k'. N•• Nil 'J97 The$ Gazette PiubJl,he,d by Authority ------Vol. XVII I Aizawl, Friday 3. 3. 19R9 Pha1guna. 12 S.E. 1910 Issue N" 9

_QQ"el'nrn�nt-- .. . of Mi:;r;Qr.@,1ll PART I /,r -.__ ,'AppoiJllments. Po ings, Transfers. :, • st Powers, Leave and ot!� .. .�------.. - . , P.Q{�qnal tf:>Jo ices. and Orders. ORDER BY THE GOVERNOR


�o. LADjVCA-128/.�8j19, the 2nd, Marcb, 1989. Consequent �P9n tbe re-igna· tlOns of Pu Suineibthanga aQd Pu Lalbela of Elected meml)ers of Kelkang Village CouJ}.cil from tl1eir membt;rsqipsand having satisfied that 'the ,K'¢l�a!-1g ViC p.as not be..eo functioflirig snlOothly the Governor of Mjzpram is .of qpinion th(J t th,e remaining VIC m.embers are too inefficient to carryon th,e Vjll,age adf4inistration.

Now,. therefore, in exercise of tbe pO'ol'ers conferred bys ,ctiqn 25 (I) ,·f (1)e Lushal Hills Dlstnct (Village CouncIls) Act, 1953, the Governor of Mizoram IS plea&ed to dissolved Kelkang " IC with effect from 28.2.89.

No. LADiVCA-:Z8j88j18, ()'e 2nd, Marcp., 1989. In exerci\e of the powers con­ ferred bys ection 7(6) of the L,.,ha; Hills District lVillage Councils) Ad, 1953, the Governor of Mizoram is pleasL'd to accept resignations tendered by Pu Sti ineih.. tl)�9.g a and p.� ,La[be1., bOlb eleci!,d mel1lbers .of Kolk';lllg Vulage COul:\cil with elfect f,om 2�.2.89. .

. Consequent � pm' tp.e resignatiQns of !,he abl'.ve said m�m.\1"rs. t"(o elected s,,�ls atcKeng�ang VjC in declared' vacapt. .

No. LADjVC-33/88j�,6, the 27th Feb ,,,,,' , 1989 W.l;Ie!eas existing illage r y , .I,�e V Council Secretary, Pu Anonto Mohan Chakma dIed, In exerCise of powers con­ ferred by under SoCli?n 7 l2) of the Village Council Act, 1953, tbe Governor of Mi�ora\ll is p1ea,sc,Gi to, , �Pl1o.i,nt Pu Priti Kumar Chakma for a new Village Council Secretary ofri!lp""�!l9at, 1,\!ll&lei District. R-8j89 2

No. LADjVCL-7j89j3, the 28th February. 1989. Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act. 1953, Section 7 (6) in thuneihna a pek angin, Mizoram Governor chuan Aithur VjC (Lunglei Dist.)-a Elected Seat pakhat a ruak ani tih a puang a.

Hei hi Aithur VIC Vice President, Pu B. Rokima el�cted member chuan ban­ na a thehluha, pawrnsak a nih yang a ni.

H. Raltawna, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.


1',0.LADjVC-33j88/34, the 2nd March, 1989. Mizoram Governor chuan, Section 7(2) of the Village Council Act, 1953 in thuneibna a pek angin, a hnuaia mite hi ni 1.2.89 atanga thawk tan turin Tuikual 'S' Village Council Secretary leh V.C. Tlangau aho a ruat ta a ni.

I. Pu C. Vanlalzauva - VjC Secretary Sio Rotluanga

2. Pu Liantawna - V jC Tlangau Sjo Pu Sanga (Ll

No.LAD/VCL-79/89j4, the 28th February, 1989. Lunglei District chhunga Mual­ thuam 'N' VIC elected member 31eh ruat seat 2 zinga elected member 2, Pu Zo­ siama, Vice President leh Pu Lalnuntlawma VCM ten banna an thehluh chu pawm­ in, Mizoram Governor chuan, elected member pakhat mai chuan khawtlang en­ kawlna kengkawh zo dawn lava a hriat avangin. Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953, bung 5-na chang 25(1) in thuneibna a pek angin. Mualthuam 'N' VjC chu a thiat (dissolved) ta a ni.

No.LAr./VCL-3/88jll. the 28th February, 1989. In exercise of powers conferred by section 7(6) of the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953, due to the death of Pu Chhumkunga VjC elected member, Govemor of Mizoram is plea­ sed to dedare one elected seat in the Thlengang VjC Lunglei District as vacant.

