le the -called Vshine' ball. The .850. Against New York he has bat- other Is Buck Herzog. ted .859. This i>ccord shows what a "Herzog Is a great world play- good, free-swinging left-luinded bat- er. If he Isn't in the games, or is not ter can do again»! tiie Giant BOTH In the best of shape. New York will and Joe Jackson, tlio White Sox cen- AND HSU be weakened. a of a hitter. MATRON greatly There's fire Is that kind tertielder, and dash about Buck that puts pep Roush, though, does not expect Jiu'k- in a club. He's the best little world sou to find the Uiunt pitchers as easy series pace maker in the business. as they have been for him, because "The OR 'shine' ball is new stuff to the of Jackson's trick of standing with one Phone 380 PUZZLED AS TO Giants. Hod Eller, of my young his feet together. ™ BEST TEAM are pitchers, is the only hurler in our "Schupp and lien ton's curv es MEAT MARKET league whom X know to have used the so big Jackson may not be able to turn. So, when he turned to the forth- 'shine'. Eller has been experimenting reach tliem unless he bate different- The Leading Butchers MATHEWSON UNDECIDED coming between the with it and standing the on ly," Itou.sh said. Giants and White Sox and began dop- their heads. Koush doesn't see any rosy path By TOM SWOPE. ing It In advance, there was not "The 'shine' is Just the reverse of ahead for cither team in the series - - (Sporting Editor, the Cincinnati or miss talking on his part. the 'emery' ball. In throwing the but lie does believe picking the New 269 Smith Street s 269 Post. ) Matty has been through the world 'emery' a roughens a spot on York pitchers is a harder one than I When it comes to taking things series mill himself four times and the cover. The contact of the air selecting the White Sox. apart and finding out what makes knows what makes the wheels turn against this roughened surface caus- "How the Giants can hope to will them , manag- «u-ound. es the ball to take peculiar breaks, by working Schupp, Benton and Sal- er of the , has few "To begin with," he said, "there are and in the hands of a pitcher who can lee in turn, no matter in what order, superiors in baseball. two things entering Into this series control It it is almost unhlttable. is beyond me," Koush said. You Will Never Make a Wiser Investment Matty's mind is of an analytical that may prove the turning point. One "In pitching the 'shine' the hurler "A hard hitting team like the | smoothens a spot on the ball until it White Sox isn't going to be fooled [ is so slick that the rest of the sur- very long by southpaw pitching. Gen- | face is so rough in comparison to the erally If any club cracks a southpaw | Than Meats Here This smooth sp'ot that it takes the air the hard one day it will do the same the I Buying During fame as an 'emery.' Pitchers of the next day to another lefty. McGraw | 'shine,' though, grip the surface of will have to do some tall thinking | the ball Just the reverse of the proper choosing a right hander. and Tomorrow way to grip the 'emery,' and this "It wouldn't surprise me much to Sale—Today :auses the ball to break in the oppo- see Fred Anderson cut in with a site direction. good game or two. Most people don't "I haven't the least doubt but that know it, but Fred is a bear of a cold FRESH PORK SHOULDER STEAKS OR ROASTS LliL ?lcotte and Danforth will the weather pitcher. He has a mean shine' ball in the world series. If the spitter. Sirloin or porterhouse; shine' is barred the Giants are likely "Tesreau also may be good for ..one all Dem- weights do some tall and lofty clubbing, good game, but I don't believe beef [•here Isn't a regular in the Giant line- aree and Ferritt W"1 do anything | fancy a 25! ip who has decided weakness, wonderful. 23! iauff. Zim, Holke, Fletcher, Robert- "Benton's recent doesn't I ion, Burns, McCarty and Herzog all mean anything to me except that the re liable to hit anything that is pltch- Rube Is likely to be right on edge ] ROASTING CHICKENS , J j_ d up to them. when the big games start. LEGS OF VEAL "Most of the White Sox are "Jackson and Collins are likely to \iVF\-.m players j very pith whom I am not familiar. Schalk have their troubles with Benton and Special, fancy; nd are as Those two birds have curve Collins good as they come, 3chupp. Short cut; lb. .. All a left- weights; lb chalk Is man on whom the Giants ualls that will bother nearly any 16'2 ron't steal many bases without the aanded hitter. I've been fortunate runner 25] atter giving the a good deal ;nough to soak Schupp pretty hard, f assistance· I don't expect either jut the Rube has been a puzzle to aam to cut loose with any wild run- ne all year. TOP SIRLOIN ROAST τ- lng, but I believe the Giants will try •'It surely ought to be the greatest I for Chuck Roast ome hit-and-run stuff early to find (cries we huve liauts with the rest of his club for 5Γ himself and maybe hit into right aking a vacation without permls- PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF KIDNEYS i eld so the runners can score. 