ED 063 663 24 EA 004 345

TITLE 1971-72 Directory of IGE/Multiunit Elementary Schools in the of America. INSTITUTION Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning. SPONS AGENCY National Center for Educational Research and Development (DHEW/OE), , D.C. BUREAU NO ' BR-5-0216 PUB DATE 15 Nov 71 CONTRACT OEC-5-10-154 NOTE 135p.

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DE.ECRIPTORS Cooperative Planning; *Directories; *Educational Innovation; *Elementary Schools; *Individualized Instruction; Information Dissemination; Instructional Improvement; Instructional Programs; *Multiunit Schools; Nongraded System; Research and ,Development Centers; School Organization; School Personnel IDENTIFIERS IGE; Individually Guided Education

ABSTRACT This directory is intended to help persons identify the lucations of innovative educational centersimplementing IGE/multiunit school concepts in the U.S.A. Over 500 centersin 18 States are identified. Schools are listedalphabetically by district in each State with school addresses and telephone numbers,the names and addresses of school superintendents, and the namesof any local district IGE/MUS-E coordinators provided. Whereavailable, the names of IGE/MUS-E principals, school secretaries, andunit leaders for each level are also listed. Listings of theWisconsin R & D Center staff and the universities cooperating with the Centerconclude the document. Related documents are ED 027 238, ED 049ci52-553, ED 051 589, EA 004 329, and EA 004 330.(Author/MLF)





Prepared By

The Staff of Wisconsin R & D Center, Project 309A The National Dissemination and Implementation of IGE/Multiunit Elementary Schools with the cooperation of IGE/MUS-E Implementation Agency Coordinators and Multiunit School Administrators


The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wlsconsin Published by the Wisconsin Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning, supported in part as a research and development center by funds from the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Office of Education and no official endorsement by the Office of Education should be inferred. Center No. C-03/Contract OE 5-10-154 FOREWORD

The Wisconsin R & D Center and cooperating educational agencies designed, developed, and tested Individually Guided Education (IGE) and the new school organization and staffing pattern known as the multiunit elementary school (MUS-E).We are pleased to submit this second annual directory to help persons interested in identifying where the innovative educational centers implementing IGE/multiunit school concepts are located in the U.S.L.

Only a handful of multiunit schools could be found a few years ago in Wisconsin, , and New York, The 1971-72 Directory contains the names of over 500located in over 18 different states. Most of the multiunit schools were or will be started during the 1971-72 school year. We are pleased with the enthusiasm and progress made in eetablishing the IGE/multiunit schwa as a feasible alternative to the self-contained elementary school.

Since about three years are required to make the complete trans- formation from a self-contained school to an IGE/multiunit school, a listing of multiunit schools is never complete. Thus the listing of key personnel in all the multiunit schools could not be sent to the R & D Center in time to meet printing deadlines. For these reasons, the complete staff of unit leaders or other detailed data are not shown for some schools. Some schools will not be operating in the multiunit mode until the second semester of 1971-72 but deserved to be recognized h3rein.

Special recognition is given /I/D/E/A/, an affiliate of the Kettering Foundation of Dayton, Ohio, for developing multimedia in- service materials regarding an IGE change model and the multiunit school based in part on R & D Center research and development. These materials are being made available for purchase by all multiunit schools that participate in a recommended staff development program. Also, /I/D/E/A/ has been actively involved since 1969-70 in a parallel implementation effort to establish multiunit schools. Schools start- ing with assistance from /I/D/E/A/ but not the R & D Center are recognized in a separate listing herein. p Herbert J. Klausmeier Director Wisconsin R & D Center University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin November 15, 1971


Foreword iii

Wisconsin R & D Center, Project 309A Staff for the National Dissemination and Implementation of IGE/Multiunit Elementary Schools 1

Coordinators for IGE/MUS-E Implementation Agencies

IGE/Multiunit Elementary Schools in the United States with Special Relationships with the Wisconsin R & D Center 9

California 13

Colorado 17

Connecticut 29

Illinois 37

Indiana 49

Massachusetts 55

Minnesota 59

Nebraska 67

New Jersey 71

New York 79

Ohio 85

South Carolina . . 93

Virginia 101

Wisconsin 105

IGE Schools and Intermediate Agencies Related to II/D/E/A/ of the Kettering Foundation Only 137

Universities Cooperating with the Wisconsin R & D Center in the Development of IGE/MUS-E Personnel 157

Wisconsin R & D Center Administrative Staff and Faculty of

Principal Investigators. 66666 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 6 6 163





Address for All Project 309A Staff Members:

Wisconsin R & D Center for Cognitive Learning The University of Wisconsin 1404 Regent Street Madison, Wisconsin53706

Telephone Director of the Wisconsin R & D Center:

Dr. Herbert J. Klauslleier (608)262-4901

Deputy Director of the Wisconsin R & D Center:

Dr. William R. Bush (608)262-4901

Project 309A Staff Members:

Project Director: Dr. Stephon J. Knezevich (608)262-0430 or 263-2708

Project Coordinators: Mrs. Elaine M.,.Gregor (608)262-0711 (for State Education Agencies) Dr. William H. Sipes (608)262-7838 (for Teacher Education Agencies and Program Operations)

IGE/MUS-E Specialists: Mr. William H. Klenke (608)262-1183 Mr. Matthew J. Valitchka (608)262-1183 Dr. Annemarie Hayes (608)262-5866 ii

Administrative Interns: Mr. RLchard G. Nelson (608)262-0058 Mr. Laneth B. Smith (608)262-0058

Wisconsin Design for Reading Skill Development Specialists:

Mr. Robert T. Rude (608)262-2539 Mr. Roger W. Klumb (608)262-2539

Secretaries: Mrs. Cynthia Simono (608)262-6363 Miss Susan J. Cordes (608)262 6363



Dr. John H. Bunzel Dr. Welden Parker President, San Jose State College Professor of Elementary Education San Jose, CA 95114 San Jose State College

Dr. W. Warren Kollenbach Dr. Donald J. Leu Professor of Elementary Education Dean, School of Education San Jose State College San Jose State College Mr. David Rawnsley Dr. G. W. Ford 555 Veterans Boulevard Associate Dean, School of Education Room 118 San Jost.: State College Redwood City, CA94063 (415) 364-4428


Dr. Donald D. Woodington Mr. Chris Pipho Commissioner of Educction Assistant Director Colorado Department oi! Education 201 East Colfax Avenue Mr. Edwin Hildebrand Denver, CO 80203 Consultant

Mr. James C. Hixson Mr. Ronald Horn Senior Consultant. (IGE) Consultant Improved Learning Unit Colorado Department of Education (303) 892-3382


Dr. William J. Sanders Dr. Michael F. Tobin Commissioner of Education Connecticut State Department State Department of Education of Education Post Office Box 2219 Elementary School Consultant Hartford, CT 06115 Post Office Box 2219 Hartford, CT06115 Dr. Walter E. Krupa (203) 566-5808 IGE Coordinator Department of Education Mrs. Louise K. Wickware University of Hartford Instructional Supervisor 200 Bloomfield Avenue Bureau of Field Services West Hartford, CT 06117 State Department of Education (203) 523-4811 948 Main Street Willimantic, CT05226 (203) 423-9371


Dr. Michael J. Bakalis Mrs. Eleanor Buehrig Superintendent Assistant Director State of Illinois Curriculum Development Office of the Superintendent and Services Unit of Publ.; Instruction Office of Superintendent 316 South Second Street of Public Instruction Springfield, IL62706 (217) 525-3330

Mx. Joshua Johnson Mr. Mason Rhue Assistant Superintendent Curriculum Consultant Elementary - Secondary Education Curriculum Development Department of Public Instruction and Services Unit


Mr. John Loughlin Mr. Robert Kinsey Superintendent of Public Instruction Coordinator - Continuous Progress 229 State Capitol Building City of Indianapolis Public Schools Indianapolis, IN46204 120 East Walnut Street Indianapolis, IN46204 Mr. John Hutchinson (317) 634-2381 Director, ESEA Title III 401 State Capitol Building Mr. William T. Wallace Indianapolis, IN46204 General Supervisor of Instructional Programs Mr. Terry Jackson Gary Public Schools Coordinator - IGE/MUS-E 620 East Tenth Place 401 State Capitol Building Gary, IN46409 (317) 633-4355 (219) 886-3111


Dr. Neal Sullivan Dr. Richard Lavin Commissioner of Education Director Department of Education Merrimack Education Center 182 Tremont Street 101 Mill Road Bsston, MA 02111 Chelmsford, MA 01824 (617) 256-3985 Dr. Robert Watson Director, Bureau of Curriculum Mr. Les Bernal Innovation Coordinator Department of Education Merrimack Education Center 182 Tremont Street (617) 256-3985 Boston, MA 02111


Dr. Howard B. Casmey Mr. Richard Mesenburg State Commissioner of Education Consultant IGE/MUS-E Capitol Square Building Department of Education St. Paul, MS 55101 Division of Instruction 653 Capitol Square Building St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 221-3301


Mr. John Prasch Dr. Elizabeth Dillon Superintendent, Lincoln Public Schools 720 South 22nd Street 720 South 22nd Street Lincoln, NB 68510 Lincoln, NB68510 (402) 574-1081


Dr. Carl L. Marburzer Dr. Carl W. Swanson Commissioner of Education Director New Jersey State Department of Plans and Supplemental Centers Education New Jersey State Department of 225 West State Street Education Trenton, NJ 08625 1000 Spr ce Street (609) 292-4450 Trentoa, NJ 08625 (609) 599-9600 Mr. Stanley J. Salett Assistant Commissioner Mr. Clarence Lynn bivision of Research, Planning and Program Coordinator Evaluation New Careers in Education New Jersey State Department of New Jersey State Department of Education Education 225 West State Street 1000 Spruce Street Trenton, NJ 08625 Trenton, NJ 08625 (609) 292-4441 (609) 599-9600

Dr. Anthony E. Conte Dr. Sharon Tumulty Director Communication Specialist New Careers In Education New Careers in EdUcation New Jersey State Department of New Jersey State Department of Education Education 1000 Spruce Street 1000 Spruce Street Trenton, NJ 08625 Trenton, NJ 08625 (609) 599-9600 (609) 599-9600


Dr. Joseph V. Totaro Dr. Ronald E. Hu,11 Teacher Education Research Center Consultant State University College Fredonia, NY14063 (716) 673-3219


Dr. Martin Essex Mr. C. William Phillips Superintendent of Public Instruction Coordinator Ohio Department of Education 781 Northwest Boulevard 65 South Front Street Columbus, OH43212 Room 608 (614) 469-2979 Columbus, OH 43212 Mr. Robert Weinfurtner Dr. Franklin B. Walter Consultant Deputy Superintendent State Department of Education 65 South Front Street Room 608 Columbus, OH 43212

Mr. G. R. Bowers Assistant Superintendent, Instruction State Department of Education


Dr. Cyril B. Busbee Mrs. Bobbie McEntire State Superintendent of Education - IGE State Department of Education State Departnent of Education- 1429 Senate Street 803 Rutledge Building Columbia, SC 29201 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 758-3394 Dr. Joel Taylor Chief Elementary Supervisor State Department of Education 804 Rutledge Building Columbia, SC 29201


Mr. S. John Davis Mrs. Irene Lober Superintendent, Fairfax County Principal, Franklin Sherman Schools Elementary School 10700 Page Avenue 6630 Brawner Street Fairfax, VA22030 McLean, VA22101 (703) 691-2631 (703) 356-3874 / 356-6464

Mr. Barry Morris Superintendent, Area #3 Fairfax County Schools 2500 James Madison Drive Vienna, VA 22180 (703) 938-6401 / 938-1957

6 :(::k1 WISCONSIN

Mr. William Kahl Mr. Rwisell Way Superintendent Program Administrator State of Wisconsin Title III - ESEA Department of Public Instructimi Innovation and Development Section 126 Langdon Street Department of Public Instruction Madison, WI 53702 Mr. George Glasrud Dr. Archie Buchmiller Consultant Deputy Superintendent Department of Public Instruction State of Wisconsin (608) 266-2542 Department of Public Instruction Dr. Barbara Thompson Consultant Departwent of Public Instruction


Ii Directory Format: IGE/Multiunit elementary schools are alphabetically listed in each district in each state. The general reporting format can be outlined as follows:

1. (pope of State) IGE/Mulitunit Elementary Schools

2. alml of loC1.611 school district)

3. Administration (Central Office Personnel)

3a. (Name and address of superintendent of schools) 3b. (Name of local district IGE/MUS-E coordinator, if any)

4. (Name of each multiunit elementary school in the district) (Plus the following data, if available)

4a. (Name of IGE/MUS-E Principal) 4b. (Name of School Secretary) 4c. (R:hool address and telephone number) 4d. (Names of unit leaders for each level Example of directory entry:

0) @D CD * Bright Elementary (1970-71) a. k

Mr. Al Right, Principal Mrs. Bea Fine, Secretary 111 S. North Street Centerville, Swte 12345 Unit Leader§

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Rea Ding

Legend for Special Markings: Special markings reveal additional character- istics of a multiunit school such as additional relationships beyond those with the R & D Center and the year it began operation as a multiunit center. The lower case letter after the school's name indi- cates R & D Center products in use.

Key to Symbols:

1. (*) Identifies multiunit schools participating in /I/D/E/A/ of the Kettering Foundation's strategy for change toward IGE.

2. (1971) - Indicates the year the school adopted IGE/MUS-E.

3. (a, b, c-j) R & D Center developed materiels in use:

a. Wisconsin Design for Reading Skill Development - Type I - Word Attack and/or Study Skills b. Wisconsin Design for Reading Skill Development - Type II - Word Attack and/or Pre-Type II Study Skills c. Patterns in Arithmetic d. Developing Mathematical Processes (K-3) e. Motivation / Goal Setting f. Motivation / Pro-Social Behavior g. Motivation / Reading Conference h. Wtivation / Tutoring Prereading j. Ecological Readers 4. (Gr. K-2) - Grade equivalents for each unit CALIFORNIA




13 BELMONT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Sch9.21 1971) b,

Mr. Leo J. Hinkel, Principal Administration P. O. Box 385 Newark, Californid 94560 Mr. Claude C. Turner, Superintendent (415) 797-7569 2960 Hallmark Drive Belmont, California94002 Unit Leaders: (415) 593-8204 Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Yeazell Unit B (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Cook sinuala Unit C (Gr. 3-6) Mr. Winegar Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Shelby Mr. Charles Warda, Principal 525 Middle Road Belmont, California 94002 OAKLAND CITY SCHOOLS (415) 593-1085

Administration HILLSBOROUGH CITY SCHOOLS Mr. Marcus A. Foster, Superintendent 1025 Second Avenue Administration Oakland, California 94606 (415) 836-2622 Dr. Tod A. Anton, Superintendent 545 Eucalyptus Avenue Hillsborough, California 94010 Martin Luther King, Jr. School (1971) (415) 344-1749 Mrs. Minnie B. West, Principal 960 Tenth Street South School (1971-72) b Oakland, California 94607 (415) 465-5146 Mrs. Barbara Bandy, Principal 303 El Cerrito Avenue Hillsborough, California 94010 RAVENSWOOD CITY SCHOOLS (415) 344-0303

Administration NEWARK UNIFIED SCHOOLS Mr. John A. Minor, Superintendent 2160 Euclid Avenue Administration Palo Alto, California94303 (415) 323-9411 Dr. Donald Thomas,Superintendent P. O. Box 385 Mr. Warren C. Hayman 5715 Musick Avenue District MUS-E Coordinator Newark, California94560 (415) 797-2142

I V/15 14 Belle Haven,*.(1971) Mr, Willie C. Richardson, Principal 415 Ivy Drive Menlo Park, California94025 (415) 322-8735

Costano School (1971)

Mr. Robert Juthrie, Principal 2695 Fordham Street Palo Alto, California94303 (415) 324-2130

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K) Ms. Loverill Berry Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Ms: Eunice McGee Unit C (Gr. 1-3) Mb. Bernice Harris Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Ladessa Gardner Unit E (Gr. 4-6) Mr. John Taylor





Administration Administration

Mr. Daniel B. Stukey, Superintendent Dr. Edward C. Pino, Superintendent 10280 North Huron Street 4700 South Yosemite Street Northglenn, Colorado 80233 Englewood, Colorado 80110 (303) 429-1561 (303) 771-1184

*D. B. Stukey Elementary (1969) b *Greenwood (197a

Mr. Gale G. Johnson, Principal Mr. Richard J. Morton, Principal Mrs. Alice R. Abbott, Secretary Mrs. tvelyn Hart, Secretary 11080 Grant Drive 5550 South Holly Street Northglenn, Colorado 80233 Littleton, Colorado 80121 (303) 466-1773 (303) 771-4393

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Miss Katherine Fischer Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Beverly Glover Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs, Audrey Heivly Unit B (Gr. 2) Mrs. Faye Howard Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mra. Roberta Colthurst Unit C (Gr. 3) Mrs. Daisy Samuel Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mr. David Mast Unit D (Gr. 4) Mrs. Carolyn Wafer Unit E (Gr. 5-6) Miss Sharon Johnson Unit E (Gr. 5) Miss Ruth Andrews Unit F (Special) Mrs. Joyce Van Meter Unit F (Gr. 6) Mrs. Gloria MacDonald

ADAMS-ARAPAHOE PUBL IC SCHOOLS *Holly Ridge Elementary School (1970-71) b

Mrs. Louise Corwin, Principal Administration Ms. Dorothy Watson, Secretary 3301 South Monaco Parkway Dr. Urban J. D. Leavitt, Superintendent Denver, Colorado80222 1085 Peoria Street (303) 757-3761 Aurora, Colorado 80010 (303) 364-3331 Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-3) Ms. Susan Ashbrook *Altura Boulevard Elementary (1970) Unit B (Gr. K-3) Ms. Diane Warner Unit C (Gr. K-3) Ms. Frances Freisen Mr. John Dale, Principal Unit D (Gr. K-3 Aux.) Ms. Louise Woelber Mrs. Gretta Sullivan, Secretary 1650 Altura Avenue Aurora, Colorado 80010 CLEAR CREEK PUBL IC SCHOOLS (303) 364-6705 Administratta Unit Leaders: Mr. Robert Metzler, Superintendent Unit I (Gr. K-1) Ms. JoAnn Hansen Idaho Springs, Colorado 80452 Unit II (Gr. 2-3) MA. Marlys Hokanson (303) 567-2200 Unit III (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Ann Craig Unit IV (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Nellie Lewis Mr. Earl Kennedy District MUS-E Coordinator (F1'/19 17 *Georgetown-Empire Elementary (1970-71) Unit Leaders:

Mr. Earl Kennedy,Director of Learning Unit A (Gr, 1-3) Miss Dorothy Peter Mrs. Norma Lamb, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 3-5) Mr. Darrel Weidman Georgetown, Colorado 80444 Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Ralph Leberer (303) 569-2300 Unit D (Gr. K-2) Miss Ann Maschindt

Unit Leaders: *Ebert Elementary School(1971-72) Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Gloria Lane Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Miss Sherry Smith Mr. Jack G. Hook, Principal Unit C (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Cynthia Wadsworth 410 23rd Street Denver, Colorado 80205 (303) 266-3425 *Idaho Springs Elementary (1970-71) ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER SCHOOLS Mr. Earl Kennedy, Director of Learning Mrs. Tillie McMillan, Secretary Idaho Springs, Colorado 80452 Administration (303) 567-2330 Rev. Msgr. William Jones, Superintendent Unit Leaders: Chancery Office- 938 Bannock Street Post Office Box 1620 Unit D (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Barbara Hageman Denver, Colorado80201 Unit E (Gr. 2-3) Miss Stzzanne Barber (303) 892-6857 Unit F (Gr. 5-6) Miss Coralue Anderson Unit G (Gr. 4)Mrs. Leila Smith *Guardian Angels' School (1971-72)a h

DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS Miss Rose Marie Pearn, Principal Mrs. Elizabeth Montoya, Secretary 1843 West 52nd Avenue tdministration Denver, Colorado 80221 (303) 477-9615 ir. Howard L. Johnson, Superintendent 414 14th Street Unit Leaders: )enver, Colorado 80202 (303) 266-2255 Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mb. Helen Kempter Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mb. Maureen Broy Dr. Roscoe Davidson District MUS-E Coordinator DURANGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS *Cheltenham Elementary School (1970) Admintstratioll Mrs. Virginia O. Hansen, Principal Mrs. Ruth Spivap Secretary Dr. Edward L. Jutzleb, Superintendent 1580 Julian Street P. O. Box 181 Denver, Colorado 80204 Durango, Colorado 81301 (303) 825-3323 (303) 247-5411

Dr. Charles Beek District MUS-E Coordinator

20 18t. *Park Elementary Schorl (1971-72) HARRISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Mr. Norman E. Higgs, Principal P. 0. Box 181 Administration Durango, Colorado 81301 (303) 247-3718 Mr. Wayne Bricker, Superintendent 1060 Harrison Road Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 *Riverview Elementary School (1971-72) (303) 576-8360

Mr. John S. Wegher, Principal Mr. Lionel Robertson Ms. Ellen Mallett, Secretary District MUS-E Coordinator P. 0. Box 181 Durango, Colorado 81301 (303) 247-3826 *Pikes Peak Elementary School (1971)

Unit Leaders: Mr. Larry K. Faubion, Principal Mrs. Mary Shellenberger, Secretary Unit A - Ma. Martha Murdock 1520 Verde Drive Unit B - Ms. Beverley Yoder Colorado SpringS, Colorado 80910 Unit C - Ms. Eleanor Wherritt (303) 473-5866 Unit D Ma. Allison Raish Unit Leaders:

ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr.1-3) Ms.Judy Denbow Unit B(Gr.1-3) Ma.Carol Stehley Unit C(Gr.3-5) Mr.John Payne Administration Unit D(Gr.4-6) Ms.Betty Tompkins Unit E(Gr.4-6) Ms.Shirley Holmes Mr. Donald Harpe, Superintendent 4101 South Bannock Street Englewood, Colorado 80110 JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (303) 781-7881

Mr. Paul Lindsay Administration District MUS-E Coordinator Dr. Alton W. Cowan, Superintendent 809 Quail Street *Maddox Elementary School (1971 72) Lakewood, Colorado 80215 (303) 237-6941 Mr. Arthur E. Harding, Principal Mrs. Donna Weitzel, Secretary 700 West Mansfield Avenue *Bear Creek Elerar (1970 )b Englewood, Colorado 80110 (303) 761-2331 Mr. Wilbur N. Thompson, Principal Ms. Jo Anne Davis, Secretary Unit Leaders: 3125 South Kipling Street Morrison, Colorado 80465 Unit I (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Anne Gaunty (303) 985-4461 Unit 11 (Gr.1-3) Mrs. Barbara Weightman Unit II/(Gr.3-5) Mra. Fran Edmond Unit Leaders: Unit IV (Gr.5-6) Mr. Keith Whisenand Unit A (Or. 1(-1) Ms, Alverna Cobb Unit B (Gr. 2-3) MA. Betsy Crabs Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Ma, Lucile Robertson Unit D (Or. 4-5) Ms. Lucile Robertson

r' Unit E 5-6) Ms. Lucile Robertson 19 21 *Bergen Elementary (1970-71) b .2.1/4Judentar b

Mr. Lawrence Schrader, Principal Mr. Robert A. Morton, Principal Ms. Marilyn Rose, Secretary Ms. Jackie Hedge, Secretary R. R. 1 - Box 352 9955 Yukon Street Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 674-5518 (303) 466-1931

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Dixie Kilborn Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms.Lorene Miller Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Penny Wiedeke Unit B (Gr. 2-5) Mb.Susan Brady Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Tom McCormick Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mb.Phyllis Gibbons Unit D (Special) Mr. Walt Goltl Unit D (Special) Ms.Katherine O'Donnell

*Green Gables Elementary (1970) b, d *Normandy Elementary School (1970-71) b, d

Mr. Charles E. Teal, Principal Mr. Elmer L. Richers, Principal Mrs. Doris Lee Price, Secretary Mrs. Lois Colby, Secretary 8701 West Woodard Drive 6750 South Kendall Boulevard Lakewood, Colorado 80226 Littleton, Colorado 80123 (303) 985-4483 (303) 798-2577

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Specialists) Mrs. Sue Akerman Unit A (Gr. Kl) Mrs. Ann Brady Unit B (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Kay Stiles Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Leah Class Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Joy Jeffrey Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mr. Dick Campbell Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mr. Steve Cline Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Dick Olson Unit E (Gr. 5-6) Miss Vicky Kumor Unit E (Gr. 5-6) Miss Lois Carlson

