ASSETS OF COMMUNITY VALUE - SUCCESSFUL NOMINATIONS Property Reference Property Property a dress Property Nominator’s Name Owner Ownership level Ownership Date Owner Date Listed Date Listing Rationale for Listing Status Date listing Date Date inital Date Date End of Date End of Date Successful Purchaser Name/ Post Code (freehold verified informed about Expires registered Disposal Moratorium Expression Full Protected Disposed AVC /leasehold) nomination Notice Period of Interest Moratorium Period received Received Period

UN/JHCR2B/019 Skate Park 143 Stockwell Road SW9 9TP Friends of Stockwell SkatePark London Borough of Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 27/1/2015 21/1/2015 20/1/2020 A range of recreational and sport activities such as skateboardingcycling,roller Open Space occupied by 1/1/2015 -skating, scootering, skateboarders UN/JHCR2B/023 Landat Queen’s Walk, Southbank and Queen’s Walk, Waterloo, London SE1 8XX Thames Central Open Spaces Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 1/4/2015 27/5/2015 26/5/2020 The nominated and at Queen’s Walk provides an opportunity or residents to walk Occupied land 27/5/2015 associated public space.

UN/JHCR2B/025 The Greenma n Skgrounills Zone 225 SE58RR Loughborough Junction Action Group Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 30/4/2015 2/6/2015 1/6/2020 The Green Man Skill Zone offers career guidance, training and job opportunities for local people. It focuses on offering practical skills training that employer’s need.This service is freeof charge for those reliant onthe state benefit system helpingto address the huge Occupied 2/6/2015 – ,London youth unemployment issue in the area. Ground Floor

UN/JHCR2B/027 Sunshine nternational Arts C.A.F.E 209a SW9 8RU Loughborough Junction Action Group Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 30/4/2015 2/6/2015 1/6/2020 SunshineC.A.F.É. operates as one of the addingartistic, educational and production carnival companies specializing carnival arts that work extensively on local, regional, national and international Scales. SIA C.A.F.E is an Occupied 2/6/2015 Coldharbour Lane,London arts- orientated community center (C.A.F.E– Carnival, Arts, Food, and Empowerment: The Empowerment of People through Food, Arts and Carnival).This has become an imaginative and creative spacethat is a meetingp oint for ’s artsand crafts community as well as a meeting point for local residents.

UN/JHCR2B/028 Ebony Horse Club 51 Millbrook Road, London SW97JD Loughborough JunctionActi on Group Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 30/4/2015 2/6/2015 1/6/2020 Ebony horse club offer more than riding lessons. Occupied 2/6/2015

UN/JHCR2B/030 The Platform 2 Ridgway Road, London SW97XD Loughborough Junction Action Group Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 30/4/2015 2/6/2015 1/6/2020 The Platform, running since May 2014,is a project led by Meanwhile Space. It occupies disused public toilet, now offering a locally tuned business start- up programme. The small building, which has become the platform, offers seek tested to these Occupied 2/6/2015 entrepreneurs to explore their ideas in al life with the guidance. After this period they are given the opportunity to re- occupying unused call railway arch turning vacancy into opportunity. The Platform itself and conjunction with their projects in this areas becoming a hub of community activity. Due to this location the activity not only supports local entrepreneurs, but it offers variation and excitementto the high street offerings in the area.

SL/MGCR2B/033 The Grosvenor Public House, Ground 17 Sidney Road, London SW9 0TP CAMRA Freehold/ Leasehold Ye s 10/8/2015 12/0 11/8/2020 It was used by the local community for porting (ping - pong) a nd cultural activities further community social- Unoccupied 12/8/2015 SL/MGCR2B/031 The Rotundra Community Centre Cressingham Gardens Estate SW2 Cressingham Gardens Action Group London Borough of Lambeth Freehold/ Leasehold Ye s 13/7/2015 20/8/2015 19/8/2020 A range of community activities that promote social wellbeing, community engagement to i include the following: Over fifties coffee mornings Occupied 20/8/2015 • Yoga classes • ‘Bling ya Bike’ workshops • Choir practice • AfterWedding celebrations SL/MGCR2B/034 The Cambria Public House 40 Kemerton Road SE5 9AR Friends of the Cambria Public House Freehold/ Leasehold Ye s 6/10/2015 18/11/2015 5/10/2020 A range of communit yactivities that promote socialwell- being such as: 1.Meeting place for many local groups to meet and organise social events and gathterings 2. Cambria Community Choirs. 3. Free Film Festial. 4. Camberwell Life Drawing Occupied 18/11/2015 Group. - Art classes. 5. Friends of .

