Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENTH WARD COURIER Published Every Other Thursday

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., JULY 2, 1928 No.4 TE THPREPARED OR BIG CELEBRATION ------RECORD CROWDS EXPECTED AT[L-- __• _H_ aP_Pv_B_irt_hd_av_· _ f') __] SPORTS PROGRAM TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL AFFAIR For thl' twt•nty first consecntiYc year, barrin~ one, the Lower Maplewood Park Tenth \ranl ,,.ill ~athrr together a:> a community anl celebrate STARTING TIME, 2:00 P . M. th" birthday of th~ nation. Liberal contributions haYe been bt Race-:?5-Yd. dash, under !i ns. 1st p1·ize-Water madP by Tenth Warfs. \s cu-to ar) 111 the past, the this Yigil is not hard to keep. lOth Raee-Xecktie race, marrird men ancl women. 1st cclcbra:ion will he clividcd into an The actress has compiled a list of prize-Xecktic. 2nd prize-Bath salts. afternoon and c\cning -cssion. the COMMITTEES beauty implements which she rccom- lith Race-Xeeclle race, men and "·omen. 1st prize­ f rmer taking placl' at LO\\er lla­ 'fhc follow in~ committees have worl~e·uc halls. haps m or two other streets oi the usual band concert will he Henry F. L'lcmcnt, >\ugu,;tus Xoonan. Angelo Ferrari, Thomas t'1a• ection. On its arrival back given by the Pari.;: Band, Ht tent is The committee of about one George Schnepp, Robert Zimmerli. ).loran, ).fr. and ).f r~. Timothy the track team of the coming year. being provided on the grounds. It ~evotcd mamly to u1tertainment hundred residents who have been George Jinks, \Villiam L .• Griffin. Downs, :.\.Ir. and ).[rs. Eugene "Bib" equalled the college record will be in charge of 1frs. Gertrude and recrration for the younger soliciting the funds for the aff.. ir. Thomas Xaylon, :\orn•an O'Brien. Dwyer, ::O.Ir. and ::O.frs. Daniel T. in the 100-yard dash doing it in Dorschcl. Tcn:h \\'ardcr-. the afternoon pro­ ha\·e turned in favorable reports to \\.oleYer, 1Ir. and ).[rs. Frederick 10 seconds fiat. He also stars in Refreshment The rest tent will be proYided gram i' made up of a series oi la date and from all indications will Dutcher, ::O.lr. and 11rs. Henry D. basketball. with a complete first aid kit and -porb evenb. Event Xo. 14, how­ have raised about $3500. Final re­ Robert R Clifford, chairman; Shedd, ).fr. and ).[rs. Cyrus Phillip~. facilities for treating 1he numerous n·er. ''ill be one of the highlights ports will not be available until to­ Edward :\. Kraus, Louis Ihrig, Fay MUS IC RECITAL Publicity minor injuries that are likely to oi the program. bringing together morrow. The General Committee Wealthy, Roy \Vard. Victor Thi­ The pupils of ).lrs. Stuart ).f. H. B. Tuttle, Xc~l O'Brien, Fred occur in such a large collection of a- it doe- t\\o hu~ky groups of officers. under whom all plans for bault. Fred Grastorf, John DeYer­ Rogers of Selye terrace, held '1 re­ Dutcher. people. Tenth \ \'ard grown-up,, who will the celebration ha,·e been made, arc aux. Peter Birtsch, Frank O'Brien, cital and party Thursday afternoon. P rinting play tug-of-\\ a r for a box of cigars. George Hesselink, chairman, \\'il­ Jacob Gerling, Jr., John J, Cough­ The pupils appearing in the recital The last c\·ent on the program is a liam H. Stell, \'ice-chairman, Jos­ lin, llcrt Galbraith, Floyd Carbone. Leo Fellows, Herbert Hunter, were as follows: Alexandra Parry. REMEMBER eph H. Bush, secretary, and A. ba~eba 11 game bet ween the Tenth George Robie. Virginia ~fulconey, Esther Tuthill, Just around the corner you will Kunz, treasurer. M usic \\'ar,!crs and another fast nine yet Edgerton Park Gates Lenabelle Goodrich, Joyce Scri­ find the convenient store for men :o be named. The committee has spent Jon~ \\'m. A. Stell, chairman; Amelia John Stepenson, chairman; Jo­ vener, Grace Bastian, Jean Cadmus, and boys. \Vork clothing too, at hours of work on the preparations Thoma:- E. ). loran, who has the Kunz, Izora B. Dykins, Anne Clif­ seph Bushard, Louis Dorschcl, An­ Bell Cadmus, Anna Hallock, Doris very low prices. Come in and get for the celebration and during the di~tinction of Ita \'ing served on ford, Helen Hcsselink, Frances L. thony Samenfink, John Dorschcl, Barker, Ruth Beldue, Jean Colgan. acquainted.-adv. committ~e duty at rach of the past ten days has been holding ses­ Thomson, Ka therinc Derrick. Frank Lane. t\n·nt) preceding celebrations, is sions nearly every evening. To­ Rest Tent Fire W orks chairma n of the ~ports committee. day and tomorrow the various com­ Bertha :\. Bush, chairman, Chas. a e expect~ the sports to start at mittees will be attending to last Gertrude: Dorschd, chairman; Katherine E. Bostwick, ::O.f. J. Dc\\'itt, john W''o o'clock and will endeavor to minute details and \Vednesday thl' Katherine O'Brien, Shearer, Otto Schleg-el. 1L J. Cul­ SEETHE l'vmpletc the program in three Tenth is promised one of the big Schlcg\·1. florence Fisher, Kate hane. hours. gest affairs it has ever had. Thistle, Edith Corbett, Carolyn REPUBLICAN WOMEN APPOINT COMMITTEE CHRYSLER an & Bay es HEADS FOR OUTING 1 Tenth \Vard Republican 'Vomen Why Shop Else\vhere When You Specials for 4th of July W eek-Thru Saturday "ill hold their annual ptcnic July 27 at Ontario' Beach Park. <...om­ May Choose Your Car at Leisure mitre heads to make plans for the picnic, which \\ill be t"e fourth to be held hy the organization. were and Receive the Best of Service at Swift Pretniutn Hatn . • • 28c named at a special meeting last Thursday. ).f rs. Gertrude Doreshd was named general chairman and the Hon1e Dressed Fowl . • • 38c following committee heads chosen: Tickets, }.frs. Kate O'Brien; re­ HALL'S freshments, 1Irs. Lena M. Cooke; Legs of Spring Latnb. 39c tables, 1\Irs. Cox; prizes, )..irs . • • Clara Potter and 1frs. Lucy Ray­ mond; sports. :.\Irs. Catherine Der­ Sales and Service rick. We Have Everything For Your Picnic Tickets for the supper, at a cost of 3;; cents. will he on sale by mem­ bers of the organization. The pic­ Glen. 5095 1850 Dewey Ave. 333 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 nic which is open to the public, drew a crowd of 1400 a year ago. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS Mi s Ddia Farley oi :\faple110od :\{r. and :\1r•. :\[aynard Murph) F R METZ INGE R, Editor E F DOUD~Ad~ Mg~ a1enue, who a. a student at the of Xew York c ty arc visttmg Mr. A Dining Roon1 Suite 5li Lyell Avenue ( hoate ~rhool. Bo,ton. returued ~lurphy', parents on A\;S street. Glenwood 2585 last \\eek to spend the •ummer with That Represents If no Anawcr Call Monroe 497-M Iocr par~nts. ).lr. and Mr,. \\'al•er ~fts< Elizabet 1 Roblin of .Seneca Down town office, 25 South Water St.-Main 5412 L .Farll'). l\1"" G11yneth Farley, parkway, on, OAVII • JllNI PRIHTIH"' CO,. INC. U SOUTH WAT!Il $TRUT recently for Europe. sailing from return~d r,ccntly from a motor ~~om n.:al. trnp through \'crn.ont and Xl.'w . l.r.vorxr. t;>;a 1'IIE I rampshire. DEWEY BAKERY ::\fisscs Doris and Grace Lamari..: Opened under New Management :\Lis, Esther Kll\gston of Seueca of Pierpont strc:ct, and :\liss Ina LeRoy of Bryan street, ldt for FULL LINE O F B A KED GOODS parkway, cntcrtainl'd at dinner at DELIVERY SERVICE lwr home rcn:ntly, in honor of Dr. :\font real Tuesday, to sail for a I wo Glen. 5969 GEO. MAY, Prop. 1176 DEWEY AVE. t;eorl,!c Cal~td of The ::-,agamorc. :\[rs. Vivian \\'orhoys oi T,unpa, Florida, is .;pending the ~ummer .:\lrs Harrbon L. Chapin oi AI- with relatives on Avb ~trcet. Tudor Design Pedestal Table Opens to 8 feet 'Jamarle ~trcct, and her ~on john Walm~t and Gum Rich Antique Finish The Dinner That's DHferent Estes Chapin. returned Ja,t wt:ek :\!iss Eunice Gate, of the Lake THIS SUITE HAS SOLD AS HIGH AS $250.00 irom a two month,' vbit in Santa A1·enu1: Branch of the Pul>hc Li­ GENUINE BABY LAMB Ana, California, "here they were Ibrary. sailed :::-aturda.y, for Europe. the guests ol M r,, l hapin's par- -- 9 PIECES $154.00 FRESH DRESSED BROILERS cnt-, Mr. and ~ln. John\\'. E,te,. ~lr. and :\[rs. juliu, Kuzin~ oi Lake \'iew park. returned Tuc;-;day, Let us re-upholster or re-finish your STEAKS THAT WE EXCELL IN 1 furniture while on your vacation ! The :\! is,cs Gwyneth and Delia from the Chamber oi Commerce Farll'Y of .:\laplt.:1100d ave;:nue. en- cruise. Get An Estimate Now }'(}f' ,\'J;J;!> .YOAI'OIAJf/11-:S 11'/TIIOCR QCALITI' JIE.JTS Lcrtaineu at lundaeon at their l10mc la~t week. in honur of .:\liss Betty A daughter \\aS born recently to Flwt, or Cu ln·r ruad, who is sail- :\fr. and 1£rs. Robert Tttus of Elcc­ mg ior Europl', \\'edne,day, irom tric avenue. Gerald C. Kenny SCHAEFER'S Quebl.'c, on the S. S. Empress of Scot land. Furniture and Upholstering We Deliver Mr. and :\Irs. Stuart Rogers of Selye terrace, entcrtaint'd his par 1476 LAKE AVE ., Opp. Ridgeway Glen. 1644 GLEN. 2640-2441 1050 DEWEY AVE . 11 r,. Huth Sanders and her daughll·rs, Rheta and Eh·a, of lluf­ ents, 11r. and l\lrs. 1-Iilton S. l{ og falo .. are spending a week with :\Irs. ers, of \Vatertown, recently. :::-ander's pan:nts, t.Jr. and :Mrs. C. J. KLEISLE George 1<. .\lcCord, of Sclyc ter- Oscar \\'ellington, son of 1fr. SIGNS race. and :\fr, . .\. \\'. franci, of Hivcr- Use Trellises-Pergolas-Window Screens Made to Order side street is reported recovering ~I r,. Che,.ta E. Lay, of Lewiston satisfactorily from a tOthil oper­ GA~DEN FURNITURE ation. Rochester 206 LYELL AVE. GLEN. 4392 a\·enu~. a td 1lr. and ~Irs. Richard \llcn, Ji ::.ar Jtoga avenue, have re­ .• ·-·-·-- ._..._... __.,_._._ ! I urncd ~ tt:r spending a week in ~[iss Dorothy' Humi,tone o Diamond Specioli•l II: 1 Buffalo. :\I ount \'cnton. X. Y.. who is n Holland siding with ~rr~. Lena .:\f. Cooke oi :\Iaryland street whil~ attending the ~=fij~~~~~:;;;;.)f ).[r and ~[r,. Herman E. \'ogel­ Electric Shop sang, of Arnett boulevard. and )fr. summer session at ).[cchanics In· t Tr.:ub R•ngs of " ' j " ! stitute, has left to spend ] uly _,. ~ i and :\Irs. har H. Hultman. of Genuine Orange 'tlW;a,\u.. ,,.. . • ! I WIRING and FIXTURES Fourth with her parcnb in ).lnunt Blo.som d.-,'i~n. 0rang£!.[)10Sj(Jnr I '·~~~ '=&~ 1 Aug-u~tine st rel'l, ha1·c returned .,., . '= . . i Most popular. ,_....-~...,...,. ·~· 1!· ·.. 1 • \'ernon. ~ from K.itchener, Ontario, where ·1: e~~~~~~~~~~~i"" ~~~· r~·- j·, •· ELECTRICAL WORK .. 1 they had bel'n >Pt'tHling a week. j 'I OF ALL KINDS :\Ir,. Lee and daughter • Bulova, 15 J. $37.50 . j Clara, of Fulton avenue, arc ~pl'nd­ CJounsel ).[t-. and ~Irs. William Pritchard, i . 308 DRIVING PK. AVE. ing a short time o n a trip through oi Estall Road, Greece, entertained ! VACATION ! Glen. BOO , the Xe_w England states. In your purchase of a dia­ Open E venings 20 members of the Tenth \Vard mond the same ca~e should i WATCHES t younger set at a steak roast last be used as in your choice of i• Dependable Timekeepers in ., week. Arthur 1\Ionaghan, fireman of Truck 8, who was injured on Lewis­ the right investment. Reliable t BUL OVA, ELGIN, ILLINOIS j FOR RENT ton avenue rec~.:ntly, is reported im­ counsel is just as surelyneeded. 1 • :.Iiss 2\[ary Brennan, of ?.Iaryland . W herever the great outdoors ! proving. STORE Street, has just returned from a YCry This store will welcome the ~ calls our sport watches will serve i I ' . 2 Large Show Windows enjoyable trip on which she visited opportunity of using its many • you with unfaltering accuracy. j Charll.'s \\·asser oi .\vis street, is I • -Also- historic points of interest in :\Iary­ years of experience in coun­ ~ I land and at Gettysburg and \\'ash­ in Xew York and Fort Hancock, seling you properly in the Ice manufactured as ours is, pro­ ! J. 0. LEDLIE j T WO OFFICES ington, D. C. :\!iss Brennan made l'isiting his son, Charle~. Jr. purchase of a diamond. vides not only purity. but hard­ Chiropractor or Osteopaths ne.<>S as well. That means it lasts fI JEWELER !. the trip as the C'scort of her ne- longer than natural ice because ! Circulating Library j Preferred 1 hew, \\'alter C. Corcoran, Aquinas James D. Shay of Hose ~~0 of the WM. JACKSON it's solid-no air pockets or alien Institute student, who was the win­ elements to affect your food or !I Open Evenings •j Dewey a\·cnue fire station, left to­ JEWELRY, VICTROLAS, Schulz Bldg. ncr in the Time-Union "::\[y :\Jary- day for an extcnsi1·e two weeks' RADIOS drinks or to succumb quickly to I • outside temperatures. f 842 Dewey Ave. ! Dewey Ave. at Driving P ark Jan" cssa) contest. trip by automobile in eastern Can­ 325 DRIVING PK. AVE. Call Glen. 300 Est. 1915 Open Evenings t· ·-·--- .,._·- ·- ·-·- ··- ··-··-i , ,ada. ::\Ir. and :O.Irs. Samuel Hooker were 1 ROCHESTER ICE assisted in observing their twenty­ ~[ r. and :\frs. C. L. Benham of ARE Y OU ONE OF & Cold Storage Utilities, Inc. Wise-Phillips Garage eighth Wl'Uding anniversary at their G. VAN DORTRECHT Flower City park, were <"allcd to THO S E P EOP LE I~x,•cuti1·1• Otlices oAKLAND and PONTIAC home in Ridgeway \ 1·cnuc recently, that would like to have Sales and Service Bath. Thursday, by the illness of 7i0 E:\1 t ~I!SO :\" S'l'. Willys-Knight and Overland PAINTING- DECORATING hr a surprise party conducted by ).[ r. Ben ham's mother. brand new, modern plumb­ Experts members of the Uniform Rank, ing equipment in the home Glen\vood 2700 35 Lewiston Ave. Glen. 298 Guaranteed Workmanship \\'oodmcn of the \\'orld, assisted by Dr. Irene Kate Lapp of Lake but are waiting until you nc:ig-hbor5 and other friends. and Material View park, left \\'ctlncsday morn­ feel that you can spare the QUALITY SHOE REPAIR ing by automobile for 1\lbany, money? EXPERT REPAmiNG Estimates on request :\J iss Betty Paskal, of Lakeview where she was to be met by her Here's something that will Satisfaction Guaranteed !'ark, retmned home last week for sister, Miss ~!arion Lapp, fonmrly interest you. You can have "Where Courtesy Prevails" What Others 15 PERINTON ST. the Summer from St. Joseph's Acad­ of this city, now an assistant editor the equipment put in right MICHAEL SCHIAVO, Prop. rmy at Lockport. away and pay for it in con­ Custom Shoes Made to Order Glen. 5272-J in the Agriculture Dcpartntent, 825 Dewey Ave. ncar Drivillg Pk. \\'ashington, D. C. From .Albany venient monthly instalments. Are Saying NO INTEREST OR ~[iss ::\lary Huddy, of LakeYiew they were to dri1·e to Barton, FINANCING CHARGES Here's another excerpt from a If you want the best !'ark, returned last week from a where they sail for Xo\·a Scotia Call or Phone C . WOODING two weeks' \acation at Lake George. They will then make a hikin~ trip Herbert Hoover speech t-hat's IN GROCERIES I. . I CALL M A SON C ONTRA CTOR -- 1111 the pro\'lnce anc expect among WalterV.Mack well worth ponderilag over: 27 Years Satisfactory Service 111 rs. Benjamin D. Davis. of Elec- other places of interest to hike 807-809 DEWEY AVE. Howard A. S t o ne tric •\ \'Cnuc, entertained the sewing through the E1·:mgeline country. 58 LOCUST ST Glen. 3907 · ':-;C'mC' talk glibly of abo i h­ GROCER club oi the Ladies' Council U. C. C. 1339 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 53-1 Glen. 3086-J ing- all go\ crnme•tf regul. 11 11 , of E. at her home, June 20th. A :\!iss Frances Ryan of Kisling­ olhl r< want to n iot .tliz or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ======Itureen dinner was ~en·cd. The bury street, was knocked dowp by LOUIS PASKAL Council will hold its I>icnic at On­ an unknown cyclist recently and is -o<·inlize our in lu tries :uul run Where to go for Hair-Dressing tario Beach Park on July 7th. t Established 1906 and Hair-Cutting The 'fenth \Vard Democratic Edward Garland of the Dewey of American iurliYihirt and FOR CAMP OR COTTAGE 11 r. and !\[ r,. I lerman P :.ron- tie oi the ncwe't color and design $15.00 and up MARCELLING SOc roc of I \'te\\ park, arc You'll find them ju,• arolll•d tht Work Doue Days nnd Evenings ~ ~pend- WM. H. JACKSON Corporation by Appomtment Call Glen. 5699 ing the ummer at th ir cotta.::-~: at cornc.r at •he c ll\'ement tore. I JEWELER 325 Driving Pk. Grand \'1 \\ Beach. !Gale Keley, 11:>7 L ·e a\c.-ad1· •------· ::.------, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersTENTH CollectionWARD COURIER Riviera Theatre Stock of Peanuts CLARA BOWCOMING ANSWER THE CALL Lake Ave. at Flo\ver City Park Scheduled For Big TO RIVIERA FRIDAY TO Drop July Fourtb SPECIAL SHOW JULY 4TH ONLY (Cont:nucd from page 1) THE GREAT OUTDOORS MATINEE AND EVENING lllorgan Th1stle 1dll -tart to­ day the 110rk of crectin~ about CLAIRE WINDSOR 2 stiff Lrbtled bru~bcs: for the LONG, HAPPY DAYS WHEN YOU'RE FREE TO a dozen -tamb at Lower ~laple­ In Her Greatest Success Taken from the Novel nightly 100 ,trokes to ket'!l the lu~+re ENJ OY YOURSELF IN THE OPEN AIR AND THE '' ood Park. 1>rcparatory to the in one's hair. Shoulc cleaned SUNSHINE ! WHEN OF ALL TIMES YOU MUST usATAN AND THE WOMAN,. annual on.;Jau,:;ht on pe:tnuts. every week without fail. HAVE T:·IE RIGHT KIND OF FOOTWEAR-AND cc cream and lollypop,. The 2 fine tooth comLs : to be used YOU KNOW THAT'S WHAT YOU 'LL FIND AT ALSO HOOT G IBSON I N Jlllll her of th(•,e ::.tands has been SCHMANKES! A THRILLING OUTDOORS STORY alternately and cleaned and ~calded incrta~, d thi, year by three to weekly ior cleanliness. 64 GALLOPING FURY" t'are for the larger distribution. 2 kinds of powder : one shade, ex­ If all tlw peanub that will be Favorite styles often Reduce the fatig·ue of out­ COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY act match of ski n ( never lighter called for these consumed wen• laid end to end. under any circumstances) for day­ door activity combine C L ARA BOW accordin g- to a well-kno\\'n time usc. The second shade should summer days perfect foot freedom with Tenth \\'ani statJCJan, they be of the layendcr tone to he used trim appearance 11 oully pro1·c more popular Single Dorothy than cn•r 11 ith tht· youn~,ter, and t'-lc extra large quantities Cool, comfortable, the We have them as low as $6900 Ave. of 'upplin will probably be children's own favorite necclccl. Sizes 6 to 8-$1.50 $1.40 Sizes 8¥2 to 11---$1.75 There are Keels for every Sizes 11¥2 t o 2-$2.00 PLAYGROUNDS OPEN member of the family. Women will like our crepe sole Oxfords $57 per month pays in­ SUMMER ACTIVITIES terest, taxes and $200 C I,.ARA BOW in two tone effects for sport wear. $500Down annually on principal. Playgro und "'Jo. 7 located o n Sewers, Sidewalks and Grading P aid Dewey a 1·cnttt', between K isling­ for evening. Its subtle flattery is On the Fillmore Tract-Dewey Ave. hury and B ryan streets. opened last realized by clever women. Priced at $4.95 One Block North of Lewiston Ave. 2 shades of : one for day week. The regular schedul e of ac­ Glen. 568·1- Constructlon Office and one for night. Light orange is Sponc. 166-F-3-Resldence tivitie~ commences this week and good for day, and very pale pink H. E. WOODS, Builder 7 Dorothy Ave. Open for ~tion continues throughout the summer. shade for night. In fact no rouge SCHMANKE'S BOOT SHOP ~======~ Special teachers will he employed is sometimes good for e\·ening wear. to teach all special work including I lip stiok: to be carried in one's 1480 DEWEY AVE. Open E venings until 9 p. m. Let Us Do Your Dirty Work dancing. basketry. girls' and boys' purse. OUR BUSINESS IS IN GREASING cluhs, sewing and swimming. Other 1 lip stick : to be carried in one's ieatures oi the playground are the ing table. Cars Washed, Polished and Greased library. weekly athletics for boys 1 jar of cleansing cream. BENJ. P. MASSETH, DAIRY Cars called for and delivered by Licensed Chauffeur and girls. supen·ised play through­ I jar of tissue building cream. 127 Maryland Street Dewey Ave. Service Station out the day for boys and girls in­ 1 Lottie oi mild astringent . HIGH GRADE MILK, CREAM and BUTTERMILK cluding baseball, basketball. tennis 1 bottle of hand lotion. Quality and Service My Motto DEWEY AT RIDGEWAY Glen. 4035 and various other games. :\. public I box crcam absorbing papers. oi Phones-Glen. 3587-W-282-5-186 Notary Public with Seal library fo r children is maintained. 1 jar of cuticle softener. 0 Jh' oi the features is the all­ 1 box o£ nail poli ~h . around lll)int contest. Each activ­ 2 na il files. ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK ity or play is given merit points. 1 nail buffer. GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS At the close of the season the ten 1 cuticle pushe r. THE LITTLE GIFT SHOP GEO.P.FERGUSON,CONTRACTOR highest hays and ten highest girls 1 full length mirror. 139 Maryland St. Glen. 623 an• gi1·cn prizes. P lenty of needles, thread, buttons, PICTURES AND DIPLOMAS FRAMED TO ORDER (Sole Agent for SNOWCO STUCCO) The playg-round is in the cha rge snappers, etc. 838 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 1065 D.ROTMANS of Dorothy Cashman of Selye ter­ "Although the woman with red race. principal. She is assisted by hair has a very difficult problem when TRY ~fable ).filne of Glendale park. \Vm. it comes to dress, she may make NEWELL'S CASH MARKET Rcynctl of Clay avenue and Henry herself outstandingly attractive if OUR REGULAR DINNER Kendall of Clay avenue.' The she is willing to de\'ote some time to CHOICE MEATS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES grounds are open irom !I a. m. to rhe consideration of color harmon­ ARPEAKO SKINLESS NU-FRANKS 40c s :30 p. m. Last season over 250 ies:• says ::O.Iiss Bow. user! the playground daily. "In the first i•lace, all shades of 3 LBS. $1.00 Tacoma playground also opened red should Le a1·oided. Reel hair and Try Our New Mayonnaise SCHULZ BROS. last week with :Miss ~[artha Cham- red hats clash. This iact shoulrl be 19c 1/2 pt.-65c qt. 355 Driving "Park, cor. Dewey bcrlain in charge. The program is put down and remembered at all 69-1 RIDGEWAY AVE. We Deliver Glen. 1669 m~hthcsamea.atX~7. ;ti:m:c:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; KODAK WORKERS Dewey Bakery Opens Sale of New Dresses INVEST IN FURNITURE Under New Management Thl' Dcwl'y -\Hnue Bakery. lo­ cated at tliti Dewey a \·cnuc. has Living Romn Bedroom Suites l)(•c n thoroul-(hly rulrcorated and Extraordinary Wing- and Club Chairs, Four Pieces, Gumwood, is now open to the publi c. George Walnut L. ). fay, a hakt•r with many years Offering Foot Stool, Finish C"(ll'fit'J\(.C j, the proprietor. Davenport $124 • 50 $85.00 OF THE Other Suites The ncw :.hop carries a complete Covered in figured velour line of baked good'i fresh rlaily. I \ spceialt \. is mafrs. Rcnnl't who likes her THEY SELL coffee sweet. found the reason­ L t us call with our samples and give The sugar bowls had been acci­ you an estimate on your old furniture rlt•nt:tlly filled with epsom salts. 420 Dresses to Choose from-All Styles and Sizes

z\nnounct•Jncnt in The Altoona Flanigan Furniture Co. Tribune-"Tcn cents ,traight will INCORPORATED be chargee! for all obituary notices A . J. TUCK ER DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY to all busint'~s men who do not Open every evening until 9 p. m. advertise when living Better

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER

MONROE MARKET PROTEST SIGN Ridgemont Golf Club i Membership Now 280 ~ erve Health 1s Bodv IIca lth AT DEWEY AND • i:.u. \ r" l:'ORCE keep- your hear:, lungs, kidne~ nnc1 nll ~lember~h1.- .1~ ... ~ newly organ­ other or::;an' of .tht body functioning properly. When ~Eln E ized Ridgemont Golf Club b no\\ FDRCE i~ completely withdrawn. death ensues. \\ hrn par­ RIDGEWAY AVE. ;?-.(), accordin;:: to the 'atest report!> tially lnthdrnwn disen'e occur-. :::i,·en out. \York on the 1 -hole Habit, jar,, aecidcnt<, occupation, and posture '1\ hil ittiug, course b more than halt done and 'tanding or walking cnu-c~ mi-placemeut- of the bont of th< i, bein~ carried along as rap•dl) spine. This causes pressure on the ncrns and partial wit! as pos~ible. drawn' of XERYE FORCE. . Ten holes han~ be n prepared to C'hiroprartic is th~ science of mo~il:g . h~· h n(l, :\(•rv Pr to spend ahout the habit of turning down Dewey S35.000 preparing the grcelb. . \ Driving Park at Dewey :wcnue and heading ior the center ;;i.xtccn-room brick ~:ructurc on the PETERS BUICK SPECIALISTS of the city t!lat way. This section grounds is being remodeled for a Glen. 1240 clubhouse. 1488 LAKE AVE. Glen. 4969 i, ..a small city in itscli, there is FUNERAL D IRECTOR Officer~ oi the club ilfC: l'rc,i­ plt•nty of parking space and tour­ FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND ist< can buy moring« 13 years of experience. The GRAY-VANCOTT store carrie~ a complete assortment 1 Bottle of Extract at 22c Makes 5 Gallons IF YOU CAN'T GET IT ELSEWHERE TRY ~I i,s GIO\'Cr \'a '1 Cott. dau!:!hter oi men·s shirts, ncd:wc:u, hosiCf)' ot !llr. and ~lr~. Lincol·1 \'a'1C"tt. 1Joy,' furnishings, work clothing LYELL PRODUCTS CO. of ~{ontclair a•1d Peq;t;l'l'll ock, (work shirts. trou glo\·es, etc.) and other items. MALT-HOPS-EXTRACTS marrifd on Saturday to Edward 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. Fire House TOM TAYLOR-Proprietors-FRED JACKSON Ld~rdon Gray, son of ::\Ir. and Oi the three great modern hC\'C'r· 191 LYELL AVE. We Dellvor Glen. 5703 I ).Irs. !Tarry Lclhl'l~lll Gray, of AI­ ages-chocolate, coffee and tea MAKE YOUR DIVIDEND GO FARTHEST IH'marlc street. The ceremony took chocolate was the first to rl:ach place in the Cl'ntral Prl'shyterian by buying at western countries. Tea followed J. H. GARNHAM •Church of ::\[ontclair, and was per- in 1.;~~. and coffee in the iollo\\'lng E. BREWER'S DRY G O O DS 1 formed by RcY. Edmund \\". \Vylie. century. Cortez found cocoa in Quality Fruits and Vegetables at all times I :\ftc·r the ceremony a reception ).Icxico in 151!1. where its usc by TRY GARNHAM'S M A YO N NAISE 59c QT. ''::::13: -:1:5: P::U:L: L::MA:::N::A:V::E:. ::::::::::::::::::G: l:e:n:. :1:7:2:3::~ Iwas given at the Upper ).fontclair the natives dated from time im- A REAL GOOD MAYONNAISE AT A REAL GOOD PRICE ,;. \\•oman's Club. ' memorial. The people of Aby~sinia ~ 823 Dewey Avenue Glen. 3995 ::\fr. and ).[rs. Gray will li·;e in Open 6 a. m.-11:30 p.m. have used coffee from the remotest L------....1 Glen. 5674 ~U\ Haven after September 1st. times and, according to Chinese 1r ------­ \[ r. Gray is a graduate oi An­ traditions. tea was drunk in that do\·er and Hamilton Colleges and is coumry three thousand years B. C. A . J . BOTT CROWN SERVICE STATION taking a post graduate course at GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING CLAY and DEWEY AVES. Yale. Son - ''Say, paw. the teacher COM PLETE COLLISION SERVICE WASHING - POLISHING asked me to find the great com­ ROBERTS- MILLER mon divisor." 1683 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 4229 ELECTRIC ALEMITING - TIRE SERVICE Tht marriage of ).I iss Ruth Eliza- Paw- "Great Hea\'CI15, is that i>cth ).liller, the daughter of l.!r. thing still lost. The teacher had and ).frs. John IT. ll!illcr, of Augus­ me hunting for it when I was a IItine street, to George Lane Rob­ kid." Vacation Days Are Bicycle Days BATHING SUITS I crt~. the son of Dr. and ).£rs. Hib- Give Your Boy or Girl a Bicycle for A D ULT S bcrt H. Robl·rts, of \Vest avenue, FOR WORK CLOTHES took place Tuesday evening at the GRADUATION Step around the corner and com­ TO home of the bride's parents. The $3.50 $ 6.5 0 pare these every-day 'alues with ccn:mony was performed by the ALL SIZES-$2 5 TO $ 65 others. Heavy weight ca11\'as Rrvcn•nd Enson II. Roberts oi Pierce Arrow- Westfield - Service gloves. 15c; Brown jersey gloves. CHILDREN eatonville. ).laryland. 15c; Heavy weight leather faced :\[r. and ).frs. Roberts left for a SOc T O $3.50 gloYes, 3.ic; Roomy Richard work TOWNER BROS. trip to Xc\\ York City and Con­ shirts. S5c; Trojan weave work Open Evenings necticut, after \\ hich they will be 710 University Ave. 179 Lyell Ave. trousers, SI.65: Black shop caps, I at home until fa!, at 113 \Vest ave- 49 Atlantic Ave. 9,10 Jay St. G. J. WAGG 10:::. Gale Kelley, 1457 Lake m·c­ nue.-adv. DRY GOODS Teacher of Elocution: GENTS' FURNISHINGS "Xow, !II r. BrO\\ n, do be more Announcing to Tenth Warders piritcd I Ju