*Green Mountain Elementary (1970) LA VETA PUBLIC SCHOOLS b c d Mr. William Boland, Principal Mrs. Sue Reid, Secretary Administration 12250 West Kentucky Drive Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Mr. Eugene J. Coburn, Superintendent (303) 985-8793 P. 0. Box 85 La Vete, Colorado 81055 Unit Leaders: (303) 742-3662

Unit A (Gr. K-3) Miss Penelope Maaggart Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Alice Johnson Mr. Eugene J. Coburn Unit C (Gr. 4) Miss Carolyn Liechty District MUS-E Coordinator Unit D (Gr. 5)Mrs. Karen Blue Unit E (Gr. 6)Mrs. Paula Neiwert

22 La Vete Elementary School (1971-72) 73,..:222

Mr. Donald Johnson, Principal Mr. B. Keith Johnston, Principal Mrs. Betty Gray, Secretary Mrs. Shirley McKenzie, Secretary P. 0. Box 85 330 East Laurel Street La Vete, Colorado 81055 Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 (303) 742-3662 (301) 482-7117

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr.K-2) Mr.Eugene Coburn Unit I (Gr. 4-5) Mr. James Hazen Unit B (Gr.3-5) Mr.Donald Johnson Unit II (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Peg McLaughlin Unit C (Gr.6-8) Mr.Roger Brunelli

*Riffenburgh Elementary School (1970-71)b PARK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS NO. I Mr. Robert D. Asmus, Principal Mrs. Murdene Lilyblade, Secretary Mministration 1320 East Stuart Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 Mr. Frank Maher, Superintendent (303) 484-8342 Box 158 Bailey, Colorado 80421 Unit Leaders: (303) 838-5640 Unit Big Top (Gr. K-2) Mr. Rodney L. Pekarek Miss Glenda Cowles District MUS-E Coordinator Unit Flight Centers (Gr. 2-4) Mrs. Veronica Hazen Unit Aquarius (Gr. 4-6) Platte Canyon Elementary Mrs. Anna Mae Zollner Unit Genesis "Specials" (Gr. K-6) Mr. Rodney L. Pekarek, Principal Mr. Daniel Branine Ms. Ann Heter, Secretary Box 158 Bailey, Coloradoou421 PUEBLO CITY SCHOOLS (303) 838-5640


.POUDRE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Dr. Lee Williamson, Superintendent 102 West Orman Street Pueblo, Colorado 81005 (303) 542-2850 Administration Mr. Ernest Welch Mr. Don Webber, Superintendent 2407 La Porte Avenue District MUS-E Coordinator Fort Collinsi Colorado 80521 (303) 482-7420

23 *Fountain Elementary (1971-72) *Irving Elementary School(1969)

Mr. Myron Roberts, Principal Mr. Edward Lane, Principal Mb. Marian Patti, Sek:retary Mrs. Baeza, Secretary 6th and Fountain Streets 21st and Halleck Streets Pueblo, Colorado 81001 Pueblo, Colorado 81003 (303) 542-7549 (303) 542-5015

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

UnitA(Gr. K-2) Mias Kathleen Wiedersteir Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Kay McMahill Unit B(Gr. 2-4) Miss Linda Stroup Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Mb. Barbara Leonard Unit C(Gr. 4-6) Mr. Hillis Parmelee Unit C (Gr. 4-6) MA. Lucille Williams Unit D(Specials) Mr. Robert Cason Unit D (Special) Mb. Paulirte Garcia

*Charles Goodnight Elementary (1971). -taltEntilliEUNMENCE-0171/

mr. Dick Elm, Principal Mr. Stephen Hiza, Principal Ms. Dilys Fisher, Secretary Mrs. Loretta Pitson, Secretary 4701 Sage Street Prairie and Thatcher Avenues Pueblo, Colorado 81005 Pueblo, Colorado 81005 (303) 542-8900 (303) 542-1250

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Janet Zabukovic Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Helen Melton Unit B (Gr. 2-5) Ms. Marianne Williams Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Mrs. Eveliq Boss Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Kenneth Yarberry Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Frank Mcguarrie Unit D (Special) Mr. Ted Shallbetter Unit D (Special) Mr. Keith Frazier

*Olga A. Hellbeck Elementary (1971-72) PUEBLO COUNTYSCHOOLS

Mrs. Marion A. Chanick, Principal Mrs. Velma Elliott, Secretary Adminisa.ation 3400 Lakeview Street Pueblo, Colorado 81005 Mr. Harry A. Allen, Superintendent (303) 542-6933 Route 4 Box 599 Unit Leaders: Pueblo, Colorado 81004 (303) 542-0220 Unit A (Gr. K) Mb. Jane Ann Brown Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Mb, Patricia Barnes Unit C (Gr. 2-4) Mb. Dorothy Winters *Avondale ElementarSchool (1971-72 Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mb. Eva Baca Dr. C. Thomas Pollard, Principal Unit E (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Mary Ann Roldan Unit 2 (Gr. K-6 Special) Ms. Sandra Wyant, Secretary Mr. Kent Kochenberger P. O. Box 247 Avondale, Colorado 81022 (303) 947-3484

24 Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Joan Hartman Unit B (Gr. 2-i) Mb. Marian Butler Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Dorothy Dunlap Mrs. Barbara Evans, Principal Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Henry Trujillo Box 311 Rocky Ford, Colorado 81067 (303) 254-3791 *VinAlland Elementary School(1971-72),

Mr. Donald Gaylord, Principal SOUTH ROUTT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mb. Mary Ernst, Secretary Route 1 Box 444 Administration Pueblo, Colorado 81004 (303) 948-3331 Mk. William L. Meek, Superintendent Box 158 Oak Creek, Colorado80467 Unit Leaders: (303) 736-2313 Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Donna Scalese Mr. Oliver Phillips Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Miss Jacqueline Dierks District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Grace Fisher

*South Routt Elementary (1971) ROCKY FORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Oliver Phillips, Principal Mrs. Kathelene King, Secretary Administration Box 97 Yampa, Colorado 80483 Mr. Leo F. Davey, Superintendent (303) 638-4558 P. O. Box 311 Rocky Ford, Colorado 81067 Unit Leaders: (303) 254-7423 Unit A ((t. K-2) Jimlyn Bauyudomea Unit B (Gr. 3-5) Ms. Hope McLaughlin *Liberty Elementary School (1971-72)b

Mr. Ronald Fink, Principal THOMPSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mb. Patsy Vigil, Secretary P. O. Box 311 Rocky Ford, Colorado 81067 Administration (303) 254-3691 Dr. Claude Stansberry, Superintendent Unit Leaders: 201 South Lincoln Street Loveland, Colorado 80537 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Ann Montgomery (303) 667-3940 Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mks. Nile Goodrich Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. George Cary Dr. Keith Blue District MUS-E Coordinator

25 23 *Arlinkton Elementary (1971-72)

Mr. Mensal Worden, Principal Mrs. Winifred Gettman, Principal Ms. Barbara Bartsch, Secretary Mrs. Florence Burger, Secretary Star Route Box 400 9th Avenue - 23rd Street Loveland, Colorado80537 Greeley, Colorado 80631 (303) 667-0610 (303) 352-6972

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Ruth Hixson Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mr. Paul Bentley Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Barbara Gray Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Ben Rohnke Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Laurette Lindlief

*Brentwood Elementary (1971) WALSENBURG PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS Mr. Larry D. Charles, Principal Ma. Shirley Gain, Secretary Administration 26th and 25th Avenues Greeley, Colorado 80631 Rev. Maurice Gallagher, Superintendent (303) 353-2557 Seventh and Russell Streets Walsenburg, Colorado 81089 Unit Leaders: (303) 738-1570 Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. Ula Fry *St. Marv's (1971) Unit B (Or. 1-2) Mrs. Joan Slapper Unit C (Gr. 2-4) Mr. Al Schmidt Sister Naomi Rosenberger, Principal Unit D (Gr. 3-5) Mrs. Betty Lindauer Ms. Carolyn Kruz, Secretary Unit E (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Roberta McKinley Seventh and Russell Streets Walsenburg, Colorado 11089 (303) 738-1570 *Cameron Elementary_S1971)

Unit Leaders: Mrs. Catherine Rife, Principal Mrs. Helen Self, Secretary Unit A (Gr. 1-4) Ms. Jane Thomas 1424 13th Avenue Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Sister Paula Nettleton Greeley, Colorado 80631 Unit C (Gr. 6-8) Sr. Evangeline Salazar (303) 352-2790

Unit Leaders: WELD COUNTY PUBLICSCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Lillie Erwin Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Patricia Bornemeier A4ministration

Dr. Kenneth Ripple, Superintendent 811 15th dtreet Greeley, Colorado80631 (303) 352-1543 Dr. Le Triplett District MUS-E Coordinator

26 *c_hapatiowillauti_Amealgar.02211 Unit Leaders:

Mr. Paul Rutherford, Principal Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Tylene Schmidt Mrs. Ella Denton, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Mrs. Coy Adler 9th and Golden Streets P. 0. Box 9 *Scott EleumIEL11222.1 Evans, Colorado 80620 (303) 352-4233 Dr. Cecil A. Matthews, Principal Mrs. Hedlund, Secretary Unit Leaders: Mrs. Vanderpool, Secretary 29th Avenue and 13th Street Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Hazel Sheets Greeley, Colorado 80631 Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Norma Howe (303) 353-2751

Unit Leaders: _*Chappelow West_Elementary (1971) Unit A (Gr. K)Me. Shirley Brand Mr. Paul Rutherford, Principal Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Gen Birrell Mrs. Ella Denton, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Dwylia Felt 9th Street and llth Avenue Unit D (Gr. 3)Mr. Richard Stolte Evans, Colorado80620 Unit E (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Emma Lubbers (303) 352-4233 Unit F (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Marge Glaser Unit G (Gr. 5) Ms. Freida Schoonmaker Unit Loac.:rs: Unit H (Gr. Kp-5) Ms. Barbara Wightman Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mts. Virginia Bond Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Clara Miller WIDEFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS

WELD COUNTY REORGANIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-1 Administration Dr. E. L. Clemmer, Superintendent Administration 605 Widefield Drive Security, Colorado 80911 Mr. Art Watson, Superintendent (303) 393-3481 P. 0. Box 150 Gilcrest, Colorado 80623 Mr. James F. Bolin (303) 737-2497 District MUS-E Coordinator

Mr. Frank Sass District MUS-E Coordinator

Platteville Elementary (1971-72)

Mr. Frank Sass, Principal Mrs. Betty Erickson, Secretary P. 0. Box 427 Platteville, Colorado80651 (303) 785-2922

27 Mr. James F. Bolin, Principal Mrs. Carol Hall, Secretary Mb. Gay Renck, Secretary 405 Willis Drive Security, Colorado 80911 (303) 392-3495

Unit Leaders:

tt Unit A (Gr. 1)Mr. Johnny Martin Unit B (Gr. 2) Ms. Helen Randal Unit C (Gr. 3) Mb. Patricia White Unit D (Gr. 4)Ms. Ray Johnson Unit E (Gr. 5) Mb. Naomi Kerlin Unit F (Gr. 6) Mr. Bob Nemes





29 te% 27 Itatl_11211.132 AVON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Stanley J. Wlodkowski, Principal Mrs. Etta Holzman, Secretary Administration 1 Filley Street Bloomfield, Connecticut06002 Dr. Herbert F. Pandiscio, Superintendent (203) 242-7739 34 Simsbury Road Avon, r:onnecticut 06001 Unit Leaders: (203) 677-2482 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Pamela Bermingham Mr. Paul G. Giontriddo Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Bernice Bass District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mr. John Shaw

Towpath Elementary (1971) b Metacomet School (1971) b

Mr. Paul G. Gionfriddo, Principal Mr. John E. Seidell, Principal Mrs. Pearl B. George, Secretary Mrs. Jean Fogg, Secretary 50 Simsbury Road 185 School Street Avon, Connecticut06001 Bloomfield, Connecticut06002 (203) 677-7354 (203) 242-5579

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 3-5) Mr. Roy Brucker Unit A (Cr.1-2) Mrs. Sandra Johnson Unit B (Gr. K-2) Miss Marilyn Cadwell Unit B (Gr.2-3) Mrs. Jean Bassett Unit C (Gr.3-4) Mrs. Elaine Schwartz

BLOOMFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Joseph P. Vincent (1971) b

Adninistration Mr. Nicholas D. Scapellati, Principal Mrs. Jan Cressey, Secretary Dr. Herbert Chester, Superintendent Turkey Hill Road 785 Park Avenue Bloomfield, Connecticut06002 Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 (203) 243-2958 (203) 242-0791 Unit Leaders: Mr. Joseph O'Donnell District MUS-E Coordinator Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Gabb Simches Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Miss Ann Hansek Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Melvin Jacobs Bloomfield Middle School (1971-72) b

Mr. Harold E. Anderson, Principal Wintonbury (1971-72) b Mrs. Gladys C. Brown, Secretary 390 Park Avenue Mr. Joseph Prose, Principal Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 Mrs. Carl E. Swenson, Secretary (203) 243-2911 1133 Blue Hills Avenue Bloomfield, Connecticut06002 Unit Leaders: (203) 242-2258

Units A-E (Gr. 5-6) Mr. John Coghill MA. Arline Dobin Mr. WAsley Ertelt Mr. John Potter Mr. Frank Testa Unit Leaders: Woodland (1971-72) b

Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. M. Waugh Mb. Emma H. Civittolo, Principal Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mr. Roger Derosier Mrs. Mina 0, Powers, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Miss E. Koss 110 Long Hill Drive East Hartford, Connecticut 06108 (203) 289-7411 Ext. 291 EAST GRANBY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit Leaders:

Administration Unit A (Gr. K-I) Mrs. M. Lee Carlson Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. M. Jean Mercier Mr. Leroy Brown, Superintendent Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Miss Susan Bartlett South Main Street East Granby, Connecticut06026 (203) 653-6486 EAST WINDSOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS

R. D. Seymour School (1971) Administration

Mr. James J. Johnson, Principal Dr. Leo E. Garrepy, Superintendent Mrs. Marie Prero, Secretary Route 5 Hartford Avenue Warehouse Point, Connecticut06088 East Granby, Connecticut 06026 (203) 623-3346 (203) 653-7214

Warehouse Point School (1971) b, EAST HARTFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Alfred F. Sancho, Principal Mrs. Dorothy Pease, Secretary Administration School Street Warehouse Point, Connecticut06088 Dr. Eugene Diggs, Superintendent (203) 623-2419 22 Prestige Park Road East Hartford, Connecticut 06108 Unit Leaders: (203) 289-7411 Ext.232 Unit A (at. 1) Ms. Gail Maroni Dr. B. Plotkin Unit B (Gr. 2) Ms. Jane Connelly District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr. 3) Mb. Louise Rush

G. E. Slye School (1971-72) b FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Mk. Raymond F. Brown, Principal Ma. M. Macfarlane, Secretary Administration Kingston Drive cast Hartford, Connecticut 06118 Mr. John McDonough, Superintendent (203) 289-7411 Ext. 275 Town Hall 1 Monteith Drive Unit Leaders: Unionville, Connecticut 06085 (203) 673-3271 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Bernice Brody Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Eleanor Clark Mr. John E. Keaveny Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Linnea Uccello District MUS-E Coordinator Unit D'(Gr. 4-5) Mrs, Karlene Menshel 32 g:9 Union (1971) b Unit Leaders:

Mr. John E. Keaveny, Principal Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Linda Hauk Mrs. Swanson, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Miss Ruth Rosebrooks School Street Unionville, Connecticut 06085 (203) 673-2575 MANCHESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Unit Leaders: Administration Unit A(Gr.1-2) MS. Linda Bulmer Unit B(Gr.1-2) Ma. Shirley Bower Dr. Donald Hannigan, Superintendent Unit C(Gr.3-4) Mr. James Truscio 1146 Main Street Unit D(Gr.3-4) MS. Beverly Taute Manchester, Connecticut06040 Unit E(Gr.5-6) Ms. Rosann Conran (203) 649-2841 Unit F (Gr.5-6) Mr. William Freiheit Mr. Walter Krupa District MUS-E Coordinator GLASTONBURY PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Manchester Green (1971) b Naubuc School (1971-72) Mr. Isidor Wolf, Principal Ms. Dorothy Miles, Secretary Mr. Kenneth Bilodeau, Principal 549 East Middle Turnpike Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033 Manchester, Connecticut06040 (203) 633-5231 Ext. 248 (203) 643-2143

Unit Leaders: GRANBY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Hollace Brooks Unit B (Gr. 4-6) MA. Patricia Guay Administration

Mr. Pasquale E. Starble, Superintendent Nathan Hale Elementary (1971-72) b Town Hall Granby, Connecticut 06035 Mr. Louis D. Saloom, Principal (203) 653-2583 Mrs. Amy Gannutz, Secretary 160 Spruce Street Mr. John Snelgrove, Jr. Manchester, Connecticut 06040 District MUS-E Coordinator (203) 643-6251

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Barbara Bell Mr. John Snelgrove, Jr., Principal Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Miss Janet Pacheco Mrs. Maureen Turchi, Secretaty Unit C (Gr. 34) Miss Lynda Heimgartuer 5 Canton Road Unit D r;zt. 5-6) Mrs. Denise Harrison Granby, Connecticut 06035 (203) 653-6784


30 PLAINVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS West Hill School (1971-72)

Mr. Louis Giantris, Principal Cronin Drive Administration Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 (203) 529-6818 Mr. Henry L. Bremner, Superintendent 47 Walnut Street Unit Leaders: ' Plainville, Connecticut06062 (203) 747-5544 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Miss Sue Kennedy Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Betty Clement Unit C Gr, Mr. Richard Reilly Unit DGr. 5-6 Mrs. Anna Newton Linden Street School (1971) Unit E Gr. 5-6 Mrs. Eleanor Beyor Unit F1Gr. 5-6) Mr. Leonard Grossman Mr. Dino W. Esposti, Principal Mrs. Vivian McDonnell, Secretary 69 Linden Street Plainville, Connecticut 06062 SIMSBURY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (203) 747-2466

Unit Leaders: Ad Mitistration Unit A (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Gregory Ziogas Mr. Robert Lindauer, Superintendent 933 Hopmeadow Street ROCKY HILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Simibury, Conne2ticut06070 (203) 658-4494

Administration Mr. Russell G. Butterworth District MUS-E Coordinator Dr. Gar Fairbanks, Superintendent Church Street Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 Horace Belden School (1971) b

Wrtle H. Stevens (1971) Mr. Russell G. Butterworth, Principal Mrs. Roselle Tebay, Secretary Mr. Anthony A. Morganti, Principal 933 Hopmeadow Street Mrs. Dorothy McKenna, Secretary Simsbury, Connecticut06070 322 Orchard Street (203) 658-5809 Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 (203) 529-3328 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. K-1) Ms. Kathleen Magowan Unit A (Gr. 1-2) MA. Kathleen Gosart Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Miriam Brooks Unit B (Gr. 1-2) MA. Janice MacDonald Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Dorthea Hess Unit C (Gr. 2-4) Ms. Judith Blake Unit D (Gr. 2-4) MA. Harriet Glaser Unit E (Gr. 1-2) MA. Arne MAnson


Administra ion Administration

Dr. Joseph P. Robitaille, Superintendent Mr. Paul J. Sorbo, Jr., Superintendent Beecher Street 150 Bloomfield Avenue Southington, Connecticut 06489 Windsor, Connecticut 06095 (203) 628-0331 Ext. 24 (203) 688-3631

Mr. Nicholas DePaola Mr. George LeRoy District MUS-E Coordinator District MUS-E Coordinator

West Ridge (1972) b Clover Street (1971) b

Mt. Joseph J. Homicki, Principal Mr. Arthur W. Beckius, Principal Mrs. Shirley DiBiaso, Secretary Ms. Ivy Smith, Secretary Ridgewood Road 57 Clover Street Southington, Connecticut 06489 Windsor, Connecticut 06095 (203) 628-0331 Ext. 68 (203) 688-4991

Unit Leaders:

WETHERSFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Andrea Atwood Mb. Iris Panning Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mb. Dorothy Simon Administration Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mb. Beverly Raffino

Dr. Otto Hufziger, Superintendent 200 Main Street Deerfield School (1971-72) b Wethersfield, Connecticut06109 (203) 529-8611 Ext. 231 Mr. Neil R. Osborne, Principal Mre. Margaret Muller, Secretary Mr. Robert V. McCarthy 70 Colton Street District MUS-E Coordinator Windsor, Connecticut 06095 (203) 688-2102

Emerson-Williams School (1971-72) Unit Leaders:

Mr. Robert V. McCarthy, Principal Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Miss Prances Giunta Mrs. Lily Gometz, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Miss Nancy Mossberg Wells Road Wethersfield, Connecticut06109 (203) 529-8611 Ext. 331 Oliver Ellsworth_ _ _(1971-72)_ b

Unit Leaders: Mr. John Proctor, Principal Windsor, Connecticut 06095 Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Miss Joan Evaniksy (203) 688-3631




COORDINATORS BOND COUNTY COMMUNITY UNIT #2 lauzzja.kamellexiickgpa_unjazai

Mr. Joel Hart, Principal Adminigtration Ms. Norma Sams, Secretary 407 South Jackson Street Mr. William Nelson, Superintendent Clinton, Illinois 61727 Vandalia 1d (217) 935-6772 Greenville, Illinois 62246 664-0170 (618) CRYSTAL LAKE SCHOOLS #47 Mr. James D. Kesner District MUS-E Coordinator Administration

Mr. Corbyn Hamby, Superintendent Greenville Elementary School (1971) 174 North Oak Street Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Mr. Jim Kessinger, Principal (815) 459-6070 Mrs. Mary Martin, Secretary 800 North Dewey Street Mr. Robert Blazier Greenville, Illinois 62246 District MUS-E Coordinator (618) 664-3117

Unit Leaders: Canterbury Elementary (1971-72)

Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. William Dawdy Mr. Lloyd Mu2ller, Principal Unit B (Gr. 1) Mrs. Henriette Wall Mrs. Barbara Quinby, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Miss Dorothy Wise 875 Canterbury Drive Unit D (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Margaret Brown Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Unit E (Gr. 2-3) Miss Pat Hall (815) 459-8180 Unit F (Gr. 4-5) Miss Anna Obermark Unit G (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Elizabeth Crum Unit Leaders: Unit H (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Duane Reeves Unit I (Gr. 6)Mrs. Sue Coleman Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Connie Buckner Unit J (Gr. 1-6) Miss Pat Varel Mrs. Joyce Stevenson Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Janet Necker Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Jerry McElya CLINTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS #15 Coventry Elementary (1971) Administration Mr. Martin W. Anderson, Principal Mr. William A. McNealy, Superintendent Mrs. Barbara Oehmke, Secretary 205 Ohio Building 820 Darlington Lane Clinton, Illinois 61727 Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 (217) 935-8321 (815) 459-4231

Mr. Gary G. Archey Unit Leaders: District MUS-E Coordinator Unit A- Ms. Kathy Mucci Unit B- Ms. Jane Smith Unit C- Ms. Marge Coleman Unit D- Ms. Merrily Stout Unit E- Ma. Marilyn Campbell H/39 DIVERNON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS #13 EDWARDSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS #7

Administration Adminiatration

Mr. George Pinter, Superintendent Mr. A. Gordon Dodds, Superintendent P. O. Box B 708 St. Louis Street Divernon, Illinois 62530 Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 (217) 628-3414 (618) 6564182

Mr. George Pinter District MUS-E Coordinator N. O. Nelson School (1971-72)

Mr. Edward G. Kmies, Principal Divernon Elementary (1971-72) b 1225 West High Street Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 Mr. Donald Ornellas, Principal (618) 656-1182 Ms. Shirley Westfall, Secretary P. O. Box B Divernon, Illinois 62530 (217) 628-3414 EVANSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS #65

Unit Leaders: Administration

Unit A (Gr. 3-4) Mr. Don Ornellas Mr. Gregory C. Coffin, Superintendent 1314 Ridge Avenue Evanston, Illinois60201 DOWNERS GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOLS #58 (312) 869-2100

Administration Oakton School (1971-72) b

Mr. Glenn Pickrel, Superintendent Mr. David Sohn, Principal 935 Maple Avenue Oakton and Ridge Streets Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 Evanston, Illinois 60201 (312) 968-5454 (312) 869-2100.

