Empowered lives. Resilient nations.


Youth Health and Development Organization (YHDO) Country Afghanistan Vision/mission Vision: YHDO is committed to healthy lifestyles and dignified life for young people. statement Mission: To assist the Government of Afghanistan in community development and health promotion, especially improvement of sexual health. This includes prevention of HIV and addressing issues related to women, youth and other marginalized groups in the society. Experience Since 2009, YHDO has provided HIV prevention services, including health behaviour promotion implementing MSM to men with high-risk behaviour and vulnerable youth populations, through establishment of and male health centers. focused HIV YHDO also works closely with other non-governmental organizations and other institutions programmes providing HIV and AIDS services to build their capacity and promote an enabling policy environment for prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Main activities • Peer education program (PEP) and outreach services planned for MSA • HIV testing and counselling services Programme Phase 2 • Drop in centre (DIC) services • Social, cultural and educational events • Capacity building of civil society organizations for management of HIV prevention services • Training of health workers on Syndromic Management of sexually transmitted infections Estimated contract US$1,051,410 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 35 (total in organization) Contact info Dr Abdul Rasheed, Executive Director Youth Health and Development Organization Street No.3, Kart-e-Se, District 6 Kabul, Afghanistan Phone: +93 700 072109 [email protected]; [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Bandhu Social Welfare Society (BSWS) Country Bangladesh Vision/mission Bandhu Social Welfare Society works toward the well-being of stigmatized and socially- statement excluded males and their partners, by providing sexual health services and supporting human rights and alternative livelihoods. BSWS also works for the well-being of sexual minorities by facilitating sexual and reproductive health services and supporting human rights, dignity and livelihoods of their choices. Experience Bandhu Social Welfare Society has increased the capacity of community-based organizations implementing MSM (CBOs) and partners by community systems strengthening, health systems strengthening (HSS), and transgender advocacy and policy development in HIV related services for men who have sex with men (MSM) focused HIV and transgender people. programmes Main activities • Training programme for emergent CBOs and in-country downstream partners planned for MSA • CBO on-site technical assistance and monitoring visits Programme Phase 2 • Produce a range of advocacy and empowering information resources and toolkits • Annual coordination and programme sharing meeting • Regional consultation on faith, HIV and and identity (SOGI) • Convene National Media Advocacy Group to ensure better coverage of MSM, transgender people and HIV related issues • Participate in international and regional advocacy/consultative meetings and workshops to discuss issues related to HIV affecting MSM and transgender/ populations • National advocacy meeting on MSM, transgender and HIV related issues with different stakeholders, including Bangladesh Human Rights Commission • National coordination and capacity building meetings with NGO/CBO partners • Ongoing work of a human rights cell within BSWS to monitor human rights abuses in relation to MSM, transgender and HIV related issues • Convene national technical working group meeting • Community system strengthening and advocacy seed funding • Conduct policy research on legal barriers and impediments Estimated contract US$608,471 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 526, including partners (total in organization); 9 (under MSA Programme) Contact info Bandhu Social Welfare Society 99 Kakrail, 2nd and 3rd Floor Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. Phone: 88 02 9339898, 9356868, 835604 Fax: 02 9330148 [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Lhak-Sam (BNP+), Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Bhutan Country Bhutan Vision/mission A society where all people living with HIV and affected family members have opportunities for statement a meaningful livelihood, with HIV controlled and its impact eliminated, both within the people living with HIV and the general people. Experience Lhak-Sam was registered as a civil society organization (CSO) on 26 November 2010 with the implementing MSM main aim to provide and promote leadership, education and capacity building to people living and transgender with HIV (PLHIV) and their families, establish linkages with regional and international networks focused HIV of PLHIV. Encouraged by the Ministry of Health, the group expanded to other districts and set its programmes mission to create and promote a strong support system based on solidarity, social networking and people’s participation for addressing and taking collective action towards effective responses to HIV/AIDS and its impact. While Lhak-Sam has limited experience implementing programmes with a specific focus on men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people, the organization does have extensive experience working with key populations, which includes MSM and transgender people, on human rights, advocacy, outreach and education, organizational development, HIV care and support, and strategic information. Main activities • Human Resource skills: skills building for service delivery, advocacy and leadership. planned for MSA • Community-based activities and service delivery, use and quality. Programme Phase 2 • Advocacy, communication and social mobilization. Estimated contract US$48,905 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 10 (total in organization); 2 (under MSA Programme) Contact info Lhak-Sam (BNP+) Changjalu, Olakha Thimphu, Bhutan Phone: 02- 340878 Fax: 02- 337687 [email protected]