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., JULY 13, 1928 No.5 BUSINESS ME REPUBLICAN WOMEN • Plank Adop.ted by the Boys TO PICNIC JULY i7 e CONTRIBUTE TO AT ONTARIO BEACH WATCH! TOURIST SIGNS I"orty-two n•crcl•nnts of Dc\\'<'Y FOR THE a\enuc, Driving Park aventH' and I a'.e a>e'luc contrihutul to the f •nd raiscrl lat<.:r (with an arrow If Y OtJ. Don't Get Your Copy pointir•g down Dcw~!y) Via Dewey MARYLAND ST. Mrs. Bertha A. Bush .1\vcnu,, Tot•ri~h \\'clcomc, Dewey \\ enuc Dusiness 1h·n." Another big picnic is in stor,• for to Riviera Today Phone at Once to Glen. 2585 Vaude\·i!k. the stage. the screen IMPROVEMENTS ll'le large display board will be Tenth \\'arders on July 27, wh"n (Ptded 111 the center of the Dewey the Tenth \\'ard Republican \Vo- and circus sideshows arc all repre­ husine's s,ction and another rll'ar sented in the cast of "Baby ~fine," NOW UNDERWAY Dri,·ing l'ark directing tourists to men hold their annual outing. The stO') fo, informal on as to routes, affair is one of the out>1anding ~lctro- Goldwyn- :\fayer's hilarious Improvcmcnb, which han: long JULY FOURTH CROWDS restaur.tnl'i, tourist lodges, etc e\·ents of the season and as in past new vehicle for Karl Dane and been needed by ~~a ryland street, DEWEY-DRIVING George K. :\rthur. the comedy team according: to residents. are being T remain:ng t\\ o signs of the five year~ it is predicted that huge SHATTER ALL RECORDS A purch. ,cd wit! be used to turn crowds will be present at Ontario of "Rookie<," in "hich the famous made this week' and \\ill IJe com­ stage play of the same name is plcted speedily. The improv<·ments ~tidst temperature;; that ranged PARK WIDENING - trafuc at Drh ing Park, thus down Beach Park that day. around !10 in the shade. the Tenth to I ake a I'd do"'~ tO\\ n. The picnic is open to everyone, woven into a hilarious screen offer- were ordered done immediately by ing com:ng Fr;da) and Saturday to Cny ).fanager Stephen 13. Story at \\'ard staged its twenty-first an­ In c Jmmenting on thr nt·w si~ns. men, women and children being in­ nual July Fourth commun:ty cele­ " hUt arc berng ercet<.d \\ ith the vi ted It is noted for its program the Riviera Theatre. the urgent request oi residents oi AIM OF A. C. R. bration. As predicted all records COl ~ nt r lit} ~hnaga Stephen aJ~d abo for its sumptuous St•ppeP, In the cast arc produrts oi each thl· street. If tl e present plan of the Ro.,h­ of tl eSl' separate. branches of the Tree~ arc being trcmmcd, ne'~ for attendance were b~oken and P. ~ton. (, lr '<' Donahue, secrc-, T1ckcts are a;; cents and bcsidt, otcr Automobile Club i~ adopted R'( the alTair was the largest ever held y of th ut club, l. atfrmed entitling the holder to adnuss1on to ntle art of amu ing the publi.:. lights arc. practically all installed 1 by •he City Coui'Cil, s vera! G orgc K. Arthur, or in~tancc, and the strert pavement i~ being •r this section. •an<\ \ 1 i h •1 took some t"mc the numerous sports ~' ents it also 1 JIJ I · ~ 1 I''lt 'ql The afternoon gathcrinl! dr< '~ a chan 'C "ill h~ 1 de • the corn p 'Ih t. dub \dll 1 .J.\(. ts cxc tan,::eabk for a m at \\hie fr tl , The tr e , r<· '1rderl as 0 throng of young•ters and a big rep 1g scrv<;d cafeteria style. The fact an actor in Fngl's 1 thc:~trcs bciore one of the b auty ~pots of the of Dri\ mg Park auG De\\ ) a\·e l> gn at •l•c C<.•rncr of Dewey and rc~cnta,ion from the older folks. that th€ ladies prepare much of t h, he scored in pictures. From vaude- Tenth, have grown to large dimcn­ nu<.s in the intrrcst or specrl'ng R•rlgC\\ay, ngardlc•s of any action food and that the self-service -:rs­ villc comes Charlotte t;rccnwood. sions and lower limbs were occa Icc l'ream, lollypops. peanuts and traffic at thi5 point. t' hU\ lJy !> \\'< \' a VCII\ll IIILI'\:hants. thl· lanky comedienne who scored sioning inconvenience and danger orangeade as ever disappeared in The auto club proposes that "\\'c arc ilttlTl'Sterl only in the tem is used. enables them to give real value in the supper. in "So Long Letty" and others, and to homes of the street. The light­ large quantities and those who Dt·wcy avenue on the .:\orth side :ouri,t and motorists in general and Last y~;:ar HOO people crowded who makes her screen debut as ing system on the street also had failed to use up all their tickets be­ of Driviug Park he widened at the Ill t in the business nil n. Our aim into the picnic grounds and were Karl Dane's sweetheart in the new become time-worn and was entirely fore the rcfresh111ent stands wcre point of intersection. Their sug­ i, to gtt traffic through as directly served in a period of thirty min­ picture. inadequate for the needs of the closed were to be seen leaving gt·stion is to cut into the large a' po,sihlc. and we feel that the utes. which is believed to be a rec­ Karl Dane is an exclusi\·ely section. in the opinion of residents. Lower :\Iaplewood Park with a amount of ~pace that is at present IJu,ine" ~nd must take care of it­ ord. The crowd although primarily cinema actor and so represents the pkntiiul supply of peanuts and available for this purpose on both -.' composed of Tenth \\'arders, usual­ lollypops for another day. sides of the street and thus provide The following nl<'rchants con­ scrcl'n. ly numbers many prominent resi­ The new picture is a lilting com­ It was estimated by one of the a wider sweep .at the corner. tribu;cd to the ~ign fund: "AI Smith" Greets Mat dents from other sections. edy of modern life in which two policemen at Edgerton Park who The proposed widening, it is Goodmore T1re Co.. Donaghue 1frs. Bertha A. Bush of ~[ary­ collegian' ~ct into trouble with has attended nearly every one of claimed, would make it easier for Hard\\ an·. .F. Keyes, Barber. Ren­ Barry With Fish Story land street. is president of :he or­ Jove affairs and "borrowed" babies. the previous celebrations that the motorists to make the turn down ner & Henry Co., Richards Vcge· ganization. General chairman ior lt was adapted from ~!argaret The following message was '' n, crowd gathered to see the fire­ Dewey avenue and to get into table Store, :\. Volpe. shoes. R. A. the outiag this year is .\[rs. Ger­ ).fayo's sta;.:• success by F. Hugh ten on the correspondence side of works was in the neighborhood of Broczel :.trect from the upper e11d Cramer, Community Grocery, Louis trude Dorschel. Herbert and Sylvia Thalbcrg, and a post card postmarked Canada, 35,000. A glance at the huge masses of Dewey. The plan proposed by :::-. Kolb, Kirby\ ~larket. directed b·: Robert Z. Leonard. received recently by Mat Barry of that filled the park and lined the the auto club is not worked out in Crown Service Station. Listman's The cast includes Louise Lorraine. Dewey avenue: "Friend Mat, adjoining streets would tend to detail and is the idea of one of the ~I arktt, H. Stone, grocer, A. & P., NO. 7 PLAYGROUND The college scenes, the love "Several times we have had to confirm this estimate. engineers whom the auto club has \\'. IT. Feldman, manager. H. Doell, come ashore tp land the large ones. The remarkable part of the Thst fir>t baseball game of the scenes b~;:twcen Dane and ~:!iss asked to suggest needed improve­ g-rocer. Htt>hard & Christie, A. ). season will be held Friday morning Greenwood, and the uproarious de­ Best regards, whole affair. in the opinion of com- ments and remedies. Tm·kcr. Bauman & Baynes, Schulz between the Cubs and the Yanks. nouement with the babies are A! Smith." lmittee members was that there Thc plan has the endorsement of Bro, .. La :\lay Dru!-"(. (Editor's note: It is strongly be- C · d p Organized swimming will take among the high spots in the new 011 Comitwtrl from Page Three H<•hn Garagt·, \\'••rrl & Clifford, lieved about Dewey a\·cnuc that the OTIImue tZge Tllru place Friday afternoon at Charlottt·. production. f:t:c nomy Fruit Ston·, Schubert "AI Smith" was none other than ~------. <.as :Station. :\L E. Cramer, Schae­ ton \\'allace Drug6, ·Mathew's Dry George Rogers.) fer f:ros. \farket, Dewey Avenue Goods Store, Rose Barber Shop, Instructor (to girl learning to A S,'rvin ~tatio•1. Schmanke Boot Howell's Bakery, De Visser Bros.. drive): "Xow, when you want to NOW ON DISPLAY - :-,hop, :'l!rllard Drug Co., Frank H. Cores Battery Stat ion. :\1 odern stop you must put on the brake.'' Thanks City Manager FyLr, The Sup:nr !Jowl. Shoe l't:pair. Paul's ~!:trkl•t anists via Dewey a\·cnue and Driving Park. NEW MODELS ).f r. Donahue, secretary of the EVERYTHING TO EAT Automobile Ctub, refused to detour traffic through Dewey avenue, Why Shop Elsewhere When You May} therefore the business n'en erected ~~> Choose Your Car at Leisure and Receive <~~ signs and paid for them to the cost { the Best of Service at of $5.).00 with the approval of ~lr . Pork Loin Roast . • • 29c lb. Story who is a keen business man­ ager, a good neighbor and one who patronizes his neighborhood stores. Boneless Veal Roast • 37c lb. Dewey avenue is the business artery of the Tenth \Vard, a com­ munity that is a credit to any city. HALL'S Hotne Dressed Fow-l • '39c lb. Therefore the stores an· entitled to this tourist business. 1iost tourists who ,,-i~it a large Sales and Service We Can Save You Money on Other Items city like Rochester, prefer to trade on a business street like Dewey avenue bccausc they icc! ~aic in Glen. 5095 1850 Dewey Ave. 333 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 parking. A. ]. Tucker. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENTH WARD COURIER TENTH WARD CC•URIER PERSONALS \ WATCH! Mr. and 11ro. E. P. Romban, f ~ 1e Mi,._- . .a and Emma Flah- F . R . METZINGER, E ditor E. F. DOUDS, Adv. Mgr. .:;o B1rr street. and daughter Cath- eny oi Lake \"iew park, ~!iss Mc­ For Our Announcetnent 517 Lyell Avenue e rine, sailed June ::o for Belgium. Carthy oi Bartlett otreet, and !ltbs IN THE Gl-nwood 2585 .\fter a stay in Belttium they willl O'Xeil oi \\-ellington 1\\'Cnue, are If no Anawer Call Monroe 497 -M t our the cont111cnt. returnin~~; home ,pending- a few tlay~ in Toronto. Special Issue of the Down town offic::e, 25 South Water St.·- M ain 5412 1n about three month,. Courier Next T h ursday ~lr. and :-.trs. Robert S. Guilford Xews maner must be in the hands oi the editor not later than the ~ l r. G. ). \\'agg- ha, purchased oi Lake \ :iew park, rt•turned Sun­ ~ [ onday preceding date of issue. ~ l\ era! lots at !haddocks Heighb. day irom a three months' tnp Gerald C. Kenny iravcling- in Europe. Furniture and Upholstering \!iss ~lildrcd Outman of Ridge­ DAVIS a JctNt fi'IUNflHO CO •• I NC. if~ J.! SOUT~ WATtlt STREU 1476 LAKE AVE., Opp. Ridgeway Glen. 1644 ~ - I l'a) an:ntt<', recently graduated 1Iis,; .:0.1 ildrcd Burton of ~lag<'C •I f rl'S· S AVE YOUR VACATION EARNINGS ' un1mer with her parents. sion of the French School. SIGNS Put Your Carfare into a Miss )Jina Ilodge of Avis street, Trellises- Pergolas- Window Screens :Made t o Order ~I r. and ).[ rs. R. S. Guiliord oi BICYCLE GARDE N FURNITURE spent Sunday in Albion. Lake \'iel\ park. who have been in 206 LYELL AVE. GLEN. 4392 England for the past three months, F OR BOYS FOR GIRLS Jo,cph Foley ami family of Sar- have sailed for home on the S. ::;, anac Lake, former Tenth \\"ard Tuscania. ALL SIZES-$25 TO $65 Call us for the best in rl'sidcnts. are visiting- :\[rs. :\L Pierce Arrow-Westfield- Service Wise- Phillips Garage GROCERIES ~ole) of J{idgeway a l'enue. ~lis,; Gladys Bli,s. of Brooks OAKLAND and PONTIAC FRUITS and VEGETABLES TOW NER BROS. avenue, entertained at bridge Mon­ Open Evenings Sales and Service '~I r. and ~Irs. George Towner oi Willys-K.n.ight and Overland Howard A. Sto n e day evening in honor of ~Irs. 710 University Ave. 179 Lyell Ave. Experts GROCER Gor,line street, arc motoring to Harry R. Lefler. of proezcl street. 49 Atlantic Ave. 9.10 J ny St. Rome, Pa., Sunday. 35 Lewiston Ave. Glen. 298 1339 DEWL:Y AVE. Glen. 534 :\lr.>. Lefler was ~lbs Ll'ora Follett beiorc her marriage on J unc .! th. ~!i,,c, Helen Desmond, E. How- QUALITY SHOE REP AIR C. V\lrOODING l ml aucl llclen Foley oi Xo. i F O R SATISFACTION E XPERT REPAIRING ~Ir. and J\lr,. Harry E. Johnson School. spl'nt Sunday in \\'ebster. Satisfaction Guaranteed MASON CON TRACTOR oi Lake avenue, have opcned 1heir LYELL B RAND MALT SYRUP ''Where Courtesy Prevalls' ' 27 Years Satisfactory Service home at Rock Beach. J oscph Far­ MICHAEL SCHIAVO, Prop. ~lr. and ~!r,, \Vm. H. Stell a rc Hop Flavored, also Plain (without hops) 58 LOCUST ST. ky of Lake a1·enue, IS ~ta~·ing with Custom Shoes Made to Order I uotoring to Pittsburg where they _ 825 Dewey Ave. near Driving Pk. Glen. 3086-J them. Past.•ari:;cd /<,·icc to r, tcri11 Ill.;/ ddicwus fa< or I 1·ill ~pend a few days at the home of :\1 r. Stell's brother. 1Iiss Francis Smith of 11 agee LYELL PRODUCTS CO. t h e avenue, ldt last Saturday for Cali­ The ~I others' Auxi liary .and fornia, by the Southern Santa Fe M A LT- HOPS-EXTRACTS WILLIAM G. WE~LCH I .'athcrs' Club of Scout Troop 81 at route, stopping at the Grano Can- TOM TAYLOR-Proprietors-FRED J ACK SON BROKER AND BUILDEJR. I1dd a joint meeting this week yon, and will return by way of the " REAL SERVICE IN REAL E'~TATE " t he lwme of ,\ lcxander Gabel of 191 LYELL AVE. We Deliver Glen. &703 Canadian Rockies. Over 500 Properties Listed in this Section I~cwiston avenue. Four courteous and experienced salesmen Come see your old friend Mike 1Iiss ~Iild r ed Griepp of Randolph at your service "Our Gang" Pinochle Club met street. and ~ Iiss ~Iargaret \\'olic. Where your $ goes farthest- Large parking space The only established real estate office in Tenth Ward at the home of ~lilo Turner last of Driving Park avenue, arc ~pend­ I :riday and toda) will play at the 37 PULLMAN AVE. GLEN. 5021 ing some time in \\':bhinlo{ton, .\t­ M. TROST'S FOOD SHOP Iwme oi Lewis Doucette on ~!agee FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES lantic City. Phihddphia and Xc11 avenue. The other two members 22 PULLMAN AVE. Glen. 2374 York. arc Donald Brag-g and Fred Fink, Chester A. (Barney) JJarnes all a\'craging irom eight to ten ,·cars of age. :-.Iiss Loui:.e Harper of Electric BATHING SUITS FOR ALL Wishes to announce to his former patrons and friends a.nd all avenue, has been the guest for the past week of :-.rr~. \\'alter ]. Bem­ AGENT'S SAMPLES AT REDUCED PRICES others desiring first class workmanship in construction or repair ~li" ~fay Sp..:aro oi Lake ave­ ish, of Genesco. work on their homes or garages, that he is on the job again a.nd I lilt', is home from the hospital and E. BREWER'S DRY GOODS is ready to give his 3 years experience at :reasonable prices. convalescing from an operation 11 hich she had recently. :\Irs. George T. ~furphy of Glen­ 13-15 PULLMAN AVE. Glen. 1723 That new home or garage-those two rooms in the attic--or dale park, and C. Rui Zaffke oi that single garage to be made over into a double-he will :\I rs. J e nnil' Stell of Flower City Columbia avenue, ha1·e return.:d to town after spending ten days at handle the job complete from to painting. I >ar k. returned n·cently from a two Another Reduction in Mazda Latnps Forest Lawn on Lake Ontario. I nonth l'isit to Ho ll and, England. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIRED Call Glenwood 5873 7~3 DEVITT RD. J··ranee and Belg ium. Mrs. H azel Benham of Bath, DONAGHUE HARDWARE \ \'. A. F l'ldma n returned from his mother of C. L. Benham of Flower GLEN. 357 1308 DEWEY AVE. I ·acation last week to take over the City park, was buried Saturday at NOW OPEN I nanagership of the ;\ tlantic and Riverside cemetery. (In the evening) I >acific store at J3.H Dewey avenue. 1 Je had previously hccn manager of ~ fi ss Grace \\'agg ldt Sunday BUY WITH ASSURANCE LYELL RD. GOING W 'EST TO t he store at 1 :.!~0 Dewey avenue. for a vacation on the 11ainc Coast. She will return to her business, August first. In This Torrid Weather H01~S ~~ r. and ~~ rs ..\ !bert L. ~ooke of KLEIN'S .~laryland street and daughter Bar­ Our Service, Equipment and Knowledge of TAKE HOWARD ROAD TO BUFFALO I >ara S. Littlejohn. spent the week­ James De \'is,er ()l .\vis otrcct, end at Clyde and Lake Bluff. leit today ior a ten-day vacation in Meats and Provisions ROAD TO CITY ON WAY BACK Xew York City. Have you tried Klein's Country Sausa.ge Sandwich? :\!r~. Sophia Roger>, ~[rs. Fred PROTECT YOUR HEALTH Shubmehl. ~!iss Freda and ~faster ~fr. J. D. :\larkham of Ridgeway Lewi.; Shubmehl. are spending a\·enue, fell in his new garage on ti1e month oi July at Angola on the Dewey a\'enue, Friday, and broke Lake. his arm. NEWELL'S CASH MIARKET SCHAEFER'S ~liss )t·an ~I anning, daughter of :-.rr. and :\Irs. Stewart Perkins CHOICE MEATS, FRUITS AND V:E:GETABLES \ ! r. anti :-.Irs. \\'alter ~Ianning of and family of Lake View park, arc We Deliver \lamcda st reel, is visiting this spending each week-end at Sodus. 694 RIDGEWAY AVE. We Deliver Glen. 1669 ' GLEN. 2640-2441 1050 DEWEY AVE. I \ \·eck at .\ ngola on the Lake. i\ fi ss ). fa rion Meyer of Raines Harry Preston, :-.! iss Daisy :Milne park, is out of town on her vaca · Locate Where Business is Tluriving and Eugen~: :\fasscth were guests tion. ARE Y O U O N E OF l ,f ;\[r. Benja111i n Masseth at Hil­ THOSE PEOPLE SCH U LZ BUIL DING t nn Beach, on July Hh. :\l r. Flanigan, prcsidl·nt of tht: The Gainaday DEWEY AVE. Cor. DRIVING :PARK that would like . to have Flanigan F urniture Co .. Inc .. is tak­ brand new, modern plumb­ NOW A V AILAB LIE :\I r. Harry La Roche oi Fort ing his l1r,t \'!\Cation in cle\'l'n ing equipment in the home 2 LARGE OFFICES, 16 ft. by 34 ft. \ \'illiam, is guc~t of his siskr, ).f rs. years He is spcmlin!{ the entirl but are waiting until you Electric Washer I "athcrinc Preston on Dewey ave­ time at the Thousand Islands. Suitable for Chiropodist, Chiropractor or s.mall Business feel that you can: spare the nue. A telephone call will brin"t:> STORE, 16ft . by 42 ft. AT 834 DEWEY AVE. tnoney? Clayton Sulli,·an of Emerson Here's something that will a NEW GAINADAY the day Dr. and ~rrs. Jo :-.Ir. and 1Irs. C. \\'. Donaghue Phone now- your MON., TUES. WED. t o tht• Lyrl'\1111 Thcall:r. spent th..: wcck-cncl at Troutbcrg. LOUIS PASI

Historic NewspapersTENTH CollectionWARD COURIER Riviera Theatre John Schmanke Impressed The Fountain of \TOUTH Xen•ou,ne.•, Poor Dige, tion. Rbeumati'Dt, ~'emale '!'rouble~ n.nd Lake Ave. at Flower City Park on Visit to C. M. T. C. Drill ot11er nilmcnb put lines in ~·our fncc, cau'c ~allow •kin, and •poil the naturnl beaut;-· of your face, form. ,lllcl (}i,IlO ition. FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 13-14 Johu s ...... anke of Flo\\cr C.ty park. returned from a tnp to the C'hiroprnrh<'. by curing the•c trouble,, ntakc' ~-ou feel, n<"t and DARING DAYLIGHT look ye.1r, younger. KARL DANE AND GEO. K . ARTHUR Citizens' ~~ ilitary Training Camp The Comedy Team of ··Rookies· ' Fame in at Fort :'\iagara, Tuc,day. and \\a> ROBBER CAUGHT; Beautr L'omcs fl'om Withiu much impresst"d o\·rr the general HBABY MINE" it!ra oi thl· camp. He m.1dc the ('hiropractic b Xatnr<> ·~ l'uinle-s Cur(' $252.35 MISSING It Restores Your X.\Tl'R.\L Bi:'aut~· If it hurts you to laugh, better not come! trip with .\Irs. ~c.hmankc and ~rrs. Raymond ~loorc to visit with his A dar ng ia) h._ht ohhcry rc­ ,,111 Otunan. who is in the camp. sulting in the capt un· an of was to be reviewed b) Brigadier the station wert! at the rc;1r of the 44 E N TRANCE FLOWER CITY PK. 5897 WICKEDNESS PREFERRED" Gcrtl'ral Traub of f3rigadc head­ building alemiting car> \\hen till~)' quarttrs, ~!adison Barrack.. hearc\ the cash rcgister ring. Ar­ "The sight \\as very mtpressivc," thur Hertzberg ~tartell around tiJe saH ~I r. Sclunanke on his return. out:.i<.le to the front door and st•t·• Glen. 5674 Open 6 a. m.-11 :30 p. m. ''The hoy' marched in almost per­ ing a ruffly dressed man ) elled 'at PETERS fect order and when they stoot! at him to wait. retreat they had the appearance oi The robber da,hed through the CRO\~'N SERVICE STATION FUNERAL DIRECTOR tr<\incd ~oldiers. whcrca' the most rear door. Jo,eph Hertzberg ,till CLAY and DEWEY AVES. FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND of them have been at the camp only in the alemite pit recognizt•d him ahout nine days. as a man who harl entered the WAS:O:ING - POLISHING PRIVATE F UNERALS MAY BE HELD "The work they are doing is place ,everal time' recently and E LECTRIC ALEMITING - TIRE SERVICE 1511 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 1451 really rcmarkablt• and T believe upon two occasion, had tried to tlwr arc doing a great deal oi good sell him a dog. Doth men ga\'C for nery hoy that aucnrls. I chase. police alarms were ::.cnt in \\ oulcl recommend it as the he,;t and n~arby car, started around ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK WARD-TOMPKINS CO. possible trainmg for any boy who surrounding blocks. can mcl·t the physical requirements ::\fr. Hemmito of Ridgeway ave­ NEW ATWATER-KENT MODEL 40 and who is 1; years o ld or over. nue. who had joine yar d da,h. unut!f t! years-1st another big show, bigger and bet- Sadie \\'einstein; ~nd, Clair Krem- plea,ed at the excellent menu. public intoxication and wiie heat­ blc. tcr than ever. The periormancc ing. The court has refused to he lenient due to hi,; pa~t record. He '!5 ,·arc! da, h. girls. t!-10 years- will be g iven July 19. ~o. and 21 in GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS bt, ~[ar t h , l \\'i.!i n ,tein ; ~!n d , Olive is now out on a $~00 real cqate Bla k e. t h e back yards oi 500 and ;;ot Troop 81 News Boy Scout oi Troop ">l ar c o r- bond. The case is ,r\wdukd for .;o yard dash . boy:-, ll-10 year s- ~[ agee a ven ue. THE LITTLE GIFT SHOP J:;t. :'\onnan Child ; ~!nd , Ra lph The show is known as the ::\Iagce ganizing a haschall nine and ar c gr and ju ry today. PICTURES AND DIPLOMAS FRAMED TO ORDER Blackb•trn. practicing twice a week. Dr. Rich- The two g uns usually hpt load- Shoe race, g irls , under 1:> years- A venue One Ring Circus and this 838 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 1065 D.ROTMANS ards. pastor of Dewey A venue Re­ ed in the Crown Service Station bt, Ht:len Hiler ; :!nd, M a rgare-t sort of publi city is no new advcn­ were away being cleaner! Satur day. O'IIara. t ure with it. Last year the circus formt·d Church is coaching t he "Our guns are in fine shape now Shoe race, boys, unde r 1:3 years- turned ou t so good that one of the team wh ich is an"ious to book and we both arc good shots after 1st . .\I ike ::\Iadda lcna; :~ n d, La nce gamt:s in the ti-:J year o ld class. P h ilipps. local papers gave it a prominent our military training, so we arc 1; yard da,h, g irls, under 20 years place and a large amount of space ready to welcome any intruders,'' 30x31/2 INNER TUBES -!st. Harriett 2n d, ::\fildred in its news columns. Twenty-four members of the ~poor ; said Joseph Hertzberg in an inter­ Stra u,,. There are ten members in the troop will leave the flrst week in : 5 yart! dash ror l>oys under 18 view yes·tcrday. NEW STOCK ~·e ar,- L ,t . Truman ::\[ urrcll ; 2nd, ,how and they have been staging August for a week's stay at Camp T om ] ohnston. rehearsals for some time. X ext Pioneer. Hobert Gahel. a 'member "Throw up your hands. I'm go­ NOT SECONDS T ime race, !adtcs-lst, Patricia Tuesday the dress rehear~al \\ill be of the troup, is stationed at the ing to shoot you." 98c. Ca lnan : ~n d . Anna Bock. run off. camp for the summer as one of the "\\'hat ior :'" IF YOU CA.N 'T GET IT ELSEWHERE TRY Ba ckward race. fat men· ·1st, \\'hen the circus comes there is four official buglers. always said if met a ma:t E rnest ::\lack lin ; :!nd, Frank Scott. "I I X ecktie race, married men and a parade and wild animals and homlier than I. I'd kill him." \\omcn- ht, Louis jack ; 2nd, Mrs. e\'t~rything. The parade will take The Panther' arc leading in the ··.~m I homtier than you?" BECKWITH'S Lo u i< Jack. place next Thursday at 1 :30 ju,t "You certainly are." point conte,.t bet ween patrols of 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. Fire House Xeedlc r ace, men and women­ preceding the main show. Besiclt•s "Go ahead and shoot.' ' b t, Edwin Beck, .\Irs. Beck; 2nd. the troop. The winners will be \\'. Bauer, _\1 rs. Livingston. the main show the "gang'' ha~ its taken to baseball park next month 100 yard dash, open-1st, Eugene own side shows and oran~cacle, to see one of thc Red \\-ing games. ~nuth : :! nd. ~rr s . . \ nconcy. lemonade. hots. etc. They "create" L'l0the, p in rat'\', women-1st, their wild animal:; and arc said to A I vir a Child s : :~nd , llelen Greinke. LYELL ROAD T O KLEIN'S Tug o f wa•-. married men vs. make \·~ry life like creatures. SaleofMen'sShirts , inglc na·n. won In· mar r ied men. The show is open both to chil­ OPEN TO WESTBOUND CARS Captai11 , E r nest ::\ fadslin . dren and adults. the tax heing :;c Construction \\Ork on the Lyell for the former and lOc for the Colored road is progressing rapidly now older ones. Tickcts were printed Broadcloth and in this issue it is announced by $1.15 to $1.95 by Charles Bragg one of the circus Dewey-Driving Park John Klein, proprietor of the famed "magnates" in his own print shop. hot dog s1and :tt Lyell and Howard Dick Barron and Stanley \Vhit­ roads that the road is partially e Widening Aim of A. C. R. mey~r arc handling the publicity. op<·n. One side has been complet­ Thursday and Friday there will ed and is OlH'Iled during the eve­ White Broadcloth Shirts he evening shows to make it pos­ (Continu d from page 1) nine: to traflic going wc,.;t. ~i'>lc ior the adults to attend. f This make~ it pos,ihlc for Tenth Cou c I mal' N .bon A. 11 ilne and \\'arder~ to ge• out to Klein':>. the $1.95 < her rm.ri:l ers of the council. At JOHNSTON EMPLOYEES fa,·o~itc destination lll05t every pre et t \\ "th the narrow inter~cc- Ievcnmg, by a ,horter route than ion, traffic ja•us are frequent and l~c detour around BufT~Io road pre- h.nc led to much t•oniu ion at the HOLD ANNUAL OUTING \ tously had made pos>thle. corner anti 't i t. '1c\ c I th.tt the .\ :!roup oi ;:;, composed oi c n BATHING SUIT SALE '" dc•1:1 g 1 uld elu unatc the plo) c<'s of the H. A. Johnston ;\fat Barry of Dewey a\·enue. wa, •rou'Jle. Ba\eric> and their familie, held one oi a party of pioneers that Children's t':eir annual outing Sunday at managed to gt•t out to the new Ladies' Men's GOING SWIMMING? Lo\\ er ;\faplewood Park. Ht!nry F. Ric!!{emont Golf Club. now under Ucment was in charge of arrangt·­ construction. for :1 round one }',,r a g-Ood 5\\ ffillllllg suit at the ALL WOOL ments. aitcrnoon recently. However, ::\[at ri~ot 1t pr ict•. . ust step aro•111d the .\ sports program of 3ti cvl'nts was called away on bu:dnt•ss before co·1 cr t • 1ltc ron \'Cilll'llt store for wa~ run off during the course <1i he hac! much of an opportunity to nH'l' and '>o\'s Open e\'elllllgs. the afternoon. Frank Boyre and test the t·ourse. hut he is going back All Prices up to $4.50 Ca ll \\'. Kr llcy. 11'i7 I akl· :t\'cnue. ~~ rs. :\)berger were winners in th~· again. Rincr a T'1 ·111 c 1\ l•lg ura wing contest which l'll tit led OPEN EVENINGS Pach to a half ton of coal. :\! ro. Eugene Doucette of ~r agee avc­ .\ rlhur \ \ :ho1 of Dewe\ avu111c. J ohnst,ln, mother oi H. .\. John­ n uc and Xorman Benjamin of I a s reco\'Cred fro 1 r Celli •I nrss. stOil, pmpr:ctl'fs of tl•e hakery sys ,\ugustinc street. were two of a tem \\as the winner of the time group of six that returned last Sat­ 1l vt \\ cat her has i s good pomts. r .. c.:. urday from a week of flshing on 1 \ . ] . rucker of De\\ ey a v~nuc re- the Rideau River near Kingston. A. J. TUCKER Canada. The fishing was good and t il' the last \\ cck he has ~ri!ton Clair of ~raryland street, DRY GOODS AND MEN'S WE AR Glen. 2654 DEWEY AND MAGEE AVES. "ith 1 ~ 1 ts t<.l Tenth is COl'\ alesct!n~ irom a recent ill all reported that they caugl>t the nes<. limit altO\\ ed. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER Sees Need of Better .------.!READERS URGED TO Mystery Baffles Maryland Firemen's Fourth Ambulance Services Now Day of Rest TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Editor, Tenth \Vard Courier; for Time; Now All Peace For the fir,t • " history. it \\ ith the cny growing northward \\ 1th d1rc iorebodmgs of .ecret 's bdit\ cd no fire alarm call, LIBRARY PRIVILEGES oncla\e> for ~he purpo-e of con­ to a dc~ree that is noticeable to \\ere turned m on the Fourth of Patron t t th a \\enu 1 ocung deep d '1't ) , the good WEDDINGS the ca~ual o 1sen cr. -ome mean July 111 the Tenth \Yard. With Branch I ib.,.ar~ a ur d t tak people oi ;\[an land ~tret t ha\'c for HAFNER-CHANNELL prn at~ firt\\ orks banned, the mu-t be provided in the ncar future a h ,f t c p c .11 tc I Did You Ever firefightrr, \vcr practically de­ for more adequate a•nhulancc sen >t•metimt past. \\ atchcd v.. rious ':'he marriage of Miss ~I a del) n ~li wish for a place to get your prived of their bu,;iest day oi t 11 icc in the Xorthwe,t 'l'Ction. S x \\'t·cn no regret-. '' onld hke to 1 k paired without going up­ \\ith thun on ' 11cir 1ac·1tio.1 . ... c•t) and -urrounding territory with sikntl), ~c,kmnly. and singly, wend way avenue. and Fret! G. Hafnl'r. town? Tht• book 1 tc cl hc'mv \\ cr W' ambulance servict arc all locaterth 0f Orcasinnally woultr'eet, while the southwc't sound of danking irons. followed them. lor. The ceremony was Ill'rforml'd Editor. '1\·nth \Vard Courier: "Thl' :\Ian \\ ho K1 C\1 roo'id t," partim1 i, well within the thrcl' mile by shouh, mtngled with dccisin~ cheap, as good work cannot by Rev. Frcdenck Frankenid•l. The que,tion oi adequate street hy Le,ds. Our dd fn nd Ba ,') • circL fhe increasing traffic makes laughter, giving color to the in•agi• be done cheap. But we do :\f,·"·- \ .1\·ia'l Channell, sister of • a ne ,. ctt'r1g T'11. it murc difficult ior quick response n:~tion that some unfortunate vic­ · "ights for Dewey a venue on the 111 1 1 • promise you good work as the br;de. was hridcsn aid and Alvin ~atirical portr•:ut to the outlying sections and par· tim was chained to a po.t and was ,ection South of Driving Park has chtap as good work can be I F. Thiem was best man. business man a ticularly the thickly settled com being tortured for the deli!!ht oi been brought up time and a~ain. him. done-and guarantee every I munity north of Driving Park ave- the onlookers. \\'omen and chi:­ ).Jr. ax d ).fr>. llafncr lcit on a but a' yet there uniortunate. ~evcrthelcss when the tbual attendants 011 thc>c nig11t­ and Dc·wer. one of the busiest of ~Irs. J. \\'. nutzcr of Benning­ lain. \1'1<1!ion cntl111 ia I~ w II \\ I RESH n i~ called to their attention prac­ ly nH·ct ings had asscmbcld, they cornt·r:. in Rochester, there is such ton drive, were married on Satur­ conH.' this account hy llarcnc~ tical methods should be formulated hadt• their familit•s a fond farewell, a ncglil>lc illumination at night that day. June !lth, at the home of the Chamht·rhin of hi rxpcncnce~ in ANCY and placed 111 operation as early as and with quaking hearts and !>hak­ bride. Rev. A. \V. Beaven JlCr women and children arc afraid to !~rca' iug tht• air c~H lur anec reconl possiblc. ing knees crawled to a point of RAG RANT formed the ceremony. l'cnturc on the street. and in his flight to Germany last READER. \'anlage-and, what a sight they The attendant> were ).! iss (~ladys year 1m which he h1 okt· the \\'c1rld'~ LOWERS lll'hcld ! \\'e have just noticed the new ).!. Strong. sister of tlw bri htt c rot cr. 1n t c crow . • \Vc arc all willin~ to share in :he WALL PAPER PAINTS . ''G ... F d assoc1ates. ture will great!} apprec ate this 0 S ~he DECORATIVE ENAMELS F R ALE-E1ght room stucco aJ,o were corg1e · erguso.n an :\I r. and }.[ r,, Butzer ,, ill live at expense oi the lights pro,·ided book. It vivid!) r<.lates the pA house at 131 Perrington. Price Harry Preston, the latter a tormer Gl d k 'I Fall. WINDOW SHADES 1"._,o . ,,.,ov Ln a 1e par - unt1 city \\ill only show cnou~h intcr­ turesquc career of 'th gr ate•' W EDWARD T. HOWDEN $6.400.00. Smail payment down. star with the Lyceum Players; also e,t to erect them. frontiersmen." Geo. P. Ferguson, 139 1faryland T. William "Bud" Bush and Francis PAINTING - PAPER HANGING .'\nd at the same time we would "\\'ing> of !'on •." by Caru o. DECORATING Street. Phone Glen. 623. i)eVillb1ss and the t\10 little D.:- MILLER-LAMB lik<" to protest a~::ain~t the woodtn Thi is an in:imatc bio rraph) oi 296 Driving Pk. Ave.-Glen. 471 Villbisscs. also i\[r. Harmon late oi The marriag<• of .1-.!i s Edit!• FOR SALE-Fully modern, large telegraph pc-le,; >trung with one or the famous •enor \\ h'l was prob­ T'hilat'clpha Pa. and last but not Helen La 1-J, daugh•cr of :.\Ir. a1>d ,i gle house." ith vestibule entrance, 1 1\\0 dead end wires that at rrc-cnt ahl} th l r of a I lt'a~t one oi Rochest<'r', tire fi~ht- lirs. Gcor('c '.11. T.a 1 of Dicki1 n ironing hoard, screens and storm 1 1 arc only '>O much dead wood stand- tint It GREGG AND O'CONNOR crs. "Fredrlic'· Cook. . . strrct. and II ury :\l'lll r. 111~ in the wa). \\indO\ ~. ?\icc location Price cnly I Gcor~e $i000. Owner, F. Savage, Ill Rock- \nd \\ 'I' w re they d0l'1gr . son of :.\lr. nil :\frs Gtorgc \!1 lu, \\·e earnestly de.irc to get somt \\"crt •he) torturing somt: poor •m• 1 action. \\'c believe we arc asking t'•t t•nthusJasms of BUICK SPECIALISTS 1 1 iew Terrace. oi G c•1d ... le park. lo<'k place on Bennett, fortuuatc? \\ the cham­ ).frs. E. James Baxter. ).Irs. John :md distract. This habit of calling American Families,'' by R:hku•. SELF -SERVICE pionship. but his contention is con­ Lamb and ~Irs. Frank Holbrook. iolk, to the curb should be dis­ The eternal problem ,,f what to o,c: tested by "Frc·ddie" Cook and CASH ASD CARRr-.1-IEANS LOWER PRICES! :.\fr. and ~Irs. ).filler left on a couraged. for the next meal soh·cd at Ja,t. "Jim" Kinney, with only faint pro­ motor trip through the Bcrkshircs, In this book are :!!!00 recipe, in­ spects of any one yielding. In the 1056 DEWEY AVE. ~cw England states and '\Tcw York. cluding SOO French recipes and meantime anyone who feels that Dewey Avenue and Driving Park They will live at Ko. 137 \titchcll is one of the ward's busy intersec­ hundreds oi new Am•·rican ones. Delivery Service Glen. 35 Member I. G. A. a.nd he is an adept at this strenuous but street, after August 1st. tions, incidentally one of the most lOc per Order Triangle Grocers fascinating pastime may put them­ modern, being dotted with several selves against any of the afore­ Henry F. Clement and daughters imposing structures. Abso-Pure Ice mentioned and be sure that he is Elsie and Thalia of Driving Park Our ice ill ma.de of Hemlock up against real opposition. water, thorou~bly filtered and avenue. will leave Julv 21 for a fish­ :'\ext Sunday i,; Holy Xame Sun­ frozen undc1· most sanitary con­ ing trip at Rice Lake'. clay at the Holy Rosary Church at ditions and is ABSOLUTEL la Every Business Man MARKHAM-HUMES, INC., which ti1nc members of this grow­ PURE. .. WILL OPEN GARAGE Daniel Fitzgerald of :\[agee aw­ ing organization go to Holy Com­ nuc. made a trip to Cobourg this munion in a b0dy. The regular Rc,irlent of the Tenth \Yard will week to take part in one ('I[ the meeting o fthe society will take Needs Stationery havl' another modern gas station Canadian goli tournaments. pl~cc in the evening in the church. and garage to sen·e them on August first "hen :\larkham- Tt.d"'e · ··~o ''OU tried to drh e b,. I Havt'ng occasu-incss at · ' '"' · - J J t6<:5 Dewey avenue. The repair the oftic<:r atter he blew his ward at clay break recently we re-I hop is no\\ open and announce­ whi:e: "That may be. but you'll that Browncroft may be beautiful a mt.nt '' i'l J( mad !at r regarding ~ct your hearin~ 111 the n orn;nf'." but no more delightful than the heads and envelopes always on hand. You t11 iormal op ning date. Our Motto Quality and Service Tenth at dawn. Veh-et iawns, at­ Telephone Glen. 1150 may not need them very often, but when you Father· "\\hat do you \\ant a tractive ::hrubbery, awnings and HOT WEATHER! new car for? You've only had this paint jobs tend to supply a fittmg HETZLER BROS. do, they're worth the small original cost. Requires more underwear-you'll a Inonth." back ground for the homes of a ICE CO.~ INC. find it hcrc-hroadcloth athletic Daughter: "Yes. but it's known growing group oi contented peo- 801 DRIVING PK. AVE. We do this type of work and do it well at Est. 45 Ycalli union suits n;,c ancl $t.~;,: Sealpax to the police by now.'' ple which now exceeds 30,000 in reasonable prices. Twin Button suits $1.00: j 75c and $1.25. Gym Young Bride (at the telcphClllc); pants ·,oc: gym shirts :iOc. Gale \V. "Oh John do come lwmc. T must \\•-;;- find The Cherio Station one Holland Kdlcy, 145i Lake a\'cnuc. Riviera have put the plugs in the wrong of the most popular on our log. Theatre Bldg, way. The radio is all covered with The melodious Yoicc of the Can­ Electric Shop frost and the ice hox is singing adian announcer bearing the name WIRING and FIXTURES James Kenny of :\fa ryland street. 'Side by Side.'" of Coapland causes us to hold that Tenth Ward Courier took another prize contest last ------wave when ever the air is clear. ELECTRICAL WORK week when he wa- declared the "\Yell," said Hubby, "one of us OF ALL KINDS winner of the e~say contest of the two is a very capable romancer. Don't blame the weather for al1 517 LYELL AVE. Glen. 2585 1 AllianC(' Realty Corp., run on the But there is one thing which pre­ the trouble which is associated with I 308 DRIVING PK. AVE. 25 SO. WATER ST. Main 5412 radio. :\f r Kenny won twenty dol-~ vents me from saying which one." poor reception. Keep the set in Glen. 800 Iars worth of electric appliances at ").fodesty! I presume." retorted good condition and you will get Open Evenings the Hick>on Electric Co. I\\ iic. And he gave up, beaten. a fair amount of clear channels. •'------_.., Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County TENTHHistoric Newspapers WARD Collection COURIER Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., JULY 19, 1928 No.6

:J '111111111111111111 II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - JULY 20 AND 21 E DOLLAR DAYS = THE ONCE-IN-A-YEAR OPPORTUNITY - AUTOMATIC PENCILS, 75c, 2 for ...... $1.0(1 Real $ Day Values 0 - BAR PINS, Sterling ...... $1.00 - - BABY LOCKETS, BABY RINGS ...... $1.00 _ _ BERRY SPOONS, Sterling Handle ...... $1.00 Men's Fancy Rayon Hose $1 Men's Neck Ties, Reg. $} Reg. 55c Val., 3 pair for $1.00 Silks, 2 for ...... DAY _ BRACELETS, Sterling·, Stone Set ...... $1.00 - COMPACTS, Unbreakable Mirrors ...... $1.00 - CUFF PINS, 75c a pair, 2 for ...... $1.00 - Men's Cotton Hoso, Good = Boys' Golf Hose. Reg. $1 - KNIVES, Gold Filled, Waldemere ...... $1.00 - Quality, Rog. 20c Valuo $1 50c Value. 3 pairs for .. 10 pairs for . •...... •.. - LIGHTERS ...... $1.00 - RINGS, Sterling, Stone Set...... $1.00 - Special lot of Boys' and Girls' FRIDAY -SATURDAY = WATCH CHAINS ...... $1.00 Men's High Grade Athletic WATCH BRACELETS ...... $1.00 Union SUits. Reg. 75c Golf Hose, Reg. 50c $1 = $1 Value, 4 pairs for ...... - WATERBURY ALARM CLOCKS ...... $1.00 Value, 2 for ...... • .. - Men's Roomy Richard Work Boys' Black or Brown Cotton Shirts, Reg. $1.00 Stockings, Reg. 25c JULY 20-21 $1 50 $1 Diamond Specialist Value, 2 for... • Value. 6 pairs for ......

