barbara J. Powers, CFRE Bradley W. Stith, CFRE Victoria C. Yarnal, CFRE Deanna Maurer, CFRE Judith A. Prokupek, CFRE Phillip L. Stolberg, CFRE Shannon E. Yasman, CFRE Robert A. May, CFRE Michele Prosser, CFRE Michele L. Stuart, CFRE Olivia B. Yates, CFRE Joan McBride, CFRE Therese M. Quinlan, CFRE Martha M. Sullivan, CFRE Betsy York, CFRE David R. McCurry, CFRE Barbara Racklin Bushnell, Naomi J. Sultan, CFRE Jan Young, CFRE Lenore M. McDonald, CFRE CFRE Nicole Suydam, CFRE Deloria Zabriskie, CFRE Justin McIntee, CFRE Linda J. Rahn, CFRE Jennifer A. Svihus, CFRE Matthew P. Zarcufsky, CFRE Heather McKenzie- Oliver W. Ramsey, CFRE Andrew F. Taylor, CFRE Cindy A. Zbin, CFRE Densmore, CFRE Grace Reddy, CFRE Rachel V. Terwillegar, CFRE Jane E. Ziad, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 31 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Joseph V. Maloney, CFRE Mike T. Eckel, CFRE Denise S. Dolan, CFRE Colorado Ann-Marie Manning, CFRE Cornelia Evans, CFRE Tara M. Dwyer-Arras, CFRE Enid M. Ablowitz, CFRE Paul N. Marsh, CFRE Lisa M. Ferraro, CFRE Joseph J. Eisen, CFRE De Ann Acosta, CFRE Joan L. Mason, CFRE Jo-Ann Ficca, CFRE Michael D. Farley, CFRE Edward M. Ammon, CFRE Sharon Meyers, CFRE Melinda S. Formica, CFRE Carl L. Gell, CFRE Cory G. Andersen, CFRE Jeffrey Mielke, CFRE Leigh M. Gage, CFRE Sharon Gleason, CFRE Jill M. Anderson, CFRE Carmen J. Moyer, CFRE David E. Garamella, CFRE Samuel N. Gough, CFRE Josh T. Bailey, CFRE Margaret E. Mullen, CFRE Carol S. Garlick, CFRE Natalie Kate Greiner, CFRE Kerry A. Baker, CFRE Kevin L. Mullin, CFRE Jean G. Haynes, CFRE Aisha Heath, CFRE Marianne B. Barker, CFRE Robb S. Pike, CFRE Stephen M. Jakab, CFRE Martha Johnson, CFRE Andrew M. Barton, CFRE Jennifer L. Pinnell, CFRE Jennifer A. King, CFRE Brian M. Jones, CFRE Dee Beaudette, CFRE Katherine L. Repola, CFRE Holly Lemoine, CFRE Maryanna L. Kieffer, CFRE Ronald G. Beckman, CFRE Nicole E. Rivet, CFRE Wendy M. Lux, CFRE Dayna Kuhar, CFRE Richard Blair, CFRE Ann Roecker, CFRE Brenda A. Marsian, CFRE Jennifer M. Lopez, CFRE Cynthia J. Blanchard- Illene Roggensack, CFRE Elizabeth M. McCartney, Kathleen M. Lunsmann, Bullock, CFRE Kimberly Ruotsala, CFRE CFRE CFRE James Bocian, CFRE Gary D. Schrenk, CFRE Clare W. Meade, CFRE Lisa L. Maska, CFRE Marilyn G. Bogan, CFRE Anita Schwartz, CFRE Gail E. Millerick, CFRE Nancy Fifield McConnell, Bryan D. Bowles, CFRE Virgil A. Scott, CFRE Patricia L. Morgan, CFRE CFRE James K. Brozo, CFRE Mary Beth Searles, CFRE Bernardine Morris-Thielert, Meegan E. McVay, CFRE Amy Buchheit, CFRE Kimberly Lennox Sharkey, CFRE Lynn M. Mehaffy, CFRE Judith A. Calhoun, CFRE CFRE Claudia B. Nielsen, CFRE Susan A. Messina, CFRE Kimberly Churches, CFRE Lori A. Sims, CFRE Dawn Nunn, CFRE Heather K. Morgan, CFRE Simone Clasen, CFRE Gordon P. Smith, CFRE Catherine Onyemelukwe, Michael J. Morsberger, CFRE Shannon M. Clifford, CFRE Mary Rush C Stevenson, CFRE Stacie A. Mruk, CFRE Jeanne Conder, CFRE CFRE Gary W. Parrington, CFRE Tiffany A. Neill, CFRE Camy Cooney, CFRE William L. Stohlmann, CFRE Karen A. Petersen Hatcher, Gail G. Nordheimer, CFRE Gail M. Cumming, CFRE Valerie J. Stolz, CFRE CFRE Beth A. Paulson, CFRE Eileen Danahy, CFRE Randall A. Stubbs, CFRE Julie Pryor-Bennett, CFRE Bathsheba Philpott, CFRE Douglas A. Dillon, CFRE Janet L. Stump, CFRE Hal C. Reed, CFRE Gabriel M. Pinski, CFRE Paul A. Dunne, CFRE Gina G. Taranto, CFRE Rick Reichert, CFRE Kristen J. Pruski, CFRE Janet Fieldman, CFRE Beverly N. Thompson, CFRE Martha L. Rennie, CFRE Meg L. Roberts, CFRE Karen P. Fitzpatrick, CFRE Kimberly A. Tobin, CFRE Lillian L. Rhodes, CFRE Sally J. Smith, CFRE Marialane Flippen, CFRE William W. Tromble, CFRE Donald G. Rizzo, CFRE Laura S. Smith, CFRE Judea D. Franck, CFRE Ashley E. Waddell, CFRE Patricia M. Scharr, CFRE Janece A. Smoot, CFRE Griff A. Freyschlag, CFRE Kristin K. Walker, CFRE Daniel Seiden, CFRE Arlene A. Snyder, CFRE Linda S. Garrison, CFRE Luanne M. Williams, CFRE Lyla Steenbergen, CFRE Timothy P. Snyder, CFRE Constance Gelvin, CFRE Kimberly D. Winger, CFRE Alexis P. Surovov, CFRE Ramona Stoltz, CFRE Mary M. Gilliam, CFRE Victoria S. Wright-Walker, Diana L. Timlin, CFRE Amy F. Sukol, CFRE Julie Johnson Haffner, CFRE CFRE Richard J. Tuchman, CFRE Kathleen R. Swayze, CFRE Leslie N. Hansen, CFRE Matthew C.D. Yeingst, CFRE Margo S. Tucker, CFRE Barbara Ellen Talisman, CFRE Margo L. Hatton, CFRE Connecticut Jill Westgard, CFRE Kathryn M. Tyrrell, CFRE Mark D. Hille, CFRE Andrew C. Bamber, CFRE Kristen E. Willis, CFRE Gayle S. Union, CFRE Dianne L. Hitchingham, CFRE Hedy L. Barton, CFRE Trenton Wright Kathryn L. Ward, CFRE Jonathan E. Hoehn, CFRE Sharon Bean, CFRE District of Columbia Tycely R. Williams, CFRE Janet L. Hubert, CFRE Diana S. Bogue, CFRE Stacy A. Ale, CFRE Delaware Mandy Hughes, CFRE Thomas R. Borjas, CFRE Alicia M. Alexion, CFRE Judy L. Aliquo, CFRE Donna Jared, CFRE Lynne J. Briody, CFRE Torrey S. Androski, CFRE Manuel J. Arencibia, CFRE Rose Marie Johnson, CFRE Megan Brown, CFRE Robert L. Balthaser, CFRE John D. Baker, CFRE Karen J. Johnson, CFRE Rebecca M. Bryan, CFRE Georgette L. Blanchfield, Ronald F. Barisano, CFRE Martha Johnson, CFRE Phyllis T. Cappuccio, CFRE CFRE Susan Bernetich, CFRE Susan E. Kaiser, CFRE Susan M. Chudwick, CFRE Dennis J. Boyle, CFRE Sharon L. Biddle, CFRE John Kivimaki, CFRE Sharon L. Closius, CFRE Jennifer N Broome, CFRE Marcia E. Carle, CFRE Sharon A. Knight, CFRE Thomas M. Colligan, CFRE Suzanne Callahan, CFRE Cathy D. Cessna, CFRE Dean R. Laatt, CFRE Robert B. Congdon, CFRE Patricia E. Carocci, CFRE Donna M. G. Connor, CFRE Tamra S. Lack, CFRE Mary K. Cox, CFRE Ruth P. Cogen, CFRE Stephanie Cory, CFRE Diane C. LeBlanc, CFRE Cynthia E. DiLeo, CFRE Lynn C. Croneberger, CFRE Elizabeth A. Dougherty, CFRE Marc D. Lee, CFRE Barbara Drayer, CFRE Curtis C. Deane, CFRE Dee Durham, CFRE Joseph M. Leisz, CFRE Michael T. Driscoll, CFRE Barbara J. DeClerk, CFRE La Mar Gunn, CFRE

32 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Heather R. Corey, CFRE Gregory S. Higgerson, CFRE Raven McElman, CFRE Delaware (continued) Jordan L. Crane, CFRE Paula M. Higgins, CFRE Carol Z. McKeever, CFRE Lois D. Heesters, CFRE Estelle Crawford, CFRE Stephen M. Higgins, CFRE Jessica McLain, CFRE Jeffrey A. Jackson, CFRE Deirdre I. Dam, CFRE Margaret W. Hightower, Margaret L Meadows, CFRE Paul E. Lakeman, CFRE Diane L. David, CFRE CFRE Gail S. Meltzer, CFRE Martha R. Mitchell, CFRE Michelle S. Davis, CFRE David A. Hoffman, CFRE Kenneth I. Menefee, CFRE Lucy M. O’Donnell, CFRE Janice Davis, CFRE Janet L. Hooper, CFRE Theresa A Mepham, CFRE Vita T. Pickrum, CFRE Robert C. Dawson, CFRE Lauren W. Hopkins, CFRE Richard G. Miller, CFRE Claudia M. Porretti, CFRE Marie B. Deckert, CFRE Lisa J Howard, CFRE Carl J. Minardo, CFRE Judith D. Schrock, CFRE Kelly M. DeGregorio, CFRE Lynn J. Hoy, CFRE Jeffrey A Muddell, CFRE Florida E. Paul Dietrich, CFRE Linda D. Hull, CFRE Terry J. Mularkey, CFRE Emilio Alonso-Mendoza Constance C. Dillon, CFRE Kathy M. Ingram, CFRE Kristie K. Naines, CFRE Sylvia M. Ameen, CFRE Jeanene E. Donilon, CFRE Lisa C. Intagliata, CFRE Joanne Nowlin Davis, CFRE Marion E. Anderson, CFRE Bernadine Douglas, CFRE Roxanne Jacobs, CFRE Susan J. Omoto, CFRE Jane Arnett, CFRE Kelly A. Dowling, CFRE Jorene Jameson, CFRE Carol Ossip Felder, CFRE Mason Ayres, CFRE Holly H. Duncan, CFRE Karen T. Jensen, CFRE Janet G. Owens, CFRE Andrae J. Bailey, CFRE Julia I. East, CFRE Deborah M. Johnson, CFRE Barzella Papa, CFRE Lydia E. Bailey, CFRE Tracy Edwards Frye, CFRE Richard H. Johnson, CFRE Holly L. Parrish, CFRE Laurence G. Barnet, CFRE Jane Egbert, CFRE Sharon A. Jones, CFRE Stephen J. Parsons, CFRE Raymond W. Barr, CFRE Linda M. Eisenhart, CFRE Wendy Kaplan, CFRE Joan K. Paru, CFRE Kristen L. Barrett, CFRE Jennifer Elliott, CFRE Nicolas Karagosian, CFRE Toni S. Paz, CFRE Kerry A. Bartlett, CFRE Roland Emerton, CFRE Vicki S. Katz, CFRE Nancy B. Perry, CFRE Ernestine Bean, CFRE Kathleen Brooks Emmett, Vicki M. Kaufmann, CFRE Denise M. Pope, CFRE Kathy M. Beattie, CFRE CFRE Gustave G. Kein, CFRE Faith M. Pridmore, CFRE Rebecca D. Becker, CFRE Sherry Hogan English, CFRE Diane Kimes, CFRE Gene F. Pruett, CFRE Lee Behensky, CFRE Bill F. Faucett, CFRE Robert J Kinney, CFRE Kathy S. Rabon, CFRE Emily H. Benham, CFRE Meredith Feder, CFRE Deborah Kotch, CFRE Suzanne E. Rackl, CFRE Nina P. Berkheiser, CFRE Shirley B. Fessell, CFRE Gary D. Kovar, CFRE Dianne M. Reeves, CFRE Thomas A. Bila, CFRE Cynthia L. Fields, CFRE Andrew J. Kramer, CFRE Nancy L. Reierson, CFRE George Ann Bissett, CFRE Amanda E. Fisher, CFRE Hope Kramer, CFRE Robb D. Resler, CFRE Virginia O. Blossom Bonnie M. Flynn, CFRE Doug Kruse, CFRE Karen J. Rieley, CFRE Kruntorad, CFRE Kenneth Fournie, CFRE Carrie M. Kufta, CFRE John Riley, CFRE Mary Beth Bos, CFRE Greg C. Frazier, CFRE Cynthia A. Lake, CFRE Lenora A. Ritchie, CFRE John W. Bozard, CFRE Kelley W. Frohlich, CFRE John M Landry, CFRE John E. Rivas, CFRE Susan B. Brandt, CFRE Wendy L Gajewski, CFRE Jane R. Lanier, CFRE Clarence J. Roberts, CFRE Laura Breeze, CFRE Armando V. Galella, CFRE Anna Lanzatella, CFRE Renee Robertson, CFRE Gary A. Brewer, CFRE Geraldine Gallagher, CFRE Kathleen M. Larsen, CFRE Rolando D. Rodriguez, CFRE Cora L. Brown, CFRE Margaret A Gibbs, CFRE Chris LeBrun, CFRE Carolyn C. Rogers, CFRE Patricia Broxson, CFRE Angela L. Gieras, CFRE Marianne C. LeClair, CFRE Bonnie A. Royster, CFRE Carol E. Bruno, CFRE Laura Gilbert, CFRE Sara H. Leonard, CFRE Richard Russell, CFRE David M. Bryant, CFRE Larry A. Gilhousen, CFRE Kathleen M. Leone, CFRE Mary Saionz, CFRE Chrissie Budd, CFRE Janet K. Ginn, CFRE Deborah A. Levine, CFRE Beverly H. Sanders, CFRE Carol L. Butera, CFRE Susan E. Glasscock, CFRE Patricia Christine Lewis, Steven L. Sanderson, CFRE Suzanne P. Cabrera, CFRE J Carey Gleason, CFRE CFRE Beth Guba Schaan, CFRE Stanton L. Cadow, CFRE Rodney M. Grabowski, CFRE Kristin S. Lidinsky, CFRE Leslie Schipani-Anderson, Anita B. Campbell, CFRE Adrianne N. Greenlees, CFRE H. Patricia Lord, CFRE CFRE Mary E. Campo, CFRE Sally Gress, CFRE Judy Ludin, CFRE Marcia L. Schneider, CFRE Robert E. Carter, CFRE Nora J Gunn-Stern, CFRE Nancy J. Ludin, CFRE Margaret L. Schumacher, Kenann J. Cassidy, CFRE Daniel T. Gura, CFRE Suellen K. Mann, CFRE CFRE Lagrand E. Chase, CFRE Karin E. Gustafson, CFRE Melody M. Marrs, CFRE Jennifer L. Secor, CFRE Terri Chastain, CFRE Debbie E. Hammer, CFRE Grant E. Martin, CFRE Suzanne L. Seiter, CFRE Melissa Chaykin, CFRE Cathryn L Hardesty, CFRE Karelia Martinez-Carbonell, Lara G. Shane, CFRE Craig T. Chindemi, CFRE Christopher D. Harrell, CFRE CFRE Kenneth P. Shoriak, CFRE Donna Christine Marino, Marilyn M Hattaway, CFRE Kate A. Mason, CFRE Traci A Shur, CFRE CFRE Jennifer Hawkes, CFRE Aida I. Matic, CFRE William J. Shustowski, CFRE Tracy B. Clouser, CFRE Pamela J. Henderson, CFRE Martha V. Matula, CFRE Shaina Sine, CFRE DeAnn J. Collins, CFRE Teresa Hibbard, CFRE Evelyn Elizabeth McCall, CFRE Doris K. Sipos, CFRE Regine M. Cordon Shiver, Lisa M. Hicks, CFRE Jane E. McCallum, CFRE John B. Sloan, CFRE CFRE Robin Hicks-Connors, CFRE Ann S. McCullen, CFRE Marlene M. Spalten, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 33 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Donna S. Brazzell, CFRE Nancy K. Rigby, CFRE Illinois Florida (continued) Maxwell Breithaupt, CFRE Jennifer L. Russ, CFRE Alberta Adamson, CFRE Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE Kay Buckham, CFRE Ellen H. Sacchi, CFRE Martha J. Ahrends, CFRE Jeannine Starr, CFRE Jeanette N. Burroughs, CFRE Deborah P Schuchmann, CFRE Heather K. Albrecht, CFRE Susan L. Stern, CFRE Beth T. Byers, CFRE Gail Seifert, CFRE Shannon Lohr Alexander, Jennifer L. Stewart, CFRE John P. Byrne, CFRE Elizabeth Sheppard, CFRE CFRE Giovanna M. Stincer, CFRE Jennifer Cain, CFRE Scott H. Sikes, CFRE Richard L. Allmon, CFRE Susan L. Suarez, CFRE John P. Cerniglia, CFRE Alicia Smith, CFRE Paul W. Amundsen, CFRE Joanne B. Sullivan, CFRE Patrick D. Chandler, CFRE Elizabeth Smith, CFRE Carol Anglet, CFRE Michael E. Sutton, CFRE Amy S Crowell, CFRE Ellen J. Terrell, CFRE Rosalyn J. Averette-Priester, Patricia I. Sutton, CFRE Patricia D’Alba Sabatelle, Catherine B. Trotter, CFRE CFRE Dianna L. Sutton, CFRE CFRE Charles Troutman, CFRE Melissa S. Barrett, CFRE Julie C. Taylor, CFRE Rebecca H. Davis, CFRE Jomal Vailes, CFRE Michael J. Bates, CFRE Joan A. Thomas, CFRE Rob Dickson, CFRE Stephen C. Vancza, CFRE Danda T. Beard, CFRE Joel L. Thomas, CFRE Rachel B. Donnelly, CFRE Lewis Vonherrmann, CFRE Jennifer L. Beightley, CFRE Maureen Thurston, CFRE Larkin Dorsey, CFRE Julie Y. Wilkerson, CFRE Kristen L. Berchtold, CFRE James J. Tobin, CFRE Margaret E. Gammage- Brittany G. Wilson, CFRE Betty H. Bergstrom, CFRE Joanne W. Towner, CFRE Tucker, CFRE Thomas Wood, CFRE Jennifer A. Bettis, CFRE Barton C. Tryon, CFRE William W. Gardner, CFRE Hawaii Michael Bittel, CFRE Maarten van de Guchte, Heather Greene, CFRE Monica Adams, CFRE Judith L. Blank, CFRE CFRE LaDonna L. Greiner, CFRE Elizabeth A. Aulsebrook, CFRE Jennifer N. Blohm, CFRE Karen L. Van De Putte, CFRE Amanda K. Griffin, CFRE K. C. Collins, CFRE Michael J. Boersma, CFRE Tracy Vanderneck, CFRE Leonard A. Haas, CFRE Polly Kauahi, CFRE Lisa M. Breitsprecker, CFRE Jennifer B. Vigne, CFRE Bonnie S. Hardage, CFRE Denice K. Keliikoa, CFRE William C. Brooks, CFRE John M. Wall, CFRE R. William Hooson, CFRE Janice N. Knapp, CFRE Helen M. Brooks, CFRE C. Edward Wardle, CFRE Rainie B. Jueschke, CFRE Keawe Liu, CFRE Patricia A. Broughton, CFRE Jonathan B. Warner, CFRE Elizabeth A. Kargel, CFRE Gina Lobaco, CFRE Carol D. Brown, CFRE Kathleen Weiner, CFRE Beth A. Keller, CFRE Elizabeth M. Mastrantonio, Molly M. Bukro, CFRE Eric Welch, CFRE Melisa Kennedy, CFRE CFRE Julie A. Bullock, CFRE Megan D. Wenrich, CFRE Megan M. Kerley, CFRE Anne Marie Rizzo, CFRE Jeannine Burgdorf, CFRE Kathryn A. Whitney, CFRE Jeremy S. Kraut-Ordover, Ronald L. Sauder, CFRE Jennifer L. Bush, CFRE F. Mark Whittaker, CFRE CFRE Lorraine S. Tamaribuchi, Margaret E. Busse, CFRE Patrice Shiver Whitten, Wm. Edward Laity, CFRE CFRE Juan Calixto, CFRE CFRE Lindsay L. Lapole, CFRE Sarah B. Tenney, CFRE Bradley F. Carlson, CFRE John D. Wilbur, CFRE Maryum Lewis, CFRE Lisa M. Varde, CFRE Barbara A. Carney, CFRE Sallie Williams, CFRE Fred Maglione, CFRE Idaho Patricia R. Cassens, CFRE Stacy L. Williams, CFRE Reshunda L. Mahone, CFRE Rayelle B. Anderson, CFRE Kathryn L. Caudill, CFRE John B. Williams, CFRE Shelly R. Manuel, CFRE Mark Arstein, CFRE Rosalee Cavataio, CFRE Lee Williams, CFRE Bentley B. Marane, CFRE Richard T. Ballou, CFRE Nancy D. Chandler, CFRE Julie M. Wills, CFRE Beth P. Mathews, CFRE Kyrsten S. Bell, CFRE Beth N. Chase, CFRE Katherine R Wohlhuter, CFRE Stephen L. McDaniel, CFRE Donald L. Evans, CFRE Gerri L. Cicchinelli, CFRE Danielle Wright-Landry, Mary Z. McEneaney, CFRE David G. Facer, CFRE Sara E. Cohen, CFRE CFRE Elizabeth H. Meehan, CFRE Teresa H. Farr, CFRE Erna E. Colborn, CFRE Therese E. Yanochik, CFRE Bruce E. Minett, CFRE Hilary Hupp Furlong, CFRE Alysha B. Comstock, CFRE Phil G. Young, CFRE Richard Munroe, CFRE Linda J. Leary Gerber, CFRE Thomas Cramer, CFRE Anita J. Young, CFRE Mary Kay Murphy, CFRE Monica D. Hopkins, CFRE Sherre Jennings Cullen, Tania R. Yount, CFRE Joshua R. Newton, CFRE Larry C. Johnson, CFRE CFRE David J. Zanitsch, CFRE William Norris, CFRE Bob Madden, CFRE Sarah P. Cutrara, CFRE Joshua J. Zmroczek, CFRE John F. O’Kane, CFRE Mary Elizabeth Markley, CFRE Lisa M. Dagher, CFRE Dana J. Zorovich-Godek, CFRE Betsy T. Oliver, CFRE Christopher W. Moore, CFRE Elizabeth J. Dale, CFRE Georgia Ann-Laura Parks, CFRE Jennifer L. Neil, CFRE Sandra Danforth, CFRE Patricia A. Adelmann, CFRE David R. Pass, CFRE Jerry W. Nielsen, CFRE Kathryn A. Dattomo, CFRE Ralph W. Alee, CFRE Rachel Michele Pearce, CFRE Bradley J. Petersen, CFRE Carl W. Davis, CFRE Tracey B. Atwater, CFRE Evan M. Pearson, CFRE Jack Purdie, CFRE Jennifer Dettloff, CFRE Susan R. Baker, CFRE Mary K. Perry, CFRE David G. Richards, CFRE Margaret DeVine, CFRE Debbi B. Barber, CFRE John Petty, CFRE Shayne L. Summers, CFRE William L. Devore, CFRE Suzanne M. Begin, CFRE Gayle J. Popham, CFRE John D. Tanner, CFRE Marianne Downey, CFRE Philip Bonfiglio, CFRE Marcille B. Reed, CFRE Stuart B. Weiser, CFRE Richard A. Draeger, CFRE Tucker J. Branham, CFRE Martha Scott Reich, CFRE Robert R. Yardley Robert D. Driver, CFRE

