California Dnc Press Democrat
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CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT AUGUST 2017 PAGE 1 California DNC Members with Chair Tom Perez in Sacramento GEORGIA 6 AND THE MINORITY VOTERS By Alex Gallardo Rooker and Keith Umemoto, DNC RBC Members The Democratic Party more than 33% of the remaining gap. More than 67,000 more includes a coalition of votes to win. Given these realis- votes were cast, including a many groups, including tic goals with the addition of the focused effort by a Republican African Americans, Ameri- youth and LGBT vote, and a sol- Super Pac targeting 30,000 can Indians/Native Ameri- id performance from the other high propensity Republicans cans, Asian Americans Democratic Party constituent that did not vote in the primary. and Pacific Islanders, Lati- groups, then why wouldn't the Ossoff actually received nos, Women, LGBTQ, Democratic Party candidate win 33,000 more votes in the June youth, environmentalists, in a district with these de- 20 runoff, but the overall turn- labor and progres- mographics? out broke records for both Re- sives. In examining the The Georgia 6 resembles publicans and Democrats with Georgia 6, the Democrats these figures; however, in the over 260,000 voting, compared CDP Vice Chair Alex have a solid chance of June 20 runoff, Democrat Ossoff with 214,000 in the 2014 mid- Rooker is Treasurer of winning it next year. The fell short to Republican Handel year and 192,000 in the prima- the Association of State pathway to winning must by 8,906 votes. Minorities repre- ry. Thousands more African Democratic Chairs entail a comprehensive sented about 15 percent of the Americans, Latinos, and Asian effort in the African Ameri- vote in the runoff. Early voting Americans voted in the runoff, can, Latino, and Asian data found three minority groups with Latinos (1.9 to 2.14%) and American voter communi- making up over 15%, with Afri- Asian Americans (4.2 to 4.6%) ties, including voter regis- can Americans at 9.41%, Latinos exceeding even their early vot- tration and growing the 2.14%, and Asian Americans ing percentages from the pri- Party's relationship with 4.6% of the early vote. mary. each community. The outcome, however, was This means that Ossoff need- Hypothetically, if a con- not that Ossoff and the Demo- ed to compensate by register- gressional district is 15% cratic Party did not do well, but ing a larger number of new minority, and the Demo- Handel and the Republican Party voters. However, the Republi- cratic Party candidate gets did better, far exceeding primary can Secretary of State ruled to conservatively 60% of the turnout. And the Republicans restrict voting to those who minority vote, plus half the spent $23 million compared to registered in the April primary, women's vote, this candi- $27 million by Ossoff, significant- prompting the Democratic Keith Umemoto date only needs slightly ly narrowing the earlier spending Continued on Page 4 is a Co-Chair of the CDP AUGUST 2017 CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT PAGE 2 TRUMP: RESIGN OR BE IMPEACHED! BY MARY ELLEN EARLY, DNC MEMBER In July of this year, When I interviewed Con- were filed in 1973 against Rich- California Congressman gressman Sherman on ard Nixon, and that it took about Brad Sherman (D-30), August 17 in his district a year for the House Judiciary filed Articles of Impeach- office, I mentioned that Committee to vote to report ment against President many of my fellow activists such articles to the House floor. Donald Trump, based on feel that a President Pence At this point Nixon resigned. obstruction of justice. This would be worse than a Now Tony Schwartz, who co- is a felony under U.S. President Trump, and that it wrote The Art of the Deal with Criminal Code Section is too early to begin im- Trump (translation: ghost wrote) 1512 (b) (3). peachment proceedings. is predicting that Trump will Among the charges: He pointed out that while resign his office by the end of threatening an FBI agent Pence would not be good the year (maybe as soon as or other law enforcement for the Democratic Party, next month). This could be just official (i.e., James he would be better for the ahead of a criminal indictment, Comey), firing Comey for United States, and that he which might well be quashed as the purpose of thwarting (Sherman) had taken an part of a resignation deal. an ongoing FBI investiga- oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. When I asked Congressman tion involving the president Sherman what Democratic Par- himself, and comments While Nixon faced a ty leaders could do to help fur- made to the NY Times Democratic majority in the ther the