Men's Collar Attached Dress Shirts, White Broad Cloth and J. 0. LEDLIE newest fancy weaves, $5 TOMORROW AND JEWELER Reg. Sl.!l5 quality, 3 for - Open Cireulating _ Evenings 842 DEWEY AVE. Library _ GALE KELLEY · SATURDAY ffii 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m 1457 Lake Ave. Riviera Theatre Bldg. WHERE YOU GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY Carrying on the custom inaugurated in 1921 by Dewey avenue merchants, SPECIAL DOLLAR DAYS ONLY

OPEN EVENINGS the business men of the Tenth Ward offer to residents of this section these Dol- !======: lar Days. With the entire Tenth Ward taking part, merchants are offering the greatest values and the largest assortments they have ever placed on sale. THIS AD IS WORTH YOU WILL FIND BARGAINS IN EVERY SECTION OF THE WARD. And the merchandise you purchase will bear the same stamp of quality that you BRIDGE LAMPS $$$ $$$ $$$ ~re accustomed to receiving from your neighborhood merchant EVERY DAY IN $6 and $7 $4 00 VALUE...... • THE YEAR. Every article on sale during these two days is taken from regular TO YOU Radio Specials on stock and is being sold at PRICES THAT WILL AMAZE YOU. WE CANNOT SELL CARS FOR A DOLLAR £ Dollar Days $ BUT AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TENTH WARD BUSINESS MEN ARE ENGAGED IN A BIG BUSI­ FOR$ DAYS WE WILL ALLOW NESS and that is the business of pleasing you. They want you to feel that your $1.00 OFF ON ALL ELECTRICAL YOU FOR THIS AD APPLIANCES A'D LAMPS - neighborhood store is able to give the same type of service as the downtown $25.00 on any Used Car over $500.00 FIXTURES FOR SIX ROOM HOUSE $20.00 on any Used Car over $400.00 stores. BARGAIN DAYS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME IF THEY ARE REAL -$35.00 - $15.00 on any Used Car over $300.00 VALUE GIVING DAYS. GET OUT AND SHOP TOMORROW AND SAT­ $10.00 on any Used Car over $200.00 URDAY AND PROVE IT YOURSELF THAT EVERY WORD WE SAY IS $ 5.00 on any Used Car over $100.00 TRUE. This Offer is Good This Week on ~ . Ellsworth Electric Co. -- - .. DOLLAR DAYS- ONLY - .. HER.I!T 1~ AKum/ellAia o:P~"'8Rr\~?J.V:l:LU¥-E~ -¥vcvl--l'O AT ASTOUNDINGLY LOW PRICES THE THINGS YOU NEED IN MEN'S, :======WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOOTWEAR, HARDWARE, REAL $ BARGAINS Schoen Bros. DRUGS, GROCERIES, MEATS AND EVEN IN SERVICE FOR YOUR (FAMOUS FOR SERVICE) 790 LAKE AVE. GLEN. 5900 AUTOMOBILE AS WELL AS IN MANY OTHER ARTICLES OF MER- !======~ CHANDISE. IT IS AN OPPORTUNITY WHICH YOU CANNOT AFFORD 0 TO OVERLOOK. ARP:fb~. f~~~~~~.~ ...... $1.00 ON THESE TWO DAYS YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PURCHASE AR­ LA MAY DRUG CO. TICLES AT PRICES THAT NO MERCHANT HERE OR UPTOWN CAN THu;Ri~~~! ~~~~~.~~...... $1.00 MENNEN $1.00 BABY BETTER. YOU WILL NOT ONLY SAVE MONEY, BUT YOU WILL ALSO ARPEAKO SMOKED HAMS PUFF BOX ...... 69c SAVE TIME AND ENERGY. THE PARKING PROBLEM, CROWDED (Whole or half) per lb...... 30c STREET CARS AND HUGE CROWDS TO COMPETE WITH IN BARGAIN NEW POTATOES $1.00 BOX COTY Per peck ...... 25c WITH PERFUME ...... 98c HUNTING ARE THINGS OF THE PAST. YOURNEIGHBORHOODM:ER­ HUDNUT 3 FLOWER FACE POWDER CHANT IS READY TO GIVE YOU SOME OF THE THINGS YOU BUY MAYONNAISE 18 33 WITH VANITY SIFTER ...... 75c Sale Price ...... C C FROM HIM REGULARLY AND OTHERS YOU PURCHASE ELSEWHERE GOc ASTRINGSOL MOUTH WASH AND FRIDAY ONLY.:_FORTY FATHOM FISH EOc ASTRINGSOL TOOTH BRUSH ...... 60c AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IN THE INTERESTS OF BIGGER (Direct from Boston) ...... ~~;o ;g:~~. ~~~~~: ...... $1.00 AND BETTER BUSINESS. IF YOU WILL GET OUT AND SHOP TOMOR­ I ROW AND SATURDAY YOU WILL REAP THE REWARD. ~~'ci~LE~fr.~A~~~ .A~~ ...... $}. 00 COME EARLY WHILE THE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE AND MAKE Newell's Cash Market ~i~:ss!~~~~~~~ .~~~~~ ...... $1.00 YOUR SELECTIONS. 694 Ridgeway Ave. We Deliver Glen. 1660 :~ic~f~~R ...... $1.00 :~ic~t~~~R ...... SOc LESS THAN HALF THE BARGAINS ARE MENTIONED 858 DEWEY AVE. at DRIVING PK. 10% DISCOUNT SEE THE OTHERS FOR YOURSELF Glenwood 970 DOLLAR DAYS ONLY ON ANY CAR ON THIS LIST

FORDS CHEVROLETS es 1923 COUPE ...... $ 60 1925 COACH ...... Bauman&Bay 1924 TUDOR SEDAN ...... $ 60 1925 SEDAN ...... 1923 SEDAN ...... $ 75 1926 COACH ...... 1926 COUPE ...... $250 1927 COUPE ...... EVERYTHING TO EAT 1925 COUPE ...... ,., .. $175 1927 IMPERIAL LAND .. 1923 TOURING ...... $ 60 1923 TOURING ...... Mayonnaise, Our CORNBEEF $1. 1923 SEDAN . , ...... $ 75 1924 TOURING ...... Make, 2 qts. $1.00 4 lbs. • • • • • EASY TERMS xwell House LAMB BREAST 5 $1.00 3 lbs. , , . . . . . Cunni ham-Jo I-lOME DRESSED MOTOR CORP. $1. FOWL ...... 8c USED CAR ANNEX GLENWOOD 1182-1183-1184 Glenwood 4900 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County TENTH WARD COURIER Historic Newspapers Collection MAKE AN APPOINTlVIENT ON il a sD g Store DOLLAR DAYS 50 To Have Your Car Thoroughly $1. B~~~~~~s ...... $1.00 Enters the Dollar Day Spirit and 15 2 ALEl\1ITED NEXT WEEK Offers the Following Specials ' ~6 ~~\!~)~~~~ . ~~~~-~ ...... $1.00 LA ~~b~~~~ ...... $1.00 FOR $1.00 For the Two Days "OL~ !!~~~~~-~:·. ~~~~ ~~.~ ~~~..... $1.00 FORDS, CI-IEVROLETS C Coty's L 'Origan Face Powder 98 8 AND STARS 75 Bou~:~! ~~~:e ~~~~ ~~~~.e~- . . . $1.00 Sale Price ...... C PT2ss~:'...... $1.00 Bouquet Ramee Talcum-Free Coty's L'Origan Perfume-Free CALL GLENWOOD 5674 ...... 8 Oz. Bottle Bay Rum AL~~~o~;~~~~ $1.00 Milk of Magnesia $1 00 1 Full Pint Bottles, 3 for . . . . . • Sale Price ...... SOc Perfect Lubrication Gentlemen's Talcum-Free QTBi~~~T -~~~- ...... $1.00 gives Perfect Performance J onteel Face Powder BOT;Lg~o~~~~ - ...... $1.00 Sale Price ...... SOc Jonteel Toilet Soap-Free ...... $1.00 Georgia Rose Bath Powder HA~Ca~E:~ce $1.00 Sale Price ...... 79c Puretest Rubbing Alcohol All Selected from Regular Stock-Come in Early Crown ServiceStation 2 for ...... $100 CLAY and DEWEY AVES. , Shar~~~~:;~~~.e~ ...... $1.00 Fly-Kill and Sprayer Outfit Sale Price ...... 75c Authorized Alemite Service 1 Shari Perfume-Free Lotz & Rathke Colgate's Giant Size Cream and GLEN. 1130 795 DEWEY AVE. Egyptian Palm Toilet Soap Eight Cakes ...... SOc Bott~o~~ :or;e~ - ~~~~-e...... $1.00 Many other items for your selection not here mentioned. REMEMBER- SEE THE SPECIAL FOR DOLLAR DAYS Licensed Pharmacists always in attendance at "YOUR DRUG STORE" A 25% REDUCTION J. E. Millard, Proprietor CHRYSLER S. E. Cor. DEWEY and RIDGEWAY ON ALL SENSATIONAL

GLASS, CHINA and DINNERWARE NEW MODELS TEA, CAKE and FRUIT SETS IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE Why Shop Elsewhere When You May} NOVELTIES, FRAMED PICTURES ~,. Choose Your Car at Leisure and Receive "'" NURRORS, TAPESTRIES EVERY MERCHANT { the Best of Service at GIFT MOTTOES, and CARDS FEATURING AT HALL'S • DOLLAR DAY The Little Gilt Shop Sales and Service 838 DEWEY AVE. AT DRIVING PK. BARGA NS Glen. 5095 1850 Dewey Ave.

VISIT THESE MERCHANTS oggery oppe TOMORROW AND SATURDAY lb's S · 1282 DEWEY AVENUE DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS BAUMAN & BAYNES MARKET ...... Dewey and Driving Pk. MILDRED L. BELCHER, Dry Goods ...... 1695 Dewey Ave. ME~~~ ~~~.I~~!u· ...... $1.00 SHI~~~ra Values ...... $1.00 BREWER DRY GOODS STORE ...... 13 Pullman Ave. CRAMER DRUG STORES ...... Dewey cor. Magee Ave. ME~'Sp~~S.I~~~~.~~~-~~···· · ········ ·· ··· $1.00 BOYtf~rR~~-~.~.~~-~~~~~-~~~~~······· $1.00

CROWN SERVICE STATION ...... 1376 Dewey Ave. MEN'S CAPS ' $1.00 BOY:;cFv~f.~.y3 ~~SE ...... $1.00 CUNNINGHAM JOYCE MOTOR CORP ...... 1441 Dewey Ave. Choice ...... BOY:·f~rL~~-~~~- ...... $1.00 DE VISSER BROS., Hardware ...... 1430 Dewey Ave. MEN'S UNION SUITS $1.00 value, 2 for ...... $1.50 ME~~~o~~~l~es~~...... 75 C ELLSWORTH ELECTRIC CO ...... 1697 Dewey Ave. HALL'S SALES AND SERVICE ...... : ...... 1850 Dewey Ave. Sweaters at Reduced Prices We Have Other Specials to Offer GALE KELLEY, Men's Furnishings ...... 1457 Lake Ave. GERALD C. KENNY, Custom Furniture ...... 1476 Lake Ave. WATCH OUR WINDOW DISPLAY DON'T FAIL TO STEP IN KOLB'S TOGGERY SHOPPE ...... 1282 Dewey Ave. LA MAY DRUG CO ...... 858 Dewey Ave. J. 0. LEDLIE, J eweler ...... 842 Dewey Ave. RA E s s LITTLE GIFT SHOP ...... 838 Dewey Ave. DEWEY AVENUE-CORNER MAGEE ------LOTZ & RATHKE, Hardware ...... 795 Dewey Ave. SQUIBB'S DENTAL CREAM 3 Tubes ...... $1.00 MO~H r!~~~.~ ~~.~~ ...... $1.00 MILLARD DRUG STORE ...... Dewey cor. Ridgeway Ave. IPANA TOOTH PASTE 3 Tubes ...... $1.00 MO~E::r . . .. ··· · · ...... $1.00 MEAT MARKET ...... 694 Ridgeway ·Ave. IODENT TOOTH PASTE 3 Tubes ...... $1.00 35c ~Afo;o_~~~...... $1.00 BOOT SHOP ...... Dewey cor. Ridgeway Ave. PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE ALARM CLOCK 3 Tubes ...... $1.00 S., Automobiles ...... 790 Lake Ave. WILLIAM'S DENTAL CREAM VERY 4 Tubes ...... $1.00 SPECIAL ...... R, Dry 'Goods and Furnishings ...... 1298 Dewey Ave. $1.00 BAYER ASPIRINS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER Sale Price ...... 1 PINT RUBBING ALCOHOL DIAMOND BRAND TOILET TISSUE $1 00 Sa.le Price ...... 1000 Full Sheets-$1.50 Value-15 Rolls • COMBINATION OFFER 35c ...... PROPHYLACTIC OR ZE ~~~~ ~~~:.~.~~~~~~~~~E.~~ $1.00 TOOTH BRUSH WIT UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY 50c ~~~~L~~~~. ~I-~~- ~~~~~~~~ ...... $1.00 BRUSH HOLDER . . $1.00 LIST~RINE C BROWNIE Sale pr1ce ...... 74 CAMERAS ...... T AND $1.00 LARVEX OUT SHOP $3.19S~~!~!~~:~ .~~.~~~ .~LK $2Q84 Sale Price ..... $1.00 LYSO_L C CERTO Sale pt'lce ...... , ...... 74 4 for ...... Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County TENTH WARD COURIER Historic Newspapers Collection E. AY SPEC ALS! MEN WOMEN CHILDREN 75c Bow Ties, 2 for .•....• Dresses, Value to $2 ...... Dresses, $1.75 Value ...... 50c Bow Ties, 3 for ....•.• $1.25 Silk Underwear ..... Rompers, 2 pr. for ...... FRIDAY Straw Hats .. • ...... 75c Silk Hose, 2 for ...... Infants' Wear, $1.50 Value 75c Union Suit.'>, 2 for ..... $Jewelry, Value to $2 ...... $Toilet Articles, Value to $2 $ JULY20 I DRED L. BELCHER 1695 DEWEY AVENUE Hundreds of Other $ Specials on Our Counters (Opposite Street Car Terminal) 13-15 PULLMAN AVE. ------WOMEN'S COTTON BLOOMERS ME~~g~:~~T . ~~~~:.~ ...... each $}. 00 Reg. 59c ...... 2 JULY JULY WOMEN'S SILK BLOOMERS ME~~g~:ci~~. ~~~~~~-~~~~~-S 1Yz doz. $1.00 Reg. $1.25 ...... 20 21 WOMEN'S SILK BLOOMERS, Combination ME~~g~:t:~:.~~~~ ...... 4 pair $1.00 Reg. $1.39 ...... each ME~~g~~:~. ~~~-~ ...... 7 pair $1.00 wo~!:·:o:~~~- ~-~~~~~~~~...... 3 for $1. De Visser Bros. ME~~l:e~I:PT~o $2.25 ...... each $1.00 wo~g~·:9~~~H~.D-~~-~~ ...... 2 for $1.00 ME~~g~~5:.~~E-~ ...... 4 for $1.00 wor::·:9:~~~~~ ...... 2 for $1.00 FRIDAY SPECIALS SATURDAY ME~~g~J5~~~:.I.~ -~~~~~-~ ...... 2 for $1.00 wo~~~~~ ~R~~2~E~...... each $1.00 GIRLS' DRESSES $1 00 BOY:~g~·56~ ~:·~ ...... 3 for $1.00 Values to $1.50 ...... each • All Steel Garbage BOY:~gV:t9~~ -~ u~~s.' . ~ .t~. ~ ...... 2 for $1.00 GIRi~~-B~~~~~~~ ...... 3 for $1.00 Kitchen Stool 98c Can $1.00 • BOY~~l::~~ ~~~TS~ 2 ~~ .8...... each $1.00 GIRi~~-H3~~~...... 3 for $1.00 GIRLS' and BOYS ' PLAY STOCKINGS $1 00 Electric Toasters Electric Irons BOY:~:~:; TIES ...... 4 for $1.00 Reg. 25c, Black or Brown ...... 5 for • $3.98 $5.00 BOY:eg~~~KI ~VER~~-~ ...... 2 for $1.00 SHE:~~·$;~~~~~- ...... each $1.00 NOW $2.25 NOW $3.98 BOY:~g~~~: HOSE ...... 4 for $1.00 PIL~;: 3~~SE~.... : ...... 4 for $1.00 1 wor:: ·~9~~I~~...... 2 for $1.00 TUR:e~~9~0~E~-~ .<. ~~~-~~~) ...... 4 for $1.00 BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL LINES OF GOODS COME IN AND SEE THE VALUES 1430 Dewey A venue at Flower City Park NEVER BEFORE EQUALED l:iiFTH

TREMENDOUS SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPT. Simmon's Bed Spring and Mattress $14.75 It's here Our Fifth Anniversary Sale. Never before · have the people of Rochester been offered such values in good furniture . . The Finest in Living Room Furniture Your Home Your Home Should Should Come First Come First

BREAKFAST SUITES Was Now BEDS - MATI'RESSES - SPRIXGS 'Unfinished 5-pc. Suite ...... $15.50 $12.00 Was Now Same Suite, finished ...... 27.50 21.00 Cotton Mattress ...... $ 7.50 $ 6.00 Porcelain Top Tables . 19.75 14.75 White Cotton Felt Mattress ...... 14.75 11.00 White Cotton Felt Mattress ...... 19.75 14.75 You Can Purchase Above Separately. Kapok Mattress ...... 29.75 22.50 Inner Spring Mattress ...... 39.50 29.75



The photo above is our special suite. Hard maple frames, hand dowled webb bottom, ·seven color jacquard velour, mo­ quette reversible cushions. Plain black welts, covers sewed on. Moss filled. SEE THIS SUITE-$140.00 24 Other Styles $95.00 to $650.

Suite. l\Iodern 4-post bed. A Rochester A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY 8 in. dresser, bed vanity bench and chest of PURCHASE FOR LATER DELIVERY 9-Picce Suite Now ...... $158.00 Buy Now - You'll Save a Lot of Money Like aboYe photo is similar only table has pedestal base. For Best Choice-Come Early Butt Walnut and gumwood. Mohair seat conrings. TERMS ARRANGED TO RESPONSIBLE PERSONS The Best Value in Rochester-$145.00 VISIT FACTORIES You have the privilege of going to the factory show rooms ~d making selections. A most economical way of purchasing. Gerald C. enny -I Ask for Card of Introduction. OPEN TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS PHONE GLEN. lG44 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County TENTH WARD COURIER Historic Newspapers Collection REMARKABLE DOLLA DAY VAL ES CHMANKE'S BOOT S OP EVENINGS CORNER DEWEY AND RIDGEWAY AVE. I OPEN EVENINGS UY NOW IS THE MESSAGE OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT KEDS FOR GIRLS Dollar Day Specials WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS OR HIGH LACE are the popular outing shoes that all boys Many Styles - Big Reductions like for summer sports and play. $1.00 A PAIR $2.95 $1.00 A PAIR Sizes 11 to 2 Several pump patterns in Rose­ ~ Sizes 2Yz to 8 blush. Patent Leather and Satin. Sizes Sizes Spike and Cuban Heel. 11 to 2 2% to 6 LADIES' BLACK LACE 29c $2.45 BATHING SHOES Pair

Ideal shoes for general ENNA JETTICK Indispensable and street wear. Arch HEALTH SHOES MEN'S support. SANDAL Black or Tan $3.45 Calfskin $3. Discontinued numbers in Black or Tan. Nothing Oxfords Step-in pumps, opera pattern. wrong with these shoes Sizes 6 to 8, $1.50 Comes in Patent Leather with only the sizes are broken Sizes 8Yz to 11, $1.75 $4.45 Spike Heel, stub toe. up on some of the styles. Sizes 11¥2 to 2, $2.00 DOLLAR BARGAINS AT TUCKER'S THIS STORE WILL HAVE ON DISPLAY HUNDREDS OF DOLLAR BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION-EVERY ITEM A GENUINE MARK DOWN 500 PAIRS LADIES' SILK HOSE Marked at Dollar Day Prices 3 SPECIAL VALUES 3 Pairs for $1.00-Real Bargain Our Regular Dollar Hose will Sell 3 Pairs for $2.00 Coquette SPECIAL HOSE AT $1.50 Chiffon, pure silk, full fashioned, STOCKINGS new heel-All the leading colors. All Sizes

210 MEN'S SHIRTS With and without Collar-$1.00 We always clean house on Dollar Day- AU Sizes 189 LADIES' WASH DRESSES 111 PAIRS MEN'S SILK UNION SUITS- $1.00 Where the Dollar $1.00 TO CLEAR Regular Price $1.85- Sizes 36 to 46 (All Sizes) This is an extraordinary purchase, something to talk about Meets Value MEN: If you want to keep cool, wear Silk Underwear COMPLETE STOCK OF DRESSES SACRIFICED ON DOLLAR DAYS MEN'S REGULAR ATHLETIC UNION SUITS, 2 for ...... $1.00 REGULAR PRICES UP TO $1.98 30 DOZ. TURKISH TOWELS MEN'S GAUZE UNION SUITS, Sleeve .. $1.00 $2.95 DRESSES NOW $1.95 Y2 MEN'S FANCY SOCKS, 3 for ...... $1.00 LARGE SIZE, COLORED BORDERS, 3 for $1.00 SPECIAL FOR DOLLAR DAY MEN'S SILK NECKWEAR, Regular Value These towels sell at sight-If you need towels LADIES' SILK BLOOMERS, STEP-INS $1.00, 2 and 3 for ...... $1.00 don't pass up this wonderful buy. MEN'S WHITE COTTON NIGHTSHIRTS . SLIPS, CHEMISE, VESTS Regular Price $1.50 ...... $1.00 BATHING SUITS LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS MEN'S KHAKI PANTS, Value up to $2.50 . .. $1.50 MEN'S, LADIES', BOYS', GIRLS', CHILDREN' Hand Embroidered, Imported, $1.00--Value $1.98 Shirts to Match ...... 85c Several Dozen at $1.00 GIRLS' WASH DRESSES-$1.00 148 YOUNG MEN'S CAPS, Reg. $1.95 Cap ... $1.00 Higher Priced Suits Reduced One 87 GIRLS' STRAW and FELT HATS, $1.00 Now's the time to buy a good cap cheap. Reg. Stock Bny Your Bathing Suit on Dollar Days and Save All High Price Hats MEN'S STRAW HATS ...... $1.00 BOYS' and GIRLS' UNDERWEAR 2 Suits for Dollar-Regular Value 75c Each 100~i.> Pure Wocl B.la BOYS' KNICKERS, $1.00 50% Part Wool 150 BOYS' WASH SUITS, $1.00-Value up to $1.98 INFANTS' WASH BONNETS, 2 for $1.00 • INFANTS' SWEATERS, $1.00 INFANTS' WHITE DRESSES, $1 Dewey and M~1.g e A venues Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENTH WARD COURIER Published Every Other Thursday

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., AUGUST 2, 1928 No.7 1500 TENTH WARD WOMEN AND Touring Season is On ORGANIZE TO SOLICIT LACK OF FUNDS GUESTS ENJOY RECORD PICNIC SUSTAINING MEMBERS \ team of fifty Tenth Warders PRECLUDES NEW The p1cn1c of thc 'l\nth \ Vard has been organized for the purpose Hepuhlican \\'osm·n at Ontario of making a drive for sustaining Btach I'ark last Friday was the 23 BOY SCOUTS TO memberships in the :Monroe County DEWEY LIGHTS lar~cst and mo~t successful yet held l~cpublican organization. The solicit­ Unless special funds arc provided by that orgamzation. There were ing will take place during the week the lights on Dewey Avenue south of over J.jOO in attendance, making the DEPART FOR CAMP of August 13-20th. Driving Park Avenue will not be re­ affair by far the largt st picnic ever Councilman Xelson A. ~!ilne was Twenty-three boy scouts of placed by new ones this year. This held by any women's divi~ion in the named captain for the ward. The Troop 81 are leaving, Saturday, information was given out by City county. Credit for the ~ucces:; goe~ for a stay of two weeks at Camp lieutenants are F. Hullihan, A. ~[anagrr St T !ten B. Story in a let­ Thompson, A. :\farples, :\I. Hussard, to thc ''omen on the ,·araous cosn­ Pioneer. This is the third year ter to the cd1t 1r of the Courier. X. O'Brien, Charles E. Botswick, L. nuttees, who for '' cck~ had worked the boys have attended. The fol­ The $25,000 which the city coun­ Ihrig, F. Sullivan, \V. Stell, L. Fel­ hard preparing for the picmc. lowing arc making the trip: John, cil appropriated for 192S for new lows, 1f. ]. De Witt, A. Galbraith, In the afternoon there ''a, a long Tom and Louis Doucette, Arthur city lights has been entirely used up I •t of sport- for the children, and F. Welch, G. Hesselink, E. Krauss, :\larshall, John and James Xoble, and there arc no further funds \\. Kunz, ]. Schnett, J. Hetzler, A in the evening there were contc~b Harold and Robert \\'agncr, Ed. available, according to the City :Man­ Aah, X. Zimmerley, \V. Scholz, J. ior adults. The latter furnbhcd Burke, Dick Despard, Allen Cook, ager. HoweHr, he goes on to state Shearer, F. Wealthy, :\1. Cohanne, pltn y of amuscmtnt ior the on­ Chas. and \\'m. Bragg, Wesley in his letter that the lights will be \\'. Zimmerly. lookers, c~p~ctally the barrel ulting \\ oodcn, Thomas Kinnon, Ralph gi\'cn priority in next yrar's appro­ :\frs. E. Carroll, :\Irs. K. Schlegel, contest. t\ftt r one oi the men had Geers, Fred :\!eyer, Chas. Bach, vriation. This was the first time :\Irs. Garrett, :\Irs. B. Bush, ~Irs. ddi d several to knock him off the Dick Legg, Donald Kridcl, Arnold according to his statement that the Parry, ~Irs. F. Fisher, :Mrs. K. Nay­ - h'i.rrc:, his \\1ft ~tq>pcd up and said \\'alke1·, Francis 1Iungancst and matter had bten brought to his at­ Jon, :\!iss A. l\Iiller, Mrs. M. Budd, that ,he could dt• the trick and the Jack Randall. tention. ;\frs. G. Lo;der, 1frs. S. :May, Mrs. chalkngc bc111g accepted she :.\Iany of these boys are carriers The lights were the subject of a Jinks, Mrs. F. Thomson, Mrs. F. knocknl him off tln~.:e times. for this paper and for the next C. letter published in these columns in ~mith, :\Irs. N. Ketcher, :\frs. F. .\trs. Cathcrmc lkrrick was in issue will han~ substitutes in their HOLY ROSARY PASTOR the last regular issue. The business COMMISSIONER :\feRae, }.Lrs. F. Yaeckel, Mrs. G. charge of the sports which wcre places. men of the section complained about Dorschcl, ~Irs. L. Lymborn, Mrs. H. rl'n o tT by .\l ch·in Swartz, \'. :1\[. ON WAY TO AUSTRALIA the poor lighting, which they feel \\'adman, :\Irs. F. :McArthur, Mrs. l. :\, !'hysical Dinctor. :\Irs. Lucy l{ev. Arthur \. Hughes, pastor of is a distinct detriment to their bu~i­ INVESTIGATES L. ;\[cBride, Mrs. N. Hall and :\frs. l'aymoncl and \1 rs. Clara A Pot Holy Rosary Church, sailed, July ness interests and also concerning H. Smalley. tcr had charg{' of th.: prizes. Dur­ 25th. <·11 the ~- S. !\iagara for Aus­ the wooden poles which now stand MAY ORGANIZE A meeting of the team and work­ ing the aftcruoon :\f rs II den Hes­ tralia \\'here he will attend the Eu­ along the avenue. NEED OF SIGN ers will be held in the Tenth Ward 'clmk and her comn11ttee gave out charistic Congress. Re,·. Hughes Dewey Avenue's sign problem will Club House tonight at 8 o'clock. oil) pops and orangeade. ).{r,. Lena DEWEY AVENUE left Rochester July lith for the west "\\'c'vc got our coats off and arc 11 l oke, <.!.airman of the supper coast by \\ ay oi the Canadian Rock­ be threshed out in the next few days all ready to get to work. The Tenth ommittee, and the large number tes, to attend the congress as an un- bet"·ecn merchants of the avenue and RECORD ATTENDANCE ANNUAL PICNIC has the largest vote of anv ward in 1 "omen '' ho as:sisted her were A mo,·e to organize another pic- official delegate Commissioner of Public Safety m tended for tlw quality and Roche.ter and \Ye arc goin~ to make A , nic a:nonz t'te business men of On the trip to Australia stops will George ] . Xier. Two of the three AT ANNUAL CIRCUS - lc oi tl e meal scn·ed. The huge our quota, whatC\'er it is, and then Dc\\CY avenue :las been started and be made at Honoulu, the Fiji Is­ sig-ns which tlte businc~s men fi­ add a few hundred more, just for )[agee avenue's one ring circus TO\ d "as handled in efficient a committee oi representati\·e~ of lands and ~cw Zealand for sight lurk," Captain :\Iilne ,aid today. for 1928 took the ne1ghborhood by ffidnn r and thr ~t.n ing wa' carried · f tl . ~leing. The ship is making a leisure- nanced have been taken down by the a II scctsons o 1c avenue \\1 11 . . storm and after pulling down thdr t xpedttiOU lv. ga•her to discuss the proposal. ly t.np acro~s and .ts not . .schSeduled to city and the third rna) be replaced. trnto; and storing a\\ ay the regalia :\[ . r rtrud Dor c hd \\as gcn ::; · · h 1:trrt\"C at 1 uo;tra 1ta until eptember The Lewiston A\enue detour route • en_t l'lO't seems to lavor at'JO' cr ht. for another year the youngs•er~ i n m of the :'JClliC and 1 O'-\ mg and unless une.xpc cted de I • through Ridgeway Avenue i~ the sub- CORRESPONDENTS found that thev l•ad accumulated a k. tc 0'1 rt n hacl charge of · t tl . He.\'. Hughes IS expected to retum 1 r fit f bo It !1\ I~ (. pment~ ans 1c m e•m to . jcc t an in c~tigation lry Comrnt .:kc . :. r . c..,rri.lc Cox was I . . . ' to h1s dutteo; at Holy J{osary pansl1 cayI p I as·s to s•age t I1c ps...IIIC m . • sioner Kier ·who is interested in soh·­ ADDED TO STAFF This w.ts their secon~ annu I n oh rge c f table . 'II b d - d dur111g the lir:st \\eck m October. t1eI ncar f uture w1 e raltc . pcrfornHIJin· and us 10 the first per­ \m II!; thos. pre~<.:nt were Coun­ ing the problem of directing tourist OF THE COURIER For the past iour years it ha~ formance the bunch got lot oi ty ('hairman Harry J. l3archam, trafllc downtown. The signs erected Four correspondents have been been the custom of the merchants good publicity. The city news­ \Irs .\gilL'S T. <~corg.:, V1cc-Chair­ on Driving Park AYCnue at Dewey name blaze forth the news of the circus Ctlllll1littcc, District Attorney Wil­ fairs have always turned out to be Courier." They will receive and the back yard of Louis Douc­ liam F. Love, County Clerk John popular both with business men of GOODWILL ST. BOY cording to the commissioner, because items from friends and residents ette at 500 ~[agee a venue was the H . Law. Deputy Atty. Gen. Wil­ the avenue and residents. The pic­ The heroic action of Clarence they have served to increase the bur­ in their localities for publication mecca of some 600 patrons. liam H. Zimmer, ] ames Bergen, nics have been noted for the- liberal Gillan, 16, of 21.i Goodwill street, in den of traffic crossing the river in th1s paper. Here are the officials of the \\'illiam C. Stallknccht, Eugene prizes which each year the mer­ saving the life of James Carmichael. bridge and also that traveling on St. :r\ cws may be mailed or may be troupe: Allen Cook, ringmaster ; O'Xcil, \Villiam Edell, Thomas chants have donated and which the aged six, recently, may be reward­ Paul Street. communicated by telephone to any Charles Bragg, general manager; ).fykins. fo rmer Detective Edward picnickers have always sought in ed hy recognition in the form of a' The business men's sign at Ridge­ of these correspondents or direct Henry Klein and William Bragg, O'Brien and many others from all spirited fashion. medal. Clarence rescued the young­ way and Dewey now invites traffic to this office at 517 Lyell Avenue, property managers; Louis Doucette, The decision as to whether or ster. who had been shoved acci­ to take the Dewey route5 to the cen­ over the county. Glenwood 2585. The correspond­ :\Iilo Turner and Donald Whit­ ~[ rs. Bertha A. Bush, President not there will be a picnic and the dentally off Charlotte pier, from ter of the city, but it is creating a ents with addresses and telephone meyer, refreshments; Stanley \Vhi\­ of the \\'omen's Division, has called plans to be made if the decision is probable drowning, during the problem since the sign at the corner numbers are as follows: meyer, publicity manager; Robert a meeting for Thursday, August in the affirmative are in the han.rls course of a picnic of the Parent­ of Driving Park and Dewey has been ~lrs. Bertha A. Bush, 138 1-Iary­ Grinnell, head clown and Jack ~nd, ~ :00 P. l\1. at 333 Driving Park oi the following committee: Jack Teachers of School ~o. 30. taken down by the police. Tourists land Street, Glenwood 5167. );ivcn, drummcr. ~{rs. Jane Carmichael, mother of arrh·e at the corner and finding no a\·cnue. at '' hich time there will Reed, C. Hall. \\'illiam :\Ioore, Bur­ ).fr!'. W. A. Schild, 380 Pullman the rescued boy, has already sent directions as to the route from there be a report on the picnic. ~[rs. ton \\'allace, John Schmanke, A. J. A \'enue, Glenwood 2214-J. a check to Clarence in appreciation on are naturally confused. They are HOWDEN STORE MOVED .'\c-nes T. George, Vice-chairman of Tucker, }.!at Barry. \\'illiam Ren­ Mrs. William H. Stell, 121 in doubt whether to make the left Edward T. Howden has rno\·cd •he C.,uuty Committee and ~frs. ner, Carl Schaefer, Ben Cramer, J. of his service and has interested Flower City Park, Glen. 2435-).1. herself in securing a medal for him. or right turn and oftentime~ hold up his paint and wallpaper busine"s Bes•ie l. Hd>hard, State Committee Schubert, George Ester, Earl James P. Kenny, 133 :Maryland traffic while inquiring the correct from 296 Driving l'ark avenue to \\'oman irom the 4th Assembly Baynes and J. 0. Ledlie. \Vhcn questioned in regard to her Street. Diotrict, will be prc~~nt and address son, }.frs. Gillan said he was an route. Residents say that many tour­ 834 Dewey avenue. ·he \\ onll'n. JUST RECEIVED! L'.xpert swimmer and had qualified ists make the mistake of turning west on Driving Park Avenue and are SPORTS RESULTS A new shipment of "Swanky" for Junior Life Saving some time ago. She disclaimed any credit to then forced to • turn about and re­ SEIBERLING AND Afternoon Events collar attached shirts, in all the AUTOMOBILE her son, however, stating that she turn after coming to the end of the ollypop ra(t (, 1rls and boys 3, newest shades and you will like the NECESSITIES DIAMOND TIRES new one dollar ties to match or thought it no more than natural street. ~Ierchants in the neighborhood of (Continued on !'age 3) harmonize. Gale Kelley, 1457 Lake that Clan·nce ~hould have rescued avenue, Riviera Theatre Bldg. the drowning lad. Driving Park and Dewey. who arc daily witnessing the inconvenience caused tourists by the lack of direc- Stop and Get Acquainted ' tions at this point are anxiou~ that a sign be posted before further de­ With Your New Neighbor Bauman & Baynes lay. TROOP 46 GIRLS ARE Markhatn-Hutnes EVERYTHING TO EAT INCORPORATED ENJOYING CAMP LIFE 1685 Dewey Avenue Five girls from Girl Scout Troop Tender Lamb Stew • • • lSc lb. 46 have been enjoying camp life since Tuesday, at Camp Ca~tell, Sodus Point. Lieutenant Jessie Garage and Service Station Smoked Ham (Whole or Half) • • 29c lb. \\'ishart is acting as one of the councillors of the camp. She is accompanied by Mary Elizabeth Fresh Fowl 3lf2 lb. A vg. • • 32c lb. Sadden, Carroll DiSando, Ruth Telephone Glen. 5997 Ledota and Vera de Angnera. Mrs. William H. Stell, director of Leg of Spring Lamb • • • 38c lb. the troop has returned from her Member of R. G. 0. A. European trip and will meet the troop again on Tuesday evenings at We Can Save You Money on Other ~terns John :Marshall High School. Kathleen Flynn, a member of the EXPERT BRAKE LINING troop. took the prize in the mystery REPAIRING SPECIALISTS 333 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 race at the picnic of the Tenth \\'ard Republican \\'omen, Friday. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER

