Environmental Report 2006 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006


Contents 01

Corporate Outline 02

Message from the President 03

Management Philosophy 05

Mabuchi Motor’s Basic Environmental Policy 06

Environmental Management System 07

Environmental Accounting Report 09

Manufacture of Environmentally-Conscious Products by Mabuchi Motor 11

Preventing Global Warming 13

Reducing and Recycling Waste 15

Resource Saving 17

Decontamination 18

Communication 19

Contributions to Society 20

History of Mabuchi Motor Environmental Conservation Activities 21

Data Collection Period/Scope of Mabuchi Motor Environmental Report 2006

•Data collection period: Fiscal 2005 (January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2005) •Scope: Head Office and overseas related companies * Remarks: “The Mabuchi Group” is used in this Report as a collective term for the Head Office and the following overseas related companies (as of the end of December 2005): Hong Kong Mabuchi (including Mabuchi) Taiwan Mabuchi Kaohsiung Mabuchi Mabuchi Malaysia Mabuchi (Resolution for dissolution approved in November 2005) Mabuchi Vietnam Mabuchi •Activities covered: Environmental activities related to the design, manufacture and sales of motors and provision of services

Note: The cover photos show some of the award-winning works of the Mabuchi Group’s first poster / photo contest promoting environmental consideration. The photos at the top of some of the pages show the greening activities in the biotope at the new Mabuchi Motor Head Office.

1 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Corporate Outline

Trade name: MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. President: Shinji Kamei Established: January 18, 1954 Address: Head Office Field of Operations: Manufacture and sales of 430 Matsuhidai, -shi, small electric motors Chiba-ken, 270-2280 Japan Capital: 20,700 million yen TEL: +81-47-710-1111 (as of December 31, 2005) Employees: Head Office: approximately 1,000 Technology Center: 280 Ryufukuji, Motono-son, Mabuchi Group: approximately Inba-gun, Chiba-ken, 50,000 270-2393 Japan (as of December 31, 2005) TEL: +81-47-710-1222

Changes in consolidated net sales / consolidated operating income / operating income ratio

(Millions of yen) (%)

150,000 50 Consolidated net sales Consolidated operating income Operating income ratio

120,000 40

90,000 30

60,000 20

30,000 10

0 0 95' 96' 97' 98' 99' 00' 01' 02' 03' 04' 05'

Sales by application (fiscal 2005)

Home appliances, Information power tools & others 24% 17% & communication equipment

Audio and visual equipment 25% 34% Automotive products

2 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Message from the President

The Mabuchi Group seeks to attain its Management Philosophy of “Contribut- ing to International Society and Ever- expanding Our Contribution.” Underly- ing this purpose is the idea that Mabuchi should bear in mind its social responsi- bilities as a company and unceasingly maintain an attitude of sincerity worthy of the public’s trust, a company’s most important asset. Accordingly, we have used our acquisition of ISO 14001 cer- tification to jump-start our efforts to es- tablish an in-house framework for main- taining and further developing our environmental management system and to pursue tangible expansion of Shinji Kamei environmental activities into our busi- President and Representative Director ness activities. These approaches have Mabuchi Motor Co., Ltd. firmly integrated continual improvement activities aimed at achieving environ- mental targets into the PDCA cycle, re- sulting in a slow but sure heightening of environmental awareness within the Company as well as efforts designed to ensure that our business activities “promote the preservation of our earth’s environment and our own human health.”

Interest in environment issues has in recent years extended from readily identifiable local problems, such as air pollution, water quality deteriora- tion, soil contamination and illegal dumping of waste, to problems of a glo- bal scale, such as global warming and the destruction of the ozone layer. These problems appear all the more

3 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

serious for the next generation when considered over a longer timeframe and on a greater scale.

As an effort to resolve such issues at the local level, Matsudo City, home to our head office, has been implementing a “Mottainai (What a Waste!)” campaign in pursuit of eco-friendly living without unnecessary waste. The campaign started by considering lifestyles that have imposed a substantial environmental burden and taking another good look at the abhorrence of waste that has long been a part of Japanese living. Not content just to reduce the direct environmental burden of our own corporate activities, Mabuchi also pursue product development that incor- porates environmental considerations from the product design stage so that the prod- ucts and services we provide can also serve to reduce the environmental burden of our customers. Additionally, the Company will work toward the joint creation of cus- tomer value, help the public achieve even greater reductions in environmental bur- den, and contribute to building an even better society.

Mabuchi’s head office in Japan has collaborated with all of its business loca- tions in China and elsewhere to develop comprehensive and systematic energy conservation activities. The result has been a 3.7% decline in total CO2 emissions by volume from 2004 levels. We have similarly cut the volume of waste generated as planned by actively continuing Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle activities. Extraordi- nary cooperation from our suppliers with regard to environmental burden causing substances enabled us to ensure RoHS compliance for all products by the end of 2005. Although problems have emerged – a drop in capacity utilization led to an increase in the energy consumption per unit of production volume, and industrial waste disposal costs rose despite the smooth implementation of our Zero Emissions Program – we will clearly stipulate the measures to be taken to eliminate these problems and will continue in the future to exercise initiative in resolving the prob- lems.