impeachment effort, he DNC Member Mary Ellen that were interpreted by House, Trump enjoys a Early is the Founding Editor replied without hesitation, “Help many as threatening Spe- Republican majority. Be- us take back the Congress.” of the California DNC Press cial Counsel Robert cause of this a higher level Democrat and can be con- While I can’t speak for the rest tacted at Mueller to prevent him of public concern will be of the country, I assured him [email protected] from investigating Trump’s necessary to initiate im- that California Democrats were financial dealings. These peachment hearings. already doing our part. Many of charges are backed up by He reminded me that our party leaders are already both video and audio tape. Articles of Impeachment working on targeted races. Go Dems! WELCOME TO COLLEGE & GOOD LUCK BY BOB MULHOLLAND, DNC MEMBER This is an open letter to country's (your) debt is and get the great GI bill to pay college freshman - most more than $20 trillion. for it), not enough likes on Fa- of you were born in the Bush Jr. decided not to cebook, failed relationships or last year of the 20th Cen- restart the draft. In 1966, not graduating from col- tury. the year I was drafted, lege. For others, like Dream- 46,000 young men were ers, they are looking over their The year you turned shoulders to see if Trump will two, almost 3,000 people being drafted each month, the vast majority of us have them picked up and de- (Christians, Muslims, ported. Jews and others) were were barely through high killed on 9/11. Republi- school). Since the DC power struc- can President George Instead, mostly National ture (Congress was neutered Bush Jr. went into two Guard troops (including decades ago), will continue the wars (Afghanistan and Vietnam veterans in their wars for years and you will not Iraq) with no plans to end late 50s) were sent to Iraq be asked to pay for them or them, nor to pay for and Afghanistan. serve in the military, I would them. urge you to at least volunteer So, as far as most for campus groups that are Instead, the Republi- Americans are concerned, helping others, and/or perhaps cans decided to give tax including your parents, the get involved in the Democratic cuts mostly to billionaires wars were free and no Bob Mulholland Party. And just maybe your (in WWII their tax rate bother to most Americans. generation will decide to end resides in Chico and can was 92%). And Bush Of the three million troops the wars, but that's only if you be reached at Jr.'s overall economic that served in the two get involved. [email protected] policies led to the Great wars, they are from only and Recession. And with the 1% of American families. Good luck! And let's hope @chico.bob two wars at nearly 6,000 Trump does not start a war So for most of you, your with North Korea, which will days (WW II lasted 1,366 greatest crisis may be days for the U.S.) the lead to the destruction of the tuition (join the military Korean Peninsula and a world- wide Depression. AUGUST 2017 CALIFORNIA DNC PRESS DEMOCRAT PAGE 3 PELOSI DNC “WALK OUR TALK” RESOLUTION RESOLUTION PROMOTING PEOPLE-POWERED POLITICS AT THE DNC BY BANNING DONATIONS THAT CONFLICT WITH OUR DNC PLATFORM Respectfully submitted for consideration by the DNC in June 2017 by Christine Pelosi, DNC Executive Committeewoman; CA Democratic Party Women’s Caucus Chair WHEREAS, we Democrats have the opportunity to reform and revive our party by empowering diverse grassroots Democrats at the leadership table and in our communities including building on our recent successes with small donor fundraising programs; and WHEREAS, the American people are looking to Democrats to PROMOTE people-powered politics in this era of resistance, revival, and reform but are rightly concerned that their voices are drowned out; and, WHEREAS, in addition to President Obama’s 2009–2016 ban on all corporate PAC donations to the DNC, our state parties have been drawing bright lines for years with respect to rejecting donations from various corporate interests that conflict with our Democratic platforms such as tobacco, pay day lending, and gun manufacturers to perpetuate what President Obama referred to in his Farewell Address as our efforts to “reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics, and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service;” Christine Pelosi can be found THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic National Committee acts to revive at trust in our Party by banning donations to the DNC from corporations in violation of our 2016 and Democratic Platform and 2017 Resolutions so that we empower Democrats to “Walk Our Talk” in harmony with our stated beliefs and convictions.