TENTH WARD COURIER :&. G. 0 . A. PERSONALS \ :&. G. 0. A . Mr . George \\.King-ton u , ~r ).Ia~ter Edgar All n Coe 1 re- IF THE VALVES DON'T FUNCTION CORRECTLY F. R . METZINGER, Editor E. F. DOUDS, Adv. Mgr. daughter, ~t i E ther Kingston, of tovenng irom ton il operati n at DON'T GAMBLE 517 Lyell Avenue n(~a park\\a), ha\e I"eturned the home of his parent:s, ~1r. and Glenwood 2585 1 rom a ten da) s motor tnp. They :\lr'. Allen B. Coe oi Florid., .11 e· If no Answer Call Monroe 497-M ''ere the guests, while away, of nue. SEE US! Mrs. Charle~ E. Angle. of Lake ave­ Down town office, 25 South Water St.-Main 5412 nue, at her summer home in Ken- Ask for operation V-1, of the standard :flat rate ) ~[ r. and .\frs Ralph D. Ward of schedule which is as follows: ~ews matter must be in the hand~ oi the edttor not later than the nebunk Beach. l\lamc. and oi ~Irs. \\'ard Tompkin) Electric Co., are V-1-Grind valves, clean carb on, tunc engine. In· llonday p receding date of ISS. ue. Al.Jert H. 11otlcy, oi Cape Cod. spending two \\Cek:s in Canada, at eludes : Refac:ing valves and seats, clca.n a.nd adjust break er points and spark plugs, v acuum tank and car­ :.\Iontreal and nearby points. ( :.\!i,s Kathcr'nt• Hoyt, of Lake buretor screens, adjust tappets, and fa.n belt, and DAVII • Jtl~ l 'llfri 1'1 NG CO •• INC. ~~ 15 &OUTH WATER STRUT check timing . Vie\\ park, entertained at a supper James Richard, anrl John Formcy party recently at the ~ummer home oi Sdye terrace arc ~Pl'nc!ing t\\O THIS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT THE of her parents, .\I r. and :.\Irs. Irv­ weeks in Camp Stella :.\lari' at FOLLOWING GARAGES AFFILIATED WITII THE QUALITY SHOE REPAIR C. WOODING ing l'. lloyt, on Canandaigua lake. Conesus Lake. E XPERT REP AIRI NG Satiafn.ction Guara.nteed MASON CONTRACTOR The party was in honor of 1\(iss • 'Where Courtesy Prevails'' 27 Years Satisfactory Service Jane :.\lcKarg, of East Tawas, ).Ir. and ).trs. Keene oi Boston Rochester Garage Owners Ass' n MICHAEL SCHIAVO, Prop. :\! ichigan, '' ho is her guest. are visiting ~1r. and ).trs. F. J. Custom Shoes Made to Order 58 LOCUST ST. lOTH WARD GARAGE, :\1.\ RKII,\~l IITJ~IES, 1:'\ l', Tormey of Sdye terrace. 475 Dewey Avenue Jo~n ll. .:-torkham, l'res1dent, 825 D ewey Ave. near Driving Pk. Glen. 3086-J lb85 Dcwe) J\\e, .\Irs. ( hcstL'r C. .\lilne and her RAV DEPENDORF'S G \U.\GE, daughter, :.\liss ,\larcia ).lilnc, oi l\fr. George Collishaw oi .\far­ 416 Lewiston Avenue !.~:ORGI~ It. liATZ, , Lexinston at De11cy Avenue J{aines park, have returned from tin's Barber Shop, has returned IIAT.f.'S SALES AXD SER\'ICE, 1850 Dewey Avenue WISF. & l'IIII.T.IPS' GARAGE, Presque hlc, Canada, where they irom two \\eck, in :\[ontnal, Cau­ 35 Lclltstoo \venue Chester A. (Barney) Barnes have hccn ~pending some time. ada. R \LI'II DEFEXDORF, HAROLD UOTH".lJG'~ G\R\GE 2568 De-.cy Avenue 798 Lal>e Avent: Wishes to annotm co to his f ormer patrons and friends and all R. G. 0 . A. :.\irs. F. ]. Tormey entertain d at :&. G. 0 . A . others desiring :first class wor kmanship in construction or repair bridge at the Brookka Country work on their homos or garages, that he is on the job again and Clul> Tuesday, for her guests. i s ready to give his 30 years • experience a t reasonable prices. Tha t new h ome or garage-those two rooms in the attic-or Elmer Schubert visited hi~ \\ire HIGH QUALITY and son who arc ~pendmg the ts of .\Ir. and :.\Irs. iamily oi Lake View park will from their vacations to obtain the best values in Lon is D. Baker, of Lake a venue. spend the month of ,\ugust at We Deliver Rochester. .\Irs. Baker returned to Vermont Beach avcnn", ChariOlll'. GLEN. 2640-2441 1050 DEWE Y AVE. with them for an indefinite stay. Sale prices are also on re-upholstering of all kinds ~[r . Crocker oi the Crocker :.\Irs. :\lilton E. Ingalls, of Raines Signs is confined to his home wi· h J>hone for an a timate park, has returned from a trip to a dislocated knee. Xew Brunswick, Quebec and :.\Ion­ Let Us Do Your Dirty Work trcal. :.\Ir. Paul Brennan of Selyc ter­ OUR BUSINESS IS IN GREASING Gerald C. Kenny race, recently graduated from ll<,lr Cars Washed, Polished and Greased :.\[ rs. Elwood Lo,·cridgc, of Albe­ Cross College has j u,t rt•gi,tcred Cars called for and delivered by Licensed Chauffeur Furniture and Upholstering marle street, has returned from at Albany Law School. He is now Rutland, Vermont. where she was spending the week-end with class­ 1476 LAKE AVE., Opp. Ridgeway Glen. 1644 Dewey Ave. Service Station the gue,t of .\[r. and ).[rs. William mates at Scranton. Pa. DEWEY AT RIDGEWAY GLEN. 4035 Clark. 11! r::. Clark wa~ formerly Notary Public wit h Seal :\lis~ Dorothy .\lilnc, of this city. 1fastcr Howard Hai~man oi Sclye terrace. is spending a week at Open 6 A. M. to 11 :30 P M. Glen. 5674 1!iss Flonmce Tehan, of Spring- Crt!sccnt Beach with "Buddy" N EW LINE OF F UR COATS til'ld, Ohio, who has been the guest liaher. of .\1 iss Helen Tucker. of Lake ave- At August Sale Prices nuc, has rcturm:d to her horne. ).fr. Delwin A. La11ay and fam­ MISS MARGUERITE CROWN SERVICES TATION ily, have returned from two Wleks ~1 iss ).!arion Do1vncy and :.\las- at Conesus Lake. Glenwood 1416 791 Dewey Ave. CLAY and DEWEY AVES. tcr james Downey. of Palmyra, arc .\[r. and lirs. Ray S lattery of Walter ).feskitl oi Straub street, nsiting .\[rs. Cha~. :\orris of Ridge- ~[r;. Phdps of ).lerrill ~trect, 1 AUTHORIZED ALEMITE LUBRICATION way avenue. vi,;iting at Stcvcnstown. X. Y. " .\ugustine street, are at their sum- left rec.:ntly on au ca~tcrn tnp. mer home at \Vhite City. ALEMITE- ING COSTS NO MORE THAN .\lis~ Edith Rogers of \\'atcrtown :\fr. and :\[rs. An,on Beckwith oi :.\fr. and :.\frs. Joseph .\lahan of is the guest of ).! r. and .Mrs. Stew­ Birr str.:ct. arc scpnding a short .\lr. and .\irs. \\'illiam H. Bush Tacoma street, with their on and ORDINARY GREASING and son oscph • \., of ~faryland art Rogers of Sdye Terrace. time at their home at .\! uskoka, J daughter, Charles and Ethd, re­ Canada. .treet, arc leaving this '' eek-end for cently spent a week-end in )il'w r-.rr. Ray De:\lallie and iamily oi their summer home at Fine Yiew, York. S A V E YOUR V ACA T ION E ARNINGS Dove street, arc spendmg two :\frs. Raymond Fishbaugh recent­ X Y., located in the Thou~and !~land~. ThLy will be gone during P ut Your Carfare int o a !'\ceks in Central Valley, X. Y. ly entertained 60 members oi the ?.fr. and ~{r .•\. Neu11an oi Willing Workers Society at her the month of August. As gue,ts ior Dewey a\ cnue, ha 1 e had a rc.;ctnt B I CYCLE l\ftss Allat of Alla.t & C ase summer home at Hilton, X. Y. ti\O weeks they will have :'llr. and g-ue~ts, l\[r. and l\lr . Htnry Hemp! :\Irs. \\'illiam Pritchard and ~lr. FOR BOY S - FOR GIRLS Beauty Shoppc, leaves next week of Arnstein, Lanada. for a two week:; vacation in Xew James P. Kenny, champion prize a11d :.\tr~. \Villiam H. Stell. ALL S IZES -$25 TO $ 6 5 York City. winner of tile Tenth \\'ard, added ~{rs. Campbell oi Brookl) 11 street, another contest to his laurels when ~[r. and ~Irs. Francis DeVilbiss returned rl'Ccntly from a \\e ,rn Pierce Arrow-Westfield-Ser vice and daughter. Yirginia, of ).fary- trip. .\fr. W. II. Jackson, of Jackson's he tied for first place in a m::~yon­ TOWNER BROS. Jewclry Store, visited in Oswego naise slogan contest conducted hy land >trcet, arc leaving on a two Open· Evenings and \Voodvillc over the week-end. the R. S. T . Provision Co. of Lyell weeks' motor trip to Xew \Vindsor, :\f r. and .\Irs. l.dn I ooke, o f 71 0 University Ave. 179 Lyell Ave. avenue. He reecind half the prize \ irginia. Greenwich, .\lass., were the guests of 49 Atlan tic Ave. 940 Jay St. The family of !.fr. and :'l[rs. John of ten dollars ior the slogan "Once :\[r. and .:.\Irs. ,\lhert 1:. Cooke, oi Lutz of l'arkclalc terrace:, held a bought, a lways sought.'' ).fr. ancl :\.frs. John Schmanke of 1faryland Street. family re-union at IIcmlock Lake Flower City park, returned this NEW ELL'S C ASH MARKET n:ccntly. C. \Yooding of Locust street, has week from a three-day tnp l>y IN MEMORIAM e Philadelphia and \\'ash- just returned from a fi~hing trip to niotnr to JOH NSON-In lo,·ing m~mory of CHOICE MEATS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ington. ::\fr~. J. Feick of Farmcn's Flow- Canada. Helen L. Johnson \\ ho entered 'nto FRESH KILLED FOWL ...... 38c lb. cr Shoppe, j, spending her vacation rest July 2">, l!l:!.i. at her cottage:' at Grand \'icw ::\frs. :\. \V. Francis of Rivcnide ).fr. and lfrs. Hadlock oi Glen- Sad was the call for o ur dear OJ•l', dale park, are recovering from the BROILERS, 2 lb. Average ...... 40c lb. Beach. street. has been called to Chicago lo1·cd by all. effects an accident in which both Potatoes-23c Pk. by rhe illness oi her mother. oi \Ve little thought that on that day ).fr. and :.\frs. H. F. Doell and wac injured sevei"al weeks ago. 694 RIDGEWAY AVE. We Deliver Glen. 1669 Our dear one would ue called a11 ay. family of Dewey avenue, motored ).!iss Beatrice X cum an of Dewey Three years have pa~scd, our heart to Pal'ilion Sunday, avenue. was entertained recently at ,\{ r. and :.\f rs. Hazzard of lf ary- ~till ~ore, a birthday surpri>e. land street, arc on a motor trip As time llics on 11e miss hc.:r mor . Captain Logan oi the Truck S. which includes a stop at Buzzards Her loving face, her gentle milt:'­ Where to go for Hair-Dressing 1as returned from hi; two weeks Henry F. Clement of Driving Bay. \\'e ~eem to mi,, her all th~ '' hilc ,·acation. Park avenue. and daughters Elsie God lo\·ed her too, and though it and Hair-Cutting and Thalia, have just returned The ::\Iisses Grace and Alice :\las- best, Arthur Johnston of Truck 8 is from a fishing trip at Rice Lake. seth ha1·e returned home from a To take her home to be at re>t. A licia Shopp e Special spending two weeks jn )fontreal. ,·acation trip to Bath, :\faint:. Father, ~!other, s:ster and Patronize MON., TUES. WED. lfr. and lirs. Gerald C. Kenny Grandparent•. FOR BOBBE D HAIR :.\fr. Jas. DcVisser and his sister, of \Villis avenue, returned last week .:.\[iss )[addine J. Boyd of Augus­ our ~Irs. S. East of Avis street. accom­ from a week's trip through the New tine street, entertained recently at CORRECTION MARCEL 50c BOBBING 50c panied by :'lfr. Raymond DeVisser a shower and bridge in honor of 1488 Dewey Ave. at Ridgeway England slates. In the last issue, through proof­ and family, of Home Acres. mo­ Advertisers Glen. 4348 ).[iss Lois Boorman. reading error, it was stated t l at tored to \\'atkins Glen Sunday. 1-fiss Grace \\'alton of Dt•wcy Chester 1\. llarul'S had three years' avenue, am\ Cecil Evason of Pull­ .\fr. and !\Irs. I. Jacobson of experience at l'arpentll· wor k. .\f r. and 1f rs. Ed w. F. Kanan and man avenue, arc leaving tomorrow Dewey a ,·enuc. sailed on Thursday whereas the· advcn1scment ~I ould THE WRIGHT BEAUTYSHOP family of Avis ~trcct, have returned on a two weeks' trip to \Vest Palm for En~~;land. They will also visit have read "30 year~· expcril•nct '' 1385 Lake Ave., cor. Clay from Conesus Lake. Beach. Florida, wl1et;e they will be Scotland and Germany. -----L.. MARCELLING SOc married at the home of ).{iss \Val­ "~farriage is a lottery with \'t:'ry Work Done Days a.nd Evenings ~fr. and Mrs, George Bauman ton. After being married, the ~frs. Jay Alexander of :\fagcc few prizes." by Appointment Call Glen. 5699 and family went to Coburg by couple will return to Roche~ter to avenue, is visiting friends in Bing­ "Of course it i>. The be t man hoat yesterday. make their home. hamton, X. Y. nc1·er geb the bride.' Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER GRETA GARBO COMES It · --·-·---·-·-·--·--·-· -·-··-··-·- ·-··-··-· ~ WEDDINGS ~ MORE AND MORE ! THAPE-DARCY . I Riviera Theatre The people in this part of tho city aro fi.nding the ad­ TO RIVIERA IN "THE The m rria-;:e of ~hss Anna :!l.L VllJltage of trading at tllo • 'Convenient Shop for Men and Lake Ave. at Flower City Park Darcy, daughter oi ).{ rs. Ellen Boys.'' DarC\', of Augu~tine street, and Here they :find the same smart selection of furnish· FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 3-4 DIVINE WOMAN" FRI. Theodore Thape, \\as solmen izc.:d ings usually found in much larger stores, llJld. of course, j More tl1an you ever expected from the screen! "Don't be a type!" • the prices are a good bit lower. • That is Greta Garbo'~ advice to Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, by A ~eductivo charmer of men-PaSSion and intrigue followed the \\Oman \\ho \~ants to appear Rev. P. ). Gaffner, of the Holy ! If you have not already acquainted yourself with this : in her wake until-you must see \\ el: go\\ ned all the time. Ro~ary Church. j store, stop in some tinle, whether to bny or just to look • . ~~ i "There is nothing: more deadly The bride \\Me a ro~e beige silk BEAUTIFUL GRETA GARBO than the wearing of the saUle type I You will :find a welcome awaits you. ~ In IIer most Sensational Picture of gown the year around." says lace gown. with a picture hat to l i :\li~~ Garbo, who is uow playing the match, and wore rose buds and stellar role of "The Divine \\'o- gysophila. She was attended by i GALE KELLEY · HTHE DIVINE WOMAN" "t I man," which is being shown as the her cousin, ~1 rs. Illancht• D. Sack· • H57 LAKE AVE.-RIVIERA THEATRE BLDG. I feature attraction of the Riviera SUNDAY ONLY, AUGUST 5th Theatre Friday and Saturday. ctt, who wore peach colored gcor- 1 "THE CONVENIENT SHOP FOR MEN AND BOYS" I CORINNE GRIFFITH "Thcre is no doubt that the gette, with a picture hat to match, I . As n Modern Eve, Will Surprise you in clothes alTt!ct the wearer mentally, and wore pink rose buds with gyso· ' ---·-·-·-·-··-._·-·-.. -·--·-·-··-·-·-·-·-·-·-·--·-··-i and. if you wear the same type the phila. 46THE GARDEN OF EDEN" year around, your mind. as well as your personality, gets into a rut. Chester }. Sackett was best man. ALL KINDS OF MASON WORK "It is true that one sort of beauty Following the ceremony, a break· i~ hc~t o!T,ct bv a certain type of fast wa~ sen·cd to thirty-live gown. Some iJcople wear sports guests, at the bride's home, after GEO.P.FERGUSON,CONTRACTOR clothing bdtcr than any other which a rect·ption tool, place. 139 Maryland St. Glen. 623 models and it is a temptation for (Sole Agent for SNOWCO STUCCO) PETERS them to want to wear such clothing Prenuptial event- were g'l\ en uy all the time hecause it is the most ~[iss ~[ary Di•,ett and ~Irs L'. J, FUNERAL DIRECTOR becoming. But that is bad psycho!- Sackett. ogy! You should be ~ure that each .\iter a trip through the Adiron· J. H. GARNHAM FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND year's wardrobe includes a variety of modcb, feminine e\•ening gown-;, dack~. and t'•e XC\\ England States Quality Fruits and Vegetables at all times PRIVATE FUNERALS MAY BE HELD dainty afternoon frocks, and tail- ~Ir. and Mr,, Thapc \\Ill re,ide at TRY GARNHAM'S MAYONNAISE 59c QT. ored sports model,. ..'0 Clarington ,treet. 1511 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 1451 1 A REAL GOOD MAYONNAISE AT. A REAL GOOD PRICE 823 Dewey Avenue Glen. 3995 THE GARDEN OF EDEN SUTER-LEYDEN Call us for the best in ~I i~s ~f argaret 1f ary Lc~ den. Enjoy the ' 'progTams of the GROCERIES Dear Friend: How would you like to peep daughter of ~fr. and ~[rs. John \\'. BENJ. P. MASSETH, DAIRY air'' as they should be en­ FRUITS and VEGETABLES through a hole. atul sec-The Gar· Leyden, of Do\·e stn•et, anti Frank 127 Maryland Street den of Eden? How would you like X. Sutt:r. Jr., ~on of :\lr. nnd l\lrs. joyed with a Howard A. Stone HIGH GRADE MILK, CREAM and BUTTERMILK to fall asleep and awake to find Frank X. Suter, of Alameda stret•t. GROCER yourself sitting alongside of-Adam 1339 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 534 were married on Tue,day morning, Quality and Service My Motto and E\'c? I low would you like to Phones-Glen. 3537-W-282-5486 doze ofT and enter into a spirited July 17th, at 9 o'clock in the Holy Stromberg­ conversation with-an intelligent Rosary l hurch. FOR RENT devil of a Serpent? Rev. Arthur Hughes, pastor of lfow would you like to see Eve­ the church, performed the cere­ minus her justly famous fig leaf­ BOYS GO SWIMMING Carlson STORE dressed in gorgeous silks and sat­ mony and the mass was celebrated 2 Large Show Windows ins? How would you like to see by Rev. John ~[. Seliing<'r, pastor AND HOW! -Also- Adam-without his beard-arrayed of the St. Charles Borromeo RADIO in summen· white flannels? How Church. ln the sanctuary were would you ·like to see the Serpent TWO OFFICES -without his hiss-all togged out in ~Iichael J. Xolan, Rev. Paul Gaff· BECKWITH BIKE RECEIVER Chiropractor or Osteopaths swallow-tail coat and wing collar? ney and Rc\'. \\'illiam Xaughton. Preferred How would you like to meet The out-oi-town guests included TERMS OR CASH \dam at ~r ontc Carlo? Eve in a James Hananr. of Utica; ~~ rs. H. Parisian night club's chorus? Or Schulz Bldg. the Serpent in Vienna? How would .\. Deane and her daughter. :\!iss Dewey Ave. at Driving Park vou like to hear Adam call Eve Eleanor Deane and Donald Laugh­ BECKWITH'S · and Accessories Call Glen. 300 :.the only woman in the world?' lin .oi Girard\'ille, Pa.; :\f rs. Bert How would you like to attend the Hanaver. oi Utica; :\[rs. ~ouis Han­ 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. Fire House 'ensational wedding at which Eve's fien· temper gets the best of her aver, and :\!iss Florence Hanaver, ~======; better judgment and-but of course oi Syracuse. ' C. L. BENHAM you want to be there and see it :\iter a motor trip through Xew ATWATER KENT RADIO Rochester Gas Painting-Paperhanging alii England, 11r. and 1frs. Suter will " 'ho wouldn't-with beautiful be at home at Xo. 1!l0 Dove street. Best Value-Reasonable Prices Corinne Griffith appearing as Eve Coers Battery and Radio Service & Electric Charles Ray as Adam and Lowell Glen. 4252 27 Pullman Ave. Sherman as the Tempter? Inci· DALLY-MORTIER 1398 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 718 Corporation dentally, Lewis Milestone, the chap who created "Two Arabian ~!iss Syh·ia ~forticr of Parkdale Knights," directed "The Garden of terrace. was married last week to 89 EAST AVE. Eden." Be at the Riviera next MOVED ~[r . Julius Dally of Rochc~tcr. H. F. DOELL TO 834 DEWEY AVE. Sunclay for an eye-filling glimpse MAIN 3960 of "The Garden of Eden I" REFRESHING FOODS FOR SUMMER DAYS EDWARD T. HOWDEN The :\fanager. ERNISSE-BARTRAN WALL PAPER • PAINTS The marr'1ge of ).[iss 2-largaret Potato and Macaroni Salad ...... 20c lb. PAINTING • PAPER HANGING 1500 Tenth Ward Bartran of the Vnique Beauty l'ar· Baked Beans ...... ••...... •. 16c lb. LOUISPASKAL lor on Dewey a\·cnuc, to Franklin Boiled Hams ...... •....•...... •.... 58c lb. Er•>;sse oi Ro.:hcster, took place SPENCER ST. DAIRY Women and Guests Virginia Baked Hams ...... •. 70c lb. Satnrday at the Ftrst Evangelical Milk, Cream and Buttermilk LEWISTON M. E. C1mrch at 3 o'clock. \ftt·r a wed· Grade· ·A' ' Bottled on Farm VEAL LOAF-SAUSAGE OF ALL KINDS (Continued from page 1) dins trip of two weeks to :\ew Glen. 409-1238-568-R BUILDING SOON York City ~[r. and ~[r,. Ernisse 1056 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 35 Delivery Service lOc Per Order t and 5. 1st, ball. I red Bauer; Znd will live at 12:> Jackson ,trcct. TO BE STARTED ball, Allen Knauer; 3rd, q-arters Abso-Pure Ice Plan~ ior the new $1;,0,000 ~truc­ Pegg} Lindquist. PLAYGROUND CHILDREN Our ice is made of Hemlock ture of the Lewiston Avenue .M. E. ~lonkcy race-Boys ll, 7 and S water, tllorou!;:hly filtered and HAVE ANNUAL PICNIC GUARANTEED KEGS fl·ozen under u1ost sanitary con­ ( hurch are practically l'Ompletcd 1st, bow and arrow. Bobby Du­ Thirty children in rharge of ~riss WHITE OAK-SAP CLEAR ditions llJld is ABSOLUTELY am! \\ill soon be in the hand~ oi Rocher; :!nd, handkt.'rchieis, Jim (Plain and Charred) PURE. contractors for e~timates accortreet playground at the annua', Expert advice to prepare your keg B. Dryer, architects. lt i5 cxpectt.:d and "· tst, g-ame . .:\lildred )Joll; playg-round picnic this wrrk :~t Start right to obtain best results that construction \\ ork will be :.!nd, lunch ho:x. :\f ary La \·igne; 3rd, Charlotte. Tlwrc was abo inf at- ~tarted this fall. handkcrchil'fs. lfekn (;odz. tendance a group of children rom The side of the new church is on Crab ract: !loy~ !), 10 and ll. Playground ~o. 7 under the dircc­ Lyell Products Go. Dewey avenue between Chrbtian lst, hasl'i> Girl' 1~. 13. 11 and Evening Events ed adjacent to the church will iacc 15-ht. ,tationcry, l\f arjorie Du- Thread ·em and dress 'em -Cou- THOSE PEOPLE on Christian street. Rochcr; 2nd, talcum powder, ~Iary pies. Ladie-. towel, ).Irs. :\Iary SCHULZ BROS. that would like to have .\s the result oi a drive conduct- Elizabeth Eedden; :Jrd, periume, Gould. ~[en's, 1 year subscription 355 Driving Park, Cor. Dewey Ave. brand new, modern plumb- cd in ~[ay, the Lewiston avenue ~fartha Jardine. to the ).fonroe Republican paper, ing equipment in the home church has available a fund oi $.37,­ \Vaterrnclon race-Boys !l. 10 and Clifford X. Gould. but are waiting· until you 000 pledged to get the building un· 11-lst. ball club. Robert Hudson Barrel tilting contest-~fen. 1st, feel that you can spare the dcrway. The church which has :lnd, handkerchiefs. Alfred Honan: and lotion. Clifford money? been established on or near Lewis­ :!rd. baseball, Elmer Sidell. Gould; 2nd, iunncl (automobile) De VISSER BROS. H ere's something that will ton avenue for the past li year, Egg and spoon race-Girls 9, 10 \Yilliam Bertsch. HARDWARE MERCHANTS interest you. You can have has at present a congregation oi and t 1. hi, toilet water. Kathryn Xosey race-Couples, ladks. tst. the equipment put in right appro=--imately 350, according to Sheridan; ~?nd. correspondence towel, Clara Bower; 2nd, 1 yt!ar away and pay for it in con- Re\·. James S. Fleming, pastor. For cards, :\[ arcclla Bauman; :lrd, hand- subscription to the ~Ion roe Repuh· A Good Place to Buy- venient monthly instalments. the time being the congregation kerchief,;, l'hvllis Sheridan. . lican paper, .Mrs. ~[ary Goetz. CAMP STOVES, VACUUM JUGS AND BOTTLES NO INTEREST OR meeb in the building at the corner l'it• race-Boy, 1:!, 13. 14 and 15. Bean drop-Ladies. ht, box face FINANCING CHARGES Call or Phone of Dewev and Lewiston avenues. 1st. Evcrsharp, ~[aynard Krimble; powder, ~Irs. }[. Content; 2nd, WATERLESS COOKERS Re\·. Fleming, who left ~Ionday ~nd, handkcrchcfs, Howard Amo; aluminum muffin pan, ).frs. :Mary DUCO AND DUPONT PAINT WalterV.Mack for a month'; \'acation, abo arl­ 3rd, baseball, \\'ilired Garripee. Beicrschmitt. nounced that the ground-breaking Doughnut race-Girls 1:?, 13. H Klondike gold ru>h-E\·erybody. Dewey Ave., Cor. Flower City Park 807-809 DEWEY AVE. ceremonies would take place early and 15. 1st. ~tationery, Adelaide One half dozen water glasses, Mrs. Glen. 3907 I • '------..:: 1in September. Shannon; 2nd, lingerie cla a d~ a revolving door." "The Chain-store is today, as portion to approach jO per cent oi Glen. 623. TIME! 110and on the part oi those '' ho fee' It's th~· truth. \\'e are it' ~uch a 'Barron's \\'eekh-' recentlv admit- the total. ~[oreO\'Cr, the Federal WHEN THE STRAP WATCH 1 the rapid growth of chain-~torr:-s FOR REXT-Xcwly iurnishcd hurry that ha 'f of the time '' c ted. an 'is~ue.' ~ 'menace.~ against Rcscr\'e Board statiticians find that IS INDISPENSABLE threatens them. that puhhc author­ apartment. Pri\'ate bath, private don't know \\herr \\C an~ go:n_g Select y ours now from our which retailers and wholesalers arc the sales of 2i grocery chains in­ i·ty should interfere in this struggle entrance, heated. electricity and \V~ would r:~tlllr stub our toes stock of Elgin, Bu.lova, I llinois opposing every effort. In fact, 'th!' cn·ascd 4:11 per cent. between 1919 and H amilton. <1ctween the t\\'0 sy,;ll'ms. In 1!1:.!7 ga~. Inquire }.frs. ] . A. ~[eskill. than tak~ the tim, necessary A chain-store now seems destined to and l!l:!i. Thi~ gro\\ th docs not Know us by tho ~ , !tempts were mack in eightCl'n ~l!l Lexington avenue. Gen. 53;'11-R. pick up our feet, W W atches Wo Sell go through agitation and legislative merely afTt•ct indiyidual retail store­ tates to bring about enactment of \\'l• dodgt· through tra01c in tlw intcrfl.'rence just as the agencies of keepers, hut also. and this is £re­ l1aws opposed to chain·ston•s. • Sev­ "Buyers of cars are more par­ middle of a hlnck rather than spcnrl production went through several quently overlooked, the whole­ J. 0. LEDLIE eral state lt>gislaturcs have adopted ticular nowadays than they used to thirty scc<•nds in reaching a !'trert years ago,' according to E. salers. Mr. Ulm admits the volume 10TH WARD JEWELER C. such statutes, some of them being he, arc they not?" we asked. crossing. \\'c go from Chicago to Sams. president of the C. Penny of goods handkd by wholesale gro­ 842 DEWEY AVE. J. df quite far-reaching intent. ~fr. "Oh. yes!" responded the dealer. San Francisco and \vritl· hack Closed Wed P. M July and Au11. Co .. one of the largest of chain- cers to have fallen off more than Olm points, in this regard, to the "\\'bile they used to ask all sorts boa~ting that we made the trip in store corporations in the country. :.!0 Pl'r cent bet ween Hl19 and 1927. case now pending in the U. S. Su­ of que. It is. nwreo\·er desirable they the U. S. Senate during the last sleep fast-and die fast. Hll!l. should do so. and ;he ,·arious state~ weeks of the recent ses~ion of the La\\)'er: "You ~ay you pa"cd \\'hat'> the hl'rry) There arc ~tili LOWERS as well as municipalities should aid Economic Position Undermined. present Congrc,s pas,ed a rc,olu­ thi, truck as you neared the vil­ :wenty-four hours in the day C\ en with daylight q\'lng. A ibilities ti~n calling ior an lnvc,tigation by lage? Did you notice anything their ~trugg!e for existence. The of incliYicluab to found, conduct. or t the Federal Trade C'ommi,,ion of peculiar about it? .. line is the , a' that of assisting in developing a "wh n some feller comin' along m York City, 69 per cent in lfcmphis 1 pay envelope the ultimate economic t ho,c menaced mthl not expect system designed to still funher con­ an auto picked IIH' up. Then I'll b~> WM. H. JACKSON 60 per cent in Philadelphia. ami 60 goal for which they may strive. t(leir salvation will come irom that centrate owner::.hip and increasenteE owners oi capital and ").!uc h? Gad, it hustcd th 2------""' ceries bought for home consump- and rural communitie- for :he large hope. Both retailers and "hole- their managers. gallon jug I d tottd three mile ." AUGU Furniture of Quality and Beauty Living Room Suites SUN ROOl\1 SUITES Bedroom Suites PRICES START AT $85.00 FOR 4 PIECES LARGE ASSORTMENT AT REALLY LOW PRICES $25.00 and up Many to Select From BREAKFAST SETS Finished and Unfinished $12.9S up Dining Room Suites Now $130.00 was $14:5.00 AN ESPECIALLY GOOD BUY! Others up to $400.00 Was $251.25-Now $190.25 Our Lead er~-P iece J acquard Cut Velour, Taupe and Rose or Blue, Tapestry Reverse Was $110.00 Simmons Bed $5.50 up Sale Price $99.00 SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES AT REDUCED PRICES

- Also- Another suite of 4 'vas $14Lso Now $124.50 ~~!!I!~~~~Eim~~~~~~; ..... RUGS - TABLES - DESKS - MITRRORS ~ .-..::..~~=-,~~..- LAMPS - SMOKERS ON SALE YOUR CHOICE OF MOHAIRS - VELOURS - FRIEZIES SPECIAL MOQUETTES - TAPESTRIES 9x12 WILTON RUG $70 00 RAMIES AND DENIMS Our Best Buy IS .00-was $238.00 WAS $90.00-NOW ...... • Remember Prices Mean Nothing Without Seeing and Comparing! FLANIGAN FURNITURE co., Inc. Open until 9 p. m. DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY AVE. Liberal Credit Plan

' Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENTH WARD COURIER Published Every Other Thursday

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., AUGUST 16, 1928 No.8 LARGE ATTENDANCE AND PERFECT MORE FUN THAN A COUNCIL TAKES IINVESTIGATING UP BOULEY ~RD e oAY FEATURE DEWEY AVE. PICNIC CROSS WORD PUZZLE PAVING MONDAY TOURIST SIGN 1·,1\'0r< point the procL"ssion headed also to avoid the necessity of hold- removal. However, he stated that Flower City park, Glen. 2435-M. mL•rchant's ads. \Vhcn you find the ment pertaining t~ either or hoth toward tht• picnic grounds, cheered ing the second of two public hear- his department would conduct an ones that correspond EXACTLY, of the Advertisers whose telephone hv a large crowd of wistful spec­ James P. Kenny, 133 Maryland ings on the proposal on Labor Day. immediate investigation. write down the names and ad­ numbers compose the correct an­ tators all along Dewt·y avenue. street. which would have been required Merchants of Dewey avenue who dresses of the merchants together swers to TELE-KEE NO Tele­ ,\, \'olpr, shol' rl'pairman, took the under the rules and regulations of contributed toward the fund raised with a short account of their busi­ phone Game Puzzle. first prize in decorated passenger the council proceedings. to finance this and other signs on noon despite the huge demands ness, not to exceed fifty words, a nd Councilman Harry C. Goodwin the street, are much aroused over c~1r competition and Hichards Fruit (Example of a Winning Letter) made upon it. mail or bring it to the TELt:­ had prepared two ordinances for the matter and will press the in­ :>tore was pickrd as the winner of The operator 1s calling (telephone The real feature of the sports KE.E-:\0 EDITOR'S Answer Box, introduction last :\Ionday, one call- vestigation until the mystery is th~.: commercial car prize. The !at­ numbers). If it is a good mild program was the decisive trimming care of The Vicinity Post, 517 Lyell ing for an asphalt and the other solved. That the sign was not only It r ckcioion was a close one, hon­ smoke that you seck (or wish to which George Bauman's Upper avenue. for a concrete pavement, and it is torn from its footings, but also car­ orable mention going to George buy ior the men folks) ask for Fnders pasted onto the Lower End· There arc s numbers in the puzzle expected that the same ordinances ried away, indicates that it may Roger's grocery deli,•ery. BLAKE'S Special. While shopping ers under Lundgard iiack. The ,hown and when properly combined will be formally presented to the possibly be attributed to "spite" around call upon P. A. Peterson, Upper Enders Win. tina! score turned out about 20 to will make the correct two telephone council :Monday. :\fr. Goodwin work, although business men of the corner ~[ain and Fifth and order Throughout the afternoon the There were many brilliant plays numbers >hown and usc each num­ stated that he could see no excuse :.eetion are inclined to discredit this s. some Icc Cream ior Sunday's din­ A ds and the grown-ups enjoyed and just as many not so brilliant to ber only as many times as shown for further delay as against the t?cory. ner. Blake's Smoke Hou~e. phone w .eJr fill of hots, sandwiches, icc keep the crowd, which had gathered in puzzle. recommendations oi Councilmen The sign~. five 111 number, were number is ( ) and P. A. Peter- cn.an • orangeade, lolypops and pea­ an,wers must be in by )fon­ ::\elson A. )[ilnc and Edward P. placed at various sections along the .\11 son's number is ( ). nu•, ~\ large supply was on hand (Continued on page 4) da) night, AuguSt J3th. Flynn. The latter two voted with De\\ ey route leading to the center and Ia ted \\ell through the after· For the best two answers, prizes Councilma~ Foul~es and Peake and oi the city, on July 13th and have Mayor "'llson 111 favor of the' been the subject of controvers). tabling of the ordinances for one Signs Driving Park avenue at TENTH WARDER WINS 1 011 "- eek Iboth Dewey and Lake were taken SONG CONTEST PRIZE Representatives of ~he seminary down by th police a short tim I ! m tc g ~ ··~· r.... O•l lJoit(;r tl•e) \\ere cre...tcd on the ln the contest for original lyrics for the much-discussed delay, a de- grouuds that th y were leading to conducted last week by the Roch­ sire to look into the cost which further congestion at heavy traffic ester Theater, the song "Can't would be involved in the paving, points. However, Commissioner but Mr. Goodwin maintained that Nicr after n personal investigation Get Away from a \Vondcrful Baby this they already knew. A definite of the sign at Dewey and Ridge­ Like You," written by A. E. Mon­ move is on foot, however, to pro- way, decided upon its removal also, teville of 371 Glenwood avenue, 27- Demonstrator Sale duce action on the improvement but promised that no action would ycar-old chief operator of the and it is expected that there will be taken without the knowledge of Postal Telegraph Company, was be no further delay in introducing the busincs~ men who had financed SOME ONLY DRIVEN A FEW MILES chosen yesterday by the judges as the ordinance if Councilman Good- the signs. It is believed that it was the winner of the $50 first prize win carries through his proposed his plan to take down both the and was sung in the theater by FULLY GUARANTEED EASY .TERMS plan. m1ssmg sign and the directing Joseph E. Howard, composer, and Rochester Theater headliner. markers of the Automobile Club of In the contest, to seek out Roch­ SARANACS DEFEAT HARPS Rochester and to erect city signs indicating route numbers. COACHES SEDANS ester talent in writing lyrics con­ The Saranacs defeated the Harps stantly sought for by the show 4 to 3 at Maplewood Park, Sunday, business, more than fifty manu­ with A Comeau forcing in the win- :Mr. and :\Irs. Theodore Ferner LANDAU SEDANS COUPES scripts were submitted. The young­ ning run. of Glendale park, accompanied by est writer enteripg was 12 years ())d Mr. and ),f rs. John Ferner, are at and the oldest 6-l. Out of the song Brantingham Lake. ALSO A BIG REDUCTION ON USED CARS John Haisman of Selye terrace, words considered by the judges AI Page of Augustine street, and AT OUR USED CAR ANNEX 1441 DEWEY AVE. )fonteville's were selected as the Robert Cowan of La May's Drug Mr. and :\[rs. Arthur Cranston best. The song "Laughing Lips," store, returned Saturday from a of Dewey avenue, arc spending two by Ona Atwood of 212 Saratoga fishing trip in Canada. weeks in Boston. street, was chosen as having the most attractive title and given sec­ CUNNINGHAM-JOYCE ond place; and "Dancing Sammy Brown," by Elmer A. )fyers, was MOTOR COR'P. considered of sufficient merit to 706 DEWEY AVE. warrant Mr. Howard's writing music for it. After the first place son~ was chosen, Mr. Howard OPEN wrote a fox trot mt:lody to accom­ pany it. Our Modem Spacious Bauman & Baynes COUPLE CELEBRATE FILLING STATION GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY and Mrs. C. Andes of EVERYTHING TO EAT ~fr. ~. GASOLINES IRidg-eway a\ enue, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sun­ SOCONY REGULAR AND SPECIAL I day, July 2'!nd. Rev. George V. GULF REGULAR AND NO NOX Smoked Calas • • • • • 19c lb. ~Burns conducted mass at the Sacred KENDALL REGULAR AND AIRPLANE Heart Church. Among those pres­ ELDRED AND CITIES SERVICE ent were their children, ).Irs . WEBACO KNOCKLESS BLUE GAS Fresh Hams • • • • • • 27c lb. ).fayme Uhl, Mrs. Josephine La IForce, Dr. John F. Andes of Cleve­ Mtmber R. G. 0. A land, Ohio, and George W. Andes. Fresh Dressed Fowls • • • 32c lb. The mass was followed by a re­ Watch for Form.aJ Opening Announcement ception and dinner at their home. Fancy Golden Bantam Corn 29c doz. The six grandchildren and two great grandchildren presented the couple with gold coins hidden in Home Grown Duchess Apples and bouquets of flowers. Many friends and neighbors called during the day Markham-Homes, Inc. to extend congratulations. Red Astrachan Apples (eating) 59c pk. GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION John O'Donnel of Locust street, 333 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 is visiting the Adirondacks, New GLEN. 5997 1685 DEWEY AVE. York and Atlantic City. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD GOURIER

TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS R . G. 0. A. R. G. 0. A. Mr. and 1lrs. Cornelius ( 'Brien, l\liss Lvut. \ . ~Iason of Albe­ F. R. M ETZINGER, E ditor E. F. DOUDS, Adv. Mgr. Mi:.s Jenme McCarthy and ~orman marle street, who has been the If Your Brakes Don't Function Right 517 Lyell Avenue O'Bri<'n of Lexington a\·cnt1e, left guest of her brother, Donald \V. Glenwood 2585 on Saturday for a two weeks' tour ~Iason, m Granville, is spending 1 If no An•wcr Call Monr oe 497-M of the Xew England States. The several \\eeks w1th friend, in Tean-~ SEE US \\ill eck, X. J . D own town office, 25 S ou t h W ater St.- Main 5412 party stop O\'er at Albany, Boston and Barr Harbor. :\Ie., re­ And Have T hem Properly Adjusted · Xew:. matter must be in the hands of the editor not later than the turning by the way of ~ew Hamp­ Elwyn D. Van Houten, or Albe­ :M onday preceding date of issue. ,hire and Vermont. marle street, is at Camp Pathfinder, Ask for Operation '' B'' 8 on two-wheel brakes, } in Algonquin park, Ontario, where -• and Operation " B" 12 on four-wheel brakes, :_ DAVII a JUN I PII IH tiNG CO .• 1HC. , ~ 2S SOUTH WAlllt STRlU The ).[argaret :\Iaxine Club will he will remain until the latter part ( ~;P' as per standard flat-rate schedules. ------ht: entertained at the summer home of August. · of Rhcda Wilburt at Shore Acres, QUALITY SHOE REP AIR TIDS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT THE C. WOODING Saturday. Mrs. Lowell W. Shields of Lake FOLLOWING GARAGES AFFILIATED WITH THE E XPERT R E PAmiNG avenue, and her son Druce, have Sa.tisfa.ction Guaranteed MASON CONTRACTOR Mrs. F ralick of Toronto, was the returned from a trip to New York ' 'Where Com'tesy Preva.il.s' ' 27 Years Satisfactory Service MICHAEL SCHI AVO, Prop. guest of 11r. and ).f rs. Charles d ty, P hiladelphia and i\tlant ic Cit)' Rochester Garage Owners Ass' n Custom Shoes Made to Order 58 L OCUST ST. Sayrt:s of Rainier street, on a re­ 825 Dewey Ave. ncar Driving Pk. Glen. 3086-J Claude R. Burris of Albemarle IOTII WARD GARAGE, :\L\RKIIA:II ll l.~lE.S , 1:\ C.. cent visit. 475 Dewey 1\venue J ohn U, :lfarkhnm, l'tesident, street, is on a camping trip tn the I 685 Dewey Ave. RAY DEFENDORF'S G.\lL\GE, ~ I r. \Villiam Cahill of Glendale vicinity of Petersboro, in Ontario 416 kwiston Avenue Gl:ORGE H . liATZ, l.exington at Dewey /1\'enne GLEN. 5674 park, is on a fi,hing trip at Rice HALL'S SALES A::\D SER\'ICE, \\'ISE & I'III J.l.Il'S' GARAGE Lake, Canada. C!audt: E. Van Houtcn of Albc- 1850 Dewey Avenue JS I.e\\iston A\enue ' marie .tre;:et, his sisters, .\frs . .May R \LI'Il DEFE::\DORF, HAROLD ROTIIACG'S GAR \GE 2568 Dc"ey ~venue :\f r.s Eric Huntley Williams and Burris of Albemarle street, and 798 Lake Avenue R. G. 0. A. CROWN SERVICE STATION sons Billie and Jimmie, of Lake­ :.\Irs. F. J. Forster, of Aberdeen R . G. 0 . A. view park, entertained in honor of street, and :\iiss Alice E. Van !lou­ CLAY and DEWEY AVES. Elsa Baur and Dorothy Volney, at ten oi Scranton street, and her mother, Mrs. Catherine Van Hou- the ~agamore recently. L et Us Do Your Dirty Work AUTHORIZED LUBRICATION ten, have returned from a motor A LEM ITE OUR BUSINESS IS IN GREASING Elsie Donahue or Flower City trip through Pennsylvania, "est ALEMITE ING COSTS NO MORE THAN park. is spending two weeks at Virginia, Oh1o and Kentucky. 1 Cars Washed, P olished and G reased Lake Placid Club. ! Cars called for and delivered by Licensed Chauffeur ORDINARY GREASING Mr. Elmer J. Tupper, .on of :\1 r.: Beatrice Shepard and Grace )..for­ and ~~ rs. A. I I. Tupper, has re­ Dewey Ave. Service Station turned aiter two weeks' training at gan of Kislingbnry ~trcet, are DEWEY AT RIDGEWAY GLEN. 4035 H. F. DOELL gue;:sts of Elsie Donahue at Lake ).farine Barracks. Notary Public with Seal Placid. FOR HOT S U MMER D AYS Ray Verney of Bauman & Baynes CHOICE F RESH VEGETABLES 1Ir. and 1frs. Jos. H . Bush and Market, is spending a week at Old ~ Forge. I! QUICK DESSERTS son \Vm. A., of :.\[aryland street, h:we left for their Yacation at the GELATIN, JUNKET, FRESH F RUITS Thousand Islands. \Vhile there, at :Merle Dean of Mason street, and ]. P. Cunningham of Selye terrace, Fine View, X. Y., where they ha\'e COOLING DRINKS have returned from a \'cry enjoy­ rented a cottage for the month of able fishing trip in Canada. GINGER ALE, FRUIT JUICES, ROOT BEER \ugust, they will have as guests, 1056 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 35 ).Ir. and ).frs. \\'. Pritchard and \\'m. Fitsimmons of Kislingburg Delivery Service 10c Per Or der :\[r. and Mro. Wm. H. Stell. street, has returned from a two \\'et:ks' fishing trip in Canada. Mrs. \Villiam Rowe of Knicker- bocker avenue, is spending the Ray \\'ard of Kio lingburg street, When It's Printing , August Sale Still On mouth at Canandaigua Lake. i:> spending two weeks in Canada.

Miss .Mary Rose 1Iurray oi .Master Robert C. N'orri:. of Lewiston avenue, is spending two Ridgeway a\·enuc, is spending hb weeks in Albany and i\ew York vacation with hb cousins in Pal- You Need city. 1myra. ~l!J~ t\mong the Rochesterians who Donald Fish of Ridg~:way avenue, ~ are registertd at The Lycoming lt:aves Saturday for a two wc~:ks Call on The Courier Hotel in \\ illiamsport, Pa., is Frank trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic ).1. Feely of :\Iaplcwood arenue. City . .:\Ir. and :\lrs. John R Powell and :\frs. ]. Lutz and ~on jo~cph their son Ferdinand, of Glendale Stroebel of !'arkdale terrace, arc Name Cards Billheads park, have rdnrned after spending motoring through the Adirondacks Letterheads Programs two weeks at Lake Simcoe, Canada. and Canada. DINING ROOM SUITE $238.00- NOW $180.00 Envelopes Posters ~ :\!iss ;\fary ).fanning of Atlanta. ).! r. and :\Irs. Geo. GREAT REDUCTIONS Ga., is the gue•t for two weeks oi Circulars ) i ON EVERY LINE OF GOODS ).{argaret ).farie Murphy of Flower spent the week-end at Cayuga Lake Luy park. FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME! 3.frs. George Ferguson oi :\[ary.­ :\lr. and :i\lrs. John R Poweli and land street. entlrtaincd a group of 1 Glen. 2585 Let Us their son Ferdinand, of Glendale Seneca Falls folks recently which 517 LYELL AVE. Repair, rebuild or r eupholster your furniture park. have returned aiter spending­ I included Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam An two weeks at Lake Simcoe, Canada Main 5412 25 SO. WATER ST. Estimates given cheerfully drews and Mr. and Mrs. Lester ~ .\ndrcws. ;\[r. and 11rs. Horace F. Atwood • of Seneca park\\ay: have returned :\[iss Bess :\[asseth has returner! MAPLEWOOD Y NEWS Flanigan furniture Co., Inc. hy motor fro•1 Xantucket, where home from Fourth Lake where she DRIVING PARl{ AT DEWEY they \\ere the guests ior two weeks spent several weeks on her vac.l­ FORM DRAMATIC CLUB The tennis single champion, hips Glen. 4611 Open until 9 P . M. of tht:ir daughter, :\irs. James L. tion. were started last Saturday with ~3 Ward, of ~cw York. ::\[is5 Dora TO AID SACRED HEART <.ntrics. The n:sults \\ ere as fol­ Ro'>erts of Bo~ton, who i, lfrs. At­ \\'m. Burns of .-\ugustine street :\1 embers o{ Sacred Heart pargh lows: NEW LINE OF FUR COATS \\'OOrl's si~tcr, rcturnccl with them is on his vacation and prmni~cs to hai'C organized a Dramatic Club for A. Fleig dcf.:atcd E ly u 2 ; 6-1. and is to be their guest for two send his fellow workers at No. 10 the purpose of aiding 111 church \\'ilson ddcatcd Pierce ti-1 · 6-3. At August Sale Prices weeks. fire engine, a barrel of fish from act ivitics through the presentation Raynerts defeat eel !\[ uclllcr' 6-3; Canada. oi plays. The group also expects 6-0. Sanford ddeate

Historic NewspapersTENT HCollection WARD COURIER

PERSONALS De VISSER BROS. Riviera T h e a tre LieuteiUlnt F. A. Gottschalk of .:\[r. an • :; Fred Cook and !\o. ::!0 hose, accompanied by his daug-hter Helen. returned home tht:> HARDWARE MERCHANTS Lake Ave. at Flower City Park famil:>, is ~pendmg t\\O weeks in week a iter a motor trip to Canada. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 17-18 Montreal. Prepare For Winter Now! :.\Irs. Elizabeth 13riars of Mary­ VICTOR McLAG L E N C.tptain Frank A. Ryan of Xo. land street, is lea dng thi:l week for GALVANIZED PIPE-ELBOWS-STOVE PIPE 20 hose, wa~ onc,.oi a party of seven The Hard Boiled Capt. Flagg of • 'Wbat Price Glory" in a month'~ vbtt at Qy,tcr 13ay \\here FURNACE CEMENT-FURNACE BRUSHES Tenth \Vanier~ to :;pend a week :.he will be the guest o£ her daugh­ ... A GIRL IN EVERY PORT" . fbhing at CrO\\ Lake, Ontario. ter, .:\Irs. Edward Dcckser, before FOR CLEANING THAT FURNACE The Picture that Broke Records at the Roxy, New York fhl: ot lll•t· members of the party in­ returning hom~: ,;he will make a If it Hurts You to Laugh, Better not See It cluded \\'m. Fitzpatrick. of Lexing­ brief visit to Cape Cod, X. J. Dewey Ave., Cor. Flower City Park tcln avenue, Thomas E. Ryan of SUNDAY ONLY, AUGUST 19 Gt>odwill street, h~ay \\'ard of Elec­ Mr. Harry Foster oi .Maryland tric avenue, John Fitzpatrick of street, has returned home after a E DMUND LOW E l.~xingtun avenue, George Hinch \\'estern •trip which incluch.:d a J. H. GARNHAM In an Underworld Story of J,lulbt•rry street, and Fredrick week's visit at Delphos, Ohio. Lc \\'alter of Suburba avenue. A Quality Fruits and Vegetables at all times " DRESS E D TO KILL" line catch was reported. The ~Iisses 1-Iaclaline, Bessie and TRY GARNHAM'S MAYONNAISE 5 9 c QT. Georgia 1-IcGill and .\Iiss 1-lor.w A REAL GOOD MAYONNAISE AT A REAL GOOD PRIOE .\lr. and ;\[r;,. Chas. \Vasser of and Frederick ~IcGill of Brooklyn, 823 Dewey A venue Glen. 3995 Lake a\·enut•, arc entertaining were recent gue-b oi ;\[r. and .:\Irs. guests from Iowa. Charles Grover of 30S Glenwood PETERS I avenue. Mrs. Fannie :.\I. Hertzberg and BENJ. P. MASSETH, DAIRY FUNERAL DIRECTOR daughter Ruth, oi Clay a\·enue, are Recent guests at Arrowhead 127 Maryland Street FU~ ERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND I spending 'everal wet·ks at Canan­ Hotel at Fourth Lake in the Adtr­ HIGH GRADE MILK, CREAM and BUTTERMILK daigua Lake. ondacks include Mr. and Mrs Quality and Service My Motto PRIVATE FUNERALS MAY BE HELD Charles \\'. Anderson of Seneca Phones-Glen. 3537-W -282-5486 1511 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 1451 H. \\', ~chulz, accompanied by parkway. hts famil> arc spending two weeks at Brantingham Lake. Robert S. :.\{oil of Clay avenue, Locate Where Business is Thriving tilllllllllllll IIIIIIIUIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ left town Saturday for Bass Lakl'. SCHULZ BUILDING WEDDINGS A. Sherman and L. Schulz, Jr., Canada. He will be the guest of are the' gurots of l I. \\'. Schulz at Franklin H. Dewey at SiiYt'r Birch DEWEY AVE. Cor. DRIVING PARK J. McAVOY-ZWACK 0J .EWELER LEDLE R ==~=~ llrantingham Lake. camp for two weeks. NOW AVAILABLE ---- The marriage of Mi'ss :'1-Iarcclla 2 LARGE OFFICES, 16 ft. by 34 ft. ;\l r. and .;\lr,. Donaghue oi .:\lay­ CIRCULATING LIBRARY~ Zwack, daughter of :\Irs. Frank :'1-Iiss Bessie Kintz of \Vasltington, Suitable for Chiropodist, Chiropractor or Small Business \)' ))" •u. \011 nr Otc l'Hll\('lllt'n~o ot ~ Schwartz. of Flower City park, and flower ::.trect, arc sp~:nding ten days D. C., who was the guest of her OII J' modern c• I"(Uirttitllo., } hi"HI"Y iS C\'i•§ STORE, 16 ft. by 42 ft. AT 834 DEWEY AVE. 'h•nc· ci by n <·oust:tlttly incrt•asing ~ Peter }.fcAvoy, of Flower City at the Thousand Islands. aunt, 1-Irs. Hattie E. Kint;~; of Lake park, took place on Saturday, July avenue, last week, left Saturday for Strictly Commercial Building-Rent Reasonable :.!Sth, at 0 o'clock in Sacred Heart }.lis;; Esther Kingston of Seneca .\Iontreal and Quebec. She was PHONE GLENWOOD 300 ''"""""::,:·~;~; ~';~, Ei_ Church. Rev. George Burn~ per­ parkway, has returned from spend­ accompanied by .\[iss Edith Hains­ Dentist, Optometrist, Beauty Parlor and Electric Baths termed the ceremony. ing a month at Crescent Beach with worth. are located here At 0 11. ~ r \vE l'loutin~ ,\ng111t §§ The bride wore white georgette her family. OPE'-' 1 YF.S. C1I.F.~. t7SG ~ trimmed with lace, with a picture ~Ir. and 1frs. Raymond P. Clark hat to match. She wore a corsag-e 1-lr. and .;\Irs. John Schmanke oi oi Lake avenue, arc entertaining oi bride roses and carried a white Flower City park, and family. and Rochester guests this week at CLEAN-DRY-SOOTLESS-SMOKELESS LOUISPAS KAL prayer-book. The bridesmaid, :.\Iiss .;\[r. and ::\1 rs. Leslie Schmanke re­ Inchcolm Island. in the Thousand SPENCER ST. DAIRY Xan :.\fc:\voy. sister of the bride­ turned .:\{onday from a short stay Islands. during the speed boat races Milk, Cream and Buttermilk l{room, wore pink georgette with a at Buckhorn Lake near Lake,·ille. of the Thousand Islands Yacht picture hat to match and a corsage Ontario, Canada. They report ex­ Club. Famous Reading Anthracite Grade • • A'' Bottled on Farm cellent fishing and exhibited a num­ Glen. 409-4238-568·R oi Ophelia roses. The best man was Harry ~fcXulty. ber of ba~s. trout and muskellonge Kenneth B. ).fcEwen of Seneca Price will advance Sept. 1st. Order Now :.\Ir. and :.\Irs. :.\Ic:hoy left on a to their irienrh. 1parkway, was the winner of the trip to Canada and after August 72-holc r:-olf tournament on board RESH 7th will live at ~o. 138 Flower City A. J. Tucker of Dewey avenue, S. S. Resolute world cruise of 1928. Beckwith Coal Co. ANCY park. returned Saturday irom a week's 271 LYELL AVE. Phones-Glen. 811 - 812 vacation spent in Ontario, Canada .:\fr. and .\Irs. Chas E. Campbell Opp. Fire House RAG RANT and daughter Dorothy, of Lewiston NORRIS-EASTMAN LOWERS :\[r. :111d .\1 r,. Dan tel H. Suter of avenue. left .:\lon are RENNER AND HENRY '\\ eet peas. on their way back to Texas. PLUMBING AND HEATING Our ice is made of Hemlock Charles \\'. Cameron was best ~lr. and l\lrs. Philip Hoffman of water. tltoroughly filtered and Seneca parkway, have returned ROOFING, GUTTERS, FURNACE WORK frozen under 1nost t nitary con­ :tl:ew York. Phila~ Heights. t·ntertained at dinner in GLEN. 592 1312 DEWEY AVE. PURE. ~orris left on a trip to Detwit and delphia .md Atlantic City. tl10nor oi the Rev. and ;\[r,;. Spotts points \\'est. On their return they oi Lancaster, Pa., ~tnd :.\Irs. H. H. will live at 5:?:? Lake avenue. ~!iss .\£ildred Schcihe of Seneca Price of Pittsburgh, Pn., \\if

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER UNUSUAL FEATURES TENTH WARD JEWELER Weird Costumes and ANNOUNCING BOOKEDAT RIVIERA ATTENDS CONVENTION Vehicles Featured Rated as the two be~t dressed \\'m. J aekson, m.,.ner oi Jack­ The New men in pictures, Edmund Lowe and son's Jewelry store on Driving Playground Olympics Ben Bard arc quite appropriately park and Dewey avenues. has just \\•cird co tum(s and "\\ casr in the featured roles in Fox 1 r~turned f~om a fi\'e day com·c?-, \'chicles wcrc th( order of the day Films' "Dressed 1,0 Kill." which KOLSTER RADIO t~o~1 of \\ atch Inspec:ors . held 111 at the Fourth Annual Junior Sports comes to the Ri\'iera Theatre for Clucago. The con.\'Cntlon m~ludcd, )feet held Saturday at ~l.nplcwoo 1 an engagement of one day, Sunday, Priced from one hundred thirty dollars up au ex~ravagant d1splay of JCWcis Park by the city playgrounds. The August 10. and . stlvcr:\'arc, the latest trends youngsters were <>ut in large nun_ "Dressed to Kill," which shows and Ideas tor fall stock. hers and resnlcnts of the ~ection that crookdom of today has a pat­ On D isplay beginning Saturday at the "Costume jewelry will be more and gucsb were trratcd to an aftc~ ent leather finish, was written hy popular than ever before," accord- noon more full o£ fun than that ~ W Irving Cummings, who directed the ing to Mr. Jackson. The variety of joyccl by tht: partkipant~. Cro""n Service Station picture, and \\'illiam Conselman. color, design and materials is un- Playgrounds of the T enth \Va rd The inspiration of the story came surpassed. Among the newest ideas fared rather badly in the results, after the two had been what was shown were moderpistic wrist however, taking only a few places, Dewey cor Clay Aves. Glen. 5674 purported to be a "crook" picture watches, a profusion of colored but presumably were just trying to on the screen. They decided to beads and ornaments and silver be polite hosts and hostesses. T he write and produce a real ultra­ toilet ware which is rapidly re- lists of events which follows fur­ modern story of right up-to-the­ Large Attendance IKENNY REMODELLING placing ivory. nishes a graphic clescription of the minute crookdom and were encour­ Better Ironing \\.hile in Chicago, ~fr. Jackson meet: express cart race for boys, Features Outing LAKE AVE. SHOWROOM aged in their ambition hy Winfield visited many of the leading jewelry roller .skating ratl'S, manufactured Sheehan, Yicc-prcsident of Fox stores including the famous Pea- and home-made scooter races, vel­ In Less Time (Continued irom page 1) Films. Remodelling o th<. showroom of cock's shop. ocipcdc race, hoop race, co,tume The net result is a picture that is You can do quicker and Gerald C. Kenny Furniture Com­ contest and doll contests. claimed the most realistic of mod­ better ironing with the Rain­ ior the game. on edge. There wa" pany at l4i6 Lake a\'enuc will be The Tenth \\'ard \\'omen's Dem­ The youngsters proved to be bow Automatic Ironer than ern crookdom that stage or screen nothing quite so dramatic in the started next week. \\'hen complet- ocratic Club had charge of the versatile athletes and the close by hand or with any other has yet seen. flower booth at the garden party races in the youthful Olympics in­ machine. opinion of all obser\'ers as the thr~e cd the showroom will be nearly :.\Iary Astor plays the leading o£ the ~Ionroe County \\'omen's dicated some previous trammg. The :Finger·Tip Control­ healthy swings that "Bob" Hall feminine role and the supporting double its present size and will Democratic Club held \Vcdnesday, The feature of the program, how­ Bar is conveniently placed took to strike out with the bases cast comprises the pick oi charac­ the entire length of the feed accommodate a larg-er display and August 15, from 3 to 10 P. M., at ever, ended in a decided upset when loaded. Xeedless to say he was the ter actors in Hollywood. ta.ble. A slight pressure of the home atmosphere of the room the home of Judge John D. Lynn, Gladys Goethals of University Field recipient of se,·eral "raspberries." "A Girl in Every Port." The the finger tip anywhere on 14 Lamberton park. :Mrs. Thomas raced Joe Panctte of Playgro und the bar operates the mechan­ Another who received an ample is c..xpectcd to be greatly enhanced name itsel£ should he enough to E. }.foran was chairman of the No. 16 into the dust in tht: roller ism which moves the ironing supply of raspberries was "Bill" by re-decoration. explain this unusual yarn about flower committee assited by Mrs. skating contest, thereby showing shoe to and from the padded 1foore. He and George Rogers de· the first mate of a tramp scooner. · roll. Your hands are always The need for further display W. A. Schied, Mrs. L. D. Lewis ancl the obvious superiority of the la.."t iron­ he munched on the pic, racing aven uc now for five years is rapid­ of the most unique and, at the same ing for you. roped off for the occasion. were guests o£ 1frs. Zina Dennis, spiritedly with the youngsters, and ly taking a place among the leaders time, one of the most thrilling pic­ thus qualified him for the prize for tures of the seas e\'cr screened. of Flower City park, last week, ldt in the Rochester furniture field. llfr. and Mrs. Ralph King of the most pie disposed of on the Yictor lfcLaglen, the Captain Flagg for Sodus Pomt. Selyc terrace, returned home after Rochester Gas outside of his face. of "\Vhat Price Glory," is featured NO. 7 PLAYGROUND a two weeks' stay at Alexandria as "Spike ~fadden," the mate. Sup­ Committees in Charge. Uay, Thousand hlands. CLASSIF IE D ADS Children from '\o. 7 Playground portins him are Robert Armstrong, & Electric FOR RI'1'\'T-Xcwly furni~hed A sports program oi :!0 events participated in the pageant at the pugilist in the stage play of "Is which his ship touches. It takes apartment. Private bath, private wa' run oF. under the direction of Edgerton Park last night, grnng Zat · So'' and eight of the most the audience throu!!h the twisted Corporation entrance, heated, electricity an~ ~.!ck'n Swartz of the Central Y. four dances. the Flower dance, popular, beautiful and talented of streets and the queer cafes haunt­ gas. Inquire Mrs. ]. A. ~lcsk1 ~ 1t C A. ~Ir. Swartz i" a veteran Ballet, Slipper dance and Fairy the younger motion picture act­ ed by the sailors when they go 89 EAST AVENUE 2:!0 Lcx1ngton avenue. Gen. 5351-R. oi many picnics and the efficient dance. ).{iss Dorothy Cashman di­ resses who are featured players. ashore in ports oi call. In each MAIN 3960 manner in which the sports were rected the ~o. 7 children and ~Iiss The story deals with the roman­ port there is a girl w~ose name b FOR REXT-Six room house, run off received many iavorable Catherine Strowgcr was in charge tic adventures of ·a hurh• first mate careiully noted in "S-:>"ke :\lad­ :!0' Lark ,trect. $50 month. Call COMments on the grounds. of all dancing. Other playgrounds in the various parts of the world den's" note book. Glen 610!1-J. MOVED C'o•nmittccs in charge of the out- participating included .Maplewood. TO 834 DEWEY AVE. ii'R' were a~ iollows: George E~tcr, I:rtg rton Park, Tacoma and Brown EDWARD T. HOWDEN general chairman: Tickets. \. J. Square. WALL P APER • PAINTS Tuc ·cr. ehairman; F Rubaclou, ;.1 Ot• I rid., the hop \\ II h.:>ld ~ PAINTING- PAPER HANGI N G Reed, J. 0. l.edlic, \\'. ~[oorc, 11. junirr track 111cet at ~ p. 111. in ty- urability- on Gcne~c<' Bea Value Glen. 471 1' Doell and C. Listman. RcfrL',h­ Val , v Park \\ ith \\'m ments, B. \Vallace, chairman; J. Reynell in chnrgc. When Better ~I ilia rd. F. Brennan, C. L. Eyer, J. Ryan and J. Evans. Sports, F. R. M OSQ UITOES FAIL T O LIVING ROOM FURNITURE Bicycles ~!etzinger, chairman; C. Cramer, B. MAR SA USAGE ROAST THAN ~Iasscth, and J . Schubert. Prize~. Th.: pH'>cnce of man) mosqut oes PIERCE-ARROW E. Raynes, J. ~f. Rose. C. Schaefer, on the spacious lawn of llr. and AND A SAVING OF $40 and WESTFIELD R. Hall and G. Donaghue. Grounds, ~~ rs. Bernard Callan oi Clay ave-J are made J. Schmanke. Transportation, ). nue. failed to mar the pleasure of We will sell them. Renner. Reception. S. R. Joyce, J. a Yery successful sausage roast held Send for catalog. DeVi~ser, S. llatthews, F. Howell, last Thursday eYening. The lawn Eo•11 Terms If Desired H Schulz, ]. Schmanke, R. Sco- was appropriately decorated with a TOWNERBROS. fie d. G. Rogers and ~f. Barry. !number oi lantcrm. 710 University Ave. 9\lO J ay St. Prize Winners. 1 Among~t those \\ ho were active 679 South Ave. 170 Lyell Ave. on the several committees in charge The tug-oi-war resulted in a were Mi~s Clara l[agill, ~!iss ~[ary smashing defeat ior the marriccl IKepman. ~lr. and i\lr~. Albert, the KEEGAN'S SERVICE men. George Bauman and Cy ~Iisses Rosella and ~lary Agnes REPAIRING ON Cramer after mowing down all op- Callan, )fi,, ll an· Ferguson, ~fiss GENERA TORS position finally copped the Barn- Adelaide Magill, ~[iss ~fary Callan, BATTERIES STARTERS yard Golf trophies. ~lat Barry took ll iss ~[ary Hcughs, Miss Rosella 201 LYELL AVE. Glen. 1556 the honors in the Klondyke Gold Kane, Carl and Bernard Callan, Jr. Rush. Other prize winners were \Villiam Renner. George Elsworth, 1lorgan S~nic<' ~tation, Harry Call us for the best in Elmer Schufert, June Henner, Jane Vonglis' Sugar Bowl. GROCERIES Bauman, George Floyd, Joe Volpe, Ester's Market, J. Dold Packing 3-Piece Living Room Suite Similar to Above FRUITS and VEGETABLES E. ~lakin . William ~Ioore, l\fiss P. Co., ]. E . .Millard Drug Co., Geo. Howard A. Stone ~[ontalbano, Mrs. Christi. A. A. Hogers Grocery, Schmanke Boot Formerly $225.00-N ow $185.00 GROCER Tucker, Mrs. R. H. Darling, Elane Shoppc, J. ll. Rose Barber Shop, 1339 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 534 lfoore, Rosemary \Verner, llfatthew Cores Battery ~tation, \\'. :\. ~[oorc Barry, \\'illiam Grienke, Harriett ::\[ilk Co., C. Eyer, Heck Grocery. Davenport $90 Chair $45 Bunny Chair or Wing Chair $50 Spoor. lfargaret Volpe, ~f rs. E. De Vis,er Hard\\'are. ::\[athews Dry COVERED IN HIGH GRADE JACQUARD VELOUR FREIZE CUSIDON TOPS Schubert, ~frs. E. Killeton, .\Irs. Goods, lT. S. Rubber Co., F. \\'. VICTRO L AS Fred Kimmel, Samuel Schiava. \Vil­ llahn Co .. llo\\'ell Bakery, Dewey The quality of this suite cannot be surpassed for less than $275.00 liam Kellett, C. Kramer, G. Bau­ A\'cnu<' Srrdce Station. \\'allacc Our manufacturing and selling direct to consumer makes our low prices possible RADIOS man, ]. B. Ledlier, ~fr. Dellallic, Drug Co., J. Ryan. Helen Bauman. )[arion Kellett, .\. J. Tucker, Hu,::.er and Christie, William Killet, Duke .\faher, Adia Keyes Barber Shop, Donaghue New Victor Records \\ hitc. Charles Blake. "Bud" Barry, Hardware, Renner and Henry, OTHER SUITES FROM $69.50 to $650.00 Richard's Fruit Store, Volpe Shoe OUT EVERY FRIDAY .Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Volpe, Mr. and ~f rs. Ralph Eyer, ~Iiss lL Gar­ Shop, Listman's Market, Goodmore Tire Co., Cramer Drug Co.. Com­ \'in, ~Iiss Knowles and Miss P. An estimate on the cost of Reupholster­ Starting next Monday we are remodel­ Bridge Sets - Greeting Cards ~[ontalbano. munity Grocery Store, Kolb Tog­ gery Shoppe, A. Berger Tailor, \\'. ing, Refinishing your old furniture will ing our store again. Our showroom Donate Prizes. F. Feldman (A. & P. manager), convince you of our lower price for will be twice as large as present. Satis­ Prizes for rhe Dewey avenue Kirby ~farkct, Mack's llarber Shop, August. fied customers make this possible. WM. H. JACKSON business men were donated by the Buettner's Drug Store, Crown following merchants, a list believed Service Station, H. A. Stone Gro­ JEWELER to be comprehensive of the source cery, Schaefer Bros. Market, ~lc­ of the 100 awa rds given : Kenncy and Trumpp Hardware, 325 DRIVING P ARX AVE . Elmo Peters Garage, R. Allen Bt•n Cramer, ]. H. Doell, A. & P. GERALD C. KENNY Restaurant, Fay Brennan Garage, at 10·10 Dcwt•y avenue. "Your medicine helped me won­ I ewiston :Ma rket, C. Harmon Bil­ Bauman and Baynes, Little Gift derfully." wrote a grateful woman liards, :Meyerhoff Bros., Deitch­ Shop, Lotz & Rathke, J. 0. Ledlie FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERING Jewcler, Flanigan Furniture Co., E. :o a patent medicine concern. "A miller and Sellick, E lsworth Elec­ MANUFACTURER OF UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE month ago I was so weak I could tric Co., Luvisi Bros., \\'right and Schubert Gas Station, Shulz Bros., not spank my baby, and now I am Barney, E :.\iildred Belcher, Gil­ La }.fay Drug Co., ~fonroe ~farket, 1476 Lake Avenue Phone Glenwood 1644 able to thrash my husband. Heaven ford Barber Shop, Hall Sales and Rubadon Dry Goods and Haag and bless you !" Service, ~ f arkham-Heimes Garage, Haag. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENTH WARD COURIER Published Every Other Thursday

