PALEONTOLOGICAL EVALUATION REPORT FOR THE U.S. HIGHWAY 50 HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE LANES AND COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENTS PROJECT FROM KILOPOST 1.4 to 20.6 (POST MILE 0.9 to 12.8) IN SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA EA 03-44161 Task Order Number 9 Consultant Contract Number 03A1051 Prepared for: California Department of Transportation North Region Division of Environmental Planning 2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, #100 Sacramento, CA 95833 and URS Corporation 1333 Broadway, Suite 800 Oakland, CA 94612 Prepared by: PaleoResource Consultants F & F GeoResource Associates, Inc. 5325 Elkhorn Boulevard, #294 Sacramento, CA 95842 Contact: Dr. Lanny H. Fisk, PhD, PG 916-947-9594
[email protected] 18 March 2006 PaleoResource Consultants F & F GeoResource Associates, Inc. 5325 Elkhorn Boulevard, #294, Sacramento, CA 95842 Office Phone: 916-339-9594; Mobile Phone: 916-947-9594 10 March 2006 Mr. Ken Lastufka Environmental Coordinator California Department of Transportation Office of Environmental Management, S-1 2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, #100 Sacramento, CA 95833 Mr. Lastufka: In accordance with Caltran’s request, we have completed a paleontological resource impact assessment on the proposed Caltrans U.S. Highway 50 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes and Community Enhancements Project located in Sacramento, California. Included in the report transmitted by this letter are the results of our investigation and our recommendations for mitigating the potential adverse impacts of Project construction on paleontological resources. It is our opinion that Project construction has the potential to cause adverse impacts to significant paleontological resources, specifically Quaternary vertebrate, plant, and ichnofossils in the Modesto and Riverbank Formations. However, these potential impacts can be reduced to a less than significant level as required by CEQA, provided that the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into a monitoring and mitigation plan and that plan is fully implemented during Project excavating.