34 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Jacqueline S. Joines, CFRE Linda E. Niemiec, CFRE Mark J. Teresi, CFRE Illinois (continued) Lewis R. Jones, CFRE Barbara J. Norris Coates, CFRE David S. Terrill, CFRE Kathleen F. Dujsik, CFRE Brad Joutras, CFRE Pamela K. Owens, CFRE Eric D. Thompson, CFRE M. Jane Eaves, CFRE Falona Joy, CFRE Theodore C Parge, CFRE Mary C. Tikalsky, CFRE Heather A. Eddy, CFRE Paulette M. Karas, CFRE Erin H. Patti, CFRE Hugh P. Turley, CFRE Elizabeth J. Edgar, CFRE Emily G. Keilback, CFRE Nicole R. Payton, CFRE Julie L. Turley, CFRE Kristen M. Egan, CFRE Virginia Heubach Kelly, CFRE Douglas G. Peck, CFRE Anne Tyree, CFRE India A. Ehioba, CFRE Marilyn Foster Kirk, CFRE Susan A. Peters, CFRE Amy C. Van Polen, CFRE Renee M. Ellingson, CFRE Soudary Kittivong- Kathleen Phelan, CFRE Randy A. Varju, CFRE Paula J. Endress, CFRE Greenbaum, CFRE Jamie Phillippe, CFRE Lynne D. Vass, CFRE Apryl Eshelman, CFRE Deborah A. Kleiboeker, CFRE Tanya Pietrkowski, CFRE Gordon D. Venturella, CFRE Daniel J. Facchini, CFRE Debra Klieman, CFRE Alexander F .Pope, CFRE Barb Vicory, CFRE Nick M. Falco, CFRE Jill C. Koski, CFRE Roy F. Quanstrom, CFRE Robert A. Vitas, CFRE Annelys H. Farrell, CFRE Kathy A. Kraas, CFRE John J. Quinn, CFRE Danielle M. Ward, CFRE Rebecca Fines Hunter, CFRE Gail A. Lamb, CFRE Christine Radtke, CFRE Carol V. Wargo, CFRE Tom Fite, CFRE Cloydia H. Larimore, CFRE L. Patrick Reedy, CFRE Kimberly K. Weeks, CFRE Gilbert W. Fonger, CFRE Kathleen F. Larrick, CFRE Allyson J. Regnier, CFRE Courtney Weiland, CFRE Tracey L. Foreman, CFRE Erin E. Leahey, CFRE Jill J. Reid, CFRE Michelle A. Whetstone, CFRE Randi Frank, CFRE Kevin J. Lee, CFRE Mary J. Revord, CFRE David E. Wiercinski, CFRE Patti S. Franklin, CFRE Tamara Lee Leonard, CFRE Mark A. Roberts, CFRE Payson S. Wild, CFRE Francine Friedman, CFRE Carol J. Levenberg, CFRE Linda G. Robertson, CFRE Megan C. Williamson, CFRE Theodore D. Frost, CFRE Marlene Lewis, CFRE Judy L. Roby, CFRE Judith M. Woodruff, CFRE Elizabeth P. Garrow, CFRE Ceilanne Libber, CFRE Gary N. Rowe, CFRE Brooke L. Young, CFRE Shawn M. Gavin, CFRE Joseph A. Like, CFRE Marcy J. Rubic, CFRE Heather Zoldak, CFRE Brian J. Gawor, CFRE Judy T. Lindsey, CFRE Nathan R. Ruby, CFRE Richard E. Zumwalt, CFRE Terri M. Gens, CFRE Alexa Lingris, CFRE Susan Rudigier Mchabcheb, Indiana Carol K. Gieske, CFRE Kevin Lister, CFRE CFRE Heather P. Allen, CFRE Karla S. Gifford, CFRE Jacqueline E. Lowe, CFRE Gail D Rudolph, CFRE William C. Andreas, CFRE Grant Gilbert, CFRE James J. Lynch, CFRE Steven A. Rusk, CFRE Timothy P. Ardillo, CFRE Marshall R. Gillam, CFRE Sarah W. Mackey, CFRE Deborah F Ryan, CFRE Jonathan W. Barada, CFRE Steven R. Goebel, CFRE Alexander G. Macnab, CFRE Julie R. Ryan, CFRE Donna K. Belding, CFRE Catherine J. Goebel, CFRE John L. Malloy, CFRE Rosemary L. Sajak, CFRE Sally J. Benson, CFRE Paul N. Goetz, CFRE Erin A. Markuson, CFRE Gladys , CFRE Michelle L. Bingle-Coffman, Michelle D. Gorham, CFRE Mary Jo May, CFRE Katherine S Sawyer, CFRE CFRE Heather R. Graves, CFRE Patricia A. McDonald, CFRE Brenda Scheider, CFRE Peggy W. Blackard, CFRE Eric J. Green, CFRE Catherine C. McGeehan, CFRE Tracey N. Schilligo, CFRE Susan E. Bogan, CFRE Kathleen Grummel, CFRE David M. McGowan, CFRE Cynthia L. Schmidt, CFRE Charles R. Bossert, CFRE Susan A. Hacker, CFRE Carrie McHaley, CFRE John David Schmitt, CFRE Scott E. Bova, CFRE Barbara K. Hailey, CFRE John R. Mecklenburg, CFRE Kimberly S. Schweitzer, CFRE David A. Bower, CFRE Yolanda Hancock-Rahman, Cheryl Megurdichian, CFRE Colleen A. Sehy, CFRE Joan K. Boyer, CFRE CFRE Julie L. Melton, CFRE Robert M. Shafis, CFRE Wendy W. Boyle, CFRE Ruth K. Hansen, CFRE Susan L. Mennenga, CFRE Christopher J. Shoemaker, Emojean M. Brindel, CFRE Linda C. Hawkins, CFRE Dennis L. Meyer, CFRE CFRE Scott T. Budlong-Morse, Dwight M. Heaney, CFRE Roger A. Meyer, CFRE Judy A. Siegal, CFRE CFRE Jerry D. Heller, CFRE Kelly J. Millington, CFRE Vered Siegel, CFRE Karen Burns, CFRE Greg J. Henson, CFRE Erin L. Minne, CFRE Joseph P. Skvara, CFRE Kathryn J. Cantor, CFRE Allison Z. Hewitt, CFRE Lynn Momberger, CFRE Shelly Smith, CFRE Eve M. Colchin, CFRE Marc P. Hilton, CFRE Timothy Montague, CFRE Deidra M. Somerville, CFRE Gwen C. Cooper, CFRE Jennifer A. Hodge Jerzyk, Kathleen M. Monteleone, Kathleen Spiess, CFRE Beatrice L.D. Cork, CFRE CFRE CFRE Rachel C. Stack, CFRE Barbara J. Coury, CFRE Robert V. Hotz, CFRE Maryll Moon, CFRE Michele L. Stauff, CFRE Deanna D. Crispen, CFRE David John Hougan, CFRE Geraldine Moore, CFRE Ben M. Stickan, CFRE Robert N. Croft, CFRE Lynn R. Huelsmann, CFRE Larry D. Morrow, CFRE Cecilia A. Straney, CFRE Catherine C. Cummings, Kristin L. Hughes, CFRE Melanie J. Murphy, CFRE Daniel P. Summins, CFRE CFRE Penelepe C. Hunt, CFRE Linda B. Myette, CFRE Joan Sunseri, CFRE Jennifer L. Danic, CFRE Kathleen M. Hurley, CFRE Beverly E. Neisler, CFRE Stephen J. Taylor, CFRE Kathryn M. Dannels, CFRE Joy D. Hutchcraft, CFRE Sandra H. Nelson, CFRE M. Sue Taylor-Woodward, Betty R. Darbro, CFRE Sarah J. Jennings, CFRE Deborah A. Nelson, CFRE CFRE Joyce A. Detterline, CFRE Thomas J. Johnson, CFRE Mary Newell, CFRE Whitney M. Templeton, CFRE Barbara W. Dicken, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 35 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Jennifer Marsh, CFRE Sally Zelonis, CFRE Sherri L. Taylor, CFRE Indiana (continued) Suzanne T. Maxwell, CFRE Marcy M. Zunk, CFRE Justin Tolan, CFRE Roberta L. Donahue, CFRE Glennda M. McGann, CFRE Iowa Sandra L. Tuttle, CFRE Frank T. Eagan, CFRE Jane M. McGraw, CFRE Kelly A. Allen, CFRE Janet M. Van Note, CFRE Tonja L Eagan, CFRE Zis Milentis, CFRE Karen K. Anderson, CFRE Diana J. Vandeventer, CFRE Anthony A Englert, CFRE John Milentis, CFRE Barbara L. Barton, CFRE Jason S. Wright, CFRE Julie A Fabsik Swarts, CFRE Karin Mills, CFRE Helene Benitez, CFRE Katharine Yarnell, CFRE Katherine M. Finley, CFRE Ellen L. Mitchell, CFRE Nancy Bobo, CFRE Kansas Nancy Frick, CFRE Christopher Molloy, CFRE Steve M. Campbell, CFRE Daniel W. Barwick, CFRE Scott Friend, CFRE Gretchen Musselman Hueni, Lea J. Clausen, CFRE Debra L. Bass, CFRE Rose E. Fritzinger, CFRE CFRE Timothy S. Coffey, CFRE John P. Biggs, CFRE Jeri P Gabbert, CFRE Susan Hacker Nelson, CFRE Kristine K. Columbus, CFRE Nikki S. Bollaert, CFRE James E. Gillespie, CFRE Benjamin Nicol, CFRE Ann E Criswell, CFRE Teri L. Buek, CFRE Steve Gilliland, CFRE Sandra M. Noe, CFRE James M. Dodson, CFRE Sharon M. Chinnery, CFRE Joseph K. Goepfrich, CFRE Melanie J. Norton, CFRE Sherylea S. Downes, CFRE Suzanne C. Dell-St. Clair, Teresa Gotthardt, CFRE Paul F. Nowak, CFRE Brenda K. Duello, CFRE CFRE Stephanie M Grabow, CFRE Harriet A. O’Connor, CFRE Jane A. Flanagan, CFRE Thomas M. Ellis, CFRE Freddie D Haddad, CFRE Mary Ann Olinger, CFRE Todd D. Fogdall, CFRE Jennifer A. Friedley, CFRE Molly T. Hahn, CFRE Diana J. Pappin, CFRE Kristine Frakes, CFRE Jessie A. Fuller, CFRE Cassandrea Caye Hall, CFRE Nicholas A. Parkevich, CFRE Leslie L. Garman, CFRE Louis J. Gehring, CFRE Cindy J Hall, CFRE Jennifer K. Pendleton, CFRE Raymond P. German, CFRE Diana K. Gordon, CFRE Perry T. Hammock, CFRE Heather C. Perdue, CFRE Rita R. Gilbertson, CFRE Jodi M. Guillemette, CFRE Patricia Louise Hankins Michael G. Perigo, CFRE Melinda M. Gowey, CFRE Kevin D. Hanzlick, CFRE Hughes, CFRE Victoria A. Petersen, CFRE Clint Grider, CFRE Ruth Heffel, CFRE Jeremy M. Hatch, CFRE Brent J. Pieper, CFRE Albert M. Grunenwald, CFRE Tanja I. Heinen, CFRE Colleen A. Heeter, CFRE Heather M. Quigley-Allen, Kathy L. Hall, CFRE J. Stuart Hoffman, CFRE Paula S. Heiderman, CFRE CFRE Susannah L. Hawn, CFRE Jessie Kaye, CFRE Craig P. Heinrichs, CFRE J. Anita Ray, CFRE Angela Beth V. Hilbert, CFRE Karla J. Kimerer, CFRE John M. Heintz, CFRE Barbara W. Richardson, Robert N. Hilbert, CFRE Jennifer Knight, CFRE Kyle A. Henne, CFRE CFRE Judi Holdorf, CFRE Lesle M. Knop, CFRE Robert Henson, CFRE Brenda J. Rigdon, CFRE Connie L. Isaacson, CFRE J. Michael Lamb, CFRE Julia R. Holbrook, CFRE Elisa Rogowski, CFRE Shelly L. Jordan, CFRE Jane N. Lampo, CFRE Morgan M. Hoover, CFRE Carolyn V. Saxton, CFRE Gail P. Karp, CFRE Andrea M. Lombard, CFRE Matthew R. Hudson, CFRE Rebecca A. Scheer, CFRE Cathy Katoski, CFRE Joyce H. Martin, CFRE C. Suzanne Hudson-Smith, Ralph G. Schmidt, CFRE Amanda M. Kisting, CFRE Diane J. B. Marty, CFRE CFRE Candace Schuler, CFRE Susan Kloewer, CFRE James A. McHenry, CFRE Paula J. Jenkins, CFRE Timothy L. Seiler, CFRE Diane Koster, CFRE Sharon G. Miles, CFRE Randall S. Johnson, CFRE Kelly K. Shrock, CFRE Christine A. Kramer, CFRE Janice K. Murfield, CFRE Treva E. Johnson, CFRE Theressa C. Silver, CFRE Lois Kundel, CFRE Keri A. Myers, CFRE Susan M. Johnson, CFRE Paul St. Angelo, CFRE Jeanine M Lovell, CFRE Jon D. North, CFRE Robin L. Kares, CFRE M Jane Sullivan-Davis, CFRE Lynette L. Marshall, CFRE Mary E. Ontko, CFRE Stephen H. Kerr, CFRE W. Earl Taylor, CFRE Kara D. McWhirter Waugh, Patricia A. Oppenheimer, Gary W. W Kidwell, CFRE Eugene R. Tempel, CFRE CFRE CFRE William H. Kiel, CFRE Christina Thieme, CFRE Donald J. Meyer, CFRE Sheila Montgomery Park, Suzanne B. Killen, CFRE Jill S. Tullar, CFRE Doyle Monsma, CFRE CFRE Jessica J. Koscher, CFRE Kristina D. Uland, CFRE Nancy A. Olson, CFRE Dianne J. Paukstelis, CFRE James G. Kramer, CFRE Matthew P. vandenBerg, CFRE Paul J. Pelletier, CFRE Steven W. Prieb, CFRE Michael J. Laudick, CFRE Renae J. Vania-Tomczak, Melissa L. Pence, CFRE Diane L. Robbins, CFRE Amanda K. Lawson, CFRE CFRE Judith A. Pierick, CFRE Paul A. Rueschhoff, CFRE Holly K. Lee, CFRE Ernest Vargo, CFRE Mark A. Reed, CFRE Edwin M. Shafer, CFRE Matthew F Leighty, CFRE Lee A. Vriesman, CFRE Patricia L. Roberts, CFRE Beth J. Shearer, CFRE Matthew M. Lentsch, CFRE Andra F. Walters, CFRE Jody A. Ruff, CFRE Gregory L. Vranicar, CFRE Allison Lewis Lohi, CFRE Bethany K. Warner, CFRE Rebecca S. Rump, CFRE Jennifer J. E. Wampler, CFRE Clark W. Lienemann, CFRE Angela E. White, CFRE Ralph Savoy, CFRE Michael W. Wescott, CFRE Richard E. Lofgren, CFRE James R. Whitten, CFRE David C. Schmitz, CFRE Nicole M. Wickenhauser, Carol B. Lukemeyer, CFRE Robert G. Wilson, CFRE Jennie Smith, CFRE CFRE Jose Lusende, CFRE Paula A. Young Neuman, Nancy L. Stefani, CFRE Sharon R. Will, CFRE Anne M. Majewski, CFRE CFRE Bradley L. Strader, CFRE Kelly S. Willoughby, CFRE Laura M. Mannion, CFRE Terry A. Zeitlow, CFRE Karen A. Swanson, CFRE Scott A. Zerger, CFRE