Belle Aire School (1971-72) EVERGREEN PARK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Ronald Hale, Principal #124 3935 Belle Aire Lane Administration Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 (312) 968-5454 Ext. 312-313 Mr. Robert C. Wall, Superintendent 96th Street and Sawyer Avenue Evergreen Park, Illinois 60642 El Sierra School_21Lp-221 (312) 423-0950

Mr. Vernon Langley, Principal 683, Fairmount Street Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 (312) 968-5454 Ext. 317-318

40 212E/122_81§LREEqRaist.1222...c122.1.172.2Lb Washington School

Mr. Darrel Trotter, Principal Mr. C. William Wareham, Principal 91st and California Avenue 301 East Washington Street Evergreen Park, Illinois 60642 Itasca, Illinois 60143 (312) 422-6695 (312) 773-0207

Northwest Elementary School (1971-72 b JACKSONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS #117 Ms. Mary Margaret Moore, Principal 92nd and Millard Avenue Admin :Le trat ion Evergreen Park, Illinois 60642 (312) 422-8878 Dr. Clifford W. Crone, Superintendent 1021 Lincoln Avenue Jacksonville, Illinois 62650 Southeast Elementary School (1971-72) b (217) 245-4139

Mr. Gerhardt Engelmann, Principal Mr. Fred Osburn 98th and Francisco Avenue District MUS-E Coordinator Evergreen Park, Illinois 60642 (312) 422-1148 Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary (1971)

Mr. Harry D. Emrick, Principal Mrs. Diane Stratman, Secretary Mr. Phillip Pemberton, Principal 1801 West Lafayette Avenue 99th and Central Park Jacksonville, Illinois 62650 Evergreen Park, Illinois 60642 (217) 245-5107 (312) 424-2020 Unit Leaders:

ITASCA PUBLIC SCHOOLS #10 Unit A (Gr. k..3) Mrs. Linda Drager Unit B (Gr. 3-6) Mrs. Lois Freeman


Mr. Arnold Rusche, Superintendent LINCOLNWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS #74 301 East Washington Street Itasca, Illinois 60143 Administration (312) 773-0207 Dr. Marvin O'Garlich, Superintendent 6950 East Prairie Road 3jair_ILI19_71-72 Lincolnwood, Illinois 60645 (312) 675-8234 Mr. Claude Crase, Principal 730 North Catalpa Street Mr. Olaf E. Swanson Itasca, Illinois 60143 District MUS-E Coordinator (312) 773-0530


C6 MARKHAM COMMUN I TY SCHOOL D STR ICT #144 Dr. John Beckwith, Principal 6950 East Prairie Road Adminis tration Lincolnwood, Illinois 60645 (312) 675-8734 Mr. Harold Tompkins, Superintendent 3015 West 163rd Street Unit Leaders: Markham, Illinois 60426 (312) 331-0880 Unit A (Gr. 3-5) Mrs. Lea Schatzman Mr. Kenneth Hoffman District MUS-E Coordinator LOMBARD PUBL IC SCHOOLS #44

Pottawatomie (Chateaux) (1971) Administration MI. Kenneth Hoffman, Principal Mr. Robert Chelseth, Superintendent Ms. Mary M. Davis, Secretary 820 South Finley Rcad 171st and Holmes Avenue Lombard, Illinois 60148 Hazel Crest, Illinois 60429 (312) 627-1403 (312) 331-0880

Unit Leaders: Peter Hoy Elementary School (1971-72) Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Jackson Mr. Robert Burckle, Principal Miss Lehmann 820 South Finley Rcad Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Fordyce Lombard, Illinois 60148 (312) 627-1403 MED INAH PUBL IC SCHOOLS MAR I S SA PUBL IC SCHOoLs #40 Administration

Administration Mr. Orval Trail, Superintendent 22 West - 300 Sunnyside Street Mr. LeRoy Trost, Superintendent Madinah, Illinois 60157 315 East Lyons Street (312) 529-9788 Marissa, Illinois 62257 (618) 295-2313 South Elementary School (1971-72)

Dr. G. W. Bowman, Principal 22 West - 300 Sunnyside Street Mr. Marion E. Webb, Principal Medinah, Illinois 60157 East Fulton Street (312) 329-9788 Marissa, Illinois62257 (618) 295-2339

42 MOLINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS #40 Lincoln-Irving School (1971)

Mr. Richard Larson, Principal Administration Mrs. Mary Acord, Secretary Mrs. Esther Lyseng, Secretary Dr. Theodore F. Rockafellow, Superintendent 1015 16th Avenue 1619 Eleventh Avenue Moline, Illinois 61265 Moline, Illinois61265 (309) 764-9823 (309) 762-3631 Unit Leaders: Mr. Marlin Baxter District MUS-E Coordinator Unit A (Gr. 4-6) Miss Lucille Wright

Katherine Butterworth (1971) Horace Mann (1971-72)

Mr. Douglas Lewis, Principal Mr. Richard Steelman, Principal Mrs. Betty Carlson, Secretary Mrs. Darlene Humphrey, Secretary Mrs. Janet Peterson, Secretary R. R. #1 4205 48th Street Box 115 Moline, Illinois 61265 Moline, Illinois 61265 (309) 797-1197 (309) 799-3139

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-2)Ms. Janet McElwee Unit A (Gr. 10-2) Ms. Jane Goldacker Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mr. Will Parks Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Marty King Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Mary Ann Grim

Ericsson School (1971) MT. MORRIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS #261

Mr. Frank DeRocker, Principal Administration Mrs. Beverly Trevor, Secretary 335 Fifth Avenue Mr. David Turner, Superintendent Moline, Illinois 61265 105 West Brayton Road (309) 764-6631 Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054 (815) 734-4809 Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Doris Anderson Mt. Morris School (1971-72) Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Darlene Verre Ms. Stella Baker, Principal 401 South Fletcher Street Grant School (1971) Mt. Morris, Illinois 61054 (815) 734-4810 Mr. Ben N. McAdams, Principal Mrs. Dorothy Davis, Secretary 2430 Sixth Avenue Moline, Illinois 61265 (309) 764-1431

Unit Leaders: 43 Unit B (Gr. 3-6) Mr. John McGouchy


Unit A (Gr.1-2) Ms.Irene Diedrich Administration47., Unit B (Gr.3-4) Ms.Esther Berg Unit C (Gr.5-6) Ms.Jan Vath Mr. Lyle Klitzkie, Superintendent 1200 North Midlothian Avenue Mundelein, Illinois 60060 Carl Sandburg J. High (1971772) (312) 566-1560 Mr. A. D. Stealy, Principal Mr. Frank Miralgio 855 West Hawley Street Mr. Jack Murrell Mundelein, Illinois 60060 District MUS-E Coordinators (312) 566-7500

Jefferson Elementary (1971) Washington Elementary School (1971-72)

Mr. Frank Miralgio, Principal Mr. Jack Murrell, Principal Mrs. Bess Leary, Secretary 122 South Garfield Avenue 330 North California Avenue Mundelein, Illinois 60060 Mundelein, Illinois60060 (312) 566-6905 (312) 566-8660

Unit Leaders: 0 'FALLON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS#90 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Ethel Krueger Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mb. Mildred Thies Administration Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Dave Christensen Mr. Harold J. Landwehrmier, Superintendent 707 North Smiley Street Lincoln Elementary (1971) O'Fallon, Illinois 62269 (618) 632-6391 Mr. John P. Schockmel, Principal Ms. WandaHadeen, Secretary Mr. James N. Rogers 200 West Maple Street District MUS-E Coordinator Mundelein, Illinois 60060 (312) 566-0100 Estelle Kampmeyer (1971-72) Unit Leaders: Mr. James N. Rogers, Principal Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Kretzmann Mrs. Pat Schmidt, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Nicolay 707 North Smiley Street Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Miss Desotelle O'Fallon, Illinois 62269 (618) 632-6991

Mechanics Grove School (1974_ OREGON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS#220 Mr. E. C. Bonhivert, Principal Mrs. Joanne Cowen, Secretary 1200 Midlothian Boulevard AdMi4istration Mundelein, Illinois 60060 (312) 566-6190 Mr. William Urbanek, Superintendent Tenth and Jefferson Streets Oregon, Illinois 61061 44 (815) 732-2186

39 Nash Elementary (1971-72) ROANOKE-BENSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS #60

Mrs. Robert (Becky) Day, Principal 5th and Madison Streets Administration Oregon, Illinois 61061 (815) 732-2101 Mr. Frank Crawford, Superintendent 208 West High Street Roanoke, Illinoio 61561 POPE COUNTY SCHOOLS #1 (309) 923-4921 Mr. Robert C. Lillie Administration District MUS-E Coordinator

Mr. Ray Evans, Superintendent Golconda, Illinois 62938 Roanoke Grade School (1971-72) b (618) 683-2301 Mr. Robert C. Lillie, Principal Ms. Audrey Ruble, Secretary Golconda Grade School (1971-72) 408 West Broad Street Roanoke, Illinois 61561 Golconda, Illinois 62928 (309) 923-2871 (618) 683-2301 Unit Leaders:

QUINCY PUBLIC SCHOOLS #172 Unit A (Gr. 4-5) Mr. Robert Hix Unit B (Gr. 4-5) Mr. John Byrne

Administration SCHAUMBURG-ROSELLE SCHOOLS #54 Mr. William G. Alberts, Superintendent 1444 Maine Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 Administration (217) 223-8700 Mr. Wayne E. Schaible, Superintendent Miss Blanche Quigley 804 West Bode Road District MUS-E Coordinator Schaumburg, Illinois 60172 (312) 529-4200

Lincoln School (1971-72) Mr. R. Kim Driggers District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. Donald McKinley, Principal Mrs. Eleanor Dennis, Secretary 48th and Main Streets Hanover Highlands (1971-72) Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 224-3220 Mr. Robert J. Summerfield, Principal Ms. Connie Zepeda, Secretary Unit Leaders: 1451 Cypress Avenue Hanover Park, Illinois 60172 Unit A (Gr. K-3) Ms. Anita St. Ledger (312) 837-3737 Unit B (Gr. 2-5) Ms. Charlotte Stroot Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Tom Kaelke Unit Leaders: Unit D (Special) Mrs. Sarah Lock Unit A- Ms. Beverly Olson Unit B Ms, Brenda Riddle Unit C Ms. Nancy Barshi 45


Administration Administration

Mr. Waiter F. Fierke, Superintendent Mr. Karl O. Grandt, Superintendent 6141 Kimberly Drive 4600 North Oak Park Street Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 Harwood Heights, Illinois 60656 (312) 532-1771 (312) 867-5822

Mr. Karl O. Grandt W. F. Fierke Education Center (1971-72) District MUS-E Coordinator

Mr. E. Thomas, Principal Miss J. Erasmus, Secretary Union Ridge School (1971) 17248 67th Avenue c/o Central Junior High School Mr. Karl O. Grandt, Principal Tinley Park, Illinois 60477 Mrs. Betty Stomper, Secretary (312) 532-1771 4600 North Oak Park Avenue Harwood Heights, Illinois 60656 Unit Leaders: (312) 867-5822

Unit A (Gr. K) Unassigned Unit Leaders: Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. K. Conroy Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. P. Griffin Unit A (Gr. KA.) Mrs. Karen Nuccio Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. J. Brimstin Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Elsa Cousins Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Barbara Conetzkey Unit D (Gr. 6-8) Mr. Donald Welter TROY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS #30


Mr. Don D. Bacon, Superintendent Administration Route 1 Joliet, Illinois 60436 Mr. Merill Moore, Superintendent (815) 725-6210 Bellefontaine Drive Waterloo, Illinois 62298 Mr. Ronald Ludeman (618) 939-8115 District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. William Reeves District MUS-E Coordinator Troy-Cronin Multiunit Center (1971)

Mr. Ronald Ludeman, Principal W. J. Zahnow Elementary (1971) Mrs. Judith Johnson, Secretary Route 59 and Black Road Mr. William Reeves, Principal Joliet, Illinois 60435 Mrs. Norma Park, Secretary (815) 729-2340 Mts. Doris Ritzel, Secretary 301 Hamacher Street Unit Leaders: Waterloo, Illinois 62298 Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Genevieve Harms (618) 939-8456 Unit B (Gr. K-2) Miss Judy Klemt Unit C (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Norma Rourke Unit D (Gr. K-2) Miss Pat Walsh 46 41 Unit Leaders: Western Lebo ratamAdmaLlaLEU

Unit K (Gr. K) Mrs. Geneva Pflasterer Mr. L. Donald Hahn, Principal Unit 17(Gr.1) Mrs. Edna Noelke Mrs. Vicki Beadles, Secretary Unit 15(Gr.1-2) Mrs. Jacqueline Fischer Western Illinois University Unit 13(Gr.2) Mrs. Marian Maag Macomb, Illinois 61455 Unit 9(Gr.3-4) Miss Margaret Whetstone (309) 899-6426 Unit 7(Gr.3-4) Mrs. Janet Reitz Unit 5(Gr.4) Mrs. Beulah Sendelbeck Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. N-2) Mrs. Barbara Kowal Unit B (Gr. K-4) Dr. Doris Lee Leighty WEST CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS #33 Unit C (Gr. 3-6) Dr. John Christoffersen Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Miss Helen Hoing Administration

Mr. Jerald Saimon, Superintendent WOODLAND COMMUNITY SCHOOLS #50 130 East Forest Street West Chicago, Illinois 60185 (312) 231-1670 Administration

Mr. Allan Barnes Mr. Arden Luce, Superintendent District MUS-E Coordinator 1700 Gages Lake Road Gages Lake, Illinois 60030 (312) 362-3513 Pioneer School (1971)

Mr. Douglas Weeder, Principal Woodland Elementary School (1971-72) Mb. Sandra Aguilar, Secretary 615 Kenwood Street Mr. John Mason, Principal West Chicago, Illinois 60185 1700 Gages Lake Road (312) 231-8060 Gages Lake, Illinois 60030 (312) 362-3513 Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 4-6) Mb. Josephine Browning Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Mb. Virginia Gray


Mr. L. Donald Hahn, Superintendent Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois 61455 (309) 899-6426

Mr. L. Donald Hahn District MUS-E Coordinator






ye/49 GARY PUBLIC SCHOOLS AArla12p,_Ea9A_§shool (1971-72),

Mrs. Mary A. Carpenter, Principal Administration Mrs. Elizabeth Laughlin, Secretary 5801 East 30th Street Dr. Gordon McAndrew, Superintendent Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 620 East 10th Place (317) 547-9695 Gary, Indiana46402 (219) 886-3111 Audubon School (1971-72) Mr. William Wallace District MUS-E Coordinator Mrs. Martha Ann Bradley, Principal Mrs. D. Patricia Evans, Secretary Beveridge School (1971-72) 2050 Winter Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana46218 Mr. Edward Court, Principal (317) 925-2384 1234 Cleveland Street Gary, Indiana Raymond Brandeis School (1971-72)

Marquette School (1971-72) Mr. William E. Wilson, Principal Ms. Mildred Moore, Secretary Mr. Max Lynch, Principal 4065 Asbury Street 6401 Hemlock Street Indianapolis, Indiana46227 Gary, Indiana (317) 783-6611

George Washinuton.Carver School (1971-72)

Mr. Alfred S. Govorchin, Principal Ms. Mary K. Owsley, Principal Mrs. Vivian Gibbons, Secretary Ms. Shirley Carson, Secretary 1301 East 43rd Street 2411 Indianapolis Avenue Gary, Indiana46409 Indianapolis, Indiana46208 (219) 887-4964 (317) 926-4589

Unit Leaders: Charity Dye School (n71-72) Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Linda Cook Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ma. Dorothy Howard Mr. J. Hayes, Principal Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Ruth Guse Mb. Marjorie Thinnes, Secretary Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Stephanie Montoro 545 East 19th Street Indianapolis, Indiana46202 (317) 925-5546 INDIANAPOLIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Flackville School (1971-72) Administration Mr. Gordon E. Harker, Principal Dr. Stanley Campbell, Superintendent Mrs. Maxine Price, Secretary 120 East Walnut Street 2930 Lafayette Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Indianapolis, Indiana46222 (317) 634-2381 (317) 924-1391

Mr. Robert D. Kinsey District MUS-E Coordinator

44 Calvin Fletcher School (1971-72) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow School (1971-72)

Mr. Paul K. Smith, Principal Mr. Wayne Fairburn, Principal Mrs. Loraine Agan, Secretary Mrs. Gayle Cooper, Secretary 520 Virginia Avenue 501 Laurel Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46203 Indianapolis, Indiana46203 (317) 632-6324 (317) 632-8409

Robert Frost School (1971-72) ame s Russell owell Schooliazkia

Mrs. Wilma D. Brown, Principal Ms. Eula T. Warfield, Principal Mrs. F. Ellen Vogelgesang, Secretary Ms. Judith Phillips, Secretary 5301 Roxbury Road 2301 North Olney Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 (317) 547-5223 (317) 546-4827

Hazel Hart Hendricks School (1971-72) John McCormick School (1971-72)

Mrs. Betty Chesley, Principal Mrs. Madeline Sweatman, Principal Mrs. Betty Ransom, Secretary Mrs. Patricia Barr, Secretary Mrs. Gloria Bacon, Secretary 40 North Miley Street 2605 East 25th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46222 Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 (317) 637-8234 (317) 632-9416 Unit Leaders: John Hope School (1971-72) Unit A - Ms. Dorothea Lloyd Mr. Dan Langell, Principal Unit B- Ms. Joyce Williams Mrs. Mullens, Secretary 1301 East 16th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 Dewitt Morgan School (1971-72) (317) 637-1395 Mr. Orville W. Rees, Jr., Principal Mrs. Ida Price, Secretary Jonathan Jennitool 1971-72 200 West 49th Street Indianapolis, Indiana46208 Mr. Willard J. Powell, Principal (317) 253-4477 Ms. Marcia Wolfe, Secretary 6150 Gateway Drive

Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 2.21_Ty_Mcj1121I 1911-72jiool (317) 291-7735 Ms. Estelle R. Relford, Principal Ms. Joan Terry, Secretary Susan Roll teacil_aghlaLLIALEML 2101 College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana46202 Ms. Thelma Thompson, Principal (317) 923-2587 Mrs. Edna McNahney, Secretary 2107 North Kiley Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 (317) 353-8239

52 45 Francis W. Parker School (1971-72)

Mr. Benjamin Johnson, Principal Mrs. Lois Myers, Secretary 2353 Columbia Street Indianapolis, Indiana46205 (317) 923-1227

School #113 (1971 72)

Mr. Theodore R. Cox, Principal Mrs. Joan Levine, Secretary 4352 North Mitthoefer Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46236 (317) 893-7612

Unit Leaders:

Unit A - Ms. Joan McGlinchey Unit B - Ms. Jeralene Dungey Unit C- Ms. VirginiaJones Unit D - Mr. Ronald Volpatti Unit E - Ms. Alice Smith

Eleanor Skillen School (1971-72)

Mr. Joseph A. O'Nan, Principal Mrs. Norma Rosalynd Butler, Secretary 1410 East Wade Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46203 (317) 786-1434





47 BYAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Marsh School b,

IMEJ1122°1 Mrs. Dorothy Zing, Principal 311 Pelham Street Mr. Daniel F. Horgon, Principal Methuen, Massachusetts 01844 Maple Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824 TEWKSBURY PUBLIC SCHOOLS


Mr. Nicholas Andronikos, Principal Shawsheen Street Mrs. Evelyn Desmarais Tewksbury, Massachusetts 01876 Richardson Road Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824 TYNGSBORO PUBLIC SCHOOLS FITCHBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS Winslow School

McKay Campus School Mr. Donald Brightman, Principal Mildlesex Street Dr. Robert Lee, Principal Tyngsboro, Massachusetts 01879 Fitchburg State College Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01460 WESTFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS


Storrow School b Mr. John Allen,Principal Robinson and Concord Roads Mrs. Catherine Rivet, Principal Westford, Massachusetts 01886 60 Pleasant Street Lawrence, Massachusetts 01841 WILMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS LITTLETON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Shawsheen School shattuck Street School b Mrs. Joanne Myers, Principal Mr. Arthur Covell, Principal Shawsheen Street LittletonsMassachusetts 01460 Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887

S.uth School

Mr. John Coyle, Principal METHUEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Woburn Street Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887 Howe School

Mrs. Margaret Ryan, Principal 22kura-gsilatLisktag 11 Hempstead Street Mr. John Crisafulli,Principal Methuen, Massachusetts 01844 Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887 3 7 MINNESOTA





Administration Bemidji State College Lab. School(1971) b

Mr. Arthur O. Hafdal, Superintendent Mr. Gerald E. Nelson, Principal Alexandria, Minnesota56308 Ms. Alice Toninato, Secretary (612) 763-5141 Bemidji, Minnesota 56601 (218)7552930 Mr. Noel Schroeder District MUS-E Coordinator Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 16-3) Mr. Kasper Gneff Garfield Elementary (1971) Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Kermit Benson

Mr. David Strand, Principal M. Glenda Gillespie, Secretary BOYD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Garfield, Minnesota 56332 (612) 834-2021 *Boyd Elementary (1971-72) Unit Leaders: Mr. Roy C. Roseth, Principal Unit A (Gr. K-3) Ms. Doris Wenaas Boyd, Minnesota56218 Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Joan Fjoslien

BROOTEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ATWATER PUBLIC SCHOOLS #341 Administration Administration Mr. Victor Clark, Superintendent Mr. Erling Kolke, Superintendent Brooten, Minnesota56316 Atwater, Minnesota 56209 (612) 346-2244 (612) 974-8447

*Brooten Elementary (1971-72) b *Atwater Elementary (1971-72) c Mr. Vern S. Hagen, Principal Mr. Paul Olberg, Principal Ms. Deanna Kjeldahl, Secretary Atwater, Minnesota56209 Brooten, Minnesota 56316 (612) 974-8841 (612) 346-2277

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit I - Mrs.M. Unit A(Gr.1-2) Ms. Darleen Hovey Mickelson Unit 11 - Mrs.K. littr Unit B(Gr.3-4) Ms, Myra Brenden - Mrs.O.Aengtson Unit C(Gr.5-6) Ms, Viviar. Jacobs Unit III


Administration Administration Mr. R. B. Clay, Superintendent Mr. M. O. Dokken, Superintendent Dawson, Minnesota 56232 Buffalo Lake, Minnesota55314 (612) 769-4568

*Buffalo Lake Elementary (1971) *Dawson Elementary (1971-/2)

Mr. Roger C. Lee, Principal Mr. C. L. Olson, Principal Ms. Jeanette Richards, Secretary Mrs. Gordon Bergeson, Secretary Buffalo Lake, Minnesota 55314 Dawson, Minnesota 56232 (612) 833-5311 (612) 769-4590

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mb. Henriette Nielson' Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Karen Fodness Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Evelyn Lenander Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Alice Welch Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Vern Stevens

CENTENNIAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS #12 GRANITE FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Administration #894 Administration Mr. M. R. Hankerson, Superintendent Circle Pines, Minnesota55014 Mr. Milton H. Lindback, Superintendent (612) 784-8881 450 9th Avenue Granite Falls, Minnesota56241 Mr. William Mattke (612) 564-3125 District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. Bert M. Raney District MUS-E Coordinator *Golden Lake Elementary (1971)

Mr. Richard J. Larson, Principal *Granite Falls Elementary (1971-72) Mrs. Bev Ferris, SecretarY West Golden Lake Road Mr. Bert M. Raney, Principal Circle Pines, Minnesota 55014 Mrs. Joyce Anderson, Secretary (612) 786-7340 700 5th Street flranite Falls, Minnesota56241 (612) 564-3128 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. 5-7) Ms. Dorothy Chapman Unit B (Gr. 7-9) Mt. CharleneBehne Unit A (Gr.K-2) Mrs.Evelyn Olson Mr. Paul Evavold Unit C (Gr. 9-11) Unit B (Gr.1-2) Mrs.Betty Dallman Unit C (Gr.2-4) Mrs.Julie Tury


Administration Administration

Mr. Edward Eggers, Superintendent Mr. Raiph B. Norland, Superintendent 21st Street and 8th Avenue Montevideo, Minnesota56265 Hibbing, Minnesota 55746 (612) 269-8833 (218) 263-4850

Mr. Robert L. Parker *Sanford Elementary (1970-71) District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. Lloyd J. Olesen, Principal Mb. Ruth Jorgenson, Secretary *Washington Elementary (1971) Montevideo, Minnesota56265 (612) 269-6395 Miss Nathalie Erspamer, Principal Mrs. Shirley Golfis, Secretary Unit Leaders: 21st Street and 12th Avenue Hibbing, Minnesota 55746 Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Ms.Edna Anderson (218) 263-8398


Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Carolyn Andrican Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Mavis Clausen Administration Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Miss June Hendrickson Dr. Sanford Witter, Superintendent 2959 North Hemline Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS #377 (612) 636-3650

Administration Dr. Roy Meyer District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. E. Palmer Rockswold, Superintendent 316 4th Street Lake Johanna Elementary (1971-72) Madison, Minnesota 56256 b (612) 598-7528 Mr. James H. Petersen, Principal Mrs. Ruby Fitzgerald, Secretary Mr. R. Paul Jette 3120 Lake Johanna Boulevard District mUS-B Coordinator St. Paul, Minnesota 55112 (612) 633-2846 *Madison Elementary School (1971) Unit Leaders: Mr. R. Paul Jette, Principal Mrs. Huldah Bacon, Secretary Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Diane Weiland 316 4th Street Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mr. Daniel Loritz Madison, Minnesota 56256 Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Andy Kauls (612) 598-7528

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Valoris Zahnow Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs, Gloria Boraas Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Ruth Trelstad 63 Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Bernice Halvorson 52 New Brighton Elementary (1971) b R ICHF IELD PUBL IC SCHOOLS Mr. Lawrence A. Eickhoff, Principal Mrs. Lorraine Rost, Secretary Administration 701 8th Avenue N.W. New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 Mr. Carlton Lytle, Superintendent (612) 633-4058 70th and Harriet Avenue South Richfield, Minnesota 55423 Unit Leaders: (612) 869-2451

Unit A(Gr. K-2) Mb. Janis Campbell Mr. Peter Heinrich Unit B(Gr.1-2) Ms. Carolyn Milostan District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C(Gr.3-5) Ms. Ellen Nelson Unit D(Gr.4-6) Mr. Riley Hoheisel Portland Elementary School (1971)

Ralph R. Reeder (1971-72) b Mr. Donald Buckman, Principal Mrs. Olson, Secretary Mr. Arlyn D. Gunderman, Principal 7201 4th Avenue South Mb. Mary Urban, Secretary Richfield, Minnesota 55423 2800 North Arona Street (612) 866-8493 St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 (612) 633-0814 Unit Leaders:

Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Tony Kochevar Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Dorothy Dolmar Unit A (Gr. 5-6) Mr.Ronald Boitz Mb.Winifred Guttersen Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms.Rita Lafferty Ms.Linda Schaeppi ROSEVILLE AREA SCHOOLS Unit C (Gr. K-2) Mb.Bev Enloe Unit D (Gr. K-2) Ms.Paulette Benson Administration

PIPESTONE PUBL IC SCHOOLS #583 Dr. Lloyd C. Nielsen, Superintendent 1251 Wesc County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Administration (612) 633-8150

Mr. T. B. Banard, Superintendent Mr. Ben H. Rank Pipestone, Minnesota 56164 District MUS-E Coordinator (605) 825-5446

Central Park Elementary (1971) b *Dolson Hill Elementary (1970-71) Mr. Harold M. Davis, Principal Mr. Ken Stanek, Principal Mrs. Martha Gustafson, SecreLary Ms. Mae Jordan, Secretary 535 West County Road B-2 6th Avenue S.W. Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Pipestone, Minnesota 56164 (612) 484-5395 (605) 825-2427 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr 4-5) Mr. Richard Wakefield Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Ms. LuVerne Siedel Unit B (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Steven Moseman Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms, Lulu Peterson Unit C (Gr. K-3) Ms. Carol Mulroy 64 Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. John Freese

tii10J ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE SCHOOLS WHITE BEAR LAKE PUBLIC SCHOOLS #282 Administration Administration Dr. Leland Rena, Superintendent Mr. E. M. Thomsen, Superintendent 3303 33rd Avenue N.E. 709 Bloom Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418 White Bear Lake, Minnesota55110 (612) 781-2757 (612) 429-5391 Mr. David K. Abrahamson Dr. W. D. Tismer District MUS-E Coordinator District MUS-E Coordinator

Silver Oak Elementary (1971) Birch Lake School (1971) b

Mr. David K. Abrahamson,Principal. Dr. W. D. Tismer, Principal Mrs. Betty Reid, Secretary Mrs. Akre, Secretary 350 Oakwood Drive 2260 Birch Lake Avenue New Brighton, Minnesota 55112 White Bear Lake, Minnesota55110 (612) 633-8618 (612) 429-2214


Unit I (Gr. K-3) Mrs. VanGuilder Unit 11 (Gr. K-3) Miss Warner Administration Unit III(Gr. 1-4) Mrs. Strum Unit IV (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Mackie Mr. R. G. Rygh, Superintendent Unit V (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Hilderman 24 South Walnut Street Unit VI (Gr. 5-6) Miss Swanstrom Waconia, Minnesota55387 (612) 442-2209 WILLMAR PUBLIC SCHOOLS #347 Mr. James J. Kavaleski District MUS-E Coordinator Administration

Southview Elementary School (1971) b Mr. Lowell H. Melbye, Superintendent 611 West 5th Street !tr. James J. Kovaleski, Principal Willmar, Minnesota56201 Mrs. Euna Thom, Secretary (612) 235-4415 4th and Maple Streets Waconia, Minnesota55387 Mr, James R. Christenson (612) 442-4451 or 443-2434 District MUS-E Coordinator

Unit Leaders: Jefferson Elementary School (1971-72) Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Donna Wickersheim Unit B (Gr. 3-5) Mrs. Celine Watters Mr. Alton J. Boonstra, Principal Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Grace Lahr Mrs. Marge Bootge, Secretary 1202 Monongalia Avenue Willmar, Minnesota56201 (612) 235-4030

65 54 Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr.1-2) Ms. Dorothy Brown Unit B(Gr.3-4) Ms. Alice Nelson Unit C(Gr.5-6) Mr. Ray Hyser Unit D(Gr.5-6) Mrs. Betty Hyser



Mr. S. L. Held, Superintendent School Administration Building P. 0. Box 129 Worthington, Minnesota56187 (507) 372-2172

Mr. L. M. Wangberg District MUS-E Coordinator

*Reading Elementar School (1971)

Mr. John C. Johnson, Principal Box 48 Reading, Minnesota 56165 (507) 926-5454

Unit I..iaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-4) Ms. Elizabeth Postma Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Beverly Meyer






Unit A (Gr.K-2) Ms. Eleanor Otteman Administration Unit B(Gr.3) Ms. Joan Dumpert Unit C(Gr.4) Ms. Ethe Axthelm Mr. John Prasch, Superintendent Unit D(Gr.5-6) Ms. Dorothea Robbert 720 South 22nd Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 (402) 475-1081 Lake View Ellmlla (1971)

Dr. Betty Dillon Mr. Dan Navratil, Principal District MUS-E Coordinator Mrs. Vivian J. Plader, Secretary 300 Capitol Beach Boulevard Lincoln, Nebraska 68528 Eastridge Elementary School (1971-72) d, (402, 432-1744

Miss Inez Baker, Principal Unit Leaders: Mrs. Carol Mohr, Secretary 6245 L Street Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Nita Schwartz Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Marge Bredenberg (402) 488-9192 Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Velma Snyder

Unit Leaders: Pershing (1971-72) Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Mary O'Brien Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Sue Deal Mr. Vern Martin, Principal Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. David Rutledge Mrs. Clara Adams, Secretary 6402 Judson Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68507 Hawthorne School (1971) (402) 466-5392

Ms. Ruthelen Sittler, Principal Unit Leaders: Ms. Doris Sampson, Secretary 300 South 48th Street Unit A(Gr.K-2) Ms. Nancy Blodgett Lincoln, Nebraska 68510 Unit B(Gr.3-4) Ms. Linda Lyon (402) 488-2293 Unit C(Gr.5-6) Ms. Eileen Buss

Unit Leaders: Prescott Elementary (1971) Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Alyce Leininger Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Winifred Williss Mr. Bernard Nutt, Principal

Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Ruth Weatherl Ms. Viola Nearhood, Secretary Ms. Virginia Nelson, Secretary 2024 South 20th Street Holmes Elementary School _(1971) Lincoln, Nebraska 68502 (402) 475-2700 Ms. Ruth I. Eickman, Principal Mrs. Janet Maier, Secretary 52nd and Sumner Streets Lincoln, Nebraska 6r506 (402) 488-2186

0/69 Unit Leaders: OMB PUB14 IC SCHOOLS

Unit A (Gr. 1) Ms. Lee Ann Vaclavek Unit B (Gr. 2) Ms. Ksy Johnson Unit C (Gr. 2) Ms. Darlene Vosburgh Oakdale School(1971-72) b Unit D (Gr. 3) Ms. Lorraine Stroh Unit E (Gr. 4) Mb. Leona Bartruff Mr. Dennis C. Hansen, Princidal Unit F (Gr. 5) Ms. Marcy MaKibbin 98th and Center Streets Unit G (Gr. 6) Ms. Dracilla Strait Omaha, Nebraska68114 Unit H (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Robert Bussmann (402) 391-1196

Randolph Elementary School 4.91D.

Mr. Marlan Kaufman, Principal Mrs. William Knee, Secretary 1024 South 37th Street Lincoln, Nebraska68510 (402) 488-0700

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Ruth Vaughan Uait B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Richard Althoff

Maude Rousseau School (1971)

Mrs. Frances Enevoldsen, Principal Mrs. Linda Luff, Secretary 3701 South 33rd Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402) 489-9326

Unit Leaders:

Unit 1 (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Lenora Cunningham Unit 2 (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Elizabeth Granata Unit 3 (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Pat Closson Unit 4 (Gr. K) Mrs. Pat Closson Unit 5 (Special) Mr. Robert Larson

West Lincoln (1971-72)

Mr. Dan Conway, Principal Mb. Evelyn Tubbs, Secretary 630 West Dawes Street Lincoln, Nebraska68521 (402) 432-5409

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-5) Ms, Carole Matthes





71 NOTE; Tentative listing, subject to change.

CAMDEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS latitimaLluitturaLraimatau...

Miss Bernadette A. Jernick, Prinepal Atuipistration 192 Southern Boulevard Chatham, New Jersey 07928 Dr. Charles Smerin, Superintendent (201) 635-5450 City Hall, Room 511 Camden, New Jersey 08101 (609) 964-6145 CALDWELL-WEST CALDWELL PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Yorkship plementarv School Administration

Mrs. T. Sternberg, Principal Mr. Eugene J. Bradford, Superintendent Collings Road Administration Building Camden, New Jersey 08101 Prospect Street (609) 365-4700 Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 (201) 226-4400


Administration_ Miss Helen Galloway, Pritcipal Crane Street Dr. James S. Coliins, Superintendent Caldwell, New Jersey07006 492 Main Street (201) 226-4400 Ext. 253 Chatham, New Jersey 07928 (201) 635-5656 DOVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS Washington Avenue School Administration Mr. Arthur Ebeling, Principal Washington Avenue Mr. Frank Poulos, Superintendent Chatham, New Jersey 07928 Grace Street (201) 635-89b2 Dover, New Jersey07801 (201) 366-0220


Administration Mr. John Duffy, Principal Academy Street Mr. Ellwood B. Jacoby, Superintendent Dover, New Jersey07801 233 Lafayette Avenue (201) 366-1030 Chatham, New Jersey 0792F (201) 635-)995


Administration Administration

Dr. Russell A. Jackson,Jr., Superintendent Mr. Russell 0, Brackman, President 21 Winans Street Brooklyn Avenue East Orange, New Jersey 07017 Lavallette, New Jersey 08735 (201) 675-3870 (201) 793-7722

Layallette Elpmentary

Mr. Melvin Sanders, Principal Dr. Mahlon Merk, Principal 330 Central Avenue Brooklyn Avenue East Orange, New Jersey 07017 Lavallette, New Jersey 08735 (201) 673-3103 (201) 793-7722


Administration Administration Mr. James F. Gray, Superintendent Mt. Julius C. Bernstein, 10 High Street Superintendent 11 Foxcroft Drive Glen Ridge, New Jersey07028 Livingston, New Jersey 07039 (201) 743-6099 (201) 992-0400

Linden Avenue School Callins School Mrs. Evelen Jan-Tausch, Principal Mr. Leonard Bernstein, Principal Linden Avenue 67 Martin Road Gler Ridge, New Jersey 07028 Livingston, New Jersey 07039 (201) 748-5394 (201) 992-2525


Administration Administration Mr. Roy D. Loux, Superintendent Mr. Patrick Torre, Superintendent North 5th Avenue Route #516 Highland Park, New Jersey 08904 Matawan, New Jersey 07747 (201) 572-2410 (201) 566-1000

IlY111.19]E21. gh12222a112.11.0291 Mr. Ronald Erikson, Principal Mrs. Nancy Mannings, Principal South Eleventh Avenue Highway 34 Highland Park, New Jevsey 08904 Matawan, New Jersey (201) 572-1205 07747 (20:) 566-1000 74 '.610 ; MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS PATERSON PUBLICSCHOOLS

Administration...... 14~1RPOI1 Administration

Mr. Bernhardt Schneider, Superintendent Dr. Michael Gioia,Superintendent 59 Tindall Road 137 Ellison Street Middletown, New Jersey 07701 Paterson, New Jersey07505 (201) 671-3850 (201) 271-2121

Fairview ElemeritEIL pmblic School #27 Mr. Robert Smith, Principal Mrs. Anne T. Carrera,Principal Cooper Road Richmond, Berkshire &Chatham Avenues Red Bank, New Jersey07701 Paterson, New Jersey 07505 (201) 747-3308 (201) 271-2121 Ext. 282


Administration Administration Mr. Robert Wendland,Superintendent Dr. David Adler, Superintendent Administration Building 57 Trinity Street 209 West Washington Avenue Newton, New Jersey 0,60 Pleasantville, New Jersey08232 (201) 383-1900 (609) 641-1020

Merriam Avenue School South Main Street School Mr. Harry Selover, Principal Mr. John Garrity, Principal Merriam Avenue South Main Street Newton, New Jersey07860 Pleasantville, New Jersey (201) 383-1900 Ext. 171 08232 (609) 641-0760


Administration Administration

Mr. James J. Clancy, Superintendent Mr. Enrico J. Cipolaro,Superintenden 1128 Livingston Avenue Van Avenue North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902 Pompton Lake, New Jersey 07442 (201) 545-2246 (201) 835-4334

,Maple_Meade School Lincoln School

Mr. Harvey Velmick, Principal Mr. Christian Stager, PrinLipal Route 130 Mill Street North Brunswick, New Jersey08902 Pompton Lake, New Jersey 07442 (201) 297-0385 (201) 835-1910 75 62 RED BANK PUBL IC SCHOOLS TRENTON PUBL IC SCHOOLS

Administration Administration

Dr. Robert Hoops, Superintendent Dr. Ercell I. Watson, Superintendent 76 Branch Avenue 9 South Stockton Street Red Bank, New Jersey07701 Trenton, New Jersey 08611 (201) 842-0424 (609) 396-7646

The Red Bank_EELEELIchpol. Wilson School

Mr. Vincent Finelli, Principal Mr. Joseph Cordery, Principal River Street Girard Avenue Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Trenton, New Jersey 08611 (201) 842-7517 (609) 396-7646


Administration Administration Mr. Chester Ogden, Superintendent Dr. John Levigne, Superintendent c/o Ventnor Avenue c/o Cherry Hills School School 410 Bogart Road Ventnor City, New Jersey 08406 (609) 822-2151 River Edge, New Jersey 07661 (201) 261-3408

Ventnor Middle School Holly M. Davis Elementary Hrs. Margaret S. DiMatteo,Principal Mr. John Choka, Principal Ventnor City, New Jersey08406 Cole Court (609) 822-2151 River Edge, New Jersey 07661 (201) 342-4031


Administration Administration Dr. Anthony Catrambone, Superintendent 512 South Seventh Street Mr. Arthur F. Couch, Superintendent Vineland, New Jersey08360 Administration Building (609) 692-3798 683 Fifth Street Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 (201) 867-8930 Winslow School

Mr. John Richards, Principal Claredon School Magnolia Avenue Vineland, New Jersey08360 Miss Rita Koch, Principal (609) 691-1966 683 Fifth Street Secaucus, New Jerse:t 07094 76 (201) 867-5283 WAYNE TOWNSHIP PUBL IC SCHOOLS WHARTON BOROUGH PUBL fe, SCHOOLS

Administration Administration Mr. David H. O'Grady, Superintendent 50 Nellis Drive Mr. Thomas C. O'Rourke, Superintendent Wayne, New Jersey 07470 c/o Curtis School (201) 694-8600 Wharton, New Jersey 07885 (201) 361-2592

Packanack School Wharton Public School Mr. Richard York, Principal 190 Oakwood Drive Mr. Francis DeBell, Principal Wayne, New Jersey 07470 East Central Avenue (201) 694-8600 Ext. 257 Wharton, New Jersey 07885 (201) 361-2592

77 64 NUM WARE:




7 8/79 CASSADAGA VALLEY CENTRAL SCHOOLS it2c4tip.EldrilfssiLty

Administration Mr. Wendell Crabtree, Principal Mrs. Lillian Carpenter, Secretary Mr. Samuel S. Denton, Superintendent Stockton, New York 14784 Central Administration Offices (716) 595-3354 Sinclairville, New york14782 (716) 962-5155 Unit Leaders: Primary (Gr. K-3) Mr. Samuel S. Danton Mrs. Rose Mary Arcoraci District MUS-E Coordinator FALCONER CENTRAL SCHOOLS


Mr. Wendell Crabtree,Principal Mr. James H. Gassman, Superintendent Mrs. Jeannette Gall,Secretary East Avenue 175 Maple Avenue Falconer, New York14733 Cassadaga, New York 14718 (716) 456-1597 (716) 595-3078 Mrs. Elizabeth Allday Unit Leaders: District MUS-E Coordinator

Primary (Gr. K-3) Mrs. M. Lee Sahle Intermediate (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Isabel White Ellington Elementary (1970-71) a

Mr. Rudolf Donn, Principal Quimlawant&gmllikkb3) Mks. Marlene Donn, Office Monitor Ellington, New York14701 Mr. Elmer Horey, Principal (716) 287-2225 Mrs. Pat Johnson, Secretary Gerry, New York14740 Unit Leaders: (716) 985-2155 Unit A (Gr. 1-6) Mks. Judith Norquist Unit Leaders:

Primary (Gr. K-3) Mk. H. Thomas Hallberg Harvey C. Fenner Elementary (1970-71) b

Mr. Herbert I. F. Carlson, Principal Sinclairville Elementary (1968-69) Mb. Ann Hallquist, Office Monitor Falconer, New York 1473 Mr. Elmer Horey, Principal (716) 665-6624 Mrs. Lucile Marsh, Secretary Sinclairville, New York 14782 Unit Leaders: (716) 962-5212 Primary (Gr. 5-9) Mb. Elnora Peterson Unit Leaders: Intermediate (Gr. 8-12) Mb. Violet McKoon

Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mb. Arlene Josephson UnIt B (Gr. 4-5) Mb. Ruth Sylvester North Side JchoGl (191O7l) .12, Unit C (Gr. 6) Mb. Anna Mitchell Mrs. Lucy Mule, Principal Mrs. Phyllis Steere, OfficeMonitor North Work Street Falconer, New York 14733 (716) 665-6624 b*81 66 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Lucy Mula Unit A (Gr.1-3) Miss Alice Yandian Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Lucy Mula Unit B(Gr.1-3) Mks. Carol Willett Unit C(Gr.4-6) Mr.J. Pad Unit D(Gr.4-6) Mr.Thomas Franklin South Side Ssja91-1Lb.

Mr. Richard Pond, Principal Mrs. Dorothy Larson, Office Monitor SOUTHWESTERN CENTRAL SCHOOLS South Work Street Falconer, New York 14733 Administration, (716) 665-6624 Ext. 27 Dr. Philip C. Frost, Superintendent Unit Leaders: 600 Hunt Road West Ellicott; New York 14701 Unit A (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Betty Morgenstern (716) 485-1714 Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Richard Pond

amplegementary Building (1970-71) A Ms. Lois Hough, Principal Mr.. Donald S. Lazarony, Principal Mrs. Beverly Lindstrom, Secretary Mrs. Doris Marsh, Office Monitor 7 Glidden Avenue, W.D. Grubb Hill Road West Ellicott, New York14701 Kennedy, New York 14747 (716) 485-1714 (714) 267-3255 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. 2-4) Ms. Lois Hough Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mr. Donald S. Lazarony Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Donald S. Lazarony WILLIAMSVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOLS


Administration Dr. William E. Keller, Superintendent 5225 Sheridan Drive Mr. Henry J. Kalfas, Superintendent Williamsville, New York14221 607 Walnut Avenue (716) 634-5300 Niagara Falls, New York14302 (716) 285-5251 1970-7j) Mr. Duntar M. VanDekveer Mk. Anthony E. Link, Principal District MUS-E Coordinator Mks. Laura M. Pauly, Secretary 851 Maple Road Williamsville, New York14221 Pilaf il.9 (716) 634-5300

Mk. Wilfred L. Young, Principal Mb. Mildred Blumaff, Secretary 7116 Buffalo Avenue Niagara Falls, New York14302 82 (716) 283-2620 P7 Unit Lceaders:

Unit K Mv, Vincent P. DeWind Unit A - Mrs. Molly .;;Anmerstrom Lt B - Mrs, Sharon Guercio Unit C- Mr. Richard A. Hitzges Unit E- Mrs. lrace Meunier Unit F- Miss Sharon Minklein Unit G - Mr. Ernest Voisinet

83 OH IO





Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Esther Walter Administration Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Betty Stewart Unit C (Gr. 2-4) Mrs. Shirley Gauby Mr. Grant P. Kibbel, Superintendent Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Lois Whitmore 7410 Market Street Unit E (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Kay Creel Youngstown, Ohio 44512 (216) 758-2811 *C. L. Stingley Multiunit Elementary Mr. Harold E. Culler 1.1270.z71) b District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. James M. Schrote, Printipal Mrs. PatriciaRylander, Secretary 95 Linden Drive *Market Strebt School. 0.971-72) Centerville, Ohio 45459 (513) 885-5841 Ext. 272 Mr. Harold E. Culler, Principal Mrs. Yeany, Secretary Unit Leaders: 5555 Market Street Boardman, Ohio 44512 Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Dorothy Bussurd (216) 782-3743 Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Justine DeWitt Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Sylvia Cale Unit Leaders: Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mr. John Dupre

Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Conti Unit B (Gr. 1-4) Mrs. Assion *Village South Elementary (1971) Unit C (Gr. 2-4) Mrs. Lohr Mrs. Cathers Mrs. Jean N. Vesper, Principal Mrs. Wagner Ms. Pat Sherrill, Secretary 6450 Marshall Road Centerville, Ohio 45459 CENTERVILLE CITY SCHOOLS (513) 885-5841

Unit Leaders: Administration Unit A (Gr.1-3) Mrs. Charmaine Talbot Dr. Donald Overly, Superintendent Unit B (Gr.1-3) Mrs. Nancy Geyer 111 Virginia Avenue Unit C (Gr.2-4) Yrs. Brenda Weber Dayton, Ohio 45459 Unit D (Gr.4-5) Mrs. Lois Camealy (513) 885-5841 Unit E (Gr. K) Mrs. Beverly Harrell

Dr. Lilburn Hoehn District MUS-E Coordinator LIBERTY LOCAL SCHOOLS

*NormandEl_...zi...,t_(_LmftarMl Aktminietration

Mr. Robert Savage, Principal Mr. H. M. Wilds, Superintendent Mrs. Alyce Davis, Secretary 4115 Shady Road 401 Normandy Ridge Road Youngstown, Ohio 44505 Dayton, Ohio45459 (216) 759-0807 (513) 885-5841 Ext. 281

?6/87 *William S. Guy (1971-7) OREGON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Mr. William R. Dumire, Principal Mrs. Pauline Morgan, Secretary Administration 4115 Shady Road Youngstown, Ohio 44505 Mr. Victor C. Wood, Superintendent (216) 759-1733 5721 Seaman Road Oregon, Ohio 43616 Unit Leaders: (419) 693-0661

Unit A (Gr. 4) Mrs. Marilyn HockansmithMr. Lawrence D. Morgan Unit B (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Pribcilla DoneganDistrict MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr. 5) Mrs. Kay Sefcik Unit D (Gr. 5-6) MrIra Wagner Unit E (Gr. 6) Mr. Fred Dellarco Starr Elementary School ------(1969-70) Mr. Don Bennett, Principal MISSISSINAWA VALLEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mrs. Edith Felhaber, Secretary 3230 Starr Avenue Oregon, Ohio43616 Administration (419) 693-0661