SL/MGCR2B/035 Carnegie Library 188-192 SE24 0AG Friends of Carnegie Library London Borough of Lambeth Freehold Yes 26/11/2015 13/1/2016 12/1/2021 A range of community activities that promote social wellbeing, community engagement to include the following: Adult literacy training, IT training,meeting and exhibition space, children’s reading classes, hot- desking space,yoga & fitness classes. Occupied 13/1/2016 Road, London SL/MGCR2B/036 Tate South Lambeth Library 180 South Lambeth Road SW8 1QP Friends of Tate South Lambeth Library, London London Borough of Lambeth Freehold Yes 3/12/2015 13/0 12/1/2021 A range of community activities that promote social wellbeing, commu nity engage ment to include the following: 1.Regular school visits and lectures on local history 2.Visual Occupied 13/1/2016 1/20 impaired center–linked to Guys and St Thomas’s hospital trust– to provide reading facilities. 3.Pioneer library. 16

SL/MGCR2B/037 Oasis Kart Track 30-32 SW8 2PD Oasis Children’s Venture London Borough of Lambeth Freehold/ Leasehold 17/2/2016 8/4/2016 7/4/2021 A range ofchildren’s activities that promote social wellbeing, community engagementto include the ollowing weekly services: 120 children and young people have regularly visited the kart track overthe last year.A further 700+have participated on a one off basis Occupied 8/4/2016 Priory Grove, London with their school, community groups or youth group.12 disabled young people regularly participate in activities and a further 48 young disabled people havevisited with their community group. Karting attractsthe most hard to reach young people.

SL/MGCR2B/038 Oasis Children’s Nature Garden Corner of SW4 6SP Oasis Children’s Venture London Borough of Lambeth Freehold/ Leasehold 17/2/2016 8/4/2016 7/4/2021 A range of children’s activities hat promote social wellbeing,community engagement to includethe following: Occupied 8/4/2016 Larkhall Lane and Studley Road, London • inclusive, supervised afterschool, Saturday play and play schemes Free • Specialist tailored support for disabled children, young people and heir families • Free accredited raining for young people • Volunteer programme or young people and adults aged15 plus • Development programme for NEET young people • Supported volunteer opportunities for disabled young people 15-25years SL/MGCR2B/039 Oasis Adventure Playground 33 Priory Grove, London SW8 2PD Oasis Children’s Venture London Borough of Lambeth Freehold/ Leasehold 17/2/2016 8/4/2016 7/4/2021 A range of children’s activities that promote social wellbeing,community engagement to include the following:inclusive, supervised after school, Saturday play and play schemes Free Specialist tailored support for disabled children, young people and their Occupied 8/4/2016 families.Free accredited training for young people;Volunteer programme for young people and adults aged 15 plus; Development programme for NEET young people; Supported volunteer opportunities for disabled youngpeople 15-25years; Sports programme for young people aged over 14- 19 years;Inclusive community events programme.

SL/MGCR2B/042 Park Road Community 8A Harleyford Street Kennington SE11 5SY Estate Tenants Association Hyde Southbank Homes Ltd Freehold Yes 26/1/2017 9/3/2017 8/3/2022 The application meets the criteria set out in Section 88(1) (a) and (b) of the Localism Act 2011 and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 2012. Occcupied 9/3/2017 Centre

SL/MGCR2B/045 Gordon Grove Adventure Playground 18 Gordon Grove SE5 9DT Loughborough Junction Action Group London Borough of Lambeth Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 22/5/2017 3/7/2017 02/072022 GordonGrove Playgroundis one of the South London’s iconic adventure playgrounds that served the local community until 2014/15 .It is a lush greenspace with 2 storeyplaystructures and indoor playspace.Though there are other playgrounds in Lambeth family Occupie d by guardians 3/7/2017 groups and especially young people living in Loughborough Junctio find it difficult to travel between areas due to local gang culture and fear of children traveling any distance unsupervised.