'i|i I'll bet McGraw wishes he un- ilon, VEAL CHOPS Fresh ; The greatest violinist of all time is "Benton and Schupp will show the ladn't let little Peter Kilduft go. Blade cuts; der exclusive contract with the Columbia îTiite Sox more stuff than they have ! illduff could fill in at second and ?en for a long time. « arry the team along all right. But lb Lb. Company. An extraordinary reproduc- "From what I have been able to gath- t inless Buok plays McGraw is goln^ lb. 15 r on the White Sox the team certain- t have his troubles. 18! 18-22 tion of master's be the playing may heard r is no better than the Boston Red "Jimmy Smith seems too green. on each one of Ysaye's ox of 1912, and I believe that club 3 Jac may shift Zim to second and use BEEF STEAK BEEF OR ould have had Its troubles beating 1 lans Lobert at third. This would bo Good and ae Giants of 1917 in a tender; LAMB LIVER world series. ] iretty fair, OF LAMB J ackson Is no better, "Unices he gets too darned anxious FQTRS certainly espec- | lb. illy on defense, than was Speaker that 1 ?enny Kauff is likely to show them 18 lb. ear, while Hooper and Lewis certain- 1 e's a real ball player. Benny's great- lb 2 r had on ! < st that he tries to kill the Special, 15! something the present form trouble is 18' Γ the other White Sox gardeners. 1 all. Zim and Fletcher are likely to | CHICKENS "Defensively the Giants are a ] irove the most dangerous hitters." Records +4 good !am, but it is their offensive, the abll- For Soup or stew; FRESH HAMS of man In to Ysaye's recordings of Vicuxtemps' "Rondino",thc~î y every the line-up crack Unusual Celebration. lb.. Cut from Pot Roast le ball squarely on the nose, that Strictly fresh; Jersey Brahms "Hungarian Dance in G", Kreisler'i Billy was elx months old, and in "Caprice likely to be their greatest asset 23'2 Pigs; all weights; Viennois" and a ' lonor of the event his father pur- Fancy beef. Ib other gems will prove revelation to £ gainst the White Sox. Lb 18 of what modern can "One of the fellows I wouldn't be posed a fine new high choir for him. you recording do for the highest j 29 in music. lrprlsed to see turn the big star in ; kittle Sarah, who lived next door, was BACON le series Is 811m Bailee. This ! year nuch excited over the pew possession BEEF TENDERLOIN CORNED BEEF Ysaye, Casals and Kathleen Parlow, the world'» 9 is hitting up around .240 in the reg- lar 1 ind brought her mother in to see It, Just like Dixie foremost virtuosi of the violin and 'cello, chose the averages. There are only two or iree pitchers In the league I laying: "Oh, mother, look at the new Brisket or Columbia process of as the ont I stter than lb Plate, recording process he and mighty few pitch- ] llgh chair Billy's father bought him brand; lb. lb to their art. g better." 29 Navel; worthy represent j'l*". 'or his half a birthday." 27 Hear these wonderful "jpûijji 13! records today. We '12 gladly play any of them for yoa· ROUSH IN DOUBT ALSO NOTICE. CHOPPED STEWING ROASTING BEEF Cbanire of Name VEAL VEAL By TOM SWOPE „f Vmitrl. Under authority of A. J. Tyrer, act- Strictly fresh (Sporting Editor Cincinnati ng Post) Commissioner of Navigation, the Lb MONTALVO Rousli season |!' ame of Eddy tills lias been ! the Gas. screw "Alice H." lb. ... 1 has ' ; Lb. 90 Perth terror tlie een changed to chopped Smith St. Amboy, N. J. against plteliers the : "Amachemco (official 16'2 ,'hlte Sox batters will be called ^°'· dated up- fc ept. letter' 18! to fare. 28*. 15! Roush will finish 19?7. probably GEO. W. We also have a full line of Fresh Killed Fowls and e National Ixague season with a I EGGERT, Turkeys, Chiikens, Broilers. All kinds of Deputy Collector in Charge "••«visions at very low itting average between .340 and | 14043-10-5-4t prices.

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