No.LADjVCA-19j8617, the 1st March, 1989. AilOwl Distric!-a Sumsuih Village Council chu, Village Council election hnuhnung berah khan Elected Member 3 awmnaah Cong (II chu.n Seat 2 a la chungin, Nominated Member atan MNF mi 2 ruatin, MNF Village Council-ah siam a ni a. Hei hi Dan kalh anih avang­ in, Mizoram Governor chuan, Ruat Seat MNF Member 2 te banin. an aiah Cong (I) ami Pu LalnuntIuanga leh Pu L.lkunga te dahin, Sumsuih Village Coun­ cil Executive Body pawh 10 in siamth. ngh.l turin, Rule 6 of the Election to Village CouncilsRules, 1974 nain thuneihna a pek angin thupek a siam ta a ni.

H.Ralta ..na. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. Local Administration Department. R-9/89 3


No.A.19014/51/80-APT (A), the 28th. February, 1989. The Governor of Mizo­ ran: is pleased to grant 26 (twenty six) days earned leave on medical ground to Shn C.Lalchhuana, DTO, Lunglei with effect from 13.2.1989 to 1O.3.1Y89 (both days IllcluSlVe) under C.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from line to time.

Certified that the officer would have continued to hold the post but for his proceeding on leave and on expiry of leave there is very likelihood of his re. turning to the same post and place from where he proceeds on leave.

The Officer is allowed to avail L.T.C. for the Block year 1986-89 for visiting Vellore with his family consisting of 3 adult members plus himse:r.

During the absence of Shri C. Lalchhuana on leave, Shri. C. Thanchhuma, DCSO, Lunglei will look after the works of Pu C. Lalchhuana in addition to his own duties.

No.A.12031/4j89-PAR (R) the 27th, February 1989. In supercossion of this Department's Notification No.A.!2031/1/87.PAR(R) dt 4.10.88 the Governot of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pu P. Lalrawna, Supdt. Agriculture Department (Sectt.) to Directorate of Civil Supply against a new post of Superintendent. This will take immediate effect and until further orders.

No.A.12031/4(ii)89-PAR(R). the 27th, February, 1989. In partial modification of this Deptt's Notification No.A.12031/1/89-PAR(R) dt. 18.1.89. the Governor of M,zoram is pleased to order promotion of Pu. M.M. Nath, Assistant, C.E. PWD as Superintendent and posted to CE, PWD vice Pu Bawiluta transferred with effect from the da1e of jOining to the post. Other terms a:Id conditions of pro­ motion in respect of Pu M.M. Nath as mentioned in earlier order stated above remain unchanged.

No.A.19015/106/86-PAR (R). the 27th, February, 1989. In partial modification of this Deprrtment's Notification of even no & dt. 21.2.89, the Govemor of MIzoram is pleased to Sunction 30 days commuted leave with effect from 2.2.i19 to 3.3.89 to Pu Rokhuma. Supdt. Directorate of Accounts & Trea�uries on. Medical ground under the C.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from lIme to time.

2. Certified that the officer would have continued to hold the post cf Superin­ tendent but for his proceeding on leave.

3. Certified tbat the Officer on expiry of leave is likely to return to the same post and place from where he proceeded On leave and is authorised to draw during leave period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules.

4. On expiry of the leave, the Superintendent will have balal]ce of 428 days H.P.L. at his credit. R-9/89 4

No. A. 12031/4/(i)/89 PAR (R), tbe 27tb February, 1989. In the interest of pub­ lic service, the Governor of' Mizoram" is pleased to order transfer- alld posti� of Pu Bawiluta: Superintendent from the Office of . CE. PWDio Min.ori\y Cen . (SecK) against the new post of Superintendent. This wIll take immedIate etfect and until'further orders.

9 2 A No. A. 1 �1 /io/80- pT (A), the 27th Febr�aty, ,1989. In contii1U�tio,! of this Department's Notification even number dt. 7.2.19iN, the Governor of MIzoram IS ·pleased. to '_grClnt 32 (thirty "two) days extension of EClrned'Leave ,on�PJivate ground to Pu C Thang1iana, J.ES, Doputy �?nservatol of Forests (Hqrs) ;Aiz�wl ',with effect from 1.2.1989 to 3.3.1989 sufflxlOg Saturday and Sup day on 43.89 and 5.3.89 underI.A.S. (Leave) Rules, 1955 as amended from time to time.

