Diavik's Foxfire diamond.


Celebrating 25 Years of Diamonds in the !

In the Northwest Territories, the land has These tangible benefits are easily recog- given us what we need to sustain life. Over nized. But, as we celebrate this history, it is the millennium our relationship to the land also important to recognize the areas of inno- has changed but one thing remains con- vation and economic growth originating from, stant, we rely on the land for our economic or enhanced by, diamond mining. survival. We lead the world in innovative ice road This could not be more evident than with construction, which now drives our econom- the discovery of diamonds 25 years ago. ic fortunes far beyond just mining. Aboriginal This discovery by Charles Fipke and his development corporations have grown to be- team near Lac de Gras triggered the larg- come multi-faceted investment corporations est staking rush in Canada’s history and and northern and Aboriginally-owned compa- changed the future of the NWT. nies make up nearly half of all business inter- The discovery was the catalyst for dia- ests in the NWT. mond mines that have now surpassed $50 As we welcomed Mountain Province and billion in produced mineral value, leading De Beers’ Gahcho Kué mine to our mining Canada to the top of the international dia- community in September, we celebrated a mond trade. planned 11-year extension of diamond mining NWT residents, governments, and busi- in the Northwest Territories, and all the bene- nesses across the NWT have benefitted fits I’ve listed here. greatly from the industry. Nearly $12 billion Our 25 years of diamonds has provided a has been spent to date with NWT business- solid, steady economic footing we maintain es and service providers. Federal, Territo- in this time of economic transition. As a gov- rial, and Aboriginal governments have all ernment, we will continue to provide the in- realized fiscal gains from resource royalties vestment required to foster a thriving future and taxation on mining activities. in mining. Through our Socio-economic Agree- Enjoy this magazine for its stories celebrat- ments with diamond producers, we have ing these 25 diamond years in our Northwest seen over $100 million contributed to our Territories, the visionaries and leaders who communities through scholarships, benefit brought us here and the key players in our participation agreements, and donations, mining future. each bringing new opportunities to our res- idents. And last, but most certainly not least, diamond mining has created 25,000 per- son-years of employment, nearly half of which has benefitted the Aboriginal resi- Robert R. McLeod dents of our territory. Premier


EKATI: It All Started Here

The name “Ekati” means “fat lake” in Tlicho, connecting the wealth of both natural and mineral resources: the prized fatty cuts of the caribou with the diamond riches, both from the land. Found by junior exploration company Dia Met Minerals in 1990, it started production only eight years later with the financial might of world miner BHP Discovery

DIAMOND DISCOVERY A new northern mining era By Bill Braden

Twenty-five years ago, on the morning of Their epic search began in the early 1980s in time and running low on daylight, Fipke and November 7, 1991, a remarkable press release, the rolling hills near Norman Wells. What trig- two others hammered and chipped at an ice- just 66 words long, buzzed out of fax machines gered Fipke’s dream was the tiny, colorful bits caked gravel esker, uncovering gleaming green across the mining world. It announced, with- of gravel called indicator minerals – evidence of indicator crystals the size of peas. Twelve years out fanfare, that 89 tiny diamonds had been a possible diamond deposit – scattered around and 700 kilometres from their start, they’d found in a 59-kilogram sample of drill core the region. Those green, red and purple crystals found it. pulled from a lonely outcropping at remote told a story of hidden gems – but from where? Months earlier, Dia Met had connected with in Canada’s Northwest Territories. Diamond hunters like Fipke knew that trusted colleagues at Australian mining giant “Some of the diamonds are of gem quality,” 10,000 years ago, sub-arctic glaciers creeping BHP Billiton for technical support. Intrigued it ended, as if it was holding its breath. westward had scraped up dirt from one place with the find, the company supported a small dia- We know today that it was really a huge and carried it to another. His plan was simple mond drill program in the summer of 1991. BHP’s shout, the beginning of a rollicking and spec- but daunting: keep sampling that dirt by back- geology experts soon confirmed that Fipke had tacular new chapter in Canada’s already re- tracking eastwards until he found the source. found some of the best diamond-bearing ground markable mining history. Usually broke, impulsive and hard to deal with, ever seen. Who could have guessed that 25 years lat- his quest was littered with misfortune, but his A few weeks later, as word of their secretive er, the discovery would launch an industry obsession and passion were to prove him right. results leaked out, their hastily-created joint that has so far yielded well over 200 million Fipke’s quest for the source ended on a bit- venture broke the news. And a mere eight years carats in exceptional rough gemstones, mak- terly cold spring evening in early April of 1990. and $1 billion later, they celebrated the opening