Our work depends on prosperous co-existence with local communities. Con- sequently, we believe that we have an obligation to inform the public on a regular basis of the environmental measures being taken by the Mabuchi Group and the results these measures are achieving. This FY2006 Environmental Report is our latest report on our environmental activities, and it is our earnest hope that this Re- port promotes greater understanding of our efforts. Your frank opinions and com- ments on these efforts would be most welcome. December 2006

4 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

The Management Philosophy of Mabuchi Motor established by our founder is based on the fundamental principles of corporate management as well as the preservation and passing on of the Mabuchi Motor genes.

Management Philosophy

Contributing to International Society and Ever-expanding Our Contribution

The four Management Guidelines shown below more specifically clarify our contribution to international society. Among them is “Conduct corporate activities that promote the preservation of our earth’s environment and our own human health.” Through this guideline, we feel that the current situation in society has just caught up with the farsighted vision of our founder. We will continue to value these basic principles and conduct our corporate activities, always expanding our contribution.

Management Guidelines

1. Create superior and reasonably priced products. Our hope is to help build a more satisfying and comfortable life for customers around the world who enjoy a life with products using our motors.

2. Transfer our technology and bring forth new opportunities for employment. We hope that our contribution can become a helping hand in leveling international economic disparities and stimulating global economic development.

3. By placing “people” as an important managerial resource, we strive to heighten individual potential through work, and to raise more productive citizens of society.

4. Conduct corporate activities that promote the preservation of our earth’s environment and our own human health.

5 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Mabuchi Motor’s Basic Environmental Policy

1. We shall establish an environmental management system for taking business activities in consideration of the environment of the earth, and continuously try to improve the system.

2. We will strictly observe legal regulations relating to environment and other requirements, and positively determine and control selfimposed regulations.

3. To make the best use of limited resources, we will positively make effort in energy restriction, recycling and reduction in the amount of waste.

4. We will replace substances that cause a burden on the environment with substitutes.

5. We will positively conduct training and publicity activities to enhance the consciousness of the employees of environmental protection.

6. The environment policy will be penetrated to all employees and, if necessary, disclosed to the external parties concerned.

6 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Environmental Management System

Environmental Management Promotion Group’s environmental policy, tar- tal activities by focusing on avoid- System gets, and environmental measures, ing the use of environmental burden etc. In addition, the Environmental causing substances directly related In the Mabuchi Group, Managing Management Committee has a to product manufacturing, in addi- Director is appointed as the Envi- Chemicals Task Force and Energy tion to conventional activities such ronmental Management Represen- Saving Task Force to plan and pro- as the implementation of the ISO tative and manages the environ- pose specialized measures in each 14001 system and reductions in the mental management system of the of these areas. uses of energy and resources and entire Group. In fiscal 2005, in order to en- waste. An Environmental Management hance the level of Mabuchi Group We have added the environment Committee is established at our environmental management activi- (E) to Mabuchi Motor’s conventional Head Office. ties, the office of the Environmental elements, quality (Q), cost (C) and This Environmental Manage- Management Committee was delivery (D), and thereby continue ment Committee, with the Environ- moved from the Environmental and to make efforts to provide custom- mental Management Representa- Safety Group in the General Affairs ers with better products. tive as the chairperson, consists of Department to the Product Environ- the Head Office Environmental mental Quality Assurance Group in Manager and all the department the Quality Assurance Department. managers. The committee dis- This organizational change rein- cusses and determines the Mabuchi forced Mabuchi Group environmen-

Mabuchi Motor Environmental Management Organization

President and Representative Director

Environmental Management Representative (Managing Director)

Environmental Managers Conference

Head Office Environmental Manager

Environmental Manager of Each Overseas Related Company Environmental Management Committee Office of Environmental (All General Managers) Management Committee

Environmental Management Organization Environmental Management Organization for Each Department at Head Office for Each Overseas Related Company Chemicals Task Force Energy Saving Task Force Task Saving Energy

7 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Collaborating with Environmental Managers in Overseas Related Companies

An Environmental Managers Conference, consisting of Envi- ronmental Managers from the Mabuchi Group Head Office and overseas related compa- nies, has been held annually since 2000. The photo on the left shows the 6th Overseas Environmen- tal Managers Conference held in Vietnam in 2005.

Acquisition of ISO 14001 Certification

Head Office and all of Mabuchi Motor’s overseas related compa- nies have acquired ISO 14001 cer- tification, starting with Head Office in December 1999 and completed with Vietnam Mabuchi in March 2001. To make ISO 14001 certification activities smoother and more effi- cient for Head Office and overseas Training being conducted for the lead-free soldering process in Dalian Mabuchi related companies, we have tried to limit the certification bodies em- Education and In order to manufacture products ployed to Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Training that comply with the RoHS Direc- since fiscal 2004. Mabuchi Motor has established an ISO tive that came into effect in July This action is planned to be com- 14001 environmental management 2006, education on the Group’s pleted in fiscal 2006. system and environmental education policy that Mabuchi Motor products Starting in fiscal 2005, the tran- system as well. shall “not include, not be mixed with sition of ISO 14001 certification for This environmental education and not emit” hazardous substances the entire Mabuchi Group from the system provides a basic general has been provided to employees at 1996 version to the 2004 version education, which all employees Head Office and overseas related has been underway. This is also must receive, as well as environ- companies since fiscal 2005, and planned to be completed in fiscal mental education and training education and training on avoiding 2006. based on the employment level and the use of hazardous substances on the type of workplace and opera- based on the type of workplace and tion. operation have been provided.