On expiry of leave, the officer stands released from the Govt of', Mizoram and the officer shaH have to report to the Secretary to the Govt. of Assam. Fo­ [est Deptt., Dispur for further posting after availing permissible joining time.

'This l;lotifiqltion parti�lly.modifies this :I.?eptt's _:�o-tification even -number dated 7th' Feb., \989 'in respect of the release of the offIcer. .

' ' No. A. 19m 3/12/S0-APTlAl, the21ihPebruary, 1989. 'The Goverrior of "Mizoram is pleased to grant 20 (twenty) days Earned Leave 011 Medical ground to Pu V. Tl;tangzama, Directcr of Relief & Rehabilitation with effect·from the -date of uvai­ ling ,(both days inclusive} under c.C.S. (Leave) Rules, I 972"',s -"m"nded from time to tIme .

. Certified that the officer would have coniinu'ed to hold. the p0S( . lid! for his proceeding on leave and on expiry of leave'there-is every Hkeliliood of his retur­ ning to the same post and place from where he proceeds on leave.

During the absence of Pu V. Thangzama on leave, Pu Lalthanmawia, Direc­ tor of Social Welfare ' will look after the works of Pu V. Thangzam. in. addition to his uwn duties.

No. A. 19015/L16/SS-PAR (R), the 1st March, 1989. The Governor (jf'Miio,am IS pleased to· sanction 10 days Earned Lea ve "ith effect from 20.2.89 to L3.89 to Pu Lalrinawma, Superintendent, Finance Department on pi'ivate-'.'groun:d" under the c.C.S. (leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from'time to time.

2.. Certified that the Officer would have' contin"ed to hold the pos! of 'Superin­ tendent but for his proceeding on leave.

S Certified tbat tpe officer on expiry -of leave is likely to return to the same post and place from where 'he proceeded on leave and is 'lutliofised Ito 1idt-w·;du� ring leave period the pay and ·aHowances as admissible under flie -Rules. 5 R-9/89

. No. A. 19015j153j1l8-rAR (R), the 1st March 1989. In continuation of this , 'Deptt's 'Notification of even No '& dt. 2'5.1' 89 the Govetnor bf'Mio,brani'is pleased to 'sanctiOn extension "f14 da>,s: Eirried· Leave With effec! f rom 26.1.&9 'to 8'2.89 tofu R. �hualkunga, ·SupdL L &·E Deptt. (Sectt.) bn priv3te grouhd under the cCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 as 'ameMed from time 'to time.

2. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the post of Superin­ tendent but for his .proceeding on leave.

3. Certif ied tbat the Officer on expiry of reave is likely 'to return to Ihe'same" 'post arid' l p ace from' where he- proceeded on leave arid'is authorised io 'draw du­ ring leave reriod the pay arid 'alIdwances 'as"admissibie ilhder the- Rules.

, No. A.'190J5/J20j87cp '& AR,·the'2I'ldMar�h, 19119. In continuation of this ,D.p�rtment'sn6tification bf even nb. dt. 19"8.1988, lhe 'Governor of 'Ml:toram is pleased 'to sanctioh extension Of 30 days"Earned Leave on"priVate groun'd with effect from n:8:g8 to 20.9.38 atld 20 \lays. Eal1ledLeaVe On �;�ed;cal gtbliridw .e.f. 21.9.88 to 10.10.88 to Pu G, Zaithanvawra, Superintendent, Directorate of Relief .&, Rehabilitation, Mizoram:Aizawl under the c.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amen ­ ded from time to time.

2. Certified that the officer ",ould have continued to hold the post of Superin­ tendent· but for his· proceeding on leave. '

3. Certified ·tli�t the Officer iih expiry of leave is likely to return to the'sarre post and place from' Where he plb�eeded 'on leave .tid IS·.uthtlrised tbdraw du­ ring leave period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules.

4: On expiry of the Leave, the Superintendent will have a balance of 19 days Earned Leave at hiS'credit uplo 30.6.89.

No. A. 19015/129/88-PAR (R), the 1st Marcb, 1989. The Governor of Mizoram is. pleased to sanction 39 days Earned Leave with effect from 23.1.89 to 21.2.89 to. ·P. Lal rawna, Siipdt. Agriculture ·Oeptt.' (Sect!;) on Medical gttmnd under the CCS lleavel-Rules, ·1972 as 'amended from'time to time.