36 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Janet L. Goforth, CFRE Alice L. Benson, CFRE Kimberly M. Metzger, CFRE Kentucky Elizabeth L. Grace, CFRE Polly Binns, CFRE Steven P. Miller, CFRE John A. Barfield, CFRE Simone N. Hennessee, CFRE Robert E. Blizard, CFRE Paula K. Minsk, CFRE Michael F. Bowles, CFRE Anne M. Hess, CFRE Lisa A. Boccia, CFRE Amy H. Moorer, CFRE Leslie Buddeke Smart, CFRE Anne S. Higdon, CFRE John G. Boyle, CFRE Deborah M. Morris, CFRE Kirsten B. Bullock, CFRE Jeanne Huber, CFRE Earl R. Browning, CFRE Tara A. Mulligan, CFRE Timothy R. Burcham, CFRE Wendy M. Johns, CFRE Robert L. Bull, CFRE Felicia H. Murphy-Phillips, Susan D. Caldwell, CFRE Sarah B. Johnson, CFRE Tori K. Burns, CFRE CFRE Catherine B. Chapman, CFRE Betty Y. Karlsson, CFRE Mary Elizabeth Campbell, Ellen F. Myers, CFRE Scott M. Childers, CFRE Norisha R. Kirts, CFRE CFRE Dennis J. Narango, CFRE Laura E. Connell, CFRE Traci W. Lucas, CFRE Melissa D. Carnes, CFRE Rebecca L. Odum, CFRE Cheryl Crane, CFRE J. Stanley Maher, CFRE Dana L. Casson, CFRE Kenneth A Oldham, CFRE Meredith G. Erickson, CFRE Susan H. Mancuso, CFRE Beth-Anne Chernichowski, Patricia O’Shea, CFRE Harrel Stev Freeman, CFRE Ann Marie Marmande, CFRE CFRE Tracy Overstreet, CFRE Cecy Cowger Glenn, CFRE Jeffery L. McLain, CFRE Barbara L. Ciconte, CFRE Patricia D. Palm, CFRE Cynthia A. Harbin, CFRE Jennifer M. McMenamin, Donna S. Clare, CFRE Thomas S. Paullin, CFRE Ericka L Harney, CFRE CFRE Lieba J. Cohen, CFRE Jennifer K. Pelton, CFRE Michelle L Janssen, CFRE Robert W. Miller, CFRE Toni l. Condon, CFRE Emily H. Piccirillo, CFRE Linda R. Johnson, CFRE Gretchen K. Morgan, CFRE Lori J. Counts, CFRE Patrick Placzkowski, CFRE J Scott Judy, CFRE Ky E. Mortensen, CFRE Julie E. Cox, CFRE Sandra E. Pollack, CFRE Robert K. Lewis, CFRE Melissa R. Parmelee, CFRE David M. Coyne, CFRE Jennifer N. Pollard, CFRE Lee Ellen Martin, CFRE Julianne S. Pattison, CFRE Geannine L. Darby, CFRE Kristin A. Priest, CFRE Reylene J Medina, CFRE Rebecca T. Pennington, CFRE Lynne M. Davidson, CFRE Kristi K. Rasmussen, CFRE Linda S. Medley, CFRE Laverne M. Pitts, CFRE Torri M. Dietrich, CFRE Patricia A. Regan, CFRE Mary Lynn Meyer, CFRE Peter R. Quirk, CFRE Eva Dillon, CFRE Sandra Renner, CFRE Carol G. Morrison, CFRE Helen Read Smith, CFRE Lynn Dolinger, CFRE Linda Brown Rivelis, CFRE Robert J. Mueller, CFRE Kevin D. Roberts, CFRE Kimberly C. Dumpson, CFRE Mary Eleanor Roberts, CFRE Michael P Murray, CFRE Arlette R. Rodrigue, CFRE Kathleen W. Elliott, CFRE Rebecca Rothey, CFRE Kirby S Neumann, CFRE Robert Benjamin Ross, CFRE David A. Fanning, CFRE Maryann M. Ruehrmund, William A Pierce, CFRE Raychel M. Roy, CFRE Sarah Fawcett-Lee, CFRE CFRE Jennifer L. Scott, CFRE Mila T. Sexton, CFRE Nancy A. Fenton, CFRE Laura J. Russell, CFRE Michael M. Shumway, CFRE Nicole D. Suhre, CFRE Ivy Fields Gutman, CFRE Linda J. Safran, CFRE Becky A. Sittason, CFRE Roselle M. Ungar, CFRE Deborah A. Flateman, CFRE Elise S. Saltzberg, CFRE Thomas C. Townsend, CFRE Suzanne M. Valtierra, CFRE Joshua M. Friedman, CFRE Luanne Samuel, CFRE Stephen L. Wallace, CFRE Judyth A. Wier, CFRE Nadine Gabai-Botero, CFRE Ayda Sanver, CFRE Dale K. Wallenius, CFRE Bruce G. Willson, CFRE Robert K. Gehman, CFRE Diane E. Scar, CFRE Charles E. Willenbrink, CFRE Maine Marjorie Goldman, CFRE Susan M. Schaefer, CFRE Stephen Williams, CFRE William A. Bayreuther, CFRE Kathy R. Greaser, CFRE Carol M. Shaw, CFRE Anne R. Wunsch Lisa J. Bush, CFRE Frances F. Gunshol, CFRE Nicholas B. Simmonds, CFRE Louisiana Sarah M. Clemens, CFRE Debra Heibein Rankin, CFRE Lisa Slinkard, CFRE Tammy V. Abshire, CFRE Robert D. Demont, CFRE Lisa Hillman, CFRE Jennifer Smith Gambino, Erin Alexander Bolles, CFRE Susan J. Doliner, CFRE Lorraine C. Holmes Settles, CFRE Barbara W. Auten, CFRE Peter W. Francisco, CFRE CFRE Pamela Spears, CFRE R. Dawn Banks, CFRE Penny S. Harris, CFRE Catherine Hryncewich, CFRE Isazetta A. Spikes, CFRE Kay C Barnett, CFRE Todd M. Nadeau, CFRE Karen K. Hussey, CFRE Ronald E. Spratt, CFRE Jeremy T. Becker, CFRE Martin L. Novom, CFRE Robert A. Hutson, CFRE Shauna A. Stranks-Chabot, Benjamin J. Broussard, CFRE Sandra M. Phipps, CFRE Marguerite O. Kelley, CFRE CFRE Christy N. Canady, CFRE Julie C. Poulin, CFRE Catherine Kennedy, CFRE Kevin M. Sturtevant, CFRE Bunnie R. Cannon, CFRE Lise M. Pratt, CFRE Valerie A. Lapcinski, CFRE Ann F. Suydam, CFRE Carolyn A. Chassee, CFRE John Rainone, CFRE Tracy Lea, CFRE David S. Targonski, CFRE James Steven Covington, Lynda D. Rohman, CFRE Donna T. Lenzner, CFRE Kathleen C. Terlizzese, CFRE CFRE Lisa J. Wahlstrom, CFRE Michele M. Levy, CFRE Matthew S. Thorup, CFRE Karen A. Deville, CFRE Katherine White Lewis, CFRE Stacey L. Lowman, CFRE Steven L. Titlebaum, CFRE Emily A. DiStefano, CFRE Susan DeWitt Wilder, CFRE Margaret W. McCarty, CFRE Ellen L. Torres, CFRE Gerald J. Duhon, CFRE Diane L. Woodworth, CFRE Mary Kathleen McGuire, Lilya Wagner, CFRE Don L. Eisenberg, CFRE Maryland CFRE Karen C. Wilson, CFRE Tia H. Embaugh, CFRE Aimee Adashek, CFRE Karen L. McGuire, CFRE Nancy L. Withbroe, CFRE Shelley Favre Zeringue, CFRE Mary E. Barringer, CFRE Terri L. Meekins, CFRE Teresa A. Witt, CFRE Emilia P. Gilbert, CFRE Bruce A. Bartoo, CFRE Dave B. Messics, CFRE Joan G. Wood, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 37 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Leah M. Macomber, CFRE Paula D. Brown, CFRE Mary E. McLean, CFRE Massachusetts Robin Marek, CFRE David K. Burghart, CFRE Keith D. Meyering, CFRE Susan J. Andrews, CFRE Linda M. McGurn, CFRE Roxanne R. Caine, CFRE Juddee A. Milito, CFRE Jennifer L. Baril, CFRE Julie P. Meyer, CFRE Linda Cameron, CFRE Kristine K. Miller, CFRE William S. Bennett, CFRE Jeffrey C. Miller, CFRE William C. Coderre, CFRE Paul Miller, CFRE Ruth H. Bersin, CFRE Barbara J. Milligan, CFRE Kelly A. Conway, CFRE Suzanne M. Mondalek, CFRE Melissa A.R. Bik, CFRE Catherine G. Mogavero, CFRE Staci Coomer, CFRE Robert W. Murray, CFRE Karen L. Bissonnette, CFRE Patricia Monteith, CFRE Gretchen M. Couraud, CFRE Teresa A. Newmarch, CFRE Richard R. Blain, CFRE Cristine Corcoran More, CFRE Laura S. Covintree, CFRE Catherine C. Olsen, CFRE Erica Broman, CFRE Pauline A. Neves, CFRE Kimberly Cross, CFRE Bridget L. Paff, CFRE Ann Buono, CFRE Elizabeth M. Nielsen, CFRE Stephanie Dames, CFRE Patricia A. Paquin, CFRE James Butcher, CFRE Christopher J. O’Connor, CFRE Susan L. Davies, CFRE James M. Pearl, CFRE Robin Cabral, CFRE Elizabeth A. Page, CFRE Peter E. DeBoer, CFRE Christie Perdue, CFRE Jane L. Calvin, CFRE Amanda Preston, CFRE Rudolf Dietrich, CFRE Mary Frances Petonic, CFRE Mary E. Canning, CFRE George Riley, CFRE Donald G. Distelberg, CFRE Gregory C. Piazza, CFRE Joseph J. Caporale, CFRE Miguel A. Rodriguez, CFRE Bernadette Dore, CFRE Sean C. Pollion, CFRE J. Loring Carpenter, CFRE Kent Rohrbach, CFRE Jamie L Ferguson, CFRE Mary Katherine Powers, CFRE Carol P. Constant, CFRE John Samaan, CFRE Tamara F. Foster, CFRE Pamela Joy Pratt, CFRE Carolyn Copp, CFRE Tuti Scott, CFRE Kathryn S. Frillmann, CFRE Jennifer Richard, CFRE William M. Craft, CFRE Sharon S. Shepard-Ballen, Wayne Glass, CFRE Cedric A. Richner, CFRE Eliza Crescentini, CFRE CFRE Gayle M. Good, CFRE Ben Y. Robinson, CFRE Christina Cronin, CFRE Suzanne E. Showstack, CFRE John J. Greenhoe, CFRE Catherine G. Rogg, CFRE Elizabeth F. Cross, CFRE Lauren Smith, CFRE Heidi L. Grix, CFRE Laura Sacha-Staskiewicz, Heidi Daniels, CFRE Richard P. Solomon, CFRE Melinda M. Gruber, CFRE CFRE Hugo De La Rosa, CFRE Catherine B. Squires, CFRE Kathleen Eaton E. Guy, CFRE Angela M. Schmucker, CFRE Griet Dehandschutter, CFRE Cynthia R. St. George, CFRE Suann D. Hammersmith, CFRE Anne L. Shoup, CFRE Michael J. Delia, CFRE Linda K. Stacy, CFRE Martha B .Haynes, CFRE Camille B. Shy, CFRE Audrey Y. DeLoffi, CFRE Sharon J. Stanczak, CFRE Julie A. Hein, CFRE Sandra A. Siegel, CFRE Diane DeMarco, CFRE Norman Stein, CFRE Stephen E. Henrie, CFRE Daryl J. Sieplinga, CFRE Gerard D. Desautels, CFRE Susan S. Stendahl, CFRE Nina K. Holden, CFRE Kathleen Spillane-Knight, Melissa A. Dick, CFRE Maureen T. Sylvia, CFRE Brett Holleman, CFRE CFRE Jane C. DiGangi, CFRE Margaret A. Tantillo, CFRE Keith Hopkins, CFRE Sarah L. Spradlin, CFRE John F. Donovan, CFRE Linda J. Thomson-Clem, CFRE Dale E. Hull, CFRE Sheila C. Steger, CFRE Deborah C. Dougherty, CFRE Jill P. Tompkins, CFRE Brenda L. Hunt, CFRE Rebecca M. Teahen, CFRE Jack Dresser, CFRE James Tracy, CFRE Heather M. Jach, CFRE Roberta S. Trzos, CFRE Karen S. Drew, CFRE Cynthia Turner, CFRE Shai James, CFRE Susan Urban, CFRE Bridget A. Flynn, CFRE Abbie J. von Schlegell, CFRE Michelle A. Karpinski, CFRE Jason H. Valente, CFRE Howard F. Freeman, CFRE Shelley L. Walker, CFRE David J. Kelley, CFRE Vicki J. Weaver, CFRE Susan Frost, CFRE David A. Woodruff, CFRE Alice Kemerling, CFRE Karen A. Wenk, CFRE Tara Goodman, CFRE Kelsa L. Zereski, CFRE Sam J. Kennedy, CFRE Scott T. Wolterink, CFRE Jean H.M. Grimmer, CFRE Michigan Megan D. Keup, CFRE Jodi L. Wong, CFRE Heidi Hancock, CFRE Ryan R. Ambrozaitis, CFRE Diane M. Kochis, CFRE Michelle L. Wooddell, CFRE Rob Harris, CFRE Andrea L. Ash, CFRE Karen S. Kosniewski, CFRE Desiree A. Worthington, CFRE Kirsten Hashemi, CFRE Rosanne M. Bailey, CFRE Henry M. Kroondyk, CFRE Minnesota Nicolene Hengen, CFRE Nanci J. Ballantyne, CFRE Robert E. Laarman, CFRE Cynthia L. Aegerter, CFRE Beverly L. Herbert, CFRE Bernadette I. Banko, CFRE John D. Lechman, CFRE Roberta M. Allan, CFRE Kenneth T. Hoffman, CFRE Walter K. Bankwitz, CFRE Janet Lee, CFRE Cyndi R. Anderson, CFRE Heidi Howard, CFRE Kathryn J. Bates, CFRE Julie M. Lichtenberg, CFRE Nancy A. Appel, CFRE William M .Hynes, CFRE Samuel A. Beals, CFRE Kathleen L. Lievense, CFRE Brendan A. Bannigan, CFRE Jayne Iafrate, CFRE Paul A. Beczkiewicz, CFRE Kim Loftus, CFRE Gary S. Bawden, CFRE Michael W. Ibrahim, CFRE Mary Ann Bell, CFRE Dawn D. Magretta, CFRE Timothy M. Benz, CFRE Francine Kantor, CFRE Robert A. Berkhof, CFRE Sharon Maier, CFRE Anne C. Berberich, CFRE Tomasz Kierul, CFRE Andrew J. Bethune, CFRE Vonda J. Marrow, CFRE Tiffany Blank, CFRE Kathleen Kilgore, CFRE Mitchell P. Blonde, CFRE Jayne E. Marsh, CFRE Chandra M. Bloodgood Robert C. Koenig, CFRE Barbara J. Bommarito, CFRE Richard Martin, CFRE Kavati, CFRE E. James Kraus, CFRE Lisa M. Bonney, CFRE Kevin L. McAlpine, CFRE Cheryl A. Booms, CFRE Mark F. Ladendorf, CFRE Michelle R. Bosau, CFRE Anthony F. McDonnell, CFRE Andrea L. Bork, CFRE William Lavin, CFRE Kristin G. Bradley, CFRE Dan J. McKean, CFRE Tricia G. Bunten, CFRE Angela S. Lett, CFRE Patricia S. Brosnahan, CFRE James A. McLaughlin, CFRE Terri L. Burkel, CFRE

