About Carlos Conca

Carlos Conca (born November 3, 1954) is a Chilean applied mathematician, engineer and . Mathematical Civil Engineer from the University of (1977), PhD in Mathematics in the University Pierre and Marie Curie – VI (1982), and Docteur d’Etat in Mathematical Sciences, University Pierre and Marie Curie, (1987).

Currently he develops his academic work as Full Professor at the Department of Mathematical Engineering, and Associate Researcher of the Center for Mathematical Modeling, . His research focuses on Mathematical Mechanics and also on Partial Differential Equations. From the applied point of view, he leads a group of researchers dedicated to the mathematical modeling, covering topics as wide as the “Teniente” copper converter or, more recently, a portable medical ultrasound scanner.

“My main research interests are in the area of Nonlinear Mathematical Mechanics, Partial Differential Equations, in particular Navier-Stokes equations and Mathematical Fluid Dynamics. My studies encompass from fundamental theoretical aspects to applied research development, and they are focused on the mathematical analysis of systems governed by partial differential equations, which frequently occur in applied mathematics and engineering sciences.”

In addition to the National Prize of Sciences 2003 (in Chile), prof. Conca has received several awards, among them the Manuel Noriega Morales Sciences prize awarded by the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1994; University of Chile’s Manuel Montt prize (1996) for the best work published in the previous five years; 1996 Presidential Chair ; Honoris Causa Professor, University of Metz (France) in 1998; Fellow, Chilean Academy of Sciences (2001); Andrés Bello Medal, University of Chile (2003).

Further information:

Carlos Conca profile at CMM – Center for Mathematical Modeling http://www.cmm.uchile.cl/?cmm_people=carlos-conca

Researcher ID http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-8985-2010

ResearchGate profile: htp://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carlos_Conca/

Publications at MathSciNet http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publications.html?pg1=IID&s1 =50925

Video documentary (spanish only) : From a series about remarkable chilean : Mentes Brillantes (“Bright Minds”). http://vimeo.com/27487502


60th Anniversary of Prof. Carlos Conca

http://www.bcamath.org/en/workshops/conca60 http://eventos.cmm.uchile.cl/conca60/