2. Certified tbat tbe officer would have continued to holt! thelmst bf �'uperin ­ 'tendent but for his prboeeding on leave.

3. Certified that the officer on expiry of leave is likely to return t" the same post and place from where he proceeded On leave and is authorised to draw du­ ring leave period the pay and allowances as- admissible under the Rules.

4:' On 'expity of lbe"leave, the 'Supetlntenden(' will' 'ha ve ' ,{'balanee of &l days Earned Leave at his credit. · R-9/89 6

No. A. 19014/69/80-APT (Al. the 2nd March. 19R9. The Governer of Mizoram is pleased to order that the period of waiting before taking over charge of SDM Lawngtlai by Pu Thanhaia, M.C.S. with elfect from 11 .8.'88 to 5.10.'88 (i.e. 55 days) is treated as compulsory waiting period (lS provided under Govt. of 's order (I) below F.R. 9 (6).

No.A.19013/24/80.APT(A). the 1st, March, 1989. In the interest of public service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order ext.ension of the service of Pu H. Hauthuama, M.C.S., Deputy Commissioner. Aiza¥'1 for a period of 6 (six) months with eft'ect from 1.3 89 (FNJ under C.S.R. Vol .I Art,c!e 459.

No.A.19013/36/80·APT(A) the 1st, March, 1989. In the interest of public service,. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order e''(telltion of the service of Pu L. Pachhunga, M.C.S., Director of Labour & Employment Dept!. for a period of 6 (six) months with eff-ct from 1.3.1989 (FN) undet C.S.R. Vol .1 Article 459.

L.C. Thanga, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

No.A.22013/1/'8·HFW : the 27th, February, 1989. In the interest of Public Ser· vice, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order posting of Dr. B,Lalramzauva, AS·I at Civil Hospital, Aizawl with immediate effect une;} further order.

NO,A.I9018/5l/82-HFW, the 3rd March, 1989. Dr, James Thanzama, AS·l is allowed to cr()s� Efficiency Bar at the stage of Rs.8JOj- v.jth elle('t fro'n UU�5 in the scale of pay of Rs. 650-30-740-810-EB-3,-880-40-IOOO-EB-40-1200/- p.m .• (pre-revised) thereby raising his pay to Rs. 84'/- p.m. •

NO.A.2203 III/85-HFW, the 28th February, 1%9. The Governor of Mizaram is pleased to oreier that Dr. Zoramthanga, Civil Hospital, Ai/awl will perform his duty as a visiting doctor of Central Jail, Aiza\d in addition to his own duties with irr.mediate effect and untill further order 0,' a regular posting of Doctor is made whIch ever is earlier. The schedule for visiting Central Jail will be work out by Medical Superin. tendent, Civil Hospital, Aizawl.

NO.A.19018/109/,5-HFW, the 28th February, i989. Earn',d Leave for a period , of 20 days w.eJ. 16.2.89 to 7.3.89 (Both days inclusive) is granted to Dr. Zothan· sanga, Dental Surgeon, Civil Hospitll, Aizawl as .admissible under CC� (Leave) Rules 1972 as amended from time to time. 7 R-9/S9 •

He is also allov.ed to avail LTC for the block year 1926-1989 to enable him to visit Bombay Jio ng with 3 (Three) family members.

Certified that he would have continued to hold the same post but for his proceeding on Jeaye and th�re is every likelihood of his returning to the same post from which he proceeded on leave.

H.V. Lalringa. Secretary to the Gcvt. of Mizoram, Health & Family Welfare Department.

i No. A, 19018/115j86-HFW. tbe 28th Febuary. 1989. Earned Leave for a period of 20 days w.e.f. 1.3.1989 to 20.3.1989 (both days inclusive) is granted to Dr. C. Zirliana M.O. i/c Sialsuk PHC on private ground as admissible under ecs (Leave) Rules 1972 as amended from time to time.

He is also allowed to avail LTC for the block year 1986 to 1989 to enable him to visit Vasco-da-Gama along with 4(four) family members.

During tile le.;ve period Shri Darkunga existing pharmacist Sialsuk PHC will look after the work of Dr C. Zirliana in addition to his own duties.

Certified that he would have continued to hold the same post but for his proceeding on leave and there is every likelihood of his returning to the same post from which he proceeded on leave.

