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80% Get All Classes in Early Enrollment 4 Partly Cloudy Happiness Is . MICHIGAN a little w a rm e r today and . .working like hell. Be » STATE MEWS Wednesday. High in the happy. upper 30’s. — Bliss UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1965 Price 10c BASES ÑAMARA CUTS B ogus N otice M ove W ill Save 80% Get All Classes Smith, Bradley W . M o n e y , C o s t J o b s Please report to Room 232, Office of the Registrar, Administration Building, on Tuesday, Dec. 7 th , at closings and cutdowns ordered 1:00 p.m. WASHINGTON iff-Secretary of P. B. Smith Ì sin ce M a rc h 1961, th e new m oves In Early Enrollment Please be prompt. Defense Robert S, McNamara Assistant Director today ordered 149 mare bases w ill bring total savings to $1.5 Of Registration closed, consolidated or substan­ billion a year, McNamara said. Eighty per cent of the 21,651 said King. "It ran smoothly com­ their college adviser to obtain PBS/m b tially reduced. The affected bases are lo­ pared to schools which provide a permit to register and a sec­ cated in 39 states, the D istrict of . students who participated in early By LEO ZAINEA McNamara told a news confer­ for programmed courses.’’ tion reservation-enrollment card Columbia and 10 foreign coun­ enrollment received co m p le te State News Staff Writer ence the actions, calculated to schedules for winter term, Re­ Computer-type enrollment is before going to the Men’s IM save $410 m illion a year, “ will t r ie s . gistrar Horace C. King said Mon­ one year old at State, and gets building. They should also have If your name is Smith or Johnson, you’d better read your m ail be completed without decreas­ better every term, said King. their ID card and packet of reg­ McNamara told reporters con­ day. twice—some of it might be "unreal.” ing m ilitary effectiveness or lim ­ istration cards, King said. Registrar Horace C. King said false notices are being dis­ gressmen1^ re being informed These students requested •‘Early registration of seniors iting our current and future ac­ Students can obtain an advanced tributed to students,,apparently to Smiths and Johnsons, in­ how their districts are affected 103,929 subjects, and 94.6 per and juniors in the fall of 1963 tivities in Southeast Asia." registration reservation card at structing them to report to232 Adm inistrationbuildingat 1 p.m. but that form al announcement of cent or 98,271, were confirmed, proved successful so we con­ ROBERT S. McNAMARA Coupled with 703previous base Demonstration Hall 8 a.m. to to day. the 149 bases in the new list w ill said King. Only 13.3 per cent tinued it,'1 he said. of the students were short one 5 p.m. including lunch hour, F ri­ The notices, duplicated in purple ink, are signed P.B. Smith, not be made until Wednesday. subject while 4.8 per cent were Winter term registration w ill day and Dec. 13-16, King said. assistant director of registration. The 23 foreign bases, account­ There w ill be no alphabetical missing two. be held in the sports arena of There is no Room 232 in the Administration Building and ing for $93 million in savings, “ We were particularly satis­ M e n ’ s 1M between 8 a .m . and listing for registration hours, there is no P.B. Smith working in the registrar’s office, King w ill not be disclosed until after fied with the efficiency of the 4 p.m. next week. but the Registrar’s Office w ill sa id . U .S . S p a c e discussions with the countries p r e - registration enrollment,' Students should first go to advise students which hours w ill "What complicates the m atter,” said King, "is that the reg­ in v o lv e d . be best to register, said King. istrar’s office actually is sending out notices to students.” The Registrar’s Office is send­ The office has received a number of calls from students try­ McNamara said 53,000 jobs ing out computer-printed cards ing to learn the reason for the false notices, after failing to C o m e s O f f will be eliminated, mostly uni­ formed positions, but he did not today notifying students th a t find Room 232. courses they had requested for "O ur office is sending out a yellow computer-printed card have a precise breakdown. In­ ported, "Jim ’s been out of his winter term are confirmed. notifying the student that courses he requested*for winter term HOUSTON, T e x . iff!