Mr. Douglas Reeves, Superintendent Unit Leaders: Route 5 Union City, Ohio 47390 Unit A (Gr. 6) Mrs. Phyllis Jenkins (513) 968-5656 Unit B (Gr. 5) Mrs. Jean Clark

Dr. Joseph B. Carnot District MUS-E Coordinator TOLEDO PUBLIC SCHOOLS

*East Side School (1970) b Administration

Dr. Joseph B. Carnot, Principal Mr. Frank Dick, Superintendent Mb. Kay Butt, Secretary Manhattan and Elm Streets 116 Sycamore Street Toledo, Ohio 43608 UniJixi City, Ohio 47390 (419) 729-5111 (513) 968-4096 Mr. Hawthorne Faison Unit Leaders: District MUS-E Coordinator

Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mb. Dionne Jones Unit B (Gr. 2) MA. Wretha Price Glendale School (1969) Unit C (Gr. 3) Mb. Mary Ingle Unit D (Or. 4) Ms. Dixie Cox Mr. Philip Schneider, Principal Mrs. Alice Wadsworth, Secretary 4746 Glendale Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43614 (419) 385-1641

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Roehrs Unit B (Gr. 1-4) Mrs. Hipp Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Gabriel 88 Martin Luther King School (1967) Unit LeaCsrs:

Mr. Al Mackie, Principal Unit A (Gr.K-1) Mrs. J. Beater Mrs. Marjory Jones, Secretary Unit B (Gr.1-2) M. Graham 1415 Lawrence Avenue Unit C (Gr.1-2) S. Walker Toledo, Ohio 43607 Unit D (Gr.3-4) R. Gill (419) 243-7163 Unit D (Gr.3-4) J. Clark Unit E (Gr.5-6) P. Griffin nait Leaders:

Unit A (Gr.1) Mb.Delores Penn WARREN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit B (Gr.2) Ms.Iris Page Unit C (Gr.3) Ms.Brenda Diemer Unit D (Gr.4) Ms.Elinor Allen Administration Unit E (Gr.5) Mb.Bette Binkley Unit F (Gr.6) Mb.Bernice Thomaa Dr. Richard A. Boyd, Superintendent 261 Monrot. Street, N.W. Warren, Ohio 44482 Old Orchard School (1970) (216) 841-2321

Mr. Bruce Kuntz, Principal Dr. James Steele Mrs. Helen Coffin, Secretary District MUS-E Coordinator 2402 Cheltenham Road Toledo, Ohio43606 (419) 536-1261 *McKinley (1971)

Unit Leaders: Mr. Albert R. Rich, Principal Mrs. Sylvia P. Stathis, Secretary Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Helen Bennett 1321 Elm Road, N.E. Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mts. LaVerne Weigel Warren, Ohio 44483 (216) 841-2242

Wa1bridte(1970) Unit Leaders:

Ms. Patricia A. Kennedy, Principal Unit A (Gr.1-2) Mrs. Kathryn K. Evfins Mrs. Kirk, Secretary Unit B (Gr.2-4) Ms. Marilyn E. Brauer Mrs. Timm, Secretary Unit C (Gr.4-6) Mr. Frank G. Haniak 1245 Walbridge Avenue Tpledo, Ohio43609 (419) 243-4020 XENIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit Leaders: Administration Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Jane Kieffer Unit B (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Nanci Lucas Mr. William M. West, Superintendent 578 East Market Street Xenia, Ohio 45385 Washington School (1971) (513) 376-2961

Mr. Alvin Stephens, Principal Dr. William M. Hill Mrs. Helen Abbenzeller, Secretary District MUS-E Coordinator 514 Palmwood Street Toledo, Ohio 43602 (419) 243-5613

89 72 *Cox Elementar (1971) b

Mr. John C. Balmer, Principal Mr. Wilgus J. Napier, Principal Mrs. James (Pat) Wilson, Secretary Mrs. Pat Ames, Secretary 506 Dayton Avenue Spring Valley-Paintersville Road Xenia, Ohio 45385 Spring Valley, Ohio45370 (513) 372-9201 (513) 862-7811

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders;

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Mattis Deaton Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Jean Dooley Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Miss Joanne Earley Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Ann Henning Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Miss Carolyn Ray Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Alice Haines Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Esther Williams Unit E (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Mary Conover YELLOW SPRINGS EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS *Simon Kenton Elementary (1970) b Administration Mr. Armic Adams, Principal Ms. Maureen Luke, Secretary Mr. Lloyd Benham, Superintendent 1087 West Second Street 201 Walnut Street Xenia, Ohio45385 Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 (513) 372-9251 (513) 767-7381

Unit Leaders: *Mills Lawn Elementary (1970) b Unit A (Gr. K-2) MS. Marybird Ferguson Unit B (Gr. K-2) Ms. Rosemary Smith Mrs. Alice Flowers, Principal Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Ann Kelley Mis. Josie Andy, Secretary Unit D (Gr. 3-4) MS. Jean Pyle 200 Walnut Street Unit E (Gr. 4-6) MA. Janet Ferguson Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 Unit F (Gr. 4-6) Mi. John Duke (513) 767-7483

Unit Leaders: *McK10.14_142111staaj1220t221j). Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Doris Kintzel Mi. Richard W. Bennett, Principal Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Betty Felder Mrs. Peggy Mosier, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Westina Ligon 228 West Market Street Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mt. John Fobey Xenia, uhio 45385 Unit E (Gr. 4-5) Mr. Randall Newsome (513) 372-1251

Unit Leaders: YOUNGSTOWN DIOCESE SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Naomi Whitaker Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Mrs. Dorothy Yoder Administration Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Nina Groves Msgr. William Hughes, Superintendent 144 W. Wood Street Youngstown, Ohio 44506 (216) 744-8934 90 *Immaculate Conception *Sheridan SchaLS12.68)

Sister Teresa Winsen, Principal Mb. Ruth Bowers, Principal 810 Oak Street :Its. Margaret McIntyre, Secretary Youngstown, Ohio 44506 3321 Hudson Avenue (216) 747-9471 Youngstown, Ohio44511 (216) 782-5551 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr.1-2) Sister Marilyn Unit B(Gr.3-4) Mrs. Sakomen Unit A (Gr.1-2)\1issMary Ann Thomas Unit C(Gr.5-6) Mrs. Kelley Unit B (Gr.3-4) Miss Gloria Cadman Unit D(Gr. 7-8) Mrs. Lynch Unit C (Gr.5-6) Mr. Robl.rt Boomhower



Dr. Richard Viering, Superintendent 20 West Wood Street Youngstown, Ohio 44503 (216) 743-1151

Mr. Clay Folsom District MUS-E Coordinator

*Paul C. Bunn (1971)

Mr. Samuel A. Loree, Principal Miss Amelia Colosant, Secretary 1825 Sequoya Drive Youngstown, Ohio 44514 (216) 788-6992

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 6-7) Mr. Sheldon Johnson Unit B (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Betty Brennan Unit C (Gr. 3-5) Ms. Dorethea Lipp Unit D (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Irene Liptak Unit E (Gr. 1-2) Mb. Alberta Stanley






92/93 ABBEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS *Ridge Spring-Monetta School (1)71-72)

Mr. B. Wade Nobles, Principal Administration Mrs. Joretta K. Scott, Secretary P. O. Box 386 Mr. R. H. Gettys, Superintendent Ridge Springs South Carolina29129 Chestnut Street (803) 685-7433 Abbeville, South Carolina 29620 (803) 459-2717 BERKELEY COUNTY SCHOOLS

*Sharon Elementary (1971) Administration Mr. J. E. Copeland, Principal Mrs. Connie Ferguson, Secretary Mr. Henry Bonner, Superintendent Route 3 Moncks Corner, South Carolina 29461 Abbeville, South Carolina 29620 (803) 899-2148 (803) 446-8603 Mr. James A. Arnold Unit Leaders: District MUS-E Coordinator

Unit (Gr. 1-4) Mrs. Georgia Burriss *Berkeley Elementary (1971)

AIKEN COUNTY SCHOOLS Mr. James A. Arnold, Principal Mh. Mary Chisolm, Secretary 107 West Main Street Administratl.on Moncks Corner, South Carolina 29461 (803) 899-3318 Dr. G. T. Myers, Superintendent P. O. Box 1137 Unit Leaders: Aiken, South Carolina 29801 (803) 648-1312 Unit A (Gr. 1) Mb. Beatrice Bobo Unit B (Gr. 1) Mb. Kathleen Wall Unit C (Gr. 2) Mb. Juanita Hamilton *East Aiken Elementary_LLELLI Unit D (Gro 2)Mb, Suzanne Parker Unit E (Gr. 3)Mb. Gertrude Trescott Mr, Kenneth V. Willis, Principal Unit F (Gr. 3) Mb. Ann Bridgers Mrs. Georgia Kneece, Secretary Unit G (Gr. 4) Mb. Linda Godwin Old Wegener Road Unit H (Gr. 4) Ms. Jesse C. Bustos Aiken, South Carolina29801 (803) 648-2364


Unit A (Gr. 1)Mrs. Dorothy Stephens Unit B (Gr. 2)Mrs. Betty Oyler Administration Unit C (Gr. 3)Mrs. Jean R. Grabb Unit D (Gr. 4) Mrs.Margaret W. Basks Dr. Gordon Garrett, Superintendent Unit E (Gr. 5) Mrs.Sadie H. Wateon The Center Unit F (Gr. 6) Mrs.Elizabeth Yergason Box 2218 Charleston, South Carolina 29403 (803) 722-8841

76 AlkaJILLMOIAJAMIArY Samig *Ruby Eteatm (1971) b

Mr, Andrew Young, Principal Mr. Gary E. Douglas, Principal. 7750 Pinehurst Street Mrs. Margaret D. Sellers, Secretary Charleston Heights, SouthCarolina 29405 P. 0. Box 7 (803) 553-1915 Ruby, South Carolina29741 (803) 634-2211


Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Lucille S. Crawley Administration Unit B (Gr. 3-5) Mrs. Margarat C. Thurman Unit C (Gr. 6-8) Mrs. Zada G. Gulledge Mr. E. W. Nunnery, Superintendent 121 Columbia Street Chester, South Carolina 29706 COLUMBIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS (803) 385-6122

Mr. James Wilson Administration District MUS-E Coordinator Dr. C. E. Kitchens, Superintendent 1616 Richland Street *Lewisville Elementary (1971-711 Columbia, South Carolina29201 (803) 765-2491 Mrs. Jennie K. Kelly, Principal Mrs. Linda C. Westbrook,Secretary Dr. Harold Vaughn Route 1 District MUS-ECoordinator Box 120 Edgemoor, South Carolina 29712 (803) 789-5164 *Belvedere Elementary (1971-72) Unit Leaders: Miss Virginia Pack, Principal Mrs. Caroline M. Hill, Secretary Unit A (Gr. 1) Mrs. Bobbie Miller 3602 Thurmond Street Unit B (Gr. 2) Mrs. Martha Stringfellow Columbia, South Carolina29204 Unit C (Gr. 3) Mrs. Patricia Robbins (803) 754-4437 Unit D (Gr. 4)Mrs. Paulette King Unit E (Gr. 5) Miss Bennie Newman Unit Leaders: Unit F (Gr. 6)Mrs. Jane Jordan Unit G (Special) Mvs. Sylvia Gill Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Miriam Davis Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Ellene Deery Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Ophelia Owens CHESTERFIELD COUNTY SCHOOLS Unit D (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Jo Meal Unit E (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Ellen Barrett Administration

Mr. Spencer E. Douglas,Superintendent P.O. Box 127 Ruby, South Carolina29/41 (803) 634-5594


Unit Leaders: Administration Unit A-C (Gr. 6) MS.Dot Pahlitzsch Mr. G. C. 4angum, Superintendent MS Jessie Bowens Courthouse, Room 304 Mr.Johnny Hughes Darlington, South Carolina29532 Unit D-F (Gr. 7) Mr.Charles Rodgers (803) 339-1511 Ms.Margaret Foster Mr.Bob Pahlitzsch AREA #1 Unit (Gr. 8) Ms.Ernestine Kennette Ms.Frances Poole Mr. Leonard D. Reynolds, Superintendent Ms.Margery M. Bennett Box 494 Darlington, South Carolina29532 (803) 393-5401 JASPER PUBL IC SCHOOLS

Spring Elementary Adminiztration

Mrs. Alice B. Mangum, Principal Mr. S. E. Bonds, Jr.,Superintendent Box 498 Jasper County Board ofEducation Darlington, South Carolina 29532 Ridgeland, South Carolina 29936 (803) 393-4921 (803) 726-8221

Mr. Sam P. Massey GREENVILLE COUNTY SCHOOLS District MUS-E Coordinator

*Hardeeville Elementary Administration (1971-721 Mr. Sam P. Massey, Principal Dr. J. Floyd Hall, Superintendent Mrs. Mildred Cooler, 420 North Pleasantburg Drive Secretary P. 0. Box 584 Greenville, South Carolina 29606 Hardeeville, South Carolina (803) 242-6450 29927 (803) 784-2335

Mr. Ben B. Carson Unit Leaders: District MUS-E Coordinator Unit A(Gr. 1-3) Ms.Viola Jackson Unit B(Gr. 1-3) Ms.Anne Simmons *Greer Middle School (1971) Unit C(Gr. 4-6) Ms.Musette Martin Unit D(Gr. 4-6) Ms. Mr. David J. Vickery, Principal Hattie Johnson Unit E(Special) Ms.Ann Weatherly Ms. Mae Beth M. Cox, Secretary Route 6 Chandler Road Greer, South Carolina29651 (803) 877-0174


Unit A(Gr.1-3) Mrs.Poliy C. MO:son Administration Unit B(Gr.2-4) Mrs.Harriett J. Hamrick Unit C(Gr.3-5) Mt.?.E. Thrsilkill Mr. J. C. Walton, Superintendent Unit D(Gr.4-6) Mrs.Billie L. Smith Kershaw County Educational Building DuBose Court Camden, South Carolina 29020 LEXINGTON COUNTY SCHOOLS (803) 432-9891

Mrs. Irene Gettys Administration District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. W. C. Hawkins, Superintendent Ballentine, South Carolina29002 *Camden Elementary (1971) (803) 772-0540

Mr. Alexander H. Boykin,Principal Mr. Wm. Tim Brown Mrs. Luzell Givens, Secretary District MUS-E Coordinator Campbell Street P.O. Box 369 Camden, South Carolina 29020 *Seven Oaks Elementary (1971-72) (803) 432-4014 Mr. Wm. Tim Brown, Principal Unit Leaders: M. Jeanne Hadden, Secretary 2800 Ashland Road Unit A(Gr.4-5) Mrs.Alma Felder Columbia, South Carolina29210 Unit B(Gr.4-5) Mrs.Beth Small (803) 772-2320 Unit C(Gr.4-5) Mrs.Virginia Cooke Unit D(Gr.4-5) Mrs.Pearline Boswell Unit Leaders: Unit E(Gr.4-5) Miss Patricia Wood Unit A (Gr. 4)Ms. Linda Flynn Unit B (Gr. 4)Ms. Charlotte Jones LANCASTER CITY SCHOOLS RICHLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS #1 Administration

Mr. Donald L. Crolley, Superintendent Administration North Catawba Street Lancaster, South Carolina29720 Dr. Claud E. Kitchens, Superintendent (803) 285-1555 1616 Richland Street Columbia, South Carolina29201 (803) 765-2491 *McDonald-Green Elementary (1971-72) Dr. Harold Vaughn Miss Anne R. Nims, Principal District MUS-E Coordinator Mrs. Lillian F. Robinson, Secretary Route 7 Lancaster, South Carolina29720 (803) 283-6825

98 .1.talaggal3gMLWALL104521112a:NAIL Unit Leaders:

Mr. Clifton L. Harkey, Principal Unit A(Gr.1-2) Mrs. F, T. Riley Mrs. Frances Salisbury, Secretary Unit B(Gr.1-2) 7725 Caughman Road Mrs. C. L. Dangler Unit C(Gr.3-4) Misn R. 0. Ballentine Columbia, South Carolina29209 Unit D(Gr.3-4) (803) 776-6150 Mrs. S. B. Wilson

Unit Leaders: *Conder Elementary (1971)b

Unit A(Gr. 7) Mrs. Betsey Ellis Mr. Charles T. Bright, Unit B Principal (Gr.6) Mr, Jerry Hollis Mrs. Peggy Collins, Unit C Secretary (Gr.7) Miss Ann Sprott 8161 Brookfield Road Unit D(Gr. L) Mr. Harvester Glover Columbia, South Carolina Unit E 29206 (Gr. 7) Mrs. Edith Jensen (803) 787-8765 Unit F(Gr.6) Mrs. Ann Dasher Unit Leaders:

Unit A(Gr.1) Ms. Mary S. Jordan L*JobmP.I.22HLELEIL1515z_gap_E Unit B(Gr.2) Ms.Ruth K. Coleman Unit C Mr. James A. Shaw, Principal (Gr.3) Ms.Patricia Jumper Unit D Mrs. Pinckney S. Marsh, Secretary (Gr.4) Ms.Nancy P. Welch Unit E 6001 Weston Avenue (Gr.5) Ms.Annie G. Gaddy Columbia, South Carolina 29203 (803) 754-3851 *Lonnie B. Nelson Elementary (19717 ) b

Unit Leaders: Mr. Fred W. Rogers, Principal Ms. Pearl Hooper, Secretary Unit A(Gr.1) Ms.Lois P. Smith Route 3 Unit B(Gr.2) Ms.Charleen Jones Box 266J Unit C(Gr.3) Ms.Edna Trapp Columbia, South Carolina 29204 Unit D(Gr.4) MaKathleen Broome (803) 787-0355 Unit E(Gr.5) Ms.Ellen Cooper Unit Leaders:

RICHLAND COUNTY SCHOOLS #2 Unit A(Gr.1-2) Ms. Beverly Crosby Unit B(Gr.2-3) Ms. Elizabeth Ramey Unit C(Gr.3-4) Ms. Arsrylis Zajowski Unit D(Gr.4-5) Ms. Martha Flaherty Unit E(Gr.4-5) Ms. Ann Podell Mx. W. H. Parrish, Superintendent 6831 Brookfield Road Columbia, South Carolina 29206 SUMTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS (803) 782-6500

Ms. Eleanor Bull hAlgOtAXilign District MUS-E Coordinator Dr. L. C. McArthur, Jr.,Superintendent 1109 North Pike RoadWest tAlY11112.9.2d 412DELW.12,12.12.12/1 Sumter, South Carolina29130 (803) 469-8536 Mr. James H. Hall, Jr., Principal Mrs. Zelda Boney, Secretary Mr. D. F. Barber, Jr. P. 0, Box 20 District MUS-E Coordinator Biythswood, South Carolina 29016 (803) 754-3419 r 99 80 aiddSNLI11.1-11921TIELS1971"Al

Mr. D. F. Barber, Jr., Principal Mrs, Francis Garrison, Secretary Willow Drive Sumter, Sou.h Carolina 29150 (803) 7734712

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Bunnie Shuler Unit C (Gr. 34) Mrs. Janet Ague Unit D (Gr. 54) Mrs. Lillian Chappell







Mr. S. John Davis, Superintendent 1000 Page Avenue Fairfax, Virginia 22030 (703) 691-2631

Franklin Sherman Elementary b

Mrs. Irene Lober, Principal Mrs. Martha Fitzpatrick, Secretary 6630 Brawner Street McLean, Virginia22101 (703) 356-3874 or 356-6464

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Pamela Kenney Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Valle Ayers Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Sheryl Finche WISCONSIN




o (i/m5 84 noon PUBLIC SCHOOLS

A41114.1.1qa51.99. Unit Leaders:

Mr. Gerald F. Thielke, Superintendent Unit A (Gr. K-2)Mrs. Janet Clark 1715 Division Street Unit B (Gr. 1-3)Mrs. Kay Wisnefske Algoma, Wisconsin 54201 Unit C (Gr. 2-3)Miss Nancy Berglund (414) 487-5581 Unit D (Or. 3) Mrs. Carol Gee Unit E (Gr.Int.)Mr. Phil Voakuil Mr. Marvin J. Sibilsky District MUS-E Coordinator *Foster (1971) b *Al_fiana Elementary 1970- 1 b Mr. William C. Schultz, Principal Mr. Marvin J. Sibilsky, Principal Mrs. Chris Schwister, Secretary Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, Secretary 305 West Foster Street 514 Fremont Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 Algoma, Wisconsin 54201 (414) 739-3121 Ext. 67 (414) 487-3440 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. K-1) Ms. Janis Neubuaer Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Laverne Eggert Unit B (Gr. 2) Ma. Barbara Jernegan Unit B (Gr. K-3) Mrs. .Darlene Kambach Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Jean Wallace Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Clarice Feld Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Keith Long Unit D (Gr. 6-8) Mr. Lyle Schmiling

*Franklin Elementary (1970-71)

APPLETON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Richard D. Goree, Principal Mrs. Jean Roegner, Secretary Administration 2212 North Jarchow Street Appleton, Wisconsin54911 Mr. Orlyn Zieman, Superintendent (414) 739-3121 Ext. 61 120 East Harris Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 Unit Leaders: (414) 739-3121 Unit A (Gr. 6) Mrs. Maxine Wiley Miss Ellie Eggener Unit B (Gr. 5) Mr. Andrew Wittmann District MUS-E Coordinator *Raiel *Edison Elemmtm.11211:7.111 Mr, Richard F. Haas, Principal Miss Charlotte Klemm, Principal Mrs. June Schroeder, Secretary Miss Yvonne Petit, Secretary Mrs. Loretta Josephs, Secretary 412 North Meade Street 2224 North Ullman Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 (414) 739-3121 (414) 739-3121 Ext. 71

/o4 107 Unit Leaders: Mr, Bob Gilpatrick District MUS-E Coordinator Unit A (Gr. 1)Ms. Donna Haferman Unit B Oar. 1-3) Ms. Ellen Reimer Unit C Oar. 2-3) Ms. Dorothy Warren Unit D (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Beverly Apitz Mt. Kenneth Vertein, Principal Unit E (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Joanne DeGroot Ms. Mary Deppe, Secretary Rural Route 1 Baraboo, Wisconsin53913 *Johnston Elementary School (1970-71) (608) 356-6244 as_b__ Mr. Charles Lynch, Principal Unit Leaders: Mrs. Gloria Jahnke, Secretary 2525 East Forest Street Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Mary Sinner Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Kenneth Vertein (414) 739-3121 Ext. 77

Unit Leaders: *Gordon L. Willson School/1E07W

Unit A (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Forrest Weber Mr. Robert Kasehel, Principal Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Barbara Walstrom Mts. Dolores Krueger, Secretary Unit C (Gr. K-2) Ms. Phyllis Lien 146 Berkley Boulevard Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913 (608) 356-4242 *McKinley Elementary School (1970) ILALI Unit Leaders:

Mr. Thomas R. Loveall, Principal Unit Alpha (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Marilyn Stavnaw Ms. Kathy Johnson, Secretary Unit Red (ar. 4-6) Ms. Mary Haugsby 1125 East Taft Avenue Appleton, Wisconsin54911 (414) 739-3121Ext. 87 BLACK RIVER FALLS PUBLICSCHOOLS Unit Leaders: Administration Unit A-C (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Mary Benotch, Mr. Larry Koeller, Mt. M. C. Schmollenberg, Superintendent Mr. Ron Lupien 400 Harrison Street Unit D (Gr. K-3) Ms. Nancy Brown Black River Falls, Wisconsin 54615 Unit E Oar. 1-3) Ms. Ellen Kranzusch (715) 284-4357 Unit P (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Judy DeShaney Unit G (Gr. K-2) Ms. Helen Stone Mr. Jim Claude District MUS-E Coordinator


Administration Mk. Philip E. Meyer, Principal Miss Jane Bowen, Secretary Mr. Leo Bronkalla, Superintendent Forrest Street 101 2nd Avenue Black River Falls, Wisconsin54615 Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913 (715) 284-9406 (608) 356-5761

108 86 Unit Leaders: Parksriew E1smentar jst.221.4_11.2§9,0

Unit A (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Liesel Kessler Mr. Whrren Schollaert, Principal Unit B (Or. 4-5) Nr. Duane Clarke Mrs. Farrell, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Alton Bernhardt 1155 North 10th Avenue Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012 (414) 377-6030