ing Canada the world’s third largest producer Frost-bitten, down to his last day of helicopter of Canada’s first diamond mine – Ekati. by value and transforming the NWT’s lagging economy? “If it hadn’t been for diamonds, the NWT would be a basket case,” says Dave Nicker- Rough diamonds from the Ekati Diamond Mine. Photo courtesy of Dominion Diamond. son, an Arctic mining veteran with over 50 years’ experience. Indeed, as gold and base metal mining was sunsetting in the 1990s, and with exploration drying up, it was a very wel- come event. The tale of that fateful discovery, by Cana- dian geologists Chuck Fipke and Stu Blusson, is one of the classics of Canadian mining leg- end. The two, both geologists and eventually partners, met in 1969 when Blusson, also a he- licopter pilot, rescued the hapless Fipke from a mountain side where weather had stranded him for days. Their junior exploration ven- ture, Dia Met Minerals, had for years been qui- etly trying to prove Fipke’s crazy theory that the NWT’s ancient, rocky backyard was hiding a treasure trove of diamonds.

Billiton behind it. Today it is owned by Domin- and open pit ore bodies. With the approval and contract workforce, the mine created ion Diamond Corporation, Canadian-owned in 2016 of the Jay pipe, found under Lac du 1,819 person years of employment in 2015, and based in , with Stu Blusson, a Sauvage, Ekati has embarked on a new road with over half (962) filled by Northerners. Dia Met owner and one of the mine’s discov- and dike development that will extend its mine Its supply and service agreements with NWT erers, holding a minor position. life to an anticipated 2033 – far longer than businesses totaled $258 million in 2015, more Ekati has produced over 63 million carats any other known Northern diamond mine. than half of the $450 million total mine spend- so far, harvested from seven underground Measured in person-years for both direct ing in 2015. From the Pre-historic to the Modern


