• MANCHE~'!'E!I:?. SLATER'S BI'addon Charles H. surgeon, 1 Mansefield, Cheetham Hill1d Bradley Joseph, surgeon, 196 Chapel st. S Bra.de James, printer, 61 Clopton st. H Joseph, householder, 162 Victoria st. Bradford --Ja.mes, beer retailer, 4 Toft st. Ordsa.llane, S Mr. J oseph, 107 Bronghton la. L B --Richard W. schoolmaster, 4A. Gladstone ter. August us st • Joseph, mechanic, 18 Moulton st. H Brooks's bar Joseph, newsagent, 2 Preston st. H --Richard W. coach builder, 13 Adelphi pl. S Joseph Walmslcy, warehouseman, 25 Aruott st. G --Robert, packing case maker, 258 Pnlrnerston st. A Joshua, warehouseman, 20 Croft st. L B Bradey Jn.mes, warehouseman, 33 Monmonth st. R Julie, millinur,l93 Eccles Newrd. 8 Bradford Alfred, bairdr.,sser, 8 Cooper st. Withington Montagne, surveyor, 10 Norman rd. R --& Beswick Coffee Tavern Co. Limited, 44 Asbton New rd. Bradley Nathaniel, F.C.S, consulting analyst and Beswick-Wood Driffield, manager m anwacturing chemist, 49 to 55 Chapman st. -- & Clayton Conservative Cl ab, 22 Grey Mare lrme, Bradford H ulme, late 41 Dorset st. Hulme-T A "ANALYsis," -- & Meredith, stationers, account book manufacturers, letter- M anchester }lrcss & lithographic printers, 41 Cross st Bra dley Patrick, labourer, 85 Monmonth Rt. R Bradford Colliery Co. coal proprietors & brick Robert, bootmakor, 81 Ashton New rd. Bradford makers, Forge lane, Bradford-Pay day, first Friday Samuel, bookbinder, 19 QueP.n st. Halliwell la. CH Bradford Edwin Juseph, stationer (Bradford & Morcdith), 35 Barton Samuel, shopkeeper, 57 & 59 Dantzio st st. M S Samuel A. mechanic, 187 Wellington st. Bradford --Eliza, beer retailer, 106 Cottenham st. Con 1\I Sarah, householder, 24 Derhy st. Cheetham -- Ellen, boot & shoe maker, 26 Stockport rd. L Sarah E. confectioner, 277 City rd. H -- Frederick, printer, fi27 Hyde rd Thomas, bootmaker & draper, 456 & 458 Oldham rd. N H -- Frellerick, printer, 4 Haddon st. Hyde rd Thomas, teacher of music, 2 Ducie grove, Ducie st. C on M --Joseph,joiner,llO Hyde rd. W G Thomas, beer retailer,21 Nelson st. R --.Joseph, householder, 11 Bank st. Cheetham Thomas, butcher, 272 Rochdale rd --Liberal Club Co. Limited, Brook st. Grey Mare la. Bradford- Thomas, broker, 139 Whit la. Pendleton Robert Shnuton, secretary Thomas, butcher, 266 Bolton rd. Irlams-o'-th'-Height --Liberal Club, Brook st. Bradford . Thomas, milliner, 325 Rochdale rd --Miss Mary, Marlboro' Villa, Radford st. H B Thomas, baker, 270 Rochdale rd. & 70 Bold st. M S -- (Tlw) Oil Co. oil & tallow refiners & merchants, 15 :Uarket st; Thomas, butcher, 16 Lissadel st. P works, Bradford, Thomas, blacksmith, 14 Gnrdenwall st. New Oldfleld rd. S -- Overseers' Offices, Town Hall, Brook st. Bradford-David Tho~. W. painter, &c.(Bradley & Maltby), 27 Upper Jackson st. H Scott, collector Waiter, maker-np, 10 Union st. H · --Thomas, Esq. J.P. engineer (Thomas Bradford & Co.), Sandy- William, packing case maker, Hi Browning st. S mount, Eccles Old rd. P William, boot & shoe maker, 94 Church st. N H Bradford Thomas & Co. laundry & dairy machinists - ' William, engraver, 77 Palmerston st. M S . & engineers, manufacturers of washing machines William, railway guard, 19 Tip ton st. 0 .._wringers, mangles, and laundryfi.ttingsof all kinds: WilliRm, furrier, 15 & 17 Clarendon st. C on M; res. 14 Mars hall heating apparatus, cooking apparatus, baths and place, Cheetham wash-house fittings, &c.; patentees and sole manu­ William, shopkeeper, 42 Harlling st. P ·[Cheetham facturers of the celebrated "Vowel" Washing William, merchant (Pugh, Davies & Bradley), 14 Marsball pl. Machines, "Shuttle" Washing Machines, "Recipro­ William, mechanic, 9 Upper Cleminson st. S cal" Wringing & Mangling Machine, •• Acorn " William, hatter, 