Yohe, R. M. II (MEN-790). After a brief introduction that n.d. A Reevaluation of Westem Great Basin outlines the research design and previews major Cultural Chronology and Evidence for the results of the study, subsequent chapters Timing of the Introduction of the Bow and Arrow to Eastern Califomia Based on summarize work at each ofthe localities. New Excavations at the Rose Spring Site Research at Albion Head was designed to (CA-INY-372). Ph.D, dissertation. achieve three aims: (1) define and date any University of Califomia, Riverside (in archaeological components and assemblages preparation). represented at the subject sites; (2) trace the core territory of sociocultural groups that deposited those materials; and (3) identify the point at which the study area came under control of people speaking Pomoan languages. Various linguistic reconstructions suggest that the Pomo language family spread and differentiated from Western Pomo Prehistory: Excavations at an ancestral homeland near Clear Lake (Halpern Albion Head, Nightbird's Retreat, and Three 1964; Oswalt 1964), arriving at the Mendocino Chop Village, Mendocino County, Califomia. sometime within the last two millennia. Thomas N. Layton (with contributions by Albion Head was thought to possess good Dwight D. Simons and Glen Wilson). Los potential for tracing such movements insofar as Angeles: University of Institute of ethnographic accounts indicate that the coastal Archaeology Monograph No. 32, 1990, 229 strip was not permanently occupied during pp., 77 figures, 74 tables, $20.00 (paper). historic times. Sites in "peripheral" areas should contain curated tool assemblages (made Reviewed by: MARK E. BASGALL elsewhere of tool stone from core areas); display Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc., seasonal, task-specific occupational profiles (with P.O. Box 413, Davis, CA 95617. less noise than loci in core territories); and as a Upon hearing that Tom Layton's work at result, provide a good vantage from which to Albion Head had been published in monograph monitor regional cultural dynamics. form, those of us with an interest in northern The three Albion sites, situated on the California prehistory were excited. A host of headland north ofthe Albion mouth, com­ presented and circulated papers by Layton and prise flaked stone and shell accumulations of smdents had already hinted at the importance of moderate size (430-590 m.-) and depth (60 to 80 this research, and we looked forward to seeing cm.). Layton identifies "living surfaces" in two the data and interpretations presented in one, deposits (MEN-1809 and MEN-1844), reflecting widely disseminated form. The document "either the end product of a period of occupa­ (which reports also on investigations at two tion or an isolated event" (p. 13), after which a interior sites) offers much to ruminate on, but site was abandoned long enough to initiate devel­ leaves unanswered some key questions. Con­ opment of a new O Horizon. Soils at MEN- ducted under the umbrella of a single research 1704 were too churned to preserve distinct plan, the monograph deals with three separate strata. Fieldwork at these locations resulted in studies, performed from 1980 to 1984 at sites on excavation of 145 1.5 x 1.5-m. units (198 m.'), Albion Head (CA-MEN-1704, MEN-1809, and a truly impressive amount for a student effort, MEN-1844), in 1984 at Nightbird's Retreat and the recovery of a diverse artifact assemblage (MEN-1805), and in 1985 at Three Chop Village including flaked stone tools (projecfile points. 124 JOURNAL OF CALIFORNIA AND GREAT BASIN ANTHROPOLOGY bifaces, cores, flake tools) and debitage, Simons' innovative approaches to seasonality and ground/battered stone (milling implements, ham­ dietary profiles useful. mers, net weights), modified bone and shell, Layton identifies seven occupafional "com­ shellfish (mussel, chiton, turban, barnacle), ponents" or phases at Albion Head. The earliest vertebrate fauna (elk, deer, pinniped), and hazel­ components, C-1 to C-3, are characterized by nut seeds. Hydration analysis of obsidian tools chert dart points (concave-base, side-notched, and fiaking debris from each of the sites demon­ and leaf-shaped bipoints, respectively) and strates an abrupt increase in use of this material minimal obsidian use. Denoted by obsidian (most of which is from Clear Lake sources) at bipoints, C-4 marks the first extensive presence 2.5 microns (for Mt. Konocti glass). of volcanic glass with hydration rinds of ca. 2.5 Dwight Simons contributed two sections to microns (K) or A.D. 500. Component C-5 is the Albion chapter, the first a site-catchment represented by medium-sized, chert, stemmed evaluation of the locality and nearby