“If you want to hunt elephants, go to elephant Chuck Fipke proved that tracing a kimberlite’s How do they know if they’ve got good diamonds? country,” says Barrett Elliott, Diamond Geologist indicator minerals backwards along the path of Rough diamonds are graded into hundreds of with the Northwest Territories Geological Survey. advancing glaciers – the indicator “train” – can categories for their color, clarity, size and shape, “It’s fairly rare but we’re fortunate enough to be a key early clue in finding a potential mine. and measured by tiny weights called carats (a have a few of them in the Territories.” Diamond hunters have assembled a powerful paperclip weighs about one carat). It’s the num- No, it’s not about animal elephants. Elliot’s toolkit based on geochemistry to analyze samples ber of clear, larger (at least a millimeter) stones talking about diamond mines, and what makes and compare the results with other discover- that make it rich, but even profitable mines have Arctic Canada one of the world’s best places to ies. Another essential tool is geophysics – the large amounts of flawed stones – too small, dirty, find the really big ones. Here’s why. science of knowing how the earth and forces cracked, or off-colour. Geologists know that about three billion years like magnetism and gravity work. From aircraft Consider that in 2015, Diavik mine produced 6.4 ago and in a layer as deep as 400 kilometres and satellite mapping, a kimberlite’s unique million carats, and sold them for approximately below the earth’s surface, tremendous pressure geophysical “signature” helps find deposits, $1.19 billion Cdn – roughly $185 per carat. It pro- and heat slowly squeezed pure carbon into the even under water. cessed over 2 million tonnes of ore, averaging well crystals we call diamonds. Diamond geologist Elliot expects new ideas over two carats a tonne! Only finding a needle in a The oldest, deepest and most stable parts of about exploring for diamonds will keep coming. haystack could possibly be more difficult. the planet, called cratons, are found in Africa, “There’s lots of potential [for more finds] in the Armed with a positive financial forecast, the Russia, Australia and Canada, where today’s great NWT. You just have to develop new tools to find explorer begins serious technical planning and diamond mines are found. Around 500 million them,” he says. financing. That includes applying for crucial gov- years ago, deep-rooted and powerful kimberlite All of this technology is ernment licenses to use the volcanos burst through the deep diamond layer still only the beginning of a water and land. This stage, and violently crashed up through these cratons. mine. Teased by good signs, which includes feasibility Then like a gigantic pressurized cement mixer, the explorer puts camps and “There’s lots studies, permitting and en- they blasted through at the earth’s surface. crews in to do more detailed vironmental assessment, Here’s where the rare comes in: not all kim- ground testing, perhaps lead- of potential will take millions of dollars berlite volcanos carried diamonds, and not all ing to drilling. Hundreds of more and usually at least diamonds survived the volcanic journey. If the test holes and thousands of [for more three to as many 10 years kimberlites themselves escaped later geologic metres of drill core, often tak- to finalize. events like earthquakes, floods or ice ages, there ing years to collect, could set This also requires build- is a slim chance some lucky prospector could find the stage for the next, and finds] in the ing relationships with one. Of about 6,500 known kimberlites around very expensive, stage. nearby communities and the world, only 1,000 or so contain diamonds – By now the stock market NWT” traditional users of the land and of these, fewer than 50 have become mines. or a major company has been to earn their support with By the mid-1800s, prospectors discovered rich attracted, and will invest mil- – Barrett Elliot job opportunities, social exposed kimberlites pipes, first and famously lions of dollars more for a benefits, protection plans in South Africa. Most of the world’s pipes have bulk sample. This could mean and royalties – payment for been covered over by rocks, forests or lakes, building a small-scale mine to dig a few thousand harvesting diamond wealth within their traditional and they’re really hard to find. tonnes for testing. Tens of millions of dollars and territory. Enter the modern age of diamond hunting, several years have been invested. It is still very Gaining government licenses and community with advanced geology and chemistry, amazing risky, for a poor result at any stage could collapse approval is the green light that triggers really big electronic gadgets, space age mapping, and the dream. A rough rule is that the chances of spending. – for the NWT’s diamond mines, often the dream of profit - enormous profit, spurring bringing any discovery to a full mine are 1,000 $1 billion or more, in a construction phase that the hunt. to 1. Long odds indeed. will take another two to three years.


Diavik Mine: A-21 extends mine life one year Since opening in 2003, the Diavik Mine’s four rich kimberlite pipes have yielded over 100 million carats. It continues to produce about seven million carats a year – that’s over 1,400 kilograms! – and ranks Diavik fourth in the world by volume. Junior exploration firm Aber Diamond Corporation, led by Gren Thomas, found Clockwise: Soil Sampling provides key clues to possible diamond deposits. Photo courtesy of Aurora Geosciences. | An Aurora Geosciences technician on a gravity survey. Photo courtesy of Aurora Geosciences. | Patrick Evans, CEO of Mountain Province Diamonds, meets with Lutsel K’e on a community consultation. (Photo: Mountain Province Diamonds) | Tiny indicator minerals are the breadcrumbs that lead to kimberlites. Photo courtesy of billbradenphoto |Kimberlite volcanos brought diamonds to the surface in spectacular eruptions. Image courtesy of De Beers

the property in the mid-1990s on the shores of workers, 546 of them NWT residents, and its op- will begin production in 2018 after a major an island in Lac de Gras 300 kilometres north erational spending pumped $259 million into the four-year diking project. Production will be of Yellowknife. NWT economy. completed in 2024. The mine is now jointly owned - 60 percent by All of Diavik’s pipes lie under the shallow waters Diavik’s stones are renowned for their size the British-based Rio Tinto Group and 40 per- of Lac de Gras. To hold the water back, massive and quality. The remarkable 187.63 carat Fox- cent by Yellowknife-based Dominion Diamond earthwork dikes have been built around the kim- fire diamond, recovered in 2015, is one of the Corporation. In 2015 it employed some 1,134 berlites. The next pipe to be mined, called A21, largest yet mined in Canada. Transforming the Economy