SL/MGCR2B/046 The Community Hub 23 Prague Place, Blenheim Gardens Estate SW2 5ED London Borough of Lambeth Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 3/8/2017 13/9/2017 12/9/2022 Community Asset used for: RMO governance Board meetings, Finance meetings, mature resident coffee mornings/dinner, anafter-school study support group, offering extra KS free tuition, challenge, game night, table tennis night, film, Christmas parties, Occupied 13/9/2017 educational classes, residents estate football team, fitness classes, meetings, supporting other groups to host meetings, Friends of Winmill Gardens,

SL/MGCR2B/047 The Cinema Museum – The Masters The Masters House, Dugard Way, London, SE11 4TH The Cinema Museum Charity and a company imited by a South London and Maudsle y NHS Foundati on Trust (SLaM), The Trust, Maudsle y Hospital, London, SE5 8AZ. Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 26/9/2017 10/10/2017 9/10/2022 WITHIN THE BOROUGH: Occupied 16/10/2017 23/11/2017 Hous gurantee. The running of a cinema museum and a cinema and film archive. Cinema and film related screenings, events, talks and Q&A sessions.The running of a volunteering programme.The running of wellbeing events, projects and programmes.The running of LGBT+ notice was + onlyone of two cottages knownas Male events, projects and programme.s Reminiscence projects and programmes for U3A, the elderly and those with dementia. received for a Receiving Wards usedas a st for the disposal SL/MGCR2B/048 Club 414 414-416 SW9 8LF #Club 414 London and Associated Properties PLC 24 Bruton Place, London, W1J 6NE Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 23/11/2017 3/1/2018 2/1/2023 30 years plus the entertainment industry. Part of 8/1/2018 Coldharbour Lane, London ’s culture Heritage. Pioneers of the Night Time Economy of Brixton. A live music venue. A starting block for up and coming talent, musicians, producers sand DJ’s. World renowned venue for various genes of music.Created 1985 with help from the ‘Brixton Challenge’ after the Lord Scarman Report on the Brixton uprising of 1981. Leading from the front for the electronic music scene commencing in Brixton in 1992.

SL/MGCR2B/049 Hill Theatre 110 Streatham Hill,London SW2 4RD Friends of Streatham Hill Theatre Pollmount Ltd (aka Poll Mount Ltd), 332 Hill Lane Southampton SO15 7NW; Mecca, 21 Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 06/06/2018 2/7/2018 1/7/2023 The application met the criteria set out in either Section 88 (1) or Section 88 (2) of the Localism and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 2012. Occupied 6/7/2018 Woodstock Street W1C 2AP; Beacon Bingo, Seebeck House,1a Seebeck Place, Knowhill Milton Keynes MK5 8FR and again 14/06/2018

SL/MGCR2B/050 Kennington Police Station 49-51 SE1 7QA Oasis Community Hub Waterloo Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime 2nd Floor, City Hall The Queen’s Walk More London London Freehold Yes 11/2/2019 17/1/2019 16/1/2024 The application met the criteria set out in the Section 88 (1)(a) and Section 88 (1)(b) of the Localism Act 2011 and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 2012. Occupied 11/2/2019 Kennington Road,London SE1 2AA SL/MGCR2B/51 Southbank Undercroft Skate Spot Belvedere Rd, London SE1 8XX Long Live Southbank Art’s Council, 21 Bloomsbury Street, Fitzrovia, London, WC1B Freehold/ Leasehold Yes 7/1/2019 6/2/2019 5/2/2024 The application met the criteria set out in the Section 88 (1) and Section 88 (2) of the Localism Act 2011 and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 6/2/2019 3HF 2012. SL/MGCR2B The Stockwell Playhouse 208 Wandsworth Road SW8 7JA LOST Youth Theatre Company Avon Freeholds Limited 88 Edgware Way, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 Freehold Yes 28/3/2019 11/4/2019 10/4/2024 The application meets the criteria set out in Section 88(1) (a) and (b) of the Localism Act 2011 and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 2012. Occupied 10/6/2019 8JS SL/MGCR2B/53 The Royal Tavern 373 Kennington Lane SE115HY The Vauxhall Tavern Community Benenfit Society Ltd Vauxhall Tavern London Ltd Leasehold Yes 3/10/2019 10/10/2019 9/10/2024 The application meets the criteria set out in Section 88(1) (a) and (b) of the Localism Act 2011 and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 2012. Occupied 10/10/2019

SL/MGCR2B/055 Former Cherry Tree Nursery 8 Barston Road SE27 9HD Cherry Tree Action Group London Borough of Lambeth Freehold Yes 14/6/2019 12/2/2020 11/2/2025 The application meets the criteria set out in Section 88(2) (a) and (b) of the Localism Act 2011 and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 2012. Unoccupied 12/2/2020

SL/MGCR2B/056 Living Space Community and Youth 1 Coral Street SE1 7BE Bankside Open Spaces Trust London Borough of Lambeth Freehold Yes 20/08/2020 14/10/2020 13/10/2025 The application meets the criteria set out in Section 88(1) (a) and (b) of the Localism Act 2011 and /or the Asset of Community Value Regulations 2012. Occupied 14/10/2020 Centre