coast, and points, and C-6 and C-7 are signified, in turn, the second an in-depth analysis of vertebrate by notched (Rattlesnake) and tanged (Gunther) faunas. In his usual, thorough manner, Simons arrow points. The first three chert-dominated follows earlier work in interior northern Cali­ components are seen as pre-Pomo (probably fornia (e.g., Simons 1983) in using baseline Yukian) due to a dearth of Clear Lake obsidian, ecological information (California Department of while C-4 is thought to herald the arrival of Forestry soil/vegetation maps) to derive indices Western Pomo in the area. The C-5 component, (cf. Baumhoff 1963) of resource productivity again testifying to heavy chert use, is viewed as (fish, acorns, large game) in adjacent environ­ a short-lived incursion by a neighboring, non- mental zones. These data suggest that the Pomo group. Following a period of "setfling- resource base would have been dominated by in" (accompanied by increased use of local tool fish (76%), followed by large, terrestrial game stone), C-6 is inferred to reflect Central Pomo (15%), and acorns (9%). Establishing that presence and C-7 occupation by a Northem conditions remained relatively stable for the past Pomo tribelet. The last distinction is offered on 5,500 years, Simons constructs an annual-round the basis of chert composition: Rattlesnake model based on a variety of biological and series points were made from both Franciscan ethnological information. This scenario provides (53%) and Monterey (47%) chert, Gunther vari­ expectations regarding what resources native ants were made only from the former. Since the peoples should have exploited in which geo­ nearest Monterey formation occurs to the south, graphic circumstances. at Point Arena, Layton suggests a south-coastal The faunal analysis deals with a full spectrum focus for C-6 peoples. Unfortunately, extensive of contextual and economic issues normally mixing severely constrains efforts to flesh out traceable through such studies: the nature of these components into full assemblages. past environments (thought to be similar to those Chapters pertaining to investigations at of today), the seasonality of site occupation (late Nightbird's Retreat and Three Chop Village are spring to midsummer), the dietary contribution more modest than the Albion treatment. Work of prey taxa (elk, harbor seal, deer), hunting at the former, located about 10 km. northwest of strategies (highly opportunistic), and butchering Calpella, involved the exposure of four house- patterns (refiecting preliminary, bulk processing pits, along with limited excavation of associated, of large game). Quite apart from contributing extramural midden deposits. Structural remains to the regional zooarchaeological data base, consist of circular to oval depressions 3-4 m. which remains sketchy, specialists will find across and contain somewhat compacted floors. REVIEWS 125

chunksof conifer bark (wall residues), perimeter prevalent in the ubiquitous "gray" literature, rubble accumulations (wall anchors), and in two nor did the author intend them to be. Apart cases, hearths. Adjacent midden extends to a from the Albion faunal section, most data classes depth of 160 cm. and contains cultural debris receive minimal description or discussion and attributed to three occupational components. interpretations are largely impressionistic. In Most dense in nonhouse contexts, artifactual and this sense, the volume shares traits with reports organic refuse included a range of flaked and in series such as the University of California ground/battered stone, one steatite bead, a few Publications in American Archaeology and historical items, some calcined bone, and five Ethnography, Contributions of the University of Mytilus shells. As at Albion Head, cultural California Research Facility, and University of deposits at MEN-1805 show considerable California Archaeological Survey Reports. The dishirbance. Markers (projecfile points and author clearly wished to produce a treatise hydration measurements) from each component focused on a single problem-the ethnogeo- are spread throughout much of the site matrix, graphic history of Pomo peopl es - and he stresses though the most recent materials tend to cluster data that are most relevant to that aim. While in house and surficial midden contexts. Layton there is, of course, nothing wrong with this goal, argues for cultural continuity from the middle to the lack of more detailed information on artifact late components, but views the earliest, chert- morphology, function, technology, and condition dominated, occupation as a separate tradition. will make it difficult to compare Albion mater­ In keeping with the broader model, the