2015 Production DECADES OF

Other Other 17% 18% Russian Russian Federation Federation DIAMONDS ANCHOR 33% Namibia 31%

Ca nada 9%


THE NWT ECONOMY South Africa Australia 10% 11% By Bill Braden Botswana Congo, Botswana 16% Democratic 21% Republic of Canada 13% 12% As the North’s diamond era passes the quar- Beginning with construction of our first dia- ter-century mark, its effect on the pocketbooks mond mine, spending with Aboriginal business

and lifestyles of thousands of workers and families has totaled $5.4By Volume billion – almost a third of all By Value US $, has been remarkable. “The diamond indus- combined expenditures.Total = 127,399,362.81 Total = $13,881,626,082.74 try has transformed the entire territory, but The diamond era’s arrival was nothing short of a really mostly in the remote communities,” miracle for Yellowknife, as it faced a bleak future Source: Kimberley Process Certi cation Scheme says Graeme Clinton, a Yellowknife-based with the closing of both the Giant and Con gold economist. “All of a sudden there was an op- mines in 2002 and 2004 respectively. Hundreds of

portunity. A large scale employer which didn’t direct and indirect jobs were lost after 65 years Other require relocation, and which was ready to of gold mining. Other 17% 18% bend the rules on educational requirements.” That changed over a few short years as the $1 Russian Russian Federation Federation In his report, “Choosing a Path Forward”, billion project to build the Ekati mine in the mid 33% Namibia 31%

Ca nada 9% commissioned by the Denendeh Development 1990s, soon followed by Diavik, rescued the city’s 9% Corporation in January of 2016, Clinton says future. Today there are about 1,000 direct and the discovery, and the hard-driving joint ven- indirect jobs based in Yellowknife, with another South Africa Australia 10% tures that followed it, put new sparkle into 200 to 300 related jobs supporting the goods and 11% Botswana Congo, Botswana 16% a lagging economy. services those workers buy. Democratic 21% “This growth was truly transformative for The City of Yellowknife proclaimed itself the Republic of Canada 13% 12% the economy and for some families, bringing Diamond Capital of North America in 1999 to hundreds of people into the workforce, lifting take advantage of the excitement. The economic

their families out of poverty, and setting them impact from diamond mining is deeply woven into By Volume By Value US $, on a new path in terms of workforce partic- just about every other sector, says Nalini Naidoo, Total = 127,399,362.81 Total = $13,881,626,082.74 ipation, education, and standard of living.” the City’s director of communications. The impact is real: income support pay- Source: Kimberley Process Certi cation Scheme ments are down and school graduation levels History of Mineral production in NWT 1938 - 2012 are up, along with what he calls the ‘econom- ic freedom of choice’ to own a home, buy 3,000 furnishings and a new vehicle, and choose Diamonds where to live. 2,500 Zinc “But the transformation is not complete,” he notes, observing that many Aboriginal Lead people in the NWT still live in poverty. The 2,000 wage economy has also, he says, brought its Gold shares of challenges and tensions with social 1,500 issues, crime and wide gaps in income levels. Clinton reports another change in the 1,000 economy lies with the industry’s willingness to foster business opportunities and truly create independence within the Aboriginal 500 communities. A number of successful Ab-

original service and supply companies and ($, millions, adjusted to 2015 prices) joint ventures conducted business worth over $300 million in 2015. 1938 1941 1944 1947 1950 1953 1956 1959 1962 1965 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012


Gahcho Kué: World’s Newest and Largest

The world’s first big diamond deposit in 13 years began production just this sum- mer and is expected to continue until at least 2028. The Gahcho Kué project, 280 ki- lometres northeast of Yellowknife, is a 51/49 joint venture between De Beers Group of Companies and Mountain Province Diamonds of Toronto. “It definitely has a major impact on industrial, housing and employment sectors, and that’s really good for us,” Naidoo says, adding it has brought a distinct new culture into the frontier capital. “We’ve got people coming to live here from all over the world. We hear their languages. There’s a real benefit to that.” On a wider scale, the impact of diamond mining on the NWT’s economy and society has been mea- sured in many ways. For instance:

• The diamond sector’s share in the NWT’s GDP in • The Aboriginal high school graduation rate in 2016 will be $564 million, of a forecast total of 2002 was about 22 per cent. In 2014 it was about $3.85 billion. about 54 per cent.