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Environmental Accounting Report

In fiscal 2003, Mabuchi Motor intro- previous year’s environmental cost lished in the annual environmental duced an environmental account- for Head Office and Jiangsu Mabu- report and also used as reference ing system at Head Office and at chi. Based on this, costs for the en- materials for decisions on environ- Jiangsu Mabuchi, one of its over- vironmental management activities mental management. seas related companies. of Head Office and Jiangsu Mabu- Since then, every year we have chi are calculated for the year. collected and totaled data on the The results obtained are pub-

Fiscal 2005 Environmental Cost (Millions of yen)

Fiscal 2004 Fiscal 2005 Classification Amount of Amount Amount of Compared with Amount Compared with Main Efforts (Fiscal 2005) investment of cost investment Previous Year of cost Previous Year Construction, checking and measurement of septic Pollution prevention 17.9 5.0 2.1 (88.1%) 8.1 62.4% tanks at the new office building and measures to cost reduce the use of lead Global environmental Operation and maintenance of energy-saving 545.7 34.0 0.0 0.0% 35.2 3.5% preservation cost equipment in the office building at Head Office, etc. area area Resources recycling Recycling and proper disposal of waste and 3.5 51.3 0.3 (91.1%) 16.5 (67.8%) cost construction of facilities for utilizing rainwater

Cost within business within business Cost Subtotal 567.1 90.3 2.4 (99.6%) 59.8 (33.8%) Upstream and downstream Cost of switching to eco-motors and recycling and 1.0 48.3 0.0 0.0% 235.6 387.3% costs proper disposal of packing materials Maintenance and operation of the environmental management system, examination and analysis of contained chemical substances, disclosure of Management activity cost 53.5 72.7 0.0 (100.0%) 127.8 75.8% environmental information, environmental education for employees and greening activities at the new office building area Reducing and eliminating the use of hazardous Research and development 0.0 827.0 0.0 0.0% 1,069.3 29.3% chemical substances, research and development on cost resource-saving and energy-saving motors, etc. Cost for remedying 75.8 223.4 336.1 343.5% 236.8 6.0% Decontaminating soil and groundwater environmental damage Total 697.4 1,261.7 338.5 (51.5%) 1,729.3 37.1%

Fiscal 2005 Environmental Effects

Value of indicator compared with Value of indicator for Value of indicator for Value of indicator for Details of effects Classification of indicator that for the preceding fiscal year fiscal 2003 (basic unit) fiscal 2004 (basic unit) fiscal 2005 (basic unit) (basic unit) Energy input (GJ) 1,011,221 1,128,110 1,092,347 Reduction of 35,763 GJ Increase of 36 GJ GJ per million units 555 567 603 per million units Water input 1) Effects on 136 137 128 Reduction of 90,000 tons resources (10 thousand tons) input to Increase of 20 tons Tons per million units 0.075 0.069 0.071 business per million units activities Usage of PRTR Effects 2,627 2,930 3,918 Increase of 988 tons corresponding substances (tons) to cost within Increase of 0.7 tons Tons per million units 1.4 1.5 2.2 business area per million units Amount of discharged 39,676 43,711 39,123 Reduction of 4,588 tons 2) Effects of waste (tons) environme Reduction of 0.3 tons ntal burden Tons per million units 21.8 21.9 21.6 and waste per million units from CO emissions (tons) 173,733 176,942 170,445 Reduction of 6,497 tons business 2 Increase of 5.2 tons activities Tons per million units 95.4 88.9 94.1 per million units

9 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

In fiscal 2005, 2,068 million yen in hazardous substances (e.g. dis- This was due to the impact of the total was injected into environmen- posal costs for parts and materials drop in capacity utilization in fiscal tal management activities at for environmentally non-compliant 2005. Mabuchi Motor Head Office and motors, costs for measures for ma- Jiangsu Mabuchi. terials and parts suppliers, etc.) The usage of PRTR substances Out of this amount, investment The other is the cost for decon- described in the table for fiscal 2005 in the environment accounted for taminating the soil on the Mabuchi environmental effects is also based 339 million yen (51.5 percent de- Motor Head Office site contami- on the statistical results for the en- crease from the previous year). nated by tetrachloroethylene and tire Group, including Mabuchi Mo- On the other hand, the environ- trichloroethylene used in previous tor Head Office and overseas re- mental cost accounted for 1,729 times, as well as for constructing lated companies. With regard to the million yen (37.1 percent increase barrier wells and additional inciden- usage of substances at Head Of- from the previous year). tal facilities to prevent the area of fice in Japan, which is originally The amount of investment de- contamination from spreading out- subject to the regulations under the creased because a large-scale en- side of the premises. PRTR Law, there were no sub- vironmental investment in facilities stances to report because usage had been made within fiscal 2004 Environmental effects are based did not exceed the amounts which related to the new office building on the statistical results for the en- must be otherwise reported. and most of the amount of invest- tire Mabuchi Group. ment in fiscal 2005 was for the cost Out of the fiscal 2005 environ- of maintaining the facilities. mental effects, the total amounts of There are two reasons for the energy input, water input, dis-