Unit Leaders: BRODHEAD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. K-1) Ms. Betty Guellor Administration Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Edna Welch Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Gloria Wetzel G. E. Thompson, Superintendent Highway 11 Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520 *Thorson Elementaxl (1969-70) b (608) 89-2146 Mr. Ronald J. Zwadzich, Principal Mr. Ron Albrecht Mrs. Joan Moore, Secretary District MUS-E Coordinator 1330 Keup Road Cedarburg, Wisconsin53012 (414) 377-6030 Ext. 56 *Brodhead Elementary School (3911-721,1 Unit Leaders: Mr. Ron Alhecht, Principal Mrs. Jean Hennager, Secretary Unit I (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Barbara Kaestner 600 21st Street Unit II (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Eunice Paulin Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520 Unit III (Gr. 4-5) Miss Gratia Baehr (608) 897-2146

Unit Leaders: *Westlawn Elementary School (1970-71)

Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Carole Haraldson Mr. Lawrence R. Entrees, Principal Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Jean Duchow Ms. Marie Jaye, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Frances Cooper 625 South Third Avenue Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Miss Marjorie Blackford Cedarburg, Wisconsin53012 (414) 377-6030 Ext. 54

Unit Leaders: CEDARBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit Alpha (Gr. K-1) Ms. Harriet Horn Unit Beta (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Laurinne Lasrado Administration Unit Gamma (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Pamela Olsen

Mr. Frank M. Kennedy, Superintendent 439 North Evergreen Drive Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012 (414) 377-6030



Administration Administration

Mr. Wadleigh, Superintendent Mr. Walter Ploetz, Superintendent Clintonville, Wisconsin 54929 3744 East Ramsey Avenue (715) 823-2174 Cudahy, Wisconsin53110 (414) 481-1040 Ext. 255

*Bear Creek PrimarY,(1971-72) b Mr. Gerald Benka District MUS-E Coordinator Mk. 0. Reed Newton, Principal Mrs. Ann Schneidewend, Secretary Bear Creek, Wisconsin54922 *General Mitchell (W1-72) b (715) 752-4134 Mr. John P. Wohlfarth, Principal Unit Leader: Mrs. Hilda Mason, Secretary 5950 South Illinois Avenue Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Forest Stumpges Cudahy, Wisconsin53110 (414) 481-1040Ext. 280

COLUMBUS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Marlene Migliaccio Administration Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Lucille Birschbach

M. A. Patchett, Superintendent 200 West School Street *FIFA View 1(.1M71.) 12 Columbus, Wisconsin 53925 (414) 623-2222 Mr. John Misun, Principal Mrs. JoAnn Lange, Secretary Mr. Richard Minorik 5555 South Nicholson Avenue District MUS-E Coordinator Cudahy, Wisconsin53110 (414) 481-1040 Ext. 276

*Dickason Elementary & Columbus Unit Leader: Junior High(1970-715 Unit A (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Judy Skille Mr. Richard Minorik, Principal Mts. Monica Schilling, Secretary 400 South Dickason Boulevard Columbus, Wisconsin 53925 EAU CLAIRE PUBLIC SCHOOLS (414) 623-2225 Administrat ion Unit Leaders: Dr. Marvin Lansing, Superintendent Unit A (Or. 7-8) Mrs. Mildred Mulvaney 122 Mappa Street Unit B (Gr. 7-8) Mt. Michael Piekarski Eau Claire, Wlsconsin54701 Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Elinor Shaw (715) 834-8105 Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Gwen Lunn Mrs. Olga Martin District MUS-E Coordinator

110 *Barstow Elementary School (1970-71) a b EDGERTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS

Mr. Roger Barstad, Principal Miss DeborahAnderson, Secretary Administration 500 North Barstow Street Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 Kenneth F. Williams, Superintendent (715) 835-3856 200 Elm High Drive Digerton, Wisconsin53534 Unit Leaders: (608) 884-3343

Unit A (Gr. K-3) Ms. Lorraine Tharp Mr. William R. Smeaton Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Betty Franko District MUS-E Coordinator

*Locust *yahara Valley Elentary School1971-72

Mr. Roger E. DeRusha, Principal Mr. William R. Smeaton, Principal Mrs. Janet J. Darling, Secretary Mts. Gretchen Lund, Secretary 3245 Locust Lane 119 North Swift Street Eau Claire, Wisconsin54701 Edgerton, Wisconsin53534 (715) 832-6028 (608) 884-4289

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Lynn Melrose Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Julene Krueger Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Donald gkamfer Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Ms. Cheryl Noss Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mr. John O'Connell

*W. R. Manz Elementary (1969-701_12

Mr. Gordon O. Wollum, Principal FOND DU LAC PUBLIC SCHOOLS Miss Cecelia Velie, Secretary 1000 East Fillmore Avenue Administration Eau Claire, Wisconsin54701 (715) 834-6551 Mr. Jerome N. Strupp, Superintendent 72 South Portland Street Unit Leaders: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935 (414) 922-4210 Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. rat Ness Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Don St. Louis Mr. Fred A. Cruckson District MUS-E Coordinator

*Mt. Washington (1971r72) b *E2ELELEttgEln Elementar (1970-71) Mr. Joe C. Rosenberg, Principal Mrs. Janet Lee, Secretary 1710 Menoronie Street Mr. Leslie J. Chaloupka, Principal Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 Mrs. Beverly Sabel, Secretary (715) 832-0512 109 East Merrill Avenue Fond du Lac, Wisconsin54935 Unit Leader: (414) 921-4580

Unit A (Gr. K4) Mt. Ronald Yonke

111 Unit Leaders; *Ile= Q.Roseno....11971:2,2J

Unit A (3t. Kr2) Mts. Helen Ndller Br. Paul B. Ubbesen, Principal Unit 11 (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Eleanore Mitchell Mrs. Charmayne Gannon, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Fred Augustin 290 Weis Avenue Fond du Lac, Wisconsin54935 (414) 921-9480 *9.12MIETLWIPALMR:21) Unit Leaders: Mr. Gerald D. McDermot, Principal Mrs. Florence Born, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Louise Danner 366 West Scott Street Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Darlene Simonson Fond du Lac, Wisconsin54935 (414) 921-7960 *filizalthatatese_aghol(1971-72) Unit Leaders: Mr. Jerry Sullivan, Principal Primary Unit (Gr. Kr8) Mrs. Ann VandeZende Mrs. Della Radtke, Secretary Intermediate Unit (Gr. 4-6) Mr. John Theis 495 Wabash Avenue Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935 (414) 922-0370 *Sarah Fahey (1969-70) Unit Leaders: Mr. Gerald McDermot, Principal Mrs. Betty Beardsley, Secretary Unit A (Gr. K) Ms. Roselle Kott 247 Doty Street Unit B (Gr. 1) Ms. Marion Sang Fond du Lac, Wisconsin54935 Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Virginia Scharf (414) 921-8010 Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Ruth Keyser Unit E (Gr. A-6) Ms. Elva McKinley Unit Leader:

Unit A (Gr. *-3) Mrs. Shirley Putman FOX POINT-BAYSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOLS

*Roberts Elementary (1970-71) Administration

Ms. Mary Jane McDonald, Principal Dr. George J. Lovos, Superintendent Mrs. Marilyn Kaiser, Secretary 7241 Longacre Road 270 Candy Lane Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin54935 (414) 352-4780 (414) 921-1323

Unit Leaders: *tirade Primary School (1262:2,2)

Unit A (Or. K) Unassigned Mr. Charles A. Averkamp, Principal Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Elma Bastian Mrs. Frances Wuerl, Secretary Unit C (ar. 3-4) Mrs. Herjorie Baldauf 600 East Standish Place Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Melvin Dirks Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217 (414) 352-3044

112 20 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A Oar. K) Mts. Mae Mitchell Unit B Oar. 1-3) Mts. Marian Johnson Unit B Oar. 1-2) Mrs. Lela Bleach Unit C Oar. 4-6) Mrs. Ardelle Williamson Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Bernice Btu GRANTSBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS


Administration Mt. Merlin Johnson, Superintendent Grantsburg, Wisconsin54840 Mr. Harry E. Guzniczak, Superintendent (715) 463-5320 7380 South North Cape Road Franklin, Wisconsin 53132 Mr. Byron E. Kopp (414) 425-2554 District MUS-E Coordinator

Robt_lts:sodSchool *Grantsburg Elementary (1968-69)

Mr. Robert J. Ziegler, Principal Mt. Byron E. Kopp, Principal Mrs. Janet Rediske, Secretary Mrs. Pat Ernst, Secretary 10700 West Church Street Grantsburg, Wisconsin54840 Franklin, Wisconsin53132 (715) 463-2320 (414) 425-8200 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Louise Peterson Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mr. Joe Grohe Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Tim Tyman Unit B (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Janice Wblf Unit C (Gr. 6) Mr. Ken Nurnberg GREEN BAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS


Administration Mr. Edwin B. Olds, Superintendent 100 North Jefferson Street Mr. Robert Howard, Superintendent GreenBay, Wisconsin54301 Galesville, Wisconsin54630 (414) 432-0351 (608) 582-2291 Miss Helen Perslev District MUS-E Coordinator *Galesville Elementary School (1970r11) a *Henry S Baird (1969-70) Mr. Marvin Baures, Principal Mts. Kathleen Ertz, Secretary Mt. Robert Borucki, Principal 400 Ridge Avenue Mts. Gaynel Flack, Secretary Galesville, Wisconsin34630 539 LAverne Drive (608) 382-2026 Green Bay, Wisconsin34301 (414) 432-0351


91 Ur..a Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K) Vire. Caroline Noes Unit M (Lr. K) Ma. Mary DeWane Unit B (Gr. I) Mlss Sue Curtsinger Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Marjorie Born Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Ifts. Mary Collins Unit R (ar. 1-3) Ms. Rana Hughes Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Miss Marilyn Maney Unit T (ar. 1-6) Mr. John Robbins Unit E (Gr, 4-6) Ilk. Wayne Splitgerber UnIt 4-6) Mr. Howard Lehman Untt N (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Charles Decker

*Helen Keller Elemental:L.(1971-72)

Mr. Kenneth R. Krueger, Principal Mrs. Charlotte Kreilkamp, Secretary Ms. Elaine Martin, Principal 1806 Bond Street Mrs. Beverly Kocha, Secretary Green Bay, Wisconsin54303 215 North Webster (414) 432-0351 Ext. 379 Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301 (414) 432-0351 Ext. 350 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Anita Stubenvoll Unit H (Gr. 1-3) Miss Marjorie Hafemann Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs, Virginia Johnson Unit L (Fr. 4-6) Mr. David Birschbach Unit 8 (Gr. 3-6) Mr. William Baker Unit E (Gr. 1-6) Mrs. Fern Wussow


Mr. Theodore Herzog, Principal Administration Ms. Rosemary Carew, Secretary 1331 Hobart Drive Dr. William D. Knapp, Superintendent Green Bay, Wisconsin54303 5640 Parking Street (41.4) 432-0331 Ext. 393 Greendale, WiL;onsin53129 (414) 421-0446 Unit Leaders: Mr. Robert Debelak Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Jane Temp District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Bev Lawler Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Dick Paplham Unit E (Gr. 4-6) Hk. James Herman *John Rea &thruster Eiemeneaiy Scbool

(1673:/) *Morgan L. Martin (1969-70) Mk. Jerome C. Lent, Principal Mks. Patricia Groth, Secretary Ms. Elaine Johnson, Principal 7000 Greenway Ms. June Ehrbar, Secretary Greendale, Wisconsin53129 626 Pinehnrst (414) 421-0446 Green Bay,Wisconsin 54502 (414) 432-0351 Ext.:1:S5

114 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (ar. K-2) Mrs. Delores Sundeen Unit 1 (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Cheryl Brown Unit B (ar. Kr-2) Mts. Edna Stack Unit 2 (Or. 2) Mrs. Jane Beattie Unit C (Pr. 3) Mrs. Marie Weber Unit 3 (Dr. 3) Mrs. Carol Ann Haerter Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Diane Edward Unit 4 (ar. 4) Mrs. Lorraine Horst Unit 5 (Gr. 5) Mrs. Shirley Lenz Unit 6 (Gr. 6) Mrs. Beverly Marinkovich *Canterbury Elementary (1970-71)

Mrs. Carolyn A. Krueger, Principal Mrs. Sherri Taylor, Secretary GREENWOOD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 7000 Enfield Avenue Greendale, Wisconsin 53129 Administration (414) 421-4210 Mr. Kenneth F. Bartels, Superintendent Unit Leaders: 708 East Division Street Greenwood, Wisconsin54437 Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms.Sharon Rand (715) 267-7211 Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms.Barbara Nestor Unit C (Pr. 5-6) Ms.Ruth Michalski, Mrs. Willetta Heidemann Mr.Tam Brown District MUS-E Coordinator

*College ParkIlementary_SchoolA1970-71) *Greenwood Comnunity ElemWary School (1970-71) Mr. Robert S. Debelak, Principal Ms. Maxine Eddy, Secretary Mrs. Willetta Heidemann, Principal 5701 West College Avenue Mrs. Violet Metzke, Secretary Greendale, Wisconsin53129 708 East Division Street (414) 421-2000 greenwood, Wisconsin 54437 (715) 267-7211 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. B. Grohs Unit B (Gr. K-3) Mrs. S. Kulasa Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Ferne Neuenfeldt Unit C (Pr. 4-6) Mr. E. Harter Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Dorothy Henaman Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mr. A. Hafemeister Unit C (Pr. 4-6) Mis. Eva Christie Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Mercedes Liebzeit

Mrs. Myrtle Lane, Principal HORTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mrs. Genevieve Hintz, Secretary 5900 South 51st Street AdmiAtOtratiOn Greendale, Wisconsin53129 (414) 421-0446 Mr. Marvin Obry, Superintendent 246 North Olk Street Hortonville, Wisconsin 54944 (414) 779-4546

Mr. Eugene Riedl District MUS-E Coordinator

93 115 *Hortonville Elementary School 970-711A ligulailajamerl!.../mig,(129.1722)

Mr. Dean E. Held, Principal Mr. Eugene (Pens) Riedl, Principal Mts. Jacquelyn Rockwell, Secretary Mrs. Lola Clegg, Secretary Route 3 246 North Olk Street Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 Hortonville, Wisconsin 54944 (608) 752-2269 (414) 779-4546 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. k--3) Mr. LaVern Anderson Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Ethel Beyer Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Norma Carlson Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Carol Hoffman Unit C (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Patricia Grail Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Mildred Eisenreich *Harrison "Pod" School Unit E (Gr. 4-6) Mts. Male Grummer Unit F (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Quintin Thede Mr. George H. McKilligin, Principal Mks. Esther Kelsch, Secretary 760 Princeton Road JANESVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Janesville, Wisconsin53545 (608) 754-6631

Administration Unit Leaders:

Mr. Fred Holt, Superintendent Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Joan Skyles 315 South Jackson Street Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Lynn Karges Janewville, Wisconsin 53545 Unit C (Gr. 3-5) Mr. Paul Schneider (608) 752-7413 Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Dale Krueger

Mr. Lewis Loofboro District MUS-E Coordinator Hillcrest Elementary School (1970-71)

Mr. Dean E. Held, Principal *Adams Elementary School (1971-72) Mrs. Charlene Van Roo, Secretary Route 4 Mr. Robert O. Cook, Principal Magnolia Road Mrs. Lois Stegall, Secretary Janesville, Wisconsin53545 1138 East Memorial Drive (608) 752-8761 Janesville, Wisconsin53545 (608) 754-0263 Unit Leaders:

Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Ester Olson Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mrs, Ione Kopitzke Unit A Oar. K54) Ms. Myrtle Mitby Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Mary Smeaton Unit C (ar. 3-4) 14s. Linda Abb *Madison Elementary (1971-72) Unit D (Or. 5-6) Mb. Diane Kamla Mrs' C t111.-..1Ke"1 331 North Grant Street *Grant 97122) Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 (608) 752-9404 Mk. Elden rverson, Principal 1420 West Court Street Janesville, Wisconsin53545 (608) 756-1400 116 94 Unit Leaders: *.tagillia1.2171:712

UnitA (Gr.K-1) Mrs.Judith Guenther Mr. Elden 0. Iverson, Principal UnitB (Gr.2-3) Mrs.Agnes Eckerman Mrs. Jean Dresdow, Secretary UnitC (Gr.3114) Mrs.Lenore Strommen 811 North Pine Street UnitD (Gr.5-6) Mrs. Helen Kitelinger Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 (608) 752-7436

*Monroe Elementary (1969-70) Unit Leaders:

Mr. Richard E. Skyles, Principal Unit A (Gr. K-1) Frieda Siebel Mrs. Helen Bayorgeon, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ms. MAry Curp 55 South Pontiac Drive Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Joan Reed Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Al Havertape (608) 754-0271

Unit Leaders: *Wilson M.U.E. School (1966-67) a b d g, h, Unit I (Gr. Kr.2) Mrs. Thelma Jones Mr. Norm Graper, Principal Unit II (Gr. 2-3) Mts. Judy Kakonis Mts. Jean Sathre, Secretary Unit III (Gr. 3-4) Miss Betha Bausch 465 Rockport Road Unit IV (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Michael Dean Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 (608) 752-7466

Rock Elementary School C1970-71) Unit Leaders:

Mr. Dean E. Held, Principal Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. Beryl Van Bakel Mrs. Ann Lansing, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mr. James Sharer Route 5 Unit C (Gr. 2-3) Mks. Mary Baban Cemetery Road Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Miss Norma Smith Janesville, Wisconsin53545 Unit E (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Thomas Delamater (608) 754-6294

Unit Leaders: JOHNSON CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Wilma Bumbard Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Bruce Nelson Administration

Mt. Fred Johnson, Superintendent *YELLEtalltEntaa_112MtED 111 South Street Johnson Creek, Wisconsin53038 Mr. Jack L. Hackett, Principal (414) 699-3481 Mts. Nancy L. Griffa, Secretary 1515 Lapham Street Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 *Jobsaon Creek Community_School (1971-72) b (608) 754-0296 Mr. Vito Racanelli, Principal Unit Leaders: Ms. Joyce Kopp, Secretary 111 South Street Unit A (3r. K) Mrs, Helen Johns Johnson Creek, Wisconsin 53038 Unit B (3r, 1-2) Mrs. Dorothy Suter (414) 699-3481 Unit C (Gr. 3-4) MA. Karen Colby Unit D (3r, 5-6) Mt. James Schuenke


Unit I (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Oehler Unit 11 (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Foley Administration

Mr. Otto F. Huettner, Superintendent KAUKAUNA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 625 52nd Street Kenosha, Wisconsin53140 (414) 658-2371 Administration Mr. Frank Splitck Mr. Julian Bichler, Superintendent District MUS-E Coordinator 101 Oak Street Kaukauna, Wisconsin54130 (414) 766-5711 *Bose Elementary School (1229)

Mr. Henry J. Drechsler Mr. Herbert W. Upright, Principal District MUS-E Coordinator Mts. Elaine Macak, Secretary 1900 15th Street Kenosha, Wisconsin53140 (414) 551-8313 *n.F.22.1'1JELJETEI5EYA21151_(1222:21) Mr. Henry J. Drechsler, Principal Unit Leaders: Mrs. Beverly Barribeau, Secretary 109 East 8th Street Unit A (Gr. K) Ms. Elaine Baeuchler Kaukauna, Wisconsin54130 Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mb. Audrey Rains (414) 766-2052 Unit C (Gr. 2-4) Ms. Evelyn Milward Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mb. Nancy Wood Unit Leaders: Unit E (Gr. 5-7) Mx. Dennis Mancusi

Unit A (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Raymond Nehrlich LA CROSSE PUBLIC SCHOOLS

*V ictor H aen Elementary o I 19 71 __....Lbw Administration Mr. Bernard J. Schmitt, Principal Mrs. Donna Swets, Secretary Mir, Eugene C. Belts, Superintendent 1130 Haen Drive Fifth and Cass Streets Kaukauna, Wisconsin 54130 LaCrosse, Wisconsin54601 (414) 766-5711 Ext. 60 (608) 782-4655

Unit Leaders: Mb. Kathryn Cappelen District MUS-E Coordinator Unit A (Gr. K) Unit B (Gr. 1) Miss Jane Kleinschmidt Emerson Elementary School (1971-72) Unit C 2) Miss Kathryn Zahn Unit D (Gr. 3) Mrs. Sharon Zwirchitz Mk. Terry R. Witzke, Principal Unit E (Gr. 4) Mrs. Pat Harvey 21st and Campbell Road Unit F (Gr. 5) Mr. Eugene Lakso LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54601 Unit G (Gr. 6) Mb, Lori Junk (608) 782-0836

118 LITTLE CHUTE-VANDENBROEK *Hinton Elementary School (1971-72) b PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Elmer W. Grassman, Principal Mrs. Bernice A. Facteau, Secretary AdminiStration 3505 South 28th Street LaCrosse, Wisconsin54601 Mr. Leo Bronkalla, Superintendent (608) 788-1610 North Freedom Road Little Chute, Wisconsin54140 Unit Leaders: (414) 788-2811

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Mary Hoff Mr. Don Bangert Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mr. Gerald Schubert District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Tarry Hall *Little Chute Public Elementary (1971-72) b

*Jefferson Elementary (1971-72) b Mr. Don Bangert, Principal Mrs. Della Grimm, Secretary Mr. Borghild L. Olson, Principal 625 Grand Avenue Ms. Delores Nichols, Secretary Little Chute, Wisconsin54140 St. James and Caledonia Streets (414) 788-2811 LaCrosse, Wisconsin54601 (608) 784-2494 Unit Leaders:

Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. Margaret McMahon Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Karen Brandt Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Karen Larson Unit C (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. D'Ann Huth Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mb. Rosemary Schein Unit D (Gr. 2-3) Miss Susan Van Susteren Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mb. Elinor Kofta Unit E (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Judith Swanson Unit F (Gr. 6) Mrs. Carol Vander Wyst

*Summit Elementary (1971-72) b MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mrs. Roselle A. Christiano, Principal Mrs. Beverly Miller, Secretary 1800 Lake Shore Drive Administratios LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54601 (608) 784-1697 Mr. Douglas Ritchie, Superintendent 545 West Dayton Street Unit Leaders: Madison, Wisconsin53711 (608) 257-9561 Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Janice Wold Unit B (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Ruth Hanson Mr. Kenneth Jensen Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Muriel Crock District MUS-E Coordinator

*Washburn (1971-72) b * Franklin Elpentary (1967.:68)

Mr. Harold Dyar, Principal Mr. Emmett Connery, Principal Mrs. Laura Haskell, Secretary Mb. Nancy Speine, Secretary 8th and Main Streets 305 West Lakeside Street LaCrosse, Wisconsin 54601 Madison, Wisconsin 53715 (608) 782-3787 (608) 257-4879

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-Z) Ms. Dorothy Davis 119 Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Robert Giblin 57 Unit Leaders: MANAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mb. Donna Welbes Unit B (Gr. 3)Ms. Jane Sacia AdminiStration Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Nancy Marfyak Dr. Robert Ames, Superintendent East Fourth Street Iley.A._1119. el 1&.61LIL__:$ Manawa, Wisconsin54949 (414) 596-2524 Mr. Jerry Johnson, Principal Mrs. Eileen Yann, Secretary Mr. Edmund Fackl'am 2601 Prairie Road District MUS-E Coordinator Madison, Vsconsin 53711 (608) 271-6411 *Manawa Elementary (1971-72) b Unit Leaders: Mk. Edmund Facklam, Principal Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mr. Tom Bauer Mrs. Edna Wurth, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Mr. Alan Allbaugh 601 Depot Street Unit C (Gr. 3-5) Mrs. Nancy Barnett Manawa, Wisconsin 54949 (414) 596-2551

Randall Elm:a:tag School (1969-70) d Unit Leaders:

Mr. H. Ralph Allen, Principal Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mb. Mary Roloff Mrs. Marlyn Swick, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Mildred Klotzbuecher 1802 Regent Street Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mb, Carol Roenz Madison, Wisconsin 53705 Unit D (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Shirley Ferg (608) 233-0487


Unit A (Gr. 2-3) Miss Arlene Reagan Unit B (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Kathleen Fausett Administration

Mr. Charles E. Jones, Superintendent Sherman Elementary School (1969-70) i 1415 South 14th Street Manitowoc, Wisconsin54220 Mr. Anthony A. Farina, Principal (414) 684-6662 Mrs. Lorraine Strahl, Secretary 1601 North Sherman Avenue Mr. Don Zimmerman Madison, Wisconsin53704 District MUS-E Coordinator (608) 244-2405