• In 1994, more than 10 percent of the NWT pop- • About 5 per cent – 1,000 -- of Yellowknife’s popu- ulation received income assistance. Since 2007 it lation has a direct or indirect diamond job. Relative The Environment: has levelled off at under six percent. to the smaller population, has seen an Proactive Learning equal employment impact from diamond mining. • Since 2001, northern resident employment at the mines has been steady at about 1,500, about half • Including oil and gas, the resource sector was 25 of that Aboriginal. per cent of all value created in 2014. Diavik and Ekati last year earned the Mining Association of Canada’s sustainable environment award for research on grizzly bears, which showed populations are stable and may even be increasing in the region. This is just one example of the Mine-related NWT GDP commitment northern miners are making to the environment – going

2,500 beyond the strict conditions they must follow, by being proactive and 2,000 learning how the fragile arctic eco- 1,500 system works. Together with youth

1,000 and elders from nearby communi- ($ millions) ties, they exchange both scientific 500 and traditional knowledge. 0 The North’s diamond mines, 1 because of their remote locations 20 1 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 in fragile ecosystems, take their responsibility to the environment Best Case (adds Ekati & Gahcho Kué Extensions) seriously. All mining activity – from Current (includes A21 & Gahcho Kué opening & Snap Lake closure) early exploration to mine closure – comes under close government and community review, monitoring and Mine-related NWT inspection. Indeed, how a project Resident Employment plans to manage and control its im- pact is a significant part of whether 2,500 it gets regulatory approval. Diamond mines have strict rules 2,000 about wildlife. For instance, cari- 1,500 bou always get the right-of-way on

1,000 roads and workers are not allowed to hunt, fish or feed wildlife on site. 500 Mines consume huge amounts of

(# of full-time jobs) 0 diesel fuel for power generation, but by capturing residual heat from 2011 2010 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 gensets, (and at Diavik, building a Current (includes A21 & Gahcho Kué opening & Snap Lake closure large scale wind farm) they save Best Case (adds Ekati & Gahcho Kué Extensions) money and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The mine takes its name from the Chipewyan The state of the art process plant and The opening is welcome news for De language, meaning “the place of big rabbits.” It infrastructure is the result of nearly $1.3 Beers and the NWT economy, which was first explored 20 years ago, and three of its billion (Cdn) in investment. Some $440 weathered a shock in December 2015 four diamond-bearing zones will be mined by million was spent in the NWT over the when the company announced the early open pit. It opened formally on September 20, mine’s 10-year development. Its work- closure of its unprofitable Snap Lake mine 2016, attended by 22 officials from the compa- force will expand and level off at about after just six years. Many of its employ- nies, government, First Nations and Métis on site 530, aiming to produce 4.5 million carats ees have been offered steady new jobs at to jointly cut the ribbon. a year. Gahcho Kué. Innovation