cost increase of 37.1 percent. charged waste and CO2 emissions One is the cost required for were all reduced; however, energy

changing our complete motor mod- input, water input and CO2 emis- els to new models containing no sions per million units all increased.

Basic Points of Mabuchi Motor’s Environmental Accounting

1. Period: ported. rectly grasped are proportion- January 1, 2005 through 2) Labor cost ally calculated according to December 31, 2005 All labor costs relating to envi- working hours by theme. ronmental preservation activi- 4)Standard for reporting com- 2. Scope of calculation: ties are calculated. pound costs Cost: Head Office (including the Formula: Only costs relating to environ- Technology Center) the number of operations x mental protection activities are Jiangsu Mabuchi hours per operation x average reported in accordance with En- Effect: Entire Mabuchi Group wage by site vironmental Accounting Guide- 3)Research and development lines (in 2005). 3. Standard for calculating environ- cost mental preservation costs Costs specific to individual re- 1) Depreciation cost search and development The depreciation cost in terms themes are individually calcu- of financial accounting is re- lated. Those that cannot be di-

10 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Manufacture of Environmentally-Conscious Products by Mabuchi Motor

Mabuchi Motor declared the following company policy: “Stop manufacturing products that do not comply with the RoHS Directive by the end of 2005. Manufacture products that comply with the RoHS Directive starting on January 1, 2006.”

The RoHS Directive, which has a Manufacture products that comply Therefore, we started with a re- significant impact on companies with the RoHS Directive starting on quest for cooperation from our long- exporting products to Europe, finally January 1, 2006.” term parts/materials suppliers in or- came into effect in July 2006. der to respond to environmental re- It was very important for quirements. Our suppliers were very Mabuchi Motor, with its corporate Responding to RoHS cooperative in an atmosphere of in- customers categorized as the com- Starting with Parts creasing environmental awareness panies above, to complete prepa- and Materials throughout society. However, in rations for compliance with the some cases, even though no prob- RoHS Directive before the start of Before changing a part or a material, lems had been found in the evalua- the year 2006. a basic rule is to obtain the tion of prototype products manufac- Motors are functional parts, and customer’s approval based on data tured using environmentally-compli- they are manufactured and deliv- or some information that ant prototype parts or materials from ered to our customers’ factories, demonstrates that the product suppliers, problems in processability where they are assembled with using the new part has functions or workability occurred in the evalu- other parts into final products or, in and characteristics equivalent to or ation of mass-produced products some cases, into semi-final prod- better than that of the current and the process would have to be ucts, which are delivered to custom- product after evaluation. repeated from the beginning almost ers of our customers to be as- sembled into final products. Then these are loaded into a container and exported to Europe. Taking into account the time required for this process, our deadline for complet- ing the preparetion was six months before the RoHS Directive came into effect. Some customers requested our compliance with the RoHS Directive more than a year in advance; how- ever, requests from customers var- ied.

Under these circumstances, Mabuchi Motor declared its company policy: “Stop manufacturing products that do not comply with the RoHS Directive by the end of 2005. RoHS compliant motors from Mabuchi Motor

11 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

endlessly. This kind of steady work was re- peated to change the specifications of each product to meet environ- mental requirements. In the second half of fiscal 2005, in order to implement the above-men- tioned company policy, the entire company took various internal ac- tions, such as switching procured parts and materials, modifying and maintaining documents for produc- tion instructions, adjusting produc- tion planning and controlling the identification of parts and products.

Employee education on reduction in the use of environmental burden causing substances

Responding to RoHS in the Manufacturing vided to all employees, including hexavalent chromium had been used Process those in overseas related compa- for Mabuchi motors, measures had Environmental compliance of parts nies, in fiscal 2005. been taken to stop their use. and materials alone will not be In manufacturing, it is consid- They are also told that errone- enough. ered important for workers to under- ous shipment of parts containing en- Materials that are used in some stand clearly what they are manu- vironmental burden causing sub- of the production processes adhere facturing in order to produce good stances will result in disposal of all to the products that are delivered products. the parts concerned because to our customers. Such materials in- In the Mabuchi Group, in addi- screening is impossible, and the po- clude machining oil and mold re- tion to Head Office, all manufactur- tential damage from this could re- leasing agent used when process- ing factories have acquired ISO sult in bankruptcy of our company if ing parts and materials, cleaning 14001: 2004 certification. Employ- damage to customers is included. fluid, marker pen ink, and other ees have a high level of environ- Mabuchi’s motors are manufac- similar materials. Environmental mental awareness and participate tured by workers who have this kind pollution caused by these sub-ma- in environmental activities not only of knowledge, using parts and ma- terials was also examined, and we in their companies but also in their terials that are recorded on the pro- decided to use only environmen- local communities. All employees, duction instructions and checked, tally-friendly ones. ranging from factory workers to so that customers can use our en- Head Office employees, have been vironmentally-friendly motors free told that the EU RoHS Directive now from concern. Responding to prohibits the use of lead, cadmium, RoHS in Employee hexavalent chromium, mercury, Awareness PBB and PBDE exceeding the re- Education on environmental burden spective threshold values and that causing substances has been pro- although lead, cadmium, and

