Inferno Player's Guide
Inferno - RRRAAApieR &&& LLLaSaSaS pipipi SSSToToTo LLL Player''' s Guide Peter Brunton With special Thanks To The Lancaster University Role-playing Society and the good people at Acknowledgements First of all, A big shout out To all my play-testers, for helping me get this damn thing together; Jono, Owen, laura, Weasel, Nick, Tristan, Shiv Monkey, Callum, Frankie, Katie, Chris, Jack, Michael, Dan, Basil, Mikey, Guillam, Trotsky, Andy (again, both of you), Puppy, Alex, Ed, Dave, Beardy Steve, Randy Steve, Leo, Holly, Andrew, Sec Chris, Big Tom, Chris, Paul, and Katie, As Well As many others who I only ever had the chance to meet from the other end of an internet connection. These people suffered through blazing fire-fights, got beat up on by the authorities, shot at by lunatic cults, hunted by the mafia, started one or two wars, pissed off a few empires, survived an orbital bombardment, and Very Nearly Caused The Complete Annihilation Of the entire Universe, all just to get this thing finished. Now that there is dedication These same people provided me with constant support, advice, ideas, fixes for broken rules, possibilities for new rules and, most of all, the motivation to get it all together into a complete game. I'd Also like to thank the people running and for their excellent sites, over which i have run several inferno campaigns as well as numerous other games. They Have Provided An Invaluable Testing Ground for My ideas. Finally, a big thank you to the Lancaster University Roleplaying Society, who are about the most wonderfully welcoming, friendly, and entertaining bunch of people I could ever hope to meet.
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