National STI & HIV/AIDS Control Programme (NACP) Country Bhutan Vision/mission To reduce new STI and HIV infections and provide continuum of care to people living with and statement affected by HIV. Experience National STI & HIV/AIDS Programme collobrated with UNDP Bhutan and the Multi-Country implementing MSM South Asia Global Fund HIV Programme during Phase 1 on two studies: Mapping and Size and transgender Estimation of Men who have Sex with Men in Bhutan; and Formative Assessment on Stigma and focused HIV Impacting Universal Access to HIV and Health Services for Men who have Sex programmes with Men and Transgender People in Bhutan. Main activities • Capacity building of health workers to cater to male sexual health planned for MSA • High level advocacy meetings with focus on equitable access to services and Programme Phase 2 decriminalization and stigma & discrimination • Building strategic information through a formative assessment for Integrated Biological Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) Estimated contract US$93,222 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 3 (total in organization) Contact info Sonam Wangdi, Programme Officer National STI & HIV/AIDS Control Programme Thimphu, Bhutan [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Humsafar Trust Country India (Mumbai) Vision/mission Vision: A holistic approach to the rights and health of sexual minorities and promoting rational statement attitudes to sexuality. Mission: We strive for the human rights of sexual minorities and for the provision of quality health services to MSM and Tritiya panthi (TG). Experience Since 1994, HST work towards the human rights of sexual minorities and the health of MSM implementing MSM and Tritiya panthi (TG), with intention to this work HST will lead to acceptance and equality of and transgender sexual minorities and a healthier community, The Humsafar Trust is India’s first community based focused HIV organization of sexual minorities and works in four thematic areas health, advocacy, research programmes and capacity building. Main activities • Training on sensitization of government and key stakeholders, law enforcement agency and planned for MSA judicial members on issues affecting MSM regarding HIV and human rights. Programme Phase 2 • Media fellowship programme for media persons print and electronic. • In country training on MSM sexual and reproductive health (SRH) • Community system strengthening and advocacy seed funding. • Regional training on ‘Treatment as Prevention’ for MSM and TG people by a regional network of people living with HIV • Building capacities of CBOs and CSO and service providers on roll out of NACO MSM Operational Guidelines • Capacity building trainings for MSM CBO staff for improved service delivery • Pilot training on health sector stigma to improve HIV service delivery for MSM people • Convene national media advocacy group, to ensure better coverage of MSM and HIV related issues • CBO on-site technical assistance and monitoring visits to build the capacity of CBOs, coordination meetings with national stakeholders, NACO and SACS • Conduct study on relevant topic to improve strategic knowledge on MSM for improving the HIV response to better address their needs Estimated contract US$653,288 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 295, (total in organization); 11 (under MSA Programme) Contact info Ms. Hemangi Mhaprolkar Director – Capacity Building. The Humsafar Trust Manthan Plaza, 3rd Floor, Nehru Road, Vakola Santacruz East Mumbai-400055, Mumbai, India. Phone: +91-22-26673800. [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Voluntary Health Services Country India Vision/mission “Unto the Poor”. VHS aims to provide quality and holistic health care to the poor based on statement needs, rather than ability to pay. Experience Voluntary Health Services (VHS) established in 1958 is a 465 bedded multi-specialty tertiary implementing MSM teaching hospital guided by the philosophy of providing quality and holistic health care to and transgender the poor and unreached population. VHS also contributes to capacity building of the country’s focused HIV human resources through training. VHS is also a pioneer organisation in implementing HIV programmes prevention and control programmes for sex workers, men who have sex with men, , slum dwellers, truck drivers and other most-at-risk and vulnerable groups in Tamil Nadu with active collaboration of government departments, NGOs, CBOs and other social institution for more than two decades with the support of many international agencies. VHS is also transferring the best practices of Tamil Nadu to Northern states of India and countries of Southern Africa. Main activities • Sensitization of government and key stakeholders, Law enforcement agencies and judiciary planned for MSA on issues affecting TG/Hijra people Programme Phase 2 • Capacity development of CBOs for improved HIV service delivery • Resource mobilization workshops for CBOs • CBO seed funding to support for advocacy activities of CBOs • Advocacy at different levels (local/state/national) on HIV related issues affecting TG/Hijra people • Convene national media advocacy and media fellowship programmes for better coverage of TG/Hijra and HIV related issues • Pilot training on treatment as prevention for MSM and TG people • Pilot training on health sector/stigma and on different aspects related to HIV service delivery for TG/Hijra population • Support three legal aid clinics for TG/Hijra people in three states Estimated contract US$836,825 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 345 (in total for organisation); 11 (under MSA Programme) Contact info Dr. A. Vijayaraman Deputy Director – Programs Voluntary Health Services, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, TTTI Post, Chennai – 600 113. Tamil Nadu, India Phone: +91 – 44 – 22542355 [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Blue Diamond Society (BDS) Country Vision/mission Blue Diamond Society is