Last updated: 17/06/20

Black Lives Matter - Resources Information, Action and Education

As our first World Wednesday feature we wanted to share some of the resources that have been circulated online, following international media attention and protests sparked by the murder of at the hands of the police in Minnesota. This horrific incident, alongside many other cases of police brutality, and the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on BME communities (including the case of Belly Mujinga) has exposed deeply rooted structural racism and inequality, not only in the USA but in the UK too.

Whether you know a lot about the movement or not, we have tried to include resources that are as accessible as possible, from education to direct action. These resources have been provided as a starting point! They are by no means exhaustive and we would love to hear if you have any suggestions on things to add, or which ones you found most useful. We hope that you find this page informative and interesting- feel free to share amongst volunteers, family and friends!

Warning- some content may contain distressing/violent images or explicit text


● Black Lives Matter - About ● Black Lives Matter explained: the history of a movement ● #BlackLivesMatter: the birth of a new civil rights movement ● A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement ● Young Girl Delivers Tearful Speech to Charlotte City Council ● Stay : The Black Lives Matter Movement Documentary Black Lives Matter - Resources Information, Action and Education

Why this is not just an ‘American problem’ ● Racism in the UK: 'I feel like an alien' ● Black Lives Matter: Racism in the UK starts 'from a young age' ● The Truth About Racism in the UK ● This is hard to hear, but if you are a white UK resident "shocked" by what happened to George Floyd you are part of the problem

What is wrong with saying “All Lives Matter”? ● Why you should stop saying "all lives matter", explained in 9 different ways ● The Problem With Saying "All Lives Matter"

On White Privilege, Allyship and being actively Anti-Racist (more resources provided further on) ● An Illustrated Guide to White Privilege ● If You Want To Be Anti-Racist, This Non-Optical Allyship Guide Is Required Reading ● The Characteristics of Culture ● To My Non-Black Friends

Structural racism and coronavirus ● Coronavirus - why structural racism is putting BME lives at risk ● Racism contributed to disproportionate UK BAME coronavirus deaths, inquiry finds ● Coronavirus is the ultimate demonstration of the real-world impact of racism ● Coronavirus: Why some racial groups are more vulnerable

Black Lives Matter - Resources Information, Action and Education

In Oxfordshire:

● Black Lives Matter: hundreds of people protest in South Park, Oxford ● Oxford Mail reporter on Black Lives Matter and racism in the UK ● Disillusioned black Oxford students unwilling to help attract others

Facebook pages: ● Black Lives Matter - Oxford County ● Oxford Stand Up To Racism Look for your local page, join another group nearby, e.g. Chinnor Against Racism, or #TakeTheKnee on your doorstep on Wednesday!

Rhodes Must Fall campaign: ● The story of Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford ● As one of Oxford's few black professors, let me tell you why I care about Rhodes ● Cecil Rhodes: Protesters demand Oxford statue removal ● Don't hide history, says Oxford head in statue row (see this video on statues linked to slave-traders) ● These anti-racism protests show it's time for Britain to grapple with its difficult history Black Lives Matter - Resources Information, Action and Education

What can we do to help?

● Sign petitions, donate if possible, educate ourselves, support Black-owned organisations and businesses…

On the next page are links to some amazing resources with petitions, organisations to donate to and ways that we can educate ourselves in the long term.

Going through these resources can be an overwhelming experience for both Black and non-Black people, so we have included some wellbeing resources below.

There are many resources- books, articles, films podcasts… on many sites - Facebook, news apps, YouTube, Instagram, … - but why not make this more manageable by setting smaller targets? You could have a weekly film night watching one of the documentaries, or aim to read one of the books and pass this on to someone else by the end of summer! Visit Justice in June for daily targets tailored to how much time you have.

Wellbeing ● Black Mental Health Matters ● Self-Care Tips for Black People Who Are Struggling With This Very Painful Week ● A Love Letter to All the Overwhelmed White People Who Are Trying Black Lives Matter - Resources Information, Action and Education


If you live internationally and cannot sign petitions without an American postcode you can use any of: 90015 - Los Angeles, California; 10001 - New York City, New York; 75001 - Dallas, Texas.

● The White Shift has a very useful step by step guide, including Today's actions; How to answer common questions you may be receiving from family and friends; and a Petition resource Page updated every 5 minutes ● Black Lives Matter Website ● Practical ways to support BLM from the UK - Checklist ● How to support black lives in the UK ● Ways You Can Help ● Black Lives Will Always Matter ● Dismantling Racism resources ● 6 Action Items for White People in the Workplace & Beyond ● Resource for Minnesota Response ● Resources + How to Help - The NewBridge Project ● 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice ● Write to your MP Education

● Anti-racism resources for white people ● 11-Step Guide to Understanding Race, Racism and White Privilege ● BLACK LIVES MATTER- A collaborative learning resource on matters of race, privilege and combating white supremacy ● Antiracist Allyship Starter Pack ● Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism ● Police Brutality in the United States ● If buying books consider buying from Black-owned independent bookshops; second hand or eBooks instead of Amazon, if you are able to.