38 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Kent D. Osterman, CFRE Scherry S. Gilliland, CFRE Celeste M. Greenlee, CFRE Minnesota (continued) Rebecca Otten, CFRE Noel Dean Hancock, CFRE Marcia E. Greig, CFRE Heather A. Christopherson, Tina M. Palmer, CFRE James M. Jeter, CFRE Laurel E. Groh, CFRE CFRE Scott J. Palmer, CFRE Joan M. Kaye, CFRE Linda B. Haley, CFRE Rosalyn R. Claret, CFRE Joan M. Pennington, CFRE Stephanie A. Maxwell, CFRE Wendy Harrington, CFRE Lisa S. Cohen, CFRE Katie L. Perry, CFRE George C. Miller, CFRE Lorrie D. Hartley, CFRE Janene M. Connelly, CFRE Douglas A. Petersen, CFRE Katharine Cook Ramsey, CFRE Yvette Hartsfield, CFRE Gail M. Dennison, CFRE Curt N. Peterson, CFRE Susan C.D. Suter, CFRE Robert W. Hazel, CFRE Margaret A. Derksen, CFRE Paul C. Pribbenow, CFRE Missouri Angela M. Heer, CFRE Heidi A. Droegemueller, CFRE Jeffrey M. Prottas, CFRE Sue A. Adams, CFRE Bret L. Heinrich, CFRE James M. Dwyer, CFRE Gerald L. Rafftery, CFRE Lisa Alexander, CFRE Leslie K. High, CFRE Kim B. Embretson, CFRE Heather L. Riddle, CFRE Dina M. Althardt, CFRE Kimberly A. Hinkle, CFRE Richard L. Engdahl, CFRE Anita Rieder, CFRE Thomas J. Angus, CFRE Mary E. Hizer, CFRE Donald A. Engel, CFRE Cynthia R. Rooney-Olson, Patricia R. Arnold, CFRE Lyndsey A. Hodges, CFRE Michael G. Ferber, CFRE CFRE Lynn M. Badura, CFRE Mark D. Hofman, CFRE Dawn M. Fish, CFRE Charity S. Rupp, CFRE Robert L. Basham, CFRE Cynthia S. Holter, CFRE Michael D. Flynn, CFRE Daniel S.H. Rustad, CFRE Diane C. Bauhof, CFRE Ellen Howe, CFRE Krista M. Gallagher Colt, Marie A. Ruzek, CFRE Mary Pat Beals, CFRE Jason A. Huff, CFRE CFRE Thomas R. Ryan, CFRE Matthew J. Beem, CFRE Jeffrey L. Huntington, CFRE Angela S. Garrett, CFRE Amy S. Rydberg-Reise, CFRE Mark A. Berlyn, CFRE Virginia M. N. Imster, CFRE Christa Getchell, CFRE Richard G. Sayther, CFRE Randy J. Bernhardt, CFRE Gale P. Ingram, CFRE Jean Caroline Gorell, CFRE Susan L. Schmidgall, CFRE Melissa A. Bode, CFRE Jennifer L. Jones, CFRE Celine M. Graham, CFRE Carol A. Schmidt, CFRE Roya A. Bromell, CFRE Dorothy A. Kaestner, CFRE Steven M. Gustafson, CFRE Bonita L. Schultz, CFRE Nancy E. Browne, CFRE Dennis M. Kempf, CFRE Jennifer Halcrow, CFRE Grace H. Schroeder Scott, Donna M. Bruner, CFRE Rita Kempker, CFRE Brighid H. Hansen, CFRE CFRE Andrew R. Bundesen, CFRE Patricia D. Kern, CFRE Paul N. Hanson, CFRE Katrina Scoville, CFRE Marcy Bursac, CFRE Marcia M. Kerz, CFRE Jennifer L. Hanson, CFRE Charles S. Semrow, CFRE Mary E. Burton-Hitt, CFRE Mary King Hendricks, CFRE Michael J. Henley, CFRE Mark A. Skipper, CFRE Andre T. Butler, CFRE Kevin Kirby, CFRE Mark L. Hill, CFRE Linda K. Smith, CFRE Steven J. Byers, CFRE Deborah R. Kirchhoff, CFRE Joan V. Hiller, CFRE Jennifer H. Spiller, CFRE Jana Byington-Smith, CFRE Stacey A. Koeller, CFRE Robert Hofmann, CFRE Katherine M. Steffen, CFRE Teri L. Champion Chadwick, Alan R. Koepke, CFRE Karen A. Humphrey, CFRE Todd Steinke, CFRE CFRE Catherine S. Krane, CFRE Hal Johnson, CFRE Jesse M. Stremcha, CFRE Joan Cheaney, CFRE David L. Lauber, CFRE Mary S. Jones, CFRE Jessica F. Stephens, CFRE Patricia A. Christen, CFRE Jennifer Lawrence Dennis Kelly, CFRE Carley M. Stuber, CFRE Edward Clay, CFRE Middendorf, CFRE Nancy Knoche, CFRE Sarah E. Suemnig, CFRE John J. Cleary, CFRE Amy K. Leipholtz, CFRE Rebecca Kolis, CFRE William A. Sullivan, CFRE Frank J. Cognata, CFRE Thomas R. Lewis, CFRE Martha A. Kunau, CFRE John S. Swanholm, CFRE Evelyn E. Craig, CFRE Elsie L. Listrom, CFRE Jacob K. LaCroix, CFRE John P. Szarke, CFRE Maureen E. Cunningham, Mary Ann Litras, CFRE Mark J. Larkin, CFRE Jennifer L. Teske, CFRE CFRE Diane B. Ludwig, CFRE Dominic T. Lawrence, CFRE Jodi L. Trost, CFRE Deborah M. Danner, CFRE Stuart M. Manewith, CFRE Margaret Li, CFRE Marc D. Vaillancourt, CFRE David M. Davenport, CFRE Mark D. Marshall, CFRE Vicki Lofquist, CFRE Jay H. Vogelsang, CFRE Laura K. Derickson, CFRE Christine D. Maxfield, CFRE Anne L. Long, CFRE Vincent J. Walker, CFRE Laura Elizabeth Dollase, CFRE Paula McBurnett, CFRE Karen M. Mathison, CFRE Jill M. Walker, CFRE Judith Jan Donovan, CFRE Donna McGinnis, CFRE Roberta A. Mattison, CFRE Deborah L. Ward, CFRE Renee L. Durnin, CFRE Sonya C. McLelland, CFRE Brian M. McCartan, CFRE Elizabeth A. Warner, CFRE Monica Enloe, CFRE Kenneth Meyer, CFRE Laura J. McCarty, CFRE Jeremy Wells, CFRE Robin M. Feder, CFRE Kathleen Migneron, CFRE Tom J. McSparron, CFRE Annalese R. Wright, CFRE Sandra J. Ferguson, CFRE Yvonne Dowdy Miller, CFRE Brenda J. Moore, CFRE Reid A. Zimmerman, CFRE Theresa L. Fleck, CFRE Michael Miller, CFRE Melissa Musliner, CFRE Mississippi Jaime R Freidrichs, CFRE Dawn Miller, CFRE Kathryn L. Nelsen, CFRE Derek D. Alley, CFRE Jennifer C. Fritz, CFRE David Scott Miniea, CFRE Scott A. Nelson, CFRE Beth Berger Autrey, CFRE Laura Gajda, CFRE Lori Moore-McMullen, CFRE Mark A. Neville, CFRE Natalie F. Carlisle, CFRE Scott D. Giffen, CFRE Pamela Morris, CFRE Alexcia Nicole Adams, CFRE Kristina J. Carlson, CFRE Renee N. Godinez, CFRE Ken Nickless, CFRE Deanna J. Nurnberg, CFRE Cathy J. Coleman, CFRE Kirby H. Gould, CFRE James W. Orsund, CFRE Becky A. O’Hara, CFRE David Patrick Eaton, CFRE Shannon M. Grass, CFRE Guy J. Parasch, CFRE Andrew R. Olsen, CFRE Linell Fromm, CFRE Lucille M. Green, CFRE Stephen E. Phelps, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 39 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Jane B. Howard, CFRE Nevada Carrie L. Boardwick, CFRE Missouri (continued) Kathryn L Hungerford, CFRE Deanna Ackerman, CFRE Tzvetelina Bonova, CFRE Jerry E. Pickman, CFRE Jean M. Jenkins, CFRE Helen B. Arnold, CFRE Patrick J. Bower, CFRE Maurice G. Prater, CFRE Kim D. Kaiser, CFRE Christopher P. Askin, CFRE Anne Bradley, CFRE Annie Presley, CFRE Crystal Leach, CFRE Anne-Louise Bennett, CFRE Kwi Nam P. Brennan, CFRE Regina Przetak, CFRE Kim McKelvey, CFRE Bonnie J. Cook, CFRE John E. Brothers, CFRE Joan E. Putthoff, CFRE Marie A. Nopper, CFRE William P. Freyd, CFRE Hilary Brown-Kruchowy, Cynthia A. Randazzo, CFRE Karin J. Olsen, CFRE L. Laura Fritz, CFRE CFRE Diana E. Rawizza, CFRE Peggy M. Owens, CFRE Brenda E. Griego, CFRE John Carno, CFRE Sheryl L. Ray, CFRE Therese M. Weller, CFRE Sherry L. Griffin Grundy, David Cofnas, CFRE N. Pauletta Reed, CFRE Cynthia R. Williams CFRE Melanie S. Cohen, CFRE Louise Reeves, CFRE Nebraska Jonathon W. Guy, CFRE Jennifer Collins, CFRE Julie Reinke, CFRE Kevin L. Bonney, CFRE Helaine Jesse, CFRE Ana M. Cravo, CFRE Allison M. Rickels, CFRE James P. Caldarola, CFRE Caleen N. Johnson, CFRE Paul K. D’Alessandro, CFRE Jamie L. Roach, CFRE Jennifer L. Cardwell, CFRE Erin E. Keller, CFRE William C. Dauster, CFRE Amy R. Rome, CFRE LuAnn R. Davis, CFRE Russel A. Kost, CFRE Pamela DeLuca, CFRE Mark R. Roock, CFRE Agne Dizona, CFRE Mark S. Lieske, CFRE R. Christine DeMarco, CFRE Laura L. Rossmann, CFRE Crystal A Evans, CFRE Joel L. Muller, CFRE Marcy J. Di Blasio, CFRE Michael D. Rubin, CFRE John M. Fettig, CFRE Deborah A. Young, CFRE Andrea L. Egan, CFRE Deborah L. Rutt, CFRE Melissa Filipi, CFRE New Hampshire Amy M. Eisenstein, CFRE E. Jane Rutter, CFRE Renee Franklin, CFRE Timothy B. Allison, CFRE Mark E. Elsasser, CFRE Judith K. Sabbert, CFRE Michael P Friend, CFRE Carol W. Aten, CFRE Robin L. Endicott, CFRE Michael S. Salsich, CFRE Michael P. Geis, CFRE Sherry-Lea Bloodworth Anita C. Feiner, CFRE Linda L. Sanders, CFRE Jason D. Gerdes, CFRE Botop, CFRE Jeffrey A. Fetzko, CFRE Sandra L. Sanders, CFRE Randall J. Hallett, CFRE Porter D. Caesar, CFRE Anna Marie Gewirtz, CFRE Stephen J Schaus, CFRE Donna K Hammack, CFRE Heather Cochrane, CFRE Mariann Gilbride, CFRE Brett T. Schott, CFRE Brenda J Helget, CFRE Susan M. Durgy, CFRE William A. Goodloe, CFRE Don Schreiner, CFRE Tari Hendrickson, CFRE Kim M. Fine, CFRE Kimberly K Goodrich, CFRE Paula R. Schumacher, CFRE Caryn J Hohnholt, CFRE Jeffrey L. Fuller, CFRE Lorraine M. Greif, CFRE Jana L. Sharpley, CFRE Kathy S Katt, CFRE Laura A. Gingras, CFRE Alan H. Grossman, CFRE Timothy T. Siebert, CFRE Robert W Kelly, CFRE Anne L. Hamilton, CFRE Margaret A. Guellich, CFRE Rose M. Simone, CFRE Charles L Kiersch, CFRE Sadie H. Jackson, CFRE Tonya S. Hall, CFRE Steven J. Skodak, CFRE Kathy J Larsen, CFRE Karen M. Jantzen, CFRE Daphne R. Halpern, CFRE Mark D. Slaughter, CFRE Scott A. Larson, CFRE Hope A. Jordan, CFRE Peter H. Hansen, CFRE Judith A.C. Smith, CFRE Wendy K. McCown, CFRE Michael Kaufman, CFRE Michele Hickey, CFRE Robert K. Smith, CFRE Hillary S. Nather-Detisch, Kathleen U. Kelley, CFRE Edward T. Hogan, CFRE Trudy L. Smith, CFRE CFRE Gayle Kimball, CFRE Carin R. Hunt, CFRE Hans G. Springer, CFRE Douglas E. Olson, CFRE Mary Lou Krambeer, CFRE Jeffrey A. Kassover, CFRE Barbara G. Squires, CFRE Robert Patterson, CFRE Maryann LaCroix Lindberg, Jane Kessler, CFRE Susan M. Svec, CFRE Jane M. Phillips, CFRE CFRE Dawn K. Knill, CFRE John E. Taylor, CFRE Lloyd R. Probasco, CFRE Angela P. Matthews, CFRE Francesca P. Lanning, CFRE Christine L. Vancil, CFRE Ann M. Rourke, CFRE Jeffrey L. McDaniel, CFRE Kathleen A. Lein-DeSantis, Shanelle D. Varone, CFRE James P. Schroeder, CFRE Lisa B. Merrill-Burzak, CFRE CFRE Debra H. Victor, CFRE Viola See, CFRE William A. Parkinson, CFRE Joseph M. Leso, CFRE Karma E. Vowell, CFRE Shane A. Seymour, CFRE Shelley M. Proulx, CFRE Lorraine K. Mackin, CFRE Susan Walker, CFRE Matt N. Sheffield, CFRE Pamela Puleo, CFRE John P. Majane, CFRE James F. Weidman, CFRE Stuart R. Shepherd, CFRE Veronica L. Rosa, CFRE Elizabeth J. Mason, CFRE Erin M. Weyerich, CFRE Laura C. Simic, CFRE Timothy G. Scott, CFRE Peggy J. Mathieu, CFRE Vicki S. White, CFRE R. Todd Simpson, CFRE Christine Strong, CFRE Kevin P. McCarthy, CFRE Anne L. Wiehagen, CFRE Christopher Sommerich, George Theriault, CFRE Margaret J. McLean, CFRE Shannon L. Woodcock, CFRE CFRE Ann M. Toomey, CFRE Kathryn M. McMahon, Andrew Zahn, CFRE James M. Steier, CFRE Brian B. Winslow, CFRE CFRE Rebecca S. Zimmer, CFRE Craig D. Stirtz, CFRE Ruth B. Zax, CFRE Lucinda L. Mercer, CFRE Montana Melissa Stricherz, CFRE New Jersey Rosemary C. Mitchell, CFRE Juliann Crnich, CFRE Suzanne L. Sughroue, CFRE Laura E. Amerman, CFRE Norma Monaghan, CFRE David E. Crum, CFRE Robert Synhorst, CFRE Margaret M. Baker, CFRE Bridget Murphy, CFRE Christopher E. Dundon, CFRE Judith H. Tamisiea, CFRE Michael J. Baker, CFRE James W. Murphy, CFRE Debra A. Gill, CFRE Frank P. Tulipana, CFRE Nancy Barone, CFRE Shawn E. O’Hara, CFRE Case Haslam, CFRE Brian H. Wachman Ross H. Basen, CFRE Douglas J. Olson, CFRE

