Congressional Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Groups
CONGRESSIONAL ADVISORY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND GROUPS UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY BOARD OF VISITORS [Title 10, U.S.C., Section 9355(a)] Board Member Year Appointed Appointed by the President: Susan C. Schwab, (Chair) 2009 Robin Hayes 2009 Marcelite Harris 2010 Arlen Jameson 2010 Sue C. Ross 2008 Appointed by the Vice President or the Senate President Pro Tempore: Senator Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina 2011 Senator John Hoeven, of North Dakota 2011 Senator Ben Nelson, of Nebraska 2007 Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives: Representative Jared Polis, of Colorado 2009 Representative Doug Lamborn, of Colorado 2007 Representative Loretta Sanchez, of California 2007 Alfredo Sandoval 2010 Appointed by the Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee: Senator Michael F. Bennet, of Colorado 2011 Appointed by the Chairman, House Armed Services Committee: Representative Niki Tsongas, of Massachusetts 2008 UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY BOARD OF VISITORS [Title 10, U.S.C., Section 4355(a)] Jack Reed, of Rhode Island. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. Mary L. Landrieu, of Louisiana. Jerry Lewis, of California. Kay Bailey Hutchison, of Texas. John Shimkus, of Illinois. Richard Burr, of North Carolina. UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY BOARD OF VISITORS [Title 10, U.S.C., Section 6968(a)] Appointed by the President: Hon. Nancy Johnson, (Vice Chair) Senior Public Policy Advisor, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC. Albert Hawkins III, Former Executive Commissioner, Texas HHS Commission. ADM John Nathman, USN (Ret.) Former Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces. Lt. Gen. Frank Petersen, USMC (Ret.) Chairman Emeritus, National Marrow Donor Program. RADM Michelle Howard, USN, Chief of Staff, J–5, Joint Staff.
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