Unit Leaders: *Andrew Jackson (1970771)

Unit A (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Berdella Grass Mr. Eugene Krejcarek, Principal Mb. Chris Reach, Secretary 1201 North 18th Street Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 (414) 684-9571

120 88 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 3-4) Mb. Linda Helf Clearview Unit (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Marilyn Stark Unit B (Gr. 5-6) Mr. James Goettler Southview Unit (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Diane Henning Town I Unit (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Ruth Ulrich Town 11 Unit (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Jessie Ziebell *McKinley (1969) f

Mb. Constance Foley, Principal Mrs. Ruth Goeke, Secretary MC FARLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1010 Huron Street Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Administration (414) 684-8932 Dr. Gordon E. Rodeen, Superintendent Unit Leaders: 5101 Farwell Street McFarland, Wisconsin53558 Unit A (Gr. 3-4) Ms.Constance Espeseth(608) 838-3941 Unit B (Gr. 5-6) Mr.James Blank Mr. Donald E. Barnes District MUS-E Coordinator *C. G. Stengel (1968) f

Mr. Robert J. Rosinsky, Principal *Elvehjem Elementary (1971-72) b Mb. Dorothy Harvey, Secretary 1002 East Cedar Avenue Mr. Donald Barnes, Principal Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Mrs. Glen Showers, Secretary (414) 684-6388 6009 Johnson Street McFarland, Wisconsin53558 Unit Leaders: (608) 838-3146

Unit A (Gr. 2-3) Ma. Kay Weck Unit Leaders: Unit B (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Robert, Kautzer Unit D (Gr. 4) Mr. Gary Oftedahl Unit E (Gr. 5) Mr. Ernie Thieding MAYVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit F (Gr. 6) Mr. Donald Granger

Administration *McFarland Elementary School (1971) a

Mr. Robert Deetz, Superintendent Mr. Donald E. Barnes,Principal 500 North Clark Street Mrs. Joan Stenbroten,Secretary Mayville, Wisconsin 53050 6103 Johnson Street (414) 387-5300 McFarland, Wisconsin 53558 (608) 838-3115 Mr. V. Ji Tatum District MUS-E Coordinator Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-1) Ms. Mary Jane Ackerman *Mayville Elementary School (1971-72) Unit B (Gr. 2) Mb. Patsy Rossman Unit C (Gr. 3) Mb. Irene Gilbertson Mr. V. J. Tatum, Principal Na. Deloris Bell, Secretary Main and Dayton Streets Mayville, Wisconsin 53050 (414) 387-5310 121

%:99 MENASHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS *1.4919k04E1,197(1L....041.1

Mr. Kenneth Semmann, Principal Mrs. Jeanie James, Secretary Administration N88 W16913 Main Street Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 Dr. AlanOsterndorf, Superintendent (414) 251-5880 716 Racine Street Menasha, Wisconsin54952 Unit Leaders: (414) 725-3221 Unit A (Gr.5) Mrs.Joanne Burke Mr. William Herziger Unit B (Gr.5) Mrs.Elaine Lucht District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr.4) Mrs.Virginia Cap Unit D (Gr.4) Mr.Ray Zagorski Jefferson Elealla) Unit E (Gr.6) Mr,Robert Buehler Mr. Frank R. Parsons, Principal Mrs. Dolores Gear, Secretary *Shady Lane (1971-72) b Second Street Menaiha, Wisconsin54952 Mr. August Schreiner, Principal (414) 722-9221 Mrs. Melvin Shimek, Secretary W172 N8959 Shady Lane Boulevard Unit Leaders: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin53051 (414) 251-4480 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Rosalie Terry Unit Leaders: Unit B (Gr. 3-5) Mrs. Bernice Martin

Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. Nancy Kumm Unit B (Gr. 1-2) *Nicolet Elementary School (1970-71)_12 Mrs. Gertrude Wright Unit C (Gr. 1-2) Miss Ruth Bast Mr. Frank R. Parsons, Principal Unit D (Gr. 2-3) Miss Carole Treml Unit E (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Nancy Nerenhausen, Secretary Miss Gladys Anderson Unit F (Gr. 4-5) Ahnaip Street Mrs. Kathleen Westphall Menasha, Wisconsin34952 Mrs. Shirley Klein (414) 722-7321

Unit Leaders: MENOMONIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. 1-5) Mrs. Jeanette Fitzgerald Mr. Leonard Marko Administration

MENOMONEE PALLS PUBLIC SCBDCGS Mr. Melvin Bollom, Superintendent 718 Broadway Street Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 (715) 235-9045 Adminiattation Mr. Gene Bebel Dr. Jack Magnuson, Superintendent District MUS-E Coordinator N88 W16750 GarfieldDrive Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 (414) 251-2100

Mr. William Evans District MUS-E Coordinator 122 C *Downsville ElementarSchool (1971-72) b

Ms. Fern A. Martin, Principal Mr. David Donner, Principal Ms. Adeline Cummings, Secretary Ms. Beverly Pophal, Secretary Downsville, Wisconsin 54735 Route 2 (715) 664-8546 Gleason, Wisconsin 54435 (715) 873-2686 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Fern Martin Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mc. Fern Martin Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Fern Langhoff Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Carolyn Hansen

North Elementary (1970-71) a MILTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Stanley Huftel, Principal Ms. Helen Walter, Secretary North Menomonie Administration Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 (715) 235-3791 Mr. Jon C. Platts, Superintendent 409 North Janesville StrRet Unit Leaders: Box 347 Milton, Wisconsin53563 Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Dorothy Johnson (608) 868-7811

Mr. John Benka *River Heights (1970-71) a, b District MUS-E Coordinator

Mr. Stanley Cotts, Principal Mrs. Faye Lehmann, Secretary *Harmony Elementary (1971-72) 615 24th Avenue West Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 Mrs. Dorothy Reddy, Principal (715) 235-0611 Mrs. Betty Cullen, Secretary Route 2 Unit Leaders: Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 (608) 868-3758 Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Joyce Steinke Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Dennis Kropp Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-4) Mrs. Dorothy Reddy

MERRILL PUBLIC SCHOOLS *Janesville Consolidated School (1971-72)

Administration Mr. Roland Socwell, Principal Mrs. Karin Ferrell, Secretary Mr. Roger Lowney, Superintendent Route 2 Polk Street Janesville, Wisconsin53545 Merrill, Wisconsin54452 (608) 752-3107 (715) 536-4581 Unit Leaders: Mr. August Munoz District MUS-E Coordinator Unit C (Gr. 3-5) Mr. Roland Socwell

123 Ele en 24141_1014_,Wmault___1221:2211.14 Mr. Joseph Ban, Principal Mrs. Helen Riesterer, Secretary Ms. Alice R. Weidemann, Principal 825 West Madison Avenue Mrs. Jean Spredeman, Secretary Milton Junction, Wisconsin 53564 7878 North 60th Street (608) 868-3240 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53218 (414) 354-3650 Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr.1-2) Ms.Norma Ahrensmeyer Unit Leaders: Unit B (Gr.3-4) Ms.Mary Decker Unit C (Gr.5-6) Ms.Dorothy Carpentier Unit A (Gr.IK) Mb. Julia Saunders Unit B (LP, MP) Mb. Minnie Benson Unit C (Int. P) Ms. Mary Hollinshead MILWAUKEE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Ms. Doris Kreschek

Administration *Victory School (1970-71) b, d

Dr. Richard P. Gousha, Superintendent Mrs. Jane Chrisman, Principal DrAwer 10K Mrs. Grace Patulski, Secretary Milwaukee, Wisconsin53201 2222 West Henry Avenue (414) 476-367U Milwaukee, Wisconsin53221 (414) 282-9050 Mrss Adeline Hartung District MUS-E Coordiroltor Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. Barbara Stanton

I _ V Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Mary Ann Padol Unit C (Gr. 2-3)Ms. Patricia Vandenbusche Ms. Madeline A. Ferschl, Principal Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Ronald H. Bekken Miss Carita Urban, Secretary Unit E (Gr. 4-6) Mr. James Radke 2308 West Nash Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 (414) 373-0771 NEENAH PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Unit Leaders: Administration Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. P. Unterholzner Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. L. Moulton Dr. Donald Scott, Superintendent Unit C (Gr. 3 +) Mrs. M. Vann 410 South Commercial Street Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 (414) 725-4353 McKinley Intermediate School (1971-72) Mr. Richard Luft Mr. Donald C. Luebke, Principal District MUS-E Coordinator 2014 West McKinley Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53205 *Coolidge_ Elementary School (1969-70) b (414) 344-7044

Unit Leaders: Mr. Gerald E. Gebhardt, Principal Mrs. Jean D. Olsen, Secretary Unit A (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Roy Wieberg 321 Alcott Drive Unit B (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Alvin Spearman Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Eugene Kujawski (414) 725-5260 Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Kenneth Sikorski Unit E (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Lorraine Mattmiller 124 Unit 0 (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Carl Munson Unit Leaders: OAK CREEK-FRANKLIN PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Unit A (Gr.K-2) Ms. Rose Ann Blair Unit B (Gr.3-4) Ms. Nancy Hoyman ..111.110.1.....=11.AdMitistrattion Unit C (Gr.5-6) Mr. Art Prosek Mr. Gilbert Grosenick, Superintendent 340 East Puetz Road *Hoover Elementary (1970-71) b Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154 (414) 762-8000 Mr. Donald Feit, Principal Mrs. Joyce Herzfeldt, Secretary Mr. Larry V. Tylke Hunt Avenue District MUS-E Coordinator Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 (414) 722-0673 *Shepherd Hills Elementary School (1971-72) Unit Leaders: Mr. Larry V. Tylke, Principal Unit A (Gr. K-2) Nb.Elizabeth Rasmussen Mrs. Germaine Wandrey, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms.Barbara Berry 9701 South Shepherd Hills Drive Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mb.Harriet Hartman Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154 (414) 762-8000

*Lakeview Elementary (1971-72) b Unit Leaders:

Mr. Ted L. Jarosh, Principal Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Mb. Lorraine Prillwitz, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 3-4) 1645 South Commercial Street Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 (414) 722-2246 OCONOMOWOC PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Joanne Winkler Administration Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mb. Ann Cattau Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mk. Vernon Rueckert Dr. William Paton, Superintendent 521 Westover Street Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066 *Tullar Elementarx_11221:221_12 (414) 567-6633

Mr. Lloyd H. Thede, Principal Mr. Linford LeMoine Mrs. Joan Mbericke, Secretary District MUS-E Coordinator 925 Tullar Road Neenah, Wisconsin 54956 (414) 722-1230 *Ashippun Elementary School (1971-72) Unit Leaders: Mr. David E. Engen, Principal Mrs. Shirley Wiedenhoeft, Secretary Unit I (Gr. K-2) Ms. Dolores Ellis 295A CTH "0" Unit Il (Gr. 3-4) MA. Dorothy Piirto Oconomowoc, Wisconsin53066 Unit III (Gr. 5-6) Mt. Dennis Krieger (414) 474-4461


Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Cheryl Schultz Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Mr. Arthur Hall Administration Unit C (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Bette Durnford Mr. Eldcn Amundson, Superintendent South HiCland Avenue Plymouth, Wisconsin 53073 (414) 892-2661 Mr. Linford LeMoine, Principal Mrs. Gerrie Hocking, Secretary Mr. Stanley Seurer 36316 Valley Road District MUS-E Coordinator Oconomowoc, Wisconsin53066 (414) 567-6939 Fairview (1970-71) Unit Leaders: Miss Marian Ubbelohde, Principal Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mr. Steve Frankwick Mrs. Jeanne LeMahieu, Secretary Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Steve Frankwick Bruns Street Plymouth, Wisconsin 53073 (414) 892-2621 OREGON CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS Unit Leaders:

Administration Unit B (Gr. 2) Miss Linda Lieding Unit C (Gr. 3) Miss Marcia Nelson Mr. Phillip Helgesen, Superintendent 200 North Main Street Oregon, Wisconsin 53575 Parkview Elementary School (1969770) 1.11J1 (608) 835-3161 Mr. Thomas Snider, Principal Mrs. Marion Hellmer, Secretary *Oregon Middle School (1970-71) a, b, Parkview Drive Plymouth, Wisconsin53073 Mr. Edward Otwiziwski, Principal (414) 892-4076 Mrs. Dottie Matz, Secretary 300 Soden Drive Unit Leaders: Oregon, Wisconsin 53575 (608) 835-3161 Ext. 54 Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. M..Lehmann Unit B (Gr. 1) Mrs. E. Zastrow Unit Leaders: Unit C (Gr. 2) Mks. A. Giffin Unit D (Gr. 3) Mrs. C. Kleinhans Unit A (Gr. 5-6) Mk. Lloyd Klahn Unit E (Gr. 4) Mrs. J. Hovey Unit B (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Peter Taylor Unit F (Gr. 5) Mr. T. Snider Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Connie Nerlinger Unit D (Ur. 4-5) Ms. Eleanor Albertson

126 1Q4 PORT EDWARDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS aualsliaAmirltory chQ01.11962=610

Administration Mr. John P. Blickle, Principal Mrs. M. Falcone, Secretary Mr. Michael Malone, Superintendent 1012 Center Street 801 2nd Street Racine, Wisconsin53403 (414) 637-1297 Port Edwards, Wisconsin54469 (715) 887-3150 Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K) * ohn Ed rd 70-71) Mrs. Lois Byrd Unit B(Gr.1-2) Mr. Ed Heuer, Principal Unit C(Gr.3-4) Mrs. R. Domer Mrs. Lillian Mollen, Secretary Unit D(Gr.5-6) Mrs. H. Bartley Mrs. Marg Adamski, Secretary Mr. J. Dahlby 5th and Ver Bunker and 801 2nd Street Port Edwards, Wisconsin 54469 (715) 887-4200 and 887-3150 Mr. Earl I. Nelson, Principal Unit Leaders: Mrs. Violet Wahlen, Secretary 5120 Byrd Avenue Racine, Wisconsin Primary (Gr. K-2) Mrs.Jean Fritz 53406 (414) 637-5684 Lower Int.(Gr. 3-4)Mrs. Jeanette Santoski Int. (Gr. 5-6) Mr. William Taylor Unit Leaders:

RACINE COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOLS Unit A (Gr. K) Miss Schuett Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Hornish Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mr. Leonard Administration Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Olson

Mr. C. Richard Nelson, Superintendent 2230 Northwestern Avenue Jefferson Elementary_(1969-70) Racine, Wisconsin 53404 (414) 637-9511 Mr. David L. Sweeney, Principal Mb. Joan Mohr, Secretary Dr. Cameron V. Smith 1722 West 6th Street District MUS-E Coordinator Racine, Wisconsin53404 (414) 632-9690

*Stephen Bull Elementary (1967-68) 4 Unit Leaders:

Mr. James R. Ferguson, Principal Unit B (Gr., 1-2) Ms. Kathy Cecchlni Mrs. Eileen Larson, Secretary Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Shirley Klar 815 DeKoven Avenue Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Richard Houston Racine, Wisconsin 53403 (414) 632-8931 Unit Leaders:

Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Patricia Hansen Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mr. Roland Belisle

127 ie 0 J 1969- Wyg.440LUECIIIELDI967.L6131

Mr. Paul R. Schwandt, Principal Mr. Michael A. Mucha, Jr., Principal Mrs. Lorrie Slesarenko, Secretary Mrs. Mary Barrows, Secretary 3300 Chicory Road 1325 Park Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53403 Racine, Wisconsin 53403 (414) 554-8601 (414) 632-0178

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

1 Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. Billie Stilley Unit B (Gr. K-3) Ms. Celest King Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Miss Jessie Ann Randall Unit C (Gr. 4-5) LaVerne Diem Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Janice Hamm Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Jon Horner RHINELANDER PUBLIC SCHOOLS 'IlicalLatis_119.11.291 Administration Mr. Duane B. Barnes, Principal Mrs. Evelyn Walquist, Secretary Mr. Cedric A. Vig, Superintendent 4748 Elizabeth Street Coolidge Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53402 Rhinelander, Wisconsin54501 (414) 639-0746 (715) 362-3465

Unit Leaders: Mr. Joe A. Obey District MUS-E Coordinator Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Joyce Huber Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mb. Nancy 011ey Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Dan Russell !Eine Lake Elementary School (1970-71)

Mr. Gene B. Belmas, Principal Schulte (1969-70) Mrs. Ellie Magnant, Secretary Route 1 Mr. Allen Onnink, Principal Rhinelander, Wisconsin54501 Mrs. Ruth Smerchek, Secretary (715) 362-4990 8515 Westminster Drive Sturtevant, Wisconsin 53177 Unit Leaders: (414) 886-3343 Unit A (Gr. K-1) Ms. Ethel Resuick Unit Leaders: Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Dorothy Rolain Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mb. Pauline Doucette Kindergarten (Gr.K) Mrs. Jan Sweet Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mb. Ruth Hamilton Pri. X (Gr. 1-3) Ms. Mary Merchen Pri. II (Gr. 1-3) Mrs.Suzi Rosenthal Int. I (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Roger Peckman Int. II (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Jeanette Kay


Administration Administration

Mr. Louis M. King, Superintendent Mr. Charles Hub, Superintendent 30 South Wisconsin Avenue Metomen Street Rice Lake, Wisconsin 54868 Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 (715) 234-2181 (414) 748-5151

Mr. John Olescauk Mr. Milton Blecke District MUS-E Coordinator District MUS-E Coordinator

*Hilltop Elementary (1970-71), *Ceresco (1970-71)

Miss Mary Kratochvil, Principal Mr. Quirin E. Jung, Principal 204 Cameron Road Liberty Street Rice Lake, Wisconsin 54868 Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 (715) 234-8156 (414) 748-5654

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Miss Mary Jo Kratochvil Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mb. Bettyann Manser Unit B (Gr. 4-5) Mr. Phil Bertrand

Jefferson Elementary (1970-71) RIVER FALLS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Miss Vera Bailey, Principal Administration Mrs. Joanne Carlson, Secretary 30 Phipps Avenue Mr. Vernon S. Bennett, Superintendent Rice Lake, Wisconsin54868 230 North Ninth Street (715) 234-3145 River Falls, Wisconsin54022 (715) 425-5202 Unit Leaders: Mr. Russell Gettinger Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Kathryn Patterson DistrictMUS-E Coordinator

*Rice Lake Mi411121.15102421._(12.0.2§2) ...... _A*GreesatAllmallAry_agtal_119121

Mr. Herbert L. Calkins, Principal Mr. Homer C. Krengel, Principal Mrs. Mildred LaForge, Secretary Mrs. Nancy Sobottka, Secretary 204 Cameron Road 418 North Eighth Street Rice Lake, Wisconsin54868 River Falls, Wisconsin54022 (715) 234-8156 (715) 425-7231

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 6) Mrs. Judith Klasell UnitA (Gr. 1) Mrs. Nancy Reis Unit B (Gr. 6) Mr. Hugh McDermott UnitB (Gr. 2) Mrs, Marilyn Goodrich UnitC (Gr. 3) Mrs. Theresa Slattery UnitD (Gr. 4) Mrs. Ethel McLaughlin UnitE (Gr. 5) Mrs. Marj Bacon UnitF (Gr. 6) Mrs. Helen Halberg 129 107 otijsktiLit: 22.9.111111LJ1JOVAELigad_ia6:122 Mr. D. Joe Haller, Principal Mr. Richard Wiedemann, Principal Mrs. Joyce Walen, Secretary Mrs. Virginia Zahn, Secretivy 1007 West Pine Street 330 West Hickory Street River Falls, Wisconsin 54022 Seymour, Wisconsin 54165 (715) 425-2454 (414) 833-2321

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr.1) Mrs. Susy Eisele Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. Miriam Van Vuren Unit B (Gr.2) Mrs. Shirley Lipsk, Unit B (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Catherine Krahn Unit C (Gr.3) Mrs. Kathy Swenson Unit C (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Jane Metcalf Unit D (Gr.4) Mrs. Norene Baumgartner Unit D (Gr. 4-6) Mrs. Leone DuFour Unit E (Gr.5) Mrs. Anne Kerfoot Unit E (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Edward Machacek Unit F (Gr.6) Mr. Tom Gunderson


Administration Administration Mr. George Shiroda, Superintendent Mr. L. C. Martens, Superintendent 506 North Black River Street 10 Circle Drive Sparta, Wisconsin54656 Seymour, Wisconsin54165 (608) 269-2107 (414) 833-2304

*Lawrence Lawson Elementary (1971-72) c, d *Black Creek School (1969-701 Mr. James W. Liska, Principal Mr. Orville N. Sell, Principal Mrs. Jeanne Woods, Secretary Mrs. Irene Stephani, Secretary 428 North Black River Street Box 237 Sparta, Wisconsin 54656 Black Creek, Wisconsin 54106 (608) 269-3414 (414) 984-3411 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr.K-2) Ms. Wilma Tucker Unit A (Gr. K-2) Mrs. Josephine Husman Unit B (Gr.3-4) Ms. Bev Mane Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Corinne Karweick Unit C (Gr.5-6) Ms. Leona Knudson Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Alice Powell


Mr. Orville N. Sell, Principal AdmiPistr4tioP Mrs. June Pasch, Secretary Nichols, Wisconsin 54152 Mr. Robert Houg, Superintendent (414) 525-2431 Lincoln Administrative Center 519 Water Street Unit Leaders: Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 (715) 341-2550 Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Miss Sandra Krebsbach Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Miss Arlys Gagnow Mr. Loran Volland 130 District MUS-E Coordinator b tlitithlarclajclas)1(12ita)

Mr. Bob Norton, Principal Mr. Steve Bogaczyk, Principal Mb. Gladys Hofmeister, Secretary Mrs. Sharon Meikle,Secretary 1900 West Zynda Drive 3500 Preis Street Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 Stevens Point, Wisconsin54481 (715) 344-5383

Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr.K-1) Mrs. PatriLia Kester Unit A(Gr.K-1) Ms. Bonnie Jones Unit B (Gr.2-3) Mrs. Cheryl Janke Unit B(Gr.2-3) Ms. Lyn Mertz Unit C (Gr.3-4) Mrs. Fran Cronin Unit C(Gr.4) Ms. Sandi Kawleski Unit D (Gr.5-6) Miss Patricia TrebatoskiUnit D(Gr.5) Ms. Bonnie David Unit E(Gr.6) Mr. Chuck Pouba

Madison Elementary School (1971-72)

Mr. Sigurd Sandstrom, Principal SUPER IOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mrs. Gladys Wentworth, Secretary 600 Maria Drive Administration Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 (715) 341-2550 Mr. Michael Verich, Superintendent 823 Belknap Street Unit Leaders: Superior, Wisconsin 54880 (715) 394-4454 Unit A (Gr.K-1) Mrs. Priscilla Copps Unit B(Gr.2) Mrs. LaVonne Drifka Mr. Lyle Maves Unit C(Gr.3) Mrs. Barbara Stewart District MUS-E Coordinator Unit D(Gr.4) Mrs. Arlene Thoyre Unit E(Gr.5-6) Mr. Ronald Zinda *Cooper Elementary (1970-71)

*McKinley Elementary School (1970-71) Mr. Ray McGettigan, Principal Ms. Alice Schreiber, Secretary Mr. Eugene LaRose, Principal 1807 Missouri Avenue Mrs. Mary L. Goetz, Secretary Superior, Wisconsin 54880 2926 Blaine Street (715) 394-0262 Stevens Point, Wisconsin54481 (715) 344-4735 Unit Leaders:

Unit Leaders: Unit A(Gr.5-6) Ms. Beverly Sutherland Unit B(Gr.3-4) Mb. Betty Kossak Unit A (Gr. K) Mrs. Mary Mulligan Unit C(Gr.1-2) Ms. Anne Mae Cox Unit B (Gr. 1-2) Mrs. Chrismary Pacyna Unit D(Gr. K) Ms. Stella Rogers Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Miss Julie Kasten Unit D (Gr. 5-6) Mrs. Ethel Shulfer



Administration Administration

Mr. Leroy Merlak, Superintendent Mr. James M. Kavanaugh, Superintendent Thorp, Wisconsin54771 Lincoln Avenue (715) 669-5401 Tomah, Wisconsin 54660 (608)372-2569

alarplitmEn197_112171:72) Ms. Catherine Farmer District MUS-E Coordinator Mrs. Irma Deutschlander, Principal Ms. Karla Zebro, Secretary 201 North Jackson Street *Lemonweir Elementary (1971-72L Thorp, Wisconsin 54771 (715) 669-5548 Mrs. Catherine Farmer, Principal Ms. Mary Leistman, Secretary Unit Leaders: North Glendale Avenue Tomah, Wisconsin 54660 Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Beverly Schultz (608) 372-5986 Unit B (Gr. 2-4) Ms. Mary Hanley Unit Leaders:

TIGERTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Unit M (Gr. K-3) Ms. Aleda Moseley

Administration *Miller Elementary (1971-72)

Mr. Elmer W. Ruh, Superintendent Mrs. Catherine Farmer, Principal Tigerton, Wisconsin 54486 Ms. Mary Jane Dana, Secretary (715) 535-2061 813 Oak Street Tomah, Wisconsin 54660 (608) 372-5986 .*Tizerton Grade School (1971-72) b Unit Leaders: Mr. Elmer W. Ruh, Principal Mrs. Evelyn Sabrowsky, Secretary Unit M (Gr. K-3) Ms. Ann Jerdee Tigerton, Wisconsin54486 Unit I (Gr. K-3) Ms. Patricia Fisher (715) 535-2061


Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Alice Holm Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Marion Holm Administration

Dr. Kenneth H. Reinke, Superintendent 401 East Roberta Avenue Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 (414) 542-2573

Mr. Jim Hayes District MUS-E Coordinator

132 110 *Northview Elementar School (1971-71LA *Fox Lake Elementary School 1971-72) b

Mr. Jim Hayes, Principal Mr. R. E. Steinfeldt, Principal Ms. Sue Unger, Secretary 200 Depot Street 1721 Northview Road Fox Lake, Wisconsin 53933 Waukesha, Wisconsin53186 (414) 928-3136 (414) 542-2453 Unit Leaders: Unit Leaders: Unit A (Gr. K-3) Mrs. Joyce Krueger Unit A (Gr. 1-62) Ms. Lillian Cox Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Mary J. Mathes Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Mr. Allan Alt *Jefferson (1970-74

Mr. Vern Wanish, Principal *Pleasant Hill (1971-72) b Mb. Bonnie Harmsen, Secretary Beaver Dam Street Mr. Sigmund Snopek, Jr., Principal Waupun, Wisconsin 53963 Ms. Rose Mary Klein, Secretary (414) 324-5591 175 South Barker Road Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 Unit Leaders: (414) 786-6441 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Carolyn Jones Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mb. Marion Ratzel *Lincoln (1971-72) Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Carl Huebner Mr. Vern Wanish, Principal Ms. Linda Berg, Secretary *Prairie Elementary (1971-72) b West Brown Street Waupun, Wisconsin53963 Mr. James Chermak, Principal (414) 324-5591 Mb. Laura Lutterman, Secretary Center Road Unit Leaders: Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 (414) 547-6501 Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Linda Kaski Unit B (Gr. 3-6) Mr. Donald Mussell Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 1-3) Mrs. Olive Stoehr Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. Terry Martzke Mr. Jon Litscher, Principal Ms. Margene Rather, Secretary WAUPUN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Young Street Waupun, Wisconsin 53963 (414) 324-5591 Administration

Mr. H. E. Kujath, Superintendent Una Leaders: 950 Wilcox Street Waupun, Wisconsin 53963 Unit A (Gr. 1-2) Ms. Ruth Preuss Unit C(Gr. 5-6) Ms. Dorothy Gransee (414) 324-5591

Mr. Armin Paff District MUS-E Coordinator


Unit A-1 (Gr. K) Mrs. Sue Kadinger Administration =...... 1.1...11 Unit A-2 (Gr. 1) Mrs. Janet Reichert Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Mrs. Kathy Burwell Mr. Marshall R. Taylor, Superintendent Unit C (Gr. 3-4) Mrs. Connie Hammack 9333 West Lincoln Avenue Unit D (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Doris Leithold West Allis, Wisconsin 53227 (414) 541-8080 Decorah School (1970-71) Dr. Jerome Coaty District MUS-E Coordinator Mr. Gerald R. Engstad, Principal Mrs. Dennis Cherny, Secretary 1225 Sylvan Way *Pershing (1971-72) b West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 (414) 338-1113 Mr. Emil C. Krejcarek, Principal Mrs. Dorothy Egan, Secretary Unit Leaders: 1330 South 47th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53214 Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mrs. June Zinkgraf (414) 541-8080 Ext. 259 Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Miss Karen Kimla Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mrs. Jo Thompson Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. 2-4) Mrs. Carole Zavoral *Green Tree Elementary (1970-71) b Unit B (Gr. 4-6) Mr. James Intravaia Mr. Melvin Riley, Principal Ms. Berdaine Emley, Secretary WEST BEND PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1330 Green Tree Road West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 (414) 338-1178 Administration Unit Leaders: Dr. John D. Bowser, Superintendent 697 South 5th Avenue Unit I (Gr. K-1) Miss Mary Short West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 Unit II (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Carole Brockhaus (414) 334-2372 Unit III (Gr. 4-5) Ms. Lucille Freeze Mr. Roy Wilson District MUS-E Coordinator *Jackson (1969-70)

Mr. William E. Josten, Principal *Barton Elementary (1970-71) b Ms. Donna Allison, Secretary 106 Jackson Drive Mr. Ted Thomas, Principal Jackson, Wisconsin 53037 Mrs. Alice Stautz, Secretary (414) 677-2271 614 School Place West Bend, Wisconsin53095 Unit Leaders: (414) 334-4543 Unit A (Gr. K-1) Mr. Gerald Falkenstein Unit B (Gr. 2-3) Ms. Anna Hinckley Unit C (Gr. 4-5) Mr. Robert Kendgia


Mr. John Cain, Principal Ms. Dot Wahouske, Secretary Administration 833 Chestnut Street West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 Mr. R. W. Fenske, Superintendent (414) 334-2348 520 Race Street Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin53965 Unit Leaders: (608) 253-1461

Unit A(Gr.K) Unit B(Gr.1) Mrs. Ellen Hanson *Wisconsin Dells Elementary (1970-71) b Unit C(Gr.2-3)Miss Berneice Tucker Unit D(Gr.3-4)Mrs. Cordelia Skuldt Mr. Alan Schultz, Principal Miss Rhonda Wagner, Secretary 400 Washington Avenue WEST DE PERE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 53965 (608) 253-3411 Administration Unit Leaders: Mr. Neal Richtman, Superintendent 1155 Westwood Avenue Unit A (Gr.3-4) Mrs.J. Nelson De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 Unit B(Gr.4-5) Mr.Campbell (Gr.5-6) Mr.Smith (414) 336-4516 Unit C Unit D(Gr.7-8) Mr.Feldt Mr. Raymond F. Dohl District MUS-E Coordinator WISCONSIN HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Westwood Elementary (1971) b Administration Mr. Raymond F. Dohl, Principal Ms. Janet Juley, Secretary Mr. Mark Druml, Superintendent 1155 Westwood Avenue Route 1 De Pere, Wisconsin 54115 Mazomanie, Wisconsin 53560 (414) 336-5779 (608) 767-3608

Unit Leaders: *Black Earth Elementary (1969-70) b f

Unit A (Gr.1) Mb. Dorothy Guenther Mr. Evan Vieregge, Principal Unit B(Gr.2) Ms. Geraldine Giesbers Mrs. Wilfred Kind, Secretary Unit C(Gr.3) Mr. Robert Wenninger Black Earth, Wisconsin 53515 Unit D(Gr.4) Mb. Alveda Yashinsky (608) 767-2251 Unit E(Gr.5) Mr. Kerwin Korbas Unit F(Gr.6) Mr. Michael Donovan Unit Leaders: Unit G (Gr.K) Ms. Ella Mae Scheschi

Unit A(Gr.K-2) Mrs. Helen Olsen Unit B(Gr.3-4) Ms. Diane Rose Unit C(Gr.5-6) Unassigned


113 *Mazomanie Elementary School (1969-70) b

Mr. Lawrence Lampsa, Principal Mrs. Phyllis Calkins, Secretary 314 Anne Street Mazomanie, Wisconsin 53560 (608) 767-2292

Unit Leaders:

Unit A (Gr. K-2) Ms. Linda Bender Unit B (Gr. 3-4) Ms. Karen Otto Unit C (Gr. 5-6) Ms. Lana Pope Unit D (Gr. 7-8) Mr. Robert Smith







Facilitator of IGE:

Mr. Tom Taylor Auburn University 3002 Haley Center Auburn, Alabama 36630 (205) 826-4994


West End Elementary, lahallILELDmullula

Mr. Frank D. Heatherly, Principal Mr. Guy D. Ward, Principal Altoona, Alabama 35952 West Powell Street Dothan, Alabama 36301 ANNISTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Randolph Park Elementary ECLECTIC PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Mr. W. R. Trammel, Pllucipal 2200 West 17th Street Mr. Franklin Wingett, Principal Anniston, Alabama 36201 Eclectic, Alabama 36024


Boykin Street Elementary, Brandon Elementary b

Dr. Eldon Johnson, Principal Mr. Dempsey F. Rutherford, Principal P. O. Box 1469 Ironside Street Auburn, Alabama 36830 Florence, Alabama 35630

CULLMAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS GRAND BAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS West Elemeqam.te_Lb Grand Bay Elementary Mr. Raymond Clarke, Principal 303 Rosemont Avenue Mr. August Trovaioli, Principal Cullman, Alabama 35055 P. O. Box 286 Grand Bay, Alabama 36541 /.3i/139 liP HEADLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS TRUSSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Headland Elementary Hewitt Elementary b

Mr. James W. Commander, Principal Mr. Horace Gordon, Principal Headland, Alabama 36345 113 Chalkv.11e Road Trussville, Alabama 35173 HUNTSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS

McDonnell Elementary a, b

Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, Principal 4010 Binderton Place, Southwest Huntsville, Alabama 35805


Pepperell Elementary b

Mrs. Martha Bailey, Principal Pepperell Parkway Opelika, Alabama 36801


Meadowlane Elementary_

Mr. Lewis E. Brummett, Principal 709 Meadowlane Drive Phenix City, Alabama 36867


Ce4ar Park ElementAILL

Miss Lorna West, Principal Woodrow Avenue Selma, Alabama 36701



Facilitator of ICE:

Miss Marguerite Delhotal Archdiocese of Chicago 430 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 (312) 527-3200


Sister Patricia Spangler, Principal Immaculate Conception School 4532 North Western Chicago, Illinois 60635 Sister Joan Baldridge, Principal 1431 North North Park Chicago, Illinois 60610 St, Bonaventure School

Sister Diann Musial, Principal Maternity BVM School 1651 West Mversey Chicago, Illinois 60614 Sister Agnes Calmeyn, Principal 1537 North Lawndale Chicago, Illinois 60651 St. Cecelia School

Sister Nadine Hargadon, Principal Our Lady of Peac. 220 West 45th Place Chicago, Illinois 60609 Sister Mary Elizabeth, Principal 7850 South Chappel Chicago, Illinois 60649 St. Clotilde School

Sister Mary Alice Pierce, Principal s_tat2i.14,112_2fr_th_t_Eigisiisi.122L. 321 East 84th Street Chicago, Illinois 60619 Sister Mary Phyllis, Principal 10810 South Oxford Avenue Chicago Ridge, Illinois 60416 St. Daniel the Prop;Let. School

Sister Frances Cerharioe, Principal Queen of All Saints School 5337 South Natumn ii, ...1111.10.0741./11wom Chicago, Illikis 60638 Sister Regina Crowley, Principal 6230 North Lemont Chicago, Illinois 60646

141 118 St. Dorothy School St. Procopius School

Sister Jeanne Granville, Principal Miss Mary Carney, Principal 7740 South Eberhart Avenue 1625 South Allport Chicago, Illinois 60619 Chicago, Illinois 60608

St. Joseph School St. Thomas of Canterbury School

Sister Francis Marie Harwas, Principal Sister Catherine Krippner, Principal 1065 North Orleans 4809 North Kenmore Chicago, Illinois 60610 Chicago, Illinois 60640

St. Philip Neri School St. Kieran School

sicter Nora O'Brien, Principal Sister Marilyn Shea, Principal 2110 East 72nd Street Route 2 Chicago, Illinois 60649 Box 143A Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411

Providence of God School

Sister Jeanette, Principal 712 West 19th Street Chicago, Illinois 60616



Facilitator of ICE:

Mr. Jerry Mills Studebaker Elementary School 300 East County Line Des Moines, Iowa 50315 (515) 285-3525


Findley Elementary School b Stowe Elementary School

Miss Nadine Machesney, Principal Mr. Keith VanHorn, Principal 3000 Cambridge Street 1411 East 33rd Street Des Moines, Iowa 50315 Des Moines, Iowa 50317

Jackson Elementary School b Studebaker Elementary School

Mrs. Marion Pritchard, Principal Mr. Jerry Mills, Principal 3825 Indianola Road 300 East County Line Road Des Moines, Iowa 50315 Des Moines, Iowa 50315

Oak Park Elementary SChool

Miss Joan Sherman, Principal 3928 Sixth Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50313




Facilitator of IGE:

Mr. Frank Nauyokas Southwest Minnesota State College Marshall, Minnesota 56258 (507) 537-7361

Lakefield Elementary Washington School (1971-72)

Mr. Herbert Peterson, Principal Mr. Dave Strand, Principal Lakefield, Minnesota 56150 Alexandria, Minnesota 56308



Facilitators of IGE:

Mr. Dave Ashby Director - Elementary Instruction & Curriculum Dayton Public Schools 348 West First Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 (513) 461-3850

Dr. James Steele College of Education Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio 44503 (216) 747-1492


Cornell Heights Franklin School

Mr. Frederick Clark, Principal Mrs. Bernice James, Principal 2826 Campus Drive 2617 East Fifth Street Dayton, Ohio 45406 Dayton, Ohio 45403

Edison School Garfield School

Mrs. Elizabeth Hatcher, Principal Mr. Tom Winson, Principal 228 North Broadway 121 East Delason Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45407 Youngstown, Ohio 44507

Ft. McKinley School Grace A. Greene School

Mr. Ronald Decker, Principal Mr. Harrison Dixon, Principal 3725 Evansville Avenue 503 Edison Street Dayton, Ohio 45406 Dayton, Ohio 45407

Fairport School Hawthorne School

Mr. Irving Moses, Principal Mr. Robert Jones, Principal 1952 Fairport Avenue 226 McDaniel Street Dayton, Ohio 45406 Dayton, Ohio 43406

/147 1112211.221p221_1s1222L_

Mr. John C. Lesko,Principal Mrs. Doris Brown, Principal 355 Cincinnui Street 1630 Miami Chapel Dayton, Ohio 45408 Dayton, Ohio 45408

Jefferson School Orville Wright School

Mr. Peter Lanasa, Principal Mr. Donald Garretson,Principal 1231 North Euclid Avenue 200 South WrightAvenue Dayton, Ohio 45407 Dayton, Ohio 45403

Jefferson Sthool Stadium Drive School

Mrs. Wertha Dugger, Principal Mr. Al Taylor, Principal 1223 North Euclid Avenue 111 Stadium Drive Dayton, Ohio 45407 Boardman, Ohio 44512

Kemp School Van Cleve School Mr. Robert Dobbins, Principal Mr. Dale VanTine, Principal 816 Shedbourne Avenue 45 West Helena Drive Dayton, Ohio 45403 Dayton, Ohio 45405

Longfellow School Washington School Mr. Gregory Caras, Principal Mr. Raleigh Jackson, 245 Salem Avenue Principal 2900 East First Street Dayton, Ohio 45406 Dayton, Ohio 45405

Loese Troy_ Weaver School Mrs. Viola Lloyd, Principal Mrs. Thelma J. Brown, 1665 Richley Avenue Priacipal 2000 Howell Dayton, Ohio 45408 Dayton, Ohio 45417

1WslA Ilma_10001 Whittier School Mr. George Johnson, Princ%pal Mr. Phillip Prather,Principal 215 South Summit Street 721 Miami Chapel Dayton, Ohio 45407 Dayton, Ohio 45408

McNary School

Mr. Robert Sprang, Principal 2400 Hoover Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45407


Stadium Drive School

Mr. Al Taylor, Principal 111 Stadium Drive Boardman, Ohio 44512

Garfield School

Mr. Tom Winson, Principal 121 East Delason Avenue Youngstown, Ohio 44507


Facilitator of IGE:

Mr. Floyd Edwards East Tennessee State University Department of Education Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 (615) 926-1112


Holston Heights School West Side Elementary School

Mrs. Jane Whitlow, Principal Mr. Will H. Andrews, Principal 100 Cannon Street Burgie Street Bristol, Tennessee 37620 Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643


Rosemont Elementary School Boone Creek Elementary

Mr. Wm. J. Morrell, Jr., Principal Mr. Johr Manning, Principal 2031 Broad Street Route 4 Bristol, Tennessee 37620 Jonesboro, Tennessee 37659


Keenburg Elementary School Jonesboro Elementary School

Mr. Thurman J. Elliot, Principal Mr. Early Henley, Principal Route 3 Main Street Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643 Jonesboro, Tennessee 37659


,Midway Elementarz_Ish221 Central Elementar School

Mr. Daniel Holder, Principal Mrs. Mary Phipps, Principal Route 5 Route j Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643 Johnson Ci4y, Tevnessee 37601


King Springs Elementary School Andrew Lthnfipn School

Mr. Fritnk Wright, Principal Mr, Thomas R. Milam, Principal Route 6 Ormond Drive Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Kingsport, Tennessee 37664

South Side Elementary School James Madison Elementary School

Ms. Selma Maltsberger, Principal Mrs. Reba Robinette, Principal Southwest Avenue 2000 Greenway Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Kingsrort, Tennessee 37660



Facilitator of ICE:

Mr. Floyd Edwards Department of Education East Tennessee State University Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 (615) 926-1112


Thomas Jefferson School

Mr. H. K. Breedlove, Principal Mr. Gene Eller, Jr., Principal Moore Street 501 Mary Street Bristol, Virginia 24201 Bristol, Virginia 24201


Facilitator of IGE:

Mr. Dave Zeigler Bureau of School Servicf; and Research University of Washington Seattle, Washilgton 98105 (206) 543-4940


Young.Elementary School b Lake Grove Elementary School

Mr. Bob Anderson, Principal Mr. Paul Doneen, Prinlipal 1700 Cherry 303 S. W. 308th Street Aberdeen, Washington 98520 Federal Way, Washington 98002


Eisenhower Middle School AP.°11Li211( Mr. Jim Hopkins, Principal Mr. Larry Griffith, Principal 2500 100th Avenue, S. E. Box L Everett, Washington 98201 Issaguah,Washington 98027

affersp_n Elementary5d_wol MARYSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Mr. Edward Morrow, Principal 2500 Cadet Way LihilI1/211.92W111881221-1 Everett, Washington 98201 Mr. Mary Adams, Principal 1000 Liberty Street 011via Park Elementary School b Marysville, Washington 98270

Mr. Loren Jackson, Principal 200 108th S. W. MERCER ISLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Everett, Washington 98201

Mmaill_Crest ElementarSchool QQL Mr. Ned Face, Principal Mr. Dick Patterson, Principal 4136 85th Southeast 12813 Bothell Way Mercer Island, Washington98040 Everett, Washington 98201 (// 155 SEATTLE PUBLIC scHour TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Laurelhurst ElemeatALL_School ksslAgg_glI15!1tullg101.

Mr. Duane Squires, Principal Mr. Wes Anderson, Principal 4530 46th Avenue, N. E. 611 South 132nd Street Seattle, Washington 98105 Tacoma, Washington 98444

Valley View Elementary School b Christensen Elemer ary School

Mrs. Kathy White, Principal Mr. Curt Swanson, Principal 17640 46th Avenue South 10232 Barnes Lane Seattle, Washington 98188 Tacoma, Washington 98444

Sales Elementary School

Mr. Lyle Catt, Principal 112th and Sheridan Avenue Tacoma, Waahington 98444





MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY (Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233)

Very Rev. John P. Raynor, S. J., President O'Hara Hall 615 North llth Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 (414) 224-7223

Dr. Frank Steeves, Dean of the School ofEducation Department of Education 502 North 15th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 (414) 224-7375

IGE/MUS-E Program Coordinators: Dr. Glenn Tagatz Department of Education 502 North 15th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 (414) 224-8321


Dr. William S. CarlsonPresident University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio43606 (419) 531-5711, Ext. 2211

D. George E. Dickson, Dean of the College ofEducation Snyder Memorial Building University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio 43606 (419) 531-5711, Ext. 2488

IGE/MUS-E Program Coordinators: Dr. William Wierrma Center for Educational Research & Services College of Education Toledo, Ohio 43606 (419) 531-5711, Ext. 2515

131 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN- EAU CLAIRE (Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701)

Dr. Richard Hibbard, President 138 Schofield Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 (715) 836-2320

Dr. Rodney Johnson, Dean of the School of Education 153 Brewer Hall Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 (715) 836-3671

IGE/MUS-E Program Coordinators: Mr. Lloyd Joyal 273 Brewer Hall Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 (715) 836-5749

Dr. Max Poole 154 Brewer Hall Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 (715) 836-5357

Dr. Juanita Sorenson 278 Brewer Hall Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 (715) 836-5749


Dr. Kenneth E. Lindner, President Main Hall University of Wisconsin La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 (608) 785-1800, Ext. 212

Dr. Bernard Young, Dean of the College of Education Main Hall, Room 111A University of Wisconain La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 (608) 785-1800, Ext. 223

IGE/MUS-E Program Coordinators: Dr. Claude Deck Room 109 Campus School La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 (608) 785-1800, Ext. 272 & 374

Dr. Richard Rasmussen Room 109 Campus School La Crosse, Wisconsin 34601 (608) 785-1800, Ext. 425

160 132 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN -MADISON (Madison, Wisconsin 53706) Dr. H. Edwin Young, Chancellor Bascom Hall, Room 161 Madison, Wisconsin53706 (608) 262-9946

Dr. Donald J. McCarty, Deanof the School of Education Education Building, Room 123 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) .262-1763

Department of Educational Administration Chairman, Dr. Merle Strong IGE/MUS-E Program Coordinators: Dr. Marvin J. Fruth WARF Building, Room 658 610 Walnut Street Madison, Wisconsin53706 (608) 263-2720

Department of Curriculum andInstruction Chairman, Dr. Robert Tabachnick

IGE/MUS-E Program Coordinators: Dr. Wayne Otto Research and Development Center for Cognitive Learning 1404 Regent Street Madison, Wiscotsin53706 (608) 262-5866 Dr. Thomas A. Romberg Reezdrch and Development Centerfor Cognitive Learning 1404 Regent Street Madison, Wisconsin53706 (608) 262-5866

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MILWAUKEE (Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201)

Dr. J. Martin Klotsche, Chancellor Chapman Hall, Room 202 Milwaukee, Wisconsin53201 (414) 963-4331 Dr. Richard H. Davis, Dean of the School ofEducation Pearse Hall, Room 107 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 (414) 963-4181

4. I 3 3 161 IGE/MUS-E Program Coordinators: Dr. Delbert Clear Marietta House 3270 North Marietta Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 (4V0 963-4137

Dr. Weoley Matson Pearse Hall, Room 106-B Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211 (414) 963-4725

Dr. Harold McNally Marietta House 3270 North Marietta Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 (414) 963-4137



Admiaistrative Staff

Herbert J. Klausmeier, V.A.C. Henmon Professor of Educational Psychology, Center Director William R. Bush, Director of Program Planning and Management; Deputy Director Sidney Belt, Coordinator, Technological Implementation and Support Katherine W. Koritzinsky, Administrative Assistant Mary R. Quilling, Director, Quality Verification James E. Walter, Assistant for Program Planning Alice S. Weck, Information Officer Dan G. Woolpert, Direc.or, Business

Principal Investi ators

Program 1: Variables and Processes of Learning and Instruction Vernon L. Allen, Professor of Psychology Frank H. Farley, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology Frank H. Hooper, Associate Professor of Child Development Herbert d- Klausmeier, V.A.C. Henmon Professor of Educational Psychology Joel R. Levin, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology Larry M. Wilder, Assistant Professor of Speech Peter Wulff, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology

Program 2: Development of Instructional Prograns John G. Harvey, Associate Professor of Mathematics Wayne Otto, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Thomas A. Romberg, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Peter A. Schreiber, Assistant Professor of English Richard L. Venezky, Associate Professor of Computer Science Alan M. Voelker, Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction

Program 3: Facilitative Environments Marvin J. Fruth, Associate Professor of Educational Administration Stephen J. Knezevich, Professor of Educational Administration L. Joseph Lim, Professor of Institutional Studies 163 tiu,S,Oovernment Pr Whig Office: 1971 780.694 135