40 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Chandra Y Anderson, CFRE Kerry R. Haley, CFRE Michael Ostroff, CFRE New Jersey (continued) Margot H. Anderson, CFRE Hannah Hanford, CFRE Kishshana O. Palmer Teele, Pamela M. Palumbo, CFRE Jane Armbruster, CFRE Jody M. Harvey, CFRE CFRE Jodi S. Peeler, CFRE Susan L. Axelrod, CFRE Richard L. Heist, CFRE Jennifer V. Paquette, CFRE Donald Pendley, CFRE Gwendolyn C Axelson, CFRE Linda L. Henley, CFRE Amita Patel, CFRE Delia G. Perez, CFRE Jeffrey Bagel, CFRE John Hicks, CFRE Jay Patrick, CFRE Thomas J. Piratzky, CFRE Shawn Bakker, CFRE Beth Lynn Hoey, CFRE Kathleen E. Pavelka, CFRE James F. Quinn, CFRE Paula C. Barbag, CFRE Carolyn W. Hunt, CFRE Marianne M. Pelletier, CFRE Meghan Rehbein, CFRE Elise M. Barry, CFRE William F. Hurley, CFRE Debra R. Pemstein, CFRE Thomas Christian Rollins, Barbara Bates, CFRE Frank A. Interlichia, CFRE Judith A. Perrin, CFRE CFRE Dawne M. Bell, CFRE Wells B. Jones, CFRE Mark S. Peterson, CFRE Peter Rosario, CFRE Holly A. Bellows, CFRE Lynne Marie S. Jones, CFRE Christy Post, CFRE George C. Ruotolo, CFRE James Y. Bender, CFRE Vikki Jones, CFRE Cynthia Doerler L. Powers, Mary Louise Russo, CFRE Ruth C. Benedict, CFRE Mark I. Kalish, CFRE CFRE Steven M. Ryan, CFRE Steven Benini, CFRE Christine Kane, CFRE Eileen M. Pronobis, CFRE Ely F. Santoni, CFRE Carrie Berse, CFRE Louis Katz, CFRE Chris Ragusa, CFRE Stephanie Y. Shoemaker, Julie E. Billings, CFRE Alan J. Kelly, CFRE Deborah L. Reinhardt CFRE Carol Ausubel Blumenfeld, Rachel M. Kimmelblatt, Youmans, CFRE Amy A. Siperstein, CFRE CFRE CFRE James R. Rennert, CFRE Glen A. Stoll, CFRE Cynthia C. Boehlke, CFRE Charles D. Kimpel, CFRE George Richardson, CFRE Marie R. Thelusma-Chase, Timothy G. Brennan, CFRE Patricia G. Knutsen, CFRE Dawn M. Rigney, CFRE CFRE Melinda C. Breva, CFRE Melissa Komora, CFRE Barbara Gill Rogus, CFRE Martha E. Tiani, CFRE Dennis P. Buckley, CFRE Steffen T. Kraehmer, CFRE Ilya Rubinstein, CFRE Robin L. Todd, CFRE Thomas A. Burton, CFRE Desta Lakew, CFRE Richard A. Rumsey, CFRE Shelley M. Tonner, CFRE Nicole Carroll, CFRE Brigid Lang, CFRE Marc S. Saffren, CFRE Phylis A. Tranotti, CFRE Eleanor T. Cicerchi, CFRE Stephen D. Laruccia, CFRE Brian M. Sagrestano, CFRE Amy Vogel, CFRE Patricia H. Clemency, CFRE Diane M. LaVigna-Wixted, Georgeann E. H Savino, Jennifer M. Vriens, CFRE Tamara L. Cohen, CFRE CFRE CFRE Robert E. Wahlers, CFRE Kathleen M. Cole, CFRE William Leh, CFRE Tracy L. Schleyer, CFRE Kerry P. Watterson, CFRE David C. Condliffe, CFRE Judith F. Lemoncelli, CFRE Maurice J. Seaton, CFRE Rosemarie Yalden, CFRE Jeffrey G. Cory, CFRE Stephen M. Levy, CFRE E. Ramone Segree, CFRE Kenneth C. Zaentz, CFRE Marcia R. Craner, CFRE Dorothy Lindo-Britton, CFRE Eric T. Shoen, CFRE Mellissia M M. Zanjani, William Dale, CFRE Jovanna Little, CFRE Carolyn Slack, CFRE CFRE Sarah de Tournemire, CFRE Katherine N. Lowe, CFRE Steven S. Smith, CFRE New Mexico David A. DeCicco, CFRE Harry Lynch, CFRE Martha P. Spear, CFRE Cindy Adams, CFRE Mario John J. DellaPina, Karen A. Macier, CFRE Nicole S. Speer, CFRE Cyndi D. Ankiewicz, CFRE CFRE Craig MacPherson, CFRE Ellen Speer, CFRE Marian J. Bolton, CFRE Dianne Armstrong Laurie A. Mahoney, CFRE Samantha L. Standing, CFRE Kevin A .Hagen, CFRE DeLorenzo, CFRE Christina Mancini, CFRE Paul J. Sutera, CFRE Mark A. Hohnstreiter, CFRE Roger W. Dow, CFRE Leonora J. McClernan, CFRE Kathy M. Swenson, CFRE Nigel Holman, CFRE Randi Shubin Dresner, CFRE J. Douglas McDaniel, CFRE Alyson J. Tufts, CFRE Pamela Hurd-Knief, CFRE Helen A. Dudkewic, CFRE Ann McGuiness, CFRE Jennifer E. Turck, CFRE Elizabeth Lee, CFRE William Easterly, CFRE Maureen C. McKenna, CFRE Nancy E. Van Wie, CFRE Linda K. Off, CFRE Ivelisse Fairchild, CFRE Robin Merle, CFRE Frances M Vaughan, CFRE Kathryn C. Peck, CFRE Suzanne Farrell, CFRE Janet B. Miller, CFRE Marianne M. Virgilio, CFRE Giuseppe Rizza, CFRE Karen M. Ferguson, CFRE James F. Mitchell, CFRE Stacie B. Waddell, CFRE Steven E. Ross, CFRE Joseph A. Ferraro, CFRE Edward F. Moffett, CFRE Donna J. Wall, CFRE Nancy C. Sharp, CFRE Susan J. Fields, CFRE Phyllis Louise Moore, CFRE Michele Walsh, CFRE Kelley Shull Tredwin, CFRE Heather A. Filipowicz, CFRE Patricia A. Moran, CFRE Peter B. Wayne, CFRE Maureen Simmons, CFRE Patrick T. Flynn, CFRE Carolyn A. Morris-Hunt, Ron D. Wegsman, CFRE Susan E. Simons, CFRE Maureen A. Fox, CFRE CFRE Valeria G. Wells, CFRE Kenneth L. Thompson, CFRE Dominic J. Frank, CFRE Keith A. Muhleman, CFRE Rachel C. Wicks, CFRE Sally D. Trigg, CFRE Karen M. Gaffney, CFRE Andrew Muldoon, CFRE Catherine M. Wright, CFRE Terra A. Van Winter, CFRE Benjamin A. Gair, CFRE Caroline E. Nagy, CFRE Mark Zawacki, CFRE Barbara S. Wise, CFRE Jennifer S. Goodwin, CFRE Christopher M. Nave, CFRE Deborah A. Zeger, CFRE New York Mary Ann Grossman, CFRE Tara Nestell, CFRE Gregory A. Zuroski, CFRE Paul J. Adamo, CFRE Thomas J. Guagliardo, CFRE Clara A. Nyman, CFRE North Carolina F. Raymond Agnew, CFRE Kathleen Z. Gupta, CFRE Jose B. Ojeda, CFRE Gregory L. Abeyounis, CFRE Robin S. Amato, CFRE Melissa B. Halbridge, CFRE Gail J. Orser, CFRE Alice A. Alexander, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 41 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Elizabeth Hodan, CFRE Clarenda G. Stanley, CFRE Stacy A. Caddey, CFRE North Carolina (cont’d) John M. Horton, CFRE Arjyra Jarie Stedman-Ebert, Emily R. Campbell, CFRE Carolyn L. Ashworth, CFRE Thomas M. Hull, CFRE CFRE Carol L. Carbary, CFRE Lisa D. Atkinson, CFRE Elizabeth H. Hunter, CFRE Stephanie Stenglein, CFRE Barbara J. Clemenson, CFRE J. Herb Bailey, CFRE Anne J. Hurd, CFRE Vanessa S. Stolen, CFRE Donna W. Coleman, CFRE Kenneth D. Baroff, CFRE Josh Jacobson, CFRE Sarah Thomas, CFRE Natalie R. Coles, CFRE Karen T. Beach, CFRE Sharon C. Johnson, CFRE Robin Che Tindall-Taylor, CFRE Martine Meredith Collier, Nancy M. Beard, CFRE Nancy Arne Jones, CFRE Tamera Toogood Middleton, CFRE Joan Marie Shal Belnap, Regan Jones, CFRE CFRE Tanya Cornejo Kellenberger, CFRE Eli Jordfald, CFRE Camille H. Townsend, CFRE CFRE Katherine C. Benston, CFRE John E Joslin, CFRE Amy Tribble, CFRE Michelle D. Cramer, CFRE Beverly A. Biggs, CFRE James K. Kelley, CFRE Kathleen M. Verkuilen, CFRE Kristin J. Culp, CFRE Jane Birnbach, CFRE Angela C. Kemper, CFRE Michael R. Ward, CFRE Meghan Cummings, CFRE Armen S. Boyajian, CFRE Joyce Watkins King, CFRE Stephen R. Watt, CFRE Barbara J. Cunningham, Kelly E. Brandon, CFRE Robert L Kornegay, CFRE Erika Werne, CFRE CFRE Priscilla A. Bratcher, CFRE Elizabeth Kuhn, CFRE Mary M Wesley, CFRE Jeffrey D. Damron, CFRE Sherry L. Browning, CFRE Katherine L. Lambert, CFRE Harold L. West, CFRE Kimberly T. Danes, CFRE Rita R. Burch, CFRE Aline F. Lasseter, CFRE Julia Lorentz White Farris, Rose M. Denman, CFRE Stan Campbell, CFRE Daphne T. Lewis, CFRE CFRE Susan K. Denning, CFRE Raymond E. Carnley, CFRE Grace M.D. Lewis, CFRE Penelope A. Wilson, CFRE Beth S. Dochinger, CFRE Elizabeth S. Chitty, CFRE Susan M. Lilly, CFRE Brett L. Woods, CFRE Geri L. Douglas Marshall, Cynthia H. Clark, CFRE Michael D. Lowery, CFRE North Dakota CFRE James C. Clarkson, CFRE Alice M. Lutz, CFRE Gordon Binek, CFRE John H. Drake, CFRE Thomas L. Clingman, CFRE Kelly S. Lynn, CFRE DeAnna M Carlson Zink, James G. Echement, CFRE Stephanie B. Cole, CFRE Arthur J. Manring, CFRE CFRE Tiffany Edwards, CFRE Mary K. Collin, CFRE Richard M. Mara, CFRE Karen H. Crane, CFRE Patricia G. Egan, CFRE Adam A. Cook, CFRE Sandra J. Marshall, CFRE Joy E. Crouch, CFRE Laura L. Fike, CFRE Penny Cowden, CFRE William Patton McDowell Cordell G. Dick, CFRE Mary C. Fischer, CFRE Michael Darrow, CFRE IV, CFRE Kara L. Geiger, CFRE Andrew R. Flamm, CFRE Jason E. Davenport, CFRE Patricia F. Mead, CFRE John S. Heinen, CFRE Joyce Tiffany Garabrant, CFRE Michael J. David-Wilson, James L. Medlin, CFRE Michael J. Kiedrowski, CFRE John F. Garofalo, CFRE CFRE Crystal H. Miller, CFRE John J. Klocke, CFRE Danielle L. Gentry-Barth, Rebecca L. Davis, CFRE Joyce M. Mitchell-Antoine, Yvonne M. Kroll, CFRE CFRE Ann R. Davis, CFRE CFRE Amy N. Warnke, CFRE William R. Gioielli, CFRE Laura Dodson-Pennington, John R. Mitterling, CFRE Ohio Lisa A. Glandon, CFRE CFRE Benjamin T. Mohler, CFRE Joan H. Ainsworth, CFRE John G. Goettler, CFRE Tiffany Drummond Kurt R. Moore, CFRE Mindy R. Aleman, CFRE Marianne R. Gorczyca, CFRE Armstrong, CFRE Sandra M. Morckel, CFRE Cynthia B. Anderson, CFRE Shelley L. Green, CFRE Jeanie P. Duncan, CFRE Heather W. Murphy, CFRE Renee Aten, CFRE Maureen A. Gregory, CFRE Sana P. Efird, CFRE Colette M. Murray, CFRE Sue P. Babione, CFRE Lawrence J. Halm, CFRE Amy Etheridge, CFRE Lynn K. Neill, CFRE Lois C. Baglione, CFRE Charles R. Hayes, CFRE Elizabeth N. Fischer, CFRE M. Thomas Norwood, CFRE Joseph B. Baldasare, CFRE DeAnn R Hazey, CFRE Jennifer S. Gaisbauer, CFRE Amanda M. Osborne, CFRE James Beaverson, CFRE Tracy Hearn, CFRE Tina L. Gentry, CFRE Heidi E. Owen, CFRE Katherine R. Beck, CFRE Robert Heile, CFRE Mark Goldstein, CFRE Sarah S. Perkins, CFRE Lawrence J. Becker, CFRE Ronald W. Herre, CFRE Christine Grant, CFRE E. Gail Perry, CFRE Ellen W. Bender, CFRE Lynda J. Heyl, CFRE Mark L. Griffith, CFRE Katherine Peterson, CFRE Laura L. Bennett, CFRE James R. Hickey, CFRE Elizabeth Griffiths, CFRE H. Hall Powell, CFRE Barbara J. Bibbee, CFRE Gina J. Hinshaw, CFRE Jane S. Grosse, CFRE Jessica B. Powell, CFRE Patricia A. Bilow, CFRE Russell L. Hodge, CFRE Celeste A. Gruner, CFRE Sean P. Riley, CFRE Susan O. Black, CFRE Thomas G. Hofmann, CFRE Michelle C. Hamilton, CFRE Suzanne M. Rodgers, CFRE Jodi L. Bopp, CFRE Patricia S. Holmes, CFRE Sharon C. Harrington, CFRE Michael L. Rose, CFRE Steven P. Bossart, CFRE Lesley F. Hoover, CFRE Beverly J. Harrington, CFRE Paul J. Russ, CFRE Andrea C. Bour Plant, CFRE Betsy H. Hope, CFRE Doug Hartjes, CFRE Cassandra W. Scarlett, CFRE Jeffrey M. Bowen, CFRE Lori Hunter Overmyer, CFRE Margaret Scott Harwood, Margaret D. Shields, CFRE Barbara R. Boyce, CFRE Gloria Hurwitz, CFRE CFRE Mary Ellen Shuntich, CFRE Kristin G. Broadbent, CFRE Benjamin J. Imdieke, CFRE Jamie R. Hayes, CFRE Robert T. Skelton, CFRE Julie C. Budden, CFRE Elizabeth A Jewell Becker, William Hinman, CFRE Judith M. Smith, CFRE Adam Burk, CFRE CFRE Miranda Hipple, CFRE Michelle C. Speas, CFRE Janet A. Burns, CFRE Laramie A. Jung, CFRE