Modern Mining: After two years of research, the $33 mil- lion project was approved. By 2012 the four, triple-bladed, 66-metre turbines were spin- ning, turning out up to 9.2 megawatts of DRIVEN BY INNOVATION clean energy, supplying 11 per cent of the By Bill Braden mine’s needs. It saves the equivalent of 55 truckloads of fuel (five million litres) of die- sel fuel a year and could pay for itself by Open up a diamond mine where? In the to do it was by sharing a fragile icy trail across 2020, Diavik expects. middle of what? The Canadian Arctic you say? the rocky, lake-strewn sub-arctic barren lands. Sober second thought would have stopped most The solution – along with the endurance and Workers: The Mine Training Society folks right there. ingenuity of the ice road builders – was team- The mines, along with the Government of But diamond hunters and miners are no ordi- work among companies that were competitors the Northwest Territories and communities, nary people. Driven by the money and the chal- on every other front. In 1997, they created the had high expectations that many Northern- lenge of the whole astonishing idea, they did it. joint venture that today builds and operates the ers would find good, steady jobs at the dia- In addition to the financial and technical might renowned Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road, mond mines. The challenge was that much of three of the world’s biggest mining firms, it safely and efficiently moving some 8,000 heavy of the Aboriginal population was chronical- took innovative thinking and teamwork from loads in a short eight-week transportation win- ly under-employed and lacked basic skills. their leaders and employees to solve some of dow. The innovative solution was a multi-fac- the problems of developing and operating a eted partnership among the mines, service mine in a tough, frigid and expensive climate. Energy: The Diavik Windfarm companies, the community, territorial and Here are three of their novel solutions. The one constant in the Arctic is the wind. federal governments and Aurora College to Harsh, unrelenting, brutal on both man and deliver entry-level training. It was tailored Transportation: The Winter Road machine, a small team of engineers with Diavik to supply the needed heavy equipment oper- By the mid 1990s, the incredible complexity Diamond Mine felt it also held tremendous po- ators, cooks, and drill helpers. A resounding of shipping materials to build very large mines tential to help power the energy-hungry mine. success, it has placed several hundred grad- 300 kilometres from the end of the all-season But nothing like it had ever been attempted in uates in mine and related jobs in the past public highway became very clear. The only way such extreme conditions. 15 years.

Clockwise from left: Diavik’s four wind turbines sit atop 35-meter tall towers. Photo courtesy of Diavik Diamond Mine | Diamond driller helper course is one of many offered by the Mine Training Society. Photo MTS | Innovations at the corporate level shared the huge task of building and operating the winter road. Photo courtesy of TCWR


Safety: Growing a New Culture

Gone are the days when mining was regarded as one of most hazardous jobs for mine workers. The North’s culture of mine safety has dramatically evolved with the coming of the diamond mining era. Senior mining companies demand nothing less than an absolute commitment from their employees, themselves and their contractors to reducing harm and mak- The Diamond Legacy

The same can be said for De Beers Canada Diamonds: and the joint Rio Tinto/Dominion Diamond group at Diavik mine. Spending in recent years by all three totals some $23 million an- nually. A BRILLIANT LEGACY They have funded a huge variety of actions By Bill Braden and causes: community festivals like the Lut- sel K’e Spring Carnival and Fort Simpson’s Open Sky Festival; sporting groups like Cham- Millions of dollars in community contribu- Victor Mine in Ontario, and the company says pions for Children Kidsport and Hay River tions from diamond mines are making a remark- all the books given away to date (37,500 in 2014 Women’s Hockey; equipment like a new che- able difference and leaving a lasting legacy in alone) would be a stack 2.5 kilometres high. motherapy suite at Stanton Territorial Hospi- communities across the North. Visually impaired and blind people have long tal and computers for Deninu School in Fort In the summer of 2014, the Diavik Discovery counted on the Canadian National Institute Resolution. rescue boat was launched at the dock in Yel- for the Blind to help them cope. Dominion Di- It doesn’t end with cash. Employees from lowknife’s Old Town. Two hours later, the state amond is behind the Tłįchø Literacy Project. all companies are faithful volunteers at a host of the art vessel was called into action and res- CNIB translated the New Testament and tra- of events and programs. Diavik’s project man- cued four people from a boat sinking 30 kilo- ditional stories into Tłįchø, which can be read agement team, in the early 2000s, put their metres south of Yellowknife. Diavik’s $30,000 and heard by a special machine. Dominion’s skills to work to drive completion of the Side contribution to the Canadian Coast Guard Aux- help enabled CNIB to support 150 people in Door Youth Centre, Bailey House Men's Tran- iliary’s Yellowknife Marine Rescue Unit made several communities. sition Home and community arenas in Yellow- it possible. Corporate social investment is a requirement knife, and the arena in Lutsel K’e. Dominion Each year since 2003, De Beers has given in all the mines’ Socio-Economic Agreements Diamond has been an anchor contributor to three books each to about 1,100 kids in NWT (SEA) with the NWT Government, and Impact the Khon Go Cho complex completed this fall Aboriginal communities. Started by the Snap Benefit Agreements (IBAs) with Aboriginal in Behchoko. Lake mine, the Books in Homes project is governments. But as Dominion Diamond says Legacies like this will outlive the mines founded on the belief “that literacy is the first in its 2014 report, “we are interested in addi- themselves, and continue to transform the step in empowering people to shape their own tional meaningful investments beyond what is NWT’s communities and cultures across a future.” The idea was picked up by De Beers’ required.” very wide scope.

