[email protected] VOLUME CXIV NUMBER 3 PASADENA , CALIFORNIA OC TOBER 13, 2010 Basketball The number of recruiters at Caltech’s career fair reflects the team to kick national economy 120120 1600016,000.00 off the season Average Dow Jones Industrial 14,000.00 100 100 with Midnight 12,000.00 8080 10,000.00 Madness 6060 8,000.00 6,000.00 By Tina Ding recruited athletes, and these ath- 4040 EDITOR -IN -CHI E F letes are not given a leg up during 4,000.00 the admissions process. Number of companies Instead, Caltech’s two basket- of companies Number 2020 This Thursday, Caltech’s men’s 2,000.00 and women’s basketball teams ball coaches contact qualified will kick off the start of the of- students who otherwise would ficial basketball season by throw- not have applied or “believed that 00 0.00 0 ing the first Midnight Madness they were not qualified based on 2007-20081 2 3 4 2008-20095 6 7 8 2009-20109 10 11 12 201013 event in Caltech history. the academic myths of Caltech,” Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall Winter Fall said Marbut. These recruited Midnight Madness is a tradi- Year tional collegiate basketball event students, typically high school seniors, are brought to Caltech Plotted above in bar format are the numbers of companies at the Fall and Winter that takes place on the first day Caltech Career Fairs from 2007 to 2011. The line graph depicts the Dow Jones Industrial that National Collegiate Athletic where they meet the team, at- tend classes, and stay with a team Average trend in this period of time.