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., AUGUST 30, 1928 No. 9 LEDLIE CELEBRATES 18th ANNUAL Tr'here to S e11d Have You Tried It? CITY ENGINEER FIRST ANNIVERSARY ~XPOSITION TO Your 1'·/erze·s Two Prizes INVESTIGATING :Mrs. Bertha A. Bush, :J.38 ON DEWEY AVENUE Maryland street, Glenwood 5167. (This is the first of a series of START MONDAY articles on business men of the DEWEY SEWERS ~frs. W. A. Schild, 380 Puli- Tenth \Vard). At the request of this paper, the Rochc:skr's ).!rand ~ptctaclt·, the man aycnue, Glenwood 2214-J. Ledlic, owner and manager Exposition. will 0pen it~ tf-th year ]. 0. City Engineer\ office this week i~ of Ledlil·'s Jewelry store at 842 as a local ithtitution, ~I onday, when ~! rs. \\'illiam H. Stell, 121 conducting an in\'estigation into Dewey avenue, is celebrating his sewer conditions at Dc,wey and it ''Ill bl ior:nally qartnl by city Flower City park, Glen. 2435-~L first anniversary with a big sale. ofticiak fhen ''ill follow stx days Driving park a\'cnues, a point :.\{ r. Led lie takes great pride in <'I exhtbits, champiotbhip contests, James P. Kenny, 133 ~Iaryland where merchants have been experi­ hand concnts. side show, and all street. being the pioneer jeweler in the encing considerable trouble with Dewey and Driving park com­ each rainfall. the \'ariou, L ,·cnts common to Roche,.tcr'> pride. munity, In choosin~ this location That the present stoma sewer is DEATH OF PETER COOK on Dewey avenue at Driving park an old one was established by a \- u~ual the l~xpo,ition will take SHOCK TO HIS FRIENDS 3\'enue, he did so feeling that he glance at the records in the City pl<.~ce: on the iront doorstep of the \\aS filling a need for a first class Hall. The present pipes, 20 inches T,nth \\'ard inside the gatd of The trag c death of Pc:.u look jewelry store. ~fr. Ledlie was ior in diameter. were laid in l!:i'-7, ac­ Edg:erton Park. \Vith tht· affair so oi 4 Broezel street, this week, came Ta\e dO\\ the numbers that ap- 11 For the best two answers, prizes 10 years manager of one of Roch­ cording to the records~ and arc at a clo,c to home it is probable that a:; a shock to his many iricnd, in the Tenth \Yard. ~lr. Cook was pear in the puzzle. Then look equivalent to one dollar each will be ester's largest jewelry stores, and depth of approximatdy SC\'cn and fe" Tenth \\'arcler~ will fail to take paid. Prize i5 not paid for the cor­ originally opened his own store on one-quarter feet. The sewer is ad' an• .. ge of the pe>ssibility of s~:e­ fatally injured in an automobile ac- 1hrough the ad\'Crtisements and rect telephone numbers alone, but the opposite side of Dewey a\'enuc ,hown on the engineer's charts as ll!g the ,.how, \\ hich has oiten btt:tl cident on Lewiston avenue. c0mpare the numbers you ha\'e is based upon the letter sent in, at !\o. 817. Fire in the building in being joined with others at the rcicrred to a, the stage on which He was well-known in this sec- with the telephone numbers in the containing an appropriate state­ ) anuary compelled him to move to corner and thus running south to t ion and his friends and neighbor~ the prog-n:ss oi the modnn machin­ llll'rchant's ads. \\'hen you find the ment pertaining to rithcr or both have only praise for him. He lea vcs new quarters in the newly finished the trunk line on Lexington avenue. uy oi husines~ is n:Acctcd from of the Advertisers whose telephone Schulz Building. besides his widow, a family of five ones that correspond EXACTLY. Business places at the corner of year to year. numbers compose the correct an­ children. write clown the names and ad- Incrc·asing business in the new Driving park and Dewey avenues 1\.c~idcnt s front many miles dresses of the merchants together swers to TELE-KEE NO Tele­ location has compelled ).fr. Ledlie ha\'e been experiencing consider­ around and visitors frotll consider- Otht·r famous visitors will make with a short account of their busi­ phone Game Puzzle. to install additional fixtures and re­ able difficulty with water in their able distance ,,·ill be numbered their appearance during the course nl'ss, not to exceed fifty words, and arrange the interior of the store. cellars at each rainfall and have au·ong- the thou,;ands of humans of the exhibition. mail or bring it to the TELE­ \, a convel)ience to the community been forced to install pumps with t'1.1t will crowd their w:ty into the Tenth \\'arders will have promi­ KEE-XO EDITOR'S Answer Box. ~~ r. Led lie has installed a modern which to force the water from cel­ park durin~ the we~:k. There will nent places on social events on the Winners of Last Contest t·are of Tenth \\'ard Courier, 517 Circulating Library where all the lar bottoms. The fact that the Lc attractiClth for cnryon~-frorn Exposition program and are tak- The. 'wo ·e:lephont n n Hr tl· latest fiction may he borrowed at sewer is considerably higher than :hc hor,e-how where the "ell-to-do ing acti,·e interest in the various Lyell avenue. operator is calling arc: Glen 4756 all times. the floors of the ccll;;~rs is believed may ne in ia,hion·~ latest. to the tenb which will be run by various There areS numbers in the puzzle (J. 0. Ledlie, the jeweler) and Glen. ).f r. Led lie states that he has great to be the cause of the miniature midway ''here the less fortunate women·~ organizations. Frank shown and when properly combined 11.>0 (Hetzler Bros. Icc Co.) confidence in the iuture oi the floods and it is expected that the may -pend their nacklc' and dime'. Xi\'Ctl ' : Seneca parkway. will be \\ill make the correct two telephone \\'hen ) ou arc about to buy a Dewey a\ cnuc business section. recommendation of the city en­ a ovunor \!ired E. Smith. prcsi- the CCI t r (.: interest for many. mam~Jcrs shown. Use each num­ diamond, see J. 0. Ledlie, the dia­ which he find~ has shown tremen- ginecrs will be for a ne\\ -ewer at ~ttial nominee of the Dc.:'nocratic ~{ r. Xi\'en is entered in the State bcr only :ts many times as ,hown mond ~pccialtst, he is sure to please dons growth in the past few years. a lower level. in puzzle. Party. '' il: make hi~ annual appear- Horse Sh0e Pitching championship you. Also he carries a variety of ,mre otr Thursday. which is always and will endeavor to retain the title All answers mmt bc in by Tues­ ~reeting cards. cle,ig'1aH.d a, Governor's Day. ''on a ) ear ago. day night. September 4th. Sen·ice that is pleasing is found by all '' ho patronize Hetzler Bros. ORDINANCES FOR IMPROVEMENT Icc Co. Their icc is made of Hem­ lock \\ater. thoroughly filtered and frozen under mC'qt anitary cond; OF LAKE AVENUE INTRODUCED tions and is absolul<'ly pure, which X cw ordinan ccs for the impro\'e­ $21,4.!10; Bl'rnard's Seminary, means a whole lot to most people. mcnt of Lake avenue providing ne\\ St. Lucille Vosburgh, distirbution of the cost between the ~36,000, and Holy Sepulchre Ceme­ tery, $100,000. 28.> Summit Gro\'l' Pk. city-at-large and abutting property owners, brought to an end the con­ Through this apportionment the city would pay approximate!)' 31 I find the. numbers are. those of t rovcrsy over the matter at the Council meeting },fonday night and per cent of the cost, a proposal J. 0. Lcdlie of i42 Dewey avenue, characterized by City }.fanagcr initiated action on the much-needed Glen . .J786, and lietzlcr Bros, Icc Stephen B. Story as the most liberal pavement. The ordinances, which Co., SOl Driving park avenue, Glen. under consideration at any time to take in the section between the 1130. south extreme of the St. Bernard relieve the organizations owning These arc J,()th good firms. I Seminary and the B. R. & P. Rail­ property on the boulevard from the have several articles purchased heavy pavement tax and to giYe the way, are expected to be followed from ~{r. Ledlie. They have proven city a much-needed improvement. shortly by others that 'viii enable very satisfactor~· and I foUJlfl his The new method of distribution the city to re-construct the boule­ service very adequate. o£ cost. as explained by llr. Story, vard to Ui! lake. The Hetzler Ice Co. .bas 1uauy which was incorporated in the or­ CLEARANCE SALE llascd on the engineers' estimates patron; i11 this \Vard and I caoAOt dinances, following the conference the approximate cost will be $160,- say too much for their splendid ROADSTERS TOURINGS 000 for a concrete pavement and wit>D Bishop Wckey and ~ir. Ih'ycr ser\'ice and superior ice. who represent abutting property $1!:5,000 ior asphalt in addition to a COUPES SEDANS ).farjoric DuRocker, owners with 90 per cent of the cost of $n,ooo for a sewer. Figured 99 Parkd:'\le Terrace. frontage, provides that the city a n.tl FORDS AND CHEVROLETS ON SALE on the basis of an asphalt pavement the cemeteries, both Holy Sepul­ the estimated expenditures involved chre ami Riverside, share equa!ly AT OUR USED CAR ANNEX 1441 DEWEY AVE. would be apportioned as follows: P. T. A. Council Will City, $71,5!1!1; Riverside Cemetety, (Continued on page 4) Conduct Exposition Tent CUNNINGHAM-JOYCE :Mothers who \\ish to attrnd the MOTOR CORP. Rochester Exposition will again 706 DEWEY AVE. have the nursery tent of the Hoch­ ANNOUNCING estcr Central Council of Parents and Teachers at their service. The tent. which has been conduct­ The Formal Opening of ed for the past seven years with great success, will be in charge of ~[ rs. Benjamin Thompson. chair­ man of the State Congrcs~ at Fairs, Bauman & ·Bayne a->istcd by ~[rs. Frank Lowe. arkham-Humes, Inc. This year trained nurses will be on hand, throug-h the courtesy of EVERYTHING TO EAT Dr. Charles Tracy of the Lake Ave­ GARAGE nue Hospital. ~lilk will be donated AND by Louis Pac;kall of the Paskall Swift Premium Ham (Whole or Half, Dairy, and the kiddie coops by the Trimble Kiddie Coop Company. SERVICE STATION 10-12 lb. Avg.) • • • • • • 30c lb. TENTH WARD BALL 10 GASOLINE PUMPS (31/2 lb. Avg.) PLAYERS IN ACTION WRECKED CARS REPAIRED Fresh Dressed Fowl 32c lb. On Sunday afternoon the Cres­ -{ SEIBERLING and DIAMOND TIRES cent Beach baseball team defeated the Bcaeh Avenue team at Island Legs of Spring Lamb . . 38c lb. Mtmbtr R. G. 0. A. Cottage with a score of 6-0. Many Tenth \\'arders playing on the t~vo WATCH WINDOWS FOR OTHER teams were \\'alter Maher of Sclye EXPERT BRAKE LINING terrace, Edw. Graham of Alameda REPAIRING SPECIALISTS LABOR DAY SPECIALS street, George Bauman of Lake Vie" park. Buster ~fesserschmitt of Selye terrace, Carol Schneider of GLEN. 5997 1685 DEWEY AVE. 333 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 Lake View park and Earl Baynes of Lake View park. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER

TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS R. G. 0. A. R. G. Q. A. Mr. and Mrs Harvey \\'clc er of 1!r. and Mrs. Lundgard Mack of F. R. METZINGER, Editor E. F. DOUDS, Adv. Mgr. ao1 Driving park. entertained IF THE VALVES DON T FUNCTION CORRECTLY Dewey avenue, are spending a iew! DON'T GAMBLE 5li Lyell Avenue friends at dinner on Friday evening, days at Chippewa Bay, Thousand GJ.,nwood 2585 in honor of their cousin, Sister Islands. If no Answer Call Monroe 497-M Antonia of Honolulu, who has been SEE US! visiti»g relati\·es in Rochester and Down town office, 25 South Water St.-Main 5412 :\[r. and ;\[rs. Stuart Rogers oi' Jersey City. Ask for.operation V-1, of the standard ftat ra·p ) Sdye terrace, arc motoring to schedule which iS as follows: Xews matter mu~t be in the hands of the editor not later than the \Va ertown to visit his parents for V-1-Grind valves, clean carbon, tune engine. In ~[onday preceding date of issue. • ;\[ r. ami ;\[ r,. Herbert A. John­ a fortnight. eludes: Refacing- valves and seats, clean and adjust I ston of the Johnston Kleen breaker points and spark plugs, vacunm tank uud ) carburetor screens, a•just tappets, and fan belt, and DI.VII 6 Jtr.NI PtiHtiHG eo.• INC. {!::~ U 50UTH WATU STIIttT Bakaie•• are at their summer home, The :\Iisses Elsie and Thalia (check timine-. Uirch Lodge, on Loon Lake in the Clement oi Driving park avenue, Kawaitha Lake district, Ontario, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs THIS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT THE Canada, where they will fish for Howard '\'illiam~ of i\felrosc !\treet, FOLLOWING GARAGES AFFILIATED WITH THE H. F. DOELL salmon and bass in an effort to at a house party to ue given at their break last year's record. They will cottage at Long Point, Conesus Meats Groceries Fruits Vegetables return to Rochester next week. Lake, over Labor Day. Rochester Garage Owners Ass' n lOTH WARD GARAGF., :1!.\HKHA:II lll...\IhS, 11\'c'!: ~lr. and ~1rs. Frank J. Buchlman ~fr. and 1Irs. Claude Burnett of 475 Dewey Avenue John D. ~larkh:un, l'rcsodent, DELIVERY SERVICE 10c PER ORDER loSS Dewey ,\ve. nf 17li Pittsford street, are on an Lake avenue, l\lr. and ~lrs. \Veller RA V DEFE~DORF'S (;.\I: AGE, 416 Lewiston Avenue GEORGE 11. Hi\TZ, QUALITY GOODS AT LOWER PRICES extended motor trip. They will Potter of Lexington an•nue, and Lexington at Dc\\cy Avenne dsit th'C ".\mateur Cinema League" ~fr. Henry F. Clement of Driving HALL'S SALES A.l\'D SER\'ICE, 1850 Dewey Avenue WISI~ & I'HlT.LIT'S' G.\R.\GE, Member I. G. A. and Triangle Grocers in !:'\cw York City to take up var­ park avenue, will motor to the 35 Le\\iston Avenue ious lHbiness matters for the Thousand Islands, where they wJII RALl'H DEFEXDORF, HAROLD ROTlJ \UG'S G,\RAGF. 2568 Dewey Avenue 798 Ln.ke Avenue 1056 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 35 Flower City Amateur ;\{ovie Club be the guests over Lauor Day, of R. G. 0. A. R. G. 0. A. of Rochester, of which :\fr. Buehl­ Mr. and .Mrs. )os. H. Bush, at thetr man i~ pre~ident. cotta~e at Fine View. QUALITY SHOE REP AIR C. WOODING EXPERT REPAmiNG ;.[i,s Mildred \\'itne)•, young MASON CONTRACTOR The Ann C., speed boat owned Let Us Do Your Dirty Work Satisfaction Guaranteed 11 1by Miss Ann Clark, daughter of c:ocutionist of Pullman avenue, is "Where Courtesy Prevails" OUR .BUSINESS IS IN GREASING 27 Years Satisfactory Service spending two \\ eeks with her MICHAEL scmAvo, Prop. I Raymond Clark, president of the CtLqtom Shoes Made to Order I 58 LOCUST ST. Uark Stck-0 Corporation of 1631 brother~ in Newark, X J. Cars Washed, Polished and Greased 825 Dewey Ave. near Driving Pk. Glen. 3086-J Dewey ayenuc, won first place in Cars called for and delivered by Licensed Chauffeur the Class 3 racr at Alexandria Bay Rc\·. J. S. Flenung and family arc :.ronday. :\Ttss Clark, according to spending the month of .\ugust at I Dewey Ave. Service Station GLEN. 5674 report, also \1 on a tennis tourna­ Brigandinc Beach,__ :\, )., DEWEY AT RIDGEWAY GLEN. 4035 ment at the 'f.housand Island Yacht Notary Public with Seal Cluh. :\[r. Norman \Vitncy of Pullman avenue, and :\I~. B. Shaw of :\cw­ CROWN SERVICE STATION ~Iiss Carrie L. Sheppard of Lan­ ark, N. J., are off on a motor trip siug, ;\1 ichigan, has be<'n \·isiting through J\!cxico and California. When One Says · Furniture CLAY and DEWEY AVES. ~lr. and :\Irs. Arthur S. Bush of Dewey avenue, for the past week. :\[rs. Ross P. ~!iller of Flower You Think Kenny AUTHORIZED ALEMITE LUBRICJ).TION City park, has just returned from .Urs. Abbie II. Bush of Dewey a trip abroad . 1. Honest advertising·. ALEMITE· lNG COSTS NO MORE THAN avenue, left \\'ednrsday to visit her son, ;\[artin R. Bush, of New York \Villiam H. Bush of Lake avenue, w 2. Low overhead (rent, cost of distribution, ORDINARY GREASING City. has been visiting at The Xorthficld etc.) -·-.,._ ...,._._ .. _•. _._._ .• ___ •_ _._.,.__..._..._, ..... _, -· ...,_,..,.._.._ t Hotel in East Northfield, Mass. H 3. Satisfied customers (this is our highest aim). Joseph Hertzberg oi Clay ave­ 4. Manufacturing and selling direct. i nue, is spending ten days at the Mr. and Mrs. Claude S. Smith of! y 5. Quality guaranteed. Thousand hlands, stopping at Chip­ Albemarle street, are motoring to i 6. Lowest cash prices. • pewa Bay• Boston. where they will remain sev­ ? Real Bargain i eral days. • 7. Credit accounts at carrying costs. Thomas ~[acNamara and family A Towner Bros. Service i ! of Finch 'treet, are spending two ).fr. and ~[rs. Oscar B. Spiehlcr \\ eeks in .\lleghany Park. and family of Seneca parkway, and~ Gerald C. Kenny t )[r. and hlrs. C. H. Spichler of J I · John O'Donell of Locust street, Cincinnati, Ohio, are spending a Furniture and Upholstering Girl's Bicycle f has been exhibiting a seven pound iew weeks lilt the Thousand Islands I fish which he caught in Rice Lake, Country Club Alexandria Bay, New 1476 LAKE AVE., Opp. Ridgeway j Canada. York. Glen. 1644 ~{ Blue and White-Well Equipped } ·· ! --.- .• ~ Almost New ~ i \\'altl!r \Veav..:r of Truck 8, ac- ).frs. Arabella ~aylor of Locust (01llpanicd by his family, is spend- street. returned this week from Library Sets New Excellent Condition ! REPUBLICANS PLACE i ing two weeks in ~[ichigan. Scarsdale whac ~he was the guest oi her daughter, )frs. Larned Green. Record; Change Made t :.rr. and ~Irs. John Cocrs are SAUNDERS ON SLATE Call Monroe 497-W or Glen. 2585 cr li! \\as co•t•pletrd with 'pending several days at Pleasant Timothy ]. Sullivan of Buffalo, is Public L•brary has set a new rev th ~~lecti n oi Richard L. Saun­ BREWER'S DRY GOODS Point Club on Lake Ontario. NEW SHIPMENT SEPTEMBER 1st 'isiting his parents, Mr. and ;\Irs. ord for books loa'ned on vacation drrs as asscmbl) m n for the l•ourth T. J. Sullivan of Dewey avenue. prh ileges; 10,173 books have been Di~trict ~fr. SaUt.der~ is a lawyer CHILDREN•s SCHOOL DRESSES :.Hss Emma Stehe, Miss Anna taken out this month and August and I \'es at , 4 Sd) r terrace. H Tro). :Miss ~lonica Robbins and BOYS' SUITS and SCHOOL CLOTHING ~ Mr. Raymond Verney of Bauman ts considered a slack month. The wa' rrcommrnded for the place by 1 her brother, George Robbins, have 13-15 PULLMAN AVE. GLEN. 1723 I' at•d 'Bayne,, and Mr~ Verney, have .n erage month for the entire year I Cl ar'e~ E. Bost\\ irk, leader of t c returned from a motor trip to Lake 1 ~======~ I ju t returned from Old Forge. •s 12,0ll0. One hundrett e'ghtJ -one Tenth \\'ard, al!d ht~ de tgn'ltion Placid, Lake Champlain, :Montreal p~crsons have taken advantage of followed a ~eric, of confe.-cnccs J. H. GARNHAM Mrs. Stuart Rogers of Selye ter­ and Quebec. ummcr privileges which enables that Harry J. llarth.arn, county

Quality Fruits a nd Vegetables at all times race, entertained at luncheon last adults to take out ten books and chairman, had \\ith \\arc! and tO\\ 11 TRY GARNHAM'S MAYONNAISE 59c QT. week in honor of :.riss Helen Scott Dr. and :\frs. Ra) t'!Ond F.. I:lliott t hildren five. This offer is open leader< in the Fourth \•scmbh D••- A REAL GOOD MAYONNAISE AT A REAL GOOD PRICE \\ ho ha~ rectntly returned irom of St Paul boulevard, and Mr. and until October first. but does not in- trict. - three years in Inrlia and Egypt. )fr;. George C. Lennox of Parkdalt 823 Dewey A venue Glen, 3995 c udc 14-day books. :.rr. Saul'ders has been ;lracticing terrace, have motored to :.rontrcal :.rarjoric Burnett, head librarian, law in Rochester for bout\!.) Years. ~fr. and ~frs. George t\. Bauman where they will be guc!'IS at the will return Labor Day from a He ., a graduate of the Rochester allll tamily rtre ~penclmg their vaca­ Hotel \\'incisor for several clays. month's \'acation in Canada. :.Iii- F;ee •\cadcmy and the Uni\'Crstty BENJ. P. MASSETH, DAIRY tion at Crescent Beach and visiting drccl Stearns of Dunkirk is the sue- ot l{ochcstcr. \t one time he was 127 Maryland Street Ililton Beach. :.Irs. Howard Lum of Augustine Cl'ssor to Eunice Gates, former village prc,i

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER

PERSONALS THREE RETURN FROM FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME! Daniel Raymond Dom '1t Riviera Theatre ;:,eneca parkway, who has been in TRIP AROUND COUNTRY Let Us the employment of .Mrs. Lolita ::\[ i,s Elizabetli ( . accom- Repair, rebuild or reupholster your furniture Lake Ave. at Flower City Park Armour ).1itchcll of Chicago, as ~b. panied by her si,ter Kathleen, and manager of her racing stables the FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, SEPT. 1 father Isaac Contaub, returned re­ Estimates given cheerfully past three year,, has beeR promoted cently to the city from a seven to head manager of iamous racing months' tour through the states. REGINALD DENNY stables owned by Sir Edward David The Contaub' left Rochester on in his lates~ speed farce of 1000 laughs Rayne of Surry, England. ).Ir. Flanigan Furniture Co., Inc. January 2~. by the wny of the Donahue will sail on September 1st 44 Southern Stntes. They were snow­ DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY THAT'S MY DADDY'' by S. S. Ledathan. ).[rs. Donahue bound in \Vashington, D. C., for Glen. 4611 Open until 9 P. M. will SJWnd the winter season at her SUNDAY ONLY, SEPT. 2- MATINEE and EVENING hom~ in La Jolla, Calif. three days, but after leaving \\'ash- '------__, ington they had good Wl'ather with the exception of a few cloudbursts JOAN CRAWFORD ).Irs. Tf. H. Price, wife of the in the west. They rcturnrd by the RENNER AND HENRY fomwr pastor of the Dewey Ave­ in the famous ~roadway success ,,·ay of the \\'estern States, stop­ PLUMBING AND HEATING nUl' R<•formcd Church, returned to ping at all points oi interest. They her home in Pittshurgh. \\'hile in ROOFING, GUTTERS, FURNACE WORK "ROSE-MARIE" also took a boat trip from Sl•attlc, RodJc,l<.!r she was entertained by \\'ashington, to Ala,ka. 1\ com­ GLEN. 592 1312 DEWEY AVE. the following ladies: ).frs. Geo. plt.'te camping outfit pro\'ed of little Rodgers, Mrs. J. Holloway, ~frs. E. value to desirable camping con­ 8·•··•···-·-· ...... ~· · --- ·.. ··--·- ·-· ..· -·-····-·-· ...... •··...... t:J i\[arlowe. ~frs. Geo. \\"oods, ).irs. dition, in the we~t. They only S. !{edfield, ).[r,. R. Lusink, :\[rs. PETERS used their outfit :!:l o•1t of 2!5 nights ~ Announcing ; 0. lloch, ~lr>. R. Scanlon. Mrs. E. on the road. Among 'the many f the opening of ! Evans, .M r>. M. Dickenson, ~Irs. R. FUNERAL DIRECTOR snap,hob in their possession arc Ge<•r, ).[ rs.. \. Snyder, Helen Rut­ some of these model camps and FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND chinson and Ruth Christman. I SHOP DEVOT~D ENTIRELY • they appear more like prh·ate 1" PRIVATE FUNERALS MAY BE HELD bungellcb \uith their flowers and . Mr. ami ).[rs. Kelsey ).fartin of 1511 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 1451 I Fulton a \'cnuc, ha vc returned from allractive surroundings. Elizabeth and Kathleen taught at a trip to Chicago and the Central :... SMART School 3::> ior 17 years. ~:.::: A~~iA~~L!~~E~OMEN ~:.::::, ~tatcs. They were the guests of Featuring Silk Hose at $1.00, $1.50, $1.95 All three in the party gained in i\!rs. Martin's sbters, :\[r,. E . D. Hats-$1.95, $5.00, $6.00 Abso-Pure Ice pountl,:, color and knowledge of the FOR RENT i{oberts of Evanston, Ill., and ).Irs. Our icc is made of Hemlock country. J\itcr spendlllg a week UNDERGARMENTS C. A. Bo) les of Oak Park, 111. i 9 1 water, thoroughly .filtered and 2 OFFICES with their :111nt, :.rr,. \\'illiam II. t Cotton, Rayons, Silk in V~:! of Colors, 75c to $3. 5 ~ frozen under most sanitary con­ InqUire H. F. DOELL Stell of Flower City park. they arc ditions and is ABSOLUTELY ).f r. and ).f rs. Fred T. }.[ atthews PURE. occupying thci1 former home at :i l Pleated Skirts, Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, 10G6 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 35 of Flowt•r City park. have returned r Edmonds street. T Scarfs, Novelty Jewelry and Notions from a two weeks' trip to :Montreal anti the Thousand Islands. WARD-WILCOX i ANTIONETTE'S MOVIE CLUB HEAD ! Riveria Theater Building 1465 LAKE AVE. . :\Irs. Allen ":\[. Brewer of South- A very pretty \\edding took place 0 ...... - ...... - ...... [;] l'rn p.1rkway, entertained at lunch­ August !) at the home of Mr. and • GOES TO NEW YORK ,,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllnnmnmnntnnnmnummmnmuunumnnmlmnnulnnununlmununnunnuununmtuunmlllllllllll llll nn nn mmn~ con 2\!onday in honor of the birth­ ~Irs. Hamilton \\'ilcox when their I r: Buc!llman, President of the day of h<'r aunt, :\Irs. Julia Greif' ouly daughtl·r, ~Iarian K, was unit­ P'lower City Amateur Movie Club, Brewer of Lake avenue boulevard. ed in marriage to !\cwton \Villiam left for Xcw York August 26, to \Yard. ~on of ).{r. and }.{rs. \Valtcr ANNIVERSARY SALE confer with the head of the Cinema A. \\'ard of 312 Birr street. j=~=- Our Motto Quality and Service Mrs. Edith \\'right of Lake ave­ League in regard to the club's pro­ Telephone Glen. 1150 nue, returned last week fro:n a The cercmonr was performed he­ sat. Sept. 1st to Sat. Sept. 8th duction, ''Freshman Days'' which is motor trip to the \dirondacks and fore a bank of palms and glatliolia), HETZLER BROS. now being filmed. He will submit by the Rev. Dr. S. S. Davies of .Montreal. SPECIAL VALUES ICE CO., INC. his report to the club at 1ts next Grace ~[. E. ( hurch, assisted by 801 DRIVING PK. AVE. meeting, Thursda)·, September 6, at the Rev. Lewis Hutchinson of the in Mrs. John Wishart of Rand E st. 45 Years the :\[aplewood Y. :\f. C .•-\. Baptist church oi Gouverneur, X. street, returned from a two months' DIAMONDS SILVERWARE All members arc requested to at­ Y. :\Irs. Lew1s Hutchinson, cousin visit to England and Scotland. She WATCHES tend this first iall meeting. Aruong of the bridegroom ,sang, "I Love PENDANTS has as her guest, :\Irs. Robert WRIST WATCHES those to be present arc: Edward You Truly" and ".\t Dawning," BRACELETS Strang of Sterling, Scotland. STRAP WATCHES TOILET SETS ) J. 0. LEDLIE C. \Yeidman, city engineer and Di­ accompanied by ~{ r~. l Icdley B. = JEWELER rector of Police, Curtis \V. Barker. \\ ilcox. Suitable for ---- Recently the club was eleckd a :\Irs. Robert Strang of Sterling, The bride, who was given in mar· Fall Weddings and Debutantes CIRCULATING LIBRARY ~ member of the Chamber of Com­ Scotland, who is visiting her sister­ riage by her father, was attircll in \ tron o( <'011\l'nlCnce School and College Students 1 th~ of~ merce. The office' and g) psophila. Harry \Vard Open Evenings Glen. 4786 = H. Appleton, Publicity ).I~magcr. held at Pitt burgh. While there ( IC\·eland, cou~in oi the ~room, \\as 842 DEWEY A VENUE LOU SPASKAL I they attended the wedding of Gor- best man. The bride's mother wore 1d"n \\'alton, forn crly of AlbelJlarle ~------~ SPENCER ST. DAIRY blue georgcttc with a houlder bou­ CHRISTADELPHIANS qud of pmk ro~c . Thc uride­ Milk, Cream and Buttermilk groom's mother \\ urc orchid lace. Clean -Dry -Sootless -Stnokeless Coal! Grade "A" Bottled on Farm fhc Ladies' Aid of the Dewey Re­ A buff t luncheon was senerl and Glen. 40!1--4238-568·'& BUILD NEW CHURCH form d (. hurch htld a lawn social •he ).lt,se) }.llldred Smith, ).[ildrcd A new ch'trch is being built on l1 t evening on the church lawn. F gcn nd Franre Eynon. fncnd '!.;:a) terrace by the (bristadcl­ There '' cr hots. co !Tee and soft of t.l< bride acted a$ waitresses. moos eailg Anthr cite RESH .phians, a small religious body who drink 111 additic-n to icc en am and A iter a motor trip to Detroit and ANCY are at present holding- their sen·ices cake. Canada thc bridal couple \\ II be at PRICES ADVANCE SEPT. 1st c.1ch Sunday in the Terminal build­ home at G:;:; :Main street, :Kiagara RAG RANT ing. The Christadclphians are not }.! r. and :\I r •. \\'illtam Zimmer of Falls. .N. Y. well known in Rochester. In Eng I'rc-nupt1a: t v~nts included a LQ7/ERS llay av.. nue, arc spending two Beckwith Coal Co. land and in Canada they are much weeks at Bluff Point, Lake Keuka. variety shower by the Towner Class hl'tler known and occupy a recog­ oi Grace :\f. E. Chureh; kitchen 271 LYELL AVE. Phones-Glen. 811 - 812 ROM Tht•y ha Ye as their guest, Elizabeth Opp. Fire House nized place among religious organi· Zimmcrli of Rand street. shower by ).I is> Frances K. Eynon; ARI\!EN'S zation$. In Rochester they number ,-arid\' shower, Mrs. Hedley B. about i.j members and the little \\'ilco-x · kitch~n ~howt.'r ancl din- CHILD IMPROVING . ' . . Driving Park at Dewey building on Kay terrace is the first ner, 1Irs. 1h·nry L. 1 haycr, p1 o A TRUE MALT WITH A TRUE FLAVOR Glen. 1~10 church of this denomination to be La,t reports.. aYailahlc . indicate vision shower, ~[r~. \\'. 1\. \\"ani; • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED e 1lllilt in this city. that the comlit10n of .\I1chacl J. ldinner. theater partv and handk<·r­ ~------Dedication of the new building Burke, Jr., of ~.'i Glendale park. who chief shower by ~lis

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER

~------. ! Markham-Humes , Inc. l.-1------~ ANN0 UNCJN G Now Formally Opened NOW- The New ).farkham-Humc,, Inc., arc hold ing the formal opening of their GUARANTEED FOR LIFE! garage and serncc station at tr.s:; Dewey avcnut·. This new garage KOLSTER RADIO I is fully equipped and capable of fulfilling a ll the needs oi tht• car Goodrich Silvertowns and Priced from one hundred thirty dollars up owner. Radio Tires There a rc ten gasoline pumps and two grease pits, equipped ,,;th an NOW ON DISPLAY Alcmitc Air Pressure Systt·nt of Sold with a guarantee that takes the ) greasing and oiling properly, thl· •• "guess" out of tire buying. •- working parts of the car that nerd { Come in- we will tell you about it. Crovvn Service Station this special attention. As a tillll'· saver they have free ai1· and watl'r Dewey cor Clay Aves. Glen. 5674 connections which may he ust·d AUGUST SALE PRICES CONTINUED without extra cost. Two 1000-watt 30x31f2 Com'd'r $4.95 29x4.40 Com •d 'r S 5.95 Bowser Rood lights providt• "day­ 31x4 Com'd ' r 9.95 30x4.50 Com 'd'r 6.95 light aiter dark" and unifomwd at- 32x4 Com'd 'r 10.45 30x5.25 R adio . . EDWARD T. HOWDEN l tendants render every po~sihlc su,·­ 13.55 "ROSE MARIE" AND ECONOMY PROGRAM 33x4 Radio .. 12.95 31x5.25 Com'd 'r Granite Ware and Aluminum ice. 12.25 33x4% R adio . . 17.75 33x6.00 Com 'd 'r 15.70 WALL PAPER - PAINTS "THAT'S MY DADDY" OUTLINED BY ICE CO. The garage is i ullv equip1>ed and PAINTING - P APE B. HANGING under the direct supervision of The house'···~ ,v ..o e only enough of perish- Empire furnace. 679 SOuth Ave. 170 Lyell Ave. and wa:; initiated into the Black I able food to supply one family meal REPORTER GARBLES Cats Club, an organization of 13 means buying in such small quan- intrepid stunt flyers oi :he \Vest tities that the very highest prices SIX ROOMS - $7,000 Coast. must be paid by the housewife. HALLS-STARTS ROW KEEGAN 'S SERVICE But Cniversal's head rc>ted un- \\hen a good refrigerator is filled CALL GLEN. 2585 F OR INSPECTION ca>tly and they offered Denn'' a with ice it means that a supply oi \\ h< 11 thr reporter through ob- REPAIRING ON J • \'iOtb error wrote in the last ISSue RS contract at a high figure as he goods may be stored away to meet G ENERAT O · 1 f £ in the story on tl•e Dewey 1\\ cnue BATTERIES STARTERS qmck y became one o the mo:.t the demands o the table ior many NIVEN WILL DEFEND Lake Ave. Improvement 201 LYELL AVE. Glen. 1556 popular oi all screen stars. Then· days. In buyin~ in quantity lots Busme'' .\len's picnic that \Vallop- r------''was one clause in this which de- of this nature the prices arc IO\\ est. ing "Bob" Hall had performed the Ordinances Introduced n1cd Denny the right to Jly for Let us folio\\ thi~ p•ofitablc pro- iFl'nominious feat of missing three straight chance, at the ball \\ith HORSE SHOE CROWN economic rt"ason. Life in~urancc gn11n in Hoch(•ster. II(tzler Bros. (Contiuuc title a~ Rochester's champion the heavy investment in Denny pro- of the invalid or the sick room. ' ., " 0 111 R' ' 0 1 • w 10 •ad tl1e rtlnlJ1tl · l>tlt atlt r hor~cshoe pitch<.:r at four successive the ccmct cry f rontagt·. Howard A. Stone ductions. Denny signed but he has It is safe and pure for the milk of lc, '· r e a gr01111 of Upp r Ender expositions. will endeavor to retain GROCER never given up his enthus;asm for the infant or the iced coffee of the c s. P olicy Ju, tificd. 1339 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 634 '\.; t 1 his crown a fifth season at the New fl".1·11 "'. 1 tl It Se e m s ll1a t thc s t n e ou 1onor 'f St d tl J ., graTH mo !cr. L H York state championship tourna-- ·' r. ory sal tert was no qucs- Filming of tbc screen version oi llctzlcr llros. Incc, Inc., has been goes to yn all, erstwhile butcher · 1 L ·n th• e1nplO\' of R a 1 utcnt at Ed"'erton Park, September tJon t tal ake Avenue Boukvard is "Rose Alarie,'' coming Sunda)·, S('rving Rochester people such an l ~ • aum u anc "' Ba•·nes a11d t!1at 1·1 a 5 · t 4, !I and G, in connection with the a through thoroughfare, a nd he felt September 2, fa1uous musical play article as they never have been J • • w JUS a case oi two Halls all 11t'1xcd 11 p Pre eighteenth annual Rochester Expo- that the equal sharin".' oi the co ~ful musical play oi the stage and tell Hetzler Bros. Icc, Inc., voul ers'. fo11ow ~s. were naturally n.o easy Rmat ter to . n~gd. ne1 dsfabttl noent Jnto t 11e S1tuat1on. c sa1d 0~ ~on may select one of the · · . d · anx1ou5ly awa1trn,.. the pcrformauce t1t 1e to oc11 ester 1s 1n 1Cate Y that it ha~ been a I; xed .)! Olic,. fo r should also be the most successful want t h e1r tc.c (1 e 11\'Cre to your . h h f , "'. . the large numl>er of entries already I . . · ·• ". NEW SERV-EL REFRIG­ drama!Sc play oi the year, this Rochester rcsmence at orrce. 01 1 e e t) c 1ea\ er Wclldt r. t\s . the city not to t·x~mpt t•ducalloiL.I I ERATORS in a beautiful studio went to no end of pains and a consequence when Lyn smote the recen·cd by Edgar F. Edw.a~ds, institutions ir-"lm pavement a-~cs < - . air in the direst oi es I - tion picture-goers one of the most "'as. the recipient of many rasp- rom estern • ew or VI 11 ages. self on its public sch~n l propcr:y, SAFE- SANITARY 1hss ::\fac E. LcSchandcr of Kis- bernes much after tl1" fa l1'o d h 1 · 1 lavish screen presentations in sea- ' ' s 1 11 " 1 an t at paroc na schools, as well DEPENDABLE sons. linghury street. and Frank ).!. other fallen idols. The final hlow, Blanchard Remodels as the University of Rochl'stcr. ha rl MON EY-BACK GUARANTEE ::\fore than a milliion people saw Shanahan of Flint, ),fich.. formerly however. came when the reporter paid their shart: oi all the p:lvcment SERV -EL can be purchased "Rose ),[arie" on the stage and fifty of Rochester, were married Tues- got hi~ Halls mixed, hence this cor For Fall Busi·neSS costs in which they art· intcn·stcd. millions have heard the famous day at !J a. 111 ' in lloly Rosary rection. He said that he saw no reason to out of income- on our con­ songs "Indian Love Call" and "Hose Church. Tlw c-eremony was per- Remodeling of the store of disturb this policy with refl'rti1C l ' venient and easy deferred :\laric'' from that stage production. iormcd by tltt• Rc\', Paul Gaffney, WOLF- AAB Blanchard, F lorist, at 48 Lake ave- to St. Bernard's St•minary, alHI the payment plan. Xo other musical plav since "The \\'ho alsn relchrated the nuptial nue, was completed this week at a ordinance therefore pro,·idcs that . ::\ferry \Vidow" or --rhe Chocolate high mass. The marriage of ).fi:;s ~lildn•d cost of approximately $500. The the city pay ten thirty-~ixths of the Ask us about it Soldier" has given to the public at Thl hridt• wore a gown of flesh- .-\ab, daughter of ~f r. ancl Mrs. remodeling is in preparation for the cost of the pavement, as the pro- , . . colorrd chilTon, \\ ith hat to match. Augu,-t .-\ah of :\ah street. to posed pavcm"nt is to be 3G feet 11 arge sue 11 popu 1ar mus1c all(1 1yncs coming fall season when Donald as did this Arthur Hannncrstein and c:trried pale pink roses and Arthur \\'olf, son of ).[I·, Thoma~ Dlanchard, owner of the store. an- wide, and ahuttin~ propuly O\\ners Rochester Gas . lilies of the ,·allt•y, tied with a pink \\'.olf oi Otis ~treet, took plact on Jla'· onlv for the1'r ~hare. or for :'f> presentation. ticipatcs a considcrab'e increase in J • - chiffon how. :.hss Anne Bolger, Tue~day evening, :l,ugusf 14th, at 7 feet. the Rower business. & cou~in of th.: bride, \\as maid of o'clock in Trinity Lutht·ran Church, Electric K I LEY- MALO NEY h'>IIOr. Sl•c was attired in an or- Rev. Henry C. Erbes pcrforml·d the The store has been completely Utilities to P ay. The marriag-e oi ).!iss Stella ).fay chid gown \\ ith hat to match and ceremony. re-decoratc.d 111 a green background In the mattt•r of t'le a ~cssment Corpor.ation ,dth a tQuch oi dark lattice work • r tlte ~laloncy, daughter of ).[r. and ).frs. carricrl yellow roses tied with or- The bridt• whp \\a, given in mar- . . 10 ."UE dames ~faloney, oi Birr street. and chic! chiffon. ~Irs. George J, Drum. riage by her father, wore a gown .\·an~us places to enhance the carries also unusual aspect>, ).[r. Lawrence Henry Kiley, son of ~!r. sbter oi the bridt·groom. was of white taffetta in bouffant st) Ie. sprr~g-hke atmo~phere. The dec- Story pointed out, became it drain., 15 MAIN 3960 1 nd ).[ r<. John Kiley. of Eddy hridc;mlaid. Her gown was of tur- trimmed "ith lace. Her tulle veil oratmg scheme done and the street entire!) and does not 1 w~ll I .;treet, took place on Saturday, · II d 1 II . f . . d patrons of the store \\'Ill be treated bclteh"t tit ab tt' g t O\\ qu01sc > uc, an s tc wore a ye ow 1 was m cap asluon and trrmme . e , u m proper y n- .\ugu,t 11, at !l o'clock at Holy hat trimn•ed with turquoise blue \\'ith orange blos,oms and she car- to a. pl~asant surprrsc when they ers, the city has a~sun ed !l5 per cen• CLASSIFIED ADS Ro,ary Church. The ceremony was \'ch·N. Her bouquet oi yellow ried a .;hower houqct of bride roses step lllsllle the door. of the cost of $-11.000. He •ai-l that pcriorme

