Captain' H. N. Schofield, Royal Artillery, Half-Pay, Major the Honourable Henry C. to be Aide-de-Camp to the Right Legge, M.V.O., from Coldstream Guards, to Honourable Sir Redvers H. Buller, G.C.B., be Lieutenant-. Dated 25th January, K.C.M.G-., V.C., Commanding the Troops at 1899. • Aldershot. Dated 9th October, 1898. BREVET. H. P. Moulton-Barrett, Princess Louise's The undermentioned Officers to be Colonels : — (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), to be Lieutenant-Colonel John William Brooke Parkin, Aide-de-Carnp to General E. F. Chapman, C.B., Army Service Corps. Dated 12th December, Royal Artillery, Commanding the Troops, 1898. Scottish District. Dated 1st October, 1898. Lieutenant-Colonel George R. R. Savage, Royal Captain A. G> Balfour, the Highland Light Engineers. Dated 24th January., 1899. Infantry, to be a District Inspector of Mus- ketry, vice Captain J. G. Mayne, the Royal Captain .(local Lieutenant-Colonel) W. H. • Inniskilling Fusiliers, whose period of service . Manning, Indian Staff Corps, to be Major, in" in that appointment has expired. Dated 1st recognition of his services against the Chief January, 1899. Mpeseni during the operations in British Central Africa and Northern Rhodesia, 1898. Indian Staff Corps, Captain Henry Thomas Dated 24th June, 1898. Horatio Hay is granted the. temporary rank • of Major whilst serving as • Regimental (Dom- MEMORANDA. ' inandant or Second in Command, . Lieutenant-Colonel E. G. Barrow, C.B , Indian Dated 12th August, 1898. Staff Corps, Deputy Secretary to the Government of India in the Military Depart meat, is granted Unattached List, The undermentioned Gentlemen the substantive rank of Colonel in the Army. Cadets, from the Royal Military College, to be Dated 16tb January, 1898. Second Lieutenants, with a view to their Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel B. Duff, . appointment to the Indian Staff Corps. Dated C.I.E., Indian Staff Corps, is granted the sub- 25th January, 1899 :— stantive rar^k of Colonel in the Army. Dated, Graham George Jamea Sankey. 28th August, 1898. Patrick Sinclair Stoney. » Lieutenant-Colonel (local Colonel) A. P. ' Ernest Robert Caldwell Wyatt. Penton, from Royal Artillery, is continued in the Henry Richard Augustus Hunt. appointment of Commandant of the Local Forces 'Harold Gordon Wilmer. of New Zealand. Dated 31st December, 1898. Charles Alfred Gordon Pierrepont Meadows. Archibald William Robertson-Glasgow. John Yule Tancred. John Patrick Villiers-Stuart. War Office, 24