and in the military would display the regiment and Crowned rank of an officer. Soldiers with often wear the …… and officers peak caps: as they grew in rank the peak has style braided designs and insignia to show seniority

For centuries people have worn an amazing array of caps and hats, doday, the tradiƟonal white is replaced with other kinds of caps all coming under the ďroader deĮniƟon of head gear͘ aps and hats have and even bandanas͘ Airline cabin crews also wear hats as part of their come to denote style, ethnicity, religious doctrines and a whole new uniform͘ dhe pilots wear hats and female cabin crew wear caps, giving level of radical edžpression͘ thilst some wear caps ũust to ward oī the their airline a form of global branding͘ aps have become associated heat of the sun or get some warmth on a winter’s night, with sports- with baseball caps being the most famous, as fans choose others are quite focused on the exact style of caps they caps with the number of their favourite player͘ aseball caps of super- chooseͲ it is a deliďerate fashion statement͘ From the caps stars have sold for thousands of dollars͘ Wrominent rappers also increase of the military to the caps of baseball players and dazzling their stage appeal by wearing branded caps which are oŌen encrusted rappers͘ doday, caps are ũust about worn in every culture at with diamonds and gems͘ dhis has given a whole new outlook to style any Ɵme of the day͘ and music albums͘ aps and hats have endured Ɵme, and will go on to Ancient people wore rudimentary caps to survive the be worn in greater realms of fashion͘ weather, using sŬins that had lots of fur͘ dhese caps had no STORY BY DISHAN JOSEPH design but were worn to Įght oī the cold͘ ,istorically, hats were an indicator of status, especially in ritain͘ thilst the common folŬ wore ascot caps ;liŬe the one worn by ^herlocŬ ,olmesͿ Caps and hats are worn in industries the elite wore the bowler , which was subsequently copied by others during the horse racing season͘ Kne cannot forget the sight of some- and various professions. Hard hats are what large and gaudy hats worn at horse races, making you wonder if these women were actually able to watch and enũoy the racing stallions worn on construction sites for safety. with the big hats on their heads͊͘ /t was in this era that gentlemen took Chefs wear the toque – a white pleated oī their hats to greet a lady, a custom that was followed for centuries͘ /t was also these same bowler hats that magicians used to mesmerize hat that aims to stop hair falling into the crowds as they took live rabbits and pigeons from the deep cavity of the large hats͘ food during cooking. aps and hats in the military would display the regiment and rank of an oĸcer͘ ^oldiers oŌen wear the beret ;a Ňat cap like a bunͿ and of- Įcers peak caps͗ as they grow in rank the peak cap has braided designs and insignia to show seniority and rank͘ ven the bullet proof ;ballisƟcͿ are a form of and are part of a uniform͘ ^oldiers de- ployed on UN Missions wear the famous , a global sign of a peacekeeper͘ uring ancient civilizaƟons headgear was common from the royal courts to the Įelds͘ dhe mighty and deĮant pharaohs wore strong hats embellished with gold, and the women of the courts wore gold bands͘ /n the Middle ast, people wore and the keĸyah͗ a ϯ piece head- gear consisƟng a skull cap, scarf and black band͘ dhe keĸyah was a show of status and clan idenƟty and is sƟll worn with pride by Middle astern royalty͘ /t was from this that the Muslim community took the design of the fez- a hat worn at ceremonial events͘ hrisƟanity has its own adorn- ments in terms of hats͘ dhe Anglican ishops wear a , which shows their spiritual authority͘ /n the atholic church, the ordained cardinals and Wope wear the zucheƩa, a small skullcap sewn with silk͘ >ikewise, in ancient /ndia which is the cradle of ,induism turbans are sƟll a mark of religious empowerment and clan idenƟty͘ /t is common to see a sage aƫred in full orange colour clothing to also wear an orange turban͘ do the Sikh community the is a religious requirement, that is worn in many colours͘ dhose who follow the Zastafarian lifestyle ;made famous by singer ob MarleyͿ have their own cap that seƩles well on their long dreadlocks͘ aps and hats are worn in industries and various professions͘ ,ard hats are worn on construcƟon sites for safety͘ hefs wear the toque ʹ a white pleated hat that aims to stop hair falling into food during cooking͘