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 No. 10 DEWEY SEWER ONLY 50 PER CENT Going Home from a Homecoming Tenth Warders Gain PETITION ASKS EFFICIENT SAY CITY ENGINEERS High K. of C. Offices FOR REPAVING De:-;pi!l' tlw l'al'l that thl' l't•port of city engineers on the con­ In Annual Elections Jition or the storm S(''\'('I'S in the neighborhood of Df'WI'Y and I Three prominent Tenth 'Ward D1·ivin~ Park a\'t'IIIIC points out the fact that the rwcsent systl'm PULLMAN AVE. residents were h~nored by elec­ i .... onl.1 .)() pt•l' t•t•nt t•Jli('i<•nt. t l11•re appear to be practically insm·­ tion to high offices in the Knights A petition for the impr01 cmcut o£ wunHtuble ol1stael••s in tlw way of possible impro\·cment. lli Columbus and another was Pullman a\ cuue, signed L•y ncar!) 100 In the 1 1cinity of liri1 ing l':jrk ancl chosen as alternate delegate to the per ceut of the property 0\\ ners w, s 11 C) th 20 inch 1 ipcs '' hich con­ state com·ention at the annual 1 prc~entcd to the City Council, Sc<>­ -titute the sc\1 <.r "ractirally at .1 st:\Jldstill due to •Orth o l)ri1i•1g Park :ti'Cn\1(; must BUSINESS MEN OF LAKE AVENUE hea \') raius, nnd as a cousrqm·ncc the demand fnr a nc11 pa1cmenl wa~ 1 a~~ the point at I >cw~) and I Jri\'ing almost unanimous. :\'umcrot•s break5 l'ar\ 'clll' s where the trPuhlc has ln the 1•a1 cment ha1 c also he(n tl•e I ccn ft:t 1'1ost ' \C rely, and .Ins has CONSIDER FORMING ASSOCIATION WOMEN'S DEMOCRATIC canst <•i much di~cmnfort to motor­ a ld~ I c ns de ra 'Jiy to th<' problem Tcntatnc plans fvr the formation ists. cn.Hlll 1J) l1t C:r<..c,im• ol man\ nc11· CLUB STARTS SEASON of an a~'oci.lliOI o( businC•5 men iu It 1s cx1 'ctcc: that the street will uilding~ I the c rnt•r in the 1 ast The \\ omlll's Del'locratic Clut oi tl•c ku ncr an) solutJor of the c a rally and judging ly the tnthtbi- I m must \1 a it upon the construe 1 oint comn itt s to start th organ­ ber 6th The meetmg \\as opencu asm sho\\ n and the increase in mem­ t IIC\\ tunnel h neath tins ization unuen\ay. with a song dedicated to presidential Dr. Kettell Honored ' r t. The tunnel must be at a con- It 'eHJ p I at th ll'eeting h ..t b<.r i1 b anticipated mem er< pledgfd to ~tart an !1 C<; to bnng . 1 r gan· .1tiu1 and accord A Iter a short address by \Ir. By American Legion 1 I) i. ~~a agr d t h I l lcs< chain,'' each I remising t Thomas E ~loran, business matt rs the tnmk. \t a s c­ 'I he l~c . Dr.(, 01ge r. 1\:ct cl. r t und m<' ting ntxt ~lunda) n ming were sl:l a~ide al'd the remainder of 1 rtscnl till' Lexington a1C11Ue sewer 10 'oters, outside their own c,rgani­ 402 \ugusune sli (.d, \\as dcr.•r l is at a depth of about 12 feet below t•l which ('\cry merchant of the sec­ l.!tion, who will pledge 10 more. lhc evening was spent playing canis. chaplain of the \mcrican Legion, tht! sln~d levd at I kwcy avenue and tion will bl' indtcd. Two C•Hnmit• On Thursday evening, Septctnht·r Announcement of the next meeting !\l·w York State l>cpartmcnt, at the 1f the lkwey storm sewer is to be l~cs, t•nc to take carl' of the arrange­ 13th, they will hold a card party for will he made at an early date in The closing st's~ion of the tenth annual lowered, the main line into which it ments for the next meeting and an­ both men and women, at the Driv­ Courier. convcn!iory in Schenectady. unptics should L~ dropp~d to a depth otiH r to draw up a tentative list of ing Park avenue club room. ).Irs. Dr. Kettell, a professor in 'Jazar­ ui approximately 25 fcct, according ruks and b)·lall s \1 hich will he pres­ Irene Paskall is chairman, assisted hy GET THE NUMBER cth College, is permanent chaplain to ~r r. Sk111ncr. .AI. (\;er old o~ worn? ~Iost me:1 hJYe cause oi the raJoid growth of the city. lic appeal in the for-m of letters and in the communit) Social occasions, Bertha A. Bush as hostess, a the death of Milne Dedinea They hiked all around the beautiful The return of AI ]olson is the sig- mt:n, who arc devoting their time in Despite the fact that he defeated park.-(Scribe) a cousin. Inasmuch as tht only solution of nal for the release of a number of an effort to form the association, the man who was subsequently the problem can come through the star talking movies at the local thea­ have no desire for credit to them­ crowned champion, Frank R. Niven, Cnuncil, business men of the sec- tcr. ,\fanager \Villiam Belcher has !elvcs. Their only interest is the of Seneca parkway, was forced to tion appealed to Councilman Nelson just returned f rom a trip to New formation of the association and, take second honors in the New York - · ~ J ilne to introduce an ordinance, Yor-k City where he has booked some during the week's time which has State Horseshoe Pitching Champion­ NOW! ut :\!r . ..\Iilne declined to take ac- of the latest in \'ita-phone and ~fov- been allowed bdorc the general gath­ ship at the recent Exposition. Niv­ (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) ering, they arc spending considerable en trimmed Harry G. Forbe~. 21- ycar old youth from Gloversville, You can have your damaged who took the championship, 50 to 43 in the finals. car made new right in the Xi\'C~n. the Rochester star, was forced to pitch a remarkable game neighborhood at the Bauman & Baynes to beat Forbes. Xin•n gained hi<> 50 points l,Jy pitching 4-l ringers, II doub­ SAVE MONEY HERE EVERY DAY le ringers in 78 shoes for a pcrccm- 1aj!e of .56-1. Forbes scored 43 point; and had 41 ringers and 11 double 1 instrs for a percentage of 529. A·l Body &Fender Shop Fresh Cut Hamburg Steak • 19c lb. Xi~·en was tied with A H. Hol­ s:uuer of Glens Falls in games won Upholstering Welding Lean Fresh Hams (Whole or Half) ancl lost but had a pomt ach;•ril.IS'C • 29c lb. of 27 over his ri1·al. Nlv('n was Door Glass Top Work therefore given second place. Points decided all ties in the standings Body and Fender Jams Shoulder Pot Roast Beef • • 29c lb. where ties existed.

time in extending invitations and ar­ CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES Dutchess Apples • • • i29c peck ranging details. Invitations have been prepared and mailed to the various business men Y2lb. White House Coffee 1 and these will be followed by a per­ {FREE- With Every Pound f ... sonal call by members of the organ­ 1683 DEWEY AVE. ization committee. The meeting on ?l[onday will he in the form of a 333 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 ~moker. A light buffet lunch will l1e WALTER C. NELSON, Prop. Glenwood 4229 served. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS l~ol rt hal', of ).lagc e :n enue, F. R . METZINGER, Editor :\lr. and :\1 rs l harles ~a.> er , of E. F. DOUDS, Adv. Mgr. rs SJ• nding se\crc~l da), at Buffalo R:~rmier street, have returned home WHEN YOUR MOTOR LAGS 517 Lye41 Avenue Iand ~ •agara F~ aiter a Yisit to the Canadian ~ational Lacks Its Old Time ''Pep"-Drags on the Hills Glenwood 2585 Exhibitiou. 1 Barr) J. Hall, of Glendale park. Down town office, 25 South Water St.-Main 5412 is on a ten \\ eeks' \'acation from Xorman O'Brien, of Lexiugton a\· DON'T GAMBLE Ho-c Xo. 20. • enuc. i, com·alescent after se,eral Xews mcrt Quiglt!y of Bartlett street, Ask for operation 0-3 of the standard flat ) ami llcnry Potts, ot Bartlett street, .:.\!iss :\lildrcd Stanton, of .\lagee rate schedules, which is as follows· 04VIS a JlfNI PIIINFtNO CO •• INC. {~) U SOUTH WATER STAUT are on a two weeks' vacation in Can­ a,·enuc, and Leonard l'. Zarpcntine, ada. of Emerson street, spent the past two 0-3-grind the valves, tune the engine, in­ weeks as guest of .\lr. Z:lqH:ntinc's ( stall over-size pins and rings, take up main Phone Glenwood 1698 WE DELIVER :.\1 iss Lois Gottschalk, of Kisling­ parents, :.1 r. and ?\Irs. Ernest C. and rod bearings. llmy sll"l'et, a former pupil of Edith Zarpentinc, at their sumrner home at THIS SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT THE Knapp Botsford, has JOined the East­ \\automa Beach. FOLLOWING GARAGES AFFILIATED WITH THE man Theatre Ballet, having signed ROGERS I. G. A. GROCERY a year's contract. ~Irs. Lena .:.\!. Cooke and daugh· ter, .!\Iiss Barbara Littlejohn, of Rochester Garage Owners Ass' n lOTH WARD GARAGE, :.\!iss !\ina Hodge, of Avis street, ~Iaryland street, returned, Sunday, MARKHA~t·IIU~II S, INC 475 Dewey Avenue John D. )farkham, Prestdent, AND has returned from a two weeks' va­ last, from Lake Bluff, where they RAY DEFENDORF'S G.\UAGE, 1685 Dewey ,\ve. cation spent in Sagence, ~Iichigan. were guests of ~Ir. and ).J rs. Han·cr 416 Lewiston Avenue GEORGE H. IIATZ, T.cxicgron at Dewey Avenue Waite, oi Clycl(', N. Y. HALL'S SALES AND SER\'ICE, 1850 Dewey Avenue WISE & PIIILr.IPS' GAHAGE :'llr. and .:.\Irs. Hugh Ferguson, of 35 Lewiston Avrnue ' DELICATESSEN Conrad drive, have returned from R.\LPH DEFEXDORF, HAROLD ROTIIAL"G'S GARAGE .Rochestcrian~ rc:gistere(l at the .:!568 Dewey Avenue 798 Lnke Avenue , h\ o weeks spent in ~Iontreal. Dans\ ille Health Resort o\·er the R. G. 0. A. R. G. 0. A. COLD MEATS SCHOOL weck·encl and Labor Day included :\!iss llclcn Desmond, :'lfiss Ediie r------..J AND SALADS SUPPLIES Dr. and ~frs. Garry :\fount, of Gen- .------~ Howard and Miss Pino, of Chelham e~cc street, ~lr and .!\Irs. Elmer Rob- road, have returned irom Alexandria lin, oi Seneca parkw:~y, and .:.\lr. ancl OPEN EVERYDAY TEALL'S ICE CREAM Ba.> and ha,·e resumed their positions ).frs. \\'alter J R(•dtlcn, oi Colling­ SPECIALS From 8 A. M. to 11 P.M. PINT BRICKS 25c at School Xo. 7. wood dri,e. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS :\!r. and .:.\Irs. Herbert Johnson, of :\[r,. Frederick Lehman, of Bid- BICYCLE TIRES $1.49 l.apharn street, have returned from well terrace, entertained at dinner FOOTBALLS $1.00 their summer horne at Loon Lake, recently in honor of ..\Irs. Xcwdl During These High Meat Prices Canada. La\·cly and her children, of Detroit. BALL BEARING ROLLER SKATES $1.29 :\Jich. The out-of-town guests in· :'II t'. Daniel Folc.> and family, of eluded .\[rs. \\'illiam Lehmann, .:.\Irs. Lapham street, arc spending their Ernst \\'hitncy and her children ancl BECKWITH'S OUR QUALITY vacation :It S:~r;mac Lake. ).Irs. Da,·id Stedman and her chi I- 271 LYELL AVE. Opp. Fire House dren. :.\fr. G ]. \\'agg has purchased Will Remain The Same i our new farms in Ontario county. Robert ]. Callaghan, of Clay ave­ nue, Thomas Lynch, Jr., of ~tagce' MALT AND HOPS :\[aster Richard Karl \·oltz re­ an~nuc, and Hl·nry Zimmerman, of ALL BRANDS OF MALT (Plain and hop flavored) turned to his home in llutTalo, Tues­ X orthcm parkway, are guesb of day, SeJJt. 4th, after a vacation ,·i~it ).!arlin Dowling, at his ~urnmer horne CHOICE FRESH HOPS to his aunt, Mrs. Sophia Rogers, of on Conesus Lake. Schaefer's Meats Glendale park. ..\[ r. ami :\[ r~. William R. Trues- Lyell Products Co. 1050 DEWEY AVE. 2\lrs. Robert Hall, of :\lagee ave- dale ha\e returned from thrir wed· Sole Distributors of nue, has returned from three weeks ding trip 10 the .\d1rondacks and LYELL BRAND MALT SYRUP Glen. 2640 We Deliver spent at Canandaigua Lake. are the guests or .!\lr. and .!\Irs. Clin­ TOM TAYLOR-Proprietors-FRED JACKSON ton Elwell, oi Glendale park, while Captain ami .:.\Ir~. Jas. 1IcD. El­ Rest, Sii­ \Cr Lake. ~~ r and ~f rs. Henr.> T. I:ru\\ n, of 2 NEW OFFICES , \llocrmarle st reel, ha \ c announced RIDE A HEAT AND HOT WATER :O.Jr. :~nd .:.\Irs. Earl John :\Iyers, oi thc· engagc·mcnt of thdr daughter, ALSO Knickerbocker an:nuc, are being con­ ~[iss Dorothy Gertrude Brown, to BIKE gratubte on the birth of a son whom Kenneth Leeds Tall', of Rochester, 7 NEW APARTMENTS they h:we named James William son of :\fr. and :O.frs. Arthur C. Tate, For speed and sport Heat, Lights, Hot W ater, Electric Refrigeration ::\fyers. of Stamford, Conn. that give you a kick :\I r. and :\1 rs. :\!artin L. Walley, Dr. TrC'ne K. Lapp, oi l.akc\'iew and a thrill H. F. DOELL oi r\lhermarlc street, have returned park, has returned a iter spending Located at Dewey Ave., Cor. Birr Glen. 35 from a visit with their son, Porter, iour weeks in Kirks\.ille, Mo., where To school in a hurry, back In cold or warm weather, we home in a fturry, in Cle\·eland. \\'hile there they were she attended the annual meeting of pa.ls stick together. On errands for mother or We Bike, path or pike, where also the guests of }.f r. and ~Irs. Olaf Locate Where Business is Thriving the American Osteopathic Associa· picnics for us; we like, every day. Fur,eth, formerly of Rochester. tion and post graduate course in the, For Bike and for Scooter, each There's never a better good­ 1-.:irkwillc College of OsteoJ•athy and kid is a rooter, health-and-fun-getter. SCHULZ BUILDING .Mrs. Carrie l\lacDonald. of Flower Surgery. For they carry us 'round So Scooters and Bikes get DEWEY AVE., Cor. DRIVING PARK City park, has been the guest of !\Irs. without worry or fuss. our • 'hip-hip-hooray! • • NOW AVAILABLE Samuel J. Dark and !\Irs. Arthur :\!iss Dorothy Demerath, oi Flow· Free Booklet "Cyde-Logical Ways to Happier Days" Hall, of Buffalo, for two weeks. er City park, has returned to St. Jo­ Ask us about it 2 LARGE OFFICES, 16Ft. by 34Ft. seph's College in Emmetsburg, Mary­ Suitable for Chiropodist, Chiropractor, or Small Business ~Irs. I>anicl H. Rosenkrans. oi l:lna­ E;l'cluxit•c line of high-g1·ade party and shower at her home \id Clements, of Buffalo, :\fuir Snow, dresse!l recently in honor oi her cousin, of Detroit, and Burton Smith. 10-14 Yr. Dresses $2.25-$3.23 :\liss Dorothy :\Iiller, of Lake ave­ nue, whose marriage to Stanley STROMBERG­ Where to go for Hair-Dressing .:.\Irs. \\'arrant Pryor, of Scarsdale, SPECIAL I r mnc Lyon, of .N ewton\'ille. .:.\lass., formerly of Rochester was a recent New line men's slipon and Hair-Cutting will tak<' place September 22d. guest of ~[iss Mary Pryor, of Gors­ and Coat Sweaters ... $5 line street. CARLSON :\Irs. George Ferguson, of :Mary­ Jazz Bow Ties, 25c, 50c, 75c Alicia Shoppe Special land street, was agreeably surprised MON., TUES., WED. )[r. and ~Irs. Eugene J. Dwyer. Regular 75c Band Bow Tie !Jy a hrge group of friends recently, RADIO FOR BOBBED HAIR Patronize of Burke terrace, have announced the i 2 FOR $1.00 the occasion being her birthday. ~!iss engagement of their daughter, ~[iss MARCEL 50c BOBBING 50c Dorothy Corrigan and .:.\Ir. Harold Boys Caps $1.00 and $1.50 Our Advertisers :\fary Catherine Dwyer, to Timothy 1488 Dewey Ave. at Ridgeway \\'oof the Doughty family. then." Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER PERSONALS Barnyard Golf Honors Littl 11iss l\Iargan;t Delanme>, oi Introducing KnickerbockEr a\ enue, took fir>t Hang in the Balance Riviera Theatre prize in the Fout·th Dh bion of the The pres, 1 c some of the great- Lake A-ve. at Flower City Park llab) ShO\\ at the recent Exposition est horse shoe to,sers in the country NEXT MON., TUES., SEPT. 17-18 SCHMANKE'S at Edgerton Park this week had a Robert Hall, of Hall's Sen ice Sta- Hundreds of Requests Prompt Us to Bring Back tion, has rc urntl 'rom rk Cit). the ~{a ryland Horse Shoe Club. FOR TWO DAYS ONLY Some ol the bcst scores of the sea· :\!iss llurtensc \larcille, of Lew- son were chalked during the last VITAPHONE istnlt a\'l·nue, ha, returned front Tor- week. onto whl'l'l' ~he spent a week. Honors for till' girls' championship HEAR - AL JOLSON - SEE arc about even at this writtng. 11ary IN THE PICTURE THAT .:\1 rs. Caulin and children, Thomas Ferguson who has rompcd oiT with high scores for several Wl'l'ks past HAS BROKEN ALL RECORDS and ,\lice, of Buffalo, -;\f. Y., were has found a formitl:~hle opponent in IN O\'t.:r Labor Day guests of i\!r. and The Evelyn Sprague who thrille1l the gal­ ::\1 rs. Fn:d Shubnwhl. of Glendale park. lery on Friday :~fternouu with a flock of ringers. NEW STYLES Freddie Cook and Fraucis De Vii- JAZZ SINGER Lomb Circle Ladies of the G. A. R. hiss are crowding each other for the \\ill hold a sausage roast at the resi- best totals among the men's division, NO ADVANCE DON' T MISS IT! FOR FALL dence of ).Irs. Colton, 31 Savile drive, while Billy Flannigan stands alone IN PRICES COME EARLY! thi' week. Iand ready to uphold hi~ title as the -- Junior Champ of the Tenth \\ ard. :\I r:;. ~larie Dudd, of Flower City Tenth \\':~nlers who desire to play '!~!!~~!!!!!!~!!~~~~~!!~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ at $4.95 park. vice president of the \\', •men's I it out with the above mentioned for Repuhlican Club, returne.J Sunday I neighborhood honor, or the cham­ from a vacation spent at Old f, ·rge. pionship of the \\ ard arc requested DeVISSER BROS. Enna Jettick footwear long known for their smart ap­ to call at 143 :\[aryland street where HARDWARE MERCHANTS pearance and supreme comfort are now available in they will be gi\·en a booking for a .\lr. :ltHl ,\lr-;. \\'illiam \\'alker, of New Fall Lines Are Now Arriving New Fall Models. Flowa Gty park, returned this week morning, afternoon or evening con­ from a t\\o \\CCks' motor trip test. Every pair is constructed with patented, unbreakable f'n pare your h1J111 {fJI ll'inlt r 1hrough the ~ C\\ England states. steel arch supports. The models include Straps, Ox­ ERNISSE-BARTRAN FURNACE PIPE - CANNING SUPPLIES fords and Ties in fashionable leathers. Sizes 3 to 10, .:\lr. and .\frs. John J. Fallon, oi The marriage of 1I iss .M argarct PAINTS- VARNISHES - DUCO AAAA to EEE widths, combination lasts. Clay avt·nut•, han: just returqcd from H. Bartran, daughter of Mr. and a short vaca!ion trip. ).Irs. Frank H . !3artran of Jackson 1430·1432 DEWEY Glenwood 361 Dorothy street, and Franklin II. Ernisse, son of :\Ir. and Mrs. A. Ernbse of Ilol­ The Shoo illustrated comes in R. A Belcher, of Dewey a\·enue, ret u nll'd <·a rl y 1his month from a li,ter street, took place on Satur­ ANNOUNCING THE Patent Leather, Mauvette Calf fishing trip to Canada, reporting a day afternoon, July :!sth, at a Trimmed, Amazon Quarter and good catch. o'clock at the Fir,t Evangelical WHITE HOUSE BAKERY Black Kid. Church, the Rev. :\. F. Duttwe1ler COMPLETE LINE OF BAKED GOODS officiating. The double ring cere­ .\!r. and :O.Ir~. Stalbrodt and fam­ FRENCH AND DANISH PASTRY mony was used. ily, of :O.fagce avt>nue, have returned WEDDING CAKES The church was rlccoratcd wuh Buster Brown Shoes for Children from their summer camp at the Thousand Islands. palms and baskcb of old-fashioned We specialize in personal orders Children receive especial attention in Schmanke's and we be­ flowers. :\!iss ::O.lildrcd 1loeshlcr 1176 DEWEY AVE. Glenwood 6041 ,ang "0 Prombe :Me" and "I Lo\ lieve that for their needs, "BUSTER BROWN" shoes are ideal. Leslie Bauman, \\ell known base­ You Truly," accompanied by :O.lr These shoos are scientifically constructed ball star of the Tenth \Vard, has \\'alter Rhoade:;, at the organ. in such a way that the broad fiat tread and JUst r~tumed frclm a trip through Albert Ne\vn1an, Merchant Tailor smooth inside, free from all wrinkles and the southern states. The bride, who wa> given in mar­ Finest Fall Samples here to build your Suit and Ouercoat from roughness, give free play to the growing riage by her iather, wore a gown muscles and combine ftexibillty with sturdy of cry,tal trimmed white crepe, ORDER EARLY endurance, perfect fitting and comfort. FLEMING- LUMBERT with a vei: 111 cap iashion, caught Quality Tailoring, Dry Cleaning <>nd Pressing Let Their Next Pair be BUSTER BROWN with orange blossoms. She carried 828 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 496-l One of ;; ,,l ·st attractive wed- dlllgs o£ tht.: month took place Sat­ a bouquet of white bride roses, ~======~ with gypsophila and a shower of urday afternoon, .\ugust 4, when sweet peas. -SPECIAL- 1Ibs France:; Elizabeth Lumbert, :O.f rs. Rose Seaton oi Cato was dnughtcr of 1!r. and Mrs. \Villiam SEPT. 13th to 27th SCHMANKE'S BOOT SHOP matron of honor and wore pale Lumbert of Brighton. became the pink crepe, with a white leghorn bride of Frederick Fleming, son of BRAKES CHECKED 1480 DEWEY AVE., Cor. RIDGEWAY AVE. hat. trimmed with pink, rose and FREE 1lr. and :\Irs. William Fleming of black velvet streamers. She car­ .\fason street, at the home of the NEW LINING 25% OFF Open Evenings Till 9 P . M. Phone Glenwood 1385 ried pink roses :~nd gypsophila. bride's part>nts in Rose Lawn. The bridesmaids, :O.fiss Elinor Klix Minimum Labor Charge for Installation of Lining The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore flesh col- and :\[rs. Thelma Trucmeter,fT wore HALL'S SALES & SERVICE 1;]·•··•--•··•··•-•-•··•··•··•-•·-•-•-•-•-•··•··•··•--•··•-•-•-•··•-•-•-•-•··•··•··•-•··•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•·tp orcd chilTon and carried a shower blue and peach tat eta gowns re- • •I spectively, made with une\'cn hem- CHRYSLERS ..:;',_ The Geraldt.ne Shoppe ! lp>~T~;hqae.uet of bridl' rose~ and gypso- line;;, and hat:; the same as the I 1850 Dewey Glenwood 5095 ma1d ot honor, :\[ 1ss Ahce b t f ld ia h · d flo\ ·cr I ~ ! b . h'd . . d matronouque oio honor. o - s 10neThey carried' s. '-======~ ! 0 • a ry, wore ore 1 georgette. an Betty Trucmeter was flower girl •rried an arm bouquet of old tash- d d of rchi crepe FOR THE FALL BRIDE . ·.;_ Announces Its Fall pentng 1 ned flowers. 1an wor~ a ress o . c The Latest Styles in ~ LATEST FALL DRESSES AND MILLINERY Shirlev Hogvsten and Virginia and earned a ba~ket 01 old-fash- ! ' ' ioned flowers. ''ARM SHOWER BOUQUETS DE LUXE" ! LINGERIE, HOSIERY, BAGS, Etc. Kc:ster. nieces of the bridegroom. T. Clifton Embra was best man CHURCH AND HOME DECORATIONS COMPLETE ~ • n·re ribbon bearers and Jane and the ushers were Harold Scheck Get Our Prices • VELVET COMBINATIONS, GEORGETTES, t !Iogysten was flower girl. George and Harold Emerson. ! •' \Yeisenberger was best man. 9 !_ SATINS AND CANTON CREPES f :O.fr. and :\Irs. Fleming ldt on a The bride's mother wore tan Blanchard S Florists • crepe with a shoulder bouquet of 48-52 LAKE AVE. MAIN 1986 ~ ~ motor trip through the Adiron- pink sweet peas :~nd the mtoher ! p riCeS• $6 •75 $9 •75 $12 •75 t chcks and the 1\ew England States, ~ t and upon their rl'turn will make oi the bridegroom was dressed in • blue georgette and wore a shoulder FURNACE CLEANING ~ H t $2 95 $3 95 $4 95 f thl'ir home in this city. bouquet of pink sweet peas. THOROUGHLY DONE ~ a S • • • f Following the ceremony,:~ rt>crp- SALE ON GALVANIZED FURNACE PIPE ! V 1 d F 1 ' tion, attended hy the immediate rc- OW R ~:.::: The Geervaetlsdaln·neeStshoppe ~:.::. GERALDINE SHOPPE ~~~t,:!.:~i~~~~~~~::~'.~'': .. ',::':':~ ~=1s=P=8 =~=E=~=E=~=~=v=EH=·=U=E='=Sw=H=A=R=== G=le=~=w=oo=dE=3=5=7 =1 FALL OPENING SAT • ~Irs. Rose Seaton of Cato and :\!iss Formal fall op~:nmg of the Geral- Jessie Bartran and Robert Sander- EDWARD T. HOWDEN KEEGAN'S SERVICE ~ 204 LYELL A VENUE ! dine Dress Shoppe wtll take place son of Seneca Falls. Granite Ware and Aluminum REPAIRING ON t Near Saratoga GLEN. 4392 ! Saturday. The store has been com- Prenuptial events were gicen by WALL PAPER- PAINTS ! OPEN EVENINGS , pletely remodelled and redecorated :\Irs. Frank Bart ran, ~Irs. Rose PAINTING -PAPER HANGING GENERATORS &,...... -- .. !3 during the >Ullll1lcr. The dress shop Seaton, :O.!iss Elinor Klix, the girls BATTERIES STARTERS 83-! Dewey Ave. Glen. 471 201 LYELL AVE. Glen. 1556 \\ ith it:. new private dre~sing rooms of the Filia Moria clas~. Mrs. Le contain, an array of the newest fall Drew Yan Acker and :\f rs. l.lye Let Us Do Your Dirty Work frocks, including satins, georgettes Truemeter. OUR BUSINESS IS IN GREASING and the popular velvets. A complete ).fr. and :O.frs. Ernisse left on a line of hats, lingerie, hosiery and trip to Xew York city and will be FOR SALE Cars Washed, Polished and Greased bags arc also on display. ~fany coats ?-t home after August 15th. Cars called for and delivered by Licensed Chauffeur will be shown including several fur models. New Home NORRIS-EASTMAN Dewey Ave. Service Station The beauty shop now occupies a IN THE LYELL AVENUE SECTION DEWEY AT RIDGEWAY GLEN. 4035 large room in the rear of the store :\!iss ).!ildred Ruth l•::~stman, Notary Public with Seal and is attr:~ctivcly done in black and daughter of Mrs. l\[argaret East- (Two minutes from car line) whi te. Harriet Ludwig and Ger- man of Lake avenue, was married trude Clark expert operators will to Clarence A. Norris, son of Mr. See it before you buy! give m:~rt>ells :~nd all varieties of and Mrs. A. J, Norris of \Visconsin beauty culture. street, on Saturday, July 28th, in All modern improvements including Sav&-u·t:lme hot water PETERS Sotl\·enirs will he given away to the parsonage of the Dewey Avenue system, built-in shower bath, fireplace, hardwood ftoors a.nd each customer and five prizes : a 'Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Empire furnace. FUNERAL DIRECTOR dress, hat, pair of hose, set of lin- Stanley Gutclius performed the FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND gcrie and hag will be given to names ceremony. SIX ROOMS - $7,000 PRIVATE FUNERALS MAY BE HELD of JIUrchasers drawn Saturday, Sep- After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. tcmber 22d. ::\orris left on a trip to Detroit and CALL GLEN. 2585 FOR INSPECTION 1511 Dewey Ave. Glenwood 1451 The Geraldine Shoppe is located points \\'est. On their return they at 204 Lydl a\·enue, near Saratoga. will live at 522 Lake avenue. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! WINNERS FOR FINAL .rlllllllllllllllllllllll IDlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllUIIIIIllll§g======-~=!;; D a 1 ond ..; p~ciali.st "( ' c' ,. Ry,cl . 1.· d 1\ol,f ,. fltlw Itt- TELE KEE NO PUZZLE t1 ;,. ,., anr A",,[,fr>r J:adio ( u111Jin-'''s for I '.luf- - - YOUR OLD 1 1dic /, L'J l(tilil)n-rt fin [,·ibufe to fill pr~'Li,ion \\ inners in the Tele-Kc \ c Puz­ at d rrfiob. ify of 1{,.r_,l.w !ta.dio J • no•ntu.,,'' zle in the last i~ws: The operator is connecting me with F~:~~~~D I Hear this fine instrument or arrange for a home demonstration and assure Glen. 118.3, Bauman & Baynes, 333 May be made over into attractive§ yourself that you are getting the best. UriYing !'ark at Dewey, frmn whom and modern pieces of artistic§ cbaiDl. Bring them in and let us~ I order and receive good things to give you an estimate and you will § eat. After that I call Glen. 5699 for .find the cost surprisingly low. § The New Kolster an appointment at the \\'right Beau­ ty Shop, 138:; Lake awnm•, corner EXPERT WATCH AND ;;==-- CLOCK REPAIRING EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Clay, knowing that J will enjoy the serYices of !JOth these merchants as Circulating Library ~ some of my friends and m·ighhors Chiffon Silk Style 750 have. Cro-wn Service Station :\Irs. Frank ]. ).funson, J. ~~;-E~~!-IE i $1.95 445 Birr stm·t Latest Fall Shades, Tansan Beige, Open :;es~EWE;le:;;~ 4786 Dewey cor Clay Aves. Glen. 5674 i Shadow, Rose Beige, Gun Metal, The two contL·st numbL·rs arc those 8 oi Dauman & Haynes, Cknwooll Hazel and Grain. 1183, and of The \\right Beauty Par­ I Antoinette Opens lor. Gknwood 56Q9. Abso-Pure Ice Trade at the 'tore of Bauman & Our ice is made of Hemlock ANTOINETTE'S Store on Lake Ave. Bayne~, water, thoroughly filtered and 1455 Lake Ave. You'll ;:-et better foods if ;>ou take frozen under most sanitary con­ Antoin(lt(', recently returned irom ditions and is ABSOLUTELY Rivera Theatre Bldg. \e\1 York \\ith a I rge supply of the pain~. PURE. \II th<"ir goods are clean :.uul pure the n '' and unu~ual creation,, has op~ncd h< r stort in the Rililr.l Thea­ And of getting the '1est ) ou'rc prac­ tically sure. QUALITY SHOE REPAIR h.r Building at Lake a\enue and EXPERT REPAIRING Flcm a City park. Th( store is con­ Satisfaction Guaranteed Hnieutl} located and offer~ many '. haircut~. manicur , curls, ''Wbero Courtesy Prevails'' nal bargaialS to its clientele. Come ar1tl get them, all )OU girls MICHAEL SOIDAVO, Prop. Pay the leai 1\1 o theaters in Roche tcr equipped Milk, Cream and Buttermilk RAG RANT run b• th !\!0\ i~; tone and \'ita­ Delicatessen Still w Grade ''A" Bottled on Farm ! hone JIICture<, ha\ ing 'r<:ccntl} in­ LOWERS Glen. 409-!238-568-R Has Strong Appeal stalled a <;et of quipm('nt at a tre­ ROM mendous CO!>. n order to keep t

n ''l't'n until II o'clock every evening Raphaelsons comedy drama is ma." :\Ir is considered the •uprcmc achieve­ t•eoplc who accorded ).Irss Garner an d t. H 1 I' . . 1 \1 e~e gra uates o o y ... osary. l~Pgt•r.• r• rnarkt·d, "and it mu;t l·e ment of the list of fine pictures made cnthusrasuc applause. \ h' b R' '£ An Opportunity For You . , . . r-1l•ng t rs num er was rta ·' . recognized. \\'hen one must pre1·are by this able firm of producers. Alan :\hss Garners musrcal studtes were • . f , •. t t h h 1 h . . . 1:"\.u r. c 111 a s rec, w o ac 1 e hurried meals or guest~ drop in ur.­ Crosland directed. I hcgun at the Cmcmnatr Conscn·atory h t. - 11 th 'I · 'I . L . . 1ug es• ra mg o 1 a e ·' onroe expectedly our service is often a The great cast ~urrounding )olson o · ·' usrc. atc.:r she studH:cl With C . 0 1 very much appreciated one. And of Arthur ,\Jcxandcr, vocalist, and Hans _ _u_n_t_Y_P_uP__1s. ______in. ''The Jazz Singer," with dainty Mr. Business Man coursr there arc many who at times ).!ay ~rcAvo) in the part of :'IIary Ebel, pianist at the )) K. ( •. :'l!usical preciation for the widespread inter­ ha\'C a desire for a change in the Dale, \\"arner Oland as the cantor, Institute oi Rochester, continuing est of my neighbors and fricnds." regular daily grind who also find and Eugenic Besserer as the mother, thcreaitc:r undcr the guidance of a It is her hope that this manner of our delicatessen a happy solution." includes also Otto Lederer, Bobby personal iril'ml of her part:nts, presenting her art to Rochester may Gordon, Nat Carr and Richard the celehratcd }.la,·stro Y('atman establish a practical basis for the de­ Call Glen. 2585 For Rates Tucker. Griftith, former!) of London and huts of other artists, as it aYoids the CAPS C"ntincntal Furope, and now of New heavy expenses often attendant on The foremost ideas in caps at "The York City. She has had four sea- ~uch affairs; and, as her friends Ston· for ).len." Gale Kelley, Riv· Dewey Sewer only sons in :\ cw York and plans to re- point out, it is a new and rarl'ly pret- iL·ra Theater Bldg., 14:;7 Lake avenue. turn to that city this fall. ty enterprise. 50 per cent efficient Surrounded by C\'Cr) yaricty of cut The following community commit- School Days CLASSIFIED ADS fl wcr<, the gift~ oi friends. ).liss tee arranged the debut: Councilman CHANGE SITE PLAN ON (Continued from page 1) FOR RE::\T -~ewly furrmhed Or.ce again ~chool bells are ringing, Garner ga1 c the f(Jllowing program: Edward P. Flynn, chairman; H r. KODAK COMPANY'S PLEA apartment Private bath. private tion without a J•dition signed hy 25 And ior C\·cry girl and boy, ''Come, Ro~alind," Carmichael; A:wood, :\fyron T. Uly, Colin \\'. \pplic;..tion ior a pcn11i, to erect entrance, heated, electricity and per cent. of the property owners who Gone again until next summer "::;houlcl He l J•hr:licl ?" 11ishop; "J.o, Cross, :\Iarsden B. Fox, L. \\'. Gcr­ an asphalt plant north of Lewiston gas. Inquire :\[rs. J . .t\. ~(cskil!, Hcre the Gcmle Lark," Bishop; "Au ew. Harry leB. Gray, Harold Kings­ would he affected. 229 I ex 'ng•un avenue. Gen. 5351-R. avenue and adjacent to the Xe'' Arc vacation days of joy. tcm('s de< Fees," Kocchlin; "Air du t<>n. C. \\'. Burley, Lincoln Burrows, "Two years ago," :\1 r. :'lfilne re­ York Central tracks was withdrawn FOR S \T E-~'cw hom\.', 6 room~. RGelihcs; Call. Herbert ]. :\Ienzic, \\'allacc I. Company, of X ew York, when the In the school room they are seatcd­ In Lyell aycnue section. 2 minutes ton a,·cnuc to take care of the sit­ ''The Last l