advent ials with other assemblages or to evaluate them of increased Clear Lake obsidian use (here at 3.0 in terms of alternative problem orientations. microns [K]) is considered a harbinger for the More immediately problematic, however, are arrival of Pomo-speaking peoples. serious questions concerning site chronology and Investigations at Three Chop Village, situated the analytical resolution offered by phase- or on a ridge roughly equidistant between MEN- component-specific assemblages. Given the 1805 and the coast, encountered a similar severe stratigraphic disturbance attending most pattern. Exposure of three house depressions of the cultural deposits that were investigated, yielded a relatively sparse inventory of fiaked, exacerbated by their shallow depth and the ground, and battered stone, some shell, and a episodic nature of the occupations, it proved sizeable collection of historical debris. The virtually impossible to assign most material latter is of particular note because it contains remains to discrete components. Thus, while Chinese porcelain, glass, and brass objects that Layton recognized seven "components" at can be traced directly to the wreck of the Frolic, MEN-1704 on the basis of projectile point types a sailing ship that sank off the Mendocino coast and tool stone profiles, he was unable to specify in A.D. 1850. Their presence at Three Chop any portion ofthe deposit (unit, level, or locus) Village is consistent with written records that that contains the unadulterated remains from one report widespread salvaging by local popula­ of these occupations. Even at MEN-1844, tions. Layton identifies three main components where select strata are ascribed variously to at MEN-790, the last two (post-A.D. 1400) three separate "components" (with three others attributed to Pomoan occupants due to abundant undefined), published point distributions (pp, 70- Clear Lake obsidian. 71) suggest that these are far from unmixed. In evaluating the final contributions of this Given this situation, there is no basis for monograph, it is important to emphasize that attributing materials that are not projectile points these are not full-fledged site reports of the sort (or manufactured from obsidian) to an occupa- 126 JOURNAL OF CALIFORNIA AND GREAT BASIN ANTHROPOLOGY tional component or phase. That there are few comparing archaeological patterns with models matches between "components" and physical of language divergence offered by several stratigraphy raises further questions regarding linguists. Arguing that good archaeolinguistic how projectile point variability is treated. correlations demanded a polythetic approach, a Because some marker types are known to co- match with glottochronological time-depth occurelsewhere (e, g,, concave-base/side-notched estimates was proposed on the basis of dramatic dart points, chert/obsidian bipoints, tanged/- changes in assemblage composition (increases in notched arrow points [Fredrickson 1973, 1984; Clear Lake obsidian use, shift to mortar/pestle White 1984]), there may well be less than seven technology, and innovations in point styles and discrete components at Albion. other artifact treatments), settlement pattern, and Several comments are in order regarding finally, subsistence base. Lacking a means of Simons' treatment of site catchment data. In defining component-specific assemblages due to testing the model against archaeological data, extreme depositional churning, in the present several departures were noted with respect to instance Layton is forced to track the movement observed and expected levels of resource of Pomoan populations based solely on the abun­ exploitation. Most conspicuous was a dearth of dance of Clear Lake obsidian-assuming that evidence for fish procurement, which productivi­ when such glass first becomes common it de­ ty indices suggested should have been a primary notes the arrival of Pomo speakers. Obsidian focus of local subsistence systems. Such might, in fact, constitute just such an ethno- deviations have implications for the reliability of linguistic signature, but it probably does not, and estimation procedures (cf, Baumhoff 1963), numerous other cultural processes could account especially since the coefficients employed (p, 80) for sudden changes in the representation of vol­ fail to weigh the role of shellfish and marine canic glass. These range from site-specific mammals. More importantly, they underscore stoneworking trajectories to the emergence of the fact that human land-use patterns comprise regional trade systems. If Layton's culture- far more than simple environmental templates. historical ascriptions prove correct, it will be due Indeed, tenets of evolutionary ecology