H.V. Lalringa. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

No. A. 19018/12/81-IND, the 2nd, March 1989. In supercession of this Depart­ ment Notification of even No. dt. is.12.88. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant ElL for 15 days w.eJ. 171O.S8 to 31.10.SI on 21 days commuted leave w.e.f. 1.1 US to 2 1.11.88 to Pu Ravindra Kumar G.M. DIC Aizawl on Medical ground under CCS (Revised) Leave Rules 1972 with a permission to leave his Headquarters.

During his leave period. Pu C. Ngunchunga FM DIC Aizawl will take over the charge of GM DIC Aizawl in addition to his own duties.

He would have contineud to hold the same post but for his proceeding on leave.

H. V. LaIringa. Commissioner-cum-Secretary" Industries Department. R-9/89 •

No. A-I IOI3/1188-AH&V the I,t March. 1989. It i, hereby notified for general information that the name of the post of "Enumel ator" in the scale of pay of R,_ 950-20-1 I 50-EB-25-·1500/ under Animal Husbandry and Veter_inary Department is cbanged as "Fiel4 Assistant" with immediate effect.

This issues with the cOncurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. NO. 2005/88 dated 9.l.89.

Lalthanrnawia Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

No. A. 1902I/l/81-EDN, tbe 3rd March, 1989. Tl\e GOVernor of -Mizoram is pleased to allow Sm!. Lalbmangaibi Hrahsel, Lecturer Lunglei Gov!. Collage. Lunglei to cro" EB at the ,tage of Rs 2800 tbis rai,ing her pay from �.. 28/JO/­ to Rs . 2900/- with effect from 1.1.1989 in the scale of pay R,. 2200-75-2800 EB- 100-4000-jp.m

Lalro.zama Sailo, Deputy Secretary to th.e -Gov!. of -MiWrap!, Education &'Human Resources Department.

No. A. 19012/10/80-AI'T(A). the 1st Marcb, 1989. In continuation of tbi, Depart­ ment's Notification even number dt.7.2.1989 . the Governor of 7:1izoram is pleased to grant 32 (thirty two) days extension of Earned Leave on private ground to Pu C. Thangliana.I.F.S., Deputy Comervator of Forests lHqrs) Aizawl witb effect from 1.2.1989 10 3."3.1989 suffixing Saturday and Sunday on 4.3.1989 and 5.3.1989 under A.T.S. (Le2ve) Rules, 1955 as amended from time to time.

On expiry of leave, the Officer stands released from the Govt. of Mizor,am. and tbe Officer shaH bave 10 report to the Secrelary to the Govl. of Assam, fore,1 Department, Oi,pur for furtber posting after avaiLing permiS5ible joinipg time.

Tbis notification partiil1ly ,modiJ:ies this Department;s Notifical,ion eVen nvmher dated 7th February, 1989 in respect of the release of the officer.

R Laizama Under -Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.

No.ECLI,PF}8('73. Ibe 27th, February 1989. Tbe Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant "family L.T_C. to Shri Siamkima, Joint Director of Education to the following 'family membe" to visit Bombay for the block year 1986-1989. • 9 R-9/89

1. Smt. Rengchhawni 39 yrs wife. 2. J.Hrningthanmawia 22 yrs sou 3. R.Zothansangi 18 yrs daughter 4. K.Lalrotluanga 15 yrs son 5. K.Zodingliana 13 yrs son 6. Siarnziki 42 yrs Sister.

P. Thanglura, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizor.un, Education & Human Resources Deputm!Jlt.

No.AGR/pF/4/8I, the 27th, February, 1989. The Governor of Mizor.m is pleased to grant 30 (thirty) days Buned Leave with effeot fron th, date 'Jf availing on private affairs to Pu A.U. MljumJar, SM.) (H'Jrdi>ll.tur.:) i... ;;: Pcuj !;t Officer, Darlak under C.C.S (Leave) Rules, 197'l as amended from tirre to time.

. Certified that the officer would have contin,ued to hold tbe sallie post but for his proceeding On leave and there is every likelihood of' his retlLrn ng to the same post and place from where he proceed d on leave. , � During the absence of the officer on leave, Pu S.R.paul, S\lS Isoil S'. r.ey) shall take over the charges of SMS (Horticulture) i/e Project officer, Darlak.

Thuarna, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of \1izoram, . Agriculture Department.