12 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Preventing Global Warming

The entire Mabuchi Group is con- sponsibilities will not be fulfilled while In order to prevent global warm- tinuously striving to reduce emis- our emissions are increasing over- ing, the Ministry of the Environment

sions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a seas. Therefore, the entire Mabuchi issued wide calls for businesses to greenhouse gas, in a concerted Group, including all its overseas fa- set the temperature of the air condi- drive to prevent global warming. cilities, is proactive in its constant ac- tioners in their offices at about 28°C

tivities to reduce CO2 emissions. during the summer and the “COOL Efforts to Reduce BIZ” campaign is part of these ef- forts. The campaign encourages CO2Emissions2 Efforts at Head Office workers to dress lightly for business CO2 is the main gas responsible for In October 2004, our Head Office during the summer, which enables accelerating global warming, and its moved to a new office building them to work comfortably and effi- generation must be reduced on a equipped with energy saving facili- ciently at a room temperature of global scale. ties. In order to ensure a continuous 28°C. The reduction targets for CO2 reduction in CO2 emissions in the As part of measures to prevent agreed upon in the Kyoto Protocol new office building, in fiscal 2005, the the increasingly serious problem of are applicable only within Japan. following were considered and devel- global warming, Mabuchi Motor However, since our small motors are oped: a system for calculating energy Head Office introduced COOL BIZ manufactured overseas, even if we consumption (including the power between July 20 and September 30, reduce our emissions within Japan, consumed in each area of business) 2005. the Mabuchi Group’s corporate re- and rules for its application.

Changes in CO2 emissions per one million motors produced in the Mabuchi Group

CO2 emissions (t-CO2) CO2 emissions (t-CO2) /million motors 200,000 140.0 180,000 120.0 160,000 140,000 100.0

120,000 80.0 100,000 60.0 80,000

60,000 40.0 40,000 20.0 20,000 0 0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

CO2CO2 emissions emissions (t-CO (t-CO2)2)COCO22 emissionsemissions (t-CO (t-CO2)2) /million /million motors motors

13 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Air intake of an absorption type air- conditioner in the Dalian Mabuchi factory

Ventilation using outdoor air in the summer consumes a large amount Above: Notice for visitors in the lobby at Mabuchi Motor Head Office during the “COOL BIZ” of electricity due to high outdoor campaign. temperatures. This not only places a burden on the environment but also costs a lot. through a review of the running of In Dalian Mabuchi factory, start- facilities that use electricity, as well ing from 2005 ventilation was im- as a review of their functions. proved in the summer by using well water to cool outside air before it is taken in. Efforts by Our This produced a cooling capac- Related Companies ity of 183,485 kcal/h, and about 186,111 kWh of electricity was 省エネルギーキャンペーン Electricity accounts for 85 percent saved annually. Board standing in the elevator hall inside the of all the energy used in the entire new Mabuchi Motor Head Office building (See below * for a detailed description.) Mabuchi Motor Group. Cutting back on the amount of electricity used is As part of the energy-saving cam- one measure that reduces CO2 ment, cooling towers, air condition- paign, the catchphrase; “Using the emissions toward the Mabuchi ers, air compressors, belt- stairs to go up one floor or down two Group’s goal of reducing global conveyors and so on were cleaned floors is good for your health and warming. and inspected to increase their en- the environment!*” was introduced In fiscal 2005, an energy-saving ergy efficiency and thereby reduce to encourage people not to use the month was introduced as one mea- electricity use. elevator so much to help reduce sure for continuous promotion of our

CO2 emissions and prevent global energy-saving activities. In over- warming. seas factories, environmental tar- We will continue to expand en- gets were set for the energy-saving ergy-saving educational activities month, and apart from energy- and the energy-saving campaign saving activities aimed at reducing

and make efforts to reduce CO2 CO2 emissions and periodical in- emissions by saving electricity spections of facilities and equip-

14 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Reducing and Recycling Waste

