DISTRICT COUNCIL Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990: Notice under section 73 Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Hazardous Substances Act 1990 WLDC has received the following applications for planning permission: a) 142959: Cabourne: Mr & Mrs Chatburn: Peacock House, Rd: Single storey side extension & detached double garage. b) 142993: Middle Rasen: Mr & Mrs Goodyear: Ashfield, North St: Roof lift to form loft conversion, dormer windows, side extension & porch. c) 142862: Tealby: Ms G West: 10 Sandy Lane: Detached double garage d) 143036: : Mr R Roebuck: The Cottage, Top Rd: replacement conservatory to rear (affects right of way) e) 142885: North Kelsey: Mr & Mrs D Hanson: 6 Barrick Close: new vehicle access & driveway, with removal of existing driveway & alterations to boundary fencing (affects right of way) f) 143007: South Kelsey: Mrs L Eden: Church Farm, Waddingham Rd: Erect 1 dwelling. g) 143022: : Mayo (Caistor): 20 Market Place: Consent to paint external timber.

You may view the application, plans and other submitted documents online at www.west- lindsey.gov.uk/planning or at the Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough DN21 2NA. Representations should be made in writing to the Head of Paid Service at the Council within 24 days of publication of this notice. Anyone requiring an acknowledgement should state this in writing and send a stamped SAE. Ian Knowles, Head of Paid Service

As applications a, b, c, d and e are householder applications, in the event of an appeal against a refusal of planning permission, which is to be dealt with on the basis of representations in writing, any representations made about these applications will be sent to the Secretary of State, and there will be no further opportunity to comment at appeal stage.