20 Dean st. Port st India-rubber Wringer, •• Premier" Box Mangle, William, superintendent of the line, J\Ianchester, Sheffield and "Radial" Drying Closet, improved Hydro-extractor, Lincolnshire Railway, London Hoa1 station ; res. Albert •• Reversible" Laundry Stove, &c. also of the "Dia­ Lodge, Hanover ores. Victoria park phragm" Churn & "Declivity" Box Churn, "Albany" William, butcher, 56 Parker st. Brad:!ord and other butter workers, &c. Awarded two gold William, baker, 312 Old ham rd medals, Health Exhibition, 1884. Victoria avenue William, milk dealer, 9A Sligo st. P (removed from Cathedral stepsl, Manchester; Cres­ William E. printer, 51 Corporation st; res. Moorelands, 58 cent Iron Works, Salford; Bold st. Liverpool, and Derby rd. Weaste High Holborn, London Brad ner Elizabeth, 31 Wesley st. Regent rd. S Bradford William, shopkeeper, 83 Eggington st. rd Brad sell J ane, householder, 12 Oswald st. H -- William L. engineer (Thomas Bradford & Co.), Sandymonnt, Brad shaw Amelia, Commercial Inn, 17 Sngar la. Withy grove Eccles Old rd. P & Batters by, photographic artists, 9 Corporation st Bradley Abraham, pensioner, 18 Maskell st. C on M & Bowes, iron merchants & metal agents, 25 Exchange arcade, --Alexander, warehouseman, 22 Marlborough rd. Cheetham St. MR.ry's gate Pay day, lOth of month after delivery-T A --Alfred, joiner, 2 Duchess st. Broughton la "FERRO," Manchester --Alfred, ma.ker-np, 105 Edward st. C on M & Co. aspbaltcrs, Imperial builders, 20 Cross st -- & Maltby, painters, &c. Nelson st. & 27Upper Jackson st. H Ann, householder, fi Elvey st. N H --Ann, housuholder, 57 Clop ton et. H Ann, basket dealer, 678 Rochdale rd --Miss Catherine H. Park view, 97 Chorlton rd. Brool

-- Harriet, milliner, 312 Old ham rd Frederick1 pattern maker, 121 Great st --Harry, tobacconist, 127 Embden st. H George, householder, 7 Phillips st. H [Plymouth grove --Henry, labourer, 24 Sheffield st. H George, estate agent (Lees & Bradshaw), 13 Pembroke grove, --Henry, slater, 591 Hyde rd. Gorton George, finisher, 17 Clyde st. Hough la. H B -- [saac, marine store dealer, 76, 78 & 80 Lower Moss la. H George, maker-up, 10 Heywood at. Ardwick green --J ames, gardener, 34 Eccles O'ld rd George, beer retailer, Adlands la. Levenshnlme --James, schoolmaster, 416 Collyhurst rd George, platelayer, 22 Cable st. S --James, shopkP.eper & coal dealer, 66 Queen's rd Hahnemann, beer retailer, 13 Trafford st. H

--Jane, householder, 90 Dorset st. H I Ha.mmond & Co. Limited, calico printers, 47 Portland Bt; --Jane, householder, 5 Coatham st. H works, Reddish Vale Works, near Stockport-Pay days: --John, tailor, 4 Bonsall st. H CCUJh accounts, Friday, 11 to I; monthly accounts, last Friday, --John, yarn bleach er, 8 Shears st. Old ham rd. N H 10 to 12·30-T N 448 ; T A "MARCELLUs," Manchester --John, stationer, 23 Alexandra rd. M S Henry, engineer, I Richmond hill, S --John, shopkeeper, 49 Sewerby st. MS Henry, designer, 124 Ashton New rd. Bradford --John, draper, 226 Queen's rd. Roohdale rd IIenry, butcher, 51 Sycamore st. Newton -- John, watchmaker, 159 Ashtou Old rd. A Henry, master porter, M'Cormack st. Ravald st. Butler st --John, earthenware dealer, ll6 Ashton New rd. :Eeswick Henry, warehouseman, 11 Wellington grove, H --John, compositor, 31lligher Ardwick Henry J. artist, 69 Fenney st. Bury New rd. H B --John, bookkeeper, Beaconsfield ter. 70 Rochdale rd, Harpurbey Isaac, shopkeeper, 309 Ash ton st. 0 --John Edward, tobacconist, 137 Ash ton Old rd. 0 Isaac, dairyman, 21 Church st. Bradford --John Henry, packer, 117 Bedford st. H James, fruiterer, 258 Waterloo rd. Cheetham --Joseph, nuisance inspector, 63 Meadow at. Lime Bank 11t. A James, clerk, 38 Park st. G James, stationvr, 8 l'oynton Bt. G 48