Achieving Zero Status of Recycling Emissions The amount of waste generated materials and parts generated in The entire Mabuchi Group is taking by the entire Mabuchi Group in fis- production processes, more appro- on the challenge of “Zero Emis- cal 2005 was 39,123 tons, an in- priate purchase quantities for office sions” in an effort to produce a re- crease of 4,643 tons over the and other supplies used in offices cycling society, one in which waste 34,480 tons generated in fiscal and indirect departments by review- is recovered and reused in the form 2001. The total amount of waste in- ing those supplies, and the promo- of resources to reduce landfill creased due to the increase in the tion of recycling activities for the waste. number of motors produced (from used goods and materials, made Taking on the challenge of “Zero about 1.5 billion units in fiscal 2001 major contributions to the result. Emissions,” Mabuchi Motor reduces to about 1.8 billion units in fiscal Another factor leading to im- incinerated and landfill waste and 2005). In contrast, waste per pro- provements in recycling is wider promotes reuse (recycled use), aim- duction of million motors was re- options when selecting waste pro- ing to reduce the percentage of in- duced by 2.1 tons over the fiscal cessing companies, because sort- cinerated and landfill waste to 1.0 2001 figure. ing waste by material of each part percent or below. In order to achieve The recycling rate in the entire was made possible thanks to im- this goal, in addition to reducing the Mabuchi Group for fiscal 2005 stood provements in the production pro- generation of waste, it is essential at 97 percent, an increase of about cess, and this has made recycling to convert generated waste into us- 11 percent from the 86 percent for easier. able resources. fiscal 2001. Recycling activities for

Changes in the Total Amount of Waste and the Amount of Waste Per Million Motors Produced in the Mabuchi Group between 2001 and 2005 (t) (t) (()) 50,000 23.7 25 (()) 23.3 21.8 21.9 45,000 21.6

40,000 20


30,000 15


43,711 20,000 39,603 39,676 39,123 10 34,480 15,000

10,000 5


0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total amount of waste Amount of waste per million motors produced (t)

15 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Changes in the waste recycling and landfill rates for the Mabuchi Group between 2001 and 2005 100%


80% 70%

60% 86.3 90.4 50% 95.3 95.9 97.0




10% 13.7 9.6 0% 4.7 4.1 3.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Incineration and landfill rate (%) Recycling rate (%)

Thorough and the oil-free paper was sorted as Improved Sorting/ combustible refuse. Reduction of Waste To increase the waste recycling rate, separate bins were provided The Distribution Control Depart- Conventional packing material for oil-soaked waste paper in fiscal ment at Dalian Mabuchi (Dalian, 2005, and this was then disposed China) changed the material used of separately from general waste for packing belts for transportation paper. These measures made it from the conventionally disposable possible to recycle all general waste type to a reusable type, thereby re- paper from fiscal 2005, which had ducing costs and eliminating dis- not been recyclable until then. posal. Before the improvement, 66 new belts were used each month; how- Packing belt after improvement ever, new belts are not required af- ter the improvement. Thanks to this change in pack- Taiwan Mabuchi had been wip- ing material, the use of packing tape ing off machine oil remaining after was also reduced to a third. the production process by using This change contributed to both sheets of paper. The oil-soaked reducing the amount of waste dis- waste paper was disposed of in the

charged and saving resources. same trash bins as any other waste Separate trash bin for oil-soaked paper, and everything including all waste paper

16 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Resource Saving

Efforts to Reduse the Use of Office Automa- tion (OA) Paper

At Head Office and at each over- Changes in the use of OA paper in the Mabuchi Group seas related company, Mabuchi (excluding sales offices) between 2001 and 2005 (ten thousand sheets) Motor is continuously striving to re- duce the use of OA paper by pro- 3,500 moting the use of electronic formats 3,000 for the distribution of interoffice 2,500 documents and the archiving of 2,000 business records. 1,500 Dalian Mabuchi started to use 1,000 electronic formats for inter-process 500 operation request sheets and inter- 0 warehouse delivery and warehous- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 OA paper 2,876 3,260 2,923 2,847 2,634 2,876 3,260 2,923 2,847 2,634 ing slips in the factory and reduced (ten thousand sheets) OA paper use by about 180,000 sheets per year. Jiangsu Mabuchi used to distrib- Efforts to Reduce ute all kinds of regulations in paper year. the Use of Wood formats. These paperless inter-office Resources In fiscal 2005, it was made pos- documents contributed to saving re- sible to distribute regulations and sources and reducing waste, as Kaohsiung Mabuchi (Kaohsiung, the like in electronic formats. These well as enhancing the security level Taiwan) used to dispose of wood measures could reduce OA paper of internal information and reduc- used for packing parts and materi- use by about 30,000 sheets per ing costs. als delivered from suppliers as com- bustible refuse. Large amounts of wood resources were consumed and waste disposal was costly as well. In fiscal 2005, in an effort to pro- tect forest resources, a way to re- use these wooden packing materi- als was sought. After negotiations with suppliers, about 40 tons of wooden packing materials were re- used in fiscal 2005.