No. . A.32014/1/8J-IPR, the 27th Febuary 1989. In the interest of Public Service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to" order transfer/posting of the following Public Relation Offlcers to the places a'i shown against their names with imme­ diate effect and until further prders:-

Sl. No. Name & Address Place/Office Where Posted

I. Pu Jim K.Chinzah PRO's Office, Saiha. As PRO Chhimtuipui District, Saiha against existing vacancy.

2. Pu F.Zahmiogthanga PRO's Office, A,s PRO, Lunglei Di ...trict, Lunglei Lunglei Dist. against the existing vacancy

3. Pi Lainithangi Directorate of IPR Aizawl. As senior Information Officer in Directorate of. I&PR against the existing vacancy. R-9/19 10 •

4. Pi Zosangliani Directorate of As PRO, Aizawl District, Aizawl IPR, Aizawl. Pu Hrangdailov3, Promoted.

5. Pi Lalsiamliani Directorate of As PRO Headquarters, vice [PR, Aizawl. Pu Kh.wvelthanga, promoted.

F.L.R. Siama, Secrltary, Information & Public Relations Deptt, etc.

No.A. 19011/40/85-Pers (Bt the 27th Febuary 1989. In continuation of this Depart­ ment Notification eveD No. dated 30th Dec,. 88, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant 36 days extension of Earned Leave to Pu Haukhuma Hauzel I.A.S. with effect from 10.2.1989 to 19.3 1989 on private affairs under LA.S (Leave) Rules, 1955 as amended from time to time.

On expiry of the leave the officer stands released from Govt. of Mizoram and he should report to the Chief Secretary, Delhi Admistration, Delhi for further posting after availing permissible joining time.

This supersedes this Department's Notification evan No. dt 30.12.1988 in respect of release of the officer.

H.Lal Thlamuana, Spl. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram.


No. A. 22018/3/8�-HMP the 28th Febuary 1989. In supersession of Govt of Mizoram, Home Deplt's Notification No.A.22018/3/88-HMP dt. 7.9.88, the Gover­ nOf of Mizoram is pleased to repatriate Shri Khawsiama Joseph who is on depu­ tation to Mizoram Police as Dy S.P. (Hqrs.) to his parent Department i.e. Nagaland Police with effect from the date of handing over charge.

Rin Sanga, Home Commissioner, Govt. of Mizoram.


No. C. 11011/5/83 ..LDC/Gen/128, the 31st January 1989. In Exercise of the power confered by Rules 32 of the Mizoram Autonomous District Council (Constitution & Conduct of Business) Rules, 1974 the allocation of portfolios amongst the Chief E�ecutive Member and Executive Member's will be as follows :- 11 R-9/89 •


1). General Administration & Control or aU Dept!. 2). Finance. Budget & Accounts. 3). Appointment, Transfer & Posting. 4). Information & Public Relation. 5), Community & Rural Development. 6). Confidential. . 7). Ali other Matters not Specified in this order


1). Education, 2). Forest. 3). Social Welfare. 4). Soil.

3. SHRI. B. TEVO E.M. I). Industry, 2). Rural Communication.


1). Law & Judicial. 2). Art & Culture, 3). Land & Revenue, 4). A.H. & Vety. 5. Water Supply. 5. SHRI N.T. MAKHOE.M. (RAD) I). Rural & Village Administration. 2). Sanitation, 3). Agriculture.

This order Cancelis previous, if any and will take immediated effect and till further order.

P. Beiha, Secretary Executive Committee. Lakber District Council, Saiha


No. A. 19011/5i/86·Pers(B), tbe 2nd March 1989. The period of compulsary. waiting indicated in this Department's Notification even no dated 14.2.88 w.ef. 27.8.88 to 30.11.88 may be read as w.e.f. 27.8.88 to 5.12.88. R. Lalzam., Under Secretary to the Gov!. of Mizoram. R-9/89 12 •


No. A. 2302Ijlj87-IND, the 2nd March 1989. In continuation of. this :Depart­ ment Office Memorandum No. A. 23021j1/87-1ND dt. 16.2.89 ·the. proviSIonal interse-seniority of Group 'A' Officers under Indllstries Department is fi,xed for the second time as shown in the enclosed statement.

2. the interse seniodty as given in the enclosed statements is �cond· provisional interse-seniority and any officer feeling aggrieved in this regard ,may subD,lit repre­ sentation within 15(fifteen) days from the date of issue ofthis·office Memorandum.

H.V. Lalringa, • Commissioner-cum-St:!cr�tary· to the Govt. of M izoram, Industri�s pep

, Government of ,IIIU.zor;un . PART 1/ Resolutions, Orders, Notifications.. eJc. Issued by Heads of the Department and HjghCQurt.


CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION In the matter of application of Shri T.Laihnuna, and 20 twellty) olhers for • the registration of Cooperative Society at Village Kelkang B.P.O Kelkang Police Station Champbai.Sub�Division Ch;!mphai in the District of Aizawl.

I hereby certify that persuant to section II (2) of the Assam Cooperative So­ cieties, Act. 1949 (Act. I of 1950) the society has been registered in my Officer as a Cooperative Society with limited liability under the title of the Kelkang Livestock Coop,er�tive Society Ltd. and Numbered as No. AE.13/88-89 dated this the .first day of March the year one thousand Nine hundred Eighty nine Anno 'Domini.

The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society have also been registered.

The following is �he area of operation ,of. the So�iety: I. KeJkang 2. Kelkang D\lka wn 3. 4. 5. •

13 •

In the matter of application of Shri C.Lalsawma and 15 (fifteen) others .for the registration .of Cooperative Society at Village· Bungtlang B.P.O. Bnngllang Police Station Serchhip Sub·Uivision Aizawl in the District of Ailaw\. I hereby certify tbat persuant to section 11(2) of the ASSIITI Cooperative Societies, Act. 1949 (Act I of 1950) the society has been registered in my Office as a Cooperative Society with limited'-Iiability·under the title of the Bungtlang fruit & Vegetable grower marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. and Numbered as �o. AE. 15/88-89 dated this the first day of March in tbe year one thousand Nme hundred eighty nine Anno Domini.

The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society have also been registered.

The following is the area of operation of the Society:

I. Bungl1ang

In the matter of appHcation of Shr;. RZathuamaand 18 (Eighteen) others for the registration of Cooperative Society at Village Cbhingcbhip B.P.O. Chhmgcbhlp Police Station Aizawl Sub·Division Aizawl in the District of Aizawi.

I bereby certify that persuant to section 11(2) of the Assam Cooperative So­ cieties, Act. 1949 (Act I of 1950) the society has been registeFOd in my Office as a Cooperatiw Society witb limited liability under the title of the C1hingchhlp fruit & Vegetable Grower Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd. and Numbered as No. AE 14/88-89 dated this the first day of March in the year one thollsand mne bundred Eighty nine Anno Do",ini.

The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society have also been registered.

The foHowing·is ·the area of opemtion of the Society:

1. Chbingchhip

1n thematt"r·of application of Pu P.C. Lalhmingthanga and 19 (ninotetnl others for the regilltration of a Cooperative Society at Mamit BPO Mamit Police StatIon MamIt Sub. DIVISIOn Marolt 10 the District of Aizawl.

I, do herebl:notify tbe persuanee of the Section Jll (Act," II (2) of the Assam . CooperatIve' Society's 'Act 1949 (Act [ of 1950) tbe society has been regtstered ID my Office as a Cooperative Society with lintit,d liability under the title of the R--9/89 14 •

Mamit Vegetable & Fruit Growers Marketing Coope"'ative Society Ltd. and DUm­ berred as No. A-20/88-89 Dated this the Twenty se,enth day of February in the year One thousand Nine hundred and Eighty nine Anno Domini.

The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society hWf- al�o been registered.

The following is the area of operation of· the SJcie1y:

I. Mamit

In the matter of application of Shri. Lalchhandama and 25 (twenty five) others for the registration of Cooperative Society at Village Chairang•. B.P.O. , Police Station Khawzawl Sub-Division in tbe District of Aizawl.

I hereby certify that persuant to section 11(2) of the Assam Cooperative So­ cieties, Act 1949 (Act 1 of 1950) the society has ·been registered in my Office as • a Cooperative Society with limited liability under the title of the Chalrang multi.. purpose Cooperative Society Ltd. and Numbered as ":0. AE-16j88-89 dated this the 2nd day of March in the year one thousand Nine hundred Eighty nine Anno Domini.

The Bye-Laws adopted by the said Society have alse beeo registered.

The following is the area of operation of the Society:

I. Chalrang

Assistant Registrar, Cooperative So(.;ieties, Aizawl East, Mizorarn.

No. B. 14032j22/89-ARCOOP(AW), the 27th Febru",y. 1%9. Under Section II of the Assam Cooperative SocIeties Act 1979 (Act of 195C) A Cooperative Society under 1he name of the Mamit Vegetable & Frllit Growers Vaketing Cooperative Society Ltd in the District of Aizawl. Mizorarn has been Registered in my office and numbered as No. A 20/88-89 dnted this the twenty seventh day of February in the year One thousand Nine Hundred and eighty nine Anno Domini.