42 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Diane G. Ruder, CFRE Brandy Cox, CFRE Oregon Ohio (continued) Jan L. Ruma, CFRE Cynthia Crook, CFRE Linda A. Alband, CFRE Betsey Kamm, CFRE Karen M. Ryals, CFRE Jana L. Duffy, CFRE Jeri L. Alcock, CFRE Richard F. Kammerer, CFRE Charles Sandstrom, CFRE Marlo X.P. Duffy, CFRE Mary Lee R. Alder, CFRE Karen J. Kannenberg, CFRE Kathleen J. Scarbrough, James A. Durbin, CFRE Deborah P. Ameen, CFRE Robert P. Kellison, CFRE CFRE Stephen R. Eck, CFRE Kelly L. Anderson, CFRE Mary E. Kelsey, CFRE John Michael Schmidt, CFRE Nita Janice Edmiston, CFRE Gail E. Anderson, CFRE William J. Kimball, CFRE Elizabeth A. Schoonover, Mary Charlene Fabian, CFRE Melody Ayers, CFRE Kathann M Koehler, CFRE CFRE Kim A. Falcon, CFRE Dianna L. Baker, CFRE Elizabeth A. Kohler, CFRE Sheila D. Schwartz, CFRE Susan A. Garcia, CFRE Francoise Berthet-Aylmer, Linda Kostka, CFRE Daniel S. Selby, CFRE Janet D. Gaskins, CFRE CFRE Katherine A. Kreuchauf, CFRE Norma J. Sexton, CFRE Caroline B. Gist, CFRE Franklin O. Betzer, CFRE Kelly J. La Rosa, CFRE Constance S. Sipple, CFRE Julie R. Gonzalez, CFRE Peter J. Bilotta, CFRE Susan Smith Lesch, CFRE Daniel Smith, CFRE Marcia Graham, CFRE Forrest A. Bjelkevig, CFRE Cheryl M. Lewis, CFRE Sharon G. Smith, CFRE Charles W. Haney, CFRE Kristin Boler, CFRE Brett A. Loney, CFRE Shirley A. Smith, CFRE Kyle Hanser, CFRE Amy M. Brown, CFRE Laura J. MacDonald, CFRE Cheryl J. Smoot, CFRE Kerry L. Hornibrook, CFRE Kelly S. Buechler, CFRE Michael P. Marsh, CFRE C. Vernon Snyder, CFRE Amanda R. Hoskins, CFRE Lee A. Carson, CFRE Anna L. Marty, CFRE Kelly C. Snyder, CFRE Lindsay P. Hutchison, CFRE Kelli R. Clark, CFRE Mark E. Maxwell, CFRE Pamela Sophiajohn, CFRE Lana G. Ivy, CFRE Elizabeth R Cruft-Anderson, Paul S. McClelland, CFRE Joanne M. Spoth, CFRE Gayle H. Jones, CFRE CFRE Barry A. McEwen, CFRE Michael J. Stein, CFRE Ann Richards Ketcham, CFRE Tomika A. Dew, CFRE Heather R. McGinness, CFRE Alisha Sterling, CFRE Damon M. King, CFRE Eleanor E. Dir, CFRE John T. Mercer, CFRE JoAnn M. Stock, CFRE Robert A. Knebel, CFRE Marcia J. Director, CFRE Wendy Merkert, CFRE Vicki J. Stouffer, CFRE Phillip L. Lakin, CFRE Philip M. Drake, CFRE Ralph M. Metzger, CFRE Diane M. Strachan, CFRE Laura E. Lang, CFRE Nancy A. Ellis, CFRE Dawn Meyer, CFRE Rita M. Sturwold, CFRE Jilian Larimore, CFRE Michele D. Erickson, CFRE Aileen G. Meyer, CFRE Andrew A. Swallow, CFRE Amy M. Livingston, CFRE Jennifer Fagerstrom, CFRE Nicholas J. Miesen, CFRE Laurie Beth Sweeney, CFRE Tamra L. Loch, CFRE Julie A. Fitzgerald, CFRE Murley Miller, CFRE Judie List Sweeney, CFRE Alexis C. Lux, CFRE Cheryl Franceschi, CFRE Deborah S. Miller, CFRE Mary Sue Tanis, CFRE Dustin K. Manis, CFRE Allyson l. Goodwyn-Craine, Ronald L. Molen, CFRE Barbara L. Tartaglia, CFRE Lori A. Mathis, CFRE CFRE Timothy W. Montgomery, Jon T. Trainor, CFRE Barry J. Maxwell, CFRE Brittany L. Gosselin, CFRE CFRE P. William VanderWyden, Toni P. McGee, CFRE Thomas P. Grunow, CFRE Sarah K. Moore, CFRE CFRE Brenda G. Michael-Haggard, Stephen N. Guntli, CFRE Vanessa R. Mosley, CFRE Michael J. Volan, CFRE CFRE Nova L. Hamar, CFRE Patricia A. Murphy, CFRE Karen D. Volke, CFRE Christopher J. Miller, CFRE Julie Hambuchen, CFRE Mitchell S. Owens, CFRE Ann Charles Watts, CFRE Patricia Moline, CFRE Patricia Hamilton, CFRE Jena Pado, CFRE Kathryn Webster, CFRE Michael Nealeigh, CFRE Barry A. Hazard, CFRE Pat Palombo, CFRE Sue W. Welty, CFRE Celia M. Palmer, CFRE Celeste A. Hill-Thomas, CFRE Michael M. Parks, CFRE Janet Wermuth, CFRE Sheryl Rice Rhodes, CFRE Rachel K. Hitchcock, CFRE Michael J. Parry, CFRE Michael P. Whalen, CFRE Pamela D. Richardson, CFRE Kathy Lynch Hostetler, CFRE Anthony Pasiak, CFRE Cheryl Y. Williams, CFRE Janice L. Samples, CFRE Lauren Jarrett, CFRE Paul M. Pawlaczyk, CFRE Margaret W. Wolf, CFRE Sue Ann Sharp, CFRE Megan L. Jolly, CFRE Karen E. Pease, CFRE Todd N. Wurschmidt, CFRE Alan G. Sherwood, CFRE Raymond F. Keen, CFRE Jenny E. Perin, CFRE Lynn M. Wyant, CFRE Cindy L. Simpson, CFRE William G. Kemp, CFRE Jonathan Perlman, CFRE Jason R. Zajac, CFRE Sarah E. Sims, CFRE Kathy Kendall Johnston, CFRE Alex S. Petrus, CFRE Miranda L. Zink, CFRE Alexis M. Skaggs, CFRE Helen Kennedy, CFRE Sue Phillips, CFRE Oklahoma Crystal J. Slater, CFRE Betty J. Koehn, CFRE Walter P. Pidgeon, CFRE Jeffrey J. Alexander, CFRE Lynn J. Sossamon, CFRE John A. Korb, CFRE Trudy Pieper, CFRE Larry J. Bartley, CFRE Marvin K. Stroman, CFRE Melissa P. Krzeminski, CFRE Susan W. Plageman, CFRE David L. Battles, CFRE Letitia P. Stuart, CFRE Jeff Larson, CFRE Linda J.N. Prosak, CFRE Richard R. Boone, CFRE Sharon S. Terry, CFRE Ronald P. Latham, CFRE Mary J. Rainsberger, CFRE Deanna M. Boston, CFRE Carrie F. Vesely Henderson, Irene A. Lord, CFRE Kathy E. Rearick, CFRE Lisa K. Capone, CFRE CFRE Elizabeth S. MacDonell, CFRE Elizabeth A. Redden, CFRE Jeanean M. Castle, CFRE Stephanie J. Vogel, CFRE Julie Jones Manning, CFRE Amy Restorick Roberts, CFRE Jeff S. Cathey, CFRE Penny M. Voss, CFRE Kaarin Marx-Smith, CFRE Joy A. Rogers, CFRE Anne E. Clouse, CFRE Paula S. Voyles, CFRE Kevin W. Matheny, CFRE Suzanne G. Rorick, CFRE Amber E. Cole, CFRE Janis Updike Walker, CFRE Lynn A. Mawe, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 43 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Judith L. Belaires, CFRE Charles L. Fehr, CFRE Carol H. Maculloch, CFRE Oregon (continued) Nina M. Bell, CFRE Linda M. Fischler, CFRE Renny K. Magill, CFRE Rueben Mayes, CFRE Patricia L. Benes, CFRE Jacqueline S. Flanagan, CFRE Richard J. Mahoney, CFRE Elle M. McKay, CFRE Timothy Beresnyak, CFRE Michael L. Foley, CFRE Bruce B. Makous, CFRE Kimberly K. McNamer, CFRE Steven A. Besse, CFRE Diane H. Ford, CFRE Susan M. Mann, CFRE Susan Mendenhall, CFRE G. Meredith Betz, CFRE Susan W. Frankel, CFRE June K. Mansberger, CFRE William C. Miller, CFRE Claire Birney, CFRE Madeline Franze, CFRE Ellen J. Mansfield, CFRE Paul F. Morris, CFRE Karen Ann Bisko, CFRE Denise T. Frattara, CFRE Una M. Martone, CFRE Paul A. Mortimer, CFRE Patricia A. Bloemker Sowers, James H. Frey, CFRE Linda K. Maxon, CFRE Mark M. Parker, CFRE CFRE Samuel W Friedman, CFRE Kimberly A. McCaslin, CFRE Aaron L. Pearlman, CFRE Richard F. Bohrer, CFRE Heather Gee, CFRE Emma L. McCloskey, CFRE Mary Lee Planer, CFRE Jennifer Brillhart, CFRE Marilyn K Goellner, CFRE Marilyn J. McDaniel, CFRE Mary E. Puskas, CFRE Helene G. Broitman, CFRE Marvin E. Gold, CFRE Mary F. McFadden, CFRE Louise Runkle, CFRE Audrey Brourman, CFRE Michelle S. Gollapalli, CFRE Gerald T. McLaughlin, CFRE Shari Lynn Scales, CFRE Kristin N. Brown, CFRE Carolyn M. Grady- James R. McMahon, CFRE Jane M. Scheidecker, CFRE Tobias Bruhn, CFRE Mookerjee, CFRE Diane S. McMahon, CFRE J. Michael Schultz, CFRE Pamela G. Bryer, CFRE Suzanne M. Graney, CFRE Kevin J. McNamara, CFRE Brenda R. Scott, CFRE Janet L. Buchanan, CFRE William F. Grant, CFRE Daniela C. Mead, CFRE P. Matthew Senecal, CFRE Gary L. Bukowski, CFRE Teresa A. Gregory, CFRE Amy K. MeLeck, CFRE Kimberly S. Silva-DuBose, Katherine S. Burroughs, CFRE Theresa F. Haenn, CFRE Troy M. Miller, CFRE CFRE Nancilee Burzachechi, CFRE Kenneth C. Hall, CFRE Jack Miller, CFRE Dianna Smiley, CFRE Edward W. Byrd, CFRE Patricia A. Hargest, CFRE Anita L. Miller, CFRE Vicki M. Smith, CFRE Thomas L. Campbell, CFRE Sara A. Hargreaves, CFRE Rebecca P. Mohn, CFRE William J. Sullivan, CFRE Carol Carpenter, CFRE Julie A. Harris, CFRE Nancy L. Montvydas, CFRE Lawrence D. Taylor, CFRE Constance Carter, CFRE Dana M. Heiman, CFRE Heather P. Morris, CFRE Gina G. Taylor, CFRE Richard F. Charles, CFRE Molly Helmstetter, CFRE Therese D. Moss, CFRE Susan Taylor, CFRE Mark J. Chilutti, CFRE Mary Ellen Herzog, CFRE Gerald E. Mote, CFRE Kristin Trainor, CFRE Karen N. Chizeck, CFRE Maureen Mahoney Hill, CFRE Joan J. Mummert, CFRE Janet Troy, CFRE Alyssa R. Cholodofsky, CFRE Celia A. Hindes, CFRE Craig D. Murray, CFRE Leslie W. Tuomi, CFRE David W. Clark, CFRE Shanna Hocking, CFRE Josette M. Myers, CFRE Sam Vigil, CFRE Morgan R. Clevenger, CFRE Donna J. Howard, CFRE Lindsay Myers, CFRE Dawn R. Welch, CFRE Michele A. Connelly, CFRE Kristina M. P. Huber, CFRE Tammy L. Netkowicz, CFRE Michael K. Wells, CFRE Maida Connor, CFRE Sharon Hurt Davidson, CFRE Nancy S. Newton, CFRE Donna M. Wiench, CFRE Helene M. Conway-Long, Angela M. Jacobsen, CFRE Sy Nicholson, CFRE Heidi H. Wilcox, CFRE CFRE Michelle E. Jamieson, CFRE Elizabeth A. Nilsen, CFRE Jevan J. Williams, CFRE Lynne C. Corboy, CFRE Scott R.P. Janney, CFRE Paul A. Nye, CFRE Dedee Wilner-Nugent, CFRE Gordon M. Core, CFRE Joan E. Johnsen, CFRE Mae O’Brien, CFRE Sandy K. Wright, CFRE Joseph S. Cuozzo, CFRE David B. Johnson, CFRE Cynthia V. Oliver, CFRE Allan T. Zimmerman, CFRE Susan E. Daily, CFRE Susan Dantona Jolley, CFRE James A. Olsen, CFRE Pennsylvania Lee E. Daney, CFRE Valerie M. Jones, CFRE Lisa D. Oriolo, CFRE David L. Alderfer, CFRE John Dawe, CFRE Sharron S. Kaczynski, CFRE Rachel B. Osborn, CFRE Deborah B. Allen, CFRE Michael J. Degenhart, CFRE Jane A. Kanyock, CFRE Kristine A. Parkes, CFRE Michael W. Andreola, CFRE Kathleen Diamandopoulos, Rhonda G. Kelley, CFRE Wendy K. Parsons, CFRE Carla M. Arbushites, CFRE CFRE Eileen Kelliher Berger, CFRE John D Pastorek, CFRE Jeannette J. Archer-Simons, Frederick J. Dixon, CFRE Deborah J. Kipp, CFRE Kevin A. Peter, CFRE CFRE Linda L. Dodge, CFRE William G. Kirker, CFRE Brian T. Pinto, CFRE Ellen H. Arnold, CFRE Jill Dow, CFRE James C. Kisser, CFRE Anthony R. Pisapia, CFRE Rebecca W. Baeurle, CFRE Janet L. Edwards, CFRE Leonard S. Koshinski, CFRE Jennifer Powell, CFRE Katherine Ball-Weir, CFRE Kevin M. Edwards, CFRE Jill G. Kyle, CFRE Prudence S. Precourt, CFRE Judith A Barberich, CFRE Philip T. Ellmore, CFRE Theresa M. Law, CFRE Deborah R. Price, CFRE Chad Barger, CFRE Janet C. Emery, CFRE Judy A. Lawrence, CFRE Joan W. Priest, CFRE Sharon K. Barker, CFRE Kathy J. Eppley, CFRE Patricia A. Laws, CFRE Jillian M. Pritts, CFRE Janet A. A. Barlett, CFRE Gail A. Evans, CFRE Patricia M. Lonsbary, CFRE Heather Procaccino, CFRE Jeannette L. Barr, CFRE Margaret Fala, CFRE Bonnie J. Lopane, CFRE William D. Pugh, CFRE Keith O. Barrows, CFRE Jennifer A. Farrar, CFRE Marianne G. Lynch, CFRE Gloria M. Pugliese, CFRE Sylvia Bastani, CFRE Christina S. Farrell, CFRE David F. Lyons, CFRE John V. Puotinen, CFRE Kathy Bayer, CFRE Joseph D. Fausnight, CFRE Frances A. MacAllister, CFRE Kevin F. Quinn, CFRE Angela Beers, CFRE Wynne R. Fedele, CFRE Fay Hendrickson Mackey, Mary L. Reid, CFRE Beverly A. Beisgen, CFRE Patrick J. Feeley, CFRE CFRE Carol D. Revak, CFRE