ing sure workers return home to their families as not wearing safety glasses and hard hats. Do- mine’s all-injury frequency rate. healthy and whole. minion Diamond has introduced programs aimed A worker’s accident-free record is recognized For starters, new employees at all mines take not only at the workplace, but which encourage in many ways, including cash bonuses. And the a mandatory orientation course lasting several workers to make healthy lifestyle choices as well. annual Mine Rescue Competition, sponsored by days, much of it enforcing individual and team Dominion reports that in 2015, four out of five the NWT and Nunavut Workers Safety and Com- awareness of working smart and safe. Employees workers have picked up the WOW (Working on pensation Commission, tests highly-trained mine can be penalized for seemingly small faults, such Wellness) message resulting in a drop in the Ekati rescue teams from mines across the North. The Future

Diamonds: The developing northern diamond industry has already brought big changes and benefits to A FOUNDATION the NWT. The NWT Mine Training Society is an out- standing example. A partnership of industry and government, over the past 12 years it has helped FOR FUTURE GROWTH launch 1,300 mining-related careers, almost all By Bill Braden of them from among the NWT’s indigenous pop- ulation. Its ambitious goal by 2020, says general manager Hilary Jones, is to train and place anoth- In the high stakes, high risk diamond min- Large-scale expansions at the Ekati and Dia- er 375. ing world, it helps to be an optimist. Just ask vik mines will open over the next two years, and Mining has fostered dozens of business start- Brooke Clements. two advanced exploration projects, Peregrine ups in many communities. The North’s aboriginal “It’s striking that the first discovery was only Diamond’s Chidliak near Iqaluit, and Kennady, entrepreneurs and corporations have jumped 25 years ago,” says the former president of Per- next door to Gahcho Kué, are among several in with both feet, earning $5.37 billion from dia- egrine Diamonds, and of the NWT & Nunavut others proving their potential. mond mine spending – almost half the $12.2 bil- Chamber of Mines. “And here we are 18 years A recent best-case forecast by Yellowknife lion spent to date in the NWT. later, (after the Ekati opening) with two new economist Graeme Clinton suggests the NWT The NWT’s chronic infrastructure shortage mines (Gahcho Kué and Stornoway’s Renard will see a $500 million surge in GDP as Gahcho has also advanced. The Dehcho Bridge, Diavik’s in northern Quebec) opening this year within Kué’s full impact takes hold by 2020 or so. As bold $30 million investment in wind energy, a a month of each other.” Diavik closes by 2024, employment and produc- seasoned aviation sector, and big improvements Along with Canada’s five other diamond tion will settle back to today’s levels before all in year-round and winter roads have all been mines (three currently producing and two existing mines are slated to close around 2033. spurred by diamonds. The next decade could closed) says Clements, “that’s quite a run.” But Clements sees a lot more potential. see a plan first set out in the 1950s: a road and The global supply/demand picture is improv- “The positive is that it’s a vast amount of land, port network to Grays Bay on the Arctic coast, ing and so will the NWT’s future, he says. Sup- that has the right geologic setting for diamonds, a permanent asset of national importance.. ply will be squeezed as older mines close, con- and I believe there’s more to come,” he says. A quarter century of diamond mining has sumer demand is growing and prices for rough As gem values increase, so will exploration, he created these remarkable legacies. They are diamonds – the uncut and unpolished stones forecasts, along with new technologies to find the hard-won benefits of a shared vision for a that Canada’s mines produce – are recovering. and produce diamonds. “If a couple more mines sustainable mining future: each mine enhances All this helps make expensive Northern proj- come in the next 10 years, Canada is really on the skills and adds to the capacity to find the next ects possible. the map,” Clements says. discovery that will lead to the next mine.


