Society of St.Vincent De Paul S E E Scotland R V P Ing in Ho

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Society of St.Vincent De Paul S E E Scotland R V P Ing in Ho Society of St.Vincent de Paul s e e Scotland r v p ing in ho MANUAL & RULE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (SCOTLAND) CONTENTS Foreword ........................................................................................................... ii Guidelines for Members ..................................................................................iii Letter of Commendation ................................................................................. iv Introduction and Mission Statement ................................................................ 1 Summary .......................................................................................................... 2 History of the Society in Scotland ................................................................... 3 The Rule of the Society .................................................................................. 14 Statement on Justice and Charity ................................................................... 86 Twinning ........................................................................................................ 88 Recruitment .................................................................................................... 89 Guidance Statement for Spiritual Directors ................................................... 91 Lives of Saints ................................................................................................ 96 Life of Frederic Ozanam and the Cause for Canonisation ........................... 106 Society Prayers ..............................................................................................114 FOREWORD The National Council firmly believes that to attract new members to our Society we should adapt to the times, hence we now have an updated Scottish Manual. This 'user friendly' edition comprises the Manual and Rule of the Society. The study of these booklets is necessary if members are to become imbued with the true spirit of Ozanam and his companions. It is this spirit which ought to permeate our Society as we come to recognise the face of Christ in each and every one with whom we come into contact, leading us to realise that, in this world of ours, people are all that really matter. It is our hope that every member will acquire his or her own copies and use them in developing their Vincentian Vocation at Conference Meetings and in personal reflection. The National Council of Scotland is grateful to the team which worked tirelessly in producing these booklets, as it is to the memory of all those involved in compiling previous Scottish Manuals. “You have the poor with you always…” Matthew 26:11 National Council of Scotland April 2013 ii FOREWORD GUIDELINES FOR MEMBERS The National Council firmly believes that to attract new members to our These guidelines will be well known and practised by most of our members, Society we should adapt to the times, hence we now have an updated Scottish but with the harsh reality of life today it can do no harm to bring them to your Manual. attention. They are not exhaustive but supplement common sense and This 'user friendly' edition comprises the Manual and Rule of the Society. prudence, and seek to make you more aware of YOUR vulnerability as well as that of the people YOU visit. The study of these booklets is necessary if members are to become imbued with the true spirit of Ozanam and his companions. It is this spirit which ought to permeate our Society as we come to recognise the face of Christ in each and • Always visit in twos or more. every one with whom we come into contact, leading us to realise that, in this world of ours, people are all that really matter. • Where necessary seek permission from Nurses/Wardens etc. before approaching residents in hospitals/homes/refuges etc. It is our hope that every member will acquire his or her own copies and use them in developing their Vincentian Vocation at Conference Meetings and in • Keep the Conference fully informed of all that transpires at and personal reflection. during the visit. The National Council of Scotland is grateful to the team which worked tirelessly in producing these booklets, as it is to the memory of all those • Advise the Conference of any and all approaches made to you involved in compiling previous Scottish Manuals. between visits. “You have the poor with you always…” Matthew 26:11 • Ensure that each member engaged in person to person contact with people in need goes through the Disclosure Scotland National Council of Scotland April 2013 process and current Church procedure relating to the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults. Provide all members with the Church’s official guidance about dealing with Protection issues. iii 2nd April 2013 2 nd April 2013 Dear members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, 2nd April 2013 DearI am membersdelighted ofto thewrite Society this letter of St Vincentof support de Paul,to you on the occasion of the publication of the new manual of the Society, which has been updated to reflect the change in SSVP Dear members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, status to a Company Limited by Guarantee. I am delighted to write this letter of support to you on the occasion of the publication of the newI manualam delighted of the to write Society, this letter which of supporthas been to you updated on the occasion to reflect of the the publication change ofin SSVP statusYour apostolatetothe a Company new manual as MembersLimited of the Society, by of Guarantee. the which Society has beenof St updated Vincent to dereflect Paul the is change one of in the SSVP great hidden treasuresstatus to a Company of the CatholicLimited by ChurchGuarantee. in Scotland. Since 1845 you have been bringing the compassion of Christ to the poor and vulnerable in a way which has changed Yourcountless apostolateYour lives apostolate for as theMembers as better. Members ofIt istheof toothe Society Societyrarely of ofthat St VincentVincentthe Church de de Paul Paulin is Scotland one is oneof the ofsays great the thank great you for hiddenyour work treasureshidden and treasures fidelity. of the of Catholicthe Catholic Church Church in in Scotland.Scotland. SinceSince 1845 1845 you youhave have been bringingbeen bringing the compassionthe compassion of Christ of Christ to theto thepoor poor and and vulnerablevulnerable in in a way a way which which has changedhas changed countless countless lives for lives the for better. the better. It is It toois too rarely rarely thatthat thethe Church Church in Scotlandin Scotland says thanksays thankyou for you for work and your workyour and Your special vocation is one which has never been more needed in the Church. The twin needs of our society are formation and compassion and you, as members of the Society of St VincentYour de special Paul, vocation are uniquely is one which placed has never to bear been the more good needed news in the to Church. The those who twin need to Yourhear specialit andneeds experience vocationof our society is it one inare their formation which lives. has and never compassion been andmore you, needed as members in the of theChurch. The Society of twin Paul, needs ofSt our Vincent society de are formationare uniquely andplaced compassion to bear the andgood you,news as to members those who needof the to Society of hear and in their lives. St Vincent deit Paul,experience are uniquely it placed to bear the good news to those who need to hearAll of it the and bishops experience join itme in intheir expressing lives. their support and admiration for your work, and we ask youAll of to the continue bishops join with me ever in expressing greater their fidelity support your and great admiration for apostolate your of work, care and in our parisheswe and ask to continue with ever greater fidelity your great apostolate of care in our All of theparishes bishops and join dioceses. me in expressing their support and admiration for your work, and we ask you to continue with ever greater fidelity your great apostolate of care in our parishesYours devotedlyYours and devotedlydioceses. in Christ, in Christ, Yours devotedly in Christ, + Philip Tartaglia + PhilipArchbishop Tartaglia of Glasgow ArchbishopPresident of ofGlasgow the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland President+ Philip Tartagliaof the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland Archbishop of Glasgow President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland iv Introduction The Manual of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP) appeared for the first time in 1845. Since then it has been updated frequently to suit changing times and conditions. When referring to the rule, the following must always be borne in mind as it encompasses the whole spirit of the rule. The object of the Manual is to record decisions arrived at as a result of experience and thus to forestall future discussions and acquaint all interested parties with our past history, our present position and our future hopes. But what it is chiefly aimed at is to set out for the benefit of members the spirit, aims and trends of the Society which they have joined. The spirit of the Society is present in every page of the Manual; it is the principle of its life, its most intimate and most precious element. If we forget it or depart from it, the work degenerates and comes to an end. If we follow it we realise the aims which the founders assigned to the Society. Mission Statement "As committed members of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, we seek to identify and combat all forms of poverty, by promoting social
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