and to more than tool stone source profiles and economics (Bettinger 1980) offer means of changes in obsidian abundance. explaining why resources that are perfectly Notwithstanding these and other quibbles, abundant and nutritious are in some cases not substantive and conceptual, this volume con­ exploited. Thus, even if resource potential at tributes significant new data for a region that has the Albion locality remained essentially stable until now received minimal archaeological for the last 5,500 years, variation in group scrutiny. Likewise, Layton's characterization of size/composition, residential stability, and coastal occupation patterns as discontinuous, technological organization would have contribut­ episodic, and related to multiple sociocultural ed to differences in how dietary profiles were groups is almost certainly correct and being assembled. borne out by other, recent studies (White 1989), Finally, what was the ultimate success of Linguistic complexity at the time of Euro- Layton's principal endeavor, to monitor the american contact clearly testifies to numerous expansion of Pomoan populations across the migrations/replacements through prehis­ North Coast Ranges? In a nearly decade-old tory-ethnogeographic changes that must be paper (Basgall 1982), this author attempted a identified and traced if archaeologists are to similar enterprise, endeavoring to identify the unravel culture process in California. Studies arrival of Pomo in northern Sonoma County by such as this one underscore the need to pursue REVIEWS 127

County, Califomia. Report on file at such investigations with increasingly refined Califomia Department of Parks and Recre­ methods. ation, Sacramento. REFERENCES Basgall, M. E. 1982 Archaeology and Linguistics: Pomoan Prehistory as Viewed from Northem Sonoma County, Califomia. Joumal of Califomia and Great Basin Anthropology 4:3-22. Baumhoff M. A. 1963 Ecological Determinants of Aboriginal Prehistoric Human Geography in the Carson Califomia Populations. University of Desert, Part I: A Predictive Model of Land-Use Califomia Publications in American in the Stillwater Wildlife Management Area. Archaeology and Ethnology 49:155-236. Christopher Raven and Robert G. Elston. Bettinger, R. L. Portland, OR: U.S. Fish and Wildlife 1980 Explanatory/Predictive Models of Hunter- Gatherer Adaptation. In: Advances in Service, Region 1, Cultural Resources Series Archaeological Method and Theory 3, No. 3, 1989, ix -F 184 pp., 1 appendix, 39 Michael B. Schiffer, ed., pp. 189-255. figs., 20 tables, gratis (paper). New York: Academic Press. Fredrickson, D. A. Prehistoric Human Geography in the Carson 1973 Early Cultures ofthe North Coast Ranges, Desert, Part II: Archaeological Field Tests of Califomia. Ph.D. dissertation, University Model Predictions. Christopher Raven. Port­ of Califomia, Davis. land, OR: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1984 The North Coastal Region, In: Califomia Region 1, Cultural Resources Series No. 4, Archaeology, by M, J, Moratto, pp, 471- 527, Orlando: Academic Press, 1990, vi -I- 143 pp., 5 appendices, 73 figs., 7 tables, gratis (paper). Halpem, A, M, 1964 A Report on a Survey of Pomo Lan­ guages, University of Califomia Publica­ Reviewed by: tions in Linguistics 34:88-93. DAVID RHODE Quaternary Sciences Center, Desert Research Instimte, Oswalt, R. L. P.O. Box 60220, Reno, NV 89503. 1964 The Intemal Relationships of the Pomo Family of Languages. XXXV Congreso The wet years of 1982-84 and 1986 flooded Interaacional de Americanistas, Mexico 11:413-427, much of the Carson and Humboldt sinks in Simons, D, D, western Nevada; when the waters receded, a 1983 Holocene Environmental Change. In: remarkable and unexpected archaeological record Archaeological Investigations on Pilot lay exposed. The remains of houses, storage Ridge, Six National , by W. pits, middens, and many burials demonstrate that R. Hildebrandt and J. F. Hayes, pp, 3,1- prehistoric peoples had frequently made their 3.16. Report on file at the Six Rivers National Forest, Eureka, Califomia. residences, livelihoods, and last days in the White, G. G. weflands ofthe Carson Desert. These discover­ 1984 The Archaeology of LAK-510, near ies, and the research and management problems Lower Lake, Lake County, Califomia. they generated, spurred a host of new archaeo­ Report on file at the Califomia Depart­ logical studies in the Carson Desert. ment of Transportation, Sacramento. One such program is sponsored by the U.S. 1989 A Report of Archaeological Investigations at Eleven Native American Cultural Sites, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the agency MacKerricher State Park, Mendocino responsible for management of the Stillwater