Vol. I. ROCHESTER, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 No. 11

The Campaign for Votes Is Open.. BUSINESS MEN lVhere to Send 33 Tenth Warders ACTION ON NEW Y our N ews Enter University e FORM ASS'N ON Thirty-three members of the DEWEY SEWER :Mrs. Bertha A, Bush, 138 entering Freshman Class of the Maryland street, Glenwood 5167. University of Rochester are LAKE AVENUE Tenth Ward residents. Follow­ IS UNCERTAIN M rs. W . A. Schild, 380 P ull­ Business men of the vicinity of ing are among those who started The question of the possibility man avenue, Glenwood 2214-J. Lake and Lewiston avenues form­ their first year of college life of a new sewer for the section of this week: ally organized in the form of a Mrs. William H. Stell, 121 Dewey and Driving Park avenues bu,int.:~' association at their meet­ Ralph Clarence Axon, 507 Flower City park, Glen. 2435-M. still remains uncertain. Unable to lllg ~ t.,nday ev~.:ning, September 1'i" Lake View park; T . Charles find a satisfactory solution to the and elected a ~late of officers for James P. Kenny, 133 Maryland Baggan, Jr., 154 Birr street; difficulty, business men at that cor­ Henry Herbert Brown, 61 Flow­ the coming year. Over 35 repre­ street. ncr continue to suffer from water­ 'lntati\'t.:!' oi business places of the er City park; Lincoln V. Bur­ covered cellar bottoms with each ~<.:ction attend(socia­ OPEN BETWEEN park; Frank Herbert Lines, 235 nel through Lexington avenue at tion aiHl l'Xprc,sed their desire to Kislingbury street; John \\'. a rlcpth of approximately 25 feet Ul'CillliC members. ~!artin, 44 Albemarle street; to t;;ke care of the drainage from Charles 1'. Coster, prominent LAKE-DEWEY Karl T. Xaramore, 168 Lexing­ uw. section. The sewer must be Lake an nuc i<'wclcr and president ton avenue; Emmett. J. Schnepp. Although the first concrete i~ lowered at least four feet to be oi till Roches! l't' Rl·tail Jewelers' 32:i Lake View park; George D. on a level with and drain the eel just being poured on the upper half \"ociation was named as first ]. Taylor, 3!l2 Augustine street; lar bottoms of buildings at the cor­ prl·,idl·nt of the association. 2-lr. of Lewiston avenue, the lower end FOUNDATION ORDINANCE FOR NEW :\!bert H. Thomas, 504 Clay ave­ ncr. l_'o,ter acted as l'hairman of the between Dewey and Lake avenues, nue: Joseph D. Tonkin, 50 Selye Opposition to the expense of the terrace: John Turner, 6-!0 ).fa­ COtnlllittcc whkh <1nanged the first barring further complications, is new sewer which prevented the get· avenue. g< ncral IIH.Tting. >chcdulccl to be opened to traftic BRIDGE AWAITS PLAN COMPLETION passage of an ordinance two years Other oflicns chosen were as foi­ Doris Marie Adkins, 4i4 ago seems to hl: the principal ob­ in two weeks. according to City l'n•panttwn of au ordinant·e for the apprnpriatwn of 11 stun of Itade in the way of improvement. Elizabeth Bachus, 3!l!l Lake rc -taurant propridor of Pullman Fngineer Howe. .\11 four ~trip, of about ~i!.i.OIIIl for thr foullllation work of the rww r·iH•r lmdge al the Busin~.:ss men of the corner, how­ View park; Ida Sarah Cramer. avenue: secretary. Gerald C. Ken­ concrete have been laid on the low- Hul!!e road HI\ a it, only pre:-:entation or plan~ awl l'j)t:eilit:ntions hy ever, arc anxious to bring up the 10-!2 Dewey avenue: Jane ·\'an­ ny, of Kenny Furnit urc Company; er ctul and opening of this section ( 'olllllli,,jorwr· •>I l'uJ,Iit: \\'ork. Harold \\'. Baker. 'J'I ~ ;tJlllnUll('C­ matter again and try to work out and tr~.:a-urer, L. ]. ~!ar,h. man­ nette Dorn, 116 Augustine waih only on the completion of ment wa" made tJu ... week by City Jlana;.! '::ltlphen B ...... ,l, .'' eoU}Jled a sati~factory plan. a~ er of the l-1kc \venue Branch of ;;ewer work at Dewey avenue and " street; Peggy Levis Fisher, 145 the I.incoln-.\llance Bank. re-grading oi the railroad track• with the a,~uranee that <'Yel'} thing }IO""i • '" beir ..; l • to ,.peed Birr street; Yirginia Fitz Sim­ e Aiter a di,cus,i'?n of several pos­ eading into Kodak Park. the plan, iur the bridge. ons, 307 Ravine avenue; ..\faria 1112 ·Jbk name•, it was voted to call Ii necessary ..\Ir. Howe stated "\Ve realize the pre,~mg- need for Jean(•tte Guldin. Dewey a\·­ Veteran Mail Man ;he organization the Lake and that a cement of greater strength the new bridge,'' ~aid ~~ r. ~tory. c.nue; Charlotte Elizabeth Hock­ :ns, 143 Selye terrace; Grace R d~c Bu>iness ~fen's Association. would be used in completing the "anrl will hurry thmgs as much a, STORY ORDERS Passes 70th Year Carolint.: Kimball, 109 Dewey av­ It ''a, iclt that this name would surfacing at the two points men- possihle. .\ careful study i, !>eing On the oC<.. , ot ot 'J s lOth birth­ t•nue; Beth Mary ~fanning. 161 d ,crihe the section represented in tionecl. The use of the special ce-lmade o{ conditions in order that day children and grandchildren oi • c a<,ociation better than any oth­ ment, although more co,tly would the bridge whtn completed will take RE-LAYING OF .\lameda street; Elinore Louise ).f \\'. ;T. Kammer, olrl Tenth \\'arcl ~r -w:~~cqcd. It was decided to l\£ nr,h, 117 as on street: Dor­ he justified because the customary care of the traffic, which it w1ll be resident of ;, Brorzel street, stagtd hold mouthly mcclin~· on the first ''1 othy ]can :\feadc. 200 nirr day "set'' period would be con I railed upon to carry, io th completed in record time and that which will be laid, cold weather next year. its tracks on Dewey ave- For 35 consecutive years he was one group so a~ to be in a position all possible haste was bein~ made and frost will have no bad effects Locust street. nue 111 the section north of Au­ mail carrier on South avenue, be­ t(J cooperate fully with any rnove- to complete the surfacing of the a11t. This gathl'ring will be in submitted three news stories for road grading and of necessity looked upon as a detriment to the nature of a howling party at this issue. All of them arc to he would involve many engineering business. Re~idents and business Dewey avenue is certain to have Just the weather that makes you men oi the upper end of the ave­ considerable of the through traffic Rock's Bowling L\lleys on Lake av­ found in this issue bearing Jack's problems in addition to those com­ think of sweaters. And when you nue between Augustine stn·ct and when Lewiston avenue is complet­ c·nue. Further association business initials. mon to the ordinary, type of bridge. think of sweaters think of Gale Drh·ing Park avenue accomplished ed, provided the widening and re­ Kelley, 1457 Lake avenue. Riviera and plans for the future. including Jack is a member of Troop 12 Further announcement in the the re-pa\·ing and widening of their paving can be put through. an opening celebration for Lewis­ which meets at Dewey Avenue ncar future regarding the bridge is Theater Building. ton a\'tnue, will be discussed in a Presbyterian Church. His news promised by :Mr. Story. Smith street short bu,incss 5cssion. A light stories are welcomed to this paper bridge, which stands condemned, lunch will also be served. as are those of any other boy scout will also be replaced soon. but the working for the merit badge. News City Manager indicated that this RESULTS! Economy Fruit &Vegetable Market A Leo W. \Valdcrt, of Alameda must be written plainly on one side extra construction work would not he allowed to interfere with plans Numerous inquiries were 346 DRIVING PK. Cor. DEWEY W street. left last week for Holy Cross of sheet and addres~ed to this pa­ made as the result of the in­ College in \Vorrester, Mass. per at 517 Lyell avenue. for the Ridge road bridge. sertion of the classified ad, WE DELIVER. GLEN. 5698 below, in the Courier. THREE APARTMENTS SPECIALS FOR FRI. AND SAT. WERE RENTED HOME GROWN GRADE A POTATOES Bauman & Baynes FOR RE)."'T-X!'wly furni,lJCd apartment. Private bath, prh·ntc Peck ...... 19c entrance, heated, electricity and SAVE MONEY HERE EVERY DAY ga~. Inquire )!r~. J .•\. Mc~kill, J ERSEY SWEET P OTATOES ~2!) Lexington avenue. Genesee 6 lbs...... • ••••• 0 0 0 •• 0. 535l·R. 19c HUBBARD SQUASH Lean Fresh Hams (Whole or Half) • 29c lb. The cost is small, but the 3 lbs...... results will surprise you. IOc Ads may be inserted by call­ ALEXANDER and 20.0UNCE APPLES Fancy Small Fowl • • • • 34c lb. ing Glen. 2585. P eck ...... 29c Leg of Spring Lamb • • • 38c lb. HOME GROWN GOLDEN HEART CELERY It Pays to Large Bunch ...... IOc Advertise in CARROTS and BEETS Fancy 20-0unce Apples 3 Bunches ...... IOc The Courier We Carry a Full Line of Now is the time to can Peaches in the Classified department MALT and HOPS as well as in the regular 333 DRIVING PARK AT DEWEY Glenwood 1182-1183-1184 columns. FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES DAILY Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Historic Newspapers Collection TENTH WARD COURIER TENTH WARD COURIER PERSONALS ).I r. and M r,. Robt. Mee, of Shcr­ :\1 r. and ~[ rs. John \\. ( .11laghan 1 WHEN YOUR CAR F. R . METZINGER, Editor and Publisher n .m trcet, left S turday for Xew c1nd .M•,, Jane ( allaghan, of Clay Sli Lyell Avenue \ ork where thty \\ 1!1 he gue,t-:, oi a\cr.u , haYc t:eturned from Chas­ SQUEAKS AND GRINDS ~lr. and Mr~ Ru,scll (ooley. oi ,ey, Lock and Ottawa, Canada. Glenwood 2585 ::-outh Port, formerly of Roche,tcr. That,s the Danger Signal D own town office, 25 South Water St.-Main 5412 :\fr,. \\'. J. Sheehan, of I.Jor~line ~lr. and ~[r, juhn B. Hoffma;tcr o;trcct. and her daughter, !~Ita, arc DON'T GAMBLE- SEE US! Xews matter must be in the hands of the editor not later than the anrl three son~. Donald. Thomas on a motor trip to Maine, .;com- Ask for operation L-2 of the standard 1l.1t rate ) Monday preceding date of issue. an1l l{u,scll, of Lakeview park. have panied by ~lr. and :\Irs. \\'illiam I{ schedules, which is as follows: L·2 complete lubri· ju~t returned from a two weeks' Xoona1, a•1d their daughter, t\un cation includes drain and renew lubricant in crank ( case, transmission and differential. Lubricate all DAYII a JUNI 'lliiNTING CO., IHC, ~ U SOUTK WAUR STREET motor trip throu!tlc road. have re- 2568 Dewey Avenue 798 Lake Avenue turn,·d fn>m Scranton, Pa.. where ~fb, Marion l;ottry, daughter of R. G. 0. A. R. G. 0. A. their , Lucille Schreier :'lfr. and ~Irs. FrankS. Gottry, of ~======~ Schaefer's Quality and Lillian Llark, arc enrolled at Seneca park\\ ay, ha~ returned to :\lerry \\'ood College. St. ~lary of the \\'oods College in FOR FALL HUNTING DAYS Meats Indiana ior her senio1· year. .\Irs. \\'illiam H Stell. Jr., of GET YOUR SHELLS HERE 1050 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 2640 Fin\\ er City park. a,.s is ted by ~Irs. E. H. Eaton ancl son<. E,ll,arth The gathering includ­ ell many from ,urrounding towns. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Frank Young. of Magee a\'Cnue. ~frs. Ellen Scanlon Culhane. of FUNERAL HOME WHERE PUBLIC AND carried away the prize for :he old- Lake avenue. ha, announced the PRIVATE FUNERALS MAY BE HELD est man pre

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER "Ramona'' at Riviera Junior Heeled Etma Jettick ITENTH MOURNS Tomorrow and Saturday Riviera Theatre Health Shoes VETERAN FIRE­ Lake AYe. at Flo\ver City Park For the Younger Girls MAN'SPASSI NG FRI.-SAT., SEPT. 28-29 Teaay lS one ot never-ccnstng THE HIT OF THE YEAR. 'trcnuous activity-not alone for Tenth \\'arders 11cr" g:riewd la>t IJ adults but more so for tue Junior&. 11eek tu hear of the death of John DOLORES DEL RIO-WARNER BAXTER It's the day of tho ath:ctic, active Reilh· retirl·d fireman and iormer IN THE PICTURE YOU MUST NOT MISS type-the day or boyish mamlers and driv:r· of Hose Xo. 10, located on >tylc". Girls don't ''trip along''­ Dridn~ !'ark a venue. ~Ir. Reilly th~}· Rtrid~; th~ir f~r~ com~ d<'wn with a l>Onnd a.nd thud. ~tH·cumhcd at St. ~lary's Hospital aft\·r UIHkr!-{oing two operations in This manner ol walking, with Its ''RAMONA'' consequent hard treatment or the feet an nnstll'Cessfnl attempt to save his The above shoe comes in Black will make thc~c same active, •trldlng 1if l'. SUN. ONLY, SEPT. 30th glrlt~ become nt middle ago hobbling, Calf Skin Patent Leather and ,\ pictnrcsljnc character with a WAVES OF LAUGHTER AND OCEANS OF FUN! limping. Inactive womcn-unln"" their winning- personality and a kindly feet now receive the proper ctLre and Mauvette Calf trimmed with attention. Alligator. disp•>sition. }.[r. Reilly was beloved "WHY SAILORS GO WRONG" by hundre(ls people of this and Understand wo don't nrgne that oi the younger girl or today should We carry these shoes in others parts of Rochester and vi­ change her m~uner or w~lklng but rinil\'. Ilis career as a driver dates narrow widths that she should be strongly urged to hack. to the Old Alerts located at FOR THE FALL BRIDE p:otcct and care ror her feet while one time on Fitzhugh street. He tbc bone• ore soft auent Deputy Chid Hugh Snlith 1480 DEWEY AVE., Cor. RIDGEWAY AVE. Edwin Carewe. the dtrector·pro­ 48-52 LAKE AVE. MAIN 1986 wa, captain. He remained in ac­ Open Evonings Till 9 P. M. Phone Glenwood 1385 ducer of "Ramona" is part In- tive service at that company until dian? his rl'lircmcnt on D.:c"mbcr 1, 1925. ~ Rita Carcwc. the \\'ampas bahy l;J·•··• ...... Dunng his whole career )..fr. . . star, is a daughter oi 11 r. Carewe? Reilly droi'C horses, his retirement \·era Lewis smiles for the first J. W. Mansing t. t.· coming when the department was DRESSES time in her screen care.:r, in a 1600 LAKE AVE. motorized. During his 37 years in LATEST FALL SHADES AND STYLES scene with Dolores -Del Rio in ~ ! thr Fire Dl•p;utment Mr. Reilly had ! Sizes 14 to 60 ~ ''Ramona." . i many thrilling expcri~:nce' among Announcing \\·arnt!r Baxter is given cred1t for which was a history making run to the most perfect romantic charac­ ;;ins j East Rochester in r('sponse to a The "NEW SPLITDORF ! v;~·. ~eorget;g. ~·;;.;;•• terization of the ~·car in fihn>. gl'lleral alarm over twenty years 75 through his work as "Ail·~sandro" jigo. On thl• occasion mentioned MILLINERY- WONDERFUL VALUES in "Ramona"? DUPLEX" ! ~~ r. Reilly establishl·d a record for ~ Helen Hunt Jackson wrote "Ro­ distance and speed which was never J $2.95 TO $4.95 mana" with a definite purpos~ in The Duplex principle introduces one of the most qnalcd. Enroute to the fire which bringing the Indian,-' trials before pleasing and successful inventions in Radio. ~ SPECIAL LINGERIE SALE was in the Drake hotel he passed Congres~ ~ Dispensing with '' Compromise performance'' SE­ eight other companies along the ; HOSIERY SOc, $1.00, $1.39 BAGS $1 UP ~fore interesting things pertain­ LECTIVITY and SENSITIVITY or distance, thus, way. \\'hile handling ~he reins at ing to these people and "Romana" giving 100 per cent of each separately. th~ Drh·ing Park quarters he was will be ,een on the ,creen of the Parties interested in Radio should acquaint them­ n familiar figure in the community • The Geraldine Shoppe Riviera Theater, Friday and Sat­ selves with this particular feature before purchasing. Z 20! LYELL AVENUE- Near Saratoga 1 ie of the ward, hi< activities being urday. Sept. :?'\-:!e full of trophies at the Ask for information concerning our payment plan. But don't let that worry you. Just step to the ph o~1e ]{(·illy home on \Vheeldon drive PHONE- GLENWOOD 3961 and order your groceries, fruits and vegetables from \\ere among his most cherished Establishing Itself keepsakes. On a number of oc­ ThP White IloUM' B:ok(•ry, fol'ln us. It's not necessary to go out and shop. We bring r.asions he was awarded the prize l'riy th<' D(•W<',I' A \'l'llll!' Bukl'ry, hns cash and carry prices to your door at a delivery charge Cup at The Rochester Industrial of 10 cents. Exposition for exhibiting the best IJeton doing J>u,int>ss Utl<\t•l· a lii'W Pedestrz·ans' Club Opposes horses in the Fire Department. managenn•nt now for ahou! two H. F. DOELL The funeral of Mr. Reilly took mouth~. The ltnkt•ry, run L~ •• Joseph place on Friday morning: from the Change in Wave Length 1056 DEWEY AVE. GLEN. 35 home at 7S \Vheeldon drive at 8 :30 Recent act i\·nies on the part of the Rad1o Commission relative to lo<·ated at llill llt•ll·<·~· 11\'l·nnc :tilt! . . . . . and at 9 o'clock from St. Charles the apportiOnment ol certa1:1 a1r channels to local statiOns has caused Rarromeo Church. A solemn mass hns l.cen grante•l a llealth Run•au . . . . more than passmg concern amongst the fans who ltsten 111 on statiOn of requiem was celebrated by the :::.anitarv Ccrtifil'ate. 1'hl' hakerv i~ Your Neighborhood Sign Painter • • ISHL'B at Dewey· and Dnnng·· Park. avenues. The fact that the a1r· Re1·. John ~{. Sellenger, assisted :tlwa,, open to puulh· in•JH't"tion. • . . . . hy the Rev. Geor~e \'. Burn< as · (tree) programs have been commg 111 w1thout any semblance of mter- C. J. KLEISLE :\Ir. Parsons, wlto i~ hcn•l hnkcr. . · h I · · · · 1 deacon and th(' Rev. Edward Hart- fcrence ot late emphas1zes t e og1c ot retammg t 1e present wave, SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS hns loN'II engnge(l ill this hnsint•ss man as ,ubdeacon. A dele~ation according: to the secretary of the Pedestrian Club. of firemen were at the inncral ior :!:! and rcrcutly wa' fore 206 Lyell Ave., near Saratoga Glen. 4392 year~ Conceded to be one of the best headed by Chief Fran'- Jaynes and man of the larg(' Oakland Bakery in broadcasting stations anywhere by Battalion Chici Da\'id Levi. The Pontiae, )fit·higan. A iligh l!l"lle who have loaned their listen­ Missionary Society LYELL BRAND hearers, were Lieutenant \Yilliam line of hak<•d goods, wa•ll• with thl• po,ts, the members are anxious to Stark, Thomas ~fonney, Joseph PLAIN MALT lrPst ot iugn••lit•n!;;, is rapi.\ly l'»!ah leave no boulder unturned to force Holds Fall Meeting Large 3-lb. Can ...... Limback, Charles Oldfield, William the Commission to stop meddling lishing the Whitl' House B:tk(•ry iu The \\'omen's \Iiss10nary Society HOP FLAVORED 45c Clark and John 1\dams. Burial was "ith this baby broadcast outfit. made in the Fireman's Plot in the the Tcuth Ward. ~Jr ... l':ti'SOII t:di!'S L rge 3-lb. Can ...... Hundreds of motorists who stop at of the Dewey ,\venue Presbyterian 75c Holy Sepulcher Cemetery where the tare of tht? :;ton•. the station to replenish their sup- Church hl'gan its Fall activities with Special Prices in Quantities last blessing was given by the Rev. plies of gas and oil contribute much a supper and missionar) program Sole Distributors John M. Scllenger, assisted by the .Maybe sometime, somewhere, a of the material which is used. on Thursday evening, September Rev. Andrew Byrne. husband taught his wife to drive the \\'hen the data is garnered it is 20th. C. Poultan led the de­ Lyell Products Co. The poem printed herewith was ~ Ir s. car without any exchange of harsh compiled by the staff artists and votionals. TOM TAYLOB. FRED JACKSON written in honor of the deceased MALT, HOPS, EXTRACTS We Deliver words. Such was not the case in then submitted to the board of hy Jaml's Kenny of ~[aryland this family. After things had been censors who approve o r frown up­ Rev. S. F. Gutelius gave a review 191 Lyell Ave. Glen. 5703 street. going an)"thing but ~moothly for on, according to its value as food of "Trader Horn," comparing the I Ie lies sleeping with his comrades some time the gallant husband for the "mike." Roy \Yard who Africa of that day with the Africa \\'here brave hearts are still and turned to his wife in exasperation has Graham ~facNamee buried and of today. A 'cello selection was and said, "I wonder why the good A Home cold; hanishcd is chief announcer. Others given by Evelyn Hunt accompanied fn a plot that's green and sacred, Lord made you so dumb?" on the staff are Steve O'Brien, by Esther Ferguson on the piano. \\'here great deeds are oft extolled. She sweetly answered, "Probably Fred Le\Valtcr, Frank \\'eber, Bob so you wouldn't have to die an old Clifford, Thomas ~foran and many Negro spiritual songs were then In the Lyell Avenue Section sung by Miss Flower-]. T. Though his life was filled with bachelor." more who hold minor positions in danger connection with the studio activi­ Is For Sale And his years were rife with care, .'\ friend of the magistrate came ties. He was cheerful, kind and happy to see the court. Art, :;cience, bead work, basball, Fall Retreat Starts And his love for beasts was rare. "By jove!" he said, "you have a bye-gones and Bologna are but a New- never been occupied tough crowd to deal with this morn­ iew of the topics which are forced Farewell! To one, departed now, jng.'' thru the "mike" during the service Wed. at Holy Rosary Loyal friend and neighbor true­ "Hush," said the magistrate, period of the station. The directors The annual Fall Retreat will open Six large rooms; completely equipped; Save-u- } The memories that you left behind "those are the lawyers." of the station inaugurated a weath­ at Holy Rosary Church this year time hot water; hardwood floors; Crane fix- on Wednesday, October 3d, and ~~ ~~ Reflect o ur love for you. er report feature last week which is { tures; built-in ice box and cupboards; many Young Thing: "When a girl rather novel in several ways. Each continue until Sunday evening, Oc­ other desirable features. Miss Drith't D.tffy, of Waterloo, walks home from an auto ride what night the members advance their tober 7th, with morning and eve­ was the week-end guest of Miss does it mean?" opinions about the next day's at­ ning service. The retreat will be Detty ]'tnc Mnll, of Clay avenue. Bright Young Thing: "It means mosphcrical probabilities. These conducted by the Rev. 1fy lcs .Mc­ she 'No's' men." are then pidgeon holed and refer­ Allister of the Passionist Order of $7,000-$500 Down Dunkirk. N. Y. May: "I can't drive our old car ence is made to the corresponding Officer: "Hey I \Vhere d'yuh date in last year's almanac, from SEE IT BEFORE YOU BUY! at all any more." Naise: "Howzat ?" think you're goin'?" which the low down on the weather unlimited and they usc their pri\·­ is figured. "Jack has driven it so much lately Mr. Meeker: "Be easy on me, ilege indiscriminately and often day CALL GLENWOOD 2585 FOR INSPECTION that every time it gets on a dark officer. This is the first time I All-day broadcasting stations and night. Rad1o fan, ar" invited and moony road it stalls auto­ haven't had my wife along to tell have nothing on this gathering of to "tune in' SHUB can be found matically. me." arti~ts. Their broadcasting time i; at almo't any I\ an· length. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Historic NewspapersTENTH Collection WARD COURIER I - Discussion Rile in N ames of I ''Music Hath Charms'' Birds zn Contest /or Boys And so has a Kolster Radio. Hear one of the new ones that we now ha.ve on "That's a yellow-brcastetl y~:.low I demonatr ation and observe how an orchestra unscr ambles itself so hammer and rn bctcha it i,... NAZARETH COLLEGE that every instrument can be clearly distinguished. "Xo tain.'t, neither, it's a yellow canary, you wait ancl sec." OPEN IN NEW HOME This and similar conversations The New Kolster can be expected for the next week Xazareth College formally opened the doors of its new hom~ on Au­ EASY TERMS IF DESIRED or so, at least a t one spot on Dewey avenue and that is in front of Don­ gustine street, Tuesday morning, to aghue's Hardware Store ncar Magee admit the 125 students enrolled for avenue. \Vhat they will be wait­ the coming year. The new home ing to see is the result of the bird­ was formerly occupied by the Naz­ Crovvn Service Station naming contest which the hard­ areth Normal School and served as SOc 59c $1.00 $1.50 ware merchants are conducting for the community home of the Sis­ Dewey cor Clay Aves. Glen. 5674 boys under 16 years. The object ters of St. Joseph. ANTOINETTE'S of the boys' attention will be a In remodeling the upper floor of 1455 Lake Ave. case of mounted birds representing the building, a number of class Rivera Theatre Bldg. 21 species, the center of the Octo­ rooms have been provided in the Diamond SpuiaiU.t Courier Advertising ber hunting days window dbplay east wing, one having a capacity at Donaghue's. of GO students and the others be- QUALITY SHOE REP AIR "Betrothal" ing slightly smaller. In the cast Manager Leaves To ~fr. Donaghue prize~ the ca.. e of EXPERT REP AIRING One of the smartest birds highly. It has been in the wing is al'o the library with large Satisfaction Guaranteed windows on three sides. paneled ''Where Courtesy Prevails' • diamond r ing creations Study at Columbia posses>ion of his family for 28 walls, modern hoo'< stacks. and MICHAEL SOmAVO, Prop. of modern times. ~£ 1,, Fll.. f Douds, who smce the years. The remarkable crafts- Custom Shoes Made to Order Finest Q uality Diamond with a present capacity oi '<,000 825 Dewey Ave. near Driving Pk. Hand Carved organization oi the Tenth \\'ard manship displayed in the arrange­ ment and stutnng oi the feathered volume, and possibility of addi­ 18K White Gold Courier, has been its ad\·ertising creatures. all of which frequent lo- tional stack room. The Xazarcth OTHERS $25 to $2,500 manager, lc£t last week for Xew cal climes. make,; them cloubly \'al· library i< one of the fine>t in the York City where she will study at uable to ~fr. Donaghue. All 21 city. havinp: at present between RESH Special showing of . d c1 • 1·f t'k f 6,000 and ; .000 \'nlumes including diamonds during Columbia University. b1r s arc mountc 111 1 l' 1 ·t• ash- . d 1 1 important reh·rcnce works. It is ANCY October Diamond Days :.\1 r,. Douds is a graduate of El- 10n an are s 1own somt• <>II t ll limbs of an artificial tree and oth- under the care of Helen Coyne, li- RAG RANT October 11th to 20th mira L"olkg(! and previous to her ers on a patch of gra,s ht·low the brarian. LET US MODERNIZE YOUR OLD DIAMOND RINGS work on this paper and The Vicin- tree. The birds an• shown in var- \<\'ork is going on in remodeling LOWERS ity Post, T.ydl avenue community icd poses, some just alighting, oth- an adjoining building for the chem­ ROM J. 0. Ledlie, Jeweler paper. was actively engaged in so- ers perched comfortably and still istry aud biology laboratories. The Open Eves. 842 DEWEY AVE. Glen. 4876 Ot hers f .. ed1·11CT. physics laboratory is in the main ARMEN'S cia! work with the Y. \\'. C. A. ' " building. ~Inch of her ne\\'spap~r experience The object of the contest fur tht: Driving Park at Dewey boys will be to properly name all wa, obtained as director of publici­ When Better North Presbyterians of the birds on an entry slip a\·ail­ LYON-MILL E R Glen. 1240 ty for the local branch. Bicycles able at the store. Thrre arc scwral The marriage of ~Iiss Dorothy The dC'parturc of .\Irs. Douds is THAN Plan For Coming Year of the birds which \\;ll ht' '\•asy,'' .\rms }.filler. daughter of ::\fr. and c d s 1 lntll ( ·1 ., regrrtted hy prominent IJusiness but the wiuuer will prc.hably he ~tr,. Frederick Samuel ~filler. of PIERCE ..ARROW Tl1c ...,un a_:, • c 10 J 1 0 GREGG AND O'CONNOR and WESTFIELD men of the Tcn:h \\'ard, ad\'ertis­ forced to call on the encyclopedia Lake annue, to' Stanley Hume t 'Jc Xor:h Presbyterian Church had for help. Two fine prize, will be ar e made ers m thi, paper who had come in Lyon, son of ~fr. a:1d ~[rs. Albert ih first meetin!! of :l•c sea-on, awarded to the winners one week ~r. Lyon, of Xewton\'ille, :\Iass., BUICK SPECIALISTS We will sell them. with the ad\·crti~in!! man- 1 Send for catalog. Tue:-day e\·enin!!. S,;pt. '!::.th. The contact irom today, on October 4th. The took place last Saturday evening at ac-cr, a \\ell as by the editorial award,; will be given for the first 1488 LAKE AVE. Glen. 496 Eas11 Ttrm•lf Desired teachers of ~ht beginner- and [lrJ· 7 o'clo.-:k. at the Oak Hill Country two correct list:> o£ names present­ mary clas;:.e, met ior supper at t' staff. Club. The ceremony \Vas per­ ed. In ca:.e none of thl• boys finds Towner Bros. o'dock and the teachers ancl o£­ .\I r;; Douds left \\ ith best wishes formed hy the Rev. Clarence :\ . 710 University Ave. 940 Jay St. the names of all bird~. the nearest 49 Atlantic Ave. 170 Lyell Ave. hccr, oi the other dep:trtmenb at of her many friends for success m Barbour of the Rochester Theologi­ KEEGAN'S SERVICE ' o'clock ior the purpose oi formu­ correct lists will br the winners. So cal Seminary. the new field she b entering. it will he hr-t for the boys to get REPAIRING ON lating- plans for r!w coming year. The hride who was gi>en in mar­ hu,y as early a, possible. The con­ riage by her iather, wore a gown GENERATORS Economy Dry Cleaners X!:'xt Sunday, St!pt. 30th, will be BURROUGHS-BURDICK :e~t close.; next Thursday, October oi ivory satin with a train of the ' BATTERIES STARTERS 201 LYE LL AVE. Glen. 1556 7 OWEN ST. 4th. 31lll'. Her veil was of Drm.scb Rally Sunclay in the Xurth Presby- One oi th ca 011•, prt.Ity ~vcd- Ladies' and Men's Clothing terian Sunday School. The children Oidt r fol"s, too, especially those lace. caught with a band of rose· Repaired and Relined dings took place Sat unlay afternoon will meet in the Sunda~· School acquainted in bird lore. will find the point lace. and trimmed with orangr Dry Cleaning and Pressing Room at 10 a. :11. for Rally Day wht•n ,\fargarl'l ~~~thrr. daughter of display interesting. Tht• mounting blossoms. ShL carried a showt'r LOUIS PASKAL Pro,11;ram ana at 11 o'cfork tht·y w:ll .\fr. and Mrs ..\rthur G. Burdick, appart·ntly is the work of an artist, houquet of lilies of the valley and SPENCER ST. DAIRY ior there could he nothing more white rose~. g-o into the church where awards of Fulton avenUl', and Robert Eli Milk, Cream and Buttermilk HurrOIIJO!:hs, son of Mr. and i\frs. Eli real and life-like than tht• natural Mrs. Duncan R. :\facKenzie. o i CLASSIFIED ADS for summer attendance will be Grade " A " Bottled on F arm Otis Burroughs, of Bethel, ~. C .. poses in which the bir(ls arc >hown. New York city. who was the ma­ \\'_\'\TED-Girl or woman living made. Also diplomas to graduates Glen. 409-4238--568-R \\l'rl' 1;nited in marriage in the Lake tron of, honor, was gowned in maize near St:ncca parkway for general irom one department to another. :\ nnue Church at ;, :30 o'clock with rhiffon and carried a bouquet of housework to go home night~; be­ WRIG HT -DEFENDORF the Re\·. :\lbcrt \\'. Heaven officiat­ yellow roses tied with lavender sa­ gin work at 10 a. m. Call Glen 2117 ;ng. The weddinR" oi \liss E v:t Ddcn­ tin ribbon. ~{iss 1fargaret Louise EDWARD T. HOWDEN between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. Dedicate New Grace ~fiss ~fargarct E. Ea~ton was dori, oi Bonesteel avenue. and \V. ~~iller. a sister of the hride. was Monarch Paint Prices Lower aid of honor. The \iisses Helen Bertrand \\'right. son of ~fr. and the maid of honor and wore a gown FOR SALE-Xcw home, 6 rooms, WALL P .A:PER - PAINTS L Scott and Ruth Silcox were ~Irs. H. \\'. W ri!-:'ht, of Sheraton of the same shade as ~Irs. ~rae­ all modern improvements; many PAINTING • PAPERI:IANGING Methodist Building 1 ride', maids. Huber• H. B 1rroughs drive, took place Saturday at 4 p. Kenzie's. and carried yellow roses. built-in feature". $7,()()()-$500 down. 834 Dewey Ave. The dedication of the new Ed . was hc,t man the ushers were \\'. 111. at the Dewey Avenue Union The bride's maids, the ~Iisscs ~far­ Glen. 471 In Lyell a\·enue section. 2 minutes cational Building at Grace ~[cth­ S. K. Yeaplc, Gordon Chambers Church. The Rev. Charles J, ian Huddleston ~filler. a sister of irom Lyell car. Call Glen. 2585. odi~t Church \\Ill be held on Sun­ and \\'illiam Burdick. Pierce, pastor of the church, and the bride: Doroth\· \\'oodworth, oi the Rev, Donald Cloward officiated. FOR SALE- Rock view terrace, y. for this type house. Owner le .. , ng. of the church, has with the help Laurence Harter. of Brooklyn, Al­ vertisers, Coers Battery and Radio The mat ron of honor, Mrs. Frank Investigate and make offer. of members of the church accom­ l)(•rt 0. Perry. of ·Manchester, N. plished this big building enterprise. Snvicl' (Atwater-Kent), Crown T. Joyce, wore pale green taffeta H.: Edward Learnard, of Boston, A Gas-Fired Service Station (Kolster), J. vV. and carried gardt>n flowrrs. L(•o Shcrm:111 Baldwin, of Boston. anrl E~!PLOY:O.lF\T -Care of fur­ ~ran sing (Splitdor£ Duplex), and \\'right. brother of the hridrgroom, John Firming, of Cleveland, Ohio. Garbage naces and ) ani work within half­ Some motorists per~dst in park­ \\'m. H. jackson (Radiola), arc was the best man and the ushers mile radius of Driving Park avenue. ing on the cross walks while wait­ ~frs. ~filler, the mother of the Incinerator fl'atnring their respective sets. were Ray Defendorf and l{aymond bride, wore white satin, beaded in Rt·asonahle prices; thoroughly re­ ing for the green lights at Lexing­ Purdy. gold and opalescent shades, and a Solves the Garbage liable. Phone Clcn. %0-R. ton and Dewey Avenues. This is Following the ceremony dinner corsag~· of orchids. ~f rs. Lyon was an encroachment on the right~ oi KENNY ADDS T O LAURELS and Rubbish \l·as served to 50. .\ reception took gowned in Claire-de-Lune velvet. FOR RE~T-7 room house at the pedestrians who use that inter W ITH SECOND PRIZE WIN place in the evening at the home and wore a corsage of orchids. ~frs. Disposal Problen1 l\1!1:; Dewey ster in tht ad-writing contest of ~Ian­ -or gas-ftred garbage and waste near Dewey. Lovely ~ingle house and Kentucky. After Oct. 1st they A reception followed the cere­ Street would justify some Rocket del Electric Co., conducted through incinerator. \\ ith all improvements. Ready to will reside at 2!1! Dridng Park ave mony at the club. The Teekorator insures health­ Pilots keeping their cars under the columns of The \'icinity Post. occupy this week. Inquire 229 Lex­ nue. ~Ir. and :\frs. Lyon will take a ful living conditions and elimin­ control. Lyell an•nuc community news ington a\'enue. trip to Bermuda, and after Xov. 1 ates dangerous .lire hazards in the Several instance~ have come to paper. home by enabling you to destroy A young woman who seemed to will be at home at 146 Eastbourne light where a new form of annoy­ CLEANING A ND PRESSING a.1l garbage and rubbish as they he having her first experience in a road. Newton Center, ~fass. accumulate. ance has cropped up the traflic con­ TROOP NO. 112 Good work, quick service, men's bank, approached the window of a gestion around the ward. The lat­ suits and top coats cleaned and paying teller and gave him a large Troop No. 112, Boy Scouts of Mrs. R. L. Clark, of Newcastle Simple - Clean -Safe est pest is the fellow who has the pressed. $1.00. Ladies' clr<'sses and check which she wanted to cash. America, held its first fall meeting, road, and 1\frs. Charles Schreier, of audacity to try his hand as a sales coats cleaned and pressed at mod­ SEE THE TEEKORATOR ON "How do you wish the money?" Friday evening, September Hth, at August in e street, returned this man by waving down a motorist erate prices. Gale Kelley, 1457 DISPLAY IN OUR SALESROOM the teller inquired. Dewey Av!:'nue PJ'Csbyterian week from Scranton, Pa. for the purpose of selling his procl­ Lake avenue, Riviera Thrater Bldg. "Oh," replied the young woman jn Church. Plans were made for the ucts at the curb. This spectacle some confusion, "I'll just hold out coming season. was observed at Dewey ncar Miss Louise Kuppinger, of Flow­ Rochester Gas my hand and you can put the The following new Patrol lead­ Ike: "Did you get damages from Lewiston and again at Dnving er City park, left last week to as­ money in it." ers were elected. Gary Cox, Alison the wreck you were in?" Park ncar Lake Avenue. sume her position as a teacher at & Electric :\iontague, Johnny Rud.-].T. Sol: "Sure, I got $5,000 for my­ :\fount Morris High School. "What's the charge for a good self and $2,000 for Sara." Corporation battery?" asked the customer. She: "Why did you let that truck Ted: "Say, I just heard a new Ike: "But the wife wasn't hurt." "Six volts," said the expert. run over your watch?" wisecrack." Sol: "~o. but in the wreck I had A. L. Cooke. of ::\!aryland strec.t, 89 EAST A VENUE "How much is that in American He: "The jeweler said it needed Jack: "Good! Let's buy an old lpresence of mind enol'gh to kick returned, Saturday, from <1 trip to MAIN 3960 money?" a thorough going over." car." her ir:1 the face." Ash\'iUe, N. C. --~~~------_.