Documents in electronic formats make production workplaces in Jiangsu Mabuchi Wooden packing materials being increasingly paperless reused

17 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006


Efforts at Head Office We have used organic chlorinated cleaning solvents in the production process for small motors. The type of each of the solvents used has varied at different times. However, in the initial stages of using the cleaning solvents, control was less than adequate due to lack of knowl- edge of their properties. Conse- quently, soil contamination was dis- covered during the voluntary soil contamination research conducted

before the construction of our new Soil decontamination facilities installed at Mabuchi Head Office office building. In light of this fact, we reported ploying the double extraction gaged in decontamination work. As the situation to Matsudo City and method for the time being, we are we were able to demolish buildings at the same time, after discussions now studying an alternative method in the contaminated area, we have with them, we removed contami- to speed up the decontamination completed decontamination of the nated soil and now continue with because the current method re- soil by employing the oxidation cata- decontamination work for ground- quires a long time. However, decon- lytic method. Since concentrations water by double extraction of soil tamination using chemicals without of contaminants in the groundwater gas and groundwater. Barrier wells any in-depth study will be avoided are still higher than the environmen- were also installed on the down- unless it can be proven not to cause tal quality standard, wells for decon- stream side at the boundary of the dual contamination in the future. tamination were sunk to decontami- premises to prevent contaminants Now that measures have been com- nate the groundwater using acti- from flowing out. The range was ex- pleted to prevent leakage outside vated charcoal to adsorb the con- panded beyond the contaminated of the premises, we are proceed- taminants. areas to ensure prevention of any ing with our study to find a method To prevent any outflow of the con- outflow. that has the least burden on the en- taminants from the premises, sheet Since the concentration of the vironment in the long term. piles are installed to the first aquifer contaminants is now lower than be- and barrier wells are installed to the fore, decontamination is not ad- second aquifer. Now the concentra- vancing as fast as it was in the ini- Efforts at tions in the groundwater are de- tial stages and the concentration is a Subsidiary creasing and we will continue the only gradually decreasing. One of Since our subsidiary in Tatebayashi current method, pumping ground- the causes of the slower decon- City terminated operation, we also water, until the concentrations be- tamination speed with the decrease voluntarily examined that site. As a come lower than the environmental in concentration is the presence of result, contamination exceeding the quality standard, although it will take the contaminants in the clay layer. environmental quality standard was some time. Extraction methods have only a lim- detected and we reported the con- ited effect on decontaminating clay tamination to soils, and the decontamination is and Tatebayashi City. After discus- behind its original schedule. sions with them on the decontami- While we will proceed with em- nation method, we are now en-

18 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006


Mabuchi Motor discloses environ- Poster / Photo mental information both inside and Contest Promoting outside the company to proactively Environmental address environmental issues. Consideration In fiscal 2005, the “Poster / Photo Environmental Contest Promoting Environmental Information Disclosure Consideration” was held for the first Both Inside and Outside time. This was a new environmen- the Company via the tal conservation activity for every Website type of member participation and First prize in the contest’s photo Mabuchi Motor discloses its envi- further enhanced environmental category: “We dream of swimming ronmental policy, the result of envi- awareness among individual em- here!” ronmental conservation activities ployees of Mabuchi Group. and information on environmentally- Many entries were sent to us conscious product development from employees at Head Office and both inside and outside of the com- overseas related companies. Out of pany on its website. these, a total of 16 entries were se- For internal communication, the lected as winners of first to third environmental information data- prizes. (The cover photos show base ECOLOG, which was started some of the award-winning entries.) in 2003 on the company’s intranet, This contest has further en- has been increasingly recognized hanced environmental awareness year by year and significantly con- among all Mabuchi Group members tributes to research and develop- and strengthened their willingness ment and sales promotion of to protect the Earth. Creator: Mr. Giang Vy Hung environmentally-conscious prod- Vietnam Mabuchi ucts while also playing a significant role in developing environmental awareness among employees.

Enhance environmental awareness for every individual

In 2005, an interview with Mr. Itokawa, General Manager of Quality Assurance Department and Environmental Manager at Mabuchi Motor’s Head Office, was posted on ECOLOG. The interview was on environmental issues, entitled “Solar panels turned my house into a power plant.” He appealed to employees through the company intranet, “Taking the first step, however small it may be, is very impor- tant... There are a number of environmental issues to be addressed now. I think that each of us must improve our environmental awareness so that we can join in activities at both company level and government level.”

19 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

Contributions to Society

Mabuchi Motor is actively engaged ministration (held in Dalian Xinghai Support for Local in social contributions that go be- Square). Education Activities yond the scope of business in the In the campaign, Mr. Okuma, process of implementing its Man- General Manager of Dalian Mabuchi Motor actively extends co- agement Philosophy: “Contributing Mabuchi, signed his name on the operation with and support for edu- to International Society and Ever- “Companies’ Environmental Decla- cational activities in separate local expanding Our Contribution.” ration” initiated by communities as part of their corpo- local companies as rate social responsibility. a representative of Head Office cosponsors a “Sci- Cosponsoring the Dalian Mabuchi. ence Show” hosted by Chiba Mu- Robot Contest seum of Science and Industry ev- ery year as part of their coopera- Every year since 2002, Mabuchi tion with local public institutions and Motor has been a cosponsor of the to provide educational support for “ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest” manufacturing and science for chil- and “Robocon: The idea battle- dren. technical collage robot con- test” with support for running the contests and providing motors. Employees of Dalian Mabuchi participating in the environmental protection publicity campaign hosted by the Dalian environmental protection administration