committed to contributing to a society in which sexual and gender statement minorities can live with equal rights, freedom, dignity and a full range of opportunities. Experience Blue Diamond Society works in with local communities and on a national level with implementing MSM the mission to improve the sexual health, human rights and well-being of sexual and gender and transgender minorities in Nepal, including third-gender, , bisexual, , and other men who have sex focused HIV with men (MSM). BDS the only organization of its kind in Nepal. programmes Key activities include: health promotion for sexual minorities, psycho-social counselling, raising awareness of HIV and AIDS, promoting human rights and sexual health, documenting human right violations, legal counselling and litigation services, legal and constitutional campaigns, lobbying for policy change, advocacy and media campaigns, income generation activities for poor LGBTI/MSM. Main activities • Regional transgender/hijra, health and rights advocacy workshop planned for MSA • National and regional Technical Working Group meetings Programme Phase 2 • National consultation meeting with lawyers and advocates on Civil and Criminal Code • National MSM and transgender human rights advocacy meeting in partnership with National Human Rights Commission • “Pahichan” television programme and newsletter • Hotline and resource center service • Community System Strengthening through various needs-based trainings for down- streaming community based organizations. Estimated contract US$550,604 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 780, including CBOs (total in organization); 8 (under MSA Programme) Contact info Manisha Dhakal, Deputy Director Blue Diamond Society Dhumbarahi Marga, Dhumbarahi Height, Kathmandiu-4, Nepal Phone: +977-1-4443350/4007647 Fax: 4007726 [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Naz Male Health Alliance (NMHA) Country Pakistan Vision/mission NMHA is the first ever non-governmental technical support agency in Pakistan that exists to statement improve the sexual health, welfare and human rights for males who have sex with males (MSM), Transgender (TG) and other sexual minorities and their partners. It does this by advocating for sexual, welfare and human rights, developing policies on these issues and provides technical, financial and institutional support to MSM networks, groups and organisations across Pakistan. NMHA envisions a society where all people can live with dignity, self respect, social justice and well-being. Experience NMHA has worked closely with communities in six different locations to set up six MSM and implementing MSM transgender focused service delivery sites. In the medium term the objective is to work towards and transgender a conducive policy environment and demonstrate the need to scale up such HIV related services focused HIV for MSM and transgender populations the national government. The programme is the only programmes intervention in the challenging socio-cultural legal and political environment of Pakistan focusing on non-sex worker MSM and transgender populations. The service delivery at the community based organization level, which receive financial and technical support from NMHA, includes HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), sexually transmitted infections (STI) diagnoses and treatment, behaviour change communication and condom/lubricant distribution both via outreach as well as through the drop-in centres(DIC)/ clinics. NMHA has more than 46,000 MSM and transgender people registered with their service delivery points across Pakistan. Main activities • Establish provincial MSM, transgender and HIV forums by CBOs planned for MSA • City level mapping of health services to address HIV issues among MSM and transgender people Programme Phase 2 • Regional exposure visit to BDS Nepal to improve service delivery for CBOs • Regional training (ToT) on STI syndromic management in Pakistan • In-country training programmes for improved service delivery • Community mobilization events • Convene national level advocacy/consultative Technical Working Group meetings to monitor programme progress/strategic information and review policy environment. Estimated contract US$2,648,213 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 10 at PMU; 90 at CBOs; 120 peer educators (under MSA Programme) Contact info Qasim Iqbal, Executive Director Naz Male Health Alliance House 21/5, Al-Noor Street Amjad Khursheed Road, Cantt, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: +92 302 855 5367 [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka Country Sri Lanka Vision/mission Vision: To be the pioneer in providing sexual and reproductive health as a right for all. statement Mission: Enrich relationships to improve the quality of life of individuals by advocating sexual and reproductive health rights and providing services while maintaining sustainability and volunteerism. Experience The Sri Lanka HIV Prevention Project is a US$6.7 million initiative funded by the Global Fund implementing MSM to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. We are currently in Round 9, Phase II of the project, and transgender which is due to be completed in 2015. Under this project, FPA Sri Lanka works with ‘most-at-risk focused HIV populations,’ such as men who have sex with men, female sex workers, drug users, beach boys programmes and people living with HIV, seeking to realize the project objective of increased condom usage among members of these groups. FPA Sri Lanka hopes to achieve this through a country-specific behaviour change communication model where condom demonstration, distribution, STI and HIV awareness provision and increased access to healthcare services are key elements. FPA Sri Lanka works closely with the National STD/AIDS Control Programme to deliver this sexual-health package to Most at Risk Populations in different parts of the country through peer educator networks. Further, FPA Sri Lanka has supported activities