Land at Yarmouth Road, Postwick with Witton and Yarmouth Road/Berryfields,

Planning Benefits Arising from the Proposed Development – Updated 25 May 2017

The benefits arising from the proposed development are many and comprise a number of different elements. Some are tangible provisions on the ground, others are of a financial nature in the form of commuted payments, Community Infrastructure Levy receipts and income from rates befitting both the District and Parish Councils. Government guidance over the last two years or so has highlighted the fact that local community benefits arising from a proposed development are material considerations in the determination of an application. This also extents to benefits of a financial nature, particularly where the income is available to be spent locally on services and facilities. The national Planning Practice Guidance states:

"Section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) provides that a local planning authority must have regard to a local finance consideration as far as it is material. Section 70(4) of the 1990 Act (as amended) defines a local finance consideration as a grant or other financial assistance that has been, that will or that could be provided to a relevant authority by a Minister of the Crown Crown (such as New Homes Bonus payments), or sums that a relevant authority has received, or will or could receive, in payment of the Community Infrastructure Levy. Whether or not a ‘local finance consideration’ is material to a particular decision will depend on whether it could help to make the development acceptable in planning terms. It would not be appropriate to make a decision based on the potential for the development to raise money for a local authority or other Government body. In deciding an application for planning permission or appeal where a local financial consideration is material, decision takers need to ensure that the reasons supporting the decision clearly state how the consideration has been taken into account and its connection to the development. New Homes Bonus payments recognise the efforts made by authorities to bring residential development forward. Even where anticipated Bonus payments are not a material consideration in making planning decisions, they can be noted for information in committee reports on applications for housing. Where this is done, care will be required not to imply that Bonus payments are relevant to the decision before the committee.”

Paragraph 21b-011-20140612

The following are a list of the benefits accruing from the scheme:

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) The funds received from CIL can be used for a wide variety of infrastructure projects, ranging from roads and schools, to open spaces, sports or recreation facilities. CIL is payable on both elements of the proposed development, payable to the District Council in two instalments.

• £402,500 from retail store (based on gross total floor-area) • £1.7m approximately from housing of which 25% will go to Brundall Parish Council being £425,000

New Homes Bonus (NHB) • £290,000 approximately p.a. for 6 years plus £350 premium p.a. per Affordable Home, totalling approximately £1,872,000 of which we assume 50% to go to Brundall Parish Council in the first year, being £156,00

Business Rates/Council Tax Page 1 Land at Yarmouth Road/Berryfields, Brundall For Broom Boats & Land Limited • £167,200 per annum business rates from retail store of which 4% collected is paid back from the Government to District Council being £6,688 per annum. • £282,364 per annum Council Tax on the houses (say average band D of £1,509.97 x 187 dwellings) of which 7.3% to go to Broadland District Council, being £20,613 pa and 4.4% to go to Brundall Parish Council being £12,424 pa

Affordable Housing 33% affordable housing amounts to around 62 dwellings depending on final numbers proposed, of which: • 32 dwellings for affordable rent • 30 dwellings for discount purchase (e.g. 75% shared equity) • Local first cascade where Brundall residents (current or previous with good connections) have priority. • Employees of Broom to have joint top priority with above applicants • Applicants cascade to then apply to residents of adjoining parishes; and then Broadland District; and then any person • Affordable housing has a cost to the scheme of around £4,500,000

Recreation/Open Space Broadland DC have introduced a new policy covering the on-site provision of open space and also off-site provision for formal recreation etc. For the proposed housing scheme based on the current indicative layout this would provide: • On-site provision of 0.16 hectares of space for children's play and a further 1.85 hectares of on-site open space for informal recreation. Totally 2.01 hectares. • This on-site open space and play areas are required to be laid-out and equipped, the budget figures are £27,228 for the children's play space and £131,274 for the informal open space. • To cover future maintenance of these areas and the MUGA, once they have been adopted, a financial contribution would be made to cover a ten year period in accordance with the policy, this totals £179,434 based on current proposals and BDC policy. This money for the future maintenance would be paid to the adopting body, whether District or Parish Council. • On-site provision of a MUGA and associated car parking, works etc at direct cost to applicants of £350,000. • A contribution of £251,000 is offered in-lieu of loss of allocated open space, towards the provision of off-site formal recreation area at the Memorial Hall, to extend the hall or playing pitches. • Direct public access to the river through Brooms Boats yard is not currently possible because of the proposals to redevelopment their facilities. When these works are completes access could be offered. An additional contribution is therefore offered towards professionals fees/land acquisition to enable a scheme of access to be developed. Green Travel Plan • As part of Norfolk County Council’s Highway Authority’s green strategy, a travel plan will be required for both the retail unit and the residential