“Let’s make a paper clip motor” Mabuchi Motor’s related compa- workshop at Science Show 2005

Mr. Shinji Kamei, President of nies in China support tree-planting Mabuchi Motor, presents a special and greening activities in their sepa- prize to Tribhuvan University of Nepal rate communities every year. in a contest held in Beijing, China in Dalian Mabuchi has designated Employees of fiscal 2005 three elementary schools, namely, Guangdong Mabuchi Zhuanghe, Wafangdian and participate as Pulandian as targets for its support, volunteers in and provides scholarships and ex- Cooperation in the spring tree-planting tends cooperation in factory tours Local Environmental activities. for their students every year. Activities

To support environmental protection for public utilities in Dalian City, on June 5, 2005 eighty employees of Dalian Mabuchi participated in an environmental protection publicity campaign on the theme, “Let’s all participate in building a green Employees of Jiangsu Mabuchi house,” which was hosted by the Periodic visit by General Manager cooperate in greening activities in their of Dalian Mabuchi to one of its Dalian environmental protection ad- local community supporting schools

20 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

History of Mabuchi Motor Environmental Conservation Activities

June 1993 Adopted the management guideline: “Carry out our corporate activities of developing, manufacturing, and selling small electric motors in a way that preserves both our own health and the global environment” as part of the Management Philosophy.

December 1993 Reported on development of the first cadmium-free materials for motor commutators.

January 1994 Set targets for recycling rate and reduction of in-house waste in the annual program and started continuous control of numerical targets.

June 1997 Set up “Environmental Management Committee” for managing information on environmental problems at Business Platform Innovation Headquarters.

November 1997 Started modifications and improvements in cadmium-free materials.

January 1998 Revised the Standards for Waste Disposal Control for Procedures based on the three Rs.

July 1998 Set up ISO 14001 certification project (E-Project) at Business Platform Innovation Headquarters. Started feasibility study for acquiring ISO 14001 certification.

October 1998 Established the Mabuchi Group’s “Basic Environmental Policy.” E-Project started activities to acquire ISO 14001 certification.

May 1999 Established Environmental Policy at Head Office in line with the requirements of ISO 14001.

May 1999 Announced Interim Environmental Targets for Head Office.

June 1999 Started operating EMS (Environmental Management System) at Head Office.

December 1999 Head Office acquired ISO 14001 certification.

January 2000 Started to eliminate and reduce the use of trichloroethylene.

January 2000 Started activities to develop a new method of lead-free soldering.

March 2000 Kaohsiung Mabuchi (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) acquired ISO 14001 certification.

May 2000 Eliminated the use of trichloroethylene at Head Office.

July 2000 Malaysia Mabuchi (Ipoh City, Malaysia) acquired ISO 14001 certification.

August 2000 Jiangsu Mabuchi (Jiangsu, China) acquired ISO 14001 certification.

August 2000 Dalian Mabuchi (Liaoning, China) acquired ISO 14001 certification.

21 MABUCHI MOTOR CO., LTD. Environmental Report 2006

September 2000 Started developing hexavalent chromium-free material for motors.

October 2000 Started green procurement activities.

December 2000 Completed evaluation of selection of cadmium-free substitutes.

December 2000 Taiwan Mabuchi (Hsinchu City, Taiwan) acquired ISO 14001 certification.

December 2000 Hong Kong Mabuchi (Hong Kong, Guangdong, China) acquired ISO 14001 certification.

December 2000 Started operation of returnable-container system in some regions.

March 2001 Vietnam Mabuchi (Bienhoa City, Vietnam) acquired ISO 14001 certification.

July 2001 Lead-free soldering for motors was approved by ’s “Committee for Electrical Component Standardization.”

December 2001 Completed arrangements for mass production using lead-free soldering.

December 2001 Posted Environmental Report 2001 on website.

April 2002 Started shipping samples of hexavalent chromium-free motors.

July 2002 Detected soil pollution from tetrachloroethylene in a section of the Head Office site and started purification and improvement.

September 2002 Started supplying motors satisfying EU Directives ELV and RoHS.

May 2003 Started construction of Mabuchi Motor’s new Head Office building, which incorporates state-of-the-art technology to reduce environmental burden.

October 2003 Established an environmental accounting system with guidance from ERNEST & YOUNG SHINNIHON.

May 2004 Introduced hydrocarbon scrubbers.

June 2004 Dalian Mabuchi won award as a model company for environmental conservation by environmental protection administration in Dalian, China.

September 2004 Jiangsu Mabuchi introduced environmental accounting system.

October 2004 Construction of Mabuchi Motor Head Office building completed, using state-of-the-art technology.

June 2005 The Mabuchi Group’s first poster / photo contest promoting environmental consideration was held.

December 2005 Terminated the production of products not complying with the RoHS Directive.

22 Contact: Quality Assurance Dept., Product Environmental Quality Assurance Group 430 Matsuhidai, Matsudo-shi, Chiba-ken, 270-2280 Japan TEL: +81-47-710-1109 FAX: +81-47-710-1136 Email: [email protected]

Mabuchi Motor Website URL: http://www.mabuchi-motor.co.jp