Training: offered by Aurora College and the NWT Mine among mining and supply companies, Aurora Training Society. The three-month long program College and Aboriginal, territorial and federal FACETSA Vision | 25 YEARSComes OF TrueDIAMONDS brought out his confidence, leadership skills and governments. They have invested millions of dol- A key vision of the diamond era, for both indus- an immediate job with Procon Mining and Tunnel- lars in designing programs to suit industry’s needs, try and government, is that it will create satisfying ing. then recruited for a host of mine and related ser- and sustainable jobs for the North’s under-em- Shawn’s story is just one of the several hundred vices including process plant operation, diamond ployed aboriginal people. With serious commit- placements the Mine Training Society has achieved drilling, heavy equipment operation and catering. ment and major dollars on the table, they are since 2003. Another 2,200 residents (of all ages The mines themselves go far beyond this invest- realizing that goal. and backgrounds) have been coached and sup- ment. They support new workers with a network of One success story belongs to Shawn Catholique ported by the Society. mentoring, job-specific training, apprenticeships of Lutsel K’e. His path to a mining career began Internationally recognized for its innovative and an impressive array of scholarships offered in with introductory courses in underground mining, approach, the Society is a powerful partnership communities across the NWT. NWT Diamonds History Timeline

Stu Blusson, geologist and helicopter pilot, Ekati finds the 78-carat rescues Chuck Fipke from mountainside; form Ekati Spirit diamond; sells in 2011 for $6 million. Dia Met to search for diamonds in 1980s in 2010 1969 NWT. Dominion Diamond buys BHP Billiton’s share of Ekati Mine; Dominion also owns 2012 40 percent of Diavik. Fipke and two others find pea-size green indicator crystals near Point Lake. Dia Met contacts BHP Minerals. Diavik builds NWT’s first wind farm 1990 with four turbines; saves 5 million 2012 litres diesel/year. Dia Met finds diamonds near Lac de Gras, 300 km NE of Yellowknife, triggering the Dominion files for permits for Jay 1991 largest staking rush ever in Canada. 2013 pipe mine expansion.

BHP Minerals and Dia Met find A diamond staking rush occurs three kimberlites with high grade around Ekati and Diavik and in diamonds. 1993 2014 the Kennady lake area.

Aber Resources and Kennecott Canada find Diavik announces development of four kimberlites under Lac de Gras; start A21 kimberlite. Mine life extended 1994 Diavik mine with Rio Tinto in 1996. 2014 to 2024.

De Beers’ stops work Mountain Province finds two kimberlites at Snap Lake in at Kennady Lake; forms joint venture December; offers it with De Beers. 2015 1995 for sale in 2016.

Snap Lake opens as Canada’s first all-underground 2008 diamond mine.

Ekati starts underground mining in first two completed 2006 open pit kimblerlitines. De Beers begins production at Gahcho 2016 Kué. Official opening September 20, 2016. De Beers operates Gahcho Kué; Mountain Province starts Kennady 2006 Diamonds as sole owner. Dominion receives approval in May for the De Beers files for permits 2016 Jay pipe; extends mine for Gahcho Kué project at life to 2033. 2005 Kennady Lake. Diavik - 100 million carats since Diavik, Canada’s second opening in 2003. and highest grade diamond 2016 Ekati - 58.8 million carats since 2003 mine, starts production. October 1998

De Beers buys Snap Lake Kennady Diamonds moves deposit from Winspear. project to advanced 2001 2016 exploration phase.

BHP Billiton buys Dia Met for $687 The Diavik Foxfire million; Stu Blusson and Chuck Fipke diamond, 187.7 carats, 2001 retain minority shares. 2015 found in December.

Canada’s first diamond mine, Ekati, opens in October. 1998 Total cost about $1 billion. Not everyone who works in mining wears a hard hat.

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