Possession Archive 2012-2014
Annual rituals Sun, 01 Jan 2012 12:53:34 +0000 NL Happy new year to all who read, comment on or write for Nearly Legal! This is usually a moment to take stock of the past year and look forward to the next, but I'm feeling far too lazy to do it properly. Luckily, the DCLG have made the task easier by shouting again that they propose to crack down on subletting. In what is rapidly becoming an annual tradition, Grant Shapps has announced plans to consult on proposals to make sub-letting a criminal offence. Rather oddly, Mr Shapps says: For too long this country has turned a blind eye on the multi-billion pound problem of housing tenancy fraud and abuse. which I take to be an admission that last year's 'crackdown', action team and all, was utterly ineffective. As to the proposals - the devil will be in the detail. Mr Shapps has coupled the sublet issue with proposals to remove security of tenure and levy a 'market rent' on social housing tenants earning over £100,000 per year, hitting an estimated 6,000 tenants nationally. This seems rather over the top for legislative action, but would establish the principle of restriction on tenure by income level. This may well go further, as introducing legislation with the main aim of removing Bob Crowe's security of tenure seems a little excessive. What with this, the coming into force of the Localism Act, with new tenure provisions, and one presumes a response to the consultation on an ASB mandatory ground for possession and closing the bus pass loophole, it is going to be a busy year.
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