Page 2 Land at Yarmouth Road/Berryfields, Brundall For Broom Boats & Norfolk Land Limited development • It is estimated that the cost of implementing the travel plan for the retail unit will be £10,000. • It is estimated that the cost of implementing the travel plan for the residential development will be £135,000

Archaeological Investigations • As part of Norfolk County Council’s Heritage Strategy, a comprehensive investigation for the potential for heritage asserts is necessary. • To date these have included assimilation of published data affecting the site and locale with conclusions (desktop report, to be provided as public record) as well as a geophysical site survey (taking the above report further to detail any likely findings, again report for public reference). Further investigations are required, although both reports to date have suggested low likelihood that shall amount to approximately 3-5% of the site area to be carefully examined with trial trenches, with site survey locating and photograph schedule to form basis of report to again be published for public record. • The estimated costs are envisaged to be in the region of £50,000

Water (potable) supply • As part of the Greater Development Partnership work with stakeholders such as Anglia Water, notable works were planed and undertaken to improve local infrastructure (such as Heigham water works for drinking water supply). The cost of these is being pro-rata collected from new housing scheme will be £125,000.

Landscaping and ecology • As part of the detailed designs to follow at future stages, the schemes will endeavour to mitigate their impact on the landscape and where possible improve. This will include such as underground diversion of current overhead electricity cables (budget cost of £85,000) as well as reinforcing existing trees and hedges plus new native planting schemes (likely to be in the region of £75,000). • As part of the above, ecology is considered and there are notable benefits to be gained over the combination of barren grazing land and intensively farmed by a considered landscaping scheme, to include also such as bird nesting and bat roosting boxes around the site.

Sound and amenity • Whilst the scheme will be designed to maximise residential amenity for itself by noise mitigation (from the A47 traffic, the Broadland Services of petrol filling station & shop and fast food restaurant to the north), this is considered likely to have a knock on benefit for existing dwellings such as at Berryfields. The physical measures may be sound bund (landscaped) and notably well designed housing layout so that the dwellings themselves act as a sound barrier. The cost to this may well be in the order of £75,000.

Summary of Benefits

Benefit Value Broadland Brundall Postwick Page 3 Land at Yarmouth Road/Berryfields, Brundall For Broom Boats & Norfolk Land Limited DC receipt Parish with Council Witton receipt Parish Council receipt CIL £2,100,000 £1,574,500 £425,500 £60,375 New Homes Bonus £1,872,000 £1,716,100 £156,000^ (£280,00 p.a. for 6 years plus £128,000 p.a. Affordable Homes premium) Business Rates (p.a.) £6,700 Council Tax (p.a.) £20,613 £12,424 Affordable Housing – 62 dwellings £4,500,000 Open Space On-site 2.1 hectares Equipping & laying out £158,502

On-site provision of MUGA & associated works £350,000

Future Maintenance £179,434

Contribution in-lieu of allocated open £251,000 £251,000 space to extend Memorial Hall facilities or pitches

Travel Plan Enhancements £145,000 Archaeological Investigations and Recording £50,000 Water Supply Network Enhancements £125,000 Landscape & Ecological works £160,000 Sound Barrier £75,000 Access to riverside (budget figure) £75,000 Totals: £10,040,936 £*3,317,913 £*844,924 £60,375

^ First year only paid to Parish Council * Includes ongoing annual receipts from Business Rates/Council Tax Assumptions:- • 2,541 sq.m. (gross) retail store • Based on 187 dwellings • Local Plan policy compliant scheme • all amounts are estimates, due to the very early stage of the process • all figures are as of March 2016

Page 4 Land at Yarmouth Road/Berryfields, Brundall For Broom Boats & Norfolk Land Limited