p 16 04 December 2015, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 50 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9686, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: [email protected]

Platinum Stars & Best Auto BMW

Fltr: Chairman of the Platinum Stars FC Mr Cliff Ramoroa, Best Auto Dealer principal David Niven, and Club Manager Senzo Masingiza, exchanging tokens to celebrate the event.

Club Manager Senzo Masingiza, sharing the exciting news of the Best Auto partnership with SuperSport viewers.

Rustenburg – Rustenburg’s own dream- brand accessories. team, the Platinum Stars FC, joined Best Sandra Niven from Best Auto Rustenburg Auto at the BMW dealership on Wednesday, explained that from Best Auto, the partnering 2 December 2015, to celebrate an exciting with Dikwena made sense, “We feel blessed new partnership between these two premium to be able to show our support for our local brands. team. We’re blessed be able to join hands As part of the partnership, Calvin Johnson, with Dikwena and offer their supporters a the Platinum Stars’ coach will receive a cour- large selection of our high quality products tesy BMW vehicle with which to conduct his and accessories.” Everything from golf-shirts business in and around town for the entirety to timepieces, be sure to check it out next of the football season. time you’re supporting our local team. Johnson said that BMW Best Auto, Rusten- Masingiza announced that, “BMW has always burg, was the obvious choice; “Platinum Stars been our preferred brand and we’re excited to is a premium club and Best Auto Rustenburg nurture this partnership.” is a premium brand.” After their massive success in the MTN 8 cup As part of the partnership, BMW Best Auto and Telkom Knockout in 2013, the Platinum will receive a VIP Lounge that they can use Stars have proven that they are a force to be exclusively for their preferred clients at every reckoned with. match this season. Platinum Stars are currently number 5 on the During this prestigious event, Best Auto PSL log and Best Auto recently celebrated Rustenburg also announced that they will three coveted awards; ‘Rural dealer of the soon open an accessories store at the Plati- year’, ‘Best in Financial Services’ and the QXP6WDUVIRRWEDOO¿HOGZKHUHVXSSRUWHUVFDQ award for ‘Total volume sales: Rural’. buy the latest on offer from the BMW premium Raising the bar together. Rugga Chunks ‡ Die befaamde All Black losskakel Dan Carter, het by sy nuwe klub in Frankryk, Racing 92, aangesluit om sy towerkunsies in die Franse liga ten toon te stel. ‡ -DFR.ULHOLVEHORRQYLUGLHYRRUWUHÀLNHUXJJDVZDWK\YDQMDDU gespeel het. Hy word gekroon deur die Leeus Rugby Unie as die Beste-speler en Spelers-speler van die jaar. Hierdie yster was beslis ongelukkig om nie vanjaar die groen en goud ooroor sy kop te kon trek nie. Slot Franco Mostert is aangewys as die Voorspeler van die jaar. ‡ In BlouBul land word die gewese Cheetahs haker, aangewys as die Bulle se kaptein vir 2016 met Handre Pollard as sy adjudant. In baie kringe word Pollard ook as ‘n toekomstige Springbok kaptein bestempel. wat ‘n droomjaar beleef het, is aangewys deur die BlouBul Rugby Unie se Speler van die Jaar. ‡ Die storm in OP Rugby het nog nie gaan lê nie ou grote. Daar is nou nóg groter marakkas met die coach, Brent Janse Van Vuuren, wat nou bedank het. Hy het blykbaar al maande nie sy salaris ontvang nie. Daar word ook nou geëis dat Cheeky Watson die unie onmiddellik moet verlaat. Gerugte loop nou rond dat die voormalige Bok, , dalk die nuwe afrigter gaan wees vir die Super reeks in 2016 vir die OP Kings. Ai ou grote, hierdie gaan ‘n helse verleentheid word vir SA Ruggas… ‡ Skokkende rugby chaos kring uit; Heyneke Meyer, Springbok afrigter, het sopas sy bedanking ingedien... ‡ Op ‘n meer vrolike noot gaan die Blitsbokke hul titel verdedig in Dubai wat op 5 Desember afskop. Die 12-tal beskik nou oor baie talent en kan beskou word as een van die groothonde in die reeks. ‡ Die legendariese makro-vleuel, All Black Yster, Jonah Lomu, is vandeesweek te ruste gelê. Hierdie frats wat 1.96m (6 Voet 5”), 120 kg en ‘n 10.8 sekondes oor ‘n 100 meter, sal altyd onthou word as die beste vleuel van alle tye. Nag ou grote…