—P ilo t volved also are shifts of 29,000. James A. Lovell Jr. Monday was suit about a revolution now and The early registration during have been confirmed,” King said. he’s very, very comfortable. I’m final’s week w ill also give stu­ The "real” card also lists times for pre-registration and the first U.S. Astronaut to shed An immediate protest came his spacesuit protection while able to stay as comfortable as I dents a longer Christmas vaca­ procedure for obtaining an advance registration card. from L. Mentiell Rivers, D-S.C,’ w a s ." tion. Classes begin Jan. 6. flying through space. The two- chairman of the House Armed man Gemini 7 hurtled on toward T he G em ini 7 astronauts Services Committee, who said a world record 14-days in orbit sounded brisk and confident as the action is a calculated risk - to the tune of "Fly Me to the they ticked off their medical re­ that could prove costly in view M o o n ." ports to flight surgeons on the of the Viet Nam fighting. Interest B oost Shakes "Jim ’s all out of his suit and g ro un d . comfortable," said spaceship And Rep. W illiam H. Bates of Massachusetts, ranking Repub­ command pilot Frank Borman Then mission control played lican on the committee, said he over Australia. He quoted Lovell: them tape recorded music - is "extrem ely disappointed that "It’s the only way to fly.” among the songs: "Stardust” , and W all Street , A n n o y s L B J McNamara did not consul^ with Gemini 7 entered its 31st orbit "I Got Plenty of Nothing.” at 2:27 p.m. EST. L o v e ll, a N avy co m m a n d e r, be­ Congress and hadn’t^ "even ad­ The- astronauts spotted the came the first U.S. astronaut to vised us in advance,” set possible switches of capital any easing of credit in the hard- I NEW YORK 1— The Federal launch of a 31-foot Polaris m is­ test the comfort of the Gemini “ It appears to me," Rivers toward the United States. pressed British economy. Reserve Board’s boost in the sile fired from near Cape Ken­ space cabin and show confidence said in a statement, “ that the — The Japanese government basic price of money rippled The price of money is a basic nedy rb y the nuclear submarine in its "shirtsleeve” environ­ closing of these bases is being expressed concern the U.S. move across the economies of the na­ cost in the credit-fired U.S. Ben Franklin at 2:25 p.m. They m e n t. done purely for the sake of sav­ would hamper the Japanese econ­ tion and the world Monday in a economy. Virtually every level tracked the fiery m ilitary rocket ing money. At a time when the • widening circle of cost-price re­ omy because of the heavy vol­ for three minutes - nearly 3,000 ) of government, industry and p ri­ The Gemini 7 crew reported war in Viet Nam is escalating ume of finance and trade between a c tio n s . vate citizen pays interest. If they m ile s . it took some time to get the suit with sudden, and in some re­ th e tw o . Sunday n ig h t th e R e s e rv e B o a rd do not pay it directly for money " W e ’ ve got h e r and she’ s beau­ off and for that period Lovell spects, unexpected intensity, now raised the discount interest rate —British economists said the tiful,” said Lovell. "It’s easy IK borrowed, they pay it indirectly had to unplug the wires that fed is not the psychological time to fo r its m em be r commercial- U.S. action probably precluded to track, we're right on it,” I*** in the costs of goods and ser­ his medical data to the automat­ close any of our defense instal­ banks to 4-1/2 per cent from 4 v ic e s . Borman reported. ic radio sending device. la tio n s ." per cent. It also boosted the At Cape Kennedy, work con­ While Lovell was the first The U.S. government alone But McNamara, announcing his ceiling to 5-1/2 per cent from tinued around the clock to set U.S. astronaut to fly without a T currently is paying $966 m illion 4-1/2 per cent on interest banks up the launch of Gemini 6 for spacesuit, Soviet cosmonauts had order at a news conference, said OVERTURNED TRADITION — Alan Schulz, Saginaw a month in interest on the fed­ may pay to attract deposits of Reds S a y D ec. 13.
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