A ssistan t Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Aizawl Mizoram, •

• 15 R-9j89

, No. LADIVCI.-I:/B;'/ll, the 18th February, 1989. As more than half of the villagers of Vuak:nu;.tl had migr::tted to Putlungasih and the existing V.c. Presi­ dent and V.c. Meml::er have also migrated to Lunglei Venglai, Lungsen and Put­ lungnsih rc'rective�y, it is found that the Village Council is not in a position to function any-mOIC. . ow tberefOJe, in exercise of the powers conferred by under section 25 (1) of ti1e Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953, the-Gover­ nor of \1izOfive Vuakmu(:l Village Council.

No. LADjVCA-23'/19/6, the 27th February, 1989. Consequent upon the enquiry against the �ctivities of Village Council, it is found that the said Vil­ lage Council has been acting in the manner prejudicial to the inkresl of the State • in that the Vi!lage CC�:lcil cut dC'wn trees within Safety reserve ",ithout obtaining pior permission of authority and also in the matter of Village Council House constructior, nod 1Iti1isatioll of Levelopment gr.. mts under RLEGP fund a, such it is considered that these are sufficient ground" fOf dissolution of the said Vil­ lage Council.

Now. therefore. in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 (1) of the Lushai Hills District IVillage Councils) Act, 1953, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to dissolve Vangchhia Village Council w.e.f 23/2189.

No. LAD/VCA-3I1/8',/6, the 1st March, 1989. Consequent upon the enquiry against the activities of Village Council, it is proved that Sesih VIC is ac­ ting in a m�1Dner prejudicial to the interest of the states and too inefficient to carry on the Viflag� administration. t Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 25 (n of the Lushai Hills Distnct (Village Councils) Act, 1953, the Governor of 'vIizomm is pletlsed to di';>;'Jlve Sesil'J Vinage Council with effect from 28.2.89.

H. lRaltawna, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department.

No. Z-II013/21j87-HFW, the 2nd March 1989. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute Examination Board for Health Worker in Mizoram consisting of Members as shown below :--

I) Chairman - Director of Health Services

2) Medical Svpenl;trndent of Ciyil Hmpital Aizawl. - Member

3) Dy. Director (Nursing) - Member •

16 •

4) Princip.: Nursing Officer - Me"1ber

5) Nursing Tutor from Serhmun Raspita] .- Member

6) Principal Medical Officer - Member Se,cretary.

The Examination �oa �d should set que�tiOI?- 1?apers! ���tpioe. t�� .,,�qsw. er, pa� pers, and "-ioduct practical exams for all the tratnI.:lg centres withIn Mlzoram. �xamination fClf all the training centres should be held at the same time.

Regarding declaration of results and issue. of certif" icates, the final'i · decision, will pilrely rest; witb the lloard.

R. V. Lalringa, Secretary to the Gov!. of :Ylizoram.

No. A-1I01 Ji2/84-67, the 27th February, 1989. The Governor of Mizoram is plea· see to accord Sanction to the continuance of the following Temporary -DivIsions under P.R.E. Department for a further period of one year with effect from 1.3.1989 to 28.2.1990.

(I) Aizawl P.R.E. Division No·! (2) Aizawl P.R.E. Division No-II (3) Lunglei P.H.E Division (4) Lawngtlai P.H.E. Divi6ion (5) Khawzawl P .R.E Division (6) A.w.s. Project DiviSion (7) . P.R.E. Store Division

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. No. FIN. 2267/88 dt. 3.2.1989.

FLR. Siama, SecretarY to the'''Govt, of Mizoram, public Health Engineering Department.


No. B. llOO7/1/88/LAT & CP/Pt, the 28tb February, 1989. The words appearing in this DePor.tment Order No. B., llQ07/1/88ILAT & CP-56 .date\!. 20t.il, JanJlary

1989 I't para 2, ir;t the last line"on. the ,loan '. a".pjllicatio'il" tead' �s' on shOuld' be'. " the Agreemenf' ,

H. R�.1tawna, Secretary to tb,,. Govl. of Mizoram • . . Local .Adm,iDi�tration qep�r,tIl1ent.

Published & luued by Cootroller,. Printipa: & �onery. Printed at the Mizoram Government' PTess, Aiz:'wl. C--650