Dbm Army Lists
D.B.M ARMY LISTS For use with the De Bellis Multitudinis Wargames Rules BOOK 2: 500 BC to 476 AD Compiled by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott WARGAMES RESEARCH GROUP 2nd EDITION, NOV 1998 D.B.M. ARMY LISTS For use with the De Bellis Multitudinis Wargames Rules BOOK 2: 500 BC to 476 AD Compiled by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott WARGAMES RESEARCH GROUP 2nd EDITION, Nov 1998 - All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the copyright holder. © Wargames Research Group, November 1998 The Keep, Le Marchant Barracks, London Road, Devizes, Wiltshire. SN10 2ER Printed in England D.B.M. ARMY LISTS BOOK 2 - THE CLASSICAL PERIOD, 500 BC TO 476 AD These lists are intended for use with our "De Bellis Multitudinis" wargames rules, more familiarly known as "DBM". While mainly intended for competition games, they also provide a general guide to armies' troop classification and proportions for use in conjunction with more detailed sources such as the W.R.G. army handbooks. Each list is designed to produce 300 AP to 500 AP armies which closely simulate their real life prototype, while still allowing sufficient flexibility to cover historical variations during the period and legitimate differences of opinion or personal preference. Most of them include about 200 AP of compulsory troops and allow greater freedom of choice for the remainder, this choice diminishing as the size of the army increases.
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