and provides technical support and builds capacity of the LGBTQI networks and CSOs. Main activities • Sensitization workshops for government and key stakeholders, judicial members and law planned for MSA enforcement agencies on HIV and human rights issues affecting MSM and TG populations Programme Phase 2 • Capacity building trainings for CBO staff and pilot training workshops for health sector staff to reduce stigma and improve service delivery for MSM and transgender populations • CBO on-site technical assistance and monitoring visits to build the capacity of CBOs to deliver HIV services for MSM and TG people. • Provide seed grants for Community Systems Strengthening and advocacy. • Conduct policy research on legal barriers and impediments and also to study policy frameworks to overcome the situation. • Conduct media fellowship programmes, training and sensitization workshops for media persons • Pilot training workshops on ‘Treatment as Prevention’ for MSM and TG people • National CBO coordination and capacity building meeting with CBO partners • National community stakeholder consultation on HIV, MSM/TG and human rights issues • National MSM and TG human rights advocacy meeting in partnership with CBOs and relevant stakeholders • Conduct a city level mapping of health services to address HIV issues among MSM and TG people Estimated contract US$237,894 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 150 (total in organization); 7 (under MSA Programme) Contact info Madusha Dissanayake Director – Advocacy and HIV The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka 37/27, Bullers Lane Colombo 07 Phone: +94 11 2555 455 Fax: +94 11 2 55 66 11 E-mail: [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) Country Regional Vision/mission Founded in 2007 and officially registered in 2014, we are a coalition of members – governments, UN statement partners, non-profits and community based organizations – from Asia and the Pacific. We represent a diverse range of interests working together to advocate on, highlight and prioritise HIV issues that affect the lives of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people, including rights, health and well-being. Experience APCOM performs a critical role of community liaison. Key activities include: review and track implementing MSM the degree of inclusion of MSM and HIV issues in the national AIDS plans for different countries; and transgender monitor violation of rights of MSM; work with MSM and HIV community networks and focused HIV organizations by offering support and mentorship, and technical expertise; nurture and help programmes grow supportive networks; and advocate for qualitative research and extensive studies. Main activities • Develop APCOM institutional capacity and governance structures by developing systems planned for MSA for organizational governance, programme management, finance management and human Programme Phase 2 resource policy. • Coordinate regional trainings and capacity development for the SRs on financial management, monitoring and evaluation, resource mobilization and sustainability strategies and plans. • Provide regular onsite-technical assistance to project SRs on resource mobilization, advocacy, and knowledge management and promote regionality and cross learning among partners. • Coordinate Regional NHRI/SOGI consultations • Convene meeting of South Asian Strategic Information Advisory Group and bi-regional community learning exchange between SRs and SSRs under the MSA Programme, ISEAN- Hivos Multi-Country and APN+ Regional Global Fund grants. • Coordinate regional studies on violence against sexual minorities and on South Asia urban response on health services to address HIV among MSM and transgender people. • Develop country-specific policy briefs, discussion papers, position papers on MSM and TG HIV, human rights and advocacy, and strengthening APCOM knowledge hub ‘The Source’. Estimated contract US$883,286 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 10 (total in orgaization) Contact info Midnight Poonkasetwattana, Executive Director Asia Coalition on Male Sexual Health 23/6 Soi Napasab 2, Sukhumvit 36, Klongton, Klongtoei Bangkok 10110, Thailand Phone: +66 2259 3734 [email protected] MULTI-COUNTRY SOUTH ASIA GLOBAL FUND HIV PROGRAMME Sub-Recipient Profiles

Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+) Country Regional Vision/mission Vision: A better world for People Living with HIV. statement Mission: Working together to improve the quality of life for all people living with HIV in our region through peer led advocacy, network strengthening, communication and capacity building activities. Experience APN+ is the network of PLHIV living in the Asia Pacific region. It was established in 1994 at a implementing MSM meeting in Kuala Lumpur by 42 PLHIV from eight countries. It was established in response to the and transgender need for a collective voice for PLWHA in the region, to better link regional PLHIV with the Global focused HIV Network of PLHIV (GNP+) and positive networks throughout the world, and to support regional programmes responses to widespread stigma and discrimination and better access to treatment and care. APN+ has 30 different country members. With regards to programmes focusing on MSM and transgender people, APN+ has the following releated experience: • Positive MSM regional working group • Positive MSM capacity building programme • Community led research – Access to treatment for positive MSM community Main activities • Regional training of trainers (ToT) on treatment as prevention planned for MSA • Community systems strengthening (CSS) and Advocacy Seed grants Programme Phase 2 Estimated contract US$366,214 amount for Phase 2 Number of staff 10 (total in organization) Contact info Omar Syarif, Programme Manager Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS 75/12 Ocean Tower II, 15th Floor. Soi Sukhumvit 19 , Klong Toey Nua. Wattana , Bangkok , Thailand, 10110 Phone: +66 2 2597488 Fax: +66 2 2597487 [email protected]