44 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Lise D. Twiford, CFRE Paulette V. Maehara, CFRE Larry W. Coppock, CFRE Pennsylvania (cont’d) Jerry L. Updegraff, CFRE Barbara S. Martin, CFRE Joanna Curtis, CFRE Sean P. Reynolds, CFRE Mark Y. Valentine, CFRE Crystal B. Maynard, CFRE Gary J. Curto, CFRE Donald K. Rhoten, CFRE Susan M. Vanscovich, CFRE Carl R. McIntosh, CFRE Pearl Davies Shaw, CFRE Rig A Riggins, CFRE Tomi Waters, CFRE George Lee Mikell, CFRE Cheryl B. Davis, CFRE LeeAnn K. Riloff, CFRE Marisa Wigglesworth, CFRE Cynthia M. NeSmith, CFRE Timothy M. Dempsey, CFRE Jerry Rohrbach, CFRE Sherri L. Wilcauskas, CFRE G. Frederick Payne, CFRE Stacy L. Eaton-Carter, CFRE Michael J. Rosen, CFRE Heather A. Wilson, CFRE Jane F. Pressly, CFRE Martha W. Farabee, CFRE Mayda Roth, CFRE Patricia Q. Winter, CFRE Melissa M. Ryan, CFRE Stephanie Ferrell, CFRE Robert A. Roush, CFRE Robert D. Wombwell, CFRE Robert W. Saacke, CFRE Nat R. Flickinger, CFRE Ruthellen S. Rubin, CFRE Kortnay R.E. Woods, CFRE Sandra C. Saad, CFRE Richard K. Giecek, CFRE Delilah D. Rumburg, CFRE Vernon D. Wright, CFRE Christine Shanker Gills, CFRE Teresa A. Goddard, CFRE Kara D. Rutowski, CFRE Alexandra C. Yantorn, CFRE R Daniel Shephard, CFRE Connie C. Gonitzke, CFRE Allison Sanders, CFRE Lisa C. Young, CFRE Susan C. Spires, CFRE Mary Sue Greiner, CFRE John J. Schlesinger, CFRE Karla M. Zarate-Ramirez, Robert T. Stephens, CFRE Carolyn K. Hamilton, CFRE Margaret M. Schmidt, CFRE CFRE Kimberley D. Sturgeon, CFRE Jackie D. Hancock, CFRE Francis G. Schodowski, CFRE Janna M. Zeigler, CFRE Gina D. Turcotte, CFRE Sheryl B. Hartley, CFRE Sara Schumacher, CFRE Florence Zeller, CFRE Erik B. Whaley, CFRE Jonathon L. Hawkins, CFRE Constance Schwartz-Bedo, Jane Zintak, CFRE Timothy M. Winkler, CFRE Patrice E. Hieb, CFRE CFRE Rhode Island South Dakota Melinda Hillman, CFRE Frederic Serino, CFRE Michele R. Berard, CFRE Kathleen J. Bangasser, CFRE Andi Holbrook, CFRE Ralph M. Serpe, CFRE David M. Bodah, CFRE Geri L. Beck, CFRE Susan Earl Hosbach, CFRE Molly A. Shane, CFRE Erica M. Bryson, CFRE Bruce L. Blumer, CFRE Jay W. Howard, CFRE Frances M. Sheehan, CFRE Mary Alice Conlon, CFRE David C. Brunkow, CFRE John Mark Hutchins, CFRE James W. Shenk, CFRE Caroline E. Considine, CFRE Amy J. Bruns, CFRE Janet K. Jobe, CFRE Tami J. Shimp, CFRE Donald M. Demers, CFRE Kory A. Christianson, CFRE Julie A. Johnson, CFRE Katherine Shinholster, CFRE Lisa D. Desbiens, CFRE Martin H. Gallanter, CFRE Jeffrey W. Jowdy, CFRE Barbara A. Shotwell, CFRE Joanne E. Gregory, CFRE Field L. Glover, CFRE Barbara A. Kabakoff, CFRE Jeremiah D. Shuman, CFRE Andrea B. Joseph, CFRE Leah H. Hebner, CFRE Michael W. Kelley, CFRE Ronald W. Siggs, CFRE Mary B. Kozik, CFRE Regina Q. Jahr, CFRE Kenneth J. Kimble, CFRE Lonnie Silver, CFRE John A. Perry, CFRE Angela Kliewer, CFRE Pamela King, CFRE Krystine E. Sipple, CFRE James A. Roehm, CFRE Deb Koski, CFRE Amanda L Kohr, CFRE Thomas D. Skinner, CFRE Nicholas J. Stahl, CFRE Melinda S. Larson, CFRE Roseanne C. Landey, CFRE Ellen Lee Sklar, CFRE Karen L. Weavill Jean C. Layton, CFRE Kimberly A. Lauth, CFRE Carrie A. Snyder, CFRE South Carolina Ellen J. Lee, CFRE Jeffrey A. Lea, CFRE Christian P. Sockel, CFRE Karen A. Babb, CFRE Michael W. McNeely, CFRE Thomas H. Livers, CFRE William D. Speidel, CFRE Ernest L. Beck, CFRE Christina J. Menning, CFRE Christa J. Mannarino, CFRE Marialice F. Stanzeski, CFRE Greg Bowden, CFRE Brian R. Mortenson, CFRE John Mark, CFRE Karen A. Stoila, CFRE Mike Butler, CFRE Jeffrey B. Nelson, CFRE D. Paige Matthews, CFRE Heidi Stoltzfus, CFRE Stephen G. Carver, CFRE Connie C. Olson, CFRE Jonathan M. McFerran, CFRE Thomas R. Stone, CFRE Demetria G. Caston, CFRE Larry D. Raad, CFRE Joy C. McKee, CFRE Deborah J. Strong, CFRE Martha D. Ciccarelli, CFRE Heidi A. Schultz, CFRE Diannah E. Miller, CFRE Karen Struble Myers, CFRE Scott T. Dishman, CFRE Nathan D. Stallinga, CFRE Terry Morgan, CFRE Susan L. Stuart, CFRE Terry J. Dixon, CFRE Nancy Swanson, CFRE Todd Allen Morgan, CFRE Henry A. Sumner, CFRE Megan T. Draper, CFRE Robert A. Timm, CFRE Dan H. Murrell, CFRE Ann Marie Surovy, CFRE Edward F. Duffy, CFRE Jessica B. Wells David L. Newberry, CFRE Corrine D. Sylvia, CFRE Mary H. Edwards, CFRE Tennessee Jennifer W. Nicely, CFRE Margaret Taylor, CFRE Joe Elmore, CFRE Meg C. Beene, CFRE Lori B. Ogden, CFRE Barbara R. Taylor, CFRE Holli S. Emore, CFRE Robert B. Bousquet, CFRE Tamara W. Ownby, CFRE Mary M. Temple, CFRE Lisa A. Greene, CFRE Patricia G. Branam, CFRE Autumn Parrott, CFRE Allen F. Thomas, CFRE Victoria B. Hann, CFRE Kelly B. Braniff, CFRE J. Gregory Pope, CFRE Victoria Thompson, CFRE Russell M. Harris, CFRE Christopher J. Bray, CFRE Bobby A. Prince, CFRE Fred F. Thursfield, CFRE Kathy L. Hill, CFRE Pamela G. Brown, CFRE Patrick W. Ragan, CFRE David S. Tinker, CFRE Melodie A. Hunnicutt, CFRE Ashley S. Brown, CFRE Robert Raney, CFRE Abigayle Tobia, CFRE Jamie L. Inman, CFRE Allison A. Cardwell, CFRE James R. Ray, CFRE Myra L. Toomey, CFRE James C. Kaltenbach, CFRE Christopher D. Carey, CFRE Sandra Rees, CFRE Matthew J. Tornambe, CFRE Susan S. Keenan, CFRE Carol A. Carlson, CFRE Tammie J. Ritchey, CFRE Lindsay B. Totten, CFRE James W. Kinard, CFRE James B. Closser, CFRE Kristie Prichard Ryan, CFRE Jon R. Tullis, CFRE James P. LaRose, CFRE David A. Clouse, CFRE Martha I. Scheidler, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 45 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES M. Dennis Brown, CFRE James N. Falk, CFRE Carol B. Hoey, CFRE Tennessee (continued) Kimberly O. Brown, CFRE Vinsen H. Faris, CFRE Cynthia P. Hoffmann, CFRE Mary P. Scheuner, CFRE Connie R. Brown, CFRE Carole Sue Fenoglio, CFRE Jerry E. Holbert, CFRE Nicholas W. Scully, CFRE Mary A. Brumbach, CFRE Ken L. Fincher, CFRE Loretta Holland, CFRE Susannah E. Shumate, CFRE Jay H. Bruner, CFRE Rachel D’Anne Fitzgerald, John M. Honaman, CFRE Alisa M. Smallwood, CFRE Theresa Bruno, CFRE CFRE John D. Householter, CFRE Christopher C. Stowers, Michelle Buchanan, CFRE Anthony R Fleo, CFRE Karen T. Housewright, CFRE CFRE Donna E. Budak, CFRE Dori Flores, CFRE Linda Howell, CFRE Betty S. Weemes, CFRE Sarah H. Burdi, CFRE William E. Flynt, CFRE Brooks A. Hull, CFRE Erin M. Wenzel, CFRE Lisa C. Burns, CFRE Mark Folkes, CFRE Kimberly N. Humphries, CFRE Susan D. Williams, CFRE Debra S. Burns, CFRE Catherine Folkes, CFRE Martha Lee Hutchins, CFRE Arthur C. Woods Kyndall L. Burroughs, CFRE Kevin J. Foyle, CFRE John F. Hyde, CFRE Texas Mollie Butler, CFRE Mary Freeman, CFRE Heather A. Icenogle, CFRE Dina Aboul Saad, CFRE Katherine E. Butterwick, CFRE Katherine L. Friend, CFRE Amy L. Jackson, CFRE Valerie Acosta, CFRE Timothy N. Bynum, CFRE Paul D. Fulham, CFRE Jacy Jenks, CFRE Bok K. Ahn, CFRE Linda R. Cadigan, CFRE Millicent E. Gale, CFRE JoLynne Jensen, CFRE E. Cecilia Alatriz, CFRE Stephen W. Cargill, CFRE Angie Gallaway, CFRE Timothy Johnson, CFRE Sharon K. Allen, CFRE Dellinda Kay Casey, CFRE Lisa L. Garces, CFRE James R. Johnson, CFRE Tanya F. Allen, CFRE Alejandra Castaneda, CFRE Roxann D. Garcia, CFRE Jennifer N. Johnson, CFRE Mary Ann Amelang, CFRE Lesli J. Cearley, CFRE Tina M. Garcia, CFRE Kristina E. Jones, CFRE Deirdre Anderson, CFRE Brad Cecil, CFRE Rosemary R. Garcia-Pompa, Cindy H. Jordan, CFRE Serena M. Andrews, CFRE Betsy B. Clardy, CFRE CFRE Christina L. Judge, CFRE Lesly Annen, CFRE Nancy V. Clark, CFRE Melissa A. Garlington, CFRE Karim Kafray, CFRE Charles T. Anthony, CFRE Dawson L. Clark, CFRE R. Michael George, CFRE Karen Kahan, CFRE Carolyn M. Appleton, CFRE Kerri Cleghorn, CFRE Russell A. Gibbs, CFRE Katherine L. Kalenda William M. Arnold, CFRE Ann C. Clinkscales, CFRE Kristie T. Gibson, CFRE Daggett, CFRE Cynthia W. Atmar, CFRE Wendy R. Coats, CFRE John R. Gilchrist, CFRE Christopher J. Kasavich, CFRE Christine K. Attal, CFRE Gary M. Cole, CFRE Jon H. Gillespie, CFRE Ruth Keenan, CFRE Lisa M. Avra, CFRE Anne N. Connor, CFRE Janet S. Glaze, CFRE Stacy M. Keith, CFRE Michael A. Bacon, CFRE Scotty W. Cooksey, CFRE Larry P. Goddard, CFRE Harold M. Keller, CFRE Georganne Baker Payne, CFRE Katherine B. Cooper, CFRE Sandra Kaye Goff, CFRE Michael Kellerman, CFRE Faith Barnard, CFRE Tina Z. Council, CFRE Alisha R. Goldberg, CFRE Kathryn Kelley, CFRE Angela C. Barraza, CFRE Don W. Cramer, CFRE Kristi Gordy, CFRE Stella Johnell Kelley, CFRE Jefferson Jones Baskin, CFRE Michelle Crim, CFRE Pagett Daves D Gosslee, CFRE Paul Kettering, CFRE Christopher S. Beck, CFRE Lawrence E. Crouch, CFRE Patricia A. Green, CFRE Dena M. King, CFRE Bianca E. Bellavia, CFRE Mary Suzanne Crouch, CFRE Jeremy Gregg, CFRE Marilyn Knight, CFRE John Benage, CFRE Katherine D. Curtis, CFRE Sabra L. Guerra, CFRE Dennece Knight, CFRE Fayruz M. Benyousef, CFRE Eugene W. Davis, CFRE David E. Guyer, CFRE Neal Knighton, CFRE Peggy P. Berry, CFRE Johnathan S. Davis, CFRE Ronnie Hagerty, CFRE Cody S. Knowlton, CFRE Traci Berry, CFRE Janet C. Davis, CFRE Kristy D. Hagler, CFRE M. Lee Koch, CFRE Nancy Berry, CFRE Nancy J. Davis, CFRE Edith M. Hamilton, CFRE Victor A. Korelstein, CFRE Donald J. Bland, CFRE Lee A. Deal, CFRE Carl G. Hamm, CFRE Paula Kothmann, CFRE Mark W. Blount, CFRE Lynne T. Dean, CFRE Sean D. Hammerle, CFRE Timothy A. Kubatzky, CFRE Ray E. Blue, CFRE Bobby D. Dean, CFRE Anna Hammonds, CFRE Maureen B. Kuntz, CFRE Chris M. Blum, CFRE Michael D. Delzotti, CFRE Harry I. Harelik, CFRE Christine A. Kutnick, CFRE Janice K. Bobo, CFRE Mark E. Dini, CFRE Mary Alexis Harrigan, CFRE Terry L. Kyle, CFRE Michele M. Boillotat, CFRE Rachel S. Dobbs, CFRE John R. Hawkins, CFRE Deborah B. Lackey, CFRE Karen O. Bonner, CFRE Emelda J. Douglas, CFRE Robert W. Hawley, CFRE Susan Landreaux, CFRE Mary P. Bosker, CFRE Lynda D. Downing, CFRE Ingrid Healy, CFRE Angela Lane, CFRE Sherry L. Bowers, CFRE John P. Drake, CFRE Louise L. Henry, CFRE Marion T. Lee, CFRE April B. Box, CFRE Ann M. J. Druary, CFRE Cameron D. Hernholm, CFRE Lisa M. Lee, CFRE Kimberly Bracken Till, CFRE Nanette G. Duhon, CFRE Thomas H. Herren, CFRE Carrie A. Leising, CFRE Robin Bradford, CFRE Patricia O’Keefe Dunbar, CFRE Laura F. Herrick, CFRE Kristine A. Lemons, CFRE Belinda K. Branstetter, CFRE Ponce Duran, CFRE Lyndon R. Herridge, CFRE James C. Lewis, CFRE Gregg A. Braun, CFRE Laura Durham Leach, CFRE Tyrone E. Herring, CFRE Fran P. Lobpries, CFRE Stephen Braun, CFRE Stacy Wheeler Ehrlich, CFRE Nancy Hershfield, CFRE Monna Loftis, CFRE Sharyn L. Brautigan, CFRE Erica V. Ekwurzel, CFRE Brian T. Hervey, CFRE Adrienne Longenecker, CFRE Colleen T. Brinkmann, CFRE Susannah Erler, CFRE Emily K. Hilber, CFRE Adrian Loucks, CFRE Joyce B. Brown, CFRE Martha P. Ernst, CFRE Tori Hobbs, CFRE Darrell M. Loyless, CFRE

46 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Carol Ann Paddock, CFRE Rana E. Smith, CFRE Utah Texas (continued) Susan G. Pagel, CFRE Amy D. Smith, CFRE Ronald E. Black, CFRE Keith R. Lund, CFRE Christine N. Parker, CFRE Lerii Smith, CFRE David J. Bonner, CFRE Scott Lynch, CFRE Paula K. Parrish, CFRE Susan E. Spradlin, CFRE Jodi O. Brown, CFRE Stephen S. Mabry, CFRE Roger E. Partridge, CFRE Martha St. Romain, CFRE M. McClain Bybee, CFRE Kathy P. MacNaughton, CFRE R. Michael Patterson, CFRE Robert A. Steinhagen, CFRE Rex O. Carlson, CFRE Beverly B. Major, CFRE Nancy P. Paup, CFRE Sandra M. Stephens, CFRE Bryan P. Carpenter, CFRE Michael J. Mantel, CFRE Jennifer C. Pearson, CFRE Amanda M Stevens, CFRE Kevin Carrillo, CFRE Sheila R. Marlow, CFRE Joyce W. Penland, CFRE Jill L. Still, CFRE Barett Christensen, CFRE Diana Marquis, CFRE Vicky Penn, CFRE Jennifer K. Stringer, CFRE Tanise L. Chung-Hoon, CFRE Karen K. Martin, CFRE Cynthia A. Perkins, CFRE Jeffrey Scott Stuckey, CFRE James D. Crawley, CFRE Marion S. Martin, CFRE Preston B. Pharris, CFRE Kathryn Sullivan, CFRE Ronnie J. Daniel, CFRE Mary Kay Martinez, CFRE Jane B. Piercy, CFRE Heather Summers Parsons, Janeal M. Ford, CFRE Cooky Mays, CFRE Glenn Pittsford, CFRE CFRE Lyman S. Gifford, CFRE Barbara H. McColm, CFRE Julie C. Platek, CFRE Lucie W. Taylor, CFRE Terri E. Goldstein, CFRE Delton R. McGuire, CFRE Donna M. Platt, CFRE Gary M. Temple, CFRE Sharon A. Goodrich, CFRE C. Joe McIntosh, CFRE Timothy J. Plocica, CFRE Dawn L. Theaker, CFRE Varden E. Hadfield, CFRE William R. McLeRoy, CFRE Thomas W. Pool, CFRE Kathryn B. Thompson, CFRE Joseph F. Hansen, CFRE Mary C. McQueen, CFRE Dennis A. Prescott, CFRE Douglas Tiffin, CFRE Harry Daniel Heist, CFRE Laura Q. McWhorter, CFRE Rebecca A. Prince, CFRE Kellie Tiner, CFRE Kerry K. Hepworth, CFRE Nicole S. McWhorter, CFRE Patty P. Rabel, CFRE Amy L. Towery, CFRE William Glenn Lanham, CFRE Mary M. Mears, CFRE Amanda L. Rainey, CFRE Kenneth M. Turpen, CFRE Kenneth R. McCarty, CFRE Phillip M. Melcher, CFRE Pamela Renee Rehfeld, CFRE Lawrence E. Tuttle, CFRE Daniel J. Mirgon, CFRE John R. Melleky, CFRE Richard Resnik, CFRE Sally J. Tyler, CFRE Steven R. Morris, CFRE Cynthia Ward Michaelis, Rebecca A. Rhule, CFRE Karyn S. Ullman, CFRE Thomas E. Mullen, CFRE CFRE Rickey E. Richardson, CFRE Linda G. Valencia, CFRE Douglas E. Nielsen, CFRE Michelle Mickey, CFRE Lana T. Ridenour, CFRE Kelly F. Vaughan, CFRE Gregory R. Nolte, CFRE Bridgette E. Miller, CFRE Diane L. Riehs, CFRE Paul B. Vitanza, CFRE Orrin J. Olsen, CFRE Patricia A. Miller, CFRE Anne S. Robillard, CFRE Lynn M. Vogt, CFRE Mark D. Palmer, CFRE Christopher J. Minnes, CFRE Nicole Robinson Gauthier, Julie K. Voss, CFRE Jennifer A. Parsons, CFRE Holly Miori, CFRE CFRE Joan Wagner, CFRE Lori T. Piscopo, CFRE John C. Mitchener, CFRE Melinda G. Rodriguez, CFRE Barbara L. Walker, CFRE Barry B. Preator, CFRE Evan M. Moilan, CFRE Peggy R Roe, CFRE Amy Walton, CFRE Kelly G. Reeves, CFRE Deborah L. Montonen, CFRE Edward L. Rogers, CFRE Patricia A. Ward, CFRE Jennifer A. Saunders, CFRE Thomas J. Moore, CFRE Perri L. Rosheger, CFRE Judy V. Waters, CFRE Karen Sendelback, CFRE Christina M Moore-Salinas, Bryan Z. Rubio, CFRE Judy A. Waxman, CFRE Christine Sharer, CFRE CFRE Jamie G. Ruiz, CFRE Kimberly S. West, CFRE Christopher Smith, CFRE Evan Morgan, CFRE Amanda Ryan-Smith, CFRE Larry E. Wickham, CFRE Robert Smoot, CFRE Julie Morgan Hooper, CFRE Carole V. Rylander, CFRE Stephanie C. Wiese, CFRE Melissa G. Steimer, CFRE Covita Moroney, CFRE Charles D. Scarborough, Martha A. Wiggins, CFRE Cynthia Talbot-Holz, CFRE Mark V. Moshier, CFRE CFRE Susan Williams, CFRE Tyler J. Vigue, CFRE Elizabeth R. Muenzler, CFRE Kristen Schlatre, CFRE Carmetha Williams, CFRE Terrance J. Wall, CFRE Rachel Muir, CFRE Brian J. Schmedinghoff, CFRE Lindsay L. Wilson, CFRE Stephen R. Warner, CFRE Dixie Mullins, CFRE Jerri L. Schooley, CFRE Iska G. Wire, CFRE Robert G. Woods Patrick B. Mulvey, CFRE Cynthia A. Scott, CFRE Tawnia Wise, CFRE Virginia M. Anne Murphy, CFRE Ashleigh L. Seidler, CFRE Johanna T. Wolfe, CFRE Catherine Callaghan Abell, Laura S. Murray, CFRE Catherine R. Sheffield, CFRE Maureen P. Wood, CFRE CFRE Ernest B. Myers, CFRE Barbara M. Shelton, CFRE Tammi Woodard, CFRE Sue Acri, CFRE C Robert Myers, CFRE Marcellette L. Sherman, Lucy M. Woodside, CFRE Eva E. Aldrich, CFRE Shunney H.C. Nair, CFRE CFRE Matthew G. Wright, CFRE Jon A. Anderson, CFRE Catherine Neece, CFRE Debra L. Shtofman, CFRE Peter L. Wyro, CFRE Cinda C. Ayers, CFRE Janet G. Neff, CFRE Ryla C. Simmons, CFRE Karen R. Yarbrough, CFRE Lois A. Badey, CFRE Carrie F. Nelson, CFRE Elizabeth Sisk, CFRE Angela L. Young, CFRE Suzanne H. Bissell, CFRE Amelia Nieto, CFRE Thomas J. Sloan, CFRE Carolyn H. Young, CFRE Martha S. Bjelland, CFRE Kobi Nix Lincoln, CFRE David M. Slover, CFRE Jeanette S. Zey, CFRE Theresa S. Blandon, CFRE Lon D Oakley, CFRE Reece B. Small, CFRE Beth Zimmerman, CFRE Alexis D. Bonnell, CFRE David B. O’Connor, CFRE William Smialek, CFRE Lindsay B. Zimmerman, CFRE Roma Bose, CFRE Sandy L. Ogletree, CFRE Barry L. Smink, CFRE Kelly J. Zuniga, CFRE Sarah S. Boucher, CFRE Sandra M. Owen, CFRE Susan E. Smith, CFRE Kerry R. Belnap Allison McHenry Bough, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 47 Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Robert A. Hansen, CFRE Monise W. Quidley, CFRE Anne Peyton, CFRE Virginia (continued) Susan C. Harman, CFRE Marian C. Quinlan, CFRE Bernadette Robin, CFRE Rick P. Bragga, CFRE Karen J. Harvey, CFRE Nancy K. Racette, CFRE Connie Sanderson, CFRE Tamara F. Brainerd, CFRE Connie L. Hedrick, CFRE Tami G. Radecke, CFRE Catherine F. Villa, CFRE J. Andree Brooks, CFRE Jane V. Helfrich, CFRE Robert S. Rash, CFRE Washington Anita K.H. Brower, CFRE Les Helmuth, CFRE Michele P. Riedel, CFRE Anne Aumell, CFRE Eleanor Ardan Brtva, CFRE Richard E. Hendrix, CFRE Jeffrey Rodman, CFRE Scott G. Bader, CFRE Thomas C. Burke, CFRE Barbara M. Henley, CFRE Carla L. Rosati, CFRE Cathy L. Barr, CFRE Kathleen Burke Barrett, CFRE Rebecca Hill, CFRE Lynette Sappe-Watkins, Kristin J. Barsness, CFRE Ellen F. Bushman, CFRE Erin G. Holler, CFRE CFRE Jean M. Bateman, CFRE Kevin J. Callanan, CFRE David M. Huffine, CFRE Warren G. Sarasin, CFRE Anne M. Baunach, CFRE Maureen Calloway Scott A. Hurley, CFRE Brigitte H. Savage, CFRE Susan M. Bean, CFRE Carnevale, CFRE Lida I. Hurst, CFRE Megan N. Schagrin, CFRE Kathryn Becker, CFRE Christopher M. Cannon, Leslie S. Hutchens, CFRE Rock H. Schuler, CFRE Heather A. Beebe-Stevens, CFRE Alan R. Hutson, CFRE Martha H. Schumacher, CFRE CFRE Nicole S. Capossela, CFRE Christine Hyland, CFRE Christina Schwengel, CFRE Heather D. Bennett, CFRE Maureen T. Carroll, SBS, Frances P. Inge, CFRE Cheryl E. Self, CFRE Camilla R. Bishop, CFRE CFRE Leanna Jackson, CFRE Alma Jane Shepard, CFRE Brynn E. Blanchard, CFRE Patricia S. Carter, CFRE Jeanne G. Jacob, CFRE Erik T. Showalter, CFRE Carol A. Borgmann, CFRE Marla Caulk, CFRE Karlene N. Jennings, CFRE Kelly A. Smith, CFRE Jan F. Brazzell, CFRE Brent P. Chambers, CFRE Magnus H. Johnsson, CFRE Robert L. Smythers, CFRE Meredith Easton Brown, CFRE Teresa L. Christin, CFRE Roy C. Jones, CFRE Herbert P. Soles, CFRE Marcia A. Cates, CFRE Elizabeth H. Coit, CFRE Amy S. Karazsia, CFRE James B. Spencer, CFRE Brenda D. Chrystie, CFRE Eugenia Colon, CFRE Carol M. Kennedy, CFRE Kimberly A. Sperling, CFRE Scott Claeys, CFRE Maureen Concannon, CFRE Louise Kenny, CFRE Robert Stein, CFRE Lynne Conrad Marvet, CFRE Christy M. Connolly, CFRE Amy Laser Kiger, CFRE Kay A. Stine, CFRE Christina Cotterill, CFRE Bethanie G. Constant, CFRE Rebecca Lamb, CFRE James K. Sullivan, CFRE Colleen M. Crowley, CFRE Sarah Craig Freeman, CFRE Pamela C. Larmee, CFRE Evelyn O. Terry, CFRE Mark T. Dalan, CFRE Frances Webb Crawford, James J. Lewis, CFRE Nancy R. Trego, CFRE Tori Darnell, CFRE CFRE Dena Liston, CFRE Laura B. Turk, CFRE Betsy Davis, CFRE Kathryn Crowder Yarzebinski, Elizabeth S. Littlefield, CFRE Laurie B. Ursiny, CFRE Kathleen A. Delph, CFRE CFRE Roberta A. Longworth, CFRE Elizabeth R. Vaughan, CFRE Christine Destry, CFRE Katherine A. Dabney, CFRE Celia K. Luxmoore, CFRE Jane H. Walker, CFRE Linda J. DiRienzo, CFRE Kelly del Campo Merricks, Mary Alice D. Lynch, CFRE Francene T. Walker, CFRE Sandra G. Dolese, CFRE CFRE Nada Maalouf, CFRE Betsy Wason, CFRE Karen E. Donahue, CFRE Susan E. Derby, CFRE Amanda D. Macdonald, CFRE Shannon L. Watts, CFRE Frederick J. Downey, CFRE Harry Deringer, CFRE Sheila K. Mandt, CFRE Kelly Ann Whalen, CFRE Lee Drechsel, CFRE Erin R. Devine, CFRE Pamela Maroulis, CFRE Kathleen K. Wiedemer, CFRE Laura H. Edman, CFRE Kathleen Devlin Culver, CFRE Mary Maupai, CFRE Christine A. Williams, CFRE Deirdre J. Evans, CFRE Jennifer L. Dunworth, CFRE Louis J. Mazzini, CFRE Rise’ L. Wilson, CFRE Shannon E. Evers, CFRE Virgil E. Ecton, CFRE Thomas G. McCarty, CFRE Chris Withers, CFRE Allan D. Fisher, CFRE Ruth Modlin Ellett, CFRE Mary L. McMahon, CFRE Julie M. Wolfe, CFRE William H. Flower, CFRE Cynthia R. Elmore, CFRE Sarah J. Meltzer, CFRE Patricia S. Wolfrey, CFRE Amy R. Flynn, CFRE Allison A. Erdle, CFRE Stephanie S. Micas, CFRE Ellen L. Woods, CFRE John R. Frank, CFRE Maya B. Erhardt, CFRE Ray R. Mishler, CFRE Bruce A. Yoder, CFRE Lisa F. Gibert, CFRE John Feather, CFRE Ashleigh R. Moody, CFRE Vermont JoEllen Giles, CFRE Edwin P. Fichter, CFRE Nan G. Moring, CFRE Christina S Baskett, CFRE Richard D. Gillmore, CFRE Elizabeth C. Fleming, CFRE Patricia S. Morris, CFRE Sherry J. DeLeon, CFRE Gina M. Hall, CFRE Ryan T. Flood, CFRE Una M. Murphy, CFRE Meagan C. Downey, CFRE Annie W. Hargrave, CFRE Paul A. Frank, CFRE Maureen A. Neal, CFRE Tere T. Gade, CFRE Wendy A. Hatch, CFRE Elizabeth L. Freeman, CFRE Troy G. Newbraugh, CFRE Moneer N. Greenbaum, CFRE Kara D. Hefley, CFRE Jeffrey R. Fulgham, CFRE Shelley R. O’Brien, CFRE Martha M. Heilemann, CFRE Angelique Heinzen, CFRE Karen Gallardo, CFRE Robert D. Olson, CFRE Shawn A. Keeley, CFRE Gaynor M. Hills, CFRE Claiborne Gayden, CFRE Jennifer A. O’Rourke, CFRE Julie Kaija Martin, CFRE James R. Hopper, CFRE Joseph M. Gillmer, CFRE Marianne Z. Peterson, CFRE Audrey Levin McLaughlin, Christine R Howeiler, CFRE Marshall H. Ginn, CFRE Mary Catherine Phelps, CFRE CFRE Ashley L. Hulsey, CFRE Benjamin J. Goldberg, CFRE Christine Pieper, CFRE Jeffrey T. Moreau, CFRE Monica R. Hurley, CFRE Melissa Good, CFRE Kathryn M. Pumphrey, CFRE Lauren G. Moye, CFRE Scott Jackson, CFRE Stephen P. Grundman, CFRE Virginia S. Purcell, CFRE Kelly L. Murphy, CFRE Sheila A. Jackson, CFRE

48 CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Sustainability

Current CFREs through 2012

UNITED STATES Scott Sadler, CFRE Michael G. Frohna, CFRE Vicki Klein Schorse, CFRE Washington (continued) Wendy K. Schneider, CFRE Pamela J. Garvey, CFRE Philip G. Schumacher, CFRE Janet Aldrich Jacobs, CFRE Lynn G. Schrader, CFRE Maureen E. Gerard, CFRE Nancy A. Seidl Nelson, CFRE Julia L. Johnson, CFRE Ara Serjoie, CFRE Terrie B. Goren, CFRE Diane Simons Plantenberg, Robert E. Johnson, CFRE Helen K. Sernett, CFRE Michelle L. Gostomski, CFRE Phillippa M. Kassover, CFRE Theron P. Shaw, CFRE CFRE Nandini Sinha, CFRE Mary M. Kaufman-Cranney, Patricia A. Shepherd-Barnes, Peter J. Grabow, CFRE Ann N. Sitrick, CFRE CFRE CFRE Diane K. Grace, CFRE Ronald W. Smith, CFRE Maggie Keelan, CFRE Russell Sondker, CFRE Jim Hahn, CFRE Roselyn M. Smolej-Hill, Jane E. Kenyon, CFRE Davney R. Stahley, CFRE Marcy Heim, CFRE CFRE Sandra Kernerman, CFRE Rodney Stephenson, CFRE Doris H. Heiser, CFRE Stacy A. Swadish Kosmatka, Thea Kleiber, CFRE Ruth E. Swain, CFRE Timothy P. Holz, CFRE CFRE Tamara S. LaFrance, CFRE Aggie Sweeney, CFRE Geri O. Howley, CFRE Robyn R. Tanke, CFRE Natalie J. Lamberjack, CFRE Dorita A. Tessier, CFRE Lynda K. Jobman, CFRE John P. Thimmesch, CFRE Kathleen S. Langenheim, James Thomas, CFRE Ann M. Kaiser, CFRE Rebecca R. Thompson, CFRE CFRE Vivian M. Thorn-Cheadle, Karen J. Kancius, CFRE Donna L. Triplett, CFRE Edgar M. Larson, CFRE CFRE Nancy J. Kaufman, CFRE Mary Ann Vance, CFRE Sara Lawson, CFRE Theresa A. Tingvall Moore, Michele L. Kitson, CFRE Holly L. Voll, CFRE A. Daniel J. Lee, CFRE CFRE Gary L. Klein, CFRE Carol Lynn Wacker, CFRE Angelique Leone, CFRE Alishia F. Topper, CFRE Lynn M. Kleman, CFRE Henry M. Waldren, CFRE Lara H. Littlefield, CFRE Pamela Wanser, CFRE Jeffrey J. Klocko, CFRE Shannon E. Watry, CFRE Veda Logan, CFRE Colin A. Ware, CFRE Raquel Lauritzen, CFRE Sue Peterson Watts, CFRE Anne Marie MacPherson Jennifer L. Weber, CFRE David M. LeDuc, CFRE William L. Weissert, CFRE Davis, CFRE Robin C. Webster, CFRE Carolyn Macklem, CFRE Lori Werbeckes, CFRE Barbara Maduell, CFRE Michelle L. Wilkinson, CFRE Joseph P. Maddalena, CFRE Teri M. Wilczek, CFRE Mark S. McCampbell, CFRE Kathleen N. Willis, CFRE Daun R. Maier, CFRE Nicole Williams, CFRE Barry K. McConnell, CFRE Marcella L. Wing, CFRE Pamela Y. Mattox, CFRE David K. Williams, CFRE Elizabeth A. McLaughlin, Connie J. Wittren, CFRE Mark E. Maurice, CFRE David C. Wolfson, CFRE CFRE Tarrell V. Wright, CFRE Carol A. McLain, CFRE Catherine G. Worden, CFRE Megan McNally, CFRE JoAnn Yoshimoto, CFRE Philip E. Meinzen, CFRE Steven C. Yorde, CFRE Cindy M. McRoberts, CFRE Kathleen F. Zehner, CFRE Stuart K. Merritt, CFRE Wyoming Thomas W. Mesaros, CFRE West Virginia Mary Beth Mikrut, CFRE Shawn A. Bassham, CFRE Christine A. Mildner, CFRE Rachelle L. Beckner, CFRE James M. Miller, CFRE Susan L. Bigelow, CFRE Morgan D. Moulongo, CFRE Marilyn J. DiVita, CFRE Maripat Monahan, CFRE Rebecca Brewer Kimmel, Kenneth Neher, CFRE Kathleen J. DuBois, CFRE Jennifer Mueller, CFRE CFRE Kristi L. Nelson, CFRE Emily S. Fisher, CFRE John B. Nickels, CFRE Theresa Marino, CFRE Carol H. Neupert, CFRE Pamela D. Leonard, CFRE Jennifer S. Nohelty, CFRE Mark A. Randall, CFRE Cynthia Niemi, CFRE Wisconsin Tamara L. Pacada, CFRE Abel Noah, CFRE Joyce Altman, CFRE John D. Paquette, CFRE Sara Oshikawa-Clay, CFRE Barbara W. Armstrong, CFRE Shawn M. Perrin, CFRE Jacquelyn B. Ostrom, CFRE Rebecca Buhler Banks, CFRE Ellen S. Phillips, CFRE Allison R. Parker, CFRE Mary Lou Bell, CFRE Karen L. Piel, CFRE Margaret Paullin, CFRE Jay R. Blankenship, CFRE Lisa Pieper, CFRE Richard Penny, CFRE Jill A. Blokhuis, CFRE Thomas M. Plantenberg, James K. Phelps, CFRE Robert B. Bohlmann, CFRE CFRE James A. Plourde, CFRE Geralinn M. Bournelis, CFRE Courtney E. Polster, CFRE Elizabeth A. Pluhta, CFRE W. Paul Brinkman, CFRE Pamela M. Prescott, CFRE Michone R. Preston, CFRE Joseph W. Brooks, CFRE Doris L. Pride, CFRE Jane E. Pryor, CFRE Nancy M. Brown, CFRE Scott C. Reinhard, CFRE Elizabeth L. Purvis, CFRE Sandra M. Bush, CFRE Christopher (C.J.) J. Dawn E. Rains, CFRE Sandra J. Callaghan, CFRE Robinson, CFRE Shirley Sue Ramsey, CFRE Jennifer Clearwater, CFRE Karen A. Rogers, CFRE Eric F. Rice, CFRE Karen J. Coy-Romano, CFRE Debra K. Rothe, CFRE Megan K. Riebe, CFRE Derek J. Dachelet, CFRE Joan Rudnitzki, CFRE Nancy J. Riordan, CFRE Sara DeKok, CFRE Nora T. Sale, CFRE Gail M. Romero, CFRE Robert J. Dinndorf, CFRE Peter R. Schmeling, CFRE Catherine Roosevelt, CFRE Patricia Lyons Eldred, CFRE Reuben Schmitz, CFRE Karen Rotko-Wynn, CFRE James Falvey, CFRE Matthew J. Schneider, CFRE Barbara Sacerdote, CFRE Kathleen M. Fischer, CFRE Amalia F. Schoone, CFRE

CFRE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT 49 CFRE former chairpersons are reminders of the rich history and significant growth of our organisation. Since our formation, seven chairpersons have led CFRE. The legacies of these devoted individuals are sure to continue long into the future. Thank you for your ongoing support of CFRE and professional fundraising.

James Caldarola, CFRE 2012 Omaha, NE United States

Sharilyn Hale, CFRE 2011 Toronto, ON Canada

Susan Davies, CFRE 2009 – 2010 Rochester, MI United States

Andrew Day, CFRE 2007 – 2008 Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Susan F. Rice, Ed.D., ACFRE 2005 – 2006 Los Angeles, CA United States

Pearl F. Veenema, FAHP 2003 – 2004 Hamilton, ON Canada

Mary A. Brumbach, Ph.D., CFRE 2002 Farmers Branch, TX United States

Simone P. Joyaux, ACFRE 2001 Foster, RI United States

CFRE International ■ 300 N. Washington St. ■ Suite 504 ■